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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Rakesh (London - East - United Kingdom)

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah




Nama Om Vishnu-Padaya Krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jaya Pataka-Swamin iti namine


Nama Acharya padaya Nitai-Kripa Pradayine Gaura-Katha Dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine




Nama Om Vishnu-Padaya Krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Bhakti Vedanta-Swamin iti namine


Namas te Saraswate deve Gaura-vani pracarine nirvishesha-shunyavadi-pashchatya-desha-tarine




Hare Krishna dear Srila Jaya Pataka Swami Guru Maharaj, please accept my Respectful Obeisances.



All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


All glories to Sree Guru and Sree Sree Nitai Gauranga!!


Srila Gurudev, All Glories to Your Divine Appearnce. Your Divine Grace have brought the all auspiciousness into our lives. It is my great fortune to get Your Divine Grace association in this life. There is no limit to Your Divine Grace causeless mercy. I perceive the mood of Lord Chaitanya by Your Divine Grace mood that how Lord Chaitanya is Very merciful to the most fallen people. I feel how Your Divine Grace are so merciful to me even though I am full of faults and unworthy to be accepted by anyone, but Your Divine Grace are very kindly always accepting me. I get no words that how Your Divine Grace care for me even though I am fit for nothing. At present, it is very difficult to find anywhere in this world that the Love Your Divine Grace are giving me and to everyone.


My dear Gurudev, Your Divine Grace qualities are unlimited. Whole life is not sufficient to perceive the limitless Divine Qualities that Your Divine Grace posses. Yet I try, with my tiny brain, to meditate on some of Your Divine Grace qualities while I present them here. 


Dear Srila Gurudev, on this auspicious occasion of Your Divine Grace Vyasa Puja, I meditate on some of Your Divine qualities as follows.. Divine Love, Unconditional Care, Compassion, Transcendental Nature, Merciful, Kindness, Humility, Truthful, Super Spiritual, Magnanimous, Powerful, Strong, Attractive, Charming, Graceful, Gravely, Strict, Timeless, Spontaneous, Sharp, Thoughtful, Attentiveness, Detailed, Courageous, Brave, Energetic, Endeavour, Dedication, Determination, Sincerity, Seriousness, Commitment, Uncompromising, Wonder, Miraculous, Surprise to the world, Mystical, Tireless, Jubilant, Simple, Accomplish, Establish, Exemplary, Practical, Beyond Practical, Opulent, Complete Renunciation, Humorous, Friendly, Patience, Tolerance, Abundance, Blissful, Melodious, Dancing, Leader, Deep, Optimistic, Multi Task, Management, Writer, Poetic, Expert Cook, Eloquent, Cautious, Ecstatic, Ever Enthused, Epic, Devoted, Unstoppable Traveller, Spiritual Doctor for Material doctors and nurses, Expert Learner, Expert Shooter, Expert Swimmer and Saver, Dutiful, Divine, Instructor, Empowerer, Transport to dreams, Trust, Loyal, Honest, Bargain, Empathetic, Expert Reader, Farmer, Constructor, Cycler, Healer, Soul Scanner, Ecstatic Laughter, Emotional, Wrestler, Worshipper, Innovative, Ideal, Adaptive to trends and technologies, Forgiving, Prayerful, Respectful, Surrendered, Pure, Analyser, Informative, All Knower, Feeding Poor, Missionary, Counsellor, Colloborator, Telepathic, Visionary, Victory and so on… Your Divine Grace are also a Great Son to Mother, a Great Disciple to Srila Prabhupada, a Great follower of All Our Acharyas, a Great Father to All the Disciples, a Great Asscoiate to All Your God Brothers, a Great Hope for all the Vaishnavas and a Great Friend to All the Living Entities in this world.


Dear Guru Maharaj, Your Divine Grace have been going through various difficult health crisis past few years but Your Divine Grace have never taken a break and continuously with more vigorous efforts Your Divine Grace are bringing the message of Lord Chaithanya and Reaching Out Your Disciples even more. It is astonishing to perceive that how many activities Your Divine Grace do in a day and how much time Your Divine Grace give to every individual. Your Divine Grace is a Great Asset to the Entire World. Your Divine Grace were recently expressing that if Krishna allows, You would like to see the Deities in Mayapur moving to ToVP – I am praying for it Srila Guru Maharaj.


Please forgive me for known and unknown offences at Your Divine Lotus Feet Srila Guru Maharaj; they are because of my conditional nature. I try to rectify them by Your Divine Mercy. As in example given by Srila Prabhupada, I am like a weak baby monkey trying to hold her mother for the protection but my prayers at Your Divine Lotus Feet to please hold me in Your Divine Lotus Hands just similar to a Cat holds the cub in her mouth Srila Guru Maharaj. Please always give me the shelter at Your Divine Lotus Feet.

Please use me as an Instrument in Your Divine Lotus Hands for propagating the Krishna Consciousness Srila Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my unlimited Prostrated Obeisances and unlimited thanks at Your Divine Lotus Feet. Please bless me with the abundance of gratitude and Spiritual Strength to use in Your Divine Service Srila Guru Maharaj.




Aspiring servant of Your servants,

Rakesh (Shelter)

London, United Kingdom.