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Śrīla Prabhupāda's Disciples

Dear Śrīla Ācāryapāda,

On this transcendentally auspicious day of appearance, myself and my wife, your daughter Mālinī devī dāsī offer our humble obeisances again and again.

Early eighties when you were taking me with you in your travelling programmes to train me up I learnt what austerity and compassion are.

You have always been guiding me and protecting my creeper of devotion from gross and subtle dangers, all these years... It is foolish and impudent to try express my indebtedness and gratitude, for all that you are magnanimously showering on me:

I am just another ORPHAN like Oliver (missing that ocean of mercy, our Śrīla Prabhupāda), revolting and praying to you:

"Śrīla Ācāryapāda, CAN I HAVE SOME MORE?"
All glories to you! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!!!

Always your servant,
Ātmatattva dāsa and Mālinī devī dāsī

My dear godbrother Jayapatākā Mahārāja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

On this very auspicious day of your appearance I was remembering all the wonderful memories that I have. I was so fortunate to have you as my leader from the time in joined in Māyāpur. You are such a wonderful example of dedication and devotion to Śrīla Prabhupāda! For the sake of your love for Śrīla Prabhupāda you sacrificed everything that your wealthy parents and your wealthy nation offered to you and accepted the life of acute austerity in the remote village of Māyāpur in India.

I saw how you struggled those day to get the funds to feed us all in Māyāpur. I saw you practically beg, sometimes scream and some other times even fight to get the money from the person who had the responsibility to provide for Māyāpur as the GBC those days. You did all that for our sake.

It was also such a wonderful experience to go out with you to different places in Bengal to distribute Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books, make life members and have wonderful programs in the evening where hundreds of people used to come to listen to you speaking about Kṛṣṇa in your beautiful Bengali.

In spite of so many apparent difficulties, our days in Māyāpur were so full of joy, because you were there to lead us. Today those days are so far away, yet in my memory, they are so vivid with fond remembrance.

Now, as I am writing this offering to you as some humble glorification of yourself, I feel your loving embrace, and through that I feel the warmth of your heart.

Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. Please bless me that I can continue to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda and his mission, with similar love, determination and dedication you display to His Divine Grace.

Your indebted servant eternally,

Bhakti Cāru Swami

Hare Kṛṣṇa.

Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Prabhupāda.

I feel fortunate to be here in Māyāpur at this auspicious time of the vyāsa-pūjā festival of His Holiness Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja.

Mahārāja has been serving here in this holy place for more than fifty years and he has remained fixed in this most important service to Iskcon and to Śrīla Prabhupāda. As Prabhupāda was always thinking about the development of Māyāpur in the same way Jayapatākā Mahārāja is always concerned to see the  Māyāpur project develop.  He has inspired many devotees to  come and reside in Māyāpur and throughout the years he has put his life and heart into Māyāpur. 

The most amazing thing is that even despite life threatening health conditions he does not waver from his duties. `Relentlessly he continues to give discourses every day guiding and inspiring all of the members of Prabhupāda's family to do the same.  He continues to attend the management meetings and takes interest in all the matters of the community.

His tireless efforts in propagating the glories of ISKCON and Prabhupāda was greatly appreciated by Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami.  He saw how Jauypataka Mahārāja was respected not just in his Māyāpur but by the Hindu community all over the world. He is truely a great ācārya and I feel very fortunate just to be able to take the dust from his lotus feet and take it on my head. All glories to Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja. 

Once before in Māyāpur during this occasion I told how in China there is a blessing given to the Emperor that he should live for ten thousand years. Mahārāja on hearing this he said that if he can live that long then he can take full advantage of the Golden Age in Kali-yuga to push on Lord Caitanya's movement. Therefore let us all pray that he can continue to lead and inspire the members of this movement. We are very much in need of his presence not just for ten thousand years but eternally.

With best wishes,
Bhakti Vigna Vināśa Narasiṁha Swami

I offer my joyful congratulations to my dear Godbrother Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami on the glorious occasion of his Vyāsa-pūjā. Jayapatākā Swami has shown the world, and future generatons, a unique and astonishing example of dedication to the preaching mission of Lord Caitanya. He has taught all of us how to serve the Lord with power and devotion that comes straight from the soul.

I am also especially grateful for the support that he has offered me personally. In times when many did not understand what I was doing, he understood and encouraged me. For this, I will always be grateful. I wish His Holiness every happiness and good fortune in Krishna consciousness.

His servant,
Hṛdayānanda dāsa Goswami

Dear Jayapataka Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Today is the most auspicious day for the whole world as it is your divine appearance day.

You have shown your love and devotion to Srila Prabhupada by your living standard. You have spread Krishna Consciousness to each and every country of our planet. By your mystic power, you have defeated the death and you are eternally victorious to fight against Maya. Even though your health is not up to the mark, you are preaching nonstop, moving from one country to another. You have set a beautiful example of a pure devotee, having all the good qualities of sum total of all the demigods.

yasyāsti bhaktir bhagavaty akiñcanā
sarvair guṇais tatra samāsate surāḥ
harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇā
manorathenāsati dhāvato bahiḥ

All the demigods and their exalted qualities, such as religion, knowledge and renunciation, become manifest in the body of one who has developed unalloyed devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāsudeva. On the other hand, a person devoid of devotional service and engaged in material activities has no good qualities. Even if he is adept at the practice of mystic yoga or the honest endeavor of maintaining his family and relatives, he must be driven by his own mental speculations and must engage in the service of the Lord’s external energy. How can there be any good qualities in such a man?

I have accepted you as my Shiksha Guru long time ago. You inspire me all the time. Please keep showering your blessings onto me.

Have a beautiful gorgeous celebration of your divine appearance.

Your servant,
Kratu dāsa

Daṇḍavat prāṇāṁs. Śrīla Prabhupāda ki jaya.

Usually, I get the opportunity to wish you happy appearance day in person, but let this be my virtual greeting.

Thank you for all of your service to Śrīla Prabhupāda. We are fortunate to have you with us here in Māyāpur during this critical time.

May you give us many more years of your invaluable association.

Your servant, 
Pañca-ratna dāsa


In short, a unique, amazing and transcendental personality in ISKCON and Māyāpur. I feel blessed by his association because he was so much blessed by the association and recognition showered upon him by Śrīla Prabhupāda—just read and study all the letters written to him by Śrīla Prabhupāda and you will understand his spiritual worth. He is Śrīla Prabhupāda’s first and chosen man in Māyāpur, and I don’t have to tell you that his name, Jayapatākā, is synonymous with the name, Māyāpur, throughout the world.

On Rādhāṣṭamī, 1970, Jayapatākā Swami received Sannyāsa from Śrīla Prabhupāda. That’s a long time ago! He’s the longest standing Sannyāsī in ISKCON and makes for an unprecedented package of spiritual power, strength and determination. I have personally experienced his Determination on numerous occasions, and when he is fixed on an idea or action God help anyone who gets in his way! He will relentlessly pursue his objective through all and any devotional means. He is a Nuclear Bomb of Determination in his service to Śrīla Prabhupāda. 

Another of his numerous spiritual qualities is his, by now famous, thinking out of the box acumen. He can come up with ideas and concepts to confound and astonish any intelligent person. And you will be totally at a loss of words or capacity to react, what to speak of trying to defeat him! He is truly a Maharathi of ISKCON, and if you want to present or suggest something to him, you better have done your homework and have your act together! He is a Thinker for Krishna Extraordinaire.

We all pray to Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrī Śrī Rādhā Mādhava, Pañca-tattva and Lord Narasiṁhadeva for the good health and very long life of Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja. 

Your worthless servant,
Śatadhanya dāsa
April 3, 2020

My Dearest Godbrother Srila Jayapataka Maharaja,

Prakrta-Sahajiyas A class of materialistically tainted neophyte devotees, were repeatedly condemned by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Srasvati Thakura

Famous for the preaching style called ‘the chopping technique” appears ruthless in his treatment of defending the most sacred philosophy in the universe – pure devotional service that follows in the footsteps of Srila Rupa Goswami  

Following in his Spiritual Masters footsteps Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada fearlessly presents the accurate siddhanta of the rupanuga Vaisnavas . Fortunately for us the disciples of A.C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada  it is by the Mercy and Humility of Our Spiritual Master and his pure instructions, exactly how to purify our existence and with genuine determination that may we realise the essence of suddha-bhakti .

 In the PRAKRTA RASA SATA DUSINI…verse 2 …Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur states

“There can never be any difference between the explanations of the Bonafide spiritual master and the teachings of the Mahajanas. The pure spiritual master never puts thorn like deterrents on the path of ones execution of practical devotional service (sadhana).

“The True disciples never desire to ask their spiritual master for instructions regarding material mellows. And the genuine spiritual master never gives his disciples any such material mellows, which are devoid of rati, transcendental loving attachment to the Lord”

Thus is the mood of Srila Jayapataka Maharaja, his exemplary example and devotion to Our Beloved Srila Prabhupada can never be underestimated, his determination to continue the mission of Our Beloved Guru, the Love, Care and Compassion he shows to everyone is not only moving to watch but Inspirational and beyond understanding, so on this Auspicious Day of your 71st Vyasa Puja

May I offer you my full Dandavata’s and Respects yours in service your God sister,

Śuklā dāsī


His Holiness Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja displays exemplary guru-bhakti. Guru is not an individual. Guru is a tattva - absolute truth. Guru actually indicates the members of the entire paramparā. Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja’s guru-bhakti is really touching my heart. Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja is trying to fulfill whatever orders he got from His Divine Grace Śrīla Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.

Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja wrote to me last year, "It was the desire of Śrīla Prabhupāda Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura that all of his descendants work cooperatively together to preach the divine message of Rūpa and Raghunātha. During his final days on this planet, my gurudeva, Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, instructed me to unite all of the descendants of Śrīla Prabhupāda Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura. My gurudeva established the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust to also help in fulfilling this purpose of unification.”

In order to fulfill his gurudeva’s desire, Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja is trying his best to fulfill this order even though his physical condition is giving
him obstacles in moving and doing it personally. However, he is sending his favorite disciples to every Gauḍīya Maṭha to bring everyone together in order to fulfill Śrīla Prabhupāda Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura’s and Śrīla Bhaktivedanta Swami Mahārāja’s last will.

The main goal of the vaishnavas is to constantly chant the holy names with humility, extreme tolerance, freedom from the desire for mundane name, fame, and recognition, while simultaneously giving due respect to everyone. Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja, in order to fulfill the qualities of being a vaiṣṇava, is following Śrīla Bhaktivedanta Swami Mahārāja, Śrīla Prabhupāda Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Goswami Ṭhākura as well as the other disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura.

I heard from Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja that when he was a brahmacārī and stayed in Kolkata’s Śrī Caitanya Gauḍīya Maṭha, my gurudeva, Śrīla Bhakti Pramode Purī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura, had requested him to bring flat rice and yogurt (cida-dahi) when his stomach was upset; at that time, Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja happily brought the flat rice and yogurt. Over the last few years, I saw that although he is physically not fit to attend any program, he still attends our Guru Mahārāja’s disappearance program. Even this year, he sent a voice recording from England which was played at the disappearance festival in Māyāpur. Even on 23rd November 1999, Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja came to our Māyāpur temple while my gurudeva was being put into samādhi.

All of these activities prove that he is trying to fulfill the desire of the previous teachers (guru-varga) to keep everyone united. ISKCON is a big society. Although it is a challenge for ISKCON to keep amicable relations with the various Gauḍīya Maṭhas, Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja is still trying his best. This is very admirable. 

I am praying to Prema-purusottama Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu from the bottom of my heart for curing Śrīla Jayapatākā Maharaj's obstacles and that he continues this service mood for the rest of his life. Also, I am begging Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja to bestow his blessings to me for spreading the loving mission of Lord Caitanya with purity and amicable relations with all the different units of Mahāprabhu’s mission around the world for the rest of my life. I hope that Mahārāja will mercifully fulfill my desire.


Yours in the Service of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu's Mission,

Śrī Gopīnātha Gauḍīya Maṭha (President)

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances unto the dust of your divine lotus feet
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Your Holiness!
Before attempting to glorify you I beg forgiveness unto your lotus feet. I am simply doing it for my own purification.

Srila Prabhupada once commented that Krsna is already glorified, however, He is more pleased when His devotees are glorified. Maharaja, the divine presence of pure devotees like Your Holiness is holding the planet intact else it would have long back been sunk into rasatala on account of being overburdened by the sinful reactions of today’s godless civilization. If you didn't come what would have happened to this world?

It is said that pure devotees of the Lord are more powerful than the waters of the sacred river Ganges. One can derive spiritual benefit only from prolonged use of the Ganges waters. But personalities like you have sanctified millions of conditioned souls like me. If you didn't come what would have happened to me?

Whatever you do Maharaja, inspires everyone to surrender to Srila Prabhupada. By seeing your exemplary activities everyone derives a lot of faith in the potency of the process of devotional service. If you didn't come what would have happened to us?

Srila Devakinandan Dasa Thakura has sung that the devotees of Lord Caitanya are so powerful that each one of them can deliver a universe. We can see is practically how millions of people are getting delivered by your mercy. If you didn't come what would have happened to ISKCON?

My humble request in your lotus feet is to kindly give me a chance to dance with you in the TOVP!

On this most auspicious day of your divine appearance, we beg for your causeless mercy so that we can fully surrender ourselves to Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet following in the footsteps of pure devotees like Your Holiness.

Your humble servant,
Bhakti Prema Swami

Dearest Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet, All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! All glories to your lotus feet who like to constantly move the terrain of the globe!

On this most auspicious day I beg you to be merciful to me as I hold your lotus feet and beg pardon for offences committed knowingly and unknowingly to you.  I am actually a vain man, who got attracted to Śrīla Prabhupāda s movement through his books and prasāda. Although I read his books and teach the contents, I see you as a living moving example of the devotee described in those books. For you, devotional service is very natural, and you are at home with it. You are not a sādhaka, but a highly experienced deep vaiṣṇava from the stock of Mahāprabhu’s associates, who is making himself available to one and all with the best of simple demeanors to make it easy for them to surrender.  Your simplicity is not ordinary and superficial, it is deep!

Your Divine Grace described Śrīla Prabhupāda as the happiest person you had ever seen and that his eyes were always moist with the ecstasy of Krishna Consciousness within. Dear Guru Mahārāja, coming in the same line, we see you are always enthusiastic and happy. The world of ISKCON devotees have seen you for long fight any negativity and come out successful to continue to serve under any circumstance.  You told me once that Śrīla Prabhupāda told one of his moody disciples "I order you to be happy in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness" Thank you for modelling this determination. It’s very inspiring.

His Holiness Janananda Mahārāja once committed an offering to you saying you are ‘light years ahead in preaching’! Your sense of outreach and the compassion you feel deeply is reflected in your tireless preaching efforts and brilliant strategies to crack open māyā’s illusion and reach out for people of this world. I have closely followed the birth of the congregation effort in ISKCON in those years and subsequently the cell program, which is now the ubiquitous Bhakti-vṛkṣa program, which have been an erupting volcano of outreach expansion in ISKCON.

I peeped into one of your letters to Śrīla Prabhupāda and his reply to you in the early years while I was in Māyāpur to help you with the Samādhi constructions. There you had complained about constant restlessness in you. Śrīla Prabhupāda replied that it was a sign of ecstasy in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness!

In another note he said that if people hear your chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa, they will be liberated!

No wonder that Śrīla Prabhupāda has given you a host of services to accomplish which you have valiantly executed in the face of many challenges.

On this most auspicious day of your 71 st appearance and in the year of 50 years of your successful Sannyāsa life,

* I beg your pardon and mercy for my wrong doings, my offences (knowingly and unknowingly committed)

* Blessings to quickly finish the Projects given to me by Your Divine Grace in my zone and expand the preaching successfully

* blessings for all the devotees who help in my zone of service, with enthusiasm and cooperation as a community or team.

I remain,

Your lowly servant,

Bhakti Vinoda Swami

Dearest Guru Mahārāj,

Please accept my prostated obeisances in the dust of your sankirtan feet. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupada!

My goodness another year has passed and what chaotic times we live in as we see the pages of the Bhāgavatam come to light, regarding this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, where viral affections, corrupt governments, and fruits and roots become actual concerns in survival. These become a testing ground for the dutiful spiritual followers, to imbibe and guide others in eternal principles given to us by the very same great scripture. The Lord is most merciful to give us the book Bhāgavat and the person Bhāgavat.

For us you are that Book Bhāgavat Autocrat, who is simply repeating the instructions given to us by Śrīla Prabhupada, directing us out of the material into the spiritual. From your example, the difficulties that you have endured, demonstrate how to deal with and navigate within these surreal material surroundings through unwavering service to the unworldly and heartfelt dedication to the will of Śrīla Prabhupada.

As you have overcome the obstacles; the building of Śrīdām Mayapur, wide spread book distribution, the puzzle towards ‘make sense’ congregational preaching, extensive travel, reconfirming the Gauḍīya siddhānta legacies, the preservation and protection of the dhama līlāstans, a most challenging heart condition including the complete replacement of two organs, the acceptance of 50,000 disciples,  regulated preaching through video pod casts, and what to speak of the completion of 50 years as a sannyasi!!! There are so many tests coming from the material, but you are that ‘Jayapataka’, our victory flag in parampara transcending all these examinations.

What else can we expect from one who Śrīla Prabhupada indicated as an eternal associate of Śrī Caitanya. You are facilitating a large boat in seva allowing so many on board. What a blessing upon us, and what Mercy awaits those who follow you in every capacity to extend that mercy. This is a parampara, a heart connection that goes beyond the booby traps or distractions of this present realm.

You once said to me, “When the disciple goes back to Godhead, the spiritual master introduces that disciple to Kṛṣṇa and from that point onwards becomes an ‘old acquaintance’.”

Dearest Guru Mahārāj thank you, thank you, thank you, for being there for all of us and please empower us to serve you nicely and encourage others to so the same; please allow us that relation which will never go away.

Your most unworthy aspiring servant,

Bhaktisiddhānta Swami


South Africa

Dear most Jayapataka Swami Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you, Gurumaharaj, on this very auspicious appearance day.  I bow down unto your lotus feet and seek your blessings.

I lived in Mayapur for a year and in that time searched for a guru. I prayed daily to the deities to guide me.  It was the boat festival in Mayapur when I was praying to Prabhupada in His samadhi, asking Him to give me a sign of whom to take shelter from, when the doors closed and the security brought Your holiness in. You entered to take darshan right in front of me as I was facing Prabhupada.  My prayers were answered. It was an ecstatic moment as I stood there savoring that precious moment. Thereafter I was privileged to have taken shelter from your Holiness.  I had your association while living in the dham. I taught at Sri Mayapur International school and was fortunate to have been connected with you, especially during the Panihatti festival and Your Vyasa Puja. I also attended your classes on the rooftop regularly. I hope to return to Mayapur soon to serve You. At the moment I am in South Africa. I was about to leave to New Zealand, Auckland, (where my son lives), when all flights were cancelled due to the coronavirus. I am looking after my parents during this trying time.

  I am very privileged in this life time to have had your association. You have been so merciful that you sacrificed and dedicated your entire life for the welfare of us, fallen souls. You are a great inspiration to me.  You have changed my life by bringing me faith and hope. You have taught me how to love Krsna, how to serve and be humble. Without your mercy I cannot imagine where I would be.

I am very grateful for all the sacrifices that you have made and all the difficulties that you went through to spread Krsna Consciousness. I pray to Gauranga Mahaprabhu for your quick recovery. I would forever be indebted to you. I owe you my life. I look forward to taking initiation soon from you Maharaj.

Please forgive me for any offences that I may have committed in ignorance.

Your most fallen servant

Nishana Sunker (Shelter Disciple)

Durban, South Africa







নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে

শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীনিতি নামিনে।

নম আচার্যপাদায় নিতাইকৃপা প্রদায়িনে

গৌরকথা ধামধায় নগরগ্রাম তারিনে।।


নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে

শ্রীমতে ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামীনিতি নামিনে।

নমস্তে সারস্বতে দেবে গৌরবাণী প্রচারিনে

নির্বিশেষ শূণ্যবাদী পাশ্চাত্যদেশ তারিনে।।


হে পরমপূজনীয় আচার্যপাদ,

কৃপাপূর্বক আমার সশ্রদ্ধ প্রণতি গ্রহণ করুন। শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয় হোক। আপনার ৭১তম শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথি জয়যুক্ত হোক।


হে পতিতপাবন গুরু মহারাজ, 

আপনি আমাকে আপনার পারমার্থিক কন্যা হিসেবে গ্রহণ করেছেন তা আমার কোটি জন্মের সুকৃতির ফল। আমার এই লক্ষ্যহীন জীবনে আপনি এক অভাবনীয় মাত্রা দান করেছেন। অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন জীবনে মেকি হাসি ও আশেপাশের মানুষজনের মধ্যে আমি যখন নিজেকে হারিয়ে ফেলেছিলাম, তখনই আপনি আমার জীবনে কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃতের আলো নিয়ে এসেছেন।


হে প্রভুপাদের যোগ্য সৈনিক,

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের দেওয়া আদেশ পালনে আপনি এই অসুস্থ লীলাতেও একটুও থেমে পড়েন নি। বরং দ্বিগুণ গতিতে ছুটে চলেছেন দিবারাত্রি। শারীরিক প্রতিকূলতার মধ্যেও আমাদের মুখ চেয়ে প্রতিদিন দর্শন দান, সান্ধ্যকালীন প্রবচন, পরিক্রমায় অংশগ্রহণ, মিটিং এ যোগদান প্রতিদিন হাজারো ব্যস্ততা।


হে দিকনির্দেশক,

আমি তা মন থেকে স্বীকার করি যে, আপনি আমার হালহীন জাহাজের কাণ্ডারী হয়ে সর্বদা আমাকে দিকনির্দেশনা দিয়ে যাচ্ছেন। আজ পর্যন্ত যত প্রতিকূলতার সম্মুখীন হয়েছি আপনি যেকোনভাবেই হোক তা থেকে আমাকে উদ্ধার পাবার পথ দেখিয়েছেন। তা সে আপনার সরাসরি প্রবচনের মাধ্যমে হোক বা কোনো উদ্ধৃতির মাধ্যমে বা জ্যেষ্ঠ ভক্তদের নির্দেশনার মাধ্যমে। আপনাকে স্মরণ করে যেকোনো কাজ করলে তার কোনো বোঝা অনুভব করি না আর। 

হে গুরুদেব, 

আমি এত অধম, পতিত জানা সত্ত্বেও আপনার সাথে সরাসরি সাক্ষাতের পরপরই স্বপ্নে আপনি আমাকে দীক্ষা নিতে আদেশ দেন, আপনার চরণে ঠাঁই নেওয়ার সুযোগ করে দেন। তেমন কোন প্রতিকূলতা ছাড়াই আমাকে দীক্ষা নেওয়ার ব্যবস্থাও করে দেন।      


হে পিতা,

আমি আপনার একজন অযোগ্যা কন্যা। আমার কোনো যোগ্যতা না থাকা সত্ত্বেও আপনি আমাকে সেবার অনেক সুযোগ করে দিয়েছেন। কিন্তু আমি এমনই দূর্ভাগা যে সেই সুযোগও হেলায় হারাচ্ছি।    


হে পারমার্থিক শিক্ষক,

আপনার প্রবচন একইসাথে আধ্যাত্মিক গভীরতা ও পাশাপাশি হাস্যোদ্দীপকে পূর্ণ। গৌরাঙ্গ নাম ও লীলার প্রতি প্রগাঢ় দৃঢ়তা আপনার প্রবচনে ফুটে ওঠে।


হে অধমজনার বন্ধু,

আপনার মহিমা বর্ণনের কোন যোগ্যতা আমার নেই। আপনার নিকট কীভাবে কৃতজ্ঞতা জ্ঞাপন করব তাও জানা নেই। তবে এইটুকুই বলতে চাই, পিতা, আপনাকে ছাড়া আমি অসহায়। আপনি আমাকে করুণা করুন আমি যেন আপনার বোঝা না হই, আমি যেন দীক্ষার সময় যে প্রতিজ্ঞা করেছি তা পালন করতে পারি। আমি প্রকৃতই শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের প্রচারকার্যে অংশ নিতে চাই। আমি যতটুকু যা করছি সবই আপনার করুণা ও প্রার্থনার শক্তিতে।


আপনার অযোগ্য কন্যা,

আনন্দময়ী কলাবতী দেবী দাসী (দীক্ষা) 

নারায়ণগঞ্জ, বাংলাদেশ।     

My Dearest and most Beloved Srila Gurumaharaj Please accept my most prostrated obeisance’s at the dust of your lotus feet on your most auspicious occasion of your 71th Vyaspuja celebration. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your divine Grace & all glories to your causeless mercy. Nama Om visnu-padaya krsna presthaya bhu-tale srimate jaypataka-swamin iti namine. Namo acaryapadaya nitai-krpa-pradayine goura-kotha dhama daya nagora grama tarine On Kamoda Ekadoshi after Rama Navami at 09 April 1949 appeared a son embracing father John Hubert Adman and mother Lorien Adman to glorify the universe. The child came to launch the holy name victory flag to the whole world, and remove the sinful energy from whole world is great respectable His Holiness Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj. O savior Gurudeb, You are the most glorified personality who appeared to the universe only for fulfillment to mission of your Gurudeb. As Mayapur is the supreme place of the whole universe, you are the supreme & most merciful person devoted to srila Prabhupada. O endered Gurumaharaj You are ongoing Mayapur Dham . Devotees feel the transcendental feelings of Sri Dham Mayapur where you stay. O dear merciful Gurumahraj, You are serving diligently, relentlessly according to the Srila Prabhupada`s desire since 1978. You implanted the seed of Krishna Consciousness to Bangabhumi (Bangladesh). Consequently, you become the soul of all devotes of the land. And you have an ingenuous affection to them that bring yourself to the land frequently to fulfill them with mercy. My adorable Gurumaharaj I am your most fallen and mealier son. Please accept me to your lotus feet by your own merciful vision. Your ineligible son Gopal Das

Namo Om bishnu padayo krishno presthay vutole sri mote jaypataka swamim iti namine.

Namo acarza padaya nitai kripa proyine gour kotha dhamday nagor grama  tarine 

My Dearest and most Beloved Srila Gurumaharaj

Please accept my most prostrated obeisance’s at the dust of your lotus feet on your most auspicious occasion of your 71th Vyaspuja celebration. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your divine Grace & all glories to your causeless mercy.

On Kamoda Ekadoshi after Rama Navami at 09 April 1949 appeared a son embracing father John Hubert Adman and mother Lorien Adman to glorify the universe. The child came to launch the holy name victory flag to the whole world, and remove the sinful energy from whole world    is great respectable His Holiness Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj.

O savior Gurudeb,

You are the most glorified personality who appeared to the universe only for fulfillment to mission of your Gurudeb. As Mayapur is the supreme place of the whole universe, you are the supreme & most merciful person devoted to srila Prabhupada. 

O endered Gurumaharaj

You are ongoing Mayapur Dham . Devotees feel the transcendental feelings of Sri Dham Mayapur where you stay.

O dear merciful Gurumahraj,

You are serving diligently, relentlessly according to the Srila Prabhupada`s desire since 1978. You implanted the seed of Krishna Consciousness to Bangabhumi (Bangladesh). Consequently, you become the soul of all devotes of the land. And you have an ingenuous affection to them that bring yourself to the land frequently to fulfill them with mercy.

My adorable Gurumaharaj

I am your most fallen and mealier son. Please accept me to your lotus feet by your own merciful vision.

Your ineligible son

Gopal Das

Sri Sri Nitai Gour VOICE

Sri Sri Radha Syamsundor Mondir .

Barishal, Bangladesh

Namo om bisnu padaya krishnapestaya bhutale srimatee jai pataka saminetee namenee

namoacyaryapadya nitai kripa podyanee goura katha damodaro nagar gramo tarinee

Dear Guru maharaja,pls accepts my humble obicences  to your lotus feet,

71 years ago This day u came to the world to serve srila probhupada and , to save suffering people of the plenet and also save me thats why i have no lunguages to say greatful to u Gurumaharaj. ist time i meet to u 2008 in comilla in bangladesh duration of your sufary program , that time i was not devotee and serving one company.that time one miracale things  hapended  in  my life , i was suffering in mind ,pysically , so i was not satisfied doing my i wanted to give up my service  but can,t. so evreyday i was praying to lord by lifting two hand to sky.o lord  o lord  pls save me save me. so what hapend after some days one day u came to my service place. that time u  going to dhaka in middle place  u car did stop for taking oil. you also got down from car .and u went wasing room. and when u came from wasing room,u just standing besid oil pump , that time u was seeing me i also seeing u.i wanted to give u dandabot pronam but can,t.and after one year my life was going to change 2009 i took japa mala,2011 i became full devotee, 2014 i joind temple,2015 u gave me diksa. now my life totaly changed by your mercy.

so beloved guru moharaj, pls give me mercy i should not do vaisnava offencces, i can stay whole life in temple as bramhacary in humble mood,  i can follow four regulatives principls, i can chant 16 round japa without offence,and pls give me mercy i can serving u help u ur preahing serving where i now preaching. 

your servent of servent and unqualityful child

Jay mahaprabhu das

All glories you and srila probhupada..

শ্রীল গুরুদেবের শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি অর্ঘ্য...
প্রথমে আমি আমার পরমারাধ্য গুরুদেব শ্রীল জয় পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজের চরণে সশ্রব্ধ দদণ্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন করি ও ইসকন প্রতিষ্ঠাতা আচার্য ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামী শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের চরণকমলে শতকোটি প্রণাম নিবেদন করি।

ওহে গুরুদেব,কি যোগ্যতা আছে আমার বলিব তোমার কথা...
তোমার করুণা ছাড়া যে, 
মোর এ জীবনই বৃথা...
এ হেন করুণা তোমার,তুমি
আলোকে প্লাবিত কর...
আমারই মত কত অধমের 
তুমি ভয় সন্ত্রাস হর...
আপন আলয় ভুলে কত না জীব
হয়েছে দৃষ্টমতি
কৃপা কর দিয়েছ তাদের দিব্যপ্রেমের গতি
ভকতির বাণী এনেছ তুমি
বিশ্ববাসীর দুয়ারে...
এত শারীরিক পীড়ার মাঝেও করেছ প্রচার
বসে ঐ হুইলচেয়ার 
করুণার পরশ লইয়া এসেছ তুমি
জানে এ জগৎবাসী
অন্তিমে শুধু বলব হে গুরুদেব 
তোমাকে অনেক ভালবাসি।।

হে গুরুদেব আজ আপনার ৭১তম ব্যাসপূজা,আজ এই শুভ কামদা একাদশীর শুভক্ষণে আপনি এসেছিলেন এ ভাবে জগৎবাসী ও আমার মত অধমকে কৃপাদান করার জন্য,সাক্ষাৎ নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুর প্রতিনিধি আপনি।ভগবান শ্রীনৃসিংহদেবকে প্রার্থনা করি যেন আপনাকে সুস্থ রাখেন আরও আরও আরও প্রচার করার জন্য।শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের স্বপ্ন সম্পূর্ণরূপে বাস্তবায়ন করার জন্য।মহাপ্রভুর জয় হোক,শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয় হোক,জয় হোক আমার পরমপিতার।হরেকৃষ্ণ 

ইতিঃআপনার অধম সন্তান জয়ন্তী পদ্মা দেবী দাসী

হে প্রাণপ্রিয় গুরুদেব,


দণ্ডবৎ প্রনাম! তোমার ৭১ তম আবির্ভাব তিথি জয়যুক্ত হোক!!!

তোমার মহিমা কীর্তন করার যোগ্যতা আমার নেই। শত প্রতিকূল অবস্থার মধ্যেও তুমি শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর বাণীকে সফল করার জন্য চেষ্টা করে যাচ্ছ। তোমার প্রবচন, তোমার নৃত্য, তোমার কীর্তন, তোমার সকল কর্মকাণ্ড অপ্রাকৃত। শুধু তাই নয়, তোমার শারীরিক প্রতিকূল অবস্থাই সকল ভক্তদের দ্বারা তুমি হরিনামের যে জোয়ার তৈরি করেছিলে, যা কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত আন্দোলনের অন্যতম দৃষ্টান্ত।

হে পতিত পাবন পিতা, তোমারে চিত্রপটে যেদিন প্রথম দেখেছি, সেদিন থেকেই নিজের মধ্যে অনুভব করেছি শ্রীল জয় পতাকা স্বামী ছাড়া আমার আর কোনো গতি নেই। পারমার্থিক জগতের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত হওয়ার আমার কোনো যোগ্যতাই নেই তারপরেও এই মূর্খ, অধম, অযোগ্যা সন্তানকে তুমি করুণা করেছ, যেটি ছিল আমার জীবনে উত্তম অর্জন।

আমাদের সমাজে অনেকে ধর্ম, গুরু এই বিষয়গুলো তুলে ধরে না, লজ্জা বোধ করে। কিন্তু আমি বলতে আনন্দবোধ করি, আমার গুরুদেব আমেরিকান সন্ন্যাসী, পিএইচডি ধারী। তুমিই আমার গুরুদেব শ্রীল জয় পতাকা স্বামী!!!

তোমার করুনায় আমার পরিবারের সবাই ভক্তিজীবনের সাথে যুক্ত রয়েছে। কষ্ট থাকলেও যে কৃষ্ণ থাকে তা তোমার মাধ্যমে আমারা অনুভব করি। তুমি আছো বলেই আমাদের অভাব থাকলেও কৃষ্ণের জন্য ভাবের অভাব হয় না। মাঝে মাঝে অবাক লাগে কিভাবে সারাটা জীবন তুমি নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করেছ কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত আন্দোলনে। তুমিই আমার পরিবারের সকলের শ্রেষ্ঠ অনুপ্রেরক এবং অবলম্বন।

২০১৭ সালে দীক্ষা অনুষ্ঠানে আমার পতির দারু খোঁদাই করা শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের মুর‍্যাল তুমি গ্রহণ করেছিলে। তোমার এই ক্ষুদ্র পরিবারের সবাই খুবই আনন্দিত হয়েছিল সেইদিন। তুমি অকাতরে দেশ জাতি বর্ণ নির্বিশেষে সকলকে নিতাই কৃপা প্রদান এবং অমানীকে মান দান করে যাচ্ছ । হে প্রাণনাথ, তোমার কাছে প্রার্থনা এই যে আমার পতি শারীরিক অসুস্থতা কাটিয়ে আবার যেন ভাস্কর্য কর্মে নিয়োজিত হতে পারে এবং তোমার করুণা ও আশীর্বাদ পেতে পারে এবং আমরা যেন সর্বতোভাবে তোমার সেবায় নিযুক্ত থাকতে পারি।

হে পতিতপাবন গুরুদেব, এই মহৎ দিনে তোমার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল এবং কৃষ্ণের কাছে তোমার দীর্ঘায়ু কামনা করি।


আপনার অযোগ্যতম সন্তান,

কমলাক্ষী মাধবী দেবী দাসী

সিরাজগঞ্জ, বাংলাদেশ।


অগ্রে বন্দনা করি শ্রীচরণকমল ।

কৃপা করে গ্রহণ কর অধমের নিবেদন ।।

শুভদিনে শুভক্ষণে হলে আর্বিভাব ।

লাঘব করিতে আজি ভুবনের সব পাপ-তাপ ।।

প্রভুপাদ প্রিয়পাত্র, নামহট্ট রূপকার ।

তোমা বিনে হিতৌষী কে আছে আর ।।

শত কষ্ট আর প্রতিকূল সহে ।

গৌড়মন্ডল উদ্ধার করেছো অতি যত্মনে ।।

কত দৃঢ় তুমি সমগ্র জগত প্রচারে ।

হার মেনেছে ব্যাধির প্রকোপ যে ।।

নিত্যানন্দের অভিলাষ হইবে মন্দির এক ।

তারই সার্থক রূপায়নে অগ্রসর হইলে ।।

ওহে গুরুদেব,

আমি অতি অধম সন্তান তোমরা ।  

তোমার কৃপা বিনা সম্পদ নাহি আর আমার ।।

তোমার রাতুল চরণে হয় যদি অপরাধ মোরে ।

ক্ষমা করে কৃতার্থ করিবে মোরে ।

হে গুরুদেব, 

কর এই আর্শীবাদ ,

যা করেছি প্রতীক্ষা তোমার নিকটে ।

পালন করিতে পারি যেন তা দৃঢ় চিত্তে ।।


আপনার সেবক 

কানাই প্রেম দাস

বগুড়া, বাংলাদেশ


Jay gurudev

শ্রীলগুরুদেবর ব্যাসপুজা শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি অর্ঘ.......
প্রথম আমি আমার পরমারাদ্ধ  গুরুদেব শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজের চরণে সশ্রদ্ধ দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন করি ও ইসকন প্রতিষ্ঠা আচার্য ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামী শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদ চরণে শতকোটি দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন করি।
হে আমার প্রিয় পরম বান্ধব নিত্য পিতা......
আপনি মহান এক আচার্য পিতা গুরু....
আপনার ভালবাসা মমতা অপূর্ব স্নেহ...... 
আপনার কৃষ্ণ প্রেমভক্তি স্পর্শে ছোঁয়া অপার.....
আপনার দৃষ্টি সূর্যের আলো মত চারিদিকে..... 
যে এই সূর্য আলোর কৃপা লাভ করেছে.....
তার মানব জন্ম ধন্য আপনার কৃপা,তে.....
আপনি সাক্ষাত করুনা মূর্তি প্রকাশ....
প্রকৃতি আলো ছাড়া যেমন চারিদিক অন্ধকার..... 
আপনার করুনা প্রকৃতি আলো থেকে বিশাল.....
গঙ্গার স্পর্শ যেমন জীবের পাপনাশ হয়....
আপনার শুধু দর্শন মাত্র জীবের হৃদয়ে..... 
সমস্ত পাপ রাশি দূর হয়ে জীবের  হৃদয়ে..... 
পরমাত্মা শ্রীকৃষ্ণ প্রেম ভক্তি বীজ অঙ্কুরিত হয়.....
বটবৃক্ষ ছায়া যেমন জীবের ক্লান্তি দূর করে.....
তেমনি যখন আমরা প্রচার ক্লান্তি অনুভব করি.....
শুধু আপনার নাম স্মরণ করা মাত্র জীবের.....
সমস্ত ক্লান্তি দূর হয়ে পুণরায় প্রচার অংশ গ্রহণ করে.....
আপনি শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদের শিক্ষা শিক্ষত..... 
মহান এক আচার্য গুরু যা বিশ্বে অগণিত.....
পতিত জীবআত্মাকে কৃপাবর্ষন করার জন্য.....
নগরে নগরে দ্বারে দ্বারে বিশ্বের দুয়ারে.....
নিজেকে শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদের চরণে উৎসর্গ করে......
কষ্টের সাগরে নিজের জীবনকে বিসর্জন দিয়ে..... 
হুইল চেয়ারে বসে বিশ্বের অগণিত শিষ্যদেরকে..... 
পাহাড়ের ঝর্না বারির মত কৃপা দিয়ে চলছেন.....
আপনি সেই গৌরাঙ্গের নিত্য পার্ষদ যার প্রেমর বন্যা......
প্লাবিত হয়ে জগত হরিনামের গঙ্গা ঢুব দিচ্ছে..... 
সেই অমৃত প্রেমর গঙ্গা জগতকে ঢুবানোর জন্য...... 
আজও হুইলচেয়ার বসে বাহু তোলে উচ্চস্বরে...... 
গৌরাঙ্গ গৌরাঙ্গ গৌরাঙ্গ গৌরাঙ্গ গৌরাঙ্গ বলে...... 
মহাপ্রভু ভবিষ্যত বাণী প্রচার করে  চলেছেন.....
আমার মত নগণ্য পতিত জীব আত্মাকে.... 
যে কি,না ড্রেনর কীটের যোগ্য না সেই......
আপনি অহেতুকী কৃপাবর্ষন করে আমার মত.....
চন্ডাল কে আপনার চরণে আশ্রয় দিয়ে....... 
মানব জন্মকে  সার্থক করে দিয়েছেন.....
আমার দেহকে যদি আপনার চরণে পাপস বানায়......
তারপর আপনার ঋণ কখনো শোধ করতে পারবো না.....
আপনার কাছে এই অধম জীব আত্মার প্রার্থনা.... 
জন্মজন্মান্তরে আপনার চরণে আমাকে ঠাঁই দিন.....
আমাকে আপনার ও শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদের গুরুগৌরাঙ্গ সেবা প্রচার কার্যে, বিষয়, কামের,চঞ্চল ইন্দ্রিয় দুষ্ট মনকে আপনাদের সেবায় প্রচার কার্যে নিজেকে নিয়োজিত করতে পারি। 
সেই কৃপা প্রদান করুন হে আমার পরমারাদ্ধ  শ্রীলগুরুদেব.....
আপনার জয় হোক গুরুদেব, ভক্ত রক্ষক ভগবান নরসিংদেব আপনাকে সর্বদা সুস্থ রাখুক আমাদেরকে আরো বেশি কৃপা প্রদান করার জন্য। 
আজ আপনার ব্যাসপুজা ৭১তম ২০২০ গুরুদক্ষিণা সরুপ আপনাকে এই সামান্যতম শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি নিবেদন করলাম হে প্রিয় গুরুদেব।
অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ও দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম  জানায়, আন্তর্জাতিক কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত সংঘ (ইসকন)প্রতিষ্ঠাতা জগতগুরু শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদকে, যিনি এত সুন্দর ইসকন নামক সোসাইটি তৈরি করেছেন বা দিয়ে গেছেন যার জন্য আমরা এক মহান আচার্য সদগুরুদেব পেয়েছি।
ভগবান শ্রীকৃষ্ণ শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর জয় হোক ......
জয় হোক পরমগুরু শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদের.... 
জয় হোক আমার পরমারাদ্ধ শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজের....
জয় হোক আমার শিক্ষাগুরু....

My Soul, Beloved Guru Mahārāja,


Please accept my humble obeisance on your lotus feet.

It is a great fortune for me to write some words to you though your glorification can not be limited in words. If I offer rose to anyone that is only to you my beloved Gurudeva. Sometimes I think it is very difficult to survive in devotional life without you. Though I lead very degraded life style but it becomes vain without your causeless mercy.

In your last visit in Bangladesh, I heard from many material people that maybe you are a demigod, if not, then why thousand people come just for once to see you. Just by seeing You, many people lives have changed. “Darshane pabitra kara ai tomara guna”

Before giving any lecture, the kirtan from your tongue “nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya..…” this really amazing and touch my heart and feel a transcendental blessing. Your innovative idea to develop the mission of Srila Prabhupada, really out of words “United Nation of Krishna Consciousness” how you sacrifice your whole life in service of devotion.  As a preacher, you cannot live without preaching through all physical issues because you are free from suffering & anxiety.

Jaya Pataka Swami, my heart, you are the victory flag who is trying to spread the blessing of Lord Nittayananda so that every single soul can be saved from material illusion. In my struggling life, all inspiration comes from your touchy message "Never give up". You always protect me from my every serious problem. I realize this causeless mercy only when I face problems and really Gurudeva, you are my hope.

When I saw you for the first time at Pundarik Dham, as if my mind was craving for you for a long time and I was feeling like I was looking for you. You provided me initiation but as a disciple I always disobey and misuse your causeless mercy. I am so fallen and engaged myself in sense gratification instead of devotion, this is the main reason of your physical issue. I am so unsteady and cheater and perform nama-aparadhas while chanting all the time. I try and determined myself but sometimes it does not work due to illusion.

It is known from disciplic succession, Vyāsa-pūjā is the day of re-surrender to Guru. On this auspicious day I again surrender to you. I wish to chant 16 round japa properly from heart, maintain four rules and take 3 times prasadam daily forever. Please accept me my source of energy, Gurudeva.


Happy 71th Appearance day! My Super Hero Srila Jaya Pataka Swami!!


Aspiring to become your unconditional servant


Mukunda Datta Sēvaka Dāsa

Sirajganj, Bangladesh

শ্রীল গুরুমহারাজের শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি অর্ঘ.....
হে পতিত পাবন জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ আপনার চরণে প্রথম আমি সশ্রদ্ধ প্রণতি নিবেদন করি.....
আপনি এক মহান গুরু আচার্য.....
আপনাকে ব্যাসপুজা উপলক্ষে দেওয়ার মত আমার কিছু নাই.....
এই সামান্যতম শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলী আপনাকে নিবেদন করলাম......
আপনি কৃপা করে আমাকে আপনার চরণে ঠাঁই দিয়ে আমার মানবজন্ম কে সার্থক করেছেন।
তার জন্য আমি আপনার কাছে ঋণী..... 
আপনি আমাকে এই আশির্বাদ দেন যেনো আমি আমার গুরুগৌরাঙ্গ চরণকমল সর্বদা আমার মনকে নিয়োজিত করতে পারি। 
ও আপনার ও শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদের আজ্ঞা সর্বদা পালন করতে পারি। 
ইতিঃ--আপনার অধম কন্যা প্রীতি কনা দেবী দাসী........

My reverend Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance to your lotus feet. I am so blessed that you gave me shelter to your lotus feet in this January. Krsna gave me a chance to see you with my sinful eyes at a very short distance. It doesn't matter how long the duration was, but that I cannot share transcendental feelings after seeing you. I was thrilled when you shouted loudly by saying, " Gouranga". Oh Gurumaharaj, literally I was afraid that time by thinking that Mahaprabhu would appear before you at that time. You are so merciful that you gave me shelter to your lotus feet though I am not capable of taking the responsibility. I am now in a dilemma that if I was wrong at that time. Please bless me Guru Maharaj so that I can maintain all the rules. My heartiest praying to Krsna that you don't suffer for my ignorance. I have only one dream in my life. That is to serve you by living near you and get your lotus feet upon my chest. That's all.!! Please give me a chance Guru Maharaj.


Again accept my dandavat pranam. Hare Krishna. 


Your undeserving spiritual son,

Roddro Ranjan Das 


প্রথমে আপনার শ্রীচরণে  আমার প্রনা। 

হে গুরুমহারাজ আপনি করুনার  অবতার।

আপনার আবির্ভাবে পৃথিবীর অধপতিত জীব যারা কিনা সদাসর্বদা জন্য অস্থায়ী সুখের পিছনে ছুটছে আজ তারা।

ভক্তির অমৃতরুপ সুমুদ্রে নিমজ্জিত হয়ে প্রেমে  হাবুডুবু খাচ্ছে সেটা আপনার  কৃপায়।

আপনি এত করুনাময় যে, আমাদের মত অধপতিত জীব যাদের হৃদয়ে ভগবানের প্রতি অনুরাগ বলতে  কিছুই ছিলনা আপনি সেটা জাগিয়েছেন । 

বৃষ্টি যেমন সমুদ্র বা ভূমিতে  সমানভাবে পানি বর্ষন করে আপনার করুনাা তেমন সবার উপর সমান ভাবে বর্ষিত  হচ্ছে।

আপনার মহিমা বলে বা লিখে শেষ করা যাবে না।

আপনার আবির্ভাবে আমার মত পাপীর কিছু দেওয়ার যোগ্যতা নেই।

আপনার শ্রীচরণে আমার শতকোটি প্রণাম।

ইতি-- আপনার আশ্রিত সন্তান রিতা দাসী।                                    

71st Vyasa Puja Offering to Guru Maharaj

Dear Respected Guru Maharaj,

I am a very poor Incompetence disciple. Will you please accept my reverence? I have begun to

pledge to you, but I find myself ineligible because I cannot keep your promises. When I visit you,

my inadequacies float in me. Whenever your pure vision gains me, how fortunate I am to have

an effect in my consciousness, who has given shelter to your feet as a fallen person like me.

I have repeatedly thought that you are not an ordinary person, no matter how strong you are,

how determined you are to give a beautiful world to Krishna consciousness. To propagate

Krishna consciousness seeds, everyone sows Krishna consciousness in his heart. Whenever I

hear the whispers of a devout youth preaching from the mouth of a devotee, I think, "My youth is

passing away" but what am I doing as a disciple of a strong preacher like you?

yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado

yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi

dhyayan stuvams tasya yashas trisandhyam

vande guroh sri-charanaravindam

By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual

master, one cannot make any advancement. Therefore, I should always remember and praise the spiritual

master. At least three times a day I should offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual


Just like, the grace of Srila Prabhupada you are giving to the world wide of Krishna

consciousness likewise, Guru Maharaj today, on this 71st of your appearance day , I pray to

your Lotus feet that ,I can obey your commands and help in your preaching.

Your insignificant servant

Shastra Nipun Bhakta Das.

Nama om bishnu -padayaK rsna - presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jaypataka Swamin-iti namine

Nama acaryapadaya Nitay-kripa -pradayine 

Gaura-ktha dhama-daya Nagar grama tarine.


Dear spiritual father , 

Please accept my    respectful obeisances   unto your lotus feet

নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে।

শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীনিতি নামিনে।।

নমো আচার্যপাদায় নিতাইকৃপা প্রদায়িনে।

গৌরকথা ধামদায় নগরগ্রাম তারিণে।।

প্রিয় পরমআরাধ্য  গুরুমহারাজ,

কৃপাপূর্বক আপনি আমার  সশ্রদ্ধ প্রনাম গ্রহন করুন।আমি আপনার একজন চরণাশ্রিত সন্তান।এবছর আপনার ৭১তম শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথিতে আপনার গুণ মহিমা কীর্তন করার সুযোগ পেয়ে নিজেকে ভাগ্যবান বলে মনে করছি।হে পরম দয়াল গুরুমহারাজ  আপনার গুণ মহিমা কীর্তন করার বিন্দুমাত্র যোগ্যতা আমার নাই।গুরুমহারাজ  আপনি শ্রীশ্রী ব্রহ্ম-মধ্ব-গৌড়ীয় বৈষ্ণব জগতের পরম শ্রদ্ধেয় প্রবীণ সন্ন্যাসী।



আপনি পরম করুনাময় নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুর মত অযাচিতভাবে কৃপা বর্ষণ করছেন।হে প্রিয় গুরুমহারাজ আপনি কৃষ্ণকৃপাশ্রীমূর্তি শ্রীল অভয়চরণারবিন্দ ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামী প্রভুপাদে,শ্রীল ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী গোস্বামী ঠাকুর প্রভুপাদ,শ্রীল ভক্তিবিনোদ ঠাকুর এবং পূর্ববর্তী আচার্যদের আকাঙ্ক্ষা নির্দেশ এবং চরণকমলের সেবায় নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করেছেন।আপনি পরম করুণাময় পতিতপাবন।



আমি শ্রীমৎ ভক্তিচারু স্বামী মহারাজ,শ্রীমৎ রাধানাথ স্বামী মহারাজ সহ অন্যান‍্য সন্ন্যাসীবর্গের  শ্রীমুখে আপনার অপ্রাকৃত  মহিমা শ্রবণ করে পুলকিত হয়েছি।হে প্রিয় গুরুমহারাজ  আপনি যেভাবে সারাবিশ্বে প্রচার করে চলেছেন তার কোন তুলনা হতে পারেনা।



হে প্রিয় গুরুমহারাজ আপনি সদা সুস্হ থাকুন।আপনার কৃপা যেন আমরা সবসময় পেতে পারি, এটিই বিনীত প্রার্থনা।


অতীতের সকল ভুল ও অপরাধের জন্য ক্ষমা করে দেবেন এবং ভবিষ্যতে কোন প্রকার ভুল বা অপরাধ করার স্পৃহা না জন্মে তার জন্য আশীর্বাদ করবেন।আপনার শ্রীচরণকমলে আমাকে আশ্রয় দিন।



আপনার অযোগ্য পুএ

তুষার কুমার হালদার


নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে

শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীন্ ইতি নামিনে।

নমো আচার্যপাদায় নিতাইকৃপা প্রদায়িনে

গৌরকথা ধামধায় নগরগ্রাম তারিণে।।


নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে

শ্রীমতে ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামীন্ ইতি নামিনে।

নমস্তে সারস্বতে দেবে গৌরবাণী প্রচারিণে

নির্বিশেষ শূণ্যবাদী পাশ্চাত্যদেশ তারিণে।।


হে পরমারাধ্য পারমার্থিক পিতা, 


কৃপাপূর্বক আপনার শ্রীচরণকমলে আমার সশ্রদ্ধ প্রণতি গ্রহণ করুন। কৃষ্ণকৃপাশ্রীমূর্তি শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয় হোক! পতিতপাবন গুরু মহারাজ, আপনার জয় হোক! আপনার ৭১-তম ব্যাসপূজা মহামহোৎসব জয়যুক্ত হোক! গুরু মহারাজ, আপনার গুণমহিমা বর্ণনা করার যোগ্যতা বা সাধ্য কোনটাই আমার নেই, তবুও মহাসমুদ্রস্বরূপ আপনার গুণাবলির কণামাত্রও যদি কীর্তন করতে পারি তা কেবল আপনারই করুণাতেই সম্ভব। গুরুদেবের কৃপায় মূক ব্যক্তিও বাঁচাল হতে পারে আর পঙ্গু ব্যক্তিও গিরি অতিক্রম করতে পারে, তাই আপনার কৃপায় আপনার এই অযোগ্যতম শিষ্যাও আপনার মহিমা কীর্তনের কিছুটা প্রয়াস করছি। কেননা আপনার গুণমহিমা বর্ণনাকালে আপনার মহৎ গুণাবলি স্মরণ করার মাধ্যমে আমার চিত্ত আনন্দিত ও নির্মল হবে এবং তা আমার ভক্তিজীবনের পুষ্টিবর্ধন করবে।   



জীবের উদ্ধার লাগি নন্দসূত হরি

ভুবনে প্রকাশ হন গুরুরূপ ধরি। 


হে পতিত-পাবন শ্রীল গুরু মহারাজ, 


আপনি ভগবান শ্রীকৃষ্ণের একজন কৃপালু প্রতিনিধি। মায়াবদ্ধ হয়ে না জানি কত জন্ম এই ভবসমুদ্রে ঘুরপাক খাচ্ছি! যদি আমাদের প্রতি অহৈতুকী করুণাপরবশ হয়ে আপনি আপনার শ্রীচরণকমলের সুশীতল ছত্রছায়ায় আমাদের আশ্রয় না দিতেন, তবে কোথায় থাকতাম আমরা এই বদ্ধ জীবেরা! আমরা বদ্ধ জীবেরা কৃষ্ণবিমুখ হয়ে নিরন্তর যে ক্লেশ ভোগ করছি, তা আপনাকে কষ্ট দেয়, তাই আপনার এই শারীরিকভাবে প্রতিকূল অবস্থায়ও আপনি ছুটে চলেন নগরে-গ্রামে, বিশ্বের প্রতিটি মানুষের দ্বারে দ্বারে, তাদের জীবনে কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত যোগ করতে। করুণা করে আপনার এই অধঃপতিত কন্যাকে এই আশীর্বাদ করুন যেন নিত্যকাল আপনার চরণকমলের ছত্রছায়ায় থাকতে পারি। যেখানেই থাকি, যদি বারবার জন্মও নিতে হয়, কৃপা করে আমার প্রতি এই করুণা করুন যেন আমি আপনার দাস হয়ে ঐকান্তিকভাবে নিরবধি আপনার সেবা করতে পারি। 


'যাহার প্রসাদে পুষ্ট হইল শীর্ণ ভক্তি লতিকা 

জনমে জনমে মোর গুরুদেব রহে যেন শ্রীল জয়পতাকা'



হে শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয়পতাকা,


প্রভুপাদ একদা আপনাকে নির্দেশ দিয়েছিলেন কৃষ্ণের সেনাবাহিনীতে যোগ দিতে। সেই থেকে অবিরত বিশ্রামহীনভাবে কায়মনোবাক্যে আপনি কৃষ্ণের সেনাবাহিনীতে সেবা করে চলেছেন। শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের সেবার প্রতি আপনার এই অবিচল ও দৃঢ় নিষ্ঠা স্বয়ং মৃত্যুকে পর্যন্ত হার মানিয়েছে; আর তা কেবল একবার নয়, বারবার। তাই আপনার নিকট আপনার ব্যাসপূজা মহামহোৎসবের এই মহামহিমান্বিত দিবসে আপনার এই অযোগ্যা কন্যার এই প্রার্থনা, শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের প্রতি আপনার সাগরসম ঐকান্তিকতা আর নিষ্ঠার কণামাত্রও যদি আপনার করুণায় লাভ করতে পারি, আমার এই জীবন সার্থক হবে। কৃপা করে এই আশীর্বাদ করুন যে, শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের সেবায় আপনাকে সহায়তা করার যে প্রতিজ্ঞা দীক্ষাকালে গ্রহণ করেছি, আপনার কৃপায় সেই প্রতিজ্ঞা পালন করায় যেন এখন থেকে সচেষ্ট হতে পারি। আলস্য আর অবহেলায় জীবনের বেশিরভাগ সময় অতিবাহিত করেছি। এখন অন্ততঃ বাকি সময়টুকু যেন আপনার অধীনে শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের সেবায় অতিবাহিত করতে পারি সেই প্রার্থনা করছি।



হে গৌরভাবনাময় গুরু মহারাজ, 


শ্রীল প্রভুপাদ একদা বলেছিলেন, আপনি গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভুর নিত্য পার্ষদ। আপনার সদা সর্বদা গৌরভাবনাময় থাকা যেন তারই উজ্জ্বল পরিচায়ক। যেকোন সাধারণ জড় বস্তুকেও কীভাবে কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত বা গৌরভাবনামৃতের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গিতে দেখা যায় তার প্রত্যক্ষ দৃষ্টান্ত হলেন আপনি। আপনার সংস্পর্শে আসা বিভিন্ন ভক্তদের দ্বারা বর্ণিত আপনার বিভিন্ন লীলা শ্রবণের মাধ্যমে এটি আমরা অতি সহজেই উপলব্ধি করতে পারি যে, আপনি গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভুর নিজজন, গৌর-ধন-জন, যিনি গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভুর সেবা ব্যতিরেকে একটি মুহূর্তও অতিবাহিত করেন না। আপনার শ্রীমুখ থেকে বর্ণিত গৌরলীলা আমার পাষাণসদৃশ হৃদয়েও আনন্দের সঞ্চার করে, সেই অমৃতময় প্রাঞ্জল গৌরকথা আমাদের সকলকে গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভুর করুণালাভের আকাঙ্ক্ষী করে।



হে অধম জনার বন্ধু গুরু মহারাজ, 


আমার মতো অধঃপতিত জীবকে করুণা করে আপনার শ্রীপাদপদ্মে আশ্রয় প্রদান করেছেন। কিন্তু আমি এতটাই অধঃপতিত আর নিকৃষ্ট যে, আপনার কৃপা ব্যতিরেকে আমার ভজন-সাধন সুষ্ঠুভাবে সম্পাদন করার শক্তিটুকুও আমার নেই। আপনি সর্বদা আমাদের জন্য কৃষ্ণের নিকট প্রার্থনা করে থাকেন, তাই আমরা আপনার প্রার্থনার শক্তিতেই যৎকিঞ্চিৎ ভজন-সাধন করার প্রয়াস করছি। কৃপাপূর্বক নিরন্তর আমাদের জন্য কৃষ্ণের নিকট প্রার্থনা করার মাধ্যমে তাঁর কৃপার প্রবাহ আমাদের নিকট সুলভ করার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ও কৃতজ্ঞতা জ্ঞাপন করছি।

আপনার সুস্বাস্থ্যের জন্য অন্তরের অন্তঃস্থল থেকে আন্তরিক প্রার্থনা করছি যেন কৃষ্ণের সুমধুর ইচ্ছায় আপনি আরও বহু বছর এই ধরাধামে থেকে আপনার কৃপাবারি বর্ষণ করে আরও অগণিত আত্মাকে কৃষ্ণের নিকটে আনয়ন করেন এবং আমাদের সকলকে আপনার অমৃতোপম সঙ্গসুধা লাভের অপ্রাকৃত আনন্দ প্রদান করেন।         


নিরন্তর আপনার সেবা অভিলাষী,

আপনার অতি নগণ্য কন্যা,

বৈজয়ন্তী ললিতা দেবী দাসী (দীক্ষা শিষ্যা, নারায়ণগঞ্জ, বাংলাদেশ)     

Dear GuruMaharaja,

At first take my humble obeisances unto your Lotus Feet. No words of honor can do justice in glorifying Gurumaharaj! He is the personal associate of the Lord come down to take conditioned souls like me, back to spiritual world. Though I am valueless, selfish and so much fallen soul, GM has accepted me on his lotus feet. But I do nothing for him still now. Forgive me for my inactiveness and inattentive mind. There is no way, there is no way and there is no way for me to lead my life without your special mercy.

Your fallen servant

Bishwambhar Sevaka Das

Burma (Myanmar)

All glories to Sri Sri Krishan Balaram!

All glories to Prabhupada!

All glories to Vaishnava Acharyas!

All glories to Guru Maharaj!

All glories to all Vaishnavas!


Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeinsances unto your lotus feet.

On this very auspicious day I would like to thank Gurudeva for all the mercy

he has bestowed upon me by accepting me as his disciple. With the association of devotees I have been able to understand the

science of self realisation. By listenig to the lectures of Guru Maharaja, I

am able to develop love towards Prabhupada. I am praying to Lord Krishna to 

always keep Guru Maharaja in good health so that he can continuously preach the message of Godhead to innumerable fallen souls like me.


Long Live Guru Maharaja!

Long live Srila Prabhupada!

Long live ISKCON!


Your servant,

Babu Kusa Pr 




Dear Guru Maharaja,

This is Catura devi dasi from China. Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Gaura Nitai!All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaja!

I was initiated by you in Gaura Purnima Festival 2017. It’s the most important time in my whole life. Because of you I could join in the path of practising Bhakti yoga and have the hope to go back home, back to Godhead.  

During the past two years, I attended your Vyasa Puja celebrations in Mayapur,  it was so nice to see you and I think that those time in Mayapur was the happiest days for me. This year we have to celebrate your Vyasa Puja by internet.  Although we cannot go to Mayapur to see you personally,  your mercy still can be reached to us by associating with you through internet.

Last year during the Safari time in Gaura Mandala Parikrama, I became sick (facial paralysis). After back to my home in China, I have been taking some treatment and have also learned some ways of self-healing and am trying to recover my health to normal state. In spite of many difficulities I came across, I still tried my best to do some service for devotees in China. The main service I am doing for our movement is translation from Enghlish to Chinese, or Chinese to English. In every circumstance, if opportunity comes, I distribute prasadam to almost everyone I deal with. Sometimes I also find chances to distribute BG and books written by Srila Prabhupada. All these little service I could do it’s only because of Guru Maharaja’s mercy. I could realize more this year we are the tools of Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupada, and Lord Krishna.  

This year as my health is recovering gradually,  and I hope that I could contact some more people I knew before and hope to find some potential people who would like to join us in Hare Krishna Movement and cultivate some spiritual knowledge for them.

Dear Guru Maharaja, all the help and mercy you give to me are so great that I could not pay all these debts in the rest of my life. I hope that I could find some new devotees so that they could also help spread Krishna consciousness in China.

Dear Guru Maharaja, I hop that you would continue to give me strength in my daily practicing and preaching activities so that I could be of little help to you.

Your most fallen disciple / spiritual daughter,

Catura devi dasi

Hong Kong

My Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to your auspicious appearance day.


This year is a special year to glorify your Vyasa puja day, while celebrating your 50 years' sannyasa at the same time. Your lifetime service to Srila Prabhupada set an example of a highly qualified disciple of His Divine Grace.  You are always in a leading position. You are the first one to wear mask and now the whole world has to follow.  Of course the best glorification of a spiritual master is to follow the footsteps of his dedication in service to the Lord.


Due to the corona virus attack in the world, I regret I was unable to visit Sri Mayapur dham this year. It is said in the scripture that love in separation is the highest as it would increase our memories and love for you. I hope I can serve you more and remember Krsna more at this difficult time. Since everyone has to stay at home most of the time, I requested your disciples in China to arrange celebrating your Vyasa puja together at zoom. Everyone can practice Krishna consciousness at home.  Nothing and no one can stop the Hare Krishna movement and our love to Guru Maharaja.


Dear Gurudeva, please bless me that I can continue my service to assist you in preaching Krishna consciousness for the rest of my life.


Guru Maharaja Vyasa Puja Ki Jaya!


Your insignificant servant,

Citra Vilasini devi dasi

My dear spiritual father:


Please accept my respectful obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri

Gaura- Nitai. All glories to your auspicious appearance day.


At your 71st Vyasa puja ,I hope your health will be better and better and continue

to follow Srila Prabhupada 's footstep to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the

world. In the meanwhile many fallen soul will be delivered by you. You are the

fortunate ambassador from Lord Gauranga.


My dear spiritual father, I am very happy to see that you are more active and smart

in Facebook. After your organs transplant over one year, your body is better and

better. Krishna’s mercy , He gives you back to us. Your appearance are very

important , you light up our life.You wake me up krishna Consciousness in my heart

and teach me how to serve Krishna , how to remember Krishna and put Him in my heart

. You do so many austerities to perform the example for us. A normal person cannot

do these austerities because we can see that the strength comes from the spiritual

sky, comes from Krishna.


In front of you , I am really a  fool . You teach me directly no matter you are

present or not present. You teach me that I need to learn so many things in the

devotional services. If I am wrong you correct me and help me to walk in the right

path because I am a wild child . I need to be training by you .For example : I need

to listen the instructions of GBC, I need to do devotional services very carefully ,

I need to persist and take patience in preaching etc. I am lucky because you are my

spiritual father , you are so huge (spiritual ) and so compassion. Your spiritual

energy are so strong , full of strength .It make me to surrender to you.


Your teaching methods are diversity  and active. Sometimes you will use the funny

way, sometimes are humorous way, sometimes are neglectful way, sometimes are

suddenly examination, but you would not blame me. Your teaching is strict. You only

want to push me improving my spiritual practice. You perform the important of the

alive spiritual master of our parampara . No your association directly, I can not

get these real teachings.


Finally, I will follow you and try my best to do the devotional services.This is the

meaning of my life. Thank you for your mercy !Gauranga! Hare Krishna!


Your spiritual daughter

Kunti Maharani Devi Dasi


Der most Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances

Please accept my humble obiesances to your holiness Vyasapuja

I think I am so fortunate to write glorification of your holiness Vyasapujais due to my previous birth pious activities. It will be an act of adventure from my side to glorify your holiness, who has never taken the state of rest in your spiritual life after becomes the disciple of HDG Srila Bhakthivedantha swamy Prabhupada.

My millions millons of obeisances to those who are serving you

from your servent's servent

Madhusoodanan & Anitha Madhusoodanan

Thejus vihar



Today, on this most auspicious occasion of your Vyasapuja, I wanted to highlight one of your most outstanding qualities which, for me, make up the very essence of your entire personality. Your care. I have been born into Krishna Consciousness, both my parents have been devotees for decades and yet, none of us have ever seen or met someone as caring as you. You not only care for your own disciples, or disciples of other gurus, you even care for the neophyte Bhaktas and even the Karmis or non-devotees. You leave no one away from your mercy and benevolence. You never discriminate. As time passes, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain this kind of care for normal humans. This type of care requires extreme levels of compassion, generosity and kindness. You have not only maintained this care for all these years but you maintained it despite your severe illness. In fact, your care is ever-increasing. You care for your brothers, your children, little kids, old devotees…….you leave no one. I cannot even fathom how Your Grace can think about so many living entities when you yourself need so much care. I can only conclude that this quality of yours……as all others… divine. That’s the only explanation. Only a pure devotee of the Lord, a true representative of Krishna can display such profuse care. I am beyond honored and blessed to have met and known such a divine master as you dear Gurudev. You are the epitome of kindness and affection and I pray to you O Merciful Master on this beautiful day of your Divine Appearance to kindly impart at least a fraction of this benevolent quality so that one day I will be able to care for devotees following the footsteps of my Glorious Spiritual Master.

Your most fallen servant,

D/O Amritesh Krishna Das and Rasalila DD

Hare krsna dear guru maha raj...,

Please accept my humble obeisance in to your lotus feet guru maha raj


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All All All Glories to His Holiness Srila Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj 


Offering :Kairava Chandrika devidasi

Place:     New Delhi, India 

Initiated in 2015 in Sri Dham Mayapur 


Namaah Om Vishnu Padaaya KRISHNA Prishthaaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine Namoh Aacharya Padaaya NITAI Kripa Pradaayine GAUR Katha DAMO Dayaa Nagaaro Gramoh Taarine 


Please accept my respectful obeisances unto Your Lotus Feet. Dear Gurumaharaj with lots of gratitude in my heart I want to say Thank You to You for accepting me.I am very unworthy

Dear Gurumaharaj we see You only and only constantly serving Srila Prabhupadas mission so endlessly with Your body mind and heart.

Your are living example of practicing what You preach every every single moment of Your life no matter how bodily discomforts and pains You go through. Your devotion and loving hard working ways of fulfilling not only all instructions of Srila Prabhupada but Your love care  mercy and true well wishing for all the souls to become KRISHNA Conscious 

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakurji had mentioned... to remove one soul out of the clutches of maya hundreds of gallons of blood is spent.I never understood this...until I saw You for the 1st time in my life.You have literally shed even the last drop of Your blood Your health to bring all souls to LORD KRISHNA.

Its unimaginable the pain You went through during the recovery period of Your transplant surgery for the true real well wishing of all the living souls.There cannot be a greater well wisher than You Dear Gurumaharaj i

Thank You from the deepest core of my heart for saving me.


Thank You All Glories to You

All All  All Glories to Your Holiness my koti koti repeated dandavat pranaams to You Dear Gurumaharaj  

Your fallen servant and daughter Kairava Chandrika devidasi 

Hare Krishna.

Dandavat pranam.


Namah om vishnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine.

Namaste Saraswati deve gaura vani pracharine.Nirvishesha shunnavadi paschyata desha tarine.

Sri Krishna Chaitanya prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivashadi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Gurumaharaj praying to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna Balaram to bless you the best of health and bestow you with long life so that you can accomplish all of the desires of srila prabhupada.

Also uplift and engage me and many of the most fallen souls like me into loving devotinal service of their lordships under your leadership.

Praying for and wishing you the best of  the health on this most auspicious 71st vyasa puja of yours gurumaharaj.

Your servant,


Dearest Gurudev,

Please accept the humble obeisances of this most fallen soul unto your lotus feet.Gurudev,as I write an offering to you,I fall short of words, because words aren't enough to express what I feel at the moment and also I am no one to be able to glorify you,who has been serving Srila Prabhupada and his mission untiringly. Beloved Gurudev,being under your shelter for over a year now,I feel more protected and blessed in my spiritual as well as material life and more connected to you.I would like to share a small instance, which for me is a big one though.Few months ago,I was very much disturbed with some matter,and was thinking of the same while going for classes.Suddenly my phone vibrated and unlocking it, to my surprise,I saw a picture of yours ,and adjacent to it was written,"everything will be fine".Gurumaharaj,your causeless mercy upon a soul like me,melts my heart,makes me cry..I have had many such instances.I wonder how can you maintain such unique relations with each one of us.I pray to Radha Madhav,I pray to you and I pray to all Vaishnavas,that someday in life,I could do something little to please you Gurudev.Also I seek your blessings so that I can be free from all bad qualities and can serve the Lord,Srila Prabhupada and my Gurudev to the fullest .

On this most auspicious day of the Vyasa Puja of my beloved Gurudev,I bow down to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and pray for your good health.

Yours most insincere servant,

Aakanksha Agarwala.

My revered Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances. I am a very insignificant person, trying to be a devotee of Lord Sri Hari. I had been almost regularly attending Bhagwad Gita classes and festivals (once a week) since around 2010. I had moved to Bangalore in 2015 after completion of my graduation. I had an opportunity to associate with your disciples in Sri Jagannath Mandir. I rever their strict sadhna and preaching efforts and so I naturally got inclined to know more about you, Maharaj.

This stay in Bangalore (almost 5 years now) has been most beneficial and spiritually uplifting for me. I can't even imagine the efforts which you take to fulfil the instructions for Srila Prabhupada. Even with this physical body limitations, you are still going around the world, carrying the mission of Srila Prabhupada. You do not want anything for yourself, such are qualities of pure devotees. When I think about you, every thing seems magical as if the Lord is giving you a special power. Your every action might materially seem normal, but it is very deeply reasoned. For example, you avoid giving direct instructions to disciples, so that if they can't do it, it does not mean Guru aparadh. Whatever you are doing at this stage, it is only possible by a pure devotee of the Lord. 

I can just beg you. I have nothing to give. I beg you for your blessings so that I can serve my bit to this mission which would please Srila Prabhupada and all his disciples. I am incapable of doing anything, and I have all bad habits (which I am even shy to tell here). With the blessings of Guru and Sadhu, I would certainly be able to accomplish it. Please bless me so that I can have devotees association throughout my life. 

Please forgive me for any of my deeds which could separate me from devotee association. 


Trying to be your humble servant, 

Abhinav Aggarwal 


Om Agnana Timirandasya Gnananjana Salakaya
Chakshur Unmilitam Yena Tasmaisri Gurave Namah

Nama On Vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine
Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine
Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine


All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj ki jay!

Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your Lotus feet.

I (a fallen conditioned soal) so much fortunate to get Your association every day, through your’s online - Facebook classes; we are getting your darshan and association every day despite your busy schedule. This is very inspiring to me that by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of godhead Lord Krishna I am under the care of your lotus feet.

Now, I am very much glad and practicing for coming close to You - by seeking on the path of serving You and Your mission to spread Srila Prabhupada’s message without any disruption.

I remember that You have provided Your association earlier through the mercy of HG Tirthanga Nitai Das Prabhu and HG Radha Raman Sevak Das Prabhu at Mayapur Dham. You are an all-rounder and revolutionary in providing Your association to Your followers and in spreading Krishna Consciousness with all possibilities.

Srila Gurudev, You are a pioneer in Congregational preaching and You have designed and successfully established the system of Bhakti-vriksa and Namahatta, thus we have received unlimited blessings of Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acharya’s by your’s mercy.

The Bhaktivedanta Academy of Cultural and Education (BACE) all over India endeavoring seriously to follow Your glorious footsteps in congregational preaching.

I beg for Your blessings with dandvat pranam in your’s lotus feets- to be successful in contributing to Your mission of spreading Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s message all over the globe.

My sincere prayers unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna:

Please keep my spiritual master - always in Good health and strength to continue his service unlimitedly unto Srila Prabhupada and his mission.

I beg to remain the servant of Your servants,

Bhakta Abhishek Kumar (Sheltered),

Madhyadvipa Bace, Silchar(788010), Cachar, Assam, India

In the care of: HG Tirthanga Nitai Das, HG Radha Raman Sevak Das, HG Krishna Chaitanya Das

                                                                nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
                                                                śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
                                                                namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
                                                                gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My dear spiritual father His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Mahārāja,
I offer my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet on the auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa-puja celebration. All glories to your lotus feet!


My dear Guru Maharaja,
You are the dear, empowered, intimate and the most beloved disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Throughout your life (which is a glorious life of commitment and surrender unto the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada) by your personal behaviour, you have displayed the mood and mind of an ideal disciple. It is indeed flabbergasting to see the unmotivated and uninterrupted fashion in which you conduct yourself as a committed and determined disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Your attachment to Srila Prabhupada and your daily meditation on his instructions is your very identity and this very fact makes you a crown jewel of this world.  
                                                            “guru-mukha-padma-vākya, cittete kariyā aikya,
                                                             āra nā kariha mane āśā”

Narottama Dāsa Ṭhākura advises everyone to stick to the principle of carrying out the orders of the spiritual master. One should not desire anything else. If the regulative principles ordered by the spiritual master are followed rigidly, the mind will gradually be trained to desire nothing but the service of Kṛṣṇa. Such training is the perfection of life. Guru Maharaja, having attained the pinnacle of perfection in your own life, you are now mercifully passing on the same formula into the hearts of your disciples. Srila Prabhupada would be so pleased with you. 


Beloved Guru Maharaja,
You are the perfect representative of the Guru Parampara. Your magnanimity and eagerness to give the mercy of Guru Parampara to all are melting even the stone-like hearts of those whose only goal of life is sense gratification. Displaying an undaunting spirit of unparalleled compassion, you now have more than 50000 disciples. It is inconceivable how you prepare your mind to continuously give shelter to more and more conditioned souls and then pray for them, nourish the via your instructions and inspire them by your personal conduct.  Your life is an offering of selfless service to the Guru Parampara. The deep care and intimate concern which you show for your disciples is the direct embodiment of the causeless mercy of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Your activities, mood, mind, and symptoms are all inconceivable for an unworthy and ungrateful disciple like me, as also is rightly pointed out by Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami.
                                                                “yāṅra citte kṛṣṇa-premā karaye udaya
                                                                 tāṅra vākya, kriyā, mudrā vijñeha nā bujhaya” (CC Madhya, 23.39)

“Even the most learned man cannot understand the words, activities and symptoms of a person situated in love of Godhead.”


My dear Master of my life,
You exist in a transcendental realm as an eternal associate of Lord Chaitanya and are simultaneously favouring this world by your Vapu and Vani. The goal of your life is to simply to broadcast the never-ending glories of Patitpavana Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. You leave everyone around you spellbound by your heart-throbbing narrations of the pastimes and the unlimited mercy of Lord Chaitanya. Your attachment to the lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya is rarest. This attachment is so exemplary that in order to serve Him you live on the “Avayrtha Kalatvam platform”, that is you don’t waste even a single moment of your time. I have heard from my seniors, who have fortunately got your close association, that you indeed never forget Lord Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada even for a moment. You mercifully exhibit your devotion by showing qualities like forgiveness, concern that time should not be wasted, detachment, absence of false prestige, hope, eagerness, a taste for chanting the holy name of the Lord, attachment to descriptions of the transcendental qualities of the Lord, and affection for those places where the Lord resides-that is, a temple or a holy place like Mayapur or Vṛndāvana. You carry the mercy of Lord Chaitanya in your heart and have become His instrument. You make the spiritual lives of your disciples easy by telling them the success formula to persevere in spiritual life which is,
                                                                 “kathañcana smṛte yasmin
                                                                  duṣkaraṁ sukaraṁ bhavet
                                                                  vismṛte viparītaṁ syāt
                                                                  śrī-caitanyaṁ namāmi tam” (CC Adi, 14.1)

“Things that are very difficult to do become easy to execute if one somehow or other simply remembers Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. But if one does not remember Him, even easy things become very difficult. To this Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, I offer my respectful obeisances.”


My dear Ever-tolerant Father,
I am your very ungrateful and thoroughly wicked disciple. The fact that I am still surviving in my spiritual life is the living proof of your unlimited tolerance and patience. Srila Prabhupada says “Great unalloyed devotees of the Lord are compassionate towards the fallen, and therefore they travel all over the world with the mission of bringing souls back to Godhead, back to home. Such pure devotees of the Lord carry the message of Godhead in order to deliver the fallen souls, and therefore the common man who is bewildered by the influence of the external energy of the Lord should avail himself of their association.” (SB 3.5.3). Guru Maharaja, although I am unable to associate with you personally because you are a transcendental traveler, I am trying my best to associate with you via your instructions. However, Guru Maharaja, I face many difficulties and obstacles in my spiritual life. 

In one of your Radhashtami lectures on Sep 07, 1981, in Boston, you very tactfully compare the nine stages of devotion to the extraction of sugar candy from sugarcane. You compare the initial seed of sugarcane to the Shraddha, its juice to Association of devotees, refining the sugarcane juice as Bhajan Kriya and you go on to compare the process of boiling the sugarcane juice for removing the impurities to Anartha Nivritti. You describe how the Bhakti is independent of all other yoga practices by mentioning that even to boil this sugarcane, the waste bagasse(left-over) of the sugarcane is used and no external fuel is required. You then go on explaining other stages of devotion and analytically compare it to various stages of sugarcane processing, but I lose my heart in the description of Anartha Nivritti phase. 

Guru Maharaja, because I am your disciple, I am determined to cross over the unfathomable ocean of anarthas in my heart, but I am struggling and am weak at heart and it overwhelms me. When the sugarcane waste gets thrown out, although human beings don't eat it, the dogs, they like it. The stray dogs come and lap it up and become intoxicated by eating the garbage. I am like that stray dog, which is satisfied with little sweetness mixed with dirt. The weeds and anarthas in my heart exist because I don’t have a higher taste in Bhakti. I don’t have the capacity to weed out my anarthas, so I beg you to be merciful to me. 

In the same lecture, you compare the crystallized form sugar to Nishtha and explain how the crystallization process begins by putting a crystal in the sugarcane juice and then the whole thing crystallizes. You mention the following

“So, in the same way, we practice; we purify, but ultimately we have to get the mercy from Vaishnavas. We have to get special mercy from those who are very close to Krishna. This is what crystallizes everything. This is what makes everything perfect. If we think that we can directly reach the Absolute Truth, we will reach the Absolute Truth with our own effort, there are so many pitfalls that ultimately it doesn’t crystallize. So, the process is that we take the shelter of the bonafide spiritual master, take the shelter of a Vaishnavas. In this way we reach very easily. So, then we have crystal Gur and that is further refined into a candy. So that candy Gur is like very nice taste. So that the crystal is like Nishtha, fixed devotion, very fixed devotion. As one has got the impurities off, has the mercy of the spiritual master, then his devotional service becomes fixed. That means no longer is the mind chanchala.”

Guru Maharaja, you are so charitable and magnanimous, please mercifully give the seed of Nishtha Bhakti as a charity to me, so that I can begin to serve you and your servants with complete chastity and thorough obedience. 

I want to dedicate my life to your service, trying to imbibe a fraction of your innumerable qualities. Your mercy is my only wealth. Please give me the strength to take full shelter of your instructions and become your faithful servant and representative. Please make a puppet in your hands use me as an instrument to broadcast the glories of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya. Just like the chakora bird always looks towards the moon and longs for it, feeling its incapability to attain it, but never losing hope, this insignificant disciple of your divine grace, hankers for a drop of your mercy. I aspire to become a faithful servant of your servants.

Yours eternally,
Acyuta Arjunasakha Das,
Śrī Śrī Narasiṁha Giridhari Mandir,
Bangalore, India

Acyuta Govardhanadhāri dāsa (Palakkad - Kerala)


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Dear Gurudeva,


Happy appearance day!


I offer my most humble, respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet.


Praying to Radha Madhav Astasakis, Narasimhadev, Pancatatva to bless and give you good health and long life to continue your seva to please Srila Prabhupad and Gauranga. 


Thank you Gurudev for giving shelter to this fallen conditioned soul even though I am not worthy of it. Without your mercy would have drowned in this hopless material ocean.


Gurudeva, with your daily classes getting your association which is always blissfull.


March 1 2020 returned back to Palakkad from Mathuradesh after retirement.


At Palakkad devotees under leadership of His Grace Murali Govinda Das were happy for our return back to Palakkad Satsang and are engaging us by providing us opportunity to do Seva and responsibility. 


Guru Maharaj with your mercy doing a small seva of translating your lectures in English to Malayalam along with other devotees under guidance of HG Prema Pramoda Dasa. Hope this seva will please you and devotees.


Being part of Palakkad satsang wish to utilise my time in preaching and conducting class at home after Corona Lockdown situation improves. Need your blessings for this service.


Kindly bless me to do my Sadhana better and progress in my devotional path.


Our son Pranav is getting married to a devotee child Baktin Swati, daughter of HG Sheshnarasimha Prabhu and HG Jamuna Jeevani Mathaji. We seek your blessings for all the auspiciousness for the marriage ceremoney scheduled on 28 June 2020. Kindly bless them so that together they can progress in Krishna Consciousness and please Your Holiness and Gauranga.


Gurudeva please bless me and my family so that together we can serve you.


Your insignificant servants


Acyuta Govardhandhāri dāsa,

Subhāṅgi Satyabhāmā devī dāsī, 

Pranav and Subash,

Palakkad. Kerala.





Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus-feet.

I have recently received full-time service opportunity in the mission of Srila Prabhupada. I am grateful for this & for everything that has been bestowed upon me by your & Srila Prabhupada's causeless mercy.

But i am fearful because i am an unworthy recipient. Due to my own conditionings, instead of honoring these rare gifts, i am mistreating them. I think myself blessed to have such a wonderful association & family of devotees, yet at the same time, foolish for not serving them properly, the way you & our Founder-Acharya wants.

Thus, i shamelesssly beg at your lotus-feet Guru Maharaja, to kindly deliver me from these self-fabricated traps of my materialistic mind. Please pull this insignificant worm out of the sewage-pit of maya, so that i may never think of leaving the service to the lotus-feet of Your Divine Grace. I have taken initiation but i feel distant from you because of not taking your association sufficiently in Vani form, for which i am repentant.

I want to correct these mistakes of mine and advance in Krishna consciousness, for your pleasure & for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. I don't want to remain a neophyte throughout my life. For this, i am in dire need of your merciful glance.

O master! Please never let me go astray from the path of pure devotional service to Sri Sri Radha-Madhav & Sri Sri Panch-Tattva. For a long time, I have neglected this, but i don't want to repeat it anymore & therefore, i am crying at your lotus-feet. Please accept me.

Aspiring to be a faithful servant of your servant,

Achyuta Naam Das


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj 

Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances 

All Glories to you Guru Maharaj 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad 


Dear Guru Maharaj 


On this auspicious occasion of your appearance I would like to thank you for all the encouragement you have given me in my Spiritual life. Thinking about how you are extending yourself for others and from listening about your vigour and determination to push forward Srila Prabhupad's movement is very inspiring to me. 


As you are aware I recently experienced the loss of my Grandfather. Despite your poor health you recorded a message for me and prayed for both my Grandfather and Grandmother's spiritual upliftment. Thank you very much Guru Maharaj. 


Of late I have been struggling to follow a proper routine in Krishna Consciousness and this is affecting my life. On this auspicious occasion Guru Maharaj I promise that I shall try my best to follow a routine so that I can help myself and the mission of Srila Prabhupad in a tangible manner. 


Guru Maharaj please bless me that I shall be able to follow the path you have set out for us and engage in spreading the mission of Lord Chaitanya far and wide in the mood of servant of the servant. 


Your Spiritual Son 

Adi Gaurasundar Dãs 

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances
All Glories to Guru and Gauranga

It’s our immense pleasure to offer Vyasa Puja offering to dear Guru Maharaj. It’s always an inspiration to see you dear Acharyapada with such a medical condition, your determination to serve Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON is very immense. Your mercy is causeless and we beg at your lotus feet to always keep us engaged in serving you Guru Maharaj. We pray to their Lordships Sri Jagannath Baladev and Shubhada Mayi, Radha Madhav, Pancake Tattva and Sri Narasimha Dev to keep You in good health and help to obtain your causeless mercy. On this auspicious occasion we pray at Your Lotus Feet to bless us so that we assist you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your most unworthy son,
Adi Krishna Dasa
Karunya Radhika Devi Dasi

New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham, Bangalore

Nama om Vishnu Pasay Krishna prashthay bhootle

Srimate Jaya Pataka Swamin iti namine

Namo acharya padaya nityaya kripa pradiyine Gaura Gatha dhamadhaye nagara grama tharine

Nama om Vishnu Paday Krishna prashthay bhootle

Srimate Bhakti Vedant Swamin iti namine

Namaste Saraswati deve Gaura Vani pracharine Nirvishesha shoonyavadi paschatya desha tharine

Jai Shri Krishna Chaitanya prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivas adi Gaura bhakta Vrinda

Kindly accept my humble obeisances unto your divine lotus feet, Guru Maharaj.You are the most beloved of Srila Prabhupad, you are the embodiment of compassion and are the most munificent of all.

I am a fallen soul who is trapped in this material world and you are the only shelter I have to cross this material ocean.

In 2019, When I was in Mumbai, my shiksha guru (Nimai prabhu) informed me that you were going to come in Bangalore on a particular day but since  unfortunately my last exam was also on that day , I couldn't come. Then again, when my exams were going , my parents decided to visit Shri Radha Rasbihari temple and I couldn't join them . When my parents reached there they found that the temple was being decorated for some special occasion but they didn't know why was it being decorated . So, they had prasad and came home. After a few min you appeared in Radha Rasbihari. When I received this message in whatsapp , I was heartbroken, had I know before I would have gone there and taken your beautiful darshan.

All opportunities of taking your darshan slipped off my hand , after all I have committed numerous sins in my past life. I can't attend your live lectures on Facebook too since I don't have a Facebook account. 

But on 31st March, I received a message that you are giving darshan on zoom, when I logged in already 100 members were there and therefore I wasn't accepted. Then the technical problem was fixed and zoom was available for 10000 devotees, and I entered. I was sooooooo overwhelmed to see your beautiful face and your lotus feet , to take your darshan live. I am more fallen than an worm on dirt and yet you showered your mercy on this insignificant person, so compassionate you truly are. I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw you live. By taking your darshan my stone like heart melted and left me wanting your darshan again and again. It's my dearest desire to be initiated from you , Guru Maharaj.

What to speak of your Lila's, when each and every part of your body is transcendental. You are the residence of bhagvat Prema and have come in this world to deliver the fallen souls like me.

You are the victory flag of Srila AC Bhaktivedant Swami Prabhupad.

Your glories can't be put in words for even words don't have the capacity to accommodate your praises.

I am as insignificant as a drop of water in the ocean, Kindly bless me Guru Maharaj.

- An insignificant soul


Hare Krishna

All Glorious to Hari Guru Vaishnavas!
Dear Guru Maharaj
Please accept my respectable Obeisance to your lotus feet. 
Currently I am serving your mission through preaching Krishna consciousness to the employees of Thangamayil Group, Tirunelveli in southern part of Tamil Nadu where I am working as full time worker to teach them to chant Hare Krishna mahamantra and preach the importance of 4 regulative principles. This great opportunity is provided to me by HG Balarama Govinda Prabhu. I had opportunity to bring the souls to take shelter of your lotus feet.  There were 5 devotees got initiated in 2017 and one in 2016. 
Srila Gurudev, these are made possible only by your causeless mercy and blessing upon me. Your blessing made me to work and being remain in the Krishna Consciousness in these preaching activities and your blessing directed me to associate with great soul HG Balarama Govinda Prabhu and take part in his spiritual service to you.
I want to service you at your satisfaction, if you wish please kindly bless me so that I will do this preaching service without any hurdle and to bring more soul to your lotus feet.

Your Servants.
Akarsaka GourNitai Das
SriRanga Nachiar.
Tamil Nadu.


​Hare Krsna Dearest Spiritual Father

​Please accept my respectful obeisances


All glories to Srila Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga


I am really blessed to have received you as my spiritual father. It is very inspiring to see how you are always active in preaching irrespective of the situation. You are unstoppable.

For many years, I was struggling with bhakti vriksha and was not able to make out how to serve members better and help them advance. Then, I learnt a lot from your personal example that how you take care of each and everyone you interact with. The loving exchanges that you have with devotees that leave an everlasting impression of your divine self unto them. I remember one recollection of a nurse from ILBS Delhi. She mentioned that she used to tell her name to patients but they kept forgetting. On the contrary, when she told you her name, although you were not fully conscious that time, you used to call her by name. 

Recently, when you visited Bangalore, I handed over some dakshina in your lotus hands. Your servant tried to take it from you, but you pulled it back, touched to your head and kept it in your pocket next to your heart. For a person like me, who is not very advanced or known, but a very ordinary person, receiving such a reciprocation from your divine self was unimaginable. That was really heart touching. Or I can say, I was practically killed by that loving reciprocation. This also inspires me to deal very nicely with devotees irrespective of whether they are junior, senior or neophyte.

And one incidence I would like to share with you Guru Maharaj. It was Navadvipa Mandal parikarma 2013, my first parikrama. I was at Surabhi Kunj that time when your divine self came. I was next to the altar and you were right there at the entrance. I couldn't see you but when you reached, I felt an out of the world experience which I never felt before. It was alien to me but yet so much enchanting, that I still remember that feeling. That is the day I desired to receive initiation from you. In 2015, you kindly accepted me as your disciple.

At initiation, you asked if we would help you serve Srila Prabhupad. That made me realize how much love you have for Srila Prabhupad. You could have asked if we would be ready to serve you, but no, you asked if we are ready to serve Srila Prabhupad. So, my humble request at your divine lotus feet to bless me that I can always be engaged in serving Srila Prabhupad as a service to you Guru Maharaj. Please bless me as, without the blessings, it is not possible to do service unto Guru and Gauranga for eternity. 

And with that desire, my humble request at your lotus feet to please bless me that I can soon get married to a suitable girl, who can be a good teammate and that together we can serve more and more and be an example of a good grhastha couple in this mission of Srila Prabhupad.


Seeking your blessings, love and affection,

​Your spiritual son,

Akshay Gaursundar Das

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


My dear Gurumaharaj, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.


All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

All glories to your divine grace. 


You have appeared in this world to give us Krishna prem. From the young age of 19 you have taken the responsibility of spreading the name of Krishna all over the world. ISKCON was also very young, it was a difficult time, your grandfather was amongst the top 10 richest persons of America but you still left everything for the service of Srila Prabhupad and Krishna, struggled a lot to happily serve Krishna. Srila Prabhupad had given you so many important services which almost seemed like an impossible task but you achieved all of it happily and blissfully and made the instructions as your life and soul. When there were difficult times in ISKCON you were always present as a symbol of hope. Despite suffering from paralysis,  kidney and liver failure you stood firmly as the strongest pillar of hope and faith for all of us. Srila Prabhupad used to hammer and speak that we are not this body but a spirit soul and you have literally proved it. 


Dear Gurumaharaj, I have no qualification, I am a fallen soul but you are so merciful that you accepted me and gave me your shelter. I was drowning in this material ocean of birth and death with no hope, frustrated but you stood there on your wheelchair showcasing that the only hope in kaliyuga is the lotus feet of lord Gauranga. Thank you very much for giving us this hope. When you chant the name of lord Gauranga it gives me goosebumps and it perfectly resonates with the heart touching prayer of Narottam das thakur "gauranga’ bolite habe pulaka-sarira ‘hari hari’ bolite nayane ba’ be near". Your body is not supporting you, it's giving a lot of pain but you perform so many services even in this condition with enthusiasm and you are very blissful. Whenever I face problems I think of you as a symbol of enthusiasm and bliss. 


Dear Gurumaharaj, you have instructed us to cry for Krishna when you chant his names, I am trying my best to follow your instruction and cry for Krishna. You are so compassionate to all the living entities and want all of us to go back to Krishna. I also want to imbibe this quality of yours to be compassionate to all the living entities and preach Krishna consciousness to as many people as possible and bring them to the lotus feet of Krishna. I am inspired by your sincerity for service to Srila Prabhupad with humility, sensitivity, compassion. I also want to serve your instructions sincerely to always be compassionate, humble, never become proud and always be in association with devotees.


On this occasion of your Vyas puja I want to recommit myself to you. To improve my chanting, personal hearing, reading Prabhupada books, attending morning program, and endeavoring to endeavour in planning my day in such a way that even after morning program I won't be wasting my time in maya. Just like the cricketers do net practice to perform well in a match, I will also give my 100% effort to be fully Krishna conscious for the entire day so that I can perform well in the morning program by attentive chanting, reading and hearing. To invest whatever free time I have to plan and prepare on effective preaching and learn Bhajans by our acharyas. Please have mercy on me so that I can serve your instructions to the fullest of my capacity. 


Always seeking your blessing. 


Your servant, 

Akshay Keshwatkar. 

ISKCON Youth Forum, 


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My dear Gurumaharaj, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.
All glories to your divine grace.

You have appeared in this world to give us Krishna prem. From the young age of 19 you have taken the responsibility of spreading the name of Krishna all over the world. ISKCON was also very young, it was a difficult time, your grandfather was amongst the top 10 richest persons of America but you still left everything for the service of Srila Prabhupad and Krishna, struggled a lot to happily serve Krishna. Srila Prabhupad had given you so many important services which almost seemed like an impossible task but you achieved all of it happily and blissfully and made the instructions as your life and soul. When there were difficult times in ISKCON you were always present as a symbol of hope. Despite suffering from paralysis,  kidney and liver failure you stood firmly as the strongest pillar of hope and faith for all of us. Srila Prabhupad used to hammer and speak that we are not this body but a spirit soul and you have literally proved it.

Dear Gurumaharaj, I have no qualification, I am a fallen soul but you are so merciful that you accepted me and gave me your shelter. I was drowning in this material ocean of birth and death with no hope, frustrated but you stood there on your wheelchair showcasing that the only hope in kaliyuga is the lotus feet of lord Gauranga. Thank you very much for giving us this hope. When you chant the name of lord Gauranga it gives me goosebumps and it perfectly resonates with the heart touching prayer of Narottam das thakur "gauranga’ bolite habe pulaka-sarira ‘hari hari’ bolite nayane ba’ be near". Your body is not supporting you, it's giving a lot of pain but you perform so many services even in this condition with enthusiasm and you are very blissful. Whenever I face problems I think of you as a symbol of enthusiasm and bliss.

Dear Gurumaharaj, you have instructed us to cry for Krishna when you chant his names, I am trying my best to follow your instruction and cry for Krishna. You are so compassionate to all the living entities and want all of us to go back to Krishna. I also want to imbibe this quality of yours to be compassionate to all the living entities and preach Krishna consciousness to as many people as possible and bring them to the lotus feet of Krishna. I am inspired by your sincerity for service to Srila Prabhupad with humility, sensitivity, compassion. I also want to serve your instructions sincerely to always be compassionate, humble, never become proud and always be in association with devotees.

On this occasion of your Vyas puja I want to recommit myself to you. To improve my chanting, personal hearing, reading Prabhupada books, attending morning program, and endeavoring to endeavour in planning my day in such a way that even after morning program I won't be wasting my time in maya. Just like the cricketers do net practice to perform well in a match, I will also give my 100% effort to be fully Krishna conscious for the entire day so that I can perform well in the morning program by attentive chanting, reading and hearing. To invest whatever free time I have to plan and prepare on effective preaching and learn Bhajans by our acharyas. Please have mercy on me so that I can serve your instructions to the fullest of my capacity.

Always seeking your blessing.

Your servant,
Akshay Keshwatkar.
ISKCON Youth Forum,

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance’s at the dust of Your Lotus Feet. All Glories to Guru, Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj. You are so compassionate in nature

Day by day I feel im more indebted to you life after life

You are my only hope

I pray to Lord Narasimha Deva to protect you at all times

You are truly inspiring

I 100% sure im an your unworthy spiritual daughter

I wish to Serve you more and more

Please bless me so that I can understand your mercy

In this age of kali yuga where we can’t trust on our blood relations too, you are the one and only one whom I can trust upon. Kindly vanish my fear on material nature and bless for my spiritual progress

Yours Insignificant spiritual daughter

Alankrta Sudevi Devi Dasi  

Om ajnana-timirandhasyajnananjan- salakaya



NamaomVisnupadaya Krishna PresthayabhutaleSrimateJayapatakaSwaminitinamine



Dear Beloved Gurudeva,

Please Accept our Respectful Obeisances,


Gurudeva every year I try to find words within my heart that can properly glorify you. I have come to a realisation that we are unworthy to glorify you. But by your mercy and mercy of Vaishnava’s I have managed to make an offering.

Time I wanted to preach about Lord Chaitanya’s moment and Holy name of the lord we used to her your Lectures and there as not a single lecture you didn’t speak about Gauranga and his Pastimes. It gave us immense pleasure to hear about Gauranga’spastimes.when I visit MayapurDham I feel that’s my mother’s place(Mayka) each and everything is taken care and we feel motherly love.

In this age of Kaliyuga we can feel the strength of SrimatiMayadevieach and every moment and to release ourselves from her clutches and almost impossible Krishna is unlimitedly Strong and Mahamaya is also energy of Krishna therefore she is also unlimitedly strong. Only your mercy can protect us from her powerful influence. Gurudeva by your mercy we have come into contact with Gauranga and we think we have been fortunate enough to make a step of advancement and for that we are eternally grateful. Because of this lockdown we are not able to Distribute books of SrilaPrabhupada.Our hearts are broken because we are not able to reach more souls.

Please bless our BV members to make spiritual Advancement so that they become serious in KC and get initiated.

Prayers for your Good health at Lotus feet of Sri Narasimhadev.

Your Unworthy Spiritual Childrens,

AmarapatiJagannath Das &SumukhiMahalakshmi Devi Dasi


Respected Gurudev,

Dandvat pranam.

All glories to Gurudev, Please accept my humble offering on the occasion of vyasa puja. This year because of janta curfew i will not be able to attend vyas puja in delhi temple.  I will pray to the  lord Krishna that you are always there with us to guide and bless us to grow in our spiritual path.I am thankful to my lord Krishna that he has send us such a mercy full spiritual master who is always eager and ready to help and  care about his disciple, wherever they are.

By your mercy Gurudev, I am trying to move in my spiritual path  but need your guidance and blessing to grow. I pray to lord to Keep your health fit and fine  

Hare Krishna,


Yours spiritual daughter,

Amrita Anjali chitra Devi Dasi

All glories to you, brave, determined and wonderful Guru Maharaja! Please accept my obeisances again and again. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Though the auspicious festival of Vyasa-puja is still a month away, this opportunity to remember and meditate on your excellent qualities as an offering to your lotus feet always brings so much pleasure peppered with a few pinches of pain. Preparing to write this letter is pure joy: I increase my hearing of your glorious and vastly variegated classes from past and present and look at pictures of you. The talks that are especially inspiring to me are occasions in which you glorify Sri Navadwip Dham. I recently watched a fourteen part recording of Navadwip Mandal praikrama from 1996 and was transfixed on the beauty of the scenes: the devotees glowed with ecstasy, the holy land was radiant with spiritual potency and you, my beloved Spiritual Master, were luminous with the joy of speaking about your Homeland in the association of your god brothers. Seeing you in those videos looking so relaxed and carefree made me long for those days again. 

And then there's the pain: Sometimes I feel that you are so close and other times I suffer from feeling that you are so far away. I deeply regret that I do not serve you and your mission enough. When I reflect on how expertly you engaged me in Sri Sri Gour-Nitai's service--you so kindly gave me a small part in the winter preaching programme with the Mayapur Nama-hatta--I consider myself to be incalculably fortunate. Your disciples became real and true brothers to me, and even all of these years on when I see a Nama-hatta devotee from the pandal programme days we always reminisce about how wonderful those years were. From my association with your disciple, HH Gauranga Prem Swami Maharaja I gained a deep taste for bhajan and the spiritual discipline cultivated by sincere and serious sadhaka. My small contribution to the UK has been that the songs I learned whilst a member of that preaching crew have been the basis for classes I occasionally give. While our philosophy tells us that a person under the sway of the mode of ignorance lives in the past, we are confident that remembering these engagements is part of awakening the eternal memory of constant service to the beloved devotees of the Lord. And here comes the pain again: because I am somewhat adrift in the ocean of existence I wonder when (and if?) in this lifetime I will ever be as engaged as I was back then. When I look to you as my greatest example and guide of how to "Keep Krsna Conscious and Carry On" I feel revived. Of course, you do far, far more than "Carry On"; you excel and exceed all expectations at every corner. I pray that I may be like you when I grow up.

Although, very disappointingly, I am still a neophyte in Krsna consciousness events over the last two years have caused me to take ever more real shelter in spiritual life. One of the bhakti-angas that I am always enthusiastic to practice is sravanam. Srila Prabhupada's books, particularly Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta and Krsna Book are my special favourites. In Srila Prabhupada's magnificent Purport (4.24.67) I came across a description of a mahatma that has your glorious name all over it.

The wise man is always very eager to glorify the Lord by chanting and hearing (nama-gane sada ruci), and he is always eager to describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord (asaktis tad-gunakhyane). He should also be attracted to those places where the Lord had His pastimes (pritis tad-vasati-stale). These are symptoms of an advanced devotee. An advanced devotee, or a perfect human being who is actually wise and learned, cannot give up his service at the lotus feet of the Lord. 

You embody the principle of discipleship perfectly at every moment. 

I sincerely seek your blessings and mercy, dear Guru Maharaja that I may face all trials by fire with the courage and cheerfulness that you do. I miss you dearly and long for your expert instruction and divine inspiration.

Your spiritual daughter,

Amrta Gopal dasi 


Nama Om Vishnu padaaya Krishna presthaaya bhutale

Shrimate Jayapataka Swamin iti naamine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhaam daaya nagar garam tarine

Dear Gurumaharaj, my spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on your auspicious appearance celebration. All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Your divine grace very mercifully accepted and initiated me on 22 August 2010 through Sri Jagannath Mandir, Bengaluru yatra. First of all, I beg your mercy and pardon for all deviations from your instructions over this period. I understand and pray that by shravan and kirtan of glorifications of a pure devotee like your divine grace on this day, I will get inspired and reinforced to follow your instructions/my vows strictly.

One can learn from the spiritual master through Guru’s Vani (instructions) and Acharan (Behaviour). Gurumaharaj, you are a true Acharya and have given simple but deep instructions to your followers.

Learning through Acharan:

As an Acharya, you exhibited dedication to Guru’s orders; Acting on the platform of soul; Determination; broad-heartedness and achieved extra-ordinary feats of fulfilling the orders of Srila Prabhupada like recently crossing the 50,000 disciples. This becomes even more challenging with all material incapacitation and discomforts you are going through.

It is said that a sadhaka devotee suffers due to his past karma and siddha devotees like yourself suffers because Krishna wants to glorify him for his inherent qualities. However, the suffering of a pure devotee (guru) is also due to disciples who have not acted responsibly at times, including me.

By your personal example, you showed how a disciple should be dedicated to follow the instructions of his Spiritual master:

  1. Your divine grace learnt Bengali, became a Bengali Indian, to preach and develop Mayapur. However, we all know you are an eternal associate of Lord Gauranga as confirmed by Prabhupada. Now, Mayapur has become an example of spiritual world on earth and you are like respected and beloved father figure for all including local Bengalis of Navadeep dham. This I have experienced personally during Navadeep Mandal Parikrama.

  2. Secondly, you desire to live longer even in your physical situation, wherein ordinarily people tend to just give up. You got changed the body organs in order to live and serve Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. Message is clear- “Never give up serving”.


Learning through Vani (Instructions):

  1. In one of the article published in magazine Sri Guru Prasanga, I found your instruction, i.e. “Let people try to use their intelligence to expand”. This is your mood, the article said. It means that having given principal instructions, your divine grace give freedom to disciples to use their individuality, skills etc. to work out details (execution). It is essentially a kind of Independence to become dependent on Krishna for spreading Gaura-vani. This is the instruction, how to engage Intelligence in Krishna.

  2. Another instruction, i.e. How to engage mind in Krishna, goes as follows- “Engage your mind always in thinking that how you can refine your service or improve the quality of service, it will help in controlling the mind.”

  3. Another beautiful instruction, shared by one devotee, during Navdeep mandal parikrama (given in my own words)- “Dhaams are actually personalities. One should visit them regularly to know them and become more intimate so that gradually they would reveal themselves.”

Dear Gurumaharaj, I learnt few lessons through very limited/few personal dealings also:

  1. Once, I got the chance of serving you during a lunch in Coimbatore (India), roughly around year 2012. My seva was to wipe the intermittent fluid falling through one side of mouth using tissue paper, while you were honouring the prasadam. I was using one tissue for one wipe and throwing, like that I disposed 2-3 tissues. Then, you very mercifully gestured to stop me from throwing the next tissue and told to reuse it. I learnt the lesson that one should not waste anything unnecessarily as everything is Krishna’s property.

  2. In year 2017, we visited Mayapur and wished to have Annaprasana of my daughter through your hands, Gurumaharaj. We fixed up appointment with HG Mahavaraha prabhu and reached at designated time at your quarter in Lotus building roof. But, we came to know that you were busy in some meetings as the meetings might have stretched. We were assuming that as soon as you would come back at your residence, you might just feed our baby, the sweet rice prasadam, we brought. However, to our surprise, your divine grace came back for lunch at Lotus building roof, you ensured first proper invocations and worship performed as per prescribed scriptural methodology through your personal pujari while you had lunch. Then, you performed Annaprasana and fed my daughter, Radhika and blessed us.

I found you are very particular that all devotional activities should be performed very methodologically with highest of standards if possible. Secondly, going to details is the sign of love and true care.


Gurumaharaj, I am performing very insignificant service in ISKCON Chandigarh and Mohali preaching center: to assist in organising Discover Yourself course, to follow up and preaching the new devotees.


Gurumaharaj, you carry Lord Gauranga and Lord Nityananda in your heart. You also wish that everyone must carry Them in their hearts. I pray your divine grace to give the shade of your lotus feet upon me so that I can get mercy and blessings of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga and I get strength to follow your instructions with discipline (which is the secret of success).

At last, I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panchatattva and Lord Narsimhadev to give you long life to guide us by your Vani and actions and to deliver many souls waiting all around the world.


Your servant

Amrta Krsnanama Dasa

(Diksha disciple)

Chandigarh, India

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhaam daya nagara grama tarine

Dear Gurumaharaj, my spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on your auspicious appearance celebration. All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Your divine grace very mercifully accepted and initiated me on 22 August 2010 through Sri Jagannath Mandir, Bengaluru yatra. First of all, I beg your mercy and pardon for all deviations from your instructions over this period. I understand and pray that by shravan and kirtan of glorifications of a pure devotee like your divine grace on this day, I will get inspired and reinforced to follow your instructions/my vows strictly.

One can learn from the spiritual master through Guru’s Vani (instructions) and Acharan (Behaviour). Gurumaharaj, you are a true Acharya and have given simple but deep instructions to your followers.

Learning through Acharan:

As an Acharya, you exhibited dedication to Guru’s orders; Acting on the platform of soul; Determination; broad-heartedness and achieved extra-ordinary feats of fulfilling the orders of Srila Prabhupada like recently crossing the 50,000 disciples. This becomes even more challenging with all material incapacitation and discomforts you are going through.

It is said that a sadhaka devotee suffers due to his past karma and siddha devotees like yourself suffers because Krishna wants to glorify him for his inherent qualities. However, the suffering of a pure devotee (guru) is also due to disciples who have not acted responsibly at times, including me.

By your personal example, you showed how a disciple should be dedicated to follow the instructions of his Spiritual master:

  1. Your divine grace learnt Bengali, became a Bengali Indian, to preach and develop Mayapur. However, we all know you are an eternal associate of Lord Gauranga as confirmed by Prabhupada. Now, Mayapur has become an example of spiritual world on earth and you are like respected and beloved father figure for all including local Bengalis of Navadeep dham. This I have experienced personally during Navadeep Mandal Parikrama.

  2. Secondly, you desire to live longer even in your physical situation, wherein ordinarily people tend to just give up. You got changed the body organs in order to live and serve Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. Message is clear- “Never give up serving”.


Learning through Vani (Instructions):

  1. In one of the article published in magazine Sri Guru Prasanga, I found your instruction, i.e. “Let people try to use their intelligence to expand”. This is your mood, the article said. It means that having given principal instructions, your divine grace give freedom to disciples to use their individuality, skills etc. to work out details (execution). It is essentially a kind of Independence to become dependent on Krishna for spreading Gaura-vani. This is the instruction, how to engage Intelligence in Krishna.

  2. Another instruction, i.e. How to engage mind in Krishna, goes as follows- “Engage your mind always in thinking that how you can refine your service or improve the quality of service, it will help in controlling the mind.”

  3. Another beautiful instruction, shared by one devotee, during Navdeep mandal parikrama (given in my own words)- “Dhaams are actually personalities. One should visit them regularly to know them and become more intimate so that gradually they would reveal themselves.”

Dear Gurumaharaj, I learnt few lessons through very limited/few personal dealings also:

  1. Once, I got the chance of serving you during a lunch in Coimbatore (India), roughly around year 2012. My seva was to wipe the intermittent fluid falling through one side of mouth using tissue paper, while you were honouring the prasadam. I was using one tissue for one wipe and throwing, like that I disposed 2-3 tissues. Then, you very mercifully gestured to stop me from throwing the next tissue and told to reuse it. I learnt the lesson that one should not waste anything unnecessarily as everything is Krishna’s property.

  2. In year 2017, we visited Mayapur and wished to have Annaprasana of my daughter through your hands, Gurumaharaj. We fixed up appointment with HG Mahavaraha prabhu and reached at designated time at your quarter in Lotus building roof. But, we came to know that you were busy in some meetings as the meetings might have stretched. We were assuming that as soon as you would come back at your residence, you might just feed our baby, the sweet rice prasadam, we brought. However, to our surprise, your divine grace came back for lunch at Lotus building roof, you ensured first proper invocations and worship performed as per prescribed scriptural methodology through your personal pujari while you had lunch. Then, you performed Annaprasana and fed my daughter, Radhika and blessed us.

I found you are very particular that all devotional activities should be performed very methodologically with highest of standards if possible. Secondly, going to details is the sign of love and true care.


Gurumaharaj, I am performing very insignificant service in ISKCON Chandigarh and Mohali preaching center: to assist in organising Discover Yourself course, to follow up and preaching the new devotees.


Gurumaharaj, you carry Lord Gauranga and Lord Nityananda in your heart. You also wish that everyone must carry Them in their hearts. I pray your divine grace to give the shade of your lotus feet upon me so that I can get mercy and blessings of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga and I get strength to follow your instructions with discipline (which is the secret of success).

At last, I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panchatattva and Lord Narsimhadev to give you long life to guide us by your Vani and actions and to deliver many souls waiting all around the world.


Your servant

Amrta Krsnanama Dasa

Chandigarh (Diksha disciple)

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our respectful obeisance unto your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! And all glories to you, our dear spiritual father.

On the auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja, we meditate on the importance of your position as our dear spiritual master.

In the Ādi Purāṇa there is the following statement by Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself, addressed to Arjuna: "My dear Pārtha, one who claims to be My devotee is not so. Only a person who claims to be the devotee of My devotee is actually My devotee." No one can approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly. One must approach Him through His pure devotees. Therefore, in the system of Vaiṣṇava activities, the first duty is to accept a devotee as spiritual master and then to render service unto him.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

The verse above signifies the importance of serving the spiritual master and a pure devotee, and unless we serve you submissively, we will never be able to attain the lotus feel of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Your attachment to Lord Caitanya and Navadwip dham is very deep, to say the least. You closely follow in the footsteps of the Panca Tattva and Srila Prabhupada. Gurudev, you tirelessly travel throughout the world, preaching the glories of Lord Caitanya. Your compassion knows no bounds as you continuously extend yourself to guide and protect us, in spite of your physical challenges.

Guru Maharaj, we will never be able to repay you for the boundless mercy that you have showered upon us and our family over the last 40 years, yet on this most auspicious day of your vyasa puja, we shamelessly beg that you continue showering your mercy upon us so that we will be able to follow your instructions and assist you in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. We are ever grateful for your daily nectar through the Caitanya Lila sessions.

Your servants,

Anadi Jagannath das

Vrnda Maharani devi dasi

Please accept my respectful obeisances. Guru Mahārāja. Thank you for accepting this undeserving person as your aspiring disciple. Simply put, my wife (Janani) and I seek your blessings to become more devoted to Kṛṣṇa, Gaurāṅga and you, and soon progress to become your sheltered disciples and initiated disciples.

I pray to the Supreme Lord to give you the best health and more importantly, constant joy through the devotional services performed by more and more disciples.

Anand Mohan



Parampujya Gurumaharaj please accept my humble respectful obeisances at your lotus feet...  I am a fortunate soul that have taken shelter at your lotus feet but it's your mercy only. that I am on this eternal  path but not able to dedicate fully to devotional service and your instructions I m struggling trying. . I am indebted to so manydevotee and my God brothers and sisters also

Dear Gurumahaj your life is an eye opener for most ignorant soul that they forced to develop faith and love for KRISHNA GAURANGA  ultimate truth of life.. Your dedication to Prabhupada your sincerity to all melts our heart.. So inspiring so loving we feel strong desire to engage in devotional service.

My prayer to Lord Radha Madhav Krishna to keep you healthy stronger day by day.. Lord Narasimha protect you from all inauspicious ness... Lord Gour Nital keep you energized always in  preaching and motivate all towards KRISHNA Consciousness. 

Gurumaharaj please bless me and my family engage us always in  your service and overcome all obstacles to in our eternal goal. 

With humble obeisances 

 and highest regards 

Your spiritual daughter 

anandavishakha dd 


Om ajñana timirandhasya jñananjana salakaya cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri-Guruve namaha.

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krishna Preshthaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine | Nama Acharyapadaya Nitai kripa pradayine Gaura katha Dhamodaya nagara grama tārine

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krishna Preshthaya bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine | Namaste Sārasvate Deve Gaura vāni pracharine nirvishesha sunyavādi pāschatya desha tārine

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev. Please accept my respectful obeisances at your Lotus Feet. 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

This is your insignificant servant Anandamaya Sacinandana das who you have most mercifully accepted. I had been wandering around the universes in various bodies conditioned to enjoy the material energy. One fortunate day, I came in contact with His Grace Udayananda Prabhu, your very sincere servant, who very mercifully allowed me to take prasadam at the Kalyani centre and also brought me to Sri Mayapur Dhām later. Thus began the process of bhava-maha-dāvāgni-nirvāpanam.

Then through the mercy of Gauranga, I came in contact with His Grace Nitai Chandra Nimai Prabhu, another very sincere servant of yours, who is guiding me holding my hands and who has brought me to your Divine Shelter, trānāya kārunya ghanāghanatvam.

Gurumaharaj you are the swift deliverer of conditioned, illusioned souls like me in this blazing fire of material existence. You travel far and wide to present the message of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, carrying the mercy of Lord Nityananda to deliver the conditioned souls. Most magnanimously you distribute Krishna's Holy Name. 

This insignificant soul has been the most fortunate recipient of your mercy, that unlimited kindness which can in no way be repaid but with a grateful heart I have a humble prayer to offer you, that you may bestow upon me service to Sri Mayapur Dhām, your heart and soul. That I may use whatever trivial material capacities I may acquire by Krishna's mercy in order to maintain this temporary material body, to spread the Glory of Sri Mayapur Dhām, to bring more living entities to Mayapur to get the mercy of the most munificent, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Weeping at your Lotus Feet,

Your lowly servant,

Anandamaya Sacinandana das


Hare Krishna Dearest Spritual Father, Srila Gurumaharaj!


Please Accept My Respectful obeisances!


All Glories to Srila Gurumaharaj!

All Glories to.Srila Gurumaharaj!


My Deepest prayers unto the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Radha-Madhav and Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai for your Long and Healthy Life. Praying to Lord Nrisinghdev for your protection from all sides and all times...


On the auspicious day of your Vyas Puja, I seek your blessings to keep me always engaged in your service. May I always endeavour to serve you with all my possible efforts without any pride and honour, with all humbleness and tolerance and be ready to honour each and every krsna's part and parcel. May I be able to see You and Srila Prabhupad all around me 24×7.


If you so desire, Kindly bless me with Gaura Prem!


Your's insignificant Spiritual Daughter 

Anandita Jahnava Devi Dasi

Gurugram,  India 

#An offering unto the lotus feet  of Gurumaharaj by Her  Grace Anindita Radhika Debi Dasi .

Dear Guru Mahārāja, 


Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. 


All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. 


I’m writing this letter to express my gratitude towards my Guru Mahārāja, for accepting this most fallen soul as your disciple. It would be hard pushed to think of knowing a more friendly, sweet, kind and loving person in my life time than you. 


Thank you for coming to NEW DELHI ,EAST OF KAILASH and giving me an opportunity and you had given me initiation this year 2020.Even though you having so many health issues, you always take care of others and pray for them. I remember some years before you came to New delhi, everyone was sad to see you in this condition and you said to us don’t worry about my physical condition, I’m alright and happy and you also said you will also pray for our spiritual progress. This shows how detached you are from your body and you are our true inspiration and a perfect example of how to follow the instructions of spiritual master. 


My prayers to Lord Rādhā Mādhava to improve your health, so that next time when you come New delhi we can serve you with your favorite bengali dishes (tiler naru,misti pulao, chutney). Please keep me at your feet always.


Yours insignificant servant, 

Anandmoyee vrajrani devi dasi

ওহে শ্রীগুরুদেব করুণাসিন্ধু ।

আমার জীবন ত্রাতা কৃপাসিন্ধু ॥


তব কৃপা বলে গৌরদাস্যে নিয়োজিত হই ।

নাম সেবা সুখ রসে রসানন্দ বিলাসে আস্বাদন পাই ॥


পামর জীবন মোর তাড়িতে তব অহেতুকি করুণা ।

তব চরণই মোর  আশ্রয় এই ছাড়া নাহি মোর  কিছু জানা ॥


হে গুরুদেব  কৃপা করহ মোরে দেহ মোরে মতি গতি ভজনস্ফুর্তী ।

আপনি সেই তো প্রভু  নিত্য আনন্দময়  নিতাই   কৃপা শ্রীমূর্তি ॥


আপনার সেবা লাগি মোর মন প্রাণ করি নিবেদন ।

এই আশ করি জন্মে জন্মে যেন পাই  আপনার শ্রীচরণ ॥


আপনার কথা মধুর চরিত গাঁথা যেন সদাই করিতে পারি সুসেবন ।

অনঙ্গলতা ধরে এই নিবেদন অভীষ্ট হোক মোর গুরু সঙ্গে গোবিন্দভজন ॥ 

       By Your Fallen Daughter

       Ananga Lata Devi Dasi

       Kolkata,West Bengal

ওহে শ্রীগুরুদেব করুণাসিন্ধু ।

আমার জীবন ত্রাতা কৃপাসিন্ধু ॥


তব কৃপা বলে গৌরদাস্যে নিয়োজিত হই ।

নাম সেবা সুখ রসে রসানন্দ বিলাসে আস্বাদন পাই ॥


পামর জীবন মোর তাড়িতে তব অহেতুকি করুণা ।

তব চরণই মোর  আশ্রয় এই ছাড়া নাহি মোর  কিছু জানা ॥


হে গুরুদেব  কৃপা করহ মোরে দেহ মোরে মতি গতি ভজনস্ফুর্তী ।

আপনি সেই তো প্রভু  নিত্য আনন্দময়  নিতাই   কৃপা শ্রীমূর্তি ॥


আপনার সেবা লাগি মোর মন প্রাণ করি নিবেদন ।

এই আশ করি জন্মে জন্মে যেন পাই  আপনার শ্রীচরণ ॥


আপনার কথা মধুর চরিত গাঁথা যেন সদাই করিতে পারি সুসেবন ।

অনঙ্গলতা ধরে এই নিবেদন অভীষ্ট হোক মোর গুরু সঙ্গে গোবিন্দভজন ॥ 



Your Fallen Daughter

Ananga Lata Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Dandvats pranam

Please accept our respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Your Divine Grace!

Wishing you a very happy Vyasa Puja 2020.!

Praying to Sri Sri Narsimhadeva for Your good health ..

Guru Maharaja, we are eternally indebted to you for all the mercy you had been continuously showering on such fallen souls. You are the deepest source of inspiration to be in the mood of serve serve and serve!!!! 

Whenever we hear the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu from your lotus mouth, it appears as if we get totally absorbed in thinking of Gauranga!! Anande seema nai ... Nirananda dure jaye.. 

Probably, we would have never ever gotten to know and realize the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu without your blessings and selfless service to Srila Prabhupada.

Now we can actually see Srila Prabhupada's soldier in you ..

How you are continuously and tirelessly serving despite of so many health issues! 

You are the living example in front of the whole world that we are not this body ..

As the world is now currently struggling with corona virus, you are continuously spreading the Karuna virus wherever your vani reaches:)

The Gaur Purnima festival is especially the biggest inspiration and live example for everyone, how the Karuna virus has brought the whole world under one roof of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu!

Your glories are unlimited!

Your causeless mercy is unlimited!

Thank you so much dearest Guru Maharaja for being with us all the time and being a continuous source of inspiration to continue Krishna Consciousness with enthusiasm.

Kindly bless us that we may become instrumental in your lotus hands and be able to connect few souls to your lotus feet.

It's only one year since we have entered Grihasthashram. 

We need your blessings and prayers that we can actually fulfill our roles and responsibilities as grihasthas and protect us from bring grihamedi!

Please bless your coming grandchild to become an instrument in the service of Srila Prabhupada and can continue with the parampara. Those were the most merciful moments when we got your personal association at Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi temple last month. We are very grateful to you for your blessings and love to future baby. We hope baby will follow your instructions and render devotional practice throughout the life. 

We need your blessings to be able to become ideal parents and can teach Krishna Consciousness in right manner.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for everything.

Kindly forgive us if by chance we committed any offence unto your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly.

Your most insignificant servants,

Ananta Krishna Das (shiksha disciple)

Rasapriya Gandharvika Devi Dasi (diksha disciple)

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

I am eternally indebted to you for giving shelter at your lotus feet. Your mercy is like bottomless ocean. You have a great sense of care for each and every soul. I heard from one of my senior godbrother, How a devotee who was traveling in night after talking to you in mayapur and you got up in the midnight suddenly and told one of your servant to remind him to keep the driver awake. This shows what is the degree of your care for your each and every soul. You relish the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and invoke the love and devotion for Mahaprabhu to anyone who hears from you. Preaching is your life and soul. I was hearing from Radha Raman Maharaja, how you went to bihar and traveled through all different tracks. You used to visit even small huts and used to preach to them. This shows your extreme concern to take each and every soul back to Godhead. 

By your mercy Guru Maharaja, I have started with Bhakti-vrksa. I am feeling ashamed to say that I am not at all serious for preaching. I am not able to proper follow up for them, which I am supposed to do. My sadhana have also became weak after marriage.

Please bless me that I can get up again strongly and serve for your pleasure. Dear GuruMaharaj I am going to get a child in few months. Please bless me that I can be a responsible father and raise my children in Krsna consciousness. My wife is chanting 10 rounds now and reading Prabhupad Books. Please bless her that she develops great love for Lord Caitanaya.

Your insignificant disciple,

Ananta Lila Gopala dasa

Dear Gurudev,


Please accept our obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.


On this most glorious and jubilant occasion of your Vyasa Puja, We have

made an insignificant attempt to glorify your humble self. Gurudev. You are

the most glorious disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada’s

instruction is your life and soul. You are in this world just to serve

Srila Prabhupada and following his instructions. Tireless preaching, which

has no match; Extraordinary!!!,




We offer all our progress and pray to the lord for helping you to recover

soon from this bodily situation which has held you from preaching all over

the world with full strength.




Material conditionings are holding us back, but taking shelter of your

grace is the only way out. We pray at your lotus feet and request you to

bless us so that we come out from our comfort zone and remain engaged in

your mission and away from any nama or vaishanava apradhas.




Your Aspiring Spiritual Children


Anantarupa Gauranga Das


Vraj Vilasini Sakhi DD





Dear gurumaharaj, please accept my humble obesiances.

I was born in the darkness of ignorance and my guru opened my eyes with his light of knowledge. I offer him my best regards. Without egoism, we should serve the guru like a slave.Guru Maharaj please be merciful upon me and please bless me that I can progress in devotional path...

Your humble servant

Anita dasi

Ambala , Haryana


Dear Guru Maharaj

 “nama om vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale, srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine,

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine, gaur katha dhaam daya nagar gram tarine”.


My Dear Spiritual father,

Dandavat Pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Your auspicious appearance day.

Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Dear Guru Maharaj, the most merciful Vaishnava,

For the fulfilment of desires of your spiritual master and to deliver millions of conditioned souls you appeared on the auspicious day of Kamada Ekadashi. Your compassion towards your disciples is overwhelming. Your boundless energy keeps unflinching enthusiasm in your disciples towards Krsna consciousness.  

You sanctify these 2 verses from the “Ei baro Karuna Karo” bhajan by Shri Narottama Dasa Thakur.

tomara hridoye sada govinda-visram

govinda kohena – mora vaishnava paran

[Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda, and Lord Govinda says, “The Vaishnavas are in My heart”].

I request you to always keep your mercy on this insignificant soul.

Hare Krishna.


Your insignificant servant

Anju Khanna

Sheltered Disciple

ISKCON East of Kailash, New Delhi – INDIA

Amado padre, por favor acepta mis respetuosas reverencias!!!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabupada!!!

Todas las glorias a tu maravillosa vida de amor y entrega a SP!!!

Quiero aprovechar esta, y cada oportunidad para agradecerte todas las bendiciones que recibo, porque sé que gracias a tu misericordia y protección, siempre llega a mí todo lo que necesito para estar bien, feliz y conciente de Krishna.

 De igual manera, quiero pedir disculpas porque muchas veces -a pesar de toda la misericordia- mi mente me hace pensar que no puedo estar feliz...

Pero gracias (también), por recordarme, con tan solo una de tus miradas, que no importa dónde esté, mientras te sirva, estaré tocando el cielo con los dedos.

Últimamente, todo lo que sucede en este mundo (material) tan horrible me tiene un poquito más loca de lo habitual... Pero me está enseñando a sentirme muy dichosa de estar en el camino adecuado.

Siempre sentiré que eres el motor de mi corazón, y no importa cuántas veces más se desmorone mi mundo, mientras pueda recordarte, tendré mil razones para sonreír...


Eres maravilloso.


Tu hija y sirvienta.


Anna Purna DD

Sri Mayupur Dham

Abril de 2020


NOTA: He estado preparando tacos, agua de jamaica y chilaquiles para tí hoy... para tu vyasa puja, mañana tendremos varias preparaciones de ekadasi.


Beloved Father, please accept my respectful obeisances!!!

All glories to Srila Prabupada!!!

All the glories to your wonderful life of love and dedication to SP!!!


I want to take this, and every opportunity to thank you for all the blessings I receive, because I know that because of your mercy and protection, everything I need always comes to me to be well, happy and aware of Krishna.

 Similarly, I want to apologize because many times - despite all the mercy - my mind makes me think that I cannot be happy.

But thank you (also), for reminding me, with just one of your looks, that no matter where I am, as long as i can serve you, I will be touching the heaven with my fingers.

Lately, everything that is happening in this horrible (material) world makes me a little bit crazier than usual... But it's teaching me to feel very happy to be on the right way.

I will always feel that you are the engine of my heart, and no matter how many more times my world is demoralized, as long as I can remember you, I will have a thousand reasons to smile...

You're wonderful.


Your daughter and servant


Anna Purna DD

Sri Mayupur Dham

April 2020


NOTE: I have been preparing tacos, hibiscus juice and chilaquiles for you today... for your vyasa puja, tomorrow we will have several preparations of ekadasi.

Hare Krishna!!!

Dandavat pranam Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble wishesh on your 71st Vyaspuja. My prayers to RadhaKrishnas lotus feet to bless you with health. I wish RadhaRadhikaRaman and Srila Prabhupada to bless you with his krupa. I wish RadhaGovindadev to make you joyful and happy.


All glories to Guru Maharaj

Your spiritual follower


Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept my respectful obeisances. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Guru maharaj, you have always been a great source of inspiration for me. Every time when I get your darshan, either live or through your lectures,I feel very blessed. 

To me, you are a perfect example to the point that we are not this body but the soul. Despite your health issues,you never compromise your devotional life.This helps me learn how to be enthusiastic to serve Krishna,in whatever circumstance of life I may be in. Also that, how one can always remain happy serving Guru and Gauranga. 

And the busy schedules of yours makes me realise that one can never be tired serving Krishna. There is absolutely no satiety at all.And the way you preach Krishna consciousness throughout the world, motivates me to talk to people about Krishna and tell them about the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The beautiful pastimes of Gauranga and Nityananda in your lectures help me develop more and more faith and love for Mahaprabhu and His associates and keep my mind fixed up on Gauranga. 

Guru Maharaj, you have always been the one who can help us advance in our spiritual life. 

Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!                                 Guru Maharaj ki Jaya!

Seeking the blessings of your lotus feet,

  Anuradha Didwania (Aspirant) ,MGM Medical college, Jamshedpur.

Please Accept my Respectful Obeisances Gurudev

O Gurudeva, when will the day come when I will be a useful servant at your Lotus feet? 

O Gurudeva,  when will my desires to serve you and Srila Prabhupada fructify? 

When will I realize that it is the goal to take Krishna Consciousness movement forward cooperatively important than to prove yourself better than the other?

When will I imbibe the qualities of sincerity, punctuality and determination to enthusiastically serve you unconditionally and unmotivated getting rid of my excuses in life?

On this sweet happy day I thank you for giving me undeserving care, protection, good association and above all coming to my house guiding me each day forgiving and tolerating me. I thank you for accepting me as your disciple. May you distribute Gauraprem to fallen sinful people like me for many more years as you please. Such a Glorious Spiritual Master is mine. 

Your Servant

Anuradha Gurusevini Devi Dasi



Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj 

Please accept my respectful obeisances 

You are very merciful that you gave is shelter of bhakti. Please give us your blessings so that we can advance in our Krishna consciousness and practice bhakti nicely. Please give your blessings so that I can follow your instructions while tolerating all the difficulties of life.

Thank you for making me your disciple and showing the path of bhakti.

Your servant 

Anusuya Jahanvi dd

"Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine"


Please accept my humble obeisances Dear Guru Maharaja! Dandavat Pranams!!

Although being born in an affluent socio-cultural situation in America, you have selflessly and tirelessly dedicated your entire life for the Sankirtan Movement under the flagship of ISKCON.


On the order of Srila Prabhupada, when you came to India, you had to actually face countless difficulties, which you did accept humbly upon yourself on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. For reviving the Vedic culture, you travelled to new and old towns and villages of India, giving the people there pure transcendental knowledge and engaging them in pure devotional services.


For this noble mission to succeed, especially in the region of Bengal, you also learned the Bengali language. Also, for spreading the culture of Krsna Consciousness you often had to

travel many times in a year to the other countries of the world. But, we now are seeing the sumptuous fructification of your selfless labour of pure love in numerous towns and villages of

the world!


Guru Maharaja, you took to the cause of guiding the Grhastha devotees by translating the Godruma Kalpatavi, with practical instructions and words of encouragement from Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakur. Guru Maharaja you are trying your level best to encourage everyone in Krsna Consciousness, and for that matter you are accepting all the outward physical sufferings with gratitude, considering it Krsna's causeless mercy.


I pray at the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga, that may you be blessed with good health and may you continue to shower us all by your merciful association for many many years to come.


Your spiritual student and servant

Anusuiya Yashoda Devi Dasi

Sahibabad (Ghaziabad) Yatra

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please Accept Our Humble Obeisances

All Glories to you, to Srila Prabhuupada and to all our Parampara acharyas !

Hare Krishna !

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine

  sunyavadi pashchatya desa



Even the most painful difficulties does not deter you or reduce your uthsaha, Nischaya and Dhairya( enthusiasm, determination and patience) to serve Srila Prabhupad. This experience is simply unimaginable for us.

Gurudev, Kripa Bindu Diya, please give us a drop of your ocean of mercy so that we can incessantly without any impediment serve you with our heart and soul.

Oh Gurudev , we bow down to your humbleness, caring and protective nature.

Oh Gurudev you are an ocean of mercy, everyday we think of you ,  we feel instantly connected to you, you are personally guiding us sitting in the core of our hearts as Chaitya guru. You are the spiritual father who connects us with the supreme father in our heart.  We do not want to spend a single day, hour , minute and second without thinking of you, following your instruction in Srila Prabhupad’s mission and always trying to please you through our services.

Actually Gurudev, We have no quality to do any services , we are still taking baby steps and are in the training period . We feel very protected, safe and blessed under your shelter. Our only desire is to serve you Gurumaharaj. So please teach us , instruct us to preach even though we are incapable and incompetent servant of you.

Our sincere prayers at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Gandharvika Giridhari and Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Dev to keep you in good health and strength to continue to serve Srila Prabhupad’s mission unlimitedly.

We beg to remain the servant of your servants. Please forgive us for our offenses. Offering our obeisances at your lotus feet, begging your mercy Gurumaharaj. 

Your spiritual children

Acyuta Padaravinda Das

Apara Gandharvika Devi Dasi
























































































Even the most painful difficulties does not deter you or reduce your uthsaha, Nischaya and Dhairya( enthusiasm, determination and patience) to serve Srila Prabhupad. This experience is simply unimaginable for us.

Gurudev, Kripa Bindu Diya, please give us a drop of your ocean of mercy so that we can incessantly without any impediment serve you with our heart and soul.

Oh Gurudev , we bow down to your humbleness, caring and protective nature.


Oh Gurudev you are an ocean of mercy, everyday we think of you ,  we feel instantly connected to you, you are personally guiding us sitting in the core of our hearts as Chaitya guru. You are the spiritual father who connects us with the supreme father in our heart.  We do not want to spend a single day, hour , minute and second without thinking of you, following your instruction in Srila Prabhupad’s mission and always trying to please you through our services.


Actually Gurudev, We have no quality to do any services , we are still taking baby steps and are in the training period . We feel very protected, safe and blessed under your shelter. Our only desire is to serve you Gurumaharaj. So please teach us , instruct us to preach even though we are incapable and incompetent servant of you.


Our sincere prayers at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Gandharvika Giridhari and Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Dev to keep you in good health and strength to continue to serve Srila Prabhupad’s mission unlimitedly.

We beg to remain the servant of your servants. Please forgive us for our offenses. Offering our obeisances at your lotus feet, begging your mercy Gurumaharaj. 


Your spiritual children

Acyuta Padaravinda Das

Apara Gandharvika Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisance

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am very thankful to you for everything. Because of your mercy I am able to loose my taste for material things. I pray that your health will be good. Please bless so that I ll be able to get some in Krishna consciousness and I can become more serious, sincere, responsible and detemined in my Krishna consciousness. Please forgive me if I have committed any offence.

Yours unworthy servent

Apurva nilachalesvari devi dasi 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisance

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am very thankful to you for everything. Because of your mercy I am able to loose my taste for material things. I pray that your health will be good. Please bless so that I ll be able to get some in Krishna consciousness and I can become more serious, sincere, responsible and detemined in my Krishna consciousness. Please forgive me if I have committed any offence.

Yours unworthy servent

Apurva nilachalesvari devi dasi 

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. 

This is your spiritual daughter Apurva Rohini Devi Dasi from dharwad.

Guru Maharaj you are unstoppable soldier. You are always busy in serving your Guru Maharaj instructions. 

I am very fortunate soul that you accepted me as your desciple.  Please bless me so that I can follow your footsteps and do seva. 

Vyas pooja mahotsav ki Jai.

Jai Shrila Prabhupada.

Jai Guru Maharaj.

Your spiritual daughter

Apurva Rohini Devi Dasi.

My Dear and respected Guru Maharaj, 


      Please take my humble and respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet on the auspicious day of your appearance. I'm not also qualified to glorify you but my councilor (HG Premananda Chaitanya Prabhu) has given me the chance to glorify a pure devotee of Shree Krsna. I saw you 1st time at Kolkata Airport. At that time I did not know who you are but I was so eager to see you, I don't know why? But when I saw You I got surprised to see your condition. I was not expected that. Later I  know from other devotees about you and search about you. I feel into tears what have you done for Srila Prabhupada, you also got beaten from our country-man though you are given mercy to them and taking sufferings from them giving them initiation. From that I realized what is self realization and soul conception. In this condition you are moving all around the world to satisfy Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krsna. You don't a miss a single day in preaching on Facebook Live or anywhere. I did not see Srila Prabhupada, only hear about him but i'm seeing you. I'm so blessed to see you, a pure devotee of Sri Krsna who can do everything to please his Spiritual master. I never saw such energetic personality like you, now also You are so energetic as your early condition of life. Please forgive me whatever offences I have done at your lotus feet. I love you I love you a lot.. Please bless me so I can stay with devotees and serve my spiritual master and Sri Krsna and devotees birth after birth. And I can also fulfill the desire of my guru and Srila Prabhupada. 


Your insignificant servant at your lotus feet. 

Arindam Mondal (Kolkata VOICE) 



Om ajnana timirandasya jnananjana salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri guruve namah


Nama Om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swami iti namine

nama acharya padaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dhamadaya nagara grama tarine

All glories to jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada ki jai

All glories to patita pavana Srila Gurumaharaj ki jai


Please accept my respectful obeisance!

I am a sinful person. Due to my ignorance and lack of knowledge, in the past, I was associated with ritwik philosophy and had no spiritual progress. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, I came into contact with Banaswadi Bhakti Center, under ISKCON HBR layout, Bangalore and am associated from March 2018. By Your mercy, am learning the importance of spiritual and devotional service. Am a kidney patient, by Your causeless mercy, kidney transplantation was done in December 2018. You are so mercy full that You have given me shelter under Your lotus feet, when You came to Bangalore, during the grand function, at the palace ground on 29 September 2019.

In spite of Your health condition You are traveling all over the world, showering Your mercy and blessing people and preaching to fulfill the mission of HDG Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is amazing. You are demonstrating personally how a devotee must do devotional service to Guru and Gauranga.

I beg for Your mercy and blessing for my improvement in devotional service and spiritual life.

Thank you Srila Gurumaharaj,

Your servant of servant of servant,

Arumugham Utirapathi, shelter disciple

Bangalore – India

Hare Krishna
Dear beloved father, Guru Maharaj;

Please accept our humble obeisances at Your divine lotus feet, our Hermitage.

On this auspicious occasion of your 71st gracious, gorgeous and glorious Vyasa Pooja; We Pray at the divine blotus feet of Sri Prahalad Narsimhadev to shower all His choiciest blessings upon You so that Guru Maharaj will be soonest able to dance, swing and jump all around in Harinam Sankirtan more than ever before and distribute Krishna Prema Bhakti world over, more freely; Longing for that big day.

Guru Maharaj; We are ever and ever indebted to You for not only uplifting but nurturing, guiding, advising, instructing, caring and norishing personally with such tender parental touch to fallen souls like us and taught us thru exhibiting Your own personal examplary divine qualities how-to serve and please Sri Guru and Gauranga submissively and how to practice sharing love, affection and cooperation with God brothers, God sisters and spiritual cousins in our fraternity, You have demonstrated time and again.

We are so fortunate to have You as our spiritual father, Guru Maharaj.

Guru Maharaj, with Your blessings; Now we are placing Your spiritual grand daughter Gaurangi at Your divine lotus feet  to become Your servant Diksha Disciple and humbly request to carve her future spiritual journey in her professional and familylife too, thank You for accepting her.

We just wished at Your divine lotus feet in this life and in the next, that we could ever and ever just keep serving You and thru Your Holiness to Gauranga along with You, dear spiritual father.

Please accept this as our homage at Your divine lotus feet, as like every year on Your Vyasa Pooja Day we have offered on Your behalf " One Day Seva in Vrindavan" at Sri Krishna Balram Temple" at Sri Vrindavan Dham for all the deities and maha prasadam for temple devotees as well.

Your humble spiritual son, daughter and grand daughter
Arvindaksha Govind Das, GBC Deputy, Ex Chair Iskcon Bahrain
Anupamya Gopika Devi Dasi JPS
Gaurangi Gopika
Camp Sri Mayapur Dham
Home base Bhopal India
Mob BSNL 0091 8989544680 (same for WhatsApp), Jio 9131592911

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Hare Krishna
Dear beloved spiritual father, Guru Maharaj;

Please accept our respectful obeisances at Your divine lotus feet, our Hermitage.

On this auspicious occasion of your 71st gracious, gorgeous and glorious Vyasa Pooja; We Pray at the divine lotus feet of Sri Prahalad Narsimhadev to shower all His choiciest blessings upon You so that Guru Maharaj will be soonest able to dance, swing and jump all around in Harinam Sankirtan more than ever before and distribute Krishna Prema Bhakti world over, more freely; Longing for that big day.

Guru Maharaj; We are ever and ever indebted to You for not only uplifting but nurturing, guiding, advising, instructing, caring and nourishing personally with such tender parental touch to fallen souls like us and taught us thru exhibiting Your own personal exemplary divine qualities how-to serve and please Sri Guru and Gauranga submissively and how to practice sharing love, affection and cooperation with God brothers, God sisters and spiritual cousins in our fraternity, You have demonstrated time and again.

We are so fortunate to have You as our spiritual father, Guru Maharaj.

Guru Maharaj, with Your blessings; Now we are placing Your spiritual grand daughter Gaurangi at Your divine lotus feet  to become Your servant Diksha Disciple and humbly request to carve her future spiritual journey in her professional and family life too, thank You for accepting her.

We just wished at Your divine lotus feet in this life and in the next, that we could ever and ever just keep serving You and thru Your Holiness to Gauranga.

Please accept this as our homage at Your divine lotus feet, as like every year on Your Vyasa Pooja Day we have offered on Your behalf " One Day Seva in Vrindavan" at Sri Krishna Balram Temple" at Sri Vrindavan Dham for all the deities and maha prasadam for temple devotees as well.

Your humble spiritual son and daughter
Arvindaksha Govind Das,                                                                                                                                                                             Anupamya Gopika Devi Dasi

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh                                                                                                                                                                                             India


                  Vyasa Puja offering to my beloved Guru Maharaj :

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj all glories to your auspicious appearance day. I am a sheltered of yours. Guru Maharaj please bless me that I can serve you better. Guru Maharaj firstly when I saw you at Iskcon Delhi in 2017 I was just wondering that it is impossible to even stand beside you because you were totally sorrounded by brahmacharis. But the miracle which happened that day was totally shockable. After the Gaura Aarti you were distributing flowers to all the brahmacharis to offer to Srila Prabhupada. I thought to try once to get flower from you. But it was seemed to be impossible because a huge crowd of brahmacharis had covered you like your bodyguard and as usual your translater can't allow anyone to be close to you so if I thought to went to take flower from the front I can't take it so all the routes were blocked. I was at the last and just watching here and there to get some little space but failed. Suddenly a hand came from the crowd and pulled me and at that time all the brahmacharis shifted aside and were watching me shockingly. I was totally confused at that time. But what I noticed was unexpected, that hand was yours. I was standing beside to you very closely than you gave me a flower and pointed towards Prabhupada to offer. I can't belive that it happened totally opposite to my thinking. And Guru Maharaj when you touched me it was like that I have achieved everything. And from your blessings I started chanting 16 rounds which was impossible for me. I always thought that 16 rounds chanting is not a cup of tea for me, but you made it possible. At that time I realised that only a Guru can take us from darkness to enlightment. Another incident happened when you visited Delhi this year in January.

I always want a spiritual name from you because my friend's name is Gauranga and his parent's Guru Maharaj has given this name to him. So I decided that I will take a spiritual name from you. In 2017 when you visited Delhi I have made a card for you and this time when you came I again made a card for you. At 31st January after your lecture you were proceeding towards your guest house, this was the correct time to give you the card I suddenly rushed towards you but the same scene happened, all the devotees were sorrounding you but this time they all know me and gave me the path automatically and I gave you the card. It seemed that you liked the card because you became so happy and shouted 'Oh!' because this time I have made your picture in that card. You tapped on my back and called me 'Artist' I became so gladful because what I want you gave me, a spiritual name from you. You called me Artist and my name also starts from A. This is because every word fallen from your mouth is transcendental. So a materialistic position is also converted into a spiritual name. I was running here and there and telling every one about my new name. These two incident I can't forget. Guru Maharaj am not doing much for you but a small service that I am giving to spread your instructions is to type and correction of your books in Hindi. Guru Maharaj please bless me that I can handle my 10th studies as well as my spiritual career fluently...

Your Servent

Aryan S Kumar

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj all glories to your auspicious appearance day. I am a sheltered of yours. Guru Maharaj please bless me that I can serve you better. Guru Maharaj firstly when I saw you at Iskcon Delhi in 2017 I was just wondering that it is impossible to even stand beside you because you were totally sorrounded by brahmacharis. But the miracle which happened that day was totally shockable. After the Gaura Aarti you were distributing flowers to all the brahmacharis to offer to Srila Prabhupada. I thought to try once to get flower from you. But it was seemed to be impossible because a huge crowd of brahmacharis had covered you like your bodyguard and as usual your translater can't allow anyone to be close to you so if I thought to went to take flower from the front I can't take it so all the routes were blocked. I was at the last and just watching here and there to get some little space but failed. Suddenly a hand came from the crowd and pulled me and at that time all the brahmacharis shifted aside and were watching me shockingly. I was totally confused at that time. But what I noticed was unexpected, that hand was yours. I was standing beside to you very closely than you gave me a flower and pointed towards Prabhupada to offer. I can't belive that it happened totally opposite to my thinking. And Guru Maharaj when you touched me it was like that I have achieved everything. And from your blessings I started chanting 16 rounds which was impossible for me. I always thought that 16 rounds chanting is not a cup of tea for me, but you made it possible. At that time I realised that only a Guru can take us from darkness to enlightment. Another incident happened when you visited Delhi this year in January.

I always want a spiritual name from you because my friend's name is Gauranga and his parent's Guru Maharaj has given this name to him. So I decided that I will take a spiritual name from you. In 2017 when you visited Delhi I have made a card for you and this time when you came I again made a card for you. At 31st January after your lecture you were proceeding towards your guest house, this was the correct time to give you the card I suddenly rushed towards you but the same scene happened, all the devotees were sorrounding you but this time they all know me and gave me the path automatically and I gave you the card. It seemed that you liked the card because you became so happy and shouted 'Oh!' because this time I have made your picture in that card. You tapped on my back and called me 'Artist' I became so gladful because what I want you gave me, a spiritual name from you. You called me Artist and my name also starts from A. This is because every word fallen from your mouth is transcendental. So a materialistic position is also converted into a spiritual name. I was running here and there and telling every one about my new name. These two incident I can't forget. Guru Maharaj am not doing much for you but a small service that I am giving to spread your instructions is to type and correction of your books in Hindi. Guru Maharaj please bless me that I can handle my 10th studies as well as my spiritual career fluently...

Your Servent

Aryan S Kumar

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya krsna Presthaya Bhutale


Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine


Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai Krpa Pradayine


Gaur Katha Dhamodaya Nagara Gram Tarine.


All Glories To Srila Prabhuapada


All Glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja


Dear Guru Maharaj please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

I don't have any qualifications to glorify you and your activities.

But somehow by your mercy I am writing,

How to glorify, where to start, where to end I have no idea,

Dear Guru Maharaj your services and your dealings are the causeless mercy upon us to favour the devotional service.

Your nectarine pastimes brings tears in eyes.

You are the distributor of the Gauranga and Nityananda,

Your name itself is the victory flag which can overcome any obstacles,


There was not any single moment where you were separated from

The instructions of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


You brought the treasure of the Love of the Gaurachandra ,

You taught me to respect the Tulasi Maharani in Evry aspect.


You utilised your single second to distribute the message of Mahaprabhu,


I brought by your mercy under the shelter of lord Nityananda.


When I thought it's very difficult to meet Guru Maharaj and to get mercy. But you are the flood of love and ocean of mercy.

Again and again you looked after me and cared me and my devotional services.


But  I am so foolish that I didn't value it.


Whenever I see you, i remember lord Gaur Nitai,

And remember vaishnava song by Locana das Thakur


parama koruṇa, pahū dui jana 

nitāi gauracandra 

saba avatāra-sāra śiromaṇi 

kevala ānanda-kanda


Param Karuna you have and

Now a days also you are going continent to continent to distribute the treasure of love of Gauranga Mahaprabhu




Anander Sima nahi niranand dure jaye.


When we hear Gauranga - Gauranga - Gauranga from your lotus mouth.


I am too fortunate, I got your causeless mercy,


On your 71st vyasa Puja I am begging at your lotus feet to shower mercy on me, so that I can follow strictly my devotional service and serve you and Srila Prabhupada.


Servant of dust of your lotus feet


Ashok Kumar

(Sheltered and aspiring from NIT Silchar BACE)

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to srila prabhupada,

Wishing you a very happy appeareance day and to all my god brothers and god sisters. This will be very happy occassion not only for all of us but even more for you because you are very eager to always follow srila prabhupada and fulfill his orders and to give us an opportunity to serve you in serving srila prabhupada and thus deliver us from this material existence. Thus you are always happy and eager wherever you appear to spread the glories of the holy name and deliver the fallen souls.

I am still not able to practice the principles of devotional service perfectly even after several years after connecting to devotees. I pray at your lotus feet to pray for my spiritual well being and bless me to overcome lust, anger, greed, false ego, false pride, hatred, offences to devotees, enviousness, jealousy etc and develop qualities like tolerance, patience, humility, forgiveness, gratitude etc...

As the rsis of naimisaranya say in srimad bhagavatam:

yat pada samsraya suta

munaya prasamaayana

sadya punanti upasprsta

svardhun apo anusevaya

I took will like to pray in their footsteps to take complete shelter of your lotus feet which can help me purify more quickly than taking only shelter of bathing in the ganges or religious activities without your grace and mercy.

Your fallen disciple

Asoka gaura dasa

Bangalore -ICC



Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Initially I was connected with the Ritvik ISKCON Temple and was doing Book Distribution quite consitently at Thiruvannamalai, 
Srirangam, Dharmasthala, Kanchipuram and around Bangalore.

Paricipated in all the Spiritual Yatras almost every year(2007-2013) but was Shocked to realize that they would blaspheme the current 
Guru Parampara and not conduct Yatras to Sri Dham Mayapur. This lead to curiosity and intense desire to have darshan of Sri Dham Mayapur.
First time, when I had visited Mayapur in 2007, I was absolutely perplexed with the Mind-blowing Kirtan, deities and the Vibration was a lot different from the Ritvik ISKCON Bangalore.

I had participated in the Navadwip Mandal Parikrama 2009 which was the turning point in my life. It was then that I had realized 
about your glories from Senior Vaishnavas and the various services that you have been performing at Mayapur.
At one point of time, I had even realized that you are one of the associates of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and felt really fortunate
to be your proud disciple. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu incarnates once in a day of Lord Brahma(approx 2000 Chatur Yugas) which is this 
Kali Yuga and during the same time, you have manifested to serve under Srila Prabhupada(Senapati Devotee of Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

I have always felt within my heart that I have no qualifications to receive your mercy. In 2016, when you had come to Bangalore, 
I was given an opportunity to clean your Room and during the cleaning process, I thought to myself about me being such a low class 
person trapped in Maya and still given such vapu seva which is beyond my Karma. But the entire paradigm Shift of my life from 
ritvik to the Guru Parampara through your mercy is very hard to analyse and comprehend on a materialistic platform. 
I felt that I was chased by you everytime to surrender to Lord Krishna. Please help me to become a sincere disciple and serve 
Srila Prabhupada the way you want to.

Your humble Servants

Asokatma Nitai Das
Ratnamayi Radhika Devi Dasi
Shyama Priya

“Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna Presthaya Bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine,
Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine
Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine”

HARE KRISHNA  Dearest Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful humble obeisance unto your merciful lotus feet on this very auspicious day of your appearance for everything you have done for us. All glories to you , Guru Maharaj . All glories to Srila Pravupada.

I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to you Mharaj, for the mercy you always showring upon me through your disciples specially Premanada Chaitanya Pravu (Kolkata IYF) who takes care of our Vakti-life & makes us always remain inspired in Krishna Consciousness through your Vani and Life- examples.

Pravupada personally told that you are an original associate of Lord Chaitannya and would preach in Bengali language with more than 10k Indian disciples. You proved each and every words of Srila Pravupada The absolute truth. The whole world had seen that you have defeated death personified. The teachings of  Lord Krishna and Chaitannya Mahapravu are practically shown,  practicing in your life.

I feel myself so fortunate that by the mercy of my councillor & siksha-guru H.G. Premanada Chaitanya Pravu , I got some opportunity to have the precious blissful enlightening association of such a personality like you Guru Maharaj.

In spite of your so much health issues you always seen in extreme level of missionary spirit to fulfil the desire of Lord Chaitannya Mahapravu & Srila Pravupada. Although you have more than 50k disciples , you take personal care and opportunity to have association with you through  personal question answer session. This is your mercy ,and mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that you still remain with us to give your association.

On this very auspicious day of your appearance, I am praying to Lord Nrasimha Dev , Shri Shri Radha Madhava  and Panchatatwa for your good health. I am praying you blessings so that I shall remain Krishna conscious forever and shall have the association of devotees.I am begging your forgiveness for my mistakes at your lotus feet.Please empower me so that I can do my devotional service nicely and can carry out the order of spiritual master for the pleasure of Shri Guru & Gouranga.

Your Insignificant Servant,


Dear Gurudēva, Jayapatākā Svāmī Āčāryapāda, all glories to your auspicious appearance day! Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet!

                You told in lecture, how fortunate were Šrī Čaitanya’s Mahāprabhu associates to be with Him, to participate in His pastimes, to experience sat-čit-ānanda of the Lord, to enjoy Šrī Čaitanya’s playful dealings with the pure spiritual personalities, expansions of His eternal energy of Prema bhakti. Similar I say – how fortunate we are to be with you, to participate in your pastimes, to feel through you presence of Gauranga’s sat-čit-ānanda, to communicate with devotees, pure spiritual souls, who render full time service to you, what is possible only because they are granted with your own special bhakti shakti.

                On the opening ceremony of TOVP Pujarī floor Vraja Vilāsa prabhu truly said, that Māyāpur is incomplete, is incomplete, is incomplete without you. It is like we cannot imagine Šrī Māyāpur Dhāma without transcendental pastimes of Šrī Šrī Nitai Gauranga.

               Last year you started TOVP Daily Victory Flag Tradition, which will represent the victory of Šrīla Prabhupāda and will continue for generations to come. On Akshaya Tritiya, the most auspicious day of giving, you sponsored Flag above the central dome, and you invited us to participate in this tradition. I was thinking, that will be very nice, if in the same Akshaya Tritiya day, together with your Flag, on TOVP will rise also Flags from two of your disciples – from me and my husband, Mādhava Prēma dāsa, who left his body on 2010. So I decided to take this historical opportunity to please you and I sponsored Flags on both small domes.

               After that these two Flags were giving back to me, and I sent them to good friend, Amala Prītī devī dāsī (devotee of HH Niranjana Svāmī), in my native country, Latvia. One Flag for the house of her with family - daughter Lalita Gopika devī dāsī (disciple of HH Radhanātha Svāmī) with her husband Urukrama dāsa (disciple of HH Bhakti Bringa Govinda Svāmī), where live beautiful big Deities of Jagannātha, Baladēva and Subhadra. Other Flag, I hope, one day will rise above my and my husbands country house, which now is under the care of Girirāja prabhu (devotee of Čaitanya Čandra Čarana Maharāja) together with others. Little by little they are renovating it for service to the Lord Šrī Krsna.

                 Now my body is 66 years old and I cannot be very active. I do my sadhana, serve to my Deities (Nitai Gauranga, Gopāla and Nrisimhadeva), attend Temple programs, study Srila Prabhupada’s, your’s and other devotee’s books, preach Krsna consciousness on Facebook, where are also my carmic friends from my native town Talsi, from school and from University. I stay in contact with my friends in Latvia, who publish the Krishna conscious magazine “RASA” in both Latvian and Russian languages under guidance of Višvavāsu prabhu (disciple of HH Niranjana Svāmī). I am thankful to him, because he helped me to return back to Šrī Māyāpur Dhāma. I keep my preaching work in this magazine. In every second issue there is my article also.

                When you was very sick, before the surgery, I came to Māyāpur and started to chant extra sixteen rounds of Mahamantra before the Deities in Temple, so trying to help you. Now I am happy to see, that your health become better and better, but I will not stop my chanting for you. Please, teach me and let me always stay under the shade of your lotus feet. Thank you, dear Gurudeva! I wish you good health in nonstop service to Šrīla Prabhupāda and Šrī Šrī Nitai Gauranga! Rādhā Mādhava kī-jaya! Gurudeva kī-jaya!

Your insignificant devotee Audārya Dhāma devī dāsī (diksa) from Šrī Māyāpur, India.

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance's. All glories to your lotus feet!

I offer my prostrated obeisance's to your lotus feet on the occasion of your Vyasa-puja celebration.

This year we are celebrating 71st appearance celebration.

Presence of Guru Maharaj brings a lot of auspiciousness to our lives.

The biggest moment in my life had been when Guru Maharaj accepted me as his sheltered disciple. Thank you so much Guru Maharaj for accepting such a lazy and insincere person. If you would have not accepted me, I would have continued to live in darkness. This shows that how a pure devotee of Krishna is compassionate upon fallen conditioned soul like me. Whatever Krishna consciousness I am practicing today is only and only due to the prayers of Guru Maharaj.

Guru Maharaj, you are the biggest inspiration in my life. Despite all odds you never compromised on the instructions which you got from Srila Prabhupada. Till today you speak of them, It shows that how deeply you have imbibed those and implemented in your life. Your sincerity towards Srila Prabhupada is the biggest inspiration for me. You are devoid of any self-interest and living in this world just for the fulfilment of Srila Prabhupada's instruction and benefit of people in general. You gave us the perfect example of how one should make the order of the spiritual master one's life and soul. In your dealings, you manifest all the qualities of an ideal Vaisnava. Your every thought, word, and example is exactly according to the Sastras. In spite of thousands of followers, comfortable living conditions, receiving donations, etc., you always remained humble and pure devotee of Sri Krishna.

You are like a parent, Just like a child cannot grow up without the attentive guidance of his parents, one cannot learn to perform devotional service without the attentive guidance of the Spiritual Master. The ability to walk is born with a baby, and within a couple of years the child develops it with practice. Similarly, Krishna consciousness is eternally present within the conditioned soul but can only be realized when guided by a true representative of Lord Krishna like you Guru Maharaj. I see some hope in my spiritual life.

On this very auspicious day of vyasa puja, I would like to send my prayers for your well-being. May Lord Nrsimhadev protect you forever in the mission of Srila Prabhupada and shower you with mercy, So that you may lead us in the service of the Lord.

Currently, I am trying to assist a Gita Course in Kadugodi, Bangalore which is run by my able shiksha guru who is a brahmacari at ISKCON Whitefield, an extension of Sri Sri Narasimha Giridhari Temple Bangalore.

Maya is very strong Gurudev, I beg and pray at your lotus feet that my mind be fixed on executing your instructions. As each day passes, Kali-yuga is becoming more and more intense, I beg at your lotus feet that I may be able to constantly meditate upon your instructions. I hanker for that day to come when I will develop some devotional qualities for your pleasure.

Yours eternally,

Avinash P

Śrī Śrī Narasiṁha Giridhari Mandir,

Bangalore, India

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Hare krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotusfeet.

Maharaj this is my first homage to you.

This insinificant fool (me) is not qualified to glorify you because your glories are transcendental.

There are many glories of guru maharaj,out of them some touched my heart very deeply, maharaj is the pionner for the preaching in bangladesh,when the truck came through a big hole in the ground maharaj placed a wooden plank on his head and coverd the hole , and  maharaj ask the devotee to drive over it.

2.even in the extreme conditions of health maharj used to come rajapur to listen the realisations from the parikrama devotees.

3.H.G. Amerendra pr is explaining how maharaj cared prji  family and also his relatives when they visited sridham mayapur.It shows maharaj is very sticked to the words of his spiritual master(caring the devotees who came to mayapur)

Among the many gifts by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad you are the crest jewel to Iskcon .

Even though  maharaj helath is not good ,maharaj gives classes very enthusiastically and call the lord  name  “Gourangaaaaaa” which touchs my heart.

I pray to the lordships sri sri Radhamadhavji ,to give you good health.

There are many glories even a ocean of ink is not enough to describe 1% about maharaj.

As maharaj is very merciful he will bestow his causeless mercy on every one even on the sinner like me but I am not able to acces it.maharaj please give me strength to acces your mercy maharaj.

Maharaj please forgive me for my offences.

Always seeking your mercy,blessings:

Your insignificant servent

B.Dilli Prasad (Shelter disciple),

Sri sri radha govinda astasaki giriraj mandir,

ISKCON Tirupati.

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet on this very auspicious 71st glorious Vyasa Puja of yours. Though I am not qualified to glorify your divine qualities, I take this opportunity for my purification.

I do not know where to start from, as every moment of your life is so inspiring. Anyone who gets even a momentary association of yours feel so happy to be in your association and is immediately inspired and gets spiritually inclined.

You have faced so many challenges time and again. Like the attack in 1989 in Spain, acquiring the land in Mayapur, dacoit attack in Mayapur, the stroke in 2008, the transplant in 2019 and so many more. But nothing stopped you from fulfilling the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, preaching and spreading Krsna Consciousness.

You are always engrossed in thinking of new ways to give Krsna Consciousness to others. You are using the social media to reach out to the large audience. Nothing stops you from preaching and inspiring people. During this difficult time of the corona pandemic, when everyone is in lockdown you are still inspiring everyone through your classes and motivating us by giving practical tips to be Krsna conscious.

Please give me strength so that I could give up the propensity for sense gratification and be firmly fixed in KC. Please bless me and my wife Gandarvi Gopika devi dasi that we could carry your mood of compassion of giving KC to many new pople. Please bless my daughter Ruchira Radhe that she could be a nice devotee.


We pray to the lordship Sri sri Jagannatha, Baladev and Subadra, Panchatatva, Radha Madhav and Narasinghadev for your good health and long life.


Your useless son,
Bala Murari Dasa (Diksha Disciple)
ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham
Magadi Main Road, Bangalore

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Dear Guru Mahārāja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet.


All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.


All glories to Your Divine Grace.


On this most auspicious day, it's by your causeless Mercy, I got this chance to give my homages unto you. By your mercy, we got the wonderful guidance in Tirupati, by their guidance we are growing in our spiritual path, they were sent by you to accompany you in getting fulfill your preaching mission in and around Tirupati.


The Tirupati ISKCON youth forum is trying the level best to reach the youths and society to give Krishna consciousness to our life by following your footsteps.


The youth forum provides "Bhakti Vrksa" program in the Name of "SAP course" - "Sambandha, Abhideya & Prayojana".


There we get so many wonderful engagements in Krishna Consciousness activities such as:

- SAP classes

- Apart from SAP classes we get 'Sreyas Weekly classes,

- Santhusti (monthly once inmates gathering)

- Naimisaranya (2 months once outters gathering - for job holders, passed out from 'sreyas)

- Yearly Yatra

- One day camp (once in an year.)

- Adharshakutir (for Married Sreyas students)

- Counseling system

- Submitting Sadhana sheet system to Counselors.

- Learning important slokas from Bhagavat-Gita

- We have a base for Job holders in Chaitanya Nitai Desh (Chennai), trying to develop in other cities also.

- Megha Youth Festival.

- New year Eve.

- Discover your self. (Nischaya Camp as a preparatory classes for SAP)

- Sri Krishna Janmasti Competitions for schools and colleges in and around Tirupati.

- Damodar month house programs.

- Srila Prabhupada Marthons.


And trying to bring so many plans and strategies every year as an offering unto you to fulfill your mission.


These are the different engagements to us which are given by you through your disciples to Elevate us in Krishna Consciousness.

Not only this, but you are expanding yourself in the form of Facebook live classes and monthly once Youths and student's Zoom meetings for the benefit of us in and around India. 


The only thing which I always aspires from my spiritual father to your spiritual kids who taken shelter at your lotus feet is your personal instructions, guidance and strength to us to follow in your footsteps, in your special presence personally.

Seeking your instructions, guidance and association.


Always aspiring to remain at the dust of your lotus feet,


Your eternal servant of the servant,


C/O ISKCON Youth Forum

Tirupati - India.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are blessed to offer few words of glorification of a great Vaishnava like you on your vyasapuja day. 

You have happily embraced the opportunities in your life and accepted inconveniences at every moment of your life in a way that could please your spiritual master H.D.G A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Seeing you, I had started learning that accepting inconveniences in life for the pleasure of guru is the greatest sacrifice a disciple can do. It is not easy to for conditioned soul covered by a body and mind to accept inconveniences. You have time and again transcended all these challenges and lived a life only for the service of Prabhupada. As you had said "Jayapataka's life is not his own. It's Prabhupada to do with as his own". Your whole life is a living example for how a disciple should dedicate his life in guru's service. You are a complete transcendental personality. You have defied the calculations / predictions of doctors and dragged your living with us only to serve your spiritual master. That's your great kindness upon us. When will I change? When will I stop giving excuses and embrace the inconvenience for your service? When will I offer myself to you at your service completely? When will that day come when loving service for you supersedes all the other of this world? That day I will be able to claim myself to be Jayapataka's. That day I will be able to humble myself at your feet with love for you filled in the heart. I assure you that I am working on self for it. I am struggling to change myself. Fighting against my conditioning. I am putting my efforts but I cannot do it all alone. I need your mercy. Please bless us that we will be able to preach Krishna Consciousness widely and be able to please you. Bless us that we will also carry the mood of yours which is non-different from that of Srila Prabhupada's (our parampara) while executing services for you. Please bless us that we will be able to do service to you without expecting any sort of name, fame, glory, respect, appreciation, etc. Seeking only for opportunities to serve you and your followers.

Your servants

Bandhu Mādhava das

Sumati Jahnava Devi dasi







শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের   পাবনতরী লয়ে

     শ্রীগুরু জয়পতাকাস্বামী


ভ্রমিয়া শতশত  নগরাদি গ্রাম

         আসিলে মোর গ্রাম 


হরি নাম     দীক্ষা দিয়া

      উদ্ধারিল এই নরাধমে


আমা হেন     কত জনে

    সবে দিল ভবপাড়ি 


এমন দয়াল  জগতে আর নাই

   দৃড়করি ধরি পায়


তুমি মোর   মাতা পিতা

     তুমি মোর বিধাতা


তোমার ঐ   পদরেণু দানে

     রক্ষা কর মোরে


জন্মজন্মান্তরে যেন থাকিতে পারি

     তোমার দাস হয়ে




       বংশীবট কৃষ্ণদাস



"Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine"


Respected Guru Maharaj, 


All accept my humble obeisances to your Divine lotus feet. We eternally greatful to you for showing us the right way of Bhakti fearlessly in any circumstances and never leaving the side of truth. 


Guru Maharaj simply by hearing your name loving devotional service sprouts in our hearts simply by remembering your transcendental quality fear. 


Let the loving remembrance of your lotus feet remain again and again in the core of our heart in whatever situation i may undergo and i admit to do many mistakes and sins which are not unpleasing to you but cause various "Anarthas" even physical sufferings unto you Guru Maharaj.


We conclude homage offering with our sincere prayers to NARASIMHA DEV to bestow good health and longlife unto you as to enable you to keep on incessant devotional services for years and years.


So kindly bless me GuruDev that i become krishna consciousness every moment and surrender with all my thoughts words and deeds in all times place and circumstances and carry out the world deliverance mission of Lord Chaitanya. 


Please accept this small Homage on your sacred Appearance day. 


Your Humble Servant 

Bhagwan Raja Ram Das

Sahibabad, Ghaziabad 

My dear Guru Maharaj,

Happy 71st Vyasa Puja!

O Gurudev, I couldn't have been more fortunate to have had my Vidyarambham sitting on your lap with you personally holding my hand and writing my first words with me.

Just like how a baby feels cozy and undisturbed from the world around her while sitting on her father's lap; I have always found warmth and security in your presence and those qualities reflected in your disciples that is my seniors and parents.

You gave me love for Gauranga and I am constantly overwhelmed over how grateful I should be for having your presence in my life. 

You spent more than a year, here in Chennai and now when I think of it, I deeply regret those days and chances I had when I didn't take advantage of your association seriously.

I now very badly want to compensate for all those times that I took things for granted and would do anything to help you in preaching the glories of Gauranga and distributing Shrila Prabhupada's books!

Last year on Nithyanandha trayodashi, you gave this undeserving soul shelter. I desire to get initiated in this sixteenth year of my life.

You're the epitome of mercy and I pray and ask permission from my heart that you accept me as your loyal servant who is desperate in being connected to the Parampara by being your sincere disciple.

Your eternal servant

Bhagyavathi Radha

Daughter of Sumithra Krishna Das and Tarini Radha Devi Dasi

Chennai/ Chaitanya Nitai Desh

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your Lotus Feet wishing you a very happy 71st Vyasa Puja day celebrations.

Kindly accept the results of insignificant austerities I have taken knowingly or unknowingly in the Vraja Mandal Parikrama and Puri Parikrama for your well-being. I wish to see you dance in the TOVP before Gaurasundar, your heart and soul Gurumaharaj.

Countless efforts, unlimited mercy and unconditional loving care that has been flowing from you Gurumaharaj, all the conditioned souls are being flooded with Gauranga's loving devotional service. Accepting around 50,000 disciples is a clear manifestation of your love and compassion towards the fallen sous. You have been an exemplary personality standing as the senior Vaishnava Sanyasi completing your 50th Sannyasa Vyasapuja. I can never imagine your causeless mercy that I got shelter at your lotus feet. Your guidance is the oxygen for us to sustain in this material world until our journey back home is complete and even in spiritual world as an old friend.

You taught us by example the meaning of austerity which is to tolerate the influence of the senses by accepting things which are not comfortable for the body. The moment you are connected to Prabhupada till today the austerities which you are performing have been increasing every moment. You are at the spiritual platform but it is such a severe austerity for anyone to travel around the world in such bodily conditions. You made this possible to serve Srila Prabhupada in sending as many souls as possible back to Krishna. You surely wanted to take the whole world back to Krishna.

As in the guru mantra 'Nitai kripa pradayine', I received the blessings of Lord Nityananda padukas and I am so fortunate to carry padukas on my head. I firmly believe this happened only because of you Gurumaharaj. I experienced how I became free from one of my attachments when I got dust of your lotus feet on my head. All glories to the Vaishnava Pada Dhuli. I have again experienced how the mercy of dust of Lord Nityananda padukas have given me the strength to overcome minor tests and participate in the very auspicious Vraja Mandal Parikrama and Puri Parikrama 2019.

Although I went alone to the parikrama you never made me feel alone. In the beginning of the parikrama you appeared in my dream and blessed me with the Jagannath brush thrice. That has been my only source of energy to complete the parikrama. Thank you for being with me all the time Gurumaharaj. It's your mercy that will make us realise Krishna and I felt very close to Him during the parikrama hearing such a deep and ecstatic narrations of His pastimes. You have always protected me under Vaishnava association without which it's not possible to take such an austerity, but please forgive me for any offences I have committed before and during the parikrama.

By your grace I am blessed with the opportunity to serve you through JPS Media and has reached a milestone of 400 quotes designed and 40 lecture transcripts over a span of one and half year. Under the guidance of my siksha guru His Grace Ram Murari Das Prabhu I have been able to render media services at ISKCON Guntur for the pleasure of Their Lordships Sri Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra, Jagannath Baladev Subhadra.

Seeking your blessings to intensify my service attitude towards Guru Krishna and to help you in spreading Krishna Consciousness.

Please forgive me Gurumaharaj if I have committed any offences in glorifying you.

All Glories to your Holiness

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru Parampara

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Your loving spiritual daughter
Bhagyavati Subhadra Devi Dasi

“Nama Om Vishnu padya krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine"

- HHJayapataka Swami Guruve Namaha -

Our Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept our respectable obeisance’s at the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad and all glories to You Srila Gurudev!

“Sri-guru-charane rati, ei se uttama-gati”.

Our names were missed out in the initiation ceremony during Your visit to Bangalore in October’19. We remember how You have reacted to our prayers when our leader brought up this to You. We never forgot those moments on how You have ensured that - concerns of the disciple are heard properly without compromising anything in this respect. Finally, You have bestowed a special Causeless mercy to this insignificant souls.

You are always best example of a true acharya and ever well-wisher of disciples. Your care for disciple’s prayers is always high and uncompromised. You have made us to understand that attachment to spiritual master’s lotus feet is only the best way to make spiritual advancement. His mercy fulfills all desires for spiritual perfection.

We are eternally indebted to You Srila Gurudev for having blessed us with the greatest thing in the universe without seeing our disqualifications and undeserving nature.

We pay our respectful obeisances unto Your divine lotus feet by billion and billions of time again and again for Your Causeless mercy for accepting us as Your disciple to serve Your mission to Srila Prabhupada.

Our sincere prayers to Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Sri Jagannath Baladev, Subadramayi  and Sri Sri Narashima Dev to keep our spiritual master always in Good health and strength to continue his service unlimitedly unto Srila Prabhupada and his mission.

We beg to remain in Your service eternally.  

Bhaktavatsala Nitaicand Das &

Mohini Janava Devi Dasi

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances 

All Glories to Guru and Gauranga and All Glories to Sri Prabhupad

Namah Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshthaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Sweamin Iti Namine 

Namacharya Padaya Nitai Krupa Pradayine Gaurakatha Dhama Dhaya Nagara Grama Tharine

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj , I am Sujay Kulkarni son of Gururaja Nithyananda Das and Bhaktipriya Bharathi Devi Mataji . I am currently in my final year of Chemical Engineering at NITK,Surathkal.I am an aspired devotee and i received this under your tutelage when you were in Doha(Qatar) for a short interval.The first time i had seen you face to face was also in Doha back in the year of 2014 , i was mesmerized by your presence and the aura you carry along with you.You are the most favorite disciple of Srila Prabhupad,i have ingrained a lot of positive qualities from you and your actions.I will always pray for your good health and well being.I need your causeless mercy and blessings


Please Bless Me


Hare Krishna 

My Dear Gurumaharaj, Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet on the occasion of your vyasapuja. You are the embodiment of mercy. You are distributing Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mercy through fulfilling the instructions of Srila Prabhupad. You are seeking all possible opportunities to dedicate your life & soul to your Gurudev & Mahapabhu in distributing this mercy of Krishna consciousness. It brings me tears of joy to see your unflinching service to ISKCON in this regard. You are the embodiment of cooperation. You are a perfect example to follow Srila Prabhupad’s instruction “Your love for me will be shown by how you co-operate with one another.” No barriers can hold you back in accomplishing your duties towards spreading Srila Prabhupada’s movement. You have developed a real United Nations in ISKCON Mayapur where everyone from all backgrounds is serving Panchatatva in unity. You are the embodiment of compassion. Your compassion has no limits like of Nityananda Prabhu, towards everyone especially your disciples. You are always accessible & eager to engage each & every one of us in the service of Lord Nityananda. On this most auspicious day of your vyasapuja I pray for you mercy & hope one day I can fully surrender to your lotus feet. Your insignificant servant, Bhaktivinodanuga Das

HareKrishna Dear Srila GuruMaharaj,


               Please accept my respective obeisances at your divine lotus feet, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

After so long time, I am offering vyasa puja offering to you. We do perform Vyasapuja festival and offering at Iskcon Phoenix temple every year, but I am missing your biggest Vyasapuja celebration at Mayapur dham. GuruMaharaj, I see your health condition, still you are serving your GuruMaharaj, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri RadhaMadhav. Eventhough I am far away from you, by seeing your seva and you are giving lectures on youtube and Facebook everyday, I am feeling that I am near you and not far from you. I became grihastha by your mercy. Now I understand very very well about grihastha life, and grihastha life is not very good for me. For example, everybody know fire, and they don’t put their hand on fire, but I put the hand on the fire. There are so many things to say about my family life, but I just desire to come back to Mayapur or Vrindavan to improve my Spiritual life and sadhana. By your causeless mercy, we have been doing our morning sadhana everyday morning from 5 AM to 9 AM and also we do evening puja and book reading from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, my sadhana is good and my work is very good. My Wife and I are reading Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatham, Chaitany Charitamrta everyday by your causeless mercy, this makes me feel Anandham bhudhivardhanam every day and we are very happy spiritually. Even though we are in America, I feel Mahaprabhu is in my house when offering food to the Lordships and worshipping Him. And I feel our house is like temple, when we sing Vaishnava songs, we feel all the sadhus, sadgoswami, Guruparampara is present in my house. And the Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is not very far from me. This is the only reason that I am able to survive, otherwise it will be very very difficult for me. Please forgive me for all my offences at your divine lotus feet. I am hearing many many lectures from the Iskcon devotees especially Gauranga Prem Maharaj, you Participated in the celebration of 65th Birthday of HH Gauranga Prema Maharaj and you gave a very nice lecture and encouraged your disciple HH Gauranga Prem Maharaj and all your desciples. This was very very encouraging to me, that is the reason I feel you are very near to me and you’re not far from me. Purity is the most important, you’re very pure, please bless me so that I can get the taste for pure loving devotional service.


Your Servants,

Bhaba Siddhi Das and Anarpita Karuna Deva Dasi,

Om Ajnana TimirAndhasya JnanaAnjanaShalaakaaya

Chakshurunmilitam Yena Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha


Namah Om Vishu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swami iti namine


Namo Acharyapadya Nitai kripa pradyine

gaura Katha dama daya Nagar Grama tarine


All Glories To Your Divine Grace Srila Guru Maharaj!! 


Guru Deva,

You are the mercy representative of the lord, Giver of Transcendental Knowledge. On this most auspicious day of your appearance on planet earth, please accept my most humble obeisance at your lotus feet and heartfelt thanks to you.


When I heard a speck of your services,( like Namahatta, Mayapur Mandhir, Navadwip Parikrama, TOVP, Books Distribution, 50,000 disciples, bargaining with the lord to extend your time in this world to bless all of us,) all your transcendental activities, the way you are serving..., by this i come to know,  how dear you must be to Srila Prabhupad & Gauranga!!!. thank you for everything Gurdeva.


You connected me, to our guru parampara, please bless me to understand the mood of you all so that I can serve with the same mood.


By your mercy I am able to be here in mayapur for the last 14months. Now I got the opportunity to study under HG Vidvan Gauranga prabhu, in his institution (which is going to be established soon)for few years, guru deva please suggest me some words on this.


Guru deva Bless my biological mother & sisters so that they can chant holy nameregularly in all circumstances.

Begging at your lotus feet, forgiveness for all my knowingly and unknowingly done offenses.  Seeking for your blessings to overcome all my Anarthas!


All glories unto You for taking the trouble of rescuing a fallen soul as me.


Please accept my most humble obeisances once again.


Your insignificant servant,

Bhavagrahi Nandanandana Das

(Bhava Nagaraju.D)


My dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obesenses at your lotus feet on the auspicious occasion of 71st vyasa puja. Congratulations for completion of 50th anniversary of sanyasa dear Guru Maharaja. 

By the mercy of Vaishnavas iam able to understand & realize how wonderful you are in fullfilling the desire of Srila Prabhupada.

Recently i was hearing from senior vaishnava that how consious you are in dealings with devotees which made me realize how your carrying the causeless mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda prabhu.

Inspite of your health conditions your continuously preaching world wide tours WHICH makes us how to keep up the spirit high always in service of Guru and Gauranga.
Thank you Guru Maharaja for everything you have done in service of Srila Prabhupada. Please bless me so that i can also continue servings Hari, Guru, Vaishnavas.

We thanks the Lordships Sri Sri RadhaMadhava, Sri Sri Pancatattva, 
Sri Prahlada Narasimha and Guru Parampara for bestowing good 
health to execute the orders of Srila Prabhuada.

Aspiring for dust of your lotus feet,
Yours insignificant servant,
Bhavamaya Nityananda das(diksha),
Juhu, Mumbai.

Nama Om Vishnupadaya Krishna prishtaya bhutale, Shrimate Jayapataka swami iti namine,

Nam Acharya Padaye Nitai Kripa Pradaine, Gour katha gram daya, nager gram tarine.


Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudev.

Please Accept my Respectful Obesiances at Your Divine Lotus Feet.

All glories to SrilPrabhupad .

All glories to Guru and Gouranga.

Very very heartful wishes for Auspicious day of Vyas Puja. This day is most auspicious day for us , Your divine appeared on this planet who is one of most favourite disciple of Sril Prabhupad.

Sril Prabhupad was Senapati bhakt of Mahaprabhu and Your divine is spreading this movement solidly and unflinchingly for fulfilling desire of Sril prabhupad. How much surrendered and unconditional love.

It's amazing to see and think, How much fortunate we are , getting Your mercy and association even though I m not qualified, unable to follow Your instructions sincerely.



kripa bindu diya, karo' ei dase,

tranpekha ati hina

sakala Sahane, bala diya karo,

nija-mane sprha-hina

Guru is representative of Nityanand Prabhu. I have full faith that Your divine will never leave me and I would always have remembrance of Guru and Gouranga in my heart. Please give me mercy so I can continue my sadhna and TOVP service sincerely. Want to Pray for My Son Param Ahuja. He would get association of devotees and Acharyas and serve mission of Prabhupad. 

I am filled with so much joy and ecstasy when writing this offering. So much compassion , So much love for fallen Soul like me.


I Pray to Lord Narsimhadev for Your divine Well being and Good health So YOUR desire to fulfil Prabhupad desire and expand this mission in every city and village would be fulfilled Soon.

Jai Guru dev,

Nitai Gour Hari bol


Your indebted and most fallen daughter

Bhavanandini devi Dasi(diksha)

ISKCON Ajmer(Rajasthan)


71st Vyasapuja offering 2020

My most beloved and respectful Gurumaharaja,

Please kindly accept my prostrated obeisances at the dust of your divine feet.

Gurumaharaja, on this most auspicious occasion of your 71st divine appearance day, devotees from whole world are glorifying you. Chanting your divine glories and thus making unlimited progress in their lives. I am also trying to meditate upon some of your transcendental qualities, like a sparrow tries to take out some drops of water from an ocean. I heard from a Vaisnava that, a good disciple should celebrate the Vyasapuja of one’s Spiritual Master every day by meditating upon the transcendental qualities of the Guru and simply glorify them and aspire to live based on those qualities.

Gurumaharaja, You are the ocean of Vaisnava qualities. Your heart is the resting place of Lord Govinda. The non-envious nature of yours has occupied innumerable hearts of devotees. You are ajatashatravah, means one’s enemy has not born. You never consider anyone as your enemy.You are always free from criticism, nindadisunyam. You never like to hear criticism. As a part of your service to Srila Prabhupada or his mission, you may have to hear from others, but you never like to. In the management you are so perfect ati daksha, that you can do everything without hurting anyone. You are always focused to please Guru and Krishna. Your selfless attitude wins everyone’s heart and gives joy to everybody. Your love and respect towards your Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada is so much that you are having so much pains in your body still you are continuing preaching and distributing the same teachings that you have received from your Gurudeva Srila Prabhupada. Gurumaharaja, You are given the title of ‘’Acharyapada’’ is very much befitting. Achayra means one who teaches by his own example and also means the previous Achayras. Pada means the lotus feet or blessings. There are many meaning of Acharyapada and all are befitting to you.

  1. Acharyapada means- One who has taken shelter of the blessings of the previous acharyas.
  2. Acharyapada means- One who is following the footsteps of the previous acharyas.
  3. Acharyapada means- One who is distributing the same blessings in the form of Teachings of the previous acharyas to others. You have taken shelter of the previous acharyas, blessed and empowered by the previous acharyas and distributing Krishna Consciousness based on the teaching of the previous acharyas without any discrimination throughout the world.

Gurumaharaja, you are the live n practical example of the foundamental principle of Krishna Consciousness which is ‘’We are not this body but spirit soul’’. In this condition of your body still the way you are preaching is not possible by an ordinary person. Being in the ICU, you can think of other’s benefit is the proof of your natural kindness, jive daya. You are always poro dukhe dukhi. Being fully sense controlled, still you are dukhi just because of seeing our conditionings and short comings. Your concern for others, touches the hearts of others. One of the 26 Vaisnava qualities is Kavi, means one who can express his feelings through writings. You expressed your gratitude towards Srila Prabhupada through the poem ‘’yadi prabhupada na hoito tabe ki hoito, e jibon bohito kishe, How it would be if Prabhupada had not been there, how the life would have spent. When one is very much realized and his heart is filled with the love and gratitude for the Lord, he is excited to express it to others. Even in this condition you are still writing the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the form of a book named Caitanya, its nothing but simply your feeling of ecstacy, Pure Love for the Lord Caitanya.

Gurumaharaja, I am feeling a great need of your blessings to be able to access your mercy in the form of Divine instructions and value them by taking them seriously and following them lovingly. My good wife Rameshwari is carrying 8 months pregnancy and trying her best to practice Krishna Consciousness, kindly bestow your divine mercy upon us so that we can take and do the responsibility with service attitude and can set an example of good parents to the would be coming child.

I thank you thousands of times for bestowing your limitless and countless mercy upon me.

All glories to You Gurumaharaja.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu.


Aspiring to be your loving servant life after life

Bir Krishna Balaram Das.

Vrindavan. Uttar Pradesh. India.


Minhas reverências aos vossos pés de lótus, todas as glórias ao seu

aparecimento. Nosso querido mestre espiritual, neste dia auspicioso para

todos nós, servos de seus pés de lótus, ganhamos fé, confiança e entusiasmo

por tamanha misericórdia de sua graça. Uma grande alma como sua divina

graça, vem a este mundo material tão caído para nos salvar das garras de

Maya, assim merecendo ser entoado com muita força os santos nomes do Senhor

(HARE KRISHNA) junto com o som dos búzios, comemorando está data.

Espero arduamente que Krishna me conceda a benção que é ser sua discípula.

‘Sua aspirante a serva BN PAMELA’

                               !Hare Krishna!

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate Jayapataka-svāminn iti nāmine

Namah acharyapadaya nitai krpa pradhayine

Gaurakatha dhama dhaya nagara grama tarine

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāminn iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe



Dear Srila Gurudeva!

Please accept my respectful obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I consider this as a great opportunity & great fortune in my life to glorify the whole parampara through Your Divine Grace on your auspicious appearance day!

This year it’s very unique for all the disciples and well-wishers all over the world that they all would be part of this Maha Vyasa Puja wherein more than 50000 Vyasa puja celebrations will be observed in every disciple and well-wishers’ houses alongside their whole family! Never has there been such a great opportunity to glorify Srila Prabhupada and the whole Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya and spread Krishna Consciousness!

None would have had 50000 Plus Vyasa Puja celebrations on this planet at the same time! This will be another glorious history of Srila Prabhupada’s Victory Flag!!!

Being the recipient of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus mercy, I can’t fathom the great opportunity you opened up for me to be part of this great pastime of serving you in your service to Srila Prabhupada!

I did not have the fortune of associating with Srila Prabhupada when he was present on this planet, however I consider coming in contact with you a greater fortune for me as I could understand Srila Prabhupada much more than what I could have comprehended during his presence. In understanding this pastime one thing which stands out clear is that Srila Prabhupada had great love for his Guru and that’s what we see you reflecting all the time by studying your life of devotion to Srila Prabhupada. Like father like son!

Many lessons I learnt about Srila Prabhupada and many more I’m trying to learn from you. Out of the many lessons you gave me, few really touched and transformed me during this year!

Lesson one!

Srila Prabhupada all the time demonstrated that he is not the body and an eternal spirit soul by freely distributing the mercy of Sri Sri Nitai Gaur not worrying about many physical challenges he had to undergo due to his advanced age.  You by your personal example prove to the whole world what it means to be “You are not the body”. In my limited knowledge and experience, I have never come across any person, who has undergone so many challenges to his body has become more selfless than you! Like Srila Prabhupada all the time carrying his compassionate heart in delivering the conditioned souls, you similarly demonstrating your love and care for the devotees and non-devotees alike. Your heartbeat always sounds “Nitai Gaur! Nitai Gaur! Nitai Gaur” instead of “Lub – Dub”. Like father like son!

Lesson two!

Srila Prabhupada demonstrated by practical example how Krishna is time. Srila Prabhupada hardly slept and translated books and was giving instructions how to spread this message of Godhead and save the people from the ill effects of kali by spending all his time in full Krishna Consciousness. You, under this current body conditions also demonstrating how time is invaluable and it must be fully used in Krishna’s service by giving your association to anyone and everyone. Last year we could realize this mood of yours by taking up a global travel after your transplant not wanting to waste even a single minute without serving the Lord or His wonderful devotees! Like father like son!

Lesson three!

Srila Prabhupada was always available to his disciples guiding them during ordinary times and at the time of crisis either personal or organization. Always providing spiritual solutions to their material challenges. We could realize with your fragile health condition; you are available for the whole world to uplift them from material sufferings. The whole world is distancing from the problems, you seem to be daring and going more closer to the people to uplift them from the miserable material existence like how Srila Prabhupada who took a daring decision to spread Krishna Consciousness by travelling to the West!  Like father like son!

Lesson four!

Srila Prabhupada demonstrated the sense of urgency in giving Krishna Consciousness to the whole world. To achieve this, Srila Prabhupada used all the available modern technology solutions to turns things faster, like using the Dictaphone to translate the books faster to ensure that the books are available to everyone immediately. You Srila Gurudeva, feeling the sense of urgency and wanting to reach as many suffering souls of this world as possible use all the available technology and tools to ensure somehow or other Krishna Consciousness reach them faster considering other’s inability to reach Krishna! Like father like son!

I feel so miserable and useless that for such an illustrious grandfather and father, I’m such a disgrace!

None can be more merciful than you, despite knowing the fact I’m blind and lame still you find a way to engage me in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s service. I don’t know when I will be able to clear this eternal debt to you!

One thing comes out very clearly & strongly in my heart; that is if you are not merciful upon me, I don’t think anyone else in the three worlds would shower their mercy on a person like me! I become speechless when I realize how fortunate I am! At the same time, I feel devastated and hopeless when I realize that I’m not showing my gratitude by seriously taking up this Krishna Conscious process and help you to serve Srila Prabhupada!

Every time I see you and associate  with you even for a moment, I realize the power of thunder charging me with so much spiritual energy but due  my material desires and attachments, I fail to retain the energy and advance in my Krishna Conscious endeavour!

I feel so depressed being useless to receive your mercy, but at the same time I don’t have any alternative as I heard that you are an associate of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and one can’t find anyone more merciful than you!

Like a lame man who is attracted to honey! I understand that I don’t have any qualification to come near you, but somehow a small desire within my heart is awakening and strongly attracted to your lotus feet. Please shower your mercy and I don’t have any other hope!

Whether I’m eligible or not, qualified or not, my only desire is to serve you till my last breath! Kindly bestow this benediction upon me!

I don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity of obtaining your mercy! I realize you have specifically appeared in this material world to uplift the fallen condition souls as part of your mission in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission!

On this auspicious day! Please bless Rasamayi DD and Cidananda Nimai Das that as a family we eternally serve you in your service to Srila Prabhupada!

I would also like you to bless all devotees and their families who are connected with New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham, Bengaluru.


Your useless son

Caitanaya Avatari das

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Dear Gurudeva 

please accept my humble obesieance on your lotous feet ,which gives shelters somany conditions souls like me .Gurudeva you are living example of 26 vaishvas quality and example of how a disciple should follow instructions of his spiritual master .your causeless mercy shown on your every activity .

So my prayers on your lotous feet kindly always guide me in my life so maybe I can render some very insignificant service for your pleasure . without your mercy I don't have any potencey to render any service .only by your causeless mercy I can render some service .

Your insignificant servant,

Caitanya Candra Prasada dasa


Hare krishna querido guru maharaj , por favor aceite minhas humildes e respeitosas


Todas as glórias a esse grandíssimo e auspicioso dia , o aparecimento de um

vaishnava de primeira classe, que veio resgatar seus irmãos que estão  esquecidos do

senhor Krishna . Sua Santidade é um exemplo , um verdadeiro acarya,um ghostianandi

perfeito,  repleto de entusiasmo e compaixão para com todas as entidades vivas. Sua

Santidade  não mede esforços para salvar as almas adormecidad do colo da bruxa maya.

 Sua Santidade  compôs a canção para Srila Prabhupada, quantas coisas ganhamos pela

vinda dele . Mas podemos nos perguntar a mesma pergunta em relação a sua Santidade.

Mayapur ? Nama hatta ? Bhakti vriksha? Nabadwip mandala parikrama ? quanto serviço

Sua Santidade vem prestando para Guru e Gouranga ?quanta inspiração traz ao coração

de todos os devotos? Quanta devocao e firme fe nas palavras do Guru E krishna?  um

pilar inquebrável da iskcon !

Acho que não consigo escrever todas as suas glórias nem se escrevesse por um dia

inteiro. Muito obrigado pela misericórdia sem causa de ter me aceitado como seu

filho espiritual,  espero poder retribuir-lo  algum dia .

Por favor me abençoe para que possa servir a Guru e krishna sinceramente.

De seu aspirante a bom discípulo krishna Caitanya Prasada das

Hare Krishna


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Dear Gurudeva 

please accept my humble obesieance on your lotous feet ,which gives shelters somany conditions souls like me .Gurudeva you are living example of 26 vaishvas quality and example of how a disciple should follow instructions of his spiritual master .your causeless mercy shown on your every activity .

So my prayers on your lotous feet kindly always guide me in my life so maybe I can render some very insignificant service for your pleasure . without your mercy I don't have any potencey to render any service .only by your causeless mercy I can render some service .


Your insignificant servant

Chaitanya chandra prasad das

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to you and your world-wide (Traveling)preaching.



trāṇāya kāruṇya-ghanāghanatvam

prāptasya kalyāṇa-guṇārṇavasya

vande guroḥ śrī-caraṇāravindam


The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish it, so the spiritual master delivers the materially afflicted world by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.


On this most auspicious day of your 71st Vyāsa-pūjā celebration, I want to express my gratitude for your unlimited mercy. If not for your causeless mercy, we would be rotting in the endless cycle of birth and death. Actually, I have no qualification at all to glorify you, but it is my duty to offer this homage. Even though it is impossible to glorify you adequately, please be merciful and accept it. 


Taking the shelter of your lotus feet is the only way out of this hellish condition of life.

I am born in the darkness of this material world. It is only due to your causeless mercy that you have taken me as your disciple. O Gurudeva, how can I repay my debt to you? Indeed, I can’t: my debt to you will never be paid off. 


Whenever we hear about your day-to-day activities, we get more inspiration and enlightenment that keeps us in Krishna Consciousness.


Simply by seeing you, any sinful person is purified. And by placing your footsteps upon this world, Mother Earth becomes purified of the heavy sins committed by evil men like myself.


You are a jewel of this world. May I take shelter under your lotus feet, O Gurudeva. Please be kind and splash a drop of your mercy upon us. Please cast your merciful glance upon us so that our lives will be successful.


O Gurudeva, may your glories be echoed throughout the three worlds!


Your insignificant servant, 


Candra Vadana Gopala Das,


Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-shalakaya

chakshur unmilitam yena tasmai shri-gurave namaha.

           Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

          Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

          Namo Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

         Gaura katha dhamadaaya nagar gram tarine

Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivendanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Saraswate Deve Gaura Vani pracharine

Nirvishesha shunyavadi paschatya desha tarine

         Mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim
         yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam

Dear Guru Maharaj kindly accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet ! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your auspicious appearance day! 

 I  find myself totally unqualified to glorify your transcendental qualities. Kindly forgive my mistakes considering  this as  my first attempt at Vyasapuja offering !

Srila Prabhupada travelled around the world to preach Krishna Consciousness and at the same time prepared his disciples to continue his mission after his physical disappearance.  At times I used to feel little  disappointed thinking why  Srila Prabhupada did not come to Assam. Why  the people of Assam and North East India were bereft of the mercy of  a pure devotee! But then I realised Srila Prabhupada let  his disciples  complete his unfinished work. And  you , dear Guru Maharaj, so kindly taken us ,  the people of Assam and other states of North East India , under the shelter of your divine lotus feet !  It is by your mercy alone  that the   ignorance of the people of this part of India is slowly melting away and the light of Krishna Consciousness is  dawning in our hearts!   I bow down at your lotus feet millions of times out of gratitude for saving us  !  Although you  started your mission in Assam long time ago, but  I am so fallen that I could take your shelter only recently.  I pray at your lotus feet that with your mercy I may qualify myself soon to be accepted  as  your diksha disciple . 

Srila Narottam Das thakur has said  about Vaishnava that " Gangara parasha hoile paschaate paavana, Darshane pavitra karo ei tomara guna" ( One gets purified after touching the water of Ganga, but the power of a Vaishnava is that just by taking his darshan a person gets purified)  

Dear Guru Maharaj, you have been very kindly purifying us with your  Darshan everyday online , showering  your mercy as well as distributing nectar of Gaura katha.  We sometimes  worry about your health and feel that you  need to take more rest,  But you  have never  let your physical discomfort come in the way of  distributing your mercy!   Srila Prabhupada said, previously you had been an associate of Nityanada Prabhu , whose mercy is unfathomable like an ocean, beyond imagination!  We consider ourselves very fortunate to see  glimpse  of that mercy of  Nityanada Prabhu through your merciful heart !  

Dear Guru Maharaj the world needs your physical presence for a long  time  to uplift many more fallen souls like me. Kindly take care of your health for the sake of all those who need you! I  pray at the lotus feet of Shri Nrisinghadev and Srila Prabhupada for bestowing you a   long and healthy life ! 

"Sri Guru charane rati ei se uttama gati" ( The ultimate fulfilment of all desires can be achieved by being attached to the lotus feet of Guru) . Kindly bless me  that I may be able to fix my mind at serving  your lotus feet with a humble heart. 

Srlia Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj ki Jai !!

Yours  servant of the servant of the servant of your lotus feet

Chandana Hazarika, sheltered disciple, Guwahati








Hare Krishna! Gurumaharaj!

All Glories to Srila Prabhpada!

All Glories to Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Your Auspicious Appearance Day!

Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances and my insignificant love onto your Divine Lotus-feet of Mercy.


My Dearest GuruMaharaj!

