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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Bāla Murāri dāsa (Bangalore - Sri Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir - India)

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to Srila Prabupada

Dear Srila Gurudev,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet on this glorious 72nd Vyasa puja. Also, paying obeisance to all the previous Vaishnava  Achayar's whom I am fortunately connected through you Gurudev.

Thank you for showering your causeless mercy by accepting me as your disciple, though I know from heart that I am not qualified for that and am a useless fool. 

Gurudev, you are so compassionate. Though unfit, still you mercifully allowed me to do your personal service. I had the great opportunity to do some night shift services for you Gurudev. I still cann't comprehend how I got those services because you were a direct associate of Chaitanya Mahaprabu. In those nights of services, I could observe and understand how much you are fixed up in your service to Srila Prabupada. You are so fixed up in completing your 16 rounds and more of chanting hare krishna mantra inspite of your health challenges. Remembering you replying to all the mails of the devotees and conducting some important meeting in the bathroom was something which I will always cherish in my memory. 

Grurdev, every moment of your life is glorious. 

All glories your selfless services to Srila Prabupada.

 All glories to your services in Mayapur Dham.

All glories to your preaching the cult of Krishna consciousness to all over the world through nama hatta and Bhakti Vrksha.

All glories to your care and concern for the devotees.

All glories to your selfless life. You always lived for others.

You are the true representative of Srila Prabupada.

However, I am such a useless, unworthy and without intelligence. I have so much material attachment and desires. In spite of getting kicked by maya so many time still the mind doesn't get fixed up in devotional services.

Your lotus feet shelter is my only hope, Gurudev. Please bless me that till my last breath I should be fixed up in your service. This is the boon I ask Gurudev.

Please bless my wife Gandharvi gopika devi dasi and daughter Ruchira Radhe.

Also, seeking blessing for all my bhakti vrksha members and our yatra devotees at ISKCON NRJD Bangalore for their spiritual growth 

I offer my prayer to Sri Sri Radha Madhav Asta Saki, Sri Pancha Tatva, Sri Prahalad Narasingadev and Sri Jaganath, Baladev, Subadra and Sudarshan to

give you long and good healthy life.

Yours Unworthy

Bala Murari Das