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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Chandana Hazarika (Guwahati - India)

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-shalakaya

chakshur unmilitam yena tasmai shri-gurave namaha.

           Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

          Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

          Namo Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

         Gaura katha dhamadaaya nagar gram tarine

Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivendanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Saraswate Deve Gaura Vani pracharine

Nirvishesha shunyavadi paschatya desha tarine

         Mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim
         yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam

Dear Guru Maharaj kindly accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet ! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your auspicious appearance day! 

 I  find myself totally unqualified to glorify your transcendental qualities. Kindly forgive my mistakes considering  this as  my first attempt at Vyasapuja offering !

Srila Prabhupada travelled around the world to preach Krishna Consciousness and at the same time prepared his disciples to continue his mission after his physical disappearance.  At times I used to feel little  disappointed thinking why  Srila Prabhupada did not come to Assam. Why  the people of Assam and North East India were bereft of the mercy of  a pure devotee! But then I realised Srila Prabhupada let  his disciples  complete his unfinished work. And  you , dear Guru Maharaj, so kindly taken us ,  the people of Assam and other states of North East India , under the shelter of your divine lotus feet !  It is by your mercy alone  that the   ignorance of the people of this part of India is slowly melting away and the light of Krishna Consciousness is  dawning in our hearts!   I bow down at your lotus feet millions of times out of gratitude for saving us  !  Although you  started your mission in Assam long time ago, but  I am so fallen that I could take your shelter only recently.  I pray at your lotus feet that with your mercy I may qualify myself soon to be accepted  as  your diksha disciple . 

Srila Narottam Das thakur has said  about Vaishnava that " Gangara parasha hoile paschaate paavana, Darshane pavitra karo ei tomara guna" ( One gets purified after touching the water of Ganga, but the power of a Vaishnava is that just by taking his darshan a person gets purified)  

Dear Guru Maharaj, you have been very kindly purifying us with your  Darshan everyday online , showering  your mercy as well as distributing nectar of Gaura katha.  We sometimes  worry about your health and feel that you  need to take more rest,  But you  have never  let your physical discomfort come in the way of  distributing your mercy!   Srila Prabhupada said, previously you had been an associate of Nityanada Prabhu , whose mercy is unfathomable like an ocean, beyond imagination!  We consider ourselves very fortunate to see  glimpse  of that mercy of  Nityanada Prabhu through your merciful heart !  

Dear Guru Maharaj the world needs your physical presence for a long  time  to uplift many more fallen souls like me. Kindly take care of your health for the sake of all those who need you! I  pray at the lotus feet of Shri Nrisinghadev and Srila Prabhupada for bestowing you a   long and healthy life ! 

"Sri Guru charane rati ei se uttama gati" ( The ultimate fulfilment of all desires can be achieved by being attached to the lotus feet of Guru) . Kindly bless me  that I may be able to fix my mind at serving  your lotus feet with a humble heart. 

Srlia Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj ki Jai !!

Yours  servant of the servant of the servant of your lotus feet

Chandana Hazarika, sheltered disciple, Guwahati