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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Śrīvatsa Śyāmasundara Dāsa (Mayapur - India)

                           Srila Acharyapada’s Vyasa Puja homage 2021 

Dearest Srila Gurudev,
Please Accept my humble obeisances
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga,

                    Happy 72nd Vyasa Puja Dear Srila Gurudev, I want to thank to Srila Prabhupada to giving us you as a spiritual master. I am most fortunate to have your association, I am not having any taste at lordships and his holy names but by your association, instructions and mercy making me to realise that the potency of the lord is in his name, form and beauty etc.. as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam pure desire to engage in the loving service of the Lord brings one to the most exalted platform of consciousness, and such a perfect understanding of life is available only by the special mercy of the Lord’s devotees.
Since lockdown starts from last one year whole world is trembling but your divine grace took advantage of it and started new preaching activities by utilising the technology and social media to bringing more  souls closer to Krishna and your personal association reaching closer to one and all together taking everyone’s to different places and houses touching everyone’s heart and giving most memorable moments and experiences to all your disciples and same time fulfilling the GBC  services by occupying with meetings, never give up never shown back never put down the activities of devotional services even affected by this corona virus it shows how much dedicated you’re towards fulfilling the desires of Srila Prabhupada and Gauranga, I have seen you personally all these years your heroic activities and accepting the challenges in every single day either health or preaching side never put down enthusiasm  rather you are a fighter, you are a my hero always eternally as well Gurudev.
One time your divine grace told me that you all are fortunate serving your spiritual master personally but I did not get a chance to serve my spiritual master personally, you have strong desire to serve but Krishna has separate plan that put you in developing the Sridham Mayapur but your divine grace had chance to be with His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada 6 weeks in year during gaura purnima and 2 weeks during kartik month that period you most relished and had a great time with Srila Prabhupada. Please forgive me Srila Gurudev for my mistakes and immature behaviour in daily basis in various services, please give me a strength to overcome my fault finding nature and to be a humble servant of the servant of your divine grace eternally life after life after life.

Your unworthy Spiritual son
Srivatsa Syamasundara dasa