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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Dāmodara Divyarūpa Dāsa (Dāmodara Deśa - Middle East)

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble Obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Nama Om Vishnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale,

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Namah acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura-katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Guru Maharaj, It gives me immense pleasure to deliver my vysa puja offerings on the special occasion of your auspicious appearance day.

Guru Maharaj, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your unlimited mercy extended to me, accepting me one of your disciples.  

Guru Maharaj, I was really inspired to see your determination and enthusiasm reaching out to great mass of people across the world everyday despite having so much challenges. Nothing can stop your fighting spirit. You are born to win with your victory flag flying high always.

Gur Maharaj, you are living legend with reservoir of great qualities which we are trying to imbibe at least a few to perfect our life in Krsna consciousness.  Guru Maharaj, In general, it is very difficult for a normal person with bodily inconveniences to be in perfect state of mind and intelligence. In contrary, you are a real life example of transcending the bodily platform and displaying spiritual strength. You have sacrificed your entire life for the welfare of the society, which shows your compassion towards the fallen souls. You also have proven that any bodily discomforts cannot be stumbling blocks towards rendering devotional service, which everyone should take it close to their heart and strive to follow.

Guru Maharaj, with your blessings, I am trying to do my bit in spreading the mission of Lord Chaitanya with whatever abilities I have. Please forgive all of my offenses at your lotus feet and continue to give us your guidance and support in our spiritual path where we could be some benefit in spreading the mission of Lord Chaitanya and Srila Prabupada.

Your humble servant

Damodar Divyarupa Dasa