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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Tarunī Rādhikā devī dāsī ( - United Kingdom)

Nama om visnu padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale

Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine


Nama acharyapadaya nitai-krpa pradayane

Gaura-kata dharma-daya nagara-grama tarine


My dear Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obeisances and well wishes on the occasion of your auspicious 71st appearance day.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


As I look back over the past year, I can see how much your commitment to Srila Prabhupada and your service to him just keeps on growing and unfurling with evermore dedication, commitment and love.

Guru Maharaj you just keep on giving and giving, (even when you chastise us) and this is a indication that you are truly connected to the inexhaustible fountain head of Sri Sri Radha Krsna in their roles as Sri Sri Gaur-Nitai and your beloved spiritual father Srila Prabhupada.

How else is it possible for you to sustain the devotional lifestyle that you do?  Without such a strong connection to the Guru-parampara and the purity of your force this would not be possible.

I love and appreciate your humourous exchanges with devotees when giving darshan or interacting with them.  It stops me in my tracks every time to fathom your boundless sensibilities.   But how is this possible with the ever increasing physical and transcendental burden that you are under?  Only someone as surrendered and connected to a bona fide source could have the transcendental knowledge and stamina to endure this.

As I look back on my own devotional progress during the past year and the plans and goals I had made twelve months ago to increase my commitment to you by watering and tending my own devotional creeper with ever more love and commitment, it always feels like whatever I have done is not enough. 

But Guru Maharaj your example of love and dedication to your disciples is a constant inspiration, so I just keep picking myself up, reflecting on my behaviour and attitude, endeavouring to learn from my mistakes and just keep striving to be the best that I can.  Staying attentive to all the messages and insights that Guru and Gauranga are trying to impart to me.  Guru Maharaj please bless me to listen more and speak less and to recognise the preaching opportunities when they come my way.

Please keep me near you always,

Begging to remain your disciple


Taruni Radhika devi dasi

Nama om visnu padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale

Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine


Nama acharyapadaya nitai-krpa pradayane

Gaura-kata dharma-daya nagara-grama tarine


My dear Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obeisances and well wishes on the occasion of your auspicious 71st appearance day.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


As I look back over the past year, I can see how much your commitment to Srila Prabhupada and your service to him just keeps on growing and unfurling with evermore dedication, commitment and love.

Guru Maharaj you just keep on giving and giving, (even when you chastise us) and this is an indication that you are truly connected to the inexhaustible fountain head of Sri Sri Radha Krsna in their roles as Sri Sri Gaur-Nitai and your beloved spiritual father Srila Prabhupada.

How else is it possible for you to sustain the devotional lifestyle that you do?  Without such a strong connection to the Guru-parampara and the purity of your force this would not be possible.

I love and appreciate your humourous exchanges with devotees when giving darshan or interacting with them.  It stops me in my tracks every time to fathom your boundless sensibilities.   But how is this possible with the ever increasing physical and transcendental burden that you are under?  Only someone as surrendered and connected to a bona fide source, could have the transcendental knowledge and stamina to endure this.

As I look back on my own devotional progress during the past year and the plans and goals I had made twelve months ago to increase my commitment to you by watering and tending my own devotional creeper with ever more love and commitment, it always feels like whatever I have done is not enough. 

But Guru Maharaj your example of love and dedication to your disciples is a constant inspiration, so I just keep picking myself up, reflecting on my behaviour and attitude, endeavouring to learn from my mistakes and just keep striving to be the best that I can.  Staying attentive to all the messages and insights that Guru and Gauranga are trying to impart to me.  Guru Maharaj please bless me to listen more and speak less and to recognise all the preaching opportunities when they come my way.

Please keep me near you always,

Begging to remain your disciple


Taruni Radhika devi dasi