My beloved Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet, on this auspicious day. When I came to re-join Kṛṣṇa consciousness, without any hesitation, you have taken me back to your home, back to Godhead. And you have kindly forgiven me for all my mistakes.
I am not qualified to glorify you properly. When I met you for the first time in Madras temple in 1984, you gave me so much mercy. I did not know anything about the spiritual world until you taught me. O Gurudeva, after taking shelter at your lotus feet, all the evil thoughts in my mind have been removed. I do not want to become a devotee alone, but would like all my neighbors also to become devotees. Words cannot express the deep love and feeling I have for you. You have made me understand the meaning of bhakti and love for Godhead. By your mercy you have saved this soul and directed me to the right path, back to Godhead.
Now, my only desire is that I would like to become your humble, obedient servant, and the servant of your servant.
Your worthless servant,
Bhaktin Tulasī