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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Madhuri Mamatāmayī devī dāsī (Mayapur - India)

Om Ajnana Timirandhasya Jnananjana Salakhaya, Caksur Unmilitam Yena, Tasmai Sri Guruve Namah!


Dearest Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my respectful obeisance!

All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

All glories unto Your Divine service to Srila Prabhupad!


Gurumaharaj on this most auspicious day of your appearance,  I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude unto Your Holiness, for giving shelter to this fallen soul. 

I cannot imagine where I would be and what sinful activity I would be doing, had I not received your compassion and the Holy name.

We must meditate this entire year, but this is the best day to reflect on all the services your Holiness has been doing for Srila Prabhupad, tolerating all the difficulties and challenges that came across and enthusiastically carrying out Devotional service no matter what.

I wish to Thank you for giving us Sri Mayapur Dham, the Deities, such nice festivals to celebrate, Nawadwip mandala parikrama, Sravan Utsav, Kirtan mela and so many opportunities for services. When we visit Mayapur, we get a glimpse of the bliss of Spiritual world and thus we get the higher taste.

All glories unto You Srila Gurudev! 

Srila Prabhupad gave you the Land of Mayapur to develop and you took his instruction to your heart and we see the result today.

On this day, I beg unto You Gurumaharaj that I too may develop the Laulyam for Loving service and be able to serve your instructions with the same enthusiasm and love that You have in your heart to serve Lord Gauranga.

From my Bhakti vriksha group, 3 members are initiated. 3 members will be taking initiation shortly. 4 devotees have taken shelter. 7 devotees have taken aspiring. And 8 new devotees are attending.

In children's class, there are around 15 kids attending.

Seeking your causeless mercy and blessings that both me and my husband, together can serve you nicely, to your satisfaction.

Your Spiritual Daughter, 

Madhuri Mamatamayi DD