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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Pramida (London - East - United Kingdom)

Hare krishna dear Guru maharaj Dandavat pranams

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day .

I am very fortunate to be as your shelter deciple. Each and evry day i feel so much greatful for what you have given to me and to my entire family.

If you would have not started this Bhakthi vrisksha my life would have been wasted uselessly in this material world. By the guidance of Yamuneshwari mataji i could able to hear all your glories .All your sacrifices and austerity to please Srila prabhupada and to spread this movement always inspires me.

Recently when you came to UK in 2019 it was the most memorable moment for me. I was feeling so emotional that i cannot access you in anyway as hundreds of devotees are around me but i was thinking if you just look at me also i feel you have given blessings for what i was asking you in my mind ,in a miracle way you asked me directly by showing cake do you want? I felt so emotional for reading my mind with  that blessings i have started new Bhakthi vriksha in completely new area. Without your blessings i am really incable .

On this your very auspecious appearance day i am begging for your mercy for your blessings on me and my family so that we all can  use this  body mind and words in serving you.My only desire is to fallow your instructions sincerely for entire my life to spread krishna concious through this Bhakthi vriksha and to bring many many souls to krishna concious.

With your mercy in this lock down period we could able to see you everyday and hear from you for this i feel i am very greate fortunate.

I feel your presence itself very auspicious for entire world, please never ever leave us. Iam waiting for the moment to become your spiritual daughter.

Thank you for everything for what you have given to us.

your eternal servent

Pramida (shelter deciple)