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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Govinda Gopī devī dāsī (Milton Keynes - United Kingdom)

To ,

Our  Dear Spiritual Father,

GM ,you are my Pillar,

You give me shelter from the misery of suffering in this material world.

I do not know who is "KRSNA" and His Associates.

I am just a sheet of white paper, life has got. no direction or destination..

GM ,you came into my life,like a pen,teaching me how to stand up and read,to know Nitai Gaurang ,Our beloved Lord ,you teach me to praise them, to have love for them.(KRSNA).

Words coming from your Lotus mouth is like nectar to my ears,your devotees care had given me a place , spiritual world in this material world.

Lost and found by your merciful glance,you had brigthen my spiritual path.

Today I beg and pray unto uour Lotus,please. do not neglect this very fallen, insignificant soul wandering in Ocean of nectscience.

your very fallen spiritual daugther.