Please bless me to be always in Krishna Conscious. Without your mercy, It is never possible to progress in devotion. I am facing a lot of troubles and deviation in this material world. kindly protect me from all those unwanted people and mishaps who/which would deviate me from my devotional life. I always want to serve you and Srila Prabhupada. Kindly keep me under the shadow of your lotus feet and protect me. I am chanting two rounds. Only with your mercy I will develop a desire to chant more. 


Your little son of innocence

Bhakta Chiranjeevi Sriram 

3rd Standard

New Rajapur Jagannath Dham Yatra, Bangalore.

Lives in Chennai.

The Messiah


Divine transcendent of Krishna Caitanya

Eternal role and servant to Nityananda

Incarnation of mercy from Advaita

Victory flag tears darkness asunder


Radha Krishna in the supreme world

Maha Vishnu the creator

Balaram the spiritual master

Victory flag preaches like thunder


Wallowing in anxiety full of dread

Greed illusion lust follow without debt

Addicting disrupting mind follows instead

Victory flag picks me by the head


Insecurity and anger fester me through

Creeping faults and critic my mind thinks too

Novel an idea books corrupt a brew

Victory flag destroys my ego with a coup


Mercy overflowing undeserving I be

Compassion in a glance despite me a taboo

Prabhupada’s love transmitting as rescue

Victory flag breaking bounds catches me true


Serving Jagannatha and Govardhan hill

Nitai Gaura Chandra engage me too

Cleaning places of great virtue

Victory flag engages my mind body soul of no value


Chidanand Nimai offering my due

Respects service and my humble life too

But cannot repay the debts Oh Guru!

Pray to eternally preach as a gratitude to you

Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Your Divine Grace. All glories to your auspicious appearance day.


Gurudev, you are my spiritual father, my best friend and guide. Getting initiated by you in 2007 in Krishna Katha Desh (Doha, Qatar) has been my greatest fortune. Your compassion knows no bounds, Gurudev. No words can describe your glory, your great dedication to Srila Prabhupada and your tireless efforts in rescuing the conditioned souls stuck in material mire. Thank you for being with us as our inspiration and guide. 


Inspired by your praise for Srila Prabhupada, I have written a small poem for your pleasure and glorification Gurudev. It is full of faults and errors Gurudev, but kindly accept it as an insignificant offering at your lotus feet on the occassion of your Vyas Puja.


                                               AMAR GURUDEV

Jodi Gurudev na hoito tabe ki hoito,

Kalir papider bachaito ke,

Siksha diya, Harinam diya,

Shab adharmider uddharilo se.


Prabhupader vani hridaye dhoria,

Desh bideshe bhromon koria,

Khuda-trishna atikram koria,

Krishna siksha bilaiya dilo se.


Markine janmiya, aishwarya bhulia,

Bharate padarpan korilo je,

Gaurange mojia, Nitair guna gaiya,

Prithibir jivere anande dubailo se.


Gurudev kono sadharan vyakti nahe,

Swayam Srila Prabhupada ei vakya kahe.

Chaitanyadever nitya sevak se je,

Patita pavan hoiya ashiayachen dhara dhame.


Srila Prabhupader senapati bhakta hoiya,

Mayapur gorite samudra paar koria,

Chaitanya lilar samasta sthan khujia,

Bikoshito koritechen se.


Gauranger lila smaran koria,

Haridas-Nitair karuna loyiya,

Firichen Jaya-pataka swami nagare grame,

Uddharite shab pranire Gauranga name.


Karuna sagar, dayar sagar, 

Apaar karuna tomaar,

Sei sagare doob diya je,

Manava tyajilo papera bhaar.


Ei bhavasagar baro dukhadayak,

Paar kara baro kathin,

Daraiya achen Guru Maharaj,

Abashyoi paar karaiben tini.


Gauranga bolia, Gauranga bhojia,

Prithibere preme dubailo je,

Tistha tumi mama hrid majhare,

Bikosito karo ei adham jivere.



I try to do some little services for your pleasure Gurudev, book distribution being one of them. By your mercy and blessings, my prabhu (Sree Kumar Datta, aspiring) and I have distributed Bhagavad-gita to Thane Central Jail, old age homes, to the weaker sections of society, friends, relatives and others. For your pleasure, we have donated Srimad Bhagavatam sets during Bhadra month and Book Marathon. I sometimes write for Back To Godhead magazine (sample attached) and also for the Janmashtami Souvenir of the local congregation. I participate and serve in the programs of the local congregation and every Thursday some devotees come to our place and we discuss "Teachings of Lord Chaitanya". These insignificant little services are not due to my efforts Gurudev, but entirely due to your mercy. I offer them unto your lotus feet.  All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada.  


I need your mercy and blessings Gurudev, to continue my service to please you and Srila Prabhupada.


Thanking you for everything Gurudev,

Your insignificant servant and daughter,

Cintamani Sakhi Devi Dasi.

(Chitra Datta)

My Dear Spiritual Father Srila Guru Maharja,


Please accept my Respectful obediences at the dust of your Divine Lotus Feet.

All Glories to Jagat Guru HDG Srila Prabhupada !

All Glories to your appearance day.


It is my immense pleasure to offer Vyasa Puja offering to you dear Srila Acaryapada 

Guru Maharaja, especially on your 71st appearance day. This year is also your 51 years of your Sanyas  Celebration.


Guru Maharaj, We will be celebrating your 51 years of Golden Sanyas anniversary on Radhastami 26 th August 2020. Guru Maharaj you are the Crest Jewel of renunciate, "Nyasi Chudamani".


Guru Maharaj you are adorned with Kavacha/Shield of numerous instructions given to by Jagat Guru HDG Srila Prabhupada.

You are fulfilling those instruction skill fully, and engaging us all in this Divine process of Bhakti Yoga.

You have declared that you are infected with serious infection of giving out Sri Gauranga Prem to new souls you meet. There is no limit to your infection, once infected there is no antidote for this infection, and once infected, one becomes Eternal victim of Gauranga Prema.

This year on your pilgrimage to Dacca birth place of many exhallted Parampara Guru 

You gave initiation to 2000 disciples, completing Srila Prabhupada's instruction to make 50,000 disciples. Nothing stops you, you continue to attract more new Souls who you are infecting to become Gauranga Bhaktas.

Also you have been continuing in developing Navadvip Dham, and this year, ISKCON has acquired land in each of the Nine Island. A Victory Jayapataka Flag erected in each Dvipa. Master Plan is to build school on each island. Where children will be learning to practice Krishna Conscious. 

HDG Srila Prabhupada  instruction to you is " I give you Kingdom of God you develop it" This year,  TOVP Pujari Floor was opened on 13 th February 2020.

Guru Maharaj post your Liver & kidney transplant you have continued to preach all over the world, you visited  5 continents, enthusing and nurturing devotees  and disciples and preaching Gaura Lila.

I feel very fortunate to be a Nitya Seva sponsor for Jayapataka Flag for all three Domes of TOVP on your every Appearance Day ( Kamada  Ekadasi ).

Guru Maharaj you are our great Victory  !  Victory Flag 


All Glories to your staunch service in serving Srila Prabhupada. 

Begging to remain your Eternal servant,

Your Spiritual daughter Chudamani 

Chudamani dasi


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj,

“Nama Om Vishnu padya krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”


“Nama Om Vishnu padya krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedanta  Swami iti namine,

Namaste Sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine”

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisance unto Your lotus feet!

My dear Spiritual Father,

This is my second homage unto You Gurudev! I am not qualified to glorify You and Your service determination and Your way of following instructions of Your spiritual master – Srila Prabhupada. Your wonderful determination in preaching and spreading the Hare Krishna Movement in spite of Your health challenges inspires me and Your followers a lot. It makes me feel so very fortunate that we are in the lineage of Srila Prabupapda under Your divine guidance. May this legacy continue to all the fallen souls and may all be blessed and become receiver of Your causeless mercy and help You in spreading Krishna Consciousness movement ahead.

Srila Prabhupada will be so very pleased by Your service attitude that You carry the mood of giving Gaura Prema to many and many either personally or through Your online classes.  I am amazed to hear Your Love for devotees in this situation of coronavirus which is affecting the entire world, is converted to Parama Kaurna Virus as said by You Gurudev.

Oh Vaishvana Thakura! This world of spiritual family created by Srila Prabhupada is growing with Your special guidance and will continue to grow and expand with Your love and care for all human Kind.

Please accept me as an instrument in Your mission, let this life time be only in serving You and Your instruction Gurumaharaj.  Thank You very much for all Your love and mercy Gurumaharaj, Please accept my homage offering and this fallen soul in Your dust of Your Louts feet.

Unqualified and useless aspiring soul

Darshan TP

Hare krishna 





Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am your newly born child, you named me Devapalaka Nitai Das. Thank you so much for accepting the most sinful and full of bad quality animal as your child.

Still I am trying to find enjoyment from material objects, although I know this not the way searching enjoyment in this material world only serving Guru and Gauranga can give actual peace in this material world. I always remember your analogy in Bengali -" Gache kathal gophe tail" and you said just simple understanding Soul and thinks ourself perfect and takes things very granted in spiritual life. Getting the fruit of devotion service need long way to go.

Please bless me in this auspicious day, so maximum of time krishna gave me in the body , I can connect with his internal energy and  from my very heart of heart serve devotees , Guru and Nitai Gauranga.

I also pray to Gauranga , you stay very healthy and inspire all of us and save us from all danger. 

Your Newly born Son,

Devapālaka Nitāi dāsa

All glories to Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Garanga and NItyananda

All glories to Vaishnavavrinda         

গুরু মহারাজ এবং শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের অসীম কৃপায় একটি গুরুবন্দনা রচনা করার প্রয়াস করেছি।                 


কিবা সুখ মোর কাছে আর কিবা দামী ।

ভাগ্যবলে গুরু মোর জয়পতাকা স্বামী ।।

কৃপার সিন্ধু তিনি, কৃপার সীমা নাই ।

ভাগ্যবলে তাঁর কৃপা  জন্মে জন্মে পাই ।।

পতিতপাবন তিনি উদ্ধারিয়া মোরে ।

লইলেন মোর পাপ আপন শরীরে ।।

সব দোষ ক্ষমা করি দিলেন আশ্রয় ।

তাঁর কথা  লিখি মোর শক্তি কিবা হয়।।

বৈষ্ণব কৃপায় যেন এই শক্তি ধরি।

বন্দি গুরুচরণপদ্ম নিত্য বুকে ধরি।।

গুরুমুখপদ্মবাক্য করিয়া স্মরণ।

ত্রিসন্ধ্যায় করি তাঁহার যশকীর্তন ।।

মূর্খ আমি কিবা তাঁর করিব বর্ণন।

লভিয়া চরণছায়া জিনিব মরণ ।।

এত বলি মুকুন্দ  দাস করি জয়ধ্বনি।

জন্মে জন্মে গুরু মোর জয়পতাকা স্বামী।। 

হে পতিতপাবন আচার্য শ্রীল গুরুমহারাজ, 

আপনার শ্রীচরণপদ্মে অনন্তকোটি দণ্ডবৎ প্রণাম। আপনার মহিমা বর্ণনা করার শক্তি আমার মত পতিতের নেই। আপনি কৃপা করে আমার সমস্ত পাপরাশি আপনার শরীরে ধারণ করে আমাকে পাপমুক্ত করেন। আপনার কৃপা ভিন্ন আমার এই জীবন অনর্থ। যখন যখন আমি দিশাহীন হই, ভক্তিজীবনে কিছু অনর্থ প্রবেশ করে আপনি অন্তর্যামী হয়ে আমাকে উদ্ধার করেন। এই জড়জীবনের যন্ত্রণায় কাতর হয়ে যখন আমি আধ্যাত্মিক জীবনের অনুসন্ধান করছিলাম, তখন আপনার অনন্ত কৃপায় আমার নিকট আপনার প্রতিনিধি শ্রীপাদ শ্রীনিবাস গোপাল দাস প্রভুকে আমার নিকট প্রেরণ করেন এবং আমাকে মায়াবাদের  কবল  থেকে উদ্ধার করেন। আপনার করুণার সীমা নেই। আপনার গুণকীর্তন করার কিইবা শক্তি আমার আছে? যখনই আমার ভিতরে কোন পাপের আবির্ভাব হয় আপনি তৎক্ষণাৎ তা গ্রহণ করে আমায় উদ্ধার করেন। আপনার হাজার হাজার মহৎ শিষ্যের মধ্যে আমি একজন ক্ষুদ্র কীটের ন্যায়। আপনার কৃপালাভ করে সকলেই ধন্য ধন্য। আপনার চরণাশ্রয়ে থাকতে পেরে সকলেই নির্বিঘ্ন অনুভব করে। আপনার কৃপায় আমি আপনার চরণছায়ায় থেকে নিত্য আপনার চরণদর্শন করি। আপনার কৃপা আশীর্বাদে আমি যেন ইস্কনের সেবায় আমার পরবর্তী জীবন সমর্পণ করতে সমর্থ হই।

আপনার শ্রীচরনাশ্রিত

দেবপতি মুকুন্দ দাস।      

Dear Guru Mahārājā,


Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.


All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and Śrī Guru and Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahaprabhu and All Vaisnavas!


All glories to your appernace day.

We are so happy to celebrate your wonderful 70Th appearance day at mayapur. I am attending first time Vyas puja ceremony at mayapur. I am really excited to attend vyas puja ceremony. We wants get blessings from you and our all God brothers.


 I am really fourtune and indebted to you becuase You accepted me my wife as your deciple last year on gaur purnima festival at mayapur. Even we are not eligible for that.


Guru maharaj becuase of you mercy we able to start bhakti vriksha program in udaipur Rajasthan and now we are going to expand in more groups. We are facing so much of difficulties to run this program but when we think about how much pain you are taking bodily n mentally us. How much you are tolerating us. It is giving us so much strenght to us.



Therefore, please bless me so that no matter where you stay, I may always feel your presence in the core of my heart. And guru maharaj please bless us so we can do more and more preaching with right mood and mission so in that way we can help you to fullfill Prabhupada instructions. 


Your Servant


 Devendra Madhav Das(Diksa)


Udaipur, india

Nama om visnu-padaya
Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
Srimate Jayapataka-
Svamin iti namine

Nama acaryapadaya

My Dearest Guru Maharaj,
Please accept my most respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 
With all the love in my heart, I would like to wish you a very Happy Vyasapuja. 

As all of your disciples watch the festivities and glorification from online, we may not be there in person, but we are most definitely there in spirit. This year, the pandemic lockdown may have changed many things, but it can never change the utmost love and gratitude that we have for you, our dear spiritual Father. It has actually taught us surrender and detachment, as well as appreciation for many things we take for granted, like the association of devotees. And most of all, as you have mentioned in your classes, how the chanting of the Holy Name is the only way to save the world. 

You are our hope, Guru Maharaj, our guiding star, and our commander in chief, leading us out of harm's way. 
We owe everything to you, Guru Maharaj, and pray that one day we can attempt to somehow repay you in service to Srila Prabhupada. 

Begging to remain at the dust of your lotus feet, 
Your servant and spiritual daughter, 
Devesani Radhika dasi

ஹரே கிருஷ்ணா குரு மஹராஜ் ,

வணக்கம். உங்களை பார்க்க வேண்டும்.உங்கள் 51வது வியாச பூஜையில் கலந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். உங்களிடம் தீட்சை பெற வேண்டும் என்று எனக்கு மிகவும் விருப்பம் குரு மஹராஜ். உங்கள் கருணையால் இதை எல்லாம் செய்து தாருங்கள்.

நீங்கள் நலமாக இருக்கிறீர்களா? எங்கள் மீது கருணை கொண்டு உங்கள் உடல் நலத்தை கிருஷ்ணர் நல்லபடியாக வைத்து கொள்ளட்டும் குரு மஹராஜ்.

நான் தேவி , என் மகன் குரு  சரண் உடன் வாழ்ந்து வருகிறேன். நான் உங்கள் முன்பு ஜெப மாலையை வைத்து தினமும் 16 மாலை நாம ஜபம் செய்ய வைத்து விடுங்கள் என்று வேண்டுகோள் வைத்திலிருந்து 16 மாலை தடையின்றி அதிகாலையில் செய்ய கருணை புரிந்துள்ளீர்கள்.

3 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு எனக்கு ஒரு விபத்து ஏற்பட்டு அதிக காயம் ஏற்பட்டது. நரசிம்மரின் கருணையால் வெளிவந்து கொண்டு வருகிறேன்.

இந்த நிகழ்வுக்கு பிறகு பக்தி விருக்ஷ வகுப்பில் பங்கு பெற வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்துள்ளது. நிறைய தெளிவு கிடைப்பது போல உள்ளது. பக்தி யோகம் பயிற்சி செய்ய தங்கள் கருணை வேண்டும் குரு மஹராஜ்

இன்று திரும்ப எனக்கு விபத்து ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. எந்த ஒரு நிலையிலும் கிருஷ்ண உணர்வை பின்பற்ற நீங்களே எங்களின்  வழிகாட்டி. எந்த நிலையிலும் கிருஷ்ண உணர்வை பின் தொடர்ந்து நிலைத்து நிற்க குரு மஹராஜ் உங்கள் கருணை எங்கள் மீது வேண்டும்.

எனது மகன் குரு சரண் பலருக்கு கிருஷ்ண உணர்வை பரப்ப பிரச்சாரம் செய்து பக்தியில் நிலைத்து நிற்க வேண்டும் என்பது உங்கள் கருணையால் நடக்க வேண்டும்.ஆசீர்வாதம் செய்யுங்கள் குரு மஹராஜ்.

உங்கள் வியாச பூஜையில் கலந்து கொண்டு உங்களிடம் தீட்சை பெற வேண்டும் என்று மிகவும் விருப்பம் குரு  மஹராஜ். ஆனால் வர முடியுமா? தெரியவில்லை. ஆனாலும் வர வேண்டி டிக்கட் புக் செய்துவிட்டு பொறுப்பையும் உங்களிடம் விட்டுவிட்டேன். நான் வந்து பங்கு பெற எனக்கு எல்லா சூழல்களையும் சாதகமாக செய்து தாருங்கள் என்று உங்களிடம் கேட்டிருந்தேன். அதற்கான அறிகுறிகளை இப்போது நான் உணர்கிறேன்.வீழ்ந்தப்பட்ட ஆத்மா நான் , தயவு கூர்ந்து என்னை கிருஷ்ணரின் பாதத்திற்கு  அழைத்து செல்லுங்கள்.

கிருஷ்ண உணர்வை பரப்ப ஞானத்தை அருளுங்கள்.அனைத்து ஞானத்தையும் சரிவர மற்ற  ஆத்மாக்களுக்கு கொண்டு செல்ல துணை புரியுங்கள் குரு மஹாராஜ் . எங்களின் ஒளி விளக்கு நீங்கள் தான்.

குரு மஹாராஜ் குரு சரணுடன் கௌர நித்தாய் என மூன்று குழந்தைகள் வீட்டில் உள்ளனர். நாங்கள் தனியாக இல்லை கௌர நித்தாயுடன் நீங்கள் 4 பேர் என்று சேவானந்தி மாதாஜியும் கௌரங்க பிரசாத் பிரபுவும் அவர்கள் இருவரையும் எங்கள் வீட்டில் விட்டு சென்றனர்.

உங்கள் கருணையால் தினமும், மங்கள் ஆரத்தி , துளசி, நரசிம்ம ஆரத்தி நாம ஜபம், பகவத் கீதை, பாகவதம் என்று பக்தியால் ஒவ்வொரு நொடியும் பக்தியால் நிறைந்து உள்ளது போல் உணர்கிறோம் குரு மஹாராஜ் .

நாங்கள் ஜடப் பற்றுதலால் எந்த நிலையிலும் பக்தியில் இருந்து விலகாமல் உங்கள் கருணையால் கிருஷ்ண உணர்வில் வலுவுடன் நிற்க வேண்டும்.

குரு மஹாராஜ் கி ஜெய் !

தங்கள் கருணையை வேண்டி நிற்கும்





yatra -Pune, India.(Diksha disciple)


Sri Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your auspicious appearance day!


           Om anjnana timirandhasya

           Jnananjana salakaya

           Chaksur unmilitam yena

           tasmaih sri-guruve namah.

Respected Guru Maharaj! I was suffering in the clutches of Maya and was destined to wander in the endless cycle of repeated birth and death until you rescued and saved me on that fortunate day in July 1980 (it was Ratha Yatra day) at Calcutta when Your Holiness bestowed mercy on this fallen conditioned soul and blessed me by giving harinama diksha. I still remember your instructions on that day - PREACH KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS.  

I have been earnestly following your instructions until today. I had to go to Nairobi - Kenya for job opportunities in Oct 1980 and I invited Your Holiness to visit Nairobi for ISKCON NAIROBI'S FIRST EVER RATH-YATRA in June 1985. I had the Privilege to associate and serve GURU MAHARAJA for about 3-4 days as your Holiness was staying at my home. I was blessed by Guru Maharaja and remembered this sloka from Chaitanya- Chairitamrta:-


              tate bhaje Krishna kare gurur sevana

              maya-jala chute paye krishnera charana

Lord Gaurahari instructed Sanatana Goswami to worship Krishna and continue rendering service to Guru, the spiritual master and become freed from Maya and  attain lotus feet of Krishna!

               Guru Maharaja, until today I keep on remembering my realisations and experiences of valuable time spent in at service and association of your Holiness. I also served as Temple President in Nairobi and Mombasa Temples for about 5 years and during this period, I got ample oportunity of Preaching and making devotees due to causeless mercy of your Holiness. I remember that whenever devotees from Mombasa used to visit Mayapur, your Holiness always remembered this fallen conditioned soul and asked my whereabouts.

               Due to Guru Maharaja's inspiration, I have written 9 books till todate as your Holiness inspired me to write more books on Bhagavad Gita & Bhagavatam after reading my First Book "HANDBOOK ON IMPORTANT VERSES OF BHAGAGWAD GITA", in 1999. Your Holiness had also given some important suggestions which I have tried to follow.

                I would seek personal darsan and association with Guru Maharaja which I have not been able to get since Calcutta Ratha yatra in July 1996. I am regularly following Daily lectures of your Holiness through pune JPS whatsapp circulation and eagerly awaiting your Holiness visit to Pune in October 2020.

               I always PRAY to Lord Nrisimha and Lord Shri Krishna

 to keep you in good health as we in ISKCON need your guidance and leadership for preaching Krishna consciousness all over the world. 

               Begging for mercy at your lotus feet,


                      Din Dayal Das 

                      Your obedient servant and disciple.




KOREGAON PARK Annex, PUNE 411036. 

Sri Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your auspicious appearance day!


           Om anjnana timirandhasya

           Jnananjana salakaya

           Chaksur unmilitam yena

           tasmaih sri-guruve namah.

Respected Guru Maharaj! I was suffering in the clutches of Maya and was destined to wander in the endless cycle of repeated birth and death until you rescued and saved me on that fortunate day in July 1980 (it was Ratha Yatra day) at Calcutta when Your Holiness bestowed mercy on this fallen conditioned soul and blessed me by giving harinama diksha. I still remember your instructions on that day - PREACH KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS.  

I have been earnestly following your instructions until today. I had to go to Nairobi - Kenya for job opportunities in Oct 1980 and I invited Your Holiness to visit Nairobi for ISKCON NAIROBI'S FIRST EVER RATH-YATRA in June 1985. I had the Privilege to associate and serve GURU MAHARAJA for about 3-4 days as your Holiness was staying at my home. I was blessed by Guru Maharaja and remembered this sloka from Chaitanya- Chairitamrta:-


              tate bhaje Krishna kare gurur sevana

              maya-jala chute paye krishnera charana

Lord Gaurahari instructed Sanatana Goswami to worship Krishna and continue rendering service to Guru, the spiritual master and become freed from Maya and  attain lotus feet of Krishna!

               Guru Maharaja, until today I keep on remembering my realisations and experiences of valuable time spent in at service and association of your Holiness. I also served as Temple President in Nairobi and Mombasa Temples for about 5 years and during this period, I got ample oportunity of Preaching and making devotees due to causeless mercy of your Holiness. I remember that whenever devotees from Mombasa used to visit Mayapur, your Holiness always remembered this fallen conditioned soul and asked my whereabouts.

               Due to Guru Maharaja's inspiration, I have written 9 books till todate as your Holiness inspired me to write more books on Bhagavad Gita & Bhagavatam after reading my First Book "HANDBOOK ON IMPORTANT VERSES OF BHAGAGWAD GITA", in 1999. Your Holiness had also given some important suggestions which I have tried to follow.

                I would seek personal darsan and association with Guru Maharaja which I have not been able to get since Calcutta Ratha yatra in July 1996. I am regularly following Daily lectures of your Holiness through pune JPS whatsapp circulation and eagerly awaiting your Holiness visit to Pune in October 2020.

               I always PRAY to Lord Nrisimha and Lord Shri Krishna

 to keep you in good health as we in ISKCON need your guidance and leadership for preaching Krishna consciousness all over the world. 

               Begging for mercy at your lotus feet,


                      Din Dayal Das 

                      Your obedient servant and disciple.




KOREGAON PARK Annex, PUNE 411036.                           

Dear Gurudev

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

You live to see the dreams of previous acaryas manifest. To see the desires of Srila Prabhupada fulfilled is your life’s mission. In this journey, the predictions of Srila Prabhupada about you are coming true which seemed earlier impossible. Recently, the milestone of 50,000 disciples is achieved. In spite of so many disciples and followers, the care provided by you to all devotees is unimaginable. In one of your statements you told: “for spreading Krishna consciousness, Krishna will provide all the material requisites.” You are the live example of utilizing the material requisites in the preaching service in the best way.

I am feeling unworthy to write the offering to you because I am not able to give sufficient consciousness in carrying out your instructions. Somehow or other out of great fortune I have been introduced to Krishna consciousness by wonderful devotees. I am very much grateful to the devotees you sent for me when I had no other hope I remember.

Currently, I am trying to assist devotees in preaching youths of different colleges in Durgapur for your pleasure. Please bless me with the strength to come out of my comfort zone and give my maximum in this service. I wish this service become my only pleasure.

Recently I heard realizations of devotees from different countries about Navadwip Mandal Parikrama. I am very much proud to have a real hero as you who is always anxious to see the devotees taken care of properly. I want to inculcate this quality at least a little drop of what you possess. You told in Rajapur “How many deities in the world are speaking to be served by ISKCON devotees?”. This statement gave me more faith and more determination to assist you in serving ISKCON. I am very much thankful to Sri Narsimha Deva for allowing us to continue hearing from you. I repeatedly pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava AstaSakhi, Sri Sri Narsimhadev Prahalad Maharaj, Sri Sri Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra, Sri Sri Pancatattva and Srila Prabhupada to keep you healthy always so that our spiritual health is maintained by your inspirations.

Your insignificant servant

Deepak Kumar

(Sheltered, Mayapur)

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe



Dear Guru Maharaj, 


On this most auspicious appearance day of your Divine Grace, I offer my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to your divine grace. 


Many thanks for your example of surrender and service to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya’s mission.

Your untired service to Krishna and His devotees in-spite of your health condition does boost me when I am low or lazy in Krishna Consciousness


On online I have been watching Guru Maharaj's  videos added by devotees and it inspires me. Hare Krishna!!



Back home in Kerala I do attend classes every weekend as conducted in Iskcon Temple in Kannur , Guruvayoor or calicut, and do attend auspicious days--Janmashatami, Radha Ashtami, Balaram Jayanthi Narasimha Chaturdashi, and do follow the Ekadashi's -  other days I do it at home in Calicut (Arathi, chanting, Bhagavad  Gita, Bhagavatam)


Let me not be swept away by ignorance, selfishness, or pride.    

Guru Maharaj, I hope your Mercy to advance in Spiritual life will be with me always in spite of Maya attacking me.



Please help me Guru Maharaj



Your insignificant humble servant
Dina Pavana Mukunda Das(Diksha)

(K. Devasish)


Kerala State -India

Nama om vishnu padaya Krishna preshthaye bhu-tale srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradaine Gaur o Katha damodayo nagara gram o tarine.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja.

I am your initiated daughter but I don't think myself to be qualified for your service. Whenever I look at you I can actually feel and realise that you cannot be an ordinary person. You are an extraordinary personality sent by lord Krishna for the sake of our lives. Your extraordinary power to preach harinama all over this world amaze me all the time. It is extremely blissful to hear Krishna Vani and kirtan from your auspicious mouth and the most remarkable  and my favourite is to watch you shout "Gauranga... Gauranga ". I can never thank God enough for having you as my leader. I shall always try to follow your path.

Your humble servant,

Diptimoyee Tulasi Devi Dasi.

हरे कृष्णा आपके चरणों में दंडवत प्रणाम अर्पित करतीहूं . गुरु महाराज अपने शरीर की परवाह न करते हुए भी हम सब पतित जीवों का उद्धार करने के लिए प्रचार करते है

गुरु महाराज अपने सारे शिष्यों को बोलते है की अगर आप मेरी मदद करना चाहते हो तो प्रभुपाद जी ने जो चैतन्य महाप्रभु का मिशन शुरू किया उसे आगे बढ़ाओ

गुरु महाराज को जहाज़ में यात्रा करने से बहुत डर लगता था लेकिन फिर भी गुरु महाराज ने प्रभुपाद जी के आदेश का दृढ़तापूर्वक पालन किया और इतने भक्त बनाये और अभी भी प्रचार कर रहे है और भक्त बना रहे है . 

गुरु महाराज हमेशा अपने भक्तो के साथ कृष्णा भावनामृत की बात करते है . 

आप कृपया आशीर्वाद दीजिये ताकि मै भक्तिपद में आगे बढ़ सकू .

आपकी तुछ शिष्य


अंबाला (हरियाणा)

All glories unto the dust of your lotus feet dear Guru Maharaj . All glories to your auspicious appearance day. I am an aspiring disciple of yours since 2017 from Jamshedpur medical college .You are incredible and unstoppable . I remember last year Kartik when you returned to Mayapur . Coincidentally I stepped out of the temple and was astonished to see you in the van . The window side you were facing was towards the temple . Thus I had the privilege to have your holy darshan and that too in Kartik . Guru Maharaj I had tears rolling down my eyes . I just couldn't believe the two ends of spectrum so contrasting . On one end I am so falling like anything and on the other hand you are so so so merciful . Your pastimes lift up my spirit . Your association and Krsna consciousness is the best thing that has ever happened to me . When I first met you I was instructed by you to go deep in bhakti but I didn't do anything extra to follow this . I hope someday I will do it for sure.

I had an intense desire to bring my family to Mayapur Dham especially my maternal grandmother . Unfortunately she passed away on 7th February this year . Please bless her soul to engage her in devotional service where so ever she may go . Please ask Krsna to keep her under his special protection . 

Guru Maharaj I have copied some lines composed by one of your disciple .                                                      "Jahara prasade pushta hoilo , , sirno bhakti latika ,,, janme janme mor gurudev ,, rahe jeno srila Jayapataka . " This is my humble desire and request to my supreme father Sri Krishna . 

नमः ॐ विष्णु पादाय, कृष्ण प्रेष्ठाय भूतले श्रीमते जय पताका स्वामिन् इति नामिने ।

नामाचार्य पादाय निताई कृपा प्रदायिने । गौर कथा धाम दाया नगर ग्राम तारिणे ॥

परम पूजनीय गुरुमहाराज की जय । श्रील प्रभुपाद की जय ।

श्रील प्रभुपाद के लाड़ले,

शिष्यों के तारण कर्ता।

जगत पर कृपा करके,

उठाया कृष्ण नाम को फेलाने का बीड़ा।

निताई गौर के अत्यंत आभारी हैं हम,

जो मिला आपके ७१ वें आविर्भाव दिवस को बनाने का उत्सव।

बन गयी हूँ भाग्यशाली ऐसे गुरु पाकर,

जिन्होंने अर्पण किया अपना पूरा जीवन हम अधम जीवों पर,

स्नेह और प्यार की जीवित मूरत हैं आप,

सबके हितकारी व सबके मार्गदर्शक हैं आप।

सवाँर दिए लाखों जीवों के जीवन,

बन गए Iskcon के अहम स्तम्भ।

नहीं हैं साधारण मनुष्य आप जो इतने कष्ट सह जाते है यूँही,

हैं प्रभुपाद के आज्ञाकारी शिष्य जिनके लिए समर्पित किया जीवन यूँही।

मायापुर में दिल बसता हैं आपका,

आपके साथ नवद्वीप परिक्रमा करके मानो जीवन सफल हो जाता है हम सबका।

हैं निताई गौर के अत्यंत आभारी हम,

जो मिला आपके ७१ वें आविर्भाव दिवस को बनाने का उत्सव।

आज का उत्सव शुभकारी,

है मेरे गुरुमहाराज के आविर्भाव दिवस की बारी।


आपकी आश्रित शिष्या,

हिमानी गर्ग।

Guru maharaj please accept my most humble and respectful references to your lotus feet.


  All the glories to you, who are distributing the nectar of the sankirtan movement to everyone.

 His life is perfect and exemplary for being fixed and completely absorbed and determined to comply with Srila Prabhupada's instructions even in the midst of so many difficulties, and with all the compassion and affection you are always teaching everyone and being enthusiastic about serving. Many thanks for  opportunity to be able to be in the association of my spiritual brothers. 

 Thank you very much for accepting me as your disciple and today I will be able to serve in the Florianópolis temple mainly in the distribution of books, under the guidance of prabhu Hara Kanta, I pray that you will please bless me so that I can become a humble and useful servant and  to be able to serve you.

Minhas respeitosas e humildes reverências à seus pés de lótus meu querido

mestre espiritual. Hoje é um grande e auspicioso dia, pois é o dia em que

uma grande alma apareceu neste mundo material, com uma grande missão, dar

amor puro por Deus às almas caídas é condicionadas. O senhor é um grande

exemplo de humildade e compaixão, pois mesmo tendo que passar por inúmeras

dificuldades no decorrer de sua caminhada espiritual, nunca parou de servir

ao senhor Krishna. Isso sim é um Acarya, um devoto de primeira classe, que

nos inspira a servir mais e mais ao Senhor.

Todas as glórias ao aparecimento transcendental de guru maharaj, jayapataka

Swami Ki, jay!!

De sua aspirante a serva Bhaktin Gabriella

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna prestaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine


Nama Acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Dearest Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your Lotus feet. All glories to your auspicious appearance day. All glories to your Divine grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada's victory flag. 


I have no qualification to describe your wonderful glories Gurudeva. But to get purified and seek your blessings i shall attempt to glorify your ocean like qualities. 


You are such an amazing sculptor Gurudeva. A stone hearted person like me who listens from you with faith and devotion gets sculpted into a wonderful statue and immediately takes up to the service in Srila Prabhupada's mission to please you. 

Alas! My anartha filled heart is only becoming harder day by day Gurudeva. My faith is so fluctuating. I know you are my only hope, your instructions are the only light in my dark life. But my laziness and offending mentality is pulling me down. Please Gurudeva i am swimming in this ocean of material suffering and i do not know of anyone who can lift me up other than you. 


You are always looking for opportunities to spread the love of Gauranga to everyone. This corona lockdown, you turned it into Karuna sagara. Everyone is drowning in spiritual bliss. You don't miss giving your association on Facebook no matter what health challenges you are facing. You are advising all of us to stay at home and stay safe. So much care! So much Love! More than what we can take. You are an ocean of love Gurudeva. That determination to preach, be it rain or shine. The determination that you have to please Srila Prabhupada is so mind boggling. Sometimes i am dumbstruck to see you so enthusiastic and so lively. I feel from where is this energy coming? No sign of illness, no trace of pain.  Just like how Hanuman had his Lords in his heart always, you have Gauranga in your heart always. You encourage every one to happily practice Krsna Consciousness. Please bless me with an iota of determination that you have to serve Srila Prabhupada. I really want to please you Gurudeva. O father, if you do not bestow your mercy upon me, who else will save me?


My mentors have always been instructing and guiding me spiritually. But this wicked mind of mine, doesn't let me accept their instructions. Gurudeva please bless me with the intelligence to accept that i am a fool. I want to follow the instructions of my mentors because i know that is what will please you the most. Please bless me not to question their instructions and to accept them as they are. I do not want to use my intelligence to follow their instructions. I just want to surrender Gurudeva.  


I have always been worrying about petty things and not been able to give my heart and soul to preach, Gurudeva. Instead of having the faith that Krishna provides, I am only meditating on my own needs selfishly and how to procure them. Dear father, please help me to chant offenselessly and attentively. For i know that is the only way i can get out of my anxiety. But that is possible only by your mercy. I, along with my husband (Bala Murari Das) and daughter (Ruchira Radhe) want to selflessly preach and please you dear father. My heart is fervent with the aspiration to please you by preaching but is over powered with the taunting games of my mind.


I wholeheartedly beg for your mercy on this auspicious day when you are most merciful. May your divine lotus feet be the only goal of my mind and heart. Let me not have any other aspirations other than pleasing you by following the instructions of my mentors. I only want the blessing that i render service to your lotus feet life after life in the association of devotees. For this blessing alone will take care of everything else in my life. 


Your useless daughter,

Gandharvi Gopika Devi Dasi (Diksha disciple)

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham

Magadi Main Road, Bangalore




Gandharvi Gopika Devi Dasi

"Life is illusion.. Total dependence on Guru is reality..!!"

Dear Spiritual father ,

My humble obeisances to you.I am a very fortunate soul who got initated by your special mercy in the year 2004. Your caring attitude and mercy towards your disciples in spite of your illness and drawbacks and thinking about how to please your spiritual master Krishna and other vaishnavas are a real inspiration to all.  

My husband is hostile to Krishna conciousness but I do what I can to please my spiritual masters by distributing books prasadam and taking Bhagavad Gita class at home . Hopefully will be able to do better in the future. Dandavat pranaams.

हरे कृष्णा। 

परम पूजनीय जयपताका स्वामी गुरु महाराज की जय।

गुरु महाराज को हमारा दंडवत प्रणाम।

हम आपकी व्यास पूजा पर आपको विनीत प्रणाम अर्पित करते है।हमें अपने शिष्य के रूप मे अपनाकर आपने हम पर बहुत दया व कृपा की है।जन्म और मृत्यु के बंधन से मुक्त होने के लिए आपने हमे अपना दिव्य संग दिया है और चैतन्य महाप्रभु के चरणों में कैसे सेवा करनी है यह सिखाया है।

आप दया के असीम सागर है।जिस प्रकार हृदय में दया का सागर भरकर श्रील प्रभुपाद जी ने पतित जीवों पर कृपा की और अकेले ही पुरे विश्व में चैतन्य महाप्रभु के मिशन को बढ़ाया , उसी प्रकार आप भी दया के सागर है और पतित से पतित जीवों पर कृपा करके उनका उद्धार कर रहे है। उन्ही पतित आत्मओं में से हम भी है जो सिर्फ आपकी कृपा व प्राथना से ही भक्ति कर पा रहे है।

गुरु महाराज हम वचन देते है की हम भी आपका अनुसरण करते हुए गंभीरता से भक्ति करते हुए हृदय में दया भरकर उसे दूसरों में बांटेंगे और प्रभुपाद के मिशन को और आगे बढ़ाएंगे।बस हम पर आपकी कृपा बनी रहे।जय गुरुदेव

आपके शिष्य 

गौर श्याम दास 

Namah om Vishu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swami iti namine


Namo Acharyapadya Nitai kripa pradyine

gaura Katha dama daya Nagar Grama tarine



Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj please accept my respectful obeisances.


I am very fortunate to have you in my life. Having you darshan is one of the best life experience in my life. I am not sure what I had done in my past life’s that I could get your association and other vaishnav sang. Then I realize that it is by devotees mercy, your mercy that a fallen soul like me could get such association. I have a lot of anrthas still devotees gives so much love, even your always with me,  how merciful You all are to me, I cannot share this in words. Since I am a girl I may not personally serve you Gurudev but I want to serve you by preaching. Without your blessings nothing is possible, so please bless me that I preach till my last breath, enthusiastically.

Right now with devotees and Your mercy I am taking 2 children’s class, also assist devotees in taking manjari classes. Sometimes I stitch dress for our New Rajapur Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra. Daily I pray that my mother, father, brother, sister & sister in law together be at your service. Also praying that my father come in Krsna Conscious & also marry me in a Krsna Conscious family, so that me & my husband can serve you, Prabhupada, Jagannath & all the devotees under Caitanya Avatari prabhu & Rasamayi mataji’s guidance. I want to marry a devotee and don’t want to marry a non-devotee. People are forcing me to marry a non-devotee which is not suitable for my growth. Marrying a devotee will help me preach together & make you proud. I am aspiring to become your disciple.



Your Aspiring Disciple,

Gaurangi (Pinky)

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannath Dham

Bangalore India

Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your lotus feet!

Happy Vyasapuja!

On this most auspicious day, I would like to express my love and gratitude to you. You have given me everything – the greatest treasure – Krsna, Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur and ISKCON. Without you, where would I be? Sometimes I try to imagine what my life would be without Krsna and I just see emptiness and darkness. You have given me and all your disciples the best life! Who wouldn’t want this life filled with bliss under your shelter, the shelter of the holy name and the house in which Srila Prabhupada built for us? Gurumaharaja, it is because of your powerful influence in my life that I have found love and beauty in being a devotee of the Lord. You have shown me what the only true happiness of this world is. I pray that I will be able to share this with others as a repayment to you and Srila Prabhupada.

You are my greatest inspiration and the strongest pillar in my spiritual life. Every breath and every thought of yours is to please Srila Prabhupada in the mission of Lord Caitanya. Although your glories are unlimited, the quality that stands out the most for me is how you are unstoppable and no matter what obstacles there are, you never give up. You have proven to the world that material considerations of the body can never be a barrier to one’s spiritual life. You have always been an inspiration, are an inspiration and will continue being so for thousands of years. Every day with you is a blessing on this Earth.

Every word that you utter is about Lord Gauranga and how to expand His preaching movement. You are a powerhouse full of ideas; you have a huge vision for ISKCON, Mayapur, CDM. When I think of all the service you contribute every single day, I cannot comprehend how you manage to do everything you do in only 24 hours. Your life is all about preaching! You have opened my eyes and showed me how to dream for ISKCON - how any dream for Krsna is not too ambitious because everything is possible in Krsna consciousness! You are a visionary and your powerful mood is so contagious that I would like to make a big contribution to ISKCON – chase the rhinos. I pray that one day I may get a drop of taste that you have in Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

Every moment of your association has been the biggest blessings and impactful moments of my life – my only true happiness. I have realised that the connection between guru and disciple is from heart to heart and transcends this world. Everything that the Ministry has achieved has only been possible due to your mercy and empowerment. I have realised that if we have the desire to please our spiritual master, anything is possible, even if we may possess no qualifications. I have poured my heart into Becoming Your Devotee book, hoping to please you in some way. This offering is just the beginning; I pray that with your blessings I may continue to render more service to help you in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. I offer all my efforts to you; because it is only due to your mercy and empowerment that anything can happen. Whenever I see you, I automatically become inspired and determined to do more for Krsna.

From the beginning of my life, you have incessantly showered me with mercy – memories that I will cherish forever. How can I ever repay you? You have given me a purpose and until my last breath, I will try my best to fulfil this purpose of engaging children in Krsna consciousness. I have utmost faith that by surrendering my life to your lotus feet, that this is my ticket back to Krsna. I would like to serve you even life after life.  The secret of success in Krsna consciousness is to please a Vaisnava and so this is my prayer every day – to dedicate my life to you so that I may please you. My life is yours, it is your property.

Please forgive me for any offenses I may have committed.

Yours in service always, your spiritual daughter,

Gourangi Gandharvika devi dasi 
































Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please Accept My Most Humble Obeisances unto your lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories unto you Srila Gurudev, who has come to this material world only for the sole purpose of delivering fallen conditioned souls like me from this miserable hellish life. You have gone through so many bodily tribulations which you don't deserve, just so that people like me be in Krishna Consciousness. Your Lilamrta is a great source of inspiration for me, and it makes me strive to be a disciple worthy of such a wonderful Guru. I am extremely fortunate to be your aspiring disciple.

Everyone's moments in your association have always been unforgettable and memorable ones. Same goes for me too. But the last time you visited Bangalore - that was a special one. I was vey fortunate to recieve the shelter of your lotus feet, even though I wasn't qualified for it. I am evr craving for your mercy. I pray to Lord Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadramayi and Srila Narasimhadev to restore 100% of your health so that you keep giving your causeless mercy, even to undeserving souls like me.

I am currently appearing in Class 10 board exams. Therefore I request your sincere blessings in order to completely fulfill my prescribed duties as a student, and at the same time progress like a rocket in my devotional life. Also, please bless me the competency to come out of all my anarthas so that my devotional service becomes flawless.

A vey happy and blissful Vyasa-Puja to you Dear Gurudev.

Last but not the least, I am really fond of your lectures, especially the ones on the Caitanya Charitamrita.


Your Aspiring Son,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gautham T

ISKCON NEW RAJAPUR JAGANNATHA DHAM                                                                                                                                                        BANGALORE, INDIA


Hare Krsna.

My dear Gurumaharaj,
Please accept my most respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale
Srimate Bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine
Namaste Saraswathe devi Gauravani pracharine
Nirvishesa soonyavadhi pasthasya desha tarine.
I am Gayathri, a simple servant of yours.
Please bless me so I can remain fixed and steady in my Krishna Consciousness.  Please bless me
so I can get up early and chant my rounds and become a good chanter and a good preacher.
Please bless me so that I can be consistent in rendering devotional service and eating prasadham


I am the most fallen soul. Now, I am living only by Your grace and blessings.
I need your mercy to chant 16 rounds easily. By your mercy I also want to get initiated
into the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara.
Gurumaharaj, I am so thankful to you.
Gurumaharaj.  Please bless my husband and son also to come to Krishna consciousness.I feel it
would be easy to follow Krishna consciousness if whole family are in the same path.
This is my only humble request. Please bless me so that I can be amidst association of devotees
most of the times in order to overcome Maya.

By your mercy I also want to chant quality rounds daily. By your mercy I am aspiring to read
Srila Prabhupada books on a daily basis and listen to his lectures and make it a routine.
Thank you again and again for your mercy.
With pranams,
Your insignificant servant,





I do not know how to glorify you nor I am qualified to, but I am trying to do so for purifying myself

Maharaj,I feel very fortunate to be your disciple and very blessed to get you as my spiritual master and father. Your are so merciful to all the devotees and encourage everybody to take up Krishna consciousness very enthusiastically.

Maharaj you are an  example of a pure Vaishnava who are very merciful, very tolerant and very close to the lord.You have set us an example for how a devotee should be very eager to serve the lord and spread the message of guaranga.

Even though your facing soo many health challenges  and  nothing can stop you because you are always a Victory Flag.

You are soo much dedicated to Srila Prabhupada and to the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to spread the glories of Harinam in every village and town !!

Yours insignificant servant

Gayathri S




My dear GuruMaharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisance’s  unto your lotus feet. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

All glories to your auspicious appearance day.


Gurudev, you are from Goloka, the eternal abode of the Lord. You’re the representative of the Supreme personality of Godhead. Your glories and achievements in the spiritual path has no limits. I’m just an insignificant insect, I’m unqualified to glorify your unlimited services to Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet.


Your limitless dedication and pure love for Srila Prabhupad, Guru Parampara and Panchtatva , Sri Sri Radha Madhav is always giving me inspiration , not only me but many devotees all over the world. Your example for unalloyed devotion will live forever. Sometimes I get attracted to mundane activities, but you drag me back to the spiritual path through your lectures. When I took your darshan 1st time I got a hope in my life. You inspire me to hear about the pastimes of the Supreme lord. I don’t have words to glorify you gurudev,

Hearing from you is greatest strength for me. You have so much love for Prabhupad and Dham. I want to give some of the examples of your taste for Gaur Katha and serving the devotees in humble mood. I was hearing this from HG.Amogh Lila Prabhu. In one lecture he was narrating that once he was with you in the morning walk. He asked you , “ Maharaj ! How to get teste for Gaur Katha ?” You Replied him, “ Read 108 times Caitanya Charitamrit.” After small pause you said I did it long back. After hearing this pastime of yours I got the taste for reading scriptures everyday.

In the year 1997 this incident happened with the family of HG.Amrendra Prabhu. When Prabhu and his family visited vrindavan temple, that time you were seated below the tamal tree and chanting . When you saw this family you smiled  and you got up with folded palm you asked them in a humble way  , “ You are coming to dham?. Seems like this is your 1st visit. How can I serve you? Please tell me. I am your servant. How can I assist you.” This is your  bhava towards devotees.

I’m humbly requesting you to accept offerings from this insignificant servent and begging for your blessings to sincerely follow your instructions.



Your Servant,

Geetha Vishwanath Paranjpe (Sheltered)

Khed, Ratnagiri

Maharashtra (India)

ജയപതാക മഹാരാജ്‌ കി ജയ് 

ഗുരുമഹാരാജ്‌ കി ജയ് 

വ്യാസ പൂജ മഹോത്സവം കി ജയ്. 


എന്റെ ഗുരുമഹാരാജിന് ആദ്യമായി ആയിരം കോടി പ്രണാമങ്ങൾ അർപിക്കുന്നു. 



ഗിരിവർഷിണി ദേവി ദാസി എന്ന ഞാൻ അങ്ങയിൽ നിന്ന് ദീക്ഷ സ്വീകരിക്കാൻ ഭാഗ്യം ലഭിച്ച ആയിരങ്ങളിൽ ഒരാളാണ്. ഞാൻ ഒരു അന്ധയായിട്ടു കൂടി അവിടുത്തെ കാരുണ്യം ഒന്ന് കൊണ്ട് മാത്രം എനിക്ക് ദീക്ഷ നല്കുകയും  ഗുരുമഹാരാജിനെ സേവിക്കാനുള്ള ഒരു അവസരം സംജാതമാകുകയും ചെയ്തു. പാലക്കാട്‌ ഹരേ കൃഷ്ണ സത്‌സംഗത്തിന്റ കീഴിൽ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നു. എന്റെ പരിധിക്കുള്ളിൽ നിന്നുകൊണ്ട് ഞാൻ കൃഷ്ണാവബോധം പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ വേണ്ടി ശ്രമിക്കാറുണ്ട്. ഭഗവാന് ഭോഗ തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതിൽ സഹായിക്കാറുണ്ട്. പുതിയ വരുന്ന ഭക്തന്മാരോട് കൃഷ്ണാവബോധത്തെക്കുറിച്ചും, കൃഷ്ണ ലീലകളെ കുറിച്ചും സംസാരിക്കാറുണ്ട്. എന്നാൽ കഴിയുന്നതുപോലെ ഞാൻ ഈ പ്രസ്ഥാനത്തിനുവേണ്ടി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നതാണെന്നു ഗുരുമഹാരാജിന് ഉറപ്പു നൽകുന്നു. 


വ്യാസപൂജാവേളയിൽ അങ്ങേക്ക് എല്ലാവിധ ആയുരാരോഗ്യ സൗഖ്യങ്ങളും ഉണ്ടാവട്ടെ എന്ന് കരുണാമയനായ കൃഷ്ണ ഭഗവാനോട് പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുന്നു. 

അങ്ങയുടെ കാരുണ്യം എപ്പോഴും എന്നിൽ ചൊരിയേണമേ. 



അങ്ങയുടെ എളിയ ദാസി 

ഗിരിവർഷിണി ദേവി ദാസി. 

ഹരേ കൃഷ്ണ.

Hare Krsna Srila Gurumaharaj,

“Nama Om Vishnu padya krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

“Nama Om Vishnu padya krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedanta  Swami iti namine,

Namaste Sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine”

Please accept my humble & respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet!

My Dear Spiritual Appa (father),

Oh! Kripa Sindu! it makes me always wonder, how is that You are so so very merciful ? What makes My Spiritual father this very compassionate, flowing with Love & Care at all given time irrespectively? Every day after Your class You never forget to address and share about Covid -19, precautions against Coronavirus, connecting & addressing with each individual on Zoom.

This arose just because; You have accepted this crooked, envious, stone hearted soul with all anarthas, under the shelter of Your Divine lotus feet.

My dear Mighty Spritual Mercy! You never discriminate to give away the mercy of previous Acharyas and Gauranga to make all the fallen and this fallen soul to get connected in Disciplic parampara. One should be really very very fortunate to be one among Your disciple, but just by knowing one’s own position, it is instinctive to realize Your Position is very exalted.

It was very astounding that Your examples connecting all that are seen are connected to Krsna and Gauranga Your examples – My Knee (Mai – Ni), Knee Thigh (Ni  - Tai), Go Ran Go (Gauranga)

Am always in fear and shameful sense, that being in hail and healthy human form and with all proper mental stability, still not getting connected or realizing Your presence at this very moment on this planet. Am are so very fearful for the unseen virus, but not sincere and committed  unto You who gives class every day without fail to give us Your Loving Association.

My prayers unto Their Lordships - Sri Sri Parhalad Narasimhadev, Sri Pancatattva, Sri Sri Radha Madav & ashta sakhi to shower abundance of Their blessing with good health and all Your activities for Pleasure of Srila Prabhupada become very successful.

Unto Your divine service, I would like to distribute Srila Prabhupada Books and offer the count of books distributed into Your account Srila Gurumaharaj.

Humbly request Your blessings for taking up and performing this glorious service to just please You and bring smile on Your beautiful merciful face.

Thank you Gurumaharaj for accepting this soul as Your servant,

Your insignificant Daughter

Gitagamya Gayatri Devi Dasi

Dear Guru Maharaj, my Eternal Spiritual Father ,  please accept my respectful humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

             Since the time of  my being  in Krishna Consciousnesses , the one thing that I have been observing is, your compassion
 and magnanimosity in accepting the least deserving entities like me and others, with a view to giving us a chance to purify ourselves through your  association, and to take us, the straying children , back home, back to Godhead.

              The corona virus has given me a lot of time to ponder upon the above and has confirmed the fact of your magnaniimosity and kindness that you have extended to me in accepting me as your disciple through initiations, when I happen to be reading the Srimad Bhagavatam 9th Canto the incident relating to king Bhagiratha pleading for the ganges to come down to earth.  When Ganga maatha agrees to come down  on two conditions, the second one expresssing her anxiety about her getting tainted and contaminated with the sins of sinners who would take bath in her waters, I cannot but bow down to you Guru Maharaj,  for you have taken us all under your fold knowing fully well , the effect of such engulfing it will have on your well being. We are seeing your suffering on account of us.  The least I can do is to bear that in my mind - apply such realisations- to my words and actions- and stay away from such of those by which your suffering is aggravated.

                I am ever grateful for this kindness compassion and mercy of yours, for that simple yet binding affection for me and the likes of me.

                 Thank  you Guru Maharaj , my gratitude filled obeisances to you

- Giteshwari Kesavi DD

Namaah Om Vishnu Padaaya KRISHNA Prishthaaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine Namoh Aacharya Padaaya NITAI Kripa Pradaayine GAUR Katha DAMO Dayaa Nagaaro Gramoh Taarine




All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories All Glories All All All Glories to You Dear Gurumaharaj


Please accept my Respectful obeisances unto Your Lotus Feet Dear Gurumaharaj


My Dearest Dearest Spiritual Spiritual merciful Saviour

I take this Auspicious occasion of Your Holy 71st Vyaas Puja to write to Your Holiness my heartfelt offering

My Dear Gurumaharaj...when I observe and meditate upon Your Lotus Feet all I visualise are the unlimited pains endless  miles You have travelled to guide the light and way to millions like me towards LORD KRISHNA.These two Lotus Feet are still unstoppable and ever progressing. Your undeterred challenging hardwork....achievements..and consistent ways of service to Srila Prabhupada is a lesson and a constant reminder for me how should I have this dedication towards serving my Spiritual Master...Your Holiness

All I see in Your Beautiful form are only the austerities You are taking every single day of Your Auspicious Presence on Mother Earth.I pray to LORD KRISHNA to bless me to be loyal to You fulfill Your instructions to have intentions to serve You always fulfill these intentions which can make You happy... and that i never ever forget Your pains austerities and difficulties You are fighting in everyday life.

I pray to LORD KRISHNA to give You safe surroundings good health...and intelligence to all Your disciples including me to always serve You and never do anything which can become a cause of harm to You Dear Gurumaharaj

I Thank You from the core of my heart for searching me...and accepting me.

All Glories All Glories All Glories to You Dear Gurumaharaj 


Your servant and daughter 

Giteshvari Vishnupriya devidasi 

Dearest GuruMaharaj,

Please accept my humble pranams unto Your lotus feet .

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am so much indebted to You Gurudeva for accepting me as your disciple .Your causeless mercy has helped us to cross over many material impediments and acquire spiritual lessons through such sitiations in life.By your causeless mercy i am able to engage myself in conducting childrens  class every week in a small way. I pray to Sri Sri Krishna Balaram that my GuruMaharaj will live  healthy for many years and continue to give mercy of Krishna Bhakthi to all  illusioned souls .

Your ever loving Spiritual Daughter,

Gokula Gaurangi Devi Dasi


ജയ്പതാക സ്വാമി 

മഹാരാജ്‌ കി ജയ് 

ശ്രീല ഗുരുമഹാരാജ്‌ കി ജയ്.

ഗുരുമഹാരാജ്‌ വ്യാസപൂജ മഹോത്സവ് കി ജയ് 


നമഃ ഓം വിഷ്ണു പാദായ 

കൃഷ്ണ പ്രഷ്ടായ ഭൂതലേ 

ശ്രീമതേ ജയപതാക സ്വാമിൻ ഇതി നാമിനെ 

നമഃ ആചാര്യ പാദായ 

നിതായ്‌ കൃപ പ്രദായിനെ 

ഗൗര കഥാ ധാമദായ നഗരഗ്രാമദായിനെ. 

എന്റെ ഗുരുമഹാരാജിന്റെ (ജയപതാക സ്വാമി മഹാരാജ്‌ )വ്യാസപൂജ നടന്നുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഈ വേളയിൽ ആദ്യമായി ശത കോടി പ്രണാമങ്ങൾ അർപ്പിക്കട്ടെ. 

വർഷങ്ങൾക്കു മുമ്പ് ഞാൻ ദുബായിൽ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന സമയത്ത് അവിടെ പ്രവർത്തിച്ചു വന്നിരുന്ന ഇസ്‌കോണിന്റെ ശാഖയിൽ (ദാമോദര ദേശിൽ )സംഗം ചെയ്യുവാനുള്ള ഒരു അവസരം ലഭിക്കുകയുണ്ടായി . ഭഗവാന്റെ കാരുണ്യമെന്നു പറയട്ടെ അവിടെ വെച്ച് പല തവണ  ജയപതാക സ്വാമി മഹാരാജിനെ നേരിൽ കാണുന്നതിനും മഹാരാജിന്റ സത്‌സംഗങ്ങളിൽ പങ്കെടുക്കുവാനും സാധിക്കുകയും ഞാൻ ക്രമേണ ദാമോദരദേശിലെ ഒരു അംഗമാവുകയും ചെയ്തു. അങ്ങിനെ എന്റെ ശിക്ഷ ഗുരുക്കന്മാരായ HG. വല്ലഭദാസ് പ്രഭു, HG.ലോഹിത കൃഷ്ണ ദാസ് പ്രഭു,HG. രാമ പ്രഭു എന്നിവരിൽ നിന്ന്  അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര കൃഷ്ണാവബോധ സമിതിയെ കുറിച്ചും ഗുരു മഹാരാജ്‌ ഈ പ്രസ്ഥാ നത്തിനുവേണ്ടി ചെയ്തിട്ടുള്ളതും ചെയ്തുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നതുമായ കാര്യങ്ങളെക്കുറിച്ചു ഗ്രഹിക്കുകയും ഗുരുമഹാരാജ്‌ തുടങ്ങിവെച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന ഈയജ്ഞത്തിൽ ഒരു പങ്കാളിയാവണമെന്ന ഒരു ഉൾവിളി ഉണ്ടാവുകയും ചെയ്തു.  അതുകൊണ്ട് എന്റെ ഈ ജീവിതത്തിൽ ജയപതാക സ്വാമിമഹാരാജിനെ എന്റെ ദീക്ഷ ഗുരുവായി സ്വീകരിക്കാൻ തയ്യാറാവുകയും ഭഗവാന്റെയും, ശ്രീല പ്രഭുപാദരുടെയും, ഗുരുമഹാരാജിന്റെയും ശിക്ഷ ഗുരുക്കന്മാരുടെയും കാരുണ്യം കൊണ്ട് എനിക്ക് അദ്ദേഹത്തിൽ നിന്ന് ദീക്ഷ ലഭിക്കുകയുംചെയ്തു. 

ഇത് ഒരു മഹാഭാഗ്യമായി തന്നെ ഞാൻ കരുതുന്നു. 

പ്രിയ മഹാരാജ്‌, 

പല തരത്തിലുള്ള അപാകതകളോ, പിഴവുകളോ സംഭവിച്ചുണ്ടാകാം അതിനു ആദ്യമേ  ക്ഷമയുണ്ടാവണമെന്നും അവിടുത്തെ കാരുണ്യം എപ്പോഴും ഈ എളിയ സേവകന്റെ മേൽ ചൊരി യണമെന്നും  അപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. ദീക്ഷ വേളയിൽ മഹാരാജിന്റെ തിരുമുന്നിൽ ചെയ്ത പ്രതിജ്ഞയിൽ(അങ്ങയുടെനിർദ്ദേശങ്ങൾ)കഴിയുന്നതെല്ലാം എന്റെ പരിധിക്കുളിൽ നിന്ന് കൊണ്ട് ചെയ്യുവാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. വരും നാളുകളിലും അങ്ങയുടെ നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങളെ പാലിക്കുവാൻ ശ്രമം തുടരുകയും ചെയ്യും. 

ദുബായിൽ നിന്നും വന്നതിനു ശേഷം കേരളത്തിൽ പാലക്കാട്‌ ഹരേ കൃഷ്ണ സത്‌സംഗവുമായി സംഗം ചെയ്യുന്നു. അവിടുത്തെ ഞങ്ങളുടെ ശിക്ഷഗുരുവും അങ്ങയുടെ ശിഷ്യനുമായ മുരളി ഗോവിന്ദ ദാസ് പ്രഭുവിന്റെ കീഴിൽ പ്രവർത്തിച്ചു വരുന്നു. ഒരുപാടു ആധ്യാത്മിക കാര്യങ്ങൾ അവിടെ ചെയ്തുവരുന്നുണ്ട്. അതിൽ പങ്കാളിയാവാനും അതുവഴി കുറെയധികം ജീവാത്മാക്കളെ കൃഷ്ണാവബോധത്തിലേക്കു ആകർഷിപ്പാനും അവരെ ക്രമേണ ഒരു കൃഷ്ണ ഭക്തനാക്കി മാറ്റാനും അങ്ങയുടെ കാരുണ്യം കൊണ്ട് സാധിക്കുമാറാകട്ടെ എന്ന് പ്രത്യാശിക്കുന്നു. 

71-ന്നാം വ്യാസപൂജ നടക്കുന്ന ഈ വേളയിൽ അങ്ങേക്ക് എല്ലാവിധ ആയുരാരോഗ്യ സൗഖ്യങ്ങളും നേരുന്നതോടൊപ്പം  അങ്ങയുടെ സേനയിൽ ഞാനും ഒരു അംഗം ആയിരിക്കുമെന്നും അങ്ങയുടെ ലക്ഷ്യം എന്താണോ അതിനുവേണ്ടി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുമെന്നും വീണ്ടും ഉറപ്പുതരുന്നു. 

ഹരേ കൃഷ്ണ, 

അങ്ങയുടെ എളിയ സേവകൻ 

ഗോകുലപതി ഗോവിന്ദ ദാസ് 

(ദാമോദര ദേശം, ദുബൈ )

ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ വിലാസം 

ഹരേ കൃഷ്ണ സത്‌സംഗം 

No.10.രാമകൃപ, അബൂബക്കർ റോഡ് 

പാലക്കാട്‌, കേരള. 


Hare Krishna Dearest Spiritual Grand paa!!, Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my most respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet Guru Maharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad,  All Glories to Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj.


On this auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja , I place my heavy head full of pride at the dust of your divine lotus feet dearest Gurudev.


Thank you Guru Maharaj for accepting a fallen soul like me as your Spiritual Daughter.

It’s hard to sum up my happiness of finally being able to call You my Spiritual Father, Guru Maharaj!!  I feel like a fish who was lying since ages on the shore and one day an angel comes and puts her back to the occean where she belonged. You are my that Angel Guru Maharaj, who has always come to my rescue and this time by initiating me, You have given me a direct path to where I belong by connecting me to the Guru Parampara all the way upto Lord Sri Krishna.

You are the most magnanimous of all Father!, You took the aparadha's of all the living entities in this material world. I recall an incident where a professor had payed a visit to Your Holiness and was reciting a poem which he had written in Guru Maharaj's Glorification. While he was reciting, it appeared to all as if Gurudev was too engrossed in his work that maybe He did not hear the professor out. But as soon as the professor completed his recitation You looked at him and said " you wrote one line wrong, I will not just take my disciples aparadhas but I am ready to take the aparadhas of this entire world.” 

Yet, we were so foolish to not understand the hidden meaning behind your words Guru Maharaj. You have taken again and again the aparadhas of every sin committed ever so that we fools don't suffer. Who can be so magnanimous other than an incarnation of The Lord Nitayananda Himself.

Please pardon my unlimited offenses due to my immaturity, Guru Maharaj. Have mercy on me to at least be the dust brushing through Your Divine Lotus Feet!!!!!

“doya koro acharyapada, jayapataka swami!              

 tomara carana seva mange, golokapriya gaurangi devi dasi”!!



Your fallen spiritual daughter                         

Golokapriya Gaurangi devi dasi

Bhopal,  Madhya Pradesh


Hare Krishna acepten mis reverencias todas Las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a Sri Sri Guru y gouranga

*हरे कृष्णा* 

*श्री गुरु महाराज के चरणों मे प्रणाम*


मै कभी भी महाराज से नही मिला  था मेरे मन मे महाराज से मिलने की चाहत थी।

पर मुझे लगता था मै महाराज से कभी नही मिल पाऊंगा क्योकि महाराज हमेशा दिल्ली से बाहर ही रहते थे पर मुझे मन ही मन लगता था कि मुझे महाराज के दर्शन जरूर होंगे 

मेने मीटिंग में कई बार सुना था कि महाराज बहुत ही कृपालु है और वह अपने शिष्यों पर कृपा करते और भगवान कृष्ण तक जाने के लिए मार्ग दर्शन करते है।

और जब मैने गुरु आश्रय लिया तो मेरी महाराज से मिलने की लालसा ओर बड़ गई ।

मै कृष्णा से प्रार्थना करता कि मुझे महाराज के साक्षत दर्शन करा दे ।

बात उन दिनो की है जब हम पुरे परिवार के साथ वृंदावन के दर्शन करने गए आते समय पता चला की महाराज दिल्ली में आ रहे है औऱ अपने भक्तो को दीक्षा देंगे।

मेरा तो दिल गदगद हो गया कि महाराज हमारे लिए ही आ रहे है 

महाराज राधा-पार्षति मंदिर में है 

मगर वहां महाराज से न मिलने के सख्त निर्देश थे मगर भगवान हमे महाराज के दर्शन करवाने थे हम मीटिंग के रूम देख रहे थे औऱ भगवान ने हमे महाराज के रूम के बाहर खड़ा कर दिया जैसे ही मेने दरवाजा खोला तो मेरे सामने महाराज थे मेने महाराज को प्रणाम किया और महाराज ने भी हमे हरी बोल बोला और जो मेरा दर्शन करने का सपना था वो पूरा हुआ।

अगले दिन हमने दीक्षा दी।


*श्री श्रीमद जया पताका स्वामी महाराज की जय*



गोपाल गोवर्धन धरि दास


Nama om vishnu padaya krishnapresthaya bhuthale,srimate Jayapataka .swamin iti namine , 

Namo achariyapadaya nitaikrupaprethaine gourakatha thamathayine nagara grama dharine 

Om ajnana thimirandhasya jnananjana salakaya  caksur   un   militham yena  tas.mai sri gurave namaha .

Hare Krishna,

 My dear Gurudeva please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru and Gouranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to Sri Sri Sri Jagannath Baladev and Subhadradevi  and Sri Narasingadev. All glories to Gowranitai. Also I pray Their Lordships to shower their blessings for long healthy life  on this auspicious day of Guru Maharaj appearance day (71st vyasa pujaday).  You are a pure devotee of Krishna who gives  you all that you wish  in fulfilling Srila Prabhupadas instuctions, and making many more Krishna devotees ( inspite of more challanges).  You are very determined and very compassionate to all mankind because of that many get benefit in spiritual advancement,  thereby they are becoming devotees.  You change them very quickly .You got all qualities as demigods got (as said in Bhagavat Gita by Krishna). We can glorify you going on, there is no limit. However I got the opportunity of having you as my spiritual master. Nowadays Guru Maharaj’s classes are having nectar instructions. By hearing to that my doubts are getting cleared. I keep remembering Guru Maharaj’s ( physical presence  association) when you were in Coimbatore for treatment. You speaks humourously,once you asked my age  when i said ,  you  immedeately told that,  gopathy you are younger than me one year GuruMaharaj you only appeared in my dream and brought me to Iskcon no body else .Srila Prabhupada in his purport said that Guru and disciple  relationship is very subtle This shows that you knows present ,past and future in my case.Howeverplease bless me for keep doing devotional services to their LORDSHIPS. and to Gurudeva.Please forgive me for the offences commited by me knowingly or un knowingly. Again I pray their lordships  Jagannath ,Baladeva Shubadradevi Gournitai and Narasingadeva for your long healthylife by which you can save some more fortunate souls. All glorious to gurumaharaj,s 71st vyasapuja maha utsava hi jay.Yourloving discipleand servant  Gopathy Govinda Dasa Diksha disciple  coimbatore  India   .  Hare Krishna

nama srestham manum api saci putram atra svarupam
rupam tasyagrajam uru purim mathurim gostavatim
radha kundam giri varam aho radhika madhavasam
prapto yasya prathita krpaya sri gurum tam nato 'smi

Srila Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krishna 

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As days pass by your glories are being revealed more and more. Srila Prabhupada had said, that you are an eternal associate of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and you are proving that the word of the Acharyas like Srila Prabhupada is always true. An associate of the Lord is always serving the lord amidst any material calamities. You are a living example of this. The gopis of Vrindavan took many risks just to serve Krsna and to satisfy him(anyābhilāṣitā-śūnyaṁ, ānukūlyena ). Your Divine Grace following their footsteps took many risks with the only purpose of satisfying Hari , Guru and Vaishnavas. This is the real manifestation of Bhakti of Vrindavan, living only to serve and satisfy Krsna. If we look at all our previous acharyas they had also contributed  with the same spirit as your Divine Grace is exhibiting now (kṛṣṇānu-śīlanaṁ). This shows that due to your intense desire and sincerity to serve the acharyas you have their presence in you. So they are constantly inspiring you and empowering you thus you are serving their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava with complete enthusiasm,confidence,and patience.    

Srila Guru Maharaja in the Srimad Bhagavatam 5.12.12 Sri Jada Bharata instructs Maharaja rahugana as such, 

rahūgaṇaitat tapasā na yāti

na cejyayā nirvapaṇād gṛhād vā

na cchandasā naiva jalāgni-sūryair

vinā mahat-pāda-rajo-’bhiṣekam

My dear King Rahūgaṇa, unless one has the opportunity to smear his entire body with the dust of the lotus feet of great devotees, one cannot realize the Absolute Truth. One cannot realize the Absolute Truth simply by observing celibacy [brahmacarya], strictly following the rules and regulations of householder life, leaving home as a vānaprastha, accepting sannyāsa, or undergoing severe penances in winter by keeping oneself submerged in water or surrounding oneself in summer by fire and the scorching heat of the sun. There are many other processes to understand the Absolute Truth, but the Absolute Truth is only revealed to one who has attained the mercy of a great devotee.

From this it's understood that only by the mercy of pure devotee like Your Divine Grace a worthless person like me  who is attached to sense gratification can become materially detached and attain pure devotional service to Krsna. On this auspicious day my prayers are 

1. To always keep me under the shelter of your lotus feet

2. To bless me that the quality of my sadhana especially chanting and hearing improve more

3. I should give up the fault finding mentality 

4. I should serve Srila Prabhupada's mission more and more

5. I should develop attachment to Sri Mayapur Dhama and our Deities here

6. I also should get more your personal association 

7. Right now i am serving at Mayapur academy under the supervision of Narasimha Kavaca Prabhu, pls bless that i would be able to contribute well there also 

 Srila Guru Maharaja please forme for all my previous offences.

Your lowly servant,

Gopati Krsna Dasa


Nama Ohm Vishnupadaya Krishna Preshtaya Poothale

Srimathe Jayapataka Swamin Ithi Namine

Nama Acharya Padhaya Nithai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Kadha Dhamadaya Nagara Grahma Darine..

Srila Gurudev Jayapataka Swami Maharaj Ki Jai!!!                                                                                                         Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai…

Dear Gurumaharaj,

All Glories to Srila Jaya Pathaka Maharaj… All Glories to Srila Prabhupada..

Please accept my most humble obeisance at your lotus feet… Gurumaharaj by your mercy I had been there in Vrindavan and visited mostly all sacred places of Lord Sri Krishna’s pass time. I was there at Radhakund for seven days and had the opportunity to do circumbulance of Giriraj all days… Which I had did as a prarthana for your health… Guru and vaishnava’s mercy I had completed that.. This year ( by February 4 th) ISKCON VRINDAVAN sent a calendar with Krishnabalram’s pictures and a milk sweet as prasadam by courier. I am blessed. I received that courier on Nithyananda Trayodasi… I cant believe this,,, so much mercy on me…All these things happening in my life only because of your mercy Guru Maharaj.. with out your mercy I am nothing…. A real fallen soul…, who is not even keeping the words I have given to you… But by reading Guru Prasanga and hearing your vani, I am coming back to the track of Japa… And Maharaj, I need your presence at my home always to protect us from falling down .. I had fixed two of your pictures at both the door tops one at entrance and one at exit… please bless us Gurumaharaj, you are the only one who can really take care of us..

Gurumaharaj, the way you are doing things to please your Guru, actually amazing… we should take you as the example and try to do something to help you to fulfill your Guru Srila Prabhupada’s dream come true… But being a lazy fellow I am not doing much… please Guru Maharaj empower me with the light of knowledge and will power to do right things to speak only right words at right time at right place. I hope I may improve my sadana and possibly I can assist you to serve your Gurudev Srila Prabhupada, I pray for the opportunities and increase my enthusiasms to serve you,, please help me Gurudev to please you,, as being an insignificant soul please put me in such places where I can do some service to please you .

According to SB:3.25.21

titiksavah karunikah suhrda sarva-dehinam ajata-satravah santah aadhavah sadhu-bhusanah

“the symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant , merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime”. Guru Maharaj, You are the perfect example for this sloka… as being your disciple I pray to you to give me your karunya , and make me to be like this.. by my rajao and thamo gunas I am getting tempted easily and shower harsh words to my dependants, which is showing my low quality of nature… being an insignificant foolish soul, after getting your prema karuna and being an initiated devotee, I should not behave in such a ways which may give bad impression on you… so please Guru Maharaj give me the power to control my mind and tongue… and give me the willingness and will power to make all living beings happy who ever in contact with me….and give me the blessings … which is the only medicine for me to get rid of these such diseases of material being…

Guru Maharaj, we here in my home, me (Gopi bhava Chaitanya Das), my wife ( Ananda pradaha Kesavi Devi Dasi), My daughters (Bhakthin Abhaya & Amrita ) and my son Bhakt Madhav Krishna all are doing the sandhya arathy together and pray to Vigna Vinasak Narasimha Bhagwan to give more strength and good health for you to guide us and give us more intelligence to please you and Gauranga....

Gaura Nitai Ki Jai...    Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai.... Gurudev ki Jai....

Dandavat Pranams.....

Your Insignificant servant,

Gopi Bhava Chaithanya Das,

Thrissur, Kerala - 680003


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Gurumaharaj


Please accept my humble obeisances

It has been 71 years since you came from the spirtual world for the sake of

delivering fallen souls like me back home back to Godhead. You truly are an

inspiration for many on how a pure devotee should be like. Despite your bad health,

you still continue to preach the glories of Lord Chaitanya around the world and

follow the instructions of your spritual master,His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta

Srila Prabhupada.


On your 71st Vyasapuja Festival, I sincerely pray to Pancha Tattva, Sri Sri Radha

Madhava and Lord Narasimhadev for your better health and to continue delivering

fallen conditioned souls.

Please bless me so that by your mercy I can chant properly and do devotional service

to the Lord without any offenses.


Thank you Gurumaharaj.


Your Insignificant Servant

Bhakta Goutham

My dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga ! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, saviour of the whole world !

On the most auspicious occasion of your divine vyasa puja, I pray at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Mahdava, Sri Sri Panca Tattva and Sri Sri Prahlada Narasimhadeva for the continued good health of your Holiness.

As the whole world is staring at all kinds of uncertainties, thanks to the tiny virus, we understand from your Holiness how to deal with such situations. As a true Acharya, your Holiness has asked the entire ISKCON universe to increase and improve the chanting of the Holy Name as it is the only hope for a world beset by such an endemic. Through that, your Holiness is also ensuring that devotees stay fixed in their sadhana bhakti of chanting the Holy Name, primarily. We also learn from your Holiness how to face uncertain times. Your Holiness has been resolute and steadfast in the face of crisis after crisis over the last many years. Dear Guru Maharaja, you have showed us how to stay focussed on service to Guru and Gauranga, whatever the situation maybe. We have also seen from your life, how a steadfast follower of his spiritual master overcomes all limitations to be engaged in the service of his Guru. Your alaukika guru-nishta, sraddha, kshama and sthairya is enough to inspire anyone to take up the path of devotional service. May it also inspire a mudha like me !

Its only by your Holiness’ blessings that I continue to serve the BBT and Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Darshanam magazine. Although it is a struggle, mainly due to my inabilities, I am always trying to improve all aspects of my service, as I am sure it will please Your Holiness as well as Srila Prabhupada.

On this most auspicious occasion, I pray at your lotus feet that I be blessed to continue to assist you in my miniscule way to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


Govardhana Giri Dasa

Chief Editor, Bhagavad Darshanam, Kerala.


Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gouranga! All Glories to your Vyasa puja festival!
When first time I come to know  about to you through my siksa-guru, I was not very inspired but gradually after hearing long time about you I am feeling very fortunate myself because pure devotees are very rare previously before come to KC, I  was thinking same like ordinary people because of your health issue and hear some wrong from outside friend but as prabupad said result is the proof of you are going right or wrong direction so similarly whatever I heard from my siksa-guru, I found reality in his words when I show you Guru maharaj thats empowered me lots that in any situation one can execute devotional service and you are the biggest example, so may Lord bless me that in difficult situation I will able to remember you and fell sheltered and in this way you empowered every devotees to continue their journey towards Krsna.


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisciences at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhuada. All glories to you.

Guru Maharaj, by  your presence at any place people get feeling of presence of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on the spot, because you are His eternal associate.

Guru Maharaj, inspite of so much difficulties in your body you have always given priority to preaching even inside  ICU in the hospital, many times.

Guru Maharaj, you have developed the Mayapur Dham(the kingdom of God)whose responsibility was given by Srila Prabhupada to you and the emerging TOVP the dream of Srila Prabhupada is going to take complete shape soon due to your hard work.

Guru Maharaj, your huge body and big Kartals in hand looks very extra ordinary and unique while dancing, jumping  & doing kirtan.

Guru Maharaj, people from even outside ISKCON respect you and love you very much.

Guru Maharaj, you are very dear most desciple of Srila Prabhupada and you have prooved your deep love to Srila Prabhupada by composing the song "Yadi Prabhupada Na Hoite......".

Gurudev!!! I have no qualification to describe your glories, please forgive me for all the  a offences I have commited.

Gurudev!!! please accept Dandavat Pranam of my Family members (Wife, Son & Daughter) and please bless us.

Yours’ very insignificant Servant

Gobinda Chandra Sethi

& Family

  Location : Delhi(Dwarka)

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to you, Guru Maharaja. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This morning I heard a wonderful offering by HH Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaja to you on your Vyasa Puja in 1993. Maharaja described how surrendered you were to the Krishna consciousness movement from your very first day at the temple. Hearing about your glorious qualities was very inspiring.

One especially striking quality he mentioned was your ability to think very deeply. Since then, I've been reflecting on how thoughtful you are, Guru Maharaja. You are always thinking about the welfare of others; How others may be benefited; How they may come closer to Krishna. You are kind and concerned about everyone - whether it be preaching to some Christian nurses at the ICU or arranging to shower cool water on the roads of Navadvipa Mandala so the devotees who are walking barefoot on parikrama may feel some relief. You think of everything!

I was also reflecting on how you arranged to distribute dry prasadam to all the devotees here in Mayapur on Ram Navami day during the fast breaking time, anticipating that devotees may struggle during this lock down period. Thank you for caring so much!

Thank you for displaying to us the causeless mercy of Lord Nityananda and your exemplary service attitude through your activities. Thank you for being so exemplary in constantly meditating on Srila Prabhupada's instructions and endeavouring with your life and soul to fulfil them. Thank you for showing us by your own example how we are not this body, but the spirit soul.

I consider myself most fortunate to be connected to you through your spiritual son, HG Ādi Gaurasundara Prabhu, and pray we may both be of service to you in Srila Prabhupada's glorious movement.

Your spiritual daughter-in-law and niece,
Govinda-priya dasi 

My Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at dust of your lotus feet. All glories to you and your
71 st auspicious divine appearance day! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In the last year I was very much charged up and get lot of inspiration to serve the desire of
our guru parampara by your most valuable and enthusiastic association through online classes.
We cannot do vapu seva of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but we can do Vani seva Of
Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu through the via media of Guru parampara by fulfilling their
desire. You also mentioned we are indebted to Srila Prabhupada to give us this most
Valuable gift, Krishna Consciousness. And the books of Srila Prabhupada are full spiritual
potency which reviving our original Krishna Consciousness. You specifically mentioned for
each and every word of Srila Prabhupada books we are indebted. For that reason we must
have to serve Srila Prabhupada with our best capability. You are one of the perfect
instrument of Srila Prabhupada to Strengthen and spreading the Hare Krishna Movement of Lord
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. I am begging on to your lotus feet on this most auspicious day
to shower on to me the one drop of that mercy to engage me more and more in the
fulfilling the desire of Srila Prabhupada and our previous Guru parampara.

I am now trying to please my superior authority sincerely by youth preaching due the power 
of mercy of You. Please bless me so that I can carry out the order under the footsteps of
superior authority with grateful attitude by properly following the rules and regulation to
please Srila Prabhupada. At the present moment I am facing challenges to choose my ashram
to be situated according to different challenges due to my short comings. Please bless me so
that even there is so much difficulties, I can continue to follow and serve my spiritual
superior authority to please them.

By your preaching activities you shows that we can carry on spreading this most auspicious
movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu without any material barrier. By this only there is a
possibility to wash out maya from the core of our heart and always fully engaged in the
service of Krishna. I am begging your mercy specially on preaching the glories of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu by which I can always attached to devotees so that I can protect my
bhakti lata and distribute others this Krishna Consciousness in association of devotees. 

At this present moment due to pandemic of corona virus its clear that how much we are
insignificant infornt of punishment of Lords enrgey, mother nature. At last I humbly pray my
respectful obeisences at your lotus feet as by your mercy only I will be able to stay always
under shelter of devotees.

                                                                                           Your insignificant servant,
                                                                                           Gunagrahi Gouranga Das
                                                                                           Kolkatta, India

My Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances at dust of your lotus feet. All glories to you and your 71st auspicious divine appearance day! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
In the last year I was very much charged up and get lot of inspiration to serve the desire of our guru parampara by your most valuable and enthusiastic association through online classes. We cannot do vapu seva of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but we can do Vani seva Of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu through the via media of Guru parampara by fulfilling their desire. You also mentioned we are indebted to Srila Prabhupada to give us this most Valuable gift, Krishna Consciousness. And the books of Srila Prabhupada are full spiritual potency which reviving our original Krishna Consciousness. You specifically mentioned for each and every word of Srila Prabhupada books we are indebted. For that reason we must have to serve Srila Prabhupada with our best capability. You are one of the perfect instrument of Srila Prabhupada to Strengthen and spreading the Hare Krishna Movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. I am begging on to your lotus feet on this most auspicious day to shower on to me the one drop of that mercy to engage me more and more in the fulfilling the desire of Srila Prabhupada and our previous Guru parampara.
I am now trying to please my superior authority sincerely by youth preaching due the power of mercy of You. Please bless me so that I can carry out the order under the footsteps of superior authority with grateful attitude by properly following the rules and regulation to please Srila Prabhupada. At the present moment I am facing challenges to choose my ashram to be situated according to different challenges due to my short comings. Please bless me so that even there is so much difficulties, I can continue to follow and serve my spiritual superior authority to please them.
By your preaching activities you shows that we can carry on spreading this most auspicious movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu without any material barrier. By this only there is a possibility to wash out maya from the core of our heart and always fully engaged in the service of Krishna. I am begging your mercy specially on preaching the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by which I can always attached to devotees so that I can protect my bhakti lata and distribute others this Krishna Consciousness in association of devotees. At this present moment due to pandemic of corona virus its clear that how much we are insignificant infornt of punishment of Lords enrgey, mother nature. At last I humbly pray my respectful obeisences at your lotus feet as by your mercy only I will be able to stay always under shelter of devotees.
Your insignificant fallen servant,

Gunagrahi Gouranga Das Kolkatta, India

Namah om Vishnu Padaya Krshna preshtaya Bhutale

srimate HH jayapataka Swamin iti Namine

Namacharya padaya Nitai Krupa Pradayine

Gaurakatha Dhamadaya nagara Grama tarine

HH Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my  humble Obeisances in  the  dust of  your Lotus  feet

All Glories  to  Srila prabhupad and All Glories to Guru and Gauranga. 

 Gurumaharaj  I have seen  so  many turbulances in  my  life, But  I  have a strong faith in Lord Krshna and you- Every thing will sort out on  its  own 

In the Year 2016 in  KKD -- Doctor told me to  operate my 2 eyes,

by praying  lord and  your lotus feet-- Every thing arrenged and fall in  place  so  that my  eye operation was

successful. we  are  very much  interested in  preaching and  Book distributions.we need  your blessing always

Sri Guru and Gauranga give you  good health, to support to  srila prabhupad mission 


Your's ever Humble servant

Gururaja Nityananda Das




"Ofrecemos nuestras respetuosas reverencias a su Divina Gracia Srila Jayapataka Swami, quién es muy querido al Señor Krsna por haber tomado refugio a Sus piés de loto"


A nuestro amado Guru Maharaj en el glorioso día de su aparición!!!


Con la inspirada motivación de complacer Su deseo, de que todos cantemos más el Maha Mantra Hare Krsna,  sus discípulos del Centro de Yoga Hare Krsna - Iskcon del yatra de La Paz - Bolivia,  siguiendo su ejemplo hemos tenido la iniciativa de organizar un programa de canto, alentando a nuestra comunidad  de discipulos, devotos y amigos a que cante los Santos Nombres del Señor una hora extra al día y por una semana. Hemos comenzado el 1ro de abril.  Cada uno canta en su hora y las 24 horas estamos cantando ininterrumpidamente.


Esta ofrenda la estamos realizando con mucho entusiasmo y amor, inspirados en Su deseo y en lo que ud Guru Maharaj nos dice : que  "el canto de los Santos Nombres del Señor destruye todos los males y sufrimientos de los seres humanos" 

Siendo nuestra ofrenda principal el pedir humildemente a Sri Gouranga y al Señor  Nrsimhadeva goce  ud de buena salud y protección.  Y tambien, por el planeta y el sufrimiento de la humanidad en ésta época de la pandemia del corona virus.


Este es nuestro granito de arena pero significativo,  con todo amor de sus sirvientes a Sus piés de loto:

Sus discípulos:

Pb. Hari Sankirtan das

Pb. Ekanista das

Pb. Lila Kirtan das

Pb. Omkesavaya das

Pb. Ekeshvara das

Md. Vilásini d.d.

Md. Mahaujjvala Prema d.d.

Md. Sradha Bhakti d.d.

Md. Anadi Adi d.d.

Md. Jahnavi  d.d.

Md. Krsna  Puja d.d.

Md. Bhedini d.d.

Md. Minesi Prya d.d.

Discípulo de Hridayananda Maharaj:

Pb. Govinda Prya das

Discípulas de Gunagrahi Maharaj:

Md. Rupa Manjari d.d.

Md. Rasa Manjari d.d.

Discípula de Bhakti Sundar Maharaj:

Md. Madhana Muhini d.d.

Discípula de Paramadveity Maharaj:

Md. Gopi Guita d.d.


Bta. Ruben Espejo

Bta. Abay

Btna. Vanesa Manrrique

Btna. Mishel Moscoso

Btna. Victoria Pantoja

Btna. Viqui Liz Navarro

Btna. Consuelo Bustillos

Btna. Verónica Otalora

Btna. Zarela

Btna. Lourdes Gonzalez


Dear HH Jayapataka Swami Gurudeva, 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Guru and Gauranga. 

I wish you a very happy 71st birthday on this auspicious day. I have immense respect and love towards your holiness and you were the first person to lift me out of the ocean of darkness. Please find below my humble offering unto your lotus feet. 

Hare Krishna. 

71st Vyasa Puja offering following the footsteps of Jayadev Goswami's Ten Incarnations Prayer :


Ohh Krishna!

During flood of dissolution,

As a fish you became the solution

Taking the form of a boat

You protected the Vedic vision


Ohh Gurudev Jayaptaka Swami!

While struggling in this material ocean

You doled harinaam as a magic potion

Being the yoke of the fish for the boat

You revive drowned souls again to float


Ohh Krishna !

The demons and demigods churned for nectar

As a tortoise, you appeared there as a protector

Sporting the mountain Mandara on your bareback

You ensured Demons do not get nectar in their sack


Ohh Gurudev Jayaptaka Swami !

For the demons or the demigods

You have distributed the holy name against all odds

You have borne TOVP on your bareback

And against Maya, you have led the counter-attack


Ohh Krishna!

Earth, Drowned at the bottom of the ocean

As a boar, you lifted and brought her back to motion

Praised by all through multiple verses

Varaha dev glorious are your converses


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

While Varaha lifted Earth on his mighty tusks

You lift the fallen souls from dawn to dusk

Sowing seeds of devotion in the heart's garden

You have eliminated mother earth's burden


Ohh Krishna!

You killed the lust of the demon with your nails

As half-man and lion you made the demon wail

Such an incarnation was unprecedented

Seeing that Prahlad's devotion augmented


Ohh Gurudev Jayaptaka Swami!

You are a lion amidst the bhakti cult

Your roar in kirtan is liked by kids, babies and adult

You brought the handsome lion to Mayapur

We take great pleasure watching his grandeur


Ohh Krishna!

Making Ganges flow from your feet

As dwarf Vamana your appearance to Bali was discreet

Your mighty steps tamed Bali through deceit

Still, he glorified you for your wonderful feat


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka  Swami!

Through Parikramas, You brought the world to mother Ganges

Your efforts are none shorter than the seven Sages

You toiled hard for Prabhupada without any wages

Breaking our material bonds and freeing us from our cages


Ohh Krishna!

When the protectors of the world were lax

As Parashuram, you punished them with your axe

You bathed Kurukshetra with rivers of blood

Protected the citizens like a tender flower bud


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

Taking the message of the Kurukshetra far and wide

You wielded the harinam axe in your every stride

You conquered the hearts of enemies and friends

Gave them the love of Caitanya beyond dividends


Ohh Krishna!

The world wilted due to atrocities of Ravana the demon

You appeared as Ram and upheld your sermon

Severing Ravana's ten heads in ten directions

You brought to doorsteps of Lanka ultimate destruction


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

When our mind raced in all ten directions

You gave the names of Rama as the initiation instruction

Severing our desires for material enjoyment

You built a bridge of devotion to our heart's content


Ohh Krishna!

Appearing on this earth wielding your plough

As Balarama, you made the Yamuna not to flow

Adorned with bluish garments of various length

You looked handsome and gentle yet with immense strength


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

You took around the world Balram's shoe

You are stuck to Nitai like transcendental glue

Digging deep into our hearts with the harinam plough

You kneaded it with love making it soft like a dough


Ohh Krishna !

The animals cried their hearts out in Vedic sacrifice

As Buddha, you showed to such acts a deep despise

Uprooting the evils and all the vice

You made the men of this world again to rise


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

Taking a note from Lord Buddha's compassion

You too walked for 50 years under renunciation

Touching the lives of humans and animals alike

Through your Vani which for Maya is a painful spike


Ohh Krishna !

As the men become more barbarous in the world

As Kalki, you appear to bring the times of the old

You flash with your sword through them like a comet

Your final act for them will be hard to forget


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

You have taken a vow to stop the effect of evil

By bringing the message of Gita for an upheaval

You travel across the world in full speed

Delivering souls by chanting Hare Krishna on every Bead


Ohh Krishna!

As Jayadeva has sung the great song on ten incarnations

The readers of it are bestowed with happiness and devotion

You appeared beautifully in ten different forms

Breaking the shackles of time, breaking all the norms


Ohh Gurudev Jayapataka Swami!

When will this Haridas Varya get a drop of your merciful glance

Who has knowingly put his heart through Maya's lance

On this 71st Vyasa puja, I am taking a chance

For the cry of mine to be heard through the universe's expanse


Begging for Jayapataka Swami Thakura's mercy

Haridas Varya Das

(Disciple of HH Indradyumna Swami Maharaj)

04.04.2020, on the occasion of  71st Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj



Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva, you are teaching us the pure path of devotional service. I wish to share my meditation on some of your divine qualities.

Executing intense devotional service at all circumstances

You are one of the powerful soldiers of Srila Prabhupada, showing all of us how to execute devotional service among adversities. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the last verse of Siksastaka mentions “adarśanān marma-hatāṁ karotu vā yathā tathā vā vidadhātu”, whatever position the Lord Krishna may put, I will not budge an inch from the intense devotion to You. Gurudeva, you are an ideal example in this regard. You have all reasons to be in one place and still inspire many souls in Krishna Consciousness but still you take the trouble to go to places where no one goes to preach, just to please your spiritual master His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. You have not reduced your services to Srila Prabhupada, in this condition, rather you have expanded your services more and more.

Completely free from envy a quality of resident of Sri Vrindavan/Sri Mayapur

Srila Prabhupada write in purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 10.13.60 “Envy develops because of sense gratification, but in Vṛndāvana there is no sense gratification, for the only aim is Kṛṣṇa’s satisfaction”. I have personally witnessed how devotees having differences and misunderstandings could easily confess and take your guidance and resolve their issues. Anyone can approach you and feel completely sheltered and secure. This is because your heart is completely free from envy, rather it is filled with intense desire to help every single person of this world.

Unlimited compassion

One may be satisfied to preach as much as possible. But you constantly think of the many souls who are out there in this world and think how will they get Krishna Consciousness. We hear many of your pastimes where, you go out of the way to give Krishna Consciousness to people at hospitals, airports and many unusual places. I have heard from devotees about your recent travels of South America. You had visited places where no other preachers normally go, places where there is constant security threat. In such a health condition of yours, visiting such places is much more than adventurous, it is intense and unlimited compassion you have. One may go to such places with great difficulty occasionally, but you happily expressed that you wish to go there every year. It is just to please Srila Prabhupada. We can only count on our good fortune that Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada has gifted your association to have a firsthand experience of mood of a Vaikunta man.

Identity as a servant of the spiritual master

From your lectures we can understand how by serving and pleasing one’s spiritual master one achieves all the perfection. Focus on executing the instructions of spiritual master is the prime identity of the disciple. Your life is a perfect example of this. You could have chosen to execute some of the instructions of Srila Prabhupada as it is convenient, but you remember all the instructions Srila Prabhupada, both formal and casual as both of them are vani of spiritual master, and you strive to follow every bit of it. You constantly remember these instructions. Your only identity is that of servant of Srila Prabhupada.

Your qualities are unlimited and each of them are very deep. As an insignificant soul I can see some of your qualities and to a very shallow level. My only hope is that I grow my intensity to follow your instructions, which are your actual mercy, as my life and soul. I seek your blessings to follow your instructions.

I have heard from my seniors, that the spiritual master is pleased when he sees the disciple engaged in service of Lord Krishna always and develops divine qualities. On this auspicious occasion I pray that I may be blessed with a drop of your good qualities, that can offer you pleasure.

Please bless me that my mind, which constantly hovers on sense gratification be pulled into thoughts of executing your instructions.

Your servant

Hariksetra das


পরম আরাধ্য গুরু মহারাজ আমার বিনম্র সশ্রদ্ধ দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম গ্রহণ করবেন ।

 গুরুমহারাজ আপনার করুণা অসীম এবং বিশাল হৃদয় , আপনার করুনায় এই জগতের মধ্যে আমার মতো এক পতিত জীব আপনার সেবা করার চেষ্টা করছি। গুরু মহারাজ আপনার হৃদয় অত্যন্ত বিশাল তাই আপনার চরনে আমার মতো পতিত জীবের জন্য একটু আশ্রয় প্রার্থনা করছি । আপনার গুণ মহিমা বর্ণনা করার কোন যোগ্যতা আমার নেই। 

হে সর্ব দেবময় গুরুদেব আমাকে ক্ষমা করুন , আমি অত্যন্ত গ্লানি এবং দুঃখী অনুভব করছি । গুরুদেব আমি দীক্ষার সময় যে প্রতিজ্ঞা নিয়েছি সেগুলো ঠিক ঠিক পালন করতে পারিনি। তাই আমি আপনার কাছে ক্ষমা ভিক্ষা চাইছি। আপনি ক্ষমা না করলে আমি জন্ম জন্মান্তরেও উদ্ধার লাভ করতে পারব না। হে দায়ার সাগর , হে পতিত পাবন  গুরুদেব আমাকে ক্ষমা করুন । এর পর যাতে আর কোন ভুল না করি সে জন্য আমি সতর্ক থাকবো। 


আপনার অধম ও পতিত শিষ্য

হরিনাম গোপাল দাস

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, 

Please accept our respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

All Glories to your Divine Grace 

Please find the below poem as offering to your Divine Grace on your most auspicious 71st appearance day Srila Gurudeva. 


All glories to you, our dear spiritual father, on your auspicious 71st appearance day

    To dedicate our life in the service of Guru, Gauranga and Krishna we pray


Grateful to you for initiating us into the Krishna consciousness movement in 2004 and planting the bhakti seed

    With our heart and soul we promise to follow the initiation vows and chant Hare Krishna which is the soul's need. 


"Krsne matir astu", which was your specific instruction 

     Promise to keep that instruction as our life's goal and mission


Thank you for giving me brahminical initiation in 2019, for many years, it was my heart's desire

     From the time I heard your class that it was a highway to attain Krishna prema quickly, it has been my prayer


Please forgive us for the various sins and offences committed due to our inappropriate habit, conditioning and choice

    Kindly bless us to transcend these conditions and become soldiers in your preaching army with dedication and poise  


I asked you my dear spiritual father, we do transcription service and if we please the service authority, do we please you?" You answered "why not?"

    You also said” Thank you for your service” and I understood that it pleases You and we would continue to perform this seva being grateful for the service opportunity we got  


Praying to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava , Pancatattva and Narasimhadeva to keep you in the best of health

    Longing to have your association always which is our most treasured spiritual wealth


This poem is a heartfelt genuine effort from our end to please you Srila Gurudeva 

    Confident that we can attain the lotus feet of Gauranga and Krishna by following your instructions and performing seva 


Kindly allow us to eternally remain at the shelter of your lotus feet, 

    We pray to you, Srila Guru Maharaja, please enable us to remember Gauranga and Krishna during our last heart beat


All glories to you, our dear Spiritual father, on your auspicious 71st appearance day

    To dedicate our life in the service of Guru, Gauranga and Krishna we pray


Your servants, 

 Harinama Krishna Dasa, Medhavini sakhi devi dasi, Dhanya and Dayita

Mumbai, India 

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj, Dandavat pranams.

Dear Gurumaharaj, 

     Due to lot of work and service, I was very tired and down, so I could not chant rounds. That time I was praying you saying in the mind that Gurumaharaj iam not getting mood to chant, please help me in chanting. Within some minutes, I got call from London. Amala manjari mataji spoked with me. Asking about my sadana, how I am doing.?it was friendly talk. Mataji inspired me to do chanting. Then I started doing it regularly. This is really a miracle Gurumaharaj, I prayed to you and you sent your empowered disciple to talk with me and to inspire. What to tell about your love and care Gurumaharaj. And one more incident that I was telling you in my mind that Iam very fearful, please help me. Immediately iam getting a quote. 

That is your mercy Gurumaharaj. We are very far from you but you are close to our Heart. Thank you very much Dear Gurumaharaj. For your mercy. 

Your Servant 

Harini Sevika Devi dasi 

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please kindly accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your auspicious Vyasa Puja day!

Dear Maharaj, your causeless mercy knows no limits, and your enthusiasm to serve Srila Prabhupada come what may is inconceivable.You are an incredible source of inspiration for all.

Those who are able to get the shelter of your lotus feet are indeed the most fortunate. I am the most fallen, offensive person Maharaj. Although I have no such pious credit and qualification to get the shelter, blessings and mercy of a pure devotee like yourself, I still somehow shamelessly beg to you for your causeless mercy to please kindly accept as your spiritual daughter and kindly bless me that I can endeavor sincerely, enthusiastically, faithfully, determinedly, patiently with my life air to serve your lotus feet nityam. 

Please kindly bless me Maharaj, that I can soon become eligible to be your initiated disciple and endeavour enthusiastically, determinedly, patiently and faithfully with my mind, body, and words to serve and please you.

Please kindly bless this most insignificant, wretched being with your causeless mercy Maharaj.

Your insignificant servant

Harshita Sharma (aspiring)

New Delhi (Rohini), India





Please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to You! All glories to
Srila prabhupada!

Gurumaharaj, it is a great privilege and honor to write an offering unto the most elevated person on this planet even though I don’t have any qualification to write or talk about You.

Firstly, I sincerely thank and pray to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Guara Nitai, Lord Narasimha Dev, Sri Radha Madhava, for giving us back our beloved Guru Maharaj to guide fallen souls like us, from the clutches of Maya and progress into Krishna Conscious journey. You are a living inspiration of how firm faith in Guru and Supreme Lord will bring us out of the most trying conditions.

Guru Maharaj, You are so merciful. In spite of your health conditions, you have bestowed your mercy and accepted this fallen soul under your care by giving diksha to me and my husband Ramarupa gaura prabhu in Chennai on 28th March’18. Last year (2019), during the Maha Abhishekham period in Mayapur, we had the great fortune to have Your darshan and listen to Your evening lectures on the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Kolavecha Sridhar. We - myself, my husband and my son felt blessed seeing You and listening to You.

As You know Guru Maharaj, because of material attachment I could not do my sadana and preach sincerely. I am sincerely requesting you to forgive me, enlighten me with knowledge and remove my attachments/anarthas. 

We got the opportunity to get Your darshan, Guru Maharaj, during your visit to Bangalore in October’19. We got connected with New Rajapur Jagannath Dham Temple in Bangalore. We are under the guidance of HG Chaitanya Avadhari prabhu and HG Rasmayee mathaji here, while we are also connected remotely to Sachi janani mathaji and Ramananda prabhu. With their guidance, Bhakthi Vriksha is happening in our area every week and I am coordinating for the program,by Your causeless mercy. During Damodar Month, I have been trying to reach many fallen souls by conducting & coordinating for school programs.

I have a desire to start Tulsi Manjari, Gita Manjari and Bal Utsav class in our home. A few days back, I started Bal Utsav for two students and would like to have more children join in, by Your causeless mercy. During this lockdown period of COVID-19, by Your and Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, I am leading a group chanting for members in our area. Hope to continue this group chanting even after this lockdown period.

Please give me and my husband strength to serve Srila Prabhupada and You with great enthusiasm. Please bless my son, daughter & son-in-law who are aspiring under Your lotus feet to quickly grow spiritually and take initiation under You, so that they can entusiastically contribute more in Your mission.

Koti Koti Pranams.

Your servant,

Hemasundari Gaurangi DD

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsnaprestaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swaminiti namine

Namoacarya Padaya nitaikripa pradayine 

Gaurakatha dhamadaya nagara grama tarine  


Beloved Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories unto you and All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Gurumaharaj, on this most auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, I am really glad to write an offering unto your lotus feet. I don’t know what qualification have I got to glorify you. But still I would do so in order to get purified. Please accept this humble offering.


As a true follower and disciple of Srila Prabhupada, you have imbibed from him, his mood of preaching and compassion for all the conditioned souls in this world. You see them as a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and engage them all back in their own constitutional position in serving Krsna. Thus you prove yourself as the most merciful pure devotee present in this world today.


Gurumaharaj, you are just like a rescue boat sent by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to fetch the conditioned souls suffering in this material ocean of nescience. You take in the boat anyone who wants to get in, not caring for their previous material backgrounds. This is very much true because even though undergoing very serious illness for the past several years, you still continue to  travel and preach extensively and initiate thousands of devotees who have taken shelter at your lotus feet. 

Gurumaharaj, I am one of those conditioned souls to whom you have given shelter at your lotus feet.Though I have got this rare human form of life and a chance to take birth in a devotee family and study in gurukula at ISKCON Salem, if I would not have had you as my glorious spiritual master, then surely these fortunate opportunities would have been of no use. Still I am not steady in my spiritual life.I have tremendous attraction for kirtans in our movement,but many times I feel that its only for the music and the instruments played in kirtan and not really for the holy name of the lord. Though my parents and other well wishers keep inspiring me and instructing me in devotional service I still tend to get slackened in my regular devotinal duties such as chanting attentively and regularly reading books of Srila Prabhupada’s and yours.

O Gurudeva, on this most auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, I pray that I myself with my brother and parents become steady and sincere in the process of devotional service and continue to preach the message of Krishna Consciousness, following in the footsteps of  you and Srila Prabhupada.


Your insignificant servant,

Hemavarna Caitanya dasa (ISKCON Salem)

Hare krishna Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisciences!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to you!!!

We pray to Radha madhava Panchatattva Narasimhadev Srila Prabhupada and Tulasi maharani for your well being and continued enthusiastic service for the benefit of many conditioned souls.

With you mercy and our shiksha Guru's tremendous support we are  trying to better our sadhna and keep our consciousness intact. We have been fortunate to get association from you several times and your kind loving nature and instructions helps us recover from various tests of life and remember and depend on you all the more.

It is very inspiring to see you each moment giving yourself fully for your displicles upliftment. Although unqualified we sincerely pray to Gaura Nitai  that they protect us and prepare us to engage in pure devotional service for your pleasure.  

Your servants

syamasundara srinivasa dasa

Hemavathi radhika devi dasi 



Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to srila Prabhupada.


I wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to you. I used to attend bhakti vriksha classes at our bhakti center, which had actually helped me to connect to KC, maintain devotee association and many other aspects of my spiritual life. Very recently when I was reading an Instagram post on you, it was written that it was your idea to start something called "Bhakti vriksha" many years ago, and you introduced it. It was both a joy and surprise to see how your wisdom is helping in uplifting fallen souls like me. Beyond grateful for all of that maharaj!!



With my sincere prayers for your good health,

Your aspiring servant,

Himani M

(Iskcon Koramangala Bhakti center, Bangalore)

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krishna Prestaya Bhutale 

Srimate Jayapatakaya Swamin iti Namine

Nama acarya padaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Jay Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga, Jai Srila Prabhupada 


My Dear Guru Maharaja,

                                        I am very happy to glorify you on this most auspicious day of Your Vyasa Puja.Please kindly forgive me for this inexperienced offering, my words are empty still I hope that Your Holiness would accept it as Lord Rama accepted the small amount of service rendered by the squirrel.

                                        Guru maharaja you are the mercy representation of Srila Prabhupada.You are always thinking of saving the conditioned souls from this darkest age. Even after the major surgery, you didn’t pause your preaching activities but went on for a world tour encouraging and delivering millions and millions of people and your disciples. Your care and affection for your disciples over personal physical well being was clearly seen, when even after the doctors stern recommendation for you not to exert and travel, you nonetheless went on helping and encouraging them, both spiritually and mentally.This shows your selflessness and the compassionate nature. As stated in Caitanya Caritamrita (madhya 4.186);

pragäòha-premera ei svabhäva-äcära

nija-duùkha-vighnädira nä kare vicära

”This is the natural result of intense love of Godhead. The devotee does not consider personal inconveniences or impediments. In all circumstances he wants to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”You are the living example for this.Wherever you travel, you convert them into holy places.As stated in Srimad Bhagavatam  (1.13.10) 

bhavad-vidhä bhägavatäs

tértha-bhütäù svayaà vibho

térthé-kurvanti térthäni

sväntaù-sthena gadäbhåtä

My lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage .


Guru maharaj, I can never imagine the level of your dedication to Srila Prabhupada and his movement.You are always thinking to please Srila Prabhupada by following his instructions. I rememeber hearing from His Grace Mahavaraha Prabhu that even though you were very sick after the 2008 stroke still you never missed to chant 16 rounds, and to speak about Krishna with others at least for twenty minutes ,even in your busy schedule of six hours exercise, etc.. . In fact you did so many extra rounds also.And I also remember your famous statement”what’s life without preaching and talking about Krishna.” You also showed it by your practical example. 

                          Guru maharaj, I am really blessed to have such a great personality like you as my spiritual master.Please deliver this conditioned soul, I am completely helpless and dependent upon you.


Your insignificant servant,

Hiranmaya Haladhara Dasa.

Dear Jayapataka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am happy to say a few words of glorification to you because you are a devotee that is very dear to Srila Prabhupada.

Your faith in Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu can be seen by your determination to spread the glories of the Holy Name all over the world.

Your eagerness to increase the family of devotees and to help the conditioned souls by connecting them to Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON shows your outstanding compassion.

71 is the age most people retire and take it easy, but you are full of energy, you have a burning desire to bring more devotees to take shelter to Sri Sri Pancha Tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Lord Nrsimhadeva, Srila Prabhupada and you give them shelter and give them a new spiritual birth.

Srila Prabhupada wrote to Abhirama Prabhu in January 1976

Where there is preaching there must be life.

Your preaching is very much alive and we can see that you are very much concerned about the material and spiritual welfare of the Mayapur devotees and therefore the devotees feel sheltered and loved and cared for and that's why they can go out on book distribution and become number one in the world because the devotees see your example of pure unalloyed devotional service to please Srila Prabhupada and they want to reciprocate by working hard, to serve you. 

You see the Corona Virus as an opportunity to distribute the Karuna, the mercy of the Lord, to other devotees. You encourage the Mayapur devotees to stay fixed in Krsna Consciousness by increasing their Devotional practices, their chanting, their reading of Srila Prabhupada's books and you are inspiring them to preach trough the different internet channels to reach as many devotees that are isolated and to reach many people who are bereft of Krsna Consciousness and who are suffering due to a lack of knowledge.

Due to the Covid 19 and the confinement to stay in one place and due to the decisions the Mayapur Administrative Council has to take, we are having your association more than ever. I am very happy to serve in Mayapur Dham under your guidance and I hope Krsna will continue to bless me by giving me the opportunity to continue to serve you in this way.

Your servant,
Hrdaya Caitanya das

Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept our respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to Your Divine Grace.


We, at the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry, feel privileged and most fortunate to have the opportunity to serve under your kind guidance, the congregational mission of Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acaryas. It is practically inconceivable how connected you are with the divine desires of the Parampara, and how you know 'exactly' what is to be done to expand the Sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya. 


From as early as 1979, you have been pioneering in reviving the congregational methods of preaching taken from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. After years of travelling far and wide, visiting remote villages in Bengal, Orissa, Assam and even in Bangladesh, sometimes going by car, bicycle or foot, you were able to re-establish the Namahatta program in villages of all these areas. For this, you learnt fluent Bengali and all the related practices in the Gaudiya line; you visited and helped to develop many holy places, that otherwise would have been forgotten.


As if this wouldn't be enough, you adapted the congregational program into an urban format and coined it, "the Bhakti Vriksha", or the "devotional branches" of the tree of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Up to date, between thousands of Namahatta and Bhakti Vriksha groups worldwide, millions of people have been outreached by ISKCON.


Recently, while rearranging some old boxes at our central office in Mayapur, I found some of your books of decades ago at a time when you were researching on congregational methods of expansion. I noticed how diligently you have made notes in many pages of such books and in your personal writing pad. Many of these notes had exclamations marks, underlines and some words were circled and others 'decorated' with stars!!! I could almost feel your excitement when reading these things and realizing that there were so many ways in which Srila Prabhupada's movement could benefit from an organized endeavour to reach out practically to everyone.


You said that you can always talk about three things: Lord Caitanya's pastimes, Sridham Mayapur and Congregational preaching. It would be impossible to properly glorify you since just these three thing are unlimited and transcendental. That is why you are truly like a monsoon cloud pouring down torrents of rain with ideas and realizations on not only how to expand this movement, but also how to train and care for the devotees. 


It is a treat to see you relish with pleasure every time someone brings a positive report on congregational preaching. You often say that if Srila Prabhupada would be physically present with us, he will innovate; he would look for ways of growing further and further. This is exactly what you do; you like to listen to devotees' reports on preaching, and see how ISKCON can reach out in more and better ways.


One of the most amazing of your transcendental qualities is your natural way of appreciating everyone; doesn't matter if it is a very small success in services or a so-called "big" problem is someone's personal life. You are always endeavouring to encourage everyone; doesn't matter to what capacity the devotees had been able to succeed or not in their endeavour to please Guru and Krsna; you only focus on their intention to expand the glories of Gaura and Nitai.


On this auspicious day of your appearance, we humbly commit life after life to serve your preaching desires and 

pray for forgiveness for our inabilities and limitations while being part of such a valuable service. You are truly a transparent representative of Krsna and the disciplic succession. At the same time, we openly express our gratitude to keep us all engaged in this wonderful opportunity to serve the devotees who are carrying the victory flag of Guru and Gauranga.


On behalf of ISKCON's Congregational Development Ministry (CDM)


Your servant,


Iksvaku Dasa


Dear Gurumaharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Guru Maharaj , you are an ocean of mercy and you are taking great hardships to spread Krishna consciousness and the Holy Name throughout the world. You have been a very dear disciple to Srila Prabhupada who had entrusted you to develop Sridham Mayapur by saying “I give you the kingdom of God. You develop it”. Today , we can see Sridham Mayapur in all its glory from a simple village to one international town where we can meet devotees from all over the world. Your contribution to this change has been phenomenal . We have heard that you would personally travel to Krishnanagar on bicycle to bring building materials to Mayapur. Gurudev you  are a perfect example of dedication and surrender to your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada and thus you left your comfortable and sophisticated environment of USA to come to a small village of Mayapur in West Bengal to develop the vision of Srila Prabhupada , a vision of world wide congregation of devotees .


This material world is a web of problems. Padam padam yad vipadam. However for devotees , the mercy of the spiritual master keeps them safe and protected  from in adverse situation  of the material world. Guru Maharaj your mercy is extremely important for us . Your unending compassion for the conditioned souls makes you very special and we are fortunate to have you as our spiritual master. Even for the lost ones , who think that they have nothing left in life , you continue to inspire them. Your 50000 disciples and others who have known always look toward you with hope in this otherwise hopeless world.


Guru Maharaj , I wound up from Damodardesh last year and relocated to India to try and work there . I tried my hand in a few things including Krishna conscious governance. However, I have not been able to achieve much in that attempt and therefore have again come back to Damodardesh and rejoined my previous company . However, the times have been extremely challenging.   With the pandemic of carona  virus  the job situation along with the present economic and financial systems there is lot of insecurity  ahead .Your shelter and mercy is the only means to overcome the difficulties.



Kindly keep us under your lotus feet and also continue to allow us to serve your lotus feet. We pray to Lord Krishna and Narsinghadev to given you good health and strength. On your 71st Vyasa Puja , we dedicate ourselves to serving you and the mission of Srila Prabhupada.


Your servant,

Indra Krishna Das



namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

namaste saraswati deve gaura vani pracharine

nirvisesa sunyavadi paschatya desa tarine


Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your Lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to you on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja.

I am very grateful to you Gurumaharaj, for accepting me as your disciple and giving me an opportunity to spread the mission of Srila Prabhupada in whatever insignificant way that i can. I really like preaching and i feel very inspired by you. It is my heartfelt desire to bring as many souls as possible into your shelter and for that i need your blessings.Whenever i hear about your pastimes in JSSS meetings i feel so proud that you are my Gurumaharaj but at the same time i feel that  you are suffering because of an unqualified disciple like me.

The way you are trying to fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada with your heart and soul, i wish that i can also follow your instructions the same way and dedicate my life unto your service. I have been facing a few obstacles in my preaching due to the many offences that i commit knowingly or unknowingly so i seek your blessings to overcome them and continue to preach.

I am very happy that my daughter(Sudevi Sunayana dd)  got initiated by you last year. Since i don't know English that well, she keeps sharing with me what she heard in your lectures and she helps in preaching as well. I request you to please bless my son(Suraj), who is not as Krishna conscious but is supportive of us following the process and does some service when he visits us(He's currently working in Muscat or Mathuradesh). He also gives some purify money out of his earnings every month. Requesting you to please bless all of us Gurumaharaj, for it is by your mercy that fallen souls like us can be uplifted. 

" jogyatā-vicāre, kichu nāhi pāi,

tomāra karuṇā-sāra

karuṇā nā hoile, kāndiyā kāndiyā,

prāṇa nā rākhibo āra "  

Your insignificant daughter,

Ishani Rukmini Devi Dasi (Diksa),

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham,


SRI SRI GURU AND GAURANGA JAYAH Sri Sri Vaishnavas Carane Dandavat (I am offering my dandavat pranaams to all the Vaishnavas lotus feet.) All glories to His Holiness Sri Srimad Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. All glories to His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Abhay Caranaravinde Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Maharaj. All glories to the Divine Lordships SRI SRI RADHA MADHAVA. namah om vishnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale srimate jayapataka swami iti namine namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine gaura katha dhama dhaya nagara grama tarine Dearest Gurudev, Please accept my humble prostrations (dandavat pranaams) unto your lotus feet. Five years have passed since you have given me initiation. In these five years what have I done to please you? Even though it is said that a disciple can never repay his spiritual master but the conscience says that one must do whatever the disciple is able to do. Gurudev I am at present (46years of age) living with my mother near Simhachalam, Andhra Pradesh, but I feel that unlike my other Godbrothers who serve you closely I am not doing so. Gurudev I was bewildered about life and then by Sri Krishna’s mercy You have come. Then the window of spiritual world opened. By knowing your life story (which I may now also call as pastimes) awareness of sanity has come, even though I do not claim to have realized that sanity in total. This small jnana I believe is a great escape route from the abyss of material madness. A trillion thanks to you. Gurudev only a few times I had your personal Darshan, mostly in the Temple hall and on a couple of occasions at the penthouse atop the Chakra building. Gurudev I am forever indebted to you. Nowadays especially I am feeling separation from you. I pray to Sri Krishna that I get a chance to have your Darshan and take an instruction from you to follow. I pray to Sri Krishna that you are always in bliss. Your servant forever, Ishtadev Damodar das.

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my respectful obesciences at your lotus feet.

The past one year has a very eventful one in my spiritual life, especially as I got the opportunity to serve you in Hyderabad and in the GBC meetings at Tirupati. Seeing and associating with you in close helped me rejuvenate my faith in you and in my spiritual practices. I realised that at this neophyte stage of mine, it is very important for me to have your personal association. I pray to lord for further such opportunities in the near future.

Also Guru Maharaja, I am currently working in Hyderabad and staying in one of the youth centre, under the guidance of HG Radheshyam Prabhuji. Prabhuji, regularly visits our centre and inspires us in all aspects of our spiritual life, especially preaching. Under his guidance and  under the guidance of my local authorities, I am assisting(calling the boys, follow up and facilitating) in Corporate preaching in tech park of Hyderabad. Currently he have 24 devotees in our centre and there are about 15 more devotees, who are staying outside , but chanting 2 - 8 rounds on a daily basis.

I beg for your blessings, so that I can be inspired and apply more of my energies and think of newer and newer ways in assisting you in the spreading of this Sankirtana Movement.

I also beg for your mercy, so that I can increase my attachment towards you, especially through your Vani, and thus lifelong be  inspired to carry out your instructions. Also Guru Maharaja, please bless me with the desparacy and urgency to take shelter of your lotus feet and also with the realisation that without taking the shelter of your lotus feet, this life is simply a waste.

Your insignificant servant,

Indranil Chatterjee.



শ্রীশ্রী গুরু-গৌরাঙ্গৌ জয়তুঃ

“আমি কৃষ্ণকৃপাশ্রীমূর্তি শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী আচার্যপাদের চরণ কমলে আমার দণ্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন করি, ‍যিনি শ্রীকৃষ্ণের চরণ কমলে আশ্রয় গ্রহণ করে তাঁর অত্যন্ত প্রেষ্ঠ হয়েছেন। আমি সেই শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী আচার্যপাদের চরণ কমলে আমার দণ্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন করি, যিনি কৃষ্ণকৃপাশ্রীমূর্তি শ্রীল অভয়চণারবিন্দ ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামী প্রভুপাদের এবং পূর্ববর্তী আচার্যদের আকাঙ্ক্ষা, নির্দেশ এবং চরণ কমলের সেবায় নিজেকে সম্পূর্ণভাবে উৎসর্গ করেছেন। তিনি মুক্ত হস্তে শ্রীমন্‌ নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুর কৃপা বর্ষণ করছেন এবং শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর ধাম, উপদেশ ও দিব্য লীলার মহিমা বিতরণ করছেন। তিনি সমগ্র গ্রামবাসী এবং নগরবাসীদের মধ্যে কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত প্রচার করে তাদেরকে জড় বন্ধন থেকে মুক্ত করছেন।”

হে পরমারাধ্য, পতিত পাবন গুরুমহারাজ, আজ আপনার ৭১ শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথী ব্যাস-পূজা মহোৎসব উপলক্ষ্যে আপনার রাতুল চরণে আমার ভক্তিপূর্ণ শত সহস্র দণ্ডবৎ প্রণতি জ্ঞাপন করি। করুণাপূর্বক তা গ্রহণ করুন। শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয় হোক। গুরু-গৌরাঙ্গের অশেষ কৃপায় আজ এই শুভ তিথীতে আপনার গুণমহিমা করার এই সুযোগ আমারা পেয়েছি। সেইজন্য গুরু-গৌরাঙ্গ-গুণগ্রহী সকল বৈষ্ণবদের শ্রীপাদপদ্মে আমি পুণঃ পুণঃ দণ্ডবৎপ্রণাম জ্ঞাপন করছি। যদিও আপনার গুণমহিমা করার নূন্যতম যোগ্যতা আমার নাই, শুধু এইটুকু জানি যে, যোগ্যতা বিচারে কিছু নাহি পাই, তোমার করুণা ছাড়া

এই বৎসর রাধাঅষ্টমী তিথীতে আপনার সন্ন্যাসের ৫০তম বৎসর পূর্ণ হতে চলেছে। এটি আমাদের জন্য এক মহা আনন্দের সংবাদ যে সমগ্র ইসকন সংঘঠনের মধ্যে আপনি হচ্ছেন প্রথম আচার্য যিনি শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের সেবায় সন্ন্যাসের ৫০টি বছর অতিক্রম করে সমগ্র বৈষ্ণব সমাজের উজ্জ্বল মুকুটমণিস্বরূপ বিদ্যমান। গুরুদেব আপনি মহাত্মা, শুদ্ধভক্ত, পরম ভাগবত, শাস্ত্রের মূর্ত বিগ্রহ। গঙ্গায় অবগাহন বা স্পর্শ করার পরেই কেবল মানুষকে পবিত্র করে। কিন্তু আপনা দর্শন করা মাত্রই জীব পবিত্র হয়ে যায়।

যেষাং সংস্মরণাৎ পুংসাং সদ্যঃ শুদ্ধ্যন্তি বৈ গৃহা
কিং পুনর্দর্শনস্পর্শপাদশৌচাসনাদিভিঃ ।।

কেবলমাত্র আপনাকে স্মরণ করার ফলে আমাদের গৃহ তৎক্ষণাৎ পবিত্র হয়ে যায়, অতএব আপনাকে দর্শন, স্পর্শন, পাদ প্রক্ষালন এবং গৃহে আসনাদি দান করার ফলে যে কি লাভ হয়, তা কে বর্ণনা করতে পারে। (শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত- ১/১৯/৩৩)

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদ বলেছেন আপনি হচ্ছেন গৌর-ধন-জন। গৌরাঙ্গ যার জীবন-ধন, মন, প্রাণ সমগ্র অস্তিত্ত্বে যার গৌরাঙ্গ। শ্রীমন্‌ নিত্যানন্দ ও গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভু যেমন জাতি, বর্ণ নির্বিশেষে অকাতরে কৃষ্ণপ্রেমের বন্যায় এই জগৎ জীবদের ভাসিয়েছিলেন ঠিক তেমনই আপনি বর্তমানে - ‘গৌরাঙ্গ’ ‘গৌরাঙ্গ’ ‘গৌরাঙ্গ’ কীর্তনের মাধ্যমে সকলকে শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গের পাদপদ্মে নিমজ্জিত করছেন। তাই আপনি পূর্বাচর্যমনোঽভীষ্টং । আপনি গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভুর নিজজন ও পতিত পাবন, তাই আমার মতো হতভাগ্য, অধম পতিত জীব এই লোভেই আপনার শ্রীচরণ তলের শীতল ছায়ায় আশ্রয় লাভের অধিকার পেয়েছে।

গুরুমহারাজ আমি শ্রীপাদ শ্যামরসিক প্রভুর কাছে শুনেছি যে আপনি হচ্ছেন ভীষ্ম দেবের মতো – ভীষ্মদেব যেমন কুরুবংশের সকল বিপদে আপদে সব সময় সামনে থেকে তা প্রতিহত করতেন তেমনি আপনিও আপনার শিষ্যদের তাথা ইসকন সংস্থাকে সদা সর্বদা সংরক্ষণ করছেন। এমনকি অত্যন্ত অসুস্থ থাকা সর্ত্ত্বেও আজও অবধি আপনি সকলকে ভগবদ্ভক্তির মর্গ প্রদর্শন করে যাচ্ছেন। শ্রীশ্রীমৎ রাধানাথ স্বামী মহারাজ বলেছেন যে “আপনি হচ্ছেন বর্তমান ইসকন এর একটি বড় খুটি বা পিলার। আপনি না থাকলে কে আমাদের দেখে রাখবে।”

গুরুমহারাজ আপনার অহৈতুকী করুনার বর্ণনা কে করতে পারে? অত্যন্ত অধপতিত হওয়া শর্তেও আমি গত কিছুদিন ধরে আপনার বপু সেবার অধিকার পেয়েছি। এটি আমার প্রতি আপনার বিশেষ দয়া।

সব কিছুই নির্ভর করে গহণকর্তার শক্তির উপর। যেমন, প্রচণ্ড সূর্যকিরণে বহু বনস্পতি এবং ফুল শুকিয়ে যায়, আবার অন্য অনেক বনস্পতি খুব সুন্দরভাবে বৃদ্ধি পায়। এইভাবে বৃদ্ধি এবং হ্রাস নির্ভর করে গ্রহীতার উপর। তেমনই, মহীয়সাং পাদ-রজোহভিষেকম্—মহাপুরুষের পাদপদ্মের রজ গ্রহীতাকে সর্ববিধ মঙ্গল প্রদান করে, কিন্তু সেই রজই আবার ক্ষতি করতে পারে। যাঁরা মহাত্মার শ্রীপাদপদ্মে অপরাধ করেন, তাঁদের সমস্ত দিব্য সদ্‌গুণগুলি বিনষ্ট হয়ে যায় এবং তারা শুকিয়ে যায়। মহাত্মা অপরাধ ক্ষমা করতে পারেন, কিন্তু শ্রীকৃষ্ণ সেই মহাপুরুষের চরণ-কমলের ধূলির প্রতি কৃত অপরাধ ক্ষমা করেন না, ঠিক যেমন কেউ তাঁর মস্তকে প্রচণ্ড সূর্যকিরণ সহ্য করতে পারেন কিন্তু তাঁর চরণে সেই তীব্র সূর্যকীরণ সহ্য করতে পারেন না।  (শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত- ৪/৪/১৩ ভক্তিবেদান্ত তাৎপর্য)

গুরুমহারজ আমি জনিনা কায়, মন, বাক্যে কতটুকু আপনার সেবা আমি করতে পারব। আজ এইশুভ দিনে আপনার শ্রীচরণে এই মিনতি করি কখনো যেন আপনার চরণে কোন অপরাধ না করি। আমাকে দয়া করুন যাতে করে নাম অপরাধ, সেবা অপরাধ থেকে মুক্ত হতে পারি। গুরু-গৌরাঙ্গের সেবায় এই জীবনটি অতিবাহিত করতে পারি। কখনো যেন আপনার সেবা থেকে বঞ্চিত না হই। যে কোন প্রকারেই হোক না কেন আপনার শ্রীচরণের শীতল ছায়া থেকে যেন আমি বঞ্চিত না হই।

গুরুমহারাজ আমি বর্তমানে জেপিএস আরকাইভ এবং পাবলিকেশন্স এ সবা রত আছি শ্রীপাদ বিদ্ধান গৌরাঙ্গ প্রভু এবং শ্যামরসিক প্রভুর তত্ত্বাবধানে। গতবছর আমি বলেছিলাম যে টি.ও.ভি.পি মন্দির উদ্ভোদন হওয়ার পূর্বেই শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত কম পক্ষে ১বার পড়ে শেষ করার ইচ্ছা পোষণ করেছিলাম। বর্তমানে আমি শ্রীমদ্ভাগবতের ৪র্থ স্কন্ধ এর নবম অধ্যায়ে অধ্যয়নরত আছি। আর্শিবাদ করবেন যাতে শ্রীমদ্ভগবদ্গীতা, শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত, শ্রীচৈতন্য-চরিতামৃত ইত্যাদি ভক্তিমূলক গ্রন্থে পড়ার প্রতি আমার আগ্রহ বৃদ্ধি প্রাপ্ত হয়।

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদ তার ভক্তিবেদান্ত তাৎপর্যে লিখেছেন যে, কেউ যদি জড় জগতের বন্ধন থেকে মুক্ত হতে চান, তা হলে তাঁকে মহাত্মাদের সঙ্গ করতে হবে। তাই পরিশেষে এই মিনতি করছি আমি যেন আমার ইন্দ্রিয় গুলেকে পবিত্র করতে পারি এবং সদা সর্বদা গুরু-গৌরাঙ্গ ও শুদ্ধভক্তদের সঙ্গ করতে পরি। যাতেঅন্তে নারায়ণ-স্মৃতি এই স্থিতি লাভ হয়।



আপনার অধম শিষ্য
ঈশ্বর বিশ্বম্ভর দাস
জে.পি.এস আরকাইভস্‌ এবং পাব্লিকেশন্স
এস-১, প্রভুপাদ নিবাস, অভয়নগর, শ্রীমায়াপুর ধাম, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত।


Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krsna Presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Namo Acarya Padaya Nitai Krpa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine



Respected Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you and our present Acaryas!

All glories to your 71st Sri Vyas-Puja Mahotsava!!


To write something about you seems very easy and at the same time difficult too. I have so many things to be grateful to you for but also I am not able to express those in some limited words. Still as a matter of duty, love and obedience I shall humbly try to write down something about the glories of you, Gurudev.


Without your shelter and incessant love for us, it would be impossible for us to continue in Bhakti. If I really want to be a Vaishnava, I should take lessons from your exemplary character. You never waste your time. In fact, yesterday itself I was discussing with a devotee and wondered how you could manage everything in just 24 hrs. It seems you need some more hours in a day.  Your body, prakriti, time etc. may appear as some stumbling blocks in your motion of spreading Krsna-consciousness throughout the world. Still you never care of those things and move on like a King’s elephant.


There are many qualities of you I should learn and imbibe in myself. But out of those the most prominent I feel is your Caring nature. I have heard it many times from senior devotees that how you give yourself completely to listen to their problems and solve them, you are so concerned about others’ well-being. One time even before going to GBC meeting you stopped by an old lady and asked about her and her experience in Mayapur Dham. Being a Sannyasi, a Guru, GBC, a leader of many, could have avoided these petty things but you always make sure that everyone should be cared for . In 2015 day after Gaura Purnima, by Lord Krsna’s grace I was fortunate enough to get your personal association and that time also you asked me the same things and I felt very warmth coming in contact with your so much love and care. HG Haridhvani mataji also told that you once gave your own sunscreen to the safari devotees and I feel amazed that you care for the small things of the devotees.


Apparently we may see you sick, sometimes dependent on others for physical support but this is a fact that whenever and wherever you go, you simply infect people around you with spiritual energy, bliss and Gauranga fever and this way you actually cure us from our material sickness and give us various opportunities to serve you. It gives me goosebumps and tears in my eyes when you describe the very famous pastime of Lord Nityananda saving the two most fallen Jagai and Madhai where in spite of Madhai hurting Nityananda prabhu with a broken pot and made Him bleed, the all merciful, Patita-pavana Nityananda prabhu told him “merechhish kolshir kana, tai bole ki Prem debona!!" (Shall I stop giving you love because you have hit me with an earthen pot? All glories to Lord Nityananda! All glories to Lord Gauranga!! You not only preach the philosophy but practice it in your own life as an Acarya. You accepted the mood of Lord Nitai and the pastime reminded me of yours when a crazy man slit your throat in Spain airport and caused you bleed heavily and upon arresting the person you asked the Police to forgive him. Also some of your careless disciples who are not keeping their vows at the time of their initiation and thus making you suffer, you take that sufferings voluntarily and are ready to forgive them if they again take to Krsna-consciousness seriously.


I bow down my head before you and ask forgiveness for the offenses I have made in past that affected you physically and emotionally. I truly mean that Guru Maharaj and also I pray to you so that I may be able to rectify myself and be always engaged to activities which are pleasing to you. With your blessings I may enter into Grihastha ashram this year. I beg your blessings for our Krsna-consciousness life ahead and also kindly empower us so that we may also be able to serve you and Guru-parampara in spreading the glories of the Holy Name –





Your spiritual daughter and servant,

Isvari Lalita Devi Dasi [Diksa]

Kolkata, India

কবিতা তুমি-তো সেই-পরমবৈষ্ণব

আজকের পৃথিবীটা সুন্দর.....

শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী তুমি,

নিত্যানন্দ  কলেবর......

লজ্জা, ঘৃণা, ভয় সর্বজীবের রয়......

তুমিতো জয়ের পতাকা পেলে, 

শুধু শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদ কৃপা...... 

নগরে,ঘরে,দেশে,ছড়ালে-শ্রীকলির - পতির আজ্ঞা....  

হৃদয়ে রুপিলে শ্রীমায়াপুরচন্দ্রের শিক্ষা..... 

   শ্রীমাধাই শ্রীনিতাইয়ের পেয়েছিল যে কৃপা.....

স্পেনের শ্রীমন্টিয়েগো পেলো তোমার মতো শ্রীপিতা.....

কুকুর, শৃগা, হিংস্র, কামুক,কীট,সম-যত নরনারী.......     

তুমিই তো শিখালে ধরায় শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের ভাষায়....

প্রথমেই নিজেকে গড়ি.......

মাটি থেকে উপরে সর্ব দিকে করিলে প্রচার নিত্য সেবক রুপে..... 

সৃষ্টি-র যত জাত, বং,, ঐশ্ব, বিদ্যা, তোমার শ্রীচরণ পুঁজে.....

নও তুমি একা নও, জগতেরপতি সাথে.....

নির্মৎসরতা পেলে শুধু শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদ পথে.... 

এ হেন জগত আজি ধন্য আশ্চর্য্যময়..... 

শত্রু - মিত্রে, সুখে-দুঃখে, তুমি বিচলিত নয়.....

শাস্ত্র-ভজন - পরান শ্রীকৃষ্ণপ্রিয়জন- নিষ্কাম ভক্তিমান.....

আসিয়া জগতে ভকতি শিখায়ে করিলে প্রেমরস দান......

শ্রীবৃন্দাবন অভিন্ন শ্রীমায়াপুর গড়িলেন শ্রীরাধাঠাকুরাণী..... 

সেথায় তোমার চিত্ত করে নৃ, শুনে-তার প্রিয় সেই বংশী ধ্বনি।

সর্বগুণনিধি প্রেমের ঠাকুর শ্রীকৃষ্ণই শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদের সুখ....

তোমার প্রশংসা মিলে তাঁর শ্রীগীতায়... 

শ্রীকৃষ্ণের বচনীয় শ্রীভক্তিযোগ.....

শুদ্ধতার শিরোমণি তুমি হে প্রাণপ্রিয় পিতা....

ঐশ্বর্য, বিদ্যা, জড়-যশ, ছুড়ে দিয়ে...... 

তুমিই হলে এ জগতে শ্রেষ্ঠ শ্রী জয়পতা.... 

দণ্ড,কাল,সেকেন্ড,মিনিট,ঘন্টা,সময়, যত -

শিখিয়ে গেলেন শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদ.....   

নামে নয়, কর্মে গুনে, তুমিই অন্যতম...... 

চিন্ময় জগতে -তোমার শ্রীগুরুদেব দিয়ে রাজ্যভা.....

বৈদিক  তাঁরামণ্ডল মন্দিরে করিলে প্রসার.....

করিতে এ কার্য্য সবাকারে নিলে জগতে রাখিলে প্রমাণ....

তুমিই ত তো আজি সর্বকালের জগতে সকল ভক্তের প্রাণ.....

আনন্দের - সীমা না, নিরানন্দ দূরে যায়, কি মধুর -তোমার শ্রীমুখের সুর.....

যাঁহার কর্ণ শুনেছে একবার - দূরে পালায় তাঁর চিত্তের অসুর..... 

গড়ে ছিলেন যিনি বৈদিক শিক্ষার ইসকন প্রতিষ্ঠান....

তাঁহার বিয়োগ বুঝেছিল সবে শ্রীলপ্রভুপাদ-কি তাঁর অবদান.....

আজ তুমি প্রকট থেকে লীলা ছলে করেছ সব গোপনীয়.....     

বুঝেনি তোমায় বুঝিবে সে দিন- নিত্য জীবনে তুমি কি প্রয়োজনীয়....

যে বৈষ্ণব নাচিতে পৃথিবী ধন্য হয়-তুমি তো সেই.....

যার দৃষ্টি মাত্র সর্ব দিকের পাপ ক্ষয় হয়.......

রাখে কৃষ্ণ মারে কে- মারে কৃষ্ণ রাখে , আছে যত শাস্ত্র প্রমাণ......

জগতবাসী দেখেছে আজ শ্রীচেন্নাই -এ তোমার দীর্ঘ অবস্থান....... 

তুমি যে মহান আচার্য জগত পরিত্রাণকারী.....

শ্রীমায়াপুরনাথ-র কৃপায় সাক্ষী রবে ২০১৯ এর ২০শে ফেব্রুয়ারী..... 

  এলে ফিরে শ্রীমায়াপুর-এ-কাঁদে জীব তরুলতা....   

তোমার শ্রী প্রবচনে কেটে যায় সকল জীবের সীমাহীন মনোব্যথা.....

সেই-ত আমি পাপিষ্ঠ, কিট -সম, প্রতিজ্ঞাভঙ্গকারী নামে মাত্র জীবনে বাস.....

তোমার শ্রীচরণ যুগলে বার বার ক্ষমা ভিক্ষা করে.......

ইতি--অধম জগদানন্দ দাস.........

শ্রীগৌরনিতাই ধাম 

গঙ্গা নগর, ২নং গলি গঙ্গাতীর, শিবডোবা,কার্লভাট,শ্রীমায়াপু, নদীয়া,পিন নং ৭৪১৩১৩....

ফোন নং --৭৪৩১০৭৪৬৯৪,  ৮০১৬৪০১৪০১..৷।।।।                               



















I offer my respectful obeisances at the lotus feet of Jai Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya Astottarasata Sri Srimad Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. He has taken complete shelter at the reddish lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna Caitanya by his preaching efforts in taking the holy names of the lord in every town and village.


Dear Guru Maharaja, 

On your 71st Vyasa puja celebration, I submit my million obeisances unto you for having appeared in my life and mercifully placing the seed of devotional service in my reluctant heart. 


Caitanya Caritamrta, Madya 19.151 says,

brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva

guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja


After wandering through millions of planets in millions of species, by the mercy of Guru and Krishna, one gets the seed of devotional service. 


Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to Caitanya Caritamrta, Madya 19.152 that "The word guru-prasāda indicates that the spiritual master is very merciful in bestowing the boon of devotional service upon the disciple. That is the best possible gift the spiritual master has to offer." I beg you to give me the realization that you have offered me the best gift and then let me properly take care of it. 


Caitanya Caritamrta, Madya 19.152 says,

śravaṇa-kīrtana-jale karaye secana


If one waters the seed gradually by the process of śravaṇa and kīrtana [hearing and chanting], the seed will begin to sprout.


After receiving the bhakti lata bij from you, I have taken shelter of a few of your God brothers particularly with importance HH Bhakti Vikas Swami, for the watering process of sravana-kirtana. In their shelter I am feeling bliss in this divine process of bhakti yoga. The fruit of Krsna prema has not manifested to me. But I see that due to the absolute nature even the process of bhakti is sweet. What then can be said of the all sweet love of Krishna that the creeper can produce!


Guru Maharaja, except for one instance, I did not have any personal association with you. But you are inspiring me by your deeds. The most wonderful thing that I see in your personality is your tireless service to Prabhupada amidst worst bodily conditions. I am definitely one of those wicked persons responsible for your bodily condition. Please forgive me for committing offenses at your lotus feet. My illicit desires to enjoy material existence is haunting me. (If not for HH Bhakti Vikas Swami, my situation would have been irrecoverably worse. Hope you are pleased for my taking guidance from one of your dear God brothers HH Bhakti Vikas Swami.) Serving my lusty desires, my body is endlessly giving me pains and troubles. My mind is filled with fear due to attachment to body. Please severe my attachment to my pain-giving body. I see that you are inconceivably dealing with your body. We often hear that your bodily parts are malfunctioning. Just like our philosophy of acintya bhedabheda, you are also inconceivably attached to your body in serving Krishna and non attached by your indifference to bodily situation. Your strong subtle body musters to serve Krishna unceasingly. By tirelessly working with your spiritualized body, you are making us attach to your divine body by worshipping it. Simultaneously by your action of callousness to your bodily situation in travelling and preaching, you're teaching us to transcend the bodily concept of life. 


Guru Maharaja, Your transcendental body with all its organs and parts are our inspiration and I offer my million obeisances to each and every part of your transcendental body to relieve me from my bodily concept of life.


your eternal servant, 

jaganmohangopal dasa,

Brahmacari, ISKCON Salem, India. 


Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhuthale

Sreemathe jayapataka swamin iti naamine

Nama om Acharya padaaya nithai krupa pradayathe

Gaura katha dhaama thaya nagara graama dhaarini

Jaganatha Pathithapavana Dasa

Hare Krishna, My Dear Guru Maharaj and My Spiritual Father,

All Glories to Sree Sree Guru and Gauranga. Shreela Prabhupaad maharaja ki jay.Please accept our humble respectable dandavat obeisances pranam to Guru Maharaaj’s lotus feet.

Calling forth all glories and all victory to Gurudev on Gurumaharaj’s most auspicious 71st vyasapuja.

Guru Mahārāja, You are distributing the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityanand in this world, incessantly, still I am such unfortunate and useless fallen disciple of yours, who failed to get the chance of your association.

But when I get the chance to have your darshans from a distance or from facebook , I feel myself to be truly fortunate, because just by your darshan, you can make my mind, consciousnessbody, and fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Therefore, please bless me so that no matter where you stay, I may always feel your presence in the core of my heart.

I humbly seek your mercy and blessings so that I can continue to serve you eternally at your lotus feet, to be always in the association of devotees, for attentively chanting, for regular book reading,  book disctributing and doing arathi to the satsamgam too.

Please bless me so that I am always engaged in devotional service and spread kṛṣṇa consciousness wherever I go. Please bless us my whole family to do more and more Krishna seva in the coming years.

Your Humble and Insignificant Servant,

 Jaganatha Pathithapavana Das(Diksa Disciple)

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, 

Dandavat pranams, 

Kindly forgive me if anything wrong with my offerings. 

From the day of my initiation, my prayers to jagannath baladev subadra devi is some how I must follow the 3 promises which I made to you. By their mercy I chanted my everyday minimum 16 rounds without fail. Seeking your blessings always that this insignificant and low born person should follow the promises, which I made to you lifelong. 

My only prayers at your lotus feet is, I should help you in spreading srila prabhupada's movement to introduce many persons in to chanting and take care of them with out disturbing the other devotees. 

My commitment to your words only shall be the offering, which the worm like me shall make for your appearance day. Please accept my humble obeisances. 

Your insignificant servant. 

Hare Krishna Srila Guru Maharaj,

Please Accept my respectfull humble obeisances

All glories to srila Prabhupad

All glories to you, my dear gurudev


Am one of the diksa desciple among of your thousands of qualified desciples. I hope and pray that you will accept this homages for the auspicious occasion of   71st vyaspuja celebrations and me as your insignificant desciple.

Recently when your Holiness visited ISKCON Juhu Mumbai, there I enquired about your message for future generation dated 16th of January 2020. I really would love to accept your instructions as my life and take up some responsible service and excute it sincerely with Krishna Concious Society as you answered. Your continuous endevers to spread krishna Conciousness all over the world inspite of your health crisis is really inspire us and gives us hope that your Holiness is really concerned about your Spiritual sons and daughters.


When I can really understand your mood and mission for spreading the glory of Sri Chaitaya mahaprabhu and His devine grace mercy ?  

When I was hearing your offerings on disappearce day celebrations of srila Prabhupad in mayapur,  I could'nt understand your anxiety for bringing all the vaishnavas under one banner. Please give me spiritual strength to remember guru and gaura along with sinciar practice of krishna Conciousness.


Your aspiring insignificant servant

Jahnudvipa nitai das

Hare Krsna Guru maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet..All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,All Glories to your Divine Grace,

Guru Maharaja,
Your causeless mercy has touched the lives of so many.. including mine,for a darshan of your holiness for a fallen soul like mine is too much to ask for.

Your mercy knows no limits and I have personally seen and experienced this.

On this auspicious day I would like to humbly thank lord Krsna and your holiness for allowing me to express my gratitude.

I humbly pray for your merciful glances to be upon my family and me so that one day we would be able to serve you and live up to your expectations.

Your aspiring daughter.. janani.

My humble obeisances to Śrī Śrī Rādhā Mādhava.

My humble obeisances to Śrīla Prabhupāda and all his followers, Ācāryas, Guru Mahārāja and all vaiṣṇavas, Śikṣā-guru, Bhānu Swami Mahārāja and to every one who is attending this Vyāsa-pūjā. 

This Vyāsa-pūjā, is very special because the Lord has permitted Guru Mahārāja to be with us. All of us are praying for Guru Mahārāja's long life. This is an examination for us how much we are attached with Guru Mahārāja. As per ones own circumstances how much we are concentrating on Guru Mahārāja's lotus feet and praying for eternal life. 

Simply by following Guru Mahārāja's instructions we can go to Kṛṣṇa, not doing so we will be always in the hands of birth and death. One devotee from another sampradāya asked me, "Can you show me the Lord or have you seen Him?" I told electricity or air can not be seen but we can feel like that. The devotee replied than the other side also where we can see Kṛṣṇa or his own God through spiritual master. Yes we are practically experiencing the presence of Kṛṣṇa when we are hearing Vedic scriptures through spiritual master. 

Whenever my mind is disturbed I remember the lotus feet of Guru Mahārāja. Then it becomes okay. Every disciple might have experienced it. 

I am sharing the meaning of one Hindi poem. 

"If a Spiritual master and Lord Govinda both come together I will pay my first praṇām to Guru only because of his mercy only showed God. I will also lead my life giving first preference to my spiritual master so that both Guru and Kṛṣṇa will be pleased."

Desiring the service to the lotus feet of Guru Mahārāja,

Jaya Rādhā devī dāsī

My humble obeisances to Sri Sri Radha Madhava.


My humble obeisances to Srila Prabhupad and all his followers, Acharyas, Gurumaharaj and all vaishnavas, Shiksha Guru, Bhanu Maharaj and to every one who is attending this vyasa   puja. 


This vyasa puja, is very special because the Lord has permitted Gurumaharaj to be with us. All of us are praying for Gurumaharaj's long life. This is an examination for us how much we are attached with Gurumaharaj. As per ones own circumstances how much we are concentrating on Gurumaharaj's lotus feet and praying for eternal life. 


Simply by following Gurumaharaj's instructions we can go to krishna, not doing so we will be always in the hands of birth and death. One devotee from another sampradaya asked me "can you show me the Lord or have you seen him?" I told electricity or air can not be seen but we can feel like that. The devotee replied than the other side also where we can see Krishna or his own God through spiritual master. Yes we are practically experiencing the presence of Krishna when we are hearing Vedic scriptures through spiritual master. 


Whenever my mind is disturbed I remember the lotus feet of Gurumaharaj. Then it becomes ok. Every disciple might have experienced it. 


I am sharing the meaning of one Hindi poem. 


" If Spiritual master and Lord Govindha both come together I will pay my first pranaam to Guru only because his Mercy only showed God. I will also lead my life giving first preference to my spiritual master so that both Guru and Krishna will be pleased."


Desiring the service to the lotus feet of Gurumaharaj.


Jaya Radha DD 


All glories to śrī guru and gaurāṅga

My dear spiritual father, please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to the most auspicious tithi of your appearance. All glories to śrīla prabhupada.

Gurumahārāja, when you came to Mayapur from Chennai on 20th February 2019, devotees celebrated the event by naming the festival as:


Mayapur Home Coming with Jayapataka_Swami

You addressed the devotees by briefing about your liver and kidney transplantation. You said as to how you have been waiting in Chennai for four months for the transplantation, but nothing happened. Surely, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya who is very dear to you had his own plan and wanted to arrange everything for you. You visited the government hospital and it was supposed to be a visit to check the possibility of getting the organs, but Kṛṣṇa arranged everything that it happened very quickly on the very next day, 15th August 2018. Even the newspaper carried an article about how you got the organs so quickly which usually takes so long, everyone waiting in the line.

You came to Mayapur on 20th February and the next two days you worked on the upcoming “Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya” book wherein comes the account of Lord revealing as to how He saved his devotees in their past event. Somehow, these two pastimes seem like an announcement from the Lord because these narrations of the pastimes were not pre-planned but coincided with your arrival and your speaking about the pastimes.

Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura’s being saved by the Lord was narrated on the next day on 21st. This is narrated from Caitanya Candrodaya Nāṭaka as follows:

Lord Caitanya:  Çréväsa, do you remember how with My hand I once forcibly stopped your life breath from leaving your body?

Çréväsa: (remembers) Yes, I know, O Lord of Lords. I remember that I was forcefully saved from death by someone. While listening to the story of Prahlāda Mahārāja, the moment arrived. I became unconscious and, under the spell of death, I fell from a balcony to the courtyard below. Then someone rescued me from the mouth of death.

Lord Caitanya:  It was I that appeared to you in a dream. It was I that gave back your life when it was ended.

Then the very next day on 22nd, the narration from Caitanya Bhāgavata of how Gaṅgādāsa Paṇḍita was saved personally by the Lord Himseld was declared by the Lord which is as follows:

While narrating the previous activities of Gaìgädäsa Paëòita that were unknown to all, the Lord said, “When you felt great danger because of not finding a boat on the bank of the Ganges to escape the harassment of the Yavana king, at that time I assumed the form of a boatman and took you in a boat across the Ganges. No one except you knows about this. But I know.”

So, why should the narration of these two pastimes should be done on the two consecutive days of your arrival to Mayapur? Surely, these must be an announcement from the Lord as to how the Lord saved His devotees in the past, saves His devotees in the present and will continue to save His devotees in the future. You mentioned a phrase about undergoing this experience as, ‘’coming out from the jaw of death”, and so the Lord has hinted of His involvement with the narration of the incidents about Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura and Gaṅgādāsa Paṇḍita. Therefore, it was aptly celebrated your arrival to Mayapur as: 


Mayapur Home Coming with Jayapataka_Swami

You are so much detailed in every aspect of dealing with devotees and everyone else whoever comes in touch with you. You even are thinking of novel means to spread Krishna Consciousness to every one. For instance, you inspried devortees to send quotes from Bhāgavatam and other scriptures with the brand name Go-Run-Go and Kee-Tie. People without any knowledge of Gaurāṅga and Nitāi are made to chant Go-Run-Go and Kee-Tie, but are playfully chanting Gaurāṅga and Nitāi. This is just only one example of numerous ways you are giving the people unknown sukṛti. 

On the day of Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikaramā Mahāmilan 2020, you spoke recounting the realization of one of the devotees that did Parikramā

It was very nice to hear the realizations yesterday! One person said that they were suffering so they wore shoes. And some elderly man who came up to him, I don’t know if it was Krsna in disguise, and said, I need shoes, someone took my shoes, so I gave my shoes, what could I do? Then he said, that somehow the holy name seemed to be coming from his mouth, automatically! 

Thus, you are teaching the importance of Vaiṣṇava-sevā even while one does Parikramā. Then you further told devotees to write down their realizations and made the assembled thousands of devotees to chant Gaurāṅga and Nityānanda.

I hope all of you have written your realizations in the form provided. So just to satisfy the prediction of Śrla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, we should chant three times, Jaya Śacīnandana! Jaya Śacīnandana!Jaya Śacīnandana!  Gaurāṅga ! Gaurāṅga ! Gaurāṅga ! Nityānanda! NityānandaNityānanda! Dhanyavād! Nanḍri!

Thus you concluded your inspiring speech. Not just lecturing to the crowd, but even to your intimate servants, you remind them about Gaurāṅga and Nityānanda. At present, when the whole world is talking about Corono Virus, you sang Parama Karuṇa song and added the line Parama-Karuṇa-Virus of Gaurāṅga and Nityānanda.

Since you are the person Bhāgavata, glorifying you would be as good as the book Bhāgavata and there is no limit to such glorification because one can never finish glorifying, but still for the Vyāsa-pūjā book, this is my tiny offering to you.

Your spiritual son, Jayarādhākṛṣṇa dāsa

To my dear Spiritual Father, 


Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja! Dandavats.

Please accept my respectful obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada. 


I am wishing you a very divine and blessed 71st Vyasa Puja! May this year bring an abundance of love and esoteric blessings to you and all of your spiritual family.


I am most grateful to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada that I have received you as my spiritual master. You are an Uttama Vaishnava and present the finest caliber of devotional service.


In this world of illusion, Srila Gurumaharaja you are an ardent ray of truth and sincerity. You are finely ornamented with authenticity and genuineness. Your purity of heart and absolute surrender are unsurpassable and place you on an untouchable platform. You are the embodiment of sincerity. We are most fortunate to have you as our Cheif, guiding us on the path back to Krsna. Thank you for being a living example of the teachings of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thank you for showing us how to properly walk the path given to us by Srila Prabhupada and chalked out by Srila Jiva Goswami.


The human form of life is a precious gift from Krsna. Human beings need to be properly educated by the Mother  Veda in order to learn how to utilise the human form of life for serving God. I humbly pray that you can give this healing of spiritual education to all of humanity. I humbly pray this year that Krsna and the Guruparampara will empower you to conscecrate and bless the entire earth with pure unalloyed devotional service. I humbly pray that you may be able fullfill Srila Prabhupada's Mission and respirtualize all of humanity. I humbly pray that by the power of the Holy name, may you be able to make everything on earth sacred again.


I bow down again and again to your lotus feet. For you are the bestower of bhakti and I owe my every breathe to you. I thank you again and again from the core of my heart for teaching me about the virtue of humility. Humility is the crest jewel of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teachings and this does not come cheap. Thank you for this rare opportunity to humble myself before you and to work on learning about real humility.  


I humbly beg to you that I may always stay attached to your lotus feet  and eternally stay under your loving shelter. I pray that I may have the good fortune to remain obedient to your orders and give you what you exactly what you ask of me and more!


Thank you for illuminating my life and nourishing my heart with the power of your love! Your giving heart and pure love have the power to heal the whole world. I pray that Krsna may bless you with greater and new dimensions of love, health, and vigor for serving the Mission!  


You are a beautiful warrior of love and light! Victory belongs to you and you shall triumph! I look foward to many many more brilliant years of helping you serve Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acaryas!


Have a very sacred 71st Vyasa Puja!!!


With love from your spiritual daughter,


Jayada Harini Devi Dasi ♡

Brahmana Diksa Disciple

Sri Dham Mayapur, India

Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja del 2020


En este dia tan especial , de su aparicion trascendental y al mismo tiempo inusual, por la influencia de este mal, que nos afecta a todos y nos pone a reflexionar, quisiera expresarle unas palabras, que lo puedan glorificar, mas alla de las distancias , a su persona sin igual,

y en profunda separacion, como me encuentro hoy, fortalezca mi deseo, de incrementar nuestra union.

 Yo se que estoy muy lejos y cubierto de ignorancia y de pasion pero usted padre querido, me otorga la sensacion, de que siempre esta a mi lado y me da su proteccion.

 Esto es algo muy hermoso y me libra del temor, del acecho de los males y me llena de emocion, ilumina mi camino y me nutre el corazon.

 Oh querido padre, que tan afortunado soy, de contar con su presencia, en este mundo de afliccion, sus cualidades son tan grandes que no encuentro explicacion , como puede una persona, estar llena de tanto amor y resolver tantos conflictos de personas como yo.

Oh querido padre , no me abandone nunca y deme su compasion , soy un niño tonto que esta hambriento de su amor, estoy solo en este mundo sin ninguna direccion, su persona es mi barco y sus palabras el timon, que me guian por la vida ,que es un oceano de ilusion.

No tengo otro refugio, ni esperanza ni valor, estoy desprovisto de todo, con una sola posecion, que es mi joya muy valiosa y es su ejemplo arrasador. Usted nunca se detiene y esta fijo en la mision, de Gauranga-Nityananda y de nuestro Acarya Fundador.

Eso es digno de alabanza y una gran aportacion , que pone vivos a los muertos y a los vivos en accion. Despierta mi conciencia y me brinda inspiracion, con esa fuerza que lo mueve, que no tiene comparacion, es el motor de la vida , es la fuerza del amor. Amor que lo envuelve todo, amor incondicional, amor conquistador, amor con conviccion.


Oh querido padre ,gracias por siempre estar, en el momento preciso, la circunstacia y el lugar, dentro de nuestros corazones y que nos ayude a sanar, los imprevistos de la vida y que le enseñe a caminar , a este pobre niño que apenas puede gatear, que se para y se tropieza, pero que no quiere abandonar, el estar siempre a su lado y hacer su voluntad.

Mi querido padre, no hay final para las palabras que lo puedan glorificar, ni como medir al hacerlo, la emocion que pueda brotar, usted es mi guerrero, un guerrero ideal, sin importar lo que pase, siempre dispuesto a luchar. Cada vez que me confundo y se nubla mi vision, su recuerdo me ilumina y me muestra donde voy y aunque sigo preso en este mundo, ya no siento la presion, yo sigo dando pasos en busca de la liberacion.

Oh querido padre ya se aclara mi mision   usted es como un oasis en medio del desierto, un jardin en el camino y una bella cancion,  que alegran los corazones, que estan llenos de dolor, de personas inestables, de personas como yo.

Oh querido padre, ya para finalizar y aprovechar la situacion, imploro una ultima cosa y esta es mi oracion:

Vuelvase mi virus y penetre mi corazon, saque la basura y ponga compasion,

Contagie mis pensamientos con pensamientos del Señor

Influya en mis acciones para que no caiga en el error, que actue con conciencia, quiero ser inspiracion

y afecte mis palabras para que no hable sin nocion, que hable con sentido, que hable del amor, del amor que personificas , del amor de DIOS.

 Su insignificante aspirante a sirviente Jayadeva Hari Dasa.        


Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet all glories to Srila Prabhupad and You.

I would like to express my gratitude towards to you. You are a very compassionate spiritual father who cares for everyone and is concerned for all in every crisis. Even if doctors give advises to take rest and your personal servants forbid you, you still go beyond and do everything you can, to serve devotees, Srila Prabhupad and Mayapur. You are executing Srila Prabhupada’s instructions from your heart, distributing thousands of books and encouraging so many people to do Krishna Consciousness.

Thank You Guru Maharaj for coming to Balaramdesh. Thank you for making my parents devotees and engaging us in Krishna consciousness. What would have happen to us if you wouldn’t have come to Bahrain? Thank you for everything you are doing for us. Please bless us so that we can serve you and please continue to shower your mercy on us.

                                                                                                                                                Your insignificant servant



Dearest Guru Maharajah,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, with your blessings last time I was able to do Vrindavan parikrama and the experience is wonderful and it is so wonderful that as long as I live I want to do this parikrama.Last year, during jhulan yatra I saw you,after that it’s been quite long time I haven’t seen you directly..My mind is craving for your darshan, day by day the desire to live in mayapur, to be around you is increasing more and more..Whenever I see you, I start crying.I feel why I am so far from you??I know I am a fallen soul,due to my mistakes only I’m suffering now.But still I strongly wish to see you daily,I want to touch your lotus feet.You are my shore,you are my support,you are my world.Wherever your feet landed that place has become heaven,such is the magic you possess.Who has your attention over him can’t be afraid.The water that falls out of clouds on us to quench our thirst, you are that stream of elixir of life.

This is my realisation,going beyond this material world your health is absolutely fine in spiritual world..I want to remember some lines from a famous song, ‘’ O ocean of mercy,be merciful unto your servant.Give me the shade of your lotus feet and purify me.I do not find the strength to carry on alone the sankirtan of the holy name of Hari. Please bless me by giving me just one drop of faith with that to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Krsna.Krsna is yours.You have the power to give him to me.I am simply your servant running behind you.’’

Life is a river, it waves flow on and on .The heart’s ship sometimes gets drowned, sometimes it is saved.If you are not the guide, how I will reach the destination??If the waves get turbulent,we come in your refuge.

One instant is brightness the other moment is all darkness.Why won’t the heart fear??? When the mind is on the cross roads,which path to follow??Who other than you would explain????

Last year I took shelter unto your lotus feet and since then I’m strongly waiting to be your spiritual daughter...Please fulfill my dream very soon..Also a very important decision I am going to take , please be with me, guide me, correct me, bless me. Hare Krishna 

Your humble and most insignificant servant,

Joita Das(Sheltered)

Kolkata-Garia-West Bengal 

Dearest Guru Maharajah,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, with your blessings last time I was able to do Vrindavan parikrama and the experience is wonderful and it is so wonderful that as long as I live I want to do this parikrama.Last year, during jhulan yatra I saw you,after that it’s been quite long time I haven’t seen you directly..My mind is craving for your darshan, day by day the desire to live in mayapur, to be around you is increasing more and more..Whenever I see you, I start crying.I feel why I am so far from you??I know I am a fallen soul,due to my mistakes only I’m suffering now.But still I strongly wish to see you daily,I want to touch your lotus feet.You are my shore,you are my support,you are my world.Wherever your feet landed that place has become heaven,such is the magic you possess.Who has your attention over him can’t be afraid.The water that falls out of clouds on us to quench our thirst, you are that stream of elixir of life.

This is my realisation,going beyond this material world your health is absolutely fine in spiritual world..I want to remember some lines from a famous song, ‘’ O ocean of mercy,be merciful unto your servant.Give me the shade of your lotus feet and purify me.I do not find the strength to carry on alone the sankirtan of the holy name of Hari. Please bless me by giving me just one drop of faith with that to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Krsna.Krsna is yours.You have the power to give him to me.I am simply your servant running behind you.’’

Life is a river, it waves flow on and on .The heart’s ship sometimes gets drowned, sometimes it is saved.If you are not the guide, how I will reach the destination??If the waves get turbulent,I come in your refuge.

One instant is brightness the other moment is all darkness.Why won’t the heart fear??? When the mind is on the cross roads,which path to follow??Who other than you would explain????

Last year I took shelter unto your lotus feet and since then I’m strongly waiting to be your spiritual daughter...Please fulfill my dream very soon..Also a very important decision I am going to take , please be with me, guide me, correct me, bless me. Hare Krishna 

Your humble and most insignificant servant,

Joita Das(Sheltered)

Kolkata-Garia-West Bengal 

Naga Kishore and Mohana Jyothi (Vijayawada- AP)

Dearest Guru Maharaja

Please accept our  humble obeisances to the dust of your Lotus Feet. 

All glories to your 71st appearance day.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

nāma o viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vā

nama o viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-k
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tārie

Although we are not  qualified to write ,  please accept this offerings at your lotus feet  with your causeless mercy of this fallen soul .

We are happy to share that , with all your mercy and mercy of our siksha gurus, we have taken shelter in the month of Oct 2019 inTirupati, A.P. It also happened so miracaly. By this incident  faith further  increased and  we are able to see good in every situation and changes in our life.  

71st Vyasa puja is a very special and auspicious day in the life of each and every soul that has taken your shelter Guru Mahārāja .  inspite of your health condition, you have taken pain in travelling  fulfilling prabhupāda's instructions and gave  Gaurāṅga's love to more souls in Bangaldesh , Atlanta and other parts of the world.

You are the source of inspiration to each and every soul  and never letting your spirit down even in such bodily conditions.

We are very much blessed for seeing you and getting shelter in tirupati and this is the most  happiest moments in our lilfe.

After taking  blessings , We are much more  inspired and commitment in our sadhana also increased  . We are daily watching your classes in face book and our taste to hear pastimes of Chaitanya Mahaprabhus  increased.

Our love towards Kṛṣṇa and commitment towards the words spoken by you and Prabhupāda and by seeing our śīkṣā gurus comitments towards you are increasing and   helping us sincerely to move  forward and  in improving Bhakti , Preaching and service towards  Lord. We are regularly participating in temple activities and thankful to Lord  Krishna,  temple authorities and Vaishnavas for giving services.

With all your blessings, during this year, we inspired 10 to 15 souls to chant harinam regularly and during book marathon, distributed around 75 BG’s.

When ever we  hear your keertan our eyes filled with tears in happiness.

When ever we watch your previous classes may be shooted during paikramans or in some other places the way which you treat your god brothers and other senior vishnavas inspires us how we should go further in our bhakti life and many more things for us to learn and implement in our life.

Hence this is a small offering to you on your vyasa pūjā .Guru mahārāja please accept our offerings. Please forgive us if any mistakes written by us. We pray the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa ,Lord Nityānanda and Gaurasunder and Pañcatatva and Guru Parapara to improve your health more and more so that you have to uplift many fallen souls like us.

You are the source of inspiration and spiritual strength for us Guru Mahārāja. On this auspicious occasion we beg your blessings so that we can contribute more service at your lotus feet and help you in spreading the message of Lord Chaitanya so that we can always stay protected under your divine shelter and guidance of our śīkṣā gurus..



Nama Om Visnu-padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine

Namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha damodaya nagara grame tarine


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya


cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī-gurave namah



My dear Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances.


I hope this small offering will get a small place at your lotus feet and make my heart big. Feeling energetic and excited writing this offering letter on your 71st Vyasa Puja. On this auspicious event I would like to seek your blessings to get a krsna conscious child as i am tring to concieve from past 1year, i have taken medication . For this I spoke to HG Rasamayi Mataji from New Rajapur Jagganath Dham Banagalore. As per her advice i sent my horoscope to HH Bhanu Maharaj. He said this problem will get solved in month of April. Gurumaharj please bless me so that I can upring a child in your service.

I am unable to express my feeling as every time i am praying to attend Mangal Arati but this time I happy to share with you that because of your blessings I am able attend Mangal arati daily now.   Thank you supporting me always, i would like to tell you one thing. Here, in Surat I shared with you that I go ISKCON VESU center which is very near to my home but the president of the center never support me for preaching.Because of that in Month of Kartik I got depressed. Now i have started going to HG Swarna Gaurhari Prabhu.I dont know whether I am right or wrong.

I Pray to Lord Narashimha Dev for better health and you come to Surat as early as possible.


Your Insignificant Spiritiual Daughter

Jyotirmayi Kousalaya Devi dasi


Dear Guru Maharaj, 


Please accept my respected obeisances at your lotus feet. 


My dear spiritual father and spiritual master, 


All glories to your auspicious appearance day!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 


When we hear about you -- it is simply synonymous with the words 

-> causeless mercy

-> magnanimous mercy

-> an ocean of love

-> an incredible saviour

-> Never give up


When Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, he was praying to Lord to forgive and was ready to forgive those offending him and showed infinite mercy to them likewise, GuruMaharaj, you take up all our misgivings, offenses into your body and take our pains and sufferings into you and still you never give up on praying for our goodness to progress in our spiritual life and to see us always happy! 


As Jesus Christ is messager of God so are you representative of Lord Krishna showing infinite mercy, love and compassion on all of us.


Wished to glorify with your initials of your name which was given by Srila Prabhupada 


J - Joyful always in sharing the nectaran pastimes of Gauranga and His wonderful associates 


A - Admiring example to many thousands of people to never give up on serving Guru and Gauranga inspite of painful conditions of life


Y - Youthful energy to preach and deliver lectures back to back not even wanting to rest


A - Astonishing personality of following Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu words of yāre dekha, tāre kaha 'kṛṣṇa'-upadeśa 


P - Perfect follower and Pride of Srila Prabhupada and previous Acharyas 


A - Amazing personality in cooperating with fellow god brothers, god sisters and hence setting an example of unity in diversity amongst  devotees 


T - Thoughtful leader to accomadate everyone beyond the barriers of different languages, regions, cultures and to help them hear and relish the pastimes of Krishna


A - Achiever in fulfilling the many instructions of Srila Prabhupada, the prediction of BhaktiVinod Thakura of many Bhakti Vrikshas and development of Temple of Vedic Planetarium 


K - Kind-hearted to see beyond our faults and to still encourage us

to serve Krishna 


A - Adorable personality which attracts everyone from staffers at hospital to staffers at airports to chant Krishna's names 



Praying to Nitai Gaurasundar to keep you all well and loving as always for all of us.


Praying on behalf for my family, friends, vaishnavis I am trying to preach, at your lotus feet to seek your blessings that we do not commit any offenses and try our best to please you. 


Gurudeva, wishing to serve you sincerely and to please you by sadhana, preaching and helping one to connect to Krishna through you and Srila Prabhupada. 


Aspiring to be your eternal servitor, 

Jyotsna Madhavi Devi Dasi (diksha) 

ISKCON Seshadripuram, Bangalore 

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your divine and transcendental lotus feet.

Most beloved gurudev, I am the most insignificant and most fallen yet out of your most merciful and compassionate nature you have given me the oppurtunity to write for you. I am faulty and defected, hence I can never express properly how glorious you are. I am full of faults when it comes to thoughts, words and deeds. Yet like lotus grows in the mud, you have appeared in the material world and you have showered your causeless mercy on me by accepting me as your sheltered disciple.

I offer unto you this poem as an offering for your auspicious appearance day:

You held me through all the pain,Oh! gurudev you are my biggest gain.

I shake, i tremble, i fall down, but you stay as my strength crown.

I am superfallen and not worth it, Yet you are merciful and love me.

You accept me as i am, Though i am an undeserving lamb.

Everybody tells me i am wrong, But you accepted me all along.

People complain, criticize and break my heart, You love, you care and never let me fall apart.

I was sad, depressed and stressed, Then you came and made me blessed.

I am fallen and worthless, you give me causeless mercy nevertheless.

I am told i am bad a hundred times, You told me these are maya's tests in your words divine.

You are preparing me for the final test, You support me without any rest.

Challenges & obstacles throw me away, yet seeing you never give up makes easier my way.

I will always be the most undesired, Yet your blessings will never get me fired.

People will always look at me as the biggest problem, But krishna will accept me in an envelope when he sees you as the emblem.

You are kind and rare like a diamond, You are mine and i am yours forever.

I love you, you are my beloved divine, Our story will last forever and beyond time.

I have waited for you since a very long time, when i fell down in this material hell for my crimes.

My soul here is going through numerous birth, disease, old age & death, You appeared to parcel me back home back to godhead.

You came and you held my hand, Please never leave me at any bend.

I will never be able to serve you properly, Yet hold me tightly out of your causeless mercy.

Oh guru maharaj, Please, hold me tightly eternally out of your causeless mercy.

All glories to your auspicious appearence day!

Gurudev, you have accepted me as your sheltered disciple. I am trying to fulfill the requirements for initiation. I need your causeless mercy and blessings to do the same.

Your most fallen and menial servant, Kajal Srivastava (Sheltered disciple) Delhi, India

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your divine and transcendental lotus feet.

Most beloved Gurudeva,

I am the most insignificant and most fallen yet out of your most merciful and compassionate nature you have given me the oppurtunity to write for you. I am faulty and defected, hence I can never express properly how glorious you are. I am full of faults when it comes to thoughts, words and deeds. Yet like lotus grows in the mud, you have appeared in the material world and you have showered your causeless mercy on me by accepting me as your sheltered disciple.

I offer unto you this poem as an offering for your auspicious appearance day:

You held me through all the pain,
Oh! gurudev you are my biggest gain.

I shake, I tremble, I fall down,
but you stay as my strength crown.

I am superfallen and not worth it,
Yet you are merciful and love me.

You accept me as I am,
Though i am an undeserving lamb.

Everybody tells me I am wrong,
But you accepted me all along.

People complain, criticize and break my heart,
You love, you care and never let me fall apart.

I was sad, depressed and stressed,
Then you came and made me blessed.

I am fallen and worthless,
you give me causeless mercy nevertheless.

I am told i am bad a hundred times,
You told me these are maya's tests in your words divine.

You are preparing me for the final test,
You support me without any rest.

Challenges & obstacles throw me away,
yet seeing you never give up makes easier my way.

I will always be the most undesired,
Yet your blessings will never get me fired.

People will always look at me as the biggest problem,
But Krsna will accept me in an envelope when he sees you as the emblem.

You are kind and rare like a diamond,
You are mine and I am yours forever.

I love you, you are my beloved divine,
Our story will last forever and beyond time.

I have waited for you since a very long time,
when I fell down in this material hell for my crimes.

My soul here is going through numerous birth, disease, old age & death,
You appeared to parcel me back home back to godhead.

You came and you held my hand,
Please never leave me at any bend.

I will never be able to serve you properly,
Yet hold me tightly out of your causeless mercy.

Oh Guru Maharaja,
Please, hold me tightly eternally out of your causeless mercy.

All glories to your auspicious appearence day!

Gurudeva, you have accepted me as your sheltered disciple. I am trying to fulfill the requirements for initiation. I need your causeless mercy and blessings to do the same.

Your most fallen and menial servant,
Kajal Srivastava (Sheltered disciple)
Delhi, India

Hare Krishna

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Srila Gurudeva!

I am associated with Iskcon Punjabi Bagh temple from last 10 years and chanting my 16 rounds daily from last 8 years now. In my quest for spiritual advancement I met His Holiness Jaya Pataka Swami Maharaj ji in 2017 summer, when he visited Iskcon Delhi. 

It was a hot and humid day and one of my office colleagues (a devotee from Punjabi Bagh temple only) informed me that Maharaj has come to Delhi temple. By Krishna's arrangement I reached temple guest house where devotees were waiting in queue to meet Maharaj to take his blessings and ask any questions. Maharaj despite many apparent difficulties seemed to be in bliss and he was blessing each and every devotee and answering their spiritual queries. 

On my turn, I payed my obesciences and asked Maharaj that I am still suffering in my Sadhna sometimes. Maharaj assured me that I should continue my chanting and slowly I will develop love for chanting. He asserted that I should keep faith and patience. It was my first face to face meeting with Maharaj and I felt a unique soul to soul connection. I could see his perseverance in meeting devotees, motivating them and leading from the front in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Two years went by and Maharaj came to Delhi temple in Jan 2020 for Diksha ceremony. This time I was thinking that may be this is the time when I should take my spiritual journey seriously and get Maharaj's shelter and he very kindly bestwoed his mercy and gave me shelter. 

I thank Maharaj for showing me the way a real desciple should act; always serving his spiritual master by mind, body and words.

I pay my obesciences to Maharaj and happy to be a part of the vyasapuja mahotsav as a sheltered desciple.

Yours insignificant servent

Kapil Vats 



Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

Your holiness are one of the most beloved (ankom ja tare) disciple of your Guru Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada himself confirmed that you are one of the associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You proved your self the name Jayapataka by flying high the victory flag of ISKCON. Devotees are much indebted to you for your service to TOVP, fulfilling the dream of Srila Prabhupada.You are beyond my capacity to glorify. Your Kirtan "Prabhpad nahi to" catched my heart. You are an exemplary in serving the Guru irrespective of your physical condition. You are so merciful to all your disciples in this condtion also by showing unconditional mercy to them. I pray to give you Good health and long life to guide the fallen souls to back to home, back to god head..

Your Insignificant Son

Kaleswar Govinda Dasa

All glories to your auspicious appearance day Guru Maharaj.

I felt very fortunate by taking dharsan of Guru Maharaj closely during Qatar visit 3 years back. I wish to have Guru Maharaj’s blessings to path forward in Krishna Consciousness.

My humble obeisance to Guru Maharaj.


Your humble Servant


Nama om Vishnu padaya Krsna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka samin iti namine

Nama acharya padaya Nitai krpa pradayine

Guara katha dama dayal nagara grama tarine


Nama om Vishnu padaya Krsna prethaya bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

Namaste sarasvate deve Gaur vani prachanine

Nirvishesha shunya vadi pashcatya desha tarine


Jaya Sri Krsna Caitanya

Prabhu Nityananda

Sri Advaita Gadadhara

Srivas adi Gaur Bhakta Vrinda


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

All glories to Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Sri Panchatattva  and Sri Sri Narasimhadeva!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Hare Krsna Dear Gurumaharaj!

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto to Your lotus feet.

On this auspicious day of Your Vyasa puja, the whole world has come together to glorify the presence of Your Holiness, on this earth. Even during these trying times of a scary pandemic hovering upon us and despite the restriction on assembling to celebrate this wonderful occasion, ISKCON world-wide has not failed to assemble, virtually, to take the opportunity to commemorate Your appearance.

Year after year, one can truly perceive the magnanimity of Your ubiquitous mercy, by the means of spreading the message of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Your daily Caitanya Bhagavata classes, fueling up the enthusiasm of devotees to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books and giving out instructions on many subjects so that we can practice devotional service properly. These are but a few to enlist.

i got to personally experience the extensive spread of Your benevolence and pure love when we had been to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's bhajan kutir. The sanyasi Maharaj welcomed us with much love and sat down with us to sing Gauranga Karuna Koro, at the beautiful temple. Later, after we took darshan of the actual bhajan kutir, Maharaj began to speak of Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj. His eyes glittered and smile beamed as Maharaj spoke while standing at the veranda of the kutir. ------


      “Jayapataka Maharaj, my best friend! I love him so much and he loves me so much! He comes with so many devotees during Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama. He gives me a big hug! After all, devotees go, he sits with me and we talk for many hours. I love him very much! “  – Maharaj spoke with eyes overflowing with love for You, Gurumaharaj, while he placed his hand on his chest.


Above is just one of the million examples of how You have touched and showered love upon so many lives. i am extremely grateful and fortunate to be one of those souls, Gurudev. This leads me to quote from Srimad Bhagavatam 6.16.6 , purport ---


Janame janame sabe pita mata paya

Krsna guru nahi mile bhaja hari ei


In transmigration of the soul through different bodies, everyone, in every form of life – be it human, animal, tree or demigod – gets a father and mother. This is not very difficult. The difficulty is to obtain a bona fide spiritual master and Krsna...

Srila Prabhupada has so sublimely expressed the difficulty in achieving the mercy of Krsna and the shelter of a bona fide Guru. This helps me realize how blessed i am to have been accepted by You as your daughter.


Stray dogs owner-less. They have no one to take care of them and nowhere to take shelter. They wander off to where their hunger is satisfied. Often such dogs are put into captivity because they become a menace. Troubled by hunger and disease, they turn out to be harmful to others and themselves too. i, too, used to be a stray dog. Not anymore. Now, i have a collar with the tag – ‘Property of JPS’. But, now, the problem is  that i have the tendency to stray away. Gurumaharaj please kindly pull my leash and keep me under Your curb. i hope to become a loyal servant of Yours.


One of the most valuable aspects of any individual is to be accepted by the ones they love. Acceptance of who one is, where one stands in life, and what makes one who they are. But material nature pushes forth the harsh truth that, it being a hypocrite world, everyone wants to change the individual, mold him according to their wishes and requirements, to suit their tastes and comfort. Thus being forced to mold into so many shapes as others want, the exhausted individual loses his own identity. But there only two personalities in this whole universe who accept one as he is – Sri Krsna and one’s spiritual master. This is very true, because even after seeing how much of a fallen and conditionally shackled soul i am, You have continued to show mercy upon me, Gurudev. Not only did You accept me for the poor, ill-minded person i am , but You also saw the very minute speck of good in me that even i never could realize. This unconditional mercy of Yours has made me want to change myself , to be able to practice devotional service , in better capacity.


Gurumaharaj, it is in Your nature that Your show mercy to whoever comes in contact with You. But I would want to beg forgiveness at Your lotus feet; For the offenses that i have knowingly and unknowingly committed. Unless forgiven and glanced upon compassionately, i will not be able to carry myself forward in Krsna Consciousness.


Hoping to be of better use to You in Your seva to Srila Prabhupada.

Praying vehemently to Sri Narasimhadev for Your health. Offering 108 recitations of Sri Narasimha Kavacha and Sri Narayana Kavacha at the lotus feet of Narasimhadeva for Your protection.

Beseeching for Your Karuna and forgiveness.


Your insignificant and unworthy daughter,

Kamala Hemangi Devi dasi (Diksha),

Kerala, India.

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja!

Please accept respectful obeisances.

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā svāmin iti nāmine
nama ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā-dhāma-dāya nagara-grāma-tāriṇe

Gurudeva! You are embodiment of a true Spiritual warrior, what not you have been through to save Your Disciples from very first day they were introduced to Kṛṣṇa consciousness to the day they are continuining. Guru Mahārāja How can one be Śrīla Prabhupāda multifarious in his actions as you who encompasses nearly impossible tasks of spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness to every home possible, I just can dream how manyn life you are impacting positively by enfusing love of Gaurasundara into the hearts of hearers. There is so much positive resonance that I see in my life since I started to take your shelter again. There is Lord Caitanya definetly beside You smilingly guiding you always and Nitāi Prabhu manifesting his mercy through you more and more.

Gurudeva! I beg! Please accept me and engage me fully in Your service. I don't see any hope that I can live happily alone, I want your shelter through service to You, Your Godbrothers, Your Disciples, Vaiṣṇava commumity, Māyāpur, Śrīla Prabhupāda and Kṛṣṇa.

Please forgive this degraded soul who is now wanting to rise back and purify himself by being Your servant truely.


Your Insginificant Servant,

Kamlendra Singh Rathore



Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,                                                                                                                               04-04-2020


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance on to your lotus feet ,

Happy 71st Vyasa puja,


I'm aspiring initiation from you Maharaj from long time, many obstacles in my spiritual journey maharaj,

In my home there is no support for me and I'm mentally draining out often please bless me so I can continue my spiritual journey &sadhana strongly.


2 times in my dreams you came & blessed me please continue the same.


1st dream you came & told me to take initiation ASAP in 2017 I guess but due to many obstacles I couldn't and that's been in my head from long time.


2nd dream we both were dancing at mayapur temple, I was so happy to see you recovering completely and dancing with me, this was about may be in 2018.


Your servant,



Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj 

Dandvat Pranam

On this Vyasa Puja day,I pray to Lord Krishna that he keep you healthy in the service of Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you for saving me by giving me initiation. I cannot repay your debt but I will try my best to spread the message of Lord Chaitanya. 

Your servant 

Karunamayi Rohini dd 

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my respectful obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and unto your service to your Gurudev!!!

This is your insignificant, fallen soul, representing our family and making a foolish attempt to glorify you ,but for our own purification, so please forgive us for our shortcomings. 

  • You are ocean of mercy distributing Nitai Kripa all over the world without any distinctions. This is very much evident as soon as your critical surgery is over, and your great comeback with unimaginable rigor is so inspiring
  • You are ghanāghana-tvam, pouring that mercy you are the only hope for conditional souls who are suffering dāvā-anala of material existence
  • While you prayed,  (yadi) prabhupada na haita tabe ki haita jivana bahita kise, we are praying that what would have happened to us if nobody is there to give that (Prabhupada's) mercy to us.  (yadi) jayapataka swami na haita tabe ki haita jivana bahita kise
  • You are true Acharya.. You sung, nitai-gaurera apara karuna ke dita sakala dese for Prabhupada, but every single day, you are ONLINE, spreading that Gaura-Nitai karuna, sakala dese, all over the world
  • Your enthusiasm is so addictive that watching you LIVE gives so much of hope for our devotion. What will happen without that. Your every movement is so sweet, REGAL, so childlike lovable, same time, so adorable. Your ecstatic symptoms are the greatest hope for us to taste the amrta of Krishna Consciousness
  • Watching your esteem, while speaking tamil language, especially nandri, its so sweet, its so melting, even being an tamilian, that word made a lot of sense only when you spoke
  • Some times its heart pounding to see you suffering and coughing but yet you are there for us, how one should dedicate his for Guru, you even redefined "example" 
  • I feel like hugging you, but I am so fallen and dirty can't even think of it, so want to just fall under your feet and beg for your mercy only kṛṣṇa se tomāra, kṛṣṇa dīte pāro,tomāra śakati āche 


  • Kavirupa Kesavi devi dasi -   wife
  • Viswa Son (13)
  • Radha Sakhi (7)
  • Bhanumati Yasoda devi dasi -  your spiritual daughter, mother in law
  • Sankaran and Loganayagi - parents chanting but not regular

Humble Contributions to IBC, Whitefield Bangalore, SNGM & to JPS Archives

  • Managing JPS Archives Transcription services by the guidance of HG Syam Rasika pr 
    • 160 + volunteers
  • Damodar arti
    • 2018 - 650 souls, 2019 By your causeless mercy 3000 plus souls offered Damodar arti
  • Janmashtami Lakshmi collection 
    • Close to Rs 2.3 Lakh. 50 people involved, reaching at least 300 members 
  • Handled Japa stall during Janmashtami and provided opportunity for more than 2000 souls do Japa and arati 
  • 2 Bhakti Viruksha programs, 3 Kids Programs out of which one Government school 100 students participating. One Kids program happening by one of my Bhakti viruksha member
  • 2019-20-Book marathon: Close 1450maha books distributed or sponsored for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada
    • Around  20 devotees involved
    • Close to 150 peoples reached
    • Around 100 contributed
    • Distributed 200 BGs to Government School and Started Kids class
    • Around 200 BGs to be distributed to Ashrams
    • Around 100 BGs to be distributed in temples creating potential Bhakti Viruksha members
  • Shiksha Levels and number of members guided so far
    • Shradhavan (1 rounds) - 17
    • Krishna Sevaka  (4 rounds)    - 5
    • Krishna Sadhaka  (8 rounds)  -2
    • Krishna Upasaka  (12 rounds)  -4
    • Srila Prabhupada Ashraya (16 rounds) - 1 now shelter under you GM


Member's status

  • Number of BV members vs chanting rounds
    • 16 rounders - 5
    • 8 rounders - 3
    • 4 rounders - 1
    • 1 & 2 Rounders - 10

Future Plan - Digital Preaching

  • Start bi-weekly audio series for
    • Devotees and non-devotees
    • Focusing on engaging BV members @ customers on regular basis rather weekly
  • Long term
    • Start a humble association of 100+ devotees in my locality every week

Seeking Blessings

Seeking blessings and your causeless mercy for Bhakti Viruksha members and family to please you one day we have no other hope

Your insignificant servant(s)

Viswa (13)

Radha Sakhi (7)

Kavirupa Kesavi devi dasi

Bhanumati Yasoda devi dasi

Karunapati Kesava das  

Dear Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Wishing you a happy and memorable vyasa puja 2020. It is by your mercy that this fallen conditioned soul has come into this wonderful Krishna conscious association.

I was just 3 years old when you brought me into this blissful association. But I took advantage of that and wasted time just playing around. Recently i had taken things little seriously and immediately you reciprocated enormously. Last year when you had come to Bangalore at the palace grounds, we could not meet you personally due to your health issues. I was a bit disappointed for that. It had been almost a year but it felt like a lot. But you didn't leave us. During the initiation and sheltering ceremony, you said that anyone who was chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regulative principles for a year could get sheltered. This was like a precious chance and the I got sheltered. Right now, I am continuing my services in bangalore.

I am ever grateful to you for being the light of my life and my saviour. I hope that I will be able to see you soon. Happy Vyasa Puja!!!

Your humble and insignificant servant,


Hare Krishna Srila GuruMaharaj,                                                                                                All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!                  Please accept my respectful obeisances unto you. All glories to your auspicious appearance day !!!                                                       I'm bound to thank you immensely  for mercifully given me shelter at your divine lotus feet. I wanted to thank you once again in informing you that by your miraculous blessings my parents, who were going through critical family situations and health challenges are doing great now both in their health and sadhana. All glories to you Srila Gurudev!!!            GuruMaharaj every incident of your life is an inspiration and driving force for a disciple. Personally I'm inspired a lot by your mood in pleasing Srila Prabhupada at all your services, your dedication in executing it, for which you keep going your life. Despite your health status you travelled different countries few months past for various programs and never miss to give your association in Facebook too. Please shower a drop of your mercy to walk your path in pleasing you at all the tiny services that I do. Knowing more about your glories from the other vaishnavas gives me a lot of inspiration and encouragement in keeping my spirits high in practicing the devotional process. All glories, All glories, All glories unto you Srila Gurudev !!!                                        GuruMaharaj I conduct children's class at my residence in Kaggadaspura, Bangalore. I desire to conduct summer camp for children this April, as an attempt to please you. Kindly shower your plentiful blessings for the same. Also I require your special mercy and blessings upon My family members in practicing Krishna Consciousness as family.                                         Feeling secured at your divine lotus feet Dear GuruMaharaj.                                    Your indebted and insiginificant shelter disciple, Kavitha.M.                                          Family members: Malarmannan and Harinandhan (son).   

71 তম ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ এর প্রতি কবিতা।
  গুরুদেব মোর জীবন ধন
গ্রুদেব মোর প্রাণ ।।
গুরুদেবের কৃপা ব্যতীত জীবনে
উদ্ধার নাই মোর ।
ওহে গুরুদেব পতিত পাবন কৃপা করো এ অধম।
প্রভুপাদের কৃপা নিয়ে
          করেছ হরিনাম সংকীর্তন।।
নিতাইয়ের কৃপা ধন্য মোর গুরুদেব ।
জীবেদের উদ্ধার করেছ
       নগর গ্রামে গিয়ে।।
হরিনামের বিজয় নিশান
নিয়ে চলেছে কে ?

   সে আর কেউ নয় মোর
গুরুদেব শ্রীল জয়পতাকা
             -  সজ্জন কেশব দাস
                           রাজশাহী ।
                     ইসকন কোচবিহার

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna Presthaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine 

Nama Acharya padhaya Nitai kripa pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Jaya Srila Prabhupada. Jaya Srila Gurudeva.                       

Srila Gurudeva, please accept my most respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet. Srila Gurudev, you are Karuna Sindu. Because of your causeless mercy, I am now practicing bhakti. Because of your causeless mercy, we are able to preach  Krishna Consciousness in RR Nagar, Bangalore.We wish to continue as well as to expand our preaching to many more neighbouring areas. Please bless all of us in our team to practice sincerely  and also preach by developing more Bhakti Vruksha groups.

 Please bless me to be the servant of your servant life after life.

Your insignificant servant

Keshavi Madhavi Devi Dasi.

Humble Vyasa Puja offering letter by Kesi Damana Krsna dasa


to Poojya Gurudeva – HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja


Hare Krishna!

Nama Om Vishnu Paadaaya Krishna Presthaaya Bhutale
Srimathe Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine |

Namah Acharya Paadaaya Nitai Krupa Pradaayine

Gaura Katha Damadaaya Nagara Grama Tarine ||

Om Ajnaana Timirandhasya
Jnaanaajana Shalakaya
Chakshur UnimilithamYena
Tasmai Sri Guravennamah |


My dear Guru Maharaja,


Hare Krishna !


A million humble dandavat pranaamams to the dust your lotus feet.  Please accept them, out of your own sheer causeless mercy.  All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to your Holiness. All glories to all the Vaishnavas.

Gurudeva, this is your insignificant servant, attempting to offer this homage letter and my deep gratitude to your Holiness on your auspicious 71st Vyasa puja. I humbly request you to accept it out of your sheer causeless mercy alone.

Your holy self, being a sincere disciple of Srila Prabhupada, have been serving his mission and ISKCON untiringly for many decades with tremendous enthusiasm and joy, without displaying even an iota of tiredness in your spiritual journey. That gives me more encouragement to serve you in my little insignificant way and earnestly trying to do so.

I feel very happy to know that you have achieved a major milestone of blessing 50,000 disciples at your lotus feet recently in Bangladesh yatra. My humble hearty congratulations to you Guru Maharaja! I feel very much blessed that I’m one among those 50,000 disciples whom you mercifully accepted and blessed with harinaam deeksha. I’m ever grateful to you and wish to serve you for eternity and beyond as your servant of servant of servants.

Gurudeva, knowing well about my helpless inabilities, I humbly and sincerely beg at your lotus feet to please, please, please bless me to serve you in the way it pleases you the most. Without your merciful glance upon this THE MOST FALLEN conditioned soul, I don't have any strength to perform any service to your lotus feet and to our dear Radharani and Krishna and all the Guru Paramapara. Just like a honeybee finds a cool shelter in the lotus flower, I feel safe to be under your lotus feet shelter, Guru maharaj!

Guru Maharaja, as it is said that Vaishnavas are generally very merciful always, and on their divine appearance day, they are even more merciful than ever, to the fallen souls – like myself.  Keeping this truth in view, on this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja, I humbly fall at your lotus feet and earnestly beg and beg and beg at your lotus feet, dear Gurudev, please forgive your this pathitha sevaka for all the offences committed -- knowingly and unknowingly --  toward your holy self and toward any other devotees and disciples.

Gurudeva, I heard in one lecture that the greatest gift that we can ever offer to anyone is to sincerely pray to Krishna for them. Although I do not at all have any qualification whatsoever, keeping this truth in mind, Gurudeva, on this auspicious occasion, from the very depths of my heart, I earnestly pray to our beloved Radha and Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and all the Guru Parampara to please give you Their merciful blessings in your mission to please Srila Prabhupad and Krishna. This is what your this poor, helpless, unworthy and unfit servant can do for you, dear Guru Maharaja.  Out of your own sheer causeless mercy alone, please accept my this insignificant service as a small token of my love for you.

Please bless me that my love for you becomes really pure, unconditional, uninterrupted  and limitless,  and it  keeps on  ever-increasing, and my Guru-nishta and my commitment to your mission keeps on deepening, and  I render -- most lovingly and  most unconditionally --  pure, loving, unconditional, uninterrupted, limitless, unflinching and unmotivated  devotional service to your holy self, all the Guru Parampara, all the Vaishnavas, and  our beloved Radha and  Krishna, in the way it pleases them the most -- eternally and even beyond.  Your merciful blessings alone can take me in that direction – Guru Maharaja!

With my heartfelt deep gratitude and millions of humble obeisances at your lotus feet,

Aspiring to be the servant of the servant of the servant of  your holy self,

Kesi Damana Krsna dasa.


Mobile : +91 73582 58222

Email   :

Hare Krishna
Dear Srila Gurudev, Please accept my Humblest obesinaces.

All Glories to HDG srila prabhupad

All Glories to your life and soul Gaurang Mahaprabhu.

Dear Srila Gurudev,
I m so tiny soul to write something in your glorification. But still to purify myself I m trying my bit to glorify  O 'dear srila Gurudev. You are  personification of humility and ocean of grace. 
You always shower your mercy unto me in whatever way my deepest gratitude to you..whenever I was i bewildered ,your selfless love melts my hard heart. Despite your critical health you always preach and never miss to give class in evening..
You always consider instructions of srila prabhupad as your life and soul .your life is examplary for all of us..How to remain determine and surrender to guru and gauranga we learn from you. you are embodiment of love n always in Krishna consciousness..
Your life is an example for us.. My deepest gratitude for accepting me as your daughter.

Your Insignificant servant/Daughter

Your initiated desiciple

Kirtida suta Devi Dasi

Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaj. Please Accept My Humble Obeisances. AGTSP_/\_

     Beloved Guru Maharaj i am your sheltered daughter. On this Auspicious & Merciful day of your 71st Vyas Puja i beg for  your blessings & help me to overcome from all the anarthas i have, so that i can be able to serve You & Gauranga whole heartedly. So that i can also be able to become an instrument in your preaching mission. Dear Guru Maharaj please please Accept me as your most menial disciple then only i can please Sri Gauranga. Guru Maharaj you are very merciful to all, in this health conditions you are blessing so much people at different places , iam your most unqualified, undeserving disciples then also seeking for your mercy because of your merciful mood. Please help me Guru Maharaj , please make my life purposefully _/\_ Thank you so much Beloved Guru Maharaj for giving me shelter 



Your most unqualified daughter


Dear Guru Mahārāja, 
Hare Kṛṣṇa. Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and his followers. All glories to Your Divine Grace. 
Dear Gurudeva, I am your most unqualified son Kotisasi Gauran Das. 
Please accept my most humble and respectful humble obeiscences unto your divine lotus feet.
I are very fortunate that you are my spiritual father. You have dedicated your every breath in service of Srila Prabhupada and have setting an example for othets. Just by observing your activities at present, one can understand that you are perfectly situated in transcendental consciousness and are an example for others to understand that one is not his body. Despite your external circumstances, you are rendering uninterrupted and unmotivated devotional service by your travelling and preaching around the world and distributing the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
I am giving my best for Bhakti Sastri course which is happening in Bhakti center. Also trying to understand the mood and preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada by going through the Bhakti sastri syllabus. But with my little intelligence I am always fail to understand the purports of Srila Prabhupada and other acharyas commentaries. Finally I completely depend on your causeless Mercy, which is the only hope to understand great acharyas. Also due to my lack of sincerity and purity I failed to understand them. Please bless me that I may rise above my anarthas and engage sincerely in the service of Mahaprabhu.
Please Please bless me to fulfill your instructions and expectations in the service to Your Divine Grace, Śrīla Prabhupāda and the previous ācāryas 
Kotisasi Gauran Dasa

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances


I did a small attempt to glory Srila Guru Dev on the occasion of his 71st Sri Vyasa puja. 

Kindly accept the below attachment.



Dear Guru Mahārāja, 

Hare Kṛṣṇa. Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and his followers. All glories to Your Divine Grace. 

Dear Gurudeva, I am your most unqualified son Kotisasi Gauran Das. 

Please accept my most humble and respectful humble obeiscences unto your divine lotus feet.

I are very fortunate that you are my spiritual father. You have dedicated your every breath in service of Srila Prabhupada and have setting an example for othets. Just by observing your activities at present, one can understand that you are perfectly situated in transcendental consciousness and are an example for others to understand that one is not his body. Despite your external circumstances, you are rendering uninterrupted and unmotivated devotional service by your travelling and preaching around the world and distributing the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

I am giving my best for Bhakti Sastri course which is happening in Bhakti center. Also trying to understand the mood and preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada by going through the Bhakti sastri syllabus. But with my little intelligence I am always fail to understand the purports of Srila Prabhupada and other acharyas commentaries. Finally I completely depend on your causeless Mercy, which is the only hope to understand great acharyas. Also due to my lack of sincerity and purity I failed to understand them. Please bless me that I may rise above my anarthas and engage sincerely in the service of Mahaprabhu.

Please Please bless me to fulfill your instructions and expectations in the service to Your Divine Grace, Śrīla Prabhupāda and the previous ācāryas.


Your most fallen servant, 

Kotisasi Gauran Dasa


Hare Krishna dear Jayapataka Maharaj,

Please accept my humble Obeisances.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to Gauranga Mahaprabhu.


I came to know more about you only after you visited Bangalore last year. Your devotees are always so inspiring, encouraging and always enthusiastic to serve Guru and Gauranga. I understood that they get it from You only after hearing about You.

You were one of the most trusted servants of Srila Prabhupada. You have been the pillar and guardian of Srila Prabhupada’s house even after Prabhupada left this world. You have stayed true to your words to your Spiritual Master even during so many difficult and turbulent times. Please bless me with some of that commitment so that I stay true to my commitments to Prabhupada and Devotees.

