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Vyāsa-pūjā 2024

Praneeth (Attapur - India)

Hare Kṛṣṇa spiritual father

Please accept my humble obeisance onto your Lotus feet

All Glories to your most Auspicious Vyāsa-pūjā

All Glories onto you,

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda


Just like a small child is illusioned by a kidnapper by showing chocolates and take them away from their parents, in the similar way even I am illusioned by māyā and even iam so foolish that I thought that there will be enjoyment in this world without your association and guidance I have simply wasted 16years of my life without your association.

Gurudeva I am really Grateful for your guidance even though I never met you personally or spoke to Your Holiness but you appear in my dreams and you have guided me. My dear master please don't abandon me. Gurudeva I am just a new born in my bhakti life.

Aspiring to be your servant,
