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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Nityarūpiṇī Mādhavī Devī Dāsī (Auckland - New Zealand)

My Dear-most Spiritual Father, Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and Vaisnavas.

On this very auspicious day of Your 74th Appearance, I bow down unto your divine lotus feet and seek your blessings.

This is an opportune time for us, your most fallen servants, to honour and glorify you.

I always feel very fortunate to have lived in Māyāpur and have attended your classes. One of the biggest highlights was the glorious festivals and celebrations, especially at Śrīdham Māyāpur International school, where you would grace us with your presence. My students would make beautiful cards for you and always looked forward to presenting them.

My other highlight in Māyāpur was when the temple doors would close around 11 am, and we knew Guru Mahārāja was coming to take Darśana. I always made an effort to be “locked in” at that time, so I could get your blessings and touch your lotus feet. Those were exceptional moments for me. I miss them dearly. With your mercy, I will return one day to continue my service to You, Guru Mahārāja and the community.

You are a true miracle. After all the challenges: You survived; you continued giving multiple classes daily and visiting different locations worldwide. You had a higher purpose. You never complained. You are a true inspiration to us all. I am very grateful for having taken initiation and received your blessings. I want to thank you for guiding our lives back to Godhead.

Please forgive me for any offences that I may have committed in ignorance. I wish you a Very Happy Vyāsa Pūjā. May Lord Nrsingadev protect you so you can continue saving fallen souls like me. Your most fallen servant

Nityarupini Madhavi Devī Dāsī

New Zealand, Auckland