It is very difficult to imagine ISKCON without Your Holiness. Thank You Very much for protecting it and giving us such a valuable gift.


Your Servant,

Krishna Kishore

Hare Krishna  Most Beloved GuruMaharaj   pamho AGTSP  how are you ? I would like to thank you for accepting me as ur disciple. M very fortunate to have you as my beloved GuruMaharaj. I pray at dust of ur lotus feet that I be able to serve u life and life. Please bless me so I can serve nicely for all services given to me. M trying my best to serve nicely but need ur blessings to improve in them. Dear Gurudev you are inspiration for whole world. I have a great desire to do your vapu sewa. I always look Upto you so I can always try to be determined in Bhakti following your footsteps. Please forgive me for my offenses which I know happens as m a conditioned soul.

Dear Guru maharaj,
Hare Krishna
Please accept my respectful prostrated obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Your Divine Grace

By the mercy of Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada and the vaishnavas i came to follow Krishna Consciousness. However, many a times i used to feel, if we follow all the steps in Krishna consciousness, its easy in any condition to progress spiritually. As days are progressing, i am realising its not true. Its' simply the causeless mercy of Sri Guru, that one is able to follow the instructions/path in Krishna Consciousness. And the more i see your dedication in the service of Srila Prabhupada inspite of your physical condition, it just amazes me how much Srila Prabhupada has empowered you. I am fully confident your followers will achieve the ultimate success of achieving the Lotus feet of Lord Caitanya as Srila Prabhupada mentions in his books.

Srila Prabhupada many times said, he came to this world only to give us Krishna consciousness and the Bhaktivedanta purports and accepted so many difficulties personally. When i see your physical condition, i just get to realise, you appeared here only to deliver sinful souls like me. Although it is way beyond words for me to describe the difficulties you endure, you appear blissful and engage all the devotees in Krishna's service and guide the devotees on how to live in Krishna Consciousness always.

You have given me wonderful and stalwart godbrothers and sisters, who not only speak, but also execute very big tasks in the service of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada. On this auspicious day, I pray to your divine grace to bless me to continue devotional service to the Supreme Lord and also increase my commitment to help your mission.

On this auspicious day of Sri Vyasapuja, I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Panca Tattva and Lord Narasimha dev and the guru parampara to give you a long life to stay with us and deliver this world.

Your humble servant
Krpamaya Gauranga Dasa

Om Agnana Timirandasya Gnananjana Salakaya

Chakshur Unmilitam Yena Tasmaisri Gurave Namah


Nama On Vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine



All glories to Srila Prabhupad!


His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj ki jay!


Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your Lotus feet.


I (a fallen conditioned soul) so much fortunate to get Your association every day, through your’s online - Facebook classes; we are getting your darshan and association every day despite your busy schedule. This is very inspiring to me that by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of godhead Lord Krishna I am under the care of your lotus feet.


Now, I am very much glad and practicing for coming close to You - by seeking on the path of serving You and Your mission to spread Srila Prabhupada’s message without any disruption.


I remember that You have provided Your association earlier through the mercy of HG Tirthanga Nitai Das Prabhu and HG Radha Raman Sevak Das Prabhu at Mayapur Dham. You are an all-rounder and revolutionary in providing Your association to Your followers and in spreading Krishna Consciousness with all possibilities.


Srila Gurudev, You are a pioneer in Congregational preaching and You have designed and successfully established the system of Bhakti-vriksa and Namahatta, thus we have received unlimited blessings of Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acharya’s by your’s mercy.


The Bhaktivedanta Academy of Cultural and Education (BACE) all over India endeavoring seriously to follow Your glorious footsteps in congregational preaching.


I beg for Your blessings with dandvat pranam in your’s lotus feets- to be successful in contributing to Your mission of spreading Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s message all over the globe.


My sincere prayers unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna:


Please keep my spiritual master - always in Good health and strength to continue his service unlimitedly unto Srila Prabhupada and his mission.


I beg to remain the servant of Your servants,


Bhakta Abhishek Kumar (Sheltered),


Madhyadvipa Bace, Silchar(788010), Cachar, Assam, India


In the care of: HG Tirthanga Nitai Das, HG Radha Raman Sevak Das, HG Krishna Chaitanya Das

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to your auspicious appearance day 


Please accept our respectful obecenses at your lotus feet


Your are following the instructions of Srila prabhupada  as a perfect disciple, you are setting a standard to all of us. 

You are following and giving our  Guruparampara mood to all of us. You are showering your mercy to all over the world by traveling to all countries. You are giving so much care all your disciples and well wisher of all living entities in the world. You are one of the most important soldier in Srila prabhupada movement,  Gurumaharaj , you achieved one of the most important instructions of Srila prabhupada by giving 50000 initiation, who can do this,  only fully surrendered great soul like you only can achieve, this is one of the best example how you surrendered to Srila Prabhupada.  You are giving daily dharshan , giving Lord Chaitanya Lila and followed by question and answer session, it is very useful for all of us. 


Gurumaharaj by your mercy and with help of our god brothers and senior vaishnavas, we are doing preaching in Bellandur , Bangalore. We are daily praying to you for their spiritual progress, please shower your mercy to them and empower us to preach more and more about Lord Chaitanya's message to all the soul. Without your mercy it not possible, Gurumaharaj, please shower your mercy, so that more souls can come to our center and become very good devotees and serve Guru and Gauranga. 




Your Servants,


Krsna Karunamurti Das (Dhiksha)

Yogini Yamuna Devi Dasi(Dhiksha)

Hemachandar (chanting 4 rounds daily)


Hare Krishna to my Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeciances unto your lotus feet.

By hearing your day to day activities and trips which Your Divine Grace undergone to fulfill the desire of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda is mesmerising us Gurudeva. All glories, all glories, all glories unto your transdental activities, Gurudeva it will possible only by the person empowered by Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Your Divine Grace has kept Lord Nityānanda Mahāprabhu always in your heart and guiding the aspiring souls surrendering to Kṛṣṇa by engaging them in the different services. I read daily your lecture trascriptions posted in the JPS volunteers group. The narration of the transdental pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His associates, which provides strength to follow the sādhanas and inspiring for preaching and caring people in Kṛṣṇa Consciouness.  

Always begging your mercy to progress in Kṛṣṇa Conciousness,

Kṛṣṇa Subhadrā dāsa
Satkīrtī devī dāsī
Bkn. Nandinī
Bkn. Madhumatī



Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine, Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine Hare Krsna, Grumaharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. I am the most fortunate soul because you rescued me from a meaningless life. Without Krsna consciousness I would continue miserably depressed. Gurumaharaj, you gave me happiness, you give service and this gives me purpose in life, otherwise I would just go here and there thinking that I am not good in anything, and cannot accomplish anything in life, a useless person. Even with no qualifications or inclinations at all to aspire to become a saintly person Krsna's mercy manifested by sending me my master, my saviour. You gave me the most precious thing in life, the holy name. You gave me the Dham, I still can't believe that such an unqualified devotee like me can be fitted to live in a Vaisnava community so beautiful as this. Surrounded 24th by devotees and kirtan and holy places and beautiful deities and prasadam, and Krsna katha. What else one can desire in life? Please bless me so I can continue chanting my whole life (and soon develop some taste in chanting) and never give up Krsna consciousness. - this is my biggest fear in life, to leave the association of the devotees. I want to serve you my whole life, I literally don't know what else I would do. Please bless me so I can become humble and a well wisher of everybody. Please bless me so Krsna can melt down my heart made of stone, so I can become a soft spoken person as a vaisnavi should be. You are so glorious in awakening the bhakti in everybody's heart, please also bless me. Thank you for accepting me as a servant, and giving me a new life. The real life. Ys. Krsnakanta Gopalini d.d


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


nama om vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine,


nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


My Dear Gurudev,

            Please accept my prostrated obeisances on to your lotus feet.

On this auspicious day I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you.


On 29th September 2019 I was initiated by you in Bangalore, I have no words to express my happiness & joy that I felt on that day. So close to you, taking the japa mala from you is the best experience that I have ever felt in this life. I have heard that when a Guru initiates his disciple, he takes away all the karma. On the very next day I got fever & was diagnosed with appendicitis and underwent the surgery. May be something bigger was there in my life, but because of your mercy I could fight this small battle.

With your mercy I am in association of such great devotees, under the guidance of HG Caitanya Avatari prabhu & HG Vaishanavanad Nitai prabhu. I feel blessed that I stay in the temple & have their guidance & support at every step. I am indebted to you and all the devotees to help me. Now with your mercy and devotees guidance I am trying to preach youths in around our center.

I pray that I be fixed, be Krsna Conscious and serve you & all the vaishnavas eternally.


Your Eternal Servant,

Krsnarupa Gaura Das,

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannath Dham,

Magadi Main Road,

Bagalore, India

Hi am kumarswamy and am practicing Krishna conscious since 5 years  I am not capable to say about Guru Maharaj but I share my opinion the more we listen about guru Maharaj pastimes in the association of devotees the More attentiveness am getting like how he's so mercy full to his disciples, how dedicatedly following the instructions of his guru and mission  of srila Prabhupada even though physically not active,how the Mercy is flowing in Bangalore and giving initiation to more than 50000 disciples in Bangalore,and also how he negotiate with krishna  to stay in this material world to help his disciples, there are somany past times are but am sharing few of them.

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupad,

All glories to you Gurudev.

Gurudev , you are a ocean of mercy, you are compassionate. You always want to preach

everyone and give them shelter . You have belief in all the souls you come in

contact and by your mercy, they take up Krishna consciousness very easily. Iam just

one of the fortunate souls.

      Chanting everyday, doing Aarthis, reading Srila Prabhupad books , reading Gita

daily has helped me to face the difficulties of life easily. Preaching the

same to people has reaffirmed my faith in you, Gurudev and Krishna.

       I need to improve my quality of chanting and spend more time on Krishna

conscious activities. Please bless me Gurudev, so that I can serve you, (

Guru), Gauranga and devotees nicely.

    Thank you Gurudev for accepting me and guiding me.

Your servant always,

lakshita lalita Devi Dasi

(NRJD, Bangalore)

Hare Krishna! Gurumaharaj!


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


All Glories to Guru and Gauranga!


All Glories to Your Auspicious Appearance Day!


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances 


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj!!!


I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for  having  shown your  causeless mercy to this fallen  soul by lifting me from the  slumber.  Having wasted more than 60 years of  my life, whatever little devotional service I am  doing now is because of your  causeless mercy for which I will be  ever grateful to you.   I don't know how many more years left for me in this lifetime.  


On this auspicious occasion I pray for your mercy to progress  rapidly in Krishna Consciousness  and I have fervent faith that you will show me the right path to attain the  goal in this lifetime  itself.


Your humble servant 

Lalita Kesava Das (initiated)


New Rajapur Jagannath Dham Yatra, Bangalore.


Lives in Chennai.

Nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
Nama ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet, which are the only shelter for countless fallen souls including myself. Thank you so much for accepting this unworthy living being as your disciple and showering your causeless mercy.

Since the time I took Harinam initiation from Your Divine Grace on the auspicious Vasanta Panchami day last year (10 February 2019), my devotional life has been continually improving by your mercy. By your mercy, I am engaging in steady devotional practices and also able to participate in Bhakti Vrksa and Bhakti Sadan programs and services therein, under the care of my parents, Vidura Madhava Prabhu and Keshavi Madhavi mataji. By your mercy I recently graduated with 4th rank from Vishveshwaraiah Technological University, Karnataka with a Bachelors degree in Architecture and I want to dedicate it to your lotus feet. By your mercy, I am now rendering architectural design services for the ongoing temple constructions here and I seek your blessings for the same. 

On this auspicious appearance day, I pray to you to forever remain under your shelter in gratitude, upholding my vows and following in your footsteps sincerely. I also pray to have the constant cushion of pure devotee association by which I shall remain within the fold of devotional service under all circumstances. I pray to be careful to avoid offending devotees knowingly or unknowingly and to be able to serve the Lord and his devotees.

On this auspicious appearance day, I want to re-dedicate myself to you and hope that I shall always serve to please you. I beg the Lords Nitai - Gaura and to Srila Prabhupada to protect your health.

Your aspiring servant,

Lāvaṇyamayī Lakṣmīpriyā devī dāsī

Hare Krishna gurumaharaj,


I am very happy to see you today via online. Gurumaharaj have told me to continue my services on cooking and therefore I am currently servicing SJMKL food for life team, the general kitchen and as well as deity kitchen alternatively every Sunday. 


Currently, I have brought my whole family into iskcon and two of my daughters are initiated under Gurumaharaj as well. One of my daughters that was initiated by Gurumaharaj is currently married and have 2 boys. They are born devotee and their names are Aryan Kshetra and Gaurasyamasundar. 


My daughter, Sita Sarveswari Devi Dasi who is married and moved to Penang is currently doing her services at Bakti Mandir at Bukit Mertajam, Penang. She does service to the lord and devotees in cooking and by teaching at Penang gurukul every Sunday. My son, Surintan  who is currently working in Singapore also always attend the program at Singapore center. Recently, he designed the banner and booklet for Navadip parikaram for the past 3 years. 


My another daughter Divya Vrindavan Devi dasi is currently a doctor and my last daughter, Shemasaunthari is currently an auditor. All my four children are following Krishna consciousness very seriously in their material life.


Gurumaharaj, once when I saw Gurumaharaj to take initiation but Gurumaharaj told me to take it together with my prabhu. Currently my prabhu has not taken initiation yet but he is doing very good seva at temple and his chanting everyday. He also always read the bhagavad Gita and all our books to gain more knowledge. My prabhu also is very active in book distribution. 


I humbly would like to beg Gurumaharaj blessings unto all my family members so they will be able to continue and speared this movement throughout their life. 

nama om visnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acarya padaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


nama om visnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine

nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine


om ajnana timirandasya jnananjana salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namaha


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you Srila Gurudeva.


Dear Gurudeva,

I beg you to accept my most respectful prostrated obeisances at your lotus feet.

Srila Gurudeva, on the occasion of your 71st Vyasa puja, I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Gaura Nitai, and Narasimha Deva to protect you and bless you with good health.

With your blessings and mercy, my husband and I have had the opportunity of staying in Mayapur since Oct 2019 to pursue our sastric study.  We recently completed the Bhakti Sastri course and had the good fortune of getting the Degree certificates from you.  We have also been doing a few other courses so that we can return to our yatra and make some contributions to teach the Bhakti Sastri course.  We seek your blessings for this. 

jogyata-vicare, kichu nahi pai,

tomara karuna—sara

karuna na hoile, kandiya kandiya,

prana na rakhibo ara...

This year, with your blessings, we also got the opportunity to join the Nabadvip Parikrama with the South Indian Group.  I was a little skeptical if I would be able to walk such long distances, but it was a wonderful experience.  I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to join in the sankirtan of the Holy Name all the way and to hear Mahaprabhu's lilas and the significance of each place that we visited during the parikrama.  During the Bhakti Sastri course also we were able to participate in some short parikramas which were all very enlightening and gave me the opportunity to appreciate Mahaprabhu's Holy Dham and the glory of the acaryas.

I am ever grateful to you for giving us the association of your disciples like Caitanya Avatari Prabhu, Rasamayi Mataji, Vaisnavananda Nitai Prabhu and all the devotees in our New Rajapur Jaganatha Dham, who are helping us and engaging us in your services.

Guru Maharaja,  I want to once again convey my sincere gratitude to you for accepting my husband, Visveswara Govinda Das, and myself as your disciples and giving us the shelter of your lotus feet.  Please bless us that we may be steady in our devotional life and continue to be engaged in services to you and the Lord, in the association of devotees.

On the occasion of Your Divine Grace’s Vyasa Puja celebration, I reconfirm my surrender and dedication to serve your lotus feet and pray for your causeless mercy and beg forgiveness for all my offenses.

Your very insignificant disciple,

Lilamayi Rukmini Devi dasi

To My Dearest Spiritual Father and Master
Please accept my Humble obeisance unto Your lotus feet.
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to You Gurudeva
om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah
“I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my guru, my spiritual master, opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisance unto him.”
I am very thankful to you for bringing me into this wonderful Krishna conscious movement. You are a living inspiration on how to serve Guru and Gauranga. I am very fortunate to get this opportunity to Glorify your wonderful qualities on the most auspicious day of your 71st Vyasa Puja.
In spite of your health challenges you have been travelling around the world and preaching Krishna Consciousness to all the fallen souls. You have been rescuing us from this ignorance. I have heard that you don’t even waste a single moment and try to utilize that time in preaching Krishna Consciousness. You have always been in the mood of serving the devotees and take personal care of them.
Gurudev you are always focused on how to preach and fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s instruction. Days passing by, you are accomplishing all the instructions given to you by Srila Prabhupada. You are setting a great example on how to follow the instruction of a spiritual master.
My sincere prayer to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancatattava and Narasimha Dev to shower their blessings unto you for Good Health.
Gurudev please forgive me for the offense that I have committed knowingly or unknowingly. Please bless me that I always be engaged in devotional service and assist you in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s instructions.
Once again, I offer my humble, respectful obeisance to you Gurudev.

Your insignificant servant,
Lokesh (Shelter Disciple)

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respected obeisances unto thy lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am a toddler in this devotional path struggling to find my balance.  While I tread this path I am constantly making mistakes, some which I am aware of and maybe many which I don't even realize. I ask your forgiveness for all of them. Though I intend to constantly improve I am not that successful. Please help me overcome them with your mercy. 

I heard a lot about you from my seniors, but the most overwhelming was when I heard you live. something touched me, I found myself in tears, and I could now relate with all those who were glorifying you. I realize you are not ordinary. Its soothing, motivating, calming to hear you. 

It is amazing how you remember all your disciples, how you reach out to them. you are most sought after spiritual master being easily approachable. You acknowledge their efforts and constantly care for them.

the zeal with which you work is mindblowing thereby becoming a great inspiration to all of us. being constantly on the move despite the health issues is beyond imagination. Guru Maharaj, you are unstoppable and contagious as well as you pass that mood to whoever comes across you.

yet, the obstacles (which I consider as obstacles) though trivial seem too big to me. With this realization I intend to put in more effort and work my way but still, I beg for your mercy to overcome them. Please be with me at every step guiding me, showing me the right way even if I don't ask for it as I am so ignorant that I might not know when to approach you.

Thank you so much, Guru Maharaj, for accepting me as your disciple.  I hope I succeed in becoming a worthy disciple and make you proud someday.


your insignificant servant



Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respected obeisances unto thy lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am a toddler in this devotional path struggling to find my balance.  While I tread this path I am constantly making mistakes, some which I am aware of and maybe many which I don't even realize. I ask your forgiveness for all of them. Though I intend to constantly improve I am not that successful. Please help me overcome them with your mercy. 

I heard a lot about you from my seniors and fellow devotees, but the most overwhelming was when I heard you live. something touched me, I found myself in tears, and I could now relate with all those who were glorifying you. I realize you are not ordinary. Its soothing, motivating, calming to hear you. 

It is amazing how you remember all your disciples, how you reach out to them. you are most sought after spiritual master being easily approachable. You acknowledge their efforts and constantly care for them.

The zeal with which you work is mindblowing thereby becoming a great inspiration to all of us. being constantly on the move despite the health issues is beyond imagination. Guru Maharaj, you are unstoppable and contagious as well, as you pass that mood to whoever comes across you.

yet, the obstacles (which I consider as obstacles) though trivial seem too big to me. With this realization I intend to put in more effort and work my way but still, I beg for your mercy to overcome them. Please be with me at every step guiding me, showing me the right way even if I don't ask for it as I am so ignorant that I might not know when to approach you.

Thank you so much, Guru Maharaj, for accepting me as your disciple.  I hope I succeed in becoming a worthy disciple and make you proud someday.


your insignificant servant



Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotusfeet... I am aspiring to get intiation from you next year.
Your insignificant servant
M. Ambarish

प्रिय आध्यात्मिक पिताश्री मेरा आपके चरणकमलो में विनम्र दण्डवत् प्रणाम स्वीकार किजिए। श्रील प्रभुपाद की जय गुरु और गौरांग की जय मै बहुत ही भाग्यशाली हुं कि आपने मुझ जैसे तुच्छ अभागे को आपने अपनाया है। मुझे 27/9/19 को आपकी सेवा करने का मोका मिला। जब आप बैंगलुरू पधारे थे।और 29/9/19 को आपने मुझे अपनाया। शिष्य के रूप में आपने मुझे स्वीकार किया। आप इतने दयालु और दयावान हो कि शब्दों में बया

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


nama om vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine,


nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


My Dear Gurudev,

            Please accept my respectful obeisances on to your lotus feet.

Gurumaharaj, in your auspicious appearance day, I find no words with which I can glorify you. From the core of my heart, I will say, that you have changed not only my life by initiating me but also initiating my entire family consisting of my wife (Anukampita Radha Devi Dasi), daughter (Jotirmayi Kaushalya Devi Dasi) & lastly my son (Krsnarupa Gaura Das). Gurudev, on 29th of September 2019, when my son was initiated in Bangalore, I started crying & thought that in my previous life what I had done that all of us got your mercy. When I put a word of thanks to our Shikha Guru (HG Caitanya Avatari Das), he indicated you saying it is all because of your mercy only. Many senior devotees say, “Yours is a successful family!”, but “where from the success come !?”, it is only by your causeless mercy. In an open forum, I will say that you not only changed my family but also life of my close & distant relatives as well. I will be ever indebted for your causeless mercy on me, my family & all my relatives.

            Gurudev, we are conducting some bhakti vriksha classes and started a new reading class in my house, we pray for your blessings, so that we can bring more & more souls under your shelter.


Your Eternal Spiritual son & daughter,

Madanmohan Madhava Das & Anukampita Radha Devi Dasi,

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannath Dham,

Magadi Main Road,

Bagalore, India


Happy Vyasapuja Gurumaharaj.


Thank you for spreading Krishna Consciousness around the world and making new devotees. 

Please give me your mercy so that I can become a nice devotee.


Your servant,

Madhav Rupanuga Das

ওহে গুরুদেব!
শতকোটি প্রনাম তব চরণে।
অধম পতিত আমি জানেনা কোন জনে।।
জীবন হয়েছে কণ্টকময়, লাগে বড় অসহায়,
পাপেতে হয়েছি লিপ্ত, জেনে শুনে বিষ করেছি পান।
(তবু) তোমার স্মরণে নাই সময়, মনের নাই তো লাগাম
কেবলই ইতি উতি ধায়।
পশুসম আচরণে নিজেই তো বিব্রত,
অথচ তাহা থেকে মুক্তির নাই চিন্তা।
দেহ জড়, সুখ জড়, জানি তো সবই-
তবুও কি একবারও ভাবি তা?
বৈষ্ণব অপরাধে জর্জরিত আমি,
ভক্তির লেশ মাত্র নাই,
তোমার চরণে আশ্রয় নিয়ে
তোমাকেই ক্লেশ দিয়ে যাই।
আর তো নাই সময়, এখনও যদি না শুধরাই
এভব সংসার পাকে, আরও আমি যাবো ডুবে
এইবেলা তোমাকেই বলি তাই-
ওহে গুরুদেব তুমি অন্তর্যামী!
কৃপা করে আমারে ক্ষম তুমি স্বামী
দয়াকরে তর নরাধমে
কৃষ্ণনামে  যেন আসে মোর রতি
তোমার চরণে যেন সদা থাকে মতি,
বৈষ্ণব জনা যেন সেবিবারে পাই।


তোমার মহিমা                            নাহি তার সীমা
                      কি আর বলিব আমি।
 হরিনাম প্রচারে।                         সদা অগ্রগামী
                      তুমি জয়পতাকা স্বামী।।
দেশে-মহাদেশে                         পুরবে- পশ্চিমে
                       করেছ কৃপাবিতরন।          
ক্লান্তি-ক্লেশ ভুলে                        সকলের মঙ্গলে
                        হয়েছ যে আগুয়ান।।
পাশ্চাত্যে যখন                     করিলে অবতরণ
                        গলাতে মারিল কোপ।
কি ভীষণ যন্ত্রনা                     ভাবতেও পারিনা
                       বয়ে যায় রক্তের স্রোত।।    
তবুও না থেমে                       মজেছ কৃষ্ণ প্রেমে
                           গেয়েছ হরিগান।
প্রভুপাদ বাণী                               প্রচার করিতে
                          সদা তৎপর প্রাণ।।
আর কত বলি                              তোমার মহিমা
                         শেষ নাহি যে তার।
জয় জয় তোমার                           ধন্য তুমি প্রভু
                        প্রনাম লহ গো আমার।।

আপনার দাসানুদাস
মাধবী প্রীতি দেবী দাসী
শ্রী মায়াপুর

ওহে গুরুদেব!

শতকোটি প্রনাম তব চরণে।

অধম পতিত আমি জানেনা কোন জনে।।

জীবন হয়েছে কণ্টকময়, লাগে বড় অসহায়,

পাপেতে হয়েছি লিপ্ত, জেনে শুনে বিষ করেছি পান।

(তবু) তোমার স্মরণে নাই সময়, মনের নাই তো লাগাম।

কেবলই ইতি উতি ধায়।

পশুসম আচরণে নিজেই তো বিব্রত,

অথচ তাহা থেকে মুক্তির নাই চিন্তা।

দেহ জড়, সুখ জড়, জানি তো সবই-

তবুও কি একবারও ভাবি তা?

বৈষ্ণব অপরাধে জর্জরিত আমি,

ভক্তির লেশ মাত্র নাই,

তোমার চরণে আশ্রয় নিয়ে

তোমাকেই ক্লেশ দিয়ে যাই।

আর তো নাই সময়, এখনও যদি না শুধরাই

এভব সংসার পাকে, আরও আমি যাবো ডুবে

এইবেলা তোমাকেই বলি তাই-

ওহে গুরুদেব তুমি অন্তর্যামী!

কৃপা করে আমারে ক্ষম তুমি স্বামী

দয়াকরে তর নরাধমে

কৃষ্ণনামে  যেন আসে মোর রতি

তোমার চরণে যেন সদা থাকে মতি,

বৈষ্ণব জনা যেন সেবিবারে পাই।



তোমার মহিমা                            নাহি তার সীমা

                      কি আর বলিব আমি।

 হরিনাম প্রচারে।                         সদা অগ্রগামী

                      তুমি জয়পতাকা স্বামী।।

দেশে-মহাদেশে                         পুরবে- পশ্চিমে

                       করেছ কৃপাবিতরন।          

ক্লান্তি-ক্লেশ ভুলে                        সকলের মঙ্গলে

                        হয়েছ যে আগুয়ান।।

পাশ্চাত্যে যখন                     করিলে অবতরণ

                        গলাতে মারিল কোপ।

কি ভীষণ যন্ত্রনা                     ভাবতেও পারিনা

                       বয়ে যায় রক্তের স্রোত।।    

তবুও না থেমে                       মজেছ কৃষ্ণ প্রেমে

                           গেয়েছ হরিগান।

প্রভুপাদ বাণী                               প্রচার করিতে

                          সদা তৎপর প্রাণ।।

আর কত বলি                              তোমার মহিমা

                         শেষ নাহি যে তার।

জয় জয় তোমার                           ধন্য তুমি প্রভু

                        প্রনাম লহ গো আমার।।


আপনার দাসনুদাস

মাধবী প্রীতি দেবী দাসী

শ্রী মায়াপুর


Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krishnapresthaya Bhuthale
Srimate Jayapathaka Swamin Iti Namine
Namo Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine
Gaurakathah Dama-daya nagara-gramah tarine

Respected Srila GuruMaharaj,
Please accept Our Prostrated Humble Obesciences unto Your Lotus feet! All Glories to Your Divine Grace! All Glories To Gauranga ! All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

Gurumaharaj,You had instructed me recently to shoulder more responsibility and to assist .

I beg you to bless with strength and energy to follow your instructions .

Your recent preaching travel in abroad and the strain you took for guiding them and to shower Gauranga Mahaprabhu mercy is expression of your geniune compassion and love you have for Srila Prabhupada.

Your quality of sacrifice and tollerence has no bounds. Your very life and each acts, moves oozes out these wonderful nature teaching wretched one like me important lesson and purpose of life.

Inspite of health challenges, Your Holiness addressed thousands of Navadwip parikrama devotees and gave association. Every given opportunity, Your Holiness share your care and concern in guiding others.

On these very special ocassion of Your Holiness Vyasapuja celebrations, I beg for your mercy and blessings to contribute and strive in your glorious initiative.

Your servant
Madhu Gopal Das
Manjari Gopi Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj, 

please accept my respectful obeisances unto your Lotus feet at this divine auspicious day of your appearance on this planet. From your beginning days in this movement and specially in these days you have shown by your example that you have defeated all conceptions of human boundary. please bestow your blessings upon me so that I may also become your true servant as you are of shrila prabhupada. Having your Darshan gives us remembrance of Gaur Leela and Shridham Mayapur. This also remind us about the one of the qualities of Vaishnava. It is said that darshan of Vaishnav gives us remembrance of Krishna.. please bestow upon me the attachment for your Lotus feet.

your unworthy Servant

Madhumoy Kirtan Das

Iskcon Dwarka New delhi

JPG file attached! Thank You!

ওঁ অজ্ঞান তিমিরান্ধস্য জ্ঞানাঞ্জনশলাকয়া
চক্ষুরুন্মীলিতং যেন তস্মৈ শ্রী গুরবে নমঃ

আধ্যাত্মিক গুরুদেব বা পারমার্থিক পিতা কেবল পালন করার মতো এমন কিছু বস্তু বা কয়েক দিনের জন্য প্রচলিত কিছু বা ইচ্ছামত পরিত্যাজ্য এই রকম কিন্তু কোন কিছু নয় গুরুদেব যিনি আমাদের হৃদয়ের মধ্যে শ্রেষ্ঠ আসনে থাকাআত্মানামক অদৃশ্য বস্তুটিকে সঠিকভাবে সঠিক স্থানে সঠিক ধামে পৌঁছে দেওয়ার জন্য সর্বদা সচেষ্ট আছেনগুরুদেব আমাদের কাছে কৃষ্ণরূপে এসে আমাদের পরম পিতার নিকট ফিরিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য নির্দেশ দিয়েই চলেছেন সকলের কাছেই এটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উদ্দেশ্য

প্রকৃত জ্ঞানের অভ্যন্তরে জ্যোতি থাকে সেই জ্যোতির দ্বারাই অজ্ঞানতা দূরীভূত হয় জ্ঞানই প্রকৃত জ্ঞানের যথার্থ অর্থ প্রকাশ করে আমাদেরকে ত্রুটিমুক্ত রাখে এই জ্ঞান আমরা কখনই গবেষণামূলক জ্ঞান আকাঙ্খা করি না আমরা সর্বদাই অবরোহী পদ্ধতিতে গুরু-পরম্পরার ধারায় শিষ্যত্ব গ্রহণের মাধ্যমে সঠিক এবং ত্রুটিমুক্ত জ্ঞানের লক্ষ্যে আসীন রয়েছি কারণ আমাদের সঠিক অনুভূতি রয়েছে পারমার্থিক গুরুদেবের অনন্য অবস্থান বিবেচনা রে তাঁকে বিবেচনা করা উচিত কিভাবে তাঁর সান্নিধ্যে যাওয়া সমীচীন

শ্রীমদ্ভগবদ্গীতায় সুস্পষ্টভাবে বর্ণিত রয়েছে-

তদ্বিদ্ধি প্রণিপাতেন পরিপ্রশ্নেন সেবয়াউপদেক্ষ্যন্তি তে জ্ঞানং জ্ঞানিনস্তত্ত্ব দর্শিনঃ”—  সদ্গুরুর স্মরণাগত হয়ে তত্ত্বজ্ঞান লাভ করার চেষ্টা করতে হবে বিনম্র চিত্তে প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করে অকৃত্রিম সেবার দ্বারা তাঁকে সন্তুষ্ট করতে হবে তাহলেই সেই তত্ত্বদ্রষ্টা ব্যক্তিত্ববর্গ আমাদেরকে পারমার্থিক দিব্যজ্ঞান বা দিব্য উপদেশ প্রদান করবেন  

দাবিযুক্তভাবে বা দর্পযুক্ত দাম্ভিকতাপূর্ণ মনোভাবের মাধ্যমে কেউই  পারমার্থিক পিতার থেকে আলোকায়ন পেতে পারে না ক্ষণস্থায়ী জাগতিক লাভ ক্ষতির বিবেচনা না করে আত্মসমর্পনের অর্থ সম্পূর্ণভাবে আত্মনিবেদন  

এই পবিত্র ব্যাস পূজার শুভদিনে আসুন আমরা সকলে আমাদের গুরুদেবের চরণকমলে প্রণিপাত জানাই এবং তাঁর নাম এবং নির্দেশনামাগুলির গুণকীর্তন করি

আপনার অধম শিষ্যা

মধুরাবৃন্দা দেবী দাসী , কৌস্তভা গিফ্ সপ্‌, গদা গেষ্ট হাউস,


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj

please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories To You

Today is the most auspicious day of your appearance.Iam so fortunate and blessed to have you as my Guru.

Gurudeva Iam able to associate through your Guru prasanga magazine.I feel very happy to read your nectarian lectures from the Guru prasanga magazine.

Gurudeva when I meet  disciples of other Maharaj and they ask me who my Guru maharaj is and when I tell them my Guru maharaj is “HH JAYAPATAKA SWAMI” Gurumaharaj . They become so happy.

Gurumaharaj you are so great inspire of so many health challenges you are so enthusiastic in spreading Krishna conscious mission. I pray to Lord Narasimha Deva to protect your health

Gurumaharaj please bestow your mercy upon me so that I can help you in spreading Krishna conscious.

your most fallen and insignificant daughter

Madhureswari Radha Devi dasi

On ajnana timirandhyas ca jananjana salakhaya, caksur unmilitam yena, tasmai sri gurave namah!


Dearest Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my respectful obeisance!

All glories to Srila Prabhupad!


I take this opportunity to offer my heartfelt gratitude unto my glorious spiritual master, who is an embodiment of compassion, mercy, love, devotion and dedication. 


I always cherish my good fortune of coming in touch with Srila Prabhupads books, reading which i became conscious of Lord Krishna and understood my own constitutional position of being an eternal servant of Lord Krishna.

Your words are so true Gurudev, in the song written by Your Divine Self, 'Yadi Prabhupad na hoite, tabe ki hoite'.what would have happened to us? If it was not for Srila Prabhupad, how would we ever get shelter of your Lotus feet? How would we ever understand Devotional service?


All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

All glories unto You,Srila Gurudev!


How will I ever be able to repay you the debt of the good fortune and the unlimited mercy you have bestowed upon me? I think the only way I can repay, is by keeping my own sadhana strong and making as many people Krishna conscious as possible. 


You are a glorious disciple of Srila Prabhupad and your dedicated life of selfless service is an inspiration for every living being on this planet.


On this very auspicious occasion of your appearance day,  I pray to you that may I develop attachment to your lotus feet, to chanting of the Holy name and to service of Vaisnavas. All that I am today, is your causeless mercy and all that I want, is your Causeless mercy!

Your heart is as wide and deep, as an ocean, and I feel fortunate that you have given me space in your heart, and have kindly engaged me in the service of Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga! I feel so safe, secure and fearless. 

Thank you very much Gurumaharaj!

I beg for forgiveness for so many offences I must have committed. And I aspire for just one drop of the nectar of love of Lord Gauranga that you hold so dear in your heart.


Seeking the dust of your lotus feet, I remain,

Your insignificant servant ,

Madhuri Mamatamayi DD 

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja.

nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
çrémate jayapataka-svämin iti nämine
namo acarya pada Nitai krpa padayine
Gaura katha dhamo daya nagaro grama tarine

Several years back you had send to us, your disciples, your Christmas wish.

When I was a child, on Christmas Eve, we would go out and when we came back, Santa Claus would have visited and there would be gifts under the Christmas tree. Now if I have to say what I want for Christmas Day gifts, I want that my disciple and all the devotees develop their taste for chanting the holy name and their extreme laulyam for serving Lord Caitanya, Lord Krsna and entering into Their eternal pastimes. Prabhupada had repeatedly reminded us that we are not the body. We are eternal soul, part and parcel of Lord Krsna and our nature is to serve Krsna eternally. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are the most merciful and They want to give us Krsna prema but we should carefully avoid the aspects of Kali like extramarital sex, meat, fish and egg eating, intoxication and gambling. In this way, we should absorb ourselves in chanting, in hearing, and serving in Krsna Consciousness. Hare Krsna.

Your well wisher always,
Jayapataka Svami.

Gurumaharaja, since then I want to present this gift to you, although it may take the whole lifetime to complete it.

Serve and enter the eternal Gaura’s and Krsna’s pastimes.

I am hearing and hearing in order to fill my mind with these transcendental lilas, but the real smaranam will come by the grace.

Nevertheless I am not giving up. Maybe one day after a great attempt of mine my spiritual guardians and well-wishers will bless me with ability to live in and serve these most attractive lilas.

Thus as a result of my desire and deliberate contemplation the poem has taken birth. I offer it to you, Guru Maharaja.

Daily Pastimes of Lord Gauranga

The world knows only that can be seen by the eyes
Even Brahma and Siva in their realm are enticed
But they long to witness that has never been born before
Lord Gauranga’s prema sankirtana, He broke the bolted door

Pure-hearted  devotees at Mahaprabhu’s feet
Indulge in the sakirtana as soon as they meet
They dive deep and go high to pluck that fruit
When they eat it they can hear Sri Syama’s flute

It is free for everyone - each and every soul
One can start from nothing and gain the ultimate goal
Take Mahaprabhu in your heart and seat Him there
Such a merciful Lord you won’t find anywhere

Fill your mind with the thoughts of His lilas and sports
You will forget the past and the rest of that sort
The most virtuous saints live this manasic way
I offer my full respect to them and all that they ever say

Just before sunrise Lord gets up from His bed,
Stretches His body, so charming from His toes to the head
Then He shares few words with beautiful Visnupriya, his wife
He washes His face and begins His eight-parted daily life

In the morning His figure, exquisite and very tall
Always so loved and never-endingly adored by all
Gets massaged with the oil and bathed in the Ganges
Then for worship of Vishnu He indeed arranges

Before the noon attains its respectable post
Lord enjoys delightful Krishna Katha the most
He goes to everybody’s house eager for these topics
He will visit all the devotees; no one can ever stop it

His followers gather around Him, eager like honeybees
On the banks of Ganges, they wander amongst the trees
The beautiful gardens full of flowers and birds.
Loud midday sankirtana - everyone’s ear must have heard

Afternoon hours are blessed by the Lord as well
Through the streets of Navadvipa play mridangas and bells
The people of town immerse in the sankirtana sounds
Forgetting their homes they fearlessly dance around

To the house of Mother Saci Gauranga returns at dusk
To worship Vishnu, with devotion – not one thing to ask
May these pastimes pervade my mind and existence
May I be able to serve them without a resistance

Later in the evening the absolute Lord, satisfied on His own
Enters the courtyard of Srivas – the most fortunate soul
Together with intimate friends He dances and sings Holy Name
No one else can enter into this pure and unalloyed game

Never born Lord Gauranga comes home much later at night
To lay down in the bed next to His Sat Cit Ananda wife
May Lord Caitanya, the most magnificent of all
Protect all His souls, because we are ever so small

Please always keep me at your lotus feet, your eternal servant

Mādhurya Gaurāṅgī devī dāsī

My most dear respectful Spiritual Father,

Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Guru Mahārāja!

Please accept my prostrated obeisances at the dust of Your Divine lotus feet on the occasion of your 71st Vyāsa-pūjā. All glories to Your Divine Grace. 

It is said that the disciple should remember the mercy of his spiritual master every moment of his life. If not every moment atlist 3 time in a day. Though I am not upto the mark as a disciple but still I will take this opportunity of your Vyāsa-pūjā to remember your transcendental qualities and glorify You for my spiritual advancement.

Guru Mahārāja Your Qualities and glories are very very vast and unlimited. I can't explain it. From the beginning of your spiritual life Śrīla Prabhupāda has given you big big imprortant service and you have exiquted all those services very sincerely and successfully. Your have done unlimited service to Śrīla Prabhupāda like - distributing huge quantities of books, developing Navadvīpa Māyāpur dhāma, developing Namahatta - Bhakti-vṛkṣa, accepting 50,000 disciples, building TOVP, unlimitedly Traveling and preaching all over the world, developing Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikrama, taking care of management of huge zone as GBC etc. These shows how much you have won the trust of Śrīla Prabhupāda and how much he has empowered you. All these are very great example of your love and dedication to your spiritual master and his mission.

One quality really inspire me very much that you are completely fearless and fixed up to fullfill the disire of Śrīla Prabhupāda and privious ācārya's in all sercumstances. Even though there are many challenges, calamities one after is not one year or 2 year. But year after years from the beginning 1970, when you came to Māyāpur dhāma it was only paddy field. Then learning Bengali language, traveling remote villages and preaching, cullecting funds to mentain temple, cultivating land and selling vegetable, working in the shop after being a grand son of millionaire, traveling tirelessly one continent to another continent, being physically attacked, getting removed from the precident posts in Kolkata 11 times, Brain Hemarage and becoming half paralysed and finally Liver and Kindly transplant. In all these extreme difficulties you never become disturbed and gave up a single service nor you are performing them with lots of tentions and dissatisfaction. Rather you are so blessfull and greatfull. This proves how much you are spiritualy advance and fixed up in transendetal platform.

When I got opportunity to do your personal service, I saw you are 100% engaged in Kṛṣṇa's service and always active to completel the project of Prabhupāda and privious acarya's. You are busy to attend different meetings, solving the problem of devotees. Even when you are in toilet either you are chanting or answering the questions of disciples in night devotees read Srimad-Bhagavatam to you or you are dreaming about Prabhupāda, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I was completely shocked. How a person phisically challenged but 100% busy without any complain. It was giving me deep lesson in my life that how we should serve spiritual master.

Above all even though you are menifesting such an exsolted devotional quality, you are so simple, so humble, so loving and accommodative. No tinch of pride. In your all lecture you speaks the same thing,the sicret of success in spiritual life is to satisfy the spiritual master and privious ācārya's.Guru Mahārāja it is very difficult to understand you with material intellectual mind set. I am not able to understand you. Rencently you came to Bīrnagar to perchese the land to make some memorial and library for Bhakti Vinoda Ṭhākura. And you are fully active in that with a team of disciples. I saw this year there are many new place for Night stay in ISKCON's name in Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikrama. This year you have completed your 50,000 disciples. As soon as 1 year of doctors restrictions is completed you went abroad for long time for preaching. Such a short  time so many things you are achieving. You are not at all attached to any place, post or comfortable facilities, not even to your disciples. You are fully attached to service to your Guru and taking all difficultiesand to fullfill the disire of Śrīla Prabhupāda and privious acharya's. Nothing can stop you. This transendetal quality wch you are showing by your life is very very important and Inspiring to all of us .today is your 71st Appearance day and 50th year of sannyāsa I beg your causeless mercy so that I can practice this quality atleast some extent to please you, though I am unqualified. 

Guru Mahārāja you are reminding us the qualities of Rantideva, Haridāsa Ṭhākura. They have volunteeryly accepted all suffering to make others happy and delivered. Though your body is not fit to stay, your Godbrothers are calling you and you have also done sufficient service, still you have choose to stay in this world to train many neophyte disciples like me and deligate the ligacy of Śrīla Prabhupāda service and bring maximum saul to the spiritual world. His Grace Jananivāsa Prabhu was saying "I never saw you not doing service even for a second. Even after your health crisis you never stoped your sevā. This is Vaiṣṇava, who does not live for himself". In the most auspicious day of your Vyāsa-pūjā I beg that, Guru Mahārāja I don't want to increase your suffering, rather please bless me so that I can reduce some of your lodge by coming out from māyā and lazy zone and doing responsible service for your mission.

Guru Mahārāja you are fully surrender to Kṛṣṇa. In all these life threatening incident you are teaching us how to surrender to Kṛṣṇa. Mārobi rakobi nitya dāso prati tuā adhikāra.

And you are completely fearless.

When you were weating for new kindly, liver and seems that it will be not available. Every alternative day you has to go for dialysis. That time we saw you are taking report of preaching from different senior devotees, depts, temples and you asked us to pray and chant extra rounds. I was surprised to see that not only you are fearless but your mind is mixed in the service. Actually you don't need any of our prayers. We are practicing because of your prayers. But you are using this incident to increase our devotional service and our love for you.

Guru Mahārāja you are Rare Jewel Vaiṣṇava.I am very very fortunate to have you as my spiritual father and get your association. I pray to Kṛṣṇa so that I can take advantage of Your Divine association.

In this auspicious day I remember how you have offered your mercy to this unqualified saul also. When I was brand new just joined in ISKCON Māyāpur. I was not able choose my spiritual master and praying to Gaura Nitāi while dancing with many devotees. That time all of sudden you came and embresed me and encouraged me. As if you are answering my prayers to Gaura Nitāi. I was surprised how you are so mercy full even to a new boy. When I was giving my best efforts in Bhakti-vṛkṣa preaching and Book Distribution during Kolkata Ratha-yatra.we were trying to do something new to increase preaching. And we didn't inform you. But within our heart we are trying to satisfy you.and I don't know how before we inform you aksed me the reports and how we are planning. I was very happy to give our service reports. it was looking that you know everything what, we are doing and you are satisfied by our best efforts. After this incident I was convinced that this year our preaching going to become very successful. And exactly same thing happened, those 2-3 year we have highest registration in Bhakti-vṛkṣa stall and we distributed highest no of books in pandal. Guru Mahārāja thank you very much for your presence and blessings in our service to You. Guru mahārāja it was very satisfying and encouraging in my devotional service. 

Recently for last some years due to some obctracles and my lack of sinciarity I am not able to give my 100% whole hearted efforts in devotional service and preaching to satisfy you. In this auspicious occasion of your Vyāsa-pūjā I beg your special mercy so that I can surender my life fully at your lotus feet and give my 100% in your service to Śrīla Prabhupāda. At the end I sincerely beg forgiveness for whatever offences I have committed at your Lotus feet. On the occasion of your vyāsa-pūjā please bless me so that I can become your trust worthy disciple of and strictly follow your instructions and guidance in my life. Guru Mahārāja please bless me so that I can become an insignificant instruments for your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your unqualified spiritual son,

Mahadhama Vṛndāvana dāsa
ISKCON Kolkata

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj!
Please accept my respectful Obeissances!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga!

Dear Guru Maharaja,On this 71st Vyasa Puja Appearance day of yours I first of all humbly seek foegiveness at your Lotus feet for having committed offenses towards you by not being able to take your instructions regarding Sadhana & Preaching seriously knowingly and unknowingly.

I pray to you to please give me the devotional strength to be able to carry on with my Sadhana Seriously and Sincerely.

I am a Brahmachari at the Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir serving under our Temple President His Grace Varada Krishna Prabhu.I take care of the Temple based Congregational Preaching,our Team is guiding a new batch of some 80-90 souls since last 8 months in Krishna Consciousness.We are following the Nama Hatta Model in our temple.

But Guru Maharaja sometimes I feel lack of determination,vigour and enthusiasm and I feel quite incompetent and weak to be able to do this Seva,which is so pleasing you.

Kindly bestow your mercy on me and all of our Team members and all the 80-90 Souls,that we all progress in Krishna Consciousness.

I know you are a dedicated and undisturbed Soldier in the Army of Lord Chaitanya.I pray to you that kindly grant me also a drop of that mood what you have towards Srila Prabhupada and his mission.

Seeking your Causeless mercy.

Your Servant
Mahamani madhav das
ISKCON Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir,Bangalore.

My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my most respectful  obeisances to the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


I just want to beg from you a drop of your spiritual strength in order to go through the challenges offered to me to grow on my devotional path. We are supposed to grow in the relationships we develop, but sometimes we get lost in them instead. We get entrapped in a labyrinth of contradictory desires, unable to discriminate between reality and illusion.

Also want to thank you for your astonishing determination and tolerance to stay in your current body, said not to be a shelter for any soul. How can I understand your love for your spiritual master? Your love for us? I don’t even know the meaning of this word, “love”, on the first place.

HH Bhakti Purosottama Swami explained on March 25th, at evening class, that by reading Caitanya Caritamrta, Caitanya Bhagavat, we don’t actually need to read any other Vedic literatures, as the conclusion of them is in Mahaprabhu’s lila, in this way making it easier for us to understand.

Maharaj also explained about your desire to leave books for your disciples, so now finally you are spending time to write this Caitanya book. So again, want to thank your concern for us, making this huge effort to make sure we will have access to the easiest way to understand pure bhakti.

Actually there is so much more to thank, please forgive my insufficient gratefulness and please bless me that I may accept devotional service in my heart, someday.


Dear Gurudeva, I would  like to report about my attempts to serve your mission:

Your  Facebook page, Jayapataka Swami Portuguese, has reached over 8000 likes.

I also created a Facebook page to post Spanish translations of your classes, in written form. Liz Valero, your recently aspiring disciple, is helping me with this service. The name of the page: Jayapataka Swami Clases en espanhol.

Also coordinating two groups in WhatsApp, one in Portuguese and the other in Spanish, to post your classes in written form, and sometimes oral form. These groups are for your disciples only, except for a few cases. Some people don’t use Facebook, or just prefer WhatsApp, this is the reason for these groups.

The Bhagavad Gita study group online, in Spanish, which started in 2018, it is a private group and has around 900 members today, six speakers,  the classes are weekly and the number of members actively participating is significantly increasing. We are having constant requests from people to be part of this group.

Eternally grateful to you for engaging me in service, despite my endless disqualifications.


Your aspiring servant,

Mahapremada devi dasi

हरे कृष्ण गुरुमहाराज
कृपया मेरा प्रणाम स्वीकार करे!

प्रभुपाद की प्रचार पताका चारों ओर फहरा रही हैं।
कितनी ही आंधी हो तूफान हो लहरा रही हैं।।

विश्व में ही नहीं, संपूर्ण ब्रमांड में उद्घोष हो रहा।
गुरुमहाराज के प्रचार उत्साह से सभी में शक्ति संचार हो रहा।।

आध्यात्मिक पिता की स्नेहवर्षा में सभी सराबोर हो रहे हैं।
हम सभी आपके चरणों के आश्रय में अपने को सुरक्षित समझ रहे हैं।।

व्यास पूजा पर हम आपक इतना आशीर्वाद चाहते हैं।
कि आपके बताये रास्ते पर हम हमेशा चलते रहे।।

आपके दिये गए निर्देशों का पालन करते रहे।
कैसी भी परिस्थिति हो विचलित ना हो।।

आपकी पुत्री,
महारानी यशोमति देवी दासी

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances unto Your Divine Lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Dear Guru Maharaja, 

On this auspicious day of Your appearance day, I feel blessed to glorify Your Divine Grace. Although it is not possible to glorify Your unlimited qulaities with this small mouth but I request Your Divine Grace to kindly accept this as a small token of gratitude.

As in Gurvashtakam, it is daily sung, 

yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādo

yasyāprasādān na gatiḥ kuto 'pi

dhyāyan stuvaṁs tasya yaśas tri-sandhyaṁ

vande guroḥ śrī-caraṇāravindam

"By satisfaction of the spiritual master, the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes satisfied. And by not satisfying the spiritual master, there is no chance of being promoted to the plane of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. I should, therefore, meditate and pray for his mercy three times a day, and offer my respectful obeisances unto him, my spiritual master." While singing this daily it reminds me of Your Divine Grace to try to please You by folllowing Your instructions sincerely. 

I would like to express my hearfelt gratitude and fortune that Your Divine Grace has accepted me (a fallen soul lying in the darkest regions of Kaliyuga without knowing the real goal of life) and taken away all my heinous sins on Yourself.There can be no one on this planet who would have accepted me inspite of my blunders.  There can be no father who can be so compassionate to Your children and love them. There can be no father who could take pains to daily pray for His each and every disciple for their spiritual well being. It is You only Guru maharaja who has showed us a live example of Srila Prabhupada instructions. We have read so many times, "We are not this body, but souls." but only after seeing Your Divine activities could actually realise this. 

Your caring nature for every devotee inspires me a lot. There are a lot of instances related to that. Recently, I was listening to JSSS Meet from Mayapur by HH Bhakti Nityananda Swami Maaraja who told us that how Your DIvine Grace has told that "All the guests coming to Mayapur should be taken care in every possible way by organising helpdesks, by helping with language barriers, rooms, by organising Tamil Party, etc." There is no one so merciful who, without discrimination has accepted thousands and thousands of disciples and accepting their sins on Yourself. Your Divine Grace is a real representative of Lord Nityananda and is distributing His mercy far annd wide by delivering all the souls of Kaliyuga.

Your DIvine Grace is a dearmost disciple of Srila Prabhupada and took His instructions to Your heart and make them as your life and soul. Serving day and night without thinking of Your bodily health, Your Divine Grace is preaching for the pleasure of Your spiritual master. Inspite of Your busy schedule, GBC meetings, Your Divine Grace is coming online on Facebook daily to give us Your DIvine darshan, nectarean discussion on Chaitanya book and  practical answers to all our questions. Few months back, I heard in a JSSS meet taken by HG Madhava Kanta prabhuji, where he told that there is no difference between Your physical presence and Your lamination. From that day, I have started praying to Your lamination and receiving reciprocations through Your Divine lectures, inspiration within or through some devotees. 

I am very thankful and grateful, O dear spiritual father that Your Divine Gace has accepted me and taken my responsibility to take me back home, back to Godhead. I beg forgiveness at Your Divine lotus feet for sometimes my small contaminated mind cannot comprehend Your Divine activities. On this auspicious day of Your Vyasa puja, I beg prayers unto Your DIvine lotus feet to please bless me that I can fulfill my initiation vows throughout my life and help Your Divine Grace in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's mission and not to do more offenses unto Your Divine Lotus feet. I also beg prayers for a devotee husband who helps me to take me more closer to Your Divine Lotus feet. 

Guru Maharaja, my only desire is to develop my love for Your Divine Grace but it gets covered due to my contaminated mind. Please bless me to purify my mind so that my desire to love You and serve Your instructions develops more intensely.

Your servant and spiritual daughter

Mahasundari Gaurangi devi dasi

Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet.

It is very pleasing and we are fortunate that out of Your causeless mercy have chosen to stay back in this material world and deliver many fallen souls like me, even though there was a red carpet welcome for You in Goloka Vrindavan.

Thank You very much. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR GURUDEVA. It is a great joy that we are celebrating the 71 vyasa puja.

A frog in a well cannot understand or perceive the vastness of the ocean, similarly with my limited knowledge and understanding I miserably fail to understand Your transcendental qualities and glorify them to the fullest extent. Please forgive me for any offences and bestow Your blessing on me to glorify You for my own purification.

Gurudev, You have been working tirelessly in spite of Your critical health conditions just to please and carry out the orders of Srila Prabhupada. When You had undergone the transplant surgery the entire devotee community was praying for Your quick recovery though the doctors were very doubtful of the outcome. It was a medical miracle; you had crossed over a great obstacle completely undisturbed and taking full shelter of Krsna. This has been a great source of inspiration for me. In every situation You have been practically demonstrating how to depend on Krsna and carry out the orders of the spiritual master in any material crisis.

The shastras enjoin that the Guru-disciple relationship is a heart-to-heart relationship. I have personally experienced this, where – in many situations I had been meditating on You and have seen an immediate reciprocation from You. Recently the zoom video call for all the Bangalore devotees was very enthusing and inspiring to see how You desire to personally connect with each one of us.

Gurudev, I completely understand that this material world is so miserable and danger at every step, but still out of ignorance I try to find a comfortable solution, forgetting that - attachment to Your lotus feet and carrying out the orders emanating from Your lotus mouth is the only remedy for any problem. Also this material world is so alluring to sense gratification. I simply pray unto You and request at Your lotus feet that I may not be swayed away by any of these material allurements and be strongly fixed in Your service.

Thank you,

Your insignificant servant,

Maheshwari Vishnupriya Devi Dasi

My dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of the Lotus feet of your divine grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to guru and Gauranga.

Gurumaharaj, on this auspicious occasion of the vyasa puja  of your divine grace, I take the opportunity to look back at my life and reflect with gratitude the numerous benedictions and blessings your divine grace has bestowed upon me for my successful practice of devotional service.

Your divine grace has been very merciful and liberal in offering your association despite health limitations. The daily lectures of your divine grace followed by question and answer sessions enable me the association of your divine grace and also uplift my consciousness despite being far away. While at Mayapur rooftop or at my own Pradesh listening via electronic media, it is all nectar and the easy means to associate with you gurudev.   I am grateful to your divine grace for the many efforts and sacrifices you are making in order to benefit fallen souls such as me in your service to Srila Prabhupada, the disciplic succession and Krishna.

I am grateful to your divine grace for enabling me to chant the holy name nicely, worship the Deity, and assist in the preaching mission at Kochi. My abilities are very meagre but the mercy of your divine grace is abundant and therefore I am hopeful in my devotional service. Please me merciful, forgive my offences at the Lotus feet of your divine grace and keep me ever your servant at your Lotus feet is my humble prayer on this occasion.

I join all my god brothers and god sisters on this auspicious occasion to pray to Srila Prabhupada, the disciplic succession and the Almighty Lord Krishna to keep your divine grace in our midst for a long time in good health so that millions of fallen souls such as me benefit in this dark age of kali. 

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of the Lotus feet of your divine grace.

Your servant,

Mahipala Govinda das.

Dhiksha disciple, Kochi, Kerala.

Hare Krishna to Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj


My dearest Spiritual Father please accept my respectful obeisances and gratitude for

kindly agreeing to guide me on this path of devotional service.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.



It's been another year and you continue to tirelessly expand this wonderful movement

of Lord Caitanya . Your ability to carry on with service and your higher taste is

very inspiring . You are like an ocean with so many waves of devotional service and

all you are asking us is to help you in any way possible . But it is for our benefit

to take responsibility and become servants and proper disciples - you are kindly

facilitating us to take part in this glorious movement of Lord Caitanya , brought to

us by Srila Prabhupada and practically thought by you , my dear Spiritual Father .

The result ? So more and more of us can develop some taste  for devotional service

and distribute it to everyone . Even in these challenging times ,your focus is

solid.  Please bless me with the strength of mind as at the time of danger ,yet

again ,I am crying for Lords mercy out of fear . Real test is to transform that fear

into love and trust Krishna. Everything is possible by your mercy and although I do

not deserve anything ,my hope is to be able to overcome challenges and become better

devotee who will serve you with sincerity.


My dear Spiritual Father thank you for everything ,especially for your causeless

love and care


Your Spiritual daughter

Malini Nitai dasi 

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srilad Prabhupada.

On this glorious Vyasa Puja day, I want to thank You my dear Spiritual Father, for being the Guiding Light in my life.

I wish that one day I can be fully surrendered at Your Lotus Feet, and be completely engaged in Your service.

During the years that have went by, I have slowly understood how much You teach us by Your own example, how dedicated You are in Your service to Your Spiritual Master Srilad Prabhupada.

You are showing us the importance of letting the most valuable thing in our lives, devotional service, take up the biggest part of our lives, minds and hearts.

Sometimes we walk here in the dark material djungle, forgetting our aim and our focus,not being able to fully see the light.

Luckily You are here to uplift us and always remind us of our goal, no matter how lost we might feel.

I am trying to mold my life according to suggestions and instructions given by You throughout the years. This gives my life it's purpose.

Even if we cannot always see the meaning of everything we do, by following Your words we can feel safe in this world.

Thank You dear Guru Maharaja, for taking this soul under Your protecting wings.

Your spiritual daughter,

Your servant Mallika Madhavi dd.



Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to unto your lotus feet!

Srila Gurudeva, I am not at all qualified however for my own purification I would like to share few words.  First, I would like to pray to Lord Jagannatha, Subhadra Mai, Baladeva, Gaur Nitai and Lord Narasimha Deva for your good health and continue to guide us.

I sincerely pray to bless me so that I can serve the Lotus Feet of Gurudeva and serve Gurudeva in fullfilling Srila Prabhupada mission.  I am currently appearing in Class 12 exams and I sincerely request your blessings and mercy so that I can fullfill my responsibility as a student and become a good devotee by consistenly Chanting and Serving. Please bless me to overcome my anarthas so that I become a nice devotee, in the service of Guru and Gauranga.

Your insignificant aspirant

Mangalam Moondra (Aspiring)

Bangalore, India

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj. Thank you for being my role model in all aspects of spiritual life . I am an aspiring disciple from Sri Jagannath mandir , Bangalore . It's my privilege to offer my Vyasapuja offering on the auspicious day of your appearance day . Thank you for giving us association of your wonderful first class disciples in Bangalore . I never forget to take your association whenever you come to Bangalore . You have been inspiring me in aspects of devotee care , taking our Guru's order as life and soul, practicing spiritual life even in the time of pain and suffering . Even when you go to hospital, you preach to doctors and assistants and bless them . You are always there for every disciple anytime . Your love and care for Krishna and disciples is very inspiring . Please accept me as your disciple and engage me in your service. I am a struggling sadhaka trying to contribute in every way possible in Bangalore . Please accept my humble obeisances maharaj . 

Thanking you ,

Yours aspiring servant,

Manish Sharma.

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet!!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!


My beloved spiritual father, Happy Vyas Puja to you on this most glorious day and ocassion. I know very little about you Gurudev, but when i had your darshan for the first time, the day you gave me shelter i thought i have got everything. You have given us everything. 


I'm neither eligible nor worthy to glorify and thank you on this pious day of Vyas Puja. I'm the fallen soul who need your blessings, so that i can stay away from Maya and serve you in every possible way.


May you live long and give us your divine association till eternity. May i serve you in every possible way and may i take all your worries and pain. You are spreading the most important knowledge in the world. May you always preach and spread this Krishna consciousness around the world.


Thanking you very much  for helping us all !!


Please bless me and engage me in your service!!


Yours humble servant,

Manisha Kaushik

(Shelter disciple)

namo on vishnupaadaaya krsna prestaya bhutale
srimate jayapataka swamin iti naamine 

Hare Krishna guru Maharaj we respectfully bow down to your beautifull lotous feet again and again by whose causeless mercy we have obtained the supreme holy name the hare Krishna maha mantra and the service of Shri chaitanya Maha prabu.

"O spiritual master we continually offer our obeisance un to you who are always very much devoted to Srila Prabhupada.

In this auspicious of your appearance day our only wish is to have you as our spiritual master life after life and attachment to your lotous feet. Although we are not fit to be your desciples but you have accepted us and perfected our life. we beg forgiveness at your lotous feet for our offences. please engage us always in your lotous feet service.

Yours spiritual daughter and son and grand daughter,

Dhīra Gaura dāsa and Manoharinī and Revatī


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,.


Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Thank you very much Dear Guru Maharaj for all that you have done for us. 


I humbly pray Lord Sri Gauranga Nithyananda and Srila Prabhupada for our Guru Maharaj's Good health and well being.


I want to become devotee of Guru Maharaj. Please bless me Guru Bhakthi. 


Want to serve you. Can you please bless us to serve in whatever way you want us to serve. We a Team you devotees trying to spread Harinaam and try to assist in preaching. Kindly shower upon us your mercy for pure devotional service. You are ocean of mercy. Also I have a great desire to distribute your mercy to more and more new devotees. 


I am very grateful to all the devotees taking care of you Guru Maharaj. I hope by Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada's blessings you are feeling better and better. 


I humbly pray for your causeless mercy  to attend your Vyas Puja in Mayapur and get your unlimited blessings for pure devotional service and to spread Harinaam and glories of Lord lovingly and sincerely and please Sri Guru and Gauranga, Srila Prabhupada and all Vaishnavas. 


Thank you very much. Hare Krishna. 


Your insignificant servant,


Manoharini Radharani Devi dasi. 

Hare Kṛṣṇa Dear Guru Mahārāja,

On this auspicious day, I would like pray unto Lotus Feet of Śrīmān Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu and Nityānanda Prabhu for your long life and good health.

I still remember at my time of Harināma initiations in Ratha-yātrā 2013 at Kolkata, I was not ready to accept initiation as I was not ready for it at that time. But sooner once you accepted me in your spiritual family my life has changed drastically, even in time of crises I was blissful.

I am a small insignificant spiritual daughter, just trying to follow you instruction. I have no qualifications to do anything without your mercy. Oh Guru Mahārāja, I thank you for accepting me and giving me shelter and being my guiding force of my life. 

Your insignificant spiritual daughter,

Manohariṇī Tulasī devī dāsī,
ISKCON Panihati, Kolkata, India.

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

 nama-acaryapadaya nitai-krpa pradayine

gaura-katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Our beloved Spiritual Father,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Please accept our most respectful obeisances unto Your Divine Lotus Feet.

Guru Maharaja, on this most auspicious and glorious day of your Vyasapuja, we sincerely pray and beg to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav Asta Sakhi Vrinda, Sri Narsimhadeva and Sri Sri Pancatattva for your good health.

Guru Maharaja, we are greatly indebted to Your Divine Grace for inspiring all of us  by your personal example that in such a pandemic also how we should depend on the mercy of the Holy Name and spread Lord Caitanya's mission with whatever means available. Your mood of spreading the glories of the holy name for saving the fallen conditioned souls from material nescience, even in challenging situation shows your unlimited compassion for the humanity. Your example is the best example for all of us to get inspired and increase our preaching services for the pleasure of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Guru Maharaja, By Your Divine Grace’s causeless mercy, we are able to have multiple programs daily on ZOOM. We have morning Japa session from 4.30 am to 8.00 am where @ 40 devotees participates. We have also started Youth Class since last 2 days from 8.30 am to 9.30 am where @ 15+ Youth participates. We have Smd. Bhagavatam Reading (with explanation) Class from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm where @ 100 participants are there. We also have Sri Caitanya Caritamrita Reading (with explanation) Class where @ 40 devotees participates. We also have Kids Krishna Club from 5.30 pm to 6.15 pm. We beg for your mercy so that we can continue with those programs also which we have started during Lockdown period (Youth Class, Smd. Bhagavatam Reading Class and Kids Krishna Club on ZOOM).

Gurudeva, please bless us all that we continue our efforts to please you.

Guru Maharaja, it is only your causeless mercy that we all are engaged in the transcendental loving devotional service. We beg you to keep us at the dust of your lotus feet always.

Srila Gurudeva, we beg for your forgiveness for whatever offences we have committed and committing everyday unto your divine lotus feet. Please forgive us and kindly shower your blessings on us so that we can serve your divine grace with unflinching faith and devotion, without committing offences.

Your spiritual children,

Mantresh Gauranga das,

Nitya Yogini devi dasi and

All Baroda Bhakti Vriksha Members

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

 nama-acaryapadaya nitai-krpa pradayine

gaura-katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Our beloved Spiritual Father,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Please accept our most respectful obeisances unto Your Divine Lotus Feet.

Guru Maharaja, on this most auspicious and glorious day of your Vyasapuja, we sincerely pray and beg to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav Asta Sakhi Vrinda, Sri Narsimhadeva and Sri Sri Pancatattva for your good health.

Guru Maharaja, we are greatly indebted to Your Divine Grace for inspiring all of us  by your personal example that in such a pandemic also how we should depend on the mercy of the Holy Name and spread Lord Caitanya's mission with whatever means available. Your mood of spreading the glories of the holy name for saving the fallen conditioned souls from material nescience, even in challenging situation shows your unlimited compassion for the humanity. Your example is the best example for all of us to get inspired and increase our preaching services for the pleasure of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Guru Maharaja, By Your Divine Grace’s causeless mercy, we are able to have multiple programs daily on ZOOM. We have morning Japa session from 4.30 am to 8.00 am where @ 40 devotees participates. We have also started Youth Class since last 2 days from 8.30 am to 9.30 am where @ 15+ Youth participates. We have Smd. Bhagavatam Reading (with explanation) Class from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm where @ 100 participants are there. We also have Sri Caitanya Caritamrita Reading (with explanation) Class where @ 40 devotees participates. We also have Kids Krishna Club from 5.30 pm to 6.15 pm. We beg for your mercy so that we can continue with those programs also which we have started during Lockdown period (Youth Class, Smd. Bhagavatam Reading Class and Kids Krishna Club on ZOOM).

Gurudeva, please bless us all that we continue our efforts to please you.

Guru Maharaja, it is only your causeless mercy that we all are engaged in the transcendental loving devotional service. We beg you to keep us at the dust of your lotus feet always.

Srila Gurudeva, we beg for your forgiveness for whatever offences we have committed and committing everyday unto your divine lotus feet. Please forgive us and kindly shower your blessings on us so that we can serve your divine grace with unflinching faith and devotion, without committing offences.

Your spiritual children,

Mantresh Gauranga das,

Nitya Yogini devi dasi and

All Baroda Bhakti Vriksha Members

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine


nama-acaryapadaya nitai-krpa pradayine

gaura-katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Our beloved Spiritual Father,


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.


Please accept our most respectful obeisances unto Your Divine Lotus Feet.


Guru Maharaja, on this most auspicious and glorious day of your Vyasapuja, we sincerely pray and beg to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav Asta Sakhi Vrinda, Sri Narsimhadeva and Sri Sri Pancatattva for your good health.


Guru Maharaja, we are greatly indebted to Your Divine Grace for inspiring all of us  by your personal example that in such a pandemic also how we should depend on the mercy of the Holy Name and spread Lord Caitanya's mission with whatever means available. Your mood of spreading the glories of the holy name for saving the fallen conditioned souls from material nescience, even in challenging situation shows your unlimited compassion for the humanity. Your example is the best example for all of us to get inspired and increase our preaching services for the pleasure of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.


Guru Maharaja, By Your Divine Grace’s causeless mercy, we are able to have multiple programs daily on ZOOM. We have morning Japa session from 4.30 am to 8.00 am where @ 40 devotees participates. We have also started Youth Class since last 2 days from 8.30 am to 9.30 am where @ 15+ Youth participates. We have Smd. Bhagavatam Reading (with explanation) Class from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm where @ 100 participants are there. We also have Sri Caitanya Caritamrita Reading (with explanation) Class where @ 40 devotees participates. We also have Kids Krishna Club from 5.30 pm to 6.15 pm. We beg for your mercy so that we can continue with those programs also which we have started during Lockdown period (Youth Class, Smd. Bhagavatam Reading Class and Kids Krishna Club on ZOOM).


Gurudeva, please bless us all that we continue our efforts to please you.


Guru Maharaja, it is only your causeless mercy that we all are engaged in the transcendental loving devotional service. We beg you to keep us at the dust of your lotus feet always.


Srila Gurudeva, we beg for your forgiveness for whatever offences we have committed and committing everyday unto your divine lotus feet. Please forgive us and kindly shower your blessings on us so that we can serve your divine grace with unflinching faith and devotion, without committing offences.


Your spiritual children,

Mantresh Gauranga das,

Nitya Yogini devi dasi and

All Baroda Bhakti Vriksha Members

GM JPS Glorification offering for Vyasa Puja on 04th Apr 2020 

Dear Guru Maharaj, Kindly accept our respectable obeisances at your lotus feet. The dedicated service you render to Srila Prabhupada always inspires us. How merciful you are unto all Narasimha Giridhari Temple Team & Congregation Devotees! We’re fortunate to have you in our lives.

We are daily chanting 4 extra Japa Rounds, reciting narasimha-kavaca, and as You asked us, we’re doing 4 extra pradakshinas for Tulasidevi and on Ekadasi days we’re doing group chanting >100 extra rounds, as an offering at your lotus feet.

With your blessings upon us, we started two new Bhakti Vriksha Programs. But Guru Maharaj, there’re many stumbling blocks, challenges in expanding the congregation here. In this area we’ve been celebrating Janmastami (on small scale) for 5 years, but hardly anyone is connected. Meanwhile, we have some health issues, kindly save us. As we’re not progressing, kindly be merciful unto these fallen souls. Guru Maharaj, we beg you to keep us in your strong prayers so that we become your strong soldiers in fulfilling your desire i.e., making Bangalore as ISKCON City. We wish to become humble disciples of yours. We wish to please you. We wish to serve you in fulfilling your desire to preach Krishna Consciousness unlimitedly. We wish fight with our bad habits and incorrect behavior for your pleasure.

Srila Gurudev, You are pioneer in Congregational preaching and You have designed and successfully established the system of Bhakti-vriksa and Namahatta, thus You have received unlimited blessings of Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acharya’s. You have mercifully accepted us as your disciples even though we have many faults within us. You have so much care and affection to the congregation devotees. Please give us such mercy upon all congregation devotees and temple devotees here in Bangalore ISKCON City.

gurudev! kripa-bindu diya, koro’ ei dase, trinapekha ati hina -- Gurudeva, give to this servant just one drop of mercy. I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. Give me strength. Let me be as you are, without desires or aspirations.

Humble Pranams for purifying our family. Whenever we see you, we are vibrantly charged with your aroma of Holiness who’s the only ray of hope for us.

Your humble servants,

Mathurapati Madhusudan Das (Diksha), Bangalore, India

Parabhakti Radharani Devi Dasi (Diksha), Bangalore, India

Bhakta Ram & Bhakta Kundan (Sons)

Hebbal-Kempapura, Bangalore-560024




Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, 

Please accept our respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

All Glories to your Divine Grace 

Please find the below poem as offering to your Divine Grace on your most auspicious 71st appearance day Srila Gurudeva. 


All glories to you, our dear spiritual father, on your auspicious 71st appearance day

    To dedicate our life in the service of Guru, Gauranga and Krishna we pray


Grateful to you for initiating us into the Krishna consciousness movement in 2004 and planting the bhakti seed

    With our heart and soul we promise to follow the initiation vows and chant Hare Krishna which is the soul's need. 


"Krsne matir astu", which was your specific instruction 

     Promise to keep that instruction as our life's goal and mission


Thank you for giving me brahminical initiation in 2019, for many years, it was my heart's desire

     From the time I heard your class that it was a highway to attain Krishna prema quickly, it has been my prayer


Please forgive us for the various sins and offences committed due to our inappropriate habit, conditioning and choice

    Kindly bless us to transcend these conditions and become soldiers in your preaching army with dedication and poise  


I asked you my dear spiritual father, we do transcription service and if we please the service authority, do we please you?" You answered "why not?"

    You also said” Thank you for your service” and I understood that it pleases You and we would continue to perform this seva being grateful for the service opportunity we got  


Praying to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava , Pancatattva and Narasimhadeva to keep you in the best of health

    Longing to have your association always which is our most treasured spiritual wealth


This poem is a heartfelt genuine effort from our end to please you Srila Gurudeva 

    Confident that we can attain the lotus feet of Gauranga and Krishna by following your instructions and performing seva 


Kindly allow us to eternally remain at the shelter of your lotus feet, 

    We pray to you, Srila Guru Maharaja, please enable us to remember Gauranga and Krishna during our last heart beat


All glories to you, our dear Spiritual father, on your auspicious 71st appearance day

    To dedicate our life in the service of Guru, Gauranga and Krishna we pray


Your servants, 

 Harinama Krishna Dasa, Medhavini sakhi devi dasi, Dhanya and Dayita

Mumbai, India 

Hare krsna Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to srila prabhupada!!

All glories to you!



I feel so fortunate to have you as my spiritual father. You are ocean of unlimited mercy. You can only deliver the most most most fallen soul like me. Otherwise I am so fallen and unfortunate. But I am so thankful to krsna for giving me shelter of you as a blessings and rest is very insignificant in front of it. You are jewel of Nitai Karuna. You are affectionate to everyone. You live to fullfill the words of your spiritual master and grant us whole parampara Kripa...Gurudeva, no matter how much bodily pain you are going with, you never let even a day go without speaking Lord Chaitanya Katha. Your constant association through online class is transforming and purifying. Your absorption in the pastimes can only melt my heart like stone, which is black like coal with anarthas. 


Gurudeva, I am such a fallen and unworthy that even my family members don't like me. My biological father has betrayed me, my siblings hate me. Just by having your shelter Gurudeva gives me hope and strength to live and keep going in my devotional services. You are giving so much love and care through many devotees that I am indebted to you life after life. I wasn't clear much with love, care and reciprocation terms but as the years are passing under your shelter, I can feel these three by heart. Gurudeva you are always present to guide me. Gurudeva, I write you so many letters and offer it in front of your picture and I get all the replies and guidelines through a devotee or your lectures. There is no difference in your picture and you live. Gurudeva you are epitome of compassion and love. Your flawless mercy is empowering me to go on. However I am not worthy of it.

Gurudeva how can you be so much merciful  on such an insignificant/ undeserving disciple. Gurudeva, I ask u for mercy and you give me unlimited mercy. Gurudeva your compassion and love is magnanimous. In your current visit to delhi, I prayed in your lotus feet to grant me devotees association and hearing krsna's katha and you just filled  it with unlimited mercy by giving 1 full month for hearing srimad bhagvatam. Gurudeva, I know I just keep asking for one and another thing and you still never let this  flow of mercy stop on such an insignificant / fallen disciple of yours. My heart is filled with full of Anarthas, begging to you Gurudeva to make this dumb and foolish disciple of yours an instrument in serving the mission of srila prabhupada. Gurudeva you always answers my prayers though I don't even know how to pray genuinely.  You reciprocates even with undeserving disciple of yours.


Begging at your lotus feet forgiveness for my knowingly and unknowingly done offenses.  Seeking for your blessings!


Your insignificant Disciple 

Megha Rupa Radhe Devi Dasi 

(initiated, Delhi)

My Dear Guru Maharaj

My respectful obesiance on to your lotus feet.

I feel really unqualified to glorify you GM but since it is an opportunity given I would like to make best use of it. It has been two years since we have got initiated by your causeless mercy.

I remember the day where we committed ourselves to you saying we will follow 4regulative principles and help you in fulfilling instructions of Srila Prabhupada.It looked very simple and easily understood at that moment ,But during this period when we see your determination to fullfill the instructions of Srila Prabhupad .I feel know that at that time we only superficialy understood the commitment we lack our determination to follow u r instruction.

You have always lead from front and have been inspiring us to be determined in Srila Prabhupada movement.we are thankful to our senior devotees who have been instrumental in bringing us in touch with you.

GM me and my family are since last two years conducting BV in our home and trying to present KC to various familiesthru the guidance of your senior devotees.

I beg for your causeless mercy upon our family to be determined in presenting KC to various families  and help them practice KC .


Thanking you

Yours servant

Mohanaruppa Madhusudhan Das

Sucaru sudevi dasi





Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet . Although completely unqualified to glorify a pure devotee of Lord, I am privileged to have this opportunity. The Whole material creation is meant to help the conditioned souls revive their lost relationships with Krishna and return back home back to Godhead. This purpose is actually fulfilled when a Fortunate soul receives the Bhakti-Lata bija from a bonafide spiritual master as stated in Caitanya Caritamrita…” Bramhanda bhramite kono bhagyavan jiva, Guru Krishna Prasade paye Bhakti lata bija” . Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to flood the whole world with these seeds which fructify into the mature fruit of Love of Godhead. 

Dear Guru maharaja, as told by Srila Prabhupada, you are the personal associate of Sriman Mahaprabhu and thus you have enormously distributed seeds of Love throughout the world. Your ecstatic lectures filled with “Gaura-Lilas” are really heart touching. Your life is an ideal life of alignments and dedication to the mood and mission of Guru and Acaryas Thus, in accordance with Srila Prabhupada's order you have accepted over 50000 disciples all over the world . Although you have busy schedules filled with meetings and concern about our Society, still you find out personal time to spend with your disciples and Wellwishers through Facebook Live. Carrying the order of Srila Prabhupada in your heart, inspite of so many heath problems, you continue to travel across the world to give personal association to your disciples and to preach Krishna Consciousness. Since you have completely taken shelter of Srila Prabhupada and Acharyas , whoever takes shelter of your lotus feet “mahat-padam” , can easily get deliverance from this Ocean of Material existence.

I have been somehow practicing Krishna Consciousness from 3.5 years , and I realized that it is impossible by my own endeavor(sadhana, seva) to get rid of anarthas namely lust, pride, envy, anger, greed, madness. Thus I am too weak to carry forward the mission of Harinam Sankirtana “Ekaki aamar nahi paye bala Harinama Sankirtane". Since you are the representative of the most merciful Lord Gauranga who is also called ‘Patita-pavana', I really expect to attain shelter of your Lotus feet . 

Your Humbe Servant 

Mohit Kumar Mahato


Homage from: mrdula Govinda das and Visakha sevini devi dasi (both second initiated diksha disciples)  Gurgaon.

Om Ajnana-timirandhasya Jnananjana shalakaya,

Chaksur-unmilitama yene Tasmai sri Gurvai Namah

“Namah Om Visnupadaya Krsna presthay bhutale, 

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namne

Namah Acharyapadaya Nityai kripa pradayine, 

Gaur-Katha damadaya nagar-grama tarine”

Dear Guru Maharaja and our beloved spiritual father

Dandavat Pranams

Please accept our humble obeisance unto your Lotus Feet

All glories to Guru Maharaja

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Shri Guru and Shri Gauranga

Hare Krishna, O dear father and spiritual master, kindly bless us and bestow your mercy so that we can write something to glorify you. As we read your books and hear about you from other great vaisnavas and disciples, we come to know more about your greatness and really feel how ignorant we are!

It is really beyond our ability and comprehension to be able to write about you but somehow, we wish to write sincerely in order to simply purify ourselves.

First of all, we wish to sincerely congratulate you on fulfilling the cherished goal of providing the protection to more than 50000 fortunate disciples. You have already surpassed this goal set-up by Srila Prabhupada. You are also constantly moving ahead to see that the most ambitious and challenging project of ISKCON, i.e. TOVP is completed before the Target Date of year 2022. 

The system of Bhakti-Vriksa introduced by your Holiness is already doing wonders in introducing new persons to the ISKCON philosophy and imparting spiritual education to the general public.

If one follows through your Life’s Journey so far, it becomes very clear that nothing can stop you from achieving what you desire and you seem to have completely conquered the “Three Material Gunas” and we can practically experience the pure spiritual existence in Your Holiness.   

It is impossible to recount and mention all your achievements and so just restricted to the few points as already mentioned. 

We feel completely blessed and fortunate that you have so mercifully accepted us as your disciples. We can only pray for your continued wellbeing and mercy for giving us an opportunity to serve in whatever way possible.

Finally, we just humbly and earnestly pray to the Lord Shri Krishna, Shrimati Radharani, Lord Shri Laxmi Prahlad Narsimha Dev, Lord Shri Chaitanya & Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada, for fulfilling your cherished dream of being able to dance in ecstasy and bless all of us, your blessed disciples to witness this with our own eyes.

Also, the details of specific seva being carried out by us, is being mentioned below, for your pleasure:

1.    Conducting weekly Srimad Bhagavad Gita (every Friday) and Srimad Bhagavatam (every Thursday) classes at our residence.

2.    Holding monthly Gurugram JSSS meeting, usually on the last Sunday of every month at our residence.

3.    Holding a “Japa Stall” every Sunday during “Sunday Love Feast Programme” at ISKCON Gurugram Temple, where the new visitors are encouraged to sit and chant one round of “Hare Krishna Mahamantra” on beads. They are also encouraged to continue this practice in their daily lives.

4.    A special Japa Stall is also held on all Janmastami Festivals. A total of approximately 2000 persons had chanted one round of HKMM on the occasion of Janmastami in the year 2019. 

5.    Weekly once Mangala Aarti Seva and Raj-Bhoga Preparation Seva at Iskcon Gurugram Temple.

6.    Preaching Seva as allotted periodically at Iskcon Gurugram Temple. 




Submitted unto the lotus feet of Guru Maharaja, Your Holiness Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja.

Your Humble servants:

mrdula Govinda das, Visakha sevini devi dasi

Sweta Agrawal (daughter) – Sheltered, Ashish Agrawal (son) - Aspirant


Encl. Photoghraph with Guru Maharaja taken during Delhi visit in November / December 2015  


Dear Guru Maharaj,                                 Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Gurudev,Srila Gurudeva your Glories are unlimited ,you are the glorious victory flag of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada. Srila Gurudeva your compassion is unlimited ,you shower the mercy of lord Nityananda Prabhu to the fallen souls of kaliyuga like me.Srila Gurudeva your determination is unlimited ,you are tirelessly serving Guru and Lord Gauranga ,spreading the message of Lord Caitanya  Mahaprabhu far and wide in every town and village.Srila Gurudeva I am indebted to you eternally for giving me shelter at your lotus feet.Srila Gurudeva on this auspicious day ,please give us a drop of  your mercy ,so that  I can serve your lotus feet eternally.                                  Your  insignificant servant               Mukunda Govardhan dasa.

Hare Krishna Srila Gurudeva,

please accept my respectful obeisance at Your Lotus feet

Gurudeva it is now more than 10 years that you have been bestowing your mercy on this most wretched soul

it is only by your mercy that Iam able to do some devotional service

praying to Radha Govindji for your better health

want to be your eternal servant

Jai Gurudeva

most insignificant Son

Mukunda Govinda Das

গুরুমহারাজের জন্ন প্রবন্ধো 

মুকুন্দা প্রিয়া রাধা দেবী দাসি



প্রিয় গুরুমহারাজ  আমার সশ্রদ্ধ প্রণাম গ্রহণ করুন।


গুরুমহারাজ তোমাকে এভাবে লিখে পাঠানোতে আমার কি যে আনন্দ হচ্ছে  আমি ভাষায় প্রকাশ করতে পারছি না। তোমার অশেষ কৃপায় আজ আমি এ সুযোগ পেয়েছি

আমি এভাবে কখনো লিখিনি গুরু মহারাজ তোমার এই ৭১ তম শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথিতে তোমাকে জানাই আমার সশ্রদ্ধ প্রণাম এবং প্রাণঢালা অভিনন্দন। গুরু মহারাজ প্রবাদের যোগ্য শিষ্য তুমি তোমার এমন প্রচার এমন আচার দেখে আমরা অভিভূত।


গুরু মহারাজ সত্যি পতিতপাবন আমাকে দিয়ে আমি সেটা আরও গভীরভাবে অনুভব করতে পেরেছি গুরু মহারাজ তোমার কৃপা অশেষ আমি তা প্রতি ধাপে ধাপে অনুভব করি দাড়ি। যখন তোমার চরন আশ্রয় করেছিলাম আমার সিংহ ভর্তি রতা তুমি উজ্জ্বল করেছ তখন থেকে। 


গুরু মহারাজ তোমাকে সরাসরি দেখার আগে আমার স্বপ্নে তুমি এসে আমাকে উৎসাহিত করেছ। গুরু মহারাজ তোমার অনেক ভালোবাসি ভর্তি জীবন থেকে পতিত হওয়া থেকে রক্ষা করেছ ।গুরু মহারাজ, প্রভুপাদ তোমরা আমাকে ভর্তি জীবনে এই এত এত রস আমার মতন অধমকে দিয়ে কৃপা করেছ। গুরু মহারাজ জনমে জনমে আমি তোমাকে যেন গরু রুপে পায়। তোমার প্রতিটি আদেশ আমি জানো অক্ষরে অক্ষরে পালন করতে পারি এই কৃপা করো। 


গুরু মহারাজ, দীক্ষার দিন এবার ২০২০ তোমায় সশরীরে আমি দর্শন করি আমি তোমার দর্শন এ-আনন্দের আত্মহারা হয়ে আমি খুব ভয় আর টেনসনে ছিলাম তোমাকে পাবো কিনা এজন্য কারণ আমি যে অনেক অনেক অধম। কিন্তু তোমার এতই করো না আমাকেও কৃপা করেছো। 


গুরু মহারাজ জানো তোমার কাছে দীক্ষা জন্য যখন গেলাম আমি যেন কোথায় হারিয়ে গেছিলাম তুমি যখন মালা দিলে আমায় আমি স্তব্ধ ছিলাম, কিন্তু কি আনন্দ আর কৃষ্ণ প্রেম ভাষায় বলা যাবে না। আমি মালা চাইলাম, তুমি দিলে, মনে হল তখনই অধমকে কৃপা করলে গুরু মহারাজ অনেক ভালোবাসি তোমায় তোমার কাছে খুব যেতে মন চায় 


তোমার কন্যা- মুকুন্দ প্রিয়া রাধা দেবী দাসী।



           মুকুন্দা প্রিয়া রাধা দেবী দাসী (রাজশাহী) 


গুরুদেব! তব চরণ আমি পাই যেন জনম জনম, 

যেদিন প্রথম শুনেছি তব কথা তোমাতে ভকতি জেগেছে মনে।।

প্রভুপাদের শিষ্য তুমি, ধন্য তুমি তার কৃপা পেয়ে, 

আচারে, প্রচারে, করেছো তুমি যোগ্য শিষ্যের কাজ।।

গুরুদেব! তব চরণ আমি পাই যেন জনম জনম, 

যেদিন প্রথম দেখিনু তোমায়, হৃদয়ে পেলাম গভীর প্রেমের আবেশ।।

তোমার কাছে গেলাম যখন রুদ্ধ হইল আশপাশ কৃষ্ণপ্রেমে, 

তোমার শিষ্য হয়ে ধন্য আমি, কৃপা করেছো এই অধমেরে।।

গুরুদেব! তব চরণ আমি পাই যেন জনম জনম, 

জগতের কল্যাণে কত না করেছো তুমি তোমাকে জানাই কোটি কোটি নমি।।

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Nama Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine 

Namah Acharya padaya nitai - kripa - pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara - grama - tarine


My dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances!  

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad! All Glories unto you!

I am writing this offering to you for your Vyasapuja celebrations. I am one of the fortunate souls who has taken initiation from you Guru Maharaj. You are an inspiration to me everyday, to sincerely do my service in any situation. Please bless me to serve the Vaishnavas in any situation. Thank you for selflessly dedicating your life to humanity and to deliver the fallen souls like me. I am blessed to be a disciple of such a great Guru like you.

My husband who is in Dubai has not taken shelter but he supports me alot. He has started going for Siksha classes and doing many services to Gaurangadesh Yatra. He is also chanting 6 rounds everyday. My children are also chanting 6-8 rounds regularly. I pray to you and the Lord to bless them so that they can come into Krishna Consciousness in full swing.

Dear Guru Maharaj, due to unavoidable circumstances, I had to settle in Chennai from Dubai. After coming here, I feel like I'm held back in my duties due to not having association with devotees like I did back in Dubai. Since I am staying with my parents, I am struggling to cope with my emotions at times. I am doing my sadhanas along with my deity worship but I should increase the quality of my chanting. Along with my regular chanting, I am chanting four more rounds for your health and well-being.

After coming to Chennai, I have started taking children and ladies classes and when I go to the temple, I help in making bhoga for the deities in the deity kitchen. In the month of December, I helped in book distribution.

I sincerely fall upon your Lotus Feet, begging you to bless me and guide me at this difficult time and to do more and more service unto you. I pray to Lord Narasimha that He gives you strength to continue your service for a long time.

Your Spiritual Daughter, 

Rupa Rani Revathy Devi Dasi

4th March 2020




Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisance's.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories unto you and Lord Gauranga.

Wishing you a very happy 71th Vyasa Puja celebrations and many more to come.

Dear Guru Maharaja it is been a tough year for the whole world and it looks like the worst is yet to come. We are praying to lord Narshima to protect you and all of us and given us the strength to practice Krishna Consciousness even in very difficult situations. We have moved in November 2019 from Philadelphia, USA to Hyderabad, India so that we can practice our Krishna Consciousness more purely and visit holy dhams and give our kids good Krishna Consciousness environment for them to practice and also to spread Krishna Consciousness to our near and dear ones.  Dear Guru Maharaja please bless us so that we can achieve this and also spread Lord Gauranga's mercy to everyone and everywhere. We were very happy that you could visit to USA after a long time and was praying to lord Gauranga that this year your health can improve more better, your voice is clear and one by one all your health problems would go away. Dear Guru Maharaja as you are praying for us to lord Krishna so we are protected, please Guru Maharaja always have your mercy on insignificant servants of yours. Haribol.

Dasanu Das,
Muralidhara Keshava Das
Vijaya Vrindavaneswari Devi Dasi
Diksha Disciples
Hyderabad, India

Dear Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obeisances.  

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga. 

On this auspicious day of your appearance I ask Lord Krishna to give you all blessings and much health to help us advance in Krishna consciousness.

With each passing year I feel more anxious to meet Krishna and Srila Prabhupada personally. I feel that there is no turning back anymore. I am afraid to even think of losing the association of the devotees.  I would like to ask tô His Holiness to bless me so that I can make my life an offering at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna and deliver all my energy for book distribution and everything to the service of Srila Prabhupada. Please Guru Maharaj bless me so that I can serve as a brahmacari all my life and help as many people as possible tô understand the importance of making spiritual advancement and also be happy by chanting Hare Krishna, taking Maha Prasadam and serving Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.

I am deeply grateful for all that you are doing for me and for everyone, and I would like to inform you that I am at your disposal whatever service you think is best for me.


Your insignificant servent Muralidhara Syamasundara Das.

Hare Krishna and please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Guru and Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupad

Dear my beloved Gurumaharaj

My vyasapooja offering to you

At the out set, my sincere prayers  for wellbeing and complete recovery from the present state

Gurumaharaj as Indicated to  you we have started our community preaching in our new community at Kanjikode since one  year and approximately 40 to 50 devotees are attending regularly and more than 27 devotees are chanting and few are doing 16 rounds and fasting on ekadasi and other events

Three houses in the community has come into being and more are in the pipeline

We have constructed a preaching hall to accommodate approx 80 to 100 people which is , getting ready for opening in  May 4

I seek your blessings to develop further here and to make a good ISKCON community centre at Kanjikode palghat Kerala

In view of your present health status, I have not invited here but knowing your health, I just seek your blessings

I sincerely pray that you remIn active  so that more fallen souls get the benefit of yourself, like me

With humble prayers
Murari Gauranga das


Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj..

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

Guru Maharj Ki ai...

My first Darsan of your holiness  was the next day after the Coimbatore Rathayatra...Up on seeing you my eyes are filled with tears and rolled down... I felt an attractive force catchinh me.. from that moment on wards I'm trying to know more about you... I'm very much proud of glorifying your holiness activities..How Srila Prabhupada obeyed his Spiritual masters order and spread Krishna Conscious all over the world, your holiness also doing extremely good. There is lot to say about you, but these are some important points that I know..

Your Insignificant Son

Muruganadan (Shelter)


My name is Suseela, my husband's name is Veeranjaneya Prasad, I have 2 sons named Ram and Raj. I do not know much about you Maharaj. I heard about form my Bhakti Vruksha gurus, Susevini mataji and Amani prabhu in Minneapolis (USA) I recently started chanting 16 rounds daily Maharaj. Please bless me to continue in this process. I am not following any regulative principles please bless me and my family to follow the principles and bless to take shelter right underneath the lotus feet of our lord (Shri Krsna) and beneath you and Srila Prabh Pada. Me and my family wish to follow the footsteps of Srila Prabhu Pada and take up spiritual life seriously...


Thank You Maharaj,

All Respectfull obeisances to you.

Namo om vishnupadaya krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimade jayapataka Swami iti namine

Namo acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradhayine                                             

Gaur katha dhamdhaya nagra gram tarine

Hare Krishna.

Dear Guru maharaj.Please accept my humble obeisances.You are source of my happiness in this material world.At every stage of life, your instructions play a very important role.You are ocean of mercy, who give blessings to each and every soul irrespective of caste, colour and creed.

Recently, I hear that you gave initiation to 950 devotees in Bangladesh which is really a wonderful inspiration for all of us.

At last, I pray to your lotus feet that please bless me and my family so that we all will strictly follow your instructions life after life.

Your humble servant

Nadia Lakshmi Priya Devi Dasi

Naga Jyothi satish,

Sheltered devotee from Secunderabad yatra.

Dear Guru Maharaj plz accept my humble obeciences onto your lotus feet.

" Nama ohm vishnupadaya Krishna prestaya bhutale srimathe jaya pataka Swamy niti Namine.Nama Acharya padaya ,Nitayi krupa pradayine,gaura katha dhama dhayanagara grama taarine"

All glories to Guru and Gauranga,

All glories to srila Prabhupada,

Dear guru maharaj, I am not at all qualified soul to chant maha Mantra and to glorify you.It is because if your causeless mercy I am able to do that. My material body born and brought up in a middle class family undergone lot of material problems. I have all types of bad qualities like jealous,angry, disrespect like many bad qualities when I reached Krishna consciousness I am able to understand what is life and what is it's purpose. Srila Prabhupada ki jai..

Dear Guru Maharaj you are my inspiration always.because of your causeless mercy and senior devotees mercy I am able to do Bhakti vrukskhaprahallad kids club,Skype classes dialy for reading Bhagavd gita and other prabhupad books and doing service to Gaura Nitayi Dities at my home,Book distribution,Damodara lamps offering ,Tulasi maharani seva and preaching .

Dear gurudev , I don't have any desires but only one desire to get Suddha Bhakthi .but I am not purified at all..please bless me to serve Guru,Gauranga and srila Prabhupada always.

Please bless me to love every one unconditionally.

I am not getting words to express my thoughts to you but one thing I am sure I will follow every instruction of you .

Please bless me this most fallen soul,

Some of the sweet memories of serving gaura nitayi and doing Abhishekam on every ekadasi pic are attached here.. Hari hari hari bol!

Nitayi gaura prema nande..

Your humble servent, 

Naga Jyothi sarish.

Hare Krishna,

Dear beloved Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble Obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

“Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsnprastaya bhuthale

Srimathe Jayapathaka Swamin iti Namne

Namo Acharya pathaya Nitai krupa prathayine

Gaurakatha namathaya Nagara Grama tarine”

“All glories to your auspicious appearance day”

With your blessings & prayers of senior devotees (HG Mani Bhushan Krsna Prabhu & others, Kannaiyahdesh), Guru Maharaj mercy fully gave Initiation to us (Self & my wife) on 02-Oct-2015 at Balram Desh (Bahrain Temple).

When I had a tough time in my spiritual life, i prayed Guru Maharaj; automatically I got solution on the same day.

“We love you Guru Maharaj, Thank you for your blessings”.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai.

Guru Maharaj Ki Jai.

Nitai Gaura Premanande.

Your insignificant servants,

Nagendra Govinda Das

Kalindhi Siromani DD (Wife)

Saitharun Manimaran (Son)




HH Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj 

Hare Krishna 

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet

Guru Maharaj, please show me the light of bhakti so that I can follow the path shown by you.

Without your mercy, I feel incomplete in my practice of bhakti. 

I keep praying to Lord Krishna for your good health.

Without your darshan, my bhakti is incomplete. I request you to provide me bhakti.

Thank you for showing me the right path of bhakti and giving me initiation. 

Your poor disciple 

Nageshwar Nitai Das 

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

Dear Maharaj please accept my Danvant pranams!

All glories to you! 

All glories to srilaprabhupad!

Dear maharaj l I am Just praying Sri Radha Madhav, Pnchatatva, Lord Narasimhadev and Srilaprabhupada all will protect you and give good health to spread Chaitanya mahaprabhu mission.

Last year, many good changes were happened in my life, I got new job, its near to Vrundavan, new Alter and newly started Sunday KC school for children’s this is all the things happened by your blessing only. I wanted to spread and motivate nearby all the children’s and preach to more people in standard way and this year I want to start BG classes or bhakti vruksha  for our nearby families. Forgive me for the offenses I did knowingly or unknowingly. I could feel your protection in all my activities. So kindly bless me to get some strength and purity to preach Lord Chaitanya message.

Your insignificant servant,

Namananda Asima Das.




“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

Dear Maharaj please accept my Danvant pranams!

All glories to you! 

All glories to srilaprabhupad!

Dear maharaj l I am Just praying Sri Radha Madhav, Pnchatatva, Lord Narasimhadev and Srilaprabhupada all will protect you and give good health to spread Chaitanya mahaprabhu mission.

Last year, many good changes were happened in my life, I got new job, its near to Vrundavan, new Alter and newly started Sunday KC school for children’s this is all the things happened by your blessing only. I wanted to spread and motivate nearby all the children’s and preach to more people in standard way and this year I want to start BG classes or bhakti vruksha  for our nearby families. Forgive me for the offenses I did knowingly or unknowingly. I could feel your protection in all my activities. So kindly bless me to get some strength and purity to preach Lord Chaitanya message.

Your insignificant servant,

Namananda Asima Das

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

Dear Maharaj please accept my Danvant pranams!

All glories to you! 

All glories to srilaprabhupad!

Dear maharaj l I am Just praying Sri Radha Madhav, Pnchatatva, Lord Narasimhadev and Srilaprabhupada all will protect you and give good health to spread Chaitanya mahaprabhu mission.

Last year, many good changes were happened in my life, I got new job, its near to Vrundavan, new Alter and newly started Sunday KC school for children’s this is all the things happened by your blessing only. I wanted to spread and motivate nearby all the children’s and preach to more people in standard way and this year I want to start BG classes or bhakti vruksha  for our nearby families. Forgive me for the offenses I did knowingly or unknowingly. I could feel your protection in all my activities. So kindly bless me to get some strength and purity to preach Lord Chaitanya message.

Your insignificant servant,

Namananda Asima Das

Nama om vishnupadaya Krishna presthya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin ite namine

Nama Acharyapadaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaurakatha dhamadaya nagaragrama tarine


O my beloved spiritual Father!!

Please accept my unlimited of prostrate obeisances onto your lotus feet. On this auspicious appearance day of your lordship, it is impossible for me to glorify your magnanimous qualities. I am a very insignificant fallen soul, fortunately came in contact with your greatness. With my little knowledge, how am I to glorify your greatness.You are an eternal associate of lord Gauranga. In this material world you have come down from lord Chaitanya’s abode and appeared in America but in actuality you have appeared in this material world to deliver fallen souls such as us. It is very mystic to understand, how you engage yourself to preaching Krishna consciousness throughout the world in such illness of your bodily condition.

Last year, with the transplant of your kidney and liver, your bodily condition wasin a very critical state yet you stood out fighting death to continues your service to Srila Prabhupada. Lord Krishna’s grace is always protecting you from all odds to render service unto your guru maharaj, Srila Prabhupada.

To fulfil the desire of Srila Prabhupada you are always absorbed in thoughts on how to execute his instrutions , how to develop Sridham Mayapur, Distribution of Srila Prabhupada books ,accept Fifty-thousands of disciples etc . You have reestablish the Namahatta programs and it is growing everyday larger than its already touching countless lives bring them closer to Krishna. Due to your dedication to Srila Praabhupada, all your projects are flourishing today.

In Bangladesh, thousands and thousands devotees are waiting for you to get your darshan and awaiting  to take initiation. In Bangladesh an old man has been waiting and waiting for long time to see you & take initiation but he gradually become so very old. He had no hope, how many years he was to wait before his death ? At last his desire has been fulfilled only by your mercy. Once during safary in Bangladesh you reached a very remote village (birth place of Basudev and Mukunda Dutta ) on the way to visit main pilgrimage spot.  Nobody was believed that H.H Jayapataka Swami can come to that remote place. When this very old man heard he rushed by foot following other to reach you. At a sudden many villagers gathering to follow you and came to that place. After sometimes a miracle happened, there was legal problems for that land to get it by ISKCON. The land lord was living in India, he came back to that village and signed all the papers for handed over to ISKCON. This is happened true only by your presence.  

So on this auspicious day, although we are unqualified to serve your excellency, we praying to your lotus feet to please continue showering your causeless mercy on us so that we can continue to serve you and Srila Prabhupada.

Jay Srila Guru Maharaj!


Your fallen servents,

Nanda Krishna Das, Amritamayee D.D.,Bhaktivinodanuga Das, Vishakha D.D.Binoy Sri Gauranga Das

ISKCON Mayapur

"গুরুমহারাজের চরণকমলে আত্মনিবেদন। সালটি ২০১৮, আমি নবদ্বীপ পরিক্রমার পর শান্তিপুর ভক্তসমাবেশে যোগদান করি। প্রসাদ পরিবেশন স্থলে ভক্তদের উচ্ছিষ্ট প্রসাদী থালা গ্রহণ করছিলাম, আমার হাতে অনেকগুলি উচ্ছিষ্ট থালা ছিল, এমন অবস্থায় আমাদের গুরুমহারাজ জয়পাতাকা স্বামী ঐ স্থানে প্রবেশ করেন। অনেকক্ষন ধরে আমার প্রতি দৃষ্টিপাত করেন। আমার চোখ যখন গুরুমহারাজের চোখে পড়ল হৃদয় আমার কম্পিত হয়ে গেল। ঐ মুহূর্তে কী করবো ভেবে পাচ্ছি না, বলে বোঝাতে পারবোনা আমার মনের অনুভূতি। গুরুমহারাজ কৃপাদৃষ্টিতে আমাকে দেখেন। তখন আমি উচ্ছিষ্ট থালা মাটিতে রেখে দণ্ডবত প্রণাম করি। আমি বুঝতে পেলাম গুরুমহারাজ আমায় কৃপাদৃষ্টি করেন। এটাই আমার জীবনের অনুভূতি। এরপরে ২০১৯ সালে আমি আমার পরিবারে দুইজন দীক্ষাপ্রাপ্ত হই গুরুমহারাজের নিকট।"


                      নন্দপ্রিয় সুত দাস

                     দিনহাটা, কোচবিহার


Dear GuruMaharaj




Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to glorify your Holiness. It is very purifying for a conditioned soul like me to glorify such a wonderful soldier of srila Prabhupada's army as your esteemed self. Despite all your physical obstacles you continue to spread the message of lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu and this is definitely very very inspiring for all of us.

By your personal example you teach us all how we should corporate among ourselves and serve srila Prabhupada.


I heard one of your wonderful pastimes as to how you care so much for all the devotees in srila Prabhupada's family.

One family had come to visit you in Mayapur. while they were returning they had to travel to Kolkata in the middle of the night to catch their flight. After they left you made it a point to call them and tell them to keep speaking to the driver so he doesn't fall asleep. I was so shocked to hear this that you take so much care of the devotees even with such minute details. Please bless me so I can also put some efforts in caring for devotees around me.


Your insignificant shiksha disciple

Nanditha Chawla

Bangalore (India)


Hare Krishna

My dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s at your lotus feet and Bless this insignificant servant to continue in serving you In fulfilling the desire of Srila Prabhupada of spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world. 

This is my first homage to you Guru maharaj.

I am not qualified to glorify your ocean of glories.

But by your mercy only, I can express some things.

His Holiness Jayapataka swami Guru maharaj is ever Enthusiastic and always encourage to his disciples & all other devotees. Guru Maharaj is always show Causeless mercy to his dependants.

When Gurumaharaj came to Tirupati temple , I got wonderful opportunity to serve him and Hear from him. And when ever I see or Hear from Guru Maharaj I will get great enthusiasm and determination to do my bhakthi.

I will do my level best Guru Maharaj to spread the glories of Krishna consciousness and try to make many devotees by your Causeless mercy.

All glories to Srila Guru Maharaj,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Always seeking your blessing & Mercy .

Your insignificant Servant

N. Venkatesh (Shelter disciple),

Sri Sri RadhaGovinda Astasakhi, Giriraj Temple,

ISKCON Tirupati, India.




Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. I was very fortunate to get your association this time when you came to Bangalore last year. I still remember that wonderful occasion. I was very happy that I received shelter from you, Guru Maharaj, even though I am not qualified. I was very much inspired by the services you did and still doing for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. I heard about You so much from Varada Krishna prabhu, Murali Shyam prabhu, Amiya Madav prabhu, and many others. I am praying that I may get at least some energy to serve you to help to please Srila Prabhupada. I am not having any qualifications. I always keep my mind absorbed in the thoughts of material things, not thinking about the soul. I am not sure how what is good for me. Just because of Your mercy I am able to do some devotional service. Praying to get shelter under Your lotus feet. 


Yours insignificant servant,

Narasimha Shenoy (Aspiring).

My Dear Gurudeva,

All Glories to you and Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Please accept my sincere obeisances.

Your servant, Navadvīpa Narayaṇa Dāsa, wishes to express his gratitude for the ability to be able to write to you. You are very kind, Gurudeva, in that not only are you spending your time physically reaching out to people all over the world to introduce or reinforce their relationship with Kṛṣṇa, but also you allow those unable to meet you personally to seek you out digitally by email and social media. Thank you so very much.

I write to you because today marks my birthday, and I would have loved to have offered you service or even be in the proximity of your vision. However, the dangers of this coronavirus prevent this happening. I have longed to devote more of my time in your service, but since I cannot be present before you today, I would sincerely like to make an e-offering to you, 

1. Please accept my Intelligence. All that I can consider to be intelligent in my life has only ever been because Krishna gave me that wisdom through you. 

2. Please accept my Education. Were it not for your guidance alone, how would it have been possible to have the success of a legal education in this life that so many recognise as prestigious?

3. Please accept my Career. Thanks to your guidance again, Krishna has put me to work at the TOVP serving our home from within. How would this have been possible without you, Gurudeva?

4. Please accept my Experience. What little experience I have has taught me that I do not know much and I often like to hear my ego tell my I know it all. Only by giving to you the fruits of my knowledge will I ever learn anything actually important and real.

5. Please accept my Skills. All that I have accumulated as skills in this life I dream to put to use in the service of building and protecting Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma in your name.

6. Please accept my Time. What is the use of regretting one's past? It has already been written in stone. What is the use of calculating one's Future? It's hasn't happened yet. I offer both my past and future in the hopes of better serving you in the present.

7. Please accept my Wealth. Will I ever be free of the desire to be wealthy? I do not know, but I know that as long as I can use my wealth in the service of my guru's missions and instructions, I cannot fail. Therefore my wealth is yours.

8. Please accept my Varṇāśrama. Will I ever be free of the desire for partnership? I do not know. However, it is now irrelevant what I desire because I offer the result and decision of that desire humbly at your lotus feet.

9. Please accept my Sevā. Of what use is my bhakti to anyone? Who am I to aspire to go to Goloka simply because I am suffering in the material world? That is very selfish. I would much rather go wherever you tell me to, Gurudeva, and happily continue working on my bhakti under your auspices, life after life.

10. Please accept Me. I offer to you everything that I have and am. By your blessing, I should hope to grow to be a dedicated, disciplined, joyful and grateful servant of yours.

Once again, please accept my sincere obeisances, my gratitude for your presence in my life, and my apologies for such a long-winded letter. Kindly bless me in whatever way you deem fit. 

Ever proud to be a servant of yours,

Navadvīpa Nārayaṇa dāsa

Vyasa Deva Puja Offering to HH Jayapataka Swami: 4th Apr 2020



Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine   

Nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine, Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine   

Namaste saraswati deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha-shunyavadi pashchatya-desha-tarine


Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to Sri Sr Guru and Gauranga.


Gurudeva, your constant meditations on, and exemplary dedication to the instructions of your Gurudev are the jewels you are crafting for us -  not just to admire from afar, but indeed to show us how we need to do the same as your disciples.  You are uncompromising in this regard. Your entire life in ISKCON is an instruction for all of us to follow – this is what Guru consciousness means. Following the instructions of one’s spiritual master is what will ultimately lead to Krishna consciousness.  That is what Srila Prabupada did and you are following in his footsteps.


You have made so many sacrifices just to follow your spiritual master’s instructions, and to try and please him.  The proper mood for a disciple is to always feel that he has not done enough to please his spiritual master – this is what I have learnt from your preachings and the level of determination and enthusiasm that you exude, I pray at your lotus feet that I can have but just a smidgen of it to please my Gurudeva.

Gurudeva, I pray to Sri Sri Lakshmi Narsasimha for your good health and long life. 

Thank you Gurudeva for your mercy, I am most undeserving of your causeless grace.  I beg for your forgiveness for not being steadfast in my services to you.

Your insignificant servant,

Navadvipa Saci Devi Dasi

Date of Initiation: Aug 23, 2016 (Bangalore, India)

Giridhari Circle, Sri Sri Gandharvika Giridhari Sri Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Bangalore

+91 9449040851

+91 8147013277



Hare Krishna Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Gauranga.

All glories to srila Prabhupada.


I don't have any qualifications to wish you but I would like to pray the most munificient incarnations of this kali yuga sri gauranga & Nityananda prabhu ll remove all obstacles in ur service to our dear srila Prabhupada and sri prahlada narasingadev ll keep u more healthy to save more fallen conditioned souls like me








Hare krishna Dear Guru Maharaja .

Please accept my humble obeisances.


All glories to srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to srila Guru Maharaja!!


This is the first time some writing this letter for you.i wish you a very very Happy Krishna conscious Vyas Puja to you gurudev.


Due to your mercy I have been able to relish Krishna consciousness with full faith and conviction..

I always remember that day when I first met you.i got your blessings and your prayers to krishna for me .it was a magical day and all because you took very special mercy upon a fallen soul like me and bless me ..words flow in my mind when I try to meet you first time but the moment I get your dershan I am blank with no words and start crying after your dershan.


My Dear Gurumaharja I totally undeserve to be your spiritual daughter. But you have so merciful to this least fallen soul I could feel your blessings and protection on me everyday though I am not worth it .


Please forgive me for all my offences knowingly or unknowingly.i am so fallen that nobody  would accepted me if you were not there.


I beg for  your blessings on this least insignificant soul...I beg  your blessings for  me and my sister Dr Aanchal and  for her kids .


Your insignificant spiritual Daughter,

Nikki Balyan

(Delhi , India)


Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja!

Please accept my humble obesiances. All glories to Guru and Gaurāṅga! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Prabhupāda told us that Lord Caitanya sent you in this world for fallen soul like us. You are unstoppable warrior of Śrīla Prabhupāda who is fighting for us. Giving and distributing the mercy of Caitanya Mahāprabhu freely. Always serving Śrīla Prabhupāda. You are always energetic and enthusiastic which is great inspiration for lazy soul like me. This year when I went to Māyāpur for Nityānanda Trayodaśī festival Guru Mahārāja was attending meeting till 7 pm even after that much of hectic schedule he never misses to give his glance for the fallen soul like is. When I went Māyāpur for the very first time in 2017 and met Guru Mahārāja he told us that we are looking intelligent but actually at that moment he had given his intelligence to us so that we can know who we are and what is our real position. Without any endeavor we are getting your mercy. And in one lecture you told us about yourself that during childhood you played a game in which you have some time limitation and during that time you have to grab whatever you can take and similarly you have some time limitations and in this time you are distributing kṛṣṇa-prema to everyone as much as you can.

Your sheltered daughter,

Neha Kumārī

ऊँ अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्नशलाकया 

चक्षुरून्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः।

नमः ऊँ विष्णुपादाय कृष्ण प्रेष्ठाय भूतले ।

श्रीमते जय पताका स्वामी इति नामने।

नमो अचार्य प्रदाये निताई कृपये प्रदायने

गौर कथा दामोद्रया नगर ग्राम तारिने।

मेरे प्रिये गुरु महाराज कृपया अपने दिव्य कमल चरणों की धूल मे ,मेरी विनम्र प्रार्थना को स्वीकार करें । आपको श्रदांजलि के रूप मे, मैं अपनी साधना सेवा व्याष पूजा के शुभ अवसर पर ,आपके चरणों मे समपिर्त  करता हूँ

           आप मेरे लिये आध्यात्मिक ऊर्जा के सत्रोत हैं।

प्रिये गुरु महाराज जी

Your servent  Niranjan kumar ,Nit Dil char Assam

नमः ॐ विष्णु पादाय, कृष्ण प्रेष्ठाय भूतले श्रीमते जय पताका स्वामिन् इति नामिने ।

नामाचार्य पादाय निताई कृपा प्रदायिने । गौर कथा धाम दाया नगर ग्राम तारिणे ॥

परम पूजनीय गुरुमहाराज की जय । श्रील प्रभुपाद की जय ।

परम पूजनीय गुरुमहाराज मैं निरंजनी राधा देवी दासी आपकी आध्यात्मिक पुत्री आपके श्री कमल चरणों में कोटि कोटि प्रणाम करती हूँ।

'दर्शने पवित्र करो एई  तोमार गुण' गुरु महाराज आपके दर्शन मात्र से ही हमारे अन्दर एक ऊर्जा सी आ जाती है। आप हमारे प्रेरणा स्रोत हैं जब भी हम भक्ति में डगमगाते है तो आप का ध्यान आते ही हमें दिशा मिलती है।

कितनी भी विषम से विषम परिस्थितियां क्यों न हों आप कभी विचलित नहीं होते हैं। आप अपने गुरु के प्रति बहुत समर्पित हैं उनके बताये हुए आदेशों का यथा रूप पालन कर रहे हैं। आपका प्रचार कार्य कभी रूकता नहीं हैं इसका जीवंत उदाहरण है ‌बंगलादेश में एक साथ हजारों शिष्यों को दीक्षा प्रदान करना है।

गुरु महाराज आप भगवत गीता का वास्तविक चित्रण प्रस्तुत करते हैं मैं शरीर नहीं आत्मा हूं शरीर की परवाह न कर यही सोचते हैं कि कैसे गुरु व गौरांग के आदेशों को ज्यादा से ज्यादा पालन करसकूं।

पतित सजीवों के उद्धार के लिए आप अनेकों पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन कर रहे हैं।

नवद्वीप परिक्रमा में आपके प्राण बसते हैं सभी परिक्रमा पार्टीयों को आप इंटरनेट के माध्यम से लीलाओं का बहुत रूचि पूर्वक वर्णन करते है ताकि सभी को परिक्रमा का ज्यादा से ज्यादा लाभ हो।

जब आपके मुख से गौरांग या नित्यानंद शब्द का उच्चारण होता है तो ऐसा लगता है

 जैसे वो दोनों वहां साक्षात् उपस्थिति हों।

मैं राधा-माधव, राधा श्यामसुंदर व ग़ौर निताई से प्रार्थना करती हूं कि आपको स्वास्थ्य लाभ दे व आपके मिशन को पूरा करने की शक्ति दें, ताकि हम सभी भक्तों को आप का मार्ग दर्शन व आशिर्वाद मिलता रहें।

आपकी आध्यात्मिक पुत्री,

निरंजनी राधा देवी दासी।

साहिबाबाद, गजियाबाद ,UP (India)

Hare Krishna
My dear spritual father
Nama om vishnu padaya krishna presthaya bhutale
Srimate jayapataka swamin itni namine
Naam acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet
All glories to srila prabhupapad
All glories to your divine grace
All glories to your auspicious 71nth appearance day

सबसे पहले तो बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद कि आपने मुझे अपनी बेटी के रूप में स्वीकार
किया । कल मैं कला सुधा माताजी का एक लेक्चर सुन रही थी जिसमें कला सुधा
माताजी श्री मधुराष्टकम् का पांचवां श्लोक समझा रही थी ।

करणं मधुरं तरणं मधुरं हरणं मधुरं रमणं मधुरम

माताजी ने बताया कि मधुरम शब्द के दो अर्थ होते हैं । एक तो तैराक और दूसरा वह
जो मुक्ति प्रदान करें । फिर उन्होंने बताया कि कृष्ण जो है बहुत कुशल तैराक
है अब क्योंकि वह इतने कुशल तैराक है इतने अच्छे स्विमर हैं वह हमें इस भवसागर
से पार करा लेते हैं और क्योंकि आप गुरु कृष्ण का प्रतिनिधि होता है, आप कृष्ण
के प्रतिनिधि हैं तो राधा माधव ने आपको भेज दिया मेरे लिए। मुझे मालूम है आप
बहुत कुशल तैराक है। सागर तो पानी से भरा हुआ रहता है तो भवसागर तो पानी से
भरा हुआ है लेकिन उसमें भी एक बहुत गंदी जगह दलदल बहुत गहरा दलदल मैं उस में
फंसी हुई थी और गहरी और गहरी फंसती जा रही थी । फिर एक दिन मेरे शिक्षा गुरु
आए उन्होंने मुझे थोड़ा ऊपर उठाया हाथ दिया पर मैं बाहर नहीं निकल पा रही थी
रो रही थी मे , बिलख रही थी । फिर एक दिन अचानक से आप आ गए और आपने आकर अपना
हाथ दिया मुझे ,आपने परवाह तक नहीं की ,.कि दलदल में हाथ डाल रहा हूं मेरे हाथ
गंदे हो जाएंगे, आपने बिल्कुल परवाह नहीं की और बस मुझे उस दलदल से बाहर निकाल
दिया। मुझे बचाया मुझे माला दे दी। और भगवत धाम जाने का रसता भी दिखा दिया।
Brhamand brahmite kon bhagwayan jiva
Guru krishna kripa paye bhakti lata bheej

ये आपकी असीम कीरपा ही तो हैं गुरुदेव । नरसिंह देव भी तो कितनी कृपा है ,
मुझे आज भी वह क्षण याद है मैं मायापुर पहली बार आई थी और मैंने नरसिंह देव को
देखा और मैंने सब से सुना था कि नरसिंह देव तुरंत ही आपकी हर इच्छा, हर
मनोकामना पूर्ण करते हैं । मैं अनाथ थी और अपने पिता को खोज रही थी मैंने
नरसिंह देव से प्रार्थना की कि नरसिंह देव मैंने सुना है आप सबकी सुनते हैं
थोड़ी सी मेरी भी सुन लीजिए मुझे मेरे आध्यात्मिक पिता से मिला लीजिए जो मेरे
शाशवत पिता है उसी क्षण मुझे ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि एक किरण एक चिंगारी सी मेरे
हृदय में प्रविष्ट कर गई इस तरह नरसिंह देव ने मुझ पे कीरपा की।और मुझ जैसी
पापी को दलदल से निकालने के लिए आपको भेज दिया।
Your insignificant servant
Nirguna jahnava devi dasi
Ajmer rajasthan india


Naga Jyothi satish,

Sheltered devotee from Secunderabad yatra.

Dear Guru Maharaj plz accept my humble obeciences onto your lotus feet.

" Nama ohm vishnupadaya Krishna prestaya bhutale srimathe jaya pataka Swamy niti banane.Nama Acharya padaya ,Nitayi krupa pradayine,gaura katha dhama dhayanagara grama taarine"

All glories to Guru and Gauranga,

All glories to srila Prabhupada,

Dear guru maharaj, I am not at all qualified soul to chant maha Mantra and to glorify you.It is because if your causeless mercy I am able to do that. My material body born and brought up in a middle class family undergone lot of material problems. I have all types of bad qualities like jealous,angry, disrespect like many bad qualities when I reached Krishna consciousness I am able to understand what is life and what is it's purpose. Srila Prabhupada ki jai..

Dear Guru Maharaj you are my inspiration always.because of your causeless mercy and senior devotees mercy I am able to do Bhakti vrukskha, prahallad kids club,Skype classes dialy for reading Bhagavd gita and other prabhupad books and doing service to Gaura Nitayi Dities at my home,Book distribution,Damodara lamps offering ,Tulasi maharani seva and preaching .

Dear gurudev , I don't have any desires but only one desire to get Suddha Bhakthi .but I am not purified at all..please bless me to serve Guru,Gauranga and srila Prabhupada always.

Please bless me to love every one unconditionally.

I am not getting words to express my thoughts to you but one thing I am sure I will follow every instruction of you .

Please bless me this most fallen soul,

Your humble servent, 

Naga Jyothi sarish.











Nitai ulas das (discípulo siksa) Curitiba Brasil 


Gurudeva, és fonte de néctar, abrigo para almas sofredoras,luz para os ignorantes,senhor para os devotos, servo íntimo de Radha e Krishna, tuas infinitas qualidades ultrapassam as barreiras dos três mundos, sua compaixão para com os tolos, supera até mesmo a compaixão de Bhagavan, por sua graça, toda a tendência materialista pode ser extinguida daqueles cujas vidas se empenham em seu serviço, sua presença, purifica todos ao seu redor, de suas palavras emanam néctar puro, suas ações exemplificam o agir perfeito, sua pregação visionária muda o rumo de milhares de almas condicionadas para o serviço devocional  a Krishna, sua austeridade, sua doçura,sua devoção são ilimitadas, não me qualifico com um discípulo elevado,mas oro para que eu sempre possa estar na associação dos vaishnavas e juntos poder prestar algum serviço sincero a seus pés de lótus, de seu insignificante servo, Nitai Ulas Das

My Dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my most humble obeiscences at the dust of your Divine Lotus Feet.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.


Namo Om Vishnu padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jaya-Pataka Swamin iti Namine,


Namo Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa Pradaine

Gaur Katha Dhamodaya Nagar Grama Tarine.


Dear Spiritual father, I am your most worthless son Nitaichandra Nimai das, serving in Mayapur in the department of youth preaching. I am trying to be the instrument of your divine hands Gurudeva. This year we started new batch of college youth preaching for grooming them in Krishna consciousness, still many youths are untouched from the Holy Name.

Gurudeva as it is your pleasurable desire to distribute Srila Prabhupada Books, to make new devotees and maintain the old and existing devotees, I am trying to serve your divine grace for your transcendental Pleasure. Dear Gurudeva without your mercy I am simply a dead puppet. From last year, many souls who were part of the preaching programes, somehow could not be retained in healthy Krishna conscious states.

Last year (2019) Srila Prabhupada book marathon, our team could distribute around 2000 Bhagavad Gitas and 500 number of medium and small books, in different towns of the eastern India like Durgapur, Deoghar and Bolpur (Shantiniketan).

                    Dear Gurudeva this year youth preaching commenced nicely and we need  your vision and Kripa so that we could carry on with preaching with great confidence.

Dear Gurudeva it is my fervent desire that I could properly worship the instructions flowing out from your lotus mouth, it is my desperate desire that your words become life and soul for this destitute disciple of your divine Grace.


    Hereby I am trying to offer a humble poem for your divine Grace’s Pleasure.


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So I always remain grateful

For every day of Krishna consciousness

Which is ever fresh and joyful


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So that I would always remain humble

Who Won’t cash that mercy

They simply get dry and crumble


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So that I would always remain alert

Because Krishna consciousness is most rare

Your divine grace does the Maya’s abort.



Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So that I would remain ever enthusiastic

My mind is a desperate non devotee

Your mercy is the cure of this lunatic


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So I act always to please previous acharyas

My sanctioned word, mind and action

Remain always in transcendental Karya



Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

To minimize eating, sleeping, mating and defending

Unlimited souls suffering in forgetfulness

For so much services there standing in pending


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

To have the life of steady determination

My mind is diseased with mundane comparison

So I never let you down for my mundane frustration


Dear Gurudeva give me  the drop of mercy

To have in the service the unshakable patience

Terrible Effects of kali go all pervasive

Pure devotional service would exhaustively enhance


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So that my mind remain pure and chaste

My unchaste mind always forgets

That Krishna consciousness is ever best


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

So I always long for the service

Devoid of sense of enjoyment and liberation

Pure devotional service that I could furnish


Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

For your divine grace is ocean of inspiration

You are Srila Prabhupad’s service personification

Salute!  thy golden, fifty years of invincible Renunciation



Dear Gurudeva give me the drop of mercy

For Your divine grace is only shelter of fallen

On most auspicious seventy first Vyasa Puja

Accept me at your lotus feet as a trivial saffron pollen



Your most unworthy son

Nitaichandra Nimai das



Sri Charan Kamaleshu Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my Pranam.

All glories to HDG Srila Prabhupada.

Kindly forgive my offences.

Srila Prabhapada created many pure devotees and perfect Baishnava s. You are one of them and I am very fortunate cum privileged to be associated with your holiness. I try following you through

May I pray to Lord Narasinghadeb to bestow a very long, healthy and joyful life to yourself and protect you from all kinds of dangers, traps of Maya completely.

It is bewildering to keep track of your activities and witness your transcendental qualities.

It is amazing to see how you are showing the example of “Smaller than the Smallest” and “Greater than the Greatest” with equal competence at both sides. Transparency, openness of your activities and to the point direction on many devotional topics are helping many of us immensely.

I took Charanashray around 2012-2013 and was practicing the principles mechanically. My energy was being spent in many directions which I thought to be good work but those activities were only returning harmful dangers. I was on the verge of full collapse around 2016-2017 from all respect and somehow understood that only Harinam Initiation can save my life.

With blessings of yourself, I received Harinam Diksha in 2017 at Kolkata Park Street Rathayatra. Post that, slowly my energy and activities are somewhat getting stabilized toward Sri Sri Radha Madhava. Indeed, I received a second life post Initiation and now able to recognize the dangerous traps of Maya all around me and our family.

I earnestly seek your blessing so that we become Govinda’s family (my initiated windowed mother – 70 plus, my only college going daughter – 19 plus, myself 47 plus).

Kindly bless that Kali kalmasha goes out of our three member family; if our family can be bestowed with co-operation, respect, empathy, love, nice words and sharing of workloads with each other. I pray to yourself that my only daughter shall become a nice obedient devotee of Lord Krishna.

Ending with a prayer to Sri Krishna to remove the illness and keep you fit.

Your spiritual daughter and disciple,

Nitya Vrajalila Devi Dasi (Nupur Ray)

namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

namaste saraswate deve gaura vani pracharine

nirvisesa sunyavadi paschatya desa tarine


Param Pujya Gurudeva,


Please accept my respectful obeisances (dandavat pranam).

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to you on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja.

Though I am not qualified to glorify you Guru Maharaja, but by your mercy and the mercy of the vaisnavas I will try to express my gratitude to you.  With your blessings, I hope that I will be able to write something in your glorification.

Gurudeva you are so merciful that you have given shelter even to a very sinful person like me.  By the mercy of you and the vaisnavas I am trying to do some devotional service at New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham.  However, I am still not able to render the services with full devotion.  Due to this sometimes I also commit vaisnava aparadha. Whenever I observe you, I find that you are executing the instructions of your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, with full devotion and dedication.  Taking inspiration from you, it is my heartfelt desire to develop atleast a drop of the sincerity and devotion that you have towards Srila Prabhupada and our acaryas.

While hearing the pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada I can understand how you have imbibed their mood in spreading the message of the Lord through extensive preaching activities so that everyone can get the mercy of Lord Sri Krsna.  It is my sincere desire that I also imbibe your mood to preach extensively by spreading the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and get more and more people to take your shelter.

By your mercy and the mercy of devotees, I am practicing Krsna consciousness along with my family under the guidance of H. G. Caitanya Avatari Prabhu and H. G. Rasamayi mataji.  I have been practicing Krsna consciousness for the last nine years, however, I find that sometimes I am unable to control my false ego and desire for name and fame.  With the help of the devotees in our community I have taken up the study of Srila Prabhupada’s books, to develop my spiritual intelligence to control myself in difficult situations.

I seek your blessings for my mother(Gita Devi), my wife (Sumukhi Nandini Devi dasi) and my children (Kunjeshwari, Karunamrta, Doyal Nitai) and myself so that all of us can continue to be engaged in serving the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and you, and make advancement in our spiritual lives under the guidance of H. G. Caitanya Avatari Prabhu and H. G. Rasamayi mataji.

I would like to express my heartfelt and sincere thanks to you for everything in my life.


Your useless servant,

Om Krsna das



Bh. Oviya's offering is attached. Thank You!

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


     Today is your auspicious appearance day. Happy appearance day Gurumaharaj. When I think of myself, the days I spent before coming in contact with Krishna consciousness directly, the association I would have, the activities I would perform,  the ambitions I would nurture in my heart, the perspective with which I looked at this world, now all those seem a nightmare to me. Although my days were apparently passing well, now I understand that I was in a great illusion. 

     Recently when I went to my hometown, some of my school friends came to meet me. We were trying to catch up with the lost days, remembering school memories and other stuff. When they were telling all these things, in my mind I was just thinking, “OMG, I am somehow saved from all these horrors.” I was comparing my current situation with them, where I wasn’t able to relate with them anymore. Even my friends were also telling me, “Among all our classmates and friends circle, you are in the best position in life.” I felt it was true. At that time I was thinking further that, years back we all were on the same track, the same page, but then what is that, which made all the differences? The answer that came to me was, ‘The gift of Krishna Consciousness’, which I received from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada through Your Holiness.

     In my childhood days sometimes I would visit the local ISKCON temple in my hometown with my grandmother, those are very vague memories in my mind. After years when I again decided to visit that ISKCON temple, coincidently or maybe by the will of providence, that happened to be one of the rare visits of your holiness in that city. So in my conscious memory, my first day in ISKCON I got your darshan and that day itself I wanted to take initiation from you, although at that time I didn’t have any slightest clue about what it meant to take spiritual initiation. Earlier I saw my uncle-aunt took initiation from some caste gurus. They just went inside a room and after some time came out as initiated with the only rule of chanting a secret mantra once or twice a day. That’s all. No other restrictions. Do or eat whatever you want. So easy. So I thought in my mind, “What’s the big deal, let me also take initiation.” Then a local devotee explained to me about following the four regulative principles and chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. As soon as I heard them, I said in my mind, “No way.” But just to avoid my embarrassment I told that devotee, “Okay, I can try.” He smiled at me and said, “Okay, good. Why don't you try it out for one year and next year you can come for initiation?” I was relieved and took my leave, happy not to get bound by these rules and regulations. But I was amazed by your Bengali lecture. And somehow I got a chance to offer some flowers at your lotus feet.

     But the next week I again visited the temple to attend a Gita course for the students and gradually my life changed. Those rules-regulations didn’t leave me. They are still chasing me and demanding my absolute obedience. Dear Gurumaharaj, please bless me so that I can follow them strictly throughout my life and never ever think of breaking them even in my wildest dream.

     Although I am still in an illusory state acting under the external energy of the supreme personality of Godhead,  the difference between today and those days is, today I am in safe hands. Although I am still tripping and falling at every small step, I am on the right path. Although I am still mad with anarthas and infected by the virus of bodily identification, the difference is, today I am under the right doctor. So I have full faith that if I continue to be under this treatment and medication properly, sooner or later one fine day I will get cured fully. Please bless it to be sooner only.

     You are always insisting us to preach Krishna Consciousness and wonderfully demonstrate by your own example. Please bless me so that I can understand the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness correctly, practice and preach it without getting distracted by name, fame or any other material motives. 

     I feel and hope that I have understood which product I want and also know fully what serious price I have to pay. Dear Gurumaharaj please bless me and pray to Mahaprabhu, so that I will be able to pay that price and buy my desired product.


kṛṣṇa-bhakti-rasa-bhāvitā matiḥ

krīyatāṁ yadi kuto ’pi labhyate

tatra laulyam api mūlyam ekalaṁ

janma-koṭi-sukṛtair na labhyate

     Pure devotional service in Kṛṣṇa consciousness cannot be had even by pious activity in hundreds and thousands of lives. It can be attained only by paying one price—that is, intense greed to obtain it. If it is available somewhere, one must purchase it without delay. [Padyāvalī 14]


Your Spiritual Son,

Padmamukha Nimai Da



Namo om Visnupadaya Krishna Prishthaya Bhutale
     Srimate Jayapataka Swami niti Namine
Namo Acharya padaya Netai Kripa pradayine
                Gaura Katha dhamodaya Nagar Gramao Tarine

My Beloved Guru Maharaj!

Please receive my infinite obeisances (Ananta Koti) in the dust of Lord Mahaprabhu Sankirtan’s Movment. I had been in the dark nescience birth after birth, by the mercy of devotees and Kåñëa, I am a nescience fallen creature, miraculously I took shelter by Holy Harinam Initiation under your lotus feet, under your full safeguard. At present, I have no fear, insecurity and anxiety. You gave me the spiritual life and realization of spiritual education ledge. Let me have the scope to interweave spiritual service,

Thanks a lot for giving all of your teachings; you lift a signal on the dark road guiding me forward. For the well-being of conditioned souls, you accepted a lot of austerity, constantly in preaching to awaken the sleeping souls.


You permanently are sitting in my Centre of my heart and mind at the same place with me! Please Give me forever uphold in this my birth!  

Your inferior disciple

Panchatatwa Sevak Das. JPS Archives. Praphupada Niwas, 2nd Floor,

My Dear Spiritual Father and Guru Maharaja,                                                                    March 26th, 2020

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet on your Most Auspicious Vyasa Puja Day.

    We am so fortunate to have such a wonderful loving and caring spiritual master who is so dedicated to the service of Srila Prabhupada and saving the fallen souls. Thank you for tolerating all our mistakes and offenses in serving you through the years. Please forgive us for any and all offenses commited at your Lotus Feet. Thank you for placing so much trust in my wife and I in taking care of your Vapu and Vani Forms.

    By your mercy, the Archives is now firmly established and we pray that it will continue for the next 10,000 years by devotees stepping foward to maintain & support your Vani Form in this valuable service. Your Archives has the responsibility to preserve and protect all of your media so that it can be digitized, stored and distributed widely to all your disciples and well-wishers.

   I primarily oversee the video department plus take care of repairs & maintainance. I equipped the video department with 3 new desktop computers that can handle 4K video editing. I assembled the desktops from components researched and found on-line by Shyamsundar dasa. These are quick & powerful Desktop Computers that can speed up our editing & rendering time.

   I have 3 devotees serving full-time to keep up with the demand. Diptimoy Gaura dasa was promoted Assistant Manager of the Jayapataka Swami Video Department. He cares for the digital back-up and Google sheet record keeping plus training and assigning service plus editing.  Purandar Gopal dasa is a new video editor in-learning.
   Gurudeva, you have two You Tube Channels to fullfill your wishes and reach out Worldwide to your disciples & well-wishers. The First Channel (Jayapataka Swami) is dedicated to covering your many activities & travels. I started this channel up in Novenber 22, 2015 by your direct instruction. The channel has accumulated 1,135,244 views & 14,700 subscribers with a total video count of 1917 videos. There is two devotees serving full-time editing & up-loading videos daily. The You Tube analytics shows every Month 40,712 views with 2900 hours watched & 689 new subscribers added. So it is coming along nicely.

   The other You Tube Channel (NIMAINITAI) is dedicated to reach out to All ISKCON davotees from the World Headquarters here in Sri Dhama Mayapur, India. Caitanya Rupa devi dasi started this Channel in Atlanta, Georgia in April 8th, 2008 per your instruction. In 2012 when we left Atlanta to come here the channel was getting 3000 views a month. By your mercy it has grown to #6 position out of 250 devotee run channels worldwide. The attention it is gathering is reflected in the monthly Analytics put together by You Tube. The NIMAINITAI You Tube Channel has 4558 videos & is almost at 25 million views and 100,000 subscribers. This is big for a spiritual inclined channel and not a mundane material channel. Every MONTH it is collecting 762,000 views & 82,000 hours watched and 5000 subscribers added. This Channel for many years is covering activities happening here in ISKCON'S World Headquarters that were not being recorded before we came here. We are storing these video memories for the centuries by your mercy & empowerment. We are still in the early stages of Srila Prabhupada's spiritual movement especially with the predicted T.O.V.P. coming up.

   You once said that; "The greatest blessing the Spiritual Master can give is his instructions." We can understand by your many instructions on how to fulfill this service  that you have showered us with your mercy and blessings. For this we are eternally grateful.

   Thank you again and again for allowing us to serve both your vapu and vani forms. It is a rare and precious mercy to serve a pure devotee. Yasya Prasada Bhagavata Prasada  Yasya Prasada na gatih kutoh pi.

Please bless us to remain fixed in this service and in the shelter of your lotus feet

Eternally your small insignificant son and daughter  


 ys Pandava dasa. Co-Manager          and     Caitanya Rupa devi dasi
    Jayapataka Swami Archives                 Organization, Guidance
    Mayapur World Headquarters                and Inspiration, etc.

Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka- Svamin iti namine

I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, for she has taken refuge at His lotus feet. Nama acaryapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine Gaura-katha-dhama-daya Nagara-grama-tarine I offer my respectful obeisances to His Divine Grace Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, who is dedicated to serving the wishes, instructions and lotus feet of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and the previous-acaryas. Freely distribute the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu and distribute the glories of pastimes, instructions and the transcendental abode of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is preaching Krsna consciousness to all the inhabitants, both towns and cities, thus freeing them from conditioned material life.

All glories to you GM who has saved my life and who is taking me to krishna back home! For your beautiful qualities, compassionate, merciful, kind and many more, I sincerely thank you.  Always trying to serve you your aspiring disciple to serve you better!  Hare Krsna!

Paramananda Nitai Gaura dasa.

My dear Srila Gurudev,


On this most auspicious 71st Vyasa Puja of yours, I offer my most respectful obeisances unto your Divine Lotus Feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, our previous Acharyas and you!


Srila Gurudev, you once said in a lecture of yours that gratefulness is the basic foundation of a Guru-disciple relationship. On your auspicious Vyasa Puja, I want to express my immense gratitude to you, Srila Gurudev, even though I cannot fully describe it in words ever.


Srila Gurudev, this material world is a very horrible and fearful place to stay. However, your Lotus Feet are the safest place in this universe. I find so much shelter at your Lotus Feet. I feel so protected and comforted by Them.


I have taken so much from you, Srila Gurudev, but still I am always struggling and in need of more and more shelter of your Lotus Feet. I feel guilty that I am incompetent of returning and reciprocating with you for all the profuse blessings that you have given me. Please enable me to give you more and more so that I can keep taking shelter of your Lotus Feet at every moment without feeling guilty of not returning enough. At every moment, I want to take shelter of your Lotus Feet, Srila Gurudev, because this is the only way of being fearless in this dangerous material world. 


Srila Gurudev, in this material world, we are put into so many tests and tribulations. Sometimes, it feels overwhelming. But everything seems so little when I remind myself of your Lotus Feet and that the only goal of my life is to serve Them. Srila Gurudev, this is the only source of my strength and the only source of my bliss in this overwhelming ocean of material existence.


I am very thankful to you to have accepted me as your spiritual daughter despite my imperfections. My good fortune is incalculable and I don't want to waste such a golden chance, Srila Gurudev!  


I am also thankful to you to have blessed me with such a wonderful family of Godsiblings. Srila Gurudev, please always bless me with the association of those who are dear to you, and those who have taken your service as their life and soul. Let me always hanker for such an association, Srila Gurudev, for by doing so, I can always associate with your Lotus Feet. 


Srila Gurudev, on this 71st Vyasa Puja of yours, which falls in the year where the whole world is celebrating your glorious 50th Sannyasa Anniversary, I humbly beg at Your Lotus Feet to please take my life in your hands and mould it in whatever way you like, such that I can deepen my relationship with you as much as possible, so that I can sustain myself for the years to come.


Thanking you, always,

Your spiritual daughter, always,

Paridhi Rathi (aspiring)

Mumbai, India

Dear respected Guru Maharaj, 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

I am a incomplete disciple and started to practicing the activities to become initiated disciple. Please bless me so that I can perform all the activities properly and preach the holy name. 

Actually I have no words to explain about what I feel for you and for my GAUR NITAI. Whenever I see you, I get motivated to do something to preach the Maha mantra. But I find myself ineligible cause I can't set my mind on one thing. 

I am very fortunate to have a spiritual master and a best friend like you who help me whenever I am in any trouble or mess. 

Without the grace of The Spiritual master one cannot achieve Krishna Prem. On this special day of your 71th  appearance day, I pray to your Lotus feet that I can be dutiful to your commands and help you in preaching. 

Forgive me if I make any mistake while writing this message. 



Parna Dhar (Sudevi) 



Hare Krishna dear Gurudev,


Please accept my humble obeisance at your lotus feet. Happy birthday to you. Lord sends his representatives to preach Krishna Bhakti to conditioned souls. You are an authorized representative.


The main character of a devotee is enthusiasm.

 In Upadesamrita, Rupa goswami mentions, Utsahat Niscayad dhairyad… we see all those 6 qualities in full in you. In your preaching mission, you faced many challenges. Two incidents which inspired the most for me is,

When Srila Prabhupada ordered you to visit India, you took the most economical flight and route to India so that Srila Prabhupada money shouldn’t be wasted.

When you were admitted in hospital you were preaching Japa to nurse and doctors.


I pray at your lotus feet that I also remain enthusiastic like you and preach Krishna Bhakti in Raichur. I am trying to raise funds for new Sri Radhashyamachandra Gaurachandra Mandir and, conducting Bhakti Vriksha classes in Raichur, Karnataka.


Your servant


हरे कृष्णा 

गुरमहाराज आपके चरणों में दंडवत् प्रणाम

गुरमहाराज आप अपने शरीर की परवाह ना करते हुए भी पतित जीवों का उद्धार करने के लिए प्रचार करते है

गुरमहाराज आप हमेशा अपने भक्तों के साथ कृष्णभक्ति की बात करते है

गुरमहाराज आप अपने लेक्चर मे बोलते है कि मुझे खुश करना है तो श्रीला प्रभुपाद के मिशन को सफल करना होगा

आपका अधम पतित दास

प्रवीण कुमार गुप्ता

अंबाला( हरियाणा)

Hare Kṛṣṇa, dear Guru Mahārāja,

please accept my humble obeissance at Your lotus feet on your Vyāsa-pūjā day! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda !

I am very happy that You are always enthusiastic in serving Your spiritual master Śrīla Prabhupāda in spreading the movement of Lord Caitanya and I want to thank You for Your care of all Your disciples, other devotees and other souls also.

I take it always as Your personal care when I hear some instruction or recommendation from You even when it is through other person or some mass announcement and I always meditate how to please You by following it.

Thank You also for Your blessings that I can follow these instructions.

I am very thankful that You mercifully offered me the shelter of Your lotus feet although I do not feel qualified for it.

I wish my service would be pleasing to You and Lord Kṛṣṇa.

Your servant bhakta Peter Hropko, Māyāpur


"Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya Nagara grama tarine".


All glories to you Srila Gurudev.

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your Lotus feet.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to you Gurudev. I am not at all qualified to write anything about you but I have got this wonderful opportunity to write on this auspicious occasion, so would like to express myself.


This is my third letter to you Dear Gurudev, I am so fortunate that Jagannath has sent you as my spiritual father. I love you Guru Maharaj. Always keep smiling. By seeing you happy I get strength, your smile makes me enthusiastic, a smile comes on my face too. Please get well soon. I just pray every day to Lord Narsimha dev to keep you in good health.


Few days back I saw your dancing video. It is awesome. I want to see you like before doing kirtan and dancing with your lotus smile. I really feel so blissful that I'm also a small part of ISKCON family. I can't even think going far away from ISKCON NRJD family. Please bless that me and my friend Gaurangi(Pinky) get married to an ISKCON devotee.

Our family is ready for non-devotee but I'm not so strong in my sadhana Gurudev. Only by your special mercy anything can happen. You are so karuna mayi and keep showering blessing on everyone, so please shower that blessing on this fallen soul. I don't want to go away from you (Gurudev) and New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham, Bangalore.


In my last letter, I wrote to u that, I never got a chance to see your lotus feet from close and you fulfilled my desire on Sep 28,2019. That was the best thing that happened in my life  unexpectedly. Unexpected blessings and great association with you and Vaishnava's.


By the mercy of my Shiksha Guru H G Caitanya Avatari Prabhu, H G Rasamayi Mataji and Vaishnav Prabhu. Me and my friend Pinky (Gaurangi) got an opportunity to make a welcome greeting card for you. We are so fortunate, thank you so much Gurudev. And next day Prabhu told us to come to some apartment where many devotees were waiting for your darshan. We brought that card along with us and gave it to Prabhu.

Later on our yatra devotees were called inside and u gave us an opportunity to take your live darshan, live class. That was an awesome feeling Gurudev. You are so merciful Guru Maharaj, you know all my anarthas and still you are so merciful to this fallen soul. Please Guru Maharaj vanish my anarthas and use me in your service.


Then after the class Vaishnav Prabhu was telling you the list of Damodar program's and Bhakti-vriksha classes then suddenly he said, "Guru Maharaj, Prema Mayi and Gaurangi made a welcome card for you, I request you to kindly accept it." We thought that Prabhu will only give, but he called both of us to give. I was like- no no that is not possible, I'm just seeing a day dream, that's it. But when my friend Gaurangi tapped me and said come, come Guru Maharaj is calling us. My dream came true, all just by your mercy. I didn’t know how to react, just followed my friend Gaurangi and we were showing the card, your lotus like eyes fell on this fallen soul and you accepted our card which is made by this sinful hands. Thank you so much Gurudev. I am unable to express in words what I felt. Even u gave Jagannath's tooth brush special mercy.


Guru Maharaj I want to serve you personally some day. I do not know when that would happen. But I'm sure that you are always there with me, helping and supporting me all the time. Every day you give your darshan on facebook to this fallen soul. Thank you so much for your blessings.


Corona virus is very dangerous, so govt. announced to stay at home. But actually it is karuna not corona because of your mercy. I'm getting more devotees association online through zoom meetings. Thank you Gurudev.


Guru Maharaj please bless my family- parents, elder brother & his wife, younger brother, friends and moodalapalya devotees too. That they take up to the process seriously.(including me)


Please bless us Gurudev that we together serve you and Gauranga nicely and grow in Krishna consciousness.

Thank you so much for your time.


Your Spiritual daughter,

Pooja Raj Purohit (Prema Mayi), aspiring.

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham

Magadi road, Bangalore.

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances
and all glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dandavat Pranam Maharaj


Dear Maharaj, on this glorious day of your appearance, I would like to express my gratitude towards you.


Although I am very ineligible to receive the Divine mercy, but still, in all the little progress in my Krishna Consciousness, I see your merciful hand always present.


My kindest counselor, HG Ramagiridhari Dasa prabhuji is a true representative of your mercy and acceptance. I see a reflection of your never dying spirit to preach Krishna Consciousness in him despite endless challenges. By your mercy, he is accepting many wandering souls like me and placing on a platform to practice Bhakti.

My prayer to you is I always remain in the association of such potent disciples of yours, who are always encouraging to take up to the process of Krishna Consciousness under all circumstances


My chanting was saved and brought to consistency only by the selfless endeavors of your dear disciples from Bangalore, who host the conference calls to help facilitate the association of devotees while chanting

My prayer to you is that I have the love & faith in holyname as strongly as you have always taught us via your example


Dear Maharaj, I strongly desire to draw inspiration from :
“The love & faith you have towards the words & instructions of your spiritual master, our most revered father Srila Prabhupada, & the determination with which you are teaching to the entire family of Srila Prabhupada that no matter what challenges come, we shall keep executing the orders of our spiritual master”

and always act in accordance with these inspirations!


I pray for your nice health & offer you my heartfelt gratitude & prayers on your Vyas Puja.


Your insignificant servant

Pragati Tripathi


(Navi Mumbai, 4th April 2020)


Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri guruveh namah.

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja.

I am a tiny part of this Krishna consciousness under your leadership. I am extremely inspired by your life history. You are an extraordinary personality who came to this world to convert people's worldly life to a spiritually peaceful life by preaching harinama and distributing Bhagavat Gita. The way you preach, the way you give lectures in spirit of being physically unwell leaves me awestruck. I would be highly obliged if you bless me for my spiritual growth and material education too. So that I can achieve something and preach Krishna consciousness all over the world.

Your humble servant,

Pragga Saha.

শ্রী  শ্রী গুরুগৌরাঙ্গ জয়ত......


নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে। 

শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীনিতি নামিনে।।

নমো আচার্যপাদায় নিতাইকৃপা প্রদায়িনে।

গৌরকথা ধামদায় নগর-গ্রাম তারিনে।।


ওহে গুরুদেব,

তব শ্রীচরণ রেনু করিয়া বন্দন, শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথিতে আপনার কিছু গুনকথা করিব কীর্তন। 

বিদ্যা হীন, জ্ঞানহীন আমি বড় পতিত

আপনার কৃপা কণা করিয়াছে ধর্নাতীত।

ইহা কৃপা কণা লইয়া কিছু মহিমা আপনার করিব বর্ণনা 

ভুল ত্রুটিতে আপনি মোরে করিবেন মার্জনা।

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের কৃপা ধন্য আপনি তাঁর জয়পতাকা, ইহা মহিমা কে করিতে পারে বর্ণনা।

নিত্য সিদ্ধ নিতাই পার্ষদ আপনি সাক্ষাৎ

গৌর বাণী লইয়া আপনি বিশ্বের নগর-গ্রামে  করিলেন প্রচার।

উদ্ধারীতে পতিত পামর, আপনি বড় কৃপালু

কোনো বিচার না করিয়া বিশ্বে গৌর কৃপা সকলেরে করিলেন প্রদান।

অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রম আর অনেক শারীরিক বাঁধা তথাপি না করিলে বন্ধ আপনার প্রচার কার্য।

গুরু বাক্য হৃদয়ে করিয়া ধারণ

সমস্ত দুঃখ-কষ্ট-ব্যাধি হাসি মুখে করিতেছেন বহন।

ইহাতে আপনার মহিমা বিশ্বে দৃষ্টান্ত পায়,

শ্রীগুরু কৃপা বিনা আর ত্রিভূবনে নাহিকো উপায়। 

ওহে গুরুদেব তব শ্রীমুখ বাক্য ও কৃপা হৃদয়ে করিয়া ধারণ,

রহিতে পারি যেন আপনার শ্রীচরণ।

এই আশির্বাদ কৃপা কণা মাগে এই দীন

অধম শিষ্য প্রহ্লাদ ঈশ্বর দাস

জন্মে জন্মে ওহে গুরুদেব এই মোর আশ।।


হরে কৃষ্ণ হরে কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ হরে হরে

হরে রাম হরে রাম রাম রাম হরে হরে।।


জয় পতিত পাবন গুরুদেব কী জয়

জয় প্রভুপাদের জয়



আপনার অধম শিষ্য -

প্রহ্লাদ ঈশ্বর দাস 

জলপাইগুড়ি নামহট্ট সংঘ

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

Nama on Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale Srimata Jayapataka Swamin iti namine Namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine gaur kada dhama daya Nagara grama tarine

Dear GuruMaharaj,

All glories to your auspicious appearance day You are mercy personified ,you are magnanimous,you are giving freely the mercy of Nityananda prabhu,all the good qualities of Krishna is in you Gurudev.You are very kind to the fallen souls like me.I don't know what pious activities I have done in my past life to get your holiness as my spiritual master.when I met you last time when you came to Bangalore I felt like I have met Krishna .The purity of your heart attracts every one Gurudev .we all know they you don't have any desires in this material world other can carrying out the orders of your beloved spiritual master.Your determination to serve SrilaPrabhupad irrespective of all the bodily discomforts amazes me.If I can do a bindhu of that service my life will be successful. I bow down at your lotus feet .Please accept me and empower me also to carry out all your desires to serve SrilaPrabhupad. Please give me the enthusiasm to serve you with all my heart and soul life after life .Please help me not to get allured by the colors of Maya .Please keep me always in your prayers my dear Gurudev.I bow down to your lotus feet again and again begging your mercy.

Your insignificant servant

Pranasakhi Lasika Devi Dasi

Bangalore India

Please accept my respectful obeisances.
All glories to Guru and Gaurāṅga!
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

You are mercy personified ,you are magnanimous,you are giving freely the mercy of Nityānanda prabhu,all the good qualities of Kṛṣṇa is in you Gurudev.You are very kind to the fallen souls like me.I don't know what pious activities I have done in my past life to get Your Holiness as my spiritual master. When I met you last time when you came to Bangalore I felt like I have met Kṛṣṇa. The purity of your heart attracts every one Gurudeva. We all know they you don't have any desires in this material world other can carrying out the orders of your beloved spiritual master. Your determination to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda irrespective of all the bodily discomforts amazes me. If I can do a bindhu of that service my life will be successful.

I bow down at your lotus feet .Please accept me and empower me also to carry out all your desires to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda. Please give me the enthusiasm to serve you with all my heart and soul life after life. Please help me not to get allured by the colors of Māyā. Please keep me always in your prayers my dear Gurudeva. I bow down to your lotus feet again and again begging your mercy.

Your insignificant servant,

Prāṇasakhi Lasikā devī dāsī
Bangalore, India

Hare krishna gurudeva,

Please accept my my humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet.

Wish you very happy Vyasa puja celebration.

Every year I try to find words within my heart that can properly glorify my Gurumaharaj ,I come to a realisation that I don't have a heart worthly of your glorification as it's harder than a rock and almost non existent.

You are my spiritual master, you are my saviour, you are my everything whatever I am today is simply due to your causeless mercy upon me. 

On this most auspicious day I want to offer myself to you.

Your servant,

Pranesvara Nitairama Dasa.

Sridham Mayapur, India

‘’Mayar prabhabe apan swabhabe /sadai adhama mati

                 Tran kara ei adhama janere /kripa bina nei gati,

                 Jiva kalyane tava Abadan /jagate ghosito aj

                 Tava sricharan, amar jivana /Gurudev Maharaj’’


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Take my humble obeisance. 

This is your insignificant servant who is always begging for your mercy. You are the only hope for this rascal who is always struggling from lust, greed, pride, anger and who is planning for thousand types of sense gratifications & enjoyment. Your lotus feet are the only shelter for me. Thank you very much for accepting me as one of your disciples. Thank you very much for your unlimited blessings, mercy, love and care. 

You teach us to ‘’Never give up” by setting practical example through your life. You teach us how to be an ideal disciple and how to serve our spiritual master by our heart and soul as you are doing that to fulfil the desire of your spiritual master, Srila Prabbupad. In ISKCON society you are the top example seeing whom we became convinced that we are really not this body we are spirit soul. In the purport of SB 7.10. Srila Prabhupad writes, ‘’Everyone has limited duration of life, but a devotee’s lifetime can be extended by the mercy of the Supreme Lord, who is able to nullify the results of one’s karma.’’ By your earnest desire to serve Srila Prabhupad and by the mercy of Lord you have set your victory flag over death. You are like Visma Pitamaha who had the boon of ichha mrityu.

I think from the juniors to senior most devotees of all over ISKCON society, you are the like the head guardian for us under whose protection we are always feeling safe and secure. Your love & care, your compassion & dedication, your determination & enthusiasm always inspire me to contribute some tangible service for Srila Prabhupad’s mission. When the whole world is sufferings for the tremendous fear of Corona virus attack, nonstop live broadcasting of transcendental messages gives strong potential to many devotees to overcome the fear of death. You are the only hope for me.  

By your mercy the congressional preaching at my home is also increasing day by day. By your blessings I am trying to contribute some service of youth preaching at my workplace. Please give me your blessings so that I can contribute more in preaching & book distributions. 

A disciple should not be the burden of his spiritual master. Kindly take me shelter on your lotus feet so that I will not be the burden for you rather I can apply the burden of love in my life to serve the guru Gouranga. ON this day of your appearance I am begging forgiveness from you due to my offences committed at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly and bless this rascal so that it can simply become an instrument in your hands to fulfil the desires of Srila Prabhupad & previous Acharyas.

All glories to you!

All glories to Srila Prabhupad!


Your insignificant servant

Praneswar Sachinandan Das

(Diksha), Bhubaneswar, India

Om ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana śalākayā cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ|
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga | All glories to Srila Prabhupada |
My Dear Spiritual Father
Please accept my respectful humble obeseinces at the dust of  your lotus feet. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga | All glories to Srila Prabhupada |
Although I don’t have any qualification to glorify your transcendental qualities and your divine mercy but still I will try because of your and Srila Prabhupada’s mercy.
Now whole world knows about your glories, inspite of facing so many health reversals in the last 10-11 years , you are still continuing to serve Srila Prabhuapada and giving out your divine mercy by sowing the seeds of devotional service in the heart of many countless souls. Just like Prahlada Maharaja suffered so many pains beacause of his father Hiranyakasipu just to teach devotional service to others, Just like Srila Prabhuapada suffered so much pain when he was printing and distributing Back to Godhead magazine alone in India, when he went to America and while preaching in the USA and establishing ISKCON. Similarly , you are suffering just to deliver the many fallen souls from this dark kaliyuga, and also to fulfil the desire of Srila Prabhuapada and all the previous Acaryas in our parampara. Otherwise it’s impossible for a pure devotee like you to suffer. By your life and activities, you have shown that your life is only meant for pleasing Srila Prabhuapada.
By your mercy and the mercy of Srila Prabhuapada, i have been able to continue my Sadhna. Thank you GuruMaharaja! for bringing me to the shade of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya’s divine mercy. I Pray to Lord Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Panchatattva and Sri Sri Prahlada Nrsimhadeva to restore your good health. On this auspicious day of your appearence , Please bless me and make me your servant.  Please give me the blessings so that I can also follow in your footsteps and dedicate my whole life in your and Srila Prabhupada’s service. Please give me the blessings of association of devotees and also to chant Hari-Naam offenselessly. Whatever offenses I have committed during the course of my devotional service , Please forgive me for those offenses.

Your’s lowly Servant,
Pravesh Kumar


Beloved Guru Maharaja , 

Please accept my most respect fully obeisances to the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Your Divine Grace! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


On this most auspicious occasion of your appearance, I want to thank you whole heartedly for being here amidst us and giving us spiritual strength and hope by your association and care.


In these troubled times, we have a great possibility of spreading Lord Chaitanya's message in a most dynamic way and Your Divine Grace is always looking at opportunities and possibilities to give out mercy, engaging everyone.


Just as Srila Prabhupada felt that Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's message was in the very safe hands of his Spiritual Master, Your Holiness as Srila Prabhupada's  dear disciple is also safe- guarding the message and mood of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ensuring that the pure sentiments of Krishna Prema are not diluted by any strains of Karma and Jnana.


Iam always amazed at how you detect even the finest of deviations and are always promoting  pure Bhakti. 


I have a great desire to serve Your Divine Grace and Your mission  even though I am not at all qualified to do so.


Having you as a Spiritual Master is the greatest benediction  that I have received from the Lord.I am always praying that one day I will be able to render intimate services to Your Divine Grace for your mission.


I am trying my best to do things in a way that will be pleasing to you and Krishna, but I am very far from my goal.


I always remember the words that you  spoke once at Mathuradesh.  You had undergone an Ayurvedic treatment for your back and were resting for 3, 4 days.But even before you were fully fine, your desire to give mercy to the Russian devotees during their annual festival was foremost in your mind and you booked your tickets to go there. So when I urged Your Divine Grace to kindly reconsider Your decision, you got up from your bed and came outside and chastised me. " You think that my going there is like sense gratification or something? My Russian disciples are scattered all over Russia and they  get to see me only once a year during the festival!" Those words had a lasting impact on me.


Your selfless service without a tinge of sense gratification is a great benchmark and example for all of us to follow.


Dearest Guru Maharaja, please bless my family and those we are caring for on your behalf with great spiritual advancement.


Please bless my spiritual advancement and services. Please remove all the obstacles on my path in rendering my services. Kindly empower me more and more.


Aspiring to be your eternal servant,

Prema Padmini dd

Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

My self Prema Pramoda Dasa, your insignificant spiritual son, with your causeless mercy you accepted me as your spiritual son on Gaura Purnima Day, 02nd March 2018 at Sridam Mayapur.

I don’t know how to glorify yourself on your appearance day since if you bless me I could only ink some words.

I had read one of the morning walk Srila Prabhupada confirmed Guru is sitting in every disciple’s heart, and you are always giving the feeling that you are with me in day and night.

Your enthusiasm despite of the physical condition to spread Gauranga’s name for your Guru Srila Prabhupada is an exemplary effort to teach your disciples.

I do remember, you recall the names of two devotees who is heading to Sridham Mayapur for Gaura Poornima 2018 (One Mathaji’s name I remember Krishna from Russia) while taking a break at a petrol station on the way, I personally witnessed you remember their names and place even you were at time physically weak after a long journey from Chennai and with the health condition. How you are merciful by showing you personally take care of all your disciples and they are always in your heart.

Dear Guru Maharaj, can I humbly request you at your lotus feet to please bless me to have a drop of your enthusiasm to serve Guru and Krishna even I have no quality to receive it.

On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja I do pray to Sri Sri Radhamadhav, Pancatatva, Narasimhadev, Satgoswamis,Guruparampara and Srila Prabhupada to keep you healthy, so lot of fallen souls will get a chance to Go back to home, back to God head.

Your most Insignificant Spiritual Son

Prema Pramoda Dasa.

Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

My self Prema Pramoda Dasa, your insignificant spiritual son, with your causeless mercy you accepted me as your spiritual son on Gaura Purnima Day, 02nd March 2018 at Sridam Mayapur.

Neither I do have any spiritual Knowledge to Glorify yourself nor I am capable of doing so.

I had read one of the morning walk Srila Prabhupada confirmed Guru is sitting in every disciple’s heart, and you are always guiding every disciples by sitting their heart, most fallen like me is not realising it.

Your enthusiasm despite of the physical condition to spread Gauranga’s name for your Guru Srila Prabhupada is an exemplary effort to teach your disciples.

I had personally witnessed your compassion in 2018 when I came for Initiation. You were taking  a short break on the way to Mayapur from Chennai at a petrol station where you call the names and place of two disciples they pay their obeisance from long distances irrespective of your health condition. Apparently they are visiting Sridham Mayapur after a long period for Gaura Purnima.t You remember their names and places stuck me how you are merciful by keeping all your disciples in your heart.

Dear Guru Maharaj, can I humbly request you at your lotus feet to please bless me to have a drop of your enthusiasm to serve Guru and Krishna even I have no quality to receive it.

I am using this oppertunity to beg forgiveness for  the offenses and mistakes I do at your lotus feet 

On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja I do pray to Sri Sri Radhamadhav, Pancatatva, Narasimhadev, Satgoswamis,Guruparampara and Srila Prabhupada to keep you healthy, so lot of fallen souls will get a chance to Go back to home, back to God head.

Your most Insignificant Spiritual Son

Prema Pramoda Dasa.

Hare Krishna dear gurumaharaj.

Please accept our humble obeisances.

All glories to srila prabhupada.

            We are extremely happy to celebrate your 71st vyaspuja mahotsava.

We are thankful to Lord narsingh Deva who protected you through out your surgery.we are thankful to Lord Krishna who showered mercy upon us by giving u successful surgery from which we can getting the nector of your holy association through your daily lectures and darshan.

We pray to Lord Krishna to keep you always healthy.

Please bless us so that we can serve in your mission.

Your servant

Prempurushottam das and Amala laxmipriya Devi dasi.

Hare Krsna

Guru Maharaj ,


Please accept my humble obesisances


All glories to Srila Prabhupada 


I feel very fortunate to write this offering for your Vyasa Puja GuruMaharaja , as this not only purifies me but also strengthen my relationship with You which is eternal and complete in all respects .


GuruMaharaj You are the source of inspiration for me to continue Krsna consciousness which is filled with  lot of practical examples of your own life .


When ever I face difficulties,  only by remembering You , my dear  GuruMaharaj  , I can still remain positive and take it as a mercy of Lord  Krsna as I see you doing it very expertly every moment.  


And not only that you also inspire many devotees by your words and actions on a  practical upfront   which are unparalleled and inexplicable. 


Pls shower your blessings upon me GuruMaharaj so  that I get spirtual strength to follow your instructions to make you happy ...


I have experienced many times of getting solutions for every problem (be it material or spirtual)  just by  remembering you and your pranam mantra .


I am very much indebted to you GuruMaharaj since you have accepted me as Your disciple out of causeless mercy ..pls bless me that I take the mission of Srila Prabhupada further by preaching which is impossible task for me without your empowerment.


Pls give me strength to follow 4 regulative principles and chant the holy name of lord 16 rounds on daily basis such a way that I can make you happy .


Thank you 

PremarupaCaitanya das 

Your servant

Nama om vishnupaadaaya krishna preshthaaya bhoothale srimathe jayapataaka swaamin iti naamine

Nama aachaaryapaadaaya nitai kripa pradaayine 

Gaura kathadaama daaya nagara graama thaarine


Dear Guru Maharaja, 

Please accept our respectful obeisances unto Your divine lotus feet!


By Your blessings on us we are able to render our devotional services unto Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Mai here in ICC, Bangalore. We are now under the Devotee care system started by the temple authorities and hence are  monitored, guided by senior devotees. I am serving in the Krishna kingdom classes for kids on Sundays and in the deity kitchen on Saturdays. Other than this I am translating articles for Kannada BTG. 


In these times of lockdown  too You are generously giving Your association to us through classes from  Mayapur. Also You have blessed us by Your vaani in the Zoom meetings. You are the best example to use the technology in service of Krishna. You are always reminding us how to serve Prabhupada by Yourself being a perfect example of the same. Always being inspired by Your enthusiasm we have  started summer classes for kids by teaching Bhagavad Gita. These classes are live on our FB page "Ayurveda for your health". We are starting an Ayurvedic dispensing and consulting unit through which we can preach people and reach out to many through our spiritual books which is a part of the unit. Requesting You to continue to shower blessings on us so that we can perform good sadhana and remain Your humble servants forever. 


Your servants, 

Prema Vinodhini Devi dasi (initiated disciple) 

Govinda Sundara das(HH RNSM) 

Bhn Lalitha Sakhi(5.5yrs)

Uddhava Priya das (initiated disciple) 

Vijayeshwari Radha Devi dasi (initiated disciple) 

ICC, Bangalore 

TirthangaNitai das(initiated disciple) Assam, Silchar

Guru Mahārāja, please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet,

I am very fortunate that on this occasion I have gotten an opportunity to glorify my spiritual master, father and guide. By your mercy, my Prabhuji Vikrama Baladev Das and I are preaching in Sanjayanagar in Bangalore. We have eight bhakti vrikshas every Saturday, Mangala aarti every Sunday, and three online classes. By taking your association every day via your classes we continuously understand the mood you wish us to preach with. We are trying our level best to inculcate your mood of compassion and mutual care in the yatra.

Once when we met you at Juhu temple, you instructed us to see to the fact that everyone who comes to our bhakti vriksha is happy. We have taken that instruction of yours as our life and soul. Please bless us, Guru Maharaj, that we can continue to do so forever.

We also have a deep desire that you address our Sanjayanagar yatra either online or in-person by travelling with you. We pray that the lordships sanction this desire so that our new, old and upcoming devotees get your direct mercy.

On your seventy-first Vyāsa-pūjā, I pray to their Lordships, Śrī Śrī Gāndharvikā Giridhārī, Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Śrī Śrī Lakṣmī Narsiṁhadeva for your long long long life, to serve and inspire all of us in your mission to please Śrīla Prabhupāda. Gurudevā I offer my respectful obeisances from the core of my heart.

Please forgive me for any mistakes I have unknowingly committed.

My dear spiritual father, 

Pls accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet on this auspicious day of your appearance. I would take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for whatever you are doing for ourselves to save us from the onslaught of Maya.In Śrīmad- Bhāgavatam 8.7.44 it is said that the highest form of worship is to accept difficulties voluntarily to alleviate the suffering of others. This is said in the context of lord Shiva's drinking poison. Gurumaharaj, you are drinking this poison of our karma keeping aside the opportunity of enjoyment with your spiritual master,God brothers,krishna & definitely with lord of your heart lord Chaitanya the in the spiritual world. You have now more than 50k disciples but still you are giving time personal time to an unknown village devotee. This fact I saw infront of my own eyes. You have unfathomable compassion for conditioned soul like us.We sing ,"Sri Guru karuna Sindhu adhama janara Bandhu". You are the personification of this line. In so many instances I realised this fact when you asked me about my youth preaching reports,my other services & most amazingly I saw that you keep this rascal's services in your memory ..this is my hope Gurumaharaj. I am 100% confident that by my struggling Sadhana, week determination I will be no where in the home  playground of Maya. But still this sinful rascal is continuing its services being in the Bramhacari ashram surrounded by devotees, mahaprasadam, deities, services just by your prayers & blessings.

One very senior devotee from one of our most popular ISKCON temples of India was sharing that he was so sorry to think that he could not get a single opportunity to speak to his spiritual master even being a Bramhacari for 13 years. But I have received so much reciprocations as I mentioned above from you even in terms getting replies  in mails by you in the crucial moments in our life. You are setting the example of yukta Vairagya powerfully by utilising all the ultra modern facilities in the service of your spiritual master to reach out to the conditioned souls. In this lock down condition of the world you are giving 3 preaching programs in a day utilising zoom platform.By the infection if corona virus we will dye once but by the infection of Maya virus we are dying from time immemorial. But you are there in the forefront to protect us from the infection if Maya virus by getting specially empowered by lord Chaitanya & Srila Prabhupada. On this day of you appearance I am begging forgiveness from you due to offences committed at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly & bless this rascal so that it can simply become an instrument in your hands to fulfill the desires of Srila Prabhupada & the pervious Acharyas.


Your insignificant servant, 

Premananda Chaitanya Das

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my respectful obeisances.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to unto your lotus feet!

Srila Gurudeva, it is my sincere prayer to Jagannatha,Subhadra Mai, Baladeva, Gaur Nitai and Lord Narasimha Deva to protect and bless you so that you recover from your currect health condition and gain good health to serve and fulfill Srila Prabhupada mission.

With your blessings,  I got a chance to stay in devotees association. I am staying with my husband and son (Mangalam - 18 yrs) in a devotees community.  I am very insignificant to serve you however with your blessings and Sr devotees guidance I am trying my best to handle couple of manjaris and BV classes.  I am not at all skilled however received your blessings in form of preaching opportunities.  Srila Gurudeva, please bless me so that I can dedicate myself in serving your lotus feet by bringing new soul in krishna conscious.  Please bless me to remove my anarthas so that I can serve in your mission of Krishna Consciousness eternally. 

Please bless my son Mangalam (18 yrs old) so that he surrender unto lotus feet of Srila Gurudeva immediately and serve in Srila Gurudeva mission.  Myself Premapurna Radhika Devi Dasi, Spouse Parampurush Jaganantha Das and Son Mangalam beg for your blessings so that we dedicate ourselves in devotional service and preaching to bring more soul in Krishna Consciousness and Serva Gurudeva eternally.   

Your insignificant Servants
Premapurna Radhika devi dasi, 
Bangalore - New Rajapur Dham - India

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev ,


Please accept our respectful obeisances,


All glories to Srila Prabhupad, All glories to you !!



We take this wonderful opportunity to thank you immensely for all that you have been doing for us , ever since you took up the mission of Srila Prabhupad as your life and soul ! 


   It is very inspiring and something that we as disciples should learn from you on how much you 'care for the devotees' . Anybody with even a mild physical discomfort would like to take a break from his or her duties. Inspite of major life threatening  surgeries with multiple needles poking into you and blood being transfused and doctor visits being scheduled on and off , the spirit of enthusiasm you possess in attending meetings , giving classes, overseeing the construction of the TOVP and many of the other aspects of your commitments to Srila Prabhupad, is commendable and proves beyond doubt how you are a special personality,  whom Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has mercifully sent for delivering his wonderful bhakti-shakti to so many of us fallen souls.  We thank you for revealing the wondrous pastimes and mood of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the form of your wonderful compilation , which you are carrying on everyday, despite your delicate health.


  You are practically living your life as a pure devotee, as a wonderful example for all of us,  dear Guru maharaj. We should be very very fortunate to have taken shelter under the Lotus Feet of one who doesn't have a tinge of personal desire or pride towards any spiritual accomplishments ,but one whose whole life, body and soul is meant to satisfy the spirit and instructions of Srila Prabhupad... Srila Prabhupad also used to remark always,  that how his life was simply meant to please and follow the instructions of his Gurudev, 'Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami maharaj'. In this way, you are setting an ideal example for all of us and understand the mood of the vaishnava parampara system , Srila Gurudev. 


   Your Holiness mentioned many times,  how you are living and enduring all difficulties , simply to see the 'TOVP' being completed. Please bless us and empower us dear Gurudev, to be able to follow in your footsteps , just as your whole life is dedicated to the pleasure of your spiritual master. 


Thank you very very much for always caring and praying for us. 


Your spiritual children,

Premasundara madhava das,

Nityasevini Vishaka dd,



nama o viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tārie

nāma o viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracārie


Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāj!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

          om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

I offer my respectful obeisance unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.

          I heard that guru will come life after life to save a disciple. That is absolutely true because I was born and brought up in salem(tamilnadu). Without any plan I went to tiruvanantapuram(kerala) to visit iskcon there. after two years I got shelter at your lotus feet. Then I came back to salem and joined in iskcon salem. i feel that to give initiation you took me to tiruvanantapuram.

          In one of your lecture you mentioned about causeless mercy that there is no need to show mercy. Still without any cause you showed mercy on this poor soul. Now by your causeless mercy I am trying to serve your lotus feet and srila prabhupada. And I pray to your lotus feet that let me continue to serve you life after life.


Your unworthy disciple,

Premeshvara Nitai Das (diksa),

Salem, Tamilnadu,India.

Nama om visnu padaya Krsna  presthaya bhutale 

Srimate jayapataka svamin iti namine

Nama acharya padaya nitai krpa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagar grama tarine.


My dear Spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on the occasion of your auspicious vyasa-puja.

I take advantage of this day, to pen down my reverential heart and indebt attitude for you. It’s your mercy that has given me everything I was looking for in my life, love to the name Gauranga. I would take opportunity of this day to glorify you as it will increase my attachment at your lotus feet and would strengthen my sadhna vows & commitment in executing your instructions.

You are a consistent spring of compelling inspiration not only to children of Srila Prabhupada, even to his grand children, great grand children and generations to come. You have set a benchmark of how can one steadily progress in his endeavours to spread Gauranga’s message in spite all bodily odds. Your efforts in spreading Gauranga’s name and mercy to all fallen souls are unbeatable.

Your magnanimous heart is always eager to shower love of Gauranga. No one can remain untouched from your deep love for Gauranga and by your mercy drops of same love get infused in your disciples and associates. I myself is an example of it.  After accepting me in your shelter, a special attachment has developed in my heart for Nitai Gaura. Also, I always cherish and feel grateful for special moments of anna prashan ceremony done by you for my daughter. Gurumaharaj you ensured that ceremony is done properly and instructed pujari to do so even though you were not well that day.

Your determination, devotion and dedication to fulfil instructions of Srila Prabhupada make you unstoppable and indomitable. A notable day created in history of ISKCON when you touched the mark of 50,000 diksha disciples on 27th Jan 2020 and fulfilled one of the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. Initiated 919 devotees and accepted thousands as your siksha disciples in Thakurgoan, Bangladesh.  You are still serving Srila Prabhupada untiringly with same enthusiasm as you had when you surrendered unto him in 1968.  Glories of your services at lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada can run into multiple volumes. Gurumaharaj, you are an exemplary disciple who again teaches us many lessons from your own life. You are a true acharya.

I pray at the Lotus feet of Lord Narsimha, Sri Sri Radha Madhav to bless you with all physical strength so that you successfully accomplish your commitments to Srila Prabhupada. I pray to dear Lordship that They bless us all with your divine association for many years ahead.

Gurudev, I also beg for your blessings on this auspicious day so that I act with lot of responsibility in my services here at ISKCON Chandigarh and also in my primary role of mother. Please bless your daughter.

Your spiritual daughter

Premeswari Haripriya Devi Dasi. (Chandigarh –INDIA)

Nama om visnu padaya Krsna  presthaya bhutale 

Srimate jayapataka svamin iti namine

Nama acharya padaya nitai krpa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagar grama tarine.


My dear Spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on the occasion of your auspicious vyasa-puja.

I take advantage of this day, to pen down my reverential heart and indebt attitude for you. It’s your mercy that has given me everything I was looking for in my life, love to the name Gauranga. I would take opportunity of this day to glorify you as it will increase my attachment at your lotus feet and would strengthen my sadhna vows & commitment in executing your instructions.


You are a consistent spring of compelling inspiration not only to children of Srila Prabhupada, even to his grand children, great grand children and generations to come. You have set a benchmark of how can one steadily progress in his endeavours to spread Gauranga’s message in spite all bodily odds. Your efforts in spreading Gauranga’s name and mercy to all fallen souls are unbeatable.


Your magnanimous heart is always eager to shower love of Gauranga. No one can remain untouched from your deep love for Gauranga and by your mercy drops of same love get infused in your disciples and associates. I myself is an example of it.  After accepting me in your shelter, a special attachment has developed in my heart for Nitai Gaura. Also, I always cherish and feel grateful for special moments of anna prashan ceremony done by you for my daughter. Gurumaharaj you ensured that ceremony is done properly and instructed pujari to do so even though you were not well that day.


Your determination, devotion and dedication to fulfil instructions of Srila Prabhupada make you unstoppable and indomitable. A notable day created in history of ISKCON when you touched the mark of 50,000 diksha disciples on 27th Jan 2020 and fulfilled one of the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. Initiated 919 devotees and accepted thousands as your siksha disciples in Thakurgoan, Bangladesh.  You are still serving Srila Prabhupada untiringly with same enthusiasm as you had when you surrendered unto him in 1968.  Glories of your services at lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada can run into multiple volumes. Gurumaharaj, you are an exemplary disciple who again teaches us many lessons from your own life. You are a true acharya.


I pray at the Lotus feet of Lord Narsimha, Sri Sri Radha Madhav to bless you with all physical strength so that you successfully accomplish your commitments to Srila Prabhupada. I pray to dear Lordship that They bless us all with your divine association for many years ahead.


Gurudev, I also beg for your blessings on this auspicious day so that I act with lot of responsibility in my services here at ISKCON Chandigarh and also in my primary role of mother. Please bless your daughter.


Your spiritual daughter

Premeswari Haripriya Devi Dasi. (Chandigarh –INDIA)


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. 

All Glories to Srila Guru and Gauranga

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

"śrī-guru karuṇā-sindhu, adhama janāra bandhu"

Our spiritual master is the ocean of mercy, the friend of the poor, and the lord and master of the devotees. 

I'm so fallen, but You have blessed me with Your lotus shelter of initiation into the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara. You have guided me in each and every step of life with Your mercy, and I feel protected and cared for under Your lotus feet. You are my dear most spiritual father. My childhood memories of chanting with You in Lotus building rooftop, infront of Sri Sri Panchatattva and morning walks around Mayapur specially to Goshalas are deep etched in my heart. 

Guru Maharaja, I used to assist childrens at their growth in Bhakti in Durgapur Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan temple and also used to do regular temple services like making deity dresses, ornaments and other services but after my wedding in January 2018, I'm located at Bongaon (Near Haridaspur / Bangladesh -India Border) with my husband Sasvata Nimai das who is currently posted here for his job. I'm now attached to Kolkata temple as my husband but since I'm away from Kolkata, unable to do regularly services which I used to. Please bless us so that we can go back with shifting of workplace to Kolkata and restart our services for Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda Dev as soon as possible, and assist You in Your preaching mission.

Today, in the auspicious 71st Vyasa Puja day of Your Divine Grace, this is my earnest request and prayer to Sri Sri Nrisimhadeva to completely recover Your health, and bless us with Your abundant association and mercy, and so that You guide us for many more yugas to come in Srila Prabhupada's glorious mission.

My humble obeisances to Your Lotus feet once again,

Your insignificant spiritual daughter,

Priti Lalita devi dasi

(Diksha Disciple)

Kolkata, India

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


My Dearest Spiritual Father

Please accept my most respectful humble obeiscences unto your lotus feet.

On this most auspicious day of your Holiness’s Vyaspuja , I pray to their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Madhava Ashtasakis, Sri SriJagannath
Baldev and Subhadra Mai , Sri Narsimhadev, and Sri Panchatattva for your quick and speedy recovery so that many more souls can get the opportunity to become Krishna Conscious by your unlimited causeless mercy!

It’s just amazing to see how your holiness continues preaching amidst all obstacles! Touching so many hearts inspiring all of us to become more and more serious in Krishna Consciousness. To dive deeper into the sweet nectar of Harinam Sankirtana. To learn to depend upon Lord’s plans. Recently you were on a tour inspiring South America devotees who were so overwhelmed to serve you and have your personal association. We even heard how your holiness preached in Bolivia where there was unrest in the then government, yet your desire to preach in all circumstances is so bold, fearless,motivating and mind blowing!  Your holiness’s dear servants who serve you around the clock are so dear to us. They have shifts for seva and your holiness is a one man army serving Srila Prabhupad , and the previous Acharays! In one of your lectures on Facebook you disclose that there is no limit to lord Nityananda’s mercy. Gurudev you so beautifully and affectionately serve and follow their lordships.

Everyday by seeing you, hearing you we are reminded how to remain sincere , fixed , determined and devoted in our own services to you! Wherever we are please bless us dear Gurudev to always be able to serve you and fulfil our promises to you! Please forgive us for all our offences and anarthas. Please help us to do all our services in the proper mood and consciousness to improve our sadhna and become your obedient servant’s servant’s servant!

I pray for all Vaishnavas especially all our Shiksha Gurus mathuradesh devotees, Baroda Yatra , all our cell members and our family members. I also pray for my Prabhu Mahananda Chaitanya Das, daughters Raspriya Radharani Devi Dasi and Riya. Please bestow your mercy upon all of us to advance in Krishna Consciousness. 

Your insignificant daughter
Preetimayi Radhika Devi Dasi ( Diksha  )
Mathuradesh / Baroda

Respected spiritual father

Please accept my humble and repeated obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to his divine grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada . 

The fallen soul like me had no qualification it is your kindness and mercy that my spiritual life progressed. There are some obstacles that I need to overcome with your blessings. 

Kindly bestow your mercy on my mother so that she can grow spiritually.

All I need is your shelter throughout my life. 

Always praying for your good health.

Aspiring to be your sincere disciple. 

At the dust of your divine lotus feet.

Your aspiring servant 

Priya ( New Delhi)

Hare Krishna pranam. 

Here's my vyas puja offering. 




O' Maharaj! Ocean of causeless mercy,

Your heart is over flowing with divine ecstasy.

Though you’re eternally liberated,

You appeared to save fallen souls in deep torment.

Having forgotten Krishna, the master of all,

We fell into the dead trap of Maya’s toll.

Darkness all around us, not a single ray of hope,

Praying for your mercy, we’re unable to cope.

Hearts of many Thou have captured,

With the divine knowledge, so enrapture!

The human race, Thou have embraced,

With the most sublime Krishna's grace.

Grief of separation from Krishna is inescapable,

Seeking your mercy to make our devotion stable.

False is our ego, so is our creed,

Please shower your blessings, nescience of ignorance then only can we exceed.


Your servant 

Priya Rani 


Dear Maharaj,

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

My name is Priyom Saha, I am 10 years old and I read in class 5.

First of all I wish you a very very happy vyasapuja. I am very much inspired by your life history  and I really appreciate it . I remember that one day when you were going somewhere a drunkard  drew the knife into your neck. And you just kept calm and asked other devotees to take you to the hospital. Lord Krishna may have given you some special powers or else how can anyone bare such pain and the most that love is when you say Gauranga.

  I have no more words to glorify you and please accept my rigards 

Your humble servant,

Priyom Saha.    

My Dearest Spiritual Father

Wishing you a very Gaur Nitai 71st Vyas Puja Day

All Glories Unto Your Lotus Feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


Dear Gurudeva Corona or No Corona your karuna has kept me in a state of spiritual escatasy.  

Your Ahaituaki Apratihata service to Srila Prabhupada makes my understanding of those Divine Words of Srima Bhagavatam to full extent

Organ transplants, immunosuppresants and various other bodiy pains has only strengthened your determination to fulfill Srila Prabhupadas instructions  This was very evident when you extensively travelled to various countries and initiated more than 2000 devotees in two days in Bangladesh.

If the Lord so desires, my humbest sincerest heartfelt prayers to Sri Radha Madhav, Panchatattva, Lord Narasimha Dev and Guru Parampara to end this pandemic, so that you can touch and transform many many more lives by your unlimited mercy.

On this special seeking your blessings to improve the quality of my chanting.  The more my efforts to make it unoffensive the more muy mind is on everything else other than the Holy Names.  Only by your mercy will be able to achieve this almost impossible feat.

By able guidance and mercy of HG Vijay Venugopal Das and HG Prema Padmini Devi Dasi, my prabhu Prasannatma Balaram Das and myself are made instruments in guiding a few devotees towards the path of Bhakti.  During this locked down period BV through online is really a blessing to keep our minds on devotional service.

Please bless all devotees connected with Kormangala Bhakti Center to Krsna Prema.  Aslo please bless our family and special request for our Son Abhinav to be steady on this path of Bhakti headed by Gauranga.

Our prayers to Nitai Gaur to keep you in the best of health as we ALL WILL ALWAYS NEED YOUR ASSOCIATION AND MERCY


Trying to be Servant of Servants

Purna Nandini Madhavi Devi Dasi



Dear and respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble and respected obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

I would like express my sincere gratitude for accepting me as your disciple. The gifts are in abundance through the holy name, prasadam, association of devotees, etc.,.

 This year was so remarkable that by your blessings, i had the wonderful opportunity to stay in Mayapur dham for 6 months almost for doing Bhakti sastri from October 23rd onwards and had the glorious privelige of receiving the certificate from your lotus hands. I felt this is the perfection of life. On my birthday this year i had the wonderful opportunity to get the blessings from you and this is an another great wonder in my life. Thank you very much.

My offering for you from Last year Feb 2019 till March 18 2020 of chanting extra rounds is 681.

Tulasi Parikrama was done 4 rounds for your benefit and also did pancha kros parikrama, Modruma dvipa Parikrama, mamagachi for your pleasure.

In the last year as a team we have distributed around 60 Bhagavat Gita Books.

By your blessings, I have finished Bhakti Sastri course, TTC1, BSTTC, Mahatma prabhu’s seminar. Thank you very much.

I was inspired by your strong determination for preaching both by giving initiation, teaching by example that i am not this body, giving classes on the sweet pastimes of Lord chaitanya Mahaprabhu, giving time for devotees, managing ISKCON meetings, festivals, guiding devotees inspite of your poor health. Guru Maharaj let me be as you wish and desire.

Guru maharaj i felt so moved when you were giving the Chaitanya lila lectures that you emotions reflect the feeling of those characters and were visible in your tone, speech and tears from your eyes. Please bless me to have such an wonderful experience also.

The following qualities made me more inspired, as an ideal disciple of Srila Prabhupada, an ideal example of the sastras for a guru.


  •  You are equal to everyone: You are giving initiations to anyone regardless of their material background and the only mission is to distribute the mercy of Krishna equally to everyone, without deviation and without considering time or place.
  •   Without any material Posession: Your only opulence is to serve your spiritual master Srila Prabhupada and you feel satisfied to see that everything is engaged in the service of Krishna. Your only desire is to broadcast the teachings of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the Guru Parmpara as it is. A pure devotee is called Niskama, which means he has no desire for self interest. His only desire is to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  •  Faultless:  Your words, deed and mind are always in full surrender to Krishna and execute Krishna’s desires as your life and soul. You are fixed in the service of the lotus feet of Govinda. You are a Tirtha Pada, one who can create sacred places in any part of the world where you decide to reside. You are completely free from the tendency to enjoy separately from the Lord’s service and does not see anything in the universe as unfavourable because he sees everything as the expanded potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  • Magnamimous: Your gifts to the world are filled with tremendous spiritual value where one feels spiritual bliss amidst the blazing fire of material existence. Only you can give such a blessing to the conditioned souls of this Kali yuga. Namahatta preaching, Bhakti vriksha preaching, Navadvipa Parikrama, the thriving vaishnava community in Mayapur, the magnificient TOVP, etc. In return for all these gifts, you never asked anything for yourself.
  • Hasya rasa: You are always generating a transcendental humour amongst your near and dear ones, in the classes you are giving, amidst your poor health. This is mysterious that you make us laugh and make our hearts soft, mild then melt our rock like anarthas to evaporate so that the dormant love of Krishna will be brought out. This is all done just by your presence and humour.




Guru Maharaja these are the below commitments for the coming year.

1)Improve the quality of chanting and need to do start reading and hearing on a daily basis and being recorded for that.

2)Develop personal relationship with the deities by sharing personal experiences on a weekly basis and recording for that.

3)Helping you in book distribution, assist in missionary activities of teaching or preaching. 

As a disciple i am taking oath once again this year of the same commitments.

Chanting minimum 16 rounds and following the four regulative principles of

1)      No meat eating

2)      No illicit sex

3)       No Gambling

4)      No intoxication

I seek your blessings to be more determined to follow the vows, services to you in a pleasing way.

Please forgive for my offenses, limitations, childish offerings.

Thank you.

Aspiring to serve,

Purna Prajna Kesava Das

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance to your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to your Divine Appearance Day! All Glories to you!

Gurumaharaj, because of your causeless mercy, I received your shelter after the Panihati Festival in Atlanta, USA on June 6th, 2017. While I considered myself pretty educated in spiritual knowledge before that, the more I understand Krishna Consciousness through senior devotees under your guidance, the more I realize how Foolish and Fallen I am. I now know that I’m not even worthy of having this knowledge, but just because of your mercy and compassion for the lowest of all souls, I can today understand my position.

It was a humbling experience for me to be in your association during your recent visit to Atlanta. The magnanimous amount of care and attention you show to all, irrespective of who they are, has made me strive harder to become ‘Worthy’ of your mercy. I realized the lack of qualifications I have, to be called a Vaishnava, and I need your blessing and prayers to become one, so I can serve you and Nitai-Gauranga.

Gurumaharaj, my son Veeraj, and my prabhu Vikrant also had an opportunity to take your Blessings when you came to Atlanta. My son is chanting 4-8 rounds every day and attends classes in the temple. Please Bless that both my husband and son understand the glories of Krishna Consciousness and take up the process sincerely and surrender to you, so we can all serve you as a family.

After seeing you in Atlanta, because of your Blessings, when I went to India in December, 2019 after more than 3 years, I told my parents, brothers and their family about Krishna Consciousness and Srila Prabhupad’s message, and now, 2 months into it, they all have not only turned Vegetarians, but have even stopped cooking with onion and garlic. They are chanting 7-13 rounds of mahamantra every day, reading Bhagwad Gita as it is, and started going to the temple. Please Bless that they grow in Krishna Consciousness, surrender to you and become pure devotees. All Glories to you Gurumaharaj, please accept my respectful obeisance.

Your most fallen Servant,

Poonam Dalwale (Sheltered Disciple)

Atlanta, USA

(under the guidance of New Rajapur Dhaam, Bangalore)


Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance to your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to your Divine Appearance Day! All Glories to you!

Gurumaharaj, because of your causeless mercy, I received your shelter after the Panihati Festival in Atlanta, USA on June 6th, 2017. While I considered myself pretty educated in spiritual knowledge before that, the more I understand Krishna Consciousness through senior devotees under your guidance, the more I realize how Foolish and fallen I am. I now know that I’m not even worthy of having this knowledge, but just because of your mercy and compassion for the lowest of all souls, I can today understand my position.

It was a humbling experience for me to be in your association during your recent visit to Atlanta. The magnanimous amount of care and attention you show to all, irrespective of who they are, has made me strive harder to become ‘Worthy’ of your mercy. I realized the lack of qualifications I have, to be called a Vaishnava, and I need your blessing and prayers to become one, so I can serve you and Nitai-Gauranga.

Gurumaharaj, my son Veeraj, and my prabhu Vikrant also had an opportunity to take your Blessings when you came to Atlanta. My son is chanting 4-8 rounds every day and attends classes in the temple. Please Bless that both my husband and son understand the glories of Krishna Consciousness, take up the process sincerely and surrender to you, so we can all serve you as a family.

After seeing you in Atlanta, because of your Blessings, when I went to India in December, 2019 after more than 3 years, I told my parents, brothers and their family about Krishna Consciousness and Srila Prabhupad’s message, and now, 2 months into it, they all have not only turned Vegetarians, but have even stopped cooking with onion and garlic. They are chanting 7-13 rounds of mahamantra every day, reading Bhagwad Gita as it is, and started going to the temple. Please Bless that they grow in Krishna Consciousness, surrender to you and become pure devotees. All Glories to you Gurumaharaj, please accept my respectful obeisance.

Your most fallen Servant,

Poonam Dalwale (Sheltered Disciple)

Atlanta, USA

(under the guidance of New Rajapur Dhaam, Bangalore)


om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri guruve namaha

nama om visnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swami iti namine

nomo acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

guara katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Guru Maharaja, I am totally unqualified to glorify you. How can I, an insignificant conditioned soul, even understand your glories? You are a pure devotee of the Lord, an eternal associate of Lord Caitanya, who has come down to execute the Lord's mission. It is by your mercy that I, along with thousands of my godbrothers and godsisters, have received the seed of bhakti and are attempting to nurture it. While I have a deep desire to understand a drop of your unlimited glories; I am also very grateful that I have an opportunity to associate with you and serve you in Sridhama Mayapur. Srila Prabhupada says in his purport to SB 1.2.16: "The servants of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intelligent people should cooperate with them in every respect. By serving the servant of God, one can please God more than by directly serving the Lord. " Guru Maharaja, I am certainly foolish and have no clue how to cooperate with a pure devotee like you. Kindly bless me that I always be given the intelligence to understand your mind and act in a way that you and Srila Prabhupada will always be pleased with me.

Guru Maharaja, you have always lead from the front, and have tirelessly kept the path back to Godhead lit up even in through the darkest moments of material existence. Even as the world is battling a great epidemic today, I see how you have, by your guidance and instructions, helped your followers stay anchored and protected in the boat of Krishna consciousness. I feel great comfort, solace and hope in your presence, in your instructions - not just for myself, but for the whole world. Thank you for constantly reminding us the power of the holy name and keeping us chanting constantly.

My dearest father, your mercy is the only treasure I have. Whatever I have today is simply alms I have received out of your deep compassion for me. I find myself incapable of reciprocating even a fraction of your love. I am simply trying my best to follow your instructions - to chant, follow the principles of sadhana bhakti, cooperate with devotees, preach especially to our future generation - but I know every one of these attempts is woefully imperfect and inadequate. Yet, I can only pray that I be given the strength to keep going, and to keep trying to please you, without whose service I'd be hopelessly lost. Please continue to engage me in the dhama, and give me the strength and mercy to purify myself and advance in spiritual life. Please eternally keep me in your shelter.

Your fallen daughter,

Purnesvari Radha Devi Dasi 

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

Hare Krishna Dandavath Pranaam to Guru Maharaj,


Today I am happy to speak few words on this auspicious Vyas Puja. We are blessed to have good association; through them we could hear about you Guru Maharaj.

 In my schooling, I heard about the purpose of having guru and only by blessings of guru, a person can purify his thoughts and get mercy of lord. Before that a person should also be fortunate to get darshan of guru.

Though I didn’t meet you personally yet, But Me and my husband receiving your blessings and mercy through senior devotees Guru Maharaj. I always feel your kindness, caring and protection by their glorification.

After coming to Krishna Consciousness, I got to know much more about serving vaishnavas and power of determined devotees association to please you Guru maharaja and Krishna. Now, in this pandemic situation we all are having more and daily association through online. We are running out of time by reading books doing Mangala Aarati, Chanting and listening to the lectures. I was never like this much engaged in my life and happy the whole day without thinking of material life. This is happening only under your instructions Guru Maharaj...

 Request you please bless us to be in association with more determination and to serve vaishnavas whole heartedly. Give me strength and devotion for spiritual books reading and knowledge to understand...

Your insignificant servant


Bangalore India

गौरांगा गौरांगा गौरांगा गौरांगा गौरांगा

हरे कृष्णा

आपके चरणो में सादर दंडवत् प्रणाम

गुरमहाराज आप भक्तों से इतना प्यार करते हैं कि आपने सब भक्तों को एक साथ अच्छे से पकड़ रखा हैं! 

जब गुरुमहाराज आप लेक्चर देते समय गोरंगा बोलते हो तो ऐसा लगता है कि गुरुमहाराज आप स्वयं हमारे बीच उपस्थित हो ! 

गुरुमहाराज आपको इतना प्रचार करते हुए देखकर के मेरे मन मे भी उत्साह भर जाता है कि मैं भी और लोगो को कृष्णभक्ति के बारे मे बता सकूँ 

गुरमहाराज आप कृपया दीजिये जिस से मैं आपके मिशन मे आपकी सहायता कर सकूँ

आपकी अधम पतित दासी

 रचना देवी दासी 

अंबाला (हरियाणा)

Hare Krishna!


All Glories To Srila Guru Maharaj!! 

All Glories To Srila Prabhu Pada!!!

All Glories to Srila Gauranga and Nityananda.


Dear Gurudev please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.


Maharaj, With your blessings I am doing my Sadhana i.e. chanting 16 rounds every day early in the morning (3 AM to 6.30 AM ) including Mangala harathi most of the time.


As per your instructions still I am continuing the tribal preaching in some villages (shobhakota, kodeli, lagisipalli, kondapad) of Vishakapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh after coming from Mathura desh ( Muscat), since 2001 onwards. As a result nearly 10 devotees took the initiation. 

This year we are spreading to some more remote areas.


I attended the tribal convention during November 2019 first time with the blessings of Sri Bhakti purushottam maharaj along with 27 tribals ( 11 prabhujis and 16 mathajis). They performed Keerthan, dhimsa dance on the stage. They performed nagara sankeertan in Mayapur. I took them around the Mayapur important places in the morning time. They felt very Happy and 4 devotees were agreed to take the initiation. These 4 devotees are chanting 16 regards since one year.

Please bless me to bring more devotees during November 2020 tribal convention in Mayapur.


Maharaj, I also organised first time, prasadam and book distribution camp in world famous tribal festival called "sammakka and saralamma" jatara in medaram village of warangal district in the state of Telangana. Nearly 1 crore tribals attended. I coordinated with local Iskcon and other devotees. But maharaj I could distribute prasadam for 2300 devotees only due to police officer's restrictions and shortage of manpower.  It is possible because of your causeless mercy and blessings.

I received 500 telugu Bhagavad Gitas through bhakti purushottam maharaj at free of cost in March 2020. We are distributing in the tribal areas under the guidance of bhakti purushottam maharaj. Sreedham Gopinath prabhuji  from Mayapur visited the tribal areas where I am preaching since 2001 on 9th and 10th February, 2020. Sreedham Gopinath prabhuji guided us to see that every house must have Tulasi maharani, Bhagavad Gita and chanting beeds. So we are trying to fulfill the task with local leaders in every village.


