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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Sugopī Soumyā devī dāsī (Silicon Valley - United States of America)

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine
Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine

 Dear Guru Maharaj,

 Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to your divine appearance day!

 I will always remain far from qualified to either glorify you or even be in your auspicious presence, but I take this wonderful moment of your Vyasa-Puja as an opportunity to purify myself by engaging in your glorification.

 As is the case with each Vyasa Puja offering, I continue to falter and fall short of words to express my gratitude to you. Not a single day goes by without me pondering over what good service I may have rendered in my previous lives to have obtained your divine association all through my growing years and also have the good fortune of serving you as my Spiritual Master!

 “Age is just a number” is a phrase that I find to be so apt in your case, Guru Maharaj. Despite the innumerous obstacles you have faced, be it due to external factors or bodily challenges, what remains fixed in your character is all the qualities for advancing in Krishna Consciousness: utsāh, niścaya, dhairya, tat-tat-karma-pravartana, sadhu-sanga and sato vrtti.

 Quoted from Upadeśāmrta 3

utsāhān niścayād dhairyāt
ga-tyāgāt sato vtte
abhir bhakti prasidhyati

 Your enthusiasm (utsāh) has always been so contagious, be it the numerous classes you have delivered to make it interesting for little kids to adults, the exuberance you have demonstrated while leading Kirtan or even the many temple projects that you are overseeing under Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. Your confidence (niścaya) and patience (dhairya) are an inspiration, dear Guru Maharaj. The very many obstacles that have come your way in your service to Srila Prabhupada make the difficulties we face in our day to day lives appear like a small speck in comparison, and yet you have dealt with all of them with confidence, patience and so much positivity. Not once have you wavered in your abidance to regulative principles (tat-tat-karma-pravartanat), be it hearing about Krishna, chanting the Holy name and remembering Krishna at all times, and have therefore set a true example for your disciples and aspiring devotees all over for generations to come.

sādhu-saga sādhu-saga sarva-śāstre kaya

lava-mātra sādhu-sage sarva-siddhi haya

(Cc. Madhya 22.54)

 I am reminded of the above verse that you have called out in your classes many a time. While you are the true embodiment of a pure unadulterated devotee, you still show us by example how to associate with devotees (sādhu-sanga) and give up association of non-devotees. Yet, even when non-devotees visit you, your conversation with them revolves around Krishna and taking up the path of Bhakti-yoga, and nothing else. You also continue to remind your spiritual children and walk the talk by following in the footsteps of the previous Acharyas (sadhu-vrtti) and never deviating from that path. I am eternally grateful to you, Guru Maharaj, for setting such an exemplary example of the qualities we should build in this lifetime.

 Finally, to say that you are an ocean of mercy would be an understatement. You are far beyond. There are numerous examples that display your causeless mercy but the one closest to my heart is your desire to give me initiation in 2015. You had asked me to take up initiation, but when I informed you that I was moving from India to the States, you expressed your desire not once, but multiple times, for me to take up initiation before leaving. Only a true spiritual master has the foresight to understand the challenges an aspiring devotee is likely to face in an unknown land. I am eternally indebted to you for accepting me as your disciple even though I am not worthy of it in the slightest! It is probably the only reason why I am still able to receive Krishna’s protection.

 On this auspicious day of your 72nd Vyasa-Puja, I pray to Their Lordships and to Srila Prabhupada to bless you with good health and renewed strength to continue your amazing service of inspiring so many souls to take up to Krishna Consciousness and spread the Sankirtan movement all over. I am filled with so much gratitude and joy knowing that Krishna and the mercy of pure Vaishnavas brought you into my life so that I may aspire to become a better soul and engage in service.

 Vande Guroh Sri Caranaravindam!

 Aspiring to be worthy of your service.

 Your fallen servant,

Sugopi Soumya devi dasi