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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Snehavati Gāndharvikā  devī dāsī ( - )

Dearest Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances 

at your lotus feet


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All to Glories to Guru Maharaja and Gauranga


Dear Guru Maharaja, on this auspicious day of your 72th Vyasapuja I am trying to write something to express my  gratitude towards you. But I am feeling there is not sufficient words  to express my gratitude as you have done so much for me nor I have the  ability to express proper gratitude towards you. Still I am trying to write as per my ability, kindly accept it at your lotus feet.


Even though I have got so much from Srila Prabhupada and from you in my spiritual life and I am simply struggling  to  follow your instructions in my life to become serious and sincere in my spiritual life, still out of my foolishness I am unable to see my great fortune and often complain about various things in my life and make that an excuse to hide my insincerity....

At that  time when I take your darsan and hear your Caitanya Caritamrita Class and observe your physical situation... I understand my foolishness. Inspite of having so much physical discomfort how much dedicate you are in Srila Prabhupada's mission... nothing can stop you from serving Srila Prabhupada.... at that moment I realise that being your spiritual daughter I too  should stop complaining and start serving.... I can never claim that I have faced more difficulties than my spiritual father ...if my spiritual father never  complain then where do I get the right to complain about pity things in my life....

Whenever I feel depressed and turn my face towards you, I see how you are always absorbed in Guar katha and how wonderfully you show us the solution to every single things in our life through Gaur Katha......your enthusiasm wash away all my distress and fill my heart with  love and gratitude....

Dear Guru Maharaja on this auspicious day I am begging at your lotus feet to always keep me at your  lotus feet as a dust and give me your mercy so that one day I too get a drop of the nectar that you are relishing by swimming in the ocean of nectar of Gaur katha, and by relishing that I too can get free from the misery of this material world.


Your insignificant

spiritual daughter

Snehavati Gandharvika  Devi Dasi