After my retirement from the Government job as a principal, I am fully engaged in preaching activities.


I need your blessings and mercy to do more and more services to fulfill the Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu and srila Prabhupada mission.


Your Humble Servants,

Radha Kannaiah Dasa (karmi name: M. Rajalingam)


Amala Ganga Devi Dasi (karmi name: M. Anjali prabha)

Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.




71st Vyasa Puja Offering to His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja

By Your Insignificant and Ignorant Servant

Radhakant Das Adhikari

(A Disciple of His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami Maharaja)



om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana- salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.


nama om visnupadaya krishnaprestaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

namah acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha damadhaya nagara grama dhayine


nama om vishnupadaya Krishna prestaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine

nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine


Dear respected Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,


Please accept my most humble prostrated obeisances unto your lotus feet.


All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!


On this most blessed occasion of your glorious 71st appearance day as a humble yet an ignorant servant wish to glorify you and your activities in line with Srila Prabhupada’s teaching. Although I am not qualified to glorify your holiness with suitable and appropriate words still with limited intelligence and memory I would like to recall those memories lingering on my mind to glorify your holiness presence in this world.


 In the year 1998 when I happened to be there for my first ever Dham visit to Mayapur Dham, until then I have not seen you in person. It so happened in the morning on the Gaura Purnima day when I decided to have bath in Ganges, I was little reluctant to take bath in the Ganges due to ignorance about how to take bath in the Ganges since she is sacred. Also a lot many people takes bath with their sins accumulated till then will be vanished once they take bath in the Ganges. So whoever takes bath in the Ganges carries unlimited sins which are diluted in the river too. In this way I was thinking suddenly Jayapataka Swami along with few Brahmacaris came to Ganges to take bath. I was watching and watching for a while how Jayapataka Swami and Brahmacaris taking bath in Ganges I become little relieved and it reminded me Srila Prabhupada along with few devotees taking bath in Yamuna. During that time when the disciples started sporting in Yamuna and splashing water each other’s body and to Srila Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada reminded to the disciples that there should be some etiquette to be followed with your Guru. Then immediately everyone realized and immediately on their palm taking Yamuna water and started to perform abhisheka by chanting Brahma Samhita.


Predicted in Brahma-vaivarta Purana Chapter 129 is called Golokarohanam. In this Chapter 4.129.49 - 51 describes how Krsna returns to His abode and specific dialogue between Lord Krishna and Mother Ganga. Verse 49 is a question by Ganga; verses 50 & 51 are Krsna's answer.

Text 49:
bhaagiirathy uvaaca
he naatha ramanasrestha
yaasi golokamuttamam
asmaakam kaa gatiscaatra
bhavisyati kalau yuge

"Ganga said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the perfect abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of Kali?"

Text 50
Srii-bhagavaan uvaaca
kaleh pamcasahasraani
varsaani tistha bhu-tale
paapaani paapino yaani
tubhyam daasyamti snaanatah

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Remain on earth for five thousand years of Kali yuga. Sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing."

Text 51
man-mamtropaasaka sparsaad
bhasmibhutaani tatksanaat
bhavisyamti darsanaac ca
snaanaad eva hi jaahnavi

"By the sight, touch and bathing of one who worships Me by My mantra all those sins will be at once burnt to ashes, O Ganga." 


So once I got all the answers from Your holiness, Srila Prabhupada and above conversations between Krishna and Ganga I become refreshed with bath and knowledge.


In another occasion when your holiness came to Guruvayur Kerala for the opening of ISKCON guest house, I was very close to your holiness during the ribbon cutting ceremony. Just after that ribbon cutting you gave me a red rose which was in your hand holding very long time. After the official ceremony you gave a very inspirational class touching every one whoever present there. One of the such class statement was that “people may live close proximity to the railway station and when their time comes they miss the train even they live close proximity to the railway station.” So please don’t miss the train. It was really the fact that we may live nearby temple, but hardly visits and take association with devotees. So Jayapataka maharaja was giving clear idea what devotees must do.


In another time just after the Coimbatore Jagannath rath yatra to utilize his holiness valuable association there was a SIDC meeting at CODISSIA hall near Coimbatore ISKCON Temple. Most of the south Indian ISKCON leaders were present. Somehow by the causeless blessings of your Sannyasi disciple and Zonal Secretary to ISKCON Kerala HH Bhaktivinoda Swami Maharaja, invited Kerala Management Council (KMC) members to be present and by your mercy I was also one of those council members to assist, help, execute and spread Krishna Consciousness in Kerala.  Although I am well aware of my capabilities are limited and ignorant of many things about ISKCON activities to be carried out only because of your holiness able guidance we are assisting HH Bhaktivinoda Swami Maharaja. During that meeting I happened to speak to your holiness personally about my little preaching work in my village, and hearing about my very short report you were happy and told me that “Continue preaching in villages”.  That was very very inspiring to me and I was thinking how great your holiness because of you haven’t seen my village, you have not visited my village, still you want to encourage me and all of us who are preaching in villages  in Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s mission, Srila Prabhupada’s Mission.  That’s really a great boon for me till now.


In another occasion in Tirupati SIDC Meeting, I could see how much your holiness is dedicated to see the progress of each and every corner of the world preaching activities. During that meeting when each member of the particular temple started to give the report, at that time your holiness was mentioning one place which your holiness could not remember by name and that particular place was forgotten by the reporter too. And Maharaja was hearing one after another the name of that particular place every one failed. Then maharaja gave some first alphabet of that place then someone told the exact name of that particular place. At that time every one stunned because of maharaja’s sharp memory and how Maharaja wants to know each place progress in preaching. This taught me how much we have to be dedicated to Srila Prabhupada’s Movement minutely.


Although by material vision one may see you that and thinks how much you may be suffering internally due to tireless service to Srila Prabhupada, we could not imagine whether we can do it or not in our time comes. To this contrary you are always gives hope to everyone in this movement and giving inspiration to all by your kind slogan that “Never Give up”. You are practically showing this to everyone too. We have seen during Malaysia temple opening and Trivandrum Temple Opening. In Malaysia everyone of the devotees were standing in ground and your holiness moving in the high jump crane to do abhisheka on the top of the temple. Why Maharaja so much trouble you take? Just for our sake to teach us? Or you want to please Srila Prabhupada and Krishna? Though we all saw it from video about Malaysia Temple opening, I saw similar to this even with my eyes during Trivandrum Krishna Balaram Temple.


Even in the tough time, i.e. during admitted in the hospitals for necessary treatment, in Delhi and Chennai Maharaja you were inspiration for doctors, nurses and hospital staffs by cutting jokes with them and in turn transforming them to Krishna conscious men. How can you do it this Maharaja? While we are all praying for your health and speedy recovery from the difficult situations you are stil preaching in those circumstances in the hospitals. This is really awesome and glorious. We learnt that by this example in any situation Krishna conscious can be practiced.  Many years ago, when His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaja left the mortal world in an unexpected accident, His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaja in one of his Srimad Bhagavatam Class told that “We all should deeply meditate on the Srila Prabhupada’s purport to the Srimad Bhagavatam Text 3.16.37.

It says that “When something is arranged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one should not be disturbed by it. Even it appears to be a reverse according to one’s calculations”. So maharaja you are living emblem to this Srila prabhupada’s purport.


In the year 1972, at Pune Srila Prabhupada stated in one lecture that “All my disciples are my part and parcel of me”. Similarly I found your disciples are also part and parcel of you. So I take siksha and admire from your holiness and few of your disciples in different ashramas. I take spiritual instructions from HH Bhaktivinoda Swami as he is a Sannyasi, as a Brahmacari from HG Jagatsakshi Das, as a Grhastha from HG Veerakrishna Das.  


So considering the current situation in India and whole world of the social distancing and unable to participate in person for the most blessed event of your holiness 71st  Vyasa Puja celebrations at Mayapur, we all pray at Their Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Panca Tatva, Sri Prahlada Nrsimha and Srila Prabhupada to bless your holiness with abundant spiritual energy to make us enthusiastic in the Srila Prabhupada’s mission now and years to come by the way of your holiness Lion like roaring preaching.


At last but not the least that Srila Prabhupada made our ISKCON society wherein whole world can live in but your holiness developed, nurtured, and cared Mayapur wherein whole Society can live in.


By this humble offering at your lotus feet, I kindly request to please shower your holiness blessings to me and my family to further progress in Krishna Consciousness and stay healthy.


Your insignificant and ignorant servant

Radhakant Das Adhikari

A Disciple of His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami.

Guruvayur, Kerala, South India


My dear spiritual Dad,


Please accept my respectful humble obeisances at your lotus feet from my deep heart.


My dear Dad, with my RadhaShyamsundar’s mercy, I am chanting 4 rounds daily. And reading Krishna book, reciting Kunti prayers, BG chapter-15. And in my BPSS class, I am learning important slokas. I am getting up at 6.30 am daily and I am doing Mangal arati to All and Tulasi puja too. Then doing Guru arati to my spiritual guru, Srila Prabhupada. Then I do my 2 rounds chanting and go to school. In evening I do Tualsi arati, Sandhyaa arati to All and then 2 more rounds of chanting.  Each Saturday, I give bath to my RadhaShyamasundar and put Them a fresh dress.

My dear Dad, please please please please please…help me …bless me to gain pure love and devotion for my RadhaShyamsundar. When you gave me the name, Mandakini, I felt like I am your daughter, ONLY! With your and RadhShyamsundar’s and your blessings and mercy, I am trying not to be foolish, angry, selfish, greedy, naughty, liar, lazy, proud, jealous etc. Please help me to love my Radha and Shyam more and more. So that I can preach and spread Krishna’s message, all over the world. Dear Dad, I feel a bit shy and helpless and hopeless to preach this message in the world. I pray to my RadhaShyamsundar, to help me in any situation. Sometimes, in my class also I help my friends to have faith on Krishna by telling Krishna’s love for us.

Dear dad, please take me to my dear RadhaShyamsundar.

On Father’s day, I chanted one round for you. I will pray for you on your and my birthday. 

Please come to CaitanyaNitai desh (Chennai) and come to our home, so that, we can serve you with our humble and respectful devotion.

Please bless me with your lotus hands…to get the mercy of our Srila Prabhupada, all guru parampara, your, all the vaishnavas and my RadhaShyamsundar.

Thank you very very very very much for reading this letter, my dearest Dad. I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, DAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


With my gratitude and respectful humble obeisances at your glorious lotus feet,

Your servant,





My very very dear and respected Spiritual Father, 


Please accept my respectful obeisance at Your Divine Lotus Feet. 


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Your Divine Grace!!


First and foremost, on this auspicious occasion of Your divine appearence I pray to Their Lordships Shri Shri Radha Madhav, Ashta Sakhis and Giriraj Maharaja, Shri Shri Prahlad Nrsimhadev and Anantadev, Sri Pancha Tattva and Shri Shri Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra Mai and Sudarshan Dev and to Your glorious spiritual master Srila Prabhupada to shower all Their choicest blessings upon Your Divine Grace. 


Thank You for allowing my husband HG Radhapati Gopinath Prabhu to engage in the service of TOVPE and thus giving us an opportunity to stay here in Sridham Mayapur!! Its Your mercy Gurudev that a completely unqualified and lazy person such as me has been staying here in Dham. I wish to share that i am enjoying every bit of my stay here. Life couldn’t be better than this ever. I truly feel ‘at home’ and with folded hands I pray to You that we can stay here forever. This is my eternal home but I can only stay here if Your blessings are there. So please bless my prabhu, me and my family to always reside here. My sentiments are very aptly captured in 


Bhajan Lalasa, Sharanagati, Srila BhaktiVinod Thakura sings;


boḍo kṛpā kori’, gauḍa-vana mājhe, godrume diyācho sthāna
ājñā dila more, ei braje bosi’, hari-nāma koro gāna


Today, I pray to Lord Gauranga to keep Your body  safe, strong and very very active. Life for me, my dear spiritual father, is Your Darshan in the morning when You come to take Darshan of the deities in the temple and Your Darshan again in the evening during Chaitanya Leela classes. I experience cent percent satisfaction whenever I can do these two things. Often in Your classes, You mention that Srila Prabhupada has given Your so many instructions and You need help from all of us. So many times, I have felt that I shall raise my hands and try to be of some service to You. Being unqualified and hesitant both, i oscillate back and forth as whether I should raise my hand or not. Pls empower this daughter of Yours to do some practical service at Your lotus feet and feel some worth. 

Its my misfortune that I could never see You before stroke. I often hear from devotees and watch old videos as well and I feel pained that why did I get Your mercy so late, Why couldn’t I take shelter early and why could;t I witness Your pastimes when Your body was healthy. I have a dream my dear father. I wish to see You someday walking properly again with that big Danda in Your hand. I don’t know when but Lord Gauranga will certainly fulfil my wish. 




Your quality of compassion is my biggest hope in spiritual life and i am Your child. So kindly protect me and take me home, back to G. On my own, it will never be possible for me. 


Your spiritual daughter 

Radhika Leelarani Devi Dasi 

My very very dear and respected Spiritual Father, 

Please accept my respectful obeisance at Your Divine Lotus Feet. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Your Divine Grace!!

First and foremost, on this auspicious occasion of Your divine appearance I pray to Their Lordships Shri Shri Radha Madhav, Ashta Sakhis and Giriraj Maharaja,Shri Shri Prahlad Nrsimhadev and Anantadev, Sri Pancha Tattva and Shri Shri Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra Mai and Sudarshan Dev and to Your glorious spiritual master Srila Prabhupada to shower all Their choicest blessings upon Your Divine Grace. 

Thank You for allowing my husband HG Radhapati Gopinath Prabhu to engage in the service of TOVPE and thus giving us an opportunity to stay here in Sridham Mayapur!! Its Your mercy Gurudev that a completely unqualified and lazy person such as me has been staying here in Dham. I wish to share that i am enjoying every bit of my stay here. Life couldn’t be better than this ever. I truly feel ‘at home’ and with folded hands I pray to You that we can stay here forever. This is my eternal home but I can only stay here if Your blessings are there. So please bless my prabhu, me and my family to always reside here. My sentiments are very aptly captured in 

Bhajan Lalasa, Sharanagati, Srila BhaktiVinod Thakura sings;

boḍo kṛpā kori’, gauḍa-vana mājhe, godrume diyācho sthāna
ājñā dila more, ei braje bosi’, hari-nāma koro gāna

Today, I pray to Lord Gauranga to keep Your body safe, strong and very very active. Life for me, my dear spiritual father, is Your Darshan in the morning when You come to take Darshan of the deities in the temple and Your Darshan again in the evening during Chaitanya Leela classes. I experience cent percent satisfaction whenever I can do these two things. Often in Your classes, You mention that Srila Prabhupada has given Your so many instructions and You need help from all of us. So many times, I have felt that I shall raise my hands and try to be of some service to You. Being unqualified and hesitant both, i oscillate back and forth as whether I should raise my hand or not. Pls empower this daughter of Yours to do some practical service at Your lotus feet and feel some worth. 

Its my misfortune that I could never see You before stroke. I often hear from devotees and watch old videos as well and I feel pained that why did I get Your mercy so late, Why couldn’t i take shelter early and why could;t I witness Your pastimes when Your body was healthy. I have a dream my dear father. I wish to see You someday walking properly again with that big Danda in Your hand. I don’t know when but Lord Gauranga will certainly fulfil my wish. 

Your quality of compassion is my biggest hope in spiritual life and i am Your child. So kindly protect me and take me home , back to G. On my own, it will never be possible for me. 

Your spiritual daughter,

Rādhikā Līlārāṇī devī dāsī 

Dear Guru Maharaj,


Our humble obesences at your feet. Please accept. Even though we don't have eligibility to speak about you, we are doing it for our purification. We are very fortunate to have received initiation from you in 2018. At that time, even though your health is not in good condition, you have given initiation to many people. You are the epitome of mercy and compassion to give Krishna consciousness to the world. You are the inspiration for millions of devotees in ISKCON. Your presence surcharges the atmosphere with Krishna Consciousness. Your relentless efforts in developing Mayapur would have definitely pleased Srila Prabhupada and all the acharyas in our parmpara. We pray to the Lord to give you long life with good health and fufil your ambitions in speaking Krishna Consciousness. Please shower your blessings on this auspicious occasion so that we will become eligible to back to Golaka Vrindavan.


Your insignificant servants,

Raghukula Ramachandra Das

Vineeta Vijayalakshmi Devi dasi

Hare krishna Guru Maharaj


           I offer my respectful obeisances and  surrender my spiritual life and soul unto my Guru maharaj's lotus feet.

Now im staying at chaitanya nitai desh for my materialistic studies and during my Guru maharaj's visit here during 2019 i got my life time happiness by seeing him at the airport.I started weeping out , lost my senses and came out with tears by getting my spiritual masters glance at eye to eye and got my Guru's blessings after  very long period.From that day i started longing for my spiritual fathers mercy on this conditioned soul by taking intiation unto my Guru's lotus feet 

       Thanking you  for this opportunity to share my experience with my spiritual father with the help of my siksha guru Hari kirtan ranjan das.


your humble servant


Raha Dharsini

_Om agnana timirandasya gnanajana salakaya 

Chakshur unmilitam yena tasmaisri gurave namah

Naman om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale 

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine 

Namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura Katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

His Holiness Jayapataka Swamin Guramaharaj ki Jay

Very most respected Guramaharaj, please kindly accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet.

I am from nit silchar bace.

After coming here by the mercy of your disciples  ,I came to know about devotion, glories of Krishna Leela, about srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad and you.

After than ,I got golden opportunity to gain darshan of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ,Panchtattva, Radhamadhav, Narshimbha Dev Prahlad Maharaj.

And also got opportunity to got darshan of your and touch your lotus feet and gain blessing which is very rarely possible to everyone but I got it by mercy of Radharaman prabhuji.

I beg in your lotus feet that gives me blessing so that I can continue my devotional service and get association of devotees.

Your aspiring servant,

Rahul Joya

Dear Srila Gurudeva and my Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful and humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Gurudev,

All glories to Srila Prabhupad,

On this auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja I take this opportunity to glorify my spiritual master.

I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev, Lord Srinivas Perumal, Lord Radha Krishna, Lord Jaganath, Lord Balarama,   Mother Subadra Devi, Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Rama Bhakta Hanuman, Srila Prabhupada to give you good health and long life.

Guru Maharaj I beg at your lotus feet to please forgive me for the offences I have committed at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly and beg for your blessings to serve you directly or indirectly and please you in the service of your mission of Srila Prabhupada.

I pay my obeisances to the lotus feet of your personal servants who are taking care of you wonderfully.

You are an inspiration to us that we can serve and preach the Love of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at all circumstances to all atmas. Your efforts and constant travel around the world to meet you disciples and inspire the new souls to Krishna consciousness is amazing. The dedication in completing the Temple of Vedic planetarium in the schedule time is superb and moreover inspite of  your busy, time schedule and health restrictions you give us the  daily association by your nectarean classes on face book and answer the questions very pleasingly.

By your mercy i am able to do book distribution, assist in prasadam cooking and distribution in temple.

We thank Srila Prabhupada for given us a merciful Spiritual father to us.

Once again I offer my prostrated humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet begging for your forgiveness and mercy.

Yours unqualified insignificant spiritual son,

Raja Chaitanya Dasa, ( Diksa Disciple )

Chaitanya Nitai Desh, ( Chennai )


Hare Krishna!

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

My  Dear Guru-Maharaj,

Dandavat pranam,

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances

All Glories to you, to Srila Prabhupada

We are very happy since we got the Harinama Initiation last year 2019. Me and my wife are very thankful to you as you accepted us as your disciples

We are so fortunate my dear Guru Maharaja, Because of you only we got this Harinama Diksha (First) Initiation, this is very auspicious in our life, we are very fortunate that with your mercy.

You are spreading this hare Krishna moment event though your body condition and health is not supporting. In fact, you are neglecting your health condition and spreading this hare Krishna preaching all over the world. This makes me very much inspiration a lot maharaja.  In this hare Krishna moment, you gave me the opportunity to serve Vaishnava devotees.  We are praying Radha Madhava to keep your healthy and spreading this hare Krishna moment to so many other devotees


Your most humble servants,

Rajeshvara Yadava Das and Mitravinda Kesavi Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna guru Maharaj 
Dear merciful guru Maharaj ,
Dandavat pranams

Hare Krishna guru Maharaj 
Dear merciful guru Maharaj ,
Dandavat pranams

Most Respected and Beloved Spiritual Father Guru Maharaja


Please accept my most respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to your most auspicious appearance day.


Guru Maharaja, it is our great fortune that Krsna has sent His very very dear associate to guide us , teach us, bless us and take us towards our eternal home in most loving manner. 

You are a Perfect Example to teach how to please your spiritual master and carry out his instructions with full enthusiasm. Nothing can withhold you from serving the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, no disease, difficulties, limitations can stop you serving Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya's mission. We see it daily, despite of all odds , being tired physically, you are ready to give class every day without fail may it be hospital room or anywhere, you are there to fulfil your commitment towards your spiritual master. This enthusiasm is increasing day by day particularly after your surgery last year, now by Krsna's mercy no more prolonged hospitalisations and other painful interventions and all your energy is being utilised in uplifting the fallen and wandering souls in this material world and guiding them towards Krsna.


This year you have completed fifty years of Sanyasa Asrama and now over fifty thousand disciples are following you, this is something unheard of , it is great mercy of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada . You are ready to pick up anyone who desires to take shelter unto your lotus feet , you don't see qualifications but just accept everyone as loving father and take all the responsibility to take him back home. This is your special compassion on fallen souls. Your darsana and vani are so purifying and inspiring but I feel mere thought of you Guru Maharaja inspires us to do Bhakti seriously and enthusiastically. The enthusiasm you perfuse in everyone by your purity and commitment towards Srila Prabhupada is unbelievable, whosoever have your darsana even once gets attached to your lotus feet, this we have seen so many times.


Guru Maharaja ,it is not possible to describe your glories in words by fallen souls like us, it is your elevated disciples who always sing your glories and inspire us , hearing their realisations of your glories makes heart filled with joy and bliss, and we can see you in a different light. I feel very much grateful that one of your most loving disciple Ramya Vrndavana mataji is guiding us with lots and lots of love and affections, she is continuously singing your glories that makes our heart blissful. She has brought me to your lotus feet and I could get your shelter and blessings because of her compassion and mercy otherwise I have no qualification to be called as your disciple.


Guru Maharaja on this most auspicious day my sincere prayers to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Panca tattva, Sri Sri Narsimhadeva and Prahalada Maharaja that They grant you a power to fulfil Srila Prabhupda's and Lord Gauranga's mission successfully and many many more fallen souls like us get shelter at your lotus feet and get connected to Krsna.

Please use me in your service as and when required.


Please accept my most humble obeisances again and again at your lotus feet for appearing in this material world to take care of so many wandering souls and connecting then to Krsna most lovingly.


Hare Krsna


Your most unqualified servant


Rajiv Mukha Govinda Das ( Diksha)


New Delhi India


Beloved Guru Maharaj

 “nama om vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale, srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine,

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine, gaur katha dhaam daya nagar gram tarine”.


My Dear Godfather,

Dandavat Pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Your auspicious appearance day.

Guru Maharaj, You appeared on the most auspicious Kamada Ekadashi day in the year 1949 to serve and fulfil the orders of your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada and dedicate your life to Krsna consciousness. You are the most compassionate vaishnava and are always eager to give your mercy to everyone, it doesn’t matter where you are – in temple, hospital, flight, ICU or on ventilator, and with whom you come in contact with – fellow vaishnava, disciple, doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, guard, fellow patients, passengers, or a dying man.

Looking at your body and the medical events that you have gone through for the sake of Krishna, which are not possible for a normal human being even in the hands of world’s best medical care, it is evident that you take these sufferings just for the sake of your disciples in order to get them involved into Krishna consciousness and thus give them important lessons from your pastimes. It appears sometimes that you accept the sufferings over your material body and thus authenticate the Prayers of Kunti Maharani.

vipadah santu tah sasvat

tatra tatra jagad-guro

bhavato darsanam yat syad

apunar bhava-darsanam                            (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.25)

“I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths”. Although such prayers have to be made by conditioned souls, but in fact your pastimes, which appear as material sufferings to the conditioned souls, are actually your Leelas to get yourself and your disciples closer and closer to Krishna. Your life sets an unmatched example to get into the roots of Krsna consciousness and get the most benevolent mercy of Lord Chaitanya.     

Dear Guru Maharaj, you are the most merciful servitors of Lord Chaitanya, who has stepped down from the Goloka Vrindavan to deliver and sanctify conditioned souls.  I feel myself very fortunate to have you as my spiritual master.

Hare Krishna.


Your insignificant servant

Rajeev Khanna

Sheltered Disciple

ISKCON East of Kailash, New Delhi – INDIA

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhuthale

Sreemathe jayapataka swamin iti naamine

Nama om Acharya padaaya nithai krupa pradayathe

Gaura katha dhaama thaya nagara graama dhaarini

Our dear most, merciful worshipable Eternal spiritual Master,

Please accept our humble respectable obedient obeisances dandavat pranam to Guru Maharaa’s lotus feet. All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. Srila Prabhupad Maharaj ki jay.

We, The hare Krishna Sathsamgam, Chalad Road, Kuzhikkunnu Junction, Kannur, Kerala is taking this opportunity to wish and pray long live boom from lord Krishna and Gaura Nithai to protect our beloved father, Spiritual Master, Gurudev, in this 71st  Vyasa Puja 2020 celebrations.

We pray with our heart and soul to Sri Sri Panchatatva, Shree Shree Radha Madhava Ashta Sakhi, Sri Sri Narsimhadev, Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladev and Subhadra Mayi to protect and strengthen from Guru Maharaaj’s illness and enemies.

With a small Hare Krishna Sathsamgam(Namahatta) at Kannur city, Chalad Road near Kuzhikkunnu Junction (near SN park) we are doing everyday temple activities. Most of the days two or three devotees staying in this centre and do the seva for our Nithai Gour Sundar Bhagavaan. On Special occasions devotees gather and do devotional activities upto our standards. Now this centre is in a rented property. Financially we are very poor. But some of the efficient good- hearted devotees donating for rent and Sunday flowers and prasadam. Our book distribution is doing well in kerala. 99% of this namahatta devotees are labour class people. They run autorikshaw, building works, carpenters, electrical and plumber job workers. Still we have a good reputation from whole kerala. That because of our heartest respect to our beloved Guru Maharaaj’s mercy only.

We have a good range of books in our hand. Every Sunday we distribute srila prabhupaada books. Back to Godhead magazine in Malayalam language called Bhagavath darshanam- everymonth we are buying from Coimbatore 250 copies. Every Sunday devotees taking some books and selling in their community on festival seasons and nagar sankirtans in Kannur city. For BBT Coimbatore we are collecting our Monthly magazine yearly subscriptions from all kerala. We had already given the subscriptions of about 305 people for yearly and some 5 years.This is done by Sri Vichithra Chaitanya Das and Srimathi Rajesvari Sathyabhama Devi Dasi together.

We had a vision and plan to make more devotees. That is our main goal and try to join them our Guru Maharaaj’s army. We always try to communicate with H.D.G sree Bhakthi vinoda swami Maharaaj for any doubts and help. Maharaaj is alsways welcome to assist and happy with our activities.

 Now we have a small car to distribute the books. We are looking for a small plot in Kannur to get our satsang without renting. All these things to work, first we need to get Guru Maharaaj’s merciful blessings to all of our devotees working behind this project. May lord sree Krishna and sreela prabhupaada always protect our Guru Maharaaj in this mission.

Guru Maharaj's humble, obedient servant,

Rakhala Raja Kannai Das(Diksa)Kannur,Kerala


Rakhala Raaja Kannai Das(Diksa)Kannur,Kerala

With my heart and soul for the well beings of every living entity that jayapathaaaka(flag) always blow like a sunaami to give deeksha mercy and take everybody back home back to godhead. Begging to Shree Gaura Nithai to give my Guru Mharaaj a very long life.

Your most fallen servant.

Ajay Caitanya Chandra Das,(Diksa)Kannur,Kerala

 Bhaktha vinod, Narendran, Saran, Jithu, Amaresh, Chandramohan – Guru Ashraya devottee.

Bhaktha Ganesh, Vinod, Shajil,Vaishnav ,Prathyush,Nideesh,Primlesh etc Well wishers.

Wish Guru Maharaaj a happy 71st  vyasa puja,

All Guru Ashraya disciples and sathsamgam devotees and well wishers.

Hare Krishna Sathsamgam , Chalad Road, Kuzhikkunnu Junction, Kannur, Kerala, India


नमः ॐ विष्णु पादाय, कृष्ण प्रेष्ठाय भूतले श्रीमते जय पताका स्वामिन् इति नामिने ।

नामाचार्य पादाय निताई कृपा प्रदायिने । गौर कथा धाम दाया नगर ग्राम तारिणे ॥

परम पूजनीय गुरुमहाराज की जय । श्रील प्रभुपाद की जय ।

परम पूजनीय गुरुमहाराज मैं रामकेशव दास आपका आध्यात्मिक पुत्र आपके श्री चरण कमलों में दण्डवत प्रणाम, कोटि कोटि धन्यवाद व आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ कि आपने इस अधम जीव को अपनी शरण प्रदान की, मनुष्य जीवन को जानने व भगवान की सेवा में अग्रसर किया।

गुरु महाराज यह मेरा सौभाग्य है कि इस 71th व्यास पूजा के पावन अवसर पर मुझे अपने मैले चित् की शुद्धि के लिए आपका गुणगान करने का सौभाग्य मिला।

गुरु महाराज आप हमेशा प्रभुपाद द्वारा दी गयीं अनेकों सेवाओं को पूरा करने में लगे रहते हैं इसके लिए आप अपनी शारीरिक क्षमता व कष्टों की भी परवाह नहीं करते। ज्यादातर सेवाएं पूरी कर भी चुके हैं आप 50 हजार से ज्यादा शिष्य ग्रहण कर चुके हैं, मायापुर धाम का भव्य विकास व TOVP का निर्माण भी पूरा होने को है।

गुरू महाराज पिछले काफी वर्षों से आपका स्वास्थ्य ठीक न होने के कारण आपका काफी समय अस्पतालों में व्यतीत हो रहा है परंतु वहाँ रहते हुए भी आपने डाक्टरों व अन्य स्टाफ को कृष्णभावनामृत प्रदान किया व कुछ को शिष्य रुप में भी गृहण किया।

यह वर्ष बहुत ही विशेष है, आप के संन्यास की golden jubilee celebrations है। 50 से ज्यादा साल से आप प्रभुपाद के बताये भक्ति के नियमों का पालन कर रहे हैं। सारे विश्व मे फैंले भक्तों को कैंसे ज़्यादा से ज्यादा भक्ति में लगाया जाये व कैंसे प्रचार कार्य के नये नये तरीके ढूँढ़े जायें इसके लिये कार्यरत रहते हैं। भक्तों के लिये पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन करा रहें हैं जो हमारा मार्गदर्शन कर हमारी जिज्ञासाओं को शांत करतीं हैं हमें भक्ति में बने रहने व आगे बढा़नें मे मदद कर रहीं हैं।

आपका हर कार्य सभी भक्तों के लिये एक शिक्षा/आदेश है कि चाहे कैसी भी विपरीत परिस्थितियॉ क्यों न आयें हमें अपने गुरु के निर्देशों का अक्षरशः पालन करना चाहिये।

आपका आध्यात्मिक पुत्र,

रामकेशव दास।

साहिबाबाद, गाजियाबाद,(India)

My Dear Eternal Spiritual Master and Father,


Hare Krishna! Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!



Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Çrémate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine


Namah Achäryapadaya Nitäi-kåpä-pradäyate

Gaura- kathä dhäma- däya nagara-grama-täriëe


Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Çrémate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine


Namas te Särasvate deve Gaura-väëé-pracäriëe



Guru Maharaj! I feel very happy to write this offering to you, to the most elevated person in this world as far as I know. I am seeing this personally that you are beyond your body as you dedicate your time completely in the service of your guru, Srila Prabhupada and the Supreme Lord Sri Sri Radha Madhava.


Whenever I feel tired I think about you. I am only 58 years old, but, I have already started feeling that my body has started dwindling as I am experiencing pain in each and every part. So, each time when I am unable to bear the pain in the body I only think of you and try to console myself.


My life has gone through a major change since mid-2018. By that time I had already spent a lot of years outside India (29 years). So, after due discussions with HG Shrivallabh Prabhu, HG Harilila Prabhu and of course with my wife, I relocated myself to India. This was after leading, preaching and guiding devotees in Gaurangadesh (Dubai) for more than 15 years. Gaurangadesh was handed over to HG Sriranga Krishna Prabhu and HG Gopigana Mathaji in Jun 2018 after due training for 1 year.


In June 2018 when I came back to India I was fortunate to be able to help and assist your sevadharis when you were admitted in the Stanley Hospital in Chennai for the Liver and Kidney transplants. Since Chennai is the place where I grew up in my younger days, the local language was my mother tongue and this was helpful in many ways. After your transplants on 15th Aug 2018, I then came to Mayapur late Nov 2018 as part of the JPS Seva Committee. I also spent the next month in Gauragadesh to help and guide the devotees there.


In Mar 2019, HG Acintya Caitanya Pr was communicating with my wife and me and wanted us to be Co-Managers to serve you in that capacity in your office. Sumedha Gaura Krishna Pr was leaving at that time. This was a splendid opportunity, though I was not sure if I will be capable of managing the same due to language problems, as I can talk English and Tamil well, but not Hindi or Bengali. However, we were asked to manage your office and we took it as our fortune to be able to do so. It is only your mercy that we have now managed it for 1 year, though I am NOT sure if it is up to your expectation. Kindly bestow upon us your mercy so that we will be able to serve in a way that meets your satisfaction.


We are trying to do our best to serve you in your office. Please guide us if we make any mistakes as we are full of mistakes and require your help to be able to rectify and purify ourselves. This is because we have spent more than 2 decades in one of the most materially opulent places (UAE) and hence have a lot of things that we need to change and adjust in the spiritual place (Mayapur).


I have personally seen that my many anarthas have gone after we came and settled in Mayapur. This is primarily due to your mercy and blessings. I am still left with a lot more. Kindly show me your mercy so that I may come out of this totally and please bless me enough to be your worthy disciple.  


I request you to also kindly forgive me for all the mistakes and offences committed at your lotus feet, knowingly and unknowingly, as a kind father would forgive his immature child.


I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Nrsingadev, and Sri Pancatattva to give you a long and healthy life.


Your eternal servant fallen son

Ramananda Gaura Das

ওহে অগতির গতি জন গর্ডন,

তোমার রাতুল চরণে আমার আত্ন নিবেদন ।

আমি হচ্ছি এই মায়া জগতের মায়া মোহজীব জীব,

তোমার চরণে আশ্রয় লয়ে জ্বালিয়েছি কৃষ্ণভাবনার অমৃত আলোক প্রদীপ।

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদ এর প্রতিষ্টিত ইসকনের নৌকা খানি,

তুমি তো সেই পালতোলা নৌকার যোগ্য পরিচালনা কারি।

প্রথম দর্শনে তোমার দিব্য দেহ ও জ্যোতির্ময় রূপ আমি হয়ে যাই বিমোহিত হারিয়ে ফেলি হ্নশ,

তোমার অতুলনীয় মহিমা কি করিব বর্ণন,

তাইতো প্রভুপাদ তোমার মত যোগ্য শিষ্য কে ২১ বছরে সন্ন্যাস দিবার একমাত্র কারণ।

জয়পতাকা নাম নিয়ে বিশ্বের মাঝে করিতেছ গৌরাঙ্গের অভিলাষ পুরণ,

নামহট্ট, ভক্তি বৃক্ষ, গীতা একাডেমী প্রতিষ্ঠার মাধ্যমে তুমি গৌরবের ধন।

এই গৌরবময় দিনে তোমার চরণে এই দাসের একমাত্র আত্মনিবেদন,

দীক্ষা কালে তোমাকে দেওয়া প্রতিশ্রুতি ও তোমার  প্রচারকার্যে করিতে পারি আত্নসমর্পন।


Hare Krishna 
All glories to His holiness Jayapataka swami guru maharaj. 

Jai Guru and Gauranga 

All glories to srila Prabhupad. 

All glories to your auspicious appearance day Gurumaharaj

Dear gurudev,

I am so grateful for your causeless mercy. Although I have no quality and qualifications to be your disciple still by your mercy I got inestimable jewel. I cannot express and explain in a word or on sheet. According to Bagavat gita After millions of birth a jiva gets the lost connection with supreme lord through mercy of a bonafide spiritual master and disciplic succession. 
The spiritual master is external manifestation of chaitya guru. 
Guru is ocean of mercy and represents lord. Your enthusiasm and energy for preaching at this time even though your health not in good condition, gives me inspiration to preach more and more. 
Seeking blessings from all vaishnavas to serve you better and follow your instructions. 

Your insignificant servant 
Radhika ramya devi dasi

My eternal supervisor, my spiritual father, Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my most respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you, Gurudev and your inconceivable disposition.


At first, I wish to thank you for coming into my life as the rain of mercy, flooding my existence with your love. And then I wish to offer a big congratulation for the 50th year of your sannyasa and completion of having 50.000 disciples worldwide. What an amazing accomplishment!! How much you must have pleased Srila Prabhupada! 


On this auspicious day of your appearance, we get an opportunity to purify ourselves every year by scribbling a few words in the name of your glorification. Your glories are unlimited. Even to materialistic people, your performances are inconceivable; what to speak of to all the devotees? In a very insignificant attempt to glorify you, my dear father, let me express the inner feelings of my heart. 


The most prominent aspect of your personality that comes very spontaneously to my mind is that you are ‘love personified’. It is very difficult to not experience ‘being loved’ if someone comes near you. Since Govinda is peacefully resting in your heart, His love is exuded through you incessantly. Like a magnet of love you draw towards you the uncountable number of iron particles who are so hard hearted. This is the magic that I experience and witness every time when I am in your association. 


Prabhupada’s words…. “Books are the basis…Purity is the force…Preaching is the essence…Utility is the principle”. You are living by all 4. By your able leadership, massive book distribution and preaching are taking place and you are utilizing everything in the service of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. But it is all happening because of your purity. Your undeviated focus to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission is the source of your impeccable purity. 


I was meditating that your consciousness is Prabhupada-mana bhava Prabhupada-bhakto Prabhupada-yaji Prabhupada namaskuru….. This consciousness probably pleases Krsna a million times more than man-mana bhava mad-bhakto consciousness because of which He is CONSTANTLY protecting you within His loving embrace. It is because we all know that He loves the devotee of His devotee much more than His own devotee. By your example you are showing us how deeply we should be focused and committed in our relationship with you. 


Your fearlessness is one of the manifestations of your faith in the principle avasya raksibe Krsna. In spite of the crowd in Mayapur with threats of the virus, you are undaunted and unperturbed in your services during the festivals and Navadvipa Mandala parikrama. Your deep servitude goes beyond description as you travel through the durgama roads speaking to each of the groups of parikrama at different places, giving them your darsana and mercy despite ongoing medical ailments on a daily basis. Who else would care to even try?


We witnessed your total dependence on God during that phase of your transplant surgery and the surgery next year for BCC. Whether we happily depend or fearfully depend on the Lord, He is the Supreme Controller ultimately. But you showed us how to remain peaceful and fixed in the face of crisis reflecting your dependence on Guru and Krsna always. An acarya is one who teaches by his own example. For us, you are the exemplary acarya as you are living  every moment by what we read in the sastras


It always becomes a long message, as I fumble to put my words together and fall short of realizations. In front your glorious existence and wonderful qualities that you naturally manifest, these words are just few scattered particles of sand. Yet, I know this attempt will please you, Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. Thus I dare write something.


I offer my daily prayers.. “May the Lord keep you in good health and may you not experience any physical discomfort ever”. Have a wonderful time with your loving devotees around. Happy Vyasa puja, my dear father!



Your lowly spiritual daughter,

Ramya Vrndavana devi dasi (diksa disciple),

Vrindavan, India.

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeiscences unto your lotus feet,

All Glories to Srila Prabupad,

All Glories to Sir Guru and Sri Gauranga,

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe nirviśeṣa-śūnyavādi-pāścātya-deśa-tāriṇe

I am eternally indebted and grateful to you for connecting me to the Supreme Lord and for allowing me to be part of the Sankirtan movement of Sri Gaura Hari, althought I am highly unqualified.

Please provide your blessings so that I can always remember you and thus be in your association and able to do vani-seva.

Your are so much dear to Srila Prabupad, Sri Gauaranga, Sri Nityanadha Prabu, Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani and our Parampara. You are tirelessly carrying the instructions of your Dear Gurumaharaj,despite of all your difficulties and challenges. So many thousands of souls are entenaly indebted to you for showing them the light of Krishna Consciousness.

I pray for your blessings and empowerement to continue to preach and bring more and more conditioned souls to the Lotus feet of Sri Krishna, for without your mercy I am very insignificant and worthless to achieve anything.

I pray that I develop all necessary vaishnava qualities starting with humility and remain in association of devotees by your mercy and blessings.

We have started a humble mission of creating a "vaishnava community" an apartment-cum-temple project ("Goloka Dham") in South East Bangalore under the guidance of management Sri Jagannath Mandir Seshadripuram. The congreggation members of Surabhi Kunj Bhakti Center (extension center of Sri Jagannath Mandir, Seshadripuram, Bangalore) have started this initiative to further expand the Sankirtan Movement of Lord Chaitanya. We humbly pray at your Lotus feet for your mercy and blessings for the success of this project.

your insignificant and aspiring servant,

Ranachora Govinda Dasa

নম ওম বিষ্ণু পাদায় কৃষ্ণ শ্রেষ্ঠায় ভুতলে শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা সামীনিতি নামিনে,

নম আচার্য পাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদাইনে গৌর কথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।

                         "অপরাধ মার্জনা পত্র"

              ও আমার পরম প্রিয়তম গুরুমহারাজ,

পত্রের শুরুতেই আমার কোটি কোটি দণ্ডবত্প্রনাম গ্রহণ করুন। 

আমার পরম আরাধ্য গুরুমহারাজ, কি ভাবে আমি আমার নিকৃষ্টতম কর্মকাণ্ডের কথা বর্ণনা করব বুঝতে পারছি না, আমি নরাধম,মায়ার দ্বারা পরিচালিত হয়ে আমি আপনার শ্রী পাদপদ্মে যে অপরাধ করেছি কীভাবে আমি তার থেকে মুক্তি পেতে পারি,কীভাবে আমি ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা পেতে পারি তার ভাষা আমার জানা নেই, আমি পতিত পিচাস ,আমায় ক্ষমা করুন।

আমি আপনার কাছে প্রতিজ্ঞাবদ্ধ হয়েও চারটি নিয়ম মেনে চলতে অকৃতকার্য হই,কলিযুগের সবচেয়ে গর্হিত পাপকর্মও আমার দ্বারা সম্পাদিত হয়েছে। 

আমি নির্লজ্জ, অবোধ, মিথ্যাচারী,দুরাচারী ক্ষমা ভিক্ষা চাইব কোন মুখে,

তাই হে পতিত পাবন গুরুমহারাজ, আজকের এই শুভ দিনের পূর্ণ লগ্নে,আপনার 71তম জন্মদিন উপলক্ষে ক্ষমা  ভিক্ষা প্রার্থনা করার সুযোগটি ছাড়তে চাচ্ছি না।

জেস্ঠ্ প্রভুদের পাঠে শুনেছি, ভগবান যদি রুষ্ট হন তাহলে গুরুদেব রক্ষা করেন,কিন্তু গুরুদেব যদি রুষ্ট হন তাহলে জীবের অর্থাৎ আমার যে কী গতি হবে তা বলা বাহুল্য।

হে আমার পরম আরাধ্য গুরুমহারাজ,আমি আপনার এক নিকৃষ্ট কুলাঙ্গার সন্তান,শেষ বারের মত ক্ষমা করে গুরু গৌরাঙ্গের সেবা করার সুযোগ দানে জন্ম জন্মান্তরে এই পতিত কে চিরকৃতজ্ঞ করে বাধিত করবেন।  

গত 07/03/2020 নিত্যানন্দ ত্রয়োদশী থেকে পুনরায় ভক্তি জীবনযাপন অনুশীলন শুরু করেছি, আশীর্বাদ করুন জন্ম জন্মান্তরে এই পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ করে গুরু গৌরাঙ্গের সেবা করে যেতে পারি।


                                                      রঙ্গরাজ  হরি দাস

                                                    জৌগ্রাম,পূর্ব বর্ধমান। 


নম ওম বিষ্ণু পাদায় কৃষ্ণ শ্রেষ্ঠায় ভুতলে শ্রী মতে জয়পতাকা সামীনিতি নামিনে,

নম আচার্য পাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদাইনে গৌর কথাধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।

"ক্ষমা ভিক্ষা প্রার্থনা পত্র"

ও আমার পরম প্রিয়তম গুরুমহারাজ, 

আমার কোটি কোটি দণ্ডবত্ প্রনাম গ্রহন করুন ,

ও আমার পরম আরাধ্য গুরুমহারাজ, আমি কী ভাবে আমার নিকৃষ্টতম কর্মকাণ্ডে র  কথা আপনাকে বলব,তার ভাষা আমার জানা নেই, আমি নর্দমার কীট সাদৃশ্য, পীচাস,অবোধ মায়ার দ্বারা পরিচালিত হয়ে আপনার শ্রী পাদপদ্মে যে অপরাধ করেছি কীভাবে তার থেকে মুক্তি পেতে পারি আমি জানি না। 

আমি আপনার কাছে প্রতিজ্ঞাবদ্ধ হয়েও চারটি নিয়ম মেনে চলতে অকৃতকার্য হই,এমনকি এই কলিযুগের সবচেয়ে গর্হিত অপকর্মটিও আমি করি।

সিনিয়র প্রভুদের  পাঠ থেকে শুনেছি যে ভগবান কৃষ্ণ যদি রুষ্ট হন তাহলে গুরুদেব রক্ষা করেন কিন্তু গুরুদেব যদি রুষ্ট হন তাহলে জীবের অর্থাৎ আমার যে কী গতি হবে তা বলা বাহুল্য। 

গত 07/03/2020 তারিখ অর্থাৎ নিত্যানন্দ ত্রয়োদশী থেকে পুনরায় ভক্তি জীবনযাপন অনুশীলন শুরু করেছি, 

হে আমার পরম পতিত পাবন গুরুমহারাজ আজকের এই শুভ দিনের পূর্ণ লগ্নে,আপনার  71 তম আবির্ভাব তিথীতে ক্ষমা ভিক্ষা প্রার্থনা করার সুযোগ টি আমি হারাতে পারি না। 

অতএব, হে মান্যবর,আমি আপনার এক নিকৃষ্ট কুলাজ্ঞার সন্তান, শেষ বারের মত ক্ষমা করে আপনার শ্রী পাদপদ্মে আমায় আশ্রয় দিয়ে গুরু গৌরাঙ্গের সেবা করার সুযোগ দানে জন্ম জন্মান্তরে এই পতিত কে চিরকৃতজ্ঞ করবেন। 


                                                                      রঙ্গরাজ হরি দাস

                                                                          জৌগ্রাম ,পূর্ব বর্ধমান 


Hare krishna Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga,

Happy Birthday dear Spiritual Father,

Please bless me unalloyed,unmotivated,uninterrupted devotional service at your lotus feet,

Make me an instrument in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Your spiritual daughter,

Ranjani gopika devi dasi.

joy sri krishno. Sato koti pronam janai Apnar anek abodan guru maharaj.apnar sristi puro prithibi ke jania dey je amader boisnab hawta katota proajon Amar pronam neben apnar samosto adesh Ami puron korte pari Ami Madan mohon jaganath das ar putro Amar pronam neben

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please accept my dandwat pranam .

Every time I see you and think you are not from this world. I see in my life how much I struggle to push my Krishna consciousness; Maya Devi pushes me down again and again in terms of poor chanting, vaishnava Aparadha or my comfort zone etc. But you are really a great example for all of us. By your example you always showed us the way: how to perform devotional service without interruption.

Going against the modes of material nature is like chasing the rhinos and you have proved it. That is possible, and that’s what Srila Prabhupada wanted us to always think big. If we are not thinking big then the modes of material nature is going to push us down and down.

We joined Krishna consciousness to help Srila Prabhupada and unless we give our best, Krishna is not going to reciprocate with us. Your novel ways to spread Krishna consciousness makes me feel that Krishna is really reciprocating with you or else how is it possible to get so many ideas to save the fallen souls like me. “Krishna sakti vina nahe tara pravartan” unless a devotee is specifically empowered by the lord, he cannot preach the holy name of the lord all over the world. This sloka proves that you are really empowered by lord Krishna. Whenever in meeting you ask about preaching report, I feel you are not just asking but really concern about the preaching and specifically about that devotee who is helping you to fulfill the desire of Srila Prabhupada. I heard some of our reports which you gave to Srila Prabhupada regarding preaching in Mayapur. Even now on the Vyas puja of Srila prabhupada when you look towards him in deep silence and simply looking at him, I feel you are giving the report to Srila Prabhupada about preaching.

I am indebted to you for all the things you gave to me. I cannot repay back to you, still I ask you please ignore my all the shortcoming and be merciful on me so that one day I can also join you in Goloka to assist you in the eternal service of Lord Krishna.


Your most fallen son,

Rasamaya Nityananda Das


nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate Jayapatākā -svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
nāmas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe

Please accept my respectful obeisances Guru Mahārāja,

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda,

All glories to Your Divine Grace, who has given light in our life and took us out of darkness.

Lord Caitanya while explaining the process of devotional service, gives the essence of sādhana-bhakti or devotional practice as:

guru-pādāśraya, dīkṣā, gurura sevana
sad-dharma-śikṣā-pṛcchā, sādhu-mārgānugamana

(1) One must accept a bona fide spiritual master.

(2) One must accept initiation from him.

(3) One must serve him.

(4) One must receive instructions from the spiritual master and make inquiries in order to learn devotional service.

(5) One must follow in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas and follow the directions given by the spiritual master.

The essence of the abhideya is given out so freely that many of us are completely unaware of the invaluable gift which Your Divine Grace is awarding us. Śāstras say that a disciple eternally remains fool in front of the spiritual master, but I know I will remain a fool in front of You. Everytime I try to estimate how merciful You are for us I fail because it increases every time. Like Kṛṣṇa, His pure devotees’ qualities are also exhibits every increasing mellows. For one to experience any rasa one need to be having basic qualification, Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu explains that for a devotee to experience any mellow in devotional service one needs to be in sthāyi-bhāva which is impetus for all other bhāvas but one rasa even a conditioned soul can experience is audhārya mood, mood of magnanimity. Lord Caitanya made the topmost, available for the most fallen, so the qualification is most fallen so I being in this category very much received the topmost mercy very easily by Your Divine Grace. Being unqualified and ignorant of how to hold this mercy which you bestowing upon me, I again fail myself badly. But every time you lift me up. Many times I am ignorant of the fact that You lift me.

Anyone can appreciate the mercy aspect so Your Divine Grace made Yourself so easily available that anyone can appreciate your mercy and thus they are getting connected to Kṛṣṇa through Your Divine Grace. Many of us would not have least idea that we have been performing the most essential principle of sādhana-bhakti. Just by getting attracted to Your mercy aspect people just become devotees.

You pray for us everyday, You gave us the most sublime principle in a most easy way still we are lacking…

We pray to their Lordships for giving us enough intelligence and enthusiasm to serve your mission.

On this auspicious occasion of Your Divine Grace 71st Vyāsa-pūjā I would like to beg Śrī Śrī Rādhā Mādhava to bestow upon fallen souls like me to bestow the vision to see the sacrifice which You are doing for all of us to be in devotional service.

I pray that I sacrifice my life in every possible way in Your mission to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda, Lord Caitanya and previous ācāryas.

I pray to Lord Narasiṁhadeva and Prahlāda Mahārāja to bestow upon Your Divine Grace long healthy life

Rasapriya Gopikā devī dāsī
Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”


nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Dear spiritual father,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad!!

All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!!

Kindly forgive me for I am unable to glorify Your Holiness properly.

Gurudev, it is truly inconceivable to even try and understand the platform that you are on. Materially speaking, one can clearly witness the bodily troubles and austerities that you must be going through, however, you never let that come in the way of preaching or even your own daily sadhana.

We hear from many of your extremely dedicated servants about how tiresome and exhausting your schedule can get sometimes, especially when you are travelling and even then, you get up early no matter what time you sleep.

Your Holiness’ most fortunate disciples who get the chance to closely serve you, share some of Your Holiness’ most incredible pastimes where even us, who don’t get a chance to physically serve you, understand your glories and how dear you are to Lord Krishna. How, whenever, there have been multiple instances when your health was at a critical state and how you practically requested the Lord to let you be amongst all of us here on this planet because of the promises that you made to Srila Prabhupad and how you intend to complete all of your services. We have also heard how the Lord has been merciful unto Your Holiness when your transplantation was to be commenced. It is all glories to your selfless disciples who continue to serve you every day and also shower their mercy onto us by sharing such wonderful pastimes.

We had the good fortune of having Your Holiness’ Darshan on 23rd April in Mumbai during the GBC meetings when we came from here (Baroda). During that visit you were so kind upon us, where you gave all of us your ever-so-lovely glance when you were going into your room. That night when we were supposed to leave Mumbai, to go back to Baroda, in the middle of the lecture, you saw all of us get up one by one and you understood that we were leaving, Your Holiness showered unlimited mercy on all of us by addressing us and also blessing us to preach better in Baroda and confirming that there will be many devotees here.

It was after this wonderful exchange with Your Holiness, that all of us were surcharged with enthusiasm and energy to help serve you by trying to bring people into Krishna Consciousness. Many programs have been started since, one of which is a youth program that is being conducted at our house. Although the number of participants are very less, we wish to expand further by your blessings and unconditional mercy. There are some projects that we wish to complete that might help us in bringing more youth, which we hope may happen only by your grace, Gurudev.

Dear Gurudev, on this most auspicious day of Your Holiness’ 71st Vyasa Puja, I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Sri Sudarshan, Sri Nrsimhadev, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Sri Panchatatva to kindly always protect Your Holiness and allow us to have your association for as long as possible.

Lastly, kindly bless my father, my mother, my sister, all the devotees here and all the Bhakti Vriksha members so that we may always be engaged in serving you and Gauranga!


Your spiritual daughter,

Rasapriya Radharani Devi Dasi (Diksha)

Baroda, India

हरे कृष्णा 

गुरमहाराज मैं आपके चरणों में दंडवत् प्रणाम करती हूँ मैं बहुत ही भाग्यशाली हूं कि आप जैसे गुरमहाराज की प्राप्ति हुई है

गुरमहाराज इतनी तबियत खराब होते हुए भी हम जैसे पतित आत्माओ का उद्धार करने के लिए हर समय प्रचार कार्य में लगे रहते है

गुरमहाराज गुणों की खान है

गुरमहाराज अगर किसी भी विषय पर बात करते है भगवान के बारे में ही करते हैं 

गुरमहाराज अपने गुरु के आदेशोँ का दृढ़ता से पालन करते है

गुरमहाराज को अपने गुरु और भगवान पर पूर्ण विश्वास है तभी अपने कार्य में सफल हो पाए

गुरमहाराज जब आई सी यू मे थे खुद बीमार होते हुए भी दूसरों के लिए प्रार्थना कर रहे थे

गुरमहाराज ने मायापुर के मंदिर के लिए बहुत ही ज्यादा मेहनत की

गुरमहाराज और भगवान से मै भी प्रार्थना करती हूँ कि मै भी आपके मिशन मे कुछ मदद कर सकूँ 

आपकी शिष्या 

रास रानी कमला देवी दासी

अंबाला (हरियाणा)

Querido Guru Maharaj, por favor, aceite minhas mais humildes e respeitosas reverências. Todas as glórias ao auspicioso dia de seu aparecimento. Guru Maharaj, muito obrigado por me conceder o abrigo de seus pés de lótus.

Conheci a ISKCON em Curitiba - PR (Brasil) e me senti inspirado pelos líderes do Yatra, especialmente Hara Kanta Prabhu. Em uma semana fui residir no templo de Curitiba, pois todos os devotos eram contagiantemente entusiastas. Com o passar do tempo fui adquirindo compreensão do processo e pude entender que existia uma fonte de entusiasmo que nutria aqueles devotos. Esta fonte de inspiração e entusiasmo era Sua Santidade Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj. Não conhecia nada sobre o senhor, mas admirava-o por ser esta fonte de entusiasmo. Aos poucos, através da associação com os devotos do templo (todos seus discípulos) obtive a graça de conhecer mais sobre a sua vida, sua missão, seu comprometimento em satisfazer o guru parampara e seguir as instruções de Srila Prabhupada. Assim, dia após dia, a admiração que tenho pelo senhor crescia cada vez mais. Alguns dias antes de completar seis meses que eu estava no templo, comecei a aprender o pranama de Sua Santidade Jayapataka Swami (pois almejava abrigar-me como seu discípulo). Durante pouco mais de seis meses me mantive cantando o seu pranam (juntamente com os de Srila Prabhupada) e busquei conhecê-lo e preparar-me para tomar iniciação diksa com Vossa Santidade.

No dia de minha iniciação, outros seis devotos também foram iniciados pelo Senhor. O Prabhu Hara Kanta fez a cerimônia e o Senhor nos concedeu a ilimitada misericórdia de nos dar um Darshan via Skype. Nesse dia, o relacionamento que cultivava com o senhor foi nutrido profundamente, resultando em um afeto diferente de todos aqueles que experimentara anteriormente.

Agora havia um compromisso, uma responsabilidade eterna, que veio a crescer pouco menos de um ano depois, no momento que o senhor nos deu a segunda iniciação. No dia que recebemos o mantra gayatri, Vossa Santidade estava muito cansado devido a problemas em sua saúde, então teve que parar no meio do manta e continuar no dia seguinte. Essa situação foi impactante, pude perceber o nível de esforço e dedicação motivado unicamente por compaixão. Esses mesmos esforços e dedicação ficaram evidentes dois anos mais tarde, em dezembro de 2019, na Fazenda Nova Gokula, onde pude pela primeira vez encontrá-lo pessoalmente. Recebi a grande misericórdia de ajudar os seus servos mais íntimos que estavam presentes em serviço pessoal ao Senhor. Nessa valiosíssima oportunidade, experienciei um outro aspecto de seu caráter imaculado, tão valioso quanto seu esforço, dedicação, determinação, compaixão e tantas incontáveis e transcendentais qualidades que estão presentes em cada uma de todas as suas ações. Esse outro aspecto de seu caráter, que tive a graça de presenciar, demonstra um aspecto muito doce, amoroso e ao mesmo tempo simples. As brincadeiras com Nanda Prabhu, em que o senhor o acolhe com um humor fraternal. As trocas de olhares transbordando amor e confiança toda vez que precisava se mover, a simplicidade em aceitar toda a espécie de serviço, inclusive as curiosas restrições de Mahã Varaha Prabhu. Esse vapu seva me deu mais entusiasmo para dedicar minha vida em Vani seva.

Desejo servir-te por toda minha eternidade.

Por favor, Guru Maharaj, me abençoe para que eu possa servir sempre, com sinceridade e entusiasmo através da distribuição dos livros de Srila Prabhupada. Muito obrigado por ser essa ilimitada fonte de força e inspiração, este exemplo perfeito de uma vida bem sucedida. Que Krishna sempre lhe proteja! Com certeza Prabhupada está muito satisfeito com o serviço que o Senhor tem feito por todos estes anos, fazendo de toda a sua vida uma oferenda ao seu mestre espiritual.

Todas as glórias ao Transcendental dia de seu aparecimento! 

Todas as glórias a Srila Prabhupada! Todas as glórias a Sri Sri Guru e Gouranga!

De seu caído e desqualificado aspirante a servo Rasarnava Gouranga Das Brahmacari.

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances

It is great blessing for me that I have got a spiritual master like you. In 2013 one of my friend has attended your vyasa-puja and unfortunately I missed that,after returning from vyasa-puja,I heard from him your glories that how much merciful you are to everyone,how you take so much of trouble to help people to take to the Krsna consciousness. In those days and right now also your health condition is not so good still you are always thinking about all of us that how we will all be developing our Krsna consciousness.

Recently I got one message from devotees in mayapur that you want our report of sādhana on the day of janta curfew, when I read this message, I understood that here is the person who always cares for us.

Dear Guru Maharaja by your activities you show us that we are not this body, we are soul.It gives us hope that if we follow on your footsteps and follow the instructions given by you then we also will be able to realise this.

Dear Guru Maharaja your glories are unlimited, by my little mouth how much I will be able to glorify.

Please keep this servent always under your shelter.

Your insignificant servent,

Rasasindhu Advaita dāsa

Dear Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances


It is great blessing for me that I have got a spiritual master like you.In 2013 one of my friend has attended your vyas puja and unfortunately I missed that,after returning from vyas puja,I heard from him your glories that how much merciful you are to everyone,how you take so much of trouble to help people to take to the Krishna consciousness. In those days and right now also your health condition is not so good still you are always thinking about all of us that how we will all be developing our Krishna consciousness.


Recently I got one message from devotees in mayapur that you want our report of sadhana on the day of janta curfew, when I read this message,I understood that here is the person who always cares for us.


Dear Gurumaharaj by your activities you show us that we are not this body,we are soul.It gives us hope that if we follow on your footsteps and follow the instructions given by you then we also will be able to realise this.


Dear Gurumaharaj your glories are unlimited,by my little mouth how much I will be able to glorify.


Please keep this servent always under your shelter.


Your insignificant servent

Rasasindhu advaita das


Vyasa Puja Offering on the Occasion of the 71st Appearance day Of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj & 50th Years Of taking Sanyas

Dear GuruMaharaj,

Hare Krishna! Please Accept  my Humble Obsciences @ your Lotus Feet. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to Guru and Gauranga!

Jahara darsane saba papa jay

Emona doyala prabhu keba kotha pay

Gangara parasa hoile pascate paban

Darsane pabitra koro-ei tomara gan


Where does anyone find such a merciful personality by whose mere audience all sins go far away?

After bathing in the waters of the sacred Ganges many times, one becomes purified, but just by the sight of you, the fallen souls become purified. This is your great power.


Srila Narothama Dasa Thakur in Prarthana song 45 verse 2-3


I pray to Lord Chaitanya that many many millions of people be recipient of your mercy  and they all get purified and take up the process of Krishna Consciousness and be happy.



On this most auspicious day of the 71st Vyasa Puja & your 50th year of your Holiness taking sanyas

I, beg for your causeless mercy upon this fallen soul.

I beg that i have taste for the holy name.

I beg that i serve the Vaishnavas without offence and I beg that I be steadily engaged in the service of Srila Prabhuda’s mission.


I beg for your mercy upon me for the repeated mistakes that i made knowingly  & unknowingly.


I humbly pray that my family be blessed & we remain fixed in Krishna Consciousness & remain healthy in this challenging times.



Your Aspiring Servant,


Rasika Gaura Dasa

Kalavathi Vrajavasini







Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj


All glories to your Lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


            Its my greatest fortune to get your holy association, causeless mercy, blessings, guidance etc… I was spinning in this material world without knowing the goal of life, what to do? What not to do? Out of ignorance. But your kripa and Srila prabhupada’s Kripa saved me from the never-ending sufferings. Now I am in the safe hand of Hari Guru Vaisnavas.


         Dear Gurudev kindly shower your mercy & blessings upon me eternally so that I can always focus in devotional service to Sri Sri Radha Madhav without deviations.  Without your mercy it’s impossible to overcome this material illusion which is always pulling towards maya like great ocean waves.


Dear Gurudev please bless me so that i can get more chance to serve pure devotees of the lord and I eagerly looking always Hari Nama Sankirtan every moment which is bliss manifestation.


           Kindly forgive me for apradha committed towards your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly or any aparadha committed towards any vaisnavas or any living entities.  


             You are ocean of mercy and compassionate because i m totally rascal without any good qualities still you have accepted me as a disciple and initiated me to chant Gayathri Mantra (Second Initiation). Who can be more merciful?


ohe vaisnava Thakura doyara sagara

e dase koruna kori

diya pada-chaya, sodho he Amaya

tomara carana dhori


            Dear Gurudev by your blessings I have tried my level best to distribute the mercy of Sri Krishna Caitanya mahaprabhu for your pleasure, Srila Prabhupada’s pleasure, Guru Parampara and Sri Sri Radha Madav. This are my cumulative humble offering to you and guru parampara.


1. We have you tube channel " Krishna Bhakti Tamil" for preaching in Tamil Language ...As on now we have +5500 Subscribers, 255K Views, 1.4 Million Hours watch durations.


2. We Have another YouTube Tamil Channel for Bhagavad Gita Lecture, as on now we have +2100 Subscribers, +127K Views, +619K watch durations. We are completing 700 Slokas of posting. Now we are planning to start SB First canto.


3. We have Facebook page "Bhagavad Gita Tamil" where i m posting Bhagavad Gita slokas daily, quotes, pictured etc.... Now we have 24,000 Likes & 34000 Follows.


4. We have more than 108 Bhagavad Gita WhatsApp Group in Tamil


5. Daily we are preparing Tamil Quotes based on Srila Prabhupada Teachings and posting in Social Media.


6. We are arranging spiritual yatra every year to different Holy Dhams with around 60 devotees. Kindly bless us so that we can overcome all the obstacles.


7. We have BV in Tamil, it is happening every week at our home around 15 souls attending regularly. Please bless them so that they can take up K.C more seriously.


             Kindly begging your blessings and prayers so that we can practice our sadhana well and preach effectively at large as per Guru Sadhu Sastra without any deviations


             We will pray to Srila Prabhupada and Caitanya Mahaprabhu to give you very good health for long long time so that u can save the world.


             Now days my mother also chanting one round Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and my father is also showing more interest in Krishna Bhakti and taking care of cows. Kindly bless them so that they can practice Krishna Bhakti well.


             My Daughter Krishna Priya & Yamuna both chanting daily one Round and learning slokas, bhajans etc...Kindly seeking your blessings for my family specially for my Children's so that they can be in good health and become good servant of the servant of the Srimathi Radharani.



             Hari Om tat sat 


Your Insignificant Eternal Humble Servant 


Rasika Govinda Das - Braminical Initiated

Madavi Isvari Devi Dasi - Harinam Initiated

Bhaktin Krishna Priya - Aspiring

Bhaktin Yamuna - Aspiring



Dear Gurudev,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the divine dust of your lotus feet.

Guru deva, this is a small attempt to glorify you as a child try to touch the sky .You are a wonderful father who always try your best to give us Gauranga mercy by your daily lectures,video , visit to various places, answering our questions by mails even though your health is not supporting you in every circumstance.This is your love for us give us hope and strength and increase our faith in the Supreme Lord. You are an ocean of causless mercy as Vishvanth Chakarvarthi Thakur says in Guru ashtakam " samsara dava nalalidha loka tranya karunya ghanaghanatvam' .You are the only hope for me who can extinguish the blazing fire in this existence of material world.Gurudeva, by your mercy and blessings I have started zoom meetings for youth and adults and I could see many of them are joining and interested to know more about Krishna.Thankyou for utilizing  me as an instrument  in your service to Srila Prabhupada.I pray to you that I be more determined in my services and also develop good qualities so that I can completely render my service by my mind words and action.Seeking your mercy more and more .


Your insignificant  servant

Rati Madhuri Devi Dasi

My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. 

All glories to Sri Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you my loving father 

This is your appearance day, the day that brought the good fortune to so many of us.

You are the most exemplary son of Srila Prabhupad, your spiritual master and spiritual father. Your life, your services, your enthusiasm and your complete dedication to Srila Prabhupada will inspire all the future generations of ISKCON till eternity. You have given us all the "The Kingdom of God", the spiritual world, Sridham Mayapur, even while residing in this material world. Who could have imagined this?

You took all the risks and accepted even the most fallen persons like me as your disciple. Just like Lord Gauranga, you never considered who was worthy to receive such mercy and who was not. It amazes me how all this is happening. 

Srila Prabhupada must be so proud of you dear Gurudev. Your life has always revolved around the instructions you recieved from Srila Prabhupada. Please bless me that one day I can also make you proud, for on my own, I am unable to do anything and just struggle with senses and mind. Please bless me that I can develop at least a fraction of what mood you have to serve Srila Prabhupada. Please give me a permanent residence at your Lotus feet and may my life revolve around the instructions I recieved from you.

I fall a thousand times at the Lotus feet of Lord Nityananda to give you good health and long life.

Your insignificant daughter,

Ratiprada Radhika Devi Dasi from Noida

Hare Krishna, dear Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to your unbreakable determination to serve Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.

I always used to wonder how is it possible for a spiritual master to interact and care for around 50K disciples and many more aspirants and well-wishers. It never used to fit in my logic. But, in the few interactions, I had with you, and pastimes I heard from your personal servants, I am fully convinced that you are indeed connected to each and every disciple personally and you are taking care of all of them. How is it possible? My puny brain does not know... it defies all mundane logic.

I heard that a disciple should go to the spiritual master and surrender and serve him. I don't have the least amount of surrender and I was always skeptical about what services will I get if I ever asked you. Will it be something that will use my skillset? After moving to Mayapur in November 2018, I had the privilege of interacting with you on a number of occasions where you kindly tasked me with a few projects, which uses my IT skillset, and I have fun doing these projects.

However, due to work and family responsibilities, sadhana, etc. sometimes things get out of control. A few of your projects are in progress, some are still in the backlog, and it frustrates me at times, that I have not been able to deliver the projects yet. There are times, I am afraid to go in front of you thinking what will I say if you ask a report on the projects. I think that I am good as an individual contributor, but there are so many things to do and me single-handedly having limited free time is not good enough. I am really terrible at delegating and managing people and contributors. So, I request you to please empower me so that I can become better at training people, delegating work and managing these projects so that I can get them to deliver at the earliest. I also pray to you to help me find sincere devotees having the necessary IT skills who can contribute to these projects.

Many times, knowingly or unknowingly, I commit a number of offenses at your lotus feet. Please forgive me for my offenses and please bless me so that I can follow Srila Prabhupada's and your instructions as it is and make progress in my spiritual life so that I can guide my family in loving devotional service to you, Srila Prabhupada, Guru parampara, Panch Tattva, and finally Radha Madhava.

Trying to be your servant,

Ratnabahu Nityananda Das

rtnpro AT gmail DOT com


Hare krishna

Please Accept My Respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All Glories to Gurudev and Gauranga 

Mahatma, before i was in Ritvik temple. Once we came to Mayapur for the first time for parikrama. First time i had your darshan in the parikrama. While entering the temple, when your Padukas were removed my mom rushed with others to keep them on her head. I thought what is she doing and how fool she is.

Gurudev, by the time i realised how fool i was and left Ritvik temple, you showered your mercy on this most fallen soul in bangalore by giving your Darshan and also allowed me touch your lotus feet. The i realised how fortunate that day my mother was and how fool i was. 

Maharaj, you shower your mercy unconditionally. Though i am from athiest family background with your one glance and darshan i could sustain in my spiritual life and i am so blessed to receive deeksha from you. Your diamond like determination rain pouring like your mercy motivated us to a stage that we as my husband( who is my Shiksha Guru) and me could start Bhakti Vrikshas in our village.

O Master, though we are so fortunate to avail you asour Guru Maharaj, we rae tending to do few miskes. As always with your unconditional love please correct us and forgive and bless this fortunated soul.

Your Servant's Servant 

Ratnamayi Radhika Devi Dasi 

Hare Krishna,

Please Accept My Respectful obeisances.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,


All Glories to Gurudev and Gauranga 


Mahatma, before i was in Ritvik temple. Once we came to Mayapur for the first time for parikrama. First time i had your darshan in the parikrama. While entering the temple, when your Padukas were removed my mom rushed with others to keep them on her head. I thought what is she doing and how fool she is.


Gurudev, by the time i realised how fool i was and left Ritvik temple, you showered your mercy on this most fallen soul in bangalore by giving your Darshan and also allowed me touch your lotus feet. The i realised how fortunate that day my mother was and how fool i was. 


Guru Maharaj, you shower your mercy unconditionally. Though i am from athiest family background with your one glance and darshan i could sustain in my spiritual life and i am so blessed to receive deeksha from you. Your diamond like determination and rain pouring like your mercy motivated us to a stage that my husband( who is my Siksha Guru) and me could start Bhakti Vrikshas in different villages in Telangana.


O Master, though we are so fortunate to avail you as our Guru Maharaj,  i am tending to do few mistakes. As always with your unconditional love please correct me and forgive and bless this fortunate soul .


Your Servant's Servant 

Ratnamayi Radhika Devi Dasi 

Vyas Pooja ReportGuru Maharaj ke 71st Aavirbhav Ideas Par.Namo om Vishnu Paday Krishna Preshthay BHu Tale ,Shrimate Jaipataka Swamin it namine Namo Aacharya Paday Nitai kripa pradayine,Gaur Katha Dhaam daya Nagar Gram Tarine.Guru Maharaj ke Charan kamalon me shat-shat pranam.Mandir Ka vigrah Jaise sadharan Shila nahin hits,vaise hi Guru sadharan manushya Nahin BAAT shat-pratishat Sahi hai.Hamare Guru Maharaj nishchay hi asadharan hain.koi sadharan vyakti Irani chunautiyon Ka samana nahin kar paata.Lord Krishna ki kripa,Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tatha Prabhu pad Ka aashirwad sdaiv unke Saath rahe!Shri Krishna ki Leela Adbhut hai.Dur desh Ka ek medhawi aur tejaswi baalak liaise apani aadhyatmic aur jigyasa ke chapter,khojta hua aakhir Bharat bhumi Jo ki devataon ki bhumi hai,adhyatm ki dharti hai,tak aa pahuncha.Kya surf apane Salvation ke liye ? Nahin , varan hazaron baddh-jiwatmaon ke liye..Guru Maharaj apane bhakton ke liye Chaitanya Maha Prabhu ki kripa ka Sagar Hain.Unka hridaya  prani maatra ke liye karuna se Bhara hai.Guru maharaj sabko mukt wa sukhi dekhana chahte hain.Unka dridh nishchay,Komal Hriday,Samarpan ki poornta aur sewa-bhaav atulniya hai.chunotipurn Jeevan aur Nobel kaaryon se we sabke liye prerana-srot hain.Guru Maharaj manavta ki selfless service Kar rahe hain,Krishna ke liye.Nityanand Prabhu aurGaurango ke Sankirtan Aandolan se Adhikadhik logon ko jod kar.Anekon sharnagaton,50,000  se Bhi jyada, ke paapon ko swayam par le kar,unke Jeevan ki aalokit Kar rahe hain. Bhawan Krishna Chaitanya Maha Prabhu se prarthana hai ki unki jeevani -shakti ko aksshunn rakhen. TaakiMayapur Dhaam ka apana tatha apane poorv-aacharyon Ka sapana wah poora Kar saken.Aur anya anekanek logon ka Jeevan aadhyatmikata ke Prakash se jagmaga sakein.Guru Maharaj ke Krishna-kripamay sudirgh,swasth aur sunder Jeevan ki kaamna  karati Hun.Sanyas ke50 years wastav mein Krishna -sewa mein Samarpan ke years hain.Guru Maharaj sachhe vaishnav aur Saadhu Hain.Guru Maharaj ki jai !Long Live Guru Maharaj !!!                                  Dasanudasi .                                                Ratnangi Yashoda Devidasi .                     Deekshit--10-12-1917,at East Of Kailash Mandir,New Delhi.                                Shksha Guru.   Ram Keshav Prabhu.                                     Sahibabad,Ghaziabad.U.P.                                   NCR,India.

*।।শ্রী  গৌরাঙ্গ।।*

নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে ।
শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীনিতি নামিনে।।
নমো আচার্য পাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়িনে।
গৌর কথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।।

শ্রীশ্রীমৎ জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ এই পৃথিবিতে অবতীর্ণ হন 9 এপ্রিল 19 49
আমেরিকার উইসকনচিন প্রদেশের
মিলিওয়াকিতে ।তাঁর নাম ছিল গর্ডন জন এর্ডম্যান।
যিনি মাত্র ১৯বছর বয়সে দীক্ষা গ্রহণ করেন শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের কাছ থেকে ১৯৬৮
সালে। এবং সন্ন্যাস গ্রহণ করেন ১৯৭০ সালে মাত্র ২১ বছর বয়সে।
তিনি সারা বিশ্বের নামহট্ট প্রচার মন্ত্রী ও বিশ্ব পরিব্রাজক আচার্য্য।
প্রভুপাদের কৃপাধন্য এবং ইসকনের প্রবীণ দীক্ষাগুরু এবং ইসকন জি.বি.সি এর একজন
শ্রী চৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর অশেষ কৃপা তিনি পেয়েছেন তাই মহাপ্রভুর থেকেও কম বয়সে
দীক্ষা এবং সন্যাস গ্রহণ করতে পেরেছেন। মহাপ্রভু যেমন এক কলিযুগের সমস্ত
পাপীতাপীদেরকে উদ্ধারের জন্য  অকাতরে হরিনাম বিলিয়েছেন কোনো জাত, গুণ বিচার
না করে। ঠিক তেমনি ভাবেই আমাদের গুরুদেব সারা পৃথিবী ব্যাপী আমাদের মতো অধমকে
দীক্ষার মাধ্যমে কৃপা প্রদান করে নিজধাম প্রবেশের উপযুক্ত করে তুলে।
যোগ্যতা বিহীন হওয়া সত্তেও সেটা গুরুমহারাজ বিন্দুমাত্র নিরুৎসাহিত করেননি
সেই অযোগ্য জীব টি কী অনবরত ভাবে অহেতুকি কৃপা দান করে গেছেন। জেলখানার মতো
স্থানে থেকেও বৈদিক প্রচার করে গেছেন।ভূমি থেকে ৫০০০ ফুট উঁচুতে থেকেও তিনি
শিষ্য গ্রহণ করেছেন , আই. সি. ইউ তে কন্ঠ অবরুদ্ধ অবস্থায়ও গুরুমহারাজ প্রচার
করেন, এক মহাদেশ থেকে আরেক মহাদেশে যাত্রা সময়ও তিনি শিষ্য গ্রহণ করতে কোনো
সংশয় করেন নি। কিভাবে এমনই একজন প্রবল পরাক্রমশালী শক্তসমর্থ মানুষ আজ তাঁর
অযোগ্য শিষ্যদের কর্ম করতে সক্ষম রেখেছেন। তথাপি, বর্তমানের এরূ
স্বাস্থ্যবস্থাতেও তিনি সারা বিশ্বে আরও প্রবল পরাক্রমশালী হয়ে প্রচার করে
চলেছেন। হুইলচেয়ারেই  করে বিশ্বব্যাপী প্রচার, তাও এক বা দুই বছরের জন্যে নয়,
সুদীর্ঘ ৯ বছর হয়ে গেল। সম্ভাবত বৈষ্ণব ইতিহাসে এটি একটি রেকর্ড। হুইলচেয়ারে
বসে বিশ্বব্যাপী জীব উদ্ধার গুরুমহারাজের  মতো শক্তিশালী আর কে হতে পারে?
# আমার দীক্ষার পর যে উপলব্ধি হয়েছে শ্রীমৎ জয়পাতাকা স্বামীর কাছ থেকে দীক্ষা
নিতে হলে তার ধ্যান ও আরাধনার মধ্যে তিনি প্রত্যেকটি ভক্তের সঙ্গে কথা বলেন।
তখন ধ্যানের মধ্যেই পাওয়া যায় তার উত্তর কারণ তিনি  পতিত পাবন। সরাসরি কথা
বলার মতো যোগ্যতা আমাদের নেই তাই তাঁর ধ্যানের মধ্যেই সবই প্রশ্নের উত্তর
পাওয়া যায়। প্রথমবার এমন উপলব্ধি আমার হয়েছে আমি গুরুদেবের দর্শনের জন্য আমি
এতো কতর ছিলাম। সেই কাতরে উত্তর উনি এমন ভাবে দিয়েছে প্রথম পরিক্রমায়
বেলপুকুরে দর্শন করার জন্য সবাই অপেক্ষায় ছিলাম। জানেন কিভাবে দর্শন পেয়েছি!
আমার হৃদয় উত্তর কিভাবে দিয়েছে তা জানেন! আমার সামনে দিয়ে গিয়েছেন এবং আমাকে
বুঝিয়ে দিয়েছেন। সেই তাকানোর দর্শনে বুঝতে পেরেছি যে উনি আমার হৃদয়ের ডাক
শুনতে পেরেছেন আর বিশেষ কিছু বলার মতো থাকলে সময় সাপক্ষ কম।

*প্রশ্ন:* হরে কৃষ্ণ গুরুমহারাজ! আমার বিনম্র প্রগতি গ্রহণ করুন।
কৃষ্ণভবানামৃত হয়ে কিভাবে আমরা আমাদের অহংকার এবং আমাদের পদের গৌরবকে ত্যাগ
করতে পারি?

*উত্তর:* যদি আপনি মনে করেন যে আপনারা সকল সাফল্যের কারণ হল গুরু এবং
গৌরঙ্গের কৃপা, তাহলে কেন আমরা অহংকার করবো?

আপনার কৃপাপ্রার্থী
রত্নাবতী পদ্মাবতী দেবী দাসী

ইসকন কোচবিহার

হে গুরুমহারাজ,

আপনি আপনার পতিত কন্যার শতকোটি প্রণাম গ্রহণ করুন। আমি খুবই সাধারণ, না,সাধারণ বললেও ভুল হবে। আমি ভীষণই দুরাচারী, অনাচারী ছিলাম, কিন্তু আপনি এতটাই পতিত পাবন, দয়ার সাগর, করুনাময় যে, আমাকেও আপনি কৃপা করতে আপনার হাত আমার মাথায় রাখলেন। আমি আপনার কাছে চিরঋণী, কিন্তু এই ঋণ আমি শোধ করতে চাই ও না, জানি কখনো পারবোও না। আমি আপনার কাছে চিরঋণী হয়ে আপনার পদযুগলে থাকতে চাই। আমি কি চাইব, আপনার কাছে, আপনি তো চাওয়ার অবসরটুকু ও দেন নি, তার আগেই আমাকে পরিপূর্ণ করেছেন। এখন আপনার কাছে  আমার একটাই  প্রার্থনা, আমার ভক্তি নেই, আপনি কৃপা করে আমাকে ভক্তি দান না করলে আমি দুর্বলতম থেকেও দুর্বলতম একজন। তাই আপনি আমাকে কৃপা করে এই ভক্তি দান করুন আমি যেন, মৃত্যুকালে আপনার চরণকমলে থেকে মৃত্যু  যন্ত্রণা সহ্য করতে পারি, আর জীবদ্দশায় আপনার আদেশ যেন পালন করতে পারি, পরিশেষে আপনার চরণকমলে এই  প্রার্থনা, আমার কথার দ্বারা আমি যদি আপনার কষ্টের কারণ হয়ে থাকি তাহলে কৃপা করে আমাকে ক্ষমা করবেন গুরুমহারাজ, হরে কৃষ্ণ...

আপনার কৃপাধন্যা কন্যা,
রত্নেশ্বরী বিশাখা দেবী দাসী

Vyasa puja-2020


Nama Om Vishnu Padaya krsna Presthaya Bhutale


Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine


Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai Krpa Pradayine


Gaur Katha Dhamodaya Nagara Gram Tarine.


All Glories To Srila Prabhuapada


All Glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami GuruMaharaja


My Dear Guru Maharaja


I am blessed and consider myself fortunate to be the part of your disciples. You are guru of 50k disciples.I am the smaller one  among them.


You have blessed me Guru Maharaja in last ISKCON NEW DELHI(Parth sarthi temple)  visit in  Feb 2020.due which I am able to improve my sadhna bhakti . After seeing you in iskcon New Delhi Guest House and after taking blessing by you with LORD JAGANNATH STICK,I feel blessed,Energetic and i feel like some one is behind  me and careing me .This one is my rare experience.And that day after attending your class in Iskcon New Delhi i feel very blessed this one is another very rare experience.


Devotee of Mayapur, Devotee of NIT SILCHAR,DEVOTEE of New Delhi  and You have given me the  association of devotee of different part of country due to which I able to do Bhakti. Thank You Guru Maharaja for giving me nice association of devotees. At this fortunate moment of your Appearance day, please bless me so that I can strictly follow the principles of Devotional Service and never loose motivation for that. Please bless me so that I can do Book Distribution and Preaching and can get your mercy.




Your Aspiring and  Eternal Servant


All glories to Śrī Gurudeva! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. Its beyond my capacity to understand and glorify you. As a very dear associate of the Lord you are very merciful, compassionate and considering the health risk you still furiously take this great preaching service by spreading your mercy travelling all around the globe without any discrimination and therefore I also received your causeless mercy although I don’t deserve at all. How unfortunate are those who have no idea of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. But most unfortunate is myself as I have no attachment to Lord's Holy name and devotional services although staying in devotee's association. My mind remains uncontrolled and ever hovers around sense objects resulting difficulty in concentrating upon my sādhana and taste in services. On this wonderful auspicious occasion, begging forgiveness for my offences. Begging forgiveness for all my actions which had negative impact in fulfilling your mission. Begging forgiveness for all my actions which did not favor co-operative spirit among devotees. Begging your mercy and pray unto your lotus feet to always be kind unto this most fallen soul, to empower me for more engagement in Lord's services in devotee's association by constantly thinking of your instructions, acting cooperatively and assist all the devotees in fulfilling your divine mission.

Yours unworthy servant,

Ravi Shankar Prasad

My Dear Gurumaharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisances. Wishing you all best of the health . Thank you. 


Yours insignificant servant, 

Ravikumar K N

My Dear spiritual Master,

Please accept my respectful obeisance’s on the occasion of your Vyasa Pooja .


My prayer to you today, dear gurumaharaj ,

Please never let our enthusiasm wane, but daily it be rekindled a new.

Please help us in not doing anarthas .

Please help keep us from falling into Vaishnava aparadhas .

Please give more concentration in chanting and reading your books.

Please bless me to get prepared for speaking about you and Krishna.

Please always keep us at your lotus feet.

I pray to Krishna for your good health so that you can continue in your amazing endeavors to spread Lord Chaithanya’s mercy.

Your servant.

Renuka P Nair

APN Chakra

Nama om Vishnu padaya
Krsna preshthaya bhutale 
Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine
Namo Acharya padaya 
Nitai kripa pradayina
Gaura katha dhama daya 
Nagara grama tarine 

Dearest Gurumaharaj,
Please accept my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I beg for forgiveness for all the offenses I have committed 

Words cannot express the deepest gratitude. I feel for being a recipient of your causeless mercy. Under the dark veil of ignorance I was rotting away in the material world becoming increasingly more degraded.
Just like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu mercifully accepted all the fallen souls, gurumaharaj you have accepted this unqualified disciple.
"Jogyata vicara kichu nahi  pai tomara karuna sara"
I thank lord sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupad for delivering me onto our lotus feet.

Gurudev you are truly an expert in taking care of all ur children. Your care for us is soo strong and great that you are actually sacrificing your very life to show us what the actual standard of care, kindness, inspiration and love...

Because of your deep love for krishna you are naturally concerned with his part and parcel.

My mind is suffering from pangs of pride, envy and lust , Gurudev you are an expert doctor to cure this disease.

Gurudev I really hope someday by your mercy I will get some sincerity so that I can follow your instructions properly.

On this special day of ur Vyasa puja I beg at your lotus feet , please bless me so that I can perform devotional service upto your expectation.

Your servant of your servant

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you and your 71st Vyasa Puja.
Thank you for accepting me under your shelter. I have absolutely no qualification to glorify you, yet for my purification, I shall attempt to do so.

Guru Maharaja, you truly are an example of 'I am not this body but a spirit soul.' Your body and activities are beyond my understanding. Your dedication towards your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, unlimited preaching in all means is very inspiring. When I heard from His Grace Maha Varaha prabhuji last year on how you not only made up for the missed 900 rounds but chanted 500 extra rounds in a span of 3 months, I made up my mind to never ever give an excuse for not chanting. 

Your lectures in both English and Bengali are very powerful. You never compromise on humour even in times of adversity. You carry the mood of Srila Prabhupada, the guru parampara which is non-different from the mood of Lord Chaitanya. I sincerely pray to the Lord to fulfil your desire and all your disciples' and well-wishers' desire to see you dance to Hari nama again, if He so wishes. 

I beg at your lotus feet to forgive me for my offences that I have knowingly or unknowingly committed by words, deeds or actions. I pray to you for a single drop of mercy. Please bless this extremely fallen, unintelligent and useless soul. Please give me the intelligence serve you and to understand the true meaning of my existence and realise my constitutional position. 

Your most useless and insignificant eternal servant,
Revatī Manohariṇī devī dasī

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Your Divine Grace.

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

We are all very enthuthisastic to glorify and celebrate Your Divine appearance day on this planet though we are going through the pandamic covid-19 creating menance in the world. Your prayers are the hope for this pandamic to vanish and bring back normal life to all of us. Guru Maharaj, I find myself totally inadequate to describe your unparalleled achievements and transcendental treasure of qualities like selfless sacrifice, dedication, surrender, service, humility, determination, compassion etc.

yāṅra citte kṛṣṇa-prema karaye udaya
tāṅra vākya, kriyā, mudrā vijñeha na bujhaya

“Even the most learned cannot understand the words, activities and symptoms of a person situated in love of Godhead.” (Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā 23.39)

You have practically demonstrated an important sentiment of our Parama Guru, which inculcates in us the need for perseverance and determination in our missionary activities. You gave your whole life just to help others, risking health, bodily discomforts, personal happiness and ultimately your very life itself. Even when you were physically weak, you did not stop your travelling and preaching. Everyday, without fail, You are giving classes on your upcoming new book about Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu through social media.You are pouring the mercy of Lord Chaitanya just like the rain cloud pours torrents of rain on the dry land. Devotees can continue to access it by simply getting absorbed in your lectures, books and instructions. 

You are always empathatic toward the conditioned souls by which You picked me up from the ocean of nescience and gave me the blissful process of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If not for your causeless mercy, I would be rotting in the endless cycle of birth and death. 

You are the personification of humility and determination. You have struggled against all odds to fulfill Śrīla Prabhupāda's instruction. From your transcendental appearance, you demonstrated nectarean pastimes for us to discuss and meditate upon for the rest of our lives. Your every thought and action was according to the śāstras.

Please bless me so that I may continue to be a tiny instrument in the effort You are attempting to please Your Gurumaharaj and our grand father, Śrīla Prabhupāda. Therefore I beg you to give me one atom of the concern and compassion for others that you possess, which would be millions of times more than the shadow of empathy that I now feel for others. Only by your empowerment can I escape the desire for self-satisfaction that dominates my consciousness and life. Please let my theoretical understanding of love for Lord Gaurāṅga and the followers become a reality, by your mercy.

Your eternal son,
Revatī Ramaṇa dāsa

Hare Krishna

Dandvat Pranam

Please accept my respectful obesiences onto your Lotus Feet


All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to Srila Gurumaharaj

All glories to your auspicious appearance day


Dear Gurumaharaj

Gurudev your compassion for the fallen souls is ever increasing,just after the transplant surgery,you started giving online Krishna Caitanya book classes.Each and every day even if you are late,you make it a point to come live on facebook and give us your divine darshan.This year out of your tremendous compassion for us,his grace started travelling outside India for preaching purpose.Thank you so much dear Gurudev for again becoming healthy and giving us your divine association.

But this fallen soul's heart is like a stone which does not even melt after being daughter of an associate of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.Dear Gurudev still this fallen soul is not regular in attending his grace's online classes.You gave the service of preaching in the Bhakti Vriksha format,but could not preach the member's well.They are still struggling with their Sadhna and Seva and this is only due to this fallen soul's impure and contaminated consciousness.

On this auspicious day of your appearance, Please bless that this fallen soul is able to strictly and sincerely follow the instructions of HG Madhav Kant Prabhu ,flowing from ur divine lotus feet ,related to Sadhna,Seva and Preaching service.

Prayers to Sri Sri Panchatattva,Sri Sri Prahlad-Narsimhadev,Sri Sri Radha Madhav that you become healthy and dance in front of their lordships in total bliss.


Your Spiritual Daughter


Revati Susevika Devi Dasi(Diksa)

New Delhi,India

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj 
Please accept my respectful obeisances!

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasyajñānāñjana-śalākayācakṣur unmīlitaṁ yenatasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

I was born in the darkest ignorance, and you opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisances unto you 
On this day, we all devotees celebrate your Vyasa Puja . I pay my respectful obeisances to lotus feet of your and all the Vaishnavas.
O my Gurudeva, please give me one drop of your mercy so that I can become humbler than a blade of grass.
Please give me strength so that I can tolerate all difficulties of life.
Gaudiya Vaishnavas consider Mayapur and Vrindavan to be most important places in the whole universe. 
Iskcon has magnificent temples, both in Mayapur and Vrindavan. 
Gurudeva, when will such auspicious day come, when by your mercy all my offenses will be finished and I will develop taste in chanting holy names.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna 
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 
Hare Rama Hare Rama 
Rama Rama Hare Hare 

Your servant 
Revati Susevini dd

Nama Om Visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka-svaminn iti namine nama acaryapadaya Nitai-kripa-pradayine Gaura-katha-dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine

Hare Kṛṣṇa Śrīla GuruMahārāja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All Glories to You and All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

All Glories to Your Auspicious Appearance Day Śrīla Gurudevā.

Every year You have revealed so many of Your divine qualities to me that I am always awestruck and eventually I become silent meditating on those qualities of Yours in my mind. In the past one year, You ,once again, personally revealed one more divine quality of Yours to me-the quality of being transcendental. Revelation of Your transcendental nature has brought a firm belief in my consciousness and that belief is that You are always present with Your spiritual children irrespective of the geographical distance that is there between us. You are watching each action that we are doing. Gurumaharaj, You even understand our emotions and purpose behind doing those actions. Sometimes, due to my material conditioning, it seems to me that You might not know few actions that I am doing in my life but You, with Your transcendental potencies, proved me wrong this year.

You not only know which actions we are doing in our lives but also know how we are doing it. I, being Your spiritual daughter, understand why You revealed all this to me. The reason is to help me surrender more at Your Lotus Feet, to never ever think of going away from sincerely serving Your Lotus Feet and to strengthen my belief that You are my Gurumaharaj for eternity.

In my entire self-realization journey that started since time immemorial, I must say to everyone with full joy that my most blissful, beautiful, knowledgeable and ecstatic memories had been those in which You were present.

It is my sincere request and prayer to You that Gurumaharaj please let the flow of Your divine instructions continuously reach me in all kinds of circumstances and bless me so that I can successfully follow those instructions in my life.

Your Spiritual Daughter

Ria from New Delhi, India



Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj, 


Please accept our humble Obeisances unto your lotus feet. 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

All glories to Guru and Gauranga.


Dear Gurumaharaj, we are not eligible and qualify to glorify your divine grace but we are fortunate to have an opportunity to write on this auspicious day. 

We are so much thankful to Sri Sri Radha Madhav, sri sri Radhaparthsarthi ji,and Sri prahlad Narasimha deva for hearing our prayer to keep your Devine grace with us and giving us this great opportunity to celebrate your 71th appearance day. 


Dear Gurumaharaj, your determination, dedication and devotion in the movement of krishna consciousness is really an inspiration for us. You fully Surrendered your life to Srila Prabhupada and chaitanya mahaprabhu. 

Dear Gurumaharaj, on this auspicious day we pray to lord Narshimha deva for your better health and quicker recovery. we begging for forgiveness for all offenses and Seeking your blessings dear Gurumaharaj, please bless us. 

Our humble obeisances once again unto your lotus feet dear Gurumaharaj. 


We Begging at your lotus feet

Your insignificant servant


Rohinitanaya Baladeva Das

Nirupama Nilambari devi dasi(Diksha) 

New Delhi


NamaOm Vishnupadaya

Krishnapreshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti namine

Namah Acharyapadaya

Nitai kripa Pradayine

Gaura katha dhama dhaaya

Nagara grama tarine

Dear Guru Maharaj (Victory Flag of Srila Prabhupad's Mission)

How can i glorify you GuruMahraj with my limited knowledge, still trying to do so.

Patita Pavan Guru Maharaj 

You give your causeless mercy to fallen soul like me

By preaching in Saatvik way, though   we are in rajasic and tamasic sway

The whole world is affected by Corona Virus But you give your Karuna Virus abundantly which is a  strong disinfectant for material desires.

Dear Guru Deva

I beg for your blessings to be dust at your lotus feet to serve you eternally.

your insignificant  spiritual daughter

RohiniVrajasevini DeviDasi



Dear Gurumaharaja,

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

On this auspicious day of your 71st Vyasa Puja, I shall attempt to glorify you, although I have absolutely no qualification or competence.

Gurudeva, firstly, I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for mercifully accepting this extremely fallen soul under your shelter.

You are the embodiment of the very first principle of 'I am not this body but a spirit soul.' You tolerate all kinds of bodily inconveniences just to deliver fallen souls. The fact that you have extended your stay on this planet to fulfil Srila Prabhupada's instructions is commendable. You take evening classes daily, despite your health conditions, to enlighten us with nectarean pastimes of Lord Caitanya.

You are an ocean of mercy, compassion. tolerance, equanimity, humility, and maturity. You are the uttama-adhikari devotee we have read of. You personify the qualities of a spiritual master that the Vedas sing of (vede gāy jāhāra carito). You are busy throughout the day with Kṛṣṇa conscious activities. I always wondered how a cent percent Kṛṣṇa conscious devotee is like, and you demonstrated this lucidly.

Gurumaharaja, you carry the mood of Srila Prabhupada and the guru-parampara, which is non-different from from the mood of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, of yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘kṛṣṇa’-upadeśa. 

Srila Gurudeva, by your blessings, last year, in the month of Kārtika, my family and I assisted our Bhakti-Vṛkṣa leader in distributing the mercy of Yaśodā-Dāmodara and over 4463 new souls offered a ghee lamp.

I beg forgiveness for the offences that I have committed, knowingly or unknowingly. I seek your blessings so that I can fulfil your instruction of unlimited preaching.

Your spiritual daughter,

Rūpamayī Sudevī dasī

Nama om Vishnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Namah Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagar grama tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


On your auspicious appearance day, I express my deepest gratitude for being the recipient of your causeless mercy. As I try to progress slowly in the path of bhakti , I find it to be  a struggle. Last one year has not been very smooth with me and my family . We wound up from Dubai to settle in New Delhi . We got busy in house refurbishing and other paraphernalia. During our stay in Delhi we did not have much devotee association at a personal level. I attended a few temple programs. In a period of 5 and half months , my bhakti slackened. In the month of October we visited Mayapur during Kartik we stayed there for 24 days. Each day was a celebration with festivity all around. We were fortunate have your darshan and attended the Chaitanya Charitamrta classes in the evening on the roof top of Lotus building. Your classes are very powerful to sow bhakti seed in any fallen soul. You always inspire devotees to give all their energy in devotional service. . During our stay in Mayapur , we attended the tribal convention and got inspiration to uplift the tribals both materially and spiritually. Before the tribal convention we went to Ayodhya Hills , where we had a program with the tribals. We found them to be quite interested in Krishna consciousness. They are progressing steadily under the stewardship of Bhakti Purushottam Maharaj with your able guidance and direction. I came back with a strong determination to help them in due course of time. I pray for your blessings to guide me in the right direction. Presently I am now in UAE . as my prabhu got back to previous job . Though the times we are going through are not very conducive due to COVID-19, I pray for your causeless mercy, so that I remain steady in my devotion and can serve you following your instructions


Gurudev, please keep me under your divine shelter so that I can become an instrument to spread Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement.


Yours unworthy servant,

Rupini Radha DD


हरे कृष्णा। 

परम पूजनीय जयपताका स्वामी गुरु महाराज की जय।

गुरु महाराज को हमारा दंडवत प्रणाम।

हम आपकी व्यास पूजा पर आपको विनीत प्रणाम अर्पित करते है।हमें अपने शिष्य के रूप मे अपनाकर आपने हम पर बहुत दया व कृपा की है।जन्म और मृत्यु के बंधन से मुक्त होने के लिए आपने हमे अपना दिव्य संग दिया है और चैतन्य महाप्रभु के चरणों में कैसे सेवा करनी है यह सिखाया है।

आप दया के असीम सागर है।जिस प्रकार हृदय में दया का सागर भरकर श्रील प्रभुपाद जी ने पतित जीवों पर कृपा की और अकेले ही पुरे विश्व में चैतन्य महाप्रभु के मिशन को बढ़ाया , उसी प्रकार आप भी दया के सागर है और पतित से पतित जीवों पर कृपा करके उनका उद्धार कर रहे है। उन्ही पतित आत्मओं में से हम भी है जो सिर्फ आपकी कृपा व प्राथना से ही भक्ति कर पा रहे है।

गुरु महाराज हम वचन देते है की हम भी आपका अनुसरण करते हुए गंभीरता से भक्ति करते हुए हृदय में दया भरकर उसे दूसरों में बांटेंगे और प्रभुपाद के मिशन को और आगे बढ़ाएंगे।बस हम पर आपकी कृपा बनी रहे।जय गुरुदेव

आपके शिष्य 

शची गुणमयी देवी दासी

Hare Krsna 
My dear Guru Maharaja
Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
All glories unto your divine grace 

All glories to your auspiscious appearance day 

Gurudev on this auspicious day of your vyasa puja we pray to their Lordships Sri  Sri Radha Madhava Sri Sri Pancatattva and Sri Sri  Narasimhadev to grant you all your desires and that  you have good health and abundant energy to carry on your unstoppable service to Srila Prabhupada and the Parampara . 

This world is blazing more and more day by day due to ignorance and only someone like your divine grace can save all of us from this situation . When I see the things happening in the world it brings so much pain but just remembrance of you brings great solace to the heart and hope for this world . Simply by following your instructions we can make our life and those of others successful . 

Gurudev It’s been a treat to  see from close quarters your compassion , kindness , tolerance ,determination , patience , enthusiasm and your divine grace’s “ never give up attitude “ and many more qualities that are unlimited.  it’s been so inspiring to see how you are truly an associate of Lord Chaitanya . In every thing you think ,speak and do , the compassion of Lord Chaitanya is so evident. You not only inspire your disciples but anyonewho comes in contact with you . You are like the pied piper who just sweeps the hearts of all those who even have a glimpse of you and then they just follow you and you so wonderfully draw everyone towards Lord Chaitanya. I feel so fortunate and cannot thank the Lord enough for the shelter of your Lotus feet .

Gurudev it’s been about a year since Ramananda Pr and I have come to serve directly under your guidance and instructions . It’s been your causeless mercy to give us such an important service thou we are very unqualified . We desire and hope to be worthy of your mercy one day and please you by our service . Thou it has been challenging in the new environment ,  It’s been a wonderful experience of learning and purification in different spheres and this year has probably been the most  life changing years in Krsna Consciousness. 


Gurudev  I am full of faults and very ignorant and am very inefficient. But I am hoping to be worthy of your causeless mercy and carry out your instruction for your pleasure.  You have given me a very important service that is so close to your heart and is of great urgency to you . I know I am not capable but I know that by your empowerment I can be your instrument and please you. You have been very patient and tolerant to my inefficiencies and  faults and continuously encouraging my endeavours. I can only assure you that I am trying my best and praying everyday to fulfil this desire and many  other related to your office . 

Begging to remain in your service always and have no other desire than to please your divine grace. Please bless Prabhu and me and my daughter Snigdha Radhika dd and her husband Bhakta Venkat to be protected from the attacks of Maya. 


Your insignificant spiritual daughter .
Saci Janani Devi Dasi

Hare Krsna
My dear Guru Maharaja
Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories unto your divine grace

Gurudev on this auspicious day of your Vyasa puja we pray to their Lordships Sri  Sri Radha Madhava Sri Pancatattva and Sri Sri  Narasimhadev to grant you all your desires and that you have good health and abundant energy to carry on your unstoppable service to Srila Prabhupada and the Parampara.

Guru Maharaja the scriptures describe the qualities of a pure devotee and you are a reservoir of each one of them. Your Kindness, Compassion, Tolerance, Determination, Patience, Enthusiasm your mood of never giving up under any circumstances or against any odds just to name a few. When one hears your glories then one can realize actually what these words really mean. The manifestation of all these qualities in your personality naturally makes you very attractive. You are not only attractive to your disciples but anyone who comes in contact with you. You are like the pied piper who just attracts the hearts of all those who have a glimpse of you or even hear your glories. Then they just follow you and you so expertly draw all of them towards Lord Chaitanya. I feel so fortunate and cannot thank the Lord enough for the shelter of your Lotus feet and service to your divine grace.  Since my first darshan of your divine grace, there was this invisible power that has just dragged me away from the useless life and into your service and a life that is full of gratitude and hope.

Guru Maharaja This world is blazing more and more day by day due to ignorance and we are seeing today how a small virus can bring the world to a standstill and all the so-called great powers to their knees. we can understand that in this condition of great suffering the only solution is chanting the holy names of the lord and spreading the message of krsna. Only someone like your divine grace can actually help and save the living entities of this world. We are seeing that even thou you may be the foremost to actually affected by this virus you are actually standing in the front and protecting so many and wanting to save more and more souls. We are trying your inspiration to help devotees keep up their krsna consciousness and also help those who are ignorant of the way to live in this word. Thank you for inspiring us and we hope and pray you to remain with us for many years to come. 

 It’s been about a year since Ramananda Pr and I have come to serve directly under your guidance and instructions. It’s been your causeless mercy to give us service thou we are very unqualified.  I have faith that by remaining sincere and following your instructions and by your empowerment I  can one day be worthy of your mercy. You have been very patient and tolerant of my inefficiencies and faults and continuously encouraging my endeavor when I fumble like a small child. thank you, Gurudev

I am begging to remain in your service always and have no other desire than to please your divine grace. Please bless Prabhu and me and my daughter Snigdha Radhika dd and her husband Bhakta Venkat to be protected from the attacks of Maya.and serve you always 

Your insignificant spiritual daughter.
Saci Janani Devi dasi

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj !!! My most humble obeisance at your Lotus feet Guru Maharaj !!!

All glories to your Holiness !!! All glories to Srila Prabhupad !!!

My prayers at the Lotus feet of Lord Narasimha dev for very very healthy and very very long life of my Guru Maharaj !!!

Very darshan of your Holiness gives the spiritual strength, nourishment and conviction needed for one to serve in the loving movement of Lord Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupad !!!

How things can turnaround from bad to worse as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam in the Kaliyuga is being experienced here due to the current pandemic. With your mercy I’m realizing this a little bit and developing little more conviction about the importance of serving Krsna \ Guru \ Vaishnavas and also how only Vasihanavas\Devotees can be real friends in need to anyone and everyone.

Please give me more strength to develop more conviction, improved Sadhana and dedicated Service in the blessed association of devotees. Please keep me at your lotus feet and give me the opportunity to serve you eternally.

Hare Krsna !!!

Your Servant

Sachitanaya Gaura Das

Hare krishna dear guru Maharaj 
All glories to srila prabhupada and guru and gauranga.
Gurumahraj please accept my respectable humble obeisances un to your Lotus feet. First of all I want to wish you a Many Many Happy Krishna conscious 71st appearance day. Happy birthday my dearest Guru Maharaj. 
On this auspicious day I want to glorify you which I am not qualified, I feel... if I glorify you it will help me  in my purification.

 now a days Technology has developed, that we are having your Darshan every single day through our mobile phones. 
I used to feel sad that I am not able to serve you personally. once HG kalasudha Mataji told me that we need to remember Guru Maharaj every single day and we need to share each and everything with guru maharaj. So i Started sharing everything with you Guru Maharaj through my mind and heart. it is working Wonderfully for me. Every day, I feel like are  always there with me and guiding me in every are my inspiration Guru Maharaj.
 your humbleness your simplicity your kindness, love and compassion towards each and every soul, shows me  how important these qualities are for developing and strengthening strong relationship between devotees. Thank you for accepting me as your daughter...without it, I am no where. with your causesless  Mercy,  you have accepted me as your daughter. thank you very much  my dear loving father Guru Maharaj. 

After Initiation my life has become more bright and colourful.. without Krishna in my life and without you Guru Maharaj, my life would have always remain in darkness full of jealousy and ego.  Pls forgive my offenses and bless this fallan soul  and  my husband and daughter deetya and son Devesh Krishna and our  Bhakti vriksha members and our Krishna club kids and my shiksha gurus, and  our Secunderabad congregation devotees.
it's all your prayers and blessings that we all are doing good here in Hyderabad and according to your  instructions our Shiksha Guru HG vedavit Prabhu and HG Vasanta Raga Mataji are engaging all the devotees very nicely by arranging classes morning and evening everyday and also Krishna club classes every alternate days in this difficult times with spread of corona virus.

Your servant
Sadanandini Keshavi Devi Dasi.

Nama om Vishnu paddaya Krishna presthya bhu tala

Srimate jayapataka svamin iti namine 

Nama acaryapadaya Nitai krpa pradayeyine 

Gauran Katha dhame daya nagar grame tarine 


Dear srila Acharyapad


Please accept my respectful obeisances under the dust of your lotus feet 

All glorious to your divine lotus feet 

All Glorious to Srila pabhupada 

On this auspicious day of your vyasa puja 

The most happy day for all your disciplines let me express my gratitude to you for your unlimited mercy pouring on everybody 

In the scriptures a position of spiritual master as lord krishna representatives is very glorious 

Only by the mercy of spiritual master,the conditioned soul can get the most great gift 


Guru maharaj you are a worthy disciple of your spiritual master 

Your uninterrupted preaching af lord 

"CHAITANYA "Mission is glorious you have shown us an example of how to serve to spiritual master 

Dear Guru Maharaj when we think of your tireless travel to preach to the fallen souls like us 

We wonder how Lord Gauranga gives the His spiritual energy to you so that you can do so much preaching all the time 

Without Gauranga mercy it would not have been possible to cope up with such tireless preaching all our the world 

We are lucky to have such a wonderful spiritual master 

Who always merges us deep in the past time of LORD CHAITANYA and LORD NITYANANDA

By your great mercy you let us relish a drop of transcental pleasure  

If we always stay in your association by following your intrustions 

We too will have the chance to associate with Lord CAITANYA Lord NITYANANDA 

My Dear spiritual master who gives the highest bliss 

The bliss of love of Godhead please engage me in the blissful service for sri Lord Radha Krishna

Who gives the bliss for the land of Vraja 


Your humble servent,

Sadgati shyam Das 

Dear Gurumaharaj

Please Accept My Respected Obeisances under your lotus feet

 All Glories to Srila Prabhuapada..!

All glories to your Seventy one appearance day.! All Glories to you my most merciful father..!

You have appeared here only for the purpose of serving the mission of Srila Prabhupada & Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and for delivering fallen souls like me. Thank you for giving shelter to this fallen soul by accepting me.

I feel sometimes, How can be someone so compassionate? But you are not ordinary; you are the associate of Lord Nityananda. You are distributing love of godhead to all over the world, whoever you are meeting. Whatever the condition be, nothing can stop you & your preaching mission. You are an example of the philosophy, we say daily, we are not this body, we are spirit soul. Gurumaharaj, You are beyond this bodily limitations. You are baring all pains to fulfill Srila Prabhuapda's Instructions & giving Gauranga Prema to everyone. Srila Prabhupada’s instructions are your life and soul. Serving him is your only goal. 

Inspite of your health conditions & busy schedule, you never miss to give daily facebook class & this shows how much you love & care for us, all your disciples. It inspires me a lot how much important is devotee care. Being so compassionate & well wisher, you answer so many questions of us daily in your online class. Thank you gurumaharaj for giving us your darshan, association & guidance daily through your online class.

I feel highly indebted to you for your causeless mercy upon me & my family. I beg for your blessings for me & my family that we can be sincere in following the path of Krsna conciousness. We are nothing without your mercy & blessing. I remember when you were in delhi in 2015 & I had come to you with some issue, you heard me & guided me like a father with various practical solutions. Whenever I am in any problem, I pray to your lamination & you reciprocate.

The sweetest relationship in this world is between the Guru and disciple because it is completely from heart to heart. I beg to you on this most auspicious occasion, please fill my heart with Krishna Prema and give me unlimited services to please You and Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu! I want to be a better devotee. I want to chant with more care and attention. I want to follow your instruction that, before I say or do anything I should think, “Is this pleasing to Nitāi-Gaura?” Please, continue to give me your mercy. Your mercy is all that I am made of. I really need your blessings as I am going through tough time these days.

Gurumaharaj, I am ignorant of the troubles you are facing just because to deliver this fallen soul ( as a father undergoes to protect and maintain as child )  and take back to godhead. Please forgive me for all my offenses i keep committing knowingly. You are the ocean of Mercy. I beg for your Mercy so I may always able to imbibe the mood of being servant of servant of servant of all Vaishnavas, can follow your instructions and my initiation vows throughout my life.

I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev for your good health as I just can't live without you and your service. O Gurudev! Please always engage me in service under your Lotus feet.

Yours Unworthy Daughter,

Sadguru Sevanandini Devi Dasi

Dear Gurumaharaj

Please Accept My Respected Obeisances under your lotus feet

 All Glories to Srila Prabhuapada..!

All glories to your Seventy one appearance day.! All Glories to you my most merciful father..!

You have appeared here only for the purpose of serving the mission of Srila Prabhupada & Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and for delivering fallen souls like me. Thank you for giving shelter to this fallen soul by accepting me.

I feel sometimes, How can be someone so compassionate? But you are not ordinary; you are the associate of Lord Nityananda. You are distributing love of godhead to all over the world, whoever you are meeting. Whatever the condition be, nothing can stop you & your preaching mission. You are an example of the philosophy, we say daily, we are not this body, we are spirit soul. Gurumaharaj, You are beyond this bodily limitations. You are baring all pains to fulfill Srila Prabhuapda's Instructions & giving Gauranga Prema to everyone. Srila Prabhupada’s instructions are your life and soul. Serving him is your only goal. 

Inspite of your health conditions & busy schedule, you never miss to give daily facebook class & this shows how much you love & care for us, all your disciples. It inspires me a lot how much important is devotee care. Being so compassionate & well wisher, you answer so many questions of us daily in your online class. Thank you gurumaharaj for giving us your darshan, association & guidance daily through your online class.

I feel highly indebted to you for your causeless mercy upon me & my family. I beg for your blessings for me & my family that we can be sincere in following the path of Krsna conciousness. We are nothing without your mercy & blessing. I remember when you were in delhi in 2015 & I had come to you with some issue, you heard me & guided me like a father with various practical solutions. Whenever I am in any problem, I pray to your lamination & you reciprocate.

Thank you for visiting us in Delhi this Jan end, we have been waiting for you since 2 years & 27days.Your arrival was a festival for all of us,we were engaged in making garlands for you, welcoming you.As you just arrived at Delhi Airport, your darshan were as soothing as moon rays for fallen souls like us who are burning in the forest fire of this material world. As you carries mayapur & gauraprema in your heart, Wherever you go, that place becomes mayapur. 

The sweetest relationship in this world is between the Guru and disciple because it is completely from heart to heart. I beg to you on this most auspicious occasion, please fill my heart with Krishna Prema and give me unlimited services to please You and Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu! I want to be a better devotee. I want to chant with more care and attention. I want to follow your instruction that, before I say or do anything I should think, “Is this pleasing to Nitāi-Gaura?” Please, continue to give me your mercy. Your mercy is all that I am made of. I really need your blessings as I am going through tough time these days.

Gurumaharaj, I am ignorant of the troubles you are facing just because to deliver this fallen soul ( as a father undergoes to protect and maintain as child )  and take back to godhead. Please forgive me for all my offenses i keep committing knowingly. You are the ocean of Mercy. I beg for your Mercy so I may always able to imbibe the mood of being servant of servant of servant of all Vaishnavas, can follow your instructions and my initiation vows throughout my life.

I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev for your good health as I just can't live without you and your service. O Gurudev! Please always engage me in service under your Lotus feet.

Yours Unworthy Daughter,

Sadguru Sevanandini Devi Dasi

গুরু মহারাজের 71 তম ব্যাসপূজা উপলক্ষে, আমি তার চরণে শতকোটি প্রণাম নিবেদন করি। শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরু মহারাজের গুন ও মহিমা অপ্রাকৃত। তাই তা সম্পূর্ণরূপে ব্যাখ্যা করতে আমি অক্ষম। তাও তার ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে বৈষ্ণবের আদেশে এই অধমের ক্ষুদ্র প্রচেষ্টা।

 পারম্পুজ্য গুরু মহারাজ পরম দয়ালঃ- গুরু মহারাজ হলেন গৌরলীলায় শ্রীমান নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুর মতো পরম দয়ালু। নিত্যানন্দ প্রভু যেমন, অকাতরে ধনী-দরিদ্র নির্বিশেষে গৌরপ্রেম এবং ভাগবত জ্ঞান প্রচার করে সকলকে উদ্ধার করেছিলেন।ঠিক তেমনি শ্রীলজয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ বর্তমান সময়ে ভাগবত বাণী প্রচার এবং দীক্ষার মাধ্যমে নিজের শারীরিক অবস্থার কথা চিন্তা না করে,সকলকে পাপ থেকে উদ্ধার করে চলেছেন। -তিনি বৈষ্ণব সমাজের প্রেরণা 

স্রোতঃ- শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরু মহারাজ হলেন বর্তমান সময়ের আমার মত অধম জীব ও অন্যান্য বৈষ্ণব বর্গে র জন্য প্রেরণা স্রোত। আমরা সকলেই জানি তিনি বহু সময় ধরে শারীরিক প্রতিবন্ধকতার জর্জরিত হয়েও, এত প্রবল উদ্যমের সহিত প্রচারকার্য চালিয়ে যাচ্ছেন,যা আমাদের সকলের জন্য প্রেরণাদায়ক। 

-গুরুমহারাজ হলেন শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের একজন সুযোগ্য শিষ্যঃ- মহাভারতের রণাঙ্গনে অর্জুন যেমন তার চরম প্রতিবন্ধকতার বিরুদ্ধে গিয়ে তার গুরু শ্রীকৃষ্ণের আদেশ পালন করেছিলেন, তেমন গুরুমহারাজ তার চরম প্রতিবন্ধকতা সত্ত্বেও শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের বাণীর প্রতি একনিষ্ঠ। যা একজন যোগ্য শিষ্যের পরিচয়।  

-আদর্শ বৈষ্ণব আচার্যঃ- শাস্ত্রীয় মতে যিনি,-' আপনি আচরে ধর্ম জীবেরে শেখায়।' তিনি হলেন যথার্থ আচার্য। আমরা গুরু মহারাজের আচারে এবং ব্যবহারের সমস্ত বৈষ্ণব গুণাবলী দর্শন করতে পারি। তাই তিনি হলেন প্রকৃত বৈষ্ণব আচার্য। এই রকম বহু অপ্রাকৃত গুণান্বিত শুদ্ধ ভক্ত গুরু রূপে প্রাপ্ত হয়ে আমি নিজেকে অনেক অনেক ধন্য মনে করি।

 ইতি দাসানুদাস -

সাধু সেবক দাস


Sahishnu KRSNA das.JPS
Ishani Radhika devi dasi.JPS

Both of us are brahmin diksha disciples of your holiness.
Previously in Bahrain (Balramdesh)
Now at Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Dear Beloved Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna. Hari Bol

Please accept our Dandvat pranams again and again and again to your divine lotus Charan.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad...
All Glories to Your Holiness gurudev...
All Glories to your auspicious appearance day....

Somehow, we become just MUK JAD VAT, when we experience your anukampa to us-like wretched, unqualified servants.

You wrote your feelings about Srila Prabhupada in "Yadi Prabhupada na hoi to..."
But we realize, what if you hadn't carried over Srila Prabhupada's mercy to us?
Such tirelessly you carry & continue distributing Gauranga, Radha Krishna & Srila Prabhupada's mercy, without bothering about yourself...

We feel ashamed being around 15 years younger in this life, still we are so so so poor (apart from Chanting & preaching that we do) in carrying out all your other orders due adi-adhyatmik miseries, though we heartily wish to..

Your Glories are extremely subtle that can not be described by material words. It's just unlimited to our tiny material mind... But it's beyond that.

We pray to Nitai Gauranga, Their Lordship Shri Shri Radha Madhav, Sri Prahalad Narsimhdev & Srila Prabhupad, for your healthcare..

We beg you, dearest GuruMaharaj, Kindly bless & help us to awake 'Laulyam' for lovable devotional service to Their Lordships...Nitai Gauranga, Shri Shri Radha Krishna..
And to kindly protect us from worldly material affairs.
We want to give our mind to Guru Gauranga and Radha Krishna but our qualifications are far below, Kindly help us.. 
Without you, where else would we go...

We have weekly Namhatta, in which Bhagvatam and BG class at home, plus some classes at devotees' place & at rare times in ISKCON Ahmedabad. Kindly bless us to serve you better..

tav dasosmi,
Your insignificant servants,
Sahishnu KRSNA das
Ishani Radhika devi dasi
& Children..
Bhaktin Subhashini Gopi,
Bhaktin Mohini Murli,
Bhakt Nandnandan Gopal.
Mob/ WhatsApp: 7778039139


Sahishnu KRSNA das.JPS

Ishani Radhika devi dasi.JPS


Both of us are brahmin diksha disciples of your holiness.

Previously in Bahrain (Balramdesh)

Now at Ahmedabad, Gujarat



Dear Beloved Guru Maharaj,


Hare Krishna. Hari Bol


Please accept our Dandvat pranams again and again and again to your divine lotus Charan.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupad...

All Glories to Your Holiness gurudev...

All Glories to your auspicious appearance day....


Somehow, we become just MUK JAD VAT, when we experience your anukampa to us-like wretched, unqualified servants.


You wrote your feelings about Srila Prabhupada in "Yadi Prabhupada na hoi to..."

But we realize, what if you hadn't carried over Srila Prabhupada's mercy to us?

Such tirelessly you carry & continue distributing Gauranga, Radha Krishna & Srila Prabhupada's mercy, without bothering about yourself...


We feel ashamed being around 15 years younger in this life, still we are so so so poor (apart from Chanting & preaching that we do) in carrying out all your other orders due adi-adhyatmik miseries, though we heartily wish to..


Your Glories are extremely subtle that can not be described by material words. It's just unlimited to our tiny material mind... But it's beyond that.


We pray to Nitai Gauranga, Their Lordship Shri Shri Radha Madhav, Sri Prahalad Narsimhdev & Srila Prabhupad, for your healthcare..


We beg you, dearest GuruMaharaj, Kindly bless & help us to awake 'Laulyam' for lovable devotional service to Their Lordships...Nitai Gauranga, Shri Shri Radha Krishna..

And to kindly protect us from worldly material affairs.

We want to give our mind to Guru Gauranga and Radha Krishna but our qualifications are far below, Kindly help us.. 

Without you, where else would we go...


We have weekly Namhatta, in which Bhagvatam and BG class at home, plus some classes at devotees' place & at rare times in ISKCON Ahmedabad. Kindly bless us to serve you better..


tav dasosmi,


Your insignificant servants,

Sahishnu KRSNA das

Ishani Radhika devi dasi

& Children..

Bhaktin Subhashini Gopi,

Bhaktin Mohini Murli,

Bhakt Nandnandan Gopal.

Mob/ WhatsApp: 7778039139


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: DANDVAT <>
Date: Tue, Mar 3, 2020, 3:32 PM
Subject: Vyaspuja offering 2020.
To: <>



Sahishnu KRSNA das.JPS

Ishani Radhika devi dasi.JPS


Both of us are brahmin diksha disciples of your holiness.

Previously in Bahrain (Balramdesh)

Now at Ahmedabad, Gujarat



Dear Beloved Guru Maharaj,


Hare Krishna. Hari Bol


Please accept our Dandvat pranams again and again and again to your divine lotus Charan.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupad...

All Glories to Your Holiness gurudev...

All Glories to your auspicious appearance day....


Somehow, we become just MUK JAD VAT, when we experience your anukampa to us-like wretched, unqualified servants.


You wrote your feelings about Srila Prabhupada in "Yadi Prabhupada na hoi to..."

But we realize, what if you hadn't carried over Srila Prabhupada's mercy to us?

Such tirelessly you carry & continue distributing Gauranga, Radha Krishna & Srila Prabhupada's mercy, without bothering about yourself...


We feel ashamed being around 15 years younger in this life, still we are so so so poor (apart from Chanting & preaching that we do) in carrying out all your other orders due adi-adhyatmik miseries, though we heartily wish to..


Your Glories are extremely subtle that can not be described by material words. It's just unlimited to our tiny material mind... But it's beyond that.


We pray to Nitai Gauranga, Their Lordship Shri Shri Radha Madhav, Sri Prahalad Narsimhdev & Srila Prabhupad, for your healthcare..


We beg you, dearest GuruMaharaj, Kindly bless & help us to awake 'Laulyam' for lovable devotional service to Their Lordships...Nitai Gauranga, Shri Shri Radha Krishna..

And to kindly protect us from worldly material affairs.

We want to give our mind to Guru Gauranga and Radha Krishna but our qualifications are far below, Kindly help us.. 

Without you, where else would we go...


We have weekly Namhatta, in which Bhagvatam and BG class at home, plus some classes at devotees' place & at rare times in ISKCON Ahmedabad. Kindly bless us to serve you better..


tav dasosmi,


Your insignificant servants,

Sahishnu KRSNA das

Ishani Radhika devi dasi

& Children..

Bhaktin Subhashini Gopi,

Bhaktin Mohini Murli,

Bhakt Nandnandan Gopal.

Mob/ WhatsApp: 7778039139

নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণু পাদায় কৃষ্ণ প্রেষ্টায় ভূতলে। শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামী নীতি নামিনে। নমো আচার্য পাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়েনে। গৌর কথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।। 

৭১তম ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে হে গুরুদেব আপনার শ্রী চরণে আমার সহস্র কোটি প্রণাম। 


হে গুরুদেব,  

      তুমি রয়েছো গুরু পরম্পরা ধারায়, তাই তো আজও শুদ্ধ কৃষ্ণ নাম বহিছে পৃথিবীতে নীরবিচ্ছিন্ন ধারায়। 


হে গুরুদেব, 

     তুমি করো সর্বত্র 

কৃষ্ণ নাম প্রচার -

  তোমার কৃপায় মানব জাতি 

          হইবে উদ্ধার। 


হে গুরুদেব, 

    তোমার শ্রী চরণে প্রার্থনা করি বারে বারে ----

     সর্বদা তোমার বাণী থাকে 

          যেন মোর স্মরণে। 


হে গুরুদেব, 

     তুমি তো করুনার সাগর 

           তোমার বাণী শুনে 

   ধন্য হয় মোর কর্ণ কুহুর। 


হে গুরুদেব, 

      তোমার চরণে করি আত্ম সমর্পন ----

       তুমি আশীর্বাদ করো মোরে, যেন উন্নতি হয় মোর পারমারথিক জীবন।। 


জগৎ গুরু শ্রী শ্রীমত জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ কী ----জয় 


পতিত পাবন শ্রী শ্রীমত জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ কী ---জয় 


                সখী ললিতা দেবী দাসী

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to your divine grace

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Hare krishna. Please accept my respectful humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. I would like to thank you for your unlimited causeless mercy upon me. Without your mercy nothing would have been possible. Your unlimited causeless mercy only saves me on my day to day life. Thank you so much for your unlimited mercy.

You have always been very special for me. You r activities encourage millions and millions of people. You are the best in everything . lasr year had been quite memorable for us. When I started contemplating on the reason of it being special then i comprehended that it was because of your spending more time in kolkata. You and your activities are inconceivable. You are so amazing Gurumaharaj, despite the tight schedule, your entire day is filled with back to back meetings but you never miss a day to speak on Gaura lila and bless everyone with your darshan. More amazing to see you patiently sign all the books.

Yiu are an amazing personality Gurudev

Thank you so much for everything

Your insignificant servant,

Sakhi Rangadevi Devi Dasi

Kolkata, india


Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Presteya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Sarasvate Deve Gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


My dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On this auspicious day - I would pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva and Devi Subhadra for your continued shelter on us all. Praying that your commitments to Srila Prabhupada continues gloriously and we somehow or other do our duty & responsibility of serving your intensions.

We know there are thousands of devotees praying for you on such days, and this is because you have thousands and millions of disciples in your prayers every day.

There are many great devotees mentioned in various scriptures. We hear of their lilas and admire them. But we, as your disciples, are so fortunate to experience a wonderful personality like your holiness first hand. There can be so much said about your energy levels - you bring enthusiasm in everyone - wherever you are, wherever you go, wherever you are heard. Your daily classes, the JSSS sessions in our temple every week, the daily quotes etc. are a big motivation to me.

This ISKCON family given by Srila Prabhupada gives me the confidence that I am personally protected and directed at every moment - and this is all because of your mercy in accepting me as your son. The family of senior and serious god brothers and god sisters who are showing so much love and care is something I can never repay. Just praying that somehow I also imbibe this mood of devotee care in my service to you.

Please bless us that we can continue to serve you more and more.

Your humble servant,

Sanatana Nitaigaura Das

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to your divine self!

We would like to wish you a happy Vyāsa-pūjā, on this most auspicious day Iwe pray for your mercy and blessings to continue serving your lotus feet.

We had no meaning of life until met you in Santiago, Chile. With all your glories and blessing myself and my husband discovered the way of life through spiritual journey. We are practicing our spiritual life daily by following regulatory principles. Thank you for being present every day in our life.We humbly beg and pray for your mercy that we continue this service and our daily sādhana .

We were fortunate enough to visit you and attend your class in Mayapur Dham, West Bengal.

We pray for more opportunities to serve you dear Guru Mahārāja

Praying to Lord Krishna and His Divine Srila Prabhupada to keep you in good health daily. 

Your humble servants,

Sanchari Sinha Roy

Supriya Sinha Roy.

Hare Krishna!

dandavath pranams to gurumaharaj

Sri Rama namam madhuram

Sri Krishna prema madhuram

Bhagavat prasadam madhuram

Gurukrupa athyantha madhuram!



With guru krupa only everyone can taste the sweetness of Bhagavan namamrutha,sweetness of premmrutha,sweetness of prasadamrutha.

Please Gurumaharaj bless us, Give ur krupamruth to us to enjoy Bhakti rasamruth.

Your servent

Sandhya Koti

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet,

You are very inspiration in my life guru maharaja. Whenever i feel low in bhakti i just see clip of your life and i feel very charged up .
Inspite of having difficulties you are inspiring so many devotees throughout the world.
Everyday you give class on Chaitanya leela and it gives us so much easy access Mahaprabhu's pastimes and we loved it very much.
We pray to Radha Madhava Pancha Tattva and Narsimha Dev to keep you in good health and can preach globally.

Your Servant,

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances on your lotus feet.

All glories to Srilla Prabhupada.


I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to write to you on the auspicious day of your appearance. I am very fortunate first of all you entered my life and heart.

I want to express my gratitude to you today for your determined and steady effort to preach Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Thankyou for truly caring for devotees and putting their needs ahead of the institution. That's the formula for strengthening the institution.

Thankyou for tasting and illuminating the unlimited nectar ocean of Srila Prabhupada's personal ecstasies in his transcendental books.

Thankyou for helping to unfold the wonderful plan of Srila Prabhupada for krishna conscious lifestyle across the globe.

May you live a long life and continue your relentless preaching efforts fight to your very last breath.

Your aspiring servant

Shankar Aranya Nitai Das

ISKCON Sahibabad, 

Ghaziabad, UP.

nama om visnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate Jayapataka-svamin iti namine

nama acharya-padaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obesiances unto Your Lotus feet!

All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Guru Maharaja, just a month ago, accidentally i happened to meet one renowned bhrgu jothida astrologer and he told me that Your Guru is not ordinary, very big, famous and divine personality. He further added that your Guru  strongly tied you in your neck with rope, Guru will drag you to the kingdom of God and your fortune is very good in the future too because of Your Guru. As soon as that astrologer ended saying that, there was so much tears in my eyes remembering your causeless mercy upon me again. 


I was being told that there are only some 300 Bhakti Vaibhava graduates in ISKCON Worldwide Community. By your transcendental blessings , i also got opportunity to do Bhakti Vaibhava. But i am completely dependent on your blessings so that i dont forget all important lessons from Srila Prabhupadas purports from Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Prabhupada writes the importance of spiritual master almost in every page, every chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam.


I was able to relish entire fourth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam inwhich Dhruva Maharaj, Prthu Maharaj and Pracetas are praying for only one thing although Supreme Lord was ready to offer unlimited benediction. Constantly hearing Krishna Katha from Pure devotees was the only one prayer for them. All of them directly offered that prayer to Supreme Lord. Kindly shower Your causeless blessings so that i always remember those prayers and desire nothing else.


Many places in the bhagavatam, i came across this point: Whatever characteristics and qualities  Lord possesses also being possessed by pure devotees. In fact Pure devotees are more merciful than the Lord. Whenever we think of Your Holiness, Whenever we discuss Your transcendental qualities we get so much purification.

Recently We have studied Bhagavata Cosmology from Srimad Bhagavatam and we understood it is very difficult and impossible to even cross this bharata kanda ( one of 9 varsas of Bharata varsa), and  crossing Bharata Varsa, jambudvipa , bhu mandala and this one universe of material world  can not even be imagined. brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva guru-krishna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija: only By the mercy of both Krishna and the spiritual master, a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service.


I kindly beg at Your lotus feet to always keep me at Your service. Kindly forgive all my offences unknowingly committed at Your lotus feet. Please accept my sincere prayers at the Lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Prahlada Narasimha , Sri Sri Panca tattva for Your good health.


Your insignificant servant,

Sankarsana Gaura Dasa



জয়পাতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ ,

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের প্রাণের প্রিয় ।

মহাপ্রভুর নিত্যপার্ষদ শ্রীমন্ নিত্যানন্দের প্রকাশ ।

একাত্তুর তম আবির্ভাব  তিথিতে 

লহো মোদের প্রণাম।।

জন্মে ছিলে সুদূর আমেরিকায় প্রভুপাদের সাক্ষাৎ পেলে -

তরুন যুবক জন.....।

 বিশ্ব কে করলে জয় জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ।।

প্রভুপাদের পরম প্রিয়, 

 মায়াপুরে এসে জয় করলে  সবার হৃদয়।           

নামহট্টের করলে পুনঃপ্রচলন 

ঘরে ঘরে করলে হরিনাম বিতরণ। তোমার কৃপায় মহাপ্রভুকে জানলাম।।

ওহে পতিত পাবন গুরুমহারাজ 

আমরা পেয়েছি তোমার শ্রীচরণে ঠাঁই। তোমার সন্ন্যাস দীক্ষার পঞ্চাশতম বর্ষে

 লহ আমাদের সশ্রদ্ধো প্রণাম।।

সংকর্ষণ হলায়ূধ দাস 

বাবুরহাট, কোচবিহার

কামদা একাদশী ।।২0২0।।

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj.
Please accept my respectful humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.

Dear Guru Maharaj,
You are ocean of so many good qualities, that it is very difficult to fathom any of them. Anyone who meditates on these qualities, will surely understand how great it is to have such qualities,how rare it is to have it in such magnitude, and how difficult is it to inspire this in others.

Like your concern for devotees, during the Covid crisis,Nepal earthquake,etc, your patience in dealing with devotees and projects is very heart touching. When I hear your old lectures, I remark that you had started discussing about TOVP from the early 1980's. You had been  patient and meditating on TOVP, and now it's 2020. 40 years is quite a time to wait for the project to manifest. Srila Prabhupada had said that devotees are the wealth of ISKCON, and one can rightly conclude that you are the richest person now in this world. I have a personal experience of your immense patience. Even though I am unworthy and don't deserve to be initiated , still knowing this you accepted me as your disciple. Although you have so many disciples, still you remember many of their names and faces, invoking great emotions among your disciples. Although someone can say this is a material skill but still it can be safely concluded that unless one has genuine love and care from the heart for the devotees, for the previous acaryas, even if materially skilled he wouldn't be willing to do it. 

Your association is the greatest treasure which one can achieve in this lifetime knowing for certain one someones associates with you , his all perfection in spiritual life is guaranteed.

I seek blessings that I can execute Srila Prabhupad's desire of having Chaitanya currency in Mayapur, and also building a very gorgeous ISKCON temple in Deoghar

Your unworthy servant,
Shanta Lakshmi Narasimha Das Brahmachari,

Om Ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
Cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri-Gurave Namah

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshthaya bhutale
Srimate Bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine
Namaste Sarasvate deve Gaura vani pracharine
Nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. 


On your 71st Vyasapuja i pray to Lord Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara ,Sri Jaganath Baladev Subhadra mai , Sri Sri Gaur Nitai , and Srila Prabhupada, that they bless you with Good health so that you can preach and deliver more souls like me and help them come under the shelter of Srila Prabupada and ISKCON.  When i look at the compassion you have towards the conditioned souls like me , i feel so fortunate that i am under those shades of your Lotus Feet.

As it is said in Srimad Bhagavatam (7.15.25)
rajas tamaś ca sattvena
sattvaṁ copaśamena ca
etat sarvaṁ gurau bhaktyā
puruṣo hy añjasā jayet

"One must conquer the modes of passion and ignorance by developing the mode of goodness, and then one must become detached from the mode of goodness by promoting oneself to the platform of śuddha-sattva. All this can be automatically done if one engages in the service of the spiritual master with faith and devotion. In this way one can conquer the influence of the modes of nature."

After joining ISKCON i got to know that somehow or the other i have gotten into this material world and trying to enjoy since time immemorial, but now all i know is that, You are my only hope to get out once for all.

Dear Gurudev,I currently look into Kirtan related services at my temple/center. I am suffering from Disc de-generation (slip disc) problem from a long time and i am undergoing ayurvedic treatment for the same, hence my services are minimal. But When i see You i feel that my bodily problem is nothing when compared to Yours , And this is because of your determination , faith and Love towards Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. By seeing this i get more and more enthusiastic and hope some day i could get one single drop of that Love You have towards Guru and Lord Krishna.  

As it is said in Sri chaitanya charitamrita Adi 1.45 
"guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe
guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā karena bhakta-gaṇe"

According to the deliberate opinion of all revealed scriptures, the spiritual master is non-different from Kṛṣṇa. Lord Kṛṣṇa in the form of the spiritual master delivers His devotees.

Hence i beg you to please bless me so that i too have such determination and can continue and increase my devotional service and help you preach the mission of Lord Chaitanya and Prabhupada. Although i am not well qualified either materially or spiritually, you accepted me as your disciple and for this i am ever grateful.

"sri-guru karuna-sindhu, adhama janara bandhu,
lokanath lokera jivana
ha ha prabhu koro doya, deho more pada-chaya,
ebe jasa ghushuk tribhuvana"

"Our spiritual master is the ocean of mercy, the friend of the poor, and the lord and master of the devotees.
O master! Be merciful unto me. Give me the shade of your lotus feet. Your fame is spread all over the three worlds."

Begging Your Mercy,
Santushta Govinda Dasa (Diksha Disciple)
ISKCON Sri Jaganath mandir, Sheshadripuram , Bangalore, India

Date: 3-April-2020

My dear Spiritual Father!


Established Nityananda Caitanya-nama-sankirtana:

You are Sri Caitanya’s mercy descent,

Our Acaryapada: “Soothing and Shining as the moon!”


apane acare keha,na kare pracara

pracara karena keha, na karena acara

‘acara’, ‘pracara’ - namera karaha ‘dui’ karya

tumi—- sarva-guru, tumi jagatera arya

“Some behave very well but do not preach the cult of Krishna consciousness, whereas others preach but do not behave properly. You simultaneously perform both duties in relation to the holy name by your personal behavior and by your preaching. Therefore you are the spiritual master of the entire world, for you are the most advanced devotee in the world.” (Cc. Antya 4.102-103)


Let me offer my prostrate obeisances unto you, Gurudeva, by prostrating myself at your lotus feet thousands of times. You perfectly exemplify the above statements of Sanatana Gosvami. Your Divine Grace’s personal behavior and preaching capacity are flawless and superb. You are the ideal spiritual master. Everyone can only benefit themselves by surrendering unto your lotus feet and by following your divine teachings, both being self-effulgent and illuminating.


kali-kalera dharma—krishna-nama-sankirtana

krishna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana

“The fundamental religious system in the age of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Krishna. Unless empowered by Krishna, one cannot propagate the sankirtana movement.”  (Antya-lila 7.11)


Your Divine Grace has displayed the greatest miracle in spreading Krishna consciousness around the world. Not only in a short time, but to the most fallen and misled souls. This is greater than any magic – it is proof that you are empowered by Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus we can understand that in no way can Your Divine Grace be compared with an ordinary man. You are the empowered incarnation of Krishna’s mercy! Your activities and words are transcendental. I pray that even birth after birth I may remain eternally in your service.

“O best of kings, please get up! Get up! Just see this world surrounded by water and infested with rogues and so-called kings. This world is very much afraid, and it is your duty to protect her.” (Bhag. 4.28.48)


Your Divine Grace’s incomparable force is establishing and preaching strict principles in accordance with the disciplic succession. You are uniting the different Vaishnava sampradayas. May Your Divine Grace personally reside always in our hearts and empower us to establish your desires in the world. There is no other hope for bringing actual peace and happiness in the world we see except for your divine instructions and Krishna consciousness.


Jaya, Gurudev! Your association of vani is giving us a glimpse of Caitanya at every moment. The brilliant moments engraved deep within our hearts decorate our minds with transcendental emotions progressively revealing the eternal nature of our relationship with Your Divine Grace. Your words and actions shine clear through the misty surroundings of this vacant material world. Certainly the moments spent in servicing your lotus feet are the only real moments of our existence – all else is void and vacant. When shall I realize how every instructions and pastime was said and performed simply to teach and help me to become perfect?


O Gurudeva! You are so kind to remain just by my side! Thus my debt to you increases beyond any hope of my repayment. The world’s state of illusion overwhelms, but your presence alone gives me strength to carry on. Your Divine Grace is preaching enthusiastically although the body is not assisting. By your blessings, may we work as one, keeping Your Divine Grace simultaneously by our every side. May our love for your idea be ever stronger in our minds than maya’s idea, lest we deviate from our working together, thus disobeying your holy vani, keeping you away from our side and us from reaching your lotus feet again.


vairagya-yug bhakti-rasam prayatnair

apayayan mam anabhipsum andham

kripambudhir yah para-duhka-duhki

sanatanam tam prabhum asrayami


O dearest Gurudeva! Although we were practically unwilling, you forced us anyway to surrender to Krishna out of your unending causeless mercy! You teach the essence of vairagya and give the nectar of devotion. You are most compassionate for others’ suffering and very kind upon the miserable. You are the greatest devotee. Srila Gurudeva, I simply beg to remain eternally under the shelter of your divine lotus feet. Not only do I aspire to serve your lotus feet, but I pray for the benediction to serve the sincere servants of your lotus feet. Being dear to Your Divine Grace, they are dearer than life itself.


May I always live by following your instructions and never deviate from your path even for a moment.

May we always remain prayerful in our endeavors to keep your ISKCON in the forefront of the sankirtana movement, thus always keeping your great contribution of loving compassion and mercy alive in the memory of the world at large in this Kali-yuga. Lord Kṛṣṇa blessed us with your presence, which is without contamination. I pray for your continued guidance to remain enthusiastic, determined, and patiently fixed in your service, life after life.

May all Raichurians always remain blessed to celebrate your appearance on this planet by offering you some substantial service to help you “push on this mission”



Your most insignificant disciple,

Sarathi Shyama Dasa Brahmacari

Raichur, Karnataka, India


Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

Guru Maharaj....Ki....Jai

I had your holiness first Darsan at Coimbatore Ratha Yatra, before that our Sikha Guru H.G. Murali Govinda Dasa had told us about your holiness a lot. But when I had your holiness darsan , I came to know how your holiness is doing the services to the Lord irrespective of the discomfortd of your body. Your holiness service to the disciples and devotees changed my mind drastically. Then I had a wish, I should seek initiation from You. I dont know anything more. becuase of only your commitment and Bhakthi.

Guru Maharaj Ki ....jai

Vyasa Puja ki.....Jai

Your Insignificant Daughter

Sarojini (Shelter)

Dear Gurumaharaj,

            Please accept my humble obeisance at your lotus feet.  It’s a great privilege and opportunity to express my heart felt gratitude by writing your vyas puja homage. It is your mercy alone that I am able to follow bhakti and devotional practices. When your Holiness was in Chennai we got unlimited mercy by serving you and your servants. I felt a strong urge to preach at those times which I would never experience any other times.  Dear Father, on this auspicious occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and I am always depending on your causeless mercy to progress in the spiritual path. I wish one day I will become your dearest daughter by selflessly spread the krsna consciousness to my capacity. By seeing your determination, commitment  and sincerity to serve Srila Prabhupada amidst all physical difficulties inspires me to continue my devotional practices  with sincerity and dedication. Please always bestow me your causeless mercy and blessings profusely to this most unfortunate soul to render service to all vaishnavas and chant the mahamantra with great attachment and thereby please you and all acharyas in our parampara.  Only if I please you, I can please Lord Nityananda and Gauranga mahaprabhu thereby eternally become their servants. 


Your humble servant,

Sarojini kalindhi devi dasi

Place : Chennai

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to Gaura Nitai !


namo om vishnu padaye krishna prestaye bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


namo om vishnu padaye krishna prestaye bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

namaste saraswati deve gaura vani pracharine

nirvishesha sunyavadi paschatya desa tarine


jaya sri krishna chaitanya prabhu nithyananda

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta vrinda


Hare krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


             I am deeply indebted to you for showering mercy upon an insignificant and most fallen soul like me. When I came to mayapur for the first time, I was totally in surprise as every nook and corner people were chanting and doing Bhakti. I was overwhelmed at how a small village like this could be developed to such a great extent. It was a blissful experience and I heard from devotees you were the pillar behind what is Mayapur today. I was immersed in tears hearing the stories of how you struggled to develop ISKCON Mayapur to what it is today. I am inspired by the amount of dedication and perseverance you exemplified to fulfill the instruction of Srila Prabhupada in spite of your challenging health condition. Please bless me to engage more and more in pure devotional service to Radha Madhav. I seek your mercy and blessings to overcome the hindering blocks in our endeavour to build a temple-cum-grahastha ashram at Kudlu, Bangalore to follow your instructions and spread the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupda.


Hare Krishna !

Your Insignificant Servant,


Respectful Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


mukam karoti vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

sri-gurum dina-taranam

On this auspicious day of your 71st Vyasa Puja, please accept my humble few words, with absolutely no qualification, I would attempt to glorify you for my purification.

 Lost in the material darkness, crippled with a multitude of family problems, greedily and shamelessly desired shelter under your lotus feet and miraculously you accepted this fallen soul, you are patita-pavan, Gurumaharaj. Truly, you are an eternal associate of MahaPrabhu and distributing His love freely. When I hear Caitanya Katha from your lotus mouth, it is your natural flow of words fresh and relishing as you are deeply immersed in Lord Caitanya's lila and you broadcast us live.

When I meet and talk to any of my Godbrother and Godsister, unknown and for the first time, with little clue, our common connection, being your spiritual children, gets us connected immediately; your glorification gives us immense pleasure. I see a spark of your compassion and kindness you have imbibed in their heart.

Looking back at your past lila, your first association with ISKCON, a quick decision and dedicating yourself to Sri Prabhupada at an early age, following his every instruction with heart and soul, tolerating all difficulties mental & physical, you demonstrate perfect role model of a pure devotee.

Developing Mayapur, the Kingdom of Lord, building up Temples, working on TOVP fulfilling Prabhupada's dream-all these large scale projects which even cannot be conceived by a state-head or country-head, being sannyasi you fulfilled these herculean task demonstrating the strength of dedication to Lord Krishna.

Then in the role of a spiritual master, with more than 50000 souls under your shelter, you take the responsibility of crossing them over the bhava-sindhu. You are guru- meaning heavy, really heavy. With so much bodily pain, you are staying back in this material world just for us all the fallen souls, children under your lotus feet.

Please forgive me for any offences committed under your lotus feet and other Vaishnavas.

ohe! vaiṣṇaba ṭhākura, doyāra sāgara,
e dāse koruṇā kori'

Please give me the strength and mercy so that I can follow your instructions and use myself in your service to fulfil Prabhupada's mission.

Your insiginificant servant,

Sarvanātha Kṛṣṇa dās

My dear Gurumaharaj,

we (me & my wife)got  initiated by only on your mercy on Radhashtami 2019 at mayapur dham. we are very fallen but your kindness we bcame your disciples. we think it is very fortunate as you are our spiritual father. we are not enough and not qualified to glorify you, but we  constantly pray tokrishna for your long live to guide the globe and bless us all. You are very dear to krishna, we beg to your lotus feet  bless us to spread krishna conscious to as much as our ablity  we are not able but only by your help ,mercy and permission. 

once again we pray to sri krishna for your  good health and long live.

Thanking you Guru maharaj,

always your humble and insignificant disciples. ( please forgive us anything wrong written due to ignorance and poor language )

sarva pati madhava das,

sarva palika madhavi devi dasi.

Doha qatar

1 Aprill 2020

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectfull obeisances at your lotus feet.

Your glories are unlimited and am not qualified to write even a drop from the ocean of your glories.

At every moment I can see you are fully absorved in the mission of Srila Prabhupada inspite of your so many health issues.

Although I have no qualification and its only your causeless mercy that you kindly accepted me as your desciple.

Please shower your mercy so that I cam enhance and improve my devotional service.

I seek your blessing for my wife Vinita and my new born son, Jayananda so that they can progress nicely in Krishna Consciousness.

I pray to Lord to always keep you in good health.


Happy Vyasa Puja.


Yours servant

Sarveshwara Nanda Kumar Das.


Dear Guru Maharaj, 


My respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to your divine Vyasa Puja Mahotshav. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


In this auspicious day I would like to thank you for all your mercy and prayers that is bringing me closer to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. I remember last time when I met you in Mayapur and sought your blessings, you mentioned that everyday you are praying for me. Each moment I realise that it is all your prayers that is keeping me enlivened in the path of Bhakti.


In my difficulties I always remember your instruction that, the deeper reason why Krishna puts his devotees through difficulty is because He wants his devotees to be glorified as great souls.


Please forgive me for all my offences. I place my head at your lotus feet and beg your blessings to become a dhira by controlling my mind with the intelligence given to me by you.


My prayers at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Pancha Tattva for your good health. Please keep inspiring us as always. 


Your eternal servant, and spiritual daughter, 

Sarveshwari Jahnava Devi Dasi

Your spiritual grand daughter,





Real independence is to declare our dependence on God.

Indearic Guru Maharaj,


Limitless love and adoration unto the Dust of Your Divine Lotus Feet.


How this insignificant fallen soul can glorify You .


I am so empty with words to glorify my Guru Maharaj Who is the fountain of Causeless Mercy.


Oh Gurudev ! You have always been eternally showering The Divine Love , Care  and Protection for us . 


Your devotion to Srila Prabhupada is beyond our reach and is so pure that it's hard to know and realise by this unworthy heart.


You are the spark and vision in this dark material world being just like a Candle you have sacrificed and reduced Yourself for saving us and letting the fire of service to Srila Prabhupada burn brightly .



Oh Gurudev You have Appeared as the Shower of Rain and unconditionally gifted the relief and  Cooling effect from the  forest fire of material desire.



You are the Rhythm and Melody of Devotion Who have become the Song sung by zillions' spiritual lives.


You are Divine Ink who have filled millions of empty pens to write the trasendental stories in the journey of their devotional lives, like you have filled this fallen empty pen too write her's one.


Unconditionally You have taken all our trouble so much and dangered Yourself just for the sake of our deliverance .


Gurudev You are the One and Only Shelter in this Universe where I find myself eternally blissful and secured.



All glories to Your Appearance Day !


All glories to Your Appearance Day !  


All glories to Your Appearance Day !


Guru Maharaj, craving for Your Mercy so that I can help You in  satisfying Srila Prabhupada's Instructions which is the sole desire of Your life.




Your unworthy hint of servant

Sasi Rupa Lalita devi dasi.





Indearic Guru Maharaja,

Limitless love and adoration unto the Dust of Your Divine Lotus Feet.

How this insignificant fallen soul can glorify You .

I am so empty with words to glorify my Guru Maharaj Who is the fountain of Causeless Mercy.

Oh Gurudev ! You have always been eternally showering The Divine Love,
Care  and Protection for us .

Your devotion to Srila Prabhupada is beyond our reach and is so pure that
it's hard to know and realise by this unworthy heart.

You are the spark and vision in this dark material world being just like a
Candle you have sacrificed and reduced Yourself for saving us and letting
the fire of service to Srila Prabhupada burn brightly .

Oh Gurudev You have Appeared as the Shower of Rain and unconditionally
gifted the relief and  Cooling effect from the  forest fire of material

You are the Rhythm and Melody of Devotion Who have become the Song sung by
zillions' spiritual lives.

You are Divine Ink who have filled millions of empty pens to write the
trasendental stories in the journey of their devotional lives, like you
have filled this fallen empty pen too write her's one.

Unconditionally You have taken all our trouble so much and dangered
Yourself just for the sake of our deliverance .

Gurudev You are the One and Only Shelter in this Universe where I find
myself eternally blissful and secured.

All glories to Your Appearance Day !

All glories to Your Appearance Day !

All glories to Your Appearance Day !

Guru Maharaj, craving for Your Mercy so that I can help You in satisfying 
Srila Prabhupada's Instructions which is the sole desire of Your life.

Your unworthy hint of servant,

Śaśi Rūpa Lalitā devī dāsī

Dear gurudev,

    It has been years that I have not got your darshan or even your association.but I know that your blessings are always there for me and my family.Me as a conditioned soul feel myself disconnected due to lack of vibrations.I always get inspired by having your darshan online and by seeing your mood to do preaching with your full effforts.Your every service is for pleasure of Srila Prabhupad,whether it be Gaur purnima festival or Navdweep mandal parikrama.You always go out of your way to give compassion to fallen souls like me.On your vyas puja day,I pray at your lotus feet to forgive all the offenses I have made or your lotus feet and give me that spark to do mu devotional services properly.


Shashimukhi indulekha dd


Dear gurudev,

    It has been years that I have not got your darshan or even your association.but I know that your blessings are always there for me and my family.Me as a conditioned soul feel myself disconnected due to lack of vibrations.I always get inspired by having your darshan online and by seeing your mood to do preaching with your full effforts.Your every service is for pleasure of Srila Prabhupad,whether it be Gaur purnima festival or Navdweep mandal parikrama.You always go out of your way to give compassion to fallen souls like me.On your vyas puja day,I pray at your lotus feet to forgive all the offenses I have made or your lotus feet and give me that spark to do mu devotional services properly.


Shashimukhi indulekha dd


Hare Krishna dearmost spiritual father, Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. 


All Glories to Srila Guru and Gauranga!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories unto Your Divine Grace!


While I sit to write this humble offering, I feel I'm so fortunate to be protected by Srila Prabhupada's army in this material world. For example, there's horrific news of deadly Corona Virus all around the planet, yet devotees in their sublime knowledge are so cool and relaxed, because we are taught to be prepared of death and the life thereafter, while the material world cares for only living, which can stop anytime. You are such an exemplary Vaishnava who is creating a living example of how should one lead one's life in full consciousness - Your body doesn't cooperate in most of the times while You live only for spreading the Hare Krishna Mission and the Glories of the Lord. You're always anxious about how to share Krishna with others to fill up their lives with supreme joy - be it a ward boy of hospital to big corporates- anyone You meet, You just think of how to pull them towards Krishna. All glories unto You!


Guru Maharaja, presently due to my workplace we're located at Bongaon, near India Bangladesh Border, with my good wife, Your spiritual daughter (from Durgapur) Priti Lalita dd, and we're missing our regular services at Kolkata Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir like anything. Last year, we missed nearly the entire Kolkata Rathyatra, which is our temple's biggest festival. We're continuing bhakti by Your mercy and brotherly association of HG Ananga Mohan Prabhu of ISKCON Kolkata and our both of our parents, all diksha disciples of Your Divine Grace. We humble beg to bless us so that we can go back to Kolkata favorably this year with shifting of workplace so that we can again be back at services and regular at classes. 


Srila Prabhupāda once said in His morning walk "Guru is the mercy incarnation of God". By Guru's mercy, one can do any impossible service. This is my humble request to please continue bestowing Your mercy upon this fallen soul so that someday, somehow I can do some big service to please You and Srila Prabhupada, that You deserve from me.


All glories unto You for taking the trouble of rescuing a fallen soul as me. 


Please accept my most humble obeisances once again.


Your insignificant servant,


Sasvata Nimai das

(Diksha Disciple)

Kolkata, West Bengal, India. 

Hare Krishna!

All glories to Sri Guru & Gauranga!  

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My most beloved Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. 

He Guru jnana dina bandho svananda datah karunaika sindho vrindavanasina hitavatara prasida radha pranaya prachara 

“O Spiritual master, O giver of the divine wisdom, O friend of the fallen, You are the giver of your own bliss and you the only ocean of mercy. Although dwelling in Vrindavana ,you have descended for the welfare of fallen souls like myself and you are preaching the divine love of Sri Radha and Sri Krishna. Please be kind upon me”

I am eagerly awaiting to visit Sridham Mayapur on the glorious occasion of your 71st vyasa puja celebrations 2020.This visit is really special and going to be my most memorable one as I am bringing my daughter for the first time to Dham along with my in laws who are practicing Krishna Consciousness to some extent. Though she was born in Mayapur we were not able continue to reside due to various family situations.I accepted and consoled thinking as Krishna’s plan . Whenever I face difficulties due to health issue or from other problems I used to always remember your grace that in such bad health condition how you are travelling vastly in order to propagate Krishna Consciousness with so much energy and enthusiasm. I was able to overcome from my problems just by remembering your grace.

I submit myself under your lotus feet and pray to bless me and family so that my wish to settle in Sridham Mayapur may come true.

Yours Most fallen spiritual daughter,

Satarupa vrnda devi dasi

Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my most respectful  obeisances

All Glories to you!

 All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda 


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe nirviśeṣa-śūnyavādi-pāścātya-deśa-tāriṇe


On this auspicious occasion of Your Grace' blessed appearance day  I want to say that I have no qualification to glorify you but only by your mercy-potency I am attempting this.

      Gurudev was struggling miserably in the material ocean when a ship (ISKCON) came near me and from it a merciful hand was extended to me ,that hand was yours dear Guru Maharaj .This was the luckiest draw of my life and now I feel extraordinarily fortunate with Your presence in my life.

     Dear Guru Maharaj the more I know you the more I want to serve you .You are very ,very dear to Srila Prabhupad as you are fulfilling His Divine Grace's each and every instruction with much seriousness and one point focus. You are a treasure house of all exemplary qualities of a Sadhu .You are so tolerant ,with all your physical impediments, so merciful, travelling all around the world to deliver the conditioned souls, so focused so as to please your Guru Maharaj that, for me You're a  touchstone that turns iron into gold..Or a magician who is happily running around, waving his wand enlightening the people of this dark age of Kali.

      Spiritually it's very fulfilling to be with you every night on your live FB classes and none of us ,I believe, can thankyou enough for that oh merciful master .Those clases are like taking a dip in Ganga. They are like elixir to enthuse us on the path of loving devotional service. Gaur Katha ,,Dham Daya come handy to us sitting in the comfort of our homes every night.  With every class I feel my love growing for you my dear spiritual fatger. Mahabhagwats like yourself purifiers conditioned souls just by being in front of their eyes.

    Your unalloyed devotion and service has manifested in exalted, demigod-like features in you . You are the best human being,(a mahajan) I've ever met, though,you are only playing a role of one. As you are a confidential servitor of Lord Nityananda and you've mercifully descended from baikuntha only to deliver many many conditioned souls and take them back home, back to godhead

   On this most auspicious occasion of your Vyas Puja I want to promise you something Guru Maharaj ,that I would always try to be your good daughter and with your causeless mercy make you proud. if you allow, I want to seek your blessings today to empower me to serve you tirelessly and unshakably ,my dear spiritual father. 

Last but not the least I want to be under the shelter of your divine lotus feet for ever and ever and eternally be with you and serve you and His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad .

Soul hugs


your most useless and fallen child Satyabhama Sadhvi Devi Dasi

(Diksha disciple)

Ajmer .

হরেকৃষ্ণ গুরুমহারাজ
আপনাকে আমি সশ্রদ্ধ প্রনতি নিবেদন করি ।
ব্যাস পূজার শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলী হিসেবে
জানাতে চাই যে ,
আপনার কৃতিত্ব এইখানে যে আপনি আমাদের মত কনিষ্ঠ ভক্তদের পরিচালনা করার জন্য যে
অসংখ্য প্রচারক তৈরি করেছেন , যাদের সান্নিধ্যে এসে ভক্তিযোগ সাধন করতে পারছি ।
আপনার সবচেয়ে বড়ো কৃতিত্ব এইখানেই যে আপনি একগুচ্ছ প্রচারক ভক্ত তৈরি করেছেন
, যা নিঃসন্দেহে মানব সভ্যতার প্রতি আপনার পরম করুনা , কেননা প্রভুপাদ‌ও
বলেছেন _একজন ভক্ত তৈরি করতে গ্যালন_ গ্যালন রক্ত দরকার ।

তাহলে আপনি প্রভুপাদের মিশন কে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যেতে আপনি কতখানি আত্মত্যাগ
করেছেন , তা বলার অপেক্ষা রাখেনা ।
আপনার হাতে তৈরি এই প্রচারকরা  নতুনদের  ভক্তি পথে  এগিয়ে যেতে নিরলস পরিশ্রম
করে চলেছে ,
তাই আজকের এই শুভদিনে আমি সমস্ত প্রচারকদের চরণে আমার সশ্রদ্ধ প্রনতি নিবেদন
তাদের প্রনতি নিবেদনের মাধ্যমে আপনাকে যথার্থ প্রনতি নিবেদন করা হবে ।

                   সত্যবান গোবিন্দ দাস
                     ইসকন কোচবিহার

 Dear GuruMaharaj,

Please accept humble obeisances of this insignificant soul. In this age of kali, particularly in this time when the whole world is burning in forest fire of material nature, Maharaj you are bestowing mercy as water to all those souls. You are travelling whole world despite of such physical challenges and even you don't care for the body when it comes to the preaching and blessings to the whole world. Maharaj you are the living example of "I am spirit Soul not the body". Your dedication and surrender to the mission of Srila Prabhupada is unexplainable and I can't describe it with words. While hearing one lecture given by HG Mahavaraha Prabhu,he was explaining how you are chanting your rounds, after hearing this I have no excuse of not chanting my rounds. Whenever I feel distracted and laziness while chanting I remember your this pastimes, then I get immense strength to improve my chanting.

Maharaj you are very merciful to any living entity which I saw in rath yatra, kolkata. You was in car giving blessings to everyone including me with Tooth Brush of Lord Jagganath. Due to your association and blessings during rath yatra, krishna still considers this rascal who are committing thousands of sins and offenses. Otherwise I might have lost in this dark material existence. Currently I am trying to serve in mission of Prabhupada indirectly under the guidance of  HG Premanand Chaitanya Prabhu. Due to ignorance, many times this rascal has undergone falldown,but your presence and association with your vani, I am saved somehow or other. Maharaj please bestow mercy on me so that my ignorance vanishes & fix my mind upon your Lotus feet and  I can serve you more and more and in the mission of Prabhupada.


your aspiring insignificant servant,

Saurav Gupta

Hare Krishna!
Dear Guru Maharaj!

Please accept our respectful obeisance!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Gauranga!

All Glories unto you!


This Vyasa Puja day, again I am seeking

Empowerment to overcome my shortcoming

To equip and engage in Devoting - 

My life and activities at your Lotus Feet! with no stopping


So that, the miseries, inbuilt by conditioning,

And the Ugra Karma not worth mentioning

All get cleansed and I benefit in associating

With  your powerful servants and wonderful Vaishnavas...

My saviour, you have been very forgiving!



On this Vyasapuja day I would also like to update you that the Bhagavad Gita classes that was started a year back has seen a group of 20 devotees and their children have been regularly coming to this program. They opened up their house for the evening program and have been instrumental in arranging nagar kirtan and other out reach programs.

On this auspicious day, I seek your special blessings on each and every participant in these programs.

Everyone in Pune are eagerly waiting for your visit.

Attaching a family photo taken in 2008 when you mercifully filled our hearts with a unique bonding. Praying that we become instrumental in serving you and your instructions unconditionally. 


Thank you,

Your servants,

Savyasachi Krishna Das

Nityatarangini Devi dasi

Ananth Chaitanya,

and mother - Indira Gopi Devi Dasi





Attached the .Jpg file, the homage is in Tamil language! Thank You!

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj ki Jay!    

Hare Krishna Maharaj!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your divine Lotus Feet. Even though not eligible, I am trying to present this as my offering unto your feet. Please forgive me if I offend you knowingly or unknowingly.

 I really don’t know how your mercy just flowed into my life even me without being aware of it. I was in great suffering when I first got shelter of devotees following under your lineage. And it is such a bliss I never realized at that point of time. The only clarity I had was that after years long of pain and distress I was able to see hope and most importantly peace. It was only later after continued association with the devotees I could see it as absolute mercy bestowed upon my fallen self. I remember you coming to Bangalore in 2019. Honestly I was not much aware of it. But it was again your mercy that you allowed me Your Darshan and accepted my obeisances. I am so very grateful Maharaj for this. I didn’t know then how this divine association could just have so much impact in my life.  Soon, by Your mercy and His Lordship’ mercy, I could go for Vridhavana Yatra and have association of my aspiring guru HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj which I still feel I am not at all eligible. My way of thinking and even the life as such changed a lot after the yatra. I used to ponder how come it happened to me. It was only off late I could realize it was all Your mercy and Your divine association and Vaishnavas’ blessings which just made everything happened so very naturally. I don’t even know the correct word to express my immense gratitude I feel towards you. Thank is too lame a word for it. On this Vyas Puja, I pray sincerely to the Lord for Your good health so that millions of fallen souls could be rescued. Your personal self and serving mood is simply so magnanimous. I beg your mercy Maharaj please please keep sheltering me for given my fallen self, I am really frightened of Maya and also of getting into complete forgetfulness. I beg your mercy to please engage me into your service.


Your humble servant




My dear gurumaharaj!!

Please accept my humble obeisances ..all glories to guru and gauranga..all glories to Srila prabhupada..all glories to dust of your lotus feet on this auspicious day..

Thanku gurumaharaj from bottom of my heart for accepting me as your sheltered devotee..I pray to Krishna to give me chance to serve you in any way..seeing u Everytime,hearing your words and observing you inspire me how to serve gaur nitai in any possible way..we are so blessed to have you in our life..may by Krishna grace u always stay healthy and  keep giving your mercy to the fallen souls like me..despite all health issues you always stay so bissful and enthusiastic..u are a gift to us by gaurnitai..I pray to radhamadhav to get your darshan everytime.. seeing you every time make me feel to serve radhamadhav more and more with firm devotion and always set an example to us for carrying Krishna consciousness uninterrupted and unmotivated.Please give me your blessings 

Hare Krishna!!!

Your's servant

নমঃ ওঁম বিষ্ণু পাদায়ও কৃষ্ণ পৃষ্ঠীয়ও ভূতলে 
শ্রীমতএ  জয় পতাকা স্বামী নীতি নিমিনে। 
নামাচার্য পাদায়ও নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়নি 
গৌর  কথা ধাম ও দায়ও নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।। 

জয় গুরুমহারাজ,

আপনার  শ্রী চরণ কোমল এ আমি স্বশ্রদ্ধ প্রণতি নিবেদন  করি। 

শ্রী চৈতন্য মহাপ্রভু  ভবিষৎ বাণী করেছিলেন যে "পৃথিবীতে  আছে যত নগর আদি গ্রাম সর্বত্র প্রচার হইবে মর এই নাম" আর সেই ভবিষৎ বাণী বাস্তবে রূপ দান করতে তাঁর  সেনাপতি  ভক্ত শ্রীল প্রভুপাদ  এই জগৎ এ আভির্ভূত হন। আর প্রভুপাদ আর স্বপ্ন পূরণ  করার জন্য আপনি ধরা ধাম এ এসেছেন। ইসকন আর যাত্ৰা শুরু থেকে আজ পর্যন্ত আপনি অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রম করছেন নিজের শারীরিক অসুস্থতা কে তুচ্ছ করে। আপনার চরণ আশ্রয়  করে বহু বদ্ধ জীব তাঁর নিজের আলয় ভগবানের কাছে ফিরে যেতে পারছে, ভগবান জগৎ বাসির জন্য আপনাকে একটি উপহার রূপ এ পাঠিয়েছেন। সেই ভগবানের বাণী আপনি সারা পৃথিবীতে বিলাচ্ছেন, এমনকি নিজে মৃত্যুর সম্মুখীন  হয়ে। আপনি একজন পিতা হয়ে সবাইকে আশ্রয় দিচ্ছেন। আপনার একটি বাণী " যত ক্ষণ প্রাণ ততো ক্ষণ প্রচার " যা নব যুবক বৃন্দ দের মধ্যে প্রচুর  উদ্দম তৈরি করে। 

আমি খুবই  পতিত জীবন কাটাচ্ছিলাম, সেই সময় আমার শিক্ষা গুরুর কৃপায় আপনার নিকট আসতে পেরেছি এবং আমার  ভক্তি জীবন শুরু হয়েছে  আপনার  আশীর্বাদে। 

আমায় করুনা করুন গুরুমহারাজ আমি যেন  সারা জীবন শ্রী রাধা মাধব, পঞ্চত্ব ভগবান, শ্রী নারসিম্হা দেব,  শ্রী জাগ্গান্নাথ বলদেব সুভদ্রা মহারানী,  শ্রীল প্রভুপাদ এবং আপনার অনুগত  দাস হয়ে সেবা করতে পারি। আমি যেন আপনার আশীর্বাদএ আপনার  কাছে দীক্ষা  গ্রহণের জন্য  নিজেকে যোগ্য  করে তুলতে  পারি খুব তাড়াতড়ি।   

আপনার দাস,

Nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My dear Gurumaharaj, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

Gurumaharaj, since I am unworthy to glorify you, I beg forgiveness from the Lord for any apradh I may cause.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.
All glories to your divine grace.

Listening to you rekindles faith brings joy to my heart. Hearing you, I get connected to the past times of  Sri Krishna, with tearful eyes. Hearing about your pastimes creates an awe within me, I've realised how my life has been so futile and insignificant.

Dear Gurumaharaj, I'm unqualified, but I don't want to waste this life as well, everything in this plane of existence after which we run is futile and temporary. I'm afraid and scared by this truth of forgetfulness. I've been a lost soul since time immemorial, forgetful of my constitutional position. If I fail in this life, this forgetful soul will be lost again. Without your mercy I'm a small fish in the sea of misery, stuck for an eternity to suffer and forget. I pray to get some services by which I may get your mercy

নমঃ ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে

শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীনীতি নামিনে 

নমো আচার্যপাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়িনে

গৌরকথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিণে।


হরে কৃষ্ণ প্রিয় গুরুমহারাজ,

আজকের আপনার মহিমান্বিত শুভ ৭১ তম আবির্ভাব তিথির এই শুভক্ষণে কৃপাপূর্বক আপনার চরণকমলে আমার সশ্রদ্ধ দণ্ডবৎ প্রণতি গ্রহণ করুন। শাস্ত্রে বলা হয়েছে, “যিনি পরমেশ্বর ভগবান শ্রীকৃষ্ণের প্রতি অনন্য ভক্তিসম্পন্ন, তাঁর মধ্যে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ এবং সমস্ত দেবতাদের সৎ-গুণগুলি প্রকাশিত হয়।” তাই আপনার মত একজন শুদ্ধভক্তের মহিমা কেই বা বর্ণনা করতে পারে? সেখানে আমার মত অধঃপতিত জীবের আর কি কথা! তাই আপনার কৃপাশীর্বাদ ভিক্ষা করে আমার আজকের এই ক্ষুদ্র নিবেদন আপনি দয়া করে গ্রহণ করুন।


আপনি শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর একজন অতি অন্তরঙ্গ পার্ষদ এবং তাঁর শক্তিতে বলীয়ান সংকীর্তন আন্দোলনের একজন মহান প্রচারক এবং শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের একজন আদর্শ শিষ্য। সমস্ত শারীরিক বাধাকে অতিক্রম করে সমগ্র পৃথিবীতে নিরন্তর হরিনাম প্রচারে আপনার বর্ণনাতীত সীমাহীন সাফল্য নিঃসন্দেহে আপনার মহান ভগবত্তাকে আরও গৌরবান্বিত করে, যা সত্যিই বিস্ময়কর। শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর সংকীর্তন আন্দোলনের আপনি এক মহান সৈনিক। 


সমগ্র পৃথিবীর মানুষকে শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর আবির্ভাব স্থান শ্রীধাম মায়াপুরের প্রতি আকর্ষণ করার জন্য শ্রীধাম মায়াপুরের যে অভূতপূর্ব উন্নতি আপনার নেতৃত্বে সাধিত হয়েছে তা অত্যন্ত আশ্চর্যজনক এবং আপনার পরমারাধ্য গুরুদেব শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের নির্দেশ হৃদয়ে ধারণ করে সদা সর্বদা তা পালন করার এই উজ্জ্বল দৃষ্টান্ত আপনি সবার সামনে উপস্থাপন করেছেন। 


সারা পৃথিবীর বিশেষ করে বাংলাদেশের ভক্তদের প্রতি আপনার করুণা অপরিসীম। সেজন্য বাংলাদেশের ভক্তরা আপনার কাছে চিরকৃতজ্ঞ। আমার পরম সৌভাগ্য হয়েছিল আপনার দিব্য সান্নিধ্য পাবার। হে মহান আচার্য, আপনি অহৈতুকীভাবে আপনার কৃপাবারি বর্ষণ করুন যাতে আপনার পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ করে আপনার দাসানুদাস হতে পারি। আপনার শ্রীচরণকমলে আমার এই প্রার্থনা আপনি দয়া করে স্বীকার করুন।


হে পতিতপাবন গুরুমহারাজ,

আপনার জয় হোক। শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয় হোক। হরে কৃষ্ণ।। 



আপনার শ্রীচরণকমলের দাসানুদাস

সীমন্তদ্বীপ দাস (শিক্ষাশিষ্য, ব্রিটিশ কলম্বিয়া, কানাডা।)

||Om Ajnana Timirandhasya Jnananjana Salakaya Chaksurunmilitam yena Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha||

||Namaha Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale, Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Krupa Pradayine Gaura Katha Dama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine||

Respected GuruMaharaj , Please accept my humble Obeisances to your lotus feet.

You have truly exhibited  'Nitai Krupa', by your utmost care towards the innumerable souls to bring them closer to Krishna. Every time we read or hear about your glories from senior devotees, it gives us a great enthusiasm. About few years back when you were staying in Udupi for a short period I heard that there was a Hanuman temple and this Pujari would visit you often. Many devotees come from distant places to pray to lord Hanuman here to fulfil their material and spiritual desires. Knowing your great devotion and sincerity in fulfilling orders of Srila Prabhupad, this Pujari had once asked you to put forward any prayers that you would want to personally offer to HanumanJi.  You have replied him stating that you want to personally Pray for the wellbeing of each and every soul. This has left the Pujari speechless. You are undergoing so much pain yourself and still your prayers are for other's wellbeing . This shows how blissfully you are distributing the mercy of lord Nityananda. You are always ever enthusiastic to preach the Krishna Consiousness to everyone. Several people draw inspiration from you. What to speak of elders even small kids draw inspiration from you. This is what a small kid said when he was questioned on whom does he draw inspiration from, he immediately stood up to say that it was you.

You have once said that unless one has complete Faith and takes complete shelter of Krishna, it is not possible to have Fearlessness. On the occasion of your Vyasapuja, Requesting your blessings GuruMaharaj so that me and my family develop an iota of this faith towards the holy name.

Your insignificant disciple,

Sirisa Haripriya devi Dasi                                                



oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Your Divine Grace. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

All glories to your most auspicious appearance day.

When it comes to glorify you Guru Mahārāja, I don't find myself capable because I don't have even a speck of realization of how much you are bestowing your mercy to all of us over and above your our personal health and needs. Keeping in mind the situation and surrender of every one of us, you try to bring us closer to Kṛṣṇa someway or other and have His mercy. You are the epitome of selfless service Guru Mahārāja. Your will power and enthusiasm to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda in any situation always leave us stunned. "We are not the body but the soul", you are the living example of this Guru Mahārāja.

'sādhu-saṅga', 'sādhu-saṅga'—sarva-śāstre kaya
lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya

You always hold this verse right Guru Mahārāja. I have personally seen that how people who earlier had no faith in the process, just after meeting you took to the process very seriously. Your mere glance does so much purification. Everyone including me always hanker to get your glance so that I can undergo some purification which is badly needed.

Your blessings can do miracles Guru Mahārāja. Please bless me so that I can serve you with my every action, so that your mood and mission to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda get more and more revealed before me and I can be fixed in your service Guru Mahārāja.

Presently I am overlooking the preaching of Jamshedpur medical college under the guidance of Her Grace Śiromaṇi Mātājī and Her Grace Aṣṭa-sakhī Mātājī and your blessings. Please give me your blessings Guru Mahārāja so that I can do service more efficiently and in all situation to Your Divine Grace.

Your insignificant servant,

Smriti (shelter),
Jamshedpur, India


Hare Kṛṣṇa, dear Gurudeva… 

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to Śrī Guru and Gaurāṅga!

It is an occasion of great joy and festivity that 71 years ago, on this day, Your Divine Grace appeared among us to deliver us and distribute love of Godhead to one and all. All these years, you were faced with fresh challenges, one harder than the previous and yet, you came out triumphant every single time, unfurling the great Jayapatākā of Śrīla Prabhupāda. Being a nitya siddha pārṣada of Lord Caitanya, you simply undertook all the pain in order to show us how to sail through this world of birth and death with firm determination, enthusiasm and patience.

You have handed to us the perfect package of attaining spiritual perfection, as given to you by Śrīla Prabhupāda. You keep everything so simple, yet deep and penetrating the heart. The Gaura Kathā conducted by you every night despite being tiringly busy, is full of unparalleled spiritual nectar. It is capable of transferring even the likes of a neophyte like me, who is trying to practice vaidhī-bhakti, to ecstatic Gaura-līlā. You give us a glimpse into the spiritual world, which is brimming with pure kṛṣṇa-prema, every day. By the bhakti-śakti infused in your words, and your strong spiritual life, our hearts are infused by great faith and loyalty to Lord Gaurāṅga. Your classes are a breath of fresh air in the day, freeing us of anxiety, distress and sadness. Just like Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda used modern means to preach, you follow in the footsteps of the acharyas so exemplarily and through the platform of social media, like Facebook, Twitter and Zoom, keep us engaged in the one of the most important aṅgas of devotional service – śravaṇaṁ.

Your compassion is just like that of Śrī Vāsudeva Dutta, who wanted to take on all the sins of all living entities in the material creation and send them back to Godhead. When Lord Nityānanda initiated Jagāi and Mādhāi, they came perfect brahminical vaiṣṇavas, never committing sin thereafter. Guru Mahārāja, you have shown us great compassion by accepting us despite the mistakes we commit after initiation. Dekha ore bhāi, tribhuvane nāiemana dayāla dātā… We love you Guru Mahārāja, you are our inspiration. Just the mention of your name is enough to pull us out of nescience. Jayapatākā name ei bār, tari jābo re… Your remembrance encourages us to preach and share with others the invaluable gift of Kṛṣṇa consciousness that you have given us.

No vote of thanks is enough, no amount of service is enough either, to repay the debt we owe you. Simply praying at your lotus feet, that I may be eternally engaged in your service. Thank you, Guru Mahārāja, for pulling me out of hellish life in difficult times. I beg of your blessings to live a life dedicated to your service – of which preaching is the most pleasing to you. I pray that I may never do anything which is displeasing to you.

Your insignificant servant and daughter,
Snigdha Mādhavī devī dāsī (Dīkṣā disciple)
Sonipat, Haryana, India

Dearest Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Happy Vyasa Puja dear Gurudev! All glories to your fifty years of sanyasa Gurumaharaj! Thank you so much for everything!

Since I am writing this offering only a couple of days before Gaura Purnima, I am reminded of the words of HG Ramya Vrindavan Mataji, “you cannot think of Lord Gauranga without thinking of Gurumaharaj.” I can relate to this sentence so much while trying to think of Lord Gauranga. May I develop taste to hear from you the unlimited glories of the Lord and His devotees and also the taste for hearing about your glories.

 Although I have been thinking how amazing you are to your disciples that you chose to stay back here for us than to go back to Godhead. I have been able to realize a bit of your unfathomable kindness and unimaginable tolerance and undeterred determination to serve your spiritual master in these few days. I have never suffered so much ever in my life like I did ,although for a few days but I only could think how miserable this material world is and wondering how you chose to stay back here enduring all the pain and difficulties just to please Srila Prabhupada and take us back home. No matter how difficult the situations were and still are that me and my family are going through, I have realized your mercy coming to me every moment through your instructions and the association of the devotees. Somehow, I have been able to realize that I am made up of your mercy dear Gurudev. Thank you for all your love and care Gurudev.

I have often heard HG Maha Varaha Prabhu saying that a person with physical challenges always demands attention and you are always giving attention to people around. It has always amazed me Gurumaharaj. Very recently in a class when someone said that during the festivals it is difficult to communicate with the devotees and you told the devotee to come to your classes and ask you questions and you would speak to the devotee in that way. How amazing! Inconceivable!

 I seek your blessings so that I can fulfil the preaching targets that I have set for the year 2020 for the pleasure of you Gurumaharaj and Srila Prabhupada and the previous acaryas. May book distribution become closer to my heart and I give out Srila Prabhupada’s books to everyone I know and meet. I don’t have the courage to do it and anything, I am completely dependent on your mercy Gurumaharaj to be able to do it and everything else for the pleasure of Lord Gauranga. In almost all the Vyasa puja offerings so far, I have been writing that I only wish to serve you and nothing else, but for the recent incidences in my life by Krishna and your mercy Gurumaharaj ,I have realized that I have unlimited selfish material desires and not just the desire to please you. May someday my desire to please you surpass all other selfish desires of mine Gurumaharaj.

I have never done anything good in my life to have received such a benediction to receive shelter at the dust of your lotus feet. But for your mercy, I have been given opportunities to serve and associate with such exalted devotees. I am very weak spiritually Gurudev, I seek your blessings and thank you for your blessings.  I wish someday I can experience anander sima nai by serving your dear Lord. May in every moment of my life, I experience the heart to heart connection with you Gurumaharaj. I don’t know if ever I will be able to make you feel happy with my services, however, I wish I can someday. I seek your blessings for the spiritual progress of all our vrinda gardens kids and for me and my family.

 Wishing to love you someday,

Your fallen servant,

Snigdhamayi Sudevi Devi Dasi




Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

I'm verymuch happy because you accepted me as your holiness Siksha Disciple even I am not holding any qualification for that...

You holiness is a great Mahatma showing us an example of identifying we are not this body but the soul by living infront of us, I don't know I can say this.

Please Accept my Humble Obeisences to your holiness lotus feet who day and night working to guide the fallen souls to back to home, back to God Head.

I got the fortune of your holiness  Darsan twice only till now. But when other devotees are glorifying your holiness, I felt it is happening in front me.

I am praying to your holiness's mercy to have devotional service and capacity to follow your instruction to improve in devotional path.

I am praying to  Krishna to bless your holiness with long life and good health

Your insignificant daughter.


Palakkad, Kerala


vyasapuja offering to H.H jayapatakaswami guru maharaj by somasundar k 

First of all i offer my respectable & humble prostated obesiances unto the lotus feet of the H.H jayapatakaswami guru maharaj.

This is my first vyasapuja offering to you. when i was working in madhyapradesh one of  the discilple of you HG srinivas gopal pr came to my place and met me . And he also introduced me about the krishnaconsiousness. After that when i came to mayapur he told me about you but i could not able meet you. when i went back to my workplace again one day my sikshaguru told me to chant some japa rounds for you because that time your health was not well . So i started doing 4 rounds on the name of you. I think that was the reason that now i am able to serve you at your home. Now  i have been resigned my job on  2019 , completed my NDP course 2020. Although i am not eligible to serve you still by your causeless mercy , i decided to do give my insignificant attempt  by preaching to the young youth. So i am seeking your most and merciful blessings to fulfill the desire of srila prabhupad movement and let me try to put my deeper effort in this regard to spread the glories of caitanya mahaprabhu each and every town of the world. I have also taken shelter from you last year and i am trying to do my saadhana nicely, this year i wanted listen your lecturers which clarifies the all unwantable doubts in my mind so that i can able to fix up my life for iskcon kindly please bless me for that too. 

Your insignificant servant somasundar k . 

Dear guru maharaj,


All obeisances to the holy dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to Sirla Prabhupada.

I have never been to Mayapur and whenever I heard about it, it seemed like a distant mystical land of Gauranga. Every year I yearn to be there, yern to meet you but some how the other it always remain a distant dream( maybe because of my prarabhdhas).

This year too, I believed that going to Mayapur would be an encore of broken dreams but...

Lo and behold! Magic happened.

I came to know you were coming to Delhi for 2 days for a diksha ceremony. It was going to be the very first time that I was going to meet you.

I have heard so much about you Guru maharaj from many of your disciples like Her Grace Sadguru seva Nandani mataji. I have read about you, seen your video on YouTube.... I am so much inspired by the magic of Gauranga that you create in life of people at every nook and corner of the city, your lotus feet touches.

I was so much bubbling with enthusiasm that I asked mataji how can I serve Guru maharaj, what will make him happy and she mercifully guided me to chant the name of Gauranga and collect the funds for tovp exhibits.

I have never done fund collection in my life, Iwas too shy to approach people for it ( maybe it was my ego of being a doctor and to approach my patients for collection).

But something in me said, go for it!

It will make you happy.

Something in me broke the ice and chanting your pranam mantra, given by merciful mataji, I began with the task.

Carrying a stupid ego of a doctor is not a wise thing because as soon as I got the forms of tovp exhibits from His grace Radhapati Gopinath prabhuji, I built an air castle of being your number one fund raiser and dreaming of getting a pat on my back from you and a distinguish recognition. 

It didn't take a while for that bubble to burst. ( Thank you for a reality check. A servant should always be a servant, nothing can be done without help of Guru and Gauranga).

I was disappointed, all I was collecting was couple of random coins, stuck in dark corners of the wallets of people I approached. I thought too big of myself but I collected Rs 210/- in different sizes and dimension of the currency.

Melancholy clouded my heart and I sat in front of your picture in my alter and offered you that money.

Suddenly like a ray of sunshine peeps from the dark clouds, a realisation stuck me, I can't pretend to be a beggar, I have to be one.

I have to crush all that pomp and show stuff and be real. First it was my ego and now it was my prestige that packed bags to leave me. All thanks to you Guru maharaj for a dose for anartha nivratti.(But I still have many).

Again, being your humbled infinitesimal soldier, I again stepped into the battle field. With the name of Gauranga on my lips and you in my heart I again started anew.

Few days are good, few days are bad but most days are magical.

I started to approach people that I thought I could never have this kind of spiritual talk, not only I got a positive response from them but also they started chanting hare krsna mahamantra. It was showers of your mercy that helped me and them.

You made me new friends.

You gave me new realisation.

You gave me a new goal.

In fact you gave me a new life!

Dear guru maharaj, I am too far away to be your number one fund raiser but I am happy being a squirrel that helped lord Ram to build a bridge across ocean to Lanka. Maybe I am still more small being a squirrel but it gives my heart a great deal of satisfaction to be of some use to your service to Prabhupada.

And when I heard I have an opportunity to see you for first time in real ( even though there is no difference between you and your picture in my alter), it seemed as showers of causeless mercy of Gauranga on me.

Seeing your effulgent self it felt that my long last desire being fulfilled. Entire Mayapur was before my eyes. Lords of my life Nitia Gaurchandra are personally there especially for me.

Your darshan were as soothing as moon rays for fallen souls like us who are burning in forest fire of this material life.

Thank you for everything Guru maharaj.


Always the servant of your lotus feet,

Sonal Arora

Aspiring disciple

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Maharaj,You are a very strong soldier of Srila Prabhupada's army and the best gift of Srila Prabhupada to us.You have transformed the lives of so many and you are my biggest inspiration.By seeing your unstoppable service to Srila Prabhupada,I realized that only by complete surrender to the Supreme Lord can one be actually pulled out of this material conditioning.Thankyou for constantly reminding us of this by your thoughts, words and actions.I am holding so many anarthas in my heart which constantly drag me down to this material conditioning.I wish to purify myself and you are my only hope.


'tomara hridaye sada govinda vishram

Govinda kahena mora vaisnav paran'

Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda. Lord Govinda says, "The Vaisnavas are in My heart."


I beg to your lotus feet to please bless me and shower your mercy upon me more and more so that I get the taste in chanting the holy name and I take the shelter of my Guru Maharaj.


Your most insignificant aspiring servant

Soumya Kommajosyula

(Bangalore ISKCON Koramangala)

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Your Holiness!

The karma baggage I carry is heavy. Only because of your mercy, has it  become easier to carry. What justification can a “thank you very much”  do to the deep sense of gratitude I feel toward you? Nothing but your compassion is my qualification to glorify your Holiness. In this world of repeated suffering, the only saving grace is your graceful grace.

My very livelihood depends on your compassion, as you have given me shelter by giving me an opportunity to serve you through Victory Flag Publications, which is trying to regularly produce books from the content redacted from your wonderful lectures.

Who can measure the love you feel for anyone that has shown even the remotest interest in Kṛṣṇa consciousness? With your beautiful smile and kind words, you reach the innermost chambers of every heart and enthrone yourself there permanently. You are Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir personified, for your heart is the resting place of Gaura Chand, the Moon of Mayapur. It is nothing but your mercy that is keeping me alive physically and spiritually. You definitely are ISKCON’s favorite, for you carry its glories wherever you go. You care about every living entity in the world, because you are a pure Vaisnava. I am sometimes surprised that even a fallen fool like me is somehow connected with you.

On this glorious day, I solemnly proclaim to the whole world: “Show me His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, and I will show you Magnanimity! Show me His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, and I will show you Compassion! Show me His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, and I will show you a Mobile Temple. Show me His Holiness Jayapataka  Swami, and I will show you Selflessness!”

It is our great good fortune that you have come to this world, for you are like a secret shortcut  to our destination: the spiritual world. Despite having been in ISKCON for so many years (from 13 years of age), I have developed very little devotion to Kṛṣṇa, as am anchored to material attachments which are holding me like a vice. Therefore, on this auspicious appearance day of yours, I implore you to shower your mercy upon me and pardon me for the offenses I have knowingly or unknowingly committed.

Always desiring your loving shelter, I remain,

Yours humbly,

SravanKirtan dasa


Nama Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Preshtaya Bhutale

 Srimate Jaypataka swamin Iti namine

Namo Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura Katha dhama daya nagara gram tarine!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupads,

All Glories to Srila Gurudev,


Dear Gurudev, All glories to your auspicious 71st appearance day. It's really great to see your efforts of preaching and giving mercy to all devotees. You are a real Lion Guru. Almost 10 years have passed for the stroke You have gone through and the fight which You have won is really amazing. And now You are again up-to completion of a new mission of TOVP. My dearmost Spiritual Father, I know very well that according to Srila Prabhupads orders, You will surely complete all His orders. Please bless me Dear Gurudev that I may become a part of Prabhupads mission and try to render service in any insignificant way and make my life successful. Gurudev, please shower your choicest blessings on me and my full family. Please bless my son Yadunandan and daughter Vaishnavi to be pure devotees.

Your insignificant daughter,

SriGaurangapriya dd(diksha)

Sangli, Maharashtra, India.

Dear Gurudev,

Please accept our respectful obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories unto your lotus feet!

Gurudeva, on this most auspicious 71st Vyasa Puja, we seek your blessings on us, fallen souls, for, we know that without your causeless mercy we will never be able to come out of this 'samsara sagara'. Gurudeva, on many challenging times you have showered us with your physical association & soothing words. Its because of which we were able to sail through those tough
times.We wish and hope, we be a nice disciple of yours worth your time.

By your causeless mercy, we are being nicely guided by H.G Caitanya Avatari prabhu & H.G Rasamayi mataji. Although we are totally incapable and inefficient, they are engaging us in many of your services mercifully tolerating our shortcomings. Please bless us that we render those services with the right mood and consciousness so that it pleases you and them.

We are also trying to be engaged in preaching Srila Prabhupada's message in Tiruvallur, a small town near Chennai. Please bless us that this insignificant endeavor bear the intended results and that ISKCON establishes itself as a full-fledged temple in Tiruvallur with dedicated devotees. Please bless all whom we are helping to progress in their Krsna consciousness so that they take up this process and soon get connected with you.

Please bless our daughter, Khishori, whom we begot by your causeless mercy. We are trying to bring her up in krishna consciousness, to the best of our ability. Please bless that she takes this up as life and soul and pleases you always.

Your insignificant disciples,
Gauranga Prasad Das & SriGuru Sevanandi Devi Dasi
New Rajapur Jagannath Dham Yatra, Bangalore.

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhuthale

Sreemathe jayapataka swamin iti naamine

Nama om Acharya padaaya nithai krupa pradayathe

Gaura katha dhaama thaya nagara graama dhaarini


Hare Krishna, My Dear Guru Maharaj and My Spiritual Father,

All Glories to Sree Sree Guru and Gauranga. Shreela Prabhupaad maharaja ki jay.Please accept our humble respectable dandavat obeisances pranam to Guru Maharaaj’s lotus feet.

Calling forth all glories and all victory to Gurudev on Gurumaharaj’s most auspicious 71st vyasapuja.

Guru Mahārāja, You are distributing the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityanand in this world, incessantly, still I am such unfortunate and useless fallen disciple of yours, who failed to get the chance of your association.

But when I get the chance to have your darshans from a distance or from facebook , I feel myself to be truly fortunate, because just by your darshan, you can make my mind, consciousnessbody, and fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Therefore, please bless me so that no matter where you stay, I may always feel your presence in the core of my heart.

I humbly seek your mercy and blessings so that I can continue to serve you eternally at your lotus feet, to be always in the association of devotees, for attentively chanting, for regular book reading, for doing more and more preaching activities in the temple. I am  preaching  some days a week regardless of my hard work.

Please bless me so that I am always engaged in devotional service and spread kṛṣṇa consciousness whereever I go

Your Humble and Insignificant Servant,Please bless me and my wife.

Srikrishna Srikanth Das (Diksha Disciple)

Bhaktha Sasikala (Aspire and well-wisher)


Respected and Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my prostrated obeisances! All glories to your most wonderful self and Srila Prabhupada and all our present and previous acharyas! 

Wishing you fantastic health over this year and in the many many years to come! As the world is going through a crisis like what we are experiencing now, its so much a need and necessity that wise and compassionate souls like you remain here with the human population for many decades to come to guide humanity in the right direction and in the right application of shastras! 

Guru Maharaja, in one of the lectures from the Enlightenment series, you tell that the most important thing one can learn from one’s spiritual master is - how to be a disciple, for the guru is the ideal example of a disciple of his spiritual master. And as one crisis after another engulfs the world at large and also in my personal life as well, your example of the focus on serving the orders of your spiritual master shines forth as the Kohinoor diamond of an example for me to look upon. Every year Lord inspires some aspect of your personality to look up to - and this year - it has been your razor-sharp focus on Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. 

Be it in the ICU or ICCU or cycling or speaking with devotees or Skype conferences or giving Caitanya lila classes or whatnot, you are completely transcendental to the external situations or the travails which material nature and the modes may throw around you. You remain completely transcendental to all this. You are the perfect living example of what Lord Shyamsundar speaks in the Bhagavad Gita - as someone who seeks happiness from within 

yo ’ntaḥ-sukho ’ntar-aaraamas
tathaantar-jyotir eva yaḥ
sa yogii brahma-nirvaaṇaṁ
brahma-bhuuto ’dhigacchati

One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoices within, and whose aim is inward is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme.

Guru Maharaja, the example which you have set and are setting - its for eternity to come! With just a little bit of sickness or self-isolation or breathing difficulties, the human race is throwing so much tantrum. Hardly would the external world know what battles you have fought. How you breathed through the ventilator/oxygen cylinders/intubation pipes, the stomach taps to remove the accumulated liquid, what physical traumas your body has taken and how much people serving you personally have gone through - and how, despite all this, you have come out victorious!!! We all of us, for all time to come,  can look to this person - Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja - who battled and went through the impossible and still is going along in his own internal focus of carrying out the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. As I write of this, some words of Srila Prabhupada, from a lecture on BG 2.2 comes to memory and how much you are a living example of these words…. Both as a disciple and as a sannyasi, for this year marks the 50th year of your sannyasa as well… 

‘So Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, in connection with the verse vyavasāyātmikā-buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana.... Niścayātmikā-buddhiḥ. So Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura says that "The instruction which I have received from my spiritual master, that is my life and soul." This is called niścayātmikā-buddhiḥ, means assurance  "Whatever I have received, the order from my spiritual master, that will give me salvation." Or even no salvation. It doesn't matter. A real devotee, a servant, does not expect anything, but kāryam: "It is my duty. It is my duty." If one takes in such spirit...

Anāśritaḥ karma-phalaṁ kāryaṁ karma karoti yā . Kāryam. Kāryam means "It is my duty. It must be done. That's my duty." Without any result. Anāśrita-karma-phalaṁ. Karma-phalaṁ. Every action, there is a result. Bad or good, it doesn't matter, there must be some result. So anāśritaḥ karma-phalaṁ. Don't take shelter of the result of your work. Generally we work  if the result is very good, then we like to work; if the result is not very good, then we don't like to work. But a devotee should not take...

Anāśritaḥ karma-phalaṁ kāryaṁ karma karoti yaḥ. Do not take shelter of your result of your activities. You must take it as duty. He is sannyāsī. Anāśritaṁ karma-phalaṁ kāryaṁ karma karoti yaḥ, sa sannyāsī. He's actually sannyāsī. A sannyāsī does not become simply by changing dress. No. Sannyāsī means he's to work for Kṛṣṇa, without taking shelter of the result. It doesn't matter. "Kṛṣṇa has ordered, and Kṛṣṇa's representative has ordered. Therefore I have to do it." Kāryaṁ karma karoti yaḥ, sa sannyāsī.’

You are an embodiment of the words Srila Prabhupada has spoken. Whatever may come, you continue on serving the orders which you have received from your Guru Maharaja. 

Guru Maharaja, on one side, is you - who is the huge brilliant shining glowing brilliant Mt.Everest-like example of what a perfect servitor, disciple, celibate-sannyasi, and a Guru should be, and another side is me - and I feel very shameful to even tell that ‘I am a disciple of Srila Jayapataka Swami’, for, I am totally the opposite of the qualities you embellish. I hang my head in shame. With what face would I ever come in front of you. All you have given me is kindness, affection, spiritual wisdom, care, qualities which I could look upon, trusted me by accepting my initiation words of commitment, Holynames, Dham, Deities, Bhagavatam, Caitanya Lila, Srila Prabhupada, Krsna Prasadam, and whatnot… and as a return, even the basic commitments, I haven’t been able to keep up over the last 1 year, forget about the other big things which many stalwart Godbrothers, Godsisters and God-cousins are doing for the parampara. I feel really ashamed but at the same time helpless, strengthless and clueless. 

Guru Maharaja, I am really really sick of this world. We are seeing so many deaths around us. It may appear very selfish what I am asking for - but I just want to get out of this material world. Enough of this place. Its way too complicated. Best of intentions and purely motivated decisions produce an opposite result and honestly, I do not have the strength to be in this world in subsequent births - where things can get more and more complicated and scary. Though I have this negative motivation to be out of this world, I do lack the positive motivation of the higher taste or love for the Lord. I do not want to be a misfit in the spiritual world, but at the same time, I do not want to be here in this material creation as well. Plus there are these mountains of karma to be burnt and fresh karmas accumulating by the day. As I think of all this, and my utter lack of any pure experience of Krsna-prema or Guru-prema or Vaisnava-prema, its a trembling thought and feeling as to what will happen if I don't make it this life. Even the experiences within the spiritual realm have been tough - putting my own convictions down and depriving me of confidence in the spiritual path I have traversed so far. 

