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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Suguṇavatī Lalitā devī dāsī (Coimbatore - India)

All Glories to Guru and Gauranga!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to your auspicious appearance day!
Please accept my respectful obeisances Guru Maharaja!

I must be the only disciple

Not following your holiness instructions
Not listening to your holiness online lectures
Not taking part in online dharsan
But begging your mercy upon me

Oh when will that day come

To receive your holiness incessantly flowing mercy upon this insignificant disciple?
To really value your holiness association?
To taste the mellows of Gaur-katha?
To taste the nectar of the holy name?
To become a faithful servant of Guru and Gauranga?
To get the imports of the Vedic knowledge automatically revealed?
To practice what I preach?
To satisfy my Spiritual Master? 

Gurudeva, O spiritual master! Give this servant just one drop of mercy. I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. Give me strength. When will such mercy fall to this one who is weak and devoid of intelligence? If you examine me, you will find no qualities. Your mercy is all that I am made of. If you are not merciful unto me, I can only weep!

Your Spiritual Daughter,

Sugunavati Lalita Devi Dasi