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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Kiran Kaul (Gurgaon - India)

Hare Krishna Respected Guru Maharaja, 

Please accept my humble obesances at your lotus feet. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada ! 

Namah Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshthaya Bhutale,

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine,

Namah Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayene,

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagar Grama Tarine. 


Today, on your Vyasaday, I pray to Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda and Radha Rani to bless you with long, painless and healthy life.  so that all fallen souls like me will get connected to krishna consciousness.    

COVID-19 when it started on its peak in the year 2020,  around August -September you had kindly agreed to visit devotees home in Gurugram via Zoom Video Link.    Myself and my family were eager to see you on video.   I had made two prasadam/bhoga (I had made sweet rice and sooji halwa) for yourself and you kindly appreciated and accepted on video.     I had then requested you to bless my family and wanted my husband (Ashesh Prabhuji) to quit non vegetarian dishes.   On which you had kindly said that atleast he should not eat in Purushottam month.  (because 2020 was the purushottam month).   And believe me my husband did not eat non veg whole purushottam month. So much was your magic on him. 

Please give strengh to my family to pass through this Corona Pandemic. Because of this pandemic we all have become depressed, anxiety level has increased due to which anger is increased.  I beg you to bless us specially my son so that we/he can cope up in this world during this pandemic and also give me strength and motivation / determination so that I chant 16 rounds daily as I am still struggling to do so.    I wish to dedicate and associate with my devotee friends and do not let down Radhakishori Mataji.  I am her one of the oldest student who is still struggling for seva. 

Your one of the fallen soul.


Kiran Kaul