Guru Maharaja, as acharyas like you repeatedly teach - this human life is so rare. If I do not make it in this life, I really do not know when, how, where I would again come in contact with the vaishnavas, gurus, the holy kshetras, the lectures, etc etc which I have got in this life. So, please….I do not want to take a chance. I really want to finish it off once and for all in this birth. So, I am really asking you and through you, all the parampara acharyas - both in Gaudiya line and in other lines like Sri, Kumara, Rudra, and even Shankara sampradaya acharyas - please bless me with the ruchi or practical higher taste in the relationship of servitude to Hari, Guru and Vaishnavas. Let bhakti flow in me naturally and let me be a natural lover of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundara, Lord Lakshmi Nrsimha deva, Sri Sri Krsna Balarama, Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara and my wonderful spiritual masters and the vaisnavas and vaisnavis. I really do not have a conviction-realization-based experience of the natural higher taste and flow of devotional sentiments and service in relationships - be it spiritual or material. I don’t have any adhikar, I still have sense-gratifactory desires, and what not - yet, I need this higher taste. I want to get out of this world with a positive motivation not just out of aversion of this world. That’s my prayer to you this year. Please. And please do not forget me. Please. Carry me along out of this world. 

Guru Maharaja, speaking of a realistic positive experience - I did shed some true feelings of tears of gratitude to Srila Prabhupada. Will you please pass it onto him? :) :) :) 

Its for something very trivial but very essential - prasadam/food. As I write this, I am in Sydney. As if the existing entropies in life were not sufficient, moving to a new country was an added mix into the equation. And with the intent to save every single $, spending 10$ for 2 Idlis in an Indian restaurant was a luxury which I could not afford. At the same time, my stomach would literally grumble and for the first time in my life so far, I experienced what hunger really means. The bottom of the stomach at times really ties up in knots and the sound of the burning jataragni could be heard. And in such a context, one devotee friend of mine told me that ISKCON Sydney gives free prasadam morning and evening as it was Srila Prabhupada’s order that no people around the temple should go hungry. So, here I go - in a foreign land, alone and not having tasted proper rice-based food for many weeks... and when I went to ISKCON Sydney to have prasadam - looking at the free plate of food with rice, dhal, sabji, puri and sweet, and on another day - kichidi … I just cried and said a profound ‘THANK YOU’ to Srila Prabhupada and devotees of ISKCON Sydney. Please tell my thanks to him. I have heard you narrate the story of Srila Prabhupada crying in Mayapur seeing hungry people feeding off the thrown leaves - and now, I have a realization of what hunger can drive one to. It was so kind of him to establish the free prasadam program at Mayapur. Not many temples, even in India, give free food. I do not know how many 1000s are there in India, going hungry and looking for their next meal. And you, more than anyone, can resonate with the poor villagers of Bangladesh and Bengal, and know their needs. You know what their life is and how important is food for them. And no wonder did you arrange for the mass Khichdi distribution during Ganges floods and thus, have an eternal place in their hearts. I hope someday, most of our temples in India would distribute free prasadam to the hungry daily. It may/may not produce devotees who would be useful to an individual yatra/project/temple, but for sure - people would never ever forget and be ever grateful to the hand that fed their hungry stomach and would throughout their lives be remembering and feel indebted to Srila Prabhupada and devotees, which would make them dear in the eyes of the Lord. If Krsna so allows, I shall also see what little squirrel seva I can be of in this direction. 

Guru Maharaja, before I forget, please give your blessings to my parents and family members - they have been through just too much just because of me and my lack of spirituality and leadership. 

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja! I hope that - if I would be around to pen an offering to you next year - on both an individual level and on a global level, things would be in a more clearer, brighter and happier setting. You please take care and stay safe!

Aspiring to be your loving servant/son,
praying for higher taste,
with head bowing down in shame,
Śrī Narasiṁha dāsa

Nama om vishnu padaya krishna prastaya bhudale 

srimathe jayapataka swamin iti namine nama acharya padaya nitai kripa

dharine gaura gatha damadaya nagara grama dharine.




      I offer my respectful obeisences to my spiritual father's lotus feet.When i was there at krishna katha desh around 2003 i was blessed to get a side glance of my Guru Maharaj.Im always longing and praying for your causeless mercy unto me. 

     During my Guru's visit at Chaitanya nitai desh i got an opportunity to involve this insignificant soul to engage at your service.

       During my visit to my spiritual father's 69th vyasa puja celebration at mayapur,i had an blissful experience  and im sharing it.I bought some lotus flowers  from chennai for making some garland on the auspicious day and made lotus garland out of it for my spiritual father.Thousands of devotees offered garlands to my spiritual father but during his first show on that day to his devotees he was with that lotus  garland .I was able to experience my  soul's bliss throughout my life when i found it.

        Then the very next day i was blessed with my spiritual fathers prasadam to me from a god brother.when i opened it , i was burst out of tears and it rolled down unconditionally because it was the same lotus garland.Im not able to come out of this incident and my spiritual fathers  causeless mercy on this conditioned soul.

        Again i was mesmerized when i came to know about my spiritual fathers gracious mercy on the thousands of souls by giving shelter to them in bangladesh.

       Until my last breath i request my spiritual father to bless me in engaging this conditioned soul to serve srila Guru Maharaj, srila Prabhupad and all vaishnava acharyas.


Your humble servant (Diksha )

Sri Nikunja Radhika Devidasi

Chaitanya Nitai Desh,India.

Hare Krishna


Dear Gurumaharaj Dandavat pranam

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate Jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine


namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Dearest Guru Maharaja,


Please accept our respectful obeisances on the occasion of your Vyasa Puja. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your dedication and determination to serve Srila Prabhupada while delivering unlimited conditioned souls like us to His mission.


All glories to your auspicious appearance day. We pray to Lord Narasimha Deva for many more happy returns of this glorious day.


Where do we start glorifying your greatness? What qualities do we focus on? Where do we stop the offering? We always remember our previous Acarya Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Maharaja’s words regarding the daily newspaper for writing the pastimes of the Lord. He would say that a newspaper could be printed every minute if someone is willing to print. Similarly if we start focusing on your transcendental qualities, unlimited compassion, ocean of mercy, immovable determination, spiritual leadership, personal example of tolerating physical limitations, developing Temple Of Vedic Planetarium, engaging disciples in congregational preaching, on and on - there is no end. As shouted in unison during the 50th year Sannyasa celebration in Atlanta this year, you never give up any of these. That is why out of your causeless mercy you decided to stay with us – with your diksha/siksha disciples, people who have taken shelter, your god brothers, god sisters, well-wishers one and all. As you humorously say about your blood group – B(e) Positive, you are indicating that everyone should remain positive while serving the Lordships regardless of whatever the condition is – physical or mental. You show with your personal example that no limitation is big enough to stop devotional service. Please bless us so that someday we can get this mood and spontaneously perform devotional service enthusiastically, unconditionally without any interruptions and joyfully for the pleasure of your Divine Grace, the previous Acaryas and the Lordships.


We had the good fortune to have your darshan when you were in ILBS Hospital, New Delhi, and Chennai while waiting for the surgery, recently in Miami on the way to South America and in Atlanta. You were always in the same mood serving the Lordships, spreading Krsna Consciousness, giving help to anyone who needs and asks for it – disciple or not. You make yourself available for everyone. Whenever we meet, you always ask about our welfare and enquire whether we are continuing our services, helping the temple etc. Three months back in December when we went to India for performing our daughter, Sarvani’s wedding you mentioned whom we should contact for any help during the wedding. You blessed the couple before, during the wedding and after - in person and with your messages to both my daughter and son-in-law! You even suggested what temples we should see while staying at Mahabalipuram and inquired again when we met next time in Atlanta. You gave so much mercy to our family members. Our only wish is that you get better more and more to be able to travel and deliver many more souls like us. We also desire and pray to our deities that we get the chance to serve you in our new house as well before or after Panihatti festival this year. We have made all the modifications needed for the bedroom and bathroom to facilitate your visit. Your visit will inspire and bring everyone in Miami Yatra  back to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and our deities Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Brajabihari, Their Lordships Jagannatha, Baladeva, Lady Subhadra and Lord Narasimha Deva. Please bless us so that we remain at your lotus feet and serve Vaishnavas, Srila Prabhupada and the Deities eternally without any offenses.


We remain, your insignificant servants


Sri Radha Vallabha das (diksha disciple)

Jai Sri Radhe devi dasi (diksha disciple)

and family

ISKCON Miami Yatra, FL, USA


Hare Krishna! Gurumaharaj!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Guru and Gauranga!

All Glories to Your Auspicious Appearance Day!

Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances and my insignificant love onto your Divine Lotus Feet of Mercy!



My Heart Is Melting through my Eyes!


Your compassion!

Set us in action!


Love is in the air!

When you are there!


Your Gauranga! Gaurnaga! Gauranga!

Purifies us like Ganga!


Oh Gurumaharaj! You are selfless!

Your association is Priceless!


My heart Is melting through my eyes!

While you narrate the pastimes of pure devotees highs!


You have sowed a desire for Navadwip Mandal Parikrama in my heart!

Bless me so that next year I will take part!


I am worthless to write a glorification on You!

By doing this, my desire to serve you will grow!


Oh Gurumaharaj! Kindly lift me up from these Maya’s checks

Because, I am your unworthy daughter with so many defects


Oh Dear Gurumaharaj! You are so Pure!

Take me out of this despair!



Your useless foolish daughter under the shelter of Your Divine Lotus-feet of Mercy

Sri Rupa Madhavi Devi Dasi (initiated)

New Rajapur Jagannath Dham Yatra, Bangalore.

Lives in Chennai.


Dear Guru Maharaj please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

  Guru Maharaj wishing you a very happy Krishna conscious birthday. Guru Maharaj as your Pranam Mantra says so are your actions in actually giving the mercy of Lord Nityanand to all people from all stratums of society. This is something very unique as your disciples are from a very diverse background. Business professionals, doctors, engineers, politicians, academics, musicians, those dealing with ghosts and spirits, Landlords and so on practically people from all occupations. This actually shows the depth of your  compassion manifesting in preaching and distributing the mercy of Lord Chaitanya to whoever comes forward irrespective of their social background.


Guru Maharaj it was so inspiring to see how you took so much precaution in following the doctors instructions in keeping yourself safe and not traveling for a year. As you expressed it is very difficult for to stay at one place for a long time. It should be difficult for you not to travel especially when you have the fattest passport in the world because of so much travel. But Guru Maharaj you took it very seriously so that you can recuperate fast and then again travel and distribute the mercy. And you rightly did so by going for a there month world tour immediately after finishing one year extra precaution time. This shows your eagerness to reach the conditioned souls and help them become Krishna conscious.


 Guru Maharaj you never complained about your health issues even though there were eight holes in your body during that formidable operation of your lungs and kidneys. Mahawaraha Prabhuji was sharing that how you were in so much pain after that operation that one time you were beating the bed with your hand due to excruciating pain but still you never left us because of your compassion on us and your strong desire to fulfill all of Srila Prabhupada instructions to you. Guru Maharaj you are very beautifully developing the Sri Mayapur project that Srila Prabhupada had so kindly entrusted to you. By seeing your enthusiasm to serve Srila Prabhupada and previous Acharya's we feel so much inspired to dedicate our lives for the movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Guru Maharaj more than 50 thousand disciples have taken shelter under your lotus feet but we still never feel lost in the crowd. Despite of your very busy schedule we could always approach you and have personal audience. Guru Maharaj even after having such a nice environment for developing Krishna consciousness and protection in Iskcon under your lotus feet this wreched disciple of yours keep making the mistakes which are not conducive for Krishna consciousness. I always get carried away by the desire for sense gratification and allurements of Maya in many different forms to the degree that ultimately I find myself in a precarious condition. Last year I joined Brahmachari Ashram and for that opportune moment I waited for many years but ultimately I realized that my motivation to join the Ashram was not service but sense gratification in the form of name and fame. And I was aware of this fact all the while but still I could not stop myself from doing so and the result was, as expected, I could not survive in the Ashram. I had to leave the Ashram immediately after training at the cost of the disappointment of so many people who had so many expectations from me.

During this Ashram training by your mercy I was able to see how much arrogant and proud I was of my education and whatever little I had. I am very much thankful to the trainers and the Lord who kindly exposed myself fully. Now Guru Maharaj again I find myself in a very awkward situation. I feel old to get married and I also have no savings as I didn't plan for marriage so I didn't not save anything. Second challenge is to find a suitable girl who meets the criterian of a devotee and from the same cast as in my family cast plays a huge role for the acceptance in the society.


Guru Maharaj I am also facing another severe challenge. I used to be so much enthusiastic to serve Srila Prabhupada in the beginning of my devotional life but now it's drying up. Now I feel to somehow just finish my number of rounds without doing anything extra. Guru Maharaj this very fallen servant of yours prays at your lotus feet to kindly uplift me from this harmful condition and make me an instrument of your will. Please bless me so that I may always feel enthusiastic to pay heed to every single instruction of yours and act accordingly to serve you in your service to Srila Prabhupada. Jay Guru Maharaj. Jay Srila Prabhupada. Gauranga Nityanand. Hare Krishna !!!


Your insignificant servant,

Sridhar Gaur Bhakta Das


Hare Krishna

              All Glories unto Srila Prabhupada

              All Glories unto Jayapataka Swami Maharaj

Dear Respected Guru Maharaj,

              All glories to your auspicious appearance day Dear Guru Maharaj. Please accept our respectful obeisance. We are very small persons, most fallen souls. If we have done any mistakes while glorifying please forgive us. You have given your body and soul to fulfill the instructions given by your Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada. Till now each and every breath you take to preach love of God head.

              Guru Maharaj with your body condition you keep up your chanting, hearing and preaching. With lot of struggle you travel all over the world to show mercy to the fallen souls and give them highest knowledge which is the actual happiness. By not bothering your health conditions you travel in the midst of different climatic conditions, different food habits, different people. You are such a Great personality, you show much love and compassionate to the fallen souls. You have made 50000 disciples all over the world without considering the sins we have done, just to deliver us from this material world. Taking all our karma, O Guru Maharaj, you are such a wonderful person. You are the definition of pure love.

              There is no blood relation, no family relation, no friendly relation between us and you. But you gave us the highest benediction, which no worldly persons can give, love of Gauranga. You are the Spiritual Father who have inspired many people. You always engaged in Krishna’s service day and night by attending GBC meetings, traveling, preaching, taking care of the devotees, struggling for the accomplishment of Mayapur project which is your Guru’s dream. We are just hankering a dust of mercy under your lotus feet.

               Guru Maharaj, by your causeless mercy previous year Janmashtami celebrations we got new contacts and will start Bakthi Vriksha from coming month. With the help of senior devotees and God brothers and sisters trying to please you by preaching Krishna katha. Four to Five families will be attending Bakthi Vriksha. Please shower your mercy upon these families to advance in Krishna Consciousness. Without your mercy and vaishnavas mercy this would have not been possible. Our son Tattva Darshan does one round of chanting and hear Krishna Katha every day.

Yours in service,

Sriram Iyyappan (Shelter Disciple),

Wife: Divya (Shelter Disciple),

Son: Tattva Darshan,

Sri Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir,

Bangalore, India  



Respected Gurumaharaj,


Hare Krishna. Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your Lotus Feet. All glories to your Divine Grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


On this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja, I am sincerely praying to Lord Nrsingadeva for the quick and full recovery from your illness and for the long duration of life so that many conditioned souls like me will get your valuable association.


It is mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita that Spiritual Master is “Jnaninas tattva-darsinah”.  Spiritual Master has realized the truths about Krishna.  Spiritual Realisations are completely transcendental.  One cannot simply acquire it by his erudite scholarship. Only by submissively hearing from the Guru and practicing those teachings very sincerely, one can understand it.  Gurumaharaj, You are full of transcendental realisations. I realized this recently after reading one of the e-mail from JPS Office Database. The following is mentioned in that e-mail:


“As soon as we let the mind go it’s own way, we are in trouble. We should keep the mind always under the control of the intelligence, according to sadhu, sastra and Guru. Never depend on the mind. The mind will always let us down. But depend on the intelligence, analyzing what the mind is doing. If we are careless, not watching what the mind is doing and just accepting whatever the mind is coming up with, surely we will be in trouble. One has to be dhira(sober), controlling the mind with the intelligence”.


I  admired greatly how Gurumaharaj had explained the most difficult topic i.e., controlling the mind, in a very simple and profound manner. 


Gurumaharaj, recently I got an opportunity to read one of your 1981 lecture. In that lecture, Your Divine Grace had  explained the following wonderful point:


“ Material (ism) mean that which is not – that which is not letting us see Krishna. And transcendentalism (or) spiritualism means that which gives us the association, the vision, and the service – the connection with Krishna”.


Materialism and Spiritualism is a very complicated topic and Your Divine Grace had just explained it in 2 sentences.  I am surprised to see your clarity of thought about the ultimate conclusions of the scriptures and your strong conviction in it.   


Gurumaharaj, your commentary on  ‘Vaishnava ke’  is full of rich transcendental realisations and it is the most valuable contribution for the entire Vaishnava community. I am greatly fascinated to read again and again.


This shows you are the perfect example for “Tattva Darsinah”. I am more and more attracted to studying, understanding and applying your deep transcendental realisations.  Indeed, we are very fortunate to have such a glorious spiritual master.  


Gurumaharaj by your mercy, I have understood from the above e-mail that advancement in Bhakti is not based on some external achievements, it is fully about internal realisations only. That is why Krishna is saying “ mad-gatenantar-atmana sraddhavan bhajate……” .  I am gradually understanding that to what extent one is getting spiritual realisations due to the mercy of Guru and Krishna, to that extent he is advanced in Bhakti.  Gurumaharaj, You are the personification of transcendental realisations.  Please bless this fallen conditioned soul also with your compassionate nature.


From Your personal conduct, I am learning that when Krishna Bhakti manifests in our heart, then our heart becomes softened.  That means we will be able to handle any rough situation in a very magnanimous way or in a very liberal manner and we will be able to excuse anybody’s mistakes.  Because Lord Krishna Himself is possessing these beautiful divine qualities i.e., Daksinah – very simple and liberal, Vadaanya – magnanimous.   Krishna will never reject the conditioned souls at any point of time giving the reason that Jiva wants  to enjoy independent of Krishna.   If Krishna rejects the conditioned souls, then one can never have any shelter in this material world.   Because Spiritual Master has captured exactly the same mood and desire of Lord Krishna, Guru is the perfect representative of Krishna.  This is the meaning of  Krishna’s representative.  Spiritual Master being a confidential representative of Krishna, will never act in any way that will displease Krishna.  We are learning this from the pastime of Lord Vishnu’s handling of Sanat Kumaras in the Vaikuntha gate.   In this pastime, Lord Vishnu is teaching that  “These servants of Mine have transgressed against you, not knowing the mind of their Master”. 

Gurumaharaj, You are attracting everyone by your wonderful transcendental qualities of compassion, very liberal and magnanimous nature. Being your insignificant disciple, I should capture your inner mood as my life and soul.


I heard from one of your personal servant that Your Divine Grace had asked him why     Srila Prabhupada was saying in almost 85% of his lectures that we are not this body, we are spirit soul.  Your personal servant was not able to answer your question.   Your Divine Grace had answered him that “Srila Prabhupada wanted me to understand that I am spirit soul”. After hearing this from him, I am learning your many divine qualities from this particular incident.  That is, you are very humble even in front of your disciple.   This is because you are completely freed from all types of false identifications.  Another quality I am understanding from this particular incident is,  you have taken the instruction of your Guru Srila Prabhupada very deeply in your heart i.e., vyavasayatmika buddhi.   It is not that you are simply saying this instruction but you are exactly behaving as per that instruction i.e., while undergoing your recent major critical surgeries,  you were not at all affected by the health issues and you continued to preach the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with full enthusiasm showing all of us that we are not these bodies, we are spirit souls.  You are the perfect Acharya- one who teaches by example.


Pure Devotee is very dear to Sri Krishna only because of possessing many attractive transcendental qualities.  Gurumaharaj, since you are also possessing many beautiful divine qualities, you must be very dear to Sri Krishna.


Gurumaharaj,  even though I am having many anarthas,  I am very confident that  you will never reject me at any point of time because you have captured the inner mood of Sri Krishna.  So, taking advantage of your compassionate nature, I am sincerely praying to your Lotus Feet that please bless this poor fallen disciple also with Krishna Prem.  


Your insignificant Disciple,





COIMBATORE – 641 014  PH:0422-2574812, 8754955815























Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please Accept Our Most Respectful Obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


All glories to your auspicious appearance day.


This year (between last vyasa puja and this) we were blessed by you twice. Once, we met you in HG Ajita Gopinath Das prabhuji house, where in you blessed our family (prabhu, mother in law and myself, all your disciples) separately with your kind association for 10-15 minutes. At that time, you had asked us whether we would be able to contribute to your e-cultivation and e-counselling projects. We agreed and have given inputs for the same, but somehow that project has not taken off/ we are not fortunate to join.


The second time was when we got one devotee prabhu to meet you with a complaint. It is only your blessings, sharpness and clarity of thought that the complaint was addressed and gave him some relief. Without you Guru Maharaj, this case would have been decided in favour of the other party. Your email wherein you have outlined that brahmacari cannot preach to grihasta, how nivrtti marg devotees should maintain some distance from the pravritti marg devotees was the deal clincher. We are so thankful to you for saving his marriage as well as potentially the relationships of other affected couples who were too scared to come out in the open.

You have blessed us in the past and expressed your happiness with our preaching in IIT Madras. This  year, with your blessings, we have done mass deep daan in three messes in IIT simultaneously, wherein 1800 new students/ staff offered lamps to picture of Lord Damodar with Yashoda ma in one evening. We were inspired and got permission for distributing books outside the same 3 messes for one half of day. In that single day, about 277 maha big books and several small books got distributed in a space of 3 hours.


Guru Maharaj, please reveal to us what are your plans for furthering the preaching in IIT Madras. We had been trying since past few years to integrate the preaching efforts of VOICE and ours in IIT Madras. Please bless us that this may be possible this year. Together, we will become a formidable force and can demand separate mess with vaishnav food (we will offer it) for the students in IIT. We want to foray into separate preaching program for faculty and staff. Kindly allow us/ bless us that this may be possible this year onwards.


By the grace of Their Lordships, we got deities in wood of Sri Sri Radha Krishna manifested without any effort from our side. We want to build a temple within IIT for Their pleasure. We will be going through the process of taking permission from ISKCON & IIT authorities for this in the near future. Kindly bless that this may be possible.


If you have any other plans/instructions for us, please please Guru Maharaj reveal to us. We will be happy to follow your instructions.


Please please take care of your health.


Yours in service,

Srinivas Nitai Das

Radha Rasamayi DD

Dear Gurumahataj

Please accept our respectful obeisance. 

All glories to guru and Gauranga.

We feel so fortunate to submit our homage on the auspicious occasion of your 72nd Vyasa puja ceremony. 

Your causeless mercy is all that holds us on the path of devotion. We were blessed to attend 2020 Nabadwip mandala parikrama in South Indian Group. We were able to feel your matchless mercy and love upon us wherein we were able to render many services in the parikrama. We were also really greatful to you due to whom we were able to hear all Gaura katha in our mother tongue which increased our desire to hanker for Gaura prem. Despite your health conditions you travelled so long to give your valuble association amidst your busy schedule. This shows your extreme love to devotees and how you make yourself available to us.

We beg you to bless us with pure Krishna consciousness and love for Gauranga and steadfastness in our sadhana and service to please yourself, Srila Prabupad, Gauranga and Krishna.

Your insignificant servants 

Sripati Acyuta Das and Saranmukhi Radhika Devidasi


Our Dear Spiritual Father,

Our respectful humble obeisance’s at your lotus feet,

Dear divine grace although we feel ourselves most unqualified to glorify you,

We want to pick a small drop of nectar from ocean  on 71th Vyasapuja by speaking about a greatest vaishnava like you, we get purified.

Dear Spiritual Father you have mercifully came to Bangalore on September 2019 brought all the devotees under one roof together for Preeti Lakshnam festival and you gave wonderful speech on Importance of the six loving exchanges among devotees and showed us practically loving exchange of vaishnavas. It was amazing and inspiring unforgettable days 28 & 29 September 2019 in our life.

We heard from your senior disciples about your divine grace sacrifices, troubles and pain for Srila Prabhupada moment.  Your divine grace negotiated with Krishna to stay here in this material world and carrying all struggles in your shoulder for benefit of conditioned souls and fullfill Srila Prabhupada order. You carry unlimited love for Srila Prabhupada, you shower unlimited love to your God brothers and vaishnavas. It is always affects our heart very deeply, you are always showing practically  jive doya.

Recently we heard amazing past time your preaching in Bolivia it is very inspiring. The amount of risk and pain you take for devotees it is unimaginable for conditioned souls like us.

Dear spiritual father with health issues you have mercifully  travelled to USA, Latin America, UK,  Malaysia, Bangladesh & Peru. In Peru you said that how can I stay big house where as deities live more austere. Its heart touching and brought tears in our eyes.

 Dear spiritual father with your unlimited blessings we are fortunate always surrounded by association of your senior disciples. We always feel and receive your love and care through them. We understand your mood from them. Dear spiritual father as a small attempt to please you we have small manjari program preaching on weekly basis and also we do book distribution during local festivals. On this auspicious day we recommit ourselves to read Srila prabhupada books, Bhagavad Gita & Srimad Bhagavatham  everyday also hear Srila Prabhupada lectures on daily basis and chant minimum 16 rounds. We would like to continue distributing Srila Prabhupada books and damodar program during kartik month.

We beg your blessings at your lotus feet to chant  the holyname of lord understand your mood to serve Srila prabhupada and his mission and we will be a small dust at your lotus feet in distributing Srila prabhupada mercy.

Your loving son & daughter at your lotus feet

Sripati Suresa Das (Diksa disciple)

Vraja Srirupa Devi Dasi (Diksa disciple)

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj ! Please accept my respectful obesances. All glories to Srila Prabupada and all glories to you. 


You are very very special gift in my life Guru Maharaj. I am very blessed to be a disciple of you though I am not eligible. As a offering to you I started small preaching through zoom on your birthday by your encouragement and blessings. Just for your sake I wanted to become good devotee and serve iskcon and Srilaprabupad sincerely  . You make everybody feel very special in your presence. You are a loving father. You are very good, obedient, sincere disciple to Srila Prabupada. You are setting good example how a disciple should be.I will pray to Gauranga for your speedy recovery and good health Guru Maharaj. I have a desire to attend your Vyasa Pooja next year Guru Maharaj. Please bless me that I will be able to come with my family to get your dharshan and blessings. 


Thank you so much for accepting me as your disciple and protecting me always guru Maharaj. 


On this auspicious day I beg you to forgive my all offenses and bless me to serve you eternally. 



Your eternal Servant, 

Sriprada Gaurangi dd

From Hosur 

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all we offer our humble prayers to Lord Sri Narasimhadev for your good health. This year it is inspiring to hear that your Divine Grace have dedicated your Vyasa Puja for Sankirtan, distributing Srila Prabhupada books and spreading the Holy Name. On a general basis people put their heart on such special days for their own life's mission but you are constantly meditating on Srila Prabhupada's mission. All glories to you Gurudev.

So, we as your Spiritual children take our commitment in being a instrument in your glorious mission.

Your Servants
Srivas Krsna Caitanya Das
Kamalakshi Radha Devi Dasi
Bhaktin Vrindhavani
ISKCON Coimbatore


Dear Gurumaharaj, 

Please Accept my humble obediences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Your Divine Grace on the occasion of Your 71st birthday (Sri Vyasa Puja). 

I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev, Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Panchatattva and all our Sampradaya Acharyas for Your long life and good health. Your presence in this world is inspiring thousands and thousands of my god brothers and god sisters for devotional service of Lord Krishna. You are the crown and the victory flag of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON movement. 

I am very proud to take your blessings on this day. Please give me your blessings on this day. Please give me shelther of your lotus feet and to my son Yudhishthir Govind Das,  who is your personal servant. Also, give your blessings to my family and all the devotees of ISKCON,  Dabilpur, Medchal, Hyderabad farm. 


Your humble servant, 

Srivatsa Das

Om Achryapadaya

Dearest Srila Gurudev Please accept my humble respectful humble obeisance’s at Your Lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga


This is very special day for all of us one who have taken shelter of Your Divine Grace, this is Your Vyasa Puja. Your Divine Grace is distributing Krishna prema unlimitedly and making us to remember the Personality of Godhead by delivering so many pastimes of the Lord Sri Caitanya and Sri Radhakrishna even though undergoing so many physical challenges. I inspired by Your unconditional commitments  in Krishna Consciousness and inspiring so many souls like me across the globe without any differentiations, some how other Krishna’s mercy and Your mercy I am being part of Your servants team, intimate association made me more closer to Your Lotus feet and Krishna’s feet, I can share one thing that by observing Your acts towards all devotees never differentiated anyone by words or acts that is not possible in this present age especially when a person situated in highest responsibility of representative of Krishna, Your commitment made You to perfect servant of Guru, HDG AC Bhaktivendanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and The Lordships, it shows how much you have faith on Guru parampara and sastra? I can relate from SB mentions, the servant of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intelligent people should cooperate with them in every respect. By serving the servant of God, one can please God more than by directly serving the Lord. The Lord is more pleased when He sees that His servants are properly respected because such servants risk everything for the service of the Lord and so are very dear to Lord. Bhagavad - Gita (18.69) that no one is dearer to Him than one who risks everything to preach His glory. By serving the servants of the Lord, one gradually gets the quality of such servants, and thus one becomes qualified to hear the glories of God. The eagerness to hear about God is the first qualification of a devotee eligible for entering the Kingdom of God. Every day without fail Your Divine Grace engages us to hear the glories of the lord. I can understand one thing that how much close Your Divine Grace to Lordships by seeing all tremendous achievements, one day I was crossing the Ganges from Navadwipa to Mayapur fortunately I had chance to met a Sanyasi from Gopinath Gaudiya Mutt, as he said Jayapataka Swami is really sent by Lord, otherwise it’s not possible to see present Mayapur like always busy with pilgrims and every day new people are turning towards Krishna. And many of Your Godbrothers have told many times “Jayapataka Swami is Hero”, actually, You are a my real Hero. I was thinking why I love You so much any reason? I came across, without any expectations from any one You love all with deep heartedly, it is true. Please allow me to serve You more and more birth after birth after birth.



Your Insignificant Son,

Srivatsa Syamasundara Dasa

Brahmacari Ashram, Shridham Mayapur.



এই শুভদিনে ,এই শুভমুহূর্তে  শ্রীগুরুদেবের চরণকমলে  দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম  জানাই  ।


গুরুদেব ভগবানের  শক্তিসম্পন্ন প্রতিনিধি হয়ে এ ধরাধামে আবির্ভূত হয়েছেন ।

শ্রীগুরুদেবের লীলা আমাদের মতো অধম , অজ্ঞ ভক্তদের হৃদয়ঙ্গম করা অসম্ভব ।তা না হয়ে  বর্তমানে  আমাদের গুরুমহারাজ শ্রীল জয়পতাকা  স্বামী গুরুমহারাজের যে লীলা চোখে  ভাসে তা কল্পনাতীত ।

গুরুদেব  সম্মন্ধে বেশী কিছু  লেখা বা বলার এ অধমের সাধ্য  নেই  । ওনার লীলা  উনিই বোঝেন  । আমি শ্রীল জয়পতাকা  স্বামী  গুরুমহারাজের শ্রীচরণে প্রার্থনা  করি তিনি  যেন কৃপা করে আমাকে সহনশীলতার শক্তি  দেন ।

দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম  জানিয়ে  আশীর্বাদ  কামনা করি ।



                    শ্রীবিধূভূষণ দাস

নীলকূঠী , বাবুরহাট  ইসকন নামহট্ট জগন্নাথ  মন্দির  , কোচবিহার  ।

Namah om Vishnu Padaya Krishna preshthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamiin iti namine

Namah Acaryapadaya Nitai Kripa pradayine

Gaur katha dham daya nagare graam tarine


Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you.

All glories to your most auspicious appearance day! This day is most auspicious as an eternal associate of Lord Caitanya appeared to save us conditioned souls!

Gurumaharaj just as Lord Ananta cannot fully describe the glories of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, one cannot describe the transcendental glories of a pure devotee like you. Especially a conditioned soul like me. Had you wanted you could have left in 2008 only and many times thereafter, but you stayed just to save rotting souls like me. And if we hadn't gotten your shelter we were going to hell only.

Despite such fragile health and difficult conditions, how can someone travel so much out of utmost compassion for conditioned souls rotting here? For serving Srila Prabhupada, no external difficulty could stop you! This amazes the entire Iskcon, all devotees, everyone who knows you. You are a gift of Lord Caitanya to us, having come straight from the spiritual world. And your mercy knows no bounds.

As for me, it is now that I have actually begun to realize how much I owe you! Had you not accepted me so lovingly in 2016, I was surely going on the path to hell. I could never control my mind & senses, which were completely dictated by lust. And I could never think of a day when I would be actually out of it. I was in the darkest phase, darkest ignorance. How your mercy worked throughout was marvelous. You kept helping me all the time, even without my knowledge. By your mercy I could get back on the right track and now I understand that hadn't it been for you, I would have fallen more and more. I begged you always to help me and You actually saved me so many times after that also as I fell many times afterwards.

You had inspired me to worship Lord Jagannath in a conversation, this instruction actually saved me! Somehow I got the Deities, and although my standard of worship is not high, because of Lord Jagannath at home, so many miracles happened. I got my much needed emotional support and my parents started becoming devotees.

Then you saved me from another disaster in temple. By your mercy and always extended support through your emails, I started doing harinaam sankirtan in temples, which helped me so much to improve further. By your mercy, I could even serve for some time in Srila Prabhupada Samadhi kirtan in Iskcon Vrindavan, which were my best days. In this lockdown period, your simple instructions of attending mangal arti online, doing loud kirtan in veranda, are really helping to stay Krishna conscious. All this proves how powerful the words of the spiritual master are. How much your guidance is valuable even in difficult times! I pray to Lord Nityananda that we may always receive such invaluable instructions from Your Divine Grace which ever help us to improve in our devotional service.

However, till recently I have been unable to follow the instruction you gave me for making new devotees. I apologize to you that I am hardly able to do that. Only little bit preaching here and there. So for this Gurumaharaj I really need your mercy and blessings that in order to serve you in your mission, I can do some substantial preaching and help others becomes devotees, and thereby be of some use to you. And also on this auspicious day, I again beg at your lotus feet to always keep me in your shelter and service. I pray at your lotus feet that I may become a pure devotee, I may be able to chant harinaam constantly, and achieve love of Sri Sri Gaur Nitai, Sri Sri Krishna Balaram, Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar by your grace.


Your insignificant daughter,

Srutipriya Radharani Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna guru maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto lotus feet.

Nama Om vishnupadya krishna prestya bhutale srimate jayapataka swami Iti namine

Nama acharya padaya nitai krupa pradayine.

Gaura katha dhamaya nagar grama tharine.

On account several medical treatment also your  mercy you giving  also mercy andt  care of devotees by giving clases on Facebook.

Gurumaharaj you given faith in krishna by your association and by your glance thier hope that we can advance in krishna consciousness.

Your visit to Prabhupada Radhamadhanmohan, Goura nitai, jaganath baldev subhadra,  made all devotees joyful.  You gave krishna pastimes.

Gurumaharaj bless us that we can done more services and develop servant qualities.

Vande gurum carana vindam

Desiring Always eager to do service at your feet.

Yours servant

Subahu MadhanaMohan dasa


Dear Guru Maharaj ,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories unto you Guru Maharaj,

I am very insignificant to glorify you because you have unlimited qualities, but I am trying to write something in this special occasion of Vyas Puja.

                                                You are Acharyapada who teaches by his own example, you are nitya siddha , pure devotee, you are beyond rules. but you always follow all the details of rules and regulation of  sadhana bhakti even though you are physically challenged. You are practically showing “we are not this body”.

You are distributing the mercy of lord Nityananda to everyone without considering the qualification of the person, always desiring to deliver the  world.

You are creating place of pilgrimage wherever you go, and distribute lord gauranga to everebody. You are delivering the both cities and villages.

When i first came to know about you, in my heart I accepted you my Spiritual Master, I never thought of choosing guru out of many others spiritual masters. When i first show you in Mayapur in your Vyas Puja 2011, i felt like wave of love for Krsna is flowing as you came out of lotus building  and all devotees were chanting loudly “Gauranga, Gauranga...”. i could not stop crying..tears started to flow from my eyes and my voice got chocked up.

Just by your appearance, i was feeling separation from Lord Krsna and lord Gauranga.

I am very fallen and still anarthas are popping up because of past bad samskaras , but I can overcome these anarthas very soon by your mercy.

I want to follow your instruction strictly, as you told me to service in ISKCON Gangtok centre. By your mercy i have developed a desire to do preaching more and more, even though i am not qualified.

I feel pain, when some devotee say your disciples are “daal-bhat” devotees who are only concern in doing sadhana but not expert preachers and leaders. So I want to become expert preacher and leader and help you in some of your responsibilities. This can be possible only by your mercy Guru Maharaj. I want to become pure devotee very soon, so that I can inspire many souls to take shelter of  Krsna.

Please forgive me Guru Maharaj that I couldn’t follow your instructions properly, because of my negligence. But this time I will be very serious and maintain my sadhana strong. And I will always pray to Lord Narsingha Dev for your protection and good health. so that you  deliver the whole world.

                                                                                                                Your fallen unqualified disciple

                                                                                                                                Subandhu Krsna Das.

                                                                                                                                ISKCON Gangtok, Sikkim.

My dear spiritual father Srila Guru Maharaj,

  I offer my most respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet on this most auspicious appearance day of your Divine Grace. All glories to your Divine Grace. I consider myself greatly fortunate to get the opportunity to write this offering for the pleasure of Lord Gauranga, Guru-parampara, Srila Prabhupada and your Divine Grace.

 Guru Maharaja, I want to offer my deepest gratitude to the lotus feet of your Divine Grace for accepting me as your spiritual son. Last year we witnessed your unlimited enthusiasm for preaching. You left no stone unturned to preach all over the world. By Kṛṣṇa's mercy and by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, we are getting this rare opportunity to associate with your divine self. In Kolkata Ratha Yatra festival last year, we got your extremely valuable association in the form of question and answer sessions. Your valuable guidance in the programs dispels all my doubts. By your mercy I am engaged in assisting the devotees in preaching to the youths of Kolkata. I want to thank you for engaging me in preaching. Surely, by your divine empowerment we will be able to catch more misguided youths and turn them into devotees. The ocean of your transcendental qualities is very difficult to describe and I simply beg at this most auspicious day that I can follow your instructions and fulfill your mission being completely dedicated to you by learning from the great example of the life of your Divine Grace.    


Your very insignificant spiritual son, 

Subhamaya Nitai Das (Diksa) , IYF Kolkata

Subhangi Satyabhama Devi Dasi (Palakkad - Kerala)


Nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

Srīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

Namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

Gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Nama Om Vishnu-padaya

Krishna Prestaya Bhutale

Srimate Baktivedanta Swamin Iti Namine

Namaste Saraswate Deve 

Gaura Vani Pradayine

Nirvishesha Shunyavadhi

Paschatya Desh Tarine.


Oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

Cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ


All Glories To Srila Gurudev,

All Glores To Srila Prabhupad.


Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my 

humble respectable obeisances unto your Divine Lotus Feet. 



Dear Guru Maharaj, 


On this auspicious occassion of your vyasa pooja I pray to Shri Shri Radha Madhav Astasakhi,Shri Narasimha Dev, Shri Panchatatva and Srila Prabhupad for your good health and long life.


We are fortunate that we can associate and imbibe your guidance through social media and Facebook. You became more energetic after organ transplant. It is really wonderful to see that your attempt for pronouncing clearly the difficult words which were suggested by the Devotees. You are showing the example of compassion with unimaginable ways. Now all of us are waiting for your dream that you are dancing infront of Radha Madhav. Already you proved nothing is impossible for you.


Your enthusiasm to serve your Gurudev Srila Prabhupada again and again in any difficult circumstances is an inspiration to us.


You are unconditionally showering mercy on every miserable living entity.


Gurudeva please bless me so that I am able to serve better.


Of all Gems Chintamani is rare Gem ,so you are the rarest of the rare, a living example how you are, not the body but the soul who is always in the service mood.


On 1st March 2020 we moved from Mathuradesh to Palakkad, and attending Palakkad Satsang conducted by HG Murali Govinda Das. He is a good Shiksha Guru, preacher and for singing kirtan. Palakkad Satsang all are nice devotees, especially children are very enthusiasticly doing services like Kirtan and assisting in Arati and participating in dance and drama on all festivals. Mathajis are cooking delicious prasadam, doing garlands for dieties. All devotees are engaged in small small services. 

All senior devotees are very humble and they are our role models.Gurudev please shower blessings to all Palakkad Satsang devotees to do more and more service to guru and gauranga.


My Elder son Baktha Pranav, an aspiring devotee of yours, already got engaged with Baktin Swati on 24 th November 2019 and we are planning to conduct their Marriage on 28th June 2020. Kindly bless them to have a Krishna Conscious Married Life.


Our second Son is Subash,working in Mathuradesh, kindly bless him to take up Krishna Conscious seriousely.


Please bless my family members, so we all together can serve you Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada Mission.


Your insignificant servant


Subhāṅgi Satyabhāmā devī dāsī, 

Acyuta Govardhandhāri dāsa,

Pranav and Subash,

Palakkad. Kerala.



nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

nama ācārya-pādāya nitāi kṛpā pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma daya nagara grāma tārine

My Most Beloved Dear Guru Mahārāja,
Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances

All glories to Śrī Guru and Śrī Gaurānga
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda 
All glories to You on the auspicious occasion of your appearance day

It gives me immense joy to get to celebrate your holy appearance day, in spite of all un-favouring situations. Śrīla Prabhupāda and the Lord have been very kind to me to have given me the chance to see you personally and hear from you, serve you in some small way.

I’m unable even to understand the numerous glories that you have, what to speak of knowing them deeply and being able to speak of them.

Your dedication to Śrīla Prabhupāda and love for Śrī Caitanya Mahaprabhu is unparalleled. You always think of how you can fulfil the instructions that Śrīla Prabhupāda gave you. When you take the name of Gauranga, chant the Panchtattva mantra, your ecstatic devotional mood just gets outpoured and everyone drowns within it.

You write in “Vaishnava Ke?”: there are many ways in which a practicing devotee's mind can subtly influence and bewilder the intelligence, entrapping even a seasoned devotee in the spider-like webs of illusion. Devotional service is easy to perform, but it is also easy to be diverted from the path of pure devotional service if one is not careful. Kindly make me understand the import of this statement, not just know it theoretically. At times, I really remain puzzled as to what should be done. When testing situations arise, I’m really put to test and I often fail miserably. My inner subtle desires for sense gratification, name, fame, glory all just gets burst open. Though I talk about and think that I’m practicing pure devotional service, in testing situations, the practice of pure devotional service just goes somewhere else only. I wish to become sincere in the practice of pure devotional service, without having any desire other than to please You, Śrīla Prabhupāda and Kṛṣṇa. Please bless me that I always remain conscious of this and my acts, words be dedicated for this purpose. I feel if I’m able to do this, all other problems would vanish. Please bless me that I be able to perform devotional service without any ulterior motive, without any reservation for anything, with only desire to please the Lord. 

Your insignificant disciple,
Sucāru Murārī dāsa 
(Dikṣā disciple)

nama om vishnu padaya krishna prestaya bhutale

srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine


nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tharine


Dear Guru Maharaj,


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


All Glories to Guru Maharaj


Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet, especially on this Divine  Appearance Day - the most blessed event for us all (your disciples).


I would like to narrate a very recent incident that makes me realize that your are truly my father.  For past several months I have been hearing your lectures and got inspired to participate in the Navadeep Parikrama and hence registered for the 2020 parikrama which happened recently - Feb- March 2020 and I was getting ready for coming over to India. While I kind of packed most of my things I was wanting to get something for you from Toronto which should be of good use to you, while meditating upon this for quite some time, then I thought I would like to take Avocados, as we get real good ones here, but I had not disclosed this to anyone. The next morning I saw a message from HG  Kamala Gopi Devi dasi (my mentor and shiksha guru) asking me to take avocados to Guru Maharaj. I then called up to inform about how I had the same thought in my mind and within few hours I received this message. Mataji then informed that this was a request from Mayapur Dham asking for avocados. I was overwhelmed and just thought of how dear you are - understanding my desire to serve you and giving me an opportunity to serve you as per my thoughts , this is truly amazing. This might sound like a coincidence, but not for me,I understand that My dear Guru Maharaj - my real father knows all about his spiritual daughter's desire. The scriptures say that the spiritual master is a true representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead but I fell like you are antaryami - knowing what is in our heart and mind.


Dear Guru Mahraj - it's by your mercy and blessing that I could attend this year Navadeep mandala parikrama, having the association of pure devotees, listening pure katha / nectar from their lotus mouths and also able to take darshan of Pancha Tattva, Radha Madhava and Asta Sakhis and Lord Narashimadev and Prahalad Maharaj. 


I also attended to your classes every day on the roof top of Lotus building - felt so blessed that I could have your darshan every day from Feb. 26th to March 6th 2020 and listen to katha from your lotus mouth. It's very inspiring Guru Maharaj to see you give katha for your disciples in spite of all the physical challenges, meetings, and various other things you have to do every day. This is really inspiring for me to do seva with love for you and Srila Prabhupada.


With your blessing I have been able to do the following sevas -

Book distribution including Srimad Bhagawatam sets - once or twice a month

Participating in Prabhupada Marathon - mid Nov to end of Dec every year for the past more than 7 years

Having Bhakti vriksha at home on every Fridays

Assisting at the Temple in cooking for the Sunday Feast

Karthik Month - when I get an opportunity to do Damodar aarati in various homes 


I have been chanting extra rounds every day and also circumambulating Tulasi Maharani  for your good health and would like to continue to do this as a seva for you.


I repeatedly beg at your lotus feet to engage me in the seva that you wish to.


Kindly be merciful and bless my husband Prabhudev Ramachandra and my son Abhishek Prabhudev to chant regularly and take to Krishna Conscious seriously. 


I also seek your blessing for my mother Tulasi Bai for the good health as currently she is  undergoing treatment for cancer.


I also request you to give your mercy and blessing for my Father in law to get his first initiation as he has been chanting 16 rounds every day for the past more than 3 years and also reading scriptures and following the 4 regulative principles.


Looking forward to visiting Mayapur Dham every year to have your association and blessings.


your unworthy spiritual daughter


Sucaru Padma devi dasi

New Remuna Dham


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

vande ‘ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaishnavams ca
sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krishna-caitanya-devam
sri-radha-krishna-padan saha-gana-lalita- sri-visakhanvitams ca

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma -tāriṇe



The rotten heart only cries out how GREAT YOU are and how much fallen am i!!

Why did You made me soo close to YOUR " OPEN HEART "?
But i can't serve You even a bit part.

Why did You gave me the HARINAM DIKSHA  BEADS?
Neverthless i have tried to understand THEIR"S MERCIFUL DEEDS!

You made the assurance for us to be soo near,
But forgetting You and Your Great Promise i simply rome here amd there.

You instructed me "oh fallen!You please CHANT ",
Casually my desperate mind replies "now i can't"!

Forcing me to turn towards HARI...
the materialistic mind runs towards a mirage fairy.

Forcing us to concentrate on DEVOTION ,
simply i run to eaen my own reputation!

Demanding from us to help You in satisfying SRILA PRABHUPADA...
Yet me showing attitude of a dumb and deaf"Apadartha"!

Demanding from us to CHANT at least with sincerity;
still i didn't reach the stage of a tinch Humility!

From Time immemorial when You instructed me ro CHANT,OH GURUDEV...
Simply i have cheated You in the name of doing a seva.

From that same point when Leaving JAPA and move from illusion You orders me
to do seva,
Foolishly i reply with ego i will do "JAPA TP PURIFY my ATMA "!

Seeing my fallen condition You mercifully gave me the  chance for BOOK
Just see there also i became engaged after my own sense    gratification!

Seeing this worthless again You gave me so many PURE DEVOTEE"S ASSOCIATION
Again i simply ran for my own"s respect in frustration!

All the time You helped me ~the PURE DEVOTEES TO realize
But desperately my evil mind ran to critisize!

All the time You guided and showed the path for  SELF -REALIZATION
Where i went on earning my own foundation!

Still tolearating me one day You instructed me to wake up
But yet dreaming without knowing on the way the perilious rusted hook to be
Still considering and inspiring me saying "Its time for MANGAL ARATI"
i simply went on sleeping saying "raat aur sapna ab bahut hai baki"!

Finally You let me taste the NECTAR OF SRILA PRABHUPADA "S BOOKS
Leaving those GEMS i ran behind my own Looks!

Finally You have said SRILA PRABHUPADA-"Nothing could be done to this
fallen soul
For she had gone totally out of control!

SRILA PRABHUPADA was the ONE Who could not tolerate Your pain
Scolding me to hold Your LOTUS FEETS and ask for forgiveness in gain.

SRILA PRABHUPADA  yes the only ONE to open my diseased eyes
Making me realize yes "YOU are the ONE Who always rectifies"

Oh! dear GURUDEVA You are the LORD,whom this fallen continuously neglected!
Forgiving those You  have always protected.

Oh!dear GURUDEVA You have dangered Your life even for the sake of this
fallen"s betterment
And on every lives promising me for making my DEVOTIONAL SERVICE'S
upliftment .

let go deep inside my heart and ear;
For You had always consoled "I am with HER"

WHO else rather than You would have come to give us the Mercy of SRILA
And inspiring us us "Never to give up".

Here just in wish to serve ONE Who had always endangered  and wounded HIS
full life for the sake of this fallen's misdeeds and just because you took
all our sins to save us and struggling to make me a PURE DEVOTEE.

Teaching and Inspiring As a Great Acharya without a single complain and
Praying for Yourself ;but letting us with chances to perform PURE DEVOTION.

Letting is understand the Glories of SRILA PRABHUPADA and His Unlimited and
Self -Sacrificed gifts for us and the Mercy.

Of NITAI GAURANGA and the unlimited Love of Self -surrendered LOVE of

To understand the glories of a PURE DEVOTEE Like You is so rare but in wish
to one day get and achieve the NECTARIAN TASTE OF HOLY NAME to become a
PURE DEVOTEE so could release You from all our sins.

So that helping You in "Satisfying SRILA PRABHUPADA "S INSTRUCTIONS",
thus in wish to satisfy You and celebrating the 1st VYASA PUJA  FESTIVAL
after You have given me a new Birth completing me with my Real Identity as
the Servant of REVATI DEVI here cries in wish a most insignificant one to
become an elligilble dust of Your LOTUS FEETS  yours eternal unworthy hint
of servant Sucitrā Revatī a defeated one in a struggle just to make You
happy Eternally.

Yours eternal servant in wish to reside and serve You eternally at Your

Sucitrā Revatī Devī Dāsī

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Presteya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Sarasvate Deve Gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectul obeisances.


You are very merciful. You travel around the world just to fulfill Srila Prabhupada's mission of spreading Krishna consciousness. I am very happy to hear that the TOVP is going to be opened in 2022. I love visiting planetariums in my city and it would be wonderful to have a planetarium in Mayapur. I am looking forward to the inaugration ceremony.


I have read and also heard from senior Vaishnavas that Srila Prabhupada had asked you to develop Mayapur which was just a barren land saying he has given you the spritual world and you were very happy to take up the order. Seeing how the place is transformed now shows your dedication and love for Prabhupada. We have a beautiful Chandrodaya Mandir, green pasture of lands, other temples related to Lord Chaitanya's pastimes and much more. Every year I look forward coming to Mayapur for your vyasa puja during my summer vacation.


I am also reading Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita and when I reached the 4th book, I was very excited when I saw that you were part of it. I also like reading you Kripa Bindu Diya book released every month. Please bless me that I can become a good devotee and I can take up more service in Sri Jagannath Mandir , Bangalore.


Hare Krishna

your servant,

Sudarshan S


om ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

caksur unmīlitam yena tasmai śrī-gurave namah

nama om vishnu-pādāyà krsna-presthāya bhū-tale śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kripa-pradayine gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagar-grāma tarine.

my dearest Guru maharaj  !

Please accept my humble obeisance at the dust of your devine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupad and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.

With  your mercy I do decoration seva and I organize pilgrimage in  our namahatta . 

She does prasadam cooking in namahatta.

At your 71 st vyasa puja ,we hope your health will be better and  you will continue to follow srila prabhupada's footstep to spread krsna consciousness all over the world .

We are praying to krishna for wellfare of you by chanting one round extra and doing tulsi pradikshana 4 rounds  daily .

We do magala arati, gaur arati everyday with our children. 

You are the source of inspiration and spiritual strength for us Guru Mahārāja.on the auspicious occasion we beg your blessing that  we can contribute more service at your lotus feet and help you in spreading the message of Lord Caitanya so that   we can always stay protected under your divine shelter and guidance of  our śīksa guru .

Please forgive me Guru Maharaja,if  we have committed any offences in writing this offering. 

All Glories to your Holiness 

All Glories to śrila prabhupāda

All Glories to śrīGuru and Gaurānga

Your spiritual children, 

Sudarshan sutar(Sheltered)

Golap sutar(Sheltered)


Natives of  Balasore,Odisha

Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau Jayatu! 


Namo Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Preshthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine । 

Nama Om Acharyapadaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhamodaya Nagar- Grama Tarine ।। 



My Dear Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my respectful humble obeisances unto Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My Dear Gurumaharaj, I have no qualification to glorify You. Please allow me to do that.

      Gurumaharaj I am not able to express my feelings when I'm trying to glorify You. You're always protecting me from danger. You're always protecting my consciousness. Sometimes when I feel that nobody is caring for me, suddenly Your face and lotus feet float in front of my eyes. I feel secure. You're always caring for me, though I'm unable to give value for that. Dear Gurumaharaj, I received lots of prasadam on the day of Rama navami. One Mataji came and gave those packets of Khaja, Cake, Samosa and delicious Chanachur to me. I was wondering who else can do that, must be My Gurumaharaj. I was right. You're so caring, You take so much care for us. Please don't leave my hand Gurudev. I really want to serve You and Srila Prabhupada. Please keep showering Your causeless mercy. I'm really needy to get Your mercy. Srila Prabhupada has written an offering poem to Om Vishnupada Srila Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada. He mentioned “ Jiva Kalyane Tava Abadan Jagate Ghosito Aaj / Tava Sri Charan Amar Jivana Gurudev Maharaj “. Please bless me so that I can always carry Your lotus feet in my heart and accept Your lotus feet as my life . Please bless me so that I can help You in Book Distribution. Thank You so much for accepting me as Your disciple. Please bless me so that I can really understand that. Kindly forgive me for doing so many offences unto Your lotus feet and bless me so that I can serve you forever. 


Your insignificant and worthless servant, 

Sudevi Jayashree Devi Dasi

(Diksha) Katwa, India

গুরুমহারাজ কৃপা করে আমার এই বিনীত  নিবেদন  গ্রহণ করুন
আমি গত বছর বাংলাদেশ
ভ্রমণ করতে গিয়ে, ঢাকা  স্বামীবাগ মন্দিরের শ্রী বিগ্রহ দর্শন কতে যাই ।
সেখানে গিয়ে খুবই ভালো লেগেছে ।      সবাই খুব ভালো, ওখানকার ভক্ত বৃন্দ।
ওনাদের চরণে শতকোটি প্রনাম আমার ।                               সন্ধ্যা
আরতির পরে, দেখা করতে যাই শুদ্ধ বৈষ্ণব ও মন্দিরের পরিচালনায় যিনি, ওনার সাথে,
উনি সর্ব সময় খুব ব্যস্ত থাকেন,তবু ও আমাদের সময় দিয়েছেন ওনার মূল্যবান সময়
থেকে কিছু সময়,,,।তিনি হলেন পতিত উদ্ধার দাস ব্রহ্মচারী প্রভু,,,।প্রভু আমাদের
শুনিয়েছেন গুরুদেবএর  লীলা,গুরুমহারাজ অন্তরযামী,,সেই সত্যি প্রবচন ।
গুরুদেব বাংলাদেশ দীক্ষা দিতে স্বামীবাগ মন্দিরে গিয়ে ছিলেন  সাল কত ঠিক মনে
পড়ছে না আমার,,।।
ওখানকার এক ভক্ত তার সহধর্মিণী কে সাথে নিয়ে গুরুমহারাজ কে দর্শন করতে
আসেন ,দীক্ষা নিতে নয়, দীক্ষা নেওয়ার মতো উপযুক্ত ছিলেন তিনারা, মন্দিরে
যাওয়ার পর গুরুদেব কে দর্শন করলেন । গুরুদেব বললেন দীক্ষা নিতে এসেছে?  তিনারা
বললেন না গুরুদেব, । গুরুদেব বললেন কেন? উনি বললেন আমার মায়ের অনুমতি নিয়ে
আসিনি গুরুদেব,, মায়ের অনুমতি না নিয়ে আমরা  দীক্ষা নিতে পারব না, মা শুনলে
কষ্ট পাবেন মনে ।   গুরুদেব বললেন তোমরা দীক্ষা নেওয়ার মতো উপযুক্ত, তাহলে কেন
নেবে না?,  উনি বললেন গুরুদেব,,, মা কে তো বলেনি দীক্ষা নিতে এসেছি, আর তখন
গুরুদেব বললেন দীক্ষা তোমরা নাও,  মায়ের অনুমতি আমি এনে দেব,তোমার মায়ের
অনুমতি আমি নিয়েই তোমাদের দীক্ষা দেব ।।         

তারপর তারা দীক্ষা নিতে
বাধ্য হলেন। দীক্ষা নেওয়ার পর তারা বাড়ি ফিরেআসে।মনে ভয় নিয়ে মাকে কিভাবে বলবে
দীক্ষানেওয়ার কথা?,,,,,সকাল সকাল বাড়ি গিয়ে ছিল , তক্ষুনি কেউ ওঠেনি, মা ও ,
তার পর চুপ চাপ তিনি ঘরে গিয়ে বসে একটু  বিশ্রাম নিতে গেলেন ।মাতাজী ভাবলেন
কাজ শেষ করে স্নান করে , মঙ্গল আরতি করবেন । মাতাজীর কাজের শব্দে ঘুম থেকে উঠে
পড়ে শাশুড়ি মা।
ছুটে এসে বলে বৌমা তোমরা চলে এসেছে? গুরুদেব তোমাদের দীক্ষা দিয়েছেন? বৌমা খুব
ভয় পেয়ে গেল, মনে মনে বলতে লাগলেন উনি কিভাবে জানলেন? ভয়ে ভয়ে বললেন মা আমি
কিছু জানিনা, আপনার ছেলে সব জানে, ছেলেকে বলুন,,,,,,,,,,,,,মা ছুটে যান ছেলের
কাছে  , কিরে তোদের দীক্ষা হয়ে গিয়েছে? চিৎকার করে কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মা বললেন? বল
,,,বল    তোদের দীক্ষা হয়েছে কি না? ।
ছেলে তো অবাক !!! মা তুমি জানলে কিভাবে? আমাদের দীক্ষার খবর?    মা দৌরে গিয়ে
পাশের ঘর থেকে নিয়ে এলেন গুরুদেব এর একটি চিএ পট , ছেলেকে বলে দেখ দেখ এই তোর
গুরুদেব না?,,,। ছেলে বলে হ্যা মা তুমি জানলে কিভাবে?        মা কাঁদতে কাঁদতে
বলেন কাল রাতে উনি এসে ছিলেন আমার কাছে  ,তোদের দীক্ষা নেওয়ার ,,,অনুমতি নিতে,
আমি অনুমতি দিয়ে দিয়েছি ।                ততক্ষণে ঘুম থেকে জেগে উঠছে বাড়ির
বাকিরা,    সবাই বলে মা ঘুমের মধ্যে  রাতে খুব কান্না করছিল   ।বুঝতে পারছিলেন
না কি হয়েছে মায়ের, আর মা ও কিছু বলছেন না,  সুধু বলেছিলেন সব সকালে ঘুম থেকে
উঠে বলবেন,,,।এই জানতে পারলেন সকলেই রাতে মায়ের সাথে কি ঘটে ছিল, তার পর থেকেই
বাড়ির সকলেই এখন শ্রীল জয় পতাকা স্বামী গুরু মহারাজের শিষ্য,,,,,,,,,   ।
সকলেই বলুন অন্তরযামী  পতিত পাবন শ্রীল জয় পতাকা স্বামী গুরু মহারাজ
প্রভু এবং মাতাজী ছিলেন আমার আত্মীয়,,,হরিবোল ।

                                 ইতি -
                আপনার কৃপার আশায়।
                 সুদেবী কৃপাময়ী দেবী দাসী

namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

namaste saraswati deve gaura vani pracharine

nirvisesa sunyavadi paschatya desa tarine


Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your Lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to you on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja.

This is my first offering unto you after my initiation Gurumaharaj. I want to convey my sincere gratitude to you for accepting me as your disciple, it definitely was the most blissful and memorable day of my life .I feel so very fortunate to have you as my spiritual master Gurumaharaj. It is by your mercy that i am somehow able to render some devotional service in the association of wonderful devotees, despite having so many anarthas in me. Requesting you to please bless me Gurumaharaj, so that i can give up my anarthas and remain a humble servant to all the devotees.

I try to listen to your lectures everyday on Facebook Live, and i'm so grateful to have your valuable association that way Gurumaharaj, despite your busy schedule you make it a point to come Live each day and inspire so many of us and give us the opportunity to relish the nectarean pastimes of Mahaprabhu, it is definitely something that i look forward to each day Gurumaharaj.

I am in my final semester of Engineering Gurumaharaj and i am going to pass out this June, and enter work life. It's all gonna be so new and it seems scary entering this new phase of my life Gurumaharaj, but at the same time knowing that i have your blessings and the association of wonderful devotees, i have faith that it'll all be fine. Please bless me Gurumaharaj, to continue my devotional practices in this new phase of life as well.

Lastly i would like to say that,my mom(Ishani Rukmini dd) ,dad(Ishwara Parama Krishna Das) and i have a desire that one day our whole family can together serve Guru and Gauranga and therefore,i request you to please bless my elder brother(Suraj) and also pray for him. As he is not involved in Krishna Consciousness much but he is supportive of us following the process. So, please bless all of us Gurumaharaj, for it is by your mercy that fallen souls like us can be uplifted. 

Thank you Gurumaharaj!


Your insignificant daughter,

Sudevi Sunayana Devi Dasi (Diksa),

ISKCON New Rajapur Jagannatha Dham,


Dear Gurumaharaj,

Hare Krsna!

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Wish you a very happy and blissful Vyasa Puja. Thank you, Gurudeva for all the care and concern you are showing on me and my family members. We are very much indebted to you. When you came to Bangalore last year, we had a wonderful association. It is only by your causeless mercy that we are still into the Krsna conscious process. I don't have any qualification, but it is only by your causeless mercy that I am surviving. 

"jogyata vicare kichu nahi pay, tomara karuna sara"

It was very wonderful to take your association when you came to Bangalore in 2019. As always you have been so inspiring. With all the health challenges, you are giving mercy to all of us. When I was going through tough times, your mercy was always there with me. You are a very caring spiritual father. 

I have a target this 2020 of achieving double the target of whatever I had at the beginning of this year. I need your blessings for the same. The target is to come out of my anarthas, to become dear to other devotees, to do more loving devotional service,  to get my sadhana stronger and few other personal things too. Requesting your blessings for the same, Gurudeva. By your causeless mercy, I have been doing Srimad Bhagavatam classes in the Kannada language. this is one good example of your mercy where I am doing it in a language in which my proficiency is not so great. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Thank you for inspiring my children Gautham and Kaushikh in the devotional service. Please give them your mercy so that they can surrender unto your lotus feet and take initiation from you.

Praying every day to Sri Narasimhadev for your speedy recovery,

I remain your useless servant,

Sudhamayi Chitra Devi dasi

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Presteya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Sarasvate Deve Gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my respectful obeisance.

On this glorious occasion, seeking your blessings to improve on my devotional activities.  I feel your presence whenever and wherever needed and wonder to myself how is it even possible. I read lot of your old past times from HG Haridhvani mataji’s post on fb which makes me feel we are in the golden era for having got your shelter. It also makes me feel guilty thinking there is so much to do to even make us worthy of being your disciples.

We feel fortunate for being part of this movement. We have been cared for, guided by so many of your senior disciples which makes us feel we should bring many more souls to get advantage of this wonderful opportunity. You never miss to give us darshan or classes on fb however hectic your day may be is something I keep reminding myself when I give reasons for not doing any of my duty. Your attention to detail is something I witnessed when we gave you a presentation during your recent visit to Bangalore and then enjoyed/relished many related past-times from senior devotees on the same.

I was fortunate to have your darshan in my dreams few times which I would cherish for lifetime. One such dream was I was travelling with you in train and you accompanied me throughout the journey and took me to a place I have never seen before. You assured me everything will be fine and blessed me on my head and that moment I stopped hearing everything from one side of the world and started hearing the other side. There were so many acharyas discussing something. You kept saying, this is it, you will be fine. I did not understand what this dream meant but I felt so good in the dream that you are WITH ME. This reinforced your words that the relationship between the disciple and the Spiritual master is eternal and made me feel so safe and secure

Thank you for everything Guru Maharaj. Praying to Sri Radha Madhav, ashta sakhi, Narasimhadev and panchatattva to keep us engaged in your service.

Your humble servant,

Sudhamayi Haripriya Devi Dasi

Respected Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my prostrated Obeisances unto Your Divine Grace. All glories to Your Divine Grace and to Srila Prabhupada.

This 71st Vyasa Puja is very unique as mentioned by HH BHakti Purushottam Swami Maharaja in today morning class. In trying to understand YDG divine qualities , I observe that  You have  so much love and want to reciprocate with devotees and especially when they are from Bangladesh. Many years before, early 2000, I got to be personally present with You in Vrindavan during Kartik month. U were sitting outside of Srila Prabhupada Samadhi during closing Darshan time around 8:30 pm. And then some Naam Hatta devts came and offered Obeisances unto You and enquired, where they r from and when they said from Bangladesh... immediately Your face brightened.. asked them...where do you all stay, how many have come. And then suddenly You  got up and siad... let's go... in few minutes we were in that noisy tuk tuk 3 wheeler and I barely managed to hang on outside of the vehicle. We reached the staying place of the devotees and then one of the devt got down and rushed inside the dharmashala loudly in Bengali....Guru Maharaj has come...Guru Maharaj has come...Since it was around the devotees had rolled out their mats and were resting... IMMEADIATELY they all got up rolled up their individual mats and put them against the wall, some one entered the bathroom and poured one bucket of water on his head and came back to wipe and wear dhoti to open the Altar with Sri Gaura Nitai Deitys. another set up the mats and asana for Guru Maharaja & HH Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja. with  60-70 devotees sitting in front. Then the Hulu dhwani started and continued for several minutes. then Guru Maharaja looked at me and  said..."you translate to English for Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, I shall speak in Bengali."( I had not done this b4).

I remember Guru Maharaja opening statement. He said it's so nice and am fortunate to be here in Vrindavan during Kartik and being with you all nice devotees. Another round of Hulu dhwani started. Then one elderly devt got up and said - we are even more fortunate to have Your merciful Darshan in Vrindavan during Kartik month. Guru Maharaj was all smiles with beaming face and smiling eyes. And You went on to speak about Lord Chaitanya Lila in Vrindavan.

This reciprocation I still remember and I understand Guru Maharaja why You have so close relationship and are merciful to this Yatra.

Another Divine quality I observe and admire is that Your Divine Grace is prepared to sacrifice or shuffle Your daily sadhana schedule just to give Sanga and mercy to the devotees and to be with them wherever You are . I heard this instance  from a Bonafide source. You had come to Tirupati  temple for a festival for 3 days and on the 4th day You were to go to the next destination. Since You could not personally meet the local devts in the last 3 days on the day of departure, during Japa time You met the devts for personal Darshan,etc and after morning class and  breakfast  You left for Chennai. When You settled down  for the long drive....then a devt in the car tried to start a conversation with You. Then You said....I have sacrificed my morning japa time and met the no more discussion..I need to do my japa.. You then chanted Japa.

So I can understand How much You are  eager to give out mercy and Sanga to the devts by sacrificing Your regular  Sadhana schedule and in fact  had once said, If I don't meet devts waiting outside my door...where will they go..who  will take care of them. 

These are some of my observations of Your Transcendental qualities.

Today I on behalf of family members, Your Naam Hatta devotees & disciples  dedicated to Your mission here are depending upon Your mercy & guidance and pray at Your Lotus Feet that we be always  sheltered even life after life at Your Lotus Feet and  try to be an instrument in Your mission to fulfil Srila Prabhupada's desires.

Your insignificant servants,

Sudhīra Caitanya dāsa alongwith Your Anugas.

Dear Guru Maharaj

Nama  om vishu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine

Nama archarya padaya nitai kripa pradayane

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarini


Hare Krshna Guru Maharaj


Firstly me,  wife  and family wish to take this opportunity to wish Guru Maharaj  all glories to your auspicious 71st Vyasa Poja. 

The whole world has come to a stand still and lock down due to Covid 19 pandemic  with so much of suffering etc. 


On top of that for past few years Guru Maharaj have gone through so much of suffering and health problems  due to sins of your disciples. However, you are are very focus and still remain a pillar of strength and endeavour to fulfill all the instruction of your spiritual master, His Divine Grace AC Bhakti Vedanta Swami  Srila Prabhu pada, even during crisis time as mentioned above. Our prayers are 

 Guru Maharaj's health would improve and you would be  always protected by Narasinga Dev. 

Please give us your mercy and blessings Guru Dev and the shade of your lotus feet in order to allow us to continue this journey in Krishna Consciousness and continue to remain in Iskcon due to so many challenges and our own shortcomings etc.. Please forgive us Guru Dev for all sins knowingly or unknowlings.


Hare Krsn . Sri Jayapataka Swami Guru Devi Ki Jai. 


Your insignificant servants

Sudhir Sundar Das 

Nama Nista DD, 

Nameshvar Rao, Suhita Shaha, Lila Madhuri 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj 

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet 

Since 2010 I know you and I have witnessed ups and downs of your health condition. After coming to Mayapur in 2011-12, I use to hear about you from my counsellor HG Srinivas Gopal prabhu and HG Brajraj Kanhai prabhu about your heroic services for Srila Prabhupada like your endeavour to establish Sridham Mayapur during communist government in West Bengal guarding the property of ISKCON by making patrolling groups, saving the villagers during flood and many more. Even from my immature point of view, I use to see you as a hero without knowing the spiritual services you are rendering to the movement. 

When I came to know about the importance of Guru Shishya parampara, then i realised that dedicated disciple can only become an authorised Guru.

I pray to you and through you to all the previous acharyas that kindly enable me to give best possible service to the movement and to Sridham Mayapur. 

Your servant 

Sukhi Achyuta Das 

Respected Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda

On such auspicious day of your appearance day, I would like to offer my gratitude, for your wonderful example of how to remain Kṛṣṇa conscious, despite ongoing difficulties, by always participating in saṅkīrtana-yajña of this Age.

how by living a surrendered life to the will of guru and Kṛṣṇa, one can surpass all obstacles in terms of physical or emotional challenges, created by material energy - is what anyone can learn from your wonderful example.

Example speaks louder than words and you always set a wonderful example for all of your disciples and well-wishers.

Thank you very much Guru Mahārāja for your association and please pray for us so that we can follow your example.

Your spiritual daughter,

Sukiśorī Viśākha devī dāsī,
Noida India

ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ অষ্টতরশত শ্রীমৎ জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ আজ যার কৃপায় আমরা অজ্ঞান অন্ধকার থেকে জ্ঞান লোকে অর্থাৎ ভগবান শ্রীকৃষ্ণই যে আমাদের নিত্য সেবা করাই আমাদের পরম কর্তব্য ,  এটি জানার সৌভাগ্য লাভ করেছি। সর্ব প্রথমে আমি তার শ্রীচরণ কমলে অসংখ্য দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন জানাই এবং ৭১তম ব্যাস পূজা আবির্ভাব তিথি উপলক্ষে গুরুমহারাজকে অনেক অনেক দন্ডবৎ প্রণাম নিবেদন করি এবং অনেক আন্তরিক প্রীতি ও শুভেচ্ছা ,এবং অনেক ভালোবাসা। 



      পতিত পাবন শ্রীল,                জয়পতাকা স্বামী

                                গুরু  মহারাজ।

     ওহে গুরুদেব ,                  তব শ্রীচরণে রাখিবে

                       মোকে জনম জনমে।।

      শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ-কথা,                         হয় নিত্য তত্ত্ব

                    মোর  এই  দৃঢ় বিশ্বাসে ।

      পাশ্চাত্যদেশ শূন্যবাদী,      দুরাচারী-মায়াবাদী

                     উদ্ধার পাইল তব দয়ায়,

       প্রভুপাদ দয়াকর,           কৃষ্ণভক্ত এবার কর

              তব দয়ায় অসম্ভব সম্ভব হয়ে যাবে।।




                          শ্রীমতী     সুলেখা রাধাদেবী দাসী।।।।।

Dear beloved gurumaharaja,

I offer my humble obesiances unto your lotus feet. I am so fortunate that with the mercy of vaishnavas and H.G.Amritesh Krishna Prabhuji I such a fallen soul who got a guru maharaja like you. You are very caring for your disciples and you really love ur disciples very much. I want to please you by doing the services which you like the most like preaching, serving vaishnavas etc.Please bless me guru maharaja so that I will be able to serve you the best of the best and I want to do further advancement in my devotional grahastha life with the mercy of you. Get well soon guru maharaja..Gauranga!!!!!!!! 

Yours loving daughter-

Sulocana Visakha Devi Dasi


Dear Guru Maharaj,

        Please Accept My Respectful Obeisance. 

        Thank you so much, for very mercifully accepting me, other than you there is no place for me. Whatever good fortune, good quality or any good in my life is there it is because of your mercy.

        You left all your luxuries life only to serve Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. You always thought by example by building mayapur, mayapur temple, expanding ISCKON movement to far corners of world. you are the source of inspiration for all of ISKCON devotees.

      Your darshan even for the moment gives so much inspiration. Your daily lectures over facebook gives us so much spiritual blessings.       

      When even I travel to near by city also I m so feel tired, then I just try imagine how much trouble you take for serving krishna and fallen souls. You travel so many places... and devotee of each place feel so much intense inspiration and get all good fortune by your association. 

      You always preach regardless of your physical condition whether in hospital or travelling or giving lectures in facebook. 

         I m trying my level best to preach whatever I know, I m helping in conducting bhakthi vraksha, under the guidance of the your Sri Jagannath Mandir Bangalore temple. I also served under book distribution program during december book marathon. I attend every sunday program and festivals, chant my rounds and try to read.

         I still remember how painful and difficult my life was before i got krishna conciousness, by your mercy. My financial state and my health ( i had facial paralysis) everything was bad. its only your mercy through ur disciple i got Krishna conciousness which removed all distress.

         Guru Maharaj, you are our only shelter please keep us enaged in service and keep as at your lotus. There is no good qualities in me, nor I m skilled in anything or have any intelligence. Please keep us at ur lotus feet enaged in prabhupada mission. Please bestow me with pure devotion to Guru and Guranga.

Your insignificant servant,

Sumadhura Gopal Das


হরে কৃষ্ণ গুরু মহারাজ

আপনার ৭১ তম ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে আমার প্রণাম গ্রহণ করুন।

নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় পেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে

শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীন ইতি নামিনে

নমো আচার্যপাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়িনে

গৌর কথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয়

      হে পতিতপাবন গুরু মহারাজ আপনার গুণগান করার যোগ্যতা আমার নেই।

        কারণ আমি হলাম আপনার অযোগ্য আর নিকৃষ্টতম সেবক। আপনি কৃপা পরায়ণ হয়ে আমার মতো পাপি , অধম, দুরাচারী অপরাধীকে নিজের চরণ কমলে আশ্রয় দিয়েছেন এবং কৃপা প্রদান করছেন। তাও আমি এত নিচ ও পতিত যে আপনার এই অমূল্য উপহারের মূল্য না বুঝে অনবরত অপরাধ করেই চলেছি। আপনার শরীরের এত কষ্ট ও যন্ত্রণার মূল কারণ আমার অপরাধ প্রবণতা। আপনি আমার স্বপ্নে অনেকবার এসেছেন কিন্তু আমি এত পাপী যে স্বপ্নে কি উপদেশ দিয়েছেন তা বুঝতে পারিনি। আমি এত পতিত  যে 2014  সালে যখন আপনাকে মায়াপুরে প্রথম দেখি তখন আমি আপনাকে চিনতেও পারিনি যে আপনিই আমার পারমার্থিক পিতা।

       আপনি শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের জয়ের পতাকা এবং শ্রী চৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর সেনাপতি ভক্ত যিনি যে কোন অবস্থায়, যে কোনো স্থানে, যে কোনো সময় কৃষ্ণভাবনামৃত আন্দোলন জন্য প্রস্তুত এবং কখনোই যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র ছেড়ে পালিয়ে যায় না।

       হে গুরু মহারাজ আপনি এত শুদ্ধ ভক্ত যে আপনার গুরুভ্রাতারাও  আপনাকে নিয়ে গর্ব করে ও খুব ভালোবাসে। যখন আমি ভক্তিচারু মহারাজ, রাধানাথ মহারাজ বা অন্য যে কোনো মহারাজের দর্শন পাই তখন আমি তাদের কাছে প্রার্থনা করি, তারা যেন ভগবানের  কাছে পার্থনা করে আপনাকে সুস্থ করে তোলে । কারণ আমি জানি তারাও আপনার মত শুদ্ধ ভক্ত।

        হে আমার প্রিয় গুরু মহারাজ আপনার "ঝম্পু" গুলো আমার খুব ভালো লাগে। আমার এই গুলো আপনার কাছ থেকে নিয়েনিতে ইচ্ছে করে  কিন্তু কিভাবে আপনাকে বলব সেটা আমি জানি না এবং আমার ভয়ও করে। আমি বিশ্বাস আছে আপনি ওই "ঝম্পু" গুলো এক দিন  নিশ্চয়ই আমাকে দিবেন প্রচার করার জন্য। কারণ আপনি খুব দয়ালু।

       হে নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়িনে আজ আপনার ব্যাস পূজা শুভ দিনে আপনার কাছে অনুরোধ যে, আমি যেন কোনো দিন আপনার পাদপদ্ম থেকে বঞ্চিত না হয়। জীবনের সব পরিস্থিতিতে আপনার চরণে আশ্রয় পাই। কারণ আপনি আমার জীবনের নায়ক। এবং সারা জীবন আপনার  এবং  প্রভুপাদের সেবায় নিয়োজিত থাকতে পারি।


আপনার অকাজের সেবক

সুমন শীট(চরণাশ্রিত)

দুর্গাপুর, ভারত।






নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণু পাদায় কৃষ্ণ প্রেষ্টায় ভূতলে। শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামী নীতি
নামিনে। নমো আচার্য পাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়েনে। গৌর কথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম
৭১তম ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে হে গুরুদেব আপনার শ্রী চরণে আমার সহস্র কোটি প্রণাম।

হে গুরুদেব,
      তুমি রয়েছো গুরু পরম্পরা ধারায়, তাই তো আজও শুদ্ধ কৃষ্ণ নাম বহিছে
পৃথিবীতে নীরবিচ্ছিন্ন ধারায়।

হে গুরুদেব,
     তুমি করো সর্বত্র
কৃষ্ণ নাম প্রচার -
  তোমার কৃপায় মানব জাতি
          হইবে উদ্ধার।

হে গুরুদেব,
    তোমার শ্রী চরণে প্রার্থনা করি বারে বারে ----
     সর্বদা তোমার বাণী থাকে
          যেন মোর স্মরণে।

হে গুরুদেব,
     তুমি তো করুনার সাগর
           তোমার বাণী শুনে
   ধন্য হয় মোর কর্ণ কুহুর।

হে গুরুদেব,
      তোমার চরণে করি আত্ম সমর্পন ----
       তুমি আশীর্বাদ করো মোরে, যেন উন্নতি হয় মোর পারমারথিক জীবন।।

জগৎ গুরু শ্রী শ্রীমত জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ কী ----জয়

পতিত পাবন শ্রী শ্রীমত জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ কী ---জয়

                 হরিবোল...নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণু পাদায় কৃষ্ণ প্রেষ্টায় ভূতলে।
শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামী নীতি নামিনে। নমো আচার্য পাদায় নিতাই কৃপা প্রদায়েনে।
গৌর কথা ধামদায় নগর গ্রাম তারিনে।।
৭১তম ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে হে গুরুদেব আপনার শ্রী চরণে আমার সহস্র কোটি প্রণাম।

হে গুরুদেব,
      তুমি রয়েছো গুরু পরম্পরা ধারায়, তাই তো আজও শুদ্ধ কৃষ্ণ নাম বহিছে
পৃথিবীতে নীরবিচ্ছিন্ন ধারায়।

হে গুরুদেব,
     তুমি করো সর্বত্র
কৃষ্ণ নাম প্রচার -
  তোমার কৃপায় মানব জাতি
          হইবে উদ্ধার।

হে গুরুদেব,
    তোমার শ্রী চরণে প্রার্থনা করি বারে বারে ----
     সর্বদা তোমার বাণী থাকে
          যেন মোর স্মরণে।

হে গুরুদেব,
     তুমি তো করুনার সাগর
           তোমার বাণী শুনে
   ধন্য হয় মোর কর্ণ কুহুর।

হে গুরুদেব,
      তোমার চরণে করি আত্ম সমর্পন ----
       তুমি আশীর্বাদ করো মোরে, যেন উন্নতি হয় মোর পারমারথিক জীবন।।

জগৎ গুরু শ্রী শ্রীমত জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ কী ----জয়

পতিত পাবন শ্রী শ্রীমত জয়পতাকা স্বামী গুরুমহারাজ কী ---জয়
Name - Sumona Dasi                                 Village - Angardaha
P. O- pipulbariya
P. S- murutia
District - Nadia
Pin-741152   হরিবোল...

namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


namah om visnu padaya krishna preshtaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

namaste saraswate deve gaura vani pracharine

nirvisesa sunyavadi paschatya desa tarine


Param Pujya Gurudeva,


Please accept my respectful obeisances (dandavat pranam).

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to you on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja.

Though I am not qualified to glorify you Guru Maharaja, by your mercy and the mercy of the vaisnavas I hope that I will be able to write something in your glorification.

By your mercy and the mercy of the vaisnavas I have started preaching through Manjari programs in Marwadi.  I seek your blessings on behalf of all the Marwadis, so that they all can accept Krsna consciousness and take your shelter.

You have been very merciful whenever I have sought your blessings.  I want to always be engaged in serving you and the Lordships Nitai Gaurachandra, Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra along with my three children (Kunjeshwari, Karunamrta and Doyal Nitai) with sincerity and devotion.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for everything in my life.


Your useless servant,

Sumukhi Nandini Devi dasi


জয় পতাকা স্বামী মহারাজ

জয় পতাকা স্বামী মহারাজ


করুণাসিন্ধ দীনবন্ধু জগৎগুরু গুরুমহারাজ ।

সকলের কল্যানরুপী এসেছো গুরুমহারাজ ।

কিবা বিপ্র কিবা শুদ্র কিবা নারী কিবা পুরুষ ।

সকলের কৃষ্ণপ্রেম ভক্তিদান প্রদানকারীরুপে এসেছো গুরুমহারাজ ।

বিশ্ব ব্যাপি উড়ছে তোমার জয়ের পতাকা ।

চারিদিকে যখন চলছে করোনা ভাইরাজ ,

ঘরে বসে একাকি হরি নাম করছি গুরুমহারাজ ।

কোটি কোটি শত শত প্রনাম তোমার চরণে গুরুমহারাজ ।

জন্ম মৃত্যু জড়া ব্যাধী থাকবে চীরকাল গুরু মহারাজ ।

তাই নহি ভয় নাহি লাজ তোমার শ্রীচরণে থাকব চীরকাল গুরুমহারাজ ।

দয়া করে সুন্দর শ্রীবাস  দাসের প্রণাম গ্রহণ করো তুমি গুরুমহারাজ।

Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my humble obesiances.

Thanks a lot guru Maharaj Ji, to give blessing to my type of creature, I am always grateful to you for your wonderful blessing. By your mercy I will going on right path but due to my carelessness, I am going slowly..

Please always make your mercy, I will definitely go back to Godhead.

Your humble servant


Ambala, Haryana

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Plese accept my humble obeisances.

                I'm extremly ashamed for being very casual in writing your vyas puja offering as i am too late. Nontheless by your disciple's causeless mercy

 I'm reminded to write my offering for your vyas puja. first of all i extremely thank my spiritual guide and your dear and dedicated disciple for being very concerned and caring towards me as well as so many other  souls.

                Guru Maharaj, i dont know any single fraction of your dedication,sacrifice,detemination, love, concern, care,faith, sincerity or your greatness in one word then what to speak of realising these aspects. But I have to go diper in these aspects of your gratness today or tommorow. Then only I may know you and start establishing son and father relation, living it and relishing it. I know you have hundreds and thiusand of disciples in india and abroad and in whole universe gurumaharaj, so it's my concern to establish relation with you and live it. I also know that you have come here to recalim degraded and ignorant souls and take us back to krishna, so that case also its my concern only to catch your rope of mercy and go back to krishna. Otherwise you have trillions of fallen souls to reclaim and deliver, why would you choose me for going back to krishna. Its your mercy only that all these thoughts are coming to my mind now and getting every thing clear.

                Guru Maharaj, I have only asipiration that you live long. you please be there. I will improve my sadhana, won't give you any more suffering bacause of my bad sadhana. For the last some days, I am constantly thinking about this.

                At last, I only  beg for your mercy and forgiveness as you have had on thoussands of your other disciples for that is the only hope for this incompetent, foolish, dull minded and so bewildered unfortunate soul.

                I bow down to your mercy and instructionsw with only dream to contribute in some capacity in the great hare krishna movement innunciated by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and led by Srila Prabhupad as a sign of repay of your trancendantal eternal debt which cannot actually be repaid neither by any wealth of this world nor by my insignificant, mechanical so called sincere effort. Nontheless i will do my best.

                                hare krishna.

                                your asipiring servant,

                                Sunil Kumar Sahu.

                          Jahnudwip Voice. Kolkata IYF.

Oh my master, I long for the day when I serve the lotus feet of thee
Completely surrendering all material desires at the lotus feet of thee

The lotus feet of thee that has traversed the whole world tirelessly
To spread the name and fame of Our Supreme Master Our Lords Gaur Nitai

Those blessed lotus feet that has walked alongside the most merciful Srila Prabhupada
To Whose service you have surrendered your whole and soul

And that has walked through the holy sands of Mayapur
And built a Holy Town that is now most definitely the Spiritual Capital of the World

And that has traversed through unlimited number of holy places
Purifying the land and water that have been touched by them

Oh when will those lotus feet touch my head and purify my existence
And when will my master glance mercifully on this most lowly of his disciples
And lift me out of the abyss of materialism that I currently have fallen into

Oh when will my master give me a drop of the ecstasy that he experiences
When reciting the holy names and pastimes of Gauranga and Nityananda

When will I get addicted like my master to chanting the names and glories of the Supreme Lords
And like my master to focus all activities towards the service of the spiritual master

Forever your most insignificant servant
Sunirmala Srinivasa Das

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my Respectful obeisances.

On this special occasion of your Vyasa Puja I am trying to write my offerings unto your lotus feet in the following way:

I being your insignificant servant praying to the Lotus feet of Sri Radha Madhava daily, that all your goals becomes achieved so that yourself can fulfill all the instructions received by Srila Prabhupada. 

You are the role model for all the devotees for becoming a best devotee and best deciple. 

Having a bad health condition also, you didn't stop your preaching activity Gurudev, you were traveling different countries for preaching like a warrior who continously fights for the country selflessly. I salute to you Guru Maharaj. 

With your mercy I got the opportunity to engage in Krishna consciousness and got the association of Devotees. 

This year by Krishna's special mercy all your deciples have got the opportunity to celebrate your appearance day individually in their own houses. We are great ful for that. 

Thanking you again and again Gurudev. 

Your insignificant servant




  नमः ऊॅ विष्णु पादाय कृष्ण प्रेषठाय भूतले

    श्रीमते जयपताका स्वामिन इति नामिने।

    नमो आचार्य पादाय निताई कृपा प्रदायिने

     गौर कथा धाम दाया नगर ग्राम तारिणे।।

      हरे कृष्ण गुरु महाराज।

    यह आपकी 71वीं व्यास पूजा है।आपका जन्म 9          अप्रैल 1949 को (रामनवमी के बाद वाली एकादशी       के दिन) हुआ।आपकी प्रथम दीक्षा सन् 1968 व            सन् 1970 में राधाअष्टमी के दिन आपकी  संन्यास        दीक्षा हुई। 

      आप श्रील प्रभुपाद जी की आज्ञा से मायापुर आए।         यहाॅ आपने बंगला भाषा सीखी।

       गुरु महाराज आप हरिनाम का वितरण करते हैं।             सन् 1977 में आपने एक बड़ा  संकीर्तन का                 आयोजन  किया था जिसमें सम्मिलित लोगों                  केे 168 समूह थे।आपने नामहट कार्यक्रम की                शुरुआत की।

      आपने कुछ पुस्तकों को लिखा जिसमें से 'वैष्णव             के' का अनुवाद प्रमुख है।

     गुरु महाराज आप बहुत सुंदर लीलाएंं सुनातेे हैं।मुुझे       दही चीडा उत्सव की लीला बहुत पसंद आई।

    गुरु महाराज आप ऐसे ही मेरा मार्गदर्शन करते रहें।

                                  आपकी शिष्या(दीक्षा)

                                  सुप्रिया जामबती देवीदासी















Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your divine self!

Thank you for bringing transformational change in our life by showing the spiritual path. We had an opportunity to meet you first time in Santiago, Chile, South America. We were not sure whether to start a journey towards spiritual life or not, we were hesitating to make a decision. You stood that day for us as a pathfinder, true leader and helped us to come out from this hesitation. Later we realized that we took the most important decision of our life by choosing a spiritual journey. That day was the turning point of our life. Thank you for helping fallen souls like us to find our way out of this vicious trap of Maya. Your blessing always helps us to stop doing any sinful activities. Your journey of life is truly inspirational and gives us a meaningful message as "never give up!" We are really overwhelmed by your leadership skills and follow you as a guide in our life.  

We pray to Lord Krishna and Prabhupada for your quick recovery and healthy life.

We humbly seek your blessings for us and our family so that we can advance in our spiritual life.

We hope that we shall see you many more times in the future.

Your aspiring servant,

Supriya Sinha Roy

Sanchari Sinha Roy



!!!…..Happy Vyasa Puja, my dear Gurudeva…..!!!

Please accept my respectful obeisances at Your lotus feet. Though I am not qualified, let me try to glorify You on this auspicious occasion. Your glories are unlimited.

Guru Maharaj, You have dedicated Your life and soul for Srila Prabhupada’s mission. You teach us by example, what is Guru Bhakti. Even while Your health condition is not permitting, You continue to follow all the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. I humbly pray at Your lotus feet to provide me at least a tinge of that Guru Bhakti.

You always are so merciful to all the fallen conditioned souls. That level of magnanimity and compassion is extra ordinary. You have been travelling around the world before when everything was fine, and even now when things are difficult, You manage to keep up the preaching mission to the maximum possible extent. You are unlimitedly spreading the mercy of Lord Caitanya.

You have been connecting to devotees through Zoom and Facebook live even in between the hectic schedules. This shows Your care and love for Your disciples. You are always absorbed in Krishna consciousness. You connect devotees more and more to Sri Guru and Gauranga, through Your amazing lectures, by transforming the listener from this Material world to the Spiritual world. I have seen and heard devotees come up to You with problems, and You selflessly, tirelessly resolve the problems quickly and connect that devotee to Lord Krishna more and more.

You have been incredibly co-operating with all Your God-brothers and sisters in order to expand the Sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya, as desired by Srila Prabhupada. Your contribution to develop Sridham Mayapur along with other devotees, is unimaginable. You have been working hard, since the time when there was, no facilities at all, and You have successfully made it marvelous how it is now. It is amazing to hear about Your deep connection with Sridham Mayapur, Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancatattva, Prahlad Narasimhadeva, Rajapur Jagannatha, etc.

Guru Maharaj, the last time when You had been to Bangalore, I was fortunate to get much close association of Yours, which I have never been able to get ever before. During almost Your whole stay there, I could serve you in some way, either directly or indirectly. I thank You from the bottom of my heart for providing such an amazing opportunity. Those were the most blissful days of my life, I can never forget those days. When You are around some one, or when someone receives Your mercy / blessings, everything falls in place automatically for them. I have experienced this miracle.

I pray to You that I always stay connected to You and become instrumental in Your mission. I feel so loved, cared for and safe under Your shelter, where I always want to remain. Kindly bless me with the ability to distinguish between what is good and what is not good for my Spiritual life, so that I do not commit any Vaishnava aparadha and end up in a fall down. Let Your glories always remain in my heart. May I always be engaged in Your service.

I am currently put up in a Bace in Greater Noida. By Your mercy, I am able to assist ISKCON Greater Noida temple in youth preaching activities. This is my first time preaching experience. I am learning a lot here, relishing the nectar of preaching, by the mercy of all the devotees around. Now due to Corona, by Your Karuna, I got the opportunity to be locked down in the temple itself. I am enjoying the stay in temple with so many devotees around. I am trying to enhance my skills and I wish to come up as a Youth preacher, to assist You in the preaching mission. Please give me the strength.

Once again, wishing You a blissful Vyasa Puja, dear Gurudeva.

Thank you,

Your Servant,

Suraj Prakash (sheltered)

Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept my humble obesiances..

On this auspicious occasion of your vyasa puja, I am feeling so much blissful to glorify you.

Guru Maharaj you are mercy personified and you are flowing causeless mercy on everyone including me.

I am always thankful to you for enlightening my life.It is impossible in this life for me to repay your debt, as you have done so much for me and still doing too much, but in return, I am doing nothing.

Guru Maharaj, recently we meet you in Iskcon Delhi, it was really very nice meeting with you, I have seen you in initiation ceremony, it was great feeling that you are father for all of us.You blessed us with spiritual sitck.

Guru Maharaj please forgive me as I commit so many offences in daily life and please bless me that I can help you in your mission..

Your humble servant

Susakha Mukund Das

Ambala, Haryana

Namo om vishnu padāya Krsna prestāya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti nāmine 
Namo ācarya pādāya nitāi kripā pradāyine
Gaura Katha dhāma dāya nagara grāma tārine

Dear Gurumaharaj ,
All glories to your auspicious appearance day. This is your 71th vyaspuja. Although I can't describe my love & gratitude for you in words , I am still trying to pen it once as a humble offering unto your lotus feet.

1'O clock at night
when I sat on the marbles in the corner
Listening to the heart that was slowing down
Crying out for help,
wondering on how much sinful activities I have done to face these hard days
Bewildering if there is someone who could give his hands to save me 
While I am Drowning in the deep ocean of ignorance 
I, as a child dint know whom to call out
how to get out 

Then It was His picture on the wall 
Which I gazed with the red swallowing eyes 
& wrote my heart out on the paper
Somehow I wished my words 
just could fly 
To His lotus feet & cry out 
How much I need Him
He must has felt the tears dried up on the paper !
He must has read the feelings behind the words !
And He as a saviour
Putting His hands on my head 
Took me out of the ignorance 
Where I nomore was the same 
Where my whole self was smeared with His mercy

Oh Gurudev ! 
My uttermost desire is
To surrender to Your lotus feet 

Oh Dear Father !
Birth after birth 
I have drowned deep in ignorance
Now You have come to rescue me

O Dear Master,
Now let me take This opportunity
For I am an significant one
To serve You with no limit
To pay all the debts of gratitude to You 

'Guru Maharaj' is not just a word
But you are the world for me 
And I mean it

Your sheltered daughter
Mayapur, INDIA

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

My Dear Gurudeva,

Hare Krsna!

A million respectful humble prostrations to the dust of your lotus feet. Please accept them, out of your causeless mercy. All glories to Sri Gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Your Holiness. All glories to all the vaisnavas.

My dear Gurudeva, all glories to your auspicious appearance day!

I am Susila Kamala devi dasi – the insignificant and unworthy disciple of your holy self. With your kind permission, I am under the loving care of the counsellor system of His Holiness Radhanatha Swami Maharaja, whom is my dear and pujya siksa Gurudeva. I am a congregational member attached to ISKCON Chennai.

My dear Gurudeva for days together I am preparing myself to write this Vyasa-puja offering letter to your holy self, but not able to understand how to express about your glorious personality. Being a very insignificant and fallen jiva, struggling with many anarthas and short comings, I do not at all have any qualification whatsoever to approach as exalted a personality as your holy self, with my this small Vyasa-puja offering. Your magnanimous personality is just cannot be comprehend with in my insignificant human capacity. At the same time, with your pure and unconditional love, you made me aware of one fact that, you are my dear, dear Gurudeva, with whom I can open up my heart, with my broken words. I kept praying to you, our dear Krsna and all guru-paramparā to bless me to write this homage as my loving offering of my love, respect and gratitude to you, my dear Gurudeva! Its only and only with your and Krsna’s causeless mercy that, I am trying to offer my heart’s feelings to you, on your auspicious Vyasa-puja celebration.

My dear Gurudeva, as you are kindly aware, a bona fide Guru is none other than the mercy-incarnation of Krsna Himself. You are that mercy-incarnation of Krsna for me… Whose heart is filled with pure love, compassion, care and genuine concern for me and all conditioned jivas of this world. Every day, in my prayer I remember that, you are my only saviour and because of whose causeless mercy alone I have been blessed with our dear Krsna’s this beautiful Krsna conscious samsara. You are one of the few rarest and greatest blessings of my life, my dear Gurudeva. Without your unconditional love and causeless mercy, there is no existence of mine at all.

I am actually not fit even for getting shelter at the dust of your lotus feet. It’s absolutely the love and compassion of your loving heart, because of whom I and Krsna Prabhu got your merciful protection in the form of diskha and Mandakini (your grand daughter) got your blessings, on that auspicious and very important day of our lives.

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ
paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande
śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam

I feel this verse being true in my life. I was a complete apanga and moodha too. My dear spiritual father, being a true "Deenavatsala", out of your loving causeless mercy alone, you ABUNDANTLY blessed this arrogant and unworthy fool, personally, in my initial days of Krishna conscious years and that rare treasure of your love and mercy gave the direction and meaning to my life for which I am completely indebted to you, my dear Gurudev. Your causeless loving mercy alone is my only hope, my dear Gurudev. With your blessings and mercy, this insignificant jeeva is hoping to continue in Krishna Consciousness by trying to serve your holy self, our dear Gauranga and His dear devotees, with in my insignificant capacity, for His pleasure. It’s because of your selfless love and sincere prayers alone, we are continuing in Krishna consciousness - the biggest and rarest blessing one can get in one’s life. All glories to our beloved Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your holy self and all our Guru brundas, for rescuing all fallen souls like me from the clutches of maya, by generously and widely distributing Krishna’s unconditional and unlimited love to all of us. You, my dear Gurudev, by sacrificing all your comforts, even in your current physical condition… you tirelessly travels and encourage and inspire all of us to take this rare blessing of Krishna consciousness seriously for the pleasure of our dear Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. You are truly the giver of our dear Nitai’s causeless mercy, my dear Gurudev. I offer my koti koti prostrated humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

My dear Gurudev, I and we are very happy and encouraged seeing your fast recovery. With our dear Krishna's inspiration and with your and our Guru parampara’s causeless mercy alone, I pray every day for your speedy recovery an chant one round on every Ekadasi for you, my dear Gurudev, to fulfil your heart's desire to serve our beloved Srila Prabhupada's mission by rendering more and more loving services to our dear Nitai and Gaura. Now, on the auspicious occasion of your appearance day, from the very depth of my heart, I sincerely pray to our beloved Radha and Krishna, Srila Prabhuapada and all the Guru parampara and all the vaishnavas to kindly give you Their merciful blessings in your mission to please our dear Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gauranga.

We are really very grateful to your holy self and our dedicated team for giving us the beautiful platform of ‘Lava Matra Sadhu Sanga’, through which we are blessed to get your sacred association everyday. We are so much touched and feel inspired seeing your enthusiasm to serve our beloved Srila Prabhupada and also, to bless us your divine vani. We are also very much grateful to all those sincere devotees, who upload small vedio clips of your lectures, question-answer sessions of your holy self, for our upliftment. Now because of all these we feel you are not at all away from us, rather out of your absolutely loving compassion and care, you very mercifully availing yourself very near to us, through your divine vani. JAI!! THANK YOU A MILLION, my dear Gurudev for all your such loving mercy and compassion on all of us!

My dear Gurudev, with your and Krishna’s causeless mercy, being in the association of sincere and loving devotees, we try to lead a Krishna Conscious life as a family by rendering various sevas and saadhana. With your blessings, Mandakini (9 years old) chants 4 rounds per day and sometimes chants extra rounds and prays for your speedy recovery. With your mercy, we three as a family are engaged in deity worship too at home. With Krishna’s mercy, my heart fills with so much of joy and enthusiasm for KC, while listening to your very much inspiring discourses. While listening to your energetic lectures, you always amaze me with your rock like Guru-nistha and dedication to our Srila Prabhupada’s this glorious movement. Your absolutely non-envious nature has touched my heart very deeply. Your humility and pure love and genuine care for all living entities is heart-melting…my dear compassionate spiritual father. Your deep love for our dear Krishna and fire like enthusiasm to engage everybody in His loving devotional service is extra-ordinary and very inspiring, my dear Gurudev. With your mercy alone, I feel like to develop all such beautiful vaishnava qualities in my tiny little heart too… though it’s like a dwarf dreaming to reach moon. My dear Gurudev, kneeling down in front of you, and extending my begging bowl, I humbly and helplessly beg you, my dear spiritual father at your lotus feet, to kindly bless me for the same please…..and thus, improve in my loving service to your holy self, our dear Radha and Krishna and Their dear devotees…for Their pleasure alone. Your merciful blessings alone can make it possible.

Gurudev, I earnestly desire to dedicate myself to you and serve you and your mission with so much of enthusiasm and dedication. However, I do not at all have any strength whatsoever of my own. Your mercy alone is the one and only hope for me. I exclusively depend upon your causeless mercy alone to fulfil my this earnest desire. Your mercy alone can do this miracle…my dear Gurudev.

My dear Gurudev, I sincerely beg you from the core of my heart, for your blessings in my begging bowl to bless me that, my love for you becomes really pure, unconditional, uninterrupted and limitless, and it keeps on ever-increasing, and my Guru-nistha and my commitment to your mission keeps on deepening. I sincerely beg you, my dear Gurudev, to bless this fallen conditioned soul to develop deep attachment for Divya Prema naam japa and a pure consciousness towards all devotees and all living entities without having any discrimination, enviousness and judging mentality......and I render pure, loving, unconditional, uninterrupted and limitless devotional services to your holy self, Srila Prabhupada, all the Guru parampara, all the vaishnavas and to our dear most Radha and Krishna, in the way it pleases All of You and PURELY for Their pleasure alone. Your merciful blessings alone can make this possible.

Thank you very much, my dear Gurudev, for patiently reading my this insignificant letter, sparing so much of your precious time and energy, out of your love only…for this fool. Thank you so much, my dear Gurudev.


With my deep gratitude and a million humble prostrations unto the dust of your lotus feet,

Aspiring to be the servant of the servant of the servant……. of your holy self,

Your spiritual daughter,

Suseelaa Kamala Devi dasi


হে বিশ্ব আত্মা তোমার কৃষ্ণ ছায়ায় যেন পাই ঠাই
তোমার ছায়ায় সৃষ্টি হবে সুন্দর
সকলে তোমার গান গাই।
হে মহান আত্মা
তোমার কৃষ্ণময় গান মনে বাজে প্রতিক্ষণ
তোমার গানে সৃষ্টি হবে শান্তি
তোমার গানে থাকি সারাক্ষণ ।
হে করুণা সিন্ধু !
প্রতিক্ষণ কানে বাজে তোমার মধুর উক্তি ,
তোমার কৃষ্ণময় শান্তির পথেই যে জীবের মুক্তি।।
শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী জন্মদিনে আপনার ভক্ত -সুস্মিতা বর্মন ও পরিবার।।

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

nama om visnu-padaya krsnapresthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine nirvisesa –sunyavadi pascatya-desa-tarine

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj, 
Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Guru and Gouranga.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories, All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

Guru Maharaj, on this most auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyas Puja, It is my great fortune to have gotten an opportunity to glorify you. Guru Maharaj, your glories are unlimited and I am completely devoid of knowledge and devotion, but I take this opportunity to glorify you with my limited intelligence for my own purification. Guru Maharaj, as stated in the Sastras, Krishna can easily offer a person material happiness or even liberation, but he does not award a person engagement in his devotional service because devotional service can, in fact, be attained only through the mercy of a pure devotee. From this statement, I understand that Guru Maharaj, you alone can bless me to achieve the platform of devotional service, other than this, there is no other way. Guru Maharaj further I do not aspire to serve the supreme lord directly because as Srila Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur says only by the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krishna and without the grace of the spiritual master one can not make any advancement, therefore, I eternally aspire to remain an insignificant servant of yours.
Guru Maharaj. my mind is completely contaminated with lusty and sinful desires, how can I serve The Supreme Lord with such a contaminated heart. Guru Maharaj, I am completely devoid of good qualities instead I am filled with false pride, envy, egotism, and arrogance. By your teachings, I have understood that Lord Krishna is the highest object of worship, but due to my sinful deeds, I have neither taste in chanting the holy names nor serving the Vaishnavas. Guru Maharaj, when I think of my qualities, I feel ashamed of myself but when I think about the greatness of my spiritual master who is the most confidential servant of the Supreme Lord, I revive the hope of not being lost. Guru Maharaj. on this most auspicious day kindly give me your mercy and blessings, so that I can engage the rest of my life in doing whatever is dear to you and whatever pleases you. Guru Maharaj, in every lecture of yours, you emphasize on the importance of preaching Krishna Consciousness, kindly give me the strength to assist you in your preaching movement and thus be able to make my life sublime. 

Guru Maharaj, please bless me that whatever small preaching  I have taken up as of now, should expand even more vigorously and I should be able to bring more souls towards Krishna. Guru Maharaj, I take your association through your online classes and guidance from your senior disciples. Guru Maharaj, I get to read your daily quotes, question, and answers from various devotees and time and again you mention that you are praying for all your disciples, such is the mercy of my most munificent Spiritual Father.
Guru Maharaj, you are like a touchstone and whoever comes in your contact instantly starts chanting the name "Gauranga". this alone shows that you are not an ordinary person. Guru Maharaj, on this most auspicious day of your Vyas Puja I  pray to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Narsimha dev and Sri Panchatatva that they bless you Guru Maharaj with long life, and good health so that you can deliver more conditioned souls like me by your merciful association.  

Guru Maharaj, on this auspicious day my only prayer is that please bless me that  I ever remain at the service of your lotus feet and help you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Yours eternal servant,
Sushmita Radhika Devi Dasi 




हरे कृष्ण गुरूमहाराज 2013 मे, मै दक्षिण सुडान देश मे शांती सेनिक के तौरपर था l श्रील प्रभूपाद की कृपा से श्रीमद भगवद् गीता पाठ कारने का मौका मिला l गुरुदेव पुरी गीता पाठ से मुझे इतना ही समज मे या की आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के लिए एक प्रामाणिक गुरू की जरूरत हे l

                             मे भारत वापासी के बाद गुरु देव आपकी कृपा से आपके शिष्योकां संग मिला और तब् मुझे जीवन के असली आनन्द का पत्ता चला l

गुरुदेव till 06 Feb, 2017, तक आपका दर्शन नही हुआ था l 07 Feb, 2017 - ILBS Hospital मे मुझे आपका पहला दर्शन हुआ l गुरुदेव वो दिन मे कभी नही भूल सकता मुझे ये ऐसा लगा जैसे श्रीधाम का दर्शन हो रहा हो l गुरुदेव मैने पहले दर्शन मे हीं आपसे गुरू आश्रय मांगा और आपने मुझे और मेरी पत्नी को हमारी योग्येता के बिना हमे अपने आश्रय मे लिया l 10 Dec, 2017 मे हमारे ऊपर करुणा, दया की  सुनामी लाई और हमे दीक्षा दे के हमारा स्वीकार किया l गुरुदेव मेंने सूना था की जन्म देने वाली माँ ही बहुत करुणामय होतीं है, लेकींन आपसे मिलने के बाद जाना की आपसे बढकर और कोई करुणामय हो ही नही सकता, क्योकीं मेरे असंख्य अवगुनौ के बाद भी आपने हमे आपके चरण कमलों पर जगह दि l

                                               गुरुदेव मे इतना तुच्छ हूँ की आपकी स्तुती करणे की भी मेरी योग्यता नही है l

                                              गुरुदेव आप परम दयालू , पतित पावन, सभी के शुभ चिंतक सभी के हितैषी है l गुरुदेव मुझे आशीर्वाद दिजीए की मे कोल्हापूर (महाराष्ट्र) मे एक भक्तीवृक्षा शूरु कर पावू , पुस्तक वितरण, दीपदान से आपको श्रील प्रभूपाद के इस आंदोलन मे मदत कर सकू और साथ ही आपका और श्रील प्रभूपाद का गौरव बढाता रहूं l

आपका तुच्छ सेवक,

आपका दासनु दास,

सुशोभन गौरंग दास

My dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my very respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On this auspicious day of your appearance I express my deepest gratitude for constantly guiding fallen conditioned souls like me in the path of Krsna Consciousness thro your vani which we receive every day thro the electronic media. It is really amazing to see how you do not want to miss even a moment without being in Krsna conscious. You said that you always want to give Krsna conscious to every person who comes in contact you, be it in the airport or be it in the hospital or any other places of your visit. You are always eager to share the joy of Krsna consciousness and to do this you are traveling around the world despite the many difficulties you have due to your health condition.

As instructed to you by Srila Prabhupada, there are more than 50,000 disciples under your protection and care. This is possible only by your unlimited causeless mercy and it also shows the great risk that you are ready to take for pleasing Srila Prabhupada.

I am grateful to you and your team of servants for sharing your Nectarian lectures every day. The Q&A sessions at the end of your lectures are very good for us to progress in devotional life. Lot of thoughtful questions are asked by devotees and your answers are helping in clearing the doubts and helping us to follow the path of Krsna consciousness with full conviction.

By your causeless mercy the two Bhakti Vrksa groups under me are progressing well in their Krsna conscious life. Four devotees have taken initiation from you during your visit to Caitanya Nitai desh this year in January and they are happy to have come under the protection and care of your lotus feet.

I sincerely beg your causeless mercy so that I can become a tiny, little, insignificant servant at your lotus feet serving your mission constantly.

I repeatedly begging at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha madhava & asta sakis, Sri Panca Tattva, Sri Prahalad Narasimhadev and Srila Prabhupada to give protection and good health to our very dear Guru maharaja.

Your humble servant

Suvarna Madhava das

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Gauranga  Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga


Very Auspicious 71st  Vyasa Puja, 04-04-2020

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet which constantly give me shelter. All glories to Your divine grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada my very loving grandfather.

Guru Maharaj I surrender to your lotus feet on this most auspicious day of your appearance. I cant imagine any other way for my survival. These words are NOT just written words but my sincere realization. I again and again beg forgiveness from your divine grace for all my offenses. Guru Maharaj, I know from my heart of hearts you have forgiven me and that is the reason I am able to relish the services I have been given at the moment.

Guru Maharaj, there are Vaishnavas everywhere. I had the opportunity to meet vaishnavas from different sampradayas. It was indeed a great blessing to meet them all, many things to learn from them. But Guru Maharaj, I realized that the compassion that our Acharyas have in Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON is Unique and Profound. Especially the compassion that you exhibit is inconceivable. Like father like son….like Srila Prabhupad, you are showing compassion to the conditioned souls like us by constant preaching utilizing the latest technology. You know exactly how to apply Srila Prabhupad’s teachings. Gurudev please bless me to imbibe these qualities from you.

I am always praying to Mother Cow and Giriraj I have, to keep you absolutely safe from any pandemic and that you continue to fulfill Srila Prabhupad’s mission despite of any physical challenges. I am trying my best like an insect to help you in your mission. Please accept my services.

Your eternal aspiring servant

Suvarna-krsna lila devi dasi


Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj. 

Please accept our respectful obeisances unto your Divine lotus feet. Wishing  our dear Guru Maharaj a very happy Krsna conscious appearance day. On this auspicious day we seek blessings and seek forgiveness for all our offences done knowingly and unknowingly. We were rotting in this material world not knowing that we are actually eternal servants of Krsna. Then by causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krsna we were fortunate enough to come under your Divine  shelter and protection engaging us always in service of Lord. Thank you so much dear Guru Maharaj for your immense  causeless love,care and affection for each one of us. Your good self is epitome of mercy and tolerance. You teach us always how to remain Krsna conscious by chanting the Holy Names even amidst difficulties and crisis. Your heart is full of unlimited compassion for every jiva that is suffering and your good self is putting in all effort  to bring them out of this material dirt and connect them to Lord Krsna. Your good self is always absorbed in Gaur Dham, Gaur Lila and Gaur Naam. You carry word to word instructions of your dear spiritual master Srila Prabhupada . When you say "Gauranga" and "Hari bol" you bring life and joy in all our hearts. Your good self is so concerned about your disciples sadhna, their problems while balancing material and spiritual life in a way that your good self gives precious time,care and advice and always ready to give your  sweet association so much so that we can make our life successful. You engage each one of us in this movement. Your good self is happily engaged in chanting Krsna's  name and you teach us how Krsna is non different from His Holy Name. Dear Guru Maharaj on this auspicious day of your vyasa puja please bless us that we never forget your Divine lotus feet and kindly engage us  always at service of your lotus feet. 


Thank you so much dear Guru Maharaj for everything.

All glories to you!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Always praying for your good health .


Your disciples,

Suvigraha Nitai Gaur Das.

Sucarita Jahnava Devi dasi.


hare krishna guru maharaj  I am very happy for today and i want to tell that on the occation of vayash puja 

Hare Krishna Gurudev Please accept my respectful obeisance. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!! Gurudev, you appeared on this earth to uplift fallen souls like us. Your spirit towards serving your spiritual father and Guranga mahaprabhu is unexplainable. You are benchmark to those who have no.of excuses like health issue etc. to not to preach or take part in devotional services. Despite a lots of examinations by maya you have won the battle and still marching towards achieving beyond your imagination. Like Krishna your goals are indefinite I.e.never satisfied with what you have already achieved. You love everyone and everyone loves you too. Your chanting of " Gauraaaanga" take us out of this world. As a spiritual father, you take care of your children/disciples in all respects. On this auspicious day i pray to Lord that you get a very good physical health. I beg forgiveness on your lotus feets for all my offences. Your's servant's servant, Svarup Gopal Das

আমার হৃদয় সক্ত পাষাণ সমান। 

সদা পাপেরত চিত্ত খুঁজে লোকসম্মান।। 

মনের অভিলাষ ভাবপ্রেমভক্তি হীন। 

গর্ব ভরি' পড়ি' আছি আমি অতি দীন।।

তথাপি এই অভাগার একটি সুসৌভাগ্য।

গুরু হইতে নাম পাইয়া হইল কৃষ্ণভোগ্য।।

আমা হইতে আরো নীচ হীন পাপি নাই।

তব অহৈতুকি কৃপায় পাইলাম গৌর নিতাই।।

"চৈতন্য নিত্যানন্দে নহে এ সব বিচার।

নাম লৈতে প্রেম দেন বহে অশ্রুধারা।।

দীক্ষা পুরশ্চর্যা বিধি অপেক্ষা না করে।

জিহ্বা স্পর্শে আচণ্ডালে সবার উদ্ধারে।।

অনুষঙ্গ ফলে করে সংসারের ক্ষয়।

চিত্ত আকর্ষিয়া করায় কৃষ্ণে প্রেমোদয়।।"

করূণায় ভাসি তোমার প্রেমের প্লাবনে।

জপিতে হরিনাম চিত্ত হইল নিমজ্জনে।।

করুণা করহ প্রভু এই মাত্র আশ। 

নৈলে মোর গতি নাই হইব হতাশ।। 

জয় নামহট্টের শুভ জয়পতাকা জয়। 

যার দ্বারা জগৎ হইবে প্রেমভক্তিময়।।

কৃষ্ণপ্রেমভক্তি মাগে এই শ্যাম দাস। 

যাহা হইতে পাইবে পরানন্দ উল্লাস।। 

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupad and all glories to you my dear father.

It’s our utmost blessings to celebrate your 71st Sri Vyasa-puja Mahotsava. All glories to your auspicious appearance day. 
Dear Guru Maharaj, Last year I was craving for your personal service and get personal dharsan of you as I never got this fortune in India. By your causeless mercy, you have travelled all the way from India to US, by tolerating all your difficulties to just shower mercy for all the fallen soul like us. We really felt so fortunate and blessed to serve you and be part of your 50yrs sannyas celebration in Atlanta. As Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has repeatedly said:

'sādhu-saṅga', 'sādhu-saṅga'—sarva-śāstre kaya
lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya

Translation: “The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success.

Guru Maharaj, just your presence and merciful eyes can make millions of devotees. Thank you so much Guru Maharaj for giving your association. Whenever I get any difficulties in my life, I just remember you, how many difficulties you are going through and never gave up your service to Srila Prabhupad. Your attachment and sacrifice to give your association personally and through Facebook for all your disciples and devotees is unbelievable. Your every moment is an example for us to live. All this, gives me boost to follow my sadhana seriously and remind my responsibility and service to you. Last Vyasa puja I wrote as, my prabhu started chanting, and this year I am happy to write as by your causeless mercy, my prabhu took shelter from you by Nov,2019. Under your guidance, last year Karthik month we did dhamodar program in Indian stores by which 470 people show diyas and we also distributed Bhagavat gita and small books. By your causeless mercy, I got preaching service in Richmond, Virginia congregation, please bless me Guru Maharaj, so I can render this service selflessly to please you. We don't have temple here and so to outreach people, we are starting new project this year "Discover yourself" program in coming May,2020 and as your instrument, I am also part of it to deliver 6hr session on Bhagavat gita. As a follow up, planning to start Bhakti vriksha for those interested. All this will happen only by your mercy Guru Maharaj. We are sincerely praying to you, please bless and empower us, so we can do this project successfully to please you and Srila prabhupad.

I thank again and again to Srila prabhupad to give you in our life, and I pray sincerely to Prahlad Narasimha dev to protect you and gives you good health, so you can deliver more and more souls from various parts of the world.

I beg you to forgive all my offenses and keep me at your shelter always. Please let me chant the holy name and serve without any offense to attain the love for Gauranga.

Your aspiring to be a sincere disciple,
Shyamala Gopika Devi Dasi
Suresh Kumar Dhinakaran

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s at the dust of your lotus feet.

Thank you for accepting this insignificant, worthless soul as your servant. I strongly believe I don’t have any qualification to chant your name. But by the mercy of Chaitanya mahaprabhu and Srila prabhupada you accepted me as your disciple.

I am serving under H.H.Bhakti Vinoda swami maharaj in kerala in various projects (Book distribution, NIT Calicut, IIT Palakkad and other various projects).

When I was in Delhi your divine grace allowed me to serve you for few days. Those days are really memorable days for my purification.

Being an incompatible servant I am surrendering at your lotus feet without your unlimited mercy we are not eligible to carry out our services. My dear Guru Maharaj on this auspicious day I am begging your special mercy to overcome challenges internally and externally.

Dear Guru Maharaj as lord Krishna said in Bhagavad-gita 3.21 (Yad yad acarati sresthas), we are trying to follow your footsteps. We always feel motivated by your exemplary activities. Without considering the physical health your divine grace are always executing Srila prabhupada’s instructions.

with deep humility I am again begging your unlimited mercy on this unworthy soul. I don’t have any another hope other than the shelter of your lotus feet. Please always keep me under HHBVSM with my god brothers association at the service of your lotus feet.

Servant of servant of servant…….
Insignificant soul.
Shyamananda karuna das.

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances at your Lotus Feet!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad and his followers!!

Firstly, I pray to Lord Narsimha Deva that he grants you a long life to enable you to redeem souls all around the world as you are wont to doing tirelessly, day in and day. This actually sets an example to all of us to try to follow in your footsteps and preach the message of Srila Prabhupada in and around the place we live in.

It is now more than a year that I relocated to Bangalore after the demise of my Mother Jayanti Priya Devi Dasi, from Mayapur where I was serving in various departments in the Finance Function.

During this time here, I have been constantly reminded of the association which your disciples have given me and my family a path whereby I could remain moored in the Krishna Consciousness movement, without which we would all have been lost in the material world. I still remember how meticulously you had developed the Shyamdesh yatra in the Middle East as well as the other yatras in the region, which gave me the opportunity to remain in KC wherever I travelled in my office work.

Guru Maharaj – one aspect which strikes me very much is about how you reciprocate with Srila Prabhupad, which also serves as a reminder to all of us as to how we should reciprocate with you. As instructed in one of your lectures about how we as insignificant disciples – we should pray to Lord Narsimhadeva to give you a long life so that you can fulfil your promises to Srila Prabhupad, I have been trying to do that.

The last time I had met you personally and shared the background behind my leaving Mayapur, you had blessed me that I could write on topics of KC, which I am endeavouring to do and with that material am trying to preach in the 3 temples in Bangalore, where I am now located. I am very much grateful to you for this blessing. Also I have taken up a small seva of overseeing the Financial systems and processes in ISKCON Kanpur, and the monthly trips to that temple also gives me an opportunity to give classes – which I strongly believe I could not have done without showers of your mercy!!

Lastly, we in our family wish to thank you for showing us the great fortune and treasure of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness and accepting all of us as your insignificant disciples.

Your insignificant servants,

Śyāmasundara Jagannātha dāsa (Dīkṣā)

Pushpamukhi Saci DD (Dīkṣā)

Dated: 14/3/2020



Hare Krishna


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga !

All glories to Srila A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada!

All glories to H.H. Jayapathaka Swami Guru Maharaj!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

My Dear Eternal Father,

I am glad to see you coming back to good health. All glories to Krishna.

Also I meditate and plead you to make happen all my family members and I to engage in Krishna consciousness consistently and sincerely.

I am obliged to serve you by nurturing Krishna Consciousness to our KKC (Krishna Katha Desh) children. Unfortunately, I am inadequate to deal with, seeking your inconceivable mercy to carry out all my responsibilities.

Your’s Servant,

S. Tamil selvi



Namo Om vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swami iti namine

Namoyo acharya padayo nitai kripa pradyine

Goura katha dham daya nagar gram tarine

Patitapavan Srila Guru Maharaj ki jai!

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet on this most auspicious

day of your appearance.

I don’t have any tinge of qualification also to glorify you Gurudev but to please my Spiritual

authority and specially you I am writing this offering.

You already know Gurudev this year I have entered into Grihastha life but I am not practicing my

spiritual standard upto the mark. I am continuously going down and down in my spiritual

practice. In this most crucial time you are the only and only hope for me Gurudev to take me out

of clutches of maya. I don’t want to lead a grihamedhi life Gurudev, please help me in this

precarious condition of life.

I want to thank you from the core of my heart Gurudev that inspite of my so bad condition you

never left me and always kept me under the guidance of you dear disciple H.G Premananda

Chaitanya pravu. Whenever I Prayed to you, you always listened to my prayers.

I tried my best for the past year to continue with my sadhana and helping in newly started youth

preaching in Goshala, Shapoorji, and whenever get opportunity inspire our youth boys in

Raniganj but Gurudev as due to not staying with my wife I am not able to Practice the Prescribed

Grihastha Standards and set a nice example. I need your help eagerly Gurudev that I can be

settled up nearby our locality quickly and help in your Gita study and youth preaching

movement in Raniganj and nearby localities.

Gurudev you are taking so much difficulties just to give us spiritual bliss. I am eagerly waiting for

your mercy to engage me also in your service. I know Its not possible to repay our debts

Gurudev still we can try from the core of our heart.

I want to extend some of the lines from the prayers of HG Anuttam pravu on this most

auspicious occasion of your Appearance.

Jahar prasade pusta hailo Sirna vakti latika

Janame janame mor Gurudev rohe jeno Srila Jaypataka.

Tumi to Doyal tumi kripamoy hrid mondire esoho amar

Viswer moto pon koricho udharite ei daivar

Ehen Pamar ehen patita jagat vramite kaha

Krpabindudiya rakho e adhome tomar chorone natha

Hridaya akase premer batase sada roho srila jayapataka

Jahar prasade pusta hailo Sirna vakti latika

Janame janame mor Gurudev rohe jeno Srila Jaypataka.

Gurudev I want you stay wih us if with your good health. I from the core of my heart praying for

your good health to Sri Sri Radha madhab, Lord Jagannath Baladev Subhadra maharani ,Lord

Nrisimhadev and especially to Srila Pravupada.

He Gurudev Please forgive me for all my offences knowingly and unknowingly unto your lotus

feet. Please bless me that this of your unqualified servant may not be a burden on you and can

take some of service burden(burden of love) of you and Guruparampara and can make myself

ready to take initiation from you by uplifting my spiritual standard and fix up and also can stay

under the guidance of HG Premananda chitanya pravu to help in fulfilling th instruction you

received from Srila Pravupada.

Your insignificant servant of servant


Most Beloved Guru Maharaj,

All Glories to you and Gauranga. 

Please Accept My Humble Obeisences Guru Maharaj.

I am the most fallen soul, yet I'm living only by your blessings Guru Maharaj. You are always with me. I can Chant 18 rounds everyday without any difficulty. I've great intention to please you by doing any services. Now I am tryineg to translate your Quotes to Malayalam. Please bless me to do the same. Reading and listening the lectures of your Holiness and Srila Prabhupada is going on. I am encouraging others to chant the Hare Krishna Mahamatra.

With Pranamam

Tapaswini Yasoda Devi Dasi


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My Dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful and humble obeisances at the dust of your merciful lotus feet, on this auspicious occasion of your appearance day.

Completely unqualified, I am, to glorify your endless and ever-increasing glories.

Guru Mahārāja, the path you lead from past decades is extraordinary and exemplary for all of us here in ISKCON and definitely for all upcoming Vaiṣṇava generation after generation. Everyone wonders, how you keep up the unstoppable mood of serving your spiritual Master dear Śrīla Prabhupāda in every breath. You never let anyone be bereft of Lord Gaurāṅga’s mercy whomever you met and give your glance. Recently, you completed your international preaching tour, distributing causeless mercy of Śrī Caitanya-Nitāi, despite of pain and adverse cold atmosphere. All glories to you Śrīla Gurudeva. You are the embodiment of mercy, whoever meets you, feel great spiritual ecstasy. You are the man of determination who always keep Guru’s order in the forefront. Despite of regular hectic schedule, you never missed to meet with the devotees and blessed them with beautiful Gaura-Kathā.





I am eternally grateful to you for blessing me with Harināma initiation, although I don’t deserve and completely unqualified; it’s only your blessings and mercy: “yogyata-vicāre, kichu nahi pāi, tomara karuṇa sāra”.

Presently, I am engaged in preaching, book distribution and small services in temple (ISKCON-Śrī Narasiṁha Giridhārī Mandir). On this auspicious occasion of your Vyāsa-pūjā, my humble prayer unto you, that; you please continue to give your blessings and mercy so that I can assist you and my dear Śrīla Prabhupāda in some small ways to bring more souls closer to Kṛṣṇa.

In bhakti the challenges are enormous, and I can overcome them only by your causeless mercy. Gurudeva you know very well that at every step of my devotional life I do so many mistakes and blunders, I have so many flaws but still you are mercifully teach me, allows me to do service; and never belittle me.

I pray to their Lordship Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Mādhava, Śrī Śrī Narasiṁhadeva, Śrī Śrī Pañca-tattva Bhagavān and dear Śrīla Prabhupāda that they give their choicest blessings to you.

Your’s Lowly aspiring Servant.

Taptakāñcana Gauracandra dāsa (Dīkṣā)
Māyāpur, India

শ্রীল গুরুমহারাজ,70 তম ব্যাসপূজা উপলক্ষে পতিত পাবন শ্রীল গুরুমহারাজ এর চরণে সামান্য নিবেদন । 

শ্রীল গুরুমহারাজ, আমেরিকার উইস্কনসিন এর মিল ওয়াকিতে । 
উনপঞ্চাশের এপ্রিল মাসে আসেন ধরণীতে ।। 

কামদা একাদশীর পুন্যলগ্নে আবির্ভাব যার । 
সারা বিশ্বে কৃষ্ণ ভাবনা করিলেন প্রচার।। 

শৈশবে নম ছিল গর্ডন জন । 
প্রভুপাদের জয়পতাকা গৌর ধন জন।। 

বুদ্ধের কাহিনি শুনে আকর্ষণ বাড়ে । 
বিষ্ণুর অবতার তারে প্রভাবিত করে।। 

এ সবের পরেও যখন মন নাহি ভরে । 
অবশেষে শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের আশ্রয় গ্রহণ করে।। 

আমেরিকায় চলছিল স্বর্ণের যুগ ।
 কীর্তন মহা প্রসাদ আহা কি আনন্দ সুখ।।

 কিছুদিন পরই মনট্রিয়েল মন্দিরে। 
হরি নাম দীক্ষা পান শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের বরে।।

 তারপর ব্রাহ্মন দীক্ষা সম্পন্ন হয়।
 জীবের তরে প্রভু সন্ন্যাস লয়।। 

কৃষ্ণভাবনা প্রচারে ভারতে আগমন। 
জয়পতাকা স্বামী মোর গৌর প্রাণ ধন।। 

নামহট্টের প্রচারে আচার্যপাদ নানা দেশে যায় । 
বদ্ধ জীবের লাগি আচার্যপাদ নিতাই প্রেম বিলায়।। নিতাইয়ের করুণা ধারা নাম হট্টের প্রকাশ। 
জিবিসি বর্গের তুমি অন্যতম রাশ ।। 

শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের সেনাপতি শ্রীল জয়পতাকা স্বামী ।
তোমার মহিমা গাইতে অতি দীন আমি।।

 না জানি গো পূজা পাঠ না জানি কীর্তন। 
 কৃপা করো মোরে তুমি ওহে গৌর ধন জন।।

 না জানি পরিপাটি না জানি ভক্তি । 
কৃপা করো গুরু দেব দাও মোরে শক্তি।। 

এইবার করুণা করো এই অভিলাষ জনমে জনমে হই যেন ভক্ত গনের দাসের অনু দাস। 

-তপু দে ।

My dear Spiritual father,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaja, It is very difficult to Glorify you because you are an ocean of unlimited qualities, But however I beg to seek your mercy to describe your glories in a few words. because without your causeless mercy I don’t have even the qualification to glorify you.

When I was in Mayapur during the last yatra along with a few devotees during the last Karthik month in 2019, we went on a tour of various Dvipas, but what was the most inspiring event of the yatra, was the short class that you gave in the lotus building on the concluding day. In spite of your ill health you came out to give your Darshan and the few words that you spoke on places like Narasimha palli etc, were very inspiring and the devotees felt that you were actually present with us physically during all the six days. The devotees also felt that they were very fortunate to have your Darshan and also hear from you which made the yatra complete.

What is also very inspiring are the nectarean classes on the Caitanya Lila, that you are giving. I am looking forward for the day that I can get hold of the hard copy of this book.

The TOVP is coming up very fast under your guidance and we are eagerly looking forward to the opening which was the vision of our founder acharya and your spiritual master HDG AC Bhakthi Vedanta Srila Prabhupad.

Even at this age and in your present health conditions you continue to travel all around and inspiring thousands of devotees who are eagerly waiting to get mercy from you.

I have offered the results of the following yatras that I had undertaken during karthik 2019, for the betterment of your health.

Mayapur, Puri, Vrndavan and Govardhan,

Apart from this I am chanting eight extra rounds every day and chant Narasimha Kavaca three times every day and I would like to offer them for the betterment of your health.

I am enclosing herewith a photo that was taken during my stay in Balaramdesh many eyars back.

On this auspicious day of your appearance I humbly pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Sri Sri Prahlada Narasimhadev to keep you in good health.

Your Spiritual Son

Tirth Caitanya Das, Iskcon Sri jagannath Mandir, Bangalore,

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


All glories to Your Divine Grace .

Respected Gurumaharaj ,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.


Every year I am able to see and feel the enthusiasm within you, in preaching by traveling worldwide has set an example of perfect Spiritual preceptor.


It's stated in Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya Leela 15.168

Tumi jyar hita vancha se hoilo vaishnav

Vaishnavera Papa Krishna dura Kore Saba

Whosever welfare  you desire immediately becomes a vaishnava and Krishna delivers all vaishnavas from the reactions of their past sinful activities.


Your Divine Grace always engaging as many souls in devotional service through as many ways is nothing but the severe desire you are having to liberate the fallen souls from miserable conditions.


During this need of hour your message to the whole world to chant the name of Lord for worldwide covid 19 relief with same time requesting everyone to follow precautions was a very solace giving practical solution in a balanced way knowing the rebellious nature of kaliyuga generation. 


Presently after having more opportunity to have assosciation with You by the help of your favorite servant HG Radharaman sevak Prabhu , I have felt my faith increasing on you , getting more attached to you. 


Thanks for engaging me although disqualified in all qualities just like a potter makes a pot . The clay doesn't have that free will and gets molded ,becomes useful. My rebellious nature has stopped me to surrender unto you. Still please let me be under your shelter as there is no other way of hope.


Gurumaharaj thanks for always guiding me and blessing me.


Your insignificant son

Tirthanganitai das



Mayapur Chandroday Mandir.

West Bengal


All Glories to Śrī Guru and Gaurāṅga!

During rainy season water on the roads reaches river Gaṅgā and it is also lauded as River Gaṅgā. Similarly my speech will be like a waste water if it doesn’t relate to Kṛṣṇa and you.

Mahākavi Kālidāsa while explaining the glories of King Ragu from his Ragu Dynasty, he says King Ragu as a Great Charioteer. He is so talented that he rides his chariot on the marks left by the previous one without any deviation. It is not a simple one. It is abnormal to ride a chariot with horses on the marks of the another chariot. It is very difficult for us to drive a car on the marks made by another car. Similarly it is difficult to follow the path lead by Ācāryas with controlled senses and beyond mental speculation. It is abnormal to guide others also in the same path without deviation. You are doing this in this situation, it amazes not only me but the whole world.

How can a person who is blind, dumb, deaf falls in the sea, reach the shore? He doesn’t know which side is the shore. He cannot call anyone for help. He can be saved only by the coastal guards if they come there unexpectedly. Like that, due to attachment towards sense gratification, I became blind. Due to pride, I did not listen to good people’s lecture, I became deaf. Due to my previous jenmas bad deeds, I couldn’t chant the Holy names of the Lord, I became dumb. Out of your causeless mercy you are saving us from the cycle of birth and death. So you are my worship able Deity.


Begging for forever service at your lotus feet.

Tirumala Govinda dāsa (Dīkṣā )

71তম ব্যাস পূজা উপলক্ষে গুরুমহারাজ এর প্রতি নিবেদন-
ওহে গুরুদেব আমি শুনেছিলাম,
গুরু শিষ্যের  সম্পর্ক নাকি জন্ম জন্মান্তরের।
সেই থেকে মোর মনে ছিলো এক আকাঙ্ক্ষা ।
নতুন জন্ম কবে পাবো তোমার কাছে ভিক্ষা।
শয়নে স্বপনে তোমার কথা ভাবতে আমি নারি,
বড়ই অধম পতিত আমি সকল পাপে ভারী ।
নতুন জন্ম দিয়ে আমায় নিয়েছ আপন করে ,
তুমি গুরুদেব পতিত পাবন, পতিত উদ্ধারের তরে।
তুমি গুরু , তুমি পিতা,  তুমি শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষী ।
জন্মে জন্মে আমি যে অধম তোমার কাছে ঋণী।।
কৃষ্ণ কে ভুলে গিয়ে আমি ডুবেছিনু সংসার মোহে।
কৃষ্ণ সে তোমার তুমি দিতে পারো তোমার শক্তি আছে ।
সংসার ভব সাগরে চাপা পড়িয়াছিল ভক্তি লতার বীজ।
তুমি গুরুদেব কৃপা পারবার হইয়া অধম কে করলে বড়ই উদ্গ্রীব।
তোমার ঋণ শোধ করিবার কোনো সাধ্য আমার নাই ।
তুমি গুরু মোর 'শ্রীল জয়পতাকা ' তোমার রাঙা চরণে -
এই অধমেরে দিও ঠাঁই ।
তোমার দেওয়া নামকরনের কিছু তো কারণ আছে,
  তাই তো অধম "তুলসী লীলাময়ী "সর্বক্ষণ তোমার কাছে  -
        কেবলই কৃষ্ণপ্রেম যাচে ।

  -তুলসী লীলাময়ী দেবী দাসী

om ajnana-timirandhasya
cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai
sri-gurave namah

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

 om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet

Happy vyasa-puja Guru Maharaja,

We are happy to celebrate your 71st vyasa puja festival 2020. My dear Gurumaharaj I'm very happy to be your disciple. In the year 2018 your 69th vyasa puja festival celebrate in South India in ISKCON Chennai. It's was my fortune.

To attend a live vyasa-puja of your but I just desired by the mercy of srila Prabhupada & there Lordships Sri Sri Gandirvika Giridhari Goura Hari & Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Dev my dream got full filled by attending ur wonderful vyasa puja festival in Chennai. I had recollect a vyasa puja offering of Natai sevani mataji that "if u want see Radha Madhav u can see in gurumaharaj's eyes because gurumaharaj  your Carry on your heart". My dear Gurumaharaj I was in Chennai for six months for a job on that I got opportunity to serve you there for 3week I'm very happy on that time I was serving ur servents carrying prasadam. Gurumaharaj blessed me with Krishna bhakati. By your mood of serving srila Prabhupada by developing the Goura mandala bhumi constructing TOVP desire of SrilaPrabhupada bhai the mercy of Lord Nityananda you started doing namahata preaching and congregational development & bhakti vriksha program in the service of SrilaPrabhupada till now you are continuous serving Srila Prabhupada your dedication and determination to serve srila Prabhupada by heart and soul day and night we don't have words to explain how you are suffering in your body condition but also srila Gurudev you never think about yourself you started thinking about your disciples and serving Srila Prabhupada mission 24/7 always in the service of Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Sri panchatatva and narsimha Deva

please Guru Maharaj bless me 216 parts mission unlimitedly the glories of Sri gauranga to spread as long as wide many towns many villages spread the message of Lord Krishna and Lord Sri Gauranga and Chant the hare Krishna mahamantra in each and every house in the Bangalore we help you to serve SrilaPrabhupada's mission and also instructions given to you we help you to fulfill your desire to Srila Prabhupada.

HareKrishna Guru Maharaj 

Your Servant,

Tulasi Prana Krsna Das

Dear Guru Maharaj.  Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All Glories to Our dear Srila Prabhupada. On this auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, I want to say thank you  of my heart for your mercy.  by your mercy, our grihastha ashram has overcome a difficult crisis in this year.  I always dreamed that everyone in our ashram would have the conditions for devotional service and that our ashram should be involved in the service of Srila Prabhupada's mission.  by your mercy, your dear Disciple and my husband, Krishna Kripamurti dasa took the second initiation from you and was invited to serve in the pujari department of our beloved Krishna Balaram temple in Iskcon Vrindavan in this year.  thank you.  husband’s spiritual victories are a blessing to our whole family and I want to offer you my gratitude today.  today I pray to you that our ashram will continue to be strong and continue their service in the mission of Srila Prabhupada here in Vrindavan led by local senior devotees,  If this is Srila Prabhupada's plan for us. I pray so that after some time I will can serve under the spiritual guidance of my dear husband.  You are an example of caring for devotees for me & example disciple. Thank you.

 your spiritual daughter Tulasi priya dasi

Hare Krishna

Namah om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshthhaya Bhutale. Srimate Jaya pataka swami iti naamine.

Naamocharya Padaya nitayi kripa pradayini, Gaur katha dhaam daya nagar gram tarini.


My respected spiritual father Sh. Jai Pataka Swami, Please accept my most humble obeisance at your lotus feet. Today is a very auspicious day of your divine appearance in the life of your disciple like me. Today is the day when a disciple opens her heart and with great feelings sings the glory of the spiritual master in a loud voice. But a fool like me neither has any words nor possesses any feelings in the heart, so how can I glorify your holiness. I am just like a small child who is always busy with her own self and don’t try to realize about what kind of troubles her father is going through to maintain and protect herself. I have never met you in person but I am always overwhelmed by just seeing you.

According to your instructions, I am chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra and also following four rules of Vaishnava but I am really sorry to state that I am unable to preach Krishna Conscious to other people as I find myself weak at it. May your blessings stay with us for a long-long time and continue to shower your mercy upon us.

Your Disciple

Udar Shachi Devi Dasi.

New Delhi - Sahibabad

*শ্রী শ্রী গুরু গৌরাঙ্গৌ জয়তঃ*


*"হৃদয়ের রাজ গুরুমহারাজ"*


শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের সুযোগ্য সন্তান যিনি ,

      শ্রীমৎ জয়পতাকা স্বামী তিনি। 

গুরুদেবের আদেশ শিরোধার্য  করে ,

            নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করেছেন  ভগবদবাণী প্রচারে।


বাণী প্রচারের লাগি, ভ্রমিছেন দেশে দেশে

          জাতি-বর্ণ  নির্বিশেষে, 

বিরামহীন,  ক্লান্তিহীন,  তাঁর  সেবা 

         বিশ্ব ইতিহাসে  করেছেন  কে বা ?

 নিতাই- গৌরের করুণার  আশ্রয়  আপনি  

           সকল ভক্তের  শ্রদ্ধারও শিরোমণি।

 বিশ্বব্যাপী  মহাপ্রভুর নির্দেশিকা পালনে ---

             দৈহিক ক্লেশকে বরণ করেছেন যতনে । 

নামহট্ট নাও - এর আপনি সুদক্ষ  কান্ডারী----- 

          পতিত জীবের উদ্ধারের  লাগি । 

গোলকের প্রেমধন হরিনাম সংকীর্তন 

            দিব্যভাবে করেন নর্তন কীর্তন  ।

 জয় , জয়, জয়, কেবল উড়িয়েছেন জয়েরই পতাকা  

        তাইতো বলি গুরুদেব জয়পতাকা । 

কামদা একাদশীর পূণ্যলগনে  

       হয়েছেন আবির্ভূত  , 

জন্ম সার্থক করি 

              করেছেন নিজেকে  উদ্ভাসিত ।

তাই ভক্তেরা মিলে গাই

             আনন্দের সীমা নাই ,সীমা নাই ।

এই শুভদিনে বলতে চাই

       আপনার নৌকায় চাই ঠাঁই  ।

পতিত, অধম ,অসহায়  আমি,

       কেবল আপনারেই পিতা  বলে  জানি ,

       আমিই সেই উদ্ধারিনী ।           



        আপনার  কৃপাকাঙ্খী শিষ্যা


      উদ্ধারিনী শক্তি  দেবী দাসী

      ইস্কন , কোচবিহার। ।

Usha Ulsaahamayi Devi Dasi(diksa)Kannur, kerala.

Hare krishna Gurudev, 

My dear Spiritual father, Happy Vyasa Puja.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. 

All glories to HDG=A.C Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad The Founder Acharya of ISKCON.

All glories to H.D.G= H.H. Jayapataka Swami Acharyapad Guru Maharaaj, My Spititual father.

All glories to Sri Lord Sri Krishna, The supreme personality of Godhead.

Please accept our dandavat koti koti pranam unto our Gurudevu and spiritual master.

We would like to express our sincere respects and gratitude to our beloved Guru Maharaja on the special occasion of Vyasa-puja. On this very auspicious occasion of your divine appearance day, I take special pleasure in offering this homage, as a tiny attempt to glorify you.

On the occassion of 71st  Appearance day of our Gurudev, first we beg to Sri Sri Narsimhadev Please bring my spiritual Father’s (Gurudev maharaj's) Health condition as normal.I am serving in iskcon Kannur centre as main cook. Sometimes I am doing arathi and offering to Lord Jaganatha, Baladev and Subhadra devi. Every Sunday and special occasions I am the cooking seva to jagannatha. I am also doing the seva for Harekrishna satsang Kannur to stitch lord Nitai Gaura Sundar Bhagavan dress and srila prabhupad dress too.On rathayatra time our family Give dresses for lord jaganatha  every year and unlimited years.

 With gurumaharj's and krishna's mercy life is going with krishna seva.All my families are  initiated devotees and bhakthas pray for lord Krishna and Ahobila Narsimhadev  for regain the health and do Krishna seva and lookafter the devotee disciples as before. In 2019 Kartika/Damodar month we do the light to lord damodar everyday for one month to our Gurudev.

May lord krishna bless our gurumaharj to live more and more years to guide with us to continue a sincere spiritual life and take back home back to godhead.

We offer our humble obeisances and dandavad pranam on this ausupecious day of appearance and pray to sreela Prabhupad and Krishna  to give Gurumaharaaj a long life to inspire of those of thousanda and thousands of fallen souls to join with the wonderful life of Krishna consciousness.

All glories to our spiritual father, master, Gurudev.

Your insignificant servant,

Usha Ulsaahamayi Devi Dasi(diksa)Kannur, kerala.


Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhuthale

Sreemathe jayapataka swamin iti naamine

Nama om Acharya padaaya nithai krupa pradayathe

Gaura katha dhaama thaya nagara graama dhaarini

Raghava Chaitanya Das

Hare Krishna, My Dear Guru Maharaj and My Spiritual Father,

All Glories to Sree Sree Guru and Gauranga. Shreela Prabhupaad maharaja ki jay.Please accept our humble respectable dandavat obeisances pranam to Guru Maharaaj’s lotus feet.

Calling forth all glories and all victory to Gurudev on Gurumaharaj’s most auspicious 71st vyasapuja.

Guru Mahārāja, You are distributing the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityanand in this world, incessantly, still I am such unfortunate and useless fallen disciple of yours, who failed to get the chance of your association.

But when I get the chance to have your darshans from a distance or from facebook , I feel myself to be truly fortunate, because just by your darshan, you can make my mind, consciousnessbody, and fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Therefore, please bless me so that no matter where you stay, I may always feel your presence in the core of my heart.

I humbly seek your mercy and blessings so that I can continue to serve you eternally at your lotus feet, to be always in the association of devotees, for attentively chanting, for regular book reading, for doing more and more preaching activities in the temple. I am regularly preaching 4 days a week regardless of my busy work.

Please bless me so that I am always engaged in devotional service and spread kṛṣṇa consciousness wherever I go. Please bless us my whole family to do more and more Krishna seva in the coming years.

Your Humble and Insignificant Servant,

Raghava Chaitanya Das (Diksha Disciple)

Saranya (Aspirent)

Bhaktha sreelakshmi

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja! 

Please accept my respectful obeisance. All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!!! 

Daily I used to offer my homeages to you. 

During my initial days of ISKCON I used to say "Oṁ Ajñāna timirāndasya..." Normally. After my initiation only I totally realized the meaning of the śloka. Daily you are helping me in all my spiritual activities Guru Mahārāja. Really I am fallen, don't have any knowledge to understand the philosophy of Kṛṣṇa. My only desire is to serve Kṛṣṇa and always be in association with devotees. My husband is not a devotee to guide me and I have a responsibility to bring my child in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Like a father please guide me Guru Mahārāja and give me the spiritual strength to follow your guidance.

Our congregation devotees are planning to build apartment cum Jagannātha temple in Bangalore. We all are dependant on your mercy Guru Mahārāja. Please bless us to stay together and work together for Mahāprabhu's mission.

Please be healthy Guru Mahārāja. Please accept my humble obeisance. 

Your insignificant servant, 

Uttama Vasudhā devī dāsī

Hare Krshna

Dandavat Pranams

All  glories  to Guru and  Gauranga

All glories to AC Bhakti vedanta Srila prabhupad

All Glories  to HH Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj


Namaha om Vishnu padaya Krshna preshtaya  Bhutale

srimate HH jayapataka  swamin iti  Namine

Namacharya Padaya Nitai  krupa pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhamadhaya Nagara grama Tarine

Hare Krshna my dear Gurudev

Dandavt pranams in  your  Lotus  feet,

This is  Bhaktipriya Bharathi DD - associating in ICC Bangalore

we  were so fortunate that you have accepted me as your Disciple . Last  time you have  visited  Bangalore  2019--we took your Darshan in  bangalore Palace Grounds.

Huge crowd assembled and all the  Devotees were hankering to see you, and  listen  your lecture and  Services.

By seeing all these we are so proud and mesmerizing that your are our spiritual  master.

This  year we have freely Distributed 125 Bhagavad Gita on Book Distribution Marathan. pl Bless us to Continue and fulfill Srilaprabhupadas 


 GuruDev ,we  pray Lord Narasihma Dev to  give  good health, wealth, to stay for more and more years to lead Srila prabhupad mission .


 Yours Ever Servant

Bhaktipriya Bharati DD





জগৎ ত্রাতা তুমি জয়পতাকা

পতিতপাবন জয়াপাতাকা

নিতাই প্রেম বিতড়িলা জীবে

গৌর দাতা পাইবার তরে

প্রভুপাদের প্রাণধন মঙ্গলকর্তা

ত্রিভুবন মাঝে তুমি সুরধুনি ধারা

পরম দয়াময় হে গুরু মহারাজ

অধম শোধিতে তুমি প্রযয়াগরাজ

তুমি ছাড়া নাহি মোর আর কোনো গতি

তব শ্রীচরণে মম রহে যেন রতি ।




                        ইতি বৈষ্ণব দাসানুদাস দেবজ্যোতি সরকার

ইসকন কোচবিহার

*।।হরে কৃষ্ণ।।* 

জয় ও৺ বিষ্ণুপাদ পরমহংস পরিব্রাজকাচার্য ১০৮ শ্রী শ্রীমৎ জয়পাতাকা স্বামী পতিত পাবন গুরু মহারাজের শ্রীচরণ কমলে শত কোটি দণ্ডবৎ প্রনাম নিবেদন করি। হে পতিত পাবন গৌর ধনজয় শ্রী গুরুদেব আমি আপনার এক আযোগ্য সন্তান। আমার নাম তন্ময় দাস, জীবনে প্রথম বার আমি লেখার সুযোগ পেয়ে আমি ধন্য। হে গুরুদেব আমি অতিব মূর্খ, অজ্ঞান, কর্মহীন এক দূরাত্মা। আজ ব্যাস পূজোর এই শুভ লগ্নে আমি আপনার নিকট আমার জীবনে আপনার কৃপায় ভক্তি পথে আসার যে সুযোগ পেয়েছি তা আপনাকে নিবেদন করতে চাই। এই লিখাতে আমার কোনো ভুল বা অপরাধ হলে নিজ দাস গুণে ক্ষমা করে দেবেন হে গুরুদেব।

হে গুরুদেব ছোটো থেকেই আমার ভাগবৎ ভক্তির বিষয়ে জানার খুব ইচ্ছে ছিল। ছোটো থেকেই আমি আমার জেঠুর মুখে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ কথা শুনে শুনে বড় হয়েছি। কিন্তু সঠিক পথের সন্ধান পাইনি। আমি যেই বিদ্যালয়ে উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পড়া সম্পুর্ণ করেছি সেই বিদ্যালয়ের পাশেই তৈরি হয়েছিল এক ইস্কন মন্দির। আমি রোজ সেই মন্দিরের পাশ দিয়ে যেতাম, আসতার আর মন্দিরের কার্য ক্রমে দেখে খুব আকৃষ্ট হতাম। খুব ইচ্ছে করতো ভেতরে যাওয়ার কিন্তু যেতাম না। প্রতিবছর রথযাত্রায় সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে রথ দেখতাম কীর্তন শুনতাম অনুষ্ঠান দেখতাম কিন্তু সেরকম ভাবে কারো সাথে পরিচয় হয়ে ওঠেনি। 

আমার উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পরিক্ষার এক সপ্তাহ আগে আমি ঠিক করলাম বাড়ির সকলে মিলে ইসকন মন্দিরে গিয়ে পুজো দিয়ে আসব। তাই পুজোর বিধি নিষেধ জানতে আমি যাই মন্দিরের পরিচালক কমিটির সাথে কথা বলতে । তারপর একদিন সপরিবারে মন্দিরে গিয়ে নামহট্ট অনুষ্ঠান করে আসি এবং ওই অনুষ্ঠান আমার এতটাই ভাল লাগে যে আমি সেখানে একটা কীর্তন গেয়ে শোনাই। আমার মুখে কীর্তন শুনে সেখানে ভক্তরা আমার তাদের সাথে যোগদান করতে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। এবং উচ্চমাধ্যমিকের পর রোজ সকালে আমি মন্দিরে যাওয়া শুরু করি। আমার ইসকন এর সাথে যোগদান হবার পর প্রথম অনুষ্ঠানটি দিল আপনার ব্যাস পূজা মহোৎসব ২০১৬ সালে সেই দিন আমি উপবাস থেকে পুষ্পাঞ্জলি ও প্রথমবার তিলক সেবা করি এরপর থেকে ইসকনের সাথে এক ঘনিষ্ঠ সম্পর্ক হয়ে ওঠে। ক্রমে ক্রমে আমি ও আমার বাড়ির প্রত্যেক সদস্য ভক্তি পথে চলে আসি, প্রথম প্রথম আমার মা ভক্তিযোগের বাধা সৃষ্টি করলেও আপনার কৃপায় এখন বাড়ির সকলেই প্রসাদ ভোজি।

হে পতিত পাবন গুরুদেব আমার এখন আপনার চরণে একটি নিবেদন আছে। আপনি কৃপা করুন যেন আমি আমার স্বপরিবারে আপনার আনুগত্যে ভগবত ভক্তি করতে পারি এবং এই দুর্লভ মনুষ্য জীবনকে ধন্য করতে পারে।



                   আপনার এক অযোগ্য সন্তান

                  বৈষ্ণব দাসানুদাস তনময় দাস

                               ।। হরে কৃষ্ণ।।

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Please accept our respectful obeisances!

Happy Vyasa Puja Dear Gurudev!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

The one point is that without increasing the number of disciples, there is no propagation of the cult of Krishna consciousness. Therefore, sometimes even at a risk, a sannyasi in the line of Caitanya Mahaprabhu may accept· even a person who is not thoroughly fit to become a disciple. Later on, by the mercy of such a bona fide spiritual master, the disciple is gradually elevated.

                                                                                                                                                                                 - Nectar of Devotion Page 8

You are a living example for the above statement !! 

You are an epitome of selfless living !! 

On a minute to minute basis you are saving several souls like us from the on-slaughter of this material world!!

Now by your causeless mercy we are in our Krishna consciousness process.


Me, Vaishnavananda Nitai Das got your mercy through initiation on 2007 and Soundarya Radhika DD got initiated in 2016. Though we were a practicing devotees before our grhastha life, at our own speed. As we took up grhastha life we realized it is a huge paradigm shift. Its only because of your causeless mercy, which is flowing through your senior disciples (HG Caitanya Avatari Prabhu and HG Rasamayi mathaji) is making us sail through this journey of grhastha life in a Krishna conscious way. Now we are happy grhastha with a Bhakta Dhruva, who is a mercy of your special blessing. A day by day he is helping us to increase our commitment to our devotional service. The message that i would like to share from this detail is, Though we are almost third or fourth decade of disciples’ under your care, but we felt no missing of love and care of yours, through your senior disciples. All glories to all your wonderful training and inspiration that you have instilled in all of them.

We are greatly indebted to you and your glorious congregation development program like Bhakti-Vrksha, Namahatta and so, without which I can’t imagine our life being Krishna conscious in this fast moving material world, more so for a congregation grhastha/preacher like us. You are a trikāla-jñani (knows the past, present and future), Gurudev!! You fore saw this way of effective preaching several decades before

Hare Krishna!

All glories to Sri Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Namo Om Vishnu Padhya Krishna Preshtiya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamine Ite Namene.

Nama Achareya Padhya Nitai  Krupaya Pradhyene Gaura Katha Dhamadhya Nagara Grama Tarene.

Dandavat Pranams on your lotus feet!!

Guru Maharaj, you are definitely not an ordinary person !! You always guided your disciples in the correct way and the best way that they can be guided. Whenever your disciples face problems that are to a level that they can't come out, they pray to you and Krishna to remove them from those problems and indeed Lord Krishna helps his devotees in the form of his representatives that is you. Even indeed I had experienced it. When my  10th board exams started, the first exam was English and for me writing the exam was full of tension and nervousness and while writing the exam I faced a problem which was I accidentally forgot to write a question of 8marks. Before I had left space for it as at that time I couldn't recollect the answer for it. So half an hour was only left, I thought to recheck my answers and later I found that blank space. But I didn't know what to write for it and I prayed to you and Krishan to give me the knowledge to write. Definitely Krishna and you heard my prayers. So then I wrote it. If by chance you wouldn't have helped me then I would have lost my marks terribly. Also, it is so true that Guru can listen to his disciple's problems wherever he is and guides him/her accordingly. In my case, it was true. Your merry for devotees is unlimited and you do it for the purpose to accomplish Srila Prabhupada mission and Krishna has special mercy upon you. I will try my best in serving the mission in whatever ways I can do.

Yours ever Servant 

Vaishnavi Gururajarao Kulkarni 




ব্যাসপুজো শ্রদ্ধাসুমন


গুরুদেব, কেমনে  ঋণ শোধিবো তোমার?

অধম অক্ষম যে  মুই, ভীষণ দুরাচার।।

করিয়াছ পুনিতপাবন , দিয়া হরিনাম দীক্ষা।

গৌরকার্যে নিরলস ,তব ত্যাগ- তিতিক্ষা।।

সার্ধশতসহস্র জনে করিলে আপন , যোগ্যতা না বিচারী।

হেন অগাধ কৃপা-করুণা দেখি ,ঝরে মোর অশ্রুবারি।।

কর্ণকুহরে করে বিমল সুনির্মল, তব বচন মাধুরী।

গৌরলীলার প্রাঞ্জল ব্যাখ্যান ,তাহার নেইকো জুড়ি।।

নামপ্রেম প্রচারে কিছুই করিতে যে নাহি পারি।

তাইতো তব অগ্রে যাইতে চিত্তে বড়ই ডরি l।

দীর্ঘ-সুদীর্ঘ-সুস্বাস্থ্যময় হোক ,তব জীবনের বর্ষরাশি।

অবনত শিরে প্রণমে এই বৈষ্ণবী লক্ষীপ্রিয়া দেবী দাসী।।


Yours Lowly Servant

Vaishnavi Lakshmipriya devi dasi (Diksha)



Dear Guru Maharaj,

                  PAMRO. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Being a fallen soul, I

write this small glorification for my own purification and the immense inspiration I

get by meditating on your past times.

                  Before the recent major surgery, your body had undergone so much

troubles.You had expressed that you wanted to give up this body, but then, thinking

about completing your services to Srila Prabhupada, you wanted to continue. Your

determination in serving Srila Prabhupada gives the literal meaning of


                  Your worldwide travel within a short time after your surgery is

the perfect example of your realization that 'I am not this body but spirit soul,

part and parcel of Lord Krishna'.

                    Two or three days after your liver transplantation, when your

assistants were allowed to meet you, you were desperately trying to communicate

something. Then, with great difficulty, through alphabetical chart, you asked them

to give a clicker to the nurse who was attending you and make her chant.In such a

painful condition how can you be so compassionate ?

                      In a letter to temples, Srila Prabhupada says, "Collect funds,

spend on the same day for the lord and collect again the next day". During the

recent Gaura Purnima festival, you were sponsoring for devotees' prasadam daily. You

are also contributing to various schemes like Mayapur TV. How is it possible to

carry out each and every instruction of Srila Prabhupada  ?

      During this virus pandemic, everyone is put into various difficulties. We read

about the difficulties of Mayapur devotees. On Sri Rama Navami day, you had sent Sri

Ramchandra's  prasadam to each and every community devotee. Being in almost

Quarantine state, you are always thinking of your dependents and showing your deep

love and care for them.


        Recently I was undergoing some difficulties and was thinking of writing them

to you. One day, in a perplexed state, I was an contemplating of what to write to

you and went to sleep.

On waking up, I received a picture in the mobile in which Lord Narsimha Dev was

hugging little Prahlad on his  shoulder and a parallel real picture of yourself

hugging a small boy on your shoulder. This sight gave me a lot of peace and joy and

I felt assured of Lord Narasimha's  protection through you.

My dear Guru Maharaj, while praying to Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada for your

well being, I also pray for becoming a good instrument in your service to Srila

Prabhupada and attain pure devotion to the Lord.


Humbly seeking your blessings,


Your Insignificant Servant

Varadasakhi Devi Dasi


My dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of the lotus feet of your divine grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to guru and Gauranga.

On the occasion of the vyasa puja of your divine grace, I pray that your divine grace be in our midst for a long time blessed with good health so that many fallen souls such as me can benefit by your mercy and kind association.

I am grateful for the many blessings bestowed upon me first when I finished the Bhakti shastri course at Mayapur institute and followed by this year when I completed the Bhakti Vaibhav module -1. Gurudev, your divine grace had then instructed me that I should also continue the translation of books to Malayalam including the books of your divine grace. This is a great fortune and opportunity for service bestowed upon this fallen soul. Kindly be merciful and bless me so that I can execute my service as pleasing to gurudev and Krishna.

Your divine grace have been an ocean of mercy, guide and inspiration to all of us by your personal example in serving the mission of Srila Prabhupada for delivering the fallen souls of the age of kali. 

Kindly be merciful and forgive my offences and keep me an eternal servant at the dust of the Lotus feet of your divine grace is my humble prayer at this glorious occasion.

Please accept my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

Your servant,

Varadhayini Rohini Devi dasi.

Dhiksha disciple, Kochi, Kerala.

"Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namane

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dham Daya Nagara Grama Tarine


Hare Krishna Dearest Guru Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaj, I am extremely grateful and thankful to you for accepting me as your desciple. I want to work with full dedication to abide by my initiation vows and work to assist you fullfill the instructions of Srila Prabhupada

GuruMaharaj, I always see you as such a merciful personality who is always thinking of others. You have given shelther to so many devotees around the globe and made 50000 desciples, there are so many waiting for your mercy and they look upon you as the only saviour. You request all the devotees and desciples to reach out as many as possible and make them offer Ghee Lamps to Lord Damodar in the auspicious Kartik Month. This program is big success and we all love to connect many souls to Lord Krishna. Thank you for making us instruments in this glorious service.

I get inspired to see you taking so active part in distribution of Srila Prabhupada books and that fills me with a lot of enthusiasm 

Gurumaharaj, your facebook classes (live)are very popular and it provides direct access to us for your darshan, and I eagerly hear your instruction on facebook classes. Many times you answer all my questions which I have in the Q&A session, I wonder how you know what is running in my mind and you reciprocate so fast. I find you so joyful when you give classes on facebook. Seeing you I become extremely happy

You are so Hardworking Gurumaharaj, you attend all the GBC Meetings, Travel across globe, daily intracting with devotees its just out of this world experience 

I have found you as a very caring father Gurumaharaj. Srila Prabhupada called you associate of Lord Chaitanya and when you call out GAURANGAAAAA it feels so amazing that I cannot express in words. You are so eager to ensure the mercy of Lord Nityananda & Lord Gauranga reaches everyone. It feels very difficult to be in a different culture and with people from different countries but when Srila Prabhupada instructed you to go to Mayapur you were very Happy and what Mayapur is today it is because of your hard work and your guidance. Even outside ISKCON people love you so much and they get inspired just by seeing you

Gurumaharaj, you have written such a wonderful poem..........."Yadi Prabhupada Na Hoite" This has helped me to understand your heart to an extent, I know what my Gurumaharaj likes and feels:) and I can align myself to this to please you

Gurumaharaj, Please forgive me for any mistakes in expressing my gratitude to you, I am not sure if I could express what I feel for you

I miss you alot and I know you know it very well

I promise you that I will dedicate myself completely in full filling your instruction of "making bangalore the 1st Krishna Coucious city of the world"

Gurumaharaj, Please bless me that

1) I can engage myself & family and other people towards this goal, 

2) I can work with great cooperation with other devotees as this is your prominent instruction in all the lectures

3) I can genuinely take care of the devotees I associate with

I wish you all good health and many more years of this glorious and auspicious occasions of your Vyas Puja. 

Your Spiritual Son & Servant

Varaha Krpamaya Dasa

Sri Sri Narsimha Giridhari Temple, Bangalore




Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale


Srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine


Namo acharya-padaye nitai-kripa pradayine

Gaur katha dham-daya nagar- grama tarine


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya


cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!

Patita Pavan Srila Gurumaharaj ki jaya!


Vyasa Puja Mahotsava ki jaya!!!!


Dear Srila Gurudev,


On the occasion of your Vyasa-puja, the day of your blessed appearance in this world, I tried to wrote something to describe your glories.

Gurudev, you are my saviour. No one can calculate the amount of compassion you're carrying in your heart. Whether anyone is qualified or not you're constantly distributing internal love of gaur nitai to everyone without any discrimination. I felt very fortunate that you have given me the opportunity to write something for you. Srila gurudev you're very dear to srila prabhupada. You're taking care of your every child. If I know something about lord gauranga and mayapur dham, the reason is you. Your evey word encourages me to become stnauch follower of srila prabhupada. I personally feel that you're not far away from me. Whenever I need you gurudev you always available. Certainly this statement is true. Several times I have noticed that there is no any difference in you and your vani. Whatever question I have into my mind, I just picked up to listen any of your lectures, gradually you're giving all the answers of my questions. 

I want to thank you million times, my dearest Gurudev, for Your appearance in my life and saving me. Srila gurudev I have also noticed that how much your mood is connected to previous acharyas. Which can be seen  by your actions and activities. And I also want to share one more thing srila gurudev that whenever you sung kirtana, that moment my heart filled with ecstacy. You're the only reason for my stadibility in krsna consciousness. Please please srila gurudev don't ever leave the finger of your daughter...I always need you.


Ekaki amara, nahi paya bala,


tumi kripa kori', sraddha-bindu diya,

deho' krishna-nama-dhane


Alone, I do not find the strength to chant the holy name of Hari. Please be merciful and, blessing me with a drop of faith, bestow on me the great treasure of the holy name of Krsna.


krishna se tomara, krishna dite paro,

tomara sakati ache

ami to' kangala, 'krishna' 'krishna' boli',

dhai tava pache pache


Krsna is yours, and you can give Him to me, for such is your power. This wretch is simply running behind you, crying out, "Krsna! Krsna!"


Forever Indented

Varsana Kesavi Devi Dasi

Dear GuruMaharaja, 


Please accept my humble obeisences at your lotus feet. All glories to his divine grace Srila Prahupada and all glories unto you.  


You are the true example of how to be determined in Krishna Bhakti and service to Sri Radha Krishna inspite of many impediments. You prove that all impediments or hurdles are not just good enough in not doing service to Sri Sri Radha krishna. It is through your guidance that I have been able to start trying to become the servant of servant of servant  of servant of the vaishnavas.  


Whenever I feel low or confused, by your mercy and Prabhupada's mercy, I coincidentally get one of your messages through the various whatsapp groups.  It feels like as if krishna has personally sent your divine words in the form of whatsapp messages to guide me and pull me out of the confusion I'am in. 


I request you to please keep showering your divine blessings and make me walk to the path of Krishna consciousness and always serve you, Prahupada and Sri Sri Radha Krishna with your divine guidance and blessings. 


Your servant of servant,

Varshni Pradeep(Aspiring Disciple) 

Iskcon Sri Jagannath Mandir Bangalore 

Hare Krsna, Dear Guru Maharaj!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your divine lotus feet. All Glories to Guru Parampara & His Divine Grace A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your Holiness! 


Today is very auspicious event of your divine appearance as we became fortunate to have you as a Great Leader in Sri Krishna Chaitanya Maha Prabhu's mission after Srila Prabhupada who continuously travel & preach for the benefit of the whole world and delivering the fallen conditioned souls by delivering the message of the Vedic Scriptures and applying them in this current age, where materialistic people are doing adulteration in daily food to earn more profits and putting our lives at stake, always trying to achieve more advancement in technology for using it for their own sense gratification. So, in this age, we see a very brutal world and we see you as our great inspirational role model & spiritual father seeing you as a driving force of ISKCON, extraordinarily preaching across the world, never failing to follow A-Z of bhakti even with your present body which is not suitable for living amazes & gives goosebumps towards conditioned soul like me who are suffering so much from all the three kleshas especially adi atmik klesha which force me to progress in bhakti very very slowly or falling down that I feel very unfortunate to be unable to apply the inspirations which I get from you in serving my shiksha guru's instructions as I am still in bodily platform even after having completed my first year in ISKCON because I feel very much difficulties due to the pains in the arms. Even though I am aware that you are having way more problems in your life but you never care or pay heed to them and very well engaging yourself in Krsna's loving devotional services and leading us with great enthusiasm! 


Please bless me as I seek your divine mercy so that I could apply the divine inspirations receiving from you in progressing well in the bhakti path and to serve very well in your mission as I really wish to do service which is not for maya but for Krsna! Please help me Arise in such a way that I Never fall down from the path of pure devotional services platform and I don't want to go back to the "chewing the chewed" position!


Yours insignificant humble aspiring to be servant, 

Varun S Bhatt.






Dear Guru Maharaj, 
Kindly accept my respectable obeisances at your lotus feet. 

Guru Maharaj you are a very special person, very very special person
We are very fortunate to have you as Guru Maharaj in my life. 

Guru Maharaj you are the perfect example of a perfect disciple.

Few years back I was just a devotee just attending classes & with false thought no one can be pure devotee to lord. 

After seeing you guru maharaj even in your difficult times (health issues) u chant, take classes online, guide, motivate devotees.

This inspired me to change my thoughts.

Today I am completely surrendered to you Guru Maharaj. Whatever difficulty I face I just pray to you like miracle all get vanished.

Realised that if we want to see Krishna, we can see Him in Guru Maharaj's heart.

Your sheltered disciple

Radha Gopinath Circle
ISKCON Narasimha Giridhari mandir, Bangalore

Dear Guru Maharaj, 
Kindly accept my respectable obeisances at your lotus feet. 

Guru Maharaj you are a very special person, very very special person
We are very fortunate to have you as Guru Maharaj in my life. 

Guru Maharaj you are the perfect example of a perfect disciple.

Few years back I was just a devotee just attending classes & with false thought no one can be pure devotee to lord. 

After seeing you guru maharaj even in your difficult times (health issues) u chant, take classes online, guide, motivate devotees.

This inspired me to change my thoughts.

Today I am completely surrendered to you Guru Maharaj. Whatever difficulty I face I just pray to you like miracle all get vanished.

Realised that if we want to see Krishna, we can see Him in Guru Maharaj's heart.


Your sheltered disciple

Radha Gopinath Circle
ISKCON Narasimha Giridhari mandir, Bangalore

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja.

Please accept my humble obeisance on to your lotus feet Guru Mahārāja.

Please bless me to do more service on to your lotus feet Guru Mahārāja.

Guru Mahārāja I have two kids my son name Caitanya he is 10 years old, my daughter name Samhita 4 years old and my husband name Suresh Kumar. Guru Mahārāja bless me to do my rounds properly. Guru Mahārāja you are so merciful you blessed me and my kids on Hiranandani apartment Chennai even we are not devotees like other you are great Guru Mahārāja. Thank you so much on to your lotus feet for your blessings Guru Mahārāja. Guru Mahārāja I am doing 16 rounds for past 4 years. Please bless me to do my rounds properly with Kṛṣṇa and Guru Mahārāja conciousness. Guru Mahārāja please give me strength to do my Ekādaśī fasting. Guru Mahārāja please bless me to do tulasī-ārati. Now I started telling Tulasī song in front of my pūjā room but not doing proper tulasī-pūjā. Guru Mahārāja bless my husband and kids to do rounds. My son he will do one round but not regularly please Guru Mahārāja bless my son to do his round regularly and properly. Guru Mahārāja please accept my sorry on to your lotus feet Guru Mahārāja. Sorry for my mistake Guru Mahārāja. Please Guru Mahārāja bless me to think about Kṛṣṇa and Guru Mahārāja each and every second of my life. Guru Mahārāja bless my mother, father, brothers, husband, kids and me to be in Kṛṣṇa conciousness. Please Guru Mahārāja bless me to do more service to your lotus feet. Bless my family also to do more service on to your lotus feet Guru Mahārāja. Jaya Guru Mahārāja.

Your devotee,



All glories to Srila prabhupada


My Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Gauranga.

First, I wish you a happy 71st appearance day. On this special day, I like to express my gratitude for accepting me as your spiritual son.  Gurumaharaj You touch hearts of so many people every day through your classes and personal interactions and travel across the globe. Your qualities are benchmark for your disciples to learn and emulate in communities we live. Your are a symbol of hope for condition souls like me that one day I will reach lotus feet of Krishna.

You are inspiring generations cutting across age,rich,poor,class by freely distributing the Holy name of the lord. With your health condition Gurumaharaj, you have gone beyond your body limits to shower your mercy by giving initiations across the world this year. You have redefined the qualities of determination, tolerance and humility by your actions.

GuruMaharaj, You have always stressed the importance of strengthening relationship between devotees. H.G. Vedavit Prabhu and H.G. VasantaRaga Mataji your deciples are helping our BV group members by personally talking to them and engaging them in KC activities.  Thank you Guru maharaj for giving great leaders to guide us in shaping our KC life.

Just like a disease person take medication from doctor to cure once disease, I came to your shelter for cure and You have given medicine to cure my disease of false ego, jealousy, anger, grudge etc which have been plaguing me from time immemorial. By constantly taking this medicine of “Chanting Hare Krishna Mantra”, I can feel transformation of myself. I am greatful to  you dear gurumaharaj for showing me the path of “Pure Devotional Service” to Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna. There is more to learn from you gurumaharaj. Please pray for this fallen soul, so that I can continue to engage in service of vaishanavas.

Every year, with your prayers and blessings, I am able to serve vaishnavas by taking part in various temple services in secundrabad.  Please forgive me for offences caused at your lotus feet. Bless me that I continue to inspire myself and my family members to serve your mission.

I pray to Lord narashimadev to give you good health and you keep showering your mercy across the world and uplift fallen souls to path of Bhakti yoga.

Your Spiritual Son

Venkatapati vasudeva das.


Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please Accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 I’m writing this letter to express my gratitude towords my guru maharaja, for accepting this most fallen soul as your disciple.

Guru Maharaja, you are a great source of inspiration for us in Krishna Consciousness. We could see that your eagerness to preach following srila prabhupad’s instructions, are `imbibed my many of your disciples. Today we are in this transcendental process and chanting the holy name of lord Krishna. Because of the association with your disciples. We are externally thankful to you

Actually I am so fallen a conditioned soul that I cannot understand your divine power, also i am unable to understand your divine grace. You are merciful, therefore you accept me as a dasa

You are fulfilling prabhupada’s desire to deliver the holy name around the world. Prabhupada gave you such power, to spread Krishna consciousness around the world, also you are fulfilling the desire of the lord caitanya mahaprabhu.

On the occasion of your divine grace’s vyasa puja celebration, I reconfirm my surrender and dedication to serving your lotus feet and pray your causeless mercy and beg forgiveness for all my offenses.

My prayers to lord Narasimhadev, sri sri radha madhav , panchatatva  and srila prabhupada to improve your health and spread this mahaprabhu’s movement (srila prabhupad movement) through out the world.

Your Humble Servents,

Venugopal karuna das

Lakshmana rani devi dasi

Purna bhagavan syam das ( son )

*।।শ্রী গুরু গৌরাঙ্গৌ জয়তু ।।*


 ওঁ অজ্ঞান-তিমিরান্ধস্য জ্ঞানাঞ্জণ শলাকয়া ।

 চক্ষুরুন্মীলিতং যেন তস্মৈ শ্রীগুরবে নমঃ।। 


 নমো ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে ।

 শ্রীমতে জয়পতাকা স্বামীনিতি নামিনে।। 

নমঃ আচার্যপাদায় নিতাইকৃপা প্রদায়িনে। 

গৌরকথা ধামদায় নগরগ্রাম তারিণে।।


 ইসকন প্রতিষ্ঠাতা আচার্য্য কৃষ্ণকৃপাশ্রীমূর্তি শ্রীল অভয়চরণারবিন্দ ভক্তিবেদান্ত স্বামী প্রভুপাদের বিশেষ কৃপাধন্য প্রাণপ্রিয় শিষ্য গৌর ধন জন , দয়ার সিন্ধু , কৃপা পারবার , শ্রী নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুর কৃপা মূর্তি ,ইসকন জিবিসি মণ্ডলীর অন্যতম কর্ণধার এবং ইসকন গুরুবৃন্দের অন্যতম, পরমপূজ্য - ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ পরমহংস পরম পরিব্রাজকাচার্য্য অষ্টোত্তর শত বিশ্বনামহট্ট প্রচার মন্ত্রীবর শ্রী "শ্রীমৎ জয়পতাকা স্বামী " পরমারাধ্য গুরুমহারাজের একাত্তর তম ব্যাসপূজা ও পঞ্চাশ তম সন্ন্যাস বর্ষপূর্তি মহোৎসবে গুরুমহারাজের শ্রী চরণ কমলে অধমের নিবেদন- 


 গুরুদেব ,

             মোর প্রাণমাঝে  তব বাস । 

     জনমে জনমে            তব শ্রীচরণে 

            রাখো করি নিজ দাস।। ১।। 


 গুরুদেব , 

                পতিতপাবন তুমি।

       মো সম পতিতে      পদ রজ দিয়া

            করহ কৃষ্ণকামী।।২।। 


 গুরুদেব , 

             তুমি গৌর-ধন-জন।

       তব হৃদিমাঝে     নিত্য নিরন্তর

             হরিনাম সংকীর্তন।।৩।।   


গুরুদেব , 

              তোমার তুলনা নাই।

      তব কৃপা বলে       প্রেম লভে জীব 

            ভজে চৈতন্য নিতাই।।৪।। 



 গুরুদেব , 

                 করুণা করিলে দান। 

         প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ   তোমার আনন্দ

             গৌরহরি ধনপ্রাণ।।৫।। 


 গুরুদেব ,

              মুঞি পতিত পামর অতি। 

         কৃপা কর মোরে      সদা রহে যেন

                 তব শ্রীচরণে মতি।।৬।। 



                তুমি বড় কৃপাময়।  

       উদ্ধারিলে জীব         হরিনাম রসে 

             দুঃখ ক্লেশ নাহি রয়।।৭।। 



                এ অধমের অভিলাস। 

         অহৈতুকী ভক্তি      শ্রীচরণে যাচে

             বেণু শ্যামসুন্দর দাস।।৮।।


                      -ভক্ত দাসানুদাস 

                   বেণু শ্যামসুন্দর দাস 

                     ইসকন কোচবিহার

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhuthale

Sreemathe jayapataka swamin iti naamine

Nama om Acharya padaaya nithai krupa pradayathe

Gaura katha dhaama thaya nagara graama dhaarini

Vichitra Chaitanya  Das (Diksha Disciple)

Rajesvari Sathyabhama Devi Dasi(Diksa Disciple)

Hare Krishna, My Dear Guru Maharaj and My Spiritual Father,

All Glories to Sree Sree Guru and Gauranga. Shreela Prabhupaad maharaja ki jay.Please accept our humble respectable dandavat obeisances pranam to Guru Maharaaj’s lotus feet.

Calling forth all glories and all victory to Gurudev on Gurumaharaj’s most auspicious 71st vyasapuja.

Guru Mahārāja, You are distributing the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityanand in this world, incessantly, still I am such unfortunate and useless fallen disciple of yours, who failed to get the chance of your association.

But when I get the chance to have your darshans from a distance or from facebook , I feel myself to be truly fortunate, because just by your darshan, you can make my mind, consciousnessbody, and fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Therefore, please bless me so that no matter where you stay, I may always feel your presence in the core of my heart.

I humbly seek your mercy and blessings so that I can continue to serve you eternally at your lotus feet, to be always in the association of devotees, for attentively chanting, for regular book reading, I got 305 people  of kerala from kasargode to Trivandrum Malayalam btg bhagavad darshanam magazine yearly subscription. Me and my wife also doing book distribution whereever we for bhagavath sapthaham.

Please bless me so that I am always engaged in devotional service and spread kṛṣṇa consciousness whereever I go. Please bless us.

Your Humble and Insignificant Servant,

Vichitra Chaitanya  Das (Diksha Disciple)

Rajesvari Sathyabhama Devi Dasi(Diksa Disciple)

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Your Divine Grace. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and his followers.

Right now the whole world is gripped in fear of disease and death. Even members of the Krishna consciousness movement have become alert to the reality of duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam. In the midst of countless genuine and counterfeit medical advice on how to deal with this perplexity of material existence, we hear the voice of Your Divine Grace, a true para-duḥkha-duḥkhī, a persistent follower of Śrīla Prabhupāda, imploring us to spread the teachings and practice of Kṛṣṇa consciousness that we have taken shelter of, to do good to all by bringing them to the lotus feet of Lord Gaurāṅga and Lord Nityānanda. I pray to Lord Nityānanda Prabhu to empower me to properly carry this out in a manner pleasing to the Vaiṣṇavas, Your Divine Grace, Śrīla Prabhupāda and his predecessor ācāryas.

At Victory Flag Publications, we are especially fortunate in being able to publish the eternal message of the paramparā as coming from Your Divine Grace. I expect 2020 to be a busy period of publications. We are growing, and by the mercy of Śrīla Prabhupāda, I am confident that his pristine message coming from your mouth will be repackaged without the slightest adulteration to attract the attention of those who have taken to Kṛṣṇa consciousness and those who haven't yet done so.

Please bless us to carry out these services systematically, with due organization in place, and make unidirectional progress towards sādhana-siddhi as taught by Śrīla Bhaktivinoda, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī and His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.

A fledgling servant of Hari, Guru and Vaiṣṇavas,

Vidvān Gaurāṅga dāsa
Victory Flag Publications

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


I feel very fortunate and blessed to be in the association of your disciples as I can hear your glories more and more as they have relished it. 

Your mercy and compassion know no limit. As it flows down from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu through the Guru parampara, its potency increase manifold. This we are able to perceive through your words and actions. And the Compassion you have to these fallen and struggling souls like me brings tears to our eyes, and makes us very eager to give out this mercy to other similar souls who are struggling in this material world.

Whenever I have been in distress, chanting your pranam mantra have given me solace. As Krishna's presence is perceived through His Holy name, so is your mercy through your pranam mantra. 

Many devotees, prayed that you empower them in your service. I heard this from a disciple of yours, empowerment comes simply by sincerely serving the Guru's instruction though we do not realise the importance of that instruction nor our tiny brains is logically convinced. 


I pray and beg at your lotus feet to please shower your mercy on this fallen sinful soul, who is bereft of any qualification even to beg at your lotus feet.

It is only by your mercy can we serve you sincerely and give this divine mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to other souls.


I am serving your disciples my conducting Children's preaching. As children are the future, I pray at your lotus feet to please bless these children so that they grow up to be pure devotees and serve in preaching the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as Srila Prabhupada and all the acharyas of the Guru parampara desire.


Trying to be an humble aspiring servant of yours

Vidya Iyer

Koramangala Bhakti center


Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

I’m not qualified to glorify you Maharaj. By causeless mercy of you only I got this opportunity.

In my childhood keeps on hearing below slokas. That time I didn’t understand the meaning. I realized meaning now

  1. Mathru Devo Bhava

               Pithru Devo Bhava

               Acharya Devo bhava

Parents take care of material needs until find spiritual master. Rest of the life Guru Maharaj take care of spiritual needs.

  1. Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu

Guru Devo Maheswara

Guru Saakshat Param Brahma

Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha


We are very unfortunate and suffering in this Dhuka Alayam. Whoever has desire to worship Krishna personally, but practically it is not possible. By mercy of Krishna, he sent you GuruMaharaj to fulfill our desire to serve Krishna

One day middle of night, I got dream about you Maharaj, wake up from dream then after that realized about what is Guru. Guru possesses opulences from Krishna. When proprietor is not available, he will give power of attorney to his close associate. In this way I am seeing Krishna in you.

Aishwarya (All wealth)

Aishwarya not only gold or money, devote one who has ability remember to lord always and chant holy names will be classified as aisvarya.  In order to identify this spiritual knowledge, you given opportunity to know about this fact

Virya (topmost strength)

I know your strength Maharaj. Even you are facing difficulties, continuing your journey.

4.Sri (Complete Beauty)

In Bhakti Vriksha class, first time I heard your name and saw your photo. I have attracted to your beauty. May be my body not recognize who you are. My soul understands you and pushing me to know about you.

Your lotus feet is so pure, effulgent. It is like baby feet. I have not seen before in my life. I am mediating on your lotus feet

I have only one desire

I would want to serve you with full faith please bless me towards achieve this goal.

Your insignificant servant


Bangalore India

Dear Gurudev,


Please accept our humble obesiances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasa pooja your presence makes everyone to chat Hari! Hari! that is power of your presence where ever you travel  you make that place holy dham and engage each and every disciple in the process of Krishna consciousness.

We have experienced your dedication and love for srila prabhupad you try your heart and soul to serve the devotees even when your body is not permitting to do.  Your love for Radha madhav is very exuberant when you tried to offer flowers through mind lord accepted and provided you with prasadam as flower that is your power of your prayers.

When you asked srila prabhupad that when we plan to inaugurate the TOVP by the queen of London and president of US srila prabhupad replied that Bhakti vinod takur will take you by hand to the spiritual world, you are making this happen we can see the manifestation of TOVP which the biggest temple in the world. As Bhaktivinod takur went to house to house for building the Yogapeet in similar lines you are engaging the whole world to support the TOVP project and make them Krishna conscious.

Your love and care for the devotees is magnanimous even at the time of lock down you are enquiring the devotes how they are spending their time and make them engage in lords service which gives them the strength to serve more and more even though you have thousands of disciples you try reach them individually through all means by virtual interactions.

We pray at your lotus feet to get guru bhakti and serve more and more devotees and you have instructed to support us in the srila prabhupad mission bless us to follow your instruction with all dedication.



Your Insignificant Servants,


Vijay Gaura Krishna Das

Daivi Prakriti Devi Dasi

Jaya Srila Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada all glories to His Holiness

Please accept my respectful obeisances

Me Vijaya mukunda dasa from Calicut Kerala , fortunate to get initiation from you in 2017 at coimbatur. Gurumaharaj this is the first time Iam writing offering on the occasion of Vyasa puja.

After initiation by your mercy I got a chance to serve in all India padayatra from July 2017 to July 2018.  Now Iam in NIT Calicut base under the guidance of H.H.Bhakti Vinoda Swami Maharaj doing book distribution door to door, in temple programs and in government offices. By your mercy Iam in devotee association. By your mercy my parents also got guru ashraya.

Please bless me to continue in your service wthout any aparadha.

Your insignificant servant

Vijaya mukunda das

"Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine"


Many many humble obeisances at the Lotus feet of HH Jaipataka Swami Guru Maharaja. 

Koti Koti Dandavat Pranams!

For making preaching of Krsna Consciousness a great success, Gurudeva you very intelligently devising various plans for outreach and cultivation of devotees. Namahatta and Internet preaching along with the world wide Bhakti Vriksha programmes are in many very ways uniquely attracting people. The concept of issuing certificates for the various devotees based on their faith and services is a very unique and successful move.


The namahatta sanskar card

used to be the proof of the person chanting at least one round of Hare Krishna Maha mantra, which they would show up with joy in Mayapur, and you would help organize the special yatras

for such people to increase their faith or Shraddha. This was especially known to be so successful in the Northern West Bengal region.


We know you arranged for special yatra for visiting them and would visit the remote areas in a special German Bus, with very limited facilities, often resting at night within the bus itself!


I pray sincerely at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga, that may you be able to carry on the mission of Srila Prabhupada with we getting your constant mercy, for many many years to



Your humble servant and student

Vijay Parthasarathi Dasa

Sahibabad (Ghaziabad) Yatra

Vijay Venugopal Dasa

Koramangala Bhakti Centre

My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Your Divine Grace!

The Covid-19 virus has completely transformed the world  since January 2020.
And, as we have always done, we find that you are way ahead of everyone else in preparedness:

 - You have been protecting yourself from infections since your Simultaneous Liver and Kidney Transplant. And those of us who have been involved in your health, are therefore fully up-to-date on how to manage this.

- Due to the limitations on your physical travel, you decided to travel through subtle means - by ramping up your link with your disciples through the Internet, and we have all been very fortunate to get your association and interact with you every single day - much more than was ever possible during your days of unlimited travel

- Even this Vyasa Puja 2020 will give far more opportunities for devotees worldwide to watch the celebrations from much  closer quarters than before, through use of better technology than previously. And you have arranged for Zoom interactivity so that you can also watch your worldwide disciples, and more disciples may get an opportunity to read out their homages than was possible before, as you will be in your quarters and not in the temple hall.

And now it is because of your messaging that disciples have realised that they are not immune to the effects of this virus, wherever they are in the world, even in Mayapur. You have emphasised that we have to observe social distancing, quarantine, and lock down like everyone else.

We get a master-class on the different ways in which Lord Gauranga wanted us to relate to other people in the world, by observing or hearing of Your interactions with my godbrothers and godsisters, with your own godbrothers and godsisters, and your many spiritual nephews and nieces, and, finally your connection to the those who are not Iskcon devotees.

It is not easy to understand why you are strict with some and lenient with others in the same circumstances. But one thing is clear to me. Whatever you do is transcendental, and directed by Lord Gauranga. Therefore it always feels blissful. Therefore it is possible for me to fight my resentment of devotees who create obstacles in my devotional service. If it was not for my full faith in your transcendental nature, this would not be possible.

For a year and a half I have been working to be a better disciple to you, and I hope that I have been able to please you a LITTLE more. You know everything within your heart.

Please keep showering your mercy on my family, and on me,


Your fallen spiritual son,


Vijay Venugopal Dasa

Our Beloved Gurudeva,

    Please accept our humble obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

Hare Krishna!

DearGuru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet

Allglories to Srila Prabhupada

Nama Om vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale srimathe Jayapataka Swami iti namine Nama acharyapadaya nitai krpa prathakine gaura katha dhamadaya nagara grama tarine

Vanca kalpa tarubyasca krpa sindhubya eva ca Patitanam pavanebyo vaishnavebyo namo namah

Wishing you a happy vyasa puja. Iam taking this opportunity to glorify Guru Maharaj though I don't have any qualifications to do it.

Indebt to spiritual master: During the time of initiation I have taken a vow that I will follow the four regulative principles and also chant 16 rounds of Hare Krishna maha mantra. Also Guru Maharaj has taken a vow that he will take me back home back to godhead. But this is normal if some devotees think it is not surprise but Guru will take the souls who are not sincere in devotional service also back home back to godhead by Sri Guru which is out of his compassion. So we all the disciples are indebt to Guru maharaj in this sense. We cannot repay Guru Maharaj by any kind.  So I am requesting that we have to give exclusive priority for our sadhana: Guru Maharaj is always in mobility. Inspite of all the difficulties he is able to meet out his daily sadhana, delivering lectures, meeting disciples, connecting disciples etc. 

I am praying to Guru Maharaj that I should be able to focus more on my devotional service and also performing my sadhana still in a better way.

Yours son and disciple

Vikrama nityananda dasa

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on the occasion of your 71st Vyas Puja



We are all greatly indebted to you for having undertaken great sacrifice to speard the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on order of Srila Prabhupada, from past 50+years..  




You have shown us how we should be dedicated to serving Guru and Gaurāṅga, how we should be following your footsteps.


All 26 Vaishnava qualities can be found in you to fullest extent..



Your dedication, commitment, enthusiasm, hard work, in following instructions of Srila Prabhupada Meticulously is just too good, we feel very fortunate to witness the same.




As per your instructions in trying to personally Serve you am trying to assist you in bringing new people close to Krishna, keeping existing devotees happy , serving deities , and as you had mentioned giving Krishna to whomever we meet... In form of holy name, philosophy, prasad, etc


There are many other instructions you have given us.. Following them is only possible by your grace. Only by your mercy can we able to do anything in spiritual life...



I feel that I just can't repay for what am you have done to us Gurudev, you have made yourself soo accessible in form of mails, daily lec on Facebook, your quotes,. Your VANI Bank lectures, JPS archives, Monthly magazines, personal association,etc... But I shall try my best to follow all your instructions and instructions of authorities to best detail possible to make you happy... 



All glories to you...


Your spiritual son,

Vipinavihari Vrajesa das

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet,

All glories to your Auspicious Appearance Day.

On the occasion of your 71st Vyasa-puja celebration, kindly accept this small heartfelt offering at your divine lotus feet. As we all know you have been very instrumental for ISKCON world and one of the stalwart Disciples of HDG A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada had so must trust on you that he entrusted you the spiritual capital of the world, Sridham Mayapur and told you to develop it. Srila Prabhupada took pleasure in calling you as “Jaya pataka” The Victory Flag and your divine grace indeed lived up to Srila Prabhupada’s expectations and continues to be his victory flag even today.

On March 1971, when ISKCON first got land at Mayapur, from that time onwards you are tirelessly thinking, dreaming, planning and serving for the development of Mayapur with one pointed attention, ‘vyavsaya-atmika buddhi’. Right from the scratch, when there was nothing, only paddy fields filled with snakes & scorpions, you devoted yourself wholeheartedly. From that elementary stage of the dham to the level of TOVP that we have today, is the expression of your love and surrender for your spiritual master.

You have given us not only the land of Gauranga, but also the Gaura-lila, Gaura-naam in the form of Gauurangaaaa… chant. Thus, you are spreading the glories of Mayapur dham, holyname to the thousands and thousands of people across the world. Inviting them for eight days Navadwip-mandala-parikrama. Irrespective of your health condition you tirelessly continued preaching and inspiring devotees through travelling around the globe, pandal programs, seminars, meeting with the devotees, caring for them, social media like Email, Facebook, twitter, YouTube, zoom etc. When I read about how Krishna took care of Sudama – it was only a mere story for me; but your live is actually a full of examples of the practical application of it. There are so many stories how you cared for the devotees. Like an affectionate father you always thought of our material and spiritual well-being and acted in all the possible way so that we become attracted to Sri Sri Nitai Gaur.

You are the eternal & intimate associate of Lord Chaitanya’s Sankirtan party, freely distributing the mercy of lord Nityananda. How an insignificant conditioned soul like me can understand your pastimes? On this blessed and joyous day of your appearance day I beg for your mercy upon me. Kindly guide me to the path of transcendence.


Your insignificant servant of servant,

Virabhadra Sundara Das (Diksa),

ISKCON Temple, Kolkata, India


Dear Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.

Now it is a difficult time either for you or for your disciples. But despite of that, we feel wonderful guidance and care from you and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (Krisna). However presently most of the time we have to take decisions on how to act on our own s we are isolated.

                And it is very important to act considering your instructions, without fail and with great responsibility. Then Krisna will make it possible for us to overcome the difficulties. Indeed, I admire you, Guru Maharaja. The main thing for us now is not to do stupid things.

I wish you to be healthy and that we, your disciples, won’t trouble you. Nothing happens without Krisna’s will. Whatever He wishes that is His mercy.

You, dear Guru Maharaja, your life and life of Srila Prabhupada are the example for us. Following you it is important to accept whatever is favorable for devotional service and reject whatever is unfavorable. If one does everything rightly: chant the Holy name, read  Srila Prabhupada’s books, and associate with the devotees then Krisna can even arrange preaching via phone as it is happening with me now. Krisna and His mission are not restricted by our isolation.

Please accept my report for the last 3 days (1 to 3d April).

1.       All the morning programs and the Deities greetings are attended via Mayapur.TV

2.       Additional rounds of the Holy name – 48 – have been chanted

3.       Kirtan on the balcony at 5.15 am, 12 noon, and 5.30 pm was chanted

4.       Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.1-8 and Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-lila 8.1-6 have been read


Bowing down to your lotus feet again and again,


Your servant,

Visakha Prema Devi Dasi,

              diksa, Sri Mayapur, India

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our respectful obeisance.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Guru Maharaj you accepted us under your shelter on 29-Sep-2019, during your last Bangalore visit.

It was memorable day of our life when we took darshan of you Guru Maharaj. We were convinced that Guru Maharaj your glance is more than enough for us and our spiritual life. At that event Guru Maharaj’s your presence is transcendental, and whole atmosphere because of your presence was out of this world.

You are so merciful Guru Maharaj you come to Bangalore and took us under your shelter.

Guru Maharaj seeing you first from one side, than from other side among the huge crowd first time was an emotional moment of our life. Initially during such a huge crowd we were struggling to have your darshan, but Guru Maharaj you are so merciful you yourself come right Infront of us to give your darshan and bless us. After you accepted us under your shelter Guru Maharaj there is lot of changes in our life. During shelter taking ceremony we were fortunate to sit very close to you Guru Maharaj and by your mercy we got opportunity to offer flowers at your lotus feet  Guru Maharaj and got your blessing by touching your paduka and it  was out of this world experience for us Guru Maharaj.

Despite your health challenges, your love for devotees, you are so compassionate, raising your both hands in compassion, roaring like a lion during lecture . we are fortunate to see your pasttimes like these.

Thank you, Guru Maharaj, for accepting us under your shelter. We are not serious in our Krishna consciousness Guru Maharaj but still you have accepted us under your shelter. We are thankful to you Guru Maharaj. Your  desciples are taking good care of us and we can feel your mood through them Guru Maharaj.Thank you for providing this association of devotees to us.

Guru Maharaj, on this Vyas puja we commit that we will try to read Srila Prabhupada’ s books and hear his lectures on a daily basis. Guru Maharaj as you mentioned in your lecture, we will try to become good devotees, so that we can inspire others also to take Krishna consciousness.

Always seeking your blessings.

Your servants,

Vishal Kaushik , Prerna and Avni

Bangalore, India

Vishram Bairwa (Mayapur- India)

Namo om Vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale


Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine



Namo Acharya padaya Nitai krpa Prdayine 


Gaur Katha dhamodaya Nagara gram tarine



All glories to Srila Prbhupada


All glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja


My dear guru maharaja

I am an insignificant, most fallen and foolish soul.You are one of the great disciples of Srila Prbhupada whose divine personality is like shining moon in the sky.Even after having so many bodily challenges you are serving Srila prbhupada by following his instructions to spread Sankirtana Movement mission of lord Shri Chaitnay Mahaprbhu.In this age of Kali you are doing great service for the whole world by saving the fallen and foolish souls like me.Even after having a busy schedule in day and night you always try to distribute the holy name of the lord .It is possible only by  the mercy of srila prbhupada and supreme lord .You have beard all type of sufferings  by the mercy of  Radha Madhav for the pleasure of we fallen people.You are a divine soul. As a foolish conditioned soul I don't even know how to glorify you.

As homage to you I will try to improve my sadhna.Also I pray to Mahaprbhu and Radha Madahv for keeping you healthy.

I pray to you for always keeping blessings of your lotus feet on me.


Your insignificant and eternal servant

namaom visnupadaya krishna prestaya bhutale srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acharyapadaya nitai kripa pradayine gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Dear Guru maharaj
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

You are truly an associate of Lord Nityananda for showing compassion upon this fallen soul. By giving initiations to so many devotees you are taking responsibility of them to take them back to godhead. All the devotees are being given confidence of their connection with you. You are truly setting highest example for sannyasa order. Sannyasa Dharma is to preach and you are doing preaching all round the clock. Just giving out your mercy to anyone and everyone coming accross you. In CC it says that vasudev datta was ready to suffer the karmas of all the people so that they can go back to godhead and enjoy with Krishna. In the same mood you are taking so many karmas of the devotees to give them a new birth so that they can develop Krishna prema and go back to godhead. You are not thinking of yourself. You are giving your body, mind, words, actions and your very life to serve Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada is the captain of the ship of ISKCON driving it straight to Goloka vrindavan with incredible determination against all odds. You are very special having the biggest life boat saving so many souls fallen into the ocean of material existence and taking them to the ship of Srila Prabhupada.

I'm your disciple only name sake. I have to become a true disciple of yours and reflect at least a spark of your oceanic qualities in my life. Then I can be called your disciple. But I am way far from it. I'm begging you to bestow some drops of mercy upon me. I'm so unqualified. From my life previous to taking your shelter I could see what my karma was and where I would have been otherwise. So much suffering was awaiting me because of my sinful life in this material world. From the day I received connection with you everything has become auspicious all by your mercy. Absolutely your mercy only. It is actually a new birth you being my father and Vedas becoming my mother. I want to become a genuine devotee. Not only that I want to become an instrument of compassion in your hands. When will that day come? To my heart's content I am being utilized as a puppet in the hands of the parampara. When will that day come? When will the day come that I have only one identity as servant of servant of Srila Prabhupada and I will not have any other identity. When will I give up my enjoying mentality? And I will only think of satisfying Krishna's senses? It will all be possible by your mercy alone. Please be merciful upon this fallen soul. I just want to be your servant. I don't want to have any other desires in my heart. Ekaki amaya nahi paya bala harinama sankirtane...tumi kripa kori sraddha bindu diya deho krishna nama dhane.. please give me krishna nama dhan..

