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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Vikrama Nityānanda dāsa (Coimbatore - India)

Hare Krishna!

DearGuru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet

Allglories to Srila Prabhupada

Nama Om vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale srimathe Jayapataka Swami iti namine Nama acharyapadaya nitai krpa prathakine gaura katha dhamadaya nagara grama tarine

Vanca kalpa tarubyasca krpa sindhubya eva ca Patitanam pavanebyo vaishnavebyo namo namah

Wishing you a happy vyasa puja. Iam taking this opportunity to glorify Guru Maharaj though I don't have any qualifications to do it.

Indebt to spiritual master: During the time of initiation I have taken a vow that I will follow the four regulative principles and also chant 16 rounds of Hare Krishna maha mantra. Also Guru Maharaj has taken a vow that he will take me back home back to godhead. But this is normal if some devotees think it is not surprise but Guru will take the souls who are not sincere in devotional service also back home back to godhead by Sri Guru which is out of his compassion. So we all the disciples are indebt to Guru maharaj in this sense. We cannot repay Guru Maharaj by any kind.  So I am requesting that we have to give exclusive priority for our sadhana: Guru Maharaj is always in mobility. Inspite of all the difficulties he is able to meet out his daily sadhana, delivering lectures, meeting disciples, connecting disciples etc. 

I am praying to Guru Maharaj that I should be able to focus more on my devotional service and also performing my sadhana still in a better way.

Yours son and disciple

Vikrama nityananda dasa