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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Puruṣottama Nityānanda Dāsa (kolkata-Haldia - India)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja please accept my most respectful obeisance at your divine lotus feet.

I feel very fortunate to get the opportunity to connect with this divine Guru paramparā. Once I heard from you that we are now grandsons of Śrīla Prabhupāda. This gave me very much hope and joy.

With some recent experiences, I have realized that this paramparā is really very divine and very merciful and, Guru Mahārāja, I have seen that you are taking that divine mercy of Lord Nityānanda. Just to increase my faith, I would beg your permission to describe one incident which happened last week.

In our voice in Haldia we have a devotee whose father left his body last week. He recently started chanting 16 rounds daily and was very curious to take Bhakti very seriously. A few days before leaving his body, he was asking his son when he would be initiated. So the day before he was to leave his body, his son had a dream that he saw you are giving them Prasad and your divine ucchiṣṭa. His body was effluent after he left and his hands were in the posture of chanting. Devotees were doing kīrtana at his funeral. I got to realize that our sincere endeavors will never go in vein.

After this, my faith has increased more and I am feeling very fortunate. This incident has increased my confidence I can go to anyone and confidently say to take this process. Moreover, I have realized that you are taking the mercy of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu with you.

I need your blessings so that I can be an instrument in your hand to fulfill the desires of Śrīla Prabhupāda. And always be one of the reasons for bliss on your divine face. This will be the success of my life. I am trying to preach as much as possible but I am finding my endeavors very low and weak. Please bless me, Guru Mahārāja so that I can do something to please and satisfy you.

Always keep me at your divine lotus feet

Your insignificant servant,
Purusottam Nityanand Dāsa

Initiated : 9 Sep 2022, Śrīdhāma Māyāpur