I'm forever indebted to you guru maharaj. I cannot repay you for the mercy that you are showing upon this insignificant fallen wretched soul. You are a glorious servant of Lord Gauranga!!! Gauranga!!! ebe jas gusuk tribhuvana... Your name is spread all over the three worlds. May my mind always remember the instructions emanating from your lotus mouth and I pray that I never forget service to your lotus feet.

Your insignificant servant
Viswambara visala das

Dearest Guru Maharajah,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With your blessings,I have completed 1O years of Vrindavan parikrama last year.

I still remember the day when for the first time I went to mayapur at the age of 16.That time Guru Maharaja used to go for the morning walk along with the devotees, that time only I saw you,and I wanted to know about you.Then 2OO7 I joined Iskcon, You became my spiritual father in the year of 2O1O.After that all other devotees they were very worried about their Brahmin initiation, I was also very worried, my preparation was not that good, but even after that you gave me diksha, and that made me realise how kind you are,and I am always eternally indebted to your mercy upon me. 

I know how much you like Rath yatra.You struggled so much,there was a time when you used to do farming, you have built building in mayapur, you used to travel to krishna nagar by cycle.

Since 2O13 I am doing padyatra, and in the year 2O19 I joined U.p padyatra.I am distributing books for last 1O years.

Please bless me, I want to become a good preacher.I want to make more and more devotees.I should be able to spread the holy name of krsna...I should be able to distribute more number of books.

Hare Krishna.

Your humble and most insignificant servant,

Viswambhar Chandra Das(Diksha Disciple)

kanpur, U. P, India

Namo Om vishnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swami niti namine

Namoyo acharya padaio nitai kripa pradyina

Goura katha dham dai nagar gram tarine

Srila Guru Maharaj ki jai!

I don’t have any qualification or capacity to glorify Gurumaharaj. I am sharing few things that have given me a lot of inspirations in practicing Krishna consciousness. An acharya is who, who lives by his example. Guru Maharaj is a pefect in that respect. After the massive liver and kidney transplantation he had undergone, everyone thought that after this Guru Maharaj will be physically very weak and restrict his activities and it will take a very long time to recover. But by his will power his body takes everything so quickly and he is continuing his extensive preaching work. It seems that it has increased more and more. Previously it was very difficult to associate with him due to his extensive travelling. But see now he performed such a past time that everyone in any corner of the world can have his personal association almost every day. And asked their concerned so easily. He is giving so many discourses that sometimes we become tired of hearing than him speaking. Every disciple is taking so much advantage of it and cultivating their Krishna consciousness. The more we hear from spiritual master the more we can understand his heart. After some time of spiritual practice disciple should take the burden of spiritual master not to burden him.

There are many who sometime criticise for Guru Maharaj taking so many disciples and not taking care of their spiritual life .Progress in spiritual life is the responsibility of disciple not the spiritual master. But Guru Maharaj is so kind that he is providing all the facilities for us by involving us in his numerous projects of preaching, community building. And the system he has established in the form of Namahatta and bhakti Vriksha so that all can be taken care of their progress of spiritual life. Weekly JSSS meeting and broadcasting it all over the world gives us know what Gurumaharaj want, is that all his disciples should know first what are his burden in the fulfilling his missions to serve Srila Prabhupada and  unitedly take his mission as their own.

It is really so inspiring that Guru Maharaj always remains concerned for the residents of Mayapur community. To facilitate them to stay in Mayapur he has developed so many projects like Mayapur community hospital development, up gradation of the bhaktivedanta national school, supplying purified water to the residents without any cost, etc. so the devotee community can stay peacefully. All the community devotees every day gets the opportunity to get his personal association to his rooftop class. These are all due to his concern for his disciple.

Guru Maharaj is so kind that he has given me opportunity to serve in one of his projects in developing for the wonderful devotees of Mayapur and for the devotees who come to Mayapur as a guest.

It's my humble pray to Sri Sri Narasingha dev that I can always remain in the consciousness of serving being an insignificant servant at the dust of the lotus feet of my spiritual father.

Hare Krishna

Your insignificant disciple

Visvambhar Vanamali Das






Dear Gurudeva

Dandavat pranams.  Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

I’m not qualified to glorify your divine grace. It just a humble attempt to please you.

You are the embodiment of selfless and untiring service to spiritual master against all odds.

You continue to inspire many thousands of souls wherever you are travelling and spreading the glories to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

It was so much overwhelming to receive communication on successfully accepting 50000 disciples for the satisfaction of Srila Prabhupada.

As the years are gone your services are only increasing manyfold.

You exhibit so much caring for the devotees inspite of so many responsibilities, 

Every single day your are sharing so much nectar. I'm unable to keep pace on the same. 

Thank you Gurumaharaj for everything you have give to us, wonderful temples, Dieties, services, god brothers, sisters, cousins.

I want to thank all my wonderful god brothers who are your personal servants. They are rendering such a glorious service.

We pray to Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladev, Subhadra mayi, Sri Sri Laxmi Narasimha, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai to protect you and keep you in good health.

Myself involved in deity service and bhakti vriksha preaching at temple.

Good Wife and your disciple Suvarna Vihar Lila Devi Dasi is rendering in deity dressing, Raj bhog services.

We beg forgiveness for any offenses committed knowingly or unknowingly at your lotus feet.

We seek your blessings to further strengthen our devotional sadhana for your pleasure.

We seek your blessings on our children Gauranga and Rangarupa. Please bless them to develop good Vaishnava qualities and render service to Hari, Guru, Vaishnava’s.


Your insignificant disciples,

Visvapati Krsna Dasa

Suvarna Vihar Lila Devi Dasi




Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my respectful Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you - Srila Gurudev

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

I humbly pray to the LORD ALMIGHTY that you are in good health and doing fine, Guru Maharaja. 

To introduce myself, I am your humble disciple - VISHWESHWAR GOVINDA DAS – initiated under your tender care in May 2013. I am based in Bangalore and am under the care and guidance of HG Caitanya Avtari Das and HG Rasmayi Devi Dasi.

Its that time of the year again when I do some self introspection to look at the year gone by and report to you – my Spiritual Father, on what I achieved on the spiritual front….rather what I strived for during this period. Of course, as always these are but miniscule attempts in contributing to your monumental efforts in spreading Krishna to the world as promised to your Spiritual Master. As always, I seek your guidance on how I can improve and do more on these fronts.  

I remain ever indebted to you for accepting me under your tender care and opening a whole new chapter in my life about 7 years ago – the wonderful world of Krishna consciousness. I dread to think where my life would have meandered without Krisna consciousness. Thanks to KC, there is a new purpose, value-system, method and discipline to this life that I can hope to internalize.

I am also grateful to you for providing me the association of a wonderful extended family (in the form of HG Caitanya Avtari Das, HG Rasmayi Mj and HG Vaisnavananda Nitai Das) who have thanklessly been patient and loving in their efforts at correcting and guiding me on this spiritual path at all times.

I continue to be enamored by your continuous strife to carry out your commitments to Srila Prabhupada in spite of the challenges you have been facing on the health front. Your caring nature towards all devotees at all times, across all geographies and strata is an eye opener and very humbling to all of us.

Your endeavor, through technology, to reach out to maximum number of your disciples each day is a blessing for all of us; it provides much needed solace to us in an otherwise normal mundane material world. It provides succor through insights into the various pastimes while also providing an avenue to solve our quintessential doubts that arise in the practice of KC in our day-to-day life.

During the past year, we (me and my wife – Lilamayi Rukmini Devi Dasi who is also under your tender care) decided to pursue the Bhakti Sastri course from the Mayapur Academy at Sridham Mayapur. This translated into an almost 6 months stay at Mayapur (between October 2019 and early April 2020), away from Bangalore where we are normally based.

In hindsight, this decision of ours to pursue the BS course at Mayapur was among the most important decisions in recent times in more ways than one. The depth of knowledge on various scriptures provided by learned scholars, association of inquisitive students from across all geographies, the opportunity to participate in various parikramas, festivals, kirtan melas and seminars etc. and the ability to pitch in with services for various devotees in our limited capacity –  all made our ongoing stay at Mayapur a truly blissful one.

Most importantly, our proximity to you (we were staying at the Grihasta-area) and the ability to attend your classes on the Lotus building terrace most of this period and getting to see you at the Chandrodaya mandir in in mornings – all provided us the opportunity to have your wonderful association.

We truly got a small taste of what it means to stay in a Dham on a long term basis – something one can only experience by actually staying here instead of going by hearsay.

Both of us completed the Bhakti Sastri course with meritorious grades and the crowning glory was to receive the Graduation certificate from your Holiness as part of the ceremony in February 2020.

Needless to say, Krishna willing and by your blessings, we hope to come back later this year to continue with the Bhakti Vaibhav course here in Mayapur.

I feel truly rejuvenated after the course and this stay at Mayapur – I hope to capitalise on this by translating these into meaningful preaching opportunities, once I am back in Bangalore in April.  I seek your blessings in this regard.

I feel blessed to apprise you that our complete family is initiated under your kind spiritual care – Varadayini Yashodha Devi Dasi (Late mother), Lilamayi Rukminidevi Dasi (spouse), Rangamaya Das (brother) and Shobhamayi Keshavidevi Dasi (brother’s wife).  As a family, we continue to be under your care and cherish the purpose to practice and spread the KC process to one and all under the guidance of our seniors.

I am involved in some services at our temple in Bangalore – addressing the accounting / book keeping and providing the occasional editorial support for the GKBD publications that are conceived and printed by our seniors. We do spend time in the association of devotees; this provides us the learnings from the Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita and also get a peek into the progress being achieved by fellow devotees and the long journey we need to traverse to reach their levels.  

I continue to be involved in cooking; this has helped me improve my own cooking skills – something I now practice and cherish regularly with my cooking experiments at home. The Lord has been merciful and patient in accepting our Raj-bhoga preparations without ever complaining on its quality.   

I also cherish singing for Their Lordships at our congregation center in Bangalore whenever I get an opportunity, thanks to the confidence exuded by senior devotees there on my abilities.

My preaching attempts during the past year have been limited to some youth preaching / counseling; I do feel I can do more with some focus.

In conclusion, the past year has been one of knowledge gathering (thanks to the BS course); I now feel better equipped and have an urge to share this knowledge with more and more souls in the following period. I hope to keep trying and thus ensure that more people benefit from the Lord’s mercies and enjoy Krsna Consciousness similar to what I have experienced.

I seek your blessings in this regard, Guru Maharaja.

We continue to pray for your speedy recovery so that you can continue with your mission to spread the word of the Lord to more people. Please feel free to order me to take up any service which can help your mission albeit even in a small way.

Your Diksha disciple

Vishweshwar Govinda Das

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja!

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Śrī Guru and Gaurāṅga!

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

Seeing Your Divine Grace is a wonderful experience every time. Your Divine Grace always amaze me by the activities which is beyond comprehension. As His Grace Jananivāsa Prabhu always tells about Your Divine Grace that you are a person who never waste a single moment without Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Your Divine Grace always find outs new ways of preaching and interacting people. I saw last year you started asking “Who are the new people” “Who will leave tomorrow” and now there is a book table at rooftop and Your Grace is ready to sign every book. Your Book distribution and preaching program surpasses every new technique and beats the enthusiasm of Young devotees.

I heard in one of the classes that the topmost rasa is mādhurya. But above that is Audārya or compassion and this compassion or mercy aspect is the most important aspect of the Lord. Since this is the reason, we fallen souls have some hope that we can also go back home back to Godhead. But Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa being absolute in nature his mercy is also absolute and it surpasses all the restrictions, rules and regulations. Lord Kṛṣṇa in order to distribute this mercy to the full extent comes in the form of Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His mercy becomes unlimited, so much so that it is beyond the control of the Lord Himself. He himself gets drowned in that and opens the gate way for every living entity to get the opportunity to get inundated in the supreme compassionate Lord to distribute His unlimited mercy to every conditioned Soul to bring back the condition souls back to Godhead. How come otherwise it is possible for anyone to be blissful and compassionate and give everything for the supreme welfare of common people without caring for oneself. Your Divine Grace is that mercy aspect of the Lord which is beyond any doubt.

In the current scenario when the whole world is affected by Corona catastrophe and world came down to his knees to surrender to the Lord, people and devotees from all over the world are finding solace in the books and teachings of ISKCON Society built by our loving Founder-Ācārya Śrīla Prabhupāda. How fortunate we are to be a part of this wonderful home of Śrīla Prabhupāda which is like an Oasis in the midst of this infinite desert like material world. I feel so protected in the presence of Spiritual master like Your Divine Grace. Actually, I can’t even comprehend how much I am benefitted and protected by Your Divine Grace.

I am totally unqualified to glorify Your Divine Grace because of my insignificant conditional nature who is always absorbed in thinking of my own benefit and satisfaction of my own senses. And that’s why my thoughts and words are also limited being conditioned.

But I sincerely pray to Lord Rādhā Mādhava, Lord Narasiṁhadeva and Prahlāda Mahārāja, Lord Pañca-tattva for your Good health and Long life so that more and more conditioned souls can be delivered from the clutches of māyā.

I beg at Your Divine Grace lotus feet to bless me so that I can come out of this controller and enjoying mentality, I can chant attentively everyday and able to study Śrīla Prabhupāda bookṣ. I can come out of my mentality of getting good position, getting glorified by people. I have disease of procrastinating activities and being lazy in spiritual practices. Please bless me to overcome this. And most important I should be able to please Your Divine Grace and my dīkṣā-guru by my activities and should not displease or offend any Vaiṣṇava knowingly or unknowingly. Please save me from all these conditionings.

Please allow me to serve Your Divine Grace in someway which is the only hope for my deliverance in this material world.

Please forgive me for any offences I had conducted unknowingly and displeases Your Divine Grace.

Your Fortunate śiksa disciple,

Vraja Kṛṣṇa dāsa,
Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

Dear Guru Maharaj! Please accept my respectful obeisances. 

Thank you for saving me from the fire of material existence - I still hold on to 

material desires, but I am more confident that you will save me from that too!! 

Thank you for giving me the process of Chanting - I am inattentive while chanting, but I am more confident that you will save me from that too!!

Thank you for teaching me deity worship - I am full of offenses in purity and process, but I am more confident that you will save me from that too!!

Thank you for making me taste the glorious mahaprasad! I am very greedy and inconsiderate of others, but I am more confident that you will save me from that too!!

You are an ocean of mercy ... mercifully please accept me. I want to be your eternal servant and dance the way you want me to dance!

Vrjalakshmi M's tamil offering is attahced. Thank You!

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj !

Please accept my HumbleObeisances at your DivineLotus Feet.

I am  Inspired by your Dedication and  Living example to have love and respect for your Spiritual Master H.D.G A.C. BhaktivedantaSwami SrilaPrabhupad and strictly  following his Instructions in every moment of your life.

I beg at your Lotusfeet, please show your mercy to develop Love for you and follow your Instructions strictly and  assit you in spreading srilaprabhupadas movement.

My Gratitude  for accepting me as your Disciple and beg for your mercy up on me and my family, to strictly follow four regulative principles,,attentively Chant our rounds ,study Srilaprabhupads Books and  serve Vaishnavas and Srilaprabhupadas ISKCON where ever we are.


Yours Spiritual Son,


Dear Gurudeva!

Please accept my humble obeisances to your Lotus Feet .

In this very important occasion of Your 71 Vyāsa-pūjā, I beg to all great souls to bless me with the ability to glorify You in the proper way, since I am not qualify to fully appreciate the humongous effort, dedication and sacrifice submission unto you spiritual master A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda who had certainly endowed You with all favours bestowed upon a gentle disciple brūyuḥ snigdhasya śiṣyasya guravo guhyam apy uta (SB 1.1.8). And because of your unquestionable surrender to Śrīla Prabhupāda, You have please Him and been bless so You have done unimaginable things beyond any ordinary understanding. 

You are the living proof of someone who is not in the bodily identification at all, after all the inconceivable amount of pain Your body have past through, You are still fighting for fulfilling your Spiritual Master’s instructions, You are still inspiring so many souls to take up the path of Bhakti and Your still giving up freely the most precious love for Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu to the most fallen souls, for You is just enough if they show a slight interest about it or even if they come with other not so sincere intentions, You still give them mercy without discrimination because you genuinely see the potential of every living entity as an eternal servant of Kṛṣṇa, so You never doubt to give anyone the unlimited ocean of mercy of Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu.

You are the embodiment of the mercy of Lord Nityānanda like thousands of moons cooling the desert like of the impersonal and dry speculative knowledge, as the moon also relates to the ocean and it’s tides, You are flooding us with innumerable waves of nectar in the form of the ever fresh glories and intimate pastimes of Lord Caitanya and His associates. 

I would like to end this homage saying thank you Gurudeva first of all for your unimaginable sacrifice and endless love for your disciples.

Thank you for always been a guide in the decisions made by my family. If it wouldn’t be for them we may been somewhere else maybe not connected to Kṛṣṇa.

Thanks for your patience and tolerance towards me, since I’m not so pakka (perfect) devotee, forgive me fall-downs and offences. Thank you for your sacrifice, for your enthusiasm, inspiring and exemplary figure. May Śrī Śrī Prahlāda Narasiṁha always protect your health, your mission, your personal servants, may Śrī Gaurāṅga keep empowering You to deliver the Saṅkīrtana Mission all over the world.

Always hankering to become worthy of the dust of your Lotus feet,

Your insignificant servant

Yamarāja Nitāi dāsa.

Om ajnana- timirandhasya jnananjana- salakaya cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri - gurave namah

Nama Om vishnu padaya krishna presthaya Bhutale srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine 
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine Gaura katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine 

My Dear most merciful spiritual father, you are our gift from Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your Lotus feet wishing you a very happy 71st Vyasapuja day celebrations. 

At the early days in my bhakti I came in contact with you in my dreams first. My parents were on a journey to Mayapur for their initiation. On that day I was crying a lot to have your Darshan, to take me to you along with them. But they left me at home and I was crying and crying. I m very touched by your love giving Darshan in my dream. That is the moment I realised you as my spiritual father.

I heard that spiritual dreams are true. I got another dream that you were giving initiation and announced my name as Manjari. This is example of your compassion towards fallen souls that even in dreams you are ready to help us to reach Krishna. I am eagerly waiting for the moment to happen and get shelter under your lotus feet at initiation.

I would everyday comment to your Facebook posts ‘love you lots Gurudev’ and on the Facebook live you have replied ‘I Love you too’.  That was most ecstatic moment of my life that I received your unconditional love. Thank you and love you lots Gurudev

Only by your mercy Gurudev we were able to serve Sri Sri Radha Syama Sundar, ISKCON Vijayawada. Please shower your blessings to increase our service attitude towards you and my Siksha gurus in spreading krishna consciousness.

Without your mercy we can’t cross over this material ocean. Please be merciful on this fallen soul.

All glories to you Gurudev

Your sheltered devotee


Подношение на Вьяса пуджу ЕС Джайпатаки Свами Махараджи от Лакшми Прии Лилы деви

даси (дикша), Алматы Казахстан.

Дорогой ГуруМахарадж,

Вся слава Шриле Прабхупаде!

Вся слава Господу Гауранге и всей парампаре!

Примите , пожалуйста, мои смиренные поклоны в пыли Ваших лотосных стоп!

Позвольте, пожалуйста , в этот благословенный день Вашего явления поздравить Вас и

выразить Вам мою самую искреннюю благодарность, за то , что Вы вошли в мою жизнь как

духовный учитель и духовный отец.

День явления духовного учителя  - это самый важный и самый сокровенный день в жизни

ученика. Вы открываете нам дверь в духовную реальность и в духовный мир , и это есть

истинная реальность. Вы открываете нам самое сокровенное знание – тайну тайн, это

знание  - о преданности Верховного Господа Шри Кришне.

Своим примером и своей глубокой убежденностью и решимостью Вы укрепляете нашу веру,

даете нам духовную силу, духовный вкус и духовный опыт.

Благодаря Вашему примеру – примеру человека, который никогда не сдается, Вы даете

нам силу и решимость перенести все трудности жизни.

Вы покоряете нас своей преданностью и любовью к Шриле Прабхупаде и Господу Гауранге.

Я узнала о Вашем сокровенном желании, чтобы все Ваши ученики и все преданные развили

вкус к повторению святого имени Шри  Хари и жадность «лаулиям» к служению Господу

Чайтаньи, Господу Шри Кришне и участию в их вечных играх.

Каждый день я молюсь перед алтарем, чтобы Господь дал мне силы исполнить это Ваше

желание, и чтобы ни одна минута моей жизни не была потрачена впустую.


Ваша вечная служанка и ученица Лакшми Прия Лила дд

01 марта 2020


С уважением,

Isha Gaurangi d.d.



Dearmost Srila Gurumaharaja,

Please accept our most respectful obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to your Divine Grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please pardon us for our inability to glorify your divine grace. Its impossible to glorify someone like your divine grace adequately.

Thank you very much Srila Gurumaharaja for your love and care that you always show towards us. Please forgive us for any offences committed knowingly or unknowingly at your lotus feet.

Last year by Gurumaharaja’s mercy we got some opportunity to personally serve your divine grace and we are very grateful for that. We are always indebted to Srila Gurumahraja for showing us by your own example how to always remain steady even in  any adverse circumstances. Being disciples of such an exemplary spiritual master, we actually have no excuses for not doing any services.

We pray that we can follow Guruamaharaja’s instructions and serve and please Guruamaharaja.

Thank you so much for the advise on internet bhakti vrikshas during this lock down period and we are able to continue with our services during this time. It is amazing how Srila Gurumaharaja finds ways to preach in any circumstances.

We cannot thank Gurumaharaja enough for all the mercy that Gurumaharaja bestow us though we do not deserve it. Many times we have realized that just by depending on Gurumaharaja’s mercy how any service can be successful. We sincerely hope and pray that we become more attached to Srila Gurumaharaja’s lotus feet and we always serve Gurumaharja in a way that is pleasing to your divine grace. We pray that we can fulfil the vow we took during initiation to serve Gurumaharaja in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

Trying to serve your Divine Grace’s lotus feet,

Mohana Muralidhara Dasa &

Amritasakhi devi dasi

Diksha disciples

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

I would like to express my gratitude to Guru Maharaj, for having accepted me as your disciple. Words cannot express your, patience, humility, strength, tolerance and perseverance in all that you do.

You picked me up, from a life of ignorance and suffering. Thank you for your mercy. I will always remember your instructions and follow them.

Your humble servant

Caitanya Karuna das

From Gelugor Penang






nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracarine



My dear beloved Gurumaharaj, please accept my humble obeisances unto Your Lotus Feet.


Gurumaharaj, by your example you teach us how we should follow our Guru’s instruction and serve our Guru in order to attain Krsna’s mercy. Wherever you are and whoever you meet regardless of how uncomfortable or in pain you are, nothing stops you from preaching and giving Krsna prema to everyone around you, be it doctors, nurses or other patients, visitors, attendants and even security guards.

I recently heard one my godbrothers’ describing you as a nectar that constantly attracts everyone to be around you like honey bees. As far as I can remember, this has been happening since the 1980s in Malaysia, where so many people queue up to see you and get your blessings. Your daily prasadam time would be delayed and you never complained about your own discomfort. You always missed your prasadam and would have them packed to honour during your travel time.

You have always been merciful and caring towards all of us. I remember once in Malaysia when you requested to have a light meal for breakfast and asked Vrindavan Chandra Prabhu for chipped rice with some nuts. I was the cook then and didn’t know how to prepare that, and you asked to meet the cook. I was nervous and embarrassed for not knowing how to prepare the dish for you, and when I entered your room (where your godbrothers were there as well) I knocked myself while paying obeisances. You very caringly told me to look out and don’t hurt myself while glancing at me with care and concern. I cherish that moment so much Gurumaharaj. Everytime I knocked myself after that, I would always remember that moment, as if you were saying the same thing over again.

Sometime in 1987, when I went Mayapur for the first time to visit my son, Raj Kumar, who was at the Gurukul then, I saw you as you were coming from Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi. It was near the then lotus fountain park which was so crowded and I thought you may not recognize me but just as I thought that, you looked at me and asked how my travel to Mayapur was and turned to your godbrothers who were with you and said “these are my spiritual daugthers from Malaysia”. That gave me so much joy Gurumaharaj, and I still think of the way you introduced me so fondly.

On this auspicious day of your appearance, I pray to Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nrsimha to always keep you safe and healthy.

All glories to you, my beloved Gurumaharaj! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Your servant

Danistha Devi Dasi

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”
All glories all glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj!

Dear Guru Maharaj,
Just as the water tide comes and goes, so does the worldly problem. It amazes me how
things change in such a short time, but yet this serves as a reminder on what you
always emphasize. The importance of chanting the Holy Name and Harinama. You my Dear
sweet sweet Guru Maharaj always serves as my constant reminder of my place here in
the material world.

However insignificant of the service I do, or I feel like I am not doing enough,
somehow your words of encourage will pass me that moment, a small call or subtle
message to remind me that I am not alone. Guru Maharaj, your passion and strive to
keep pushing forward and to keep fulfilling your spiritual master instruction is
without a doubt is instrumental for all your disciple. You are teaching us daily,
what it means and why is it important that we follow these instructions. Any time I
feel demotivated or lacking of that spiritual back up, you are enough to let me know
what is my reason for feeling so.

If my Guru Maharaj can go through all what he did, what is my reason? Many years ago
Guru Maharaj, I was with you and breaking the news to you that I passed one of my
Professional Paper in a local Medical School. And many years later, I am now
currently serving as a Doctor at a hospital here in Malaysia. I have always wanted
to meet you and break this news to you, but my unfortunate soul never had that
opportunity. Your mercy knows no boundaries. You are a person who is capable of
being so far away, yet still loved my thousand of people. That shows the impact you
have on our life. That shows what you mean to us Guru Maharaj.

On this Vyasapuja of yours, we might not be able to be with you due to the current
situation, however I wish nothing but the outmost mercy of the Lordships Sri Sri
Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Panchatattva and Sri Sri Narshingadev on you. Guru Maharaj, I
may now be able to express my gratitude or feelings towards you like many of your
disciples excel, but I truly believe you know each and everyone of your disciple,
and for that reason, I am very certain you know your value in my life, for I will
never be the servant of the Lord without your mercy.

Happy Vyasapuja GuruMaharaj!!! ❤️❤️

Haribol Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisance’s at Your lotus feet.

All glorious to Srila Prabhupada.

Hi Guru Maharaj!!!! How are You? How’s Your health now? Before I get on with my homage, I would like to beg for Your forgiveness!!!! I’m sorry Guru Maharaj. I’m really truly sorry and I promise that I won't ever do it again. I know what I did was wrong and letting You down like this was unwarranted for but the ignorance in me just overtook my basic common sense and I made a grave mistake that I am working hard on rectifying. I promise You that I won’t ever let You down like that again!!!!

As I sit here in front of my computer, cracking my head on what I can write to You to wish You for Your Vyasa Puja, I start thinking about all the little fond and dear memories that I have shared with You. I have not met a person who has been so kind and who has cared for me as much as You. On this auspicious day of Your appearance, despite my frailties and limitations, I offer this meagre attempt to say something in order to glorify You. From a very young age, I have always watched You with awe and constantly looked for reasons to engage You in conversations. All our random talks have always brought me closer to Krsna as You always link my mundane problems to incredible solutions that involve serving Krsna. These days, I see You every night giving classes and narrating all these wonderful stories and I think to myself… Why can’t I be more like You and less like me??? Maybe Krsna knew that I needed massive help on planet Earth especially since I live smack in the middle of Kaliyuga so He kept testing me but also making sure that He always kept You right in front of me so that I don’t be a huge drama queen and complaint nonstop or give up when I am faced with obstacles and challenges.

Growing up in ISKCON, I always had a front-row seat to You and all the sacrifices that You singlehandedly do for all Your disciples and I can’t help but wonder how is it that You keep going on even when Krsna put all these obstacles in front of You. I always tell myself that the hardship I endure isn’t even a speck of dust compared to what You have bravely and successfully conquered. I look at You to see that steady pillar that I can lean on and follow in order to serve Krsna.

Oh, Lord!! What have You not taught me despite my limitations? Patience, Faith, Obedience, Courage, and most importantly, You taught me to LOVE KRSNA and always look for ways to SERVE! I’m aware that I am the most ignorant, sinful, corrupted, ill-affected and ill-feeling of souls that You so graciously saved. Yet, never once have You abandoned me. Instead, You always look for little tasks to engage me in. They say that the Guru knows the disciple well and I am a firm believer that in my case, despite me being the most ignorant and stubborn child You’ve encountered, You never gave up on me and always knew how to bring me back to Krsna. I do admit that I don’t know what is good or what is bad, what should be accepted and what should be rejected, neither do I have any fortune nor virtue. In spite of all that, You stood by me every step of the way. Eternally grateful isn’t even a valid option for me as it will take more than an eternity to even repay an aeon of Your mercy.

So, all I shall do is bow my head down at Your lotus feet and earnestly beg for Your mercy; Please Guru Maharaj, help me so that I can qualify to serve You with utmost bhakti and always be a devotee of Lord Krsna. Bless me so that I will always be able to keep my mind on Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s lotus feet. Please bless me so that I can always refill my Bhakti Quotient!!!!

I love you always!!!!

Forever dependant on Your mercy,

Your Insignificant Servant,

Gandharvika Radha Rani Devi Dasi JPS


All glories to Your Holiness

All glories to SriSri RadhaMadhava

Please accept our most humble obeisances!

Dear Gurudeva,

All glories to Your appearance day! May Your Holiness be with us fallen souls for Your appearance day for many many more years!

Your Holiness accepting us (gauriGopi and I) as disciples has to be the most merciful act for You; We are ever grateful for it. 

As per Your Holiness instruction, I continue to preach and also I am helping youths to become preachers in the northern region of Malaysia. In this way I hope a small portion of the interest on our debt to Your Holiness merciful diksa for me and GauriGopi may be paid.

We (GauriGopi and I) are just in bliss to be in Your Holiness' debt and to serve as Your servants for all lifetimes.

We pray that Your Holiness' health will get better and better at every future Vyasapuja festival.


We remain Your Holiness humble servants,

Isana Gauranga Das

GauriGopi devi dasi

Hare Krsna,

Koti Dandavats Pranams,

Please Do Accept My Humble Obeisances Guru Maharaj,


Your Holiness is my inspiration to grow in my spiritual life Guru Maharaj. Your Holiness's selfless sacrifices upon fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's desires is amazing Guru Maharaj.

I am indebted upon Your Holiness for showing me and my family members the path towards pure bhakti life by always being by ourside. I can feel Your Holiness's presence and protection upon us whom are fallen souls. Please do always be with us, guide us, protect us and bring us back to Godhead. With Srila Prabhupada & Your Holiness's blessings, I got Harinam Diksa from HH Janananda Goswami Guru Maharaj this year at TODU.

I strongly believe that its due to Your Holiness's desires and blessings that I got initiation Guru Maharaj. For the past many many years I am addressing Your Holiness as Guru Maharaj because I love Your Holiness's love upon Srila Prabhupada and in building ISKCON around the world.

Please do bless me and my family members and all devotees in Malaysia to attain pure Guru Bhakti and RagaNuga Bhakti in order to go back to Goloka Vrndavana Guru Maharaj. Please do bless me to fulfill HH Janananda Goswami Guru Maharaj's desires which is to conduct MACALLUM RATHA YATRA, PENANG every year in a transcendental and for mass preaching to Chinese Communities in Macallum Area Guru Maharaj.

I love the way Your Holiness loves Srila Prabhupada.Please do bless me also to love HH Janananda Goswami Guru Maharaj in the way Your Holiness loves Srila Prabhupada. 

I love you Guru Maharaj, I love you Guru Maharaj, I love you Guru Maharaj.



Your Fallen Soul,


Hare Krsna,

Koti Dandavats Pranams,

Please Do Accept My Humble Obeisances Guru Maharaj,


Your Holiness is my inspiration to grow in my spiritual life Guru Maharaj. Your Holiness's selfless sacrifices upon fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's desires is amazing Guru Maharaj.

I am indebted upon Your Holiness for showing me and my family members the path towards pure bhakti life by always being by ourside. I can feel Your Holiness's presence and protection upon us whom are fallen souls. Please do always be with us, guide us, protect us and bring us back to Godhead. With Srila Prabhupada & Your Holiness's blessings, I got Harinam Diksa from HH Janananda Goswami Guru Maharaj this year at TODU.

I strongly believe that its due to Your Holiness's desires and blessings that I got initiation Guru Maharaj. For the past many many years I am addressing Your Holiness as Guru Maharaj because I love Your Holiness's love upon Srila Prabhupada and in building ISKCON around the world.

Please do bless me and my family members and all devotees in Malaysia to attain pure Guru Bhakti and RagaNuga Bhakti in order to go back to Goloka Vrndavana Guru Maharaj. Please do bless me to fulfill HH Janananda Goswami Guru Maharaj's desires which is to conduct MACALLUM RATHA YATRA, PENANG every year in a transcendental and for mass preaching to Chinese Communities in Macallum Area Guru Maharaj.

I love the way Your Holiness loves Srila Prabhupada.Please do bless me also to love HH Janananda Goswami Guru Maharaj in the way Your Holiness loves Srila Prabhupada. 

I love you Guru Maharaj, I love you Guru Maharaj, I love you Guru Maharaj.



Your Fallen Soul,


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

Dear Spiritual Father,
Please accept my respectful obeisance unto you divine lotus feet.

In this auspious day of divine grace's vyasa puja, I would love to thank you for appearing amidst of us in
this material world and going through so much of trouble just to bring us back to Lord Gauranga .
Numbers don’t count, years I am indebted to you gurudev .

My muted association with Gurudev last year is always my treasure , the diamond in the treasure box is
your instruction to conduct bhakthi vriksha . I want to expand bhakthi vriksha preaching for the plesure of gurudev .This will only be occur with Gurudev’s blessing. I only pray and beg to always, taking shelter under your lotus feet Gurudev

My humble approach to garland this homage with this poem for the pleasure of gurudev

Bleeds this Jiva,
Tormeny of Maya,
Breaks the shackle,
Srila Jayapataka

On this occasion I also want to beg for forgiveness from gurudev for the offences done to gurudev
knowing and unknowingly

Your son

Namo Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine

Nama Acharyapadaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Your Divine Grace!

Today is a very important day in a disciple’s life, when a disciple  reviews his/her life and the vows taken as a disciple. The spiritual master is the representative of Lord Sri Krishna and being a disciple I am connected to the disciplic succession or parampara. Just as the Guru commits to Krishna to accept a disciple, as a disciple, we make a commitment to follow the vows and serve Guru and Krishna eternally! It has been close to 30 years that I have accepted to serve Your Divine Grace and throughout this time I am so fortunate to witness, experience and be amazed by Guru Maharaj’s exceptional and great qualities. I am totally unqualified to glorify Your Divine Grace in any way and I am so dull that many a time I fail to see your greatness.

About 2 years ago, Your Divine Grace had to undergo a double organ transplant, which is not so common and against the odds at your age and many other complications. I was totally in fear at the outcome but against all odds the transplants were successful. And Your Divine Grace always attributed it to the prayers of all the devotees and even non-devotees! Yes that’s true and by this example you are teaching us the power of prayers! But more than that Your Divine Grace is such a dear devotee of Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda who are protecting you. You are totally surrendered to Srila Prabhupada and have no fear and relentlessly move forward despite whatever obstacles may come and single-mindedly focussing to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission. And then again Guru Maharaj made the endeavour to take the long journey in your fragile condition to travel to the Middle East, UK, USA and S. America. You always want to be engaged preaching and want to show your causeless mercy of giving your personal association to all devotees and disciples in all these places enlivening them in their spiritual lives. And in this trip Guru Mharaj you accepted many more disciples! This is your transcendental quality and everyday without fail you come on Live on Facebook so that we can listen to your classes, get Chaitanya lila nectar and there is also a Q&A session included. Besides this you have so many other responsibilities including the TOVP.  Your Divine Grace is operating totally on a transcendental level.

But Guru Maharaj I am sleeping on the lap of Maya and struggling so much to serve your instructions, due to material desires and lack of determination. On this auspicious day I am begging Guru Maharaj to forgive me for all my offenses at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowlingly and all other offenses in due course of my services. I am always grateful to you Guru Maharaj to accept me a fallen soul as your disciple, which is your compassion and love. I am praying to Lord Nrsinghadev to always protect you.

Below are some small services that I do this past year:

1.      Two house programs and in one of the house program I am following CDM Introduction to BG.

2.      Since last 2 years, I have coordinated the Bhadra Purnima program at the center I serve; 2018- distributed 6 sets of SBG and in 2019- distributed 13 sets of SBG

3.      Since Aug 2019, I am responsible for book distribution in  ISKCON Botanical Garden, Penang.

I have plans to improve and increase book distribution but I am struggling. Please Guru Maharaj, I need your causeless mercy to pick me up so I can continue with my devotional service.

Your spiritual daughter,

Kripatita dd

ISKCON Botanical Garden, Penang, Malaysia

Namah om vishnu padaya, Krishna presthaya bhutale, Srimate Jayapataka swami iti namine|

namah Acharyapadaya, nitai kripa pradayine, Gaura katha dama daya nagaragrama tarine ||

All glories all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto Your lotus feet!

Gurudev, I am so inspired by seeing You. Actually - You are carrying the whole Mayapur dham in Your heart and travelling around the world chanting the holy name. Gurudev, You appeared in my dream several times and inspired me, thus I decided to take initiation from You. Gurudev, You have changed my entire life into Krishna consciousness. You are patita pavana and You are my life and soul. If I wouldn’t have met You, I would have drowned in the ocean of samsara.

Gurudev, You appear as Lord Varahadev who saves the whole earth from the demon. Gurudev, I am suffering in this material world, please help me - to fix my mind in pure devotional service.

Gurudev, please forgive me for any aparadh while performing seva.

Gurudev, I would like to do preaching and for preaching, I require Your blessings. Am thinking to take up bhakti sastri course in Mayapur - kindly guide me Gurudev.

Your spiritual son,

Krishna Das Kaviraj,

ISKCON Botanical Gardens, Penang, Malaysia (IBGPG)


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe

Dearest Srila Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna. Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Guru Maharaj.

mukhaṁ karoti vācālaṁ panguṁ laṅghayate girim 
yat kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam

paramānanda-mādhavam śrī-caitanyam īśvaram

All glories to the most auspicious 71st Vyasa Puja celebration of Your Divine Grace.

Srila Prabhupada said that enthusiasm is of the essence in our spiritual life to perform the Krishna consciousness preaching activities. He wrote in depth on enthusiasm in The Nectar of Instruction and spoke during the Nectar of Devotion lecture series in the year 1972, in Vrindavan.  Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur said a that a dead man cannot be a preacher. In the Krishna book, in the Chapter, “Stealing the Garment of the Unmarried Gopi Girls”, Lord Krishna praised the trees in Vrindavan, that they have dedicated their lives to the welfare of others, tolerating all kind of natural disturbances such as hurricane, torrents of rain and scorching heat and piercing cold, just to give everyone shelter. Srila Prabhupada described “They are like a noble person who has sacrificed everything possible—his body, mind, activities, intelligence and words—for the welfare of all living entities.”  Srila Prabhupada further describes how everyone should be prepared to do the greatest welfare work, which is to propagate Krishna Consciousness.  A preacher needs to learn to be tolerant like the tree and humble like a blade of grass and learn the lessons from the teachings of Lord Krishna and Caitanya through Their disciple succession. I am very grateful and most fortunate that Srila Guru Maharaj is my inspiration, and I learnt from Srila Guru Maharaj on the qualities of an enthusiastic preacher, tolerating all kinds of physical challenges proving that we are not this body, dealing with managerial matters, helping every individual to help to them to overcome their challenges and to become advanced in Krishna consciousness, giving spiritual discourse to all  of us every single night selflessly and personally giving care to those who have concerns despite such hectic schedules. It is amazing!

I am very thankful to Srila Guru Maharaj for instilling the book distribution spirit into my heart, which pleases Srila Prabhupada the most. It brought my heart so much and so much closer to Srila Prabhupada. Everytime we go on Sankirtan, we pray every second to Srila Prabhupada, and this made us to depend on Srila Prabhupada’s mercy for everything that happens in our life! During the Book Distribution Awards this year, Srila Guru Maharaj said that the book distribution is the modern lila of Lord Caitanya. Srila Guru Maharaj also said that you like to hear Sankirtan stories. Srila Guru Maharaj said that when one performs book distribution preaching activities, he gets forgiven for so many offences and it is quickest way to go back to Godhead! I felt so so happy to hear it! I have the greatest inspiration, who is my spiritual master who keeps my heart always enthused, even on the days that I am down. It is a challenge to me, to be a single lady to deal with material working life and there are many crazy things that bothers the mind. Sometimes I get burnt out, but I think how my spiritual master shows by example, and that pushes me to go out to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. I wish to participate in the vapu-seva, which is hard to get as everything is controlled, but Srila Guru Maharaj is so merciful to give so many vani-seva, and when we try to even perform some menial service, it is so blissful. Although it broke my heart, many times, due to all the restrictions put forward to some of us to meet you, but what keeps me going is Srila Prabhupada’s words:

Letter to Tusta Krsna -- Ahmedabad 14 December, 1972

"Next you ask if I am present in my picture and form? Yes. In form as well as in teachings. To carry out the teachings of guru is more important than to worship the form, but none of them should be neglected. Form is called vapu and teachings is called vani. Both should be worshiped. Vani is more important than vapu."

I take inspiration from your godbrother, HG Vaisesika prabhu, from his book “Our Family Business” and follow his lectures on Facebook and personally spoke to him in Sri Vrindavan Dham to improve the book preaching activities. He is one the sweetest inspirational book distributor that I have met. I take the association of book distributers all around the world, also follow their Facebook newsfeed, like the HG Ramesvara prabhu, HG Drumila Prabhu, NYC Harinam team, HG Shastrakrit Prabhu and many others, they are all very inspirational to me.

For the pleasure of Sri Sri Radhe Shyam, Gaura Nitai, Srila Prabhupada and Srila Guru Maharaj, below are the book distribution scores by both myself and my beloved mother, HG Indira Lakshmi Narasimha Devi Dasi for the year 2019:

1 Caitanya Caritamrta set

3 Srimad Bhagavatam sets

Maha & Big Books: 92 books

  1. Bhagavad Gita: 67 copies
  2. Krishna books: 24 copies
  3. Nectar of Devotion: 1

Medium Books: 104 books

  1. The Science of Self-Realization: 32 copies
  2. The Teachings of Queen Kunti: 20 copies
  3. Teachings of Lord Caitanya: 9 copies
  4. Teachings of Lord Kapila-The Son of Devahuti:  8 copies
  5. The Quest for Enlightenment: 3 copies
  6. The Journey of Self-Discovery: 3 copies
  7. Second Chance:15 copies
  8. Life comes from Life: 11 copies
  9. Gita-Mahatmya: 2 copies
  10. Renunciation Through Wisdom: 1 copy

Small Books:  199 books

  1. The Law of Nature: 6 copies
  2. On the Way to Krsna: 17 copies
  3. Beyond Birth and Death: 13 copies
  4. The Hare Krishna Challenge: 1 copy
  5. The Perfection of Yoga: 10 copies
  6. The Path of Perfection: 10 copies
  7. Civilization and Transcendence: 3 copies
  8. Krishna Consciousness, The Matchless Gift: 9 copies
  9. The Nectar of Instruction:2 copies
  10. Perfect Questions Perfect Answers: 19 copies
  11. Elevation to Krishna Consciousness: 22 copies
  12. Raja-Vidya, The King of Knowledge: 10 copies
  13. Krishna Consciousness, The Topmost Yoga System: 6 copies
  14. Coming Back: 6 copies
  15. Easy Journey to Other Planets: 10 copies
  16. Message of Godhead: 10 copies
  17. Transcendental Teachings of Prahlada Maharaja: 5 copies
  18. Krishna, the Reservoir of Pleasure: 10 copies
  19. Other small books: 30 copies

Grand Total : 1 set of Caitanya Caritamrta, 3 sets of Srimad Bhagavatam, 395 transcendental literatures.

  • Participated in the Bhadra Purnima Campaign, Damodara Masa Book Distribution and Book Marathon Dec 2019.
  • Visited total of 122 homes on door to door Sankirtan at the following areas: Danau Kota Flats, PPR Flats Desa Renjang, Enggang Flats Puchong, Pinggiran Batu Caves, Taman Batu Caves, OUG Market place
  • Made total of 23 visits to temple: Krishna Temple Brickfields, Sri Rama Lingeswarar Temple Bangsar, Perumal Temple Puchong, Ganesh Temple Ampang & Ramar Temple Selayang

I seek for Srila Guru Maharaj’s blessings that someday by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, I would be a full-time book distributor. I pray to Srila Guru Maharaj to please help me to give me intelligence on how to expand the book distribution activities all around Malaysia or whichever places that Lord Krishna wants me to perform the Sankirtan activities. I beg for forgiveness to Srila Guru Maharaj for all offences that I have done and please give me blessings that I will always serve Srila Prabhupada and increase my love for his book distribution services, as my life and soul preaching activity. It is my happiness, it is nectar, ecstatic, it is like being in Sri Vrindavan Dham. And as the phrase goes, “With the Guru’s mercy, impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools”. All glories to my dearmost spiritual father!

Your spiritual daughter and servant of Sankirtan,

Malini Priti Devi Dasi

Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dear Gurumaharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my dandavats pranam at your lotus feet.

Im very much indebted to you for showing your mercy and compassion by accepting me as your disciple althou im nowhere qualified. Its heartbroken seeing you carrying out Srila Prabhupada mission in this bodily condition. It a lesson for me. Your love for preaching and bringin many soul to the lotus feet of Krishna is un comparable. I begging your forgivess for not being able to carry out such mission but im trying to satisfy you Gurmaharaj.

Please forgive me for not doing enough and commit of offenses at your lotus feet. I humbly begging your mercy and guidance.


Always your servant

Ramananda Dasa



Hare Krsna! Pl  accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupäda. All Glories to Your Lotus Feet

We are again fortunate to offer HDG an offering of our heartfelt gratitude and thanks for giving us the opportunity to go back to Godhead by your graces unlimited instructions and to strive more and more into the intricate subject matter of devotional service by your' never give up' exemplary example for us to follow according to our capacity

We are trying our level best to be an instrument for your HDG preaching activities in line with Srila Prabhupäda sankirtan movement

Pl on this most auspicious Vyasa Puja bless us that we will always steadfast in our devotional service to Guru and Gauranga


Your servant

Rohini Nandan Das

Mathuraisha Devi Dasi

Bhaktin Megharupa

Bhakti Vrksya center Tampin

Negeri Sembilan


Dearest Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances.

There's no words to describe Your mercy on fallen souls like me. Thank you very much for guiding me all these years in my spiritual life. With Your causeless mercy and guidance, I'm still able to observe and follow the spiritual path. Please bless me so I can devote more time to read Srila Prabhupad's books. With Your mercy I'm currently enrolled to attend the Bhakti Sashthri Course which is going to be held for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Please keep us all in Your prayers.

On this auspicious Vyasa Puja Day, I bow down to the Jaganath, Baladev and Subathra, UgraNrshimha, PanchaTattva and Radha Madhava and the AstaSakhis to always bestow you with good health and long life.

Your Spiritual Daughter,

Sakhya Rasa DD JPS

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for accepting this most foolish fallen soul as your spiritual daughter, Gurudev. 

Thank your for always pillar of strength in my life.

Your causeless mercy is my very life and soul.

Please forgive me for any offences I have committed, Gurudev.

Kindly engage me in your service eternally & thank you for giving me unlimited mercy once again. 

Your minute spiritual daughter,

Taruni Radhe Devi Dasi








Namah om vishnu padaya, Krishna presthaya bhutale, Srimate Jayapataka swami iti namine|

namah Acharyapadaya, nitai kripa pradayine, Gaura katha dama daya nagaragrama tarine ||

All glories all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto Your lotus feet!

Gurumaharaj, I remember that You told me to perform more devotional service - am, trying to follow your instruction. Although I have no qualification to glorify You, for my own purification am writing this homage.

Gurudev, please kindly shower your mercy upon me, I am so distressed. I remember You came to our new house and I offered some fruits to You and You took it. Gurumaharaj You took the offered flower and You smelled it asked my husband to smell it and then gave to me & my daughter to smell the flower.

Gurumaharaj, I would like to be a good assistant in kitchen service. Gurudev, please guide my entire life.

Your spiritual daughter,

Thakurani Sita devi dasi,

ISKCON Botanical Gardens, Penang, Malaysia

Hare Krsna Dear most Gurudev!

My humble pranam and obeisances on to your Lotus Feet Dear Gurudev.

Blissful and glorious 71st Vyasapuja Day wishes to you, Dear Gurudev.

Dear Gurudev,I have no qualification to glorify or offer homage to your grace. My father, HG Siddha Krsna Dasa always advice me “Kindly write homage to Gurudev.It will please Him”. For past years I usually offer my homage through my heart and mind. I always felt quilt cause I am not devoted servant of yours. This year, somehow I had the courage by your grace to offer your grace, a written homage.

Dear Gurudev, my most humble gratitude on to your grace for accepting me as your disciple even though I am not qualified. You are so merciful unto most conditioned and fallen soul like me. I had done nothing to make you proud and pleased. I am again and again praying to your grace and Nitai Gaura Sundar, so that I eternally will your faithful and obedient disciple. I have no any other spiritual desire than this.

Dear Gurudev,you are sacrificing your life in carrying out Srila Prabhupada's instructions, desires and also saving unfortunate soul like me. How much love and faith you are having on Srila Prabhupada?!

Dear Gurudev,I would like to take this opportunity on this most auspicious day to beg for your mercy, so that I always work together with all the devotees by tolerating in each and every situation in serving Srila Prabhupada's movement without a fail. I would like to pray to your grace and Sri Nitai Gaura Sundar,so that all the ISKCON devotees always be united with a lot of compassionate and love among each other in serving ISKCON movement.

Ohe Vaishnava Thakur,please bless this most  unfortunate soul to always hold the shelter with unalloyed  and strong faith under your Lotus Feet. I pray to Nitai Gaura Sundar so that I won’t commit any apratha towards to your grace and follow all the vows strictly. .

On this auspicious day, I am praying to whole Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Guru Prampara, Nrshinga Dev and Nitai Gaura Sundar, that your grace always is in optimal health and energy in serving Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive me for all my offences towards you, dear most Gurudev. Even life after life, birth after birth I always is your faithful servant.

Jai Gurudev Srila Jayapataka Swami Srila Acaryapad Ki Jai!

Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!

Sincerely from your most fallen and insignificant servant,

Tulasi Krsna Preyasi Devi Dasi,

Temple of Devotion and Understanding, Penang, Malaysia.

                                                                   nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
                                                                   śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
                                                                   namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
                                                                   gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Dear Śrīla Guru Maharaja

Please accept our humble obeisances. All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupada. All Glories to Your Lotus feet.

I and my family are most thankful that by the Mercy of Śrīla Prabhupāda, Lord Jaganatha & Gaurāṅga that we are able to wish Guru mahārāja on this most auspicious Appearance Day of Guru Mahārāja.

Guru Mahārāja health tribulations have taught by example to chant better, many rounds and follow our sādhana more strictly. You had thought us how to keep thinking about Lord Krishna & Gauranga in all types of situations.Guru Maharaja, you are such Jewel which was find and being gave to us by Lord Krishna & Sri Prabhupada to guide us.

For your kind information Guru Maharaja, under your Senior Disciple guidance, i have managed to increased my chanting from 16 rounds to 19 rounds and additional many more rounds. I'm also helping in Śrī Śrī Pañcatattva palanquin procession, Mini Lord Jaganatha Pancha Tattva Ratha Yatra and i will be doing Kirtan and helping in prepairing prasadam while my wife would be distributing books.

Please forgive us and we beg for Guru Maharaja to give us an opportunity to serve you to the best of our capabilities.

Your unworthy servants,

Vighnavinasa PanchaTattva Dasa



Dear Gurumaharaj,


Please Accept My Humble Obeisances 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad, Guru and Gauranga.


Dear Gurumaharaj,


First of all Happy Vyasapuja my dear Gurumaharaj. It has been years I write homages to you. In this vyasapuja I have only One request from Krishna that to fullfill all your desires and protect you always.


Gurumaharaj, all world is RUN from and SCARED of this COVID-19. At first I am very much disturbed by this virus. Than I was thinking My father has go thorough so much pain, operation, transplant and etc yet still travel and preach without concerning the consequences. This is because as u said this is Kali yuga, full with distress we cant escape from it but yes we can overcame everything with the GREAT GREAT GREAT MANTRA : Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama,  Rama Rama Hare Hare. 


Gurumaharaj you are my inspiration. Ur devotion and Love for Gauranga is incomparable and uncountable...I love Krishna Consciousness a lot because by the mercy of Srila Prabhupad I get you as My Spiritual father. I love all the disciples of Srila Prabhupada because all of you living by example.


Gurumahraj, You are always special in everyone hearts. My office full with Muslims and Im the only Indian yet they love to wish me or greet me with the Name of Krishna. All by your mercy Gurumaharaj I always share about you and your videos to them and they was like wow wow wow...They get inspired. They even included you in their prayer for your successful transplant that day. 

And eagerly waited for the news after operation. And the moment i said succesfull they Said Alhamdulilah and so happy.


Gurumaharaj, I'm really hope and seek for your mercy so that family always serve Guru and Gauranga. I want my all generation to always surrender unto the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Do please bless us also to spread this movement to all the souls outside there. As per your Statement during your visit to ISKCON NOVA GOKULA, BRAZIL@ 15.12.2019,


I have a problem
I have a disease. Whoever I talk to, I think, it comes to my mind, how to make them more Krsna conscious. I have the disease! 


Gurumaharaj, I really ready and want to be infected with this disease too..


Please take a good care of your self my dear father. Miss and love you always.


Thank you for accepting me as your daughter my dear father. You are the best as always.


Your lovely Daughter,


Vishaka Susevini Devi Dasi

(ISKCON Kuching, Malaysia)

All glories to Srila Gurumaharaja.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Dearmost Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my most humble obeisances for the most auspicious day of Gurumaharaja’s Vyasapuja.
I am very happy Gurumaharaja health is becoming better and praying to Lord Narashimha to always protect Gurumaharaja.
Vyasapuja offering is the most greatest opportunity given to disciples to honor the sacrifices and protections and love of a guru.
…as I do not know the value of Gurumaharaja and I am not able to  understand the sacrifices and love of Gurumaharaja to that extend I am unable to glorify Gurumaharaja….but I am praying deeply from the bottom of my heart that one day I will be able to glorify Gurumaharaja by the mercy of Lord Jagannath.
As every year I am expression my…thank you to Gurumaharaja for taking care of me and protecting me and being there in my most needy times.
My humble apologies for not being an obedient and submissive servant of Gurumaharaja.
Please also accept my prayers Gurumaharaja to make me to be an instrument in the mission for preaching the messages of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Your humble servant,
Vrajamanjari Bhanumati Devi Dasi (diksa)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Namah om Vishnu padaya Krsna prestaya bhutale srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine

Namah Acaryapadya Nitai kripa padayeni Gaura Katha dhamadaya Nagar grama Tarine

Hare Krishna dear GuruMaharaj!

Please accept our respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

On the auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyas puja celebration, we would like to pray to Their Lordships for your good health. With your blessings and mercy,  GuruMaharaj, we are part of the congregation, serving devotees. Being part of bhakti vriksha, we are always engaged in the service. And with your blessings, we are able to cooperate with devotees serving in different areas. 

By your blessings, we were able to start a new preaching centre two years back and its getting bigger now. Being a part of management, there are  many challenges which we are able to cope and manage, by your mercy. We need to update and implement many management duties. And planning for new projects to expand the Krishna consciousness in our district. Please bless us dear GuruMaharaj that we can execute them to reach more people to assist you in the service to fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada. 

Dear GuruMaharaj, you say that we have heart to heart connection. We do feel that time and again. We would like to feel that always. Please bless us that we can be up-to the mark to feel that connection  and execute our service with full enthusiasm and perseverance. 

Thank you Dear GuruMaharaj!

Trying to serve 

Bāl Nimai Das, Shanti Maharjan, Modadruma Gaura Maharjan. 


Hare krishna dear Gurumaharaj,
Please accept my respectful obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you!
All glories to the sincere followers in service of Srila Prabhupada!
I would like to be useful instrument in your hand for your service to Srila Prabhupada, with my limited words and intelligence I donot want to limit your glories but I would like to use them in your service... offering some words for you...

Unstoppable and unbeatable you have been
Fighting against the bodily limitations,
Crossing the boundaries of material phenomenon,
You have preached
Preached and lived upto it,
Demonstrated how the Bhakti process works
Seeing thou all our faith increases and multiplies our desires to be in our constitutional position,
You have been exemplary disciple
Living against death to fulfill guru's instructions
An exemplary Sannyasi
Firmly keeping up the vow crossing years plus 50 and
Travelling,inspiring round the globe as sannayasa duties
An exemplary Leader
Reaching the followers and dissipating the mood and messages everyday through Facebook live,
An exemplary Guru
Accepting plus 50000 disciples and manifesting unto their life through message,care and prayers
A life you led and lived
Filled with gauranga's bliss
in your servitorship to Prabhupada
we never miss
Life after life we your servitors only wish

yours spiritual daughter
Namanistha Madhavi Devi Dasi(Physiotherapist)
Nepal Yatra

Namo om vishnupadaya krishna presthaya bhutale srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine, Namah acarya padaya Nitai krpa pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine!

Hare Krishna!

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Kindly accept my respectful obeisances unto Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories unto You!


Continuously and selflessly You have been spreading the message of godhead; Delivering millions of souls even through your one merciful glance; Without any doubt very boldly we can say here He is Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's eternal associates.


So contagious is the ecstasy you express while sharing Caitanya lila; can't say what you might be feeling deep inside, must be 1000 times more blissful than what you manifest, still its your compassion to take us to the "Gauranga World" showing us the movie of Gaura lila live that way nobody else could possibly narrate.


Your life is the living Bhagavatam clearly proving I am beyond this material body, I m not this body. You went through all those tribulations accepting the karma of Your disciples and teaching us to remain determined in devotional service through own example. Just like Pandavas so dear to krishna had to face so many obstacles and each moment they never left Krishna, You are our living Hero and will always be.


You want all the souls to go back to Krishna irrespective of any considerations. You want Srila Prabhupada's mission be fulfilled, TOVP be completed and the whole world be enchanted with Krishna's holy name.


The oath we have taken to chant 16 rounds, following 4 regulative principles and helping Srila Prabhupada in his mission sounds easy but actually so deep and difficult would always remain my life and soul.

Your vani, "If you can make some devotees, it would be a very great credit for you and for me"is all i wish to live for and never let you down. Just this vani makes me feel your presence even if you are far and it has been so long i have not been able to take your divine darshan.

All because of Your blessings and prayers i am surviving in Krishna Consciousness. 

Thank you Gurumaharaj for lifetime of happiness you bestowed upon us.


Even after having so much of mercy such fool i am being dragged down by Maya time and again. You and your representatives are the ones who lift us up from the trap of Maya.  


Its your 71st Vyasa puja and we wish to celebrate your many many years of presence in this world with more and more enthusiasm and devotion.


(Brief Report of sewa)

"By your mercy, I had been trying to preach in the far west region of Nepal in Dadeldhura where i had my physiotherapy posting in a hospital there but now i have been transferred to Kathmandu. The program is going on there regularly on Saturdays, ekadasis and festivals. I m connecting with them through phonecalls and also Sankirtan bus visits there sometimes. Mostly matajis come for program. There are few sincere devotees. But There is so much caste discrimination as it is remote area and the mataji who is trying to lead now is of so called low caste and not many come for the program for same reason. Few others who were following sincerely chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles are also showing less interest in programs rather they say Krishna loves me I love Krishna and they don't need sadhu. Must be our own fault in not being able to care in right way. Seeking Your prayers Gurumaharaj for the upliftment of the devotees there."

During the course of preaching some came and went, so many critics we hear, we commit offenses and ask for forgiveness, we make mistakes and learn lessons, we get attached and detached, no matter what i beg at your lotus feet that we remain always in the association of devotees, those who are leaving the process now also realize and come back again and serve for Your, Srila Prabhupada and Krishna's pleasure always.


Whatever miracles has happened till date all credit goes to You Gurumaharaj. Kindly forgive me for any offenses. All glories to Your auspicious Vyasa puja.


Jaya Gauranga!

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Jaya Gurumaharaj!


Your spiritual daughter

Sadanandini yogini devi dasi(Dikshya)

Bhaktapur, Nepal


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Dear Guru Maharaj,


Hare Krishna !!

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaja, it is indeed a great fortune for us to be able to write this offering and glorify you, on the occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja. Your kindness, compassion and mercy in accepting someone like us as your disciples only goes on to demonstrate the compassion that Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Prabhupada and you are so freely distributing constantly, in order to deliver fallen souls like us who are so conditioned and attached to this material world.


Guru Maharaja, it is a wonderful feeling to see that you are now recovered from your health challenges and have started travelling all over the world once again to distribute your mercy and give Krishna to thousands of people who are looking for direction, purpose and happiness in their lives. We have been following your travels and have been fortunate to have your vani association through your classes on Mahaprabhu’s lilas.

It has been a while since we last wrote to you Guru Maharaja to update you on our spiritual progress. Over the last year or so, with the guidance of our Siksha guru(s) His Grace Chaitanya Avatari Das and Her Grace Rasmayi Devi Dasi, we have been making modest attempts at preaching Krishna Consciousness in and around the place where we live in Singapore. These are through conduct of Kirtan manjaris, Gita Manjaris, house programs during Damodar month, Bhakti Vrikshas, Jagannath Pathshalas for kids etc.  We also celebrated Janmashtami and Damodar Aarti in our apartment complex - the response and participation in these celebrations were quite encouraging, inspiring us to do more in spreading Krishna Consciousness.


During the last year, we were also fortunate to welcome Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai [named Simha Gaura and Karuna Nitai by our Sikhsa Guru(s)] at our home, to stay in our midst and accept our humble services at Their lotus feet. Earlier this year, we also welcomed Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva & Subhadra to our home.  Through their presence, Their Lordships are showering their compassion and mercy on us and those who visit our home and take blessings at Their lotus feet.


The few fortunate souls that we have managed to preach Krishna's glories are completely unanimous in the virtues and the wonderful transformation that Krishna consciousness has brought in their lives in such a short period of time. What gives Keshavi and me more joy  and happiness is that Srila Prabhupada and you have chosen both of us, who are in no way qualified, to be part of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and your mission of spreading Krishna consciousness, touching their lives and making positive changes in their lives by connecting with them. Whilst this has provided an opportunity for both of us to purify ourself by improving our own sadhana, it has also helped us in realising some of our own shortcomings such as pride, ego, the limited knowledge that we have of our scriptures.

Guru Maharaj, over the last year, we have also had the fortune of having the association of a number of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples who are your god-brothers. We are eagerly awaiting the day when we will have your vapu association in Singapore and have an opportunity of serving you. In any case we desire and pray to Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to give us an opportunity of seeing you in person as it has been almost 5 years since we last saw you.

Guru Maharaj, we know that there is a lot more that we can do to serve you in executing Srila Prabhupadas mission. We seek your blessings and pray for your mercy to fill our lives so that we are in the constant association of devotees who help us grow in our spiritual life. We pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Lord Narsimha Dev for your continued good health so that you may continue to spread the message of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Prabhupada and continue to uplift more fallen souls like us.


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj !!

Your useless son & daughter

Rangamaya Ramakrsna das

Shobhamayi Keshavi devi dasi

Sri Lanka

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisance.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurudev, I wish you a very happy appearance day.

 Gurumaharaj, you are so inspiring. Even though you are troubled by many illnesses, you still keep preaching. Very selflessly, you travel to as many places as possible and spread Lord Caitanya’s mission. Please bless me to be a good preacher. Although I won’t be able to be as an efficient preacher as yourself, I will spread the holy names to as many people as possible.

When I was residing in Mayapur, I got many opportunities to see you and listen to your lectures. I was hoping to take initiation from you in 2017 with my parents, but I was too young to be given initiation at that time as I was only 11. But you showered your mercy on me by offering me shelter.  Today, I am waiting for an opportunity to meet you and for you to accept me as your disciple. I worship Sri Sri Radhamadhava, Sri Pancatattva and Sri Prahlada Nrsimha for your good health and a very long life.

Your humble servant

Acashan (Son of Sundara Sucaru Das)


Sri Lanka

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj, dandavat Pranam

Please accept my humble obeisance

 With all difficulties, you are preaching to fallen souls to chant the holy names of the lord. You are obeying Srila Prabhupada at all circumstances and you never said no to Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. Please bless me to do service to your lotus feet, and also help me to improve my devotional service. Dear Gurudev, you are an intimate associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as you have qualities of an ecstatic devotee. Even though you are facing physical challenges, you are ignoring them to help the fallen souls in the world. Thank you Gurudev for setting a good example for me.

Your humble servant,

Akshaya Sivapaallan

Colombo, Sri Lanka

                              Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale,

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine,

Namah Acharyapadaya Nitai kripa pradayine,

Gaura katha damadaya nagara grama tarine

All Glories to Sri Jayapataka Swami Maharaj,

All  Glories to Srila Prabupada




Dear Guru Maharaj,


All Glories to your auspicious appearance day.


I bow down to your Lotus feet as it is the abode of pure devotional service and from where the practice of devotional service sprouts and devotional creeper begins to grow.


It is a great opportunity to me by your mercy to open my heart and write on this 71st Vyasa Pooja grand celebration. I feel, am gifted simultaneously blessed by the Guru parampara to write few words.


I became Jagath Guru Krishna dasa, by your great mercy in the year 2003 in Dubai, along with my wife - named by you as Thanya Radhika Devi dasi, and we relocated to Colombo last year. May I request to bestow your blessings to start a Bhakti Vrksha and a C    hildren’s class in the locality where we live now.


In the early days of joining in Krishna Conscious movement I learnt from you - Dear Guru Maharaj, two main lessons. How much a disciple should be dedicated to His Spiritual Master and the second, compassion you extend to the devotees. But, in the recent years you have taught almost all the disciples of Krishna Conscious movement, ‘what is tolerance’ and ‘what is steadfastness’ as explained by Krishna to Arjuna in Chapter 2, of  Bhagavad Gita. Your life history is a lesson to every human being irrespective of whether he is in Krishna Consciousness or not.



May Lord Narasingha Dev protect your health to continue Your service,

All glories, all glories unto You,


Your eternal servant,

Jagath Guru Krsna dasa.

Hare Krishna Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, Please Accept our Humble Obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Wishing you a very Happy Vyas Puja dear Gurudev. Praying for your good health and long life and seek your kind blessings. 

We’re very insignificant to even glorify you and we very grateful to you for various divine interventions. We cherish your divine Darshans, cheerful/inspirational discourses and long to see you again. 

On this special occasion we would like request to grant us the willingness / opportunity to serve Vaishnavas and love for holy names of Lord. 

Your menial and insignificant servants - Kusum & Sanjay Motwani 


Hare Krishna dear Gurudev. Dandavat Pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisance!

All glories to Srila Prabhpada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

I wish you happy 71st Vyasapuja 2020.

I was so inspired with the past times of Gurudev, the senior devotees / disciples shared with me and my family during several occasions of Sat Sanga prior to and after my initiation.

My dear Gurudev, you are so merciful to offer me an opportunity to give personal seva directly unto your lotus feet and care for you for one whole night on the very first day of your Divine Darshan. During this visit of yours in January 2017, myself and my wife got initiated in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Gurudev, you are my real inspiration, you are an example of how a devotee should live. Your determination to deliver the assigned duties of Srila Prabhupada, though many physical challenges are being thrown at you is a real dedication of a sincere devotee to execute the instruction of his spiritual master.

You prove on several occasions during severe decision making situations that you are with me and guiding me. I have experienced your support through your representatives or through your vani many times.

Gurudev, you are the real representation of Srila Prabhupada and His instructions to be a true leader and devotee.

You gave me, a fallen soul, the chance to engage in the service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Please shower your mercy on your humble servant to be strengthened and courageous to engage in more preaching activities and to please the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Srila Prabhupada and You.


Your insignificant servant,

Sundara Sucaru Das

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Dandavat Pranam

Please accept my humble obeisance

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

I wish you a happy 71st Vyasapuja day.

I feel it is a great opportunity for me to glorify you, Gurumaharaj. There is no limit to how much you can be glorified. Even if I had unlimited mouths, it wouldn’t be enough for me to speak all of your glories.

You are the ocean of mercy. I don’t have even the slightest qualification of being your disciple. But out of your causeless mercy you initiated me. I hope to serve you better and to my best as much as possible. I would really love to cook for you one day Gurumaharaj, this has always been an unfulfilled desire of mine.

Your Humble Servant

Vatsala Rukmini Devi Dasi

Sri Lanka


Nama Om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya Bhu-tale

Srimate  Jayapataka Svamin ithi namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai -Kripa Pradyaine

Gaura -Katha Dama-Daya Nagara- Grama-Tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Yourself and Gauranga..

Dear Gurmaharaj,

 Thank you very much for accepting me as your disciple. I am very fortunate to have your Darsan recently at Sri Dham Mayapur during the Gourapoornima festival 2020. I am very happy to see that you are more energetic and healthy. It is your mercy to accept such a fallen soul like me as your disciple. I am surrendering myself unto your lotus feet. I am totally depending on your mercy. May Krishna bless you with good health.

By your eternal servant

Sreenatha Carana Das.--

Australia & oceania

Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your Divine Grace


Another year has passed and your determination to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission has proved once again reminding us our dedication to your instructions and to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


You have strictly followed the orders of medical professionals and did not travel for one year after your successful transplant. Of course in between you have convinced the doctors that Malaysia is not far and came to Malaysia and inspired many devotees with your association and teachings among many other managerial activities.


After your one year restriction is finished you traveled to UK, North America and South America and inspired the devotees. After returning to India you travelled to Bangladesh and inspired many devotees to surrender to the process of devotional service and initiated them into the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya sampradaya thus fulfilling one of the many instructions that Srila Prabhupada gave you. You said taking disciples is a serious service and lot of risk but you never hesitate in order to please your spiritual master Srila Prabhupada. Thus you are showing us a great example that we should be willing to take all the troubles in order to help you to serve Srila Prabhupada. This is an instruction I fail to follow. So On this special day I bow down at your lotus feet and pray for your mercy in the following way


“ Let me submit one piece of information before you dear Guru Maharaj . It is not at all false but is full of meaning. It is this: If you are not merciful upon me, then it will be very, very difficult to find more suitable candidate for your mercy”


   Many of your disciples are taking more and more responsibilities and helping me in various ways and I am really grateful to them. I am thankful to you for inspiring them and many are trying to follow your instructions and the initiation vows so that we will try not to cause any health issues.


The congregation here is growing slowly and they are inspiring many devotees to take to the process.


Your Caitanya book classes are very amazing and you are bringing out so many details of these pastimes


The whole last year you have been envisioning about the seventh group for the Nawadvip mandala Parikrama and encouraged to have South Indian group and we could see that there was a group from South India this tear and many devotees were part of it with South Indian Prasadam. I would like join this group one day for the prasadam atleast . Please bless me that I can join the parikrama in the coming years.


You have been actively having the meetings about TOVP exhibits and also collecting the required funds to please Srila Prabhupada. We heard about the Pujari room opening and hoping to see that one-day


 On this most auspicious day I am praying at your lotus feet to please forgive me for any offenses and bless me that I can be of some use to you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.


Your insignificant servant


Sita Rama Lakshmana das


Dear Çréla Gurumaharaja,

Please accept our most respectable obeisances at your divine lotus feet.

All glories to Your Divine Grace! All glories to Çré Çré Rädhä-Syämasundara the principal deities in Adelaide, Australia.

jive saksat nahi tate guru caittya-rupe

siksa-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe


“Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krsna Himself”.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Caitanya-caåitämrta, Adi-lélä 1.58

Just as a gardener who gathers various flowers and creates a beautiful garland, you gather souls from diverse nations, cultures and qualities of nature, joining them in your mission to spread the holy name all over the world. However, as you are no ordinary gardener and the flowers sensing their loss if left unplucked, have decided to land on your basket on their own so that they could be strung and be used in the service of the Lord. You are not just a mantra datta, to formally give mantra but you are asraya-datta, one who gives shelter to even the most fallen souls. You have been instrumental in our spiritual lives from the very beginning when we were making baby steps, not that we have progressed much.

The temple of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar has a small worshiping room often bursting at the seams during festivities. We decided to build a new extension block and after a lengthy application process, the project has finally been approved. Lord Krsna has offered us a temple room four times the size of the current one. As ISKCON Adelaide has been undergoing years of challenges and internal turmoils with no indication of ending in the near future, manifesting this vision will be an arduous undertaking. We thus beseech you to bestow your special blessings upon us to unfold this dream and continue to bestow your causeless mercy.


On this, your appearance day, we take refuge in your unlimited benevolence, we fervently pray to Lord Krsna, that you regain as much strength as possible, in order to spread the sankirtana movement of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, far and wide as predicted by the Lord Himself.


Param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam!


May your fame spread all over the three worlds.

Your servants at ISKCON Adelaide, Australia


Adi Purusa Krsna dasa      Lokanandini dd    

Satananda Krsna dasa       Yashoda Sakhi dd

Bhakta Cameron Phillips  Priti Rupini dd

Dear Srila Gurumaharaja,

Please accept our most respectable obeisances at your divine lotus feet.

All glories to Your Divine Grace! All glories to Sri Sri Rädhä-Syämasundara the principal deities in Adelaide, Australia.

jive saksat nahi tate guru caittya-rupe

siksa-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe


“Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krsna Himself”.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Caitanya-caåitämrta, Adi-lélä 1.58

Just as a gardener who gathers various flowers and creates a beautiful garland, you gather souls from diverse nations, cultures and qualities of nature, joining them in your mission to spread the holy name all over the world. However, as you are no ordinary gardener and the flowers sensing their loss if left unplucked, have decided to land on your basket on their own so that they could be strung and be used in the service of the Lord. You are not just a mantra datta, to formally give mantra but you are asraya-datta, one who gives shelter to even the most fallen souls. You have been instrumental in our spiritual lives from the very beginning when we were making baby steps, not that we have progressed much.

The temple of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar has a small worshiping room often bursting at the seams during festivities. We decided to build a new extension block and after a lengthy application process, the project has finally been approved. Lord Krsna has offered us a temple room four times the size of the current one. As ISKCON Adelaide has been undergoing years of challenges and internal turmoils with no indication of ending in the near future, manifesting this vision will be an arduous undertaking. We thus beseech you to bestow your special blessings upon us to unfold this dream and continue to bestow your causeless mercy.


On this, your appearance day, we take refuge in your unlimited benevolence, we fervently pray to Lord Krsna, that you regain as much strength as possible, in order to spread the sankirtana movement of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, far and wide as predicted by the Lord Himself.


Param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam!


May your fame spread all over the three worlds.

Your servants at ISKCON Adelaide, Australia


Adi Purusa Krsna dasa     Lokanandini dd    

Satananda Krsna dasa       Yashoda Sakhi dd

Bhakta Cameron Phillips  Priti Rupini dd

Our Offerings:

I offer my respectful obeisance’s to my dearest spiritual father Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Guru Mahārāja who has showered his causeless mercy upon many many souls, who has given hope to millions of souls to be delivered from this suffering condition of life in this Age of Kali, whose love, compassion and mercy for all the fallen living entities always flows unobstructed.

Words are not enough to glorify my spiritual master due to his many many amazing transcendental qualities. Few of the many many qualities he possesses are:

1. Your selfless love and unalloyed devotion for your spiritual master Śrīla Prabhupāda: He has given up all his life, his pleasures, his body, his time and himself to serve the mission of Śrīla Prabhupāda without deviation.

2. Your purity, compassion and mercifulness are enough to purify the three worlds.

3. You are without doubt an intimate associate of Lord Caitanya.

4. Your dedication to preach, capacity to tolerate all extreme difficulties/challenges are unparalleled.

5. You only see good and only good in others.

6. Your lotus feet can purify the 3 worlds.

7. You have accepted me and my wife as your disciples and overlooked all our faults to bless us with your causeless mercy.

8. We pray and beg to Lord Narasiṁhadeva that you always remain in healthy and with perth health you can deliver millions and millions conditioned souls.

9. Your divine transcendental qualities, love and devotion, compassion and much more, are beyond any words and boundaries.

10. Your magnanimous preaching works/feet like Vedic Planetarium, Nāmahaṭṭa preaching, travelling nonstop throughout the world to deliver fallen souls and much more is giving opportunity to millions of conditioned/fallen souls to be delivered.

On this auspicious day of Ekādaśī and your divine appearance day, O’ our dearest spiritual master and spiritual father, O’ ocean of mercy, O’ friend of all, we beg on to your lotus feet to forgive us for any offences we have committed and bless us that we can follow your instructions which become the only goal of our lives and shower your causeless mercy upon these fallen souls, son and daughter of yours:

Akṣara Narasiṁha dāsa,

Sumedhāvī Rādhārāṇī Devī Dāsī,
Kīrtida (Our elder daughter),
Bhānunandinī (Our younger daughter),
And Deliver us along with our whole family.
Your lowly fallen Children.
4th April 2020 - Perth Yātrā.

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatāka-svāmin iti nāmine

nama ācaryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma-dāya nagara-grāma tārine


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. 

All glories to you Guru Maharaj !!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!


Śrīla Gurudev, on the occasion of your Vyāsa Pūjā this year, I pray to Śrī Śrī Rādhā Gopinath, Gaura Nitāi, Jagannath Baladev Shubadra and Narasiṁhadeva to protect you and bless you with good health.


We were hoping that you will be coming to Sydney this year since you started to travel. Unfortunately, you had to visit other countries that needed your immediate attention and you could not come to Sydney. By your causeless mercy, I could not imagine how fortunate I was to get your physical association when we visited Chennai earlier this year. You had to come to Chennai for your regular check-ups after travelling abroad at the same time I was in Chennai. Not only we were able to see you in person, you gave shelter to my son Achyuth under your lotus feet. I have read a conversation between Srila Prabhupad and Guru dasa prabhu. Srila Prabhupada explains the meaning of krpa-siddhi. Srila Prabhupad says “Kṛpā-siddhi means that you are not willing take this bag. I say, "Take it, take it, take it." "No." That is kṛpā-siddhi. Even you are unwilling, I give you in your pocket, push it. That is kṛpā-siddhi.”. On the day you gave shelter to my son, I understood that you are a manifestation of that krpa-siddhi.


We had a very busy Damodar month in Sydney. By your blessings, we were able to achieve 24000 lamps offered to Lord Damodar. Please continue to give us your blessing so that we can help many people to come to Krishna consciousness.


By your mercy, we have been able to start new Bhakti Vriksha classes and Manjari programs based on the training provided by HG Caitanya Avatari das prabhu and HG Rasamayi devi dasi mataji. Time and time again, we can clearly see that we are incapable of doing anything on our own. But it is only by your mercy that these things are happening.


Recently I heard one of your lecture and you mentioned about the time you were stabbed. You said “I can just tell you frankly as a person who did not know whether I would be living or not, I only had two concerns, either that if I died I get back to Srila Prabhupad and that if I live I could continue to serve Srila Prabhupad in this life and I don’t see there is any other priority in my life or purpose, to any disciple of Srila Prabhupad.”. Dear Gurudev, I do not know how long it will take me to be fixed in your instructions. Only with your mercy, I can become fixed in your service. I beg at your lotus feet to help me to imbibe this mood and be fixed in serving you.


Many times we are clueless and we are struggling to even understand whether what we do is good for our Krishna consciousness. I feel that my ego and pride is growing rapidly. I am feeling helpless to curb the growth. Serving you should be the only identity for me and I strongly believe that if I can become strong in this identity, everything else will automatically fall inline. Dear Gurudev, please help me so that I do not commit any vaisnava aparadh and I do not lose my Krishna consciousness.


Once again, I am repeating the same wish that I placed before you every year. Myself, my wife Sriguru Bhakti devi dasi and my son Bhakta Achyuth are trying hard to bring many souls unto your lotus feet with the help of our Bhakti Vriksha devotees. Everyone is very sincere to please you except me. My sincere heartfelt prayer to you to bestow your mercy upon them so that all of them can be fixed in your service.


I am struggling to be a good father to my son Achyuth and a good husband to my wife. Please help me so that I can guide both of them materially and spiritually.


On this auspicious day it is my sincere prayer that please help myself, my wife and my son to remain in the service of your lotus feet without succumbing to the materialistic pleasures. I also sincerely pray to Lord Nrsimhadev to always protect you so that more and more conditioned souls can be delivered by your mercy.


your fallen and unworthy servant begging for your mercy,

Anandamaya Gopinath das (Diksha Disciple)


Ankur Sorathia (Sydney, Australia)


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj!


Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet!!!


All glories to you Guru Maharaj!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!


I want to first of all thank you for giving me this opportunity to glorify you Guru Maharaj. Though since previous Vyasa Puja I have been unfortunate to receive your personal association but somehow you have kept me in association of your vani and have been guiding, inspiring and motivating me throughout the last one year.


My dear Guru Maharaj, I am fortunate enough to witness a pure vaishnava in my life in your form. You are an embodiment of determination and strong unwavering commitment. The activities that you are doing round the clock seven days a week to fulfill the mission of your spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is beyond my ability to even appreciate. When sometimes I lose enthusiasm or determination and start revisiting the thoughts on purpose of life and whether the activities that I am currently doing are right or not, I see no hope in any material solution that can pacify me. It is just the teachings of Lord Krishna where I find solace and you being a shining example of following the instructions of your guru and Gauranga with single-pointed focus enlivens the purpose of life in me – that I must dedicate myself to please my guru and there should not be any other purpose.


My dear Guru Maharaj, the way you are fixed in devotional service and the way you inspire others in so many innovative ways to take up this process of bhakti is very inspiring. Your tireless efforts, constant preaching, guiding others in all walks of their lives is something that brings fresh enthusiasm in me that there is always a way to help others to grow in devotion. What especially inspires me more is your humble attitude towards all vaisnavas and even non-vaisnavas. You treat everyone with love and care and show personal interest in everyone’s growth which is something unimaginable to me due to my self-centeredness. I beg for your mercy and blessings through which somehow I may become eligible to imbibe your mood, qualities and determination so that I can also remain fixed in the service of your lotus feet.


My dear Guru Maharaj, during this outbreak of Covid-19 when you recommended all of us to chant more and depend more on Lord’s holy name and also mentioned that in this age of kali there is no other solution to end our misery other than chanting Hare Krishna maha mantra, it made me realise how firm your faith is in holy name. I never imagined myself to suggesting someone suffering through this pandemic that he or she must chant, rather my mind would wandered on all material solutions such as using sanitizers, wearing face masks etc. But you made me realise with your causeless mercy that there is no material solution for a material problem and harinam should be the first place of which we must take shelter of regardless of the problem we are put in.


With your causeless mercy Guru Maharaj, I have was able to do some service over past 12 months such as organizing quiz competition for kids at Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temple in Sydney, Australia, conducting few Damodar Pujas during Kartik month, conducting one Introduction to Bhagavad Gita series class and starting one manjari. I desire to do more preaching by conducting more manjaris and Bhakti Vriksha classes in future to please you more Guru Maharaj. This is one service for which I have developed some taste over past few years and I sincerely desire to continue doing it if it pleases you. I have been trying to follow the instructions of my mentor as part of which I listen to your and Srila Prabhupada’s lectures regularly to imbibe the humble mood of serving their Lordship with utmost sincerity, so that it helps those who attend class to come to spiritual platform. Please bless me in my attempt to develop this mood and become as transparent medium as you are so that my material mind does not interfere in preaching Krishna Consciousness.


Dear Guru Maharaj, your unwavering determination and capacity to tolerate so many inconveniences is another glorious quality which I desire to cultivate. Your humble and compassionate attitude towards everyone around you truly reflect the quality of a pure Vaishnava and you truly justify the words of Mahaprabhu – trinad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna, amanina mana dena kirtaniya sada harihi. I on several occasions have fallen into Maya devi’s trap of expecting honour and praise for my preaching efforts for which I have repented later. I sincerely beg from you to please shower your mercy on me to remove this great anartha and follow your footsteps without any deviation if it pleases you Guru Maharaj.


Dear Guru Maharaj, it has now been almost close to two years that you provided your shelter to me. I am now sincerely desiring to get initiation from you as early as I can. I beg you to show some compassion on this underserving soul by giving harinam initiation.


My dear Guru Maharaj, I also sincerely beg you to please bless my parents and my brother so that they grow in Krishna consciousness and atleast understand the importance of this valuable human life and make endeavor to come out of the clutches of Maya devi by firmly serving the lotus feet of Lord Mukunda.


My sincere prayers to Lord Krishna, Lord Jagannath, Baladev and Shubhadra mayi, most munificient Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda prabhu, to shower their immense mercy on you as you rightly deserve by your tireless activities for pleasing previous acharyas, so that you can again regain physical strength and give personal association to more fallen souls. I sincerely pray for your good health, well-being and long life so that you can guide more souls like me in fulfilling the glorious mission of Srila Prabhupada.


Dear Guru Maharaj, lastly please forgive me for any offense that I have done at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly. Please enable me to receive the mercy showered by you Guru Maharaj and bless this fallen soul so that I am always engaged in your service.


Please accept this humble attempt to glorify you Guru Maharaj!


Bhakta Ankur (Shelter)

Our most respectful Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisance’s on your holy appearance day.

Happy Birthday Guru Maharaj. Thank you for your incredible services to SPP mission to entire 6 Continents, and for continuing to inspire thousands of fallen souls to give them unaltered Krishna Prema, speak out the real truth of Lord Nityananda’s mood of sankirtan movements, and create a better future for all devotees and well-wishers.

Guru Maharaj It’s a difficult situation, entire world is intense of fear, we belief your prayers for the fallen souls definitely will work and working, the entire world needs your only kind KARUNA (mercy) to get reed off Coronavirus, I remember the day of tsunami happened, 26 December 2004, you were with us at Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir for Snanaytra and auspicious Panihatti festival.

27 December morning we all went with you at Melbourne Airport and newspapers showing the disasters happened, immediately your mood had changed, you are so compassionate you would like to cry for the incident happened, you show us a pure Vaishnava’s heart, SPP wrote Purport: SB 8.7.39 This is the characteristic of a Vaisnava. Para-duhkha-duhkhi.

Guru Maharaj we always following your instructions. Especially current situation we are Chanting extra Japa, Reading SPP books and your books, performing Kirtan at Home, Praying for distressed people around us.

Coronavirus is just another name of sufferings; the death is inevitable truth for all living beings. It will come one day, please give us a perfect intelligent to overcome the fear of death, and able remember your Lotus feet and Gauranga.  

Stressed situation I had seen 1971 when I was with my Grandmother house at Serampore Hooghly, Bangladesh separated from Pakistan, I was in middle east Kuwait since 1975, had seen Mr Khomeini take over Iran, Lebanese lost their homes, Palestinians lost their homes, 2nd August 1990 Saddam Hussain attack Kuwait and we lost our home and everything we just survived, become a war victim came to Australia absolutely bare handed started new life again.

Our most painful stress and fear was October 23, 2008 when you went to coma for indefinite period, Lord Narasimha Deva accepted our prayers and show us the miracle is not a word it’s real. We have a full faith this current stressful period will cross-over and Lord Gauranga have plan using you as an instrument for the benefit of entity living race.

By the blessings of our ancestors and their kind prayers we found SPP mission in Melbourne Australia. By the mercy of SPP arrangements found you as our Spiritual Master, which is as good as touch stone for our traumatic life, you allowed this fallen minute particle to touch your Lotus feet which gives us a second life to stand up again.

2019 we were at Sridham Mayapur, we miss your holly darshan, wishing with full desire in the heart that please allow us to visit again Mayapur Dham, and please allow us to serve your Lotus feet again either in Melbourne or in Mayapur.

Thanking you again to allowed us to glorify your Ekattara tama Janma Barsiki means 71st appearance year and Vaysapuja celebrations.

Wishing and praying to Lord Narasimha Deva to glorify again next year in addition to grand planning with awe and reverence.

Please accept our humble Obeisance’s.

Yours an insignificant servant.

Caru Caitanya Dasa Adhikari

Anandarupini dd

Melbourne, Australia. April 2020



My dear most merciful worshipable eternal Spiritual Master,

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and Guru Paramparā !

On this auspicious occasion of 71st Vyasapua Celebrations, it is with great pleasure we your eternal servants like to glorify your Holiness for the unconditional love and mercy, that you have shown us ever since we came in touch at your lotus feet. You have opened the door of spirituality for us.

Another glorious year of your transcendental presence on this planet Śrīla Gurudeva is simply an unimaginable fact for ordinary souls like us. Every day, every hour and every moment your holiness looking for preaching opportunity to reclaim the fallen souls back to Supreme Lord KRSNA. Incredibly compassionate to all the souls you come across is something so unique, which makes tremendous impact in their lives for eternity. Entire Vaishanava community is admiring your holiness and all of them consider your holiness to be the greatest living example for our ISKCON movement.

After travelling at various parts of the globe in 2019 currently your holiness bestowing your mercy through the Mahamilan at Sridham Mayapur for the Safari devotees especially. Many of your dynamic presentations, lectures and guidance are becoming more and more radiant as devotees starting to realise them. ISKCON congregation development, ILS Global, Devotee care are just a few to name.

We can only pray to Their Lordship that we can be at least fragmentally empowered to absorb in thoughts of your services and attempt to serve your lotus feet. Being so conditioned, we are adamant to stick sense enjoyment in various gross and subtle forms. Without your causeless mercy we have no hope to get out of these clutches Guru Maharaj.

Earlier today, we received the video of your holiness briefly addressing the recent panademic coronavirus situation across the globe and your iteration once again on chanting the holy names of Lord is revalidating the shastric references. Hope the COVID-19 settles down and your holiness can begin yatra across various parts of world safely. 

We devotees at Melbourne Mahāprabhu mandir are eagerly looking for your divine presence. Due to various health situations and other yatra programs your holiness could not make it here for few consecutive years now. We collectively continue to pray for your holiness health to Lord Narasimha Dev and the whole world to realise your magnanimity and glory.


Your insignificant servant's,

Guru Gaurāṅga Kṛṣṇa Das(dīkṣā), Kīrtimatī Padma Devī  dāsī (dīkṣā) & Bhaktin Sādhya-vilāsikā

ISKCON Melbourne - Mahāprabhu Mandir - Australia

My dear most merciful worshipable eternal Spiritual Master,

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and Guru Paramparā !

On this auspicious occasion of 71st Vyasapua Celebrations, it is with great pleasure we your eternal servants like to glorify your Holiness for the unconditional love and mercy, that you have shown us ever since we came in touch at your lotus feet. You have opened the door of spirituality for us.

Another glorious year of your transcendental presence on this planet Śrīla Gurudeva is simply an unimaginable fact for ordinary souls like us. Every day, every hour and every moment your holiness looking for preaching opportunity to reclaim the fallen souls back to Supreme Lord KRSNA. Incredibly compassionate to all the souls you come across is something so unique, which makes tremendous impact in their lives for eternity. Entire Vaishanava community is admiring your holiness and all of them consider your holiness to be the greatest living example for our ISKCON movement.

After travelling at various parts of the globe in 2019 currently your holiness bestowing your mercy through the Mahamilan at Sridham Mayapur for the Safari devotees especially. Many of your dynamic presentations, lectures and guidance are becoming more and more radiant as devotees starting to realise them. ISKCON congregation development, ILS Global, Devotee care are just a few to name.

We can only pray to Their Lordship that we can be at least fragmentally empowered to absorb in thoughts of your services at your lotus feet Śrīla Gurudeva. Being so conditioned we are adamant to stick sense enjoyment in various gross and subtle forms. Without your causeless mercy we have no hope to get out of these clutches Guru Maharaj.

We devotees at Melbourne Mahāprabhu eagerly looking for your divine presence this year sometime. Due to various health situations and other yatra programs your holiness could not make it here for few consecutive years now. We collectively continue to pray for your holiness health to Lord Narasimha Dev and the whole world to realise your magnanimity and glory.


Your insignificant servant's,

Guru Gaurāṅga Kṛṣṇa Das(dīkṣā), Kīrtimatī Padma Devī  dāsī (dīkṣā) & Bhaktin Sādhya-vilāsikā


ISKCON Melbourne - Mahāprabhu Mandir - Australia

nama oṁ viṣnu pādāya kṛṣṇa preṣthāya bhūtale, srimate JayaPatakaSwāmin iti nāmine. Nama acarya padaya nitaikripa pradayine gaurakatha damadaya nagara grama tarine.

Hare krishna Gurumaharaj. Please accept our respectful obeiscences unto your divine lotus feet on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasapuja day2020. All glories to you, Srila Prabhupad and Gaura Nitai

We (Me and my husband) are indebted to you, guruMaharaj so much for your service onto Sri Sri RadhaMadhava, Sri Panchatatva, Srila NaraSimhadev, Sri rajapur JagannathBaladevSubhadraMai and TOVP.

Your constant love and encouragement keeps us going in continuing our service with determination to fulfill your instructions in serving Srila Prabhupad and Lord Chaitanyas   Army. 

My husband Venkata Nelluri writes "I am indebted to you a lot Gurumahraj, because you have kindly allowed me to marry your spiritual daughter, HaritaMadhaviDeviDasi with your divine blessings. Thank you, guruMaharaj so much for blessing me & Harita Madhavi Devi Dasi on our marriage interest/proposal & thanks for letting us to invite you for our marriage in Rajapur, Mayapur, Kolkata on 17-Oct-2019. We both felt so much happy by having your glorious darshan in MayapurISKCON. Thanks to your associates for letting us to see you, guruMaharaj before our marriage. 

By your blessings, we make you, srila A.C. BhaktiVedantaSwami prabhupad, ISKCON, & RadhaKrishna as center of our living.

You are helping 50,000 of fallen souls like me to connect back to GuruGaurangaGovinda through your continuous service to srila A.C. BhaktiVedantaSwami prabhupad, ISKCON across world, and All deities in Mayapur. Take care guruMaharaj, please. my prayers for Sri Sri RadhaMadhava to be with you. 

Please forgive us on our mistakes & misdeeds. Jai guruMaharaj. "

Thank you dear pappa again and again for pushing your spiritual daughter and your son in law to work together in serving you, HH  Devamrita Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada, Jagganath and all devotees in unity and harmony. Love you loads Gurudev. 

Your spiritual daughter,

Harita Madhavi Devi dasi

and siksha disciple son in law,
Venkata Brahmanandarao Nelluri



Australia zone 

nama oṁ viṣnu pādāya kṛṣṇa preṣthāya bhūtale
srimate jayapataka svāmin iti nāmine
nama acarya padaya nitaikripa pradayine
gaurakatha damadaya nagara grama tarine

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja. Please accept our respectful obeiscences unto Your Divine Lotus feet on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa-puja day 2020. All glories to you, Srila Prabhupada and Gaura Nitāi.

We (Me and my husband) are indebted to you, Guru Maharaja so much for your service onto Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Panca-tattva, Sri Narasimhadeva, Sri Rajapur Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra Mayi and TOVP.

Your constant love and encouragement keeps us going in continuing our service with determination to fulfill your instructions in serving Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya's Army. 

My husband Venkata Nelluri writes "I am indebted to you a lot Guru Maharaja, because you have kindly allowed me to marry your spiritual daughter, Harita Madhavi devi dasi with Your Divine blessings. Thank you, Guru Maharaja so much for blessing me and Harita Madhavi devi dasi on our marriage interest/proposal and thanks for letting us to invite you for our marriage in Rajapur, Mayapur, Kolkata on 17-Oct-2019. We both felt so much happy by having your glorious darsana in Mayapur ISKCON. Thanks to your associates for letting us to see you, Guru Maharaja before our marriage.

By your blessings, we make you, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ISKCON and Radha Krsna as center of our living.

You are helping 50,000 of fallen souls like me to connect back to Guru Gauranga Govinda through your continuous service to Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ISKCON across world, and all Deities in Mayapur. Take care Guru Maharaja, please. My prayers for Sri Sri Radha Madhava to be with you. 

Please forgive us on our mistakes and misdeeds. Jaya Guru Maharaja. Jaya, Jaya JPS Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja ki jaya."

Thank you dear pappa again and again for pushing your spiritual daughter and your son in law to work together in serving you, His Holiness  Devamrta Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada, Jagganath and all devotees in unity and harmony. Love you loads Gurudev. 

Your spiritual daughter,

Harita Madhavi Devi dasi
and siksa disciple son in law,
Venkata Brahmanandarao Nelluri
Australia zone 

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabupad, Guru Maharaj and Gauranga.

Kindly accept our greetings for your Appearance day.

Just a small offering to depict that how I was living closer to Krsna temple and then we had to move to a place which was far away from the temple. Although, I was praying to Krsna to move me there only if there was a purpose of my stay, I would still become sad that I wasn't able to visit temple that often. Sooner, your and Krsna's blessings, a western preaching program called 'Mantra Meditation' sessions took off the ground and started to engage with local city council to help the local community. It is almost a year since this program has started, both at my office and also at my local community. Both places are doing well. Local council is supporting me by the mercy of you and Krishna. Next month, we will be celebrating the first year anniversary of 'Mantra Meditation' both at my office and in my town. This celebration will be our offering to your Appearance day. I attempted to attach some pictures from the regular sessions but it is giving me error message.

My little offering as below.

My offering:

Your comings in my dreams make my day,

Though I realise don't I have a say;

To the place where we moved,

My heart became hard and sad,

Neither the place was bad

nor I became mad,

Just the fact I wasn't living any closer to Krsna made me fade;

Sooner that I confess,

My mind was making a mess;

You and Krsna became closer than ever,

I pray that, that feeling should end never;

You are guiding me through,

and my love to you is so true;

I was sure there was a purpose for my stay,

That fact took my sadness away;

I found jobs to do,

for giving Krsna in blue!

Thank you Guru Maharaj for your presence,

and that makes my existence!

May you live long,

Then my life will become strong;

All glories to you!

Happy Appearance day!


Vanamali Acyuta Das,

Isvari LakshmiPriya Devi Dasi

and Vallabha Saran.








Phillip/ Virabhadra

Narrator: This is skit about the causeless mercy of a pure devotee of the Lord - HH Jayapataka Swami and the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire trees who can fulfill the desires of everyone, and they are full of compassion for the fallen conditioned souls.

The scene is set at the Hare Krishna Temple Ashram in Kalamunda around 10years ago.

All characters are non-fictitious meaning that they do exist.

Jane : Hi, is Sitaram around? We have arranged a meeting with him at 5pm.

Ameyatma: - yes  - yes. He is just caught up at the moment. His spiritual master just arrived and they will be back soon from the Temple.

Jane: oh okay we'll just wait here for a bit then.

Narrator: Jane looks up curiously as she notices through the window the crowd walking behind HH Jayapataka Swami while someone pushed his wheelchair.

Jane: Who is he?

Ameyatma: He is THE JAYAPATAKA SWAMI a very special disciple of Srila Prabhupāda and

Narrator: Jane interrupts

Jane: Or really?
Jane: What does that mean? Sorry for interrupting and Pardon my ignorance!

Ameyatma: Not at all.
He joined the Hare Krishna movement when he was just a young man in America and was initiated by our Founder Arcarya

Narrator: Jane interrupts

Jane: What does that mean is that like ummm a Guru or someone.

Ameyatma: yes that's correct - Srila Prabhupāda is the Guru that started the Hare Krishna movement in the west.

Narrator: Jane looks up and sees His Holiness Jayapataka Swami in a wheelchair.

Jane: Oh why is he in wheelchair - that looks like too much trouble, sorry I meant travelling and everything.

Ameyatma: He only recently suffered a stroke. The devotees all around the world were praying for his recovery.

Jane: Oh ok.

Ameyatma: His mood of service and compassion transcends the bodily concept.

Jane: sorry, I don't get that, what do you mean?

Ameyatma: I meant that his strong determination and commitment that is driven by his compassion and mood to serve goes beyond his obstacles.
Jane: Oh wow.  A living Saint hey.

Ameyatma: Definitely! Oh here they all come.

Jane: Gosh - Look at them all - I've never seen anything like this before! They look soooo umm I don't know - happy I think.
Jane: Hi Sitaram, we are here for our 5pm meeting. It's 5:25 now.

We can see that you are busy. I can come later, what time?

Narrator: Sitaram greets Jane and Markus then introduced them by saying “Gurumaharaj this is Jane, she is helping with the Shire Town Planning application. Markus is her husband and is a Civil Engineer.”
His Holiness Jayapataka Swami then turns his gaze towards them then says in a very thoughtful and slurred yet clear voice. “Thank you for using your intelligence to help us.”

Jane: No worries. My father always says that if we are in a position to help others then it is our duty to do so.

Narrator: His Holiness Jayapataka Swami replies by saying: Your father was a very pious man.
Jane softly replies – “yes”. Looking puzzled that he referred to her father in the past tense. As he had only just passed away she hadn't adjusted to speaking of him in the past tense.

Jane: Sitaram okay. See you later. At 7 pm.

Narrator: Later that evening Jane arrives and enters the Hare Krishna Temple ashram. The room is still filled with people.
She notices Virabadhara who she knows as Phillip the architect at the back of the room and sits next to him on the floor.

Jane: Hi, so you are here to see Sitaram too, Philip.

Phillip/ Virabhadra: No. I'm here to see JAYAPATAKA Swami.

Jane: Oh really. I was introduced to him earlier. I haven't quite put my finger on it yet but I sense something extraordinary about him. Tell me about him.
Jane: Where does he come from?
Virabadhara: He travels around the world but is based in India.
Jane: Oh, what does he want?
Phillip/ Virabhadra:  To please Srila Prabhupāda and to GIVE Krishna Consciousness to everyone.
Jane: that's interesting. It's hard to believe that in his condition he is doing that. Verrrry mindboggling.
Jane: How does he do it?
Phillip/ Virabhadra: He is has full faith in Srila Prabhupāda and is surrendered. He just gives, gives, gives
Jane: Gives what?
Phillip/ Virabhadra: Mercy
Jane: Oh that's good, hey. Where is he going to? Some place we all want to be.

Jane: Thanks for the interesting chat. Tell Sitaram I left 'cos it's now 8pm!

Narrator: Jane is about to leave when she is asked by a Chinese lady to join the queue.
Jane politely says that she is sorry and she must leave.
However, the Chinese lady insists that she joins the queue. Jane asks her what’s it for and Chinese lady tells her to go and get a cookie.

Jane lines up and is the last in the queue.

When Jane's turn comes, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami tells her something and she can't understand.
So he repeated it and she doesn’t understand what he means about girls over 12 covering their hair. She assumed that he does not want to give her a cookie and turns and points at the Chinese lady and explains.

Jane:  that lady, she asked me to line up to get a cookie.

Saloni: no no here - wear this he wants U to cover your head so he can bless you

 Narrator: Saloni gives her a shawl and helps her cover her head

 Jane: Okay thank you, sorry what’s your name?

Narrator: Saloni doesn’t reply but gestures to Jane by showing her how to bow her head.

His Holiness Jayapataka Swami then touches Jane's head and as she raised. her head, her eyes catches his and she feels as though his X-ray vision penetrate her as he puts a cookie in her hand.

Jane leaving, sees Ameyatma Prabhu at the door and says as she leaves in state if confusion - 

Jane: I really don't know what just happened then.

10 years later – through this homage to her spiritual master on His  71st Vyasa Puja

Jane now known as Janesvari Gopi dd answers those very questions that she had once asked others.

Dearest Gurumaharaj,

Please Accept my Humble Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to You on this most auspicious day of Your Vyasa Puja,


Gurumaharaj, please bless me so that I can make an offering for your pleasure, as well as to keep within the allocated time limit of maximum 3 minutes. Otherwise, I may get into trouble for non-conforming - yet again.

Normally, when I write my fingers cannot keep up with the thought flow, yet I find myself somehow struggling for words when it comes to describing You and all that You have done and continue doing. Why? I hear the voice in my head say and it then goes on to try and make sense of it all “maybe it’s because I have not chanted properly, maybe because my consciousness is not right and Gurumaharaj is not giving me the mercy to glorify Him, maybe, maybe, maybe.


These justifications may be true, however, deep down I know that the reality is that there are no words that can properly describe everything about you Gurumaharaj. Even after all these years, there is still a big question mark after Why?


I just cannot conceive the level of faith in and self - surrender to Srila Prabhupad, which motivates you to continue to honour His instructions relentlessly, resiliently, seriously and determinedly.  I can’t comprehend the seemingly unlimited level of love and compassion that you possess to fight with even death personified in order to deliver to Srila Prabhupada all the conditioned souls from the vice like grip of maya and because of this - I feel as though I can’t do justice to articulate in words the many divine qualities that emanate from you.

Yet one thing that I can say for certain is that in this world, which is plagued with so many uncertainties and dualities, You give us hope against hope. You are the shelter and stability that makes life particularly in the west worth living.

I take inspiration and empowerment from You.

From our very first meeting, You had showered me with Your causeless mercy and continue to do so in every aspect of my life.You have taught me that the relationship between the spiritual master and the disciple is very unique and personal and is according to the level of sincerity that exists. It can not be checked by anybody or any force what so ever.  It is something that is completely inconceivable.

As a spiritual master nothing escapes You. You are fully aware of the collective karma that You are burdened with due to Your disciple’s indiscretions – yet You still continue to selflessly sacrifice and serve us with love and compassion. For me this is unfathomable. 

I thank you for always being readily available. Whenever I turn to You, all I have to do is reach out and You are there sometimes directly sometimes indirectly. It’s hard to go through life now, without acknowledging Your all pervading presence in all that I try and do to serve the Sankirtan Movement.

By Your mercy I have learnt to understand myself in relation to the matrix or the field as well as how to maneuver through it without force or resistance. By Your mercy, I am no longer trying to stick a square peg into a round hole. By Your mercy, in recent times, I have come to meet many “square pegs” that I can some how relate to and nurture and cultivate that are nicely taking to the process of Krishna Consciousness. This has truly made me appreciate what is involved in bringing someone to Krishna Consciousness and understand what Srila Prabhupad meant by stating “you have to spend or waste gallons of blood before you can convert a person to Krishna Consciousness. It is a difficult task”.

With this knowledge, I incessantly pray for You to empower me with just a drop of the love and personal care that You have given me, so that I can somehow also share with them and give them a reason to stay regardless of the obstacles that may arise.

Thank you Gurumaharaj for all your patience and sacrifice, thank you for empowering me to continue - especially when I couldn’t see the point. I understand now more than ever, that the only way forward is to grab on to Your lotus feet and never to let go.


I pray that Lord Narasimha Dev protects You from all sides and all times.


Your eternally indebted spiritual daughter,


Janesvari Gopi Devi Dasi

Vyasa Puja offering 2020 for HH Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj

by Kanu Pandit Das, Sydney

1980 – 2020

40 years in the shelter of Guru and Krishna in ISKCON: 40 years of mercy!


On the auspicious occasion of your appearance day, Guru Maharaj, I would like to express my gratitude to you, Guru Maharaj and to Srila Prabhupada and his great International Society for Krishna Consciousness, part of the greater Sankirtan movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

Forty years ago Lord Krishna saved me and shaved me, as Srila Prabhupada would sometimes jokingly say; I was already six years traveling around the world, as a backpacker; a hippie, not happy at all, suffering in the prison of the borders, not allowed to stay anywhere, trying to enjoy but also looking for what is the goal of life, until I finally got in contact with some of Srila Prabhupada’s books: Sri Isopanisad, the Perfection of Yoga and Meditation & Super Consciousness, where Srila Prabhupada very expertly explains Bhakti Yoga as:

transcendental loving service!

Finally, it was as a strong torchlight in the darkness of ignorance. I joined ISKCON in Lima, Peru in April 1980. In the first Guru Puja to Srila Prabhupada the devotees were offering a fresh garland to the picture of Srila Prabhupada. They put the old one around my neck. They were chanting and dancing in an ecstatic Kirtan. I felt for a moment my whole body shivering and with the hair on my arms standing on end…. what was going on? I wondered…. Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, so much mercy.

I was Bhakta Claude, really happy, no more anxiety, no more stupid things, back to a more inner conscience that this is good what I am doing.

In September 1980, at the first time you came to South America, in the first ever meeting I have with you, Guru Maharaj I asked you: ‘I still have a doubt, I still identify as French and sometimes I think, better I return to France and become a devotee there!’. You expertly told me: ‘no no, accept the plan of Krishna, it will be easier for you to start a new life here in Peru than to return to France, with your friends, your family and your attachments’. So I accepted this advise and you gave me initiation the day after, giving me the name Kanu Pandit Das. When you were leaving you approached me and told me: ‘now you don’t have to ask anything more from the iChing (Chinese Oracle method), you have to ask me now’. Thank you so much, Guru Maharaj. And yes, with time ISKCON in France went through so many problems, the Guru Bhagavan fell, and again you saved me, Guru Maharaj, thank you!

In 1985 in a class in Lima, Peru you invited all of us to the big Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur in 1986, the 500th appearance day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, 1486-1986. I wanted to go, to be there also but I was thinking: ‘better I stay in India’. However, in my heart I was feeling that this is Maya, this is my personal plan, though I liked the idea. By your mercy and Krishna’s mercy my parents bought me a ticket to France to visit them after having been away for ten years. In France I sold some of my stuff to collect for my ticket to reach India. In my mind I was thinking ‘I have nothing to do with Peru, so better I stay in the Holy Dham doing service there!’.

In Mayapur I was looking for the opportunity to have darshan with you, Guru Maharaj, to ask you permission to stay there to do service, but even before I could ask you gave me the answer. One South American devotee, Sudama, from Equador, was arriving and giving dandavat pranams to you. You embraced him and I said: ‘Guru Maharaj, Sudama became a devotee in Cusco, Peru’. You turned your head to me and, pointing with your finger at me, you told me loudly: ‘this is why I tell you that your service in Cusco is so important!!’. So, what to do, no way to ask you to stay in Mayapur.

Finally, after so many difficulties I returned to France to convince my parents to give me a plane ticket to return to Peru. I was in the plane, dressed in the saffron dress of a brahmacari in an airplane of the Russian Aerofloat communist airline company, taking off from Luxembourg, when a thought came in my mind: ‘maybe Guru Maharaj is in Peru’. It was May 1986. As I arrived in Lima airport and was waiting in line for customs, a small boy who was shining shoes of the people told me: ‘you are a Hare Krishna, the devotees are there with the Guru, at departures!’ So I ran and ran, just in time to fall at your feet, Guru Maharaj and you gave me your garland, telling me: ‘oh you came back to Peru, very good, very good’ and you left to take your plane. What an arrangement of Krishna, what mercy! Really, you are my Guru; the external manifestation of Paramatma… the voice in my heart.

In October 1986 you visited us again, I was the vice president of the Cusco Mandir. In a meeting with you I was revealing my mind to you, explaining how I was feeling about a new devotee in the temple, Bhaktin Elizabeth, although I was trying to continue as a brahmacari. You asked me: ‘how old are you?’ –’thirty-four, Guru Maharaj’ You told me: ‘why you don’t get married now!!!’ I was shocked but you explained to me very nicely how so many devotees after Srila Prabhupada left this world came with the philosophy that it was Maya to be married. And how so many devotees left and others got married at age fifty and have babies at that age, etc etc. You explained to me that I should act more according to my nature, to accept the reality, even if it would be more difficult and not to practice false renunciation. Again you were right, Guru Maharaj, in your advise. Bhaktin Elizabeth got intitiated at that time and became Isarani Devi Dasi.

In February 1987 you married us in the Barranco temple in Lima, before Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari. You gave us a special instruction: ‘try to be exemplary Grhastas’ So much mercy again and again, Guru Maharaj.

In January 1988 our son Syamasundar was born. In January 1990, Devaki, our daughter, was born. They grew up in the community of devotees, really happy. They were waiting for the end of the long holiday period at the end of summer to go back to Gurukula. This never happened to me when I was going to school!

Later, one time in Lima airport, Devaki, then 13 years old, asked you, Guru Maharaj, with a lot of enthusiasm, this question: ‘can I go to India too?’ You looked at us, Isarani and myself: ‘yes she can go with some senior devotees’. So, at age 14 in 2004 she was in Mayapur at the big festival of the installation of the Panca Tattva and also she was enjoying to be in Vrindavan, especially in front of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar, where she asked for the benediction to return to Vrindavan.

At age 15, in 2005, you accepted her as your disciple, as Devaki Mayi Devi Dasi. You asked her: ‘you are really young. You don’t want to continue your studies, in university?’ She replied: ‘no, Guru Maharaj, I want to be a devotee’. From childhood Devaki often surprised us, how she was a natural devotee; enjoying dancing Bharatanatyam dance, playing in dramas and later organising the youth for the temple decorations for the big festivals.

At age 17, in 2007, she got married with Ekanath Gaura, the leader of the South American bus tour, or Festival of India. This year she was traveling around the world, when Ekanath Gaura was one of your main servants. She even came to Australia, to Govinda Valley. I saw her, she was so happy! So much mercy she received from you, Guru Maharaj.

From October 2008 when you, Guru Maharaj got the two strokes, Ekanath and Devaki were trying to help you, in Bombai in the Hinduja hospital and after that in the Bhaktivedanta hospital. You, Guru Maharaj was telling us that Devaki Mayi was a simple and sincere devotee.

Even though we were desiring that she would do more and more service in this world, Krishna had a different plan for her. She passed away after a car accident on the 4th of November 2010, at 20 years of age, surrounded by devotees chanting the Holy Names of Krishna. You, Guru Maharaj was leading the Kirtan through a cellphone. It was certainly not an ordinary death. You said: ‘I am very pleased and I know that she has pleased Srila Prabhupada also’.

You told us, looking at Isarani and myself: ‘you are so fortunate’ –‘yes, Guru Maharaj, it’s true’ I thought, ‘even if this is really hard sometimes. It’s true, because this is the proof that the process of Krishna Consciousness that Srila Prabhupada gave us is working; it’s only by Krishna’s grace that Devaki was born between us.

For myself I have seen in my life, in these 26 years of service in Peru in Arequipa, Cusco and Lima, there have been so many arrangements by Krishna, only because we were trying to please you, Guru Maharaj and Srila Prabhupada. Now, again in Australia, trying to help the Govinda Valley project from November 2006 and recently the Heart & Soul Café, here in Cronulla.

Guru Maharaj, you have been going through so much trouble with your health, and still are doing so, to continue to please your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada and to continue to push us, your disciples.

Dear Guru Maharaj, you are truly our inspiration, to continue, over and over again, even if we have to go through more struggles and difficulty.

Guru Maharaj, you are our guide, our hope, our connection to Srila Prabhupada and all the Guru Parampara.

You are our representative of Krishna, our really dear Acaryapada!

Please, Guru Maharaj bless me to be free of all desires for personal fame and so to be a genuine representative of you.

Thank you again and again Guru Maharaj for so much mercy.

All Glories to you Guru Maharaj!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All Glories to the Sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu!!!


Yours in your service,

Kanu Pandit Das

Isarani Devi Davi

Our son Syamasundara and family and

Our daughter Devaki Mayi Devi Dasi.

Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All Glories to Srila Guru Dev. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.


You are mercy personified. There are no words that describes your causeless mercy and compassion on the fallen souls like me. In spite of completely unfavourable health, you still selflessly accept new disciples and initiate them. You never consider your personal benefit and happily accept their karma for their spiritual wellness. You always think about the welfare of all fallen souls in the world. 


You work tirelessly to achieve Srila Prabhupad's vision of constructing a magnificent vedic planetarium. You spend so much time and effort to ensure that every single stone of the planetarium is perfectly carved. You are an exemplary example of a sincere servant of Lord Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupad. 


You are working round the clock to spread the message of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You are carrying his message to every nook and corner of the world. You have created innovative ideas to attract common people towards Krishna consciouness. You are using every tool in the service of Krishna. You are constantly instructing and guiding disciples through Facebook, SoundCloud etc. You are mercifully providing disciples around the world to receive your Vani that will help them to progress in their devotional service.


I am so fallen Guru Maharaj. Please give me desire to serve you. Please use me as an instrument in your service. Please accept me as your servant and uplift me in Krishna consciousness. Please bless myself and my family (Santosh Prabhu and my daughters-Joshika and Tanishkha) to surrender and serve your lotus feet at all times.


Your humble sheltered disciple,


Nama Om Vishnupadaya Krishnapresthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine.
Namo Acaryapadaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaurakatha damodaya nagar grama tarine. 

All glories to Guru and Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupaad 

Dear Gurumaharaj,
 Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of Your Lotus Feet on the most auspicious  occasion of Your Vyasa Puja. One can never repay anything in return of the compassion showered by the Guru. Karana rahita kripanidhi rekhaha. We cannot repay but only show gratitude.Siddhho asmi anugrihito asmi.

Na guroradhikam tattvam , na guroradhikam tapah
Tattvajnanat param nasti, tasmai Sri Gurave namah.

In tackling Kali personified we need Your favourable glance to make our preaching endeavours successful.
You are still performing those Herculean tasks assigned to you by Srila Prabhupada and health has not been a deterrent factor or hindrance in your preaching activities!You had enormous duties to perform and very quickly many unpredictable results took place due to your incessant desire to spread Srila Prabhupada's mission.

I pray to Nitai Gaur to bless us with the benediction of having the opportunity of witnessing Your pastimes for a very very long time .We come and want to pray at Your Lotus Feet every now and then and so please keep a small corner at Your benevolent Lotus Feet for this fallen soul.
 The symptoms of this abominable age of Kali is given in Srimad Bhagavatam:

Tatas canudrinam dharma    Satyam Saucham Khshama Daya
Kalena balina rajan nan khshayati ayur balam smriti.

So in this age each day Religion, Truthfulness, Cleanliness, Forgiveness,Mercy , duration of life, bodily strength and memory will decrease more and more by the mighty force of Time.You are my only hope , Gurudev as I am devoid of all strength and intelligence .Every minute in the life of a pure devotee is relishable .Every action is a benediction and every word is a drop of transcendental nectar from the Spiritual World!I am simply begging to the Lord that He kindly allows Your Grace to enliven our worthless selves for many years to come.On this day of Your appearance I feel deep appreciation!
  Our Bhakti Vriksha here in Sydney has many young souls attending and taking part in discussions and asking a lot of deep and pertinent questions. They are quite fired up and talk to other friends in their Universities they attend. This is extremely encouraging. We took part in the marathon book distribution during Gita Jayanti and our members took part as well.

Please keep this worthless soul at Your Lotus Feet birth after birth as we want to engage all our mind body and words( Kaya mano vakyena) undividedly for the pleasure of your Service! 

Your most fallen Disciple

Manjari Dasi 

Sydney Yatra


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances,

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada,

All Glories To Gauranga Mahaprabhu.


All glories to your auspicious appearance day. I pray regularly for your good health, fitness and speedy recovery to Lord Narasimhadeva. Your causeles blessings showered me with tremendous mercy and I am saved from the clutches of birth and death. I am aspiring to receive Krishna Prema with your blessings.


It's been a year since I visited Shri Dham Mayapur for the first time and got your blessings and also got acquainted with the mission of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu more deeply. I feel very fortunate as you have accepted me as your dearmost disciple though I have many faults and try to rectify them with your instructions. Daily, I read and listen to your transcripts and video's and lectures and it has enlightened me very much in my devotional life. Now I am beggining to understand that spiritual life is the real life whereas material life without God-centered is hopeless and has no meaning. I am getting up early and chanting 16 rounds regularly without fail and also chanting gayatri 3 times daily.


brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva
guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja
[Cc. Madhya 19.151]


I migrated to Australia to lead a pious life and was not God Conscious as I was thinking that earning money and living a rich lifestyle is the goal of human life. Somehow by Your causeless mercy I came into touch with ISKCON and the devotees association changed my perceptions towards my lifestyle. Your blessings led me to receive the seeds of the creeper of devotional service. Guru Maharaj, I have understood that Bhakti is the rarest of the rare jewel and even the great demi-gods are unable to attain it. By the grace of Srila Prabhupada and our previous Acharyas, it is easily accessible and received. Guru Maharaj, Please bless me so I can get progress in the path of devotional service and can contribute to the movement of Lord Chaitanya established by Srila Prabhupada. 


At the present moment, I am working as a Mail -Officer contractor at Australia Post and using the Lakshmi in Krishna's service. I am regularly listening to Your lectures and also your god-brother H.G. Charu Prabhu who resides in Spanish Fork, Utah, his lectures which changed my spiritual life incredibly. Without both of your association, I would have been totally entangled in this material life births after births. Guru Maharaj, as you know, I was diagnosed of Blood Cancer in 2017 and now I am completely cured and I make a point to visit the doctor every 3 months. Without your blessings I wouldn't survive such a setback and in one of your lecture, you mentioned that, "A setback is a set-up for a comeback". Please bless me so again and again I can get your association and I never commit any apradha's in devotional service. Bless me so my consciousness remains intact and steady and always remain in the association of devotees and I can experience Krishna Consciousness bliss unlimitedly all the time. 


To conclude, Gurudev I am in touch with your daily news and transcendental pastimes which makes my spiritual life more exciting and there is never a dull moment. I am still reading your books and it makes me more conscious of one's relationship with Krishna and dealings with Vaishnava's since all of us are on different platforms of devotional service. I know one thing for sure that your presence in my life have changed my perception towards spiritual life and I am happy about it. Please bless me so I can progress in my spiritual life, see the good in every soul and serve everyone sincerely. Please bless me so I can learn Deity Worship and deepen my spiritual practices. Please also bless me so I can visit different temples and communities and learn more about Krishna Consciousness and broaden my spiritual outlook and perspective.

Thank you very much,

Your Lowest Servant,

Parama Purusha Nitai Das,



Dearest GuruMaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisance at you Lotus Feet

All Glories to you and Srila Prabhupada

oḿ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaḿ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

I offer my respectful obeisance unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge. 

I pray that this finds you in good health. I have been following your recent travel photos on Facebook from across the world and how many more souls have been fortunate to get your shelter.

Whenever I look at photos of you getting darshan of your spiritual father, His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami  Prabhupada, you are so intense. It appears to me this love and sincerity stems from your unalloyed devotion to your guru, the thought of always desiring to serve your guru's instructions. I seek your blessings to get a droplet of inspiration in my service onto you. I see myself as a stray dog who has come to his master's doorsteps without direction and purpose. As my master, I am intending to follow your directions and instruction. So please guide me in my devotional service to you. I have been spiritually weakened and want to take your shelter and blessing on this auspicious occasion of your vyasa puja to be single-pointed and focused on my goal by following you and your instructions.

I take inspiration for our previous acharyas in the disciplic succession to ensure that time in the material world is limited. I was reading the past time of Srinivas Acharya who underwent so many tribulations to get a guru and learn Srimad Bhagavadam , how many days on end he traversed from Puri to Bengal to Vridavan to seeking  real knowledge from guru. It is only by your causeless mercy that you offered me initiation 4 years ago, despite me not being worthy and qualified. With the time passing by, I have been running around unfortunately, preferring material attachments, which has only caused me spiritual stagnation and strife within. You have instructed that on taking initiation should rigidly follow the instruction of the spiritual master and avoid offending other devotees, so I would want to take this to my heart and soul to imbibe this and focus on devotional service. I have recently commenced work on congregational preaching by assisting my shiksha gurus in teaching young kids and adults on Krishna Consciousness and this has made me realise to follow before I preach. It has been heart purifying experience. Please offer your blessings to ensure that I am able to present this rare and revealed knowledge as it is and spread Lord Chaitainya's message and bring more and more souls at your lotus feet.

You have commenced your visits and overseas travel to bless us all despite your delicate health. Your endeavour to please your guru and bless your devotees despite your delicate health inspires me. I have been so bodily focused, nonchalant and need your causeless mercy to make my life successful by serving you birth after birth and help grow Srila Prabhupada's movement. 


Your most unfortunate, unqualified and fallen disciple,

Paramapriya Gopinath das

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”
nama om vishnu-padaya
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesha sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I am the unworthy servant of you and most fallen soul, being that how can I express your causless mercy and how can I understand your mood of Krishna Consciousness? However, on this asupious day of your appereance, I am making an attempt to open my mouth, please accept this babbler words in your lotus feet.
Gurudev, in 2016 with your Jagannath Stick blessings, myself and my wife took the Guru Akanksha in Kolkata Rathayatra festival and with your flowing mercy we have taken your shelter in the following year that is in 2017 in same Kolkata Rathayatra festival.
Gurudev, I have moved to Sydney-Australia in 2017 and since then I have been having your darshan online.

Gurudev, with your flowing mercy, I am helping His grace Vijay Gopikesh Das Prabhu in new temple project (Hare Krishna Community and Cultral Centre, HKCCC)

I have gone door to door for prasadam distribution and invited almost nearly 100 families for new Bhagvad Gita introduction program, which we started closer to new temple location, suburb called “Schofield”

With your causless mercy Bhagavad Gita intro program started in first week of August 2019 and it is leading in to Bhakti Vriksa. There are approx. 35 to 40 people are attending on average.

We always feel what else in our life required more, and getting the Spirtual master like you made me more enthusistic in Krishna counsicounsess. As Srila Prabhupada declared to whole world that you are associate of Lord Sri Chaitanya and with my little understanding, I feel that you made Srila Prabhupada’s words true with your merciful nature. You are so merciful even if after health crisis you are travelling to preach Krishna conscious around the world for delivering the fallen souls like me.

Gurudev, myself and my wife waiting for the intiation, if you give little bit more mercy we may get it this year.

We eternally indebted to ou for giving me ISKCON. My spiritual
progress is due to your mercy. I pray that someday I can develop pure
love for You and Krishna.

                                                                                                  Your’s Unworthy Humble Servants.
                                                                                                    Ramachandra Hunasikatti
                                                                                                     Shilpa Hunasikatti

Dear GuruMaharaja,

Please Accept my respectful and prostrated obeisances at your Lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad,

All Glories to you Srila GuruDev,

All Glories to Nitai Gaur 

All Glories to Sri Radha Vallabha


NamaOm Visnu Padaya Krishna Preshtayabhutale Srimate Jaya pataka Swaminiti namine,

Namah aacharya padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine Gaura katha damadaya nagara grama tarine.


Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krishna Preshtayabhutale Srimate BhaktiVendanta Swaminiti Namine,

Namaste Saraswati deve Gauravani pracharine Nirvisesha sunya vadi paschatya desha tarine.


Dear Gurumaharaj,


Please accept our heartfelt prayers on the auspicious occassion of Your Holiness's  71st Vyasapuja,


GuruMaharaj As we sit down to pen our thoughts and feelings on your Vyasapuja, We felt that Guru is best understood through His message, and I have noticed over the last year your constant emphasis on preaching and Mayapur development and by your personal endeavor you are showing the path of unflinching service to Srila Prabhupad.


GuruMaharaja as you may recollect we reported the beginning of a new bhaktivriksha in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne last year and much to your pleasure and delight there are as many as  12 families including us and 3 bachelors. Suchitra Priyasakhi DD(my wife) initiated virtual chanting sessions in the early morning which has seen good response and all endeavor to join and participate. Thus service is also very purifying to me. The list of members seeking your blessings are listed below this offering, I hope you feel great pleasure in seeing new members getting in touch with Krishna Consciousness. As insignificant jivas, we feel this service of helping others in their upliftment much above our capabilities but everytime we seek your blessings, with a goal to somehow serve you and by taking inspiration from your personal attachment towards serving SrilaPrabhupad, this task gets accomplished and we clearly see your invisible hand in these chapters os expansion. We are eagerly waiting to see you here in Melbourne and inspire all of us to enhance our devotional lives.


GuruMaharaja, Its our endeavor to bring your mercy to as many souls as possible by following your methodology of Bhaktivriksha where devotees can practice devotional life right from their homes. This way your vision of Vaishnava in every neighbourhood should come true as its already becoming true and spreading like  a infectious virus.


Last but not the least, I pray that We are able to serve you in your mission of preaching Krishna Consciousness better, I pray that we as a family able to serve the devotees better, I pray that we are able to chant better, I pray for all the souls that we are serving in their Krisna Conscuiousness journey are blessed by you, I pray that we do all the above in the mood that is pleasing to you.


Please bless us that we perfect our lives this lifetime itself and Go Back Home Back to Godhead 


Bhakti Vriksha member names needing your blessings:

1. Anurag and Pallavi 

2. Dinesh and Seema

3. Amulya

4. Mayank and Purnima

5. Rahul and Palak

6. Jai and Shruti

7. Navin and Jaya

8. Rakesh

9. Shiva

10. Raghavendra and Sanju

11. Vidya and family

12. Kavita and family

13. Gaurvi and Family



Your insignificant disciple,

Ravikula RamaCandra Das (BhaktiVriksha servant leader, JSSS Melb Coordinator (SOS group),  MELBOURNE, Australia)

Suchitra Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi



Hare Krishna dear beloved Gurudev

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your beautiful lotus feet. 

As always I do not have the qualifications to glorify you, it is like a glow worm trying to glorify the sun. I still try to, for my own purification. 

Gurudev we have gone through many ups and downs in our lives, many things have changed but the only constant unchanging blessing in our lives is YOU. 

You are the most merciful Gurudev. The fact that I am still in Krishna Consciousness is proof that you are the most merciful. 

You are the most tolerant person I have ever known. You are the most witty, extremely knowledgeable, with the best memory, the best judge of time and situation, the most benevolent, a wonderful linguist, extremely selfless, always adjusting, the person who prays for everyone, wonderful poet, most impartial, very powerful. 

When I watch the weekly JSSS meetings on youtube, I feel so happy to hear about your glories from our senior god family. 

I remember the temple president of Auckland- Kala Samvara Prabhu liken you to Bhishma Pitamaha. I felt it was so apt. You are a lifelong bramhachari sannyasi who has fought and is valiantly fighting with the forces of Maya on behalf of your beloved Srila Prabhupad. 

Your pranam mantra being so powerful so as to make the water in the cup powerful to save that disciple who was attacked by the drunkards, your presence so powerful that it scared away the snakes which were swimming in the flood waters, your prediction that Tirupati's Deities will come to Iskcon Tirupati to enact Their pastimes, the Spanish devotee who had the greatest fortune to listen to you singing your favourite bhajans in ecstasy ( you didn't know that he was under your table - he had come to quietly clean your room while you were away)......all these pastimes of yours fill my heart with great joy and satisfaction that I - the Kali Yuga fallen rascal have been initiated by you. I can carry on in Krishna Consciousness only by clinging on to your merciful lotus feet. 

I have saved your caranamrta since 2007 and have it sparingly, the dust from your lotus feet when you went for a walk in Melbourne many years back, a big straw you had used to drink juice, a garland you had worn, a soap you used - which is still as fragrant as your beautiful qualities, a rose petal on which you had unknowningly walked on, your saffron japa bag, a piece of your sannyas cloth.....there are other disciples who have so much more, but I have saved these treasures for life. They give me solace and the power to carry on in tough times. 

Dear Gurudev, we pray to Lord Narasimhadev to always protect you and let you see not only the opening of theTemple of the Vedic Planetarium as is your transcendental wish, but for many many more years.

Without your blessings, prayers and mercy I am helpless. 

You are my inspiration, my kavach, my power, my light, my guide and my most beloved spiritual father. 

Our spiritual grandfather Srila Prabhupad is very proud of you. You are extremely dear to him, as we are to you. 

Wishing you a very happy vyasa puja dear Gurudev. 

Purely your mercy case 

Saranmukhi devi dasi (Sydney)


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatāka-svāmin iti nāmine
nama ācaryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma-dāya nagara-grāma tārine

Hare Krishna Respected Gurudev

Please accept our respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to You

This is a joint offering of my wife Manamohini Radha Devi Dasi and mine.

World is undergoing through great  difficult time . Sasthra says about 3 fold material miseries .  The anxiety level increases when we hear and watch the news channels. But Gurudev we consider very fortunate to be under your protection 

Guru is the only hope

Now people in general are talking about death ,and diseases world wide. But we were  thinking few years before when we started as Bhakthi Vriksha  students ,when World was not talking about these miseries much,we were taught about these miseries ,and were told that ,it  will be there in this Dukhalayam always  .Now we slowly realise what is the meaning of the  thimiram mentioned in the prayers .   

Gurudev you came out with a wonderful slogan "Fight the invisible enemy with invisible  Mantra".  Gurumukha Padmavakya .

Since you came out with this message we are trying our best under the guidance of VijayGopikesh prabhu and Sharanmukhi mataji  ,within the scope of current restrictions in Sydney ,to implement this instruction. We are conducting online Japa and Kirtan daily and the response is very encouraging.This incredible advice by you is helping a lot ,and we all realise that this is the only hope.

We beg at your lotus feet for forgiveness for the foolish mistakes we committed . 

We beg for your blessings and protection ,so that we can do devotional services .

Your Insignificant Disciples

Sarva Thirtha Gaura Das

Mana Mohini Radha Devi Dasi







Hare Krishna Srila Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to your good self.
Happy appearance day Srila Guru Maharaj.


 oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya


cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

sthāpitaṁ yena bhū-tale
svayaṁ rūpaḥ kadā mahyaṁ
dadāti sva-padāntikam

he kṛṣṇa karuṇā-sindho
dīna-bandho jagat-pate
gopeśa gopikā-kānta
rādhā-kānta namo ’stu te

rādhe vṛndāvaneśvari
vṛṣabhānu-sute devi
praṇamāmi hari-priye

vāñchā-kalpa-tarubhyaś ca
kṛpā-sindhubhya eva ca
patitānāṁ pāvanebhyo
vaiṣṇavebhyo namo namaḥ

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda
śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda

Hare  Krishna Hare  Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev to continue to keep you in safe health for the benefit of fallen souls in this world.


Kindly bestow your kind mercy on me so that I do not fall in Māyā deeply and can revive my Krishna Conscious to greater depth to please yourself and Srila Prabhupada.


I am fortunate to get seva opportunity of garlands and diety dressing at Bhakthi Centre, Gold Coast, Australia.


Please try to visit us in Australia.

Begging for your mercy,

Your spiritual daughter,

Sita dayavati devi dasi 
Gold Coast , Australia


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to your auspicious appearance day! All glories to Srila prabhupada! All glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga!

This is my first short homage to you Guru Maharaj, please forgive if I have made any offences with my poor English or writing.


vande ham sri guroh sri yuta pada kamalam sri gurun vaishnavams ca
sri rupam sagrajatam saha gana raghunathanvitam tam sa jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana sahitam krishna caitanya devam
sri radha krishna padan saha gana lalita sri visakhanvitams ca


Mukham karoti vacalam
pangum langayate girim
Yat kripa tam aham vande
sri gurum dina tarinam
Paramananda Madhavam
Sri Caitanya Isvaram

I am always amazed by your commitment towards fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s mission despite of your current health situation and other challenges. For example, when I read your message other day regarding Safari plans, although Bangladesh government making strict rules for not allowing big gatherings, you are still working on alternate options for visiting holy places. This small message itself touched my heart about how much you are thinking about it, and how dedicated you are. Nothing can stop you Guru Maharaj,  all glories to you!

Regarding service, by your causeless mercy, I have been able to assist (in some way) and picking up some services for ‘Jayapataka Swami Sisya Samuha (JSSS)’ gatherings in Melbourne, Australia. Please bestow your blessings so that I would be able to assist more and serve you better.

Once again all glories to your auspicious appearance day!

Yours humble servant,


Sivapati Gauracandra Das,

Melbourne Yatra,


Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaj,

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances on to the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to your Divine loving grace! All glories to the blessed event of your 71st Sri Vyasa puja.


Gurumaharaj, It is amazing to see how you are preaching with all your difficulties, you are an inspiration. It is unfortunate that we missed your visit to Sydney this year. We missed your Vapu association, inspiration and all those golden memorable moments. In such a situation one can take your association by media, as you suggested in one of the lectures. Every day you send us video recordings, lectures, and posts that are inspiring and require a large amount of effort. You are taking this effort in order to engage this insignificant soul in Krishna Consciousness. This year I made all the struggle to be at your association using this media. There is a lot of room for improvement. I will try to continue my efforts to involve more and more, seeking your blessings on this journey. I am glad that your health has made so much improvement and now I can almost understand your speech Gurumaharaj. I consider this as your mercy on me so I can have more of your Vani association.

Recently in one of the lecture, I heard you say when you joined ISKCON Srila Prabhupada used to insist all of the devotees to read Bhagavad Gita at least 10 times before giving initiation. You said you used to make a tick whenever you read a sloka.  You also said we needed to dedicate on reading sincerely. In order for me to complete your request, please kindly give me your blessings so I can read Srila Prabhupada's books sincerely. 

Please bless me so I can become one of your sincere disciples. Please guide me so that I can follow your instructions and become a servant of a servant of the servant of a devotee. 


Your Insignificant Servant

Srivasa NitaiGaura Das

2nd Initiated.

Sydney, Australia.





Jayati Jayapataka Swami        Charana kamale pranayee Ami.

                     Tumi mor Jeevana-dhana Swami

                               Iha Ar parakale ।

Ei shubho dine prakata haiya         Patita Jeeve saday haiya

                          Kata na kashta apane sahia

                                Jeevere nistarile ।। 1

Kal mili Kalir sahite               Prahar karaye komala angete,

                    Nishfala haia sakala dwandete

                                Rahilo Acambite ।

Kiva Kahi Aj mahima tomar          Yahar sima nahi paravar.

                            Bhuri bhuri yar rayeche praman

                                  Tomar leelamrite ।। 2

Nityananda sakati-Avese              Prakata haia bhuvana majhete,

                            Ashadhya sadhan sadhia dharay

                                        Karile paricite ।

Tava karya sab gunanwita may                Sunile drabe pasan hriday,

                                  Kariya bhava Bandhan mochan

                                       Mati dyay Krishna prite ।। 3

Tava-kripa-lesh hayeche jahare                 Goloke payan nircita tahare,

                                        Ihate nahiko lesh-matra ar

                                               Sandeha avarane ।

Patiatpavan karuna sindhu                      Yacite kripa tar ek bindu,

                                    Subal-Kanai lailo sharana

                                      Tava pada yugale ll 4



Your insignificant spiritual Son

Subal kanai das

Perth, Australia

1) all glories to Srila Jayapataka swami (Guru Maharaj) I offer my respectful obeisances unto His lotus feet. who is my life, soul and master life after life.

You appeared on this auspicious day out of your causeless mercy upon fallen souls

You accept all the hardships on your self to deliver countless fallen souls.


2) Kal (the time) accompanying with Kali trying to destroy your lotus like limbs

But they are failed in all conflicts and astonishingly in shocked.

Your glories are unlimited like an endless ocean, such a insignificant fallen soul what can I glorify you,

there are hundreds of thousands live examples of your transcendental glories in your nectarine pastimes.


3) You appeared as potency of lord Nityananda and throughout that potency you have done a impossible task in the earth.

All your activities are so glorious, by hearing your glorious activity stone like heart will be melted. Your glories will free from material bondage and give a deep determination to Krishna's pleasuring service.


4) Whoever got a drop of your blessings certainly will attain Goloka, there is not even a slight doubt upon it.

You are patitapavan “the savior of fallen souls” the ocean of mercy, to begging a drop of your unlimited causeless mercy this fallen soul Subal-kanai das took shelter at your lotus feet.

{ব্যাস পূজা ২০২০}

জয়তী জয়পতাকা স্বামী,             চরণ কমলে প্রণয়ী আমি

                     তুমি মোর জীবন-ধন স্বামী

                           ইহ আর পর কালে।

এই শুভদিনে প্রকট হইয়া,             পতিত জীবে সদয় হইয়া

                          কত না কষ্ট আপনে সহিয়া

                             জীবেরে নিস্তারিলে ।। ১

কাল মিলি কলির সহিতে,             প্রহার করয়ে কোমল অঙ্গেতে

                     নিষ্ফল হইয়া সকল দ্বন্দেতে

                           রহিল আচম্বিতে।

কিবা কহি আজ মহিমা তোমার,                   যাহার সিমা নাহি পারাবার

                                    ভুরি ভুরি জার রয়েছে প্রমাণ

                                        তোমার লীলামৃতে।। ২

নিত্যানন্দ শকতি-আবেশে,                প্রকট হইয়া ভুবন মাঝেতে

                             অশাধ্য সাধন সাধিয়া ধরায়

                                  করিলে পরিচিতে।

তব কার্জ্য সব গুণান্বিত ময়,             শুনিলে দ্রবে পাষাণ হৃদয়

                               করিয়া ভব বন্ধন মোচন

                               মতি দ্যায় কৃষ্ণ প্রীতে।। ৩

তব কৃপা-লেশ হয়েছে যাহারে,            গোলোকে পয়ান নির্শ্চিত তাহাঁরে

                             ইহাতে নাহিকো লেশমাত্র আর

                                     সন্দেহ আবারনে।

পতিতপাবন করুণা সিন্ধু,              যাচিতে কৃপা তার এক বিন্দু

                          সুবল কানাই লইলো শরণ

                               তব পদ যুগলে।। ৪



আপনার নিষ্কিঞ্চন সন্তান

সুবল কানাই দাস

পার্থ, অস্ট্রেলিয়া


Jayati Jayapataka Swami

Charana kamale pranayee Ami.

Tumi mor Jeevana-dhana Swami

Iha Ar parakale ।

Ei shubho dine prakata haiya

Patita Jeeve saday haiya

Kata na kashta apane sahia

Jeevere nistarile ।। 1

Kal mili Kalir sahite

Prahar karaye komala angete,

Nishfala haia sakala dwandete

Rahilo Acambite ।

Kiva Kahi Aj mahima tomar

Yahar sima nahi paravar.

Bhuri bhuri yar rayeche praman

Tomar leelamrite ।। 2

Nityananda sakati-Avese

Prakata haia bhuvana majhete,

Ashadhya sadhan sadhia dharay

Karile paricite ।

Tava karya sab gunanwita may

Sunile drabe pasan hriday

Kariya bhava Bandhan mochan

Mati dyay Krishna prite ।। 3

Tava-kripa-lesh hayeche jahare

Goloke payan nircita tahare

Ihate nahiko lesh-matra ar

Sandeha avarane ।

Patiatpavan karuna sindhu

Yacite kripa tar ek bindu,

Subal-Kanai lailo sharana

Tava pada yugale ll 4

Your insignificant spiritual Son

Subal kanai das Perth, Australia


1/ all glories to Srila Jayapataka swami (Guru Maharaj) I offer my respectful obeisances unto His lotus feet. who is my life, soul and master life after life.

You appeared on this auspicious day out of your causeless mercy upon fallen souls

You accept all the hardships on your self to deliver countless fallen souls.


2/ Kal (the time) accompanying with Kali trying to destroy your lotus like limbs

But they are failed in all conflicts and astonishingly in shocked.

Your glories are unlimited like an endless ocean, such a insignificant fallen soul what can I glorify you,

there are hundreds of thousands live examples of your transcendental glories in your nectarine pastimes.


3/ you appeared as potency of lord Nityananda and throughout that potency you have done a impossible task in the earth.

All your activities are so glorious, by hearing your glorious activity stone like heart will be melted. Your glories will free from material bondage and give a deep determination to Krishna's pleasuring service.


4/ whoever got a drop of your blessings certainly will attain Goloka, there is not even a slight doubt upon it.

You are patitapavan “the savior of fallen souls” the ocean of mercy, to begging a drop of your unlimited causeless mercy this fallen soul Subal-kanai das took shelter at your lotus feet.


















{ব্যাস পূজা ২০২০}

জয়তী জয়পতাকা স্বামী, চরণ কমলে প্রণয়ী আমি

তুমি মোর জীবন-ধন স্বামী

ইহ আর পর কালে।

এই শুভদিনে প্রকট হইয়া, পতিত জীবে সদয় হইয়া

কত না কষ্ট আপনে সহিয়া

জীবেরে নিস্তারিলে ।। ১

কাল মিলি কলির সহিতে, প্রহার করয়ে কোমল অঙ্গেতে

নিষ্ফল হইয়া সকল দ্বন্দেতে

রহিল আচম্বিতে।

কিবা কহি আজ মহিমা তোমার, যাহার সিমা নাহি পারাবার

ভুরি ভুরি জার রয়েছে প্রমাণ

তোমার লীলামৃতে।। ২

নিত্যানন্দ শকতি-আবেশে, প্রকট হইয়া ভুবন মাঝেতে

অশাধ্য সাধন সাধিয়া ধরায়

করিলে পরিচিতে।

তব কার্জ্য সব গুণান্বিত ময়, শুনিলে দ্রবে পাষাণ হৃদয়

করিয়া ভব বন্ধন মোচন

মতি দ্যায় কৃষ্ণ প্রীতে।। ৩

তব কৃপা-লেশ হয়েছে যাহারে, গোলোকে পয়ান নির্শ্চিত তাহাঁরে

ইহাতে নাহিকো লেশমাত্র আর

সন্দেহ আবারনে।

পতিতপাবন করুণা সিন্ধু, যাচিতে কৃপা তার এক বিন্দু

সুবল কানাই লইলো শরণ

তব পদ যুগলে।। ৪



আপনার নিষ্কিঞ্চন সন্তান

সুবল কানাই দাস

পার্থ, অস্ট্রেলিয়া                                    

Namo om vishnu-padaya krishna presthaya bhutale

srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai kripa pradayine

guara-katha dhama-daya nagara-grama tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my respected obeisance’s, All glories to Srila Prabhupad! All glories to your Divine Grace!


All glories to your compassion on the fallen souls like us! All glories to your magnanimity in accepting and tolerating unworthy souls like me. Gurudeva! you are the ocean of all the Vaishnava qualities, “If you examine me, you will find no qualities. Your mercy is all that I am made of. If you are not merciful unto me, I can only weep, and I will not be able to maintain my life.” You are the living example of Guru Bhakti and your dedication and surrender to Srila Prabhupad is beyond my conception and understanding, wish to get a drop of that Guru Bhakti to serve you sincerely, so myself, son-Saranga  and prabhu become your sincere servants.


I have just seen in Cc. adi-lila1.45 "guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā karena bhakta-gaṇe — According to the deliberate opinion of all revealed scriptures, the spiritual master is non-different from Kṛṣṇa. Lord Kṛṣṇa in the form of the spiritual master delivers His devotees"

Gurudeva, I sincerely pray that, I deeply realize the above read lines and learn to be grateful to your divine grace by meditating on the things that you have done to me and my family.


You have been inspiring us every day and moment to do more service and do more preaching. Please bless that myself, my husband- Bhakta Praveen prabhu, son Bhakta Saranga, my parents Bhakta Damodaran prabhu and Bhaktin Gajalakshmi mj, my brother’s family - Vraja Vinoda Damodara prabhu and Rasajna Radharani mj, Bhaktin Pavithra and Bhaktin Haripriya to chant 16 rounds daily without offenses and follow regulative principles very sincerely and always remain under the shelter of your divine lotus feet.


whatever I am today is only due to your mercy, whatever tiny service I am able to do today is only with your blessings, I sincerely pray that I, should be able to serve your Divine Grace and Srila Prabhupad sincerely and make my near and dear Krishna conscious. Please bless my colleagues and their families, who have just started chanting. please bless the students and parents of Jegannath patta shala, Canberra to start chanting and become favourable to ISKCON.


kindly bless me and my family with association of sincere and serious devotees, who can bring us closer to your lotus feet. I am incapable of training Saranga in chanting regularly with focus, and purely dependent on your mercy to make him a devotee. Even though iam unqualified, I have a very deep desire to get Saranga's Aksharabhyasam from your Divine Grace, if you so desire, kindly show your causeless mercy and grant us the opportunity to meet and get from you soon dear Gurudev! Iam trying hard, not to nag and annoy my husband, Please bless me with all the Vaishnava qualities needed to make my family members devotees. Please kindly use this lowly servant as your instrument to make Saranga and Prabhu as devotees, I really have no other hope than your causeless mercy, dear Gurudev!


Begging your mercy,

Your lowly servant,

Vidya Svarupini Radha Devi Dasi


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe

My Dear Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to you Gurudevā on this most auspicious day! 

You are my strength. Our strength! You have showed me how to be confident and perform my duties for the pleasure for Sri Sri Radha Gopinath. 

Thanks for agreeing to stay with us longer and being a pillar like support, in each and every endeavour we undertake. Though you are not physically present with us at the moment I can see your blessings and mercy in every phase of life. The past year has been a roller coaster ride  and I understand it’s for my betterment. 

You have shown by example how strong and determined we should be in executing our devotional service. I remember during your Sydney visit, one afternoon you were speaking to number of guests and going back to take rest. We ladies were sitting watching yourself, having amiable exchanges with guests. So after attending to them for such a long time , before you retired to rest you stopped by and tried to stand up with difficulty and explained something to us through gestures. That brought tears and happiness in our eyes. Was with my little brain trying to interpret what you might have conveyed. Now I understand that you were giving us hope, confidence and strength.

Would like to thank you for all your blessings on us and we our prayers for your health to be stable .

Your spiritual daughter,

Vraja vinoda DD

Diksha disciple 

Om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-swamin iti namine

Nama acharya-padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura Katha dhama daya nagara-grama tarine


Hare Krishna Dear Srila Gurudev,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to you Srila Gurudev.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day Gurudev! With your permission and mercy, I would like to pray to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Gopinath, Jaganath Baladeva and Subhadra Maharani and GauraNitai, to bestow unlimited mercy unto you on your 71st Vyasa Puja, so your wish to walk and preach and fulfil the mission of Srila Prabhuapada can be victorious.

Srila Gurudev recently we have gone through a lot of ups and downs, at those time I was not 100% in my sadhana, my chanting was improving in these days but I have missed a lot of my reading and hearing. I still have not come back to normal Srila Gurudev.   I could feel a lot of difference when I was not doing my sadhana properly.  In these situation, I would remember how great you are Srila Gurudev in following all the orders of Srila Prabhupada with enthusiasm.   These situations made me to realise again and again how dedicated you are to Srila Prabhupada and his instructions. That’s what helps me to be motivated. This helps me to push my enthusiasm to follow more and more Krishna Consciousness. 

There is a nice verse from Sri Caitanya Charithamrutha Adi Lila 7.95-96

ei tāṅra vākye āmi dṛḍha viśvāsa dhari’
nirantara kṛṣṇa-nāma saṅkīrtana kari

sei kṛṣṇa-nāma kabhu gāoyāya, nācāya
gāhi, nāci nāhi āmi āpana-icchāya

 “I firmly believe in these words of My spiritual master, and therefore I always chant the holy name of the Lord, alone and in the association of devotees. That holy name of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa sometimes causes Me to chant and dance, and therefore I chant and dance. Please do not think that I intentionally do it. I do it automatically. In Purport, it explains that A person who cannot keep his faith in the words of his spiritual master but acts independently never receives the authority to chant the holy name of the Lord. It is said in the Vedas (Śvetāśvatara Up. 6.23):

yasya deve parā bhaktir yathā deve tathā gurau
tasyaite kathitā hy arthāḥ prakāśante mahātmanaḥ

“Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge automatically revealed.”

Srila Gurudev with the belief of your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada you started Bhatkti Vriksha to preach the society like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introducing Sankirtana Movement to spread Krishna Consciousness.  The trust in the words of Srila Prabhupada and the Achraryas helped you to fulfil all the orders so it become very successful.  So, I completely understand that putting faith in the words of the spiritual master and in the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the secret of success.  So please bless me and my family to continue our 1% service to Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temple in Sydney. 

I humbly pray to remain connected to your lotus feet always remembering your vani Guru maharaj. Without your causeless mercy, my life has no value.  I pray to be in the ocean of your mercy that is available by your vani.

By your mercy I have received the service for coordinating the Altar decoration of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath on the festival occasions.  My prabhu Srivasa Nitaigaura Das has been requested to start a new preaching group in a new suburb, so please bless him so he can be an instrument in spreading Krishna Consciousness. Srila Gurudev my daughter Damini is engaged in your services by editing your videos so please bless her so she can progress spirtually. Please also bless my younger daughter Tharini so that she can achieve Krishna prema.  We are really grateful for bestowing all your mercy.   Please bless me and my family to be able to continue our humble service without hindrance to any vaishnavas and we would like to offer all our services results to your lotus feet.


Jaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Srila Gurudev

Your Servant

Vrindavana Palini Devi Dasi

Initiated on 21/2/2010

2nd initiation on 2013

Mb: 0414484622,

Australia, Sydney



Hare Krishna, dear spiritual father Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my most respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Your Holiness!


This is a very special day for all of us because without your holly appearance on this Earth our life would have never been the same. It is true that Lord Nityananda is the most compassionate incarnation because by His causeless mercy He has sent you to teach us what true love, compassion and unconditional acceptance means.


I feel that we have a great responsibility to carry on Prabhupada’s movement, to care for the devotees and expand Lord Caitanya’s army further. I know that this will increase your transcendental bliss more and more so this is the only thing that we want to focus our thoughts and deeds on.


We want to follow in your footsteps and be respectful to all the living entities, always responsible and active in Guru seva. This will be possible only by your loving grace upon us. So we are begging you for it.  


We love you Gurudev and we want to make you happy.


Your servant,

Gauranga Karunasindhu das

(ISKCON, Bulgaria)

Nama om vishnu padaya krsna-presthaya bhu tale

Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

Nama acaryapadaya nitai-krpa pradayine

Gaura-katha dhama nagara-grama tarine

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances  to the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Guru Maharaja, you are the Lord  Krishna’s mercy perconified :

Guru krsna rupa hana sastrera pramane

Guru rupe krsna krpa karena bhakta gane

„According to the deliberate opinion of all revealed scriptures, the spiritual master is nondifferent from Krishna. Lord Krishna in the form of the spiritual master delivers His devotees.“

You have tirelessly preached at all corners of the world, travelling vigorously, reaching harinam to the remotest part of every town and village (nagara grāma tarine). You have taken the message of Lord Gauranga far and wide and truly brought His prediction (“prithivite āche yato nagarādi grāma sarvatra pracāra hoibe mora nāma”) to reality as Śrīla Prabhupāda had done and wanted his followers to expand it. Your enthusiasm to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda is ever increasing and you are getting newer and newer rasa in striving hard just to please him, and I am very much fortunate to be a follower of you and be able to assist in this movement in your mission to fulfil Śrīla Prabhupādas’desires.

You are my  link to Śrīla Prabhupāda and Krishna and while in this life and present body I desire to represent you properly as a member of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s ISKCON.

Dear Guru Maharaja, you dont belong in this material existence. You are completely absorbed in your service to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and previous acaryas. But your strugle to remain here out of causeles mercy is astonishing.

Dear Guru Maharaja, even though I cannot be in personal contact with you, your online lectures serves as a medium for me  to attain your precious association. Despite your health condition, such efforts undertaken by you serve as an inspiration for me, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Dear Guru Maharaja! Please bless me to always serve your lotus feet. On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa puja I pray to Lord Narasimhadeva keep you in good health and to protect you always.

Dear Guru Maharaja,you have Kṛṣṇa and you can give Kṛṣṇa to others, so I am simply running after you shouting: “Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa!”

Your humble servant,

Vikramini dd

Czech Republic

21.2.2020 near the templ of  Sri Sri Nitai Navadvipacandra Mandir ( Maha Siva Ratri )

Offering for Vyasa Puja 2020


Nama om visnu-padaya

Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-

Svamin iti namine


Nama acaryapadaya






 Dear Gurumahara YH Jayapataka Swami,

Today  On Maha Siva Ratri I try to write offering for You for the first time and I take this oportunity as big mercy from Lord Siva whom I offer my respectful obeisances and who allowed me to see the light from ignorance and false ego. I come forward to You in position of fool as Srila Prabhupada explained in His books and I beg  for blessing for next spiritual progress on the way to Sri Krishna and  His  Goloka Vrindavan  and I would like to share and give this blessing to others and give them oportunity to get rid of their suffering in this material prison  and  I wish as much as possible to please You by this service. Every day I can realize Your constant presence and proximity  and still go deeper  in our relationship trough my humble service to You though I am individually conditioned , not qualified , fallen, slight and insignificant. As it is mentioned in  the vers of Bhagavadgíta 4.34 , I try to surrender to You in every moment of existence  and I learn to wave with wings under Your guidance in  the mood of separation  and  also to learn to become a servant of the servnat of the servant ….

I remember Srila Prabhupad´s  words that it is not important to have physical presence of the spiritual master and Sri Krishna because He is present in Hare Krishna Mahamantra and  His directions.  I balance my realationship to You  in every step of my life like a tightrope walker balance on his rope and it is not easy with my impurities in the heart. One of the czech deciple of Srila Prabhuad HG Jay Gurudev prabhu mentioned Your  quote  during Sunday lecture from Chaitanja Caritamrita  that we should cry for Krishna and if we dont cry for Krishna we should cry for not crying for Krishna etc….This instruction will be difficult to follow  and realize but not impossible with Your mercy. Today during morning program in front of Nitai Navadvipacandra I realize that  first more impornant is crying for the spiritual master and than we can await some realization with Lord  Krishna. Every day I can go deeper in our relationship and with guruparampara  by reading  and studying Srila Prabhupads books and by following this spiritual process which Srila Prabhupada firmly provided  as Acarya for this  Golden age because of His mercy . And I try to establish this relationship in my heart and believe that in the moment of death I will fully surrender to You and I will be ready to follow You to the spiritual World.  I hope that  by Your mercy the Absolute truth will be revealed to me as much as Sri Krishna will want to be revealed.

In the end I would like to thank You with my sincerity and deference for Your  personal example and inspiration in preaching Krishna consciousness  , chanting Mahá mantra Hare Krishna  and reading Srila Prabhupad´s books in every town and village in the world. Thank You for giving me mercy of pure devotee and acceptance at Your lotus feet as Your deciple in 2017 during Gaurapurnima in Sridham Mayapur and for giving me spiritual name Phalguna Gaura das.


Your eternal debtor who try to pay dept to You.

Your eternal servant Phalguna Gaura das.

Translated by Purnahuti devi dasi – wife 


Hare krishna Gurudev.


Dandavat pranams at your lotus feet.


Kindly accept my humble obesiance


Vyasapuja Day 2020

Dear Jayapataka Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to your divine lotus feet. All glories to your auspicious day of appearance.

A happy time were the years of my membership in the movement from 1983 as I just related to Srila Prabhupada and his books more or less. Just reading the words on the pages Prabhupada`s conciousness and heart was with me. Ofcorse there was Harikesh Prabhu in the background and all of the sudden arround 1987 we had a few additional Gurus. That brought some irritation into the mind and choosing of the so important initiating spiritual master started. So I was advised to take to Sri Visnupada 1991.

But only after I met YDG by Krsna`s arrangement 1997 I slowly found some ground again. Even month before Harikesha`s Blubb I filled up your „Keep in touch“- form and accedentally ! my Pen crossed the field „Siksa“, that time at the Paris Ratha Yatra. Since than I belong to you and later got reinitiated in Mayapur on Radhastami 1999. After many years of quite some irritation I now started to feel complet and later I felt more and more accepted, recoqnized and at home.

I am thanking Krsna that I having been granted your invaluable assotiation in Mayapur for some time ! That association was so remarcable for this lost soul, that it sunk deep through all layers of my ignorance, arrived there years later and had a great purifying impact on my heart. Now by your brilliant example, by your convincing arguments and wonderful telling of Lord Caitanya`s lilas, by your shining love, by the great deal of work you are able to deliver and still giving your attantion to all your Devotees, by you opening our eyes and hearts, I am able to still swim against the current in this world. And sometimes you even give me a little push if I fall asleep.

I am so much indepted to you and don`t know how to ever pay you back. Thanking you from the bottom of my heart. Please forgive me my offences. Please continue pray for me.

Your spiritual daughter, loving you so much.

Anuttama Radhika dasi

Dear Gurumaharaja Jayapataka,


please accept my respektful obeisances. All glories to your divine Lotus feet ! All glories to Srila Prabhupada !


I actually understand, although I am deeply grateful, that I did not realy took advantage living and serving in Mayapur 2002. Specially I was not qualifyt in my relationship with you, dear Gurumaharaja.

So I was falling away from your association and that of the holy Dhama.


Today on the auspicious day of your appearance I came to understand this painfully, by your mercy.

I remember so many instances in Mayapur, which must have hurt you through my unbeleavable behaivior. I was acting very foolish and unreasonable, what was a continuation and the result of my loose way of acting all my life. Blindly I followed a path of wild dog like movings, what was the dictate of my bad karma.


I was walking mainly alone untill today. People and Devotees as well as my daughter are friendly, but are not part of my life. Also I am very poor that I have to just be busy maintaining my life inside the house. I am trying hard since years to start deepening my worship and study, but in opposit it becomes more and more difficult. I could not reach the goal in this life of spiritual and material efforts. I could only receive your and Lord Caitanyas mercy to some extent.


There is nothing more to say. I guess I have to wait millions of life`s untill I will get such a mercy and service opportunity like in Mayapur with my Gurumaharaja again. But I am happy that there are so many wonderful Devotees which I may call Godbrothers and Godsisters. And I am happy that ISKCON is so much develloped and that I am able to little bit read in Srila Prabhupadas books now and than. I would wish to read your Book about Lord Caitanya, if that would be available and possible for me on day. If I only could manage to get the time and the place to read and chant more. Only than I could hope to remember Krsna better and go back to Godhad.


Also yourself lost so many of different opportunities and possebilities Gurumaharaja, but in a complet different way. And you got in exchange other devellopments and ways on top.

I hope I will be able to follow your daily classes about Lord Caitanya, but even that is often difficult to maintain.


Please forgive me my foolish behaiviour and that I have hurt you by neglect, false ego and ignorance. I know you was never angry and not even hurt, but surely you was disappointed. It was like a Virus which had captured me. Now I sometimes ask myself who it is harassing me so much. Are that that a Demigod....acting with that punishing attitut against me ?


So I am suffering my bad karma and I am repenting. Please accept this as my service dear Gurudeva.


Your spiritual daughter


Anuttama Radhika dasi ( in Germany just called Anuttama)



Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Your Lotus  Feet again and again! All glories to Srilaprabhupad!

Please accept my Gratitude for engaging me in Your service.

I would like to share my realisations while doing the service of organising JSSS European Union. 

While doing the service, many obstacles came on the way, where i felt lonely and was in a given up situation. In that very Moment i prayed to You humbly in a surrendered mood crying that" its not happening Gurumaharaj please Help" and very next day I recieved Your Motivating Email.. It happened twice with me..and that boosted me up to continue in my service.. when I look back After JSSS Meeting happened on 29.04, I feel amazed and astonished that how it happened so smoothly despite of many hurdles. Then i realised the Power of mercy of Spiritual Master which can even make a disabled person to cross the Ocean so was with me as we could get through devotees in a short span of time. The unity of European disciples was an offering to Your 50th Sannyasa  Celebration. I hope it pleased You.

Thank you sooo much for bestowing Your kind mercy upon me. 

Your insignificant servant,

Vimalangi Sundari devi dasi 


Hare Krsna beloved Spiritual Father,

 Please accept my most respectful obeisances at Your Divine Lotus Feet. All glories to Your life and Soul Srila Prabhupada.

What a fortune to be able to join the bumblebees of devotees who are singing Your qualities in this auspicious day of Your appearance in this world. For us, Your disciples this is the Day that has changed the course of our lives.

As stated in the Guruvastaka, the spiritual master having received the benediction from the ocean of mercy, just as a cloud, pours water on a forest fire to extinguish it. So You are delivering the materially afflicted souls like us by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence through Your exemplary behaviour and outstanding, unceasing and unflinching devotion to Srila Prabhupada.

I offer my respectful obeisances repeatedly unto Your Lotus Feet, an ocean of auspicious qualities.

You are grabbing us and leading us outside the material world, Guru Maharaja!! This is the greatest gift one can ever receive!!! 2019 just passed by and in this year You started again to bless different countries of the world with Your Divine presence, showing everybody how nothing can stop You from fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s instructions.  How lucky we all are to have such an exemplary guide as Yours!! How lucky I am that You still accept my cooking, You are very compassionate towards me. Being in Birmingham and seeing You again has melted my heart and I am speechless at Your greatness. I am stunned if I think of Your divine qualities and no words come to my mouth, but I do am very happy that You are my spiritual father, I am actually so proud of that!

Of all Your qualities one in particular comes to mind, it is how you fight all battles with such strength, fearlessness and vigour…but with such a humble attitude! You fight like a super warrior, but with a humble heart! How great is this!

I beg to accept at Your divine Lotus feet my service for the Office for the Congregational Development in Italy with Bhaktya Labhya prabhu and Devaki Rupa dd, we are endeavouring to imbibe Your mood to preach and care with respect and love. I am also doing some small preaching program here in Bari and by Your grace, some sincere souls are becoming interested in hearing about Bhagavad-gita and Krsna.

My mum also sends her respects and wishes to Your lotus feet, and says that she prays for Your health.

Begging to always remain at the dust of Your divine lotus feet in the wonderful association of my loving Godbrothers and Godsisters and all the lustrous ISKcon family members,


Your grateful insignificant daughter,

 Akarsini Radhika dd


Hare Krsna!

My Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet.

With deep gratitude I want to congratulate You on the Day of Your Appearance - Vyasa-puja!

I deeply bow down before You as person, as spiritual teacher, as follower of Srila Prabhupada, as devotee of Lord Chaitanya and a true general of our world spiritual family! You have forever entered the hearts of many, many devotees around the world!

I had the great mercy to become Your disciple! One person is nothing without the spiritual master! We can live a full life only on the platform of Your mercy, and not on the platform of our personal ego. Therefore, Your Appearance in this world is the great mercy of Sri Krishna for all of us! Thanks to You, we can have the opportunity to be engaged devotional service!


Your Eternal insignificant servant,

Alala Krishna das


Let us present You this humble report offerings of our service of devotional service over the past year. With my wife, Natalia (Your aspired disciple), by Your causeless mercy, we organized:

  1. In our home, 
  • minumum 1 time per month - nama-hatta, in Russian and Italian,
  • various kinds of programs and yagyas, for Vaishnava holidays and during the month of Damodara
  1. Yagyas at home of other devotees of the Rome’s Yatra
  2. Organization of public indirect preaching events in Rome, in Russian (with translation into Italian), such as Seminars with Audharya Dhama prabhu, from Russia (attended by over 90 people), Seminars and Pilgrimage to the holy places of Rome with Mallika-mala mataji, from Kazakhstan (attended by more than 50 people) and more than 25 Bhagavad-gita were distributed in Russian and Italian.
  3. As a result of the preaching of Mallika-mala dd, the first chat of Bhagavad-gita Institute  was born in Italy, where more than 30 people studying the Gita, in Russian language. This group, with the guidance of Mallika-mala mataji, is supervised by my wife, Natalia. 
  • This year, 2020, we also are organising 3 big public events with Mallikamala dd, Govardhana-gopala pr and Audharia Dhama pr. 
  • We also participate in the organization of the GuruKripa Festival 2020 with Chaitanya Chandra Charan pr in Italy, during this summer.
  • Together with Amala Chaitanya pr (our Italian spiritual God brother) and his wife, from February 2020, we will organize the first Sunday Gurukula in Rome for the children of the Roman grihasthas devotees.


Your eternal insignificants servants

Alala Krishna das and bhaktin Natalia


Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
Srimate Jayapataka-Swamin iti namine
Nama acaryapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine
Gaura-katha-Dhama-Daya Nagara-grama-tarine


Hare Krsna, my beloved Guru Maharaj.
Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances to Your lotus feet.
All the glories to You and Srila Prabhupada.
The recurrence of Your glorious Vyasa Puja is a very important event for all of us, as it is through Your unconditional mercy that we can access the pure chanting of the Holy Names and the pure devotional service to the lotus feet of Guru and Gauranga.
During this past year many things have happened but in any case I have had the utmost mercy to serve You in different ways, practical and intellectual, trying to keep spirituality and heart sincere.
Your presence next to me is constant. You are in my thoughts, in my actions, in my clumsy way of doing or saying things. And I see with the eyes of the heart the expressions on Your face. And then I can't do anything else but smile, thanking You, and continue with greater joyful seriousness.
When some difficulty appears, You arrive with a quote, a photo, with Your Maha Prasada, made also and above all of Your instructions given with great generosity during all your classes.
And then I start to laugh alone, happy, incredulous, confident but aware, having once again had the confirmation of Your presence next to me, as to each of us.
And then your words come back to me:
"The relationship between Guru and disciple is a heart to heart relationship."
Each period of our existence is full of events, but in this intense period, I am learning a great deal, above all from Your example, to remain fixed and determined in the spiritual devotional commitment. You are my strength, my inspiration, constant and inflexible determination, unalterable faith in the face of circumstances.
The real Acarya, from which to learn, to follow, to serve, my only refuge and support. You are my eternal well wisher and the debt to You is priceless ..... so, with great pleasure, I will have to serve You for eternity ... !!! hahaha
Every day I have proof that through Srila Prabhupada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu empower and guide You in the race for the salvation of all conditioned souls, because Kali Yuga is advancing very quickly.
I can perceive the urgency and Your compassionate desire, and constantly You are giving instructions and directions so that all of us, your spiritual children, we develop the sensitivity of heart and morals, the intellectual abilities to be of real useful to You, not only children to be accompanied by the hand and instructed, but conscious devotees, aware, on the way to maturity, hence of growth and spiritual realization.
Allow me to always remain firmly in the shelter of Your lotus feet and even a bungler like me can do it.
.... there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way ....
Thank You very much!!!

Your eternal servant
Antaranga Sakti Devi Dasi

Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-Swamin iti namine

Namo acaryapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine

Gaura-katha-Dhama-Daya Nagara-grama-tarine


Hare Krsna, my beloved Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances to Your lotus feet.

All the glories to You and Srila Prabhupada.

Here I am to You on the occasion of the celebrations of Your glorious Vyasa Puja.

I thank Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Your Divine Grace for coming to my life.

Since I was a child I have felt Your presence strongly. I really liked hearing Your kirtans and classes. I have always felt You very powerful, with a huge heart, and I immediately felt that I could have full confidence in You.

In Your immense mercy You have given me refuge, accepting me as Your spiritual son.

Your life is an example for everyone, and You transmit a special taste to the one who listens to You. Explain in a simple, understandable way to everyone, the highest and most profound concepts of the spiritual life.

Thanks to Your precious instructions, I I'm also continuing in the devotional practice, keeping faith with the vows that I have made to You. This, I must tell You, also thanks to the help of my mother Antaranga Sakti d. d. In recent times, my mother is not very well with health, and I am helping her, because it is my duty as a devotee and a son, and all Your spiritual sons and daughters are very dear to You.

I always pray to Sri Nrisimha Deva to keep You healthy, and for Krsna to meet us in person.

Please, grant me Your blessings so that I can become an ever more serious devotee, develop the sweet taste for the Holy Names and absorbed in devotional service to Your lotus feet and Srila Prabhupada.


Your eternal servant

Gora Nata Raj Das


Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-Swamin iti namine

Namo acaryapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine

Gaura-katha-Dhama-Daya Nagara-grama-tarine


Hare Krsna, beloved Guru Maharaj,

We all offer our respectful obeisances to Your lotus feet.

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada and to Your Grace.

Another year has passed, dear Guru Maharaj, and this allows us to have the good fortune to meditate on Your greatness.

I have no words that can express our gratitude.

We would like to have even a drop of Your immense love, Your total dedication and Your infinite devotion.

You, dear Spiritual Father, are all for us, You are infinitely dear and precious to us and our sincere desire is to have Your irreplaceable association for a long time to come.

Your instructions are like a beacon that illuminates our hearts and fills them with faith and perseverance.

Our only desire is to become Your worthy disciples and spiritual children.

We bow down again and again at Your lotus feet, praying for Your generous mercy.


Your spiritual children,

always eager to serve you

Laksmi Nrisimha das

Lajja Laksmi devi dasi

Bhakta Gauranga

Nama om visnu padaya, krishna prestaya bhutale , Srimati jayapataka swami iti namine.
Namaacarya padaya nitai kripa pradayne gaura katha damadaya nagara grama tarine
Dear Guru Maharaja
The Holy Scriptures  say that only by the mercy of Spiritual Master we can satisfy Sri Radha Krishna, Gauranga Mahaprabhu
We (Your disciples) are trying to do our best with  congrational preaching in Roma , our might is Your messages that You send us online by Facebook , and You teach us constantely .
Dear Gurudeva You are the source of our inspiration to serve S. Prabhupada and all the others our Acaryas of Guru Parampara .
All the glories to You GuruMaharaja for this wonderful day of Your VyasaPuja.
We all are very joyful for celebrating and gloryfying  this day.             
Illimitate thanks for everything You do for us Guru Naharaja.
your servants
AsokaNitai das
Gopanandini devi dasi
son DulalGaura das


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine nama acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

My beloved Srila Gurudeva, please accept my most respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet.

On this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja I would like to reconfirm my gratitude toward you. Again and again you show me that you are my Guru, my Father, my Well-wisher, my only hope in this world full of miseries. With your presence I feel stronger.

Recently I asked a devotee why many times devotees have to face so many difficulties and physical challenges, and among other things he said that somehow they also set an example for others to follow, on how to react to challenges. Dear Guru Maharaj, thank you for showing me the way and thank you for showing me all your affection. You are the best medicine I have against fear. We are all blessed by your powerful presence. You are an hero every single moment.

I pray that in every circumstances I can perform service under your guidance and that I can be of some help in your effort to spread Krsna Consciousness all over this suffering material world.

Your unqualified servant
Devaki Rupa dd

My Most Dear Loving Spiritual Father,

please accept my Respectful obeisances at Your merciful Lotus Feet. All Glories to You and Shri Gauranga!! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble wish in this most fortunate and auspicious day of Your Appearance in this world.

Needless to say 'how much I would like to be with You', Glorify and Celebrate You personally. 

The big truth is that I miss You so much!  However, a higher truth is that Your presence never fails to be near us/me when we are in great need and always.  

Always ,the fever of Your Dedicate and Powerful devotional service overwhelms me, just like when Shri Krishna attacks the demon to save the devotee! I’m here just because of You! Because of Your mercy! Because You gave me the possibility to be where I am now, because You believed in me that I would have observed my vows and served the mission of Srila Prabhupada! We did an important promise and exchange at the time of initiation, at that time  You offered me  'the real possibility to go back home back to Godhead in this one life time’.


I feel, I really feel You deeply desire this for us and just for this, I can say I am here and I can really give something valuable to others too. Because of You. Because of Your unconditional mercy, You gave me this chance to pass this message on to others and even more. Everything was free of charge, with no expectation, with no desire to get something in return from Your side. What would I have done without You Guru Maharaja? What? What would I have done if Shri Krishna did not send His Pure Devotee on earth showing us how merciful He and His devotee are?  How much Love and Care do They have for Their children! 

In reality, I see that I am a beggar of a fortune that I already abundantly have,if i keep You in my heart and mind every I am just begging You to stay in my life, please do not go far away from Your disciple. Also if I am still fallen please Help me to fight this mind that always put me in trouble, that sometimes doesn’t make me see how fortunate I am, day by day, to have Your on-line  association, Your spiritual Love and Care…despite Your complicated physical health condition.

Oh Gurudeva let me be full of Your light! The light of knowledge, the Supreme real Knowledge!

In the previous Vyasa puja letter, last year, I made some promises to You...that I have fulfilled in the best of my capacity… I was able, by Your mercy, to place Srila Prabhupada’s books in 4 different shops and gave 2 set of Bhagavatam (plus one was for my son anyway) in Bhadra purnima. I offered everything to Your Lotus Feet, my Aratiks, my rounds, my work with kids, yoga service, the Narasimha Kavaca, the sweet daily verse from Brahma Samhita with the hope to make You Happy.

Thank You very much, by hearth I am grateful to You and sincerely I always pray that You are always always well.

Your eternal debtor , practicing aspirant disciple,and spiritual daughter 

 Ekaradha devi dasi.

All glories to Srila Gurudeva and to Srila Prabhupada.
I offer my prostrated and respectful obeisances to the lotus feet of my spiritual master Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. 

Hare Krsna my dear spiritual Father Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja, I am meditating on Your Lotus Feet to be able to glorify You with appropriate words and I apologize if I am not able to express my emotions.

Every day there is a hard struggle to maintain the daily sadhana especially when I go on book distribution, but knowing that this service is dear to You, I do it with joy.
This service, especially in a difficult time as nowadays, brings up many different situations that require as many as different answers. However dear Guru Maharaja the desire to please You takes over and, by Your mercy and Sri Krishna’s mercy, the strength to improve our services arises.
It is in moments like these that we realize how important it is to follow the teachings received from the spiritual master and how all the protection and strength necessary are within the instruction.

My dearest Spiritual Father, You are sustaining my existence! Just as the flower and its scent cannot be separated, similarly the bond that unites the disciple to the spiritual master is inseparable.

Sincerely I pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva and to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai for Your physical wellbeing.
With bowed head and folded hands, I offer my respectful obeisances again and again to Your Divine Lotus Feet.

Your insignificant servant and daughter,
Lajjavati Lalita dd

Dear spiritual Father, please accept my most prostrated and respectful obeisances. All the glories to You, all the glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am Laksmi Pryia Sundari dd from Rimini, Italy. I remember when I met You for the first time at the Ratha Yatra in Milan and You instantly blessed  me by drubbing my head with Your stick, then looking at me You said “you are a sincere devotee” ... 18 years have passed  since then. You gave me first and second initiation, but more time passes by the more I feel unworthy, unable and inadequate. Sometimes I wonder how sincere I am ... Serving and satisfying guru and Krishna is the most important thing, but in my mind, there are still many fears and conditionings that create me many problems...

  I listen to You even if I do not understand Your language knowing nothing but Italian, but looking at You I see in You a pure and sincere desire to save us ... and, You can do it. I just want to be able to depend only on You without any other impediment in the mind, the struggle against the material existence is very hard, but You taught me that determination, dependence on guru and Krishna, sincere desire to serve guru and Krishna are the only way for true happiness...

I do not know how I will be able to satisfy You and how will I be able to serve You, because I have no qualifications whatsoever, what hope there is for me? In my brave intent to follow Your instructions I wish this Vyasa Puja gives You good health and the desire to come to Italy to find us...

Thanks Guru Maharaja because without Your causeless mercy, my life would have been a real failure.

Your eternal and insignificant servant,

 Laksmi Priya Sundari dd

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka svamin iti namine
Nama acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine
Nama Om Vishnu padaya krsna preshthaya bhutale
Shrimate Bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
 Namas Te sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine
Nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine
Jaya Sri Krishna caitayana prabhu nityananda
Sri Advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta vrinda
Hare  Krishna.

Most beloved Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja, Please accept my most respectful obeisances. All Glories to Your Divine Grace.
All Glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada at whose lotus feet you hold on to very fixed and lovingly.
We can all see that your actual strength and all your desires are based on your service to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, to which you hold close to your heart every single second of each passing day.
You are showing us what means to actually hold the words and desires of the spiritual master very close and dear to ones heart, you are so much concerned with the welfare of every living entity, you are never thinking of your own health issues or difficulties which may arise, and always putting in priority others by helping them increase their Krishna Consciousness.
Guru Maharaja, every one of us witnessing such a great achievement by having you still personally here, instructing each of us how to become more fixed in Krishna consciousness and as quickly as possible.
You are taking so many dangerous bodily situations by giving us the chance to take to Krishna consciousness.
Personally initiating so many conditioned souls.
Guru Maharaja I have been one of those fortunate ones to have witnessed so many changes and increased depth in your preaching activities how strong, determined and lovingly you keep giving into guiding us all back, and to realize that we have a higher meaning to our lives and that material life is not such an important business, that this body is only used to fulfil the instructions and wishes of the Spiritual Master and desires of Sri Krishna. 
You are taking on personally, all of the implications in such an impressive   service to Srila Prabhupada.
Personally  when I think to how Your dear Guru Maharaja are taking on so many  situations  and seeing in how you deal on a very personal level to every single  issue and person , I realize that whatever  issue I may have to deal with  in my life to overcome  obstacles,  when I think on how you are dealing  with so many of these in every moment of the day ,  it gives me such personal strength and it makes all the  issues seem very trivial and petty and  not any more an impending  issue.
 Then realizing this I can again realize this was just a fleeting passing material moment and has nothing to do with my real unconditional self.
 In which my real important status is to get back on track in pure Devotional service as quickly as possible, taking the only shelter of the Spiritual Masters instructions to heart.
Guru Maharaja   you are my beacon of light that shines and guiding me helping me over things I never thought possible.
Making me realize that I have such a long way to go, but I understand that at least I am on the right track.
Guru Maharaja you have given me such a lot of personal help over the years and nothing can ever repay any of this, I will only ever ask to remain eternally in your service, in which ever way I can be of service to you, lifetime after lifetime.
May You Guru Maharaja   be always blessed in all the three worlds for your   great endeavours to change this world and all its dangerous intricate ways.
You are giving the shade of the lotus feet of HDG Srila Prabhupada and of   Lord Sri Caitanaya, to every living soul you come across.
I also wish to  mention  that  last time I  was in the airport  you were leaving and  I  notice an old lady walk right up to you and she threw in a few coins in your lap and walked away almost as fast as she came she was gone.
But  even to this soul, even she could recognize such a great  personal servant of the Lord and the great endeavours you go to bring The lords pastimes to us all , and to just throw just a few coins into your lap and to hopefully get your blessings by such an action.
Guru Maharaja I only beg and pray to always remember these pastimes with you and that I remain always somehow fixed in your instructions.
 To always remember what is the most important thing we should be doing in our daily lives.
To become Krishna Consciousness, And to give to everyone we meet.
There are never enough words to praise or glorify such a wonderful Spiritual Master.
But I humbly and respectfully offer my obeisance over and over again to you.
Life time after lifetime please shade me with your blessings to become even a drop of worthiness in helping you, in your services to HDG Srila Prabhupada.
Thank you immensely from my heart.
All glories to you most Dear Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja who is so dear to HDG Srila Prabhupada and all the Vaishnavas.
Your always eternal servant 
Lilavilasini Devi dasi
Terni Italy  

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda 

Hare Kṛṣṇa!

Most beloved Jayapatākā Swami Guru Mahārāja, Please accept my most respectful obeisances. All Glories to Your Divine Grace. 

All Glories to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda at whose lotus feet you hold on to very fixed and lovingly.

We can all see that your actual strength and all your desires are based on your service to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda, to which you hold close to your heart every single second of each passing day.

You are showing us what means to actually hold the words and desires of the spiritual master very close and dear to ones heart, you are so much concerned with the welfare of every living entity, you are never thinking of your own health issues or difficulties which may arise, and always putting in priority others by helping them increase their Kṛṣṇa Consciousness.

Guru Mahārāja, every one of us witnessing such a great achievement by having you still personally here, instructing each of us how to become more fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and as quickly as possible. 

You are taking so many dangerous bodily situations by giving us the chance to take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. 

Personally, initiating so many conditioned souls.

Guru Mahārāja I have been one of those fortunate ones to have witnessed so many changes and increased depth in your preaching activities how strong, determined and lovingly you keep giving into guiding us all back, and to realize that we have a higher meaning to our lives and that material life is not such an important business, that this body is only used to fulfil the instructions and wishes of the Spiritual Master and desires of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. 

You are taking on personally, all the implications in such an impressive service to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Personally when I think to how Your dear Guru Mahārāja are taking on so many situations and seeing in how you deal on a very personal level to every single issue and person, I realize that whatever issue I may have to deal with in my life to overcome obstacles, when I think on how you are dealing with so many of these in every moment of the day , it gives me such personal strength and it makes all the issues seem very trivial and petty and not any more an impending issue.

Then realizing this I can again realize this was just a fleeting passing material moment and has nothing to do with my real unconditional self.
In which my real important status is to get back on track in pure Devotional service as quickly as possible, taking the only shelter of the Spiritual Masters instructions to heart. 

Guru Mahārāja you are my beacon of light that shines and guiding me helping me over things I never thought possible.

Making me realize that I have such a long way to go, but I understand that at least I am on the right track. 

Guru Mahārāja you have given me such a lot of personal help over the years and nothing can ever repay any of this, I will only ever ask to remain eternally in your service, in which ever way I can be of service to you, lifetime after lifetime.

May You Guru Mahārāja be always blessed in all the three worlds for your great endeavours to change this world and all its dangerous intricate ways.

You are giving the shade of the lotus feet of His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda and of Lord Śrī Caitanya, to every living soul you come across.

I also wish to mention that last time I was in the airport you were leaving and I notice an old lady walk right up to you and she threw in a few coins in your lap and walked away almost as fast as she came she was gone.

But even to this soul, even she could recognize such a great personal servant of the Lord and the great endeavours you go to bring The Lords pastimes to us all, and to just throw just a few coins into your lap and to hopefully get your blessings by such an action.

Guru Mahārāja I only beg and pray to always remember these pastimes with you and that I remain always somehow fixed in your instructions.
To always remember, what is the most important thing we should be doing in our daily lives.

To become Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, and to give to everyone we meet.

There are never enough words to praise or glorify such a wonderful Spiritual Master.

But I humbly and respectfully offer my obeisance over and over again to you. 

Life time after lifetime please shade me with your blessings to become even a drop of worthiness in helping you, in your services to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Thank you immensely from my heart.

All glories to you most Dear Jayapatākā Swami Guru Mahārāja who is so dear to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda and all the Vaishnavas.

Your always eternal servant,

Līlāvilāsinī devī dāsī (Dīkṣā)
Terni, Italy


Villaggio Hare Krsna 2020

Beloved Guru Maharaja,

I pay my respectful obeisances unto You. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories unto You!

And to Your exemplary surrendered service to Sri Krsna Bhagavan!

When I see and think of You, You appear so immense and vast just like an

ocean of mercy that bathes us all, taking away the anarthas accumulated

life after life. It is such a regenerating feeling that there are no words

to describe it, nor there are enough words to thank You. But unfortunately

I am just like that mad elephant that returns to roll in the mud, so

without respect or concerns I trample on Your attempt to bring me back to

the eternal home of Sri Krsna.

I continually strive to become a worthy disciple.

On this important day of Your Appearance, I ask for Your forgiveness for

all the times that I have hurt You by neglecting Your instructions, for

those times that I have followed my gratification rather than the secure

shadow of Your lotus feet.

Mathuresvari Rani dd


Dear Guru Mahārāja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances unto Your Lotus feet! 

All Glories to Guru and Gaurāṅga! 

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!


You said:

„Now I am only here to serve the devotees and I feel that I realized that I have a disease. Apart from my physical disease, I have a mental disease! When I see people, I talk to them, it just comes over me, I think, how can I help this person be more Krsna conscious?! It is my great disease. It gets me into trouble all the time!! So even when I was in the hospital, the nurses would come in, the doctors would come in, I got many people to chant Hare Krsna. Since I was in hospital there were no bead bags, I would give them clickers, counting machines. And some people are still chanting two rounds, four rounds, one round, something every day. So it is my disease, I can’t help it! I am sorry! Ha!”

When I go distribute the books I always have also japa mala corals and often sweet balls. When I meet interested people, in addition to books, they get corals and prasadam. I teach them how to chant and I suggest that they chant at least one round a day.

Finally, they get an invitation to meetings.

When something like this happens, I feel the greatest satisfaction of sankirtan.

Please infect me with such a mental disease you have.

I would also like to be sick with such a disease.


Your humble servant Raghunatha Dāsa (Siksa) Czarnów, Poland


Dear respected Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisance.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.All glories to Your Grace.

Your preaching is just amazing.You have transcended the concept of body and you are beyond ab, material obstacles that normal jivas face.All your life is to teach us how tp be Krishna Conscious in all corcumstances.May me and may family always be able to do some service to your lotus feet.

Your insignificant servant

Daman Krishna das

Dearest Gurudeva,
Please accept our respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you Srila Gurudeva!
First of all, on this most auspicious occasion, We would like to wish you a very Happy Appearance day! We also humbly pray to your beloved Sri Sri Radha Madhava, most merciful Panca-tattva and Narasimhadeva, to bless you with good health.
Gurudeva, we are eternally indebted to yo, for accepting us as your Spiritual children. We saw you last year in Mayapur. The lectures on the roof were extatic and a bit humorous, like used to be. Being in Your presence caused, that bliss, happiness and satisfaction arised in our hearts. For a moment we could experienced love for all devotees and living entities. We could felt it, that all Mayapur is pervaded with your prescious service to Śrīla Prabhupāda. And there is such an atmosphere that everyone wants to follows You.
Dear Gurudeva, you gone through profound physical challenges in last few years but like a pure devotee you triumphed over such devastation in a glorious and impressive manner. We are often overwhelmed seeing how you overcome such distressing health crisis with such grace and courage. How you use every ounce of your energy in glorifying Srila Prabhupada and the Holy Name. How in such challenging conditions you travel around and giving the most treasured gift to all fallen souls and to anyone who wants it – the Holy Name. Like a Lord Nityananda.
Thank you dear Guru Mahārāja, that you continuously giving us the cooling shelter of your lotus feet. Thank you, that trough your teachings and books we can be with Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda. Thank you for everything we can and we cannot name.
Jay Śrīla Gurudeva! All glories to Your Grace!!

Paramgati Gaura das (diksa)
Navadvip Ganga devi dasi (diksa)
and our daughter Raya Lila

Ljubljana (Nava-yogapitha), Slovenia, Europe


Dear Guru Maharaja!
Please accept my humble obeisances.
Due to Sjögrens disease Im been down and out for a long time.
Im much better now but struggling to fill my days with some normal activity. You once told me to never leave
Srila Prabhupads service and by your mercy Im still hanging in there.I hope that you have patience with me
and don't forget me. All glories to you Maharaja for fullfilling Srila Prabhupad`s mission by preaching
the message of Caitnya Mahaprabhu all over the planet!
Thank you!

Your servant in Stockholm, Sweden.
Tarksya das.

United Kingdom

Hare Krishna Dearest Gurumaharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet. 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Gurudeva.

We feel great fortune to get this opportunity to write a Vyasa Puja offering on your 50th sannyasa celebration year. 

This 2091/2020 has been amazing for us in many ways Gurumaharaj.

The most wonderful part is having an opportunity to get your personal association and ability to serve your self in person. The memorable part is getting mercy from Lord Jagannath Toothbrush (Blessing stick) on two occasions and more. The photos taken at the time and its memories-bring so much happiness, Gurumaharaj. The above personal dealings has opened our heart to the inhibitions which we had prior.

Ragavalli would like give her humble offering to you this year for our successful Nottingham children class. There are about 8 children. We have a team of 4 made of 3 matajis and a young girl who was a student in the children class, now assist in leading the children class. Our class materials are mostly from Chennai Kids camp by HG Taruni mataji. We do a weekly session. We do dramas, presentations, and prayer songs with our namahatta children etc. 

Ragavalli still remembers your kind and enthusiastic words about caring for children and then need for them to be engaged in Krishna Conscious. It was at HG Nitai Charan Prabhu house, Birmingham 2016. Those words give energy to continue this Seva. Kindly give your blessings to carry on this service with enthusiasm and right consciousness.


This Jan 2020- our children-Haribaladeva (Son) and Nadia Laxmi (Daughter) took aspiration from your kind self in Birmingham. Please kindly pray for our children. Also shower your mercy upon them so they practice this Krishna Consciousness sincerely with their hearts.  

We do hear/see you live on Facebook most days. It’s energetic and inspiring Guru Maharaj. It’s electrifying to hear your answers mixed with humour and seriousness. There is so much nectar from yourself which travels across the oceans. We are glad to have this opportunity to relish these sweet pastimes. It’s a great boon.

We have started Bhakti Vriksha at Nottingham this 2020. Our God Brother H.G Ganasraya Nitai Das Adhikari Prabhu is facilitating the discussions on weekly basis. All this got started by the inspiration/guidance of HG Aravinda Krishna Prabhu and HG Yamuneswari mataji. We are glad to have them as our God Brother and God Sister. We as family are contributing to our best to support Bhakthi Vriksha at Nottingham. 


We kindly pray at your lotus feet to grow in to a beautiful and committed congregation.


Please kindly pray for us. We need everyone's mercy, so we can sincerely serve Srila Prabhupada, his Mission and the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord. 

We pray you visit us at Nottingham. Thank you Guru Maharaj.

Hare Krishna.

Your insignificant servant of the servants

Acyuta Rupa Das and Ragavalli Devi Dasi- Diksha Disciples 2008. 

(Children HariBaladev and Nadia Laxmi)


UK Yatra

Dearest Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to your divine grace.

This is my first offering as your initiated disciple & I am full of gratitude.

Please help me to purify my desires as I understand from Srimad Bhagavatam (3.6.3) that it is our unfinished forgotten desires that Paramatma reminds us of and we act according to these desires.

I want to act for you so please help me to release these previous useless desires that I have accumulated in my heart. Let me be aware of them & let let them go. Making room only for your desires to become my own. This synthesis is what will purify my consciousness so that my activities are not so contradictory to the goal of Prema Bhakti.

I hope for my consciousness to become one with yours not in a voidist way but one in “agreement” (SP, SB 3.6.7)

Srila Prabhupada talks of the Universal form dividing into 3 after entering the 23 material elements... consciousness, activity & self identification.

Self identification is further split into identifying with the body & mind (adhyatmika), identifying with the material products (adhybhautika) & identifying as a servant of the Lord (adhidaivika). (SB 3.6.7 purport)

I can see that being your disciple with a new name means to strive for the 3rd level whereby every decision I make is based on me seeing myself as a servant of the Lord. Instead of being Nishi who strives for herself and those around her. I am Adhishvari Revati D D who strives for Guru & Gauranga.

The space between material life & spiritual life is no fun at all. It doesn’t nourish us, it’s infertile and nothing grows there, it’s not even enjoyable on the basest of levels as we can’t enjoy material life nor can we enjoy spiritual life.

It’s existing but not living.

It’s a static place of stagnation.

And I felt like I was rotting there.

SB 3.7.17 describes it perfectly...

“Both the lowest of fools and he who is transcendental to all intelligence enjoy happiness, whereas persons between them suffer the material pangs.”

Being accepted by you has felt like someone threw me a lifeline... and I am trying to hold on with both hands & let the waves of your mercy & instructions carry me back to Krsna.

I know it won’t be easy & I am not out of the choppy waters yet but I feel connected to an indestructible tie. As long as I do my bit & hold on then I have full faith in the destination.

As Vidura says to Maitreya in SB 3.7.18

“But, my dear sir, I am obliged to you because now I can understand that this material manifestation is without substance, although it appears real. I am confident that by serving your feet it will be possible for me to give up the false idea.”

Wishing you well so you many continue your service to Srila Prabhupada.

With all my gratitude & love

your spiritual daughter,

Adishvari Revati Devi Dasi




Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Nama Acaryapadaya Nitai Krpa pradayine

Gaura Katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna preshtaya bhutale

SrimateBhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Saraswate deve Gaura vani pracarine

Nirvisesa sunya vadi pascatya desa tarine


My dearmost spiritual father Srila Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your Divine Grace.

Gurumaharaj, everything I do is only by your empowerment. Please, please allow me to write this offering. I started writing the offering many months ago, everytime I start, I get stuck with words to express what I really wish to express.

Gurumaharaj, through all these years, you have been the sole reason for my existence. Before getting the cool shade of shelter of your lotus feet, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, being kind to this soul, put me through all one can go through at an early age, that I couldn’t see any reason for my life. Now, when I look back, I can see how it helped me in my spiritual life.  I have nothing to turn back to !

After  giving me shelter at your lotus feet, you nurtured me with your mercy. Coming from an impersonalist background – from the land of Sankaracarya and from a communist upbringing – I had no qualification, what so ever,  to be anywhere near spiritual life.  Your Divine Grace is the deliverer of the fallen. Without my knowledge, you turned this burnt charcoal into something useful. Once when you came to temple, I was standing at the entrance.  When I saw you, I was thinking - being a filthy person, how  can I be in front of a pure devotee. Suddenly, Gurumaharaj, you walked towards me and asked me with a smile, and full of compassion, “ How are you?” .  I was shocked! I forgot all my impurities!  I became very blissful! Gurumaharaj, this is just one incident.  Through many such pastimes of yours, you taught me how to think less of myself. From being a completely negative person, only by your mercy, I could start doing something useful in my life.

Because of my own conditioning, I always wondered how Krishna can love all living entities equally - because I had never seen any one who loved two people equally, what to speak of loving everyone equally!  Also, from childhood, I could never understand how someone can be selfless. While in school, after reading about Mahatma Gandhi, I thought he was selfless – until I overheard someone telling that Mahatma Gandhi was selfish, since he did what gave him happiness. When I had your darsan and through the pastimes that I heard from devotees, as well as my own experiences, you practically demonstrated that it is possible to love everyone in the world and also to be selfless. When I read about Krishna’s qualities, and when I can’t get my head around it, I just think how, as the Lord’s representative, Gurumaharaj displays those qualities. Then I feel,  if the Lord’s representative can do that, surely Lord Himself can have that quality.

In Srimad Bhagavatam 3.7.19, Vidura says to sage Maitreya.

anuvratānāṁ śiṣyāṇāṁ
putrāṇāṁ ca dvijottama
anāpṛṣṭam api brūyur
guravo dīna-vatsalāḥ


O best among the brāhmaṇas, those who are spiritual masters are very kind to the needy. They are always kind to their followers, disciples and sons, and without being asked by them, the spiritual master describes all that is knowledge.


Being an expert teacher, you have taught me all that I know today, without me realising I am learning. 

Completely sentimental, I just thought of you as my hero. I was just mesmerised with your mystic powers. My favourite is to stand far away and talk to Gurumaharaj in my mind and wait for Gurumaharaj to reciprocate! You surprised me by even knowing that is what I am doing!

Without caring for any social etiquettes , without anything else to think about  -  I literally followed you , Gurumaharaj – especially in Mayapur. I didn’t know any philosophy of Guru tattva, I didn’t know your greatness – I followed you like a normal person follows their idol. You mercifully sent devotees like Ratipriya mataji, Sugopi Sakhi mataji, Shanta Gopi mataji and my biological sister, Amrta sakhi devi dasi – who taught me that there is nothing else in life than Gurumaharaj. Especially in 2008, it is still inconceivable that during the whole Navadwip mandal parikrama, 6 of us ladies, just followed you always. It was just your mercy Gurumaharaj, you allowed us to be with you.. little did we know that it would be the last time you will be walking for the whole parikrama. We didn’t even see any pastime places properly, neither did we hear the classes of other devotees, all we did was walk behind you. Thank you unlimitedly , Gurumaharaj!  Please forgive me for not following the etiquette.

 I never really thought of serving you- but by your mercy , like a magnet, you kept moving  this rusted iron filing in the way you like. Through the years, without my being aware , you engaged me in serving Srila Prabhupad’s mission. If any service I am able to do, I know it is not me! For, I am still the rusted iron filing.

All I do is offenses. Being the most compassionate, you always say you don’t remember any offenses, but I have unlimited offenses in my list that I have done.. I feel very ashamed for being so low. Please forgive me Gurumaharaj.

After 2008, when physical association reduced,  I started listening to your lectures more- that opened up a whole new world! Just like we never finish reading Bhagavad Gita, I have not been able to completely listen to your one lecture, Gurumaharaj. I couldn’t go beyond Enlightenment series 1 because each time I hear a lecture, I find more points that I have not noticed in my previous listening.  Gurumaharaj, please bless me to be always attached to hearing your lectures.

Gurumaharaj, all your disciples are so amazing! All of them are so efficient! When I see them, I really pray that I become a little good instrument for you. Each one of them is a touch stone.  Many of my godbrothers and god sisters engage me in your service. They are very kind and tolerant.I am indebted to all the devotees who engage me in your service.

The icing on the cake of mercy is the service that His Grace Vrajeshwar Gaura prabhu engages me in..It is difficult to even believe it is not a dream !  I learn a lot just by this service. I am eternally indebted to Vrajeswar prabhu for being so tolerant and continuing to engage me inspite of my many shortcomings. Not only does he engages me in service, but he also guides me how to do it with the right mood. It is unfathomable, inconceivable mercy.  I wait every day for the message. Till I get the message, I feel lost and lethargic. As soon as I get the message, a new life comes.  Through this service, I get first hand experience of Gurumaharaj’s compassion , care and selfless nature. I see the strong soldier who is always alert in protecting ISKCON,  the street sweeper whom Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur mentions in Godruma kalpatavi as vigilant to even the smallest deviations from Srila Prabhupad’s teachings; a perfect world leader who engages, encourages and guides  devotees all over the world in the most sublime mission; a super computer who remembers even the minutest details, a strong pillar undisturbed in all situations,  a gentle heart concerned about every one’s welfare including marriages, a philosopher who can give cut right answers, a guide who has all the time for his students, a father who is concerned about the safety and well being of his children, a project manager who manages hundreds of projects with zero defect, a perfect Bhakti vriksha leader enquiring about the welfare of the members,  the list is endless..  Millions of obeisances at your divine lotus feet, Gurumaharaj. Please empower me to do this service properly, without mistakes.

