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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Bhāgyavatī Subhadrā devī dāsī (Guntur - India)

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram

Hare Kṛṣṇa Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto the dust of Your Lotus Feet wishing You and the God family a very blissful 72nd Vyasa Puja celebrations.

The Gaurabda 534 has left behind so many mixed emotions Gurumaharaj. The greatest loss is His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj and many senior Vaishnavas association. And the greatest mercy of Kṛṣṇa on us that at the age of 71 You got cured from a great health crisis of being affected by COVID. Because of Your unflinching faith on Prabhupada whatever may be the circumstances, you remain equipoised and fully surrendered to Prabhupada and You accept every situation as Kṛṣṇa's mercy. If Kṛṣṇa has unlimited tests for You, so as Your glories are also unlimited Gurumaharaj! You are all glorious Victory Flag of Prabhupada always flying high!

You are the most magnanimous personality I am able to witness in this lifetime who has such an amazing creative heart. Your expertise in making us Kṛṣṇa conscious is always astonishing Gurumaharaj. During the most miserable times of pandemic You utilized every medium to reachout giving us courage by constant association. You have inaugurated revolutionary first ever events like Zoom house visits, E-Rathayatra, E-Jhulan Yatra, Online Parikrama that always kept us engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. 

Jayapatākā Swami App has brought revolution in our spiritual lives giving Your personal association every day. You are conquering our life Gurumaharaj, always keeping us in Your consciousness and inspiring through daily messages. If lava-mātra sādhu-saṅga with pure devotee can attain all success then what highest benediction Your association can bring in our lives is unimaginable. You are flooding our hearts with Gaura Prema and planting the Victory Flag in our hearts claiming us as Yours!

You are always immersed in the mood of Gauranga, Your very life and soul.You never missed an opportunity to narrate Gaura Katha and compile Sri Kṛṣṇa Caitanya bookno matter how sick You are. In the Caitanya Lila class upon hearing how Kala Kṛṣṇa Dasa is rejected by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu my heart felt abandoned that if such a merciful Lord, patita pavan, gives up on the soul what will be the hope! What happens to that soul! But when Lord Nityananda and all Vaishnavas considered Kala Kṛṣṇa Dasa and engaged him in Lord's service I realized that as the representative to Lord Nityananda You are the only hope for fallen soul like me somehow or other engaging me in the service at your Lotus feet despite all my offences.

In the pastime of Jagai and Madhai after they became devotees of Lord Caitanya, Madhai goes to Lord Nityananda and asks forgiveness for hitting Him. Then the Lord says 'just as mother doesn't take any offence if the baby kicks her, I didn't take any offence, you are like a child to Me' and engages Madhai in the service of Vaishnavas. Falling prey to mind and senses I kicked You Gurumaharaj, I caused You so much pain with my ignorant actions. But as a loving mother You always embraced me like a child and showered mercy upon this little daughter.

I am an ignorant and handicapped child of Yours Gurumaharaj. My consciousness and heart are in such a deformed state that you have to undergo all these severe austerities and assume this form inorder to make me understand what a Guru can do for a disciple and how you come to my level to lift me up. What not you have undergone Gurumaharaj just to teach me how to love You and surrender to You in all circumstances. Although I never made a conscious choice, somehow the waves of Your mercy brought me close to You Gurumaharaj.

Just as Madhai is engaged in service of Vaishnavas to get forgiven for his offences You always guided me to the path of serving Vaishnavas and engaged their service through JPS Media and Volunteers. On one hand I feel extremely blessed and fortunate to be in Your auspicious presence, but on the other hand I feel cursed that I am unable to utilize Your mercy properly Gurumaharaj. Until and unless I get a trace of mercy from your Lotus Feet I can never realize Your original position and activities. 

This is only Your causeless mercy which made my good fortune that You are allowing me to stay in Your divine association.The relishable part of Your association is that whatever insignificant realizations I get, within no time You reveal the fact of that realisation. This is my most subtle experience of Your guidance as Chaitya Guru in every single step of my life increasing my faith in You that 'no matter what You are always there for me Gurumaharaj.' You teach me by example how to develop proper attitude in approaching the Lord, dealing with Vaishnavas and surrenderance to one's Guru. I just want to share a small experience regarding this Gurumaharaj.

By Your mercy I realize that everyone has their own level of tests going on in their spiritual lives. But losing HG Satya Gopinath Prabhu's association and guidance is a great misfortune and a big test in my devotional life. As time passed the circumstances have been very challenging where I was unable to understand what Kṛṣṇa is trying to teach. One day when I am praying to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Kṛṣṇachandra for the protection of our devotion, I expressed to Him 'we all love You Kṛṣṇachandra'. The moment I said that Kṛṣṇachandra dropped a flower from His turban Gurumaharaj!

Later in the Caitanya Lila class You mentioned how if a deity drops a flower or garland, it's a sign that He is blessing the devotee. Kṛṣṇachandra blessed us Gurumaharaj, He reciprocated through You. For the first time JSSS started in our yatra and we began to meditate upon Your glorious pastimes. From Your personal association and Vani slowly things got revealed and You taught me that whatever may be the situation I have to learn a lesson from it and carry on with my devotional service surrendering unto You. Thank you for all Your reciprocation and assurance Gurumaharaj. I am eternally indebted to You for every aspect of Your love, care and guidance.

When one has pure love for someone then naturally the symptom of care manifests. 'JPS CARE' the symptom of Your pure love for us has risen to pull us from the darkest ignorance. For all reciprocation and love You are bestowing upon me, I always ask Jagannath 'Why Gurumaharaj loves me so much!'. Jagannath and Kṛṣṇachandra just gives a big smile Gurumaharaj. The love You have for us is unparalleled and I wish to be an instrument in Your hands for distributing the same love and care to everyone around me.

On this most auspicious day I pray to Their Lordships Sri Radha Kṛṣṇachandra, Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra, Sudarshan and Gaur Nitai that 'If it so pleases Them, They bless You with good health. Deep in my heart I develop gratitude and spontaneous love for serving Your Lotus Feet eternally in full surrenderance under the guidance of my Siksha Guru HG Ram Murari Prabhu and all the senior Vaishnavas.'

If it so pleases You please accept my little endeavour in glorifying You and forgive me for the offences in writing this homage Gurumaharaj.

All Glories to Your Holiness

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru Parampara

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Your loving spiritual daughter
Bhagyavati Subhadra Devi Dasi