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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Anju Khanna (New Delhi - East of Kailash - India)


Dear Guru Maharaj

 “nama om vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale, srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine,

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine, gaur katha dhaam daya nagar gram tarine”.


My Dear Spiritual father,

Dandavat Pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Your auspicious appearance day.

Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Dear Guru Maharaj, the most merciful Vaishnava,

For the fulfilment of desires of your spiritual master and to deliver millions of conditioned souls you appeared on the auspicious day of Kamada Ekadashi. Your compassion towards your disciples is overwhelming. Your boundless energy keeps unflinching enthusiasm in your disciples towards Krsna consciousness.  

You sanctify these 2 verses from the “Ei baro Karuna Karo” bhajan by Shri Narottama Dasa Thakur.

tomara hridoye sada govinda-visram

govinda kohena – mora vaishnava paran

[Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda, and Lord Govinda says, “The Vaishnavas are in My heart”].

I request you to always keep your mercy on this insignificant soul.

Hare Krishna.


Your insignificant servant

Anju Khanna

Sheltered Disciple

ISKCON East of Kailash, New Delhi – INDIA