I am also grateful to many other godbrothers and godsisters who keep me Krishna conscious and Gurumaharaj conscious.

Thanks to Vidvan prabhu and Jaya Radhakrishna prabhu – always encouraging and guiding.

Thanks to Chudamani mataji – who cares for me more than my biological mother.  She teaches me how to live for Gurumaharaj; always  meditating on serving Gurumaharaj.

Thanks to Aravinda Krishna prabhu and Yamuneswari mataji-  guiding us in Bhakti Vriksha and showing us by example how to dedicate   every moment of our life to fulfil Gurumaharaj’s desires!

I don’t deserve even a moment of their association, but by your mercy, I get to do service under them. Thank you Gurumaharaj.


Gurumaharaj, you not only gave me a life, but also handed me in the care of my husband who, true to the name you have given him, allows me to do whatever service comes my way.  By his mercy, I am able to do services in a very protective environment. He taught me that Gurumaharaj’s service comes first, everything else later !  I pray that I can serve him the way you would like me to.

Thank you Gurumaharaj, for sending such wonderful souls in our congregation. I learn a lot from them. Please use us as your via medium to help them in their spiritual life. Please bless all of them to progress in their spiritual life very quickly. Please bless us that everyone who comes in contact with us becomes a leader and a frontline preacher in  Lord Caitanya’s army.

Please kindly bless our  biological parents to take up serious Krishna consciousness.  Please use them in your mission.

Gurumaharaj, please allow me to serve my God family in all ways that you would like me to. Please help me to over come all my bad qualities and anarthas so that I can progress in my spiritual life. 

Gurumaharaj, please bless that I always do only what you would like me to do in every moment of my life; that you please allow us to execute your plans. Please allow us to stay focussed on our mission - to report to you that the market is saturated with Krishna consciousness.

Your insignificant spiritual daughter,

Amala Manjari devi dasi
Diksha disciple
Reading, UK


nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka svamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai-krpa-pradayine

gaura-katha-dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine


All glories to you, brave, determined and wonderful Guru Maharaja! Please accept my obeisances again and again. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Though the aupsicious festival of Vyasa-puja is still a month away, this opportunity to remember and meditate on your excellent qualities as an offering to your lotus feet always brings so much pleasure peppered with a few pinches of pain. Preparing to write this letter is pure joy: I increase my hearing of your glorious and vastly variagated classes from past and present and look at pictures of you. The talks that are especially inspiring to me are occassions in which you glorify Sri Navadwip Dham. I recently watched a fourteen part recording of Navadwip Mandal parikrama from 1996 and was transfixed on the beauty of the scenes: the devotees glowed with ecstacy, the holy land was radiant with spiritual potency and you, my beloved Spiritual Master, were luminous with the joy of speaking about your Homeland in the association of your godbrothers. Seeing you in those videos looking so relaxed and carefree made me long for those days again. 

And then there's the pain: Sometimes I feel that you are so close and other times I suffer from feeling that you are so far away. I deeply regret that I do not serve you and your mission enough. When I reflect on how expertly you engaged me in Sri Sri Gour-Nitai's service--you so kindly gave me a small part in the winter preaching programme with the Mayapur Nama-hatta--I consider myself to be incalculably fortunate. Your disciples became real and true brothers to me, and even all of these years on when I see a Nama-hatta devotee from the pandal programme days we always reminisce about how wonderful those years were. From my association with your disciple, HH Gauranga Prem Swami Maharaja I gained a deep taste for bhajan and the spiritual discipline cultivated by a sincere and serious sadhaka. My small contribution to the UK has been that the songs I learned whilst a member of that preaching crew have been the basis for classes I occasionally give. While our philosophy tells us that a person under the sway of the mode of ignorance lives in the past, we are confident that remembering these engagements is part of awakening the eternal memory of constant service to the beloved devotees of the Lord. And here comes the pain again: because I am somewhat adrift in the ocean of existence I wonder when (and if?) in this lifetime I will ever be as engaged as I was back then. When I look to you as my greatest example and guide of how to "Keep Krsna Conscious and Carry On" I feel revived. Of course, you do far, far more than "Carry On"; you excel and exceed all expectations at every corner. I pray that I may be like you when I grow up.

Although, very disappointingly, I am still a neophyte in Krsna consciousness events over the last two years have caused me to take ever more real shelter in spiritual life. One of the bhakti-angas that I am always enthusiastic to practice is sravanam. Srila Prabhupada's books, particualry Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta. In Srila Prabhupada's magnificent Purport (4.24.67) I came across a description of a mahatma that has your glorious name all over it.

The wise man is always very eager to glorify the Lord by chanting and hearing (nama-gane sada ruci), and he is always eager to describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord (asaktis tad-gunakhyane). He should also be attracted to those places where the Lord had His pastimes (pritis tad-vasati-stale). These are symptoms of an advanced devotee. An advanced devotee, or a perfect human being who is actually wise and learned, cannot give up his service at the lotus feet of the Lord. 

You embody the principle of discipleship perfectly at every moment. 

I sincerely seek your blessings and mercy, dear Guru Maharaja, that I may face all trials by fire with the courage and cheerfulness that you do. I miss you dearly and long for your expert instruction and divine inspiration.

Your spiritual daughter,

Amrta Gopal dasi 





nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka svamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai-krpa-pradayine

gaura-katha-dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine


All glories to you, brave, determined and wonderful Guru Maharaja! Please accept my obeisances again and again. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Though the auspicious festival of Vyasa-puja is still a month away, this opportunity to remember and meditate on your excellent qualities as an offering to your lotus feet always brings so much pleasure peppered with a few pinches of pain. Preparing to write this letter is pure joy: I increase my hearing of your glorious and vastly variegated classes from past and present and look at pictures of you. The talks that are especially inspiring to me are occasions in which you glorify Sri Navadwip Dham. I recently watched a fourteen part recording of Navadwip Mandal praikrama from 1996 and was transfixed on the beauty of the scenes: the devotees glowed with ecstasy, the holy land was radiant with spiritual potency and you, my beloved Spiritual Master, were luminous with the joy of speaking about your Homeland in the association of your god brothers. Seeing you in those videos looking so relaxed and carefree made me long for those days again. 

And then there's the pain: Sometimes I feel that you are so close and other times I suffer from feeling that you are so far away. I deeply regret that I do not serve you and your mission enough. When I reflect on how expertly you engaged me in Sri Sri Gour-Nitai's service--you so kindly gave me a small part in the winter preaching programme with the Mayapur Nama-hatta--I consider myself to be incalculably fortunate. Your disciples became real and true brothers to me, and even all of these years on when I see a Nama-hatta devotee from the pandal programme days we always reminisce about how wonderful those years were. From my association with your disciple, HH Gauranga Prem Swami Maharaja I gained a deep taste for bhajan and the spiritual discipline cultivated by sincere and serious sadhaka. My small contribution to the UK has been that the songs I learned whilst a member of that preaching crew have been the basis for classes I occasionally give. While our philosophy tells us that a person under the sway of the mode of ignorance lives in the past, we are confident that remembering these engagements is part of awakening the eternal memory of constant service to the beloved devotees of the Lord. And here comes the pain again: because I am somewhat adrift in the ocean of existence I wonder when (and if?) in this lifetime I will ever be as engaged as I was back then. When I look to you as my greatest example and guide of how to "Keep Krsna Conscious and Carry On" I feel revived. Of course, you do far, far more than "Carry On"; you excel and exceed all expectations at every corner. I pray that I may be like you when I grow up.

Although, very disappointingly, I am still a neophyte in Krsna consciousness events over the last two years have caused me to take ever more real shelter in spiritual life. One of the bhakti-angas that I am always enthusiastic to practice is sravanam. Srila Prabhupada's books, particularly Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta and Krsna Book are my special favourites. In Srila Prabhupada's magnificent Purport (4.24.67) I came across a description of a mahatma that has your glorious name all over it.

The wise man is always very eager to glorify the Lord by chanting and hearing (nama-gane sada ruci), and he is always eager to describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord (asaktis tad-gunakhyane). He should also be attracted to those places where the Lord had His pastimes (pritis tad-vasati-stale). These are symptoms of an advanced devotee. An advanced devotee, or a perfect human being who is actually wise and learned, cannot give up his service at the lotus feet of the Lord. 

You embody the principle of discipleship perfectly at every moment. 

I sincerely seek your blessings and mercy, dear Guru Maharaja that I may face all trials by fire with the courage and cheerfulness that you do. I miss you dearly and long for your expert instruction and divine inspiration.

Your spiritual daughter,

Amrta Gopal dasi 


Hare Krishna Dear GuruMaharaja

Please accept my respectful obeicences

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


All Glories to you on your Vyasa Puja Appearance Day.

I am so grateful to you for everything you do to help us progress in our spiritual practice.  I am so grateful for everything you have done for me personally to help me move towards initiation. I am so grateful for all your support in so many ways, you have lifted me up, despite me being undeserving, and since that time I have felt, for the first time, I can progress.  Without you this would not be possible.  On my own I am weak.  With you and your ever giving support, I can become stronger.  Thank you so much.

Sending my grateful appreciation and thanks.  Happy Appearance Day.

Your spiritual daughter

Andrea Chakravartty

An epitome of determination and unflinching faith


Dear beloved Guru Maharaj,


              Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories! All glories! to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. All glories! to your Divine 71st auspicious appearance day.

Dear Spiritual father, we took aspiration on our first time visit to Sri Dham Mayapur and it was a blissful experience to get your association. I was into tears when I saw you for the first time because all these years, I had just heard about you and your glories. But I was fortunate enough again to get your association during Bhisma Panchaka in London, where we took shelter of your lotus feet.

I am short of words while attempting to write my first ever homage for you because I consider myself the most fallen soul. Kindly forgive me for any kind of offenses committed in my attempt.

O’ Srila Guru Maharaj, I have always felt emotionally connected to you but during the past few months the more I hear about you through the JSSS meetings, the more I get inspired seeing your unflinching faith and strong determination in fulfilling the instructions of your Spiritual Master. I am struck with awe to witness your ‘Never Give Up’ attitude, your affection towards all the fallen souls around the world, your mission to give Krishna to all of us and spreading the message of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu in every corner of the town under any circumstances.

Kindly bestow your mercy on the most fallen souls like us so that we could provide service at your lotus feet in a much better way.

            Ami ek tuccha jiva, jada jagate phanse aachi

             Koto janme kashta payenchi kintu sei maayar jaale phanse aachi

            Ei baare amara ek matra aasha, amara Guru Maharaj

            Āmāra ek matra aasha Guru Maharaj re samabedana Ēbaṁ kripaa


Translation: I am the most fallen soul, trapped in this material world

Many many births I have been suffering but still I am entrapped in Maya’s illusion

But this one time my only hope is my Spiritual Master.

My only hope is my Spiritual Master’s compassion and mercy.


Kindly bestow your blessings and mercy upon us so that we could try to become an instrument in spreading Krishna Consciousness by serving your instructions through preaching, serving the Vaishnavas, book distribution, and many more services.


Your spiritual son, daughter and granddaughters

Ramaswamy and Anuradha (Sheltered) - London

Devika and Dishika (Aspired) - London

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-talesrimate jayapataka swami iti naminenamo

acarya padaya, nitai kripa pradayine gaura katha, damodaya nagara grama tarine


Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please Accept Our Respectful Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Your Divine Grace!!


 Every year in my homage I used to

always talk about me and my services but this year I really just want to truly focus

on glorifying your Divine Grace..  After many years of waiting, for us I think this

year will be very special because of your Divine Grace getting healthier and active

than before, after all the years of battle against health challenges. We were very

happy to see your Divine Grace travelling to USA, SA with no major health crisis in

2019. All this is giving confidence to us and all your spiritual children’s that you

are getting healthier and better. In fact, I was getting a glimpse of how you used

to be before stroke. Always on constant run either giving class, talking with

devotees, attending festivals, meetings, giving darshan, replying emails,

travelling, hearing/reading books, chanting, kirtan … the list is ever ending Guru

Maharaja… It’s truly amazing and inspiring to see how a devotee should constantly

serve and remember Mahaprabhu.. it seems to be so natural and spontaneous for your

divine grace… and when we are around you then it becomes seemingly simple for us

also to be Krishna conscious.I have to mention the historical Bhishma Panchaka

experience we all had with your Divine Grace in London was Wow !!!!!!! .. Yes surely

it was a unique and cherished experience which can’t be traded for anything in the

planet… It was not just me… all the devotees felt the same Guru Maharaja..I know how

dear it is for your Divine Grace to observe Bhishma Pancaka in Mayapur but due to

your causeless mercy you chose to observe Bhishma Panchaka in London - 1st time in

the history!! .. and no doubt it was miraculous experience. More than 150 devotees

observed Bhishma Panchaka and not a single day we felt any form of fatigue and even

got a thought that we need to have prasadam !!.. it was total absorption in serving

your Divine Grace in London… in fact I must say – this was the easiest Bhishma

Panchaka for us… even in mayapur we contemplate on prasadam during Bhishma Panchaka

but in London we didn’t think a second about prasadam.. it was super spiritually

surcharged Guru Maharaja!! I have no words to explain how much mercy you chose to

shower on us in London… Most of the time in our neophyte consciousness we rush our

way through and pop our head causing all discomforts to your Divine Grace to get

Jagannath stick blessing thinking that’s the ONLY blessing we can get from your

Divine Grace … BUT no words can explain the blessings you gave us by giving us an

opportunity to serve your Divine Grace personally during Bhishma Panchaka in

London.. that was the ultimate perfection I could ever pray for !! I am praying we

all can work together and get more &amp; more of these unique personal services

which we can do for your Divine Grace in UK… so that we can be inspired &amp; pumped

to constantly take shelter at your lotus feet and be an instrument to accomplish

very dear projects and services of your Divine Grace in this western world.. We

humble beg for your forgiveness for being lethargic in our enthusiasm to serve your

Divine Grace but please shower your causeless mercy on us so we can be always pumped

up in our service to assist to accomplish your goals in the western world Guru

Maharaja.. All Glories to Your All Auspicious Vyasapuja Celebration in Sridham

Mayapur Guru Maharaja!!! Eagerly awaiting to come and be part of this grand occasion

in Mayapur this year.. Thank You Guru Maharaja.


 Your Dear Insignificant Servants,

Aravinda Krishna Das & Yamunesvari DD

East London BV, UK

Dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my most respectful obeisances at the dust of Your Lotus Feet. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad. All Glories to Your Divine Grace.


Today, the day of your Divine Vyasa Puja is the most auspicious day for all the living entities in the whole universe. Especially when we are encountering and seeing the effects of Kali Yuga take effect everywhere around us, we reflect how the effect of this pandemic is limited due to the presence of Personalities like Your Divine Self on the planet.


We are taking shelter of your powerful words and instructions to help us through this time of turbulence. For myself I have realised how I lack realisation in Krishna Consciousness. And it has been a powerful and loud wake up call to become sincere from within. To reflect upon and fully understand this wonderful and beautiful process of Krishna Consciousness we have been given by the mercy of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad and Yourself. 


Your firm faith in the Lord and fixedness in Pure Devotional Service is exemplary and very rare. You encourage and inspire us to desire only what is beneficial for the real us, the soul. And to allow the Lord's will to take place as He desires.


We seek your blessings and prayers that all devotees, including my very lowly insignificant self, be instrumental in bringing all the conditioned souls back to the Lotus Feet of the Lord. It seems like the iron is red hot now. All the material shelters are falling away and the reality that we cannot depend on the externals is becoming closer and closer to home. In such a situation we pray at your Lotus Feet that the lost and forgetful souls be given the opportunity to practice blissful, nectarean and nourishing process of Krishna Consciousness. 


Praying for eternal service at the dust of Your Divine Lotus Feet,


Bhakti Priya Radhika DD

4th April 20200

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Please accept our humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you, Gurumaharaj, on this very auspicious day of your Vyas Puja.

Namo om visnu padaya Krishna prestaya bhutale srimati Jayapatakasvamin iti namine 

We offer our respectful obeisances to His Holiness Jayaptaka Swami who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

Nama acaryas-pádáya nitai-kripá pradayie Gaura-katha  acaryas-padaya, doya nagara grana tarine

It says in the  Srimad Bhagavatam (8.7.44);

tapyante loka-tāpena
 sādhavaḥ prāyaśo janāḥ
paramārādhanaṁ tad dhi

Translations: “It is said that great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general. This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present in everyone’s heart.”

Your sufferings and austerities for over 50 years in  ISKCON (more, especially in the last 11 years after your stroke ) are surely recognised by Krishna. Since your ultimate goal has been to keep preaching Srila Prabhupada’s teachings.

You are such a personalist. The way you have developed and maintained a rapport with so many devotees and others on different projects that are important to Srila Prabhupada. Giving TOVP your life and soul just as you had building that first Rath chariot for Rath Yatra.  Alsoin how you are ensuring that these projects still continue and to do that you still continue to preach to spread the knowledge and giveguidance. 

How dear you must be to Krishna for your faithful services to Srila Prabhupada. Through very tough times when your body is not in your control, you are still out there preaching and nurturing your disciples so that they do not feel neglected.  How much love you have for your disciples!  And they shower as much love back to you.

Day by day we realise that this world is not our real home, and the relatives are not our closest persons in reality. We are just separate souls to whom we are attached due to our karma. But the closest are the Spiritual Master and Krishna. Through you we get our guidance and mercy. And through Krishna we get our strength and happiness.

In just one moment of your association, you hadcaptivated our hearts and inspired us so much that we couldn’t think of any other person to be our diksha guru (after taking guidance from our Siksha Guru, Mukunda Goswami for many years). You heard us and understood our dilemmas and you appreciated our endeavours.   You left us no doubt.   Finally we had connected with some one who will now guide us and nurture us in our spiritual path into Srila Prabhupada’s mission.  Thank you for your mercy and love for such fallen souls like us.  We are indebted to you.

Having never met you personally before 13thJanuary 2020, you made us feel so much at ease. The more we read about you and your preachingin the Sri Guru Prasańga – (an Eternal Bond) monthly magazines, the more we feel closer to you and blessed.

Gurumaharaj, it is our sincere desire that may we be able to serve you in any small way, in your service to Srila Prabhupada.  Please allow us to stay in devotional service and progress to serve Their Lordships.

Hare Krishna.

We beg to remain,

Your most fallen servants. 

Bharti & Nilesh Taank

Aspiring Disciples

Staines , London


Please accept my humble obeisances on the auspicious day of your divine appearance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Recently I was hearing a lecture where the speaker shared how blessed the devotees are, who get the opportunity to do menial service for their spiritual master. Reflecting on the lecture, I wondered how fortunate I was to get the opportunity a few times. Although I had my first opportunity to serve you in 2009 at Birmingham, UK - my mis fortune I did not understand the value of such a wonderful service. After doing a tiny service for the first time with so many mistakes, your holiness in that challenging health condition also, did not fail to thank me for the insignificant service. I did not even pay much attention to the humility and compassion that you showed to me.

Years passed and I had the same opportunity in 2015, but, again with my own anarthas, I failed to realise the fortune you showed upon me to give that opportunity.

This year in January your holiness was here in Birmingham, UK, where my spiritual journey was planted over 10 years ago. Although still not qualified, devotees gave me yet another opportunity to serve you for a day. For the first time ever, I had so many realisations serving you and listening to your interactions with senior god brothers and sisters. Even at my age, my memory is so poor that I hardly remember important things, but I was amazed with your sharp memory and recollection of events. Your holiness in one of the interactions remembered the birthday of one of the senior devotees, Jaganath Kirtananda Das and shared -how you both were in Argentina many years back on his birthday and how the devotees there made a special cake. I was shocked, how practical, is it for you to not only remember his birthday out of the many disciples you have all over the world, but also to share the memory. I have to say I was mesmerized with your attention to detail and your  interaction with every single devotee. In the middle of the night you called and asked us what is the formula to calculate the perimeter of a circle and you were referring to Brahma purana and was trying to share a beautiful pastime of the life time of brahma. I am so so unfortunate, that my tiny brain could not connect what you were trying to explain. I kept thinking, but being scripturally not so advanced, I was not even able to comprehend your message.

Through the night I heard your clicker clicking and you kept chanting till dawn. Gurudeva, my practical experience this year has changed many many perceptions that I was illusioned with, over the years. You broke many of those perceptions just by your actions. Throughout your life you have showed by your example that we are not this body and continue to do so, even more, in the last 10 years.  Your unflinching faith to Srila prabhupada and your commitment mood to serve the movement is what inspires me the most.

On this auspicious day I pray to your lotus feet, that I have the tiny little dust of those wonderful qualities showered upon me to serve Guru and Gauranga.

Finally, please bless me to chant with undivided attention to absorb my mind in transcendental sound vibration & submit my sincere thanks to keep me engaged in your service, tolerating my misgivings - which is your magnanimous quality.


Your most insignificant servant

Brihat Gaura Hari Das

Nama om visnu-padaya

krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka-

svamin iti namine


nama acaryapadaya





All glories to Srila Prabhupada




Dear Spiritual Master

Please accept my humble obaisances


Last year You have given me 2nd initiation out of Your kindness. I thank You so much, that I can go on the altar now and cook for the Lord. You didn't expect anything for that. You just give out Your mercy freely. 

When we met us there in London last year, You asked me, if I am the pujari of Nrsimhadeva in germany. You have thousands and thousands of disciples and we actually never spoke together before, but You knew who I am. This gave me a deep impression and faith in Your great personality. Similar like the paramatma, You are in every disciples heart and know everything about him. 

You passed so many pains and operations, which nobody would survive. But You did. And You become more healthy and more healthy. This is a miracle, if god wouldn't exist. I've asked myself, why the people don't recognize the wonders of Your pastimes. It's because they don't want to see god. 

I thank You so much, dear Guru Maharaja, that You enlight me. I thank You so much, that You are accepting me, even if I am so fallen.

Thank You Guru Maharaja, You are the best.


Your fallen disciple

Cinmaya Krsnaprasada dasa

Hare Krishna Mahārāja 

please accept my humble obedience all glories to Sirla Prubupada 

Thank you so much for all your kind love, care and compassion you show to us all everyday. You’re an amazing inspiration, and my love and gratitude is endless for you. Please bless me and pray for me, and thank you so much everything. 

Your servant with love 

Dhruva Mahārāja das 

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya                                                                                           Nama Om Vishnu Padaya

Krishna Presthaya Bhutale                                                                                         Krishna Presthaya Bhutale
Srimate Bhaktivedanta Svamin Iti Namine                                     Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine,
Namaste Sarasvate Deve                                                                                                Nama Acharya Padaya

Gaura Vani Pracharine                                                                                                        Nitai Kripa Pradayine
Nirveshesh Sunyavadi                                                                                                 Gaura katha Dhama Daya

Pashchatya Desa Tarine                                                                                                    Nagara Grama Tarine


Mukam Karoti Vachalam

Pangum Langhayate Girim

Yat-Kripa Tam Aham Vande

Shri-Gurum Dina-Taranam

Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,

Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,

Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa


Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisance’s to the dust of your lotus feet, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to You.

Words cannot express the deepest gratitude I feel for being a recipient of your causeless mercy. Under the dark veil of ignorance, I am rotting away in material life, becoming increasingly more degraded but through your causeless mercy, your deepest compassion for the fallen souls of Kali-Yuga, you lifted that dark veil and revealed the light of transcendental knowledge.

While preaching, you shine with purity, enthusiasm, heart-warming humor and the deepest devotion. Your lectures have always been a treasured source of shelter, challenging my materialistic conceptions and inspiring me to become Krsna Conscious.

Your ecstatic kirtans specially crying out for Gauranga and Nityananda are very heart touching and they radiate the bliss of devotional service and show us how to give everything for Krsna's pleasure.


Gurudeva you make us take 5 promises during initiation 5th one being to help You in Your mission of spreading Krishna consciousness. We are trying to do under the guidance of Aravinda Krishna Prabhu and Yamunaisvari Mathaji being part of East London Bhakti Vriksha but being so degraded I find myself not being effective enough. At this day and age where mental health is such a big crisis in the western world, people need Krishna consciousness more than ever, this is a good opportunity for us to do a lot more western preaching, but I am completely rubbish at it, atheistic views and challenges throws me back in debates, please bless us Gurudeva so that we can do more western preaching specially target the co-operate workers and office workers in London and cultivate members of our Bhakti vriksha and nurture them in Krishna consciousness ; without your mercy nothing is possible, the Bhakti Vriksha in East London is expanding more and more only due to your causeless mercy and blessing, You are a true shelter for countless number of souls in this material world, giving us the shelter to gain courage to move on with sincerity in the service of Lord Caitanya. Giving the mercy of Lord Nityānanda without any judgment of who is qualified or not.



In my small attempt to please you Guru Maharaj, along with Bhakti Vriksha, I am also part of the JPS volunteers’ team in transcribing Your classes under Karuna Pati Prabhu and also hoping to start pujari transfer service this year for their Lordship Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda


Please forgive me for the offences I have caused knowingly and unknowingly to Your divine lotus feet


Your insignificant servant

Dipadatri Gaurangi dd

East London




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nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Dear HH Jayapataka Swami Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisance’s at your lotus feet!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

All glories to your auspicious day! - We wish you a very Happy 71st Vyasapuja Guru Maharaj!

We would like to express our deep heart-felt appreciation for all the continuing service that you do and continue to do despite all the health obstacles you face – We humbly bow down to you and you are a real asset to Srila Prabhupada! Jai!

It continues to amaze us that with all physical difficulty you are still preaching and inspiring millions of devotees We pray that your health continues to remain stable! – All Glories to you Guru Maharaj in your travelling preaching mood mission! May Lord Narasimha protect you always!

This year has started off special for us as we formally took shelter of your lotus feet in January 2020 when you came to Birmingham UK for your 50th Sannyasi celebrations - Please kindly pray for us that we can continue and grow in our spirtual journey and serve you and your devotees very nicely!

With affection,

Your fallen servants and sheltered disciples,

Amit & Fiona Tailor

(Bhaktivedanta Manor,UK)



Dearest Guru Maharaj,                                                                                                             March 2020

Please accept our humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to you Gurudeva.

On this auspicious occasion of your 71th Vyas Puja we pray with our heart to Sri Sri Pancha-tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhava Asta Sakhi, Sri Sri Narasimhadeva, Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva & Subhadra Maharani to protect and strengthen our Guru Maharaj from all illness.

Gurudeva, we are from Nottingham and we have a small Namahatta group gathering every Friday evening. We attend Namahatta regularly and help to run the weekly programme.  We celebrate festivals by inviting our colleagues and neighbours. We do Harinam once  every  month and we participate in Prabhupada’s book Marathon as well.  Every Sunday we participate in the Skype Bhagavatam discussion.

We have our nearest ISKCON temple in Leicester, we visit the temple for special events, festivals etc.  Gurudeva by your mercy I  have recently started Bhakti Vriksha in Nottingham, this is happened by the continuous encouragement of our senior God brother Aravinda Krishna Prabhu & senior God sister Yamuneshwari Devi Dasi from East London and also with the help of Achutha Rupa das & Raghavalli Devi Dasi from Nottingham.  Currently we have 10 members regularly attending the Bhakti Vriksha session, we are doing it in different devotees house each week and take turns as we cant do it in one house every time.

Gurudeva we have finished our 7th week of BV on 2nd March 2020, so far this is going well, please bless us so that I can continue my seva to you in this way .

I,  Ganashraya Nitai Das regularly recite Narasimha Kavacha & 108 names of Lord Narasimha Dev since few years now for your health, I also circumambulate  Tulsi Maharani 4 times extra for your health and chant extra 2 rounds for your speedy recovery. My wife also does this whenever she is not working but she couldn’t do it regularly because of her long shifts. My daughter Shilpa took shelter in  Dec 2019 when you came to London on the way to U.S

We are begging to Gaura Nitai to give our Gurudeva  a very long life.

Your insignificant servants,

Ganashraya Nitai Das Adhikari

Gitanjali Janhava Devi Dasi

Shilpa and Shreya

Nottingham – England


Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. 

On the occasion of your 71st Vyasa puja, I pray to the Supreme Lord for your good health so that you are physically present to guide us in our services to you,  so that you can fulfill the instructions of Srila Prabhupada.

I have heard from your God brothers how dedicated and attached you are to Srila Prabhupada and the instructions he's given you and it leaves me in awe of you. I pray that I can have a drop of your Guru bhakti so that I can always remember you Guru maharaj in my services and stay true to your instructions. 

I pray to you so I can serve you more in your efforts of book distribution and in preaching. Im currently serving my 2 children,  aged 5 years and the youngest is 4 months. I pray to you for inspiration and encouragement to preach to others which will also become an inspiration for my young children. I remember my parents had Bhakti vrksha classes at home every week and this was a great learning time for me. I hope to continue the way my parents did at home.  

Kindly  give us all your blessings, guidance and love. 

Your humble servants, 

Bhaktin Gayathri, Vignesh Thanushri Radha (5) and Yogyini (4 months)

Dearest Guru Maharaj, my sheltering Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisance.

All glories to your devotional service at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja, please pardon my offenses due to my immaturity and limited vocabulary expressions. It was my greatest day when you gave me shelter on 11th  January 2020 at Birmingham.


I am an ISKCON devotee since 2017. I started with 8 rounds of chanting mahamantra. I was reallyextremely struggling to do the eight rounds of chanting. I thought I will never be able to do 16 rounds in my life. When you were not well and admitted to hospital all of us were praying for your

quick recovery as per the instructions of our Milton Keynes guru’s advice. I was doing extra 4 rounds of mahamantra chanting, Narasimha mantra 21 times and reading Srimad Bhagavad-Gita every day for your quick recovery only for a month or so.When you recovered your health, all of us were very happy. All of a sudden, I could do 16 rounds of mahamantra chanting without any problem like a magic because of the divine grace. I am ever so

grateful for the shelter you have offered. Looking forward for the divine initiation. Please accept my very Humble Obeisance unto Your Lotus Feet.


Your humble servant

Geetha Mataji (Sheltered)

Milton Keynes, UK.

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine.


Nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


Hare Krishna Dearest Srila Guru Maharaja.


I beg to accept my humble obesiance at your divine Lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Praphupada

All Glories to your Divine Grace


Wish you a very auspicious Vyas Puja Dear GuruMaharaj. Praying to Sri Sri Gaur Nitai and Lord Narsimha Dev Bhagwan to always protect you and many happy returns of this Auspicious day.


Guru Maharaja, thank you so much for your kindless mercy you given by being present in UK during the Bhishma Panchaka Vrata. It was a very blissful experience and Vrata was very transcendental by your presence here in UK. It was so nice to break the Bhishma Panchaka Fast along with you and you were so personally going around the hall to check that everyone is having the prasadam.


Guru Maharaj, you are a real acharaya you teach by his own behaviour and examples to inspire everyone.


Also, during this lockdown time you are inspiring and motivating us by giving your valuable association through zoom call. It was so insipiring and touching that you are uplifting and insipiring us.


We beg and pray on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja Guru Maharaj to please bless and forgive my offenses and uplift in my Spiritual life and use me an instrument in your Service to Serve Srila Praphupada.


Your insignificant and invaluable servant,

Gopala Ganasraya Das

Sulochana VrajaGopi Devi Dasi


Dearest Spiritual Father GuruMaharaj.

You are an Ocean Of Mercy and Compassionate to All living entities.

You had pick us up from the most fallen materialist worm in the stool.

Yet you nourish us with your spiritual love and light. Engaged us in the service of Srila Prabhupada in the mission of Lord Nitai Gauranga.

How can be repay you Father.


Your Servant Daughter

HG Govinda Gopi Mataji (Diksa)

Milton Keynes, UK.

Hare Krishna dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. 

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! 

I want to thank you for the Bhakti-vṛkṣa program you have directed as it is through the warm welcome I have received from the devotees at ISKCON Reading that I have been blessed with the shelter of the Holy Name.

I must mention Pratāpamaya Nitāi dāsa for his kindness in including me in all and numerous programs since we met just before Gaura Pūrṇimā. I particularly enjoy chanting with the group online every morning as well as the weekly Bhakti-vṛkṣa class.

I am but an ignorant fool, having gone so many years without seeking out, I fear even avoiding association of devotees. For this my children in particluar have suffered. Now they are almost adults, Kaivalyā is aged 18 and Devakī is 16.

I pray that I may be of some service in return for the grace the Lord and his devotees have shown me.

I have one question on my mind a lot lately. Can you  please advise how I should respond to people who ask why and so desperately want God to be a woman?

Your Servant,

Gregory Hope

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


All glories to Srila Prabhupad !!!

All glories to you GuruMaharaj!!!


All glories to your auspicious appearance day. Please accept my humble obeisances. I'm really fortunate to have your darshan last year when you came to london and become your aspiring disciple. I would like to thank you for accepting me as your aspiring disciple. I have long way to go to become your disciple. Please bless me to become your disciple as soon as possible.  

       We've been blessed with a baby girl this year and I'm so thankful for the wishes you sent to us despite your busy schedule. We(me and my husband) are blessed to have your diksha disciples as our mentors here in Iskcon South London temple, they have been giving us a constant support and encouragement. 

            It's being difficult for me to chant my rounds and do any service at the moment, please bless me to chant properly Guru Maharaj. I was thinking to transcript at least one of your lectures during my pregnancy, unfortunately i have not been able to transcript at least one, I feel very bad about it Guru Maharaj. 

         After the baby is born, i have not been able to focus much on Krishna Consciousness :( . But thanks to the technology we have your recorded videos on facebook and many of the devotees are transcribing your lectures everyday and sharing across, I can go through them sometime in future. 

     Apologies if I have made any offences against you Guru Maharaj.

     Im so grateful to you but I'm not able to reciprocate properly. Please help me and bless me to improve my sadhana, teach our baby about Krishna and Guru, to be of minial help in helping you to spread Krishna Consciousness at least in our surroundings.


Yours Servant

Himaja (Bhakti Vriksha - Iskcon South London)

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Mahārāja.

Please accept my respectful unlimited obeisances unto your Lotus feet.

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Please accept our humble obeisances and our loving humble prayer for your long life, good health and  happiness.

Thank you for your service to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupad and divine love. 

Happy appearance day to His Holiness Guru Mahārāja.

Sunil Prabhu,  
Ila Mātājī (Sheltered) 
and Ridhi.
Milton Keynes, UK.

Hare Krishna dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! 

Last year, in the month of November, I took aspiring from your lotus feet and you accepted me as I am. Though I am young, I am lucky to have been given this direction to the Supreme Personality of Godhead early in my life. There have been times where I have strayed away from this direction, however when I listen to your classes, I have always come back to my original place. As yours and Lord Kṛṣṇa's servant. 

I am following your instructions and using this precious time to read the Bhagvad-gita and become more spiritual. I have many people around me who are helping me understand many things and I am thankful for this. I am thankful for yours and Lord Kṛṣṇa's mercy above all. What surprises me the most is the fact that despite your health and wellbeing, you make the utmost effort us to gain the most knowledge on Lord Kṛṣṇa. You still teach and preach and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to attain a high level of spirituality. I am forever thankful to You for this. I am truely inspired by this and I respect You hugely. 

Furthermore, kindly shower me with your blessings, my beloved Guru Mahārāja. I would love to serve you and Kṛṣṇa forever. 

Yours Sincerely,

Inderpreet Kaur (aspiring)
Royal Holloway University of London, Egham.

VYASAPUJA 2020 disciple offering

Dear Guru Maharaj


Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you on this most auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja 2020


Thank you for coming to London UK in 2019. It was the highlight of that year

It is always a special spiritual experience to see you in person


A long time ago,when I was visiting the London UK temple a gentle shy German lady devotee named Revati devi dasi (disciple of Srila Prabhupada) who did service in the devotee restaurant now called Govinda’s  but then it was called “Healthy Wealthy and Wise” gave me a Bhagavad Gita. 

She said “ the last person I gave this to became a devotee”

I gave it back and said I could not promise I would become a devotee

but she said “ you don’t have to promise to become a devotee but take it anyway”.  So I took the book and miraculously I became initiated and  became a follower of Bhakti Yoga


I would like to offer you this year a gift of me distributing 52 hard bound books of Srila Prabhupada in London UK. this year. In this way it will allow a possible 52 people to become Krishna Bhaktas


Book distribution is not my full time duty/service but I am so grateful to that devotee lady who gave me the Bhagavad Gita that I try to distribute them when I can. I try and follow Lord Chaitanya’s advice “Whomever you meet, tell them about Krishna”

Who can tell about Krishna more than Srila Prabhupada ?

Let Srila Prabhupada tell them about Krishna from his books


There are many ways to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. Wherever there are people there are potential Krishna Bhaktas. One just has to give people a choice and giving them one of Srila Prabhupada’s books gives them that choice. I am a teacher by profession and working with other teachers.We help each other out a lot in the job. I first give prasadam and then at a later point I give prasadam and Srila Prabhupadas books as gifts for the help they have given me in my job.

I also sponsor books for others to distribute.These books go to members of the public and also to students/people in hospitals and those in prison.


I know that one of your many services to Srila Prabhupada is to expand the book distribution and I hope this little I am doing will help.

I was thinking that every one of your disciples who are working can sponsor some books for distribution. Sponsoring even one book can make one devotee and  I thank Mother Revati till this day 40 years later for giving me Srila Prabhupads’s Bhagavad Gita


Thank you Guru Maharaj for initiating me in London UK all those years ago. It was in front of Sri Sri Radha London Isvara/ Lord Jagannath, Lord Baladeva and Lady Subhadra / Sri Sri Gaura -Nitai/ Sri Giri Govardhana and the Vaishnavas.

Any spiritual advancement I have made has been due to your blessings and well wishes and following your instructions. Thank you for tolerating me.

This planet is so fortunate because you are on it

Looking forward to having the dust  of your Lotus feet cover all of us the next time you come to London UK


Hare Krishna!

your grateful disciple always

jaitradasa  (diksha) London, England, UK

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj,

On this most auspicious occasion I bow down before you and offer you my humble obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet. On this occasion of your Vyasa puja I would like to say thank you. Thank you for giving me shelter of your lotus feet at a time when I thought  I had no direction. I am very grateful for your giving me the opportunity to join the JPS spiritual family.

SB 4.30.34 "Even a moment’s association with a pure devotee cannot be compared to being transferred to heavenly planets, or even merging with the Brahman effulgence in complete liberation. For living entities to give up the body and die, association with pure devotees is the highest benediction.” Seeing your intense desire for preaching and giving compassion to lowly fallen souls like me, even amidst of so many difficulties.

Guru Maharaj you are a powerful example of how one should serve Krishna and spiritual master I hope I will continue my spiritual progress with your unlimited blessings and able to get the platform of pure devotional service in this lifetime.

Your insignificant servant,

Kamalangi Dasi

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s, all glories to srila prabhupada,

All glories to you on your most auspicious vyasa puja!  

When I reflect on my short time in Krishna consciousness it is quite apperant that I have no pious credits to be where I am now. It is only by your causeless mercy that I am able to be in Krishna Consciousness. I am so fortunate to have you as my spiritual master, spiritual farther, and ever well-wisher.

It has been just over one year since I took formal initiation in Mayapur dham, this was only made possible by the grace of your disciples, Vishal Guaranga prabhu and Amala Manajri Mataji. Your disciples are a truly wonderful, tolerant, loving and caring family for me. 

Dear Gurumaharaj thank you for picking me up from my miserable condition, even when I did not want to be picked up, or did not even know that I was miserable. Thank you for your causeless mercy unto me, thank you for giving me life, for your kindness, your time, your love, your care, and your constant inspiration.

Every day may I think of you, and remember that without your mercy I am nothing, may I do my services with the aim to please you, may I live my life in such a way that will make you proud.

Dear Gurumaharaj I am still a work in progress, but my prayer is that I can make myself strong, so that I can share Krishna with others, that I can practise Krishna consciousness sincerely, purify my heart, and to help you fulfil the instructions given to you by Srila Prabhupada. Please forgive me for all my short comings and offenses as I am surely very fallen, despite my fallen condition I pray to somehow always follow in your footsteps and "never give up" 

I pray to the lord that I can become attached to your lotus feet and cling on for dear life, as you are my only shelter.

"When bees forage from lotus flowers they produce a very special honey padma madhu. According to Ayurveda this honey, when applied to the eye, clears up a certain disease that causes blurred vision. In the same way, taking shelter of the lotus feet of the Spiritual Master, clears our material vision so we can see clearly, the path of devotion"

Thank you for giving me this chance Gurumaharaj, I will never truly understand how fortunate I am to have your cooling shelter. Your mercy knows no bounds.

Thank you for showing me what happiness really means, and what selfless service looks like.

Your aspiring servant, Kishori Yogini devi dasi. 



Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances, my sincere devotion and worship.

All glories to Srila Prabhu!


Yours sincerely, 

Kripali Deuchande. 

Dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisenses to your lotus feet

All glories to srila Prabhupada

Iam fortunate to have the opportunity to write  to you on the auspicious day of your appearance,you are so kind,so merciful,so tolerant person,u  areaconnected many souls to krishna conciousness like me  all over the world through nama hatta and bhakti vriksha . By your mercy only I was connected to  krishna conciousness through bhakti vriksha, u  have so much dedication to implement Prabhupada instructions. U are  example how one can serve his guru in any condition. U gave me opurtunity to serve you personally on your london visit.i was seen personally how you remember krishna each and every minute and every activity. Please bless me guru maharaj  to get same dedication  to assist you to fullfill our beloved srila Prabhupada  instructions to spread krishna conciousness and bring more fallen souls into krishna conciousness

Your servent


Hare Krishna dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

We are celebrating 70th Vyāsa-pūjā of Your Divine Grace in my university house in Egham. It was my first time watching such a beautiful ceremony, it’s hard to express my feelings through words by what you have given me. I am so blessed to meet you last year in Watford. You always asking about me and I feel so blessed by knowing that your prayers are always with me.

Thank you Guru Mahārāja for making time for all of us and coming as a blessing in my life. I’ve had so many realisations and it wouldn’t be possible without you. I’m so grateful for you and services that you have given throughout your life.

Thank you very much Guru Mahārāja for engaging your lovely service of Bhakti-vṛkṣa. Please bless me so I can carry on practising Kṛṣṇa Consciousness and take shelter and initiation from you one day. I want to keep practising this spiritual path and give it back to the society and the world through what you have given everyone.

Please forgive me for any mistake as it’s my first time.

Your servant,
Kusum Bhatt

Hare Krishna dear guru maharaj
Please accept my humble obeisences 
All glories to srila prabhupada 

Wish you very happy Krishna conscious appearance day

Dearest Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to your unlimited services!


Happy 71st vyasa puja to you! This year also marks 50 years of your acceptance into the order of sannyasa, which Srila Prabhupada had given directly to you. As with all other activities, your only wish was to carry out the order of His Divine Grace and to make him happy and therefore you took on this heavy responsibly of taking up the sannyasa order at the age of twenty one years young! It is amazing and unfathomable to see you tirelessly preaching the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in such a relentless way ever since joining the movement. You have never given up your determination to please your beloved guru and the previous acarayas. 


You are a mine of unlimited gem-like qualities and even having so many excellent virtues, you always remain humble and meek and have never shown any pride. You simply offer any achievements to Srila Prabhupada and always say that you are dependent on his mercy. This is such a valuable lesson and a very important instruction to always be completely reliant upon the guru’s mercy and I pray dear Guru Maharaja that I may always be placed upon the shade of your lotus feet forever.


We are so fortunate to have had such close physical association with you. You have tirelessly preached the length and breadth of the world hundreds of times over and you have never forgotten us in little Birmingham. You completely reciprocate the love and affection that we in turn feel for you just like a loving father. We were so happy to see you twice at the end of last year after so many years of not travelling due to your transplant operation and the concomitant health issues. But as soon as you resumed your travel, we were so blessed to be included on your travel itinerary-this is certainly due to your causeless mercy. As soon as you arrived it felt like the Mayapur spirit had flooded the Midlands-there were just waves after waves of pure bliss emanating from your lotus mouth. When I looked up during the initiation speech, I could just see big broad beaming smiles on everyone’s faces. At that moment I realized that we were not in Birmingham anymore, but had been transported to the spiritual world. 


The Bhagavatam  states that a pure devotee can immediately purify someone whereas bathing in the Ganga takes some time to be purified. We are always anxious to get your association because it immediately revives us to our original pure state-everything else pales in comparison and there is no other place in the three worlds that I’d rather be. 


I have no qualities personally Guru Maharaja, but I have great hope in your unfathomable mercy and I know if somehow or other I can grasp onto your words and instructions, that will be the greatest treasure and benefit that I will obtain.


Please bless me that I can somehow preach and help in Mahaprabhu’s mission following in your footsteps and the previous acarayas.


All glories to you. Your spiritual son,


Madhura Nityananda Das

My Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to the dust of Your lotus feet.


Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-Svamin iti namine

Nama acaryapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine

Gaura-katha-dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine



The secret of surrendering to Krishna is that such surrendered devotee sees that everything is part of Krishna's plan. Whatever is meant to be I am doing. Let me do it with my full attention to every detail. Let me become absorbed in such service, never mind what it is. Let all other considerations be forgotten and only my desire to do the thing best for Krishna's alone pleasure is my motive."

Srila Prabhupada´s Letter to Jayapataka - December 19, 1972


The moment I read the above quote of Srila Prabhupada I felt great inspiration and hope, and I felt an even greater happiness upon realizing that he wrote it as an instruction to you.

Thinking of you and your mood, I can understand that you are the embodiment of such instruction. Everything you do, as simple as it may be, you do it with full heart and dedication. I was always amazed to see you while choosing names for your disciples; how you would consider their own traits and personality and chose each of them in profound spiritual meditation.

I also remember the expert way you would catch souls for Krishna. Once you were talking to a girl new in Mayapur, you asked her for her email, she gave it you and you both kept talking. At the end, you told her, “I sent you a message”. I was in wonder as I didn’t understand how you did that while talking to her with full attention.

By the Lord’s mercy and your mercy there is so much I could say about you; both awake and in my dreams, you keep being the source of enlightenment and faith in my life.

Today, the most auspicious day of your Divine appearance, I pray to you, please bless me to live by this secret of surrender to Krishna, and surrender to your lotus feet.

Your menial servant and daughter,

Madhuri Yamuna dd


Dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obedience at your lotus feet. 

First of all I want to thank you from my heart for becoming my Spiritual Master. I am really very fallen and very sinful. BY your causeless I have got chance to serve you and Prabhupada and Krishna otherwise I would had continued rotting in this material world.

When you came to birmingham earlier this year I got an opportunity to cook for you some dishes. Although my cooking was not up to the standard but I enjoyed serving you.i was over the moon for good few months.  Hope next time when you come to Birmingham I am given an opportunity to cook for you again. 

I am attempting to help you serving Prabhupada by preaching once a week via phone calls to devotees in RamPura Berry, Rajasthan. I really want to better myself as a preacher. For this I will have to join some courses in Mayapur along with my mother who also wants to do some courses  to help me in preaching. 

Quite recently I had a car accident due to my urgra  karma in this life or previous life...but I was saved with minor injuries only  by your causeless mercy. I am indebted to you this .you are so kind and affectionate to me . I feel fully protected under your shelter.  I hope that i can serve you sincerely and dedicatingly for ever as a disciple. 

My am very sinful  and fallen person Without your mercy I don't know what would have happened to my spiritual life. I am very grateful to you and Prabhupada for giving me entry in KC movement. May with your blessings I serve this movement to people in loharu and surrounding areas in india who are bereft of love of God due to ignorance. My mother Sumitra who took an aspiration at your lotus feet a few years ago, also wants to help me in spreading this movement. Please bless her that she chants the holy name every day as part of her sadha.

Lastly, please forgive me for all my offences at your lotus feet, committed knowingly and unknowningly.

I hope this year proves good for your health. May you recover fully, we are always praying for you good health. 


Your insignificant servant 

Maharani Bhadra Devidasi 

24th march 2020

Birmingham, uk 

Hare Krishna !

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine
All glories to srila prabhupada. 
All glories to srila gurudev. 
All glories to your auspicious appearance day.
Please accept my humble obesciences. 
Dear guru maharaj. 
You are very merciful, loving and caring . We are very fortunate to have you as our spiritual father. You dedicated your whole life the desire of serving srila prabhupada.
Even though in the bad health condition still you are trying to please your guru is unimaginable. 
Dear spiritual father, thanks for accepting me as your disciple asi do not have any qualifications to become your disciple. Still out of your causeless mercy you accepted me .I am very indebted for you.
Thanks for giving us the bhakti vriksha which was in dented by bhakti vinod takur in the name of name hate. You took an extra effort and introduced it as bhakti vriksha. This bhakti vruksha was not only helping us eve for all the humanity it is helping by doing regular programs, devotee care ,serving the vaishnavas, temple programs. These things are connecting ustoknow more about Krishna,guru and gauranga.
Also it nourishes our bhakti lata creeper to grow nicely.
This program increases our understanding on philosophy, interesting in reading prabhupada books.
As u said yadi prabhupada na hoito, I want to say yadi gurudev na hoito. 
With out your mercy we are unable to reach any goals in our life.
Thanks for all the love and care guru maharaj. 
From your life I learnt that I should never give up on anything. 
Please bless me so I can become a instrument in your hand to serve srila prabhupada mission.
I have no attraction for holy name, serving vaishnavas , to do some service also.
Please forgive me and uplift me,empower me so that I can be a puppet in your hands so I can do whatever you want.
Please bless me so I can take care of basildon bv and southend bv. 
In basildon bv we are unable to encourage devotees to take up chanting and services. 
It's my fault guru maharaj please empower me so I can inspire them in all the aspects of services.
I want them to chant 16 rounds, read prabhupada books and serve vaishnavas, book distribution. I want to involve all these people in all the services . So they can become instruments in lord chaitanya movement. I want to all the prabhu to be serious the service so they can become humble and tolerant.

In southend bv everyone is very interested. They all can become potential leaders. We want to bring to the stage of 16 rounds, involve in all services, reading and understanding the essence of all prabhu pada books. 
Please give me the intelligence to convince all the prabhus so that can take up this service seriously. 
Dear guru maharaj. 
Last year we had a baby . Please bless him to become a devotee. Please give me the intelligence to train him nicely.
And help my wife and family to take up devotion seriously.
Please give me the strength, care, support , make me humble and tolerant so I can become sincere in my devotion and serve u for whole life.
Please inspire me to read books, chant attentively.
My chanting is not qualitative. Please make me chant attentively. 
Bless me guru maharaj so we can serve u eternally. 
You are the eternal servant of nityananda prabhu. So please give me the spiritual strength to become sincere in our devotion. 
We pray to lord narasimhadev to bless you with good health so u can inspire more no. Of people to become Krishna conscious. 
All glories to guru maharaj. 
Your insignificant servant

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances onto your lotus feet.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna,


Manjusha, Swapnil, Shubham and Shriya.





Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,
Please accept our respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All Glories to your service


We are very grateful that we have got this opportunity to offer this homage on your auspicious 71st Vyasa Puja celebration. As every year passes by, your divine;s unlimited glories are revealed and that reminds us how fortunate we are that you have given us shelter at your Lotus feet. By your own example you are teaching us how to remember Krishna in every situation. Srila Prabhupada repeatedly mentions that we are not the body which is difficult to comprehend what it means but by seeing your Divine  one can get a glimpse of what it is. It was very encouraging to have your association in UK this year after your successful transplant surgery and inspiring us how to overcome any situation when one has strong faith is Guru and holyname.


Thank you for engaging us in the service of Bhakti Vriksha under the guidance of HG Yamuneswari mathaji and HG Aravind Krishna prabhu helping us to evolve in our Krishna Consciousness and serve as an instrument in the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. By this process of Bhakti Vriksha many families are being connected to Krishna Consciousness and engaged in the service of Srila Prabhupada. Please bless us to connect many more souls and be an instrument to create empowered leaders to assist in the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

We would like to work on online preaching and also reach out to westerners.


Thanks for your time and guidance in our personal life and providing shelter at every step of our life.


Please forgive us for any offences we have caused knowingly and unknowingly. We pray for your blessings and spiritual strength. May we always be engaged in service at your Lotus feet.


We pray to the Lordships for your long healthy life and seek for your association for many more years to come.


your spiritual son and daughter

Manohara Nitaichandra Das

Supriya Jahnava Devi Dasi

 Guru Maharaj 71st Vyasa Puja

Dear Guru Maharaj,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja. 
Gurumaharaj When you visited Birmingham UK recently. It was a wonderful experience to have the rare opportunity to personally serve you alongside other vaishanavas. To learn from them and share your pastimes here in UK with them. Your association was amazing and attracted so many people from around UK & Europe. After listening to your classes so many new people aspired, took shelter, others had been waiting to take Harinam initiation and Brahmin initiation. Guru maharaj you just keep giving your causeless mercy. Even with your health issues you are always the liveliest and most caring person in the room.
This year we have been sharing our Sunday programmes between two venues. At the venue in Walsall our deities have taken temporary residence. First two Sundays of the month we are in Walsall. All the festivals and mangal aartis are also taking place in Walsall. Other weeks of the month we are at the Bhakti Yoga centre in Birmingham. The BYC is more central and convenient to many devotees, especially devotees who have to come in the bus or train.
Despite being spoilt for choice between our Birmingham & Walsall venues in the recent past, and where to hold the Sunday Sanga. Due to the outbreak of the deadly disease we have been unable to take association of the devotees. Everywhere there is a lockdown.  But still at least we have been able to give bit more attention to our sadhana, no excuses that we don’t have the time. Currently we are keeping up the preaching and Sunday Family sanga and festival programmes via zoom software online. While trying to keep up with supplies of food & hygiene in these uncertain times. Devotees are making sure the soul is also getting nourished at this critical time. We are praying for the safety of all around the world. Once this crisis is over hope more people will take shelter of God and meat eaters will stop slaughtering innocent animals.
Thank you Gurumaharaj for giving us shelter at your lotus feet and guiding us onto the right path. Born as ignorant fools we understand right to be wrong and wrong to be right. With your causeless mercy we are understanding now  the aim of this precious life and hopefully inspire our children to do the same. 
Guru Maharaj 71st Vyasa Puja
2 | P a g e
Even Lord Shiva under the guidance of Lord Brahma had to go and meditate in the forest to set good example to their children. So please bless us that we keep following your instructions and not only help ourselves but help our generations as well.
It may be a while now until things get back to normal and before we get your personal association again. We wait in anticipation once again to get the opportunity to serve you. 
Have a wonderful Sri Vyasa Puja day!! Your aspiring Servants Narayan Keshava Das & Radharani Ratiprada DD

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale 

srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine   

Nama acharya padaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine.   


Dear  Guru Maharaja,  Please accept my humble obeisance onto your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja.

I would like to thank you for giving me your divine shelter during your last visit to UK in 2019 I feel very blessed and I am indebted to you for your causeless mercy to a fallen soul like me.

Guru Maharaj, thank you so much for your divine guidance and ever present inspiration through video and zoom classes. 

Please give me your blessing so that I can serve you and Srila PrabhuPada in the mission of preaching and in my endeavor as a Bhakti Vriksha leader in Milton Keynes under the guidance of my sector leaders.

Your humble servant,

Nilavanti Akhtar. (Sheltered)

Milton Keynes, UK.

Our Dear Spriritual father Srila Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj,  

Very Auspicious and Special 71st Vyasa Puja

Dearest Guru Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet .


Though I am not qualified to glorify you Guru Maharaj, but on this day of your VyasaPuja I would like to glorify you from the bottom of my heart.

Despite of your health challenges you are constantly serving your Guru Maharaj Srila Prabhupada to fullfill his mission. Guru Maharaj you are the ocean of mercy, who  came to save many fallen conditioned souls like me. I am constantly swimming in this material ocean and without your mercy, I cannot come out of this Guru Maharaj. I strongly believe I have no other go. You are my saviour Guru Maharaj. You are merciful glance on me each time we meet fills my heart with immense happiness. Though I am the insignificant still you reciprocate with me. I am very fortunate to have your darshan and blessings in my dream Guru Maharaj.


On this day of your Vyasapuja I beg for your mercy and blessing to become more serious and advance in Krishna consciousness. sS it is  said in the scriptures, without Guru's mercy there is no other go. So, Please Guru Maharaj forgive all my offences and give me your mercy.


Your insignificant Servant.

Pavithra (Sheltered)

Milton Keynes, UK.

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

You are a pure devotee of Lord Krsna, and you are taking so many disciples while suffering the karma of those you already have.

You have such a sharp memory, you can remember every disciples name, where they are from, where and when you met them and what their job is.

When I took aspiring from you I said I would chant two rounds every day, I am now trying to do four.

You have time to go to every country that you have disciples which means you are travelling the whole world.

Thank you for giving everyone the knowledge of Krsna consciousness and please bless me I can take shetler and innitiation one day.

Your servant,


Hare Krishna guru maharajah Dandavat pranams 

please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet . 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All glories to Sri guru and Gauranga 

All glories to your auspicious appearance day . 

On this  very special day first I would like to thank you for all your causeless mercy on me 

Always I feel if you would have not started this bhakthi vriksha  in London I would have completely engrossed in material miseries 

you saved my life Guru maharaj

i am ever indebted you . 

All your tireless efforts to bring many many souls to Krishna conciousness in this stage of your health condition also is giving me strength to do Bhakthi vriksha services . 

Your dedication to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s instructions making me more serious in this path . 

When you came recently to Birmingham I was standing very close by to you and I was praying to you in my heart that please give me strength to fulfill your desires and I was thinking if you look at me I will take it as your blessings and you accepted my request but to my surprise in such a big crowed hall you showed me cake and asked me directly that “ do you want “ two times you asked me 

I was at shock then I realised you know what I am praying in my heart , your words are answer to my prayers  I never forget this incident in my life . Previously many devotees told me you know what we think and accordingly you will reciprocate, but this time I personally experienced. 

Thank you so much Guru Mahārāj for all  your kindness on this most fallen soul . 

On this special day I will request you to please kindly give me the strength to clear my all anarthas so that I can serve you with much more dedication at your lotus feet . 

Please kindly accept my prayers . 

                             Your obedient  servent 

                               Pramida( shelter )

                             East London Bhakthivriksha  




Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine
namo acarya padaya, Nitai kripa pradayine Gaura katha dhama daya, nagara grama tarine

Most Respectful Dear Srila Gurumaharaj,
Dandvat Pranam

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and
All Glories to Your Divine Grace

Please accept our most respectful obeisances in your divine lous feet on Your transcendently 71st auspicious appearance day.

For the first time in 2014 in Birmingham, by Krishna’s mercy we were blessed by having your divine darshan. Although, we are not deserving, by your causeless mercy you have initiated us during the Karthik month of 2019 and connected us to divine Bhrama-Madhva-Gaudyia guru parampara. We are eternally indebted to your lotus feet for your causeless mercy to accept us as Your disciples.  We felt immediate bliss in the chanting and our service like never before. We are your most fallen insignificant servants, having deep desire to somehow or other serve you in your mission to fulfil Shira Prabhupada’s instructions.

Your divine self have been restlessly serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, not resting for even a single moment, always inspiring us to engage in devotional service. Please bless us so that we that we can carry out your orders with top most priority. 

Your divine grace has overflowed world with Gaur Nitai’s mercy by your divine presence and transcendental instructions online thru Facebook and Zoom. Your divine instructions are our life and soul. You have always been practically teaching us how to engage in devotional service and carry out instructions of Srila Prabhupada. Dear Gurumaharaj you are ocean of bliss and your transcendental lectures on the compilation of Srimad Chaitanya Charitamrita showers pure Bhakti in listeners heart. We are eternally thankful for guiding and correcting us when we ask questions. Like, respectful obeisances are paid to Guru Maharaj and senior devotees while humble obeisances are paid to god brothers and sisters. Also, to always include Devidasi or DD at the initiated names of matajis. Your divine grace have transcendental humour beyond our imagination. We are always amazed to hear them.

Dear Gurumaharaj, being manifestation of mercy of Krishna, representing Balaram ji and Nityananda prabhu, your activities, your senses, your achievements are all all transcendental which are beyond our perception. Whereas, we being such a fallen soul full of false ego and anarthaas, make are situation very difficult. Hence, we are even eligible to glorify Your Divine Grace. Hence, we can’t think of any qualification  we have to take shelter of your lotus feet, and we are completely depend on your mercy. Your are in this material world just to fulfil Srila Prabhupada mission and bestow Gaur Nitai’s mercy on fallen conditioned souls like us. Hence, being acharya, you are  teaching us how to surrender ourselves to your divine lotus feet (Guru parampara). 

All Glories to Your All Auspicious Vyasapuja Celebration in Sridham Mayapur!. We thank you again and agin for providing us opportunity to participate in the transcendental 71st Vvas puja ceremony thru online media. 

Please forgive us for our for miskate and offences committed to lotus feet and please bless us so that we can serve your divine grace better with our  best efforts.

With complete faith we keep praying to Lord Narashimha deva for your good health and recovery.

Your insignificant and invaluable servant,
Prema Prakasha Gaur Das
Ishani Madhavi Devi Dasi





Dear Guru Maharaja


Please accept our respectful obeisances to your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


We are so close to and yet so far from you and today becomes even more special because we feel your absence even more but at the same time we remind ourselves how close you become to us in the way we follow your instructions and we try to encourage ourselves to help in your mission. 


Today is very important for us because we can say Happy Birthday to you and at the same time say thank you because you make us happy and very fortunate by your appearance in this world.


In the present circumstances with what is going on around us they say it is a test for compassion that people can feel for others, but the ultimate example of compassion is you because you give yourself to others without limit. In a world where love is a rare thing you are love personified, love for others and love for Guru and Krsna, you are the light that illuminates us in these dark times.


Always remaining your servants,


Prema-sindhu Caitanya dasa and Saci premamayi devi dasi.


Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK

Nama om Visnu Padaya Krishna Prestaya Bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine
Namah Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura Katha dhama daya nagara grama tharine

Nama om Visnu Padaya Krishna Prestaya Bhutale
Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine
namaste saraswati deve Gaura vani pracharine
nirvisesa sunya vadi paschatya desa tarine

Jaya sri Krishna Chaitanya 
prabhu Nityananda
sri Advaita Gadadhara 
Srivasadi Gaura Bhakta vrinda

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama 
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Mukham Kariti vachalam 
pangum langhayate girim
yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam
paramananda madhavam sri chaitanyam isvaram 

Hari om tat sat:

Our Dear Srila Guru Maharaja, please accept our humble obeisances at Your divine lotus Feet with deepest gratitude. 

Please accept our heartfelt wishes on the occassion of Your 50th Sannyasa anniversary celebrations.

The suffering you are going through is inconceivable as I heard Your pastimes form HG Mani Gopal Prabhu which he recollected the incident of one Mataji who was praying to Lord Narasimha Dev to transfer Your sufferings to her, immediately she got burnt on her shoulder due Arati lamp fire which You mentioned its just an Insignificant portion of what she was asking for. By this it is obvious how much suffering You are going through but still ever active and fresh on waging war against maya and saving the countless conditioned souls like us.

Your glories are spread all over the world. – during Your recent visit to Bangladesh few of the Bangladesh Border Security personal were insisting to check your luggage even after making You wait for more than half an hour (during which You were blessing the Security personal and their families), immediately they gets call from Dhaka warning them not to follow the protocols with the personalities like Yourself who travel all over the world to preach the protocols to end the suffering altogether, else they would lose their jobs. This happened in a place where there is a great deal of oppressions on the Hindu community, they know You, they Value You, they respect You and they appreciate Your mission. What else is needed to prove that Your glories are spread all over the world including the darkest parts of the world.

When in the history have we witnessed that not just one person, one family, one street but the whole village being delivered, Your repeated and most recent causeless mercy on Bangladesh devotees shows us that.

Showering your causeless mercy in favourable and unfavourable situations and also to favourable and unfavourable people.

Preaching in the hellish conditions (favourable and unfavourable situations) - I read in Srila Prabhupada’s books that ‘A pure devotee even if put into a hellish condition He will preach with unflinching faith’, actually the condition which you are in is as equal to as Hellish (considering the amount of bodily suffering You are going through every moment) but still you are preaching as (or even more) enthusiastically and with determination every single moment. 

Can melt the heart of even a demoniac (to favourable and unfavourable people): In Your recent Bangladesh trip, after few days of serving You as a security personal a Muslim person was even crying like a devotee while you are leaving from Bangladesh, Not only that even the Maulanas (Muslim clerks and preachers) were queuing to seek Your blessings from You with Jagannath tooth brush.

I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev and continue to chant extra rounds of Hare Krishna Mantra to relieve You from the bodily suffering and protect You from all dangers and inconveniences, so that You can continue Your service to Srila Prabhupada, preaching and spreading the glories of Gaura Nitai all over the world  (…Nagara grama tarine) for a long long time to come.

I beg You to bless me and Maalya by giving Initiation soon and please bless us with heart to heart connection with You.

By Your causeless mercy and favour of our Siksha Gurus (HG Aravinda Krishna Prabhu and HG Yamuneswari Mataji) we have got the opportunity to preach in Dartford and Bexleyheath areas, these areas are very fertile for preaching Guru Maharaj, Please bless us Guru Maharaj so that we can make use this wonderful opportunity and preach sincerely and enthusiastically in Dartford and Bexleyheath for both Indian and western people.

Preaching report this year: One family (Sameer and Sruthi) and one Mataji (Brinda) are very much favourable to take up Krishna consciousness and eager to advance in Krishna consciousness Guru Maharaj, please bless them so that they can aspiration when Your Divine Grace visits London later this year (2020) during Panihati celebrations. 

Please bless the below families so that they can start doing Bhakti Vrikshas from this summer Guru Maharaj:
1.    Ram Prabhu, Rajani mataji (with the assistance of Sameer Prabhu and Sruthi Mataji)
2.    Subarna Mataji and Gaurish Prabhu (with the assistance of Palaka Nitaichandra Prabhu and Kalavati Mataji)
3.    Rupali Mataji, (with the assistance of Ramesh prabhu and Brinda Mataji)
4.    Myself and Maalya

I beg to please give me a Formula to make any place complete and pure Krishna Consciousness within three years with minimum 108 empowered preachers who can implement the same in different places.

Also please bless me so that I can establish an ideal, united, friendly, joyful and empowered Krishna Conscious community with hundreds and thousands of families from different ethnicities, cultures, colours and creed. Which would be a role model community for devotees across the world.

We beg You to please bless us with Vaishnava qualities and serve and preach with ever enthusiasm, patience, following the regulative principles and follow in Your footsteps by serving Your instructions with heart and soul.

Yours servants, 
Rajendhar Nagulapally
Maalya Reddy Nagulapally.

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah




Nama Om Vishnu-Padaya Krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jaya Pataka-Swamin  iti namine


Nama Acharya padaya Nitai-Kripa Pradayine Gaura-Katha Dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine




Nama Om Vishnu-Padaya Krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Bhakti Vedanta-Swamin iti namine


Namas te Saraswate deve Gaura-vani pracarine nirvishesha-shunyavadi-pashchatya-desha-tarine




Hare Krishna dear Srila Jaya Pataka Swami Guru Maharaj, please accept my Respectful Obeisances.




All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


All glories to Sree Guru and Sree Sree Nitai Gauranga!!



Srila Guru Maharaj, All Glories to Your Divine Appearance. It’s already have been one year..!! It appears like we have celebrated Your Divine Grace 70th Vyasapuja just few days ago. We have got very wonderful memories in last one year. Your Divine Grace have showered the mercy on so many conditioned souls in this one year. With out a break Your Divine Grace have been travelling all over the world to give Your most precious association. We are very thankful to Your Divine Grace for making Your first western visit to UK and for showering extra mercy by visiting UK a couple of times.


We all are very blessed to celebrate the Bhishma Pachaka 2019 with Your Divine Grace. So many devotees did the Bhishma Panchaka vrata for the first time very enthusiastically. I personally felt I might miss Bhishma Panchaka in Mayapur Dham, but the news about Your Divine Grace arrival to UK for the Bhishma Panchaka celebrations gave us a big surprise and made us feel like that the Mayapur Dham itself coming to UK to show extra special mercy on all of us. We had wonderful and blissful time all through. Devotees, even with minimal prasadam and sleep were filled with full of energy by Your Divine presence Srila Guru Maharaj. 


We are very very grateful for Your Divine Grace second visit to UK on Your way back to India from US. All though Your Divine Grace regular route is different Your Divine Grace have changed the route to show Your Love for those devotees who couldn't come to see You in Your first visit, it is purely the unconditional mercy for all of us. Your Divine Grace visit brought all Your disciples brought together and everyone in the association felt unlimited happiness to serve together under Your Divine Grace shelter. Your Divine Grace have filled us with lot of Sweet Memories in Your last two visits. Everyone shares how they felt soo connected to Your Divine Grace including the kids. Your Divine Grace is the manifestation of unlimited time, You have the time for everyone on the planet. 


Your Divine Grace have been always very merciful on me. You have reciprocated many times in my life.  A simple thank is not enough to express my gratitude for Your Divine Grace, please do accept my unlimited prostrated obeisances.


Please do forgive me for all my mistakes and offences. It is not possible in any number of lifetimes to pay back what Your Divine Grace have given to me yet I am a beggar at Your Divine Grace Lotus Feet to seek Your protection. It is only You that can forgive & protect a sinner like me dear Srila Guru Maharaj. I shall try to rectify my mistakes. I humbly beg to give Your protection as always Srila Guru Maharaj and please I am seeking Your care for me as I am in need. I have no shelter other than Your Divine Grace. All though You are very merciful for my initiation request made during Your Divine Grace last Vyasa Puja the ill luck didn’t allow me go further. I take everything as Your Divine Grace mercy. Please do bless me with Harinaam Initiation this year Srila Guru Maharaj. Thanks a lot for  allowing me to travel with Your Divine Grace and Your Special blessings for my marriage.


Please always engage me in Your Divine Grace eternal service.







Aspiring servant of Your servants,


Rakesh (Shelter)


London, United Kingdom.

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My dear Gurumaharaj,

I offer my most respectful and humble obeisance’s at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to your loving divine grace.

All glories to your appearance day Gurumaharaj!!!

On this auspicious day of your divine descent into this world, the heart blossoms with thoughts of gratitude to Your lotus feet.

I feel so fortunate to have your causeless mercy even after being so fallen. Your blessings keep me going in Krishna Consciousness. 

Thank you for allowing me to have your association and serve you in UK. Your lectures, instructions and suggestions have been the main guide this year for me to facilitate bhakti vriksha. After your blessings, i was able to work on Bhakti Vriksha mobile app, and would like to offer it to you on the auspicious occasion of your vyasa puja. Please bless me and my bhakti vriksha members to advance in Krishna Consciousness. Please engage us in your’s and Radha Krishna’s service Gurumaharaj.

I pray to Lord Narsimha Dev for your protection and well being. I pray that I can be of any service to you and Srila Prabhupada.

I pray to remain a speck of dust at your lotus feet eternally. 

On this auspicious day, I implore you to continue to shelter me and bless me to preach Krishna consciousness more and more.


Your Servant
Ramakanai Mathuresh Dasa

(Reading, UK)

HareKrishna Gurumaharaj.

Please accept my humble obeisances.  
All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Nitai Gauranga.


I am writing this homage guru maharaj to express my sincere gratitude and million thanks for your abundant blessings and guidance in my spiritual life through your classes, association, magazines and other books. Recently when you were in London, Maha Varaha prabhu was explaining about the struggles you were undergoing just to push this movement further to please Srila Prabhupada, help your disciples and all ISKCON devotees. I was just struck with wonder for your determination to please Srila Prabhupada, all previous acharyas, Gauranga and Sri Krishna.  So I decided to do something to please you. You were very mercifully gave me shelter in the year of 2014 and I am looking forward this year to beg initiation from you. Recently I moved from Birmingham to Dartford (Near East London) and I am trying to engage myself here in Bhakti Vriksha services to make devotees in Dartford. I am praying Gauranga and Krishna to give you good health which we all desire always. Although I am absolutely unqualified, Jagannath Baladev Subadra and Gaura Nitai came as deities to my home and we are trying to serve them. I am a mletcha or low class person, so please bless us to have sufficient intelligence and strength to serve Jagannath and GauraNitai. Recently your one of the dear disciples Prema Padmini mataji gave name to our deities as Soumya Nitai and Sundara Gaura. Please bless us to server them nicely and engage in preaching as a service to you. me and my wife were blessed to have Aravinda Krishna Prabhu and Yamuneswari Mataji as our Siksha Gurus to guide us.


Last year, I was going to through many health challenges and also moving from Birmingham to Dartford. I couldn't do much for Bhakti Vriksha which I used to do in Birmingham. from Oct 2019, I am assisting in BV services under the guidance of my siksha guru. Please bless me to engage myself more and more in this BV services this year.


Your humble servant,

Ramarao daggubati,




My Dearest Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krishna _/\_

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Guru and Gauranga.

It’s my immense pleasure to offer Vyasa Puja offering to you, my dear Guru Maharaj. Perhaps it’s your kind mercy that I am able to offer and write these on account of Vyasa puja. It’s an inspiration to see you dear Guru maharaj with such a medical condition, your determination and passion to serve Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON and mercifully spreading the holy names of Krishna everywhere as instructed by Chaitanya maha Prabhu. Your mercy is causeless and i beg at your lotus feet to always keep me engaged in serving you Guru Maharaj. I pray to Their Lordships Sri Jagannath, Bala dev and Shubhadra Mayi, Radha Madhava, Pancha Tattva and Prahalad-Narasimha to keep You in good health and help to obtain your causeless mercy. On this auspicious occasion i pray at Your Lotus Feet to bless me and all the devotees so that we can assist you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your most insignificant and worst servant,
Rasashekara Gopala Dasa

Please accept my very Humble Obeissances unto Your Lotus Feet

All Glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to His Holiness Sri Guru Maharaja

We thank you Guru Maharaja for giving an opportunity to glorify You. 

Recently, when You visited London in 2019 and early 2020 in Birmingham, we were so happy to see You and to see Your health progress. We are eagerly waiting to see you again soon.

Respected Guru Maharaja, Kindly bless us, the fallen souls can make progress in devotional service and always remain at your Lotus Feet. Kindly bless us to reflect on our life during this lockdown period due to Coronovirus and only focus on the essentials of our life and prioritise devotional service including studying Srila Prabhupada books.

Also Guru Maharaja, kindly bless us to get initiated soon when you come to United Kingdom next time.

Please bless us so that we are empowered to continuously engage in preaching activities in London for adults and kids.

We need Your blessings to nullify all the offences we committed knowingly and unknowingly to Vaisnavas.

Thank You

Your Servants

Rajkumar Rajan

Priya Rajkumar

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja,

On this most auspicious occasion, we bow down before you and your lotus feet. On the occasion of your Vyāsa-pūjā, we would like to say thank you for giving us aspiration. Please give your mercy to continue our spirtitual life. 

Please accept my humble obeisances,

Hare Kṛṣṇa,

Renjini devi

Dearmost Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, the wonderful saviour of the world that you have connected me to. All glories to you, the saviour of my soul and my only shelter. basinbalo


Guru Maharaja, your glories are limitless. When you speak so expertly about our sublime philosophy, I realise how comprehensive, detailed and scientific our teachings are. When you speak about the qualities of Krishna, you teach me how personal He is, and make me question why I'm not giving my heart to Him! When you retell dramatic pastimes of Nitai-Gaura, my mind gets so absorbed that I feel nothing but happiness. And when you speak about Srila Prabhupada, you show me what it means to honour the instruction of the Guru as your life and soul, and meditate on pleasing him at every second. This is you, Guru Maharaja. An unstoppable force, igniting bhakti in the hearts of so many around the globe, despite the most trying circumstances. It is truly unfathomable that nothing stops you from spreading Krishna consciousness.


This year I've been reflecting on what it means to take responsibility for our spiritual life, as you reminded us the importance of this when you visited London in November 2019. Thank you, Guru Maharaja, for waking me up from my dull state, over and over again. I will forever be at your feet in gratitude.


Your servant eternally, 


London/Basingstoke, UK

Dear Srila Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj


Please accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet

All glories to your divine lotus feet

All glories to His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


Last year I had the great fortune to attend the 70th Vyasa Puja of your divine grace. It was a monumental occasion celebrating your ranking not just in ISKCON but as the senior most member in the wider Gaudiya Vaishnava family. 


Since then I had two opportunities to render some menial service at your lotus feet during your trips to the UK. It's always a striking contrast seeing your divine grace revered amongst an ocean of devotees compared to bring with you in closed quarters where one can intimately experience your warmth and compassion first hand. 


Now, reflecting on these moments I simply desire to increase my meditation on serving you incessantly without reservation. However I recognise I am deeply entangled by the modes of nature which pull me away from my determination. I am highly unqualified and undeserving and am realising more and more the extent of your compassion upon me. So I resolve to submitting a humble prayer to Sri Sri Pancha Tattva who are each unlimited oceans of mercy. They are the Lord's of my Lord and can grant any benediction to those with sincerity of purpose. 


yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādo

yasyāprasādān na gatiḥ kuto 'pi


On one occasion Srila Prabhupada translated as follows.


If the spiritual master is pleased, then Kṛṣṇa is pleased. That is the test. If he is not pleased, then he has no other way.


This year I was extremely fortunate to have witnessed the milestone opening of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium's Pujari Floor in your presence. It was a highly ceremonial occasion and the ISKCON world is greatly blessed to have your auspicious participation in the lead up to and unveiling of the first floor opening. 


Preceding this event was the ISKCON Leadership Sanga, where I got the opportunity to meet many senior devotees and Srila Prabhupada disciples who were speaking from different perspectives of our diverse and growing society. Intermittently I had the opportunity to speak to them in more details about their projects, and during the course of these conversations, I was in complete awe of their high regard for your divine grace. My gratitude for taking shelter at your lotus feet has multiplied. It became more solidified and evident to me that your glories pervade across the widest spectrum of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON. 


Prior to my trip I was listening a room conversation recording you had with His Grace Ramesvara Prabhu who quoted a wonderful statement from Srila Prabhupada about you - "here is the proof that our movement is a success". He continued to say that Srila Prabhupada was so proud of you and that he would often give your example as the success  of his western preaching. So I was also reminded of the same resplendent message in the words of your Godbrothers and Godsisters. 


My personal life has been one of significant changes this past year as I have moved home close to the Bhaktivedanta Manor community with the hope of intimately associating and serving with the sincere devotees here to increase my own taste for spiritual advancement. I humbly seek your blessings in this endeavour to grow a solid spiritual foundation in life from which I can offer myself further, in a way pleasing to you, in the service of Srila Prabhupada's mission. As numerous opportunities for service present themselves both here and further afield, kindly bless me with the vision to choose wisely so that my progress is enlivening and sustainable. 


Your insignificant servant

Sacinandana Karuna das

(harinama diksa disciple)

Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please kindly accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to You. 

I feel very fortunate and grateful to be Your spiritual daughter. Thank you very much for accepting me as Your disciple and connecting me to the glorious parampara. 

You are a glorious example for Guru Nishta and love for Srila Prabhupad. During all these years I have seen You in great awe of the seemingly impossible tasks You are doing. Despite Your very challenging health situation You do seemingly impossible tasks. You never give up even though You have millions of reasons to do so. After Your surgery You started world preaching tour with very delicate health. Cannot imagine how much love You have for Your disciples that You travelled all over the world to bless us all. 

You are an embodiment of love, care, forgiveness and compassion.

I have experienced all this during 2019 visit to UK. Many times I have desired that I would atleast get an opportunity to see You closely. I also have a desire that You should call me by my name. All this and more than what I have ever imagined You have mercifully fulfilled Guru Maharaj. 

This visit would ever be etched in my memory and I cherish it every day. Even someone insignificant like me and my family got an opportunity to talk to You, be with You and take Your blessings. 

Guru Maharaj please kindly bless me that I would be a pure devotee. Even though I do all sadhana superficially but still my heart is very contaminated and impure. I am struggling on how to get rid of these impurities. They seem to be very strongly rooted that even though I do not want them they are in me. I am sure that with your causeless mercy and blessings these impurities would be removed. 

Please kindly bless my family that we can together serve You and our services would please You and Srila Prabhupad. 

Last time when we met You I requested for blessings to preach western people. You have blessed me. I pray that it would soon manifest. 

Dear Guru Maharaj, please kindly forgive this ignorant fool for so much impurity and subtle bad qualities. Please please bless me that I shall be a pure devotee with a pure, clean heart and should always make you happy with my services.

Thanks you very much.

Your servant Sadhvi Gaurangi Devi Dasi

Vrinda (5 year old; daughter)

janame janame sabe pitā mātā pāya, kṛṣṇa guru nahi mile bhaja hari ei
In each and every birth one gets a father and mother, but it is very rare to get Guru and Krsna.

To you Gurudeva I am very indebted and it is my life’s mission to try to please you and get your favor. Although I am not so qualified to glorify you adequately I will try. To me, you represent many transcendental qualities of Srila Prabhupada. His mood of compassion, intense preaching mood, extensive traveling, his mood of constant care for devotees, his strict spiritual practice and his incessant resistance to compromise with the material energy.

Sometimes devotees ask, ‘is it not hard to get association with your Guru Maharaja?’. I always explain to them that although physical vapu association relatively is not so easy to obtain, as Srila Prabhupada emphasisedly taught, vani seva is most important. You have taught us that the Gurus intimate desires and aspirations are guarded within the inner depths of his heart, so if one can try to fulfill those desires, he is penetrating directly and connecting with the heart and soul of the spiritual master.  I  clearly remember two occasions when I had a major question to ask you –you appeared in my dreams and answered them.

From birth, my father instilled in me the mood of preaching, as he experienced Srila Prabhupada had the same mood. I always wished to take shelter of a Guru who I felt inspired me in this same mood, and who was very evidently empowered on a large scale by Lord Nityananda to preach and make thousands of devotees. I was so fulfilled at my initiation hearing the main emphasis of your class was the importance of preaching. Then I knew even more deeply that I made the right decision.

In the past six years, I have been dedicating some time to help in Latin American preaching. I first went to Latin America to Mexico, for the Mexico Bus Tour. A few months later, after completing my university in London, I decided to try to dedicate myself full time to Prabhupada's mission and try to give back. I was and am engaged in the service of traveling with Harinama Ruci World Sankirtan Party for the most part of the last 5 or 6 years. Doing street Harinama sankirtan, distributing books and lecturing. Mahavishnu Swami came and also started to give us his association with the group. With them, we visited Latin America for 3 months a year, every year, and traveled around the world every year. Over these years I have been picking up the Spanish language without study but by association, and last September in Guayaquil, the temple president Gurumangala Prabhu made me give Bhagavatam classes in Spanish, a huge milestone. I see that it is your mercy because your mood is to learn the local language of where you preach.  So by your mercy, I have been able to do some service there.

I am very inspired by your mood of preaching in far off and places where not many people go, and we try to do the same distributing books and the holy name in Vietnam, Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Japan, Korea and many more. We often hear of your preaching strategy which you did for many years, ‘one day, one country’. Knowing you're a GBC in Latin America, and hearing about your decades of extensive preaching in there, further strengthens my enthusiasm to help there. Last year I traveled with Vicaru Prabhu through all of Central America and a couple of places in the Caribbean, doing programs at universities, schools, yoga studios, etc, and as well as Harinama and book distribution.

My hope is that our small offerings will attract your mercy and blessings. I am a very fallen and unqualified disciple, but I beg you to please give me your mercy and blessings to advance in Krsna consciousness and help to bring new people to Krsna consciousness.


Your unqualified and fallen servant,
Sandipani Muni Krsna dasa

My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my humble obeisance on to your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you. On this auspicious day of your appearance I want to pray to Lord RadhaMadhava, Astasakhi, Panchatattva, Lord Narsimha, Lord Jagannath, Baldev and Subhadra for your good health.

By your unlimited mercy this year in January 2020 I got initiation from you. I eternally indebted for accepting and connecting me with Krishna. In the middle period of shelter and initiation your causeless mercy always guided me through dreams and your senior devotees. I am very much thankful for those care.

Today my heart is filled with deep gratitude for everything that you have given to me your endless love and protection. I need your blessings to serve you as a good preacher. Please bless me and give me that knowledge and intelligence so I can preach properly, and my words will be suitable for audience with proper Vaishnav mood.

Always seeking your blessings.

Your spiritual daughter

Sangeetapriya Madhvi Devi Dasi

East London (UK)

Please bless me in both my materialistic and spiritual life and help me become a greater devotee ,so I can serve others and serve the mission of prabhupad by preaching 

All Glories to Sri Guru and Tauranga,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad,

All Glories to Srila Gurumaharaj,


Our Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. Gurumaharaj, I am so fortunate to seeing you in London this year and very happy to know that day by day you are getting better and better. I am one of those unfortunate souls who are still stuck in the Family Bondage and unable to been initiated.


All, I am praying to Krishna is give me the opportunity to get initiated by His Devine Grace as soon as possible.


Gurumaharaj, since the Covet-19 Virus Threatening the whole world and we are praying that no infection or threat should come near any of our devotees and all our God Brothers and God Sisters. Kindly pray to Shri Narasinga Dev and bless all of us.


Gurumaharaj, please keep me in your special prayers to progress in Krishna Consciousness.


Your Humble Server 


Shanmugha Sundharam Subramani

East London,

Degenham Circle Bakthi Vriksha 

Hare Krishna !
Please accept by respectful obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet dear Guru Mahārāja.
All Glories to Śrīla prabhupāda!
All Glories to your Divine Grace!
Dear Guru Mahārāja,
I am ever grateful to your divine grace dear Guru Mahārāja, for giving shelter to such a fallen soul like me  at your lotus feet. Your Divine Grace are the most merciful and are always in the mood of Lord Chaitanya Mahāprabhu. 
Just like a mother takes care of her children even when she is not very well herself, your divine grace are still worried about us , always pray for us and never miss a day being there for all of us. Being in your divine presence is so blissful , it purifies the hearts dear Guru Mahārāja. We are so fortunate to have such an opportunity. 
 Please kindly  bless us dear Guru Mahārāja,with atleast a minute fraction of your determination , so that we will be able to serve your divine grace in a way that pleases you .
I beg you dear Guru Mahārāja to please kindly forgive me for the offences I may have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Happy Vyāsa-pūjā celebrations Guru Mahārāja.

Your eternal servant,
Satya Sree Yerra (shelter) 
Anil Kumar Senapati
Kharanshu Senapati

East London, United Kingdom.

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale  Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine  
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine  Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Dearest Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Your Divine Grace.

It's a very challenging time now on this planet due to the pandemic. But at the same time, it's probably the most favourable time to request every single person to chant Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Or at least to chant the name of God according to their own scripture. 

I wonder what Srila Prabhupada would have instructed if he were present on this planet, at this moment of time. I've never met Srila Prabhupada, my spiritual grandfather. But I'm your son. And in you, I see Srila Prabhupada, my very dear grandfather.

Every single day, I think how can this world be flooded with the Holy Name. This would please Srila Prabhupada so much. This would please you so much.

I just want to be an instrument in your service to Srila Prabhupada. I just want to be an instrument in your mission for Srila Prabhupada.
Thank you so much dear Guru Maharaja for engaging me in Srila Prabhupada's mission. Srila Prabhupada's mission is our life and soul.

Thank you so much dear Guru Maharaja, for everything.

Your spiritual son,
Satya Medha Gauranga dasa

My Dearest Guru Maharaj ,

Please accept my sincere obeisances unto your lotus feet . 
 All glories to  his divine grace Shrila Prabhupada!

All glories to your auspicious appearance day ! 

Guru Maharaj how fortunate we are to see you again in Birmingham after long time! We are so lucky to receive your shower of mercy again again. We are so grateful to Lord Krishna that he gives you all the strength to overcome all the physical challenges. 

Guru Maharaj , you are the real examples of the whole world to show how to serve Krishna in any situation in life. Whenever I see you I get inner strength. Everyday you class in JPS live in Facebook give me some felling that you are with us 'You never been far from us.

Guru Maharaj , I am the most fallen soul in the earth who is blessed with your mercy last 6 years and try to surve Lord Krishna through his servant of the servant of the servant of the servant. Currently I lived in Dartford, Kent, UK and practicing my sadhana  under with Dartford Bhakti Briksha, East London Zone. Please pray for us so that we can spread the Krishna Conciousness movements in our  area . 

Finally thank you so much for accept such an insignificant fallen soul as your sheltered desiple and shower your unlimited mercy. 

your sincere servant,


Subarna Saha

(Sheltered Devotee)

Dartford, Kent 

United Kingdom 

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj.

Please accept my respectful unlimited obeisances unto your Lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am the most fallen and not qualified to glorify you. I am writing this offering in this fallen condition to request your mercy Guru Maharaj.


Every day we are doing 4 rounds of Tulasi Pradaksina to help improve your health.


You are the most merciful, the strength you possess to serve His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada is so great, one cannot even imagine it. Your past times helps us learn the qualities of Vaishnava's. We pray to their Lordships to give you more strength to uplift the fallen conditioned souls like us.


Your mercy is helping us immensely to progress in Krishna Consciousness, We did few preaching programs here in Milton Keynes, Organised Japa Marathon, Kirtan Outreach, Bhagavad Gita Maha Yajna, book distribution and few little services for your pleasure. 


We are going to start Bhakti Vriksha preaching soon, so please bless us and send souls so that we will be able to do share the knowledge we have and please Guru and Gauranga. It will be only possible with your mercy and blessings.


Please pray for us (myself & wife Pavithra), currently we are under your shelter and request you to please accept us as your disciples and give us divine initiation. My Son Vineet is 7 years old chants 4 rounds of Maha mantra, he is learning BG slokas, Vaishnava songs and mridangam to serve Guru and Gauranga, please bless him.


I beg for forgiveness at your lotus feet. Please bless my family ( Brother's family, parents, In-laws family) and all the fallen souls so that they will take up Krishna Consciousness, only your causeless mercy will help them understand.


Your most insignificant Servant,

Suresh Panati (Sheltered)

Milton Keynes, UK.

Hare Krsna Gurudev

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Śrī Guru and Gaurāṅga. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

I have recently become your aspiring disciple. When you visited UK last November I had the good fortune to get your darshan at Heathrow airport as I work at T5. I also was given the opportunity to serve you during your visit to Birmingham in January at your apartment. That particular service to you has stay embedded in my heart ever since, and I am so grateful to your disciples for allowing a rascal to serve you and be in your presence, as I have no qualifications to do so. 

Also at that time my wife Nisha was due to go into labour at any moment as she was 2/3 weeks away from the due date. We would both like to thank you for giving us your blessings at the airport before your departure. 

Our Daughter Niramaya Lakshmi was born on 1st February , we can't wait for her to meet you and receive your blessings.

We humbly seek your mercy and blessings so that we can continue to serve you and take shelter.

Your Apsiring Disciple: Sukdev Arya

Well Wisher: Nisha Arya























Hare Krishna Dear GuruMaharaj


We Beg you to please accept our most respectful obeisance at your divine Lotus feet.


All Glories to You our Divine Grace.


All Glories to Srila Praphuada


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”


Nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


Hare Krishna,


Dear GuruMaharaj on this Auspicious day we are feeling very blissful that krishna has sent you to pick us from this ocean of material suffering. Thankyou soo much GuruMaharaj i felt i got a next life after taking your darshan in Heathrow airport when you came in Karthik month and with your mercy we could observe Bishma panchaka vrata and hearing to your lectures it was completely enthusiastic, uplifting and blissfull your Love and Care is unlimited. With lot of inconvineance still you are coming to every place and giving the mercy of Love of Krishna to all of us. Your dedication, determination and the Love for prabhupada is Inspiration for us.


Last year by your mercy GuruMaharaj i got oppurtunity to attend  online Bhakti Shastri classes and understood the bliss in  Reading Prabhupada Books. We beg for your blessings to get more n more attchmentment to read prabhupada books, for Chanting the HolyName and to engage in Devotional Service.


We wish you a very blissfull Vyas-Puja Dear GuruMaharaj and Praying to Lord Narsimha for your good health always and protect you in all conditions.


We wish to personally attend your Vyas-Puja sometime.


Please forgive for my offenses and bless me and my family for our spirtual upliftment.



Yours most fallen and insignificant servent

Sulochana VrajaGopi Devi Dasi

Goplala Ganashraya Das

Bhakti devi

My dearest spiritual father

Please accept my humble obeisances 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you


Happy vyasa puja Gurumaharaj. It’s always a nice time to come together with our god family to collectively glorify you. This is a benefit for us as it gives us an opportunity to appreciate your presence in our lives which is a means of purification. Such is the vaisnava tradition. 


Your glories are unlimited guru Maharaj. You attract everyone who is in your presence. I don’t think I have ever seen you standing or sitting alone or with just 2/3 people around you. This is because you have all the qualities of a Vaisnava. When you arrived in Birmingham this year, You asked for us to get you some thermal wear. I bought 3 different kinds thinking I’ve gone above and beyond and that you will be pleased. As I got puffed up, you brought me back down to my position as you chose none of it. It is because you are so conscious about everything in your surrounding. It really amazed me at how much thought needs to go into making a decision. 


I read in a purport that without Bhakti one cannot distribute mercy. I don’t think I can even begin to imagine your storehouse of Bhakti. As a disciple that mercy is a means of our survival in our spiritual lives. You are always thinking about the real welfare of all the people. Your only interest is in giving Krsna to everyone in any situation. Our duty as your disciple is to help you to fulfil your services to the previous Acaryas and spread Lord Caitanya’s mission. Please give us your blessings so we can be of some use to you. We beg to always take the shelter of your lotus feet. 


Your servant

Sunandini Sucitra dd

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā 
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

To my dearest, beloved spiritual father,

Please except my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Guru and Gaurāṅga! All glories to Jagad-guru, Śrīla Prabhupāda and all glories to your loving Divine Grace!

Wish you a very happy appearance day dear Guru Mahārāja!!!

Thank you very much for everything you do for me and for showering your mercy upon a fallen soul like me! I can never express just how much your prayers and blessings mean to me and how much I love you. 

It is only because of your prayers and blessings that my chanting is stable this year and that I am receiving devotee association. As I hear more of your never-ending transcendental pastimes from God brothers and sisters, they make me realise even more how lucky that I am to have the guidance and shelter of an exalted personality like yourself to save me from this miserable material world. Thank you very much for your daily enlightening Caitanya-līlā classes. I really look forward to hearing them and I can feel your presence with me when I hear and see them, as they magically answer some of my personal questions without me even having to ask. I can't wait to read your Caitanya-līlā books when they are released.

A few words that come to my mind when I think of you are: extremely merciful, selfless, caring, completely transcendental, loving, unstoppable, magnanimous, compassionate, determined, and humorous. But the list of your qualities is never ending.

During the book marathon, I managed distribute 100 books by your mercy. Last year, we organised a walk to raise money to buy a new electric van for Food For Life London to enable us to reach out to more people with prasāda. I organised the Harināma for this where 250 devotees had an ecstatic 7 hour Harināma across London. This event was a huge success as we managed to raise £60,000 from it by your blessings.

This year I pray I have the strength to always be fixed in my Kṛṣṇa consciousness, to have your transcendental association forever and that I never do anything to displease you. 

Lots and Lots of Love Always,

Your spiritual daughter and the most insignificant soul,

Śyāmavallabha Gopī devī dāsī 
(Diksha Disciple)

Nama om visnu padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale

Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine


Nama acharyapadaya nitai-krpa pradayane

Gaura-kata dharma-daya nagara-grama tarine


My dear Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obeisances and well wishes on the occasion of your auspicious 71st appearance day.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


As I look back over the past year, I can see how much your commitment to Srila Prabhupada and your service to him just keeps on growing and unfurling with evermore dedication, commitment and love.

Guru Maharaj you just keep on giving and giving, (even when you chastise us) and this is a indication that you are truly connected to the inexhaustible fountain head of Sri Sri Radha Krsna in their roles as Sri Sri Gaur-Nitai and your beloved spiritual father Srila Prabhupada.

How else is it possible for you to sustain the devotional lifestyle that you do?  Without such a strong connection to the Guru-parampara and the purity of your force this would not be possible.

I love and appreciate your humourous exchanges with devotees when giving darshan or interacting with them.  It stops me in my tracks every time to fathom your boundless sensibilities.   But how is this possible with the ever increasing physical and transcendental burden that you are under?  Only someone as surrendered and connected to a bona fide source could have the transcendental knowledge and stamina to endure this.

As I look back on my own devotional progress during the past year and the plans and goals I had made twelve months ago to increase my commitment to you by watering and tending my own devotional creeper with ever more love and commitment, it always feels like whatever I have done is not enough. 

But Guru Maharaj your example of love and dedication to your disciples is a constant inspiration, so I just keep picking myself up, reflecting on my behaviour and attitude, endeavouring to learn from my mistakes and just keep striving to be the best that I can.  Staying attentive to all the messages and insights that Guru and Gauranga are trying to impart to me.  Guru Maharaj please bless me to listen more and speak less and to recognise the preaching opportunities when they come my way.

Please keep me near you always,

Begging to remain your disciple


Taruni Radhika devi dasi

Nama om visnu padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale

Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine


Nama acharyapadaya nitai-krpa pradayane

Gaura-kata dharma-daya nagara-grama tarine


My dear Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obeisances and well wishes on the occasion of your auspicious 71st appearance day.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


As I look back over the past year, I can see how much your commitment to Srila Prabhupada and your service to him just keeps on growing and unfurling with evermore dedication, commitment and love.

Guru Maharaj you just keep on giving and giving, (even when you chastise us) and this is an indication that you are truly connected to the inexhaustible fountain head of Sri Sri Radha Krsna in their roles as Sri Sri Gaur-Nitai and your beloved spiritual father Srila Prabhupada.

How else is it possible for you to sustain the devotional lifestyle that you do?  Without such a strong connection to the Guru-parampara and the purity of your force this would not be possible.

I love and appreciate your humourous exchanges with devotees when giving darshan or interacting with them.  It stops me in my tracks every time to fathom your boundless sensibilities.   But how is this possible with the ever increasing physical and transcendental burden that you are under?  Only someone as surrendered and connected to a bona fide source, could have the transcendental knowledge and stamina to endure this.

As I look back on my own devotional progress during the past year and the plans and goals I had made twelve months ago to increase my commitment to you by watering and tending my own devotional creeper with ever more love and commitment, it always feels like whatever I have done is not enough. 

But Guru Maharaj your example of love and dedication to your disciples is a constant inspiration, so I just keep picking myself up, reflecting on my behaviour and attitude, endeavouring to learn from my mistakes and just keep striving to be the best that I can.  Staying attentive to all the messages and insights that Guru and Gauranga are trying to impart to me.  Guru Maharaj please bless me to listen more and speak less and to recognise all the preaching opportunities when they come my way.

Please keep me near you always,

Begging to remain your disciple


Taruni Radhika devi dasi


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Dear Śrīla Gurudeva,

Please Accept Our Respectful Obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet !

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! All Glories to Your Divine Grace!!

Happy 71st Appearance Day to you !!


Krishna is Karuna sindhu - ocean of mercy/compassion. It is inconceivable and unfathomable to anyone to understand how merciful He is. But for His devotees or someone who is trying to become His devotees, He allows them to have a taste of it by allowing them to experience mercy time and again through pure surrendered souls like you dear Guru maharaja. Every time we experience or hear about your thoughts and deeds we are only reminded of His limitless mercy. Every single time I’m totally amazed by the amount of care and concern you have for each and everyone of us. I always feel protected and reassured that by holding on to your lotus feet tightly, one day I’ll get purified and will be able to get there. I’m moved to tears every time I hear about how you cared for a devotee or a disciple. Recently I was fortunate enough to experience it myself when you addressed all of us disciples here in the UK through zoom. It was again so comforting and reassuring in the face of all the chaos that the world is going through at the moment. You so kindly take your time out everyday even in your poor physical condition, to check on us living around the world and want to make sure that we are safe. Not just that you also help us by reminding us that the Holy name is the only shelter that will protect us from the calamity.


Guru maharaja, I honestly was not able to do much to serve you or please you this past year. I can only hope, pray and beg you to be merciful unto me so that I can be a little squirrel and serve in my capacity to help you in the mission of fulfilling the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. I sincerely pray to Shree Shree Radha Madhava, Panchatattva, Nrsimhadeva to keep you in good health so that you continue to guide us and inspire us in the years to come. Please forgive me for any offence that I may have committed. Please bless me that I do not fall prey to any distraction and I always stay committed to my vows.


Your insignificant daughter,

Utkarshini Simantini devi dasi

Dear Srila Gurumaharaj , 
Please accept our most respectful and humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupad, All Glories to Your Divine Grace.

A few years ago, We overheard a casual but a very significant conversation between two of your god brothers shouting loudly against you on a simple act performed by a TOVP labourer /worker (who does not even know probably them) when we were walking along the front courtyard of Radha Madhava temple in Mayapur Dham , the statement made by your senior godbrother was definitely rude (in my opinion) but we did not have any authority to correct or to tell him off , however we took it as a sign of your magnanimous personal presence in this world that you are neither bothered of what other say about you directly or indirectly , in your presence or in your absence , Your Only goal in this world is to “see how to deliver every living entity and teach them how to become an honest servant of GOD and accept higher values in life “.

Gurumaharaj, twelve months have passed like a breeze feels like we are filling our timesheets day in and day out in which the good times are that we had a precious opportunity to serve you in person twice this year along with many of our godbrothers and sisters thanks to your doctors team who are helping us by bringing you closer to us for vapu seva with utmost care and devotion. We are very fortunate to be in touch with you over the facebook classes practically every single day and emails we appreciate that with utmost gratitude.

Today ,on this special occasion of Sri Vyasapuja , it is the duty of the disciple, (spiritual sons and daughters) to seek and beg you to bestow your causeless mercy on us so that we develop a humble and submissive mood of engaging ourselves with love to serve the new recipients of Krishna consciousness and bring them closer to lord Krishna , our BV leaders, members, devotees community ,god brothers and sisters ,to serve your holiness and to serve HDG srila prabhupad's mission much stronger and to beg forgiveness for any offenses ,sins committed at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly. 
Today ,again we want to appreciate with utmost gratitude what Your holiness have given us and what srila prabhupad has given you to us (It means a whole world to us ). 

Srila Gurumaharaj, Your presence is always enigmatic, an inspiration, your Facebook classes is always an innovation to reach larger audiences in teaching Krishna consciousness, your innovating fore sighted methods used in preaching are game changers in ISKCON 's global preaching strategies, we are simply using all these in our preaching options here in Reading, many westerners and Indian families have taken up chanting and are helping us during the Rathyatra festivals which were a great success last year and are also constantly progressing in their spiritual pursuits. 
Our BV leaders are more committed by your blessings and working closely to bring on board many many spiritual aspirants and seekers. We seek your constant blessings upon all of them and us so that we are able to administer the medicine of life on your behalf and srila prabhupad. 

Srila Gurumaharaj, every single occasion we meet whether in Mayapur or in UK mesmerises me with a great feeling of flamboyant festival of your presence . This reminds of Srila Prabhupad saying that “ in spiritual world every walk is a dance ,every word is a song and every day is a festival Nithya mahautsava” . On this auspicious occasion of Sri Vyasapuja  many old wonderful thoughts / memories of the 90s of your personal association to me are coming to my mind when I am contemplating to write this offering which I would want it to just stay with me  lingering for forever with my existence as a living spiritual soul .
This very special occasion is meant for introspection to my surrender and committment to your lotus feet and retrospection on how i can scale up the challenges of spiritual upliftment with your guidance and blessings having that in mind ,heart ,words with my deeds , we humbly surrender and pray that we be enabled more and more to progressively bring many innocent, spiritually seeking people to take up high valued (param dsrtva) life of Krishna consciousness in our small working sphere of activities and pray to the supreme lord Sri Sri Radha Madhava that they give you many many years of your precious presence to us and to the world we live in to deliver all the fallen conditioned souls. 

your son for ever indebted ,
vishalgauranga Dasa

Dearest Guru Maharaja,


Nama om vishnu padaya

Krshna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine


Nama acharya padaya

Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya

Nagara grama tarine


Please accept my respectful obeisance at your lotus feet on this very auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories into your Divine Grace!!


Happy Vyasa Puja Celebration!!!



You are a Soldier,

  A spiritual father and a friend,

A comrade and a pilot,

  Great warrior to the end.


If I read the biography of Thee,

  I would say myself, “Jiv Jago!

All the Vaishnavas on earth this sacred hour

  Deep honor to you will pay.

Not for the conquest, but for spiritual principle,

  To shepherd us cross bhavambudhi.



Atheist know not who you are or how

 You went to meet death’s hour.

But we know you did not pale or falter,

 Nor you did cower.

Here in your grandeur spiritual concert

   You grace this Memorable Day.


We know no hymns of prayer,

  Nor words of homage to glorify Thee.

The deepest honor a fallen can have

    Is your mercy, Oh Gurudev!

Bless us, O Spiritual Master!

   As we pay obeisance at your lotus feet.


Under Scorching Sun, clear skies,

    May we serve Krishna long and forever!

May we do not walk unknowing,

  The risk upon our path.

For Thou travels with us,

  Each and every day.


O Nectar of Mercy,          

I am eternally indebted to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna for connecting me to you and allowing me to be in your spiritual daughter.

I, the most insignificant, sinner, ignorant, egoistic, corrupted, ill feeling soul don't really know what is good or bad, what to accept or to reject, when to be stubborn or when to be flexible. I bow to your Lotus feet and honestly plead for your causeless mercy. Please help your downtrodden child to be pure, qualified disciple; so that I always remember that I am the insignificant servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord and be able to fix my mind on Gouranga's Lotus feet. Also please guide this fallen soul to come to light and engage in distributing your bliss Harinam Sankirtan. You are so merciful that anyone who is most sinner and offender can be faultless by your look. Please forgive me for all the known and unknown offended I committed. 


Your most insignificant servant,

 Vaisnavi (Shelter, East London, United Kingdom)

 Rajesh Perumal (Aspiring, Atlanta, USA)

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


My dear spiritual father Śrīla Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

It has been a great fortune for me to write the offering to your glorious 71st Vyasa-puja.  

It has been a great year with your merciful association in London in November 2019 and Birmingham in January 2020, spiritual energy is flowing in my life with full of bliss and ecstacy by your mercy. I am very much indebted to Your Divine Grace for giving this wonderful Kṛṣṇa Conscious family with love and care.

The super association in with Your Divine Grace gave a new life to all of us at a special time of Bhisma-Pancaka. We had so much mercy from you, we are so grateful Śrīla Gurudeva!

The celebration of your 50th Sannyāsa year was simply superb. We learnt the dedication, commitment and never give up for the mission of Śrīla Prabhupāda from Your Divine Grace.

My wife and daughter got special mercy from you during both your visits to UK. My daughter got an opportunity to take blessings from you and narrate the Dāmodara pastime for which she was so happy and felt complete ecstasy. Now that she has taken aspiration from you, she is regularly chanting and reading Bhagavad-gītā and trying to help in service as well. We as a family went to Africa for Dāmodara month preaching in 2019 with your blessings and mercy. It was really nice to see African people singing and dancing on the holy name. they are so innocent and really deserve the mercy of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. We had a massive church program where 600 Congolese people offered ghee lamp to Lord damodar and sang and danced in ecstasy. They all received fruit prasādam after the event. His Grace Oṁ Caitanya Prabhu had organised all these preaching events so we can assist Your Divine Grace in the mission of Śrīla Prabhupāda. Although there are many challenges in Congo preaching but by your mercy we are quite hopeful that it is possible to preach these Congolese people.

It was a great pleasant time when you visited London last year and blessed all of us unlimitedly. We are still relishing those wonderful moments and feeling the bliss and spiritual ecstasy. Your Divine Grace, you are always guiding and caring for each and every disciple and well-wishers personally. This is really heart touching and amazing.

Please bless me and all our group members that we can bring more and more souls to Kṛṣṇa consciousness this year in London as an offering to Śrīla Prabhupāda by following your instructions.

Thank you very much.

Your Insignificant Servant,

Yogeśvara Gopīnātha dāsa (dīkṣā disciple)
London, UK

Latin america

Querido Guru Maharaja. Por favor acepte mis reverencia. Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada. 

En el aniversario de Su Vyasa puja nos encontramos aislados en las Sierras de Cordoba ,lejos de toda asociacion personal , con lo que a la distancia, podemos empezar a realizar que la unica relacion verdadera que tenemos entre devotos es el canto de la japa, que debido a Maya creiamos que podiamos deambular libremente olvidando a krishna , olvidando la austeridad mas grande que realizo Srila Prabhupada al traernos el Santo nombre para poder salvarnos. Ahora que estamos deseando la asociacion personal , ahora que extrañamos krishna kata, estamos empezando a valorar ,estamos empezando a despertar entendiendo cual es nuestro unico refugio. Querido Guru Maharaja usted nos esta abriendo los ojos dandonos tanta misericordia con Su gran ejemplo de austeridad , con su tan rendido servicio a Srila Prabhupada honrando asi a todos los Acaryas previos, querido Guru Maharaja usted nos mantiene unidos en asociacion permanente con el Paramparam y a usted le debemos nuestra vida y honra. Ojala tenga yo la oportunidad de cumplir con mi servicio en Su mision, ojala tenga yo la oportunidad de asociarme con los santos vaisnavas que representan su compromiso con Srila Prabhupada, ojala me alcance el tiempo en esta vida para encontrar el nectar de cantar los Santos nombres. 

Ansiando asociarme con Sus devotos eternamente a Sus pies de loto. Adi Sakhi dd

Querido Śrīla Ācāryapāda, 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a Sus pies de loto. Todas las glorias a Usted y al día de Su aparición. 

Festejamos otro año de vida extraordinaria, de servicio inigualable. Es maravilloso como Usted ha podido en todos estos años tener conexíon personal e impacto masivo con tantos y tantos discípulos. 

Recuerdo en 1996 en Nueva Gokula cuando me encontré con Usted y le pregunté de visitar Uruguay. Unos años más tarde, logramos tener el inmenso honor de poder recibirlo en un país que le estará eternamente agradecido. 

Cuando Usted llegaba a mi país los funcionarios del aeropuerto se peleaban por llevar Sus maletas, por llevar Su bastón, por acercarse. Recuerdo como Usted les ponía aceite sagrado, e incluso remanentes de prasāda que ellos aceptaban encantados. Ellos jamás habían visto un devoto en la vida, pero sabían de inmediato que Usted era un representante de otro mundo, y en el corazón sabían que tenían que buscar Su misericordia sin causa. 

Su apego a predicar, a no desperdiciar un momento, me mostró el ejemplo supremo de entrega. Pude asistirle personalmente en dos visitas a mi país, y son momentos inolvidables que me acompañan hasta hoy. 

Este año pasado no pude coincidir con Usted en la gira, por estar en mi país. Seguí en separación las proezas de Sus viajes y me alegro profundamente que podamos tenerlo como referencia, guía, inspirador y maestro. 

Le deseo un muy feliz Vyāsa-pūjā, y permanezco a Sus pies de loto como el más bajo aspirante a sirviente.

Haribuddhi dāsa


Nama om visnu-padaya krsna prestaya bhutale, srimate Jayapataka swami iti namine

"Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a su Divina Gracia Srila Jayapataka Swami, quien es muy querido al Señor Krsna por haber tomado refugio a Sus pies de loto"

A mi amado, noble y misericordioso Maestro Espiritual, todas las glorias en el día de su aparición. 

Agradezco infinitamente a Sri Gouranga, Sri Panca-Tattva, a Sri Sri Radha Madhava y especialmente a Sri Nrsinhadeva, Quienes le dán siempre salud, protección y la oportunidad de cumplir sus más anhelados deseos, que son:

- Distribuir amor por  Sri. Krsna.

- Despertar muchos corazones en conciencia de  Sri.Krsna.

- Proteger a sus discipulos.

- Cumplir con las instrucciones que le dejó Srila Prabhupadita.

- Próximamente inaugurar el TOVP en Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir.

- Editar libros.

- Y otras más que sabe Sri Krsnita.

Tambien, agradezco a Prabhu Mahavaraja das,  al Comité de Salud y doctores que le sirven con gran amor las 24 horas del día, quienes son los ángeles que Sri Krsnita le puso a su lado para cuidarle a Su devoto puro! .  Mi eterna gratitud a todos ellos por ser fuente de inspiración para seguir complaciéndole con mi servicio con determinación y entusiasmo.

Gracias por ser el mejor de los padres! Me siento afortunada de servirle a sus pies de loto, ser una de sus discípulas de los 50.000 que tiene ahora!

Qué no me falte sus bendiciones, misericordia y su luz que ilunine mi camino hacia Sri Krsnita.

Minesi Prya d. d. (Diksa)

La Paz- Bolivia


 Dear gurudeva Jayapataka Swami, on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja, I humbly ask Lord Sri Krishna That your burning desire to be present at the inauguration of Mayapur candrodaya mandir become true,and i hope that for many many more years to our benefit we can have  yours happy transcendental association. Your holiness  is always  with  the names of Lord gouranga in your Lotus mouth . Please bless us to be like as you have always been, giving priority to the duties that Srila Prabhupada had given you ,by sacrificing your sleep and all other activites of the body reducing them to a minimum to give priority to your  guru maharaj.


 O tireless person, may the clouds of blessings of the Lord  always bathe your divine person, all  glories to you, gurudeva jayapataka swami !


 Your aspiring servant hara kanta das Brahmacari :south of Brazil,  sul yatra 




All Glories to SriSri Guru and Gauranga. !! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. !!!! All Glories to the most auspicious day on this planet, Sri Vyasapuja ... All the Glories to the day of your appearance, dear and beloved father and spiritual master ...... !!!! Srila Gurudeva Jayapataka Swami .... !!!!!!      Thank you very much for the opportunity to try, once again, to sketch out the almost impossible. With all due strength, ... q is the demonstration of gratitude for having you as diksha. My beloved father .... !!!!! My greatest happiness and seeing you dancing and singing, every day together with Senhor Gauranga, in my mind .....       I pray to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu for your love for Him, e. for his mission, he snatches the hearts of conditioned souls ... Huu .. !! ..... Huu .... !!! Hu.! Hu.! Hu.! It's Gurudeva .... !!!! Huu. !! ...... Huu .... !!! Hu.! Hu.! Hu.! Vyasapuja ........ !!!! Hu. !! ..... Huu ... !!! Hu.! Hu.! Hu! It's Jayapataka ... !!! Revatinath das / Brazil / diksha disciple

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine Nama acharyapadaya Nitai Kripa pradayine Gaura Katha Dhama-udaya Nagara Grama Tarine 


Dear Gurumaharaja 

Please accept my most humble obeisances 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All glories to You, dear YH JPS 

All glories to Your VYASA PUJA – 2020


For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful, beloved Gurumaharaja 

You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand, I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall

I was blessed because I was loved by you

You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

Your spiritual daughter


Bhagavati DeviDasi & family

Rio de Janeiro  / NovaGokula  


Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine Nama acharyapadaya Nitai Kripa pradayine Gaura Katha Dhama-udaya Nagara Grama Tarine 


Dear Gurumaharaja 

Please accept my most humble obeisances 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All glories to You, dear YH JPS 

All glories to Your VYASA PUJA – 2020


For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful, beloved Gurumaharaja 

You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand, I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall

I was blessed because I was loved by you

You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

Your spiritual daughter


Bhagavati DeviDasi & family

Rio de Janeiro  / NovaGokula  


Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine Nama acharyapadaya Nitai Kripa pradayine Gaura Katha Dhama-udaya Nagara Grama Tarine

Dear Gurumaharaja, please, I beg you, accept as simple obeisances from this poor conditioned soul. All the glories in his transcendental appearance, which he did to save as suffering already caused, propagating or teaching by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Out of Krishna's unmotivated mercy, Srila Prabhupada came to save me. He told me about an absolute truth and put his devotees in my path. Since then, through association with the Vaishnavas who are disciples of His Holiness, we have been lucky to hear, to hear their glories.

1 year and 3 months ago, I take refuge in His Grace Hara Kanta Das, which has been instructing and guiding me on the way to Krishna Consciousness always with great compassion and affection. I trust my whole life in my siksa guru, and He trusts all His disciples in His Holiness, Gurumaharaja Jayapataka Swami. So, not long ago, I received the grace to take shelter on your lotus feet, dear Gurumaharaja. You are so compassionate, sir! You are so kind that he accepts the shelter of that poor sinful soul, who does not deserve misery tomorrow.

Knowing you personally, made my certainty come true: it is through his misery that I could become aware. Please, Gurumaharaja, I begin devotional service and become fixed in Krishna consciousness. Give me your strength, Lord, for I can live like an animal! i need your help to become civilized and useful.

Dear Gurumaharaja, look at your countenance it makes me experience what it is like to live in Vaikhunta: a place without anxieties. Let me get to know you more and more. Let me be able to serve you forever, with my beloved Siksa guru and spiritual brothers.

From the aspiring servant of his servants,

Bhaktin Gabrieli.

By Sri Sri Goura Nitai

Mandir / Curitiba / Brazil

My Dear Gurudeva,


Please accept my respectful obeisancces unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you, on the sacred occasion of your Vyasa Puja.


I pray that you are very blissful on your day and that you keep rescuing many souls in every town and village you visit all over the world.


Lord Krishna has put you on my path and I am very fortunate to have you as my spiritual master.


When I am out on book distribution, I always think of you. When I first met in Nova Gokula in 2019, for your 50th Sannyasa Anniversary Celebration, my heart was deeply touched - I did not know whether I would cry or laugh, my soul was filled with love for I have met you. I felt my sould belonged to you, my beloved Gurudeva! I wish I could be closer to you on your Vyasa Puja Day but I am far - far, but somehow close!



Your sheltered disciple,

Bhaktin Madhavi

Dear Gurudeva,


Please accept y most humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you, on the sacred occasion of your Vyasa Puja.  

I wish a very blessed day and that you keep rescuing many souls everywhere you go.  

I have followed your activities for some time and I see how wonderful your service is. When I met you in Nova Gokula in 2019, I felt I should take shelter unto you. I am most fortunate for having met you in person. When I am out in sankirtan I have you in my mind and remember of the importance of distributing books, sharing this consciousness to many souls!

Your aspirant disciple, 

Bhaktin Rita Medeiros 
(Mother of Bhaktin Madhavi Medeiros)

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsna-preshthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine 


Nama acharyapadaya Nitai Kripa pradayine Gaura Katha Dhama-udaya Nagara Grama Tarine


Govinda Hari Charam Dasa


Naimisharanya- Campina Grande, PB- Brasil.


Querido Gurumaharaj, por favor aceite minhas respeitosas reverências! 


Aqui é Govinda Hari Charam Dasa, seu dentista no Brasil, se o senhor me permitir a intimidade (risos)!

Quero agradecer profundamente a misericórdia especial que o senhor me deu. Assim estou podendo ajudar na adoração às deidades de Sri Sri Maha Gaura Nitai em Campina Grande.


Logo após ser iniciado em Nova Gokula, também tive a oportunidade de ajudar como pujari nos serviços a Sri Sri Radha e Gokulananda e fiquei muito feliz por essa misericórdia.


Todo esse serviço só foi possível por que o senhor com seu olhar misericordioso transmite as bênçãos do Senhor Nityananda para que almas caídas como eu tenham a oportunidade de prestar serviço devocional ao Senhor Gauranga e por isso eu lhe sou eternamente grato!


Espero que a saúde do senhor melhore mais e mais a cada dia e que assim o senhor possa nos orientar e nos ocupar no serviço que leve a diante a missão de Srila Prabhupada!


Seu querido filho espiritual,


Govinda Hari Charam Dasa

Saintly person


Golden domes touch the sky, and the victory flag is fluttering in the wind.


Wewill hear songs about the saintly person of Mayapur, Who built the dream of his guru.


Loving father of thousands of children around the world.


Merciful Guru, guiding anyone who wants to follow him.


Servant of devotees, always ready to help.


They will talk about how the pastimes of Lord Gouranga gets sweeter when touched by his lips.


How powerful is your kirtan and strong is your dance.


I close my eyes and I can see singing and jumping.


It shudders my heart, I can feel the ground shaking from your dance.


I can feel your love,I am so grateful.


I can feel your vibration moving my soul.


I can feel your presence in my life.


I take your hand in my uncertain steps.


I really need your mercy and your guide.


Please, don't forget me.


Please, do not give up on me.


Your spiritual daughter Jagannatha Priya devi dasi

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai-krpa-pradayine gaura-katha-dhama-daya nagara-grama-tarine

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhu-tale srlmate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
namas te sarasvaste deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha-shunyavadi-paschatya-desha-tarine 


Dear gurumaharaj,


Please accept my most humble obeiscances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


"Nityananda admired the face of Visvambhara and said, smiling: Where were you? I have been looking for you for the whole world and I couldn't hear news about you."(Nityananda Caritamrta, Madhya-Lila)

Like a lotus flower in a mud, You came to this world without becoming contaminated just to execute your pastimes.

Who else would put off his stay in this evil world? You are the very own personified mercy of Lord Hari.

You are a pillar in ISKCON. You are an example for your godbrothers, disciples and wellwishers. You always have been notorious in preaching and you have heroic fame in all scopes of spiritual life.


You are the victory flag. You are the miracle of the spiritual and material worlds.


When I prayed for your apparition, Krsna showed me your vision. When I was sure about my disqualification, I was able to have an eternal connection with You.

And when I thought that I was graced more than enough, I could have some moments of coexistence in New Gokul Dham with the sweetest soul that I ever met.

jahara nikate gele papa dure jay emona doyala prabhu keba kotha pay: Where does anyone find such a merciful personality by whose mere audience all sins go far away?

When would I be just the servant of the shadow of your lotus feet? What comforts me is to have the eternal chance of following you.

Your daughter who is begging for your mercy,

Jahnava Isvari devi dasi

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya


cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ 



sthāpitaṁ yena bhū-tale

svayaṁ rūpaḥ kadā mahyaṁ

dadāti sva-padāntikam


vande ’haṁ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-
kamalaṁ śrī-gurūn vaiṣṇavāṁś ca
śrī-rūpaṁ sāgrajātaṁ saha-gaṇa-
raghunāthānvitaṁ taṁ sa-jīvam
sādvaitaṁ sāvadhūtaṁ parijana-
sahitaṁ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaṁ
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-
lalitā-śrī-viśākhānvitāṁś ca

he kṛṣṇa karuṇā-sindho
dīna-bandho jagat-pate
gopeśa gopikā-kānta
rādhā-kānta namo ’stu te


vāñchā-kalpa-tarubhyaś ca
kṛpā-sindhubhya eva ca
patitānāṁ pāvanebhyo
vaiṣṇavebhyo namo namaḥ

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda
śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda

hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare
hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare


gurvabhista-supurakam guru-ganair asisa-sambhusitam

   chintyachintya-samasta-veda-nipunam sri-rupa-panthanugam

govindabhidham ujjvalam vara-tanum bhakty anvitam sundaram

   vande visva-gurun cha divya-bhagavat-premno hi bija-pradam


All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga


My Dear Srila Jayapataka Maharaj


Please accept  my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. 



I remember the first time Prabhu Revatinath and I met ypu at the temple room in Rio de Janeiro. Revatinath is my personal friend for over 30 years. He took shelter at your lotus feet and I took Srila Govinda Maharaj's diksa initiation. However, I can say that having had contact with you in our youth marked our lives forever. Revatinath and I are still very close friends, especially after our parents abandoned the material body. I usually go to Rio de Janeiro Mandir together with Prabhu Revatinath and help him to prepare the Sunday prasada.

This is a real nectar for me. As Srila Govinda Maharaj was your well-wisher, I can say that I am interested in taking your siksa initiation. I close here wishing that Mahaprabhu Chaitanya would allow you to have a lot of health to preach and to stay with us longer. Your weel-wisher, servant and candidate for siksa disciple, Jayadeva Das (Jorge Luiz Mattoso Rodrigues) Rio de Janeiro Mandir Brazil, South America.


whatsapp number: 55 21 99012-4123

P.S. I am sending two photos. One it is mine alone, using a brown cap and the other it is me and Revatinath.


Jorge Mattoso


Mahananda Murari Das

Malini Bhakti Devi Dasi

ISKCON Itajaí residents

Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Diksa disciples 


Nama om visnu-padaya

Krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-

Svamin Iti Namine


Nama acaryapadaya





Dear Gurumaraj

Please accept our humble obeisances


In this auspicious day of your vyasa-puja we fell so fortunated by to be occuped in Your service that we have not words to describe it.


We just can strongletly thank You for everything You have already done for us and for everyone.

 Your exemple and determination are so inspirational.


By the mercy of the Lord Caitanya we have the Holy Names, and by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we have this sadhana, the sadhu sanga and the sastras. But to the most fallen soul the topmost mercy is requires, so that topmost mercy is Your shelther, instructions and association.


Thanky You Guru Maharaj

Thanky You for accept us as Your disciples, and please forgive our foults and offenses.


Anxiouses to serve You more and more


Your fallen servants 

Malini Bhakti Devi Dasi and

Mahananda Murari Das

Manohara Saciputra Das Brahmacari

Porto Alegre - RS Brasil

Sankirtan, pujari, administration



Nama om visnu-padaya

Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-

Svamin iti namine


Nama acaryapadaya





nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine


namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracharine



Dear Guru Maharaj Jayapataka Swami!



 2018 brought us a deeper understanding of the immaculate character of Your Holiness.  All the disciples were in great anxiety, apprehensive about the liver and kidney transplants that you were about to do.  On the day and time while the surgery was taking place, we held a vigil, spent the whole night singing the Holy Names, praying to Lord Nrisimha, keeping a ghee lamp on and circling Srimati Tulasi Devi.  We were very anxious and afraid that you would leave at that moment.  Both I and other spiritual brothers longed to meet him personally.  As I chanted the Holy Names, I thought about the loyalty relationship that many devotees had with Srila Prabhupada and how they suffered when Prabhupada fell ill and they feared his departure.  This situation was similar and it was through this that Krishna allowed us to experience a very different feeling of union with you.  During that night, I also remembered that one of the most important factors that made me want to be his disciple was that his life and soul had always been to satisfy Srila Prabhupada.  So at that moment I was also wishing to live in order to be able to satisfy you, Guru Maharaj.  Your Holiness has a very filling presence in our lives, just as the sun, even though it is physically distant, provides light and warmth and maintains the lives of many beings, you also provide us with enthusiasm and maintain our spiritual lives with the love and compassion that you have.  emanates.  All the immense effort you make to overcome health problems is only to give mercy to more people through your association.  Wherever you are, you are always enthusiastic to surrender, to cooperate in devotional service.


 Guru Maharaj, you manifest the ecstasies of an Avadhuta, but at the same time you are so simple and loving to everyone.  You are always humble, you always do what is necessary for people to become more and more Krishna conscious.  You are funny and fun, you are vigorous and determined, you speak in an attractive way and your preaching fills us with enthusiasm.  These qualities are just a demonstration of your love and your desire for everyone to be truly happy.



 Guru Maharaj, I wish to serve you forever.  For mercy, give me the grace to be more committed to your mission and, please, grant me the blessing to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books with determination and sincerity throughout my life, birth after birth.



 All glories to His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj!


 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


 All glories to Sri Sri Guru Gouranga!


 Nitai Goura Premanande!



 Golokera Premadana Harinama Sankirtana !!!


 From his insignificant aspirant to servant,


 Manohara Saciputra Das Brahmacari.

My Dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. 

All glories to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda.

All glories to you on the most blessed occasion of your Vyāsa-pūjā.

This year marks the Grand Celebration of your 50th Sannyāsa Anniversary, with devotees from all over the world gathering to glorify you and your endless service to Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission. We have witnessed how much the whole world expressed their gratitude towards your unlimited mercy. We have seen the same compassion being distributed to everyone. Your care to each and everyone of us, ISKCON devotees, knows no bounds.

The word guru-prasāda indicates that the spiritual master is very merficul in bestowing the boon of devotional service upon the disciple. That is the best possible gift the spiritual master has to offer. (Cc. Madhya 19.152)

You are the guru of the whole Bengal. You are the guru of Bangladesh. As Śrīla Prabhupāda predicted, you would preach in Bengali and would have thousands of disciples. In Bangladesh Yatra recently, we saw thousands and thousands of devotees getting ready for Harināma initiation, the biggest in history. You inspired a very powerful Nāmahaṭṭa program there and developed their congregation in that Holy Land.

Two decades ago, I heard a senior Godbrother mentioning that Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura had predicted that in the future a Jayapatākā would carry out the Holy Name Market through the Nāmahaṭṭa cells. And so you have created the Bhakti-vṛkṣa program, inspired by His Divine Grace.

Lord Caitanya’s causeless mercy is such that He advised all bonafide spiritual masters to speak about Kṛṣṇa Consciousness everywhere. (NOD p.65)

Being immersed in the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, your life and teachings are but an expansion of His pastimes. The more you tell us about Lord Caitanya, the more we want to understand and realize the truth of His saṅkīrtana movement.

Śrīla Prabhupāda states that by the blessings of a Vaiṣṇava, everything is possible, and that perfection can be achieved simply by the blessings of a spiritual master (Bhāg. 5.1.10). On this occasion, I am here to ask for a single drop of your devotion, to always remain inspired and determined by your example and love. 

Oh Father, I pray to remain at the cooling shade of your louts feet.

Your spiritual daughter,

Mitra Gopī devī dāsī

*nama om visnu-padaya*

*krsna-presthaya bhu-tale*

*srimate Jayapataka-*

*svamin iti namine*


*nama acaryapadaya*






*nama om vishnu-padaya *

*krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale*

*srimate bhaktivedanta*

*svamin iti namine*


*namas te sarasvate deve *






All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his pure devotees!

All glories to my dear spiritual father, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru


All glories to the auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja!


Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances

to your lotus feet.


With immeasurable satisfaction we celebrate your 71° Vyasa Puja. Wich words

would I have to glorify His Holiness? Your existence is beyond my

comprehension's capacity.


Please accept this simples homage made with love to your satisfaction.


You are a person so simple that easily fell pleased with those who dedicate

them selves to serve you. A saint and very kind person. Thank you for your

constant prayers and blessings. Your presence silences the kali yuga chaos,

and makes us forget all our problems, bringing entusiasm and refreshing our

desire to fight against maya in this  army. May I always be conscient about

His Holiness and may the desire of giving you pleasure be my life and soul.


We got the mercy of His Holiness presence in Nova Gokula and, by beeing an

Lord Caitanya's intimate and eternal associate, this is the higher blessing.


To help in the mission of rescuing all falling souls of kali yuga, Lord

Caitanya sent His beloved eternal associate. In this disagreements age,

when, in general, there are no religious processes, His Holiness have

expanding unlimitedly the reach of the most sublime process of chanting the

holy names. There is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other



His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya's senapati bhakta, didn't

come alone to fulfill his mission of rescuing the falling souls in the west

and spreading the harinama sankirtana to all villages and towns. Without

changing the basis, His Holiness have creating various methods so this

teachings can be spread widely for all over the world.


His Holiness have fulfilled perfectly all the services wich where giving to

you by Srila Prabhupada. Is very ispiring to notice how His Holiness is

always very fixed in fulfill what Srila Prabhupada gave to you.


Always completely transcendental to bodly inconveniences, His Holiness is

moved only by the compassion for the condicioned souls, and by the desire

to spread the glories of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya around the



Guru Maharaja, I can barely understand how afortunate I am by beeing

accepted as a disciple by His Holiness.


Please Guru Maharaja, be pleased with me. Only by your mercy I will be able

to attain pure devocional service. Please, make me an instrument of your

love. Please, free me from the ofenses wich stop me from advancing.


We asked you the blessings to have a child. By your mercy we had twins,

Seva Priya and Sarasvati Radha. Please Guru Maharaja, bless me so I can

well fulfill this great challenge of beeing a mother in Krsna



Please bless them both so they can be always serving the devotees, and so

they can develop pure love for Krsna.


From your fallen aspiring servant, Tungavidya Prema DD / ISKCON Itajaí

Mandir / City of Itajaí, Brazil / Diksa disciple.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj!


Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet.


My dear spiritual master 

How can I describe your glories properly?


Traveling here and there

Distributing the mercy everywhere


Your Holiness is a big inspiration

And for you all have admiration


Externally in body distress

Internally in spiritual extasy


Who could calculate your love for your dear most Lords Sri Sri Goura Nitai?


Who could calculate your topmost surrender

At the lotus feet of your  magnanimous master

Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada?


Your life is the expression

Of the true meaning of compassion


Your body has practically no life

You are moved only by one desire:

To alive Krishna's pain

And bring back home these rascals conditioned souls again!


Gurudeva instruct us:


For Krishna you must to cry!!!!

Anytime you can die!!!


Please do not waste more time!!!

And go back to Krishna in one life!!!


When will this poor soul be able to serve you properly? 


I have no capacity by myself

So I am begging for your mercy

Because only the one who has Prema

Can give it to others.


Please gurudeva, bestow your mercy upon this fallen soul


Your servant I want to be


Vaishnavi Vrinda Devi Dasi

Curtiba - Brasil

Diksa disciple


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

Dear Guru Mahārāja, 

This insignificant son of yours offers to you, in this very special day of your appearance in this miserable world, all his gratitude and respects. Oh munificent father, only a great soul, full of compassion, like you are, would willingly descend to this realm of darkness to save souls that are so deeply covered by the mud of lust like myself; only a giant heart as you have can serve as a jar to store and pour unmotivatedly the limitless blessings of Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi over so many thousand of disciples and millions, billions and inconciavable amounts of souls in the Age of Kali. I have no way at all to repay you, my debt is everlasting. Please Gurudeva, give me a glance of your loving vision and empower me to be humble with everyone and a good servant in the mission of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

I have no qualities, but I do have a desire to serve you and make you satisfied with my actions and attitude. Please my loving master, give me the strength to continue in your service, because I know that your love will accompany me for eternity. I'm too polluted by my contact with matter to grasp even the surface of such an ocean of mercy that you in all represent, so here I ask you father: occupy me in your service forever. Nothing else has any importance, only what you and the ācāryas say that it's important truly matter. 

In the three worlds this day must be celebrated! The example of fidelity to the spiritual master that is your every action is an inspiration to all, the force of your compassion is what moves your lotus lips to enlighten us, your thunderbolt arms to direct and correct us, your lotus legs to reach even more suffering entities to save and your lotus feet to give us shelter from the dangers of māyā.

My deepest gratitude for saving me.

Your disciple, 

Vinaya Śrī Nitāi dāsa, 
Itajaí Mandir, Brazil.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to the auspicious event of your Vyasa Puja!


My dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

My beloved Spiritual Master, allow me to have your mercy so I can perform service and help you in the mission of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya. 

By knowing your glorious activities and service to Lord Krsna my only wish is to follow your footsteps.

You were sent by Lord Chaitanya with the mission to save this world and all the fallen souls, please be merciful towards me.

Please accept me as your eternal servant.


Your aspiring disciple,


Yamuna DD

Suzano Mandir 

Sao Paulo - Brazil


Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to your divine self!

We had an opportunity to get your darshan during Your Santiago(Chile) visit . We were blessed with the rare opportunity to offer our humble obeisance by touching your lotus feet. We took aspiring also on the same day we met in the temple. All this happend becasue of our association with Sri Nama Radha Devi Dasi

Thank you for being the beacon of Krishna Prem and helping fallen souls like us to find our way out of this vicious trap of maya. 

We humbly seek your blessings for us and our 2 children (Ramsai Koushik and DattaSai Saketh) so that we can advance in our spiritual life . Please keep us in your prayers.

AppalaRaju & NagaRajani

Vanca kalpa tarubhyas ca krpa sindhubhya eva ca patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnabhyo namo namaha.

Jay guru maharaj por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias una y otra vez, todas las glorias a sri sri gaura nitay.

En este trascendetal y aupicioso día

Quiero a agradecer eternamente  a su inmensa misericordia, por permitirme estar bajo la sombra de sus pies de loto, por darme la inmensa fortuna de poder conocer y servir a jay sri krshna chaitanya prabhu nityananda sri advita gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta vrnda.

Y en especial agradecer a srilla prabhupada por poder darnos el darshan de tenerlo a ud. Guru maharaj 


Nos postramos bajo la sombra de sus pies de loto con gran respeto y veneración.

  Dandavat pranam. 

Nama om vishnu padaya krishna presthaya bhutale srimate bhakti vedanta swami iti namine. 

Hari om tat sat

Desde Punta Arenas chile


Hare krshna. 
















Nāma om visnu-pādāya Krsna-presthāya bhū-tale śrīmate Jayapataka-svāmin iti nāmine.

Nāma acaryapadaya nitāi krpa pradayine gaura kathā dhāma- daya nagara grama tārine.

Muy amado Guru Mahārāja:

Acepte por favor mis más respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Cada año esta fecha tiene un significado especial para todos sus discípulos y en mí, producir algo como un renovador mis fuerzas, es el comienzo de un nuevo tiempo, saber que no importa si me importa o me siento débil, porque su ejemplo me guía y me fortalece. ¿Cómo poder agradecer tanta dedicación? ¿Cómo rendirme cada día a pesar de mis debilidades solo para retribuir tanto amor?  

Gracias por ser la luz que me muestra por donde debo avanzar, gracias por ser tan magnánimo y lleno de misericordia ante mis errores. Si hay algo que no quiero en la vida es fallar a su confianza.

El camino del servicio devocional es la forma de sentir su cercanía, agradezco el servicio que puedo hacer para sentirme más unida a usted; me nutro de sus palabras y mensajes tan profundos. Lo mejor que me ha permitido suceder en esta vida es conocer Conciencia de Krsna y encontrar tan valioso refugio, poder servirle siempre como su discípulo.

Tuve la dicha de asistir cuando vino a Santiago de Chile, recibir sus bendiciones, escuchar sus clases, sentir su presencia que todo lo llena.

En el Śrī Guru-astaka, se dice: que por la misericordia del maestro espiritual uno recibe la bendición de Krsna y sin la gracia del maestro espiritual uno no puede hacer ningún avance. Es por eso, que quiero en este día reconocer una vez más, que sin su mirada bondadosa y llena de misericordia, mi vida perdida y que si hubiere algo de valor en mí, es solo porque usted me ha rescatado.

He pasado mucho tiempo de esta vida y muchas otras vidas anteriores, sin sentido, en su ausencia el vacío es muy grande. Por favor, perdone mis ofensas.¿Cuánto tiempo he tardado? Por favor, no permita que me aleje nunca más. Deme la misericordia de seguir sirviéndole, vida tras vida, sin importar el lugar o la circunstancia, solo servir desinteresadamente a sus pies de loto.

Su Sirvienta eterna,


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namah

My dear Spiritual Father please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet on this very auspicious day of your Vyasa-puja !!

All glories to your beloved Spiritual Master His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. 
All glories to you who are so kind and merciful to all living entities by giving us opportunity to start with and progress in devotional service 

Dear Guru Maharaj when you came to  Santiago I was not there , I mised your association and blessings , please bless me for advancement of my spiritual life, I'm fortunate to have you as my Guru to show me the right path , pls bless me for Krishna Prema...

Thank you so very much  for accepting my husband and son as spiring deciple  

Hari bol

Your spiritual Daughter

Ria Das 

Santiago de Chile 

My dear-most ,merciful Srila Guru Maharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your divine self!

On the most blessed occasion of your divine appearance day, this is my paltry attempt to pen down some of your glories. Your glories have no beginning and no end and therefore i do not not where to begin. All possible positive attributes that one can find in a dictionary, can be applied to your divine self. You have left no stone unturned to inspire millions of people all over the world. I am blessed and fortunate to have been accepted as your disciple. In about 5 years as initiated devotee, I am already feeling the heat and realise how one needs to be really determined to survive a spiritual lifestyle in the Maya`s den. Indeed, if not for your spiritual guidance, i would have not survived even for 5 days. When you visit us here in Santiago Chile, it boosts our spirits to keep continuing our devotional service. You have shed several gallons of blood to make devotees all over the world and you continue to do so. Thank you for your persistence and patience, love and kindness, strength and resilience, care and concern. 


I beg for your blessings to carry out your instructions for me. Your instruction to make many devotees is what adds sweetness to my spiritual life. Thank you so much for that wonderful instruction. It is most satisfying and fulfilling.

Please forgive my knowing and unknowing offences that i may have committed at your lotus feet.

Please engage me in your service even life after life after life.

Your insignificant servant

Sri nama radha d.d.

My dear-most merciful Srila Guru Maharaja


Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your divine self!


On the most blessed occasion of your divine appearance day, this is my paltry attempt to pen down some of your glories. Your glories have no beginning and no end and therefore i do not not where to begin. All possible positive attributes that one can find in a dictionary, can be applied to your divine self. You have left no stone unturned to inspire millions of people all over the world. I am blessed and fortunate to have been accepted as your disciple. In about 5 years as initiated devotee, I am already feeling the heat and realise how one needs to be really determined to survive a spiritual lifestyle in the Maya`s den. Indeed, if not for your spiritual guidance, i would have not survived even for 5 days. When you visit us here in Santiago Chile, it boosts our spirits to keep continuing our devotional service. You have shed several gallons of blood to make devotees all over the world and you continue to do so. Thank you for your persistence and patience, love and kindness, strength and resilience, care and concern. 


I beg for your blessings to carry out your instructions for me. Your instruction to make many devotees is what adds sweetness to my spiritual life. Thank you so much for that wonderful instruction. It is most satisfying and fulfilling.


Please forgive my knowing and unknowing offences that i may have committed at your lotus feet.


Please engage me in your service even life after life after life.


Your insignificant servant

Sri nama radha d.d.


Gouranga prana dasa (Harinam Diksa 1983) Bogotá-Colombia.


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Fui uno de tus primeros discípulos iniciados en Colombia junto con con Jay guru dasa y dos madres. Corrió una nube  oscura disolviendo ISKCON- Colombia en el año 1987, por lo que durante un darshan me dices no haga caso a las lenguas venenosas “Si te he fallado y no tienes fe en mi, apégate a los pies de Srila Prabhupada, sí el me salva a mi también te salvará a ti” fluyeron lágrimas de amor en tus ojos de loto y pude sentir en mi corazón por tu gracia divina y  los torrentes de amor que emanas. Eres mi Señor y salvador eternamente, a tus divinos pies ofrezco mis humildes reverencias. ¡Oh!, tú mi gurudeva divino Srila Acaryapada; Maha Guerrero de amor divino ¡ki Jay hariiiiiiibol!.El 31 en diciembre mi corazón lleno de gozo al recibir tu muy anhelado y misericordioso Darshan después de casi 20 años. Experimenté la dicha que no había experimentado antes. Eres mi gurudeva adorable siempre ¡Srila Acaryapada ki Jay hariiiiboll!

Bhaktin J. Paola Vargas (aspiring disciple), Bhaktivedanta Centre- Bogotá, Colombia


All Glories to your auspicious appearance day! 

My most humble obeisances at your lotus feet, please acept this poem as my offering in this day.



The victory of the movement of lord Caitanya

personification of the Sankirtana Yajña

sweet expansion of Lord Nityananda.

Direct associate of Gourachandra.


Soul itself of the preaching that revives the Namahatta.

manifests the Shradda that awakens the soul captured in Maya

through his gaze Vaikunta itself could be revealed.

for the fallen, an effulgence that invites to inquire


Savor the causeless mercy of your personality.

It is the greatest enjoyment of any entity.

his words are precious gems that adorn the heart.

his answers are nectar that lead us to surrender.


Oh my lord how my heart could dance for Krishna! I asked

without a word, with a hand  movement through a window

As if the sun needed a spark to be the source from which everything emanates

He have shake the heart, hitting the walls of a tyrannical cage

So answer, already dance.


It is the guru who invites the heart to dance.

by awakening the devotion of the service in the heart 

Like a fire that ignites wood through another fire.

His causeless mercy had cause in my life


Enthusiasm and remembrance of the mercy from a Mahatma.

so that the flag of devotion continues hoisted for the jivatma

Only a great soul can give the right message.

Only you could convert the mind from enemy to the sweetest encourage


My lord life after life. My father birth after birth.

You have descended directly from the breast of Goloka Vrindavana

you have agreed to take such a glorious body.

You have put yourself in this situation to bestow the highest blessing.

The most intimate service to your most sincere disciples


Goura Nitay! Goura Nitay! Sing all!

Even in sickness and danger, you did not fear your condition.

but feared for the spiritual freedom of the entities around 


"I want to associate with devotees every half hour!"

"Tell the nurse that I pray for her every day!"

"Tell the guard that I will pray for his family!"

All sing! Hare Krishna! Hare Rama!


The Lord's pastimes, recited by your sweet voice.

They are like exalted honey that cleans the soul.

vivid and clear, they melt the heart.

 the rasa of your devotion is exposed by your transcendental smile


Please my lord!

you are the guru that inhabits the heart.

let us recognize you in it and be an instrument of your love


All Glories to GuruMaharaja!

Now I would like to relate how I met Swamiji.


The last December 31, 2019. Maharaja came to Bogotá just for one day. I was really nervous, it was the first time he could have Darshan from him. I was with an old devotee, disciple of Swami Maharaja and previously he told me, "When you know him, you will immediately feel his prescience, you will cry". When he got out of the airport, all devotees offered ghee lamps to his personality, immediately I touched his lotus feet and offer my obeisances, I started to cry with no apparent cause and felt something strong  and heavy in my heart, a lot of pressure..


When we arrived with four or five devotees to the Hilton Garden Hotel, I saw something really special in his eyes, I could note that he does not blink just occasionally, he told me were: "Hare Krishna Madre (In Spanish)" All devotees were tensed, while they tried to get Maharaja out of the van, unconsciously a devotee gave me the  Pillow of Maharaja he put it on my face like playing, I could feel a slight smell of saffron, the Old Devotee Gouranga Prana was Crying, he was taking the Wheelchair of Maharaja, and as he sat, the devotee put his face in his Shoulder and started to cry and pronouncing his Pranam.

Arriving to the reception of the hotel, he asked for Lord Jagannath's toothbrush, he gave me his blessings and ask for a photo with me, I was really sensitive in that moment was a really emotive meeting with maharaja. 


going up in the elevator I thought that I couldn't get in with them, I was the only woman, but Maharaja permitted it, he started to ask me how long I have know devotees and my name. he told me "Chant Hare Krishna"  pointing my Japa's bag. He didn't stop to see me any time and I didn't too.


When he was at his room, one of his servants told me "Just until here" pointing the line of the door, Maharaja saw me, and started to ask to a bogota´s devotee who were I. Suddenly he pointed me and made a signal with his hand saying "come here" the devotee got freeze, he looked at Gurudeva, then he looked at me, and said "But Maharaja..." .So Swamiji Looked at me and made that signal again. I got inside the room, and he told me "How can I Serve you?" I was impacted, what such a trascendental  personality asking me how can he serve to me?, that humble teaching has no limits. I was really nervous I just could ask "Teach me how to become Krishna Conscious", He moved his head back and laughed very loud. I just smiled, was a really funny moment, so I told him, I am not very intelligent, and I have not any knowledge, suddenly hi interrupt me, he wasn't interested to hear my apparent show of humbleness. And told me, write five questions, I will take prasadam and chant Gayatri Mantra, then you could ask.


During the next time I was helping to serve Prasadam, I Knew Maharaja was really tired he slept just 2 hours that day to give us his mercy.  I waited in the next room, and I had the opportunity to hear some of the glorious pastimes of his divine grace, and I didn't know what kind of questión should I ask, but I tried to do the best, I just wanted to please him.  


I sat with the old devotee, in front of the door waiting to Maharaja, we could hear when his servants were bathing him and putting his clothes, the door was half-closed and we could see some of that glory. Maharaja saw us and stayed like that, and few minutes later he went out, and told me, "I was looking for you", the devotees told him that I was helping serving the prasadam, so he told me “Do it”,  the Questions I did were: "how can I serve you?" 

He laugh again, that was not the kind of questions he was waiting, the next question was, what can I do to improve my relationship with Krishna, he was not answering my questión, servants were anxious because Maharaja had to arrive as soon as possible to give the conference. So, without the help of a servant, without any etiquette I told in his ear, "My lord, how my heart could dance for Krishna" He said, "that is the most important"; I gave him a present called "Mochila" that is a kind of artesanal bag that was woven by my mom, he put it in his forehead and thanked; a devotee close the door of the ca  and his divine grace put his lotus hand against the window of the car during one or two minutes, he did it before, when he left the airport, and me an other devotees corresponded him, but in that special time, he was giving me that mercy, we were alone, just he and me, he was touching my hart. I couldn't believe what was happening, I felt him like a father meeting his daughter again, he saw me examining my heart, he knew that I would need that enthusiasm in my life. that proof of mercy was inconceivable.There he replied with no words, It is the guru who can make the disciple's heart dance for Krishna.


During the conference, he answered the other questions, including the question about my service. and during his darshan he told me "all questions resolved?". He inverted his word solving my dumb questions. But he read my heart, he new what was my anxiety. the relationship with other devotees out of ISKCON because of the situation that have been presented in recent times in Colombia with other lines, and his answer was: " The relationship with other devotees must be of absolute respect". That showed me, who was my real father, his qualities, how does his mind works, he is able to see Krishna, in every being, including me. that is other level of transcendence. 


Guru Maharaja. I have face recently very difficulties in my spiritual road. And only this space in my mind where I keep that pastime with all love, is what make me stronger. I am happy of all this difficulties, because Krishna is showing me his mercy, the only thing I can do is Chant Hare Krishna as your instruction, and think about your sweetness instructios.


Sri Krishna will make justice, and I will glorify him.


¡Ananda Sema nai, Nirananda Dure Jai!



Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances

All glories be to Srila prabhupada

All glories be to his auspicious appearance day Guru Maharaja this the twelfth year that I have the great fortune to celebrate in the company of the devotees, spiritual brothers and well-wishers, I also celebrate twelve years of having started the process. I thank you very much for that, for having such a beautiful opportunity, infinite thanks to Krishna for allowing us to have one more year in this world and to be the best example in devotion and dedication to service, each day with each action teaches us, a thousand thanks for his love, for his great mercy and compassion for all conditioned souls who like me long to awaken the sleeping Consciousness and follow his great example. My words are really insufficient to glorify you in the way that you deserve and the great joy I feel to be able to demonstrate the infinite gratitude of having you as my spiritual father. My eternal gratitude is expressed to you through these words, I humbly ask you to always take care of being able to serve him in some way, I pray to Krishna to always keep me in association with the devotees dedicated to his service and Srila Prabhupada's, only in this way that I can move forward in my spiritual life. I thank Guru Maharaja for the beautiful gift of his presence in Latin America, especially in Guayaquil where I was able to go to take his sacred association at the end of last year. I was really very lucky May Guru Maharaja be highly glorified today wherever his teachings come, my humble and respectful obeisances, everlasting gratitude and love for all that it means to have him as a spiritual father, for giving me the unbeatable mercy of being his disciple, I wish that he and all days be accompanied by the protection of Radha and Krishna He prostrates himself at his lotus feet

Your happy maid

Kamalini Visnupriya devi Dasi

From Cali Colombia and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai temple where I gather and support the service

Costa Rica

Querido Gurú Maharaja, por favor acepta mis mas respetuosas reverencias. 

En este día tan especial como es el día de tu paarición quisiera decirte que cada día que escucho tus clases me siento más protegida y feliz de poder servir tus instrucciones. Jamás pensé que podría alcanzar mi sueño de poder refugiarme en tus pies de loto una vez que tuve que huir de mi país. 

Gracias por ser tan noble al compartir tu misericordia con discipulos de todos los rincones del planeta y hacer el movimento de conscienciade Krishna y las papalbras de Srila prabhupada una realidad en estos tiempos.

Muchisimas gracias por tu determinación y fuerza paracontinuar instruyendo a las almas de este mundo y a la vez, gracias por tu dulzura y por preocuparte por los devotos como lo haces. 


Actualmente estoy comenzando a hacer las traduccionesy transcripciones en español de tus clases  diarias, para una pagina de facebook y compartiendolas con amables hermanos espirituales que antes no tenia a través de whatsappesto como como un servicio para ti Acaryapadaya aparte de los servicios para el templo donde estoy por ahora.

Tu humilde y torpe  servidora

Liz Valero







                                                                                               Namo om visnu - padaya

                                                                                              krsna - prestaya bhu - tale

                                                                                                 Srimate Jayapataka -

                                                                                                   Swamin iti namine

                                                                                                 Nama acaryapadaya

                                                                                               Nitai - krpa - pradayine

                                                                                         Gaura - katha - dhama - daya

                                                                                            Nagara - grama -  tarine


                    Querido y amado Guru maharaja en este dia especial de tu Aparicion, para todo el mundo devocional de ISKCON,                                              quiero expresarle de lo mas profundo de  mi corazon  mi gratitud en este dia de su Vyasa Puja, 

                     Y , de su grata presencia y compasion por almas como las nuestras que nos encontramos  en el camino de la senda                                         Espiritual, 

                     Por su gran Misericordia y enseñanzas para seguir sirviendo en su MISIÓN... y poder difundiendo todas las Glorias de                                     Sri Radha Krsna.......

                   Sigo aprendiendo cada dia para si mejorar mi servicio,  oro para no caer , menos rendirnos , y tener su miserecordia                                       y fuerza para continuar ...


                                                                        Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias.


                                                                                           Su eterno hijo Espiritual:


                                                                                        JAYA DHANVANTARI DAS.


                                                                                             QUITO - ECUADOR








Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias a Nitay Gauranga y al movimiento de Sankirtan.

Querido Guru Maharaja por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto.
En este día de su Vyasa Puja, tratar se glorificarlo desde mi posición caída es complejo.En su último viaje al lado occidental del mundo y su visita a Latinoamerica lo ví como algo muy heroico, Solo una gran alma como usted podría hacerlo sobre todo después de haber pasado por tanta dificultades con su salud. Pero su entrega absoluta a Srila Prabhupada, al movimiento de Sankirtan y su infinita compasión no tiene limites. Vino a darnos su amor y misericordia.
Personalmente me sentí muy aliviado y feliz de verlo.
Me siento bendecido por su misericordia sin causa. Oro siempre por sus bendiciones para algún día alcanzar Prema Bhakti y servirlo adecuadamente.
También por favor deme la fuerza para predicar adecuadamente en estos momentos tan difíciles que la humanidad esta pasando.
Gracias por su amor y entrega, y por ser mi maestro espiritual aunque no lo merezca

Su sirviente
Jaya Sudhama Dasa
Nueva Mayapur. Ayampe. Ecuador.





















                                                                                          Nama om visnu padaya 

                                                                                           Krsna prestaya bhutale

                                                                                            Srimate Jayapataka

                                                                                            Swamin iti namine

                                                                                             Nama acaryapada 





                      Ofrezco mis  respetuosas reverencias y  homenaje a  Guru maharaja,  Jayapataka Swami . Todas las glorias por  el día de                                                                                                  tu auspiciosa  aparición.

                                 Eres tan misericordioso e inspirador , su condicion de salud no le impidio continuar con su misión.

                   Querido y amado Guru Maharaja en este día especial para todo el mundo devocional de ISKCON, quiero expresarle mi gratitud,

                               por su  grata presencia y compasión por almas como las nuestras ,para  encontrar  el camino de la senda espiritual.

                .Para mi fue una gran inspiracion verlo despues de tanto tiempo y  un honor que usted me 

                       aceptara como su discipulo ,  tomar refugio en sus sagrados pies de loto y que me diera sus bendiciones.

                            Por su misericordia , quiero aprender y continuar con mi servicio para ayudarle en su misión 


                                                                                    Su eterno Hijo espiritual

                                                                                Varuna Dev Nolasco Granda


















Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan movement.


One more time along with my godbrothers we celebrate your appearance, the most auspicious day in this world. Today is a day for deep reflection and gratitude for us whom somehow are trying to serve You.


In your day we can see the character of a self realized soul and how your life revolves around Achar and Prachar.


The Srimad Bhagavatam states:


Tīrthī-kurvanti tīrthāni 

svāntaḥ-sthena gadā-bhṛtā 


(Bhāg. 1.13.10):


«My lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage.»


You carry Sri Mayapur with You and Sri Caitanya dances in the hearts of the ones who listen to you with devotion.


Having your physycal presence in this world is the greatest benediction that as disciples we can have, and having the posibility of serving through the Vani is the unbreakable bond that unites us eternally, the distance and the time becomes nothing when the loving service unites the master and the disciple.

Being a sinful and completely conditioned soul, you have accepted me as your servant, my heart fills with joy remembering that by your mercy im part of such sacred lineage and by your inspiration I can embrace Sri Caitanya and Srila prabhupada’s mission.


I humble pray today for your mercy, divine master, dont let me go from your lotus feet and dont let me get away from sankirtan


Your eternal servant


Sarvesvar Acyuta Das


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine - nama acaryapadaya, nitai-krpa-pradayine gaura-katha-dhama-daya, nagara-grama-tarine

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine - namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha-shunyavadi-pashchatya-desha-tarine

Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a Su Divina Gracia Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja, quien es muy querido por el Señor Kṛṣṇa, debido a que ha tomado refugio a Sus pies de loto.

Hare Kṛṣṇa querido Gurudeva!

Por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Es mi primera ofrenda y quiero agradecerle por darme refugio a sus pies de loto el 15 de diciembre del 2019 en Nova Gokula Brasil. Estoy muy feliz de haber encontrado de vuelta a mi Gurudeva. Ese día lo atesoraré por siempre en mi corazón, su presencia es abrazadora y sus enseñanzas iluminadoras para mi vida.

En el 2017 a través del libro "La Ciencia de la Autorrealización" cambié mi vida completamente, y luego de conocer a los devotos de ISKCON y el "Bhagavad Gita Tal Como Es" empecé a seguir el camino en conciencia de Krishna.
A traves de sus discípulos y bienquerientes oí hablar de sus pasatiempos y sus logros en el movimiento, Lo admiro bastante, es magnífico!!

En el 2018 empecé a asistir regularmente a todos los programas del templo de Asunción o de Ciudad del Este, a seguir los principios y a cantar constantemente mis rondas.
Los devotos mayores me dieron la oportunidad de hacer servicio, cocinamos para Goura Nitay, hacemos juntos guirnaldas cada semana, y todos los quehaceres necesarios para cuidar la casa de su Señoría, me enseñaron a coser ropitas y también hay días q asisto a los pujaris.

El año pasado empecé un curso de discípulos online, que debo terminarlo para seguir creciendo en este sendero tan increíble.
Goura Nitay con su infinita misericordia me da la oportunidad de estar cerca de ellos y de usted todos los días, ellos escucharon mi pedido de que pueda conocer a mi Gurudeva en esta vida.

Gracias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay por el movimiento de Sankirtan!! Gracias Srila Prabhupada por traer este movimiento de conciencia de Krishna a Occidente!! y una vez mas Gurudeva, gracias por darme su refugio!

Espero que se encuentre muy bien y espero poder ser un sirviente eterno suyo.
Bhaktina Noemí Portillo


Lima, 30 de Marzo del 2020.

Estimado GuruMaharaja Jayapataka Swami,
Por lo más querido; pido humildemente por favor reciba mis reverencias a sus pies. 
Quiero entender el momento que usted entró en mi corazón, no puedo comprender que misericordia especial actuó sobre mi. Me es, muy difícil ubicar el tiempo el lugar y la circunstancia, de hechos que justifiquen porqué fui favorecido, toda vez, que mi vida giraba infectada de malos pensamientos, envidia, ego falso y poco deseo de controlar la mente y los sentidos, sin embargo; fui premiado de levantar la mirada y tomar su compasiva mano. 
Pero no; lo importante es que existo, y vivo la fortuna de servirlo en mi corazón. Hoy unido por ese lazo, me refugio a la sombra de los pies de loto de tus sirvientes más lntimos. Por tanto; pido fervientemente a Sus Señoritas Sri Sri Goura-Nitay, no me aparte de éste círculo y perpetuamente contagiarme de la fuerza de continuar sirviéndole. 
En este día glorioso de su Vyasa-Puja, amado Señor, permita-me ofrecer a sus pies toda mi riqueza (mi cuerpo, mi mente, mi inteligencia, mi alma y todo lo que posea)
Qué así sea. 

Su insignicante sirviente
Phanideva das. 

Lima, 04 de Abril del 2,020.

Querido Maestro Espiritual SS Jayapataka Swami.
Aprovecho esta linda oportunidad para pedirle por favor que acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto.

El cielo espiritual en estos momentos está celebrando un gran acontecimiento que en la Tierra, se rinde tributo hoy. Como el Vyasa Puja, de uno de los grandes devotos del Señor Gouranga. Sus hermanos y discípulos le dan gran respeto y reverencias. Srila Prabhupada, su maestro espiritual derrama muchas bendiciones porqué es usted un genuino discípulo del Parampara.

Su sirviente desinteresado
Bhakta Jesús Arana Serpa

[17:12, 6/3/2020] Jessica Díaz: si
[17:12, 6/3/2020] Prahlad: Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.
Todas las glorias a Guru Parampara.
Todas las glorias a éste maravilloso Movimiento de Sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Amado Padre y Maestro Espiritual, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias una y otra vez a la sombra de Sus Divinos Pies de Loto siempre encaminados al servicio de Su Amado Srila Prabhupada.

Querido Guru Maharaja :
Glorificarlo genera mucha emoción y no sé por donde empezar, los recuerdos fluyen a mi mente cómo un torbellino desde el mismo momento en que Krsna me dio la infinita misericordia de Verlo por primera vez el día 20 de Mayo de 1981 en La Paz, Bolivia.
Era todo tan místico e inexplicable que desde ese momento la conexión de corazón a corazón se dió, era una emoción que me dejaba muda, inerte, pero a la vez sentía que a partir de ese día empezaba a vivir.
Aún guardo celosamente como mí tesoro más grande la rosa que me regaló al partir ese 22 de Mayo de 1981 después de mi iniciación, así cómo Su firma en mi Bhagavad Gita, un par de medias de remanente Suyo, un pitillo tocado por Sus labios de Loto y en mí memoria tanto, pero tanto recuerdo hermoso que me anima en los momentos en que la energía ilusoria ataca sin piedad.
Pero definitivamente no hay posibilidad de olvidar el milagro más grandioso que Usted por Su infinita misericordia me otorgó para realizar que Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Le complace a Usted todos los anhelos. Mi hijo, él es un milagro que Usted me concedió, el milagro más grande y al que más amo.
Gracias infinitas por esa la más grande bendición para mí.
Gracias por tanto que recibo de Usted por Su infinita misericordia, gracias por no abandonarme en mis momentos de necedad, gracias por orar por mí y por toda la familia espiritual que Su Amado Srila Prabhupada le encomendó, gracias por incansablemente predicar y enseñarnos lo más confidencial de los pasatiempos de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Gracias por velar por nosotros, hijos y discípulos rebeldes unos otros no, pero a pesar de no ser perfectos Usted igual nos dedica Su tiempo y atención compasiva y nos enseña con Su ejemplo, gracias por todo lo que he podido
Realizar durante estos años, solo Usted podría hacerlo posible.
Su misericordia y compasión no tiene límites y Su amor por complacer a Srila Prabhupada es Su única meta y hacia allá nos guia expertamente.

Cuando veo los videos de tantos afortunados vaisnavas Siguiéndolo y tratando de estar cerca a Usted, el néctar de verlos en el lugar más indicado llena mi vida de una manera muy especial al saberlos bien situados cerca de la realización de limpiar el polvo acumulado por tantos años con tanta determinación.
Oro al Señor Nrsimhadeva para que me lo proteja por siempre
Mejorando cada día mucho mucho muchísimo más y que podamos ser útiles  para tratar de asisrirlo en el servicio a Srila Prabhupada

Aspirando poder servirlo, Su indigna sirvienta :
             Medini Devi Dasi

Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a mi reverenciado maestro espiritual, Su Santidad Jayapataka Swami, quien me ha rescatado de descender a una vida infernal por el simple hecho de haberme aceptado como su discípulo.

Hoy es en día muy especial, pues es la aparición de la joya mas valiosa de todos, que vino a este mundo con el propósito de liberar de las garras de maya, la ilusión, en general al mundo y específicamente a sus discípulos, mediante el acto de esparcir el conocimiento espiritual proveniente de la suprema personalidad de Dios. Este conocimento permite al discípulo desarrolla la capacidad de distinguir lo verfadero de lo falso, peparándose de esta forma para volver al mundo espiritual, nuestro verdadero hogar. Por esta razón sus discípulos y personas que nos beneficiamos de su valiosa presencia, tenemos el sacro deber de dirigir palabras de glorificación y gratitud en honor a nuestro amado maestro espiritual, divino representante de la verdad absoluta. El Señor Supremo se presenta internamente como caitya guru o la superalma y externamente como el maestro espiritual.

Cuando Usted vino a Chosica, Perú en enero de este año (2020) Pude percibir que usted actúa más allá de la presencia física, y que quien lo único que ve es su cuerpo, esta ciego. Cualquiera puede percibir de manera muy clara que además de su cuerpo hay algo más, y es la potencia espiritual que emana de su alma pura, y que, así como los rayos del sol pueden disipar la oscuridad, de la misma manera usted simplemente con su presencia puede quitar las impurezas que se han acumulado en lo más profundo del corazón.

Apreciado Guru Maharajá; usted es un ejemplo de vida y destaca en el mundo no solo  por su amor y devoción, sino también por su gran espíritu de sacrificio y entrega a la gran misión de su querido maestro espiritual, Su Divina Gracia A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada; usted viaja incansablemente por lo ancho y amplio del globo terráqueo, distribuyendo el mensaje del Señor Sri Caitanya Mahapabhu, y ni las limitaciones físicas, ni los ataques de los demonios pueden detenerlo en el complimiento de la gran misión que Su Divina Gracia A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada le encomendó.

Usted nos ha ensañado que ningún tipo de obstáculo supone un impedimento para el cumplimento de Su gran misión. Evoco a mi memoria aquel pasatiempo cuando Srila Prabhupada conoció a Su Divina Gracia Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, y Srila Prabhupada argumento, cómo iba a ser expandido el conocimento espiritual, si la india estaba gobernada por los ingleses, a lo que Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja respondió, que el mensaje del Señor Caitanya es trascendental a todo tipo de limitaciones materiales, y esto es lo que Usted nos trasmite con su gran ejemplo de vida: que nada puede detener la expansión del Harinama Sankirtan-yajña. Aun en las circunstancias que actualmente vive el mundo, debido a la pandemia del coranavirus, usted, la bandera de la victoria, idea una y mil formas de expandir el movimiento del Señor Caitanya, en canto de los santos nombres.

Finalmente, permítame expresarle mi gratitud por haberme aceptado como su discípulo a pesar de mi gran descualificación. Cuando miro en retrospectiva y analizo mi vida, lo que era antes de conocer y lo que es ahora hay diferencia abismal. De verdad me siento muy feliz de estar bajo el cobijo de su divina protección.

Quiera Krishna, Dios, que usted se mantenga con nosotros muchos años más, que su cuerpo no le genere tanta ansiedad, dolores ni ningún tipo de inconvenientes desfavorable, y que ninguna enfermedad pueda tocarlo.

Su caído discípulo,

Oṁkāra Kṛṣṇa dāsa
Lima, Chosica
(Temple of understanding)


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by
the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.

Nama om visnu-padaya

Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-

Svamin iti namine


Nama acaryapadaya





My dear gurumaharaja;

Please, accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

On this special occassion, of your 71st vyasa puja, i want to take the time to write something for you.

My dear gurumaharaja you mean everything to me. You are a bonafide representative of krsna, you give us your causeless mercy and love to all of us, fallen souls. Honestly, I have nothing to offer you, however, you have given me so such. 

I possess my anarthas but despite them, you have mercifully accepted as your disciple. Scriptures said that the spiritual master must be honored and gloried. therefore, I want to open my heart to you and offer you all I have, although It is little compare to what you deserve.

My dear gurumaharaja, during this time of uncertainty, worries and chaos because of this coronavirus, you are there for us, and that means a lot to us.You give us hope and strength to go through any challenge. I want you to know that listening to your words, inspire us to go on fighting in the battle against maya. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know, that you, gurumaharaja, will be there for us.

This fallen soul has nothing to offer you, but I pray to you with all my heart, please gurumaharaja allow me to be an instrument in your hand. My deep desire is to be better for you and be able to offer you the best I could ever have.

My dear gurumaharaja, you are the torchlight in my life, you are my strength and inspiration to believe that everything is possible in Krsna Consciousness. Please, I humbly request you to bless me so that I am always attached to your lotus feet and thus be engaged in your service all my life.

Eternally grateful,

Your servant

Padmavati Visaka DD


Querido padre espiritual acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

En este dìa tan especial de su Viasa Puja recordamos el dìa de su misericordiosa apariciòn, desearìa me surgieran las palabras adecuadas para poder glorificarlo como usted se merece con amor y gratitud.

Gracias a usted Guru Maharaja estoy hoy en esta gran y maravillosa familia de Srila Prabhupada, gracias a usted estoy transitando el ùnico camino que me permite avanzar en mi vida espiritual.Con su ejemplo, con su determinaciòn, con su entusiasmo, con su entrega a  Srila Prabhupada me ha enseñado a mantenerme en mi intento de seguir con respeto y admiraciòn sus sabios consejos que me ayudan a atravesar las miserias de este mundo material.

Por su misericordia sin causa me encuentro hoy diciendole lo maravilloso que ha sido para mi conocerlo y lo agradecida que estoy habiendome recibido como su hija espiritual hace tantos años atras. 

Usted es el padre amoroso, compasivo, pendiente siempre de todos sus discipulos y de toda la humanidad, siempre entusiasmandonos para  llevarnos de vuelta a casa.

Aprovecho a pedirle perdòn por no ser un ejemplo de hija, pero si tengo bien claro que continuando con su santa asociaciòn y siguiendo sus instrucciones un dìa podre obtener la misericordia de Krsna.

Querido padre espiritual le oro al señor me de la inteligencia y fuerza para asì tambièn un dìa poder ayudarlo a expandir la conciencia de Krsna.

Todas la glorias a usted,

Feliz Viasa Puja!!!

Su insignificante sirvienta

Madhurya Laksmi Dd


My dear Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaj:

Please accept my humble and sincere obeisances at His lotus feet. All glories be to you!  

My dear Srila Guru Maharaj.

I would like to be brief on this auspicious day of its momentous appearance.

But I also want to sincerely honor him on this day of his Vyasa Puja 2020.

It is time to think about you, a wonderful reason for another year to reflect on your recognized and countless qualities.

I could never understand the possibility of being next to you, it is infinite mercy that you gave me, despite the time and the distance I continue to verify it, recently in my encounter with you after 7 years without receiving your association, you were able to capture my feeling , how the first time she received me as her spiritual daughter, back in 2005, that scene was registered through my memory and a photo that my dear husband, Venu Gopala Das (BBS) took, there are no words to describe that special moment.  Recently on your visit to Santiago de Chile, it was amazing when I showed you this photo, and immediately you recall the scene remembering that that day, so auspicious for me, was when all my loving spiritual connection began, as His daughter and insignificant disciple and how over and over again it shows me His greatness as a self-realized and genuine Spiritual Master.


Her visit was so intense that my only wish was to stay close, listen to her words, participate in her classes and offer her my service, which I shared with my 12-year-old daughter, Anandini, a name she suggested to us the day she was born. . But the most amazing thing is that I forget the photo in the house of my spiritual sister Maha Anandini Radha d.d. and when I return to my country Uruguay, I realize that I am missing the photo. Such was my sadness, that I communicate with my spiritual sister, and she tells me that she found her at her house after her farewell, coincidentally there is a devotee who travels to Uruguay in two weeks, incredibly he returns the photo to my hands, perhaps it is an insignificant fact, but for me it is another demonstration of the connection of the master and his disciple. To conclude: I feel at fault for the great eternal debt to you dear Guru Maharaj, that the days of this life will not give me to pay for it, I can hardly give up and ask from the depths of my heart to continue with your association, through of the devotional service which you instructed me. And in this way we can easily reach the most sublime and blessed ocean of love that you have given us with your example of devotion. Before saying goodbye, I also want to thank you for conveying the highest perfection you have achieved in Your life in Krishna Consciousness.  

Absolutely sheltered in her Lotus Feet, Her daughter says goodbye and disciple,

Yajñesvari Gaurangi d.d (Diksa).

Montevideo Yatra- Uruguay South America.


Caracas-Venezuela, 4 de abril 2020


¡Hare Krishna amado y adorado Guru-Maharaja!

Por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto.

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada!


Om ajñana-timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

“Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a mi maestro espiritual, quien abrió mis ojos con la antorcha del conocimiento cuando yo me encontraba en la más oscura ignorancia.”

También ofrezco mis humildes reverencias a todos los miembros del guru-parampara, y al adiguru, el maestro espiritual original, Sri Nityananda y Balarama, el protector de los devotos.


Ésta es mi insignificante ofrenda en su Vyasa-Puja 71°.

En primera instancia deseo expresarle mi gratitud en éste día tan especial, ya que por la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada y de Sri Nityananda prabhu, nos han bendecido con la aparición en éste mundo de la encarnación de la misericordia. Cada día que veo su forma corporal trascendental puedo realizar que Usted es la encarnación en ésta era de Kali-yuga, de la misericordia misma. Cada día que escucho su voz trascendental en las clases diarias mi corazón se derrite por la dulzura que emite su boca de loto, sus clases e instrucciones son tan iluminadoras, que mi deseo es que el mundo entero tan sólo pueda verlo y con tan sólo una mirada Suya, los habitantes del mundo entero puedan sentirse inspirados para  cantar al unísono ¡Hare Krishna! y de esa forma puedan purificarse y conectarse con Usted y Sri Nityananda prabhu mismo.    

Recuerdo cuando lo conocí en el año 2008 unos meses antes de la apoplejía, mi corazón latía fuertemente de emoción, días previos antes de Su llegada a Venezuela y el día mismo de su arribo, mientras yo iba en auto al aeropuerto a recibirlo, no podía controlar la emoción de tenerlo frente a mí dentro de poco. Ya estando en el aeropuerto, cuando logré ver tan sólo Su cabeza en la distancia antes de que pasara por los controles de seguridad del aeropuerto, en ese momento, supe que Usted sería mi Maestro espiritual. Luego que salió e iba a subir al auto que lo subiría al templo, estábamos varias bhaktins y bhaktas rodeándole y Usted comenzó a preguntar el nombre de cada uno de nosotros y con cada nombre que le decían, Usted pensaba en un nombre espiritual que se pareciera al nombre legal de cada devoto/a. Cuando preguntó el mío y le dije mi nombre “Lily”, Usted me dijo tan sólo: “Lily es una flor”, se volteó y subió al auto y no me dió un nombre espiritual que se pareciera a mi nombre legal y entonces pensé: “Oh no, este es mi Maestyro y fui la única a la que no le dijo un posible nombre espiritual, no soy digna de recibir aunque sea un nombre espiritual que se parezca a mi nombre legal. Soy tan desafortunada que ni eso merezco”. Así que mientras íbamos camino al templo estaba totalmente feliz de verle pero al mismo tiempo sentí que no era lo suficiente como para ser su discípula. Sin embargo, cuando al día siguiente pude tener mi darshan personal para pedirle oficialmente ser Su discípula, Usted me dijo: “Tú fuiste la primera persona que mis ojos vieron al salir del aeropuerto e inmediatamente te reconocí como mi discípula”, así que con esto que me acababa de decir me hizo la persona más feliz del mundo y comprendí que por ese motivo no me dijo un nombre espiritual. Iba a dármelo verdaderamente más adelante en mi iniciación Harinama. Así como Krishna le hace bromas a sus devotos, Usted en su humor le hace bromas también a sus discípulos. (Risas).

Actualmente estamos viviendo una pandemia mundial y por primera vez en la historia debemos asistir a Su Vyasa Puja y conectarnos de manera remota a través de los diversos canales de internet que están transmitiendo toda la ceremonia en vivo y a pesar que todos mis hermanos espirituales están en sus casas resguardados y yo estoy sola acá en la mía, me siento más unida a ellos y a Usted en éste momento. Lamento enormemente todo lo que están sufriendo las personas con ésta terrible tragedia, pero al mismo tiempo agradezco que estos tiempos nos permitan estar más unidos que nunca. Oro diariamente para poder ser una discípula ejemplar de la cual Usted pueda sentirse complacido. A pesar de la condición en la que se encuentra en éste momento su cuerpo trascendental, Usted es un ejemplo para el mundo entero, al ver cómo de manera incansable sigue viajando por todo el planeta para predicar las Glorias de Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Su vida entera es un ejemplo de lo que significa la perseverancia y la realización que NO somos el cuerpo material.

Este año Usted cumplió 50 años de haber recibido la orden de sanyasa, lo cual lo hace el sanyasi más antiguo de ISKCON, así que década tras década, año tras año, mes a mes, semana tras semana, día a día, hora tras hora, minuto a minuto y segundo a segundo, en cada paso, en cada clase, en cada viaje hay cientos y cientos de pasatiempos trascendentales acerca de Su Santidad en todo el mundo. No hay sitio que no conozcan las Glorias de Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, quien es visto como el devoto más excelso y el querido hijo de Srila Prabhupada.

En la época de Srila Prabhupada no existían todas las tecnologías con las que contamos hoy día y los devotos sufrían por no tener la asociación Vapu, sin embargo Srila Prabhupada enfatizó la importancia de la asociación Vani con el Maestro Espiritual, así que hoy con toda la tecnología que tenemos somos muy afortunados de tener Su asociación diariamente a través de las clases que Usted imparte a través de las diferentes plataformas de Redes Sociales y páginas de internet. Esto es un avance enorme y nos demuestra cómo éste mundo cambia a cada momento y cómo podemos utilizar las herramientas que tengamos a mano para poder inundar el ambiente con el nombre del Señor Hari, a todos nosotros, las almas condicionadas caídas. Sin embargo, insisto que no podemos olvidar la instrucción de Srila Prabhupada: La asociación Vani es más importante que la asociación Vapu, por lo tanto, debemos tener en cuenta que no debemos asistir a Sus clases tan sólo para tomar darshan y complacernos por tener su asociación Vapu, sino que debemos escuchar muy atentamente Sus instrucciones y cumplirlas a cabalidad.

Srila Guru Maharaja, Usted es como un collar de perlas del Señor Nityananda prabhu, y cada perla representa una cualidad Suya. Usted que ha descendido al planeta tierra para derramar Su Misericordia sin causa. En Usted yo encuentro todo refugio, toda protección, todo conocimiento, todo afecto e inspiración que pongo a cada paso de mi vida. De no haberlo conocido estaría completamente perdida, así que por esto yo imploro ante Sus Gloriosos Pies de Loto para que siempre me permita servirlo de una manera diligente vida tras vida.

Gracias Guru Maharaja por ser mi padre espiritual, no me alcanzarán miles de vidas para agradecer todo lo que ha hecho por mí, por todos mis hermanos espirituales y por todas las entidades vivientes que habitamos éste planeta, porque hasta las bacterias que habitan en el aire se purifican tan sólo con tener contacto con su cuerpo trascendental, ni qué hablar del contacto con su boca y aliento de Loto. Gracias por Su paciencia y tolerancia para con todos nosotros que somos tan neófitos y no hemos sabido atenderle de manera apropiada. Gracias por todos Sus nectáreos libros que nos iluminan a cada paso.  Su nombre pasará a la historia como el vaishnava más elevado del siglo XXI y pido diariamente a Sri Nrsimhadev que me permita servirle, serle útil, que también le brinde mucha salud para que pueda seguir brindándonos Su darshan trascendental y así Usted pueda seguir complaciendo a Su Maestro, nuestro querido abuelo espiritual A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada a través de todos los proyectos que están en desarrollo como el TOVP, la impresión y traducción de Sus libros en todos los idiomas posibles, entre muchos otros.   

Para finalizar quiero destacar que debemos buscar —hasta encontrarlo— al devoto de Krishna al cual nos podamos entregar sin reservas. Entonces así, nuestra vida será un éxito.

En mi caso soy muy afortunada, porque yo ya lo he encontrado a Usted.

Todas las Glorias para Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Astotarasata Sri Srimad Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja

ki jaya!!!!!!

El Vyasa Puja trascendental número 71 de Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaji

ki Jaya!!!!

El 50 aniversario de la toma de orden de Sanyasi de Srila Jayapataka Swami

ki Jaya!!!!

Patita-Pavana Guru Maharaji

Ki Jaya!!!!

Srila Guru Maharaja

ki Jaya!!!!

Gaura Bhakta Vrinda

ki Jaya!!!!


Su insignificante servidora,

Lilanandi-Subhadra Devi Dasi



North America

Hare Kṛṣṇa! 

All glories to Śrīla Gurudeva! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! 

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

On this auspicious occasion of your Vyāsa-pūjā celebration I want to take some opportunity to glorify you my most respected Srila Guru Mahārāja though I am not eligible to speak even a single word in your glory because I am such a hopeless and useless soul. But still since you blessed  me with your lotus hands and gave your unlimited blessings and unconditional love, I am trying every day to be a little better. I am trying hard to perform my sādhana and keep up with my promises. Guru Mahārāja I know I am not worthy of your mercy but still you are unconditionally merciful so you never saw my faults and always gave me chance to grow in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Just because of your causeless mercy I am able to do whatever little I am doing in my spiritual life.

Even though you are going through so many health complications still you are so powerful and always looking forward to bless everyone and preach the message of Lord Caitanya.

You are so determined to spread the mission of Śrīla Prabhupāda that you overcome all the obstacles and difficulties came and coming in your way.

I don’t have words to describe such an inspirational soul like you.

You are very dear to Śrīla Prabhupāda and Lord Caitanya.

I just want to request you Guru Mahārāja please help me also to overcome all the obstacles coming in my way to serve you and Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Please never let me go far from your shelter and the mercy of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

I am not good at anything but I know Guru Mahārāja just by your mercy and blessing I will be able to please Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Guru Mahārāja please forgive me for all sins and offences I have committed. I fell down on to your lotus feets and beg forgiveness.

Please never let me go away from service to your lotus feets.

Deep regards and respect my dear Guru Mahārāja. 

Hare Kṛṣṇa! 

Your insignificant servant,

Ācārya Premī devī dāsī


Bhkatha Anagha (Aspire)


Hare krishna Gurudev, 

My dear Spiritual father, Happy Vyasa Puja.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. 

All glories to HDG=A.C Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad The Founder Acharya of ISKCON.

All glories to H.D.G= H.H. Jayapataka Swami Acharyapad Guru Maharaaj, My Spititual father.

All glories to Sri Lord Sri Krishna, The supreme personality of Godhead.

Please accept our koti koti dandavat pranam unto our Gurudevu and spiritual master.

We would like to express our sincere respects and gratitude to our beloved Guru Maharaja on this special occasion of Vyasa-puja.

On the occassion of 71st Appearance day of our Gurudev, first we beg to pray Sri Sri Narsimhadev Please bring my spiritual Father’s (Gurudev maharaj's) Health condition as normal.

 With gurumaharj's and krishna's mercy life is going with krishna seva.My parents and elder sister are  initiated devotees.I am  praying  for lord Krishna and Ahobila Narsimhadev  for regain the health and do Krishna seva and lookafter the devotee disciples as before. In 2019 Kartika/Damodar month we do the light to lord damodar everyday for one month to our Gurudev.

May lord krishna bless our gurumaharj to live more and more years to guide with us and live with us  to continue a sincere spiritual life and take back home back to godhead.

We offer our humble obeisances and dandavad pranam on this ausupecious day of appearance and pray to sreela Prabhupad and Krishna  to give Gurumaharaaj a long life to inspire  thousanda and thousands of fallen souls to join with the wonderful life of Krishna consciousness.

All glories to our spiritual father, master, Gurudev.

Your spiritual daughter,

Bhaktha Anagha (Aspire)



Bhkatha Anjana (Aspire)


Hare krishna Gurudev, 

My dear Spiritual father, Happy Vyasa Puja.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. 

All glories to HDG=A.C Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad The Founder Acharya of ISKCON.

All glories to H.D.G= H.H. Jayapataka Swami Acharyapad Guru Maharaaj, My Spititual father.

All glories to Sri Lord Sri Krishna, The supreme personality of Godhead.

Please accept our koti koti dandavat pranam unto our Gurudevu and spiritual master.

We would like to express our sincere respects and gratitude to our beloved Guru Maharaja on this special occasion of Vyasa-puja.

On the occassion of 71st Appearance day of our Gurudev, first we beg to pray Sri Sri Narsimhadev Please bring my spiritual Father’s (Gurudev maharaj's) Health condition as normal.

 With gurumaharj's and krishna's mercy life is going with krishna seva.My parents and elder sister are  initiated devotees.I am  praying  for lord Krishna and Ahobila Narsimhadev  for regain the health and do Krishna seva and lookafter the devotee disciples as before. In 2019 Kartika/Damodar month we do the light to lord damodar everyday for one month to our Gurudev.

May lord krishna bless our gurumaharj to live more and more years to guide with us and live with us  to continue a sincere spiritual life and take back home back to godhead.

We offer our humble obeisances and dandavad pranam on this ausupecious day of appearance and pray to sreela Prabhupad and Krishna  to give Gurumaharaaj a long life to inspire  thousanda and thousands of fallen souls to join with the wonderful life of Krishna consciousness.

All glories to our spiritual father, master, Gurudev.

Your spiritual daughter,

Bhaktha Anjana (Aspire)


My beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto you.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Guru and Gauranga.


Wishing you a very happy Vyas puja day. 

I am a very fallen soul and without your mercy I cannot grow in spiritual life.

I would like to request you to please give me your mercy so that I can keep all my vows throughout my life and till my death.

I am still not getting connected with holy name, I like to chant more and like to serve devotees..

You are inspiring a lot and you have taught me how I should be dedicated to the spiritual master and How I should be strong in Krishna Consciousness.


Please bless me and my family.

All glories to you.


Your servant,

Bhaktika Yasoda devi dasi

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Beloved spiritual father,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

Guru Maharaja, on this most auspicious day of your 71st Vyas puja, I sincerely pray to their Lordships Sri Radha Madhav Asta Sakhi Vrinda, Sri Narsimhadeva and Sri Pancatattva for your complete recovery at the earliest.

Guru Maharaj by your divine mercy this year started very blissfully, I got to spend good time in your association at Atlanta during your sanyasa anniversary celebration. Despite of your busy schedule and health complications you were giving your loving personal attention to all your disciples who visited you continuously. Some how due to my punya karmas I got chance to serve you personally and got your very personal association. Guru Maharaj I was seeking an opportunity to get as much as chance to serve your divine grace. I am very very thankful to you to allow me to serve your divine grace. I also remember how you holded my hand and asked me my name, after that you also asked me who’s disciple I am? when I replied Your Guru Maharaj, you lovingly said ‘Oh! You are My Son’, that time I literally had tears in my eyes out of happiness and distress same time. Happiness because how merciful you are and how fortunate I am to get your loving affection, that experience so blissfull and was out of this world and distress because I am not able to serve you properly and follow your instructions properly.  I saw how your day used to start early morning and end late night, in between you have to go through many things like attending meetings, giving classes, physical exercises, you daily sadhna, darshana to disciples, writing books, TOVP exhibits etc. I don’t know how you are able to preach the message of Lord Krishna and spreading the mission of Lord Chaitanya without slowing down and inspiring lot of souls like me everyday and always follow the orders of Srila Prabhupada. Other than all this you are always thinking about your disciple’s upliftment, I am very fascinated by seeing your compassion and love towards your disciples.


Guru Maharaj I am presently in Toronto and with your blessing here I sometimes try to do some services at temples during festivals and programs which is not enough service towards Krishna. Guru Maharaj honestly you know everything about me, I am not able to do my daily sadhana properly. Most times, I am not able to chant attentively. I beg at your lotus feet for your mercy and please bless me so that I can get taste in the holy names of Lord and chant properly and also be helpful to you as being an instrument in your hands to serve you to the fullest by following your divine orders, be helpful in spreading Lord Chaitanya’s Sankirtana Yagna and always be engaged in the service of the lotus feet of Vaishnavas.

Srila Gurudev I beg at the dust of your lotus feet to kindly forgive me for all my offenses at your lotus feet and thus don't let me go away from the shelter of your divine grace. Please forgive me and kindly shower your blessings on me so that I can serve your divine grace without committing offences and fulfill all the promises given to you at the time of Initiation in front of yagna fire.

Your most unworthy and insignificant fallen son.

Bhupati Jagannath Das (Diksha)


nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine


namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracarine



All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you Guru Dev.


On this very auspicious day of your Viyasa Pooja, I offer my prayers to the lord to bestow you with good health and joy. You continue to serve as an inspiration to many. You are an extensible Vaishnava and your life itself is an example. You are pathitha pavan. You have taken one’s past karmas and have granted initiation; and I am amongst many to have been bestowed such a blessing.


I humbly accept that I am not as pure of a devotee but wish nothing more than to please you Guru Dev by assisting and supporting you to the best of my ability in spreading Lord Chaitany’s mission: maintaining the upkeep of the temple, preaching activities (i.e. damodar month house programs), radio station program (1hr on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.), TV program (hosted occasionally on the TET broadcasting station), various yajnas, funeral services, fund raising for Toronto & Scarborough Ratha Yatras, and by providing fallen souls an opportunity to listen to Srimad Bhagavatam katha once a month at Iskcon Scarborough. It’s my wish to become a worthy instrument for spreading the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and to propagate Krishna consciousness onto others. Since the beginning of last year I’ve written articles that were published weekly in the Tamil newspaper, spreading the glory of the Lord as it is said:


acaryam mam vijaniyan

navamanyeta karhicit

na martya-buddhyasuyeta

sarva-deva-mayo guruh


One should know the acarya as Myself and never disrespect him in any way. One should not envy him, thinking him an ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the demigods. (Srimad Bhagavatam 11-17-27)


Please Guru Dev, shower your mercy on this very auspicious day of your Viyasa Pooja to my family and I, and members of the community. You are our father, mother, and our main key to our goal in going back to Godhead:


om saha nau-avatu

saha nau bhunaktu

saha viiryam karavaavahai

tejasvi nau-adhiitam-astu maa vidvissaavahai

om shaantih shaantih shaantih


Your Humble Servant,

Dhira Nitai Das & Family

Dear GuruMaharaj 

Please accept my humble obeisances and Dandavat Pranam at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupad and Sri Sri Gaura - Nitai. All glories to your auspicious appearance day. 


I feel immensely blessed to get this opportunity to offer this Vyas- Pooja offering. Dear GuruMaharaj you are the greatest inspiration in my life. It touches my heart deep down to see you serving, working hard and making so many sacrifices to bring us down trodden souls to Krishna. Your mercy has helped me progress in my Sadhana. The first and only time I saw you  in Chennai two months ago, I broke down and sobbed looking at you through a glass door. You had been in meetings for 5 hours. I prayed and hoped I will get to see you. Dear GuruMaharaj inspite of your long day, with your infinite mercy you gave me darshan, blessed me and granted me your shelter. I am so grateful. This is the most unforgettable blessed day in my life. 

GuruMaharaj I beg you to continue to guide me so that I can become a pure sincere devotee and take Diksha from you soon. I want to be associated with you eternally. 


Also I humbly beg at your lotus feet that you show your immense mercy and bless my husband, daughter and Son in law to become Krishna conscious. It can happen only with your mercy so that we can do good devotional service at home and serve The Supreme Lord And his devotees. 


I fervently pray to Lord Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Narasimhadev and Sri Gaur Nitai to always keep you in good health so that you can continue your selfless service around the world and grant an insignificant soul like me your constant association. 

Your humble insignificant servant

Indira Kumar (shelter)

Brampton, Canada 

Dearest Śrīla Guru Mahārāja, 

I offer my most respectful obeisances and daṇḍavat prāṇāṁs at the dust of your holy lotus feet.

All glories to Jagad-guru Śrīla Prabhupāda, Gaurāṅga and your Loving self!

I wish you a very happy Vyāsa-pūjā and pray to Rādhā Kṛṣṇa on this auspicious occassion. I also pray and ask them to keep you under Their Divine protection. My prayers are to see you back in the same condition when I saw you in the year 2006. 

Inspite of your health issues you continue in a very exemplary way to serve others. It is very hard to understand how you do it. Gurudeva please bless me to come and celebrate Vyāsa-pūjā and get your personal association in Māyāpur. 

By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement. 

I stand before you as a sinful and sorrowful person. Please bless me to serve you in a humble mood always. I can feel your causeless mercy towards all the disciples. I very much need your causeless mercy and blessings to carry on my spiritual duties. With folded hands I beg for your blessings. 

Your fallen daughter,

Līlāpriya Jāhnavā devī dāsī

Hare Krishna

Respected Gurudev Maharaj, 

Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Guru Maharaj,  i consider myself to be very fortunate to have such a merciful spiritual master. You always look at the good qualities of others and ignore their bad qualities. You are the real "Great" who always inspire to advance in devotional service of Lord Krishna. 

Gurudev, you are always busy travelling all over the world to deliver the fallen souls from material bondage. Kindly forgive my offences and relieve me from the clutches of Maya. 

Please give me the strength so that i can follow your instructions. 

Your Servant 

Ragini Devi Dasi 

Raja Rishi Das (Disciple of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj)

Revati Radha Devi Dasi.(Diksa)

 Hare krishna Gurudev, 

My dear Spiritual father, Happy Vyasa Puja.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. 

All glories to HDG=A.C Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad The Founder Acharya of ISKCON.

All glories to H.D.G= H.H. Jayapataka Swami Acharyapad Guru Maharaaj, My Spititual father.

All glories to Sri Lord Sri Krishna, The supreme personality of Godhead.

Please accept our koti koti dandavat pranam unto our Gurudevu and spiritual master.

We would like to express our sincere respects and gratitude to our beloved Guru Maharaja on this special occasion of Vyasa-puja.

On the occassion of 71st Appearance day of our Gurudev, first we beg to pray Sri Sri Narsimhadev Please bring my spiritual Father’s (Gurudev maharaj's) Health condition as normal.

 With gurumaharj's and krishna's mercy life is going with krishna seva.All my families are  initiated devotees and bhakthas pray for lord Krishna and Ahobila Narsimhadev  for regain the health and do Krishna seva and lookafter the devotee disciples as before. In 2019 Kartika/Damodar month we do the light to lord damodar everyday for one month to our Gurudev.

May lord krishna bless our gurumaharj to live more and more years to guide with us and live with us  to continue a sincere spiritual life and take back home back to godhead.

We offer our humble obeisances and dandavad pranam on this ausupecious day of appearance and pray to sreela Prabhupad and Krishna  to give Gurumaharaaj a long life to inspire of those of thousanda and thousands of fallen souls to join with the wonderful life of Krishna consciousness.

All glories to our spiritual father, master, Gurudev.

Your spiritual daughter,

Revati Radha Devi Dasi.(Diksa)



Please accept our respectful obeisances

All glories to Guru and Gauranga, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-preshtaya bhu-tale
srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-preshtaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

jaya sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu nitayanda
Sri-advaita gadadhara srivasad-gaura-bhakta



All Glories unto the dust of YOUR DIVINE LOTUS FEET!

Hare Krishna to  Your divine  grace on this most auspicious day of Your 71th vyasapuja! We pray to Srila Prabhupada, Guruparampara, Panchatattva , Sri Narashimadev, and Lord Sri Krishna  to shower on Your Divine Grace (YDG) with their choicest blessings, keep YDG under the shelter of their lotus feet  and be with YDG now and always!

Guru-Maharaj, whether in  wellness or in sickness You  had made all arrangements not only for your disciples but for humanity at large through your many innovative ways of getting your association through your lectures, live internet broadcasts, activity reports and etc. In every activity of yours, You never fail to strengthen our commitment and conviction to You, Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. In a very exemplary way, You teach us the mood of becoming an eternal servant by displaying your unconditional pure love for Srila Prabhupada. Please Guru-Maharaj, instill in our hearts a drop of that mood of servitorship for your divine grace as you have for Srila  Prabhupada.

With Your mercy our preaching activity in Brampton /Toronto is doing well. We are conducting several  Bhakti Vriksha Programs per week .Bhakti Vriksha programs are being attended by several devotees who also participate in distributing Srila prabhupada’s book s and do prasadam cooking for Sunday feast at Radha Giridhari temple in Brampton. We beg YDG  to bless us so that we can carry out these simple duties with all zeal and enthusiasm.

So on the most auspicious day of Your appearance We beg that You please accept this offering as a humble attempt to somehow or other reciprocate with Your causeless mercy. Furthermore, We beg that You kindly remove the veil of ignorance that is presently covering us so that we can properly receive and follow Your instructions and try and serve Your lotus feet with ever-increasing purity, love and devotion.

Holding on to your lotus feet,

Your spiritual children,

Sanatana Sevak das

Kamala Gopi  dd

Bhaktin Anjana & Archana.


 My Dearmost Spiritual Father,  
Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet!  
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In one of your early Vyasapuja talks I heard you saying how important it is to glorify all the acaryas in the parampara as all are representations of Vyasadeva. Although I am unqualified in every aspect, and lack sufficient knowledge on the glories of all of the paramahamsas in our line, the least I can do is try, with this feeble voice, to glorify my direct link to the parampara - you O Gurudev, and Prabhupada who represents the entire line.

Another year has passed by in the warmth of your loving shelter, and you have bestowed yet again your unfathomable mercy on me by permitting me to take to the order of 2nd Initiation. And this quick an upgrade, for someone like me, is really the glory of the spiritual master to take. I have done horrible things in this lifetime and the ones before, but the one thing I am grateful for (and still find it hard to believe) is having taken to spiritual life under your guidance. You have so wonderfully raised me as your child, even with very limited interactions. You have constantly only asked me one question - how many rounds are you chanting ?, knowing very well where my weaknesses are. And supported and pushed me even without directly saying much! You have transformed my life so gradually, that my ego hardly had time to react. And if you are not around you have also arranged for services and devotees to always keep a watch on me, and not make me even feel like I was being watched. How can anyone thank their father for this ? I cannot even find the words for it in a 100 lifetimes.Because there is really no way for me to pay back the debt you have left me with,  I want to try and offer you my life. And I am waiting for the day when I can truly surrender to your lotus feet, which I know is a sweet consequence of your mercy.

Krishna has been kind enough to put me in situations reminding myself of what a responsibility I have to carry as your disicple, especially at times when I can very easily succumb to certain emotions.  But when I see determination, resilience, commitment, not leaving any reoom for failure to please Srila Prabhupada and the previous acaryas,I feel really ashamed for not having done more with my time and lifetimes that have passed. It is your contagious energy, that is continuing to inspire me and so many people across the globe and so I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava & Ashtasakhis, Sri Narasimhadeva, Sri Panca Tattva and Srila Prabhupada to protect your health and well being.

I was reading Lilamrita yesterday and I read this one Paragraph that really struck the corners of my hard heart! 

"Prabhupāda is planning for the future, and he’s planning for much more than just tax exemptions. He is trying to serve his spiritual predecessors and fulfill the scriptural prediction of a spiritual movement that is to flourish for ten thousand years in the midst of the Age of Kali."

"With a vision that soars off to the end of the millennium and beyond, yet with his two feet solidly on the ground of Second Avenue, Prabhupāda has begun an International Society for Krishna Consciousness. He has many practical responsibilities: paying the rent, incorporating his society, and paving the way for a thriving worldwide congregation of devotees. Yet he doesn’t see his humble beginning as limiting the greater scope of his divine mission. He knows that everything depends on Kṛṣṇa, so whether he succeeds or fails is up to the Supreme. He has only to try."

Even though this is not new information and it is well understood, this line conveys in a scope of time as a context the impact of what Srila Prabhupada was doing then and has done. That too in a way that helped me understand practically the magnitude of what I had been blessed with. And how fortunate I am to be in direct contact and association with him facilitated through your divine mercy!

With the TOVP coming up, I can't help but imagine how much bigger this movement is going to get. And I realise more and more the importance of preaching, especially to the younger generation. So I want to pledge a little more of my mind, body and soul in the service of this mission and in keeping up to the name of being your disciple - working a little extra harder this time to bring more people to this joyful peace-loving movement. 

Your loving daughter, 
Snigdha Radhika Devi Dasi 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada




nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine


namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe



On the auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasapuja appearance day, I fall down at your feet and offer my full obeisances to you. The end of last year, I was blessed with the opportunity to see you in Atlanta. I remember the way you welcomed us, and it was very blissful. I was just entering the New Panihatti Dham and you were just cycling across the road with a group of disciples. As soon as we saw you, we just stopped the car mid road and paid our obeisances and you acknowledged by raising your left hand. This simple gesture almost felt that we were never apart and the physical separation of over two years between us, did not reduce an inch of mental distance between us. Your mere presence alleviates all the miseries around us. There was sense of bliss, exactly like how Vrindavan Das Thakur exclaims “AANANDER SIMA NAI, NIRAANANDA DURE JAI!”. And this is exactly how I felt over the next couple of days being in close proximity with you gurumaharaj, whether it be going on cycling-walks with you or shopping at Walmart with you, or listening to your animated classes at the temple room and residence or having lunch with you.  Gurumaharaj, you made sure all the disciples who visited you from out of atlanta were taken care of and personally invited all of us to have lunch with you. We were given the best of the best prasadam, in the form of rasagollas, fritters, rice, dals, shak etc. perfect with sugar, salt, spice while you sat right opposite us following a harsh diet that did not include much (or no) salt, sugar or spice without any discomfort. I know this because I had your maha afterwards and realized to what extent you have pushed yourself to protect us, your disciples. I have seen you personally prepare wonderful preparations during panihatti festivals and honor the prasad with all of us and now I am seeing you honor really what I call “Medicinal Prasad”, with the same enthusiasm. This incident is just one of the many visual explanations of dhīras tatra na muhyati and your titikṣa.


