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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Nandapriyā Padmā devī dāsī (Bangalore - Sri Jagannath Mandir Seshadripuram - India)

Dear Gurumaharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances at ur Lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you

On this most auspicious occasion of your vyasa Puja i would take this opportunity to write this poem for you.

Oh! How merciful you are.

Every morning when i wake up i know i can continue my Bhakti not because of my own shakti. 

It's all because you pray everyday to Your beloved Radha Madhav

 thank u Gurudev for your love.

Thank you for accepting me, i beg u for forgiveness bending on my knee

For all my faults and short coming

You are very merciful and loving.

Gauranga ! you love to say, may we all get the same taste is what i pray.

Oh how merciful you are Gurudev

Please get us all out of this dark cave.

An aorta of the dust of your lotus feet is all that is needed to deliver all the souls, please give us all your mercy more and more.

Your insignificant servant

Nandapriya Padma Devi Dasi