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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Sarvanātha Kṛṣṇa dāsa (Bangalore - Sri Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir - India)

Respectful Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


mukam karoti vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

sri-gurum dina-taranam

On this auspicious day of your 71st Vyasa Puja, please accept my humble few words, with absolutely no qualification, I would attempt to glorify you for my purification.

 Lost in the material darkness, crippled with a multitude of family problems, greedily and shamelessly desired shelter under your lotus feet and miraculously you accepted this fallen soul, you are patita-pavan, Gurumaharaj. Truly, you are an eternal associate of MahaPrabhu and distributing His love freely. When I hear Caitanya Katha from your lotus mouth, it is your natural flow of words fresh and relishing as you are deeply immersed in Lord Caitanya's lila and you broadcast us live.

When I meet and talk to any of my Godbrother and Godsister, unknown and for the first time, with little clue, our common connection, being your spiritual children, gets us connected immediately; your glorification gives us immense pleasure. I see a spark of your compassion and kindness you have imbibed in their heart.

Looking back at your past lila, your first association with ISKCON, a quick decision and dedicating yourself to Sri Prabhupada at an early age, following his every instruction with heart and soul, tolerating all difficulties mental & physical, you demonstrate perfect role model of a pure devotee.

Developing Mayapur, the Kingdom of Lord, building up Temples, working on TOVP fulfilling Prabhupada's dream-all these large scale projects which even cannot be conceived by a state-head or country-head, being sannyasi you fulfilled these herculean task demonstrating the strength of dedication to Lord Krishna.

Then in the role of a spiritual master, with more than 50000 souls under your shelter, you take the responsibility of crossing them over the bhava-sindhu. You are guru- meaning heavy, really heavy. With so much bodily pain, you are staying back in this material world just for us all the fallen souls, children under your lotus feet.

Please forgive me for any offences committed under your lotus feet and other Vaishnavas.

ohe! vaiṣṇaba ṭhākura, doyāra sāgara,
e dāse koruṇā kori'

Please give me the strength and mercy so that I can follow your instructions and use myself in your service to fulfil Prabhupada's mission.

Your insiginificant servant,

Sarvanātha Kṛṣṇa dās