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Vyāsa-pūjā 2024

Vidyāsvarūpiṇī Rādhā devī dāsī (Sydney - Australia)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! All glories to your Divine Grace!

You are an ocean of mercy! You have most mercifully opened my eyes with a torch of knowledge, while I was proud of my ignorance. You have relieved me from all the suffering due to my dark ignorance. You are very dear to Kṛṣṇa and Kṛṣṇa is yours!

I have been living as a rascal and fool and was proud of it. I was struggling for existence, without understanding the reality. You have rescued me with enlightenment. I have heard that the Guru and disciple have a heart-to-heart relationship and Guru always guides the disciple wherever he is. I have been practically experiencing your mercy and help for many years now. My recent tribulations in life have deepened my faith in your Divine Grace and Kṛṣṇa. I am fortunate to have undergone mental rehabilitation to clear part of my anarthas, but I still have more anarthas to work with.

When we had to suddenly move to Chennai from Canberra in OCT 2023, it was hard for me and Saranga without the devotee association, and we were struggling with our regular services. The unforgettable darśana of your Divine Grace at Māyāpur on 11th Dec 2023, Your merciful glance, practical caring questions, loving answers, and very strong blessings of Jagannātha toothbrush protected us and miraculously brought us back to Sydney, and gave us an association of sincere and serious devotees, who can guide us to serve your Divine Lotus Feet. This is overwhelming for an unqualified person like me, and I thoroughly enjoyed living the blissful moments.

Externally, it looked like we lost many things, but I lost pride, and attachment to money, possessions, and my job and realized they were temporary. I realized that devotees’ association is more important than a comfortable life. Who else can mercifully open my eyes, teach life lessons, and rescue me and my family other than your most merciful personality? My material father broke into tears, whereas my spiritual father enlightened me, my son, and my parents with knowledge and faith in the Lord. Who else is the shelter from the darkest region of ignorance?

Hearing Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from your Divine Grace, the person Bhāgavatam, I got the interest of reading and hearing Bhāgavatam. Hearing Caitanya Līlā from your Divine Grace increased our faith and attachment to Lord Caitanya Mahā Prabhu. I am currently studying Bhakti Sastri course, Please bless us with an attachment in reading Śrīla Prabhupāda books and hearing your Divine Grace sincerely.

While hearing your lecture about the ‘Hari Haraye Namah’ song, I understood the importance of this line “ānande bolo hari bhaja bṛndāban śrī-guru-vaiṣṇaba-pade majāiyā mana” “In ecstasy, sing the name of Lord Hari and worship Vṛndāvana, joyfully fixing your mind upon the lotus feet of the bonafide spiritual master and the pure devotees.” Kindly bestow your mercy and let us be always attached to your lotus feet and be faithful and sincere servants of your Divine Grace.

Even though I am a software developer in my day job, I had an idea that it is hard for my brain and was doing just for a living, and cleaning services are easy and better suit me. Hearing your Śravaṇa Utsav Lecture this week, I am very inspired to learn the computer skills necessary to serve your Divine Grace and Kṛṣṇa. When you mentioned that, leaving a service because of the difficulty is a sense gratification, it cleared my mental block and put me in the right consciousness. This is one example of how you are guiding me every single day and removing all the obstacles. You are an Amazing Mahā Bhāgavata Guru Mahārāja! Please bless me to learn the necessary skills for accomplishing the services assigned to me.

Please bless me, Saranga, and my husband, my parents by giving just one drop of faith with which to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Kṛṣṇa. And please bless all my family members to chant without offenses and become your sincere disciples soon. Kindly bestow the association of sincere and serious devotees, who will bring us closer to your Divine Lotus feet.

Your useless daughter,

Vidyāsvarūpiṇī Rādhā devī dāsī