Whenever I see you gurumaharaj, I always desire to do some personal service to you. But keeping your critical health conditions in mind, I didn’t ask your servants for an opportunity and left for Toronto. By Gauranga’s mercy and arrangement, I got another opportunity to associate with you in atlanta to celebrate your 50th sannyas Anniversary. It was a wonderful festival and I was emotional and overjoyed after hearing your glories from your godbrothers. You are not only our savior but also a very compassionate and protective of your godbrothers/godsisters. This is a very manifestation of Srila Prabhupada’s words “You'll show your love for me by how much you cooperate to spread the movement”. This was a lesson I took away from that class. Just as I was leaving the class, I saw Mahavaraha prabhu and spontaneously I asked him if there was any service I could render for you and prabhu said, “Yes, are you available to do service in the night time?” and I immediately said Yes. The service I rendered did not have much personal interaction yet was very personal and very blissful. Gurumaharaj, I observed you through the night, amidst all the pipes sticking out of your body, just casually resting in an uncomfortable position, only to rise the next day to fulfil and achieve victory in Prabhupada’s instruction. You are the living proof of Avasya Raksibe Krsna Visvasa Palana.


Gurumaharaj, Currently I am doing a variety of services at the temple and also helping out with new preaching opportunities in whatever capacity I can. I just want your blessings to chant better and chant more and be able to perform any form devotional service that is expected of me and to progress in Krishna Consciousness.


Your insignificant disciple,

Sudarshan Gopal Das

Vijay Bhagavan Dasa (Diska) Troroto,Canada

Hare krishna Guru Maharaj, 

My dear Spiritual father, 

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. 

All glories to His Devine Grace=Abhay.Charan Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad The Founder Acharya of ISKCON.

All glories to His Device.Grace= His Holiness. Jayapataka Swami Acharyapad Guru Maharaaj, My Spititual father.

All glories to Sri Lord Sri Krishna, The supreme personality of Godhead.

Please accept our koti koti dandavat pranam unto our Gurudevu and spiritual master.

On the occassion of 71st Appearance day of our Gurudev, first we beg to Sri Sri Narsimhadev Please bring my spiritual Father’s (Gurudev maharaj's) Health condition as normal.

 With gurumaharj's and krishna's mercy life is going with krishna seva.All my families are  initiated devotees and bhakthas pray for lord Krishna and Ahobila Narsimhadev  for regain the health and do Krishna seva and lookafter the devotee disciples as before. In 2019 Kartika/Damodar month we do the light to lord damodar everyday for one month to our Gurudev.I also a part of Harekrishna satsang, Kannur,kerala. I am the one looking after their accounts ,stocks and day to day activities of the namahatta. Sreela prabhupada book distribution incharge, sankeertan coordinator,festival coordinator,and satsang whatsapp daily news provider.All gur maharaj videos everyday I am downloading and send it to satsang site on daily basis from Toronto to kerala.And I am translating the English literature of iskcon acharyas biography into Malayalam and posting into whatsapp group on daily basis.

May lord krishna bless our gurumaharj to live more and more years to guide with us to continue a sincere spiritual life and take  back home back to godhead.

We offer our humble obeisances and dandavad pranam on this ausupecious day of appearance and pray to sreela Prabhupad and Krishna  to give Gurumaharaaj a long life to inspire of those of thousanda and thousands of fallen souls to join with the wonderful life of Krishna consciousness.

All glories to our spiritual father, master, Gurudev.

Your greatful aspirant servant,

Vijay Bhagavan Dasa (Diksa)


United States of America

Dear GuruMaharaj,

Hare  Krishna Gurudev.
Dandavat Pranam

nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale  Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine  Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Dear Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to your divine lotus feet which is the shelter of countless persons who by that shelter are able to remain in the service of Sri Krishna. If one wants to approach the Supreme Lord, we cannot perceive him directly. So Krishna is so merciful that he sends the right spiritual master to the sincere soul who tries to approach Him, and the spiritual master wants to take the disciple back to Krishna. So I just want to express that I feel so honored to have come in contact with you Guru Maharaja. 

You have mentioned in a class on Balarama's appearance day how it is stated in the Mundaka Upanisad that for spiritual realization you need to have spiritual strength (Bala). But some people misinterpret that to mean you need to be physically very strong. Srila Prabhupada was saying that in the west people are generally physically strong, but they are lacking in spiritual strength. You concluded the class by saying that you get spiritual strength by having faith in the words of the spiritual master and Krishna.

This also reminds me that with the order of the spiritual master also comes the empowerment. And again this reminds me that Srila Prabhupada followed his spiritual master very closely. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati wanted him to go to the west to preach, and so that is what he did. So we can see that by his strong faith in the order of his spiritual master he was able to achieve all success. Similarly, you are so sincere in following Srila Prabhupada's instructions. Just to cite one example, you have played such a major part in the development of Sri Mayapur Dhama.

Many times you have mentioned that the secret of success is to please the previous Acharya's. Once, you were describing the great super human qualities of Rasikananda and Shyamananda Pandit and you mentioned that we cannot compare ourselves to these great personalities. But, by serving them, we can experience transcendental ecstasy. So you are so merciful to give shelter to so many persons, who now have the opportunity to feel the ecstasy of serving Krishna.

I am concluding by saying that I need your help, I even heard that it is not just chanting on our own endeavor, but because when we chant we please our spiritual master, that makes our advancement. 

So in this offering, I am saying again and again and trying to stress how I am so grateful to have your shelter. By serving you,  I can stay in Krishna consciousness and remain happy in the association of all the devotees in Srila Prabhupada's great family.

Your servant, Abhay Charan Nimai Das Gita Nagari

P.S. My service at the moment is mainly milking cows and working with oxen at Gita Nagari

Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

Namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradhayine

Gaura katha damodaya nagara grama tharine


Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

Namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Nirvisesa -sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine


Om agnana timirandasya gnana anjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam ena tasmayi sree gurave namah


Jay Srila Gurudev, My Spiritual father,


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to your Divine Grace


I am your spiritual daughter Acyutapreyasi Tulasi devi dasi wife of Satyaraj Govinda das moved from Minneapolis, MN to Tallahassee, FL, USA in 2017 december.


We are under the resourceful guidance of HG Caitanya Avatari Das (NRJD, Bengaluru), HG Vaishnava Nitai Das(NRJD, Bengaluru) and personally mentored by HG Amani Gauracandra Das (Minneapolis) and HG Susevini Guru Gauranga Devi Dasi (Minneapolis) since 2014.


I love chanting and listening to lectures but as I am not a very literate person I am unable to read scriptures and understand the philosophy. Recently I started to read GAURANGA book written by Your Grace and loving it. I enjoy reading and listening to only pastimes of Gauranga, Jaganath, Nrsinga dev, your Grace, etc but philosophy a big No No. I wanted to serve Srila Prabhupada, your Grace in fulfilling my initiation vows to help you in spreading the holy name but due to poor knowledge I’m very much scared to preach. In 2016 you told to chant Mukam Karothi Vacalam sloka before preaching and I am reciting this sloka since then.


I am now assisting my husband in the following sevas like, Jagannath Paata Shaala (JPS) kids classes in teaching them bhagavad Gita slokas and vaishnava bhajans, cooking bhoga for the lord for all the gaudiya vaishanava festivals celebrated in our house throughout the year(15+ festivals in 2019), cooking for the bhakthi vriksha classes, attending online reading class conducted by HG. Susevini Guru Gauranga DD(Minneapolis) weekly 5 days and sharing that knowledge with my kids and my prabhu.


I am doing mangala arati weekdays only but missing on weekends which I wanted to improve and extend to all 7 days. I am trying my best to preach my kids first before I preach to public, so my son Krsna Caitanya (10 year old) is now chanting 8 rounds and 1 round for your health every day and he got aspiring from your Grace on his 10th birthday (28-Nov-2019) at Alachua, FL, USA, my daughter Jahnavi (5 year old) is chanting 10 -12 counts every day. Both my kids help us in Lord’s Abhishekam seva every week but are very playful while chanting and needs constant reminders to finish their chanting. I’m training my daughter in doing tulasi arati and guru pooja and every week day before she leaves to school at 9 am, she completes tulasi Arati and guru pooja.


My daughter Jahnavi and Krsna loves you very much and she always asks me “When our Guru Maharaj will come to our house”, we are praying that we preach more sincerely and make more devotees that you start visiting Tallahassee to initiate the devotees.


I know what I am doing is not enough to bring the kids in proper KC and keep myself involved in Lord’s service and please pray for me and bless me that I will sincerely involve myself and my family in Krsna consciousness throughout the day. Many times I loose patience in teaching the kids and please help me that I should give up my impatience and help the children with patience and compassion.


I always pray to Lord Narasinga Deva, Srila Prabhupada, Jaganath Baladev Subhadra , Sudharsana and Radha Madhav to keep you in good health so you can deliver thousands and thousands of poor souls like me.


Your humble servant

Acyuta Preyasi Tulasi Devi Dasi

Satyaraj Govinda Das

Krsna Caitanya (10 year old took aspiring in 2019 Nov Alachua,FL)

Jahnavi (5 year old)

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories unto you.

Please accept the vyasa puja offering at your lotus feet from this most unqualified disciple of yours.

Year after year passing, Yet I am failing to tap the mercy that is flowing from you.

As sastra’s say about bad qualities of people in Kali, I am sure that I am having all those qualities of Kali in fullest.

I am one of the most unintelligent to channelize your mercy. Yet you are showering your mercy in every moment of my life. Hopefully Someday I will get cleansed. Your mercy is the most potent and But I am the most fool. Thank you Gurudeva for tolerating me.

Upon seeing you, associating with you and your intimate servants in Alachua and Atlanta of your travel after the milestone surgeries, I realize the greatness of you, I realize the love of you for Srila Prabhupada, I realize your devotion and Love for Mahaprabhu, and ultimately I realize your love and compassion that you have towards your disciples.

On this very auspicious day of your appearance, I seek your most special blessings.

Please remove my pride, my foolishness, my anger and many more of this demonic propensities.

With your blessings, I hope I will be of some use to you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your Useless Son

Amani Gauracandra Das.

To my dear loving spiritual father Guru Maharaja.


Please accept my respectful obeisances. 

All glories to Your Divine Grace. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 


Happy 71st Vyasa puja! 

Gurumaharaj your mercy is inconceivable, the way you touch everyone’s heart with your love and soft and gentle light hearted nature. With all your physical challenges you still continue to make the impossible possible you move mountains and melt stone like hearts. 


You give your disciples no excuses to not be close to you. Everyday you make yourself accessible via social media. You give us every opportunity to be able to hear your instructions and the opportunity to understand your mood by answering questions. You give us all the support we need to make our spiritual life successful. I can never thank you enough for your love and support.


I miss you so dearly, for the longest time I haven’t had the opportunity to talk to you or personally serve you. This year however, I was able to have your darshan in Atlanta, at your 50th sanyasa celebrations. I didn’t get the opportunity to personally talk to you, however with your inconceivable mercy and the mercy of your servants, I was able to render some service by helping with your breakfast. This made me realize even more that you’re always close by your disciples, even if we can’t approach you like we used to, you hear our prayers. 


I remember the days I got to personally serve you, those sweet times on safari, those magical morning walks with you. I cherish those days, and pray I can one day become a worthy disciple at you lotus feet. Thank you for blessing me by allowing me to be your disciple. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve our dear Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar, Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subadra devi, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Srila Prabhupada. I pray for your blessings to be good mother and wife and blessings to be able preach and assist you serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


Lots of love, 


Your insignificant servant and daughter, 


Apurva Nilacala dd. 


Central New Jersey USA

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka-Svamin iti namine

Nama acaryapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine

Gaura-katha-dhama-daya Nagara-grama-tarine


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya


cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obesciences.

By Your causeless mercy, we got chance to take association of You at New Panihati Dham, Atlanta during Your 50th Sannyasa celebrations.

I could see how much dedicated You are to serve Srila Prabhupada's mission as per His instructions, and love for Gaura Nitai, I simply felt amazing as always by seeing at You.

Even a single second, You always try to bring in more souls to Krsna Conscious process.

You are inspiration for all of us by leading an example always.

You are being very tolerant with all of us and always guiding us to be on track with the help of Social Media like Youtube, Facebook.

Whenever I get sometime I hear JSSS meetings and relish Your pastimes narrated by senior god brothers /sisters.

I could see how You are eagerly wanted to serve devotees and others to make them Krsna Conscious.


Can You please give us an opportunity to serve You at Minneapolis?


waiting eagerly to serve you,

Arun Souri


My respectful Obeisance to HH Jaipataka Swami Maharaj,

I am a very insignificant being and don't consider myself qualified enough to speak about you. I was lucky to experience your mercy, love and blessings this year in Atlanta, Sadhu Sangh Progam. It was an ecstatic moment when you performed Vidyarambham ceremony for my daughter. As a family we got to get your personal darshan and hear your nectarian discourse on krishna and krishna dasa. May the light of your words and your causeless mercy help me and my family members to advance on the spiritual path fast and remove all hinderances on it's way.

HH Jaipataka Swami Maharaj Ki Jai!

Your humble servant,

Ashish Patel

Gauranga !!!  Nityananda !!!

মন্ত্রগুরু আর যত শিক্ষাগুরুগণ ।
তাঁহার চরণ আগে করিয়ে বন্দন ||

My Dearmost Spiritual father Srila Gurudev !
Please accept my most respectful obeisances !
All glories unto you ! All glories unto Srila Prabhupada !

Dear Gurudev,

You are the ocean of mercy. I do not have any qualification and most fallen soul. As I have heard from your glorious disciples that mercy is always flowing, but do we have enough capacity to receive that?. I don't know how to thank you enough. You have accepted me as your spiritual son, you have arranged so nice assocoation for me, my wife & son. Even when my wife went to visit hometown, Nadia you have mercifully arranged association of your glorious disciples. I can't comprehend how wonderfully you have arranged association while she was travelling in flight. Even after that I always find fault in others and forget to be grateful, I am such a rascal. I cannot speak words which is truth, nice to hear and which will benefit others. But I know these all are possible by your mercy. I am such irresponsible & lazy that I don't follow the instructions or make delay to obey it. But you and your disciples are tolerating me all the time. I have the desire to surrender 108% under your lotus feet, but I don't have any taste in chanting, having endless material desire and have no service attitude.  Please bless me, please make me surrendered unto your lotus feet immediately. I want to be in use in your mission of sreading Krishna consciousness. 

I have heard from scriptures that -

গুরু কৃষ্ণরূপ হন শাস্ত্রের প্রমাণে ।
গুরুরূপে কৃষ্ণ কৃপা করেন ভক্তগণে ॥

If you so desire, please give me this realization. Please give me the taste so that I can chant offencelessly. Please say the right words at right moment and in right attitude through me. I want to preach the message you Sri Sri Gaur Nitai, Right now I am engaged in taking Kids class and teaching mridanda although I have no qualification na dhave no knowledge.

Thank you for allowing me to be your son. Kindly forgive me for all my offences na dkeep me under the shelter of your lotus feet. I am sure that everything is possible by your mercy.


Your insignificant son,
Baladevanuja Krsna Das


Dear Respected Gurumaharaj,
Please accept our respectful obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krishna!

Under your guidance, we are making spiritual progress daily. We received our first initiation from you on the auspicious day of Bhismpanchak (Nov 16th, 2003) in Los Angeles, USA. Since then, with your inspiration and guidance, we are making gradual progress in our spiritual journey. With your mercy, inspiration, and constant support, we were able to receive our Brahmin initiation from you in Sri Mayapur Dham on the auspicious day of Nityanand Tryodasi (Feb 07th, 2020). 
This visit to Sri Mayapur Dham was our first time visiting. With your mercy, our time in Sri Mayapur Dham became very memorable. We were fortunate to get your association for multiple days in Sri Mayapur Dham. We enjoyed the Lord’s mercy that flows in Sri Mayapur Dham. We were able to get a tour of The Temple of Vedic Planetarium (TOVP).

We are hoping we will continue to serve your lotus feet and Srila Prabhupad’s mission no matter where we physically live. Our souls are indebted to you and Srila Prabhupada. Kindly keep us engaged in your service so we can remain engaged in Srila Prabhupada's mission. In this way, we will continue to receive your mercy.


Chandravadan Gauranga Das

Ashtsakhi Madhavi Devi dasi

Bhaktin Vishakha 

শ্রী চরণেসু গুরুদেব ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                 আমি তোমার অধম সন্তান চন্দ্রিমা | কোনো রকম যোগ্যতা ছাড়াই তুমি আমায় আশ্রয় দিয়েছো | এই বছরে তুমি আটলান্টাতে এসেছিলে তোমাকে দর্শন করে খুব ভালো অনুভূতি হয়েছে | তুমি তো অন্তর্যামী সবই জানো, আমায় কৃপা করো আমার যেন হরি নামে মতি হয় | আমি যেন তোমার পাদপদ্মে আত্মসমর্পণ করতে পারি | তোমার কৃপায় আমাদের সন্তান নীলমাধব বড়ো
হচ্ছে | সে খেলার ছলে একটু একটু করে ভক্তিমূলক কাজ শিখছে | তার সেবা দেখে সবাই অনুপ্রাণিত হচ্ছে | ওকে দেখে কেউ হরিবোল বা গৌরাঙ্গ বললে ও দুই হাত তুলে বলে হরিবোল !! গৌরাঙ্গ !! তুমি কৃপা কোরো সে যেন সুস্থ থাকে, দীর্ঘজিবি হয়, ভালো ভক্ত হয়, আর গৌরাঙ্গের কথা প্রচার করতে পারে, প্রভুপাদ কে খুশি করতে পারে 

তোমার অধম সন্তান,
চন্দ্রিমা দেবনাথ ঘোষ, নীলমাধব ঘোষ 

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
Srimate Bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my repectful obesiances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad and to you. I would like this to be "short and sweet" as the saying goes. So, I just want to thank you for being there for each and every one of your disiples. I am not initiated (I am hoping and trying to work towards getting sheltered and initiated in the future so that I may be able to preach) but, my parents are initited. I have heard soooooo many of your pastimes from them and witnessed some of them. Because of that, I can confidently say that you remember, pray for, and have an individual connection with each and every one of your disiples. Even though it dosen't really apply to me (the initiated people part), I just want to sincerly thank you for being there for each and every one of them (your disiples) and continuing to be a beacon for all of them and for me.


Your Aspiring Daughter

Dhanya Arulprakasam (13 years old. My parents are Amani Gauracandra Das and Susevini Guru Gauranga Devi Dasi. (In minneapolis))

nama om visnupadaya krishna prestaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai krpa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Dear Jayapataka Swami Guru-Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to the shelter of your lotus feet on this most auspicious 71st Vyasa-Puja Celebration! 

All glories to your concentrated determination to please Srila Prabhupada by assisting him in his mission to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world. 

On April 3, 2020 I think of how many homes/temples have your picture on their altars to be reminded, inspired, and blessed by the superhumanly enhanced activities and pastimes of your holy self. You are worshiped first on our altars so we can worship Srila Prabhupada and then worship Gaura-Nitai! 

Now on your holy 71st Vyasa-Puja Celebration all these thousands of homes have the opportunity to together worship you all around the world on this very special day in a very special way, because of a world-wide “invisible enemy,” we can’t leave our homes. But we can all still worship you in a very intimate and personal way in our homes. We may not be able to go outward to make opulent arrangements, but we can go inward and from our hearts simply please you with service at your lotus feet on our home altars.

Guru-Maharaja please bless us that we may develop the internal opulence of allocating and investing all our energies, subtle and gross, to serve and please you and the holy Dham's throughout the world.

Bless us so we can become steady in our service to assist you, even though we may not be close to you physically. We are still personally and intimately connected in our seva, japa, sankirtan, and book distribution, which as you say, will also create a chakra protection around the world from our many visible and invisible enemies.

Your servants,

Gaudacandra Dasa Adhikari

Krsangi devi dasi

Krishna Shakti



Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj !!

Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my respectful obeisances!

All glories to Shrila Prabhupad! All glories to Lord Gauranga and Nityanada!

Dear Gurumaharaj, when you came to Atlanta in November, I experienced the spiritual bliss in your association due Lord Krishna's and your causless mercy. 

You gave me Lord Narsimha's oil as a gift on my birthday. That's the best gift I have ever received in my life. You showered your mercy on me even though I am not worthy of it. Thank you so much. 

By Lord Krishna's mercy, I came in contact with His Grace Chaitanya Avatari Prabhu and Her Grace Rasmayee Mataji a few years ago.  They have been tolerant with me and guiding me on my spiritual journey. Their blessings and prayers have helped me advance. Under their guidance, I took shelter unto your lotus feet here in Atlanta in November.

On this most auspicious day of VyasPuja, I request you to please bless me and pray for me so that I will be able to render loving devotional service to Lord Krishna and make you and my shiksha gurus happy. 

Thank you for all the mercy that you shower on all the conditioned souls and salute to all the preaching that you have been doing all over the world. You have dedicated your entire life to fulfill mission of Shrila Prabhupada. All glories to you on your divine appearance day. 

Your insignificant servant,

Gauri Dalvi



Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna Presthaya Bhutale
Srimate Bhaktivedanta Svamin iti namine
Namaste Sarasvate deve Gaura vani pracharine
Nirveshesha sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Hare Krsna ,

Dearest Guru-Maharaj,

Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day, it is a great honor to have your blessing and spiritual guidance in the service of his HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and his followers.

The Vedas assert, specifically in the Svetashvatara Upanishad (3.19):

apani-pado javano grahita
pashyaty acakshuh sa shrinoty akarnah
sa vetti vedyam na ca tasyasti vetta
tam ahur agryam purusham mahantam

“Without legs and hands, He moves and accepts. Without eyes He sees, and without ears He hears. He knows all that is knowable, but no one knows Him. They call Him the original Supreme Person.” To protect this assertion of the Vedas,Lord Jagannatha takes His form without hands and legs. Still, Lord Jagannatha is able to accept fifty- six different types of food, offered eight times daily, and He tours the world in His splendid carts.’’

I sincerely pray to Lord of the universe Sri Jagannath to instruct all your well wishers and followers in assisting you with fulfilling the dream of our founder Acharya with the beautiful TOVP planetarium and other Iskcon projects

By the mercy of the Lord and his devotees, last year I got an opportunity to visit Puri Dham and served some vaisnavas. I would like to offer all the spiritual mercy of my yatra in Purusottama Kestra to you on this glorious occasion of your 71st Vyas puja on April 4th 2020 .

Caitanya Caritamrta Adi lila Verse 1.1

vande gurūn īśa-bhaktān
īśam īśāvatārakān
tat-prakāśāṁś ca tac-chaktīḥ


I offer my respectful obeisances unto the spiritual masters, the devotees of the Lord, the Lord’s incarnations, His plenary portions, His energies and the primeval Lord Himself, Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya.

Getting the blessings of the spiritual master is sometimes referred to as “receiving the dust of his lotus feet.” The spiritual master’s feet are called “lotus” because just as a lotus sits above the water, the spiritual master, untouched by the material energy, lives in the world but is not part of it.

Dear Gurudev, thank you for keeping us under your shelter eternally and forgive us for all offenses.

Servant of your servant

Golokesvari Gayatri devi dasi ( JPS) and Madan Gopal Das (CMS)

( Iskcon Seattle Washington Yatra)


Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept our most respectful obeisances at Your divine lotus feet,

All glories to your Divine Grace,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva
guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja

--CC Madhya 19.151

We are really bhagyavan (fortunate) souls to have You as our Spiritual Master. This is very true, with your kripa only we are able to practice Krishna Consciousness.  With your causeless mercy, You are giving association everyday through online Facebook classes and through emails. You are our inspiration, without your guidance and blessings its very difficult for us even to progress one inch in our devotional service. Whenever we approach you with any difficult problem, You are giving guidance mercifully. Even though we are not qualified to serve, but still you are accepting our services.

For Your good health we are circumambulating everyday tulasi maharani and offering prayers to the temple deities while performing weekly deity service.

Every minute in our life we are keeping You in our hearts and meditating your instructions and trying to execute them. We are humbly begging your mercy, so that we will become instruments in your preaching mission.

Please forgive us if we commit any offences at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly.


Your insignificant servant

Gopi Kantha Krishna dasa

Edison, NJ, USA


Dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupad,

All glories to your divine service to Srila Prabhupad.


Your appearance day is the most important day in the whole year for me. I’m so

grateful that by Krishna’s causeless mercy you had mercifully accepted me as your

diksha disciple almost twenty years ago.

In spite of not seeing you regularly, you are always in my heart and we are never

separated. You are guiding me most expertly and I feel safe remembering that I’m

close to your lotus feet.

Your picture is decorating my altar, and you are in company of my beautiful Deities

Panca Tattwa and Gaura Nitai.

On this most auspicious day, I would humbly ask you (if you so desire), to grant me

the blessings to become better devotee, and a pure devotee, so I can serve you and

Srila Prabhupada’s mission in a way which will be most pleasing to you.

I love you from the bottom of my heart, and pray to be your servant eternally.


Your insignificant but grateful diksha disciple,

Govinda Lilamrita dd

Dearest Guru Maharaja, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances again and again!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you, my beloved Spiritual Father. 

You told us a few months ago, when you were touring in the Middle East, that besides the physical conditions that you have to deal with, you have another disease and that is-Everyone you meet,  you think, “How can I help this person to become Krishna conscious!”

The citizens of the world are the beneficiaries of this “disease” of your extreme mercy, your unparalleled, all encompassing, never ending mercy! You are the ambassador of Nityananda Prabhu who told Madhi, “Do you think because you have caused me to bleed, I’m NOT going to give you love of Godhead!? You have appeared to give the mercy of Nitai!!!


No one would fault you if you never initiated another disciple, if you never went on another preaching tour, if you never sat in on another meeting and on and on and on. You’ve done your part. You’ve given your all for 50+ years. But that’s not what you’re here for! You’re here to fulfill the orders of your beloved Srila Prabhupada and that means giving every moment of every day to carry out his mission! I know that Krishna is reciprocating with you in ways that we can’t even begin to imagine. 


Now that you’re feeling better, I see how you’re starting to get back into the go-go-go and are maybe starting to overextend yourself and I just wanted to make a plea that you please continue to be careful about resting and your diet and your exercise and all the things that you have to do so that you can stay with us and keep working on fulfilling those orders of Srila Prabhupada. 


Besides my service here at New Talavan, I’m doing some seva on Facebook. I’m working with JPS Media Foundation as an admin for your official “Jayapataka Swami Disciple Page” and I’m helping Sarvajaya Madhava Das Prabhu with the “International Harinam Yagna for Guru Maharaja Page”. Also, my own page is for the purpose of letting people hear about and from you. Please give me your blessings to continue. It helps me feel close to you and I am very grateful.


I am surely blessed to have your mercy! To say I am grateful is an understatement! Thank you, my beloved Guru Maharaja! My life would be…… “destination unknown” without you. Please let me always love and serve you. You have made my good fortune! 


Your spiritual daughter, 

Haridhvani devi dasi

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

Happy divine appearance day!

  I am 10 years old. I took aspiring from you in 2017 and now I am chanting 8 rounds. I am in Minneapolis. Please show your mercy on me so that in the near future I can increase my rounds, and get shelter and initiation from you. I really like listening to your pastimes, and when my mother turns on the JSSS meetings, I always try to listen to the pastimes. I always like when during classes you shout "GAURANGA!!!!". On this auspicious occasion of your appearance day, I hope that you will bless me so that I preach in the future, and soon (maybe even this year) you will visit Minneapolis. I am a fool because I am not taking up to Krsna consciousness very much so please bless me to become a better devotee and serve you, Srila Prabhupada, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Your Aspiring Spiritual Daughter,

Haripriya Arulprakasam, Minneapolis

Daughter of Amani Gauracandra Das and Susevini Guru Gauranga Devi Dasi.


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

nāma oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe

 oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

My dear spiritual father, Guru Mahārāja, please accept my respectful obedience at your lotus feet on this most auspicious day.

Gurudeva, one phrase always come into my mind when I think of you, “NEVER GIVE UP!”  You have set the highest example for what it means to be part of Kṛṣṇa’s army.  Despite your physical challenges, your desire to spread Kṛṣṇa Consciousness around the world has not slowed down even a bit. This year, in Alachua, through your costless mercy, I was able to serve as part of your night team. I personally saw the struggles you face daily. But again, you refuse to give up because of the love you have for Sirla Prabhupāda. 

Using you as my inspiration, I will also continue to fight. This is a commitment that I will make to you on this day. Regardless of what challenges come up, I will fight to be Kṛṣṇa Conscious. I am now in my 3rd year of medical school in New York. Everyday is a great battle and somedays it gets so tough that it breaks me down. But even on such days, I remain hopeful because I see you, a superhero, who refuses to back down.  Recently, I heard a lecture where a devotee said, “If you are happy, what can touch you?” Gurudeva, you are swimming in the ocean of kṛṣṇa-prema and who can dare challenge you? His Holiness Bhakti Cāru Mahārāja said you are māyā’s greatest enemy because she can never win over you. Gurudeva, I hope one day, I can grasp onto your lotus feet and follow you to victory. 

Please bless my sister, who is also attending medical school in India that she can take up to the process, realize most wonderful nature of Lord Gaurāṅga, and surrender onto your lotus feet. And please also shower your blessings on this fallen soul that I can be of some use to you and Sirla Prabhupāda. I too want to give Kṛṣṇa Conscious to others and help you bring more souls towards Kṛṣṇa.

Your useless son,

Hṛdaya Caitanya Kīrtana dāsa

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to you on this most holy day.

This spring in Atlanta I got to see you for one weekend, but not on the big weekend where the devotees celebrated your 50th Anniversary of taking Sannyasa. Unable to come, I was glued to the events on Facebook Live!

I remember that you enthusastically taught the large crowd of Americans two lines from the Adhivas Song by Vrindavan Dasa Thakura. Anander Sima Nai, Nirananda Dure Jai. There is no limit of happiness and all unhappinesshas gone. This is what happens when we follow Lord Chaitanya's order, Bolo Krsna, Bhajo Krsna, Koro Krsna Siksa Chant The Holy Names of Krsna, Serve and worship Krsna, and ready and study the teachings of Krsna!

Guru Maharaja, you have blessed us by giving us Krsna Consciousness personally every day! You are instilling in my dull brain over and over again how valuable a gift we have been given....the chanting of The Holy names! Please bless me to imbibe this nectar! 

You have recently been stressing the point that especially during this pandemic where we just see bad news, fake news, and panic and anxiety, that we must share this good news of how blissful and auspicious life will be when we just chant Hare Krsna or other Names of God. 

Guru Maharaja, when I think of you, no matter what obstacles come your way, you have been UNSTOPPABLE! Your faith in Srila Prabhupada, and your determination to carry out ALL of his many instructions to you is what kept you here. When I think of you, Dear Guru Maharaja, three Bhagavad Gita verses seem perfect for illustrating my point in this offering.

The first verse is 9.2 Raja Vidya Raja Guhyam, Pavitram idam uttamam, Pratyaksavagamam dharmyam, su sukham kartum avyayam "This knowledge is the king of all education, the most secret of all secrets,. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion, and it is JOYFULLY PERFORMED"

This mood fits right in with the glorious Anander Sima Nai, Nirananda Dure Jai! Because you are following Srila Prabhupada's instructions to you, and are deeply steeped in Gaura Katha consciousness, you are joyfully performing your devotional service 24 hours a day! 

Krsna tells Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita 18.68 and 69: "For one who explains this supreme secret to the devotees, pure devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me There is no servant in this world more dear to Me, nor will there ever be one more dear."

Guru Maharaja, as wonderful as we all know that you are, you remain humble and pure, free from all bad qualities. 

Thank you for being our ever enthusastic, loving and caring father. Please forgive any offenses I may have made to you and please bless me to somehow please you and Srila Prabhupada.

Your insignificant spiritual daughter,

Kaivalya Sundarī devī dāsī

Hare Krsna my dear GuruMaharaj,


Thank you for everything. Please can you protect my parents and Radhika. Thank you for always being there for me and I am very sorry for any offenses I have made.


Please forgive me.


Washington DC

Our Most Beloved Spiritual Father Srila Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our respectful obeisances at the dust of Your divine lotus feet. All glories to You! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to
Sri Sri Radha Madhava!!

Dearest Father, we wish You a very very Happy 71st Vyasa Puja!! 

This year also marks the Glorious Completion of 50 Golden Years of Sannyasa!! 
Krishna came in the mood of Srimati Radharani as Lord Caitanya to freely distribute pure love of God. Sri Nityananda Prabhu, without seeing any
qualification, is giving away that mercy to all fallen conditioned souls and You are the personification of Lord Nityananda Prabhu's mercy and You are freely distributing that mercy!!

You are rendering unlimited services to Srila Prabhupada and You are expertly training Your disciples to serve Srila Prabhupada, the entire
Guru Parampara and the human society at large. If we, Your disciples, simply render selfless service to You, for Your pleasure,  we will be able to access the storehouse of Lord Nityananda Prabhu's mercy. 

Sri Mayapur Dham is also known as the "Audarya Dham" which means magnanimity. As Sri Mayapur Dham is inseparable from You, You are truly displaying the potency of the Dham, Audarya - Magnanimity. Any living entity that has even a moments association with You, is blessed with Your unlimited magnanimity, mercy and compassion, which is unparalleled in this material world. All glories to You!!

For the past few months, we have been meditating and reading pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in depth..
The reason why the color of renunciation is saffron, always used to strike us....and we found this quotation, which completely made everything so crystal clear:

Sri Prema-vilasa (126-134) describes Lord Caitanya’s words to Lokanatha Gosvami:
‘amara lagiya radha adi sakhi-gana virahe vyakula haiya tejila jivana
‘amiha tejiba prana tanhara lagiya se dasa ha-ibe tumi sunibe thakiya
“‘Feeling separation from Me, Radha and the gopis have given up Their lives. Now I shall also give up My life for Her. You will see Me in that condition, O Lokanatha.
‘dhariba tahara kanti pariba aruna vasana ha-iba tanhara dasa anandita mana
“‘Adopting Radha’s complexion and the saffron-colored cloth of separation, I will become Her maidservant and get happiness.
‘ei lagi aruna vasana diba gaya japiba tanhara guna kahilu tomaya
“‘Wearing the saffron-colored dress of separation on My body, I will sing the glorious qualities of Radharani.

50 years ago, You received these saffron garments, on the most special day of the Appearance of Srimati Radha Thakurani.

We know that seeing the fallen condition of the people in this age, Srimati Radharani is having a headache and tears are rolling down Her lotus eyes. Krishna, in the mood of Srimati Radharani, as Gauranga Mahaprabhu, is displaying this very same thing - crying for the deliverance of the conditioned souls..

Witnessing the kinds of tribulations, difficulty, austerity, that You undertake to bring the message of Sri Gauranga to all of us, the fallen, conditioned souls - is proof to show us that You are Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu's Confidential Associate, Who has come to wipe the tears of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. 
All glories, All glories to You, Dearest Srila Guru Maharaj!!

You are the Confidential Associate of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Who is Krishna Himself, appearing in the mood of Mahabhava Swarupini  Srimati Radha Thakurani. We can personally witness how You have completely imbibed the Audarya mood of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and so freely, You are distributing mercy! All glories to You, Dearest Srila Guru Maharaj!!

We know that in day to day services, we are faced with so many obstacles and challenges. Our realization is that if we simply try to imbibe Your mood and humbly follow Your footsteps of patience, tolerance, faith, then You Personally see to it that everything becomes alright. Let the entire world spit at us Guru Maharaj, we won't be bothered by that, as long as You know that we are existing to serve You, that is our only hope. 
Our only desire is that we may never be the cause of anyone pointing a finger at You, rather our meditation, prayer and purpose of life is that we may be used as humble instruments to increase Your fame and glory all over the three worlds - ebe jasa ghusuk tribhuvana!! 
We pray and beg You to allow us to participate in Your glorious mission, that You hold so dear to Your heart. 

We pray that You may be fully rejuvenated and You be in the best of Your health, may You always be in the Transcendental Protection of Lord Nrsimhadev!! 
Guru Maharaj, You are our life, You are everything for us, without You, we don't have any existence! 

We beg for Your forgiveness, Dearly Beloved Father, for any offenses committed by us knowingly or unknowingly. Please allow us to remain as particles of dust at Your Lotus Feet. We humbly beg for Your blessings to be able to continue and increase our services for the pleasure of all Vaishnavas, Yourself, Srila Prabhupada and the entire Guru Parampara. Your personal association, some menial services rendered to You and Your causeless mercy upon us, allows us to sustain our lives. 
On this most auspicious day of Your Appearance, we beg at Your lotus feet to mercifully allow us to remain engaged in Your service, for Your pleasure, eternally.

Your most unworthy siksa son and spiritual daughter,
Advaita Chandra Das and
Kalasudha Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my most respectful obeisances

All glories unto Your Divine lotus feet

A very wonderful appearance day Guru Maharaj! Hope Your body is able to cope up with You. I am extremely happy seeing You resume Your preaching tours and re-energizing all the fallen souls like me. Even though You are showering unlimited mercy upon us, still seeking more and more mercy to be enthusiastic and disciplined in my Krishna Conscious life.

        I am praying to my home deities 'Sundara Nitai Sumadhura Nimai' for Your good health and doing extra rounds of Chanting and Circumambulation of Tulasi Maharani everyday for Your benefit. We are sincerely praying to Your grace to allow us to serve You eternally with full bliss.

Your spiritual daughter,

Kalindi Gopikantha priya dasi

Dear Beloved Gurudev,

    Upon glancing at your great personality I can only stare in awe and remain speechless, let alone I am given the task to write about you. I consider myself completely unqualified to write about your glories, yet here I am. Your great selfless service onto the lotus feet of lord Krishna is unparalleled to anything someone has ever done before, at this age and that too in such a condition. I pray to Krishna everyday to reveal to me the source of your rigorous energy and to give me the same motivation. Everyday you are in a different country and it's hard to keep up with your progress, even in your present health condition and no matter the time zone you never fail to quit your constant preaching activities. You are the source of inspiration and motivation to many around the world, especially me. Your tireless preaching inspires me to start teaching the world the names of the lord and help Lord Chaitanya’s mission. Even with many obstacles in your way, you keep moving forward just as an elephant crushes ants in his path. I can only wish to get a tiny sliver of your mercy to preach the holy names of the lord around the world, just like you do..Srila Prabhupad is very fortunate to have you as his disciple and I am even more fortunate to call you my GuruMaharaj. I pray to Krishna that on this auspicious day that you will remain at the frontlines in the battle of maya with us for a longer time and that Krishna will be merciful unto all of us and allows you to deliver the fallen souls such as me for a bit longer. Happy appearance day gurumaharaj!

Your Humble Servant,

Sashank Koti Krishna Das

Age 13

Edison, New Jersey 

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Gurumaharaj all glories to you for your enthusiasm, determination, love and care for devotees and never get tired to help conditioned soul like me. Gurumaharaj we prey to Krishna you have long healthy life. My children love you so much. They  want  to serve you and take care of you. Please Gurudev  we want you life  after life. My husband had dream of your recovering of your lotus legs last year. He said you riding bicycle. Gurumaharaj everyday I try to do four times Tulasi parikrama for you.

You are patitapavan and very merciful. My dear father I have desire to go this life time back to godhead, distribute books and make my own kids Krishna conscious. Please bless me. Thank you.

From your insignificant daughter and her family


Kalindi Sundari dd

Urukrama das

Ujjvala Nitai das and Diptiman das

Columbus, OHIO, USA

Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

Namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradhayine

Gaura katha damodaya nagara grama tharine


Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

Namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Nirvisesa -sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine


Om agnana timirandasya gnana anjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam ena tasmayi sree gurave namah


Jay Srila Gurudev, My Spiritual father,


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to your Divine Grace


I am Your spiritual son Krsna Caitanya and is trying to help get you, HDG Baktivedanta swami Prabupada, and Caitanya Mahaprabu’s dream come true; having everyone chant the glories of Shri Krishna in this Kali yuga. Please help me do this seva for Lord Krishna.

In 2016 we came to Mayapur(Where Maya Devi is very Poor) and got your darshan for the first time saw our future temple, the TOVP(Temple of the Vedic Plantation) being built. Please bless me that I could generate funds for the TOVP and reach my main goal of chanting at least 16 rounds everyday.

Me and my family would also like you to come to Tallahassee, so by your divine presence the people of Tallahassee will become Krsna conscious.

I am willing to cook bhoga for the lord, but my mother hasn't allowed me to do it, only my father has. Please bless me to become a good chef to cook bhoga for the lord and start a Govinda’s restaurant.

And very importantly, please bless me that I read Bhagavad-Gita As It Is EVERY SINGLE DAY! I want to read it so that I can start preaching at this age so that I can sincerely preach to my friends about Krishna Consciousness and preach everywhere around the world, just like your Grace and HDG Baktivedanta swami Srila Prabupada.

Gurumaharaj under the guidance of HG. Caitanya avtari prabhu (NRJD Bengaluru) and my father HG.Satyaraj Govinda Das and mother Acyutapreyasi Tulasi Devi dasi I’ve been chanting from January 2019 and increased to 6 rounds from April 2019 until November 2019. On my birthday on 28-Nov-2019 I took aspiring from you at Alachua, FL,USAand since then I started chanting 8 rounds and 1 round for your health every day.

I always pray to Lord Narasinga Deva, Srila Prabhupada, Jaganath Baladev Subhadra, Sudharsana and Radha Madhav to keep you in good health so you can deliver thousands and thousands of poor souls like me.


Your humble servant

Krsna Caitanya

s/o Satyaraj Govinda Das & Acyutapreyasi Tulasi DD

Tallahassee, FL, USA.

Our dear most Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept our respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet on this auspicious day. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

All glories to Your Divine Grace! 

First of all, let me offer my prayers for your good health so you can travel and preach as you desire. Amidst so much austerity, tolerating the ever growing pains you continue to inspire us by your association. The unimaginable amount of love and care you have for your disciples and your desire to be accessible to them makes you undertake strenuous travels, which is next to impossible to anyone else with similar health conditions.
Dear Guru Mahārāja, when will I realize your value and surrender unto you? Begging your mercy so I can become a sincere disciple. 

Seeing you in Atlanta and Alachua in November 2019 and Jan 2020 , we had a chance to witness your commitment to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda and your outpouring love and care for all of us. 

We cherish those moments when we were walking beside when you were cycling, seeing you take darśana of Deities and offering lamps to Śrīla Prabhupāda, and hearing your classes.  You took time to meet families and devotees from each Yatra, the serpentine line never ending- You patiently sat through and met each group - more than what anyone can physically do. When we met you, you asked how the Charlotte Yatra was going on and what you can do for us. 

We are trying to do Bhakti vṛkṣa programs and few families have joined us. We are not able to systematically expand and we are trying to fix the issues. Requesting your blessings as Charlotte has so many souls hankering for Krishna consciousness. We are able to do some kids program and distribution of Bhagavad-gītā in motels and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam sets. Last year we did about 500 Gītās in motels and 9 Bhāgavatam sets. Begging your mercy so we may assist you in a tiny way in your huge goal of distributing 100,000 small books and 10,000 big books every month. 

You had said that,  you have a disease and it is that any person whom you meet, you think how to bring him /her close to Kṛṣṇa. If only I can remember this when I meet new people, how much I can serve you.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.  All glories to Your Divine Grace.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


It gives me great honor to be able to have this opportunity to glorify you on the most blessed event Sri Sri Vyasa Puja.  You are a living example of what a surrendered devotee should be.  No matter what adversaries you are facing, you continue to glorify the Supreme Lord by following the instructions of your dear spiritual father His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.  Today we are celebrating your 70th appearance day, this is truly a blessed day. No matter what struggles you encounter, you never deviated in the mission of serving Guru and Gaurangi. I have said this so many times and will continue to say that I am so blessed to be able to take shelter of your lotus feet and have the opportunity of doing some menial service to help in your mission to spread the message of Sri Sri Gauranga.  On this most auspicious day I pray to the Supreme Lord to give me the strength to continue to serve Your Divine Grace eternally.  I pray to the Supreme Lord, to give you all the health and strength so you can help us guide us through in our devotional service. GuruMaharaj, thank you so much for never giving up on this fallen conditioned soul.  I feel so blessed to just call you as my GuruMaharaj.  


All glories, All glories unto your Divine Grace on this most auspicious and blessed moment of your Divine Appearance.  


Your eternal servant,


Mahaguna devi dasi

Atlanta, GA


Hare Krishna  Gurudeva!!
Please accept my Respectful obeisances

Dearest Gurumaharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga


nama-shreshtham manum api shachi-putram atra svarupam

rupam tasyagrajam uru-purim mathurim goshthavatim

radha-kundam giri-varam aho radhika-madhavasham

prapto yasya prathita-kripaya shri-gurum tam nato 'smi

-Mukta Carita-


"I bow down to the beautiful lotus feet of my spiritual master, by whose causeless mercy I have obtained the supreme holy name, the divine mantra, the service of the son of Shachimata [Lord Caitanya], the association of Srila Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami, and his older brother Sanatana Gosvami, the supreme abode of Mathura, the blissful abode of Vrindavana, the divine Radha Kunda and Govardhana Hill, and the desire within my heart for the loving service of Sri Radhika and Madhava [Krishna] in Vrindavana."


Gurumaharaj, first, I want to thank you millions and millions of times for accepting a wretched soul like me as your disciple. Not only have you accepted me, but you have always treated me like your own daughter. Your unconditional love and guidance have helped me sail through this life that's filled with miseries in every possible form. It is only because of your mercy, I see the beauty of this beautiful life of being a devotee of Krishna, serving in the mission of Srila Prabhupada as your assistant.

It was amazing to see you in Atlanta this past year and in January this year. Whenever I see you, i am recharged spiritually. Wherever you are there are also exemplary godsisters and godbrothers that also inspire us with all the wonderful services they do. Thank you for that opportunity.


Gurumaharaj, on this most auspicious celebration of your Vyasa Puja ceremony, I'm happy to let you know that I'm helping Mother Anasuya Devi Dasi, senior disciple of Bhakti Tirtha Swami, the President of ISKCON Harrisburg in the capital of Pennsylvania on an outreach project which is part of the GBC College program. Through this project we are aiming to extend the knowledge that Srila Prabhupada brought to us to the larger population in the city of Harrisburg. We are focusing on kirtan, japa and bhakti wisdom and are packaging it in a way that is acceptable by people from all walks of life. The project is called Stress Free Harrisburg. Another disciple of yours, Jita Mitra Das is also part of it. My husband Krpamoya Krsnanghri Das is also supporting me in this project. Mother Anasuya's husband, Parikshit Prabhu, a senior disciple of Bhakti Tirtha Swami is also in the team and is our main guidance and support. 


Just before the COVID-19 cases peaked, we spoke to the Susquehanna Art Museum in the city to conduct kirtan performances in their premises to their audiences. They agreed and we had slots secured but it is now postponed. They just wrote to me yesterday to ask if we can do it online - a virtual kirtan. We are considering the option. We also spoke to a yoga studio in the city to conduct meditative kirtan monthly in their premises to their students. They also agreed and we will pursue that once things normalize here in Pennsylvania. Apart from that, we are planning to conduct weekly Saturday program from those in the city who does not have exposure to Vedic culture. Unlike the Sunday Feasts programs, these programs will be focused on very basic Krishna Conscious philosophy, kirtan and prasadam. Please pray that there are no impediments in these endeavors to spread the glories of Krishna's holy names in this city. The city needs your mercy. The Stress Free Harrisburg Team needs your mercy.


Gurumaharaj, apart from that I am also working with Mother Nandini Kishori, a disciple of HH Radhanath Swami on the Motel Gita project. Mataji has been successfully placing Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita As It Is in various motels and even conferences across the United States. The goal of the project is to place more than 1 million Gitas in rooms across the United States. My contribution in this project is providing a Bhagavad Gita referencing chart which I developed in 2017 and launched through Gurumaharaj’s Facebook page to be included in these Bhagavad Gita. This chart was shared on your Facebook page and it was shared more than 1000 times by netizens. It is a reference chart where people can look up verses based on their feelings. For instance, if they are feeling angry, the chart directs them to a verse in the Gita that speaks about anger. The hope is they will hear what Krishna and Arjuna has to say about anger, greed, lust etc and gain some inspiration to feel better. The stickers are printed and are ready to be inserted in the Bhagavad Gita that will be placed in the motels and I pray for your blessings that people will benefit from it and it will bring them closer to Krishna.


Krpamoya Krsnanghri prabhu and I are always thinking of you and your glories. Like many devotees have said, we always reflect on how our dearest Gurumaharaj is a miracle - beyond that you are an eternal associate of Lord Nityananda. We are not qualified enough to glorify you. We want to try and serve you to the best of our abilities and hopefully someday we will please you. The way you serve Srila Prabhupada with one pointed determination is great inspiration for us.


Gurumaharaj, today is your auspicious appearance day and it is astonishing to see how the entire world has united to celebrate it. This further magnifies your glorious appearance. We pray to Lord Nrsimha Dev that He will continue to grant us your divine association as He desires.



Your children,

Mathura Lilesvari Devi Dasi

Krpamoya Krsnanghri Das

Jay Nimai

Gita Nagari Dham, Pennsylvania, USA

Vyasapuja offering 2020


Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Your Divine Grace. All

glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Srimad Bhagavatam has many pastimes of the Lord and His devotees. One of them in

Dhruva Maharaj. He was a small boy yet so determined to get the mercy of the Lord.

Looking at you, it clearly seems that you have the quality of Dhruva Maharaj.

Regardless of your health situation, you are super determined to serve Srila

Prabhupada. Once you said - the more difficult it gets serving Srila Prabhupada, the

more determined I am to serve him. It is rare to find a devotee of your caliber in

this world.


We are very fortunate to have taken your shelter in this life. I beg to always stay

in your shelter. I am full of shortcomings and not a very good disciple but seeing

you is always encouraging. I hope I can serve you better. Please give us your



Thank you!


your servant

Nanda Kumar Krsna das


My Dear Beloved Gurumaharaj,


Hope this letter finds you in best of your health. I was recently initiated by you at Atlanta, USA on 4th Jan 2020. Thank you very much for making me your disciple. I am proud to be part of Srila Prabhupada's family.


I have so many things to tell you. But let me keep it brief. I take all your instructions very seriously and try to follow it with utmost care. Though I fault sometime. However, I know you will protect and reset me to progress nicely in Spiritual life.


I am doing every possible thing to make my family Krishna consciousness. Need your blessings to bring out the best of them in devotional service. You always stand as a pillar and give me the direction always the minute I remember you.


I am so happy and relieved after taking Hari Nama Diksha. It looks like my material desires are slowing coming down. I don't get touched or disturbed by people who want to annoy me. Yes, it is simply your mercy that gives me all the strength.


It was a great and larger than life experience to be with you while I was in Atlanta. Everyday was a feast as I could take personal association and engage in your small services. I felt so secured and thrilled as well.


I would only wish that you live very long and fulfill all Srila Prabhupada's mission. Also I would like to re-start Bhakthi Vriksha as soon as I can. My only desire is to set up a Namahatta and preach to larger groups. Also not to forget unite Gaudiya Matt with Iskcon.


On this auspicious occasion, Please bless me and my Family and my congregation in Seattle, Atlanta and Bangalore. They needs your mercy and love unlimited.


Wishing you a very Happy and KC filled Vyasa Puja.


You please take very special care. I love you from deepest of my heart and wish you are always next to me showering tons of love and care.


Your Insignificant Disciple and Spiritual Son,


Navadwipa Nanda Dulal Das


Nanda Kumar 

Mindtree Ltd, Redmond, Washington

Vyasapuja offering 2020


Vancha kalpa tarubyas ca kripa sindhu bhaya eva ca patitanam pavnebhyo vaishanavbhyo

namo namah.


My dear Spiritual father,


Please accept my respectful obeisances. All  glories to Srila Prabhupada. All

glories to Your Divine Grace.


On the very auspicious day of the Vyasapuja celebration a disciple is supposed to

write an offering for the spiritual master glorifying and thanking him but I think

why just one day, this should be done every day so that we don't take our good

fortune for granted and our lessons are well learnt. I say this because in our

childhood we learnt that one way of learning things is by writing it down so if we

write down the innumerable gifts of Krsna Conciousness we have received by your

unfathomable mercy, we will feel how precious your presence is in our lives. You are

an ocean of mercy and every drop is priceless.


There is so much to learn from Your Divine Grace - like your compassion for all

living beings, your tolerance like that of a tree, your humility like that of grass,

your giving nature, your love for all your insignificant children - the list is

endless but you are a true Acharya as you do prachar by achaar, that is you teach by

example. Just by seeing you, doing all that you are doing to fulfill the

instructions of Srila Prabhupada despite Your health issues, a person is inspired to

follow your instructions even though you are not forcing or asking them to do so.

You have such a magnanimous heart that all worthy or unworthy souls can get shelter.


This year is the most auspicious year of your 50 years of Sanyasa celebration and

you are the senior most Sanyasi in our Gaudiya Vaisnava family. How fortunate I am

to have been accepted by your grace even though undeserving but it is all because of

your overflowing mercy for which I am eternally grateful.


Our first celebration of this special ocassion was in Atlanta where we had the

fortune to bathe your lotus feet. It was as if I was dreaming as it was unbelievable

to be a part of such an intimate service being performed for the Simha (Lion) of



You have always been so kind to me - at times it's hard to believe my good fortune.

In mundane materialistic world when something goes wrong with some one, the person

questions ”why me?” and in your presence when I receive your mercy despite being

such an insignificant soul I question to myself “how come me?”. My dear GuruMaharaj

I can't Thank you enough as it is only and only because of your causeless mercy that

I am able to practice my sadhna even though the quality is not there. In present day

and time the fact that I am able to chant the HOLY NAME is all because of your

mercy. Please keep me under Your shelter always. Thank you so much.


On this most auspicios day I pray to Sri Sri Prahlad Nrsinghdeva, Sri Sri Radha

Madhava and Ashta sakhis and Sri Sri Panchatattava to protect You today and always.


Your insignificant daughter,

Nayanamanjari devi dasi



Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obiesances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Your 50 year marathon of serving, as a leader, of ISKCON proves the purity of Srila Prabhupada. Who but a purely selfless being could inspire your selfless dedication. 

This dedication is voluntary; thus you possess spiritual personality to the fullest extent. You are comprised of loving sentiments for Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. Your activities remind us that highly elevated souls accept voluntary suffering,  for the benefit of people in general. Yet I am aware that you have special love for your disciples. You experience pure unbounded joy when we make even a small attempt serve Krishna. Your heart is happy to see us relieved from the extreme miseries we have been experiencing for trillions of births. My endeavor is meager; nevertheless, let me offer all of it to you for your divine pleasure, and hope I will find strength to increase this endeavor as I progress.

Your eternally grateful servant,

Paramadayala Nityananda Dasa


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine


My dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances from the bottom of my heart at your lotus feet. So many things I think I want to tell you but when it comes to putting it down on paper all my thoughts seem to fly away like birds suddenly startled by a loud sound.  I feel so insignificant in trying to express in words the feelings that pour from my heart every time I think of you.  I see you day after day being a stalwart soldier for Srila Prabhupad.  No one, I believe, no one can estimate how many lives you have changed just by being who you are, a most compassionate devotee of the Supreme Lord.  If it not for this depth of compassion, how could anyone do what you do now and what you have done in the past.  Srila Prabhupad has intrusted you with the responsibility of developing Mayapur. You have done that and you continue to encourage others to continue developing all the parikrama pathways; finding the lost holy places that were visited by Lord Chaitanya and His associates. You bring so many devotees into the fold of ISKCON, "the house that Srila Prabhupad built", for all humanity.  There is not one corner of the world you would not visit if you felt it would bring one devotee closer to Krishna.  This past year, you visited Latin America and even though there was political unrest in Chile (I think Santiago, Chile) and it was thought that maybe you shouldn't go there, you went, because so many devotees had been waiting many years to see you and you could not disappoint them.  So many times you went out of your way to help devotees if you felt that it would help them in their Krishna Consciousness.

You have so many wonderful qualities, but the quality that really came into my thoughts was your tolerance and patience.  This past year I had broken my ankle and was incapacitated for about six weeks.  In that time I was not allowed to walk anywhere nor was I allowed to do my normal duties.  I had to ask others for every little thing that I needed. I found myself getting frustrated and angry. Frustrated because I had to ask someone for every little thing that I needed and angry because they weren't doing whatever it was the way I wanted them to do it.  In this situation my thoughts immediately went to you and your situation.  I had been so used to going wherever I wanted and doing whatever I wanted that when I became dependent on others I became frustrated.  But you Guru Maharaj,  you are unstoppable.  In your condition you are completely dependent on others but you never let that stop you .  You still keep up your untiring schedule of travel and preaching almost equal to your activities before your stroke.  You are a wonderful example for others to follow. 

Please bless me that I may imbibe at least one spark of your dedication. I am continuing to teach the Sunday School with the help of Varsana devi dasi,  I  going on book distribution whenever possible.  Our Vaishnavi Sanga conference call is also continuing.  We are now also starting a Srimad Bhagavatham class for our Sunday school children.  Ever since this COVID-19 I have been unable to do my service for the deities Sri Sri Radha Giridhari and I am feeling very sad, I am trying to keep my "bhakti lata bija" nourished with reading and chanting but I sorely miss the association of my extended Krishna Conscious family.  Not being able to see the devotees and deities at least once a week is very difficult.  Please Guru Maharaj please bless me that I never have to lose the association of the devotees and Sri Sri Radha Giridhari.  This separation has made me realize how much I need them to survive this material world.  Thankfully I have my remote connections via free conference call and the Bhakti Sanga Group, but I dearly crave the personal association of the devotees. If there is any little bit of devotion in my service please Guru Maharaj please accept that, forgive my mistakes and bless me that, I can increase my service to Srila Prabhupad and the previous acharyas so that I can in some way show my appreciation and gratitude to you for becoming my spiritual father.


yours in the service of Sri Srr Radha Giridhari

Phanesvari Laxmi devi dasi and Bhaskar Peesapati.

April 2020 

Dear Gurumaharaj

Hare Krishna, Please accept my respectable obeisances. 


You are very merciful and you are very kind and you are spreading the Krishna conscious movement even if your health is bad. You have tolerance and you are a humble servant of Krishna and a guru's mercy is very important

for progress in spiritual life. We met you in Atlanta and Alachua, When I listen to your class I am very inspired by you. I am praying for your health and please bless me to chant 2 rounds daily.


Your eternal servant,


Son of Sevananda Caitanya Das and Lalitangi Radha Devi dasi

Charlotte, NC, USA

nama om vishnu-padaya

krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka-

swaminn iti namine


nama acaryapadaya


gaura-katha-dhama daya

nagara-grama tarine


Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept our humble dandavat pranams!

All glories to you!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


All glories to your seventy first Vyasa Puja and

All glories to fifty years of your  sanyasa asharama.


Our biggest misfortune this year is our inability to take part in fiftieth anniversary celebrations of your  sanyasa in Atlanta. We not only missed the opportunity to have your darsana and also lost the opportunity to associate with our glorious  god brothers and god sisters who are rendering monumental service to you and JSS sanga.


Guru Maharaja, since last Vyasa puja we have not done any noteworthy service to you or to Srila Prabhupada. Other than barely keeping up with our sadhana, we were so pre-occupied with karmi life.


Recently I got sick for few days with flu. I was so disturbed by insignificant illness, even theoretical understanding of


satataṁ kīrtayanto māṁ

yatantaś ca dṛḍha-vratāḥ


completely and utterly alluded by my consciousness.  Now I am feeling so despondent that how would I keep my consciousness focus on the holy names  as I am entering old age where my body will suffer more pains and tribulations.


The only solution to my despondency is to mediate on standards you set for us - your disciples - and your exemplary acts and follow in your footsteps.



yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas

tat tad evetaro janaḥ

sa yat pramāṇaṁ kurute

lokas tad anuvarta



Even though we don’t deserve shelter under your lotus feet, we beg you to be merciful to us and keep us at your lotus feet.  We will hold on to your lotus feet tightly and dearly with all our heart. We are yours, please use us as you desire.


Guru Maharaja, we petition to Sri Sri Radha Madhava Hari, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Nimai Nitai, Sr Sri Krishna Balarama, if they are willing, continue to empower you thru your exemplary acts  to guide us in our devotional service and give us opportunity to assist you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.


Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja 71st Vyasa Puja ki Jaya!

Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja 50th Sanyasa anniversary  ki Jaya!


Your undeserving spiritual children


Raganuga Gaura dasa

Sobhini Radha Devi dasi


Diksa disciple of Srila Jayapataka Swami Acharyapada

Scottsdale AZ 85254 USA

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Danadavad Pranam !!.

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. 

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.

All glories to Srila Prabupada. All glories to His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj. I always look at you as a Young boy [Soldier of Prabhupada's Mission] with so much of energy, enthusiasm and commanding voice to lead us.. Guru is the representative of the god.  He can lead us to the right path and take us to the lotus feet of krishna.. We are very fortunate to have you as our spiritual master. You are taking everyone's burden on your shoulder and helping us to cross the material ocean of birth and death. I'll surrender to your lotus feet and try to follow Prabhupada's instruction and do devotional service to Lord Krishna and spread krishna consicousness according to my capacity. You are constructing the world biggest Temple - TOVP in Mayapur fullfilling Srila Prabhupada's desire. I would like to contribute as much i can whenever i get opportunity. Kindly forgive me for any offences/mistakes which i have done and bless me to go back to godhead.

Your Humble Servant,
Ramesh Samarasam

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj!!

Please accept our respectful obeisences .

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I had your first darshan before our marriage in the year 2018. After your darshan, you and Krsna gifted me a good opportunity with the association of devotee and mercifully shown purpose of this life. Before coming to the Krsna consciousness, I don't know anything why I have been asked to do certain things and started learning slowly.. In the beginning, it was very difficult to accept. However by association of devotees and prayers of all the vaishnavas, I am into our Krsna conscious process. 
This year is so special for me. By your causeless Mercy , I got sheltered this Jan 2020 in Atlanta and attended 50th Sanyasa  celebration. It was very blissful to be there with my spiritual master and all the vaishnavas.

I would like to share a very good news. That after having your darshan in Atlanta and being sheltered, I have conceived. Please bless us that we should get a vaishnava or vaishnavi and as a whole family we should do more devotional service.

I have heard from many vaishnavas in jsss meetings about your pastimes and get inspired. You remember the order of the devotional service given by Srila Prabhupada and you are following with so much dedication. Please bless us that we should have more dedication in following the instructions. I am blessed to be your daughter. Please forgive me for the offenses I have committed.

Guru Maharaj, please give me the intelligence to speak properly. I am not talented in anything fully. But I would like to do more devotional service in whatever I know to start with. I would like to cook bhoga for Krsna, sing kirtans, wash vessels, stitch dresses for the deities and would like to preach also. I want my parents also to take up this simple process which was given by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.. So started my preaching with my mother. Right now she is doing 6 rounds from this ekadeshi. Please bless that we should be able to serve you more by preaching as per our parampara.
We kindly request you to come to Minneapolis and shower your mercy upon all of us. 

Happy Divine vyasa Puja Guru Maharaj.

Jai Guru Dev!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj!!

Please accept our respectful obeisences .

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I had your first darshan before our marriage in the year 2018. After your darshan, you and Krsna gifted me a good opportunity with the association of devotee and mercifully shown purpose of this life. Before coming to the Krsna consciousness, I don't know anything why I have been asked to do certain things and started learning slowly.. In the beginning, it was very difficult to accept. However by association of devotees and prayers of all the vaishnavas, I am into our Krsna conscious process. 
This year is so special for me. By your causeless Mercy , I got sheltered this Jan 2020 in Atlanta and attended 50th Sanyasa  celebration. It was very blissful to be there with my spiritual master and all the vaishnavas.

I would like to share a very good news. That after having your darshan in Atlanta and being sheltered, I have conceived. Please bless us that we should get a vaishnava or vaishnavi and as a whole family we should do more devotional service.

I have heard from many vaishnavas in jsss meetings about your pastimes and get inspired. You remember the order of the devotional service given by Srila Prabhupada and you are following with so much dedication. Please bless us that we should have more dedication in following the instructions. I am blessed to be your daughter. Please forgive me for the offenses I have committed.

Guru Maharaj, please give me the intelligence to speak properly. I am not talented in anything fully. But I would like to do more devotional service in whatever I know to start with. I would like to cook bhoga for Krsna, sing kirtans, wash vessels, stitch dresses for the deities and would like to preach also. I want my parents also to take up this simple process which was given by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.. So started my preaching with my mother. Right now she is doing 6 rounds from this ekadeshi. Please bless that we should be able to serve you more by preaching as per our parampara.
We kindly request you to come to Minneapolis and shower your mercy upon all of us. 

Happy Divine vyasa Puja Guru Maharaj.

Jai Guru Dev!!!

Yours unqualified servant

Ramya Ravichandran


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Pujonia srila Gurumaharaj, please accept my respectful humble obeisance at your lotus feet. 

Today is a very special day, your vyasa puja, your holy appearance day. All glories to you Srila gurumaharaj who so merciful and kindly helping us to connect to Radha krishna and Guru parampara. Srila Gurumaharaj you as representative of Sri Krishna is helping us follow this process of Krishna Consciouness , Sankritan movement of sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that is the congregational chanting of the holy name Hare Krishna Mahamantra  which will cure this infectious material disease janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam (BG 13.9) and come to our real consciousness which is Krishna consciousness and be situated in our constitutional position jīvera ‘svarūpa’ haya — kṛṣṇera ‘nitya-dāsa’. Gurumaharaj you are tirelessly fulfilling the instructions of Srila Prabhupada and the previous Achariyas.  I your spiritual daughter humbly beg you to bless me and my family (son Rohit and husband Sucaru Shyam das)  to be able to serve you. We are indebted to you Srila Guru Maharaj.  I'm grateful to you for accepting me as your disciple. Dust of your Lotus Feet are the only refugee and shelter to us.


Your insignificant servant

Rasomoyee Rama DD 

Rama Mukherjee, Diksa Disciple, Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Jaya Gurudeva!!

Please accept my humble obeisances!  All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your Vaasa Puja!

When Srila Prabhupada appointed you to develop Mayapur, such a glorious project, he must have realized the extraordinary qualities you possessed.  Now everyone has seen your divine qualities, filling us with respect and admiration for your...


            - Purity of heart in loving and worshiping Krishna

             - Iron will to face adversities and to never give up

             - Angelic patience in suffering

             - Sense of humor to delight and attract others to you

             - Powerful shakti in your preaching and chanting

             - Compassion for all living beings


Thank you for fighting so hard the last few years to keep body and soul together so you could continue ministering to Kali Yuga’s suffering souls.  Thank you for accepting this unworthy soul as your disciple. I pray that you will forgive my offenses to you and bless me with increased determination to serve you and the devotees. I offer my humble obeisances to you with a grateful heart. May Lord Chaitanya bless you in every way.

Your fallen servant,

Rasa Priya Gopi devi dasi


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to your divine lotus feet.

Happy appearance day! I wish you have an immeasurable Krishna consciousness year. I am your aspired disciple. During Thanksgiving, I took aspiration from you in Alachua, Florida. I am 9 years old and I chant 4 rounds daily. How is your health? I am praying for your good health. What I admire about you is your determination. Thank you so much for saving us from this material world. You are a role model in Krishna consciousness by helping everyone. I hope you come to New Jersey soon.


Your Spiritual Aspired Devotee,

Sanjana Penugonda


New Jersey

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna preshtaya bhu-tale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

nama acaryapadaya nitai-kripa pradayine

gaura-katha dhama-daya nagara-grama tarine


nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


My dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you and your service.

Please let me start by saying how wonderful it was to see you in Atlanta this past winter. I didn’t get to speak with you, but that’s ok. The private conversation we had a few years ago (with Kamalaksi Radhika devi dasi by my side) will last me the rest of this lifetime. Of course, I’d love to speak with you should the opportunity arise, but I’m very content with my spiritual life.

I can honestly say that without that conversation, I would not still be a devotee. I have lost faith in ISKCON as an institution, the GBC as a governing body, the, in particular, the temple management at New Panihati Dham. The three things that I have NOT lost faith in are the Vedic philosophy, my fellow devotees in the Atlanta area, and most importantly, YOU!!

I have come to peace with fact that ISKCON and the majority of the GBC will never be supportive of someone like me (an old rock and roll chick with pink hair, a ton of tattoos, who happens to be a male to female post-operative transgender woman who, if she were to be in a relationship it would be with another woman), but that’s ok. I am doing what you directly told me to do...the best that I can. I serve my Jagannath, Baladeva, and Subhadra deities, chant at least 17 rounds per day (one for your continued health), and do my best with the regulative principles. Could I be a better disciple and devotee? Of course I could, but I’m really happy with things as they are. I can honestly say that I’m happier than I’ve been in this life!

I still play with Balabhadra prabhu in Murari Band. We just started recording a new album when the Coronavirus started getting bad, but we’ll get back at it ASAP and we’ll be sure to get you a copy. Normally, we have regular home programs, so I am able to get wonderful devotee association, and, of course. I have my beautiful deity room in my home in Cleveland, Georgia.

I’m doing fine, Guru Maharaj, and that’s all because of your mercy on that Monday evening in front of the Atlanta temple, when you took the time to listen to me and talk to me. I know that I wasn’t worthy of that mercy then or now, but I am forever grateful for it.

I pray daily for your health and your ability to continue spreading Lord Caitanya’s sankirtan movement.

Happy Vyasa Puja!!!

I remain your most grateful, loving spiritual daughter,

Shanti Keshavi devi dasi

Stefanie Schumacher

133 Mossy Trail

Cleveland, GA, USA 30528


Hare Kṛṣṇa Dear Guru Mahārāja, 

Please accept our most respectful obeisances!!! 

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!!! 

All glories to you!!!

It was a wonderful association that we have got with you when you were at Atlanta USA. You filled all of us with love and affection every time. It was hard to leave you from your association. We are following your lectures and it was very inspiring and blissful. Every time we get close association with you we see a drastic change in our devotion. The more we know about you, the more we discuss about you, the more we glorify you, the more we pray to you and the more we pray for you we get more love and devotion. Thank you very much for everything. We learn how to serve Spiritual master from you, you are always in the mood of serving Śrīla Prabhupāda holding your breath to accomplish all his instructions perfectly. All glories to you Gurudeva.

Your insignificant Servants,

Sarva Sundara Gopāla dāsa, 
Nitya Sevika Rādhikā devī dāsī,

Dear Beloved Gurudev,

    Upon glancing at your great personality I can only stare in awe and remain speechless, let alone I am given the task to write about you. I consider myself completely unqualified to write about your glories, yet here I am. Your great selfless service onto the lotus feet of lord Krishna is unparalleled to anything someone has ever done before, at this age and that too in such a condition. I pray to Krishna everyday to reveal to me the source of your rigorous energy and to give me the same motivation. Everyday you are in a different country and it's hard to keep up with your progress, even in your present health condition and no matter the time zone you never fail to quit your constant preaching activities. You are the source of inspiration and motivation to many around the world, especially me. Your tireless preaching inspires me to start teaching the world the names of the lord and help Lord Chaitanya’s mission. Even with many obstacles in your way, you keep moving forward just as an elephant crushes ants in his path. I can only wish to get a tiny sliver of your mercy to preach the holy names of the lord around the world, just like you do..Srila Prabhupad is very happy to have you as his disciple and I am even more fortunate to call you my GuruMaharaj. I pray to Krishna that on this auspicious day that you will remain at the frontlines in the battle of maya with us for a longer time and that Krishna will be merciful unto all of us and allows you to deliver the fallen souls such as me for a bit longer. Happy appearance day gurumaharaj!

Your Humble Servant,

Sashank Koti Krishna Das

Age 13

Edison, New Jersey 

Dear Beloved Gurudev,

    Upon glancing at your great personality I can only stare in awe and remain speechless, let alone I am given the task to write about you. I consider myself completely unqualified to write about your glories, yet here I am. Your great selfless service onto the lotus feet of lord Krishna is unparalleled to anything someone has ever done before, at this age and that too in such a condition. I pray to Krishna everyday to reveal to me the source of your rigorous energy and to give me the same motivation. Everyday you are in a different country and it's hard to keep up with your progress, even in your present health condition and no matter the time zone you never fail to quit your constant preaching activities. You are the source of inspiration and motivation to many around the world, especially me. Your tireless preaching inspires me to start teaching the world the names of the lord and help Lord Chaitanya’s mission. Even with many obstacles in your way, you keep moving forward just as an elephant crushes ants in his path. I can only wish to get a tiny sliver of your mercy to preach the holy names of the lord around the world, just like you do..Srila Prabhupad is very fortunate to have you as his disciple and I am even more fortunate to call you my GuruMaharaj. I pray to Krishna that on this auspicious day that you will remain at the frontlines in the battle of maya with us for a longer time and that Krishna will be merciful unto all of us and allows you to deliver the fallen souls such as me for a bit longer. Happy appearance day gurumaharaj!

Your Humble Servant,

Sashank Koti Krishna Das

Age 13

Edison, New Jersey 

Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine

Namo acharya padaya nitai kripa pradhayine

Gaura katha damodaya nagara grama tharine


Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

Namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Nirvisesa -sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine


Om agnana timirandasya gnana anjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam ena tasmayi sree gurave namah


Jay Srila Gurudev, My Spiritual father,


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to your Divine Grace


I am your servant Satyaraj Govinda das moved from Minneapolis, MN to Tallahassee, FL, USA in 2017 december with my family and very mercifully initiated by you in Minneapolis on Jun 12 2016.


We are under the resourceful guidance of HG Caitanya Avatari Das (NRJD, Bengaluru), HG Vaishnava Nitai Das(NRJD, Bengaluru) and personally mentored by HG Amani Gauracandra Das (Minneapolis) and HG Susevini Guru Gauranga Devi Dasi (Minneapolis) since 2014.


Although there is a very good oppurtunity to preach the teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and spread the holy name in Tallahassee, but unfortunately due to some mistakes by local ISKCON preaching center management before year 2015, the Indian community here in Tallahassee lost the respect and hope for ISKCON. This is a big challenge for me in my preaching endeavor.


But the mercy of the Lord, your Grace and all my siskha gurus are more powerful that in the last 2 years the Karthik month outreach and public programs has crossed over 1200 lamps. I’m putting my possible efforts under the guidance of HG.Amani Gauracandra das in my preaching efforts and from 2019 Karthik month outreach program I got new contacts and added 1 more kids class(7 kids) and 1 more bhakthi vriksha (7 adults) making a total of 3 kids classes and 3 Bhakthi Vriksha since 2018 January.


Out of the 3 bhakthi vrikshas, 2 are fully online and from this Jan started hybrid bhakthi vriksha with prospective devotees from Tallahassee and online. Out of 21 bhakthi vriksha members there are 4+ devotees who are chanting between 2-4 rounds everyday and few are doing 8+ rounds every day. The holy name is very powerful and pure that by Lord’s mercy they started chanting. But there are 2-3 people who haven’t started with beads but chanting in their mind whenever they remember.


I wanted to read more scriptures and do more seva by waking up early morning consistently and complete my chanting in the morning itself, so that I can utilize the evenings for reading more scriptures, but due to my sleep apnea I’m unable to discipline myself to wake up early, so my rounds spills over to evenings and missing my reading time. I badly need your mercy and prayers for me so that I can fight over my physical illness and serve the lord like you.


Also please bless and pray for my family that we should always be engaged in Krishna Consciousness 24 / 7 and get myself equipped with knowledge given by Srila Prabhupad through his books and bring my family and people around me to your shelter so that you can take them back to Krsna.


I always pray to Lord Narasinga Deva, Srila Prabhupada, Jaganath Baladev Subhadra , Sudharsana and Radha Madhav to keep you in good health so you can deliver thousands and thousands of poor souls like me.


Your humble servant

Satyaraj Govinda Das

Acyuta Preyasi Tulasi Devi Dasi

Krsna Caitanya (10 year old took aspiring in 2019 Nov Alachua,FL)

Jahnavi (5 year old)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept our most respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet!

All glories to you! All Glories to Gaurāṅga! All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

All Glories to your 71st Vyāsa-pūjā! On this auspicious day, we would like to thank you so much for accepting us as your disciples and giving dīkṣā to these fallen and conditioned souls though we are not at all eligible to receive it.

We are so thankful to Kṛṣṇa for giving us your association at Saksadhari dāsa Prabhuji’s home in New jersey (2016 and 2017) and recently in Atlanta.

We are so so indebted to you for praying for us every day for our Kṛṣṇa consciousness progress. With your causeless mercy we are able to continue with our sādhana even in difficult circumstances every day.

Please shower your causeless mercy upon us to be submissive and humble servants of your lotus feet and to accept your instructions and follow them throughout our life and to be in devotional service and in Vaiṣṇava association always.

By your causeless mercy and by your prayers both of our parents also started chanting holy name every day.

We are begging for your forgiveness for offenses committed knowingly or unknowingly at your lotus feet with our contaminated and flickering mind.

We humbly request you to empower these conditioned souls who are afflicted with modes of material nature, and kindly shower your causeless mercy to transcend these modes of material nature and to help you more and more in your Śrīla Prabhupāda's mission of spreading the Caitanya Mahāprabhu's Harināma saṅkīrtana movement all over the world and to distribute the taste of holy name to fallen and conditioned souls like us.

We are praying to Narasiṁhadeva and circumbalating Tulasī Mahārāṇī for your good health.

Your insignificant servants,

Śeṣapati Govinda dāsa
Śrī Rādhe Sravani devī dāsī


Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Prestaya bhutale


Srimate Jayapataka Swami iti namine

Namah Acharyapadaya Nitai krpa pradaayine

Gaura katha daama daaya Nagara grama tharine


My dear merciful Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet! All glories to srila

Prabhupada! All glories to your divine grace on this auspicious occasion of your

71st Vyasa Puja.


On the auspicious day of your appearance in this world, I offer my heartfelt prayers

to  Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panchatattva and Lord Narasimha Dev for your healthy,

long life in this planet for many more years so that many souls can be fortunate to

have your association and reach Goloka Vrindavan by your causeless mercy.


This year has been special where we were fortunate to have your darshan when you

visited Atlanta during November. We were overwhelmed knowing your hectic schedule

from your servants during that time how you are flowing your causeless mercy to all

despite your physical limitations. You had given your time to meet every Yatra

individually and inspire and guide them in their progress towards Krishna conscious.

You had met the Charlotte Yatra and enquired about the progress and how you can help

the Yatra. We were also very fortunate to take a walk along with you when you went

for your cycling session in the park.


We met you second time in alachua during the Kirtan festival there and we were

fortunate to see your love for your god brothers and god sisters. This demonstrated

the cooperative attitude that we need to have to spread the mission of Srila


I was also very fortunate for some Vapu seva during your stay there even though I am

completely not qualified and that really moved me how you are providing an

opportunity to so many of your disciples to do pure devotional service by such vapu

seva. Also it was very inspiring to see you visit the prasadam distribution stall

there and asked them to prepare a plate for you. This shows your compassionate

devotee care and we have so many things to learn from each and every interaction

with divine grace. Just being in your presence lights up our Krishna conscious life

and guides us to get closer to Krishna and remove anarthas from our life.


We met you again in Atlanta this year for your 50th Sanyasa celebrations and your

Darshan 3 times in 3 months.. this is really like a hat trick for us..and we are

super fortunate and this time we also had the fortune of association of your

disciples from all over USA. We heard the glorification from so many disciples on

your steadfast determination to fulfill srila prabhupada’s mission inspite of

multiple hurdles.


Keeping you at the centre of our life, each day we can feel how your causeless mercy

flowing unconditionally in the upkeep of devotional service.


You have made all arrangements for your disciples and well wishers through your many

innovative ways of getting your association and instructions through your everyday

lectures through FB. I recollect recently one of the days you were travelling back

from Mayapur and gave a short class from your car. Another day you had day long

meetings and you still came for 15 minutes for a q&a session These shows your

compassion to all of your disciples and well wishers and you don’t mind your

physical inconveniences and these demonstrates the pure Vaishnava quality of your

divine self which we all need to imbibe. Also your real time updates in Twitter

keeps the connection and instructions in real time. You inspire us everyday by doing

all of this inspite of inconveniences in your physical health.


In every activity of yours, you never fail to strengthen our commitment and

conviction to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. Please instill in our hearts a drop of

that mood of servitorship for your divine grace as you have for Srila Prabhupada.


On this auspicious day, I pray to remain committed to following your instructions

life after life. Wishing you the most wonderful vyasa-puja celebration again.


Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!

Srila Guru-Maharaj vyasa-puja Mahotsav ki jaya!


Your most insignificant servant,

Sevananda Caitanya Das

Charlotte, NC


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate Jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine


namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Dearest Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our respectful obeisances on the occasion of your Vyasa Puja. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your dedication and determination to serve Srila Prabhupada while delivering unlimited conditioned souls like us to His mission.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day. We pray to Lord Narasimha Deva for many more happy returns of this glorious day.

Where do we start glorifying your greatness? What qualities do we focus on? Where do we stop the offering? We always remember our previous Acarya Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Maharaja’s words regarding the daily newspaper for writing the pastimes of the Lord. He would say that a newspaper could be printed every minute if someone is willing to print. Similarly if we start focusing on your transcendental qualities, unlimited compassion, ocean of mercy, immovable determination, spiritual leadership, personal example of tolerating physical limitations, developing Temple Of Vedic Planetarium, engaging disciples in congregational preaching, on and on - there is no end. As shouted in unison during the 50th year Sannyasa celebration in Atlanta this year, you never give up any of these. That is why out of your causeless mercy you decided to stay with us – with your diksha/siksha disciples, people who have taken shelter, your god brothers, god sisters, well-wishers one and all. As you humorously say about your blood group – B(e) Positive, you are indicating that everyone should remain positive while serving the Lordships regardless of whatever the condition is – physical or mental. You show with your personal example that no limitation is big enough to stop devotional service. Please bless us so that someday we can get this mood and spontaneously perform devotional service enthusiastically, unconditionally without any interruptions and joyfully for the pleasure of your Divine Grace, the previous Acaryas and the Lordships.

We had the good fortune to have your darshan when you were in ILBS Hospital, New Delhi, and Chennai while waiting for the surgery, recently in Miami on the way to South America and in Atlanta. You were always in the same mood serving the Lordships, spreading Krsna Consciousness, giving help to anyone who needs and asks for it – disciple or not. You make yourself available for everyone. Whenever we meet, you always ask about our welfare and enquire whether we are continuing our services, helping the temple etc. Three months back in December when we went to India for performing our daughter, Sarvani’s wedding you mentioned whom we should contact for any help during the wedding. You blessed the couple before, during the wedding and after - in person and with your messages to both my daughter and son-in-law! You even suggested what temples we should see while staying at Mahabalipuram and inquired again when we met next time in Atlanta. You gave so much mercy to our family members. Our only wish is that you get better more and more to be able to travel and deliver many more souls like us. We also desire and pray to our deities that we get the chance to serve you in our new house as well before or after Panihatti festival this year. We have made all the modifications needed for the bedroom and bathroom to facilitate your visit. Your visit will inspire and bring everyone in Miami Yatra  back to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and our deities Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Brajabihari, Their Lordships Jagannatha, Baladeva, Lady Subhadra and Lord Narasimha Deva. Please bless us so that we remain at your lotus feet and serve Vaishnavas, Srila Prabhupada and the Deities eternally without any offenses.

We remain, your insignificant servants


Sri Radha Vallabha das (diksha disciple)

Jai Sri Radhe devi dasi (diksha disciple)

and family

ISKCON Miami Yatra, FL, USA

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please  accept our most respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. Al glories to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories, all glories to your 71st vyasa puja Mahotsava.

Praying to our deities Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, Nitai Gauranga, Gopal, Nrisimha dev for your good health.

Please forgive us for any offenses that we knowingly or unknowingly committed unto you.

your spiritual son and daughter

Saksad Hari Das & Sri Sakti Devi Dasi






My beloved Gurudeva

Please accept my respectful obeisances at Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Holiness Gurudeva.

Yesterday one of my God-sisters Paridhi Rathi who always shares treasures about You, shared a video clip of 1993 Vyas puja where Your dear God-brother (spiritual uncle to me) HH Tamal Krishna Goswami read His offering to You. Throughout the day Maharaj’s words about You rang in my ears by Your, His and Krishna’s mercy, that even my sinful heart felt ecstatic, eyes shed tears and mind kept meditating on Your divine qualities of pure devotion to Srila Prabhupad and previous Acharyas.

My spiritual uncle and Your mercy kindly gave me the realization of how unfortunate I have been that although a great personality has accepted me out of causeless mercy as His disciple, I keep forgetting this greatest gem of fortunes in the 3 worlds and not taking complete advantage, but keep getting carried away by glitter of material nature and enthusiasm going up and down in Krishna consciousness.

Maharaj said how first day itself You took the strong decision and shaved up. Gurudev at first day You became a “Gurudev” by Your personal example of firm determination in every aspect of Krishna consciousness. But only a great personality can be so, this quick. This servant’s determination is always up and down. Without constant shelter under shade of Your lotus feet, this hopeless soul has no hope.

You helped pull Lord Jagannath’s chariot for Rath Yatra. You and HH Jayananda Thakur pulled throughout in front aligning the wheels of chariot for hours miles together from start to end without a break. Gurudeva you again teach us to keep taking up service much above our comfort zone and be consistent with it and not based on our mind’s comfort. But only a great personality can be so, this quick from the beginning till now. With my little services hear at LA temple I get so exhausted physically and mentally that my service is up and down. Without constant shelter under shade of Your lotus feet, this hopeless soul has no hope.

The very next day You were missing. You flew immediately to Montreal on getting the information of Srila Prabhupad being there. You again taught us what kind of devotion one should have towards spiritual master. HH Tamal Krishna Goswami concluded- all this simply indicates how great personality you already are. This ignorant soul is just slowly surrendering to Your all cooling lotus feet in 20+ years coming to ISKCON. Without constant shelter under shade of Your lotus feet, this hopeless soul has no hope.

Maharaj said how You always put Yourself to fulfilling the orders of previous Acharyas by developing Mayapur, Gaur mandala Bhumi, tribal preaching, rural preaching, Food for Life, Navadwip Mandal Parikram, Namahattta preaching etc etc. Gurudeva You kept teaching by Your example. This fallen soul hasn’t even completely carried out simple and single few instructions as continuing preaching in my college. Without constant shelter under shade of Your lotus feet, this hopeless soul has no hope.

Maharaj said how one Janmashtami you first did a huge preaching program in Kolkata, travelled all the way to Mayapur, gave a lecture and a beautiful initiation ceremony and then went back to Kolkata to catch a flight to Chennai. On reaching Chennai you did a huge preaching program there that night. Gurudeva you keep teaching us by Your example at what level we should be absorbed in Krishna consciousness. Here is a hopeless soul, looking for just comfortable services, just comfortable for own body and lethargic mind. Without constant shelter under shade of Your lotus feet, this hopeless soul has no hope.

Maharaj said how after You got injured on your neck, when Maharaj came to visit You,You made a request for brahman thread from Him as You have been waiting all these days from someone who was brahminically directly in touch with Srila Prabhupad after the doctors cut the thread. You teach by example how we should give high importance to finer aspects of Krishna consciousness as well which generally anybody would have neglected. Here is a fallen soul who is careless in execution of Krishna consciousness, taking it for granted. Without constant shelter under shade of Your lotus feet, this hopeless soul has no hope.

Maharaj concluded he has never seen anybody as much taking painstaking efforts for Krishna consciousness always and how you have been a great pillar to support Srila Prabhupad’s mission. And Your wonderful dear God brother says He feels so sheltered to be under You and to please continue keeping under Your shelter. My Gurudeva, following in my spiritual uncle and shiksha guru HH Tamal Krishna Maharaj’s Lotus footsteps I pray to always be under the constant shade of Your Lotus feet, the greatest and only hope for this hopeless soul.

As Maharaj described how exalted personality You are, I shed tears of regret that I didn’t as much take full shelter of the golden opportunity of Your association in different ways. Nor have I been consistently able to please You. My husband yesterday just discussed with me a part of Nectar of Devotion saying perfection of devotional service is understood when one finds his spiritual master is pleased with Him. On hearing those words, I shed tears as I am not successful. I pray to be able to do so in a little way at least.

Gurudeva, at one point by Your mercy through HG Shiromani mataji, HG Achintya Caitanya Prabhu and devotees of Manipal, I pleased You by being instrument of Your preaching at NIT Calicut. But the graph is down from long because of marriage, being away and other so-called excuses.

By Your mercy I finally got married to a devotee boy from Telangana, now disciple of HH Radhanath Swami. By your mercy, he supports and guides me in Krishna consciousness. Now we are here at LA. Prabhu works outside and I am trying to serve in temple. By Your mercy, Srila Prabhupad’s mercy and Shiromani mataji’s mercy in the form of instructions for married women, I have been trying deal with the mind based on the golden instructions and executing duties as a wife following Krishna consciousness. I cannot imagine what kind of woman or wife I would have been without the shelter of guidance from these golden instructions.

Now by Your mercy, we have entered the next phase of Grihastha ashrama. After following important aspects of Garbhadhana Samskara we finally conceived and expecting child’s arrival this September end or October beginning. We pray that this child may be a flower of love, honor and gratitude offered at Your lotus feet eternally.

Father, HG Udarakirti Caitanya Das has settled in South Vrindavan by Your kind mercy to devote to serve You through the same. He and mother are breathlessly serving there by Your causeless mercy upon them. Praying to keep them under the shade of Your lotus feet. By Your mercy alone, this project moves forward.

Gurudeva I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha-Tattva, Sri Sri Prahlad Nrsimhadev, Srila Prabhupad,  the Guru Parampara and Your Holiness to kindly keep giving us Your and many more generations to come Your physical association. I pray to Lord that my Gurudev’s health remains perfect and devoid of any pain.

Trying to cross this material ocean by remembering my great fortune of being sheltered under Your lotus feet

Your grateful aspiring servant

Srimati Lalita Devi Dasi

My dear Gurumahara

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.On this most auspicious day of your appearance day I would like to offer my gratitude again to you and all I can do is face  my inability to  properly glorifying my spiritual master.Your glories and mercy are praised all over the Universe and it boggles my mind how  a fallen soul like me,is experiencing your mercy.Thank you my dear spiritual father.Iam begging to kindly continue to keep me at a corner of your lotus feet

Your spiritual Daughter Srimati Nrsimha Laksmi Devi dasi


Hare Krsna my Dearmost  Spiritual Father,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada ! All Glories to your divine lotus feet !

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

nama om vishnu Padaya krsna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine
nirvesesha sunyavadi pashcatya desa tarine

Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim 
Yat krpa tam aham vande sri gurum dina taarinam 
paramananda madhavam sri caitanya iswaram

"Gurudev  kṛpā-bindu diyā" - Just a drop of your mercy 

It constantly amazes to see the intimate associate of Lord Caitanya in action. I am unable to comprehend how much merciful the two Lords-"Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda" were/are. But I can see a glimpse of their mercy by seeing the compassion and mercy you show to each and every soul. I am spell bound to see your commitment to Srila Prabhupada ! I really wish to get a drop of that commitment and reciprocate and retain the mercy that you shower on us.

    2020 January by your causeless mercy I could witness a very few of your unlimited pastimes. You had to wait for 8 minutes before some simple medical test. You actually didn't want to waste even that much time. You told me that you have 8 minutes time and that you want to help somebody in devotional life. I could not even understand if it is possible for a person to be this selfless. You are an epitome of self sacrifice. You made me speechless by exhibiting your commitment for Srila Prabhupada and also how much preaching is dear to you.  What great people do, common men follow ! I cannot imitate you, but I Really wish to get a drop of that compassion you have for all...How a person who has been starving for many days is so eager and tries to stuff everything that he can find on his plate, likewise you just want to take as many souls as possible with you. 

Fifty years of 108% pure sacrifice and many more to come.  "Ahaituki apratihata" - unmotivated and uninterrupted devotional service, whenever I used to read this in many of Srila Prabhupada's purports I used to think this is next to impossible these days. But you are an example of such devotional service, that again gives the glimpse of glorious gaudiya vaisnava parampara - in the mood of Sri Nityananda prabhu. 

Ohe Vaisnava thakura doyara sagara !! Please kindly forgive all the offenses that I do knowingly by not following the instructions of my seniors(H.G.Caitanya Avatari prabhu and H.G.Rasamayi mataji - Bangalore)  and many many offenses that I commit unknowingly.  

I Really wish to get a drop of the preaching quest you have, imbibed in me so that we as a family (My husband Amani Gauracandra prabhu and kids Dhanya and Haripriya)  can be an instrument in your hands and bring many souls to serve Srila Prabhupada. By the mercy of spiritual master a dumb can speak, a lame can climb mountains. Please Gurudeva ! I am a lame person, please help me climb the mountain of all the anarthas I have. 

jogyatā-vicāre, kichu nāhi pāi,
tomāra karuṇā-sāra
karuṇā nā hoile, kāndiyā kāndiyā,
prāṇa nā rākhibo āra

"Gurudev kṛpā-bindu diyā" - Just a drop of your mercy

Your unworthy daughter,

Susevini Guru gauranga devi dasi, Minneapolis, USA.



My dear spiritual father, 

I offer to you my respectful obbeisances on your 71st viasapuja day.

I have been thinking on your recent trip outside India after your double surgery. From a medical perspective,  it is impossible to comprehend how much your body has to tolerate,  and all those challenges defeat medical explanations. 

As soon as the prescribed time was ready, you embarked on a preaching International tour. When you visited South America,  some countries were experiencing social disturbances,  some local devotees encountered logistical challenges to be with you. Every night you will stop the class at certain times and asked what time it was, you wanted to know if the public transportation was still available for the devotees to go home. 

Such a personal and  genuine concern for the welfare of the devotees only proofs how much you care and love your disciples in every  corner of the world. 

They said that when a person is in danger,  or in terrible pain,  or under extreme distress,  he/ she calls for the mother in the native tongue.  We, your disciples from South America,  call you in our native Spanish,  and it gives us immense happiness when you reciprocate and talk to us in our language. 

The devotees in all those countries you visited in South America  were very fortunate to have you association after a long time,  and they were showered by such a lovingly,  affectionate,  and genuine caring exchange. 

May the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada give you the blessings to continue your unflagging preaching endeavour,  and They may bless us,  your  disciples,  so we can continue serving you to the  best of our limited qualifications. 

Your spiritual daughter 

Shyamalota devi dasi.

Hare Krsna my dear Guru Mahārāj

Hare Krishna.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Please accept our respectful Obeisances.


Dear Acharya Pada,

We ( Tirthapada Madhava Das, Madhubhasini Madhavi DD )  took diksha Harinam Initiation in May 2019 through online/whatsapp Video call.

This is our first homage on your auspicious appearance day.

After initiation , we see our lives each day and step is fully governed /guided by your mercy , divine protection , more spiritual realization and progress.

We are able to overcome our material desires  by your mercy and passing the material ocean tide of waves with your blessings.

We see the mercy of Lord Gauranga and Lord Nityananda flowing through your lectures and darshan.

Your determination,unflinching faith on your spiritual master is really motivating us to progress in our spiritual path.

We are really very fortunate and blessed to become your disciple.


With your mercy, we are rendering the services given below.

Tirthapada Madhava Das ( Taking care of Temple Store - Iskcon Connecticut ,  Book Distribution ( Door to Door & Outdoor Events) , Managing Smartboxes(box of Srila Parabhupad Books kept in various restaurants)

Madhubhasini Madhavi DD( Iskcon CT – Sunday School Teacher , Doing Kids Bhagavad Gita weekly Class in our Home  , Book  Distribution and Henna in Outdoor Book Distribution Events

Keerthisri ( Our Daughter) – Part of  Gaurangi  Club where a team of 4 vaishnavis serve by creating art works , cook prasadam Snacks  and sell them for the Temple Renovation Fund and also helps to distribute books in outdoor  events.

Also we are actively serving as donors for Kumbakonam Temple Construction project fund.



ŚB 10.80.41

एतदेव हि सच्छिष्यै: कर्तव्यं गुरुनिष्कृतम् ।
यद् वै विशुद्धभावेन सर्वार्थात्मार्पणं गुरौ ॥ ४१ ॥

etad eva hi sac-chiṣyaiḥ
kartavyaṁ guru-niṣkṛtam
yad vai viśuddha-bhāvena
sarvārthātmārpaṇaṁ gurau


This indeed is the duty of all true disciples: to repay the debt to their spiritual master by offering him, with pure hearts, their wealth and even their very lives. (Sandipani Muni to Krishna and Sudama)


Your Servants,

Tirthapada Madhava Das

Madhubhasini Madhavi DD.


Iskcon of Connecticut - USA



எங்கள் அன்பிற்கும் மரியாதைக்கும் உரிய தவத்திரு ஜெயபதாக சுவாமி அவர்களின் திருவடித் தாமரைகளுக்கு என் மரியாதை கலந்த கோடானுகோடி நமஸ்காரங்கள்.    

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Gurumaharaj all glories to you for your enthusiasm, determination, love and care for devotees and never get tired to help conditioned soul like me. Gurumaharaj we prey to Krishna you have long healthy life. My children love you so much. They  want  to serve you and take care of you. Please Gurudev  we want you life  after life.

You are patitapavan and very merciful. My dear father I have desire to go this life time back to godhead, distribute books and make my own kids Krishna conscious. Please bless me. Thank you.

From your insignificant daughter and her family


Kalindi Sundari dd

Urukrama das

Ujjvala Nitai das and Diptiman das.

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj!!!

Please accept our respectful obeisance at dust of your Lotus feet!!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!!!

All Glories to Gurudev!!!

All Glories to your auspicious appearance day!!!

Please bless us to write this offering.

Dear Gurudev we are so Happy to take your Darshan this year in US.

Mercy incarnation of Nithyanada Prabhu, so mercifully you gave shelter to us at your Lotus feet, and this shows your magnanimous. Patitapavana Gurudev, though am fully bonded with family welfare and chasing the material needs, you are causelessly showering your mercy upon us as clouds give rain to all.

Gurudev, with your causeless mercy and Support of Caitanya Avatari Das & Mathaji, New Rajapur Jaganath Dham – Banglore, Sankirtan Narotham Das, Amani Gaurachandra Das & Mathaji and Sathyaraj Govinda das prabhu support gave a Damodar class, please shower your mercy to increase this in coming year and share what am hearing from all, with my friends and family.

GuruMaharaj, please shower your mercy upon Praveen (Brother in law) and all family to become Krishna conscious and engage in your service.

Please forgive all the offence we made knowingly and unknowingly.

Kindly please take care of your health.

Hare Krishna!!

Your Insignificant servants,

Vrajavinoda Damodara Das

Rasajna Radharani Devi Dasi

Pavithra Vinoth

Haripriya Vinoth

Dearest Srila Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your Lotus Feet. All glories to you and your service! All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to your Divine Grace! All glories to all that you have done in your life to show us the mercy and kindness of the dearmost Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. Who can be more merciful unto the conditioned entities of Earth or any person on Earth more than Sri Sri Gaura Nitai?  Srila Prabhupada kindly told showed us the mercy of Parama Karuna Nitai Gaura Chandra in his purport to the bhajan praising Them.  Srila Prabhupada explained how Srila Locan Das Thakur said that Their way is simply chanting and dancing, and to just worship Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda with firm faith and conviction. But who actually enacts this in daily life? Who tries every moment of His day to spread the glories and mercy of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai to every soul on Earth? Your amazing self does!   You have been to the clutches of leaving us, but who comes back daily with a roaring devotion and love of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai! 

 In reflecting upon the joy of this day of your Appearance, I with gratitude and humility feel so fortunate that in my lifetime, I got the chance to meet your Grace in person in 2005, and in the Mercy Capital of the World, Sri Sri Mayapur Dham. Who can calculate the good fortune that I received to be able to be there during this life?  Later you blessed us with your darshan in Atlanta and New Orleans.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the kindness and mercy that you showed me.  Those moments of mercy have been life changing, and a sources of strength in my life ever since.  It has now been 15 years that I have been having the chance to learn from you, receive your mercy, and in stronger days, or moments, to try to be able to pass along a drop of your mercy to others.  I pray that I can deepen in strength in faith your teachings and example.  

Those moments of mercy are more dear than my life! I remember those days and times of the drops of mercy from you with utmost gratitude. I pray that I may be a worthy recipient of your mercy, but on the other side, I realize that you showed mercy to me completely causelessly, just like the complete kindness and mercy that Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and those who follow Them spread to all of the Universe.  I pray that I may always be a humble servant of such extreme mercy and kindness as my personal legacy while here.  I pray to the Lordships to please keep you ever increasing in health and joy, so that we all get the chance to learn from you.  It is very amazing to witness how your service and example blesses the entire world,  and always remind us of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai's causeless love!   

Especially in the past 1 year, I have watched more closely your example, of how staunchly you serve, even with physical difficulty. You keep going on, firmly dedicated to the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.  I pray that my devotion to you and Them will increase and purify.

I pray that I may focus more, as from your example, of looking for the good in each and every person. In that way, I can do the next right thing in life every day that I receive, and do my humble part in helping share your mercy.   


I have a lot to do, and am doing so, especially gaining more strength in you and Their Lordships during life's occasional ups and downs.  I pray that I may always serve you in any way that you see fit.

May I always remain,

Your spiritual daughter and servant, 

Yasoda Saci devi dasi, (diksa) New Orleans area. USA


Харе Кришна!
Примите, пожалуйста, мои смиренные поклоны!

Простите, пожалуйста, что так поздно отправляю свое подношение Гурумахараджу...

Если сюда уже поздно, то сообщите, пожалуйста, куда еще не поздно.





Харе Кришна! 

Дорогой Гурумахарадж, примите, пожалуйста, мои почтительные поклоны.
Слава Вашей Божественной Милости! 
Слава Шриле Прабхупаде!

Вся слава Вашему знаменательному Дню явления.


ом̇ аджн̃а̄на-тимира̄ндхасйа
чакшур унмӣлитам̇ йена
тасмаи ш́рӣ-гураве намах̣

стха̄питам йена бхӯ-тале
свайам̇ рӯпах̣ када̄ махйам̇
дада̄ти сва-пада̄нтикам


Примите, пожалуйста, скромное стихотворение как подношение в пыли Ваших лотосных стоп. Также к письму приложены фотографии с последних казанских встреч учеников.



Примите, Гурумахарадж, мои поклоны!
Они почтительности учатся у Вас.
Позвольте мне, прошу, в сей день благословленный
Приподнести Вам подношение от нас.
Вам Прабхупада имя дал — Джаяпатака
Что "флаг победы" означает — так и есть!
Слуга слуги — Вы нас спасаете от мрака,
Распространяя повсеместно Бога песнь!

Не знаю я как мне хватило силы духа
В тот день взять четки, что держали крепко Вы.
Вы помогли понять, что сердце мое сухо,
И что я лишь ценой усилий волевых
Смогу когда-нибудь очистить свои чувства.
И Ваша жизнь как совершеннейший пример
Служенья Кришне, как предания искусство
Преображает нас. И внешний мир померк.

Ведь Вы сияете как Шри Кришна Чайтанья
В своем стремлении упорном продолжать
Служенье гуру. Ведь ни для кого не тайна,
Что Сам Господь не устает к Себе Вас звать.
Но как же смехотворно то служенье,
Что предложить способна пыли Ваших стоп.
И все же смею Вас просить благословенье
На прохождение всех внешних неудобств.

О Гурудев, желаю я быть Вам полезной.
Вот будет счастье — Вас порадовать хоть раз!
Ведь Вы мне столько всего дали безвозмездно!
Из Ваших лекций жду какой-нибудь приказ.
Так пусть же Кришна воплотит Ваше желанье —
Вновь танцевать под звуки бешеных цимбал!
Чтоб разнеслось по миру Господа посланье,
Чтоб Прабхупады книги каждый прочитал!

Как капля в море незначительна, напрасна —
Когда одна я, но позвольте помечтать:
Ведь если каждый здесь проявит сопричастность,
Тогда бы милости волной могли мы стать!
Вам Прабхупада имя дал — Джаяпатака
Что "флаг победы" означает — так и есть!
Что слез по Кришне нет — о том я буду плакать!
Но с тем и радоваться — все-таки Вы здесь!



С уважением, Ваша незначительная духовная дочка Адишакти Радхика д.д.

Дорогой Гуру Махарадж!
Пожалуйста, примите мои почтительные поклоны в пыли у Ваших лотосных стоп. Вся слава
Шриле Прабхупаде!
К сожалению, я до сих пор не обладаю достаточной квалификацией, которая помогла бы
мне описать тот нектарный океан возвышенных качеств, которыми Вы обладаете. Но как
мне кажется, в моем сердце есть немного искренности и благодарности по отношению к
Вам, чтобы в нем, пока еще полного материальных желаний и привязанностей, проявился
росток желания служить Вашим лотосным стопам и Господа Кришны.
Вы никогда не останавливаетесь в проповеди, не находите никаких оправданий и не
взираете на болезни и состояние своего физического тела. Вы просто продолжаете
делать то, что обещали своему духовному учителю. Это мужество, стойкость,
решительность и верность наставлениям Шрилы Прабхупады - лишь немногие из
необычайных качеств, которыми вы обладаете и о достижении которых я могу только
Дорогой Гуру Махарадж! Вы всегда вдохновляете меня. Ваша преданность и энтузиазм в
служении Шриле Прабхупаде, ваша непоколебимая вера в Господа Кришну и ваша
покорность своему телу и жизни при любых обстоятельствах - являются главным
источником вдохновения в моих попытках угодить Вам. Ваши лекции на Facebook
открывают передо мной замечательные игры Господа Гауранги и показывают путь домой,
являются источником силы и вдохновения в моих попытках преданного служения Вам и
Я каждый день благодарю Вас за то, что Вы буквально выдернули меня из плена майи и
сделали своим учеником, потому что без Вас моя жизнь была бы потеряна.
Спасибо Вам за Ваше терпение!
Я снова и снова мысленно припадаю к Вашим стопам с надеждой​ что в один прекрасный
день у меня не останется никакого другого желания как только бескорыстно служить Вам
из жизни в жизнь.
Дорогой Гуру Махарадж! Пожалуйста, простите меня за ошибки и оскорбления, которые я
совершаю. Мне стыдно за то, что я прикладываю недостаточно усилий в своем духовном
совершенстве. Но Вы всей своей жизнью даете мне мужество взглянуть на себя и даете
мне силы все полнее сосредоточить свое сознание на служении вайшнавам, Вам и Господу
В этот чудесный день вашей Вьяса-пуджи я молюсь Кришне благословить Вас долгой
жизнью, что бы Вы могли и дальше спасать падшие души, подобные мне.
Ваш незначительный ученик и слуга
Аланкара Говинда дас (дикша),
Москва, Россия.

Харе Кришна, дорогой Гуру Махарадж!
Примите пожалуйста мои почтительные поклоны!
Вся слава самому благоприятному Дню Вашего явления!

В этот благоприятный день позвольте поблагодарить Вас за замечательный пример того, как нужно служить миссии Шрилы Прабхупады с полной самоотдачей, невзирая ни на какие обстоятельства.

Также я хочу предложить Вам плоды своего служения за прошедший год – только благодаря Вашей милости и вдохновляющему примеру, моё служение увеличилось как количественно, так и качественно. Конечно же мне ещё очень далеко до совершенства в своём служении, однако я уверена, что все затруднения, по Вашей милости, мне в конце конов удастся преодолеть.

За этот год я ещё больше утвердилась в том, что без Вашей милости, милости преданных и ИСККОН в целом, у меня нет ни малейшего шанса даже на минимальный духовный прогресс.

Я очень благодарна, что в огромной семье Шрилы Прабхупады, есть большая семья моих духовных братьев и сестер, теперь уже родных и близких мне. Я очень хочу стать похожей на них в искренности и серьёзности следования Вашим наставлениям, энтузиазме и желании служить миссии Шрилы Прабхупады, ведь этими качествами они так похожи на Вас.

Я от всего сердца желаю Вам, чтобы все Ваши ученики, среди которых и Ваша незначительная слуга, всеми силами помогали Вам выполнить все наставления, данные Вам Шрилой Прабхупадой, помогали Вам развивать миссию Господа Чайтаньи.

Дорогой Гуру Махарадж, благословите меня пожалуйста на то, чтобы своим служением, поведением и речью я могла радовать всех преданных, Вас, Шрилу Прабхупаду и Господа Кришну.

Желающая быть Вам полезной, Юлия Федотова, ученица под прибежищем, Москва, Россия

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj! Please accept my respectful obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glory to You!


sarva-deśa-kāla-daśāya janera kartavya
guru-pāśe sei bhakti praṣṭavya, śrotavya

It is therefore the duty of every man — in every country, in every circumstance and at all times — to approach a bona fide spiritual master, question him about devotional service and listen to him explain the process.

CH-CH, Madhya, 25.122

To become fixed in devotional service one has to become completely cleansed from the contamination of the material modes of nature. For work in devotional service the first item is ādau gurv-āśrayam: one should accept a bona fide spiritual master, and from the bona fide spiritual master inquire about one’s transcendental occupational duties (sad-dharma-pṛcchā) and follow in the footsteps of great saintly persons, devotees (sādhu-mārga-anugamanam). These are the instructions given in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu by Rūpa Gosvāmī.
The conclusion is that to increase attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead one has to accept a bona fide spiritual master and learn from him the methods of devotional service and hear from him about the transcendental message and glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this way one has to increase his conviction about devotional service. Then it will be very easy to increase attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

Bhag., 4.22.22, comment

I have absolutely no qualifications to glorify You properly. But I would like to express my gratitude to Your selfless, unselfish, and unending service to the Lotus Feet of Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya, and all the previous acaryas. Thank you for teaching us the process of devotional service through your example of an ideal servant. Thank you for the great communication you give. Now, with the development of the Internet, even those who do not have the opportunity to attend your lectures personally can do it remotely, via the Internet.

In your lectures, you are constantly praising the Supreme Lord by talking about the Lilas of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You explain the process of devotional service by referring to the books of the previous acaryas. By listening to your lectures and following your instructions, we will become more and more attached to Krsna, and only by Your grace will we be able to cross the ocean of material existence. On this auspicious day of Your appearance, I would like to ask for your blessings so that I can always follow all your instructions with great enthusiasm and despite all difficulties, just as you follow the instructions of Srila Prabhupada! You are the ocean of mercy and the friend of fallen souls, let me take shelter under the shadow of your Lotus Feet!



Your eternal servant,
Krishna Kripamurty d


Middle East

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
All glories to Srila Jayapataka swami Guru Maharaj 
Dear  GuruMaharaj, 
I pray my respectful obeisances to lotus feet of Jayapataka swami. I am very fortunate to have a guru like you Maharaj. We are very happy to see your health improvement. I will be very very much blessed if you accept me as your disciple because you are the trend setter for us, we are keeping you as our example and trying to lead our life in a better spiritual way. 
Actually because of Maharaj only today we are enjoying Krishna consciousness in Gulf countries. I didn't expect KC in these Gulf countries. As you took initiative to start KC in middle east countries and now successfully running in KKD with your mercy Maharaj. 
This year, unfortunately, we couldn't make it to take initiation from you due to some material problems. 
Hoping for best at least next year we are going to take initiation from you Maharaj. 
Please bless us to improve and support in Srila Prabhupada mission by preaching. 
Please forgive me for my aparadas. 

Yours humble servant.


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj, All Glories unto your lotus feet, All Glories to Shrila Prabhupad,


We are so fortunate to have you as our spiritual master. This year we had many seniors devotees (deciples of your holiness) left  Mathuradesh as they have been retired from official job.


We have been offered more responsibilities by our  Mahachakra and senior devotees. I have been given responsibility of one Sector Sevak  where 4 cell programs are going on.


With your blessings Guru Maharaj,more and more souls are joining and taking Krishna Bhakti. We have  6 members  from our sector ready with IDC course and are ready to take Harinam Initiations and ready to connect to the Parampara through your holiness.


 We are successfully celebrating all the big festivals and try to take their active participation in all the programs.


My family also enjoying Krishna Bhakti. My wife actively doing preaching in our cell program and also visiting other cell programs to spread Krishna Bhakti.


My daughter ( Krishna) and Son ( Kandarp Mohan) both leant playin Mridanga and Harmonium and also lovingly singing the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Please bless them for their advancement in Krishna Bhakti.


I humbly seek your blessings to further become steady in Krishna Bhakti. 


Your Humble Servant 


Radheshyam Charan Das

Mitravrinda Dwarkarani Devi Dasi

Krishna ( Daughter studying in 12th Grade)

Kandarp Mohan( Son studying in 3rd Grade)

All glories to Sri Gurudeva 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

  Sri Gurudeva!

Please accept my respectable obeisances un to thy lotus feet.

Thy lotus feet are the abode of  pure devotional service  .

The honey from thy lotus feet cures my ignorance 

Lord Nityananda 's shakti flows from thee 

Gives the eternal bliss to carry out bhakti

Thy heart is the resting place of Sri Govinda

Which continuously beats to fulfill the mission of Srila praphupada

Thy lotus mouth meant for Sri Gaura Kathamrta 

To drench the the fallen souls with bhakti rasa

Thy holiness kaya mansa vaca dedicated to fulfill the dream of Srila Prabhupada 

To take us all back to Goloka

Thy transcendental smile 

Strengthen us to overcome the turmoil

Oh! What causeless mercy is this

Which sustains us in the path of bhakti

By thy holiness 's  guidance as victory flag

Through thy  books , lectures , we never lag.

 Humbly seeking thy blessings on Krishna Katha yatra

To have Nama ruci , jivodaya and Vaishnava seva

Bestow thy causeless mercy to support the construction of Temple of Vedic planetarium  -the vision of Srila  Bhaktivinoda

 Praying to  Sri Radha madhava and Sri Narasimhadeva

To bless thy  holiness with glorious years to serve Srila Prabhupada

Your insignificant servant

Rupavathi Jahnava  Devi Dasi

Krishna Katha Desh - Sri Antar dwip chakra


Guru Maharaj Vyasa Puja Offering

Hare krishna

Dandavat pranams maharaj

  • You always inspired me by taking classes online without even thinking about your health your classes are really beautiful.even though they tod you not to travel a lot you still do and preach and change people from maya to people of goloka you always give classes without fail they are also funny recently when the maha Abhishek came I came to mayapur and listerned to your class I was right in front of you I saw that you were so enthusiastic that you forgot that you were exeding your time.


From dubai


nama om vishnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine,

nama acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


My dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto your Lotus Feet on the occasion of your Vyasa-puja. On the occasion of your Vyasa Puja I pray to Lord Narsimhadeva to grant you long life and good health.

Yet again I am fortunate and blessed to speak a few words on the very auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja. To speak about your glories require intelligence and qualification of which I don’t find myself befitting. But a disciples foremost duty is to follow the instruction of his Guru as a result of which I am trying to put a few words together to form sentences, which won’t be able to cover the great glories of your magnanimous personality.

Srila Gurudev a great pure devotee such as Yourself comes to this world out of his causeless mercy, with the sole intention to distribute mercy and to take back stubborn souls like myself. Your mercy is evenly showered to everyone just like the sun doesn’t discriminate to share its sunshine. Yet fools like me hide in the darkness of the shadow of sense gratification and deride the illuminating sunshine like knowledge and causeless mercy you share. Due to my miserly weakness I keep repeating my mistake of enjoying the mirage of happiness in this world and accumulating offenses thereby committing spiritual suicide when the real happiness lies at the dust of your Lotus feet. Srila Narottama das Thakur says, “The Lotus Feet of our spiritual master are the only way by which we can attain pure devotional service” yet after many years of trying to serve your Lotus feet I fail to relish the nectar of devotion, this is definitely the proof of my incapability to be faithful to your instructions. 

When I read the scriptures on the qualification of the disciple I find nothing in me that the shatras declare to be quality of adisciple. Unqualified, lowly born, heart filled with all the vicious material desires and unfit to be a disciple and yet here I am as a disciple of yours. This is only due to your causeless mercy. A disciple is supposed to reflect the mood and qualities of the Guru, and all I do is bring more and more infamy and suffering to you. Yet all you do is accept me with utmost love and care. Alas! What have I done in any birth to have deserved a merciful Guru like yourself.

This year is the 50th sanyasa anniversary of yours. 50 glorious years as a statement of your dedication and faithfulness to Srila Prabhupada. Every year a statement of surrender, love, steady and increasing service to Srila Prabhupada. I hope to get a drop of any of the abovementioned qualities of yours so I can make my life successful. 

In the C.C its mentioned

bhakta-päda-dhüli ära bhakta-päda-jala

bhakta-bhukta-avaçeña, — tina mahä-bala

The dust of the feet of a devotee, the water that has washed the feet of a devotee, and the remnants of food left by a devotee are three very powerful substances.


ei tina-sevä haite kåñëa-premä haya

punaù punaù sarva-çästre phukäriyä kaya

By rendering service to these three, one attains the supreme goal of ecstatic love for Kåñëa. In all the revealed scriptures this is loudly declared again and again. 

(Caitanya-caritämåta 3.16.60–61)

This year I hope that someday I may be qualified to hold the dust of your Lotus feet on my head so I can get purified enough to serve you by being chaste to your instructions.


Your fallen Servant,

Akinchan Damodar Das

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj ,

 My heart fills with gratitude and tears flow in for accepting the fallen souls like us and giving us shelter at your holy feet.


 " ALL GLORIES ON YOUR HOLY APPEARANCE DAY " I only  wish  for  your  great health  to recover and get better  day by day .

May lord always brings fallen souls like us at his lotus feet  through great souls like you .


Your Eternal servant , 

.. K. Amarnath.S

Dear Guru Maharaj,


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to Sri Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj


Please accept my humble obeisances.


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayaptaka Swamin Iti Namine

Namaha Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama dhaya Nagara Grama tharine


I am so blessed to meet with you in person 5 times since beginning 2012.


First time in Bahrain in a big auditorium hall in presence of many disciples. Second time in Bahrain while getting aspiration. Third time in Kuwait while getting sheltered and got blessed to serve in Kitchen along with many disciples. Fourth time in Bahrain got chance to meet with you in person and got blessed with “dhandam”. Fifth time in Qatar while getting Initiation.


After getting Initiation, I understood that I have to utilize my life in Krishna conscious services at all time. Now I can realize the spiritual progress in myself and in all activities. With your mercy and blessings, I am able to study Krishna conscious books with better understanding. After Initiation, I have got improved in studying Krishna conscious books with your blessings.


I realize fully that you are self-realized soul (not at all in bodily platform) and spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world and the recent Initiation ceremony in Bangladesh for 1,000 disciples confirming again.


Being come from Western Big wealthy family but you have dedicated to Indian life for us (fallen souls like me) and to spread Krishna consciousness as per your Guru’s instruction. You are giving such a Big Vedic planetarium for us as per your Guru’s Vision. You are accomplishing that.


I feel gratitude every time while doing Guru Aarti and listening and singing Songs (Guru Maharaj’s glorification songs).


Seeking your blessings at all time to progress in Krishna conscious life to achieve the goal of life.


Your Humble Servant,

Anandarupini Vishnupriya DeviDasi

My Dear Guru maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.I am astonished to see you preaching even this much health are the live example of soul are very merciful on all jiva and trying to bring them under the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.

Please bless me so that I can help you in prabhupad mission.without your mercy understanding Krishna prema and gaining knowledge is please grant me at least one drop of mercy so that I am eligible to deliver the message of chaitanya are incarnation of associate of nityanand prabhu.I am so fortunate to have a Guru like you who is so dedicated to spread krishna consciousness.I hope I can make you proud by my present I am preaching to small kids and learning myself.I am totally surrender to your lotus feet.

Your servant

Ananya shukla

Namah Om Vishnu Padaya, Krishna Preshthya bhutale,

Srimate Jay Pataka Swamy iti namine,

Namah Acharya Padaya, nitai kripa pradaiyene,

Gaura Katha damadayaa, Naagar gramo tarine.


Hare Krishna,

Our beloved Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

All glories to your appearance day.

Really, I am thankful to ISKCON devotees who have introduced me to this spiritual world. Before coming to ISKCON, I was like animal. But after coming in association with devotees, we got awareness & now moving forward with all of your blessings & mercy.

I took shelter in 2018 at Chennai on the occasion of Vyasa Puja.  Very eagerly, I’m very eagerly waiting the coming auspicious your appearance day to get initiation.  

Last year on the occasion of Gaura Purnima, by mercy of yours I got chance to visit Mayapur. After reaching there, when came to know that you are presence there. Then just praying to Sri Radha Madhav to get your darshan. Finally I got your darshan at Bengali lecture. Guru Maharaja, you are my guide for spiritual life. Please bless me & shower your mercy on me to get initiation from you.  I am excited for your darshan on coming Vyasa Puja in Sri Mayapur Dham & praying Lord Krishna to shower His mercy to get initiation this time.  Praying Lord Krishna to give chance to meet you face to face & talk few words.

Your humble servant,



All glories to Lord Guaranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Srila JPS Guru Maharaj


To our Guru Maharaj and Spiritual Father


Please accapt our humble & respectful obeisances, unto Lotus feet of Guru Maharaj.


Our wishes and prayers to Lord Gauranga for the longevity and good health of our beloved Guru Maharaj.


Jai Guru Maharaj.



Anukampa Gaurangi Devi dasi

Kedar Amrit

Avatari desh

Abu Dhabi UAE

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to Guru Maharaj

This year started to teach Srimad Bagavatham for aspiring devotees  finished first canto. As per requirement for initiation.

Need your blessing to do more good service.

Yours humble servant

Anukula Radhika Devidasi

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj


Please accept my humble obeinances to your lotus feet


All Glories to Srilla Prabhupad


I am extremely sorry for sending my homepage so late. Please accept my apologies for it.


Guru Maharaj I wish you a very healthy journey ahead. I feel you are feeling much better now and speech is also improving.


I had very brief physical association with you so far but I am praying that I get some opportunity in future to serve you. On the occasion of your Vyasa Puja festival I humbly beg your mercy upon me and my family. We are your most fallen disciples. Please bless us so that we can follow the path you have shown. 



Dearest Gurudeva,

namo om visnu-padaya krsna presthaya bhutale
srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine 
nama acaryapadaya nitai-krpa pradayine
gaura-katha dhama-daya nagara-grama tarine 

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Please accept my humble obeisance at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The appearance day of my beloved spiritual master, I cannot imagine where my life will be today if I was not blessed with your divine benediction.

I would like to wish my dearest guru maharaj a very happy Vyasa-puja, and may my guru maharaj have many, many more to come.

Guru maharaj you are so merciful, understanding, compassionate and I am very happy my parents have taken your guidance for which I follow the same path today.

On this most auspicious day, I pray to Lord Narasimhadev to always protect you and to be in good health in order to carry out Srila Prabhupadas mission. 

Your humble servant,

Atulya Rukmini Devi Dasi

My Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my respectful  obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On this auspicious occasion of your 71st Vysa Puja ,I pray to Lord Narasimhadev for your uninterrupted  wonderful services to Srila Prabhupada.

Your daily presence in social media is a boon for me to connect with you  and get your instructions and guidance daily.Your loud GAURANGA chanting really giving the world ,a chance to get purified and hear the pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.Your Caitanya Caritamrita compilation gave me new revelations of many secret past times of the Lord.

Your world tour in wheel chair inspires the whole world and always an astonishment to find the secret energy behind it.Your heroic world tour and interactions are one of my proud narrations to my Bhakti Vriksha members.

Gurumaharaj,by your mercy ,Krishna Katha Desh is trying to achieve the goal of 222 Bhakti Vrikshas by 2022 as an offering to the grand opening of TOVP.As part of this target,our Anantha Padmanabha Chakra is also trying to contribute more bhakti Vrikshas.Initiated devotees are taking Bhakti Vrikshas now.I beg your mercy to all our sheltered devotees to start individual bhakti vrikshas so that they will get the mercy of Srila Prabhupad.

This year,we are expecting a visit by you in Krishna Katha Desh and  many devotees are eagerly waiting for a chance to meet ,serve and get the blessings by you.We are strictly following this country's rules and regulations as per your instructions and secretly giving Harinam to all  fortunate souls.Please extend your prayers on us to continue this  service to  you without any interruption.

Please bless me to overcome the magical attractions in disguise of this mataerial world and focus on devotional service.Please forgive me for my mountains of aparadhas.

On this Vyasa Puja day,I pray to Radha Syamsundar ,Karuna Nitai and Premananda Gaura for your health and unending services to Srila Prabhupada.

Your Loving son,

Bahu Karuna Nitai Das,

Initiated devotee

Krishna Katha Desh.

Hare Krsna!!!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to Sri Gaura - Nitai!! All Glories to Sri Radha - Govindji!!!

namo om vishu padaya krishna prestaya bhutale

srimate jayapataka swamin  iti namine

namacharaya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha naama daaya nagara grama tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept our humble and reverential pranam unto your lotus feet. We are eternally grateful to you for showing us the right way of bhakti; and always inspiring us to do devotional service in all circumstances.


On this auspicious day of your appearance, We wish to reiterate our allegiance to Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme personality Godhead. We, the fallen souls of this Kali Yuga, would have never recognized or appreciated Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu if your divine intervention had not happened. I am eternally indebted to you for accepting me as your disciple as well as the Grand-disciple of Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupad.


Dear Guru Maharaj, simply by hearing your name - loving devotional service sprouts up in our hearts; simply by remembering your transcendental qualities - fear and lamentation are extinguished, simply by hearing of you - the ignorance in our hearts is removed, simply having your darshan - we achieve goodness, simply by touching your lotus feet - we get solace.


Let the loving remembrance of your lotus feet remain again and again in the core of our hearts in whatever situations we may undergo.


I admit we do procrastinate many of your instructions; also quite often we commit some mistakes and sins which are not only unpleasing to you, but cause various anarthas, even physical sufferings unto you, Guru Maharaj.


Yet dear Guru Maharaj, you are our only refuge; so please forgive, correct and protect all of us to go back to Godhead - the Supreme Personality Lord Sri Krsna.


We take the liberty on this auspicious occasion of your 71th Vyasapooja to express our sincere thanks and gratitude for engaging us in your service to serve Jagadguru Srila Prabhupada.


We conclude this homage offering with our sincere prayers to Nrsimhadev for bestowing good health and long life unto you as to enable you to keep-on incessant devotional service for years and years.


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare



For and on behalf of Avatari Desh Disciples & Well Wishers,


Your humble servants,

Yatra Leader, Bahroopa Nrsimha Das & Sumadhura Gopi Devi DD




Dear beloved Gurumaharaj 

 Our respectful obeisances to your lotus feet And we pray to lord Narasimha dev and Sri Radha Madav to protect you and provide all strength to live with good health and accomplish your guru Srila Prabhupad  instructions 

With your 71st vyasa Pooja still myself not done the promises earlier and again and again I am begging your pardon and request your mercy and blessings to do my sadhana sincerely and regularly with clear schedule which is missing from my side and still my sincerity towards devotional service is not getting upright as per your guidelines and instructions 

Yes I know Guru bhakti and Guru words are ultimate in our life but bringing in to our practical life still I am struggling Gurumaharaj, kindly lift me up , sorry every time I am disturbing you but I and we have no choice except you dear Gurudev 

Just I am recollecting olden days with you chanting eating swimming dancing hearing lectures and your causeless mercy we have taken shelter in to your lotus feet 

Even earlier days you used to come and sitting much earlier then we all one by one used to come so patiently you are awaited to start class , thanks

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat pranams at your lotus feet and please accept my humble obeisance. I am one of those thousands of fortunate souls who got initiation from you because of your causeless mercy and trying my level best to keep the promise I gave during initiation.

I try to be in devotees association as much as possible so that I do not get distracted to material things. I spend more time in rendering service, taking BV class, listening to lectures and kirtans.  However, I spend little time on reading that I will try to improve in the coming days. I do my chanting regularly though my concentration level is poor because of the conditioned life but I have the desire to keep the chanting going and I am sure with your mercy one day I will get the real taste of chanting.

Last year, unexpectedly I got the opportunity to do Vapu seva for one night to your lotus feet while you were in Dubai.  At that time, I realized the amount of pain you are taking because of fallen soul like me and to take us back home back to godhead. It is very difficult for me to do anything even when I get a small headache but the amount of pain you are taking to distribute Krishna to everyone is beyond words. I cannot forget that night since it was eventful for me as you were holding my hand when I was checking you oxygen level, got opportunity to apply medicine to your lotus fee and cleaning your personal medical devices etc. In addition, I could personally witness your enthusiasm to carry out the hectic schedule you have.  It was surprising that you slept hardly for few hours and at the same time doing the chanting even while you were sleeping but got up early and went through the 200+ initiation names matching everything based on the candidate desire and to the respective spouse name as well. Unfortunately, I could not speak with you that night but I am sure you would have noticed the fallen soul rendering a small service to you.

It was because of your causeless mercy I got that opportunity which is very rare to get and hope I get one more opportunity in the future to serve your lotus feet. I beg for any offenses I have done and request for your blessing to advance more in Krishna Consciousness.  

Hare Krishna

Your humble servant

Baghvan Balaji Das

Dear Gurumahraj

Please accept my most humble obeisances on this very auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja

Generally, with the difficulties of the gross body, the activities of the mind and intelligence deteriorate. However, in your case, totally defying that rule, your mind and intelligence have become unbelievably active and agile. This is a clear indication that you are not at all affected by the condition of your gross body. Rather transcending that platform you are functioning in pure spiritual consciousness, and your mind and intelligence have become spiritualized.

What you have shown is a real miracle. When you had the stroke, the expert doctors who were treating you, declared that you had very little chance of survival, and if you do, then you would become paralyzed for the rest of your life. But proving all of them to be totally wrong you not only started to move and speak but travel around the world imparting spiritual wisdom to so many sincere souls for their ultimate spiritual benefit. Seeing your unbelievable performance those doctors have admitted that you have totally bewildered the medical science by defying their scientific concepts based on years of observations and research. They have never seen such a case in their entire history. People want to see miracles. Undoubtedly this is one of the greatest miracles that anyone has ever witnessed.

You had always been a very prominent leader of our movement, and as an ideal leader, you are showering your love and affection upon whoever you come across. In order to distribute this mercy upon the conditioned souls, you travel around the world, in spite of your physical difficulties. Our movement needs exemplary leaders like yourself to continue the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world.


Hare Krishna 


Dear Gurudev,

Kindly accept my respectful obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

On this occasion of your auspicious appearance day, I express my sincere gratitude to you Gurudev, for your unlimited mercy extended to me, accepting me one of your disciples.  You dedicated your life to the entire humanity, for the up-lifting of fallen souls from hellish life and also for their blissful spiritual life. On this day I am fortunate to glorify our beloved spiritual master who is a living legend sacrificing his life for the welfare of whole society and perfectly fulfilling the desire of Sri Caitanya Maha prabhu.

Gurudev, even though you are not in perfect bodily condition, you are still spiritually healthy and it shows, because you carries Krishna’s love in your heart. You are still accepting many disciples and sharing your valuable realizations, and sincerely engaged in the release of “Baddathmas” to Krishna with the priceless blessings of our Great founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada. You are firm in your faith and devotional service to him. You are setting such a perfect example; absolutely NOTHING should be an impediment to devotional service.

It is always so difficult glorifying you because no words are ever sufficient to express your vast glories. What can we say? What you have given us is so great that even to put it into words in order to express our gratitude is difficult -in fact impossible. I think this alone explains your elevated position. So it is important for us to realize that we are accepted as a follower by such a great Acharya like you Gurudev and Dear Gurudev, we are too fortunate that we are Gurudev’s disciples.


According to Sri Narada Muni - "a bona fide spiritual master who sacrificed and followed the path of Bhagavat Dharma throughout his life, such a great soul is to be considered the external manifestation of Krishna Himself". So you are Gurudev.

Gurudev, I feel obliged with your great preaching and inspiration, empowering me in devotional service with the ‘bhava’ of ‘Dasanudasanudasa’ of Lord Krishna. I promise I will follow all the principles and instructions as it is of the mission (yatra) and continue my devotional service without any break in my future life.

We always pray Lord Krishna grand you always good health, Gurudev. Thank you for all that you have done for us, for being such a fantastic disciple of Srila Prabhupada and in turn, a wonderful role model. We love you so much, Gurudev.

Also, we pray to Gouranga, for their mercy on you! For your good health to further strengthen your mission of spreading Krishna consciousness in more towns and villages around the world.

May lord Narasimhadev protect you always, Hare Krishna, Haribol from Mathuradesh

Your most humble servant

Bharata Dharma Bhoomi Das (diksha)

Mathuradesh, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Hare krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please  accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet!

All glories to Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


First of all I would like to beg your forgiveness for being such an undisciplined spiritual daughter of yours. I am constantly thinking of sending the homage but waited till the last minute, as I feel that there is more to add.

In this pandemic situation it is very painful that the most cherished day of the year, your Vyasa puja which is the most favourite day for me, has to be celebrated at home, neither in temples nor in  the association of devotees.

In this precarious situation of COVID  pandemic, shelter of your lotus feet is the only safe place.  You, the pilot of Gauranga Airlines will be taking us to safety which is for sure. 

I adore  you for the  immense great qualities you have, would  like to mention some.You are my HERO who will rescue us from this dangerous situation now and always.


H - Hospitality, devotee care has always been close to your heart. I remember, whenever we visited Mayapur, your first question would be,” Hope you are having a comfortable stay here. Please let me know how I can serve you.” This humility of yours touched my heart. You have instructed all devotees that all should prioritise devotee care to one and all who visits Mayapur, which is being practiced wholeheartedly by all.


E - Enthusiasm - Your spirit to do things enthusiastically is so contagious. You are as enthusiastic as a child full of energy, even a normal person doesn’t have the energy you have. You attend meetings for hours, attend functions as many in a day and give evening classes on the roof of Lotus building without fail, even storms and heavy rains don’t stop you from giving classes. For the safety of devotees you ask them to leave to their homes but you gave the class on Facebook on that stormy and rainy night.


R - Radiant - Your radiance is magnified multifold when devotees or non devotees swarm Mayapur. When new devotees come in groups and ask you questions, beaming with radiance, reply to them, especially if they are children you glorify them and answer their queries too. 

And what to describe the radiance you emanate during Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, especially this time there was a new party, South India party, the way you were encouraging the new party was amazing. In spite of your ill health you visited each party sharing glories of Navadvipa Mandala in high spirits.


O - Omniscient -  You are an expert in everything, spiritual and material knowledge. You are updated with the latest technology, world news, economics, environment. You are well versed in all scriptures which is evident through your lectures and the book you are compiling Sri Krishna Caitanya is going to be a great gift for our sampradaya. Cooking is your field of expertise too, you know all the cuisines of the world, the spices used and speciality of each cuisine.

You are a linguist too, you communicate with each devotee in their language, even though it is just simple words in their native language, you know it will strike the chord of their heart.


In this way Guru Maharaja you are my HERO who has accepted me as your spiritual daughter for which I am indebted to you always. Hope this pandemic ends soon and we are able to visit Mayapur and have your darshan. 

Seeking your mercy and blessings which you have been showering me and my family unconditionally.


Always in your service

Ever indebted to you

Bhuvanapujita Radhika devi dasi [Diksha]

Nandasuta Govinda Das [Diksha]


Hare krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please  accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet!

All glories to Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


First of all I would like to beg your forgiveness for being such an undisciplined spiritual daughter of yours. I am constantly thinking of sending the homage but waited till the last minute, as I feel that there is more to add.

In this pandemic situation it is very painful that the most cherished day of the year, your Vyasa puja which is the most favourite day for me, has to be celebrated at home, neither in temples nor in  the association of devotees.

In this precarious situation of COVID  pandemic, shelter of your lotus feet is the only safe place.  You, the pilot of Gauranga Airlines will be taking us to safety which is for sure. 

I adore  you for the  immense great qualities you have, would  like to mention some.You are my HERO who will rescue us from this dangerous situation now and always.


H - Hospitality, devotee care has always been close to your heart. I remember, whenever we visited Mayapur, your first question would be,” Hope you are having a comfortable stay here. Please let me know how I can serve you.” This humility of yours touched my heart. You have instructed all devotees that all should prioritise devotee care to one and all who visits Mayapur, which is being practiced wholeheartedly by all.


E - Enthusiasm - Your spirit to do things enthusiastically is so contagious. You are as enthusiastic as a child full of energy, even a normal person doesn’t have the energy you have. You attend meetings for hours, attend functions as many in a day and give evening classes on the roof of Lotus building without fail, even storms and heavy rains don’t stop you from giving classes. For the safety of devotees you ask them to leave to their homes but you gave the class on Facebook on that stormy and rainy night.


R - Radiant - Your radiance is magnified multifold when devotees or non devotees swarm Mayapur. When new devotees come in groups and ask you questions, beaming with radiance, reply to them, especially if they are children you glorify them and answer their queries too. 

And what to describe the radiance you emanate during Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, especially this time there was a new party, South India party, the way you were encouraging the new party was amazing. In spite of your ill health you visited each party sharing glories of Navadvipa Mandala in high spirits.


O - Omniscient -  You are an expert in everything, spiritual and material knowledge. You are updated with the latest technology, world news, economics, environment. You are well versed in all scriptures which is evident through your lectures and the book you are compiling Sri Krishna Caitanya is going to be a great gift for our sampradaya. Cooking is your field of expertise too, you know all the cuisines of the world, the spices used and speciality of each cuisine.

You are a linguist too, you communicate with each devotee in their language, even though it is just simple words in their native language, you know it will strike the chord of their heart.


In this way Guru Maharaja you are my HERO who has accepted me as your spiritual daughter for which I am indebted to you always. Hope this pandemic ends soon and we are able to visit Mayapur and have your darshan. 

Seeking your mercy and blessings which you have been showering me and my family unconditionally.


Always in your service

Ever indebted to you

Bhuvanapujita Radhika devi dasi [Diksha]

Nandasuta Govinda Das [Diksha]


Respected Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my very Humble Obeissanes unto Your Lotus Feet,

All Glories to Śrī Guru and Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahaprabhu,

All Glories to His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda,

All Glories to His Holiness Śrī Guru Mahārāja Oḿ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā cakṣur unmīlitaḿ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

Vande ‘ham śrī-guroh śrī-yuta-pada-kamalam śrī-gurun vaiṣṇavams ca śrī-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa jivam sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devam śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-padan saha-gana-lalita- śrī-visakhanvitams ca Nama Om viṣṇu-padaya kṛṣṇa-preshthaya bhu-tale śrīmate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine Namas Te Sarasvati deve gaura-vani-pracarine nirvisesha-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca kripa-sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo vaiṣṇavebhyo namo namah

namo maha-vadanyaya kṛṣṇa-prema-pradaya te
kṛṣṇaya kṛṣṇa-caitanya-namne Gaura-tvishe namah

Kindly accept my humble obeissances and kindly bless me so that I can transmit your mission for spreading krishna concoiusness as offering,unto your lotus feet.

 On 05th May 2013 Respected Guru Mahārāja, You accepted me as Your spiritual daughter and gave me the name Bindumati Radha devī dāsī. On this most sacred occasion of your 71st appearance anniversary in this world, I would like to fall in the dust of your lotus feet and beg for the ability to properly glorify your divine and magnanimous character. I feel I am such a miniature, such a fallen soul but it is only through Your divine Mercy that I could attain the Mercy of The Supreme Personality of Godhead.

 Respected Guru Mahārāja, I feel very inspired to hear you, despite your health status, chanting and talking about the unlimited pastimes, qualities, names of Śrī Gaurāṅga. Respected Guru Mahārāja, it has been acknowledged in all revealed scriptures that one should honour one’s Spiritual Master as much as the Supreme Lord as He is the most confidential servitor of the Supreme Lord.

On this auspicious occasion, kindly bless me, Respected Guru Mahārāja so that this fallen soul can make some progress in pure devotional service and always remain at Your Lotus Feet.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...


All glories to your incomparable spiritual master..Srila Prabhupada...


All glories to  Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...


All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna for sending you here...


Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..


As I understand from one of the lecture given by my Siksa Guru HG Harikirtan Ranjan Das the real meaning of INITIATION was that one who gave-up his freedom towards his Guru.

By remembering this statement, it reminds me of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj who is a live role model for us to understand how he exhibits the real meaning of taking Initiation by surrendering his freedom to his Guru Maharaja His Divine Grace A.C. Bakthivendanta Swami Srila Prabupad. Just by surrendering and executing all his duties inline with his Guru’s instruction at all times even by not considering his personal health but lives for propagating the Krshna Consciousnesss movement as his primary business.

Your Humble Aspiring Servant

Campakalata Premamayi Devi Dasi (KKD Yatra)

My Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my respectable obeisances.

I would like to wish you for your 71st appearance day.Please give us your blessings.
with your mercy and Gouranga, My family and myself still trying to practice Sadhana up to our capacities.Under guidance of my siksha gurus somehow I am managing to participate in few services of yatra .My desire is to conduct more and more Bhakti Vrikshas and spend good amount of time in chanting.Due to my overconfidence and lazy ness I could not take up these services fully.Guru Maharaj I humbly seek your shelter and mercy so that get strength to take up these services seriously and execute them without any pride and aparadhas.

I sincerely  pray to Krishna and Gouranga for your best health always so that you share Goura Kripa to unlimited conditioned Kali souls 


once again wish you 71th Krishna consciousness birthday.

your menial servant 

Chandramukha Ramadas 

Krishna Katha Desh

Namah Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Namah Acaryapadaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura Katha dhama dhaya nagara grama tarine.


Namah om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshtaya Bhutale,

Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin Iti Namine.

Namaste Saraswati Deve Gaura Vani Pracharine

Nirvisesha shunyavadi paschatya desa tarine.


Dearest Gurumaharaja,


Please accept our respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


All glories to you dear Gurudeva on this most auspicious day of your appearance!


It is indeed a very special day in our lives too, ever since you mercifully accepted us under your loving shelter as your disciples, despite our total lack of any qualification to deserve this mercy.


O Gurudeva, as our spiritual oasis and the shining beacon of light in this andha-koopa of material existence, we constantly seek inspiration from you in facing our trials and tribulations.  We have learnt so many life lessons from you, dear Gurumaharaj, such as:


  • Saranagati - Complete surrender to Krsna and the spiritual master.
  • Dhrda Vrtha – You are indeed the definition of Vyasayaathmika budhdhi.
  • Susukam Kartum avyayam – devotional service that is joyfully performed.
  • Anukampaam- Your limitless compassion to deliver as many souls as possible.


The whole world is watching in wonder at your tenacity in recovering from such a dangerous condition, something that we used to draw inspiration from when we had a major health crisis in our family, leading to a surgery and prolonged recovery. And despite this daunting challenge, you have maintained your inimitable personal touch, your cheerful spirit and warm approachable fatherly benevolence. Who can be like this?


A lifetime spent developing the Mayapur project and soaking in the mercy of Navadwip dham is evident in your constant meditation on Sri Sri Gaura Nitai’s mercy and in your astonishing grasp of even the intricate details of Gaura lila,  And who can forget or miss these wonderful Facebook live sessions every day, to the chants of Gauranga!! Gauranga!! Gauranga!!


bhavad-vidhā bhāgavatās
tīrtha-bhūtāḥ svayaṁ vibho
tīrthī-kurvanti tīrthāni
svāntaḥ-sthena gadābhṛtā (SB 1.13.10)


My lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage.


We have followed with sheer astonishment your recent worldwide preaching tours to such faraway places as Columbia (even for less than a day), mercifully carrying out the orders of your spiritual master and bringing so many lost souls to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement.


As part of Avataridesh yatra and by your mercy, we are conducting children’s classes and ladies’ bhakti vrikshas. After 4 years of discussing Krishna katha, many have taken up chanting regularly, follow vegetarianism, try to offer their preparations and a few follow ekadasi too. Last year they all had the good fortune of visiting Sri Vrindavan Dham for about 5 days with HG Jagat Sakshi prabhu. We seek your blessings to bring them to Sridham Mayapur Dham in the near future.


We, Caru Rupa Madhava Das, Anuradha Madhavi Devi Dasi and Bhaktin Priyamvadha are trying to follow a harmonious, Krishna conscious life with you as our saviour, leading us back home, back to Godhead. We pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panca Tattva, Nrsinmhadeva to bless you abundantly with good health and with continued zeal to carry out the orders of your spiritual master, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!!



Your insignificant son, daughter and granddaughter

Caru Rupa Madhava Das, Anuradha Madhavi devi dasi and Bhaktin Priyamvadha 

परम आदरणीय श्री गुरु महाराज जी,

हरे कृष्ण, कोटि कोटि सादर प्रणाम I

          सर्व प्रथम व्यासपूजा के शुभ अवसर पर आपको ढेर सारी शुभकामनाये I

          श्री भगवान से प्रार्थना है कि आप महाराज जी सदैव स्वस्थ रहे और आपका आशीर्वचन हमे सुनने को मिलता रहे I   

          श्री भगवान और आपकी असीम कृपा से हम श्रीकृष्णभावनामृतसंघ (इस्कान) से जुड़े हैI संघ में आने के बाद हमे ज्ञात हुआ कि श्री भगवान एक है और वह है 'श्री कृष्ण' I उन्ही कि पूजा व सेवा करनी चाहिए किन्तु यह केवल गुरु महाराज के माध्यम से ही संभव हैI श्री गुरु, भगवान के प्रतिनिधि होते है इसलिए उनकी भी पूजा करनी चाहिये I भूलकर भी श्री गुरु की निंदा या अवज्ञा नहीं करनी चाहियेI                 

          हे गुरु महाराज! यदि आप श्री भगवद्नाम का प्रचार नहीं किये होते तो हम जैसे पतित लोग इस्कान से कैसे जुड़े होते? आपके योग्य शिष्य जो हमारे शिक्षा गुरु है जो हमे भगवान श्री कृष्ण से सम्बंधित ढेर सारा अध्यात्मिक ज्ञान देते है I गुरु महाराज जी आपकी व वैष्णवों की कृपा से घर में मंदिर की स्थापना हुई है हम लोग सपरिवार श्री राधा माधव की यथा संभव सेवा कर रहे है I हम चार नियमों का पालन करते है और 16 माला हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का जप करते है तथा कृष्ण प्रसाद ग्रहण करते हैI हम सपरिवार यथा संभव नियमित उत्सवो, कक्षाओ व अन्य आयोजनों में संम्मिलित होकर सत्संग का आनंद लेते  है I

हे गुरु महाराज! जाने अनजाने आपके प्रति किसी अपराध के लिए मै क्षमा चाहती हूँ कृपया मुझे आशीर्वाद दीजिये कि मै आपका आश्रय ले सकू तथा श्री भगवान की अहैतुक भक्ति प्राप्त कर सकू I

धन्यवाद व हरे कृष्ण गुरु महाराज I

आपके आश्रय की आकांक्षी,

चन्द्र प्रभा तिवारी

प्रयाग चक्र/कृष्ण कथा देश

My dear gurudev!

Pls accept  my  humble obeisances  unto your lotus feet. Wish you  happy  vyasapuja offerings from ur spiritual chaild chinmayi kasavidd, sriacyuta das, baktin padmaja  and Gopuka. Gurudev we r so fortunate bcos Krishna  gave us a spiritual master In our life. May lord Narsimha dev protect ur health so that u can complete  ur desire.        Dear father in 2013 u came to Abudhabi. That time we have big problems  bcos of our child conditioning womb. my younger kid was in my womb .Doctors  suggested us baby is not in good condition. More over they advised that immediately discard the baby. Then we informed to  my yatra leader and other senior  devotees. But my mind is not accepted to remove  the baby till we waited for your  visit .you came and blessed  me with your lotus hands around  5 minutes after 3 months  she born on the day of papamochana eakadasi. Bcos  of your blessings  without  failure  everyday she is doing chanting  2rounds. pls accept  my koti koti pranams  gurudev. with ur mercy,  I am taking children  classes and Bg class for mathajis along with those Hg Ramakrishna prabhuji  comming  to our jagannath  house and taking classes weekly 2 days from last 4 years onwards. these all r happening  bcos of my gurudev mercy only. Kindly bless us gurudev so that we will  continue  this spiritual  path regularly.thank u gurudev pranams.


Your servant.

Chinmayi kasavidd 

From avataridesh abudhabi 

05 03 2020.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jaypataka Swami iti namine

Nama Acharyapadaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya Nagar grama tarine

On this auspicious day on your 71st Vyasa Puja please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to you on your Vyasa Puja.

S.B 3.25.21

Titiksavah karunikah

Suhrdah sarva dehinam

Ajata-satravah santah

Sadhavah sadhu-bhusanah.

Translation: The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies. He is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures and all his characteristics are sublime.

I am indeed fortunate that I have such a great personality such as thyself who is my spiritual master. Just like the above sloka you are endowed with such great qualities that to pen them down is doing injustice to such a towering personality.

It hurts to see u cough when ur delivering lectures. It makes me also realise that inspite of so many obstacles on  the health front, your determination and enthusiasm to carry on Srila Prabhupada's mission is your primary goal. It makes us realise that as disciples we have so many things to learn to become dedicated and help serve you and Srila Prabhupada better. Gurudev, we have a long way to go but with your mercy and guidance even if we are able to help you to a small extent we would be greatful for the service rendered.

The TOVP's fast progress is encouraging us to visit the holy dham once again and seek the mercy and blessings of lord Chaitanya and the Pancha Tattva. We are hoping we can make some contributions for TOVP and your memorial land as well.

Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam

Mantra  Moolam Guru Vakyam

Moksa Moolam Guru kripa

 From: Guru kripa- skanda purana.

Translation: The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon, the  Guru's feet are the best for worship, the Guru's word is the mantra, the  Guru's grace is the best for liberation.

I am hoping that by keeping this sloka close to my heart, I will try to serve you to the best of my capacity. Please bless me to serve you better. I am indebted to you for lifetimes to come for the mercy that you have showered on this fallen soul. Please forgive me if I have committed any offenses while executing my sadhana.

I am praying to their lordship Radha Madhav and the Ashta Sakhis, Pancha Tattva deities, lord Narsimha and Srila Prabhupada to bestow good health and a long blissful life in Krsna Consciousness.

Your humble servant,

Chitramalini Devi Dasi. 

Diksa Disciple.




Dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obesience,

All glories to Srila Prabhupad & all glories unto your lotus feet.


Guru Maharaj all glories unto you on auspicious day of your appearance.


Guru Maharaj I want to first thank you for the past year for your blessings, guidance and inspiration. This year being a special year where you mercifully accepted a person like me as your disciple and gave diksha and new birth and name of Dayamayi Suchitra Devi Dasi. That day was such a special day to receive your special mercy in form of your darshan, beads and blessings to serve the movement. 


I am grateful to you for accepting me as your disciple and helping me to improve and guiding me to serve you, SrilaPrabhupad and Krishna with my little efforts also.


 I thank you for your lectures, your messages which  guides and helps us to improve our sadhna, tells us the real goal of life and how to serve guru and prabhupad and the movement in best possible way. It is so inspirational to see you last year travel around world inspite of your health challenges, different weather conditions for your disciples and devotees to be able to have your darshan and listen to your instructions, initiations and katha face to face. It was such a mercy from Krishna to have you in Damodardesh for so many days where we were able to hear you personally and have your darshan for few days. In the lecture one day before diksha I remember how you explained that day being so special as Badra purnima and it is so auspicious to receive diksha on that day. There also you were thinking of our welfare to get special mercy of Krishna by accepting diksha on that day. You really make us feel so special always and encourage us on the path of spirituality. Your one glance and handing over beads while initiating has made such an impact with your divine power has made me to be more and more enthusiastic in Krishna consciousness.


 Last year as I was pregnant and was put on bed rest for last few months of last year your Facebook live classes on Chaitnya charitamrita in evenings helped me to spend evenings spiritually charged and occupied in a spiritual manner. Your answers to  questions on live classes while in different countries has helped to clear so many doubts which arose on how to get more serious in Krishna consciousness. Your every day class has given us a message on how to be committed and disciplined and learn how inspite of any situation you don’t miss it for a day also to give your mercy to us. l hope I can also have these commitments in spiritual life and follow your footsteps. 


My twin girls who came in this world this year in January are surely blessed as while being in womb they have got your special mercy when I received initiation. I hope that I can grow and guide them with your mercy and blessing to be good devotees and pray to Krishna that they also get one day initiated by you to receive your special mercy and serve you, Srila Prabhupad and Krishna. 


For past years whenever you have visited Damodaradesh I have been with Krishna mercy was able to serve you by being part of cooking teams of mataji with special mercy of HG Srivallabh prabhu and HG Sitacharu mataji. In your last visit due to me being in bed rest I was unfortunate to not be able to serve you and really missed the opportunity. I hope you visit us soon again and give me a chance again to be able to serve you for the chance I missed last year.



I look forward to this another year to serve you as disciple and will try to be in service for the movement in all possible ways. 

Look forward to have your Darshan and mercy soon in Damodardesh.


Your servant,

Dayamayi Suchitra Devi Dasi

Damodardesh (Dubai)

My dear guru Maharaj 
Please accept my humble obeisances 

I am very fortunate to have you as my guru

My dear guru Maharaj I 

I beg you to bless me on this auspicious day to progress in spritual life and take up this movement seriously currently I am little regular in sevas and performing devotional services however managing to take BV with one family due other two families left KKD for good 
Guru Maharaj this year I am focusing on my spritual reading and remembering Slokas so that can preach confidently please bless me to progress in Krishna consciousness and accept my obeisances

thanking you guru Maharaj for all your love  on this fallen Jiva 

Your deciple 

DayaNidhi Dinesh Das 

 My dear spiritual master Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj, dandavat pranaam. Hare Krishna.

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhuthale, Srimate Jayapataka swamin Iti namine.

Namah acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine, Gaura katha damadaya nagara gramah tarine.

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to you Guru Maharaj, all glories to Srila Prabhupad.

   I consider it a great honor and privilege to offer my homage unto your lotus feet, on this auspicious Vyasa puja day. To be honest, I don't know how to glorify you. Iam very fallen and insignificant disciple of yours. I have no qualification to glorify you.

  Therefore I am very fortunate to be given this oppotunity by your causeless mercy.

It is your unconditional mercy and compassion alone, that you took me under your shelter and gave me initiation, inspite of my fallen and conditioned state. I am greatly indebted to you.

   By your grace & blessings there has been changes in my perception and understanding the purpose of life, and consequently my willing acceptance of a Krishna conscious life. But still I am at the bottom most rung of the ladder. Plenty of steps to climb. I plead for your mercy and guidance which will surely help me to reach the top safely and live a perfect Krishna conscious life.

  You are a shining example of a true and loving disciple. You are a natural and ideal leader. You have been always leading from the front, showing all of us by your personal example, that nothing is an impediment in our discharge of duties and service unto the Spiritual Master and Supreme Lord Krishna.

I pray to the Supreme Lord Krishna for your good health and happiness.

I wish to inform you that I am leaving Krishna Katha Desa and planning to get settled in my native place Kerala, India. I therefore seek your blessings and protection to help me to be a part of your mission and Srila Prabhupada's mission, to preach and spread Krishna consciousness.

Please help me to serve you whole heartedly. My dear Guru Maharaj please take charge of me, protect me from all anarthas. Please give me Kripa, to be able to serve you eternally to your satisfaction.

I lovingly remain your humble servant. Hare Krishna.

Deva Deva Gaura Das(diksha)

Krishna katha desa, Qatar.





Dear Gurumaharaj,

please accept m humble obeisance unto your lotus feet. All glories to jagatguru Srila prabhupada.

All glories to your holiness.


After few days is very auspicious day because your divine appearance. I am your fallen son, whole year wait for the day. Narottam das Thakur has written eve jasa gusuk tribhuvana. I do not know the real meaning of the sentence, beacause of that i am not able to serve you properly. I know Maharaj you have thousands children who are always busy for your service. So, give me your benediction & shower your mercy upon me so that one day i will be to do same service and I may never think of leaving this association.

Your insignificant humble servent,

Devananda Ch. Das

Doha - Qatar


Our dearest Guru-maharaj,


Dandavat pranam !!!


Please Accept My Humble Obeisances


All Glories to you, to Srila Prabhupada and to all our Parampara acharyas !


Hare Krishna !


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”


“nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine.”


This is deveswari devi dasi.

We have shifted to chennai now from dubai for my son vishal gaura’s education.( 8 th grade now).

My daughter kamatchi is doing college studies now and with ur mercy, she has aspired to u.


Both our children have to move forward in Krishna consciousness And take up Initiation process.


Like how you are following the words of ur guru Maharaj, we have to also follow ur instructions and do many services and preaching also.

We need ur mercy always guru Maharaj.

I have to follow the promises given to u during initiation.

Each minute, We are praying to Narasimha dev and gaura nitai for ur good health always.

Kindly bless my family.


Dear Guru Mahārāja,


Please accept our respectful obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories unto you Śrīla Gurudeva.


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine

gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭāya bhū-tale

śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracārine



Dear Gurudeva,


Your mercy is boundless and limitless and we are devoid of words to glorify you or thank you. In spite of difficult circumstances, you continue spreading the glories of Lord Caitanya far and wide. While we often neglect or forget you, you never fail to be our eternal well-wisher, always praying to the Lord for our spiritual upliftment.


We are seeking blessings & begging from you to give Diksha on the occasion of GauraPurnima day 2020.

You are my spiritual father, who is most caring & uplifting from conditional consciousness to spiritual consciousness.


On this auspicious occasion of your 71st vyāsa-pūjā, we seek your blessings, so that we may become useful in assisting you in your mission of serving Śrīla Prabhupāda,


Your servants,

Dharani pal & Jeevana Rani & Kushaal,

Krishna Katha desh (Qatar).

My Dear Respected and loving Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obesiances at your lotus feet.

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. All Glories All Glories All Glories to my Guru Maharaj His Holiness Sri Jai Pataka Swami Maharaj.

I am your aspiring disciple and this is my first vyas puja offering to you at your all merciful lotus feet. My kind request at your lotus feet to kindly accept mine and my wife Priti's, this vyasa puja offering as it is full of mistakes.

Please accept my sincere thanks at your lotus feet for providing me such a wonderful platform here for practising Krisna Conciounsess in the assocation of very nice & caring  devotess and this all is possible because of your kind blessings.

I am thankful to you for kindly accepting me and my wife as your aspired disciple at your lotus feet on 20th april, 2019 even though we are not doing anything in the service of the lord but it is your merciful blessings that we got asrya at your all merciful lotus feet. We cannot repay the debts in our all lifes for accepting us as your spiritual children. I am thankful to my seniior prabhu ji and mata ji in my yatra for connecting us to your lotus feet. I cannot repay their kindness towards us for connecting us to our all merciful Spiritual father.

We are attending regularly the Friday program as well as we are attending the weekley Bhakti Vriksha programs. Out three kids are attending the shaloka class and participating in the Bal Utsav program. We are chanting regulalry and listening to your all glorious Chaitnya Chartiamrta lectures and bhagvatam lectures. These things were not therer before and all this little regularity in process could be possible because of your causeless mercy and the mercy of your disciples who are selflessly helping us and enagaing us in the sevice of your lotus feet without our knowing about it.

I sincererly request you to please bless us and accept us at your feet as your shelter and initiated disciples and kindly fulfill this desire.

My Guru Maharaj, I feel so much reverence for your as how  strongly & wonderfully you have taken the words of your guru maharaj as your life and soul and even in this advanced age you are defying all odds to fulfill the orders of your Guru Maharaj.Your, love, and attachments to your guru maharaj filles me with so much reverence for you. You are incarantion of quality of fixing one's life to the words of his spiritual master. Please accept my humble apprecations as my obesinaces at your lotus feet for being so wonderful my Guru maharaj.

You are traveling worldwide even at this advanced age, against all oods and challenegas just to bless your disciples and for thier pleasure to associate with them and to fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada.  This gives me so much joy. I am sincerely thankful to my senior devotees and yatra leaders in enaging me in service of your lotus feet during your recent Dubai trip. I can not forget my memorable moments to see you closely and associate with you in your house Victory Flag, by the kindness of all merciful devotees. Please accept us  as your solider at your feet in fulfilling the mission of Srila Prabhupada. I do not have any quality but your causeless mercy can make this insignificant soul useful in the service of your lotus feet. You are arepresentative of the Supreme Lord whihc is confirmed by all the sastras:

 saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair,uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya

Please accept my humbel obesiances at your lotus feet

My humble prayers to Lord Narsimha to bless you with all good health.

We are missing your personal association and wish you to see you and talk to to you, which can be fulfilled only by your causeless mercy.

Your insignifcant servent

Dinesh Kumar and Priti Dwivedi

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet Gurudev. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad and All Glories to You Guru Maharaj!!

Gurudev I feel myself extremely blessed to be your disciple. It is because of your causeless mercy that has inspired me to become more and more serious in krishna consciousness. 

There are so many wonderful qualities that one can learn from you gurudev.

 Your determination & enthusiasm to serve Srila Prabhupad even in this situation is not an ordinary thing. This shows that what ever may be our external circumstances, we should atleast do our basic which is completing our daily sadhana ie; chanting our 16 rounds. You have shown us how to be an ideal disciple. Nothing should stop us from doing us duties no matter what.

In this age and time, no one bothers so much about others. Every one is busy living their own life. No one checks on each other how are they, what is going on. But You Gurudev is so caring and concerned about your disciples. This time when I had been to Sri Dham Mayapur, You had asked some questions. Not only this time when ever we get a chance to meet you, You show so much care and concern. Who is so worried about us at this age? You genuinely care for us and in this generation this is what attracts us to you Guru Maharaj. 

During the Nava Dwip Parikrama this time, on one day the devotees were so tired to walk. there was still a lot to go. You were watching from the Mayapur TV and could understand that the devotees were so tired and could not walk more. And you arranged a boat ride so that no one had to walk more. This shows how much you care and love your disciples.

During the evening class one night, there was a storm this time in mayapur. There was heavy wind and it started raining heavily. Everyone got afraid & started leaving. Usually in Mayapur the storm doesnt stop quickly. It gets worse and worse. At that time you raised your hands and chanted Gaurangaaa and the rain stopped. Every one could go home safely. And you also waited for everyone to leave and then you left. From this I understood a lot of things. First that Guru Maharaj is always there to protect us. You are always there for us. You will never us. And also You are not an ordinary soul at all. 

You also encouraged us girls to preach. You mentioned that when boys can go to various colleges to preach why can't girls preach & there was a girls camp arranged for youth develpoment this time. 

I Pray to Gauranga Mahaprabhu that you are always in your best health so we can get your association always!!!

Seeking shelter at your lotus feet,

Deepapriya Gandharvika Devi Dasi.





Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...

All glories to your incomparable spiritual master Srila Prabhupada...

All glories to  Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...

All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna for sending you here...

Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet.

My dear Guru Maharaja, I am a fallen soul and not having much knowledge to serve your mission properly but I know you are so much merciful...please bless me so that I will able to do chanting properly and control my venomous senses from degradation and engage them in the service of the lord.

Your humble servants

Durga Prasad Sunku

Harshika Sunku





My beloved Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my Koti pranams and humble obeisances to you. With all your blessings and causeless mercy everything going good. I am doing my sadhanas regularly. I desire a lot to get shelter from you. Hope this will happen soon. This year I got a chance to do preaching for children for the progress of Srila Prabhupada's mission. Please engage me in more and more devotion unto you and the Supreme Lord.

I am feeling very happy to be a part of your huge mission. I wish to continue this always as your servant. 

I wish you happy Vyasa puja celebrations Guru Maharaj!


Your Humble Servant


Aspirant Devotee

Krishna Katha Desh


All Glories to Guru Maharaj,

Dear Gurumaharaj,

I thank you for your blessings in helping me and my family to progress in krishna

consciousness. I wish to serve you for years to come and seek knowledge and

blessings from you. Please continue to give us your guidance and support in our

spiritual path.

Your sheltered disciple,

Esakki muthu

Krishna katha desh,Qatar.


Hare Krishna

I offer my humble obeisances unto your Lotus Feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Guru and Gauranga!

I am associated with Krishna Concious movment since 2015,  and took aspiration in Balramdesh in 2017 and by your mercy and compassion took shelter in the year 2019 in Damodaradesh. I am a fallen soul begging for your mercy to increase my sadhana and to take up more vigorous services in Krishna concious. I keep repending that I wasted most of my life,  enjoying the material aspects of it. The day I had your Darshan in Balramdesh, was  a turning point in my life that  it really changed my way of life.

My dear Gurumaharaj I astonish and wonder at your selfless compassionate service towards the fallen souls like me. Inspite of having born in a rich country with abundant wealth, Your Holisness had taken Sanniyasa at your young age of 20 years and dedicated your entire life only to carry the mission of Srila Prabupada and to help lift all the fallen souls. Until I got my association with Krishna Concious, I was always lamenting that I did not take birth in a rich country like USA and I used to curse myself. Now I feel how bad I was for having such material desire and wasted my life with out realizing the importance of having taken a human life that in a country like Bharat Bhoomi.

I pray at your lotus feet to seek your mercy to guide me through the spiritual process, so that I can take up more and more Krishna Concious activities and services. 

I pray to the lotus feet of the Lord for a long and healthy life for your Holiness to continue perform your divine services to the humanity. 


Your insignificant fallen soul

Ethiraj Gajabushanam








Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet. I am not
qualified to glorify you and speak about your transcendental qualities.
Maharaj only by your causeless mercy a

fallen soul like me can come out of ignorance. You care for us so much.
Your love is beyond

comparison. I might have done a lot of offences; Please forgive me. Please
bless me that I can increase my rounds of chanting and serve you. This
sinful soul is not able to get bhakti. Gurudev , I plead you to get me out
of all ignorance. You are always my eternal spiritual father. You have
sacrificed your entire life for doing something really great which material
fools like me cannot achieve. Your service is beyond comparison. Gurudev, I
plead you to impart at least a little bit of bhakti unto this fallen soul.

Hare Krishna

Your  humble servant




Name: Ganasraya Kesava Das

Disciple Status: Initiated






Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna Gurudev

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto your Lotus Feet. All devotees who are glorifying you said that you are more merciful; yes really you have shown mercy to even this fallen soul.

Due to your causeless mercy you have given initiation to me. Gurudev, I am not steady in bhakti.Though I am facing many ups and downs in bhakti, I believe that I would get myself improved as I have been blessed with a guru like you. You are very concerned about your disciples and are always ready to listen to their concerns…. That is really great about you gurudev.I am completely satisfied because I have connected with the parampara system with your causeless mercy .With your guidance I can fulfill the purpose of human life.

I feel very blessed to be one of your disciples. You are very generous as you have been doing this great job even though you are facing a lot of health issues. I am very fortunate to have your association and very kind and you gave me mercy. The only way that I can pay you back is by following your instructions through your guidance gurudev.



Thank you Gurumaharaj.


Hare Krishna

Trying to be your humble servant
Ganasraya Kesava Das


Krishna katha desh


Please accept my humble obeisance’s

All Glories to jagatguru srila prabhupadha

All glories to dear guru maharaj

Today is the very auspicious day of your appearance as disciple for me. This day must be best day in every year. Spiritual master is life and soul of a disciple. Today we can open our heart to glorify your holiness and express our feelings.  heard from god brother and god sister how much you are suffering and doing service for prabhupadha mission. Theoretically know all these things, but fool like me don’t have any feelings in my heart. How can I glorify your greatness maharaj? Many devotees are doing prayer and some tapasya for your well being and recovery even that also I am not doing properly. I am struggling in day to day life sadhana and try to free from aparadha. Even though made so many mistakes please forgive me as a child, you are our eternal father. Not eligible to ask you any mercy, but without mercy can’t do any devotional service  and enthusiasm to do seva .


your humble servant,

Gaura premi devi dasi.

Dear Guru Maharaj 

Please Accept my humble obeisances. 

Please keep showering your blessings on this poor soul

Whatever I have or will achieve is by your blessings

Please take care of your health. We know how passionate you are about spreading Krishna Consciousness but your health is also very important.

Please bless me with good health so that I can spread Krishna Consciousness and help you with your mission.


Your Humble Servant 

Gaurav Shukla

Krishna Katha Des


Hare Krishna 

Srila Prabhupad ki jai

Gurumaharaj ki Kai

Gurumahaj already set an example how to follow the spiritual master order and how to do service Supreme Personslity of Godhead Krsna at any condition

One of fortunate soul to took aspire when Gurumaharaj visited Krishnaksta desh.

All glories to Gurumaharaj appearance 

Geetha (aspiring disciple), Doha, Qatar









All glories and glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories and glories to Sri Sri Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj. 

Dandavat pranamam. Hare Krishna 

Kindly bless me to serve Guru and Gauranga and chant Mahamanthra always.

Your humble servant 

Geetagayini Yasodadevi dasi.

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaj,

Dandavat Pranams,

Please accept my Respected obeisences,

All glories to Guru and Gauranaga,

All glories to your divine grace,

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine

Nama Acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine Gaura gada damadaya nagaragrama tarine

On your auspicious appereance day I would like to tell you that I like you very much. I know that you have sttruggled a lot in your life for the mercy of Lord Chaithanya and you were so fortunate that you had the blessings of Srila Prabhupad.i am chanting 8 rounds and during exam days I chant 4 rounds and I study Bhagavat Gita Slokas in Children's Class. I want to increase my rounds, and please give me your Blessings and only with your mercy I can be able to Increase my rounds. I want to serve you and Srila Prabhupad and his mission in the Future. So I again beg you of your blessings to uplift my Spiritual Entity.

Your Humble Grand son,

Gokul Babu. 

Namo Om Vishnu padaya 

krishna prestaya bhutalae

srimati Jayapataka swami iti namine

Nama acharya padaya nitai kripa padayine

Gaura katha dhama day a nahara gramma 


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj,

please accept my humble obeisances,

Gurumaharaj first I would like to say how fortunate to be your daughter.Im the most fortunate to be under your shelter. Thank u so much for picking me from the material pangs of miseries.People are not knowing the difference between body and soul.You came in my life and the conception of life completely changed knowing my mistakes what is good and bad for me.your always very inspiring Gurumaharaj I everyday pray to Tulasi Maharani to strengthen you more so that u spread and lots of people can get initiated by you so all can go back home back to Godhead.Guru maharaj I have 2 kids,Deshna 11 and Lavith 5 yrs. I have deep desire to put my son in Gurukula and my Daughter in Sri Mayapur international school tis year September 2020.please bless us and give us permission to live in Mayapur. Gurumaharaj please bless us all to progress in spritual advancement.My book reading is less bless me so that I can read regularly Gurumaharaj.I want to share a experience how my desire got fulfilled.I had a desire of serving shaligram then I got a message from my cousin who got extra shaligram and want to give them to me and I was very happy Gurumaharaj.Then when I told the authorities i was informed that I can’t worship.But he made all his way from Chennai to cousin missed and went to wrong terminal had no hope giving.Krishna’s mercy some one helped her telling he ll give.Just 5 minutes before boarding the flight he got it and came home.I really felt the presence of merciful he is.Finally got the shaligram shila from Muktinath temple.woshiped them for few days in near future I’m giving shila to myShiksha Guru to worship them.I ll never forget the way he came.i wish I have and serve him  forever.

yours Insignificant servant.                                      

Golokeshwari Harini Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna 

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet Guru Maharaj

All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada


Guru Maharaj, I being a fallen soul unable to glorify you, but by your mercy I am trying to glorify your divine qualities.

You are ocean of mercy. You always distribute your unlimited mercy to us by giving your darshan, giving your maha, giving your lecture, giving your charan raj.

You tirelessly travel all over world for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. Your dedication and firm faith on Guru is exemplary.

You distribute Gaura Prema to all without any discrimination and teach us to love Gauranga in Vipralambha bhava.

You are Sisya Vatsala, and this quality we love most. Whatever in our heart you know and reciprocate accordingly. Your reciprocation is our living source. Thanks for accepting me as your Siksa disciple and spiritual daughter.

My Spiritual master HG Kratu Das Adhikari Guru Maharaj and Guru Maa HG Amrita Keli Mataji always glorify your great contributions to Srila Prabhupada's movement. Mayapur Temple is the live example, the dream you made come true.

On this special occasion of Vyaspuja, kindly grant me a boon Guru Maharaj, so that I can accept Guru as my heart and soul, and can free from all fear, I may obey all instructions with firm faith.

All glories to you!

Your servant

Dr. Gopkishori Devi Dasi (Siksa Disciple &Spiritual Daughter), Krishna Katha Desa

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj !

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine                                         Nama aacharya padaya nitai kripa pradayin Guara katha damadhaya nagara grama tharine

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine  Namaste saraswati deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha-shunyavadi pashchatya-desha-tarine

mukam karoti vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

shri-gurum dina-taranam

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains."

 Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,

Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,

Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa

Translation: The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru's feet are the best for

worship; the Guru's word is the mantra; the Guru's Grace is the root of liberation.


Please accept our humble obeisance at your lotus feet. All glories to you!

I give my utmost respects and gratitude for your association and guidance and also the spiritual inspiration you have given me.

I am a very insignificant servant of yours, not knowing many things.  But still with all your mercy, trying to learn and do my best for all the devotees in Gaurangadesh.  Sometimes, I feel bad that I am still not up to the mark that the devotees are expecting from me.  I seek your forgiveness for this and beg you to shower your mercy on me so that I can serve them better. 

You gave me a great inspiration when you had come here last year during September.  By your mercy, and all Vaishnava’s mercy, myself and Prabhu got Second initiation from you.  I cannot forget the moment when you gave us the mantra.  Your voice and the vibration in that room was so clear and nice, that for a moment, I felt, let the time stop here itself, so that I always be in your association.  This was also the first time, I spoke to you telling about Gaurangadesh yatra and introducing some devotees.  You were also answering even my small enquires.  I was dumb found when I heard that you are travelling to each and every place and want to see each and every one of your disciple.  We are really so fortunate for the love and care you give us.  I would also like to learn how to spread and give love to our devotees.  Please guide me.  I would like to join your devotee care to learn a lot and serve you.  Hope you would accept me.

I am also very happy to inform you that I have started 2 Matajis classes one in the morning and one in the evening.  Right now I have started with Nectar of Instruction.  Going through many lectures and explanations, I am taking the class and it is so interesting when I see these Mataji’s changing themselves than what they were before.  I vow these changes to you and your blessings on me.

As your disciple, it is my duty to follow in your footsteps.  I can see your unlimited divine qualities and your dedication to Srila Prabhupada which shines as the main jewel of bhakti.  I need to follow you and make each and every devotee happy and help them to continue their service to Guru & Gauranga throughout their life.  My intense desire is to serve with proper intension, selflessly and keep up all your trust and the trust of the devotees in the yatra.

I really have a wonderful shelter under you and our God brothers and sisters are so nice, that they take care of my problems and help me to forget the pain which I have to suffer due to my Karma.  But I definitely need to improve my level of chanting and Bhakti.  Please bless me so that I get the interest to chant nicely.

We are planning to see you during your 50th year of Sanyasa celebration at Kolkatta. With heartfelt gratitude, I offer my humble obeisances at your Divine Lotus feet.  You have given me more than what I deserve.

I am trying to hear most of your daily lectures.  It gives me great pleasure to hear.  Even though you are busy, still you try some how to give a little association for us. I am also happy to tell you that your voice is very clear now. 

I pray that I may become your menial servant. I pray to Lord Narasimha Dev to give you more strength, good health and long life to aspire your disciples like us.

Your eternally fallen daughter,
Gopigana Gita Devi Dasi

Diksha disciple

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All Glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.


Nama ohm viṣṇu-padaya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhaya bhu-tale
srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine
nama acaryapadaya nitai-kṛipa-pradayine
gaura-katha dhama daya nagara-grama tariṇe


Respected my beloved Guru Maharaja,

Kindly accept my humble obeisance’s and bless me so that I can transmit the speciality of Krishna consciousness movement as offering.

 Respected Guru Mahārāja, You accepted me as Your spiritual son and gave me the name Govinda bandu gopakumara das . On this most sacred occasion of your 71st appearance anniversary in this world, I would like to fall in the dust of your lotus feet and beg for the ability to properly glorify your divine and magnanimous character. I feel I am such a miniature, such a fallen soul but it is only through Your divine mercy that I could attain the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

   Respected Guru Maharaja, I feel very inspired to hear you, despite your health status, chanting and talking about the unlimited pastimes, qualities, names of Sri Gauranga.  Respected Guru Maharaja, it has been acknowledged in all revealed scriptures that one should honour one’s Spiritual Master as much as the Supreme Lord as He is the most confidential servitor of the Supreme Lord.

Adarniya Pujniya Gurudev,

Apne charnon mein mera sadar pranam swikar kijiye,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to You,

Apko 71 Vyasapuja ki bhot bhot swasth hardik abhinandan,

Gurumaharaj aap bhot dayalu hain. Aapne mujh jaise neech ko insan banaya hai. Gurumaharaj aapse mera namar nivedan hai, aap kripya mujh badnaseeb ko bhakti mein aur aage badne ka ashirwad dijiye.

Mujhe prachar karne ke liye ashirwad dijiye ki main dusron ko bhi Krishna bhakti mein laa sakun. Mujhe kripa dijiye ki maine diksha ke waqt jo bhi sankalp liye the main unko ache se pura karun. Main bhot khush hu ki main iss sanstha se judi hun. Mere andar itne anathas hone ke bawajud apne mujhe sweekar kiya. 

Itni kathnayi wali sthiti mein hone ke bawajud, ap apne sharir ke sthar se upar hoke, itne utsah ke saath prachar karte hain, isse mujhe bhot prerna milti hai. Aap apne bare mein nahi sochte hue ,aap hum badh jivon ka udhar karte rehte hain. 

Main Nrsimhadev se prarthna karti hun ke aapki sadyev raksha karein aur apko lambi umar pradhan karen . Hum sabko aapki bhot zarurat hai.

Gurudev shakti buddhi hina, ami ati dina

Koro more aatma satha

Mujh jaise patit se bhot galti hoti rehti hain jane anjane mein uske liye mujhe shama karna.

Apki adhyatmik putri

Apke dason ki dasi

Gunavati Gita Devi Dasi

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...

All glories to your incomparable spiritual master..Srila Prabhupada...

All glories to  Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...

All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna for sending you here...

Please accept my humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..

I pray to Srimati Radharani & Lord Narasingha Dev to recover you and give you a very very long life so that you can serve Srila Prabhupada's mission for long time.

On this special occasion when we all take time to remember and appreciate the importance of your presence in our lives, I wish to thank you again for your kind blessings and association.

While reading BG Chapter 5 sloka 7 it is mentioned about “yoga yuktho -Vissuddhatma” - one who is engaged in devotional service and a purified soul and Guru Maharaj you are one of those purified souls sent by the Lordships to this material world especially to deliver all the fallen souls. You are a living example of this sloka and Bhagavad Gita teachings who is not entangled by the three modes or bodily discomforts. You are always on the spiritual platform gurudev. We are so fortunate to be under your shelter and we feel so much secured to be part of this Srila Prabhupad Family which gives us assurance to go back home back to godhead. When we read your daily lecture’s transcription’s posted by our godbrothers and godsisters of your daily class, we get so much inspiration and motivation Gurumaharaj. The question and answer session is so much informative and whatever doubts come across in the mind is eradicated just by reading your answers and in fact we are encouraged in our life.

On this auspicious occasion we humbly request your blessings seek forgiveness for all the offenses we have committed to you and your instructions Guru maharaj.

your humble servant

Gupta gokul Das

KrishnaKatha Desh (Qatar), Middle East

Dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisences on your lotus feet.

Jai Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nitya Nanda

Sri Advait Gadadhara, Srivasadi Gaur Bhakti Vrinda

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ,

We are all happy that your health recovered and you became all fit and in condition tov start your lectures and classes again.We'd wish to listen your classes again as we cannot come to mayapur because we live in qatar.We will be delighted if  you with your group come to qatar and give us your blessings so we can all excel in isckon and then later preach to spred ISCKON around the world and let everyone know the powers and all of te glorious pasts of Shri Krisna.we will also get motivation ,inspiration and blessings to acheive your BHAKTIVRISHA 222 MISSION by the end of 2022.we would pray to Lord Krishna for your long life so that you can continue to give us blessings and help all of us to spread ISCKON.

Your humble servant ,

Hardik Srivastava

Hare krishna.


Hare krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

All glories to Guru Maharaj.

2019 started KIHE Krishna Katha Desh Institute of Higher Education and by your mercy now running good. Bakthi sastri started in 3 languages(hindi tamil and telugu). 2 batch hindi and malayalam in few months will be starting. Please continue to shower your mercy so that i dont get proud and be always in association with devotees and faithful to the teachings of Srila Prabhupad.

 May I develop some love for Krishna

Yours servant

Harikirtan Ranjan das

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

I pay my respectful obeisances unto you Guru Maharaja. Please bless me so that I shall preach Krsna Consciousness to everyone. 

Your mercy is boundless and limitless and you are huge inspiration to me. In spite of all difficult circumstances, you continue spreading the glories of Lord Caitanya far and wide. While we often neglect or forget you, you never fail to be our eternal well-wisher, always praying to the Lord for our spiritual upliftment.  

 Kindly shower me more mercy in order to continue in this mission along with you and do my sadhanas to reach the abode of the Supreme Lord.

I pray the Supreme Lord for your good health.

All glories to Sri guru and Gauranga. All glories to Srila prabhupada! 

Your humble servant 

Harikrishnan Rajamani

Aspirant Devotee

Hare Krishna

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat Pranam

On this most auspicious appearance day of your Divine Grace, I offer my humble obeisance's  at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to your divine grace.

Gurumaharaj on this most auspicious day i humbly beg to you to please bless me so that i should serve Damodar Desh Yatra more and more

currently I’m involved only in few services like  camp preaching and VIP escort for pick up and drop services for devotees coming to damodardesh

my wife prempurna gaurangi is involved in services for entire coordination of rolla area for the balutsav children classes seva . she coordinates with all the teachers of rolla area for the various activities done by the yatra for the bal utsav classes

Guru Maharaj , As you came to Damodardesh in Setember 2019 to spread your mercy  I was unfortunately not present there  as was in Mumbai , India to be for my Mother as she was in hospital suffering major health issues. As I was going through very tough times , but then yes I just remebred your words you spoke in leture that even if a devotee is in toughest of times he should not leave cahnting the Maha Manta and those words of yours gave me the strength and as a result I chanted additional rounds each day . I want to thank you very much for the inspiration and I hope I shall carry it forever … .

On this auspicious day, I simply pray and hope for your long life on this planet, which will bring auspiciousness to the whole humanity.

Your humble servants,

Hemarupa Gaura Das

Premapurna Gaurangi Devi Dasi

Bhaktin  Ganga

Hk prabhuji 

Dandavat pranam

Maharaj being a fallen soul and  gave inspite of that you gave initiation to progress have ab spiritual life

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj.

Please accept my Humble Obeisance at the dust of your Lotus feet.

GuruMaharaj I Pray to Lord Narasimha dev to bless you always with all the energy and good health so that you may continue to deliver many fallen souls like me. I would like to Thank you GuruMaharaj to accept me as your spiritual daughter. On this special Auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja I humbly request you My spiritual Father to bless me and my family so that we can progress further in Krishna Consciousness and fulfill the promise we had taken during our New birth (Initiation day).

GuruMaharaj I would like to request for your Mercy and blessings as I have taken up Youth girls class and I would need your mercy to help the girls and more importantly myself to fix the mind and heart in the service of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.

Gurumaharaj I feel so blessed to be accepted by you. You are always an inspiration to all. I have been doing the Transcription service and also request your blessings that I can increase my sadhana.

Please forgive me Guru Maharaja if I have committed any offence.

All Glories to your Holiness, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru Parampara, All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Your Eternal Servant

Jamuna Sevika Devi Dasi.

Hare Krishna our dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisances.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. 


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I sincerely hope this message of mine will find your Holiness in good health and spirits.


I was simply living an animalistic life till I had the fortune of taking your darshan for the first time in my life at Madhura Desh in the year 2010. Since then, you have helped me abundantly to transform my life into a human life.


I will be eternally obliged to your Holiness for the love, care and the blessings you are showing onto me, each and every moment in my life, though I have absolutely no quality for the same. Without your mercy and blessings, I would not have been what I am in my spiritual life currently. 


You always does miracles in my life Guru Maharaj. Whenever I get under the spell of illusion, I just remember your lotus feet (a photo of the same is kept on our main door) and suddenly, my mind get subdued.. Thank you Guru Maharaj for the blessings and mercy you are showering..


Every moment, I am endeavoring my best to follow your instructions. I humbly request your Holiness to keep showering your mercy onto this fallen soul, so that I can stay away from the constant attack of Maya and dedicate myself fully in your services.


Your most insignificant servant

Jay Gopal Krsna Das

Diksha Desciple

Krishna Katha Desh, Doha, Qatar

Dearest Guru Maharaj!

Please accept our respectful obeisances at your lotus feet! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This year once again, is a very, very special and most auspicious year – the celebration of your 50th year of sannyasa! What a glorious achievement dear gurudev! I am sure Srila Prabhupada and the previous acaryas will be very happy and would be showering their mercy on you! Against all odds, you are fighting for Krsna’s army and steadily and surely giving Krsna consciousness to so many fallen souls! Where is there a person as merciful as you? I do not know what agyata sukriti we had that me and my family are under your shelter and protection. Thank you dearest gurudev for always keeping us in your prayers. But for your prayers our lives would have been a disaster!

Your dedication and perseverance to serve Srila Prabhupada is a great motivation for us to at least try to serve you even a miniscule of the service you do gurudev! We are constantly praying that Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krsna, Caitanya, always protect you and assist you in your mission to fulfill the instructions of Srila Prabhupada! You are a sure example of not being the body and the soul as like you said, you don’t think about your physical body, and it is your soul that keeps you going and makes you do things the way you do! All glories to your service to guru and Gauranga!

It is purely your mercy that you have involved me in a service that is very close to my heart. To hear your vani and transcribe, guru maharaj, to the best possible I can. My only prayer to you is that please, please, continue to bless me to do this service till as long as I am on this planet.

Thank you, guru maharaj for meeting Madhavi Gopi in Atlanta and blessing her. I understand your concern for her getting married to someone who is yet to become a devotee. But he is very favorable to Krsna consciousness and he motivates Madhavi to finish her rounds! With your mercy and prayers, he should turn around to be a devotee guru maharaj!

Please pray for my husband Bhakta Vijay as he is still not able to accept Krsna consciousness seriously. He is still on the fence and not wanting to take that step. You told him once in Damodardesh when he and you went for a walk in the mall in 2007 I think, that one day he will come to you. Guru maharaj, I am praying and waiting for that day! My only desire is that our whole family is Krsna conscious, under your merciful shelter.

You are our life and soul dearest gurudev! Once again our most respectful obeisances at your lotus feet!

Your insignificant spiritual children,


Bhakta Vijay

Bhaktin Madhavi Gopi

Jayaraseshwari devi dasi


04 March 2020





Jayashree Rao

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare and be Happy!!

My Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to you on this special day of your Vyasa Puja.

Prabhupad said that our suffering is due to our sinful activity and sinful activity is due to our ignorance.

Maharaj, you have accepted me as your disciple in spite of my accumulated sins and brought me to light from the darkness. Bhagavatham says that any person who is engaged 100% in the transcendental loving service of the Lord at his Lotus feet is very dear to Lord Krishna and the Lord being situated in the heart of the devotee, excuse all kinds of sins committed by chance.

Guru Maharaj, I am taking Mathajis classes for 5 devotees and Children class for 15 children.

Before I will read for the sake of reading.but nowadays iam able to realize and understand bhagavad gita.iam doing my sadhanas joyfully,susukham kartum avyayam.

Guru Maharaj, I am indebted you for the mercy that you have showered on me. I will reciprocate by following your instructions and carrying out your orders.

Your Humble Servant

Kaivalya Sundari Radhika Devi Dasi

My Dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to your unflinching determination to serve Srila Prabhupad.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

At your 71st Vyasa puja, I whole heartily thank the Sri Krsna, Gaura Natia, and Lord Narshmia for keeping you in better health so that you can follow the footsteps of Srila Prabhupad in spreading Krishna Consciousness around the world.

Gurudev, I follow your Vani on Facebook, WhatsUp and listen to your lectures every day , keeping in touch with you and hearing your lectures has transformed my stone-like heart. By your vast travel for more than 3 months had touched me, you have displayed that one can cross all barriers to serving one's Guru. I would read your daily dairy report posted on Whats' Up. it is really astonishing to read it as you have tirelessly given out your mercy to all the disciples all around the world without discrimination. you are teaching us how to love each and every living entity as a part and parcel of Krsna.and to be compassionate to all. These dairy notes have helped me immensely as when I read it,  it was said that you never even waste a minute and i realized that I should also try my best to use every minute in the service of Guru and Krsna. In your lectures you always stress the importance of Vaisnava aparad, Gurudev I have really understood the importance of this. Gurudev reading through your reports about your health during your surgery and before, I can understand the amount of pain you must have gone through, even with all that you have been a great and explicit example in following Srila Prabhupada and teaching us how to follow Krishna Consciousness in difficult times with unflinching faith in Guru and Krsna by this you are displaying how one should surrender to the Lord. By being such a great example of love and by teaching us, and by giving Krishna Consciousness it not possible by me to repay back the debt to you in my life to come, Gurudev.

Gurudev you initiated me last march in Mayapur, I had faced a lot of hurdles before my initiation. I was supposed to be initiated in the 2018 march in Chennai but due to my bad health I could not travel, inspite of traveling to India. It was your pure mercy that I got initiated. Gurudev my life has changed after that. I am consciously serving your lotus feet to the best of my ability. Currently, I am doing Ladies class Bhakti Vriksha and have finished my Bhakti Shastri course and am doing my Bhakti Vaibhav, Gurudev kindly bless me in my endeavor to serve your lotus feet. My Bhakti Vriksha members need your blessing as they are struggling with their chanting currently.

During your visit to Dubai in 2019 October, I had sought your blessing for my spouse Vinod and Tanisha my daughter in their spiritual life. Soon after that, they have amazing increased their rounds and i seek your blessing so that they can take shelter at your lotus feet Gurudev.

Gurudev, I thank you from my bottom of my heart for all that you have given me in my life and owe you endlessly. I beg your pardon for all the offenses committed in my service to you and desire not to repeat it ever. I beg you to guide me always .

I pray to Radha Madhava, Panchatattva and Narasimhadev to keep you in good health so that you can serve Srila Prabhupada tirelessly.

Your most insignificant daughter,

Kalpataru Jahnava dd.



nama om vishu-pädäya krsna-prestaya bhü-tale

srémate jayapatäka svämin iti nämine

nama äcaryapädäya nitäi-kripä-pradäyine

gaura-kathä-dhäma-däya nagara-gräma-tärine


Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaraj,

All Glories to Śrīla prabhupāda.

All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

All Glories to you. Please accept my most respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet on this special day of your divine appearance.

Gurumaharaj, I thank Sri Sri Radhamadhava and Sri Sri Prahlad Nrsimhadev for Their greatest benediction on me that Your Holiness has accepted me as your disciple. I thank Them for making you recover from major health crisis and that you have started travelling again to lift the fallen conditioned souls. And I have no words for the mercy you are showering on us and giving your precious association to us through media. You are a great pioneer Gurumaharaj. Your each gesture, your care for devotees inspire me always.

You are exemplary for being determined in fulfilling your beloved Spiritual Master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swamy Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission in any condition of your life. Gurmaharaj, I beg for your mercy on this auspicious occasion to please bless me to serve you in your mission to please Śrīla prabhupāda.

Although we have no qualification, by your causeless mercy we are trying to become instrument in conducting Bhakti Vriksha, Children class and different services to the best of our minute ability to please you. By Yours’s and devotees’ mercy we have invited Sri Sri Gauranitai to home this year. Please bless us to serve them.

On this auspicious day I am also begging you to forgive my many offences done knowingly and unknowingly. Please inspire me within the heart so I can get lasting taste for the holy name. Please bless me to be in the association of devotees and serve your servants humbly.

Always praying Lord Nrsimhadev to keep you in good health and to fulfill Śrīla prabhupāda’s mission and to deliver fallen souls like me for years and years to come. Wishing to remain forever in your service.

Your Insignificant Servants

Kamalakshi Narayani Devi Dasi (Diksha)

Prananatha Gauranitai Das (Diksha)


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine; Nama Acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine Goura katha damadaya nagara grama tarine;

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale srimate Bhaktivedanta-Swamin iti namine namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine;

Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadhadhara Sriva Sadi Goura Bhakta Brinda

Hare Krishana Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Vancha kalpa tarubhyasya kripa sindhubya evacha patitanaam pavanebhyo Vaishnavebhyo namo namah! 


Dear Respected Gurudeva!

Please accept my humble obeisences at the dust of your lotus feet. On this Glorius 71st Vyasa Puja Celebration, I wish you a Very Happy Birthday Guru Maharaj and I pray to Lord Narsimhadeva, Sri Radha Govinda, Sri Goura Nitai, Sri Panchatatva to give you long life with good health.

Gurudeva ! Words fall short to write about your glories. As your name itself says .."Jaya Pataka" - "Victory Flag" , you are always on top with your dedication and determination to serve your Spiritual Master His Holiness Srila Prabhupad. 

The transplant of two organs in your body did not slow you down in any of your preaching activities. With lot of pain you have carefully obeyed to all the instructions of Doctors to come back to your normal routine of preaching and participating in the meetings and TOVP activities.

As Srila Prabhupad's mission is preaching the Glories of the lord, you do not miss any moment to preach to the fallen souls by giving daily class on Facebook and answering the questions asked by your disciples.

You are so kind and patient to nurture each devotee with your valuble talks which inspire every one who hears you.  Gurudeva.. ! I always wonder how you are able to bear so much pain that your body is undergoing. 

Gurudeva! Beacuse of your causeless mercy alone you have accepted me and my husbad Karuna Samudra Krishna Das as your desciples. 

Oh Spiritual Father ! Please be mercifull on us always so that we always remeber that though we are not eligible to become your desciples, you have shown your mercy and made us eligible for your acceptance.  Please empower us to continue preaching even though material hurdles come accorss our way. 

Gurudeva! I along with my husbad Karuna Samudra Krishna Das and my children Ishitha and Ishan pray to Lord Narsimhadeva to give you so much strength that you can travel the whole world again and again and uplift the fallen souls.

Thank you for all the love that you are showering on us Gurudeva.

Your's insignificant spiritual daughter

Kamalangi Chitra Devi Dasi



My dear gurumaharaj.                                   Please accept my humble obeisances.           All glories to Srila Prabhupada.                     I am trying to hear most of your daily lectures. It gives me great pleasure to hear and understand and apply in my life. I commit to continue improve in my service to lord Krishna engage in more service to the lord. I pray to Radha madhav to give you a long and healthy life. Please bless me and my children to be successful   in Krishna conscious life. Please give me a remembrance knowledge to serve you more better     Your spiritual daughter                                                    kanaga dhara                                                       Gaurangadesh

My Dear Gurumaharaj,   

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your divine lotus feet,

All glories to jagatguru Srila Prabhupada, All glories to your Holiness.

Today is the very auspicious day of your divine appereance, In the life of a disciple what can be a more sweeter day than appearance day of his beloved spiritual master who is the life and soul of the disciple.

Gurumaharaj bakti vriksha system was implemented by you, It is very useful for the beginning devotees, My self I was impressed to Krishna consciousness by bakti vriksha system,

Kindly bless me follow your instructions without any difficulties,

Your Humble Servent.

Karthikeyan Veluchamy 

Doha, Qatar.

Dear Narada (GuruMaharaj), 

         My sincere obesiences. Thank you is not at all enough to you for giving as Krishna ( in various forms Nama, katha, Kirtan , everyday live sessions , past times and so on).  We are praying to RadhaMadhav to Shower  His Blessings upon you. 

Your ever well wisher Servant 

Karthikeyan Murugan 

Name: Karunanatha Govind Das

Disciple Status: Initiation

Specific seva to GM: Conducting Srimad Bhagavatam class and Bhakthi vriksha  in our home and TOVP supporting


Dear Guru Maharaj,

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga !

All glories to  Srila A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada!

All glories to H.H.Jayapathaka Swami Guru Maharaj!

Please accept my humble obeisance’s.

Karuna Natha Govind Das 

                         I am very much thankful for your causeless mercy  on this fallen soul Gurudeva.  By your causeless mercy  I came to know contact with devotional service and got the knowledge about spiritual world and Lord eternal position and my real position of spirit soul covered by this temporary body. You are preparing for us to get real spiritual body in eternal world. So no worries . Your blessing always giving   protection to us. I pray Lord Krishna to get more improvement in your health and live long to call back still more jivas,


Jai srila Gurudeva !!!!!!!

your humble servant,

Dearest  Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories unto Your Lotus Feet.

My dear Guru Maharaj,

I think of you everyday
I admire your passion and love for Srila Prabhupada’s Mission
I remember your gracefulness
I feel your compassion
I am amazed with your intelligence

I am such a fallen and conditioned soul that I do not qualify to sing your glories. I thank Lord Sri Krishna and HDG Srila Prabhupada for delivering me unto your lotus feet.

My sincere prayers to Lord Narasimha Dev to give you lots of strength ,long life and get recovered fully from all kinds of bring back more fallen souls like me to the Krishna Conscious world. Chant and Be happy!

I shelter at the dust of your lotus feet and I thank you for all the mercy that you have showered upon us.  I should perform my devotional service nicely to all vaishavas and Vaishnavis. 

Kindly  shower your blessings unto me and  my family to progress in their Krishna conscious life and take shelter of guru soon. 

I pray that I always remain attached to the shelter of your lotus feet and following your instructions sincerely.  

All glories to you and Gauranga

Gauranga ! Gauranga ! Gauranga .. Hari Bol.. Hare Krishna

Yours humble servants,
Kavirupa Radhika Devi Dasi
Srinivasan VK ( My husbnad)
Adhish Srinivasan ( My elder son)
Rohit Srinivasan ( my younger son)

Dearest Gurudeva,


Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


You touch so many people by your empowered preaching. 


You are such an expert preacher Guru Maharaja, each time I hear you speak I am amazed at how you are able to say exactly what I need to hear.I remember your instructions to me every day, they are my inspiration.


You are such a personalist. The way you develop and maintain such personal relationships with everyone surely testifies to your realisation of your personal relationship with Krsna. You show such compassion to the living entities who are in a state of forgetfulness of Krsna, by constantly preaching and giving so much of your time, guidance and care.


Guru Maharaja, it was just a short time ago that I was engaged in so many degraded activities. When I think of it now, I am so ashamed of myself. And that is only in this life that I can remember, how many lifetimes have I been forgetting about Krsna and performing so many sinful activities.


 Thank you Gurudeva for picking me up and showing me there is something higher than temporary material so-called pleasure.I am forever in your debt Guru Maharaja.


How dear you must be to Krsna for your faithful service to Srila Prabhupada. You are always absorbed in your service to your spiritual master, setting such an exalted example for all your disciples to follow.


Guru maharaj , your pranam mantra is so magical and effective for helping me to chant with more faith and feeling and when I am preaching to my fellow devotees i can feel the power of the mantra when I sit in the vyas asan to give a lecture or any seva . all my materialistic activities have also become like doing any activity with krishna and you in the centre.I have constnatly been praying to nrsimha deva so that your health is always good and I can keep learning everyday all the lessons and develop into a better devotee and so i can constantly serve you in all the ways possible.

Its my heartiest desire that you give blessings to my family and so they can come into krishna consciousness and support me to serve you .


Gurudeva it is my sincere desire that I may be able to assist you, in some small way. Please allow me to stay in devotional service and please allow me to stay close to your lotus feet.

IF you weren't there how would i understand prabhpada and his mission !I have developed so much faith and desire to serve prabhpada after initiation . please make me a part of this battle of life and be one of  your soldiers to complete your  mission. Please bless me so that I can develop more faith and serve all my senior devotees and get more chances of seva in any small way or the other. Please please bless me so that i can grow that seed which you have sowed in my heart of chanting every day , every second,every minute ,each year and forever have the unlimited faith to keep chanting .

I can never actually express to you how much I appreciate you and all that you give me and how much effort you give to try to teach me. I can only try to serve you, and I sincerely pray that one day I will have no desire other than your service.


Forgive me that I am one of those because of who you have to stay in the miserable material prison.Whenever I chant the narsimha kavach I always try to pray and  wish to serve you and pray for your better health. There is so much to learn when we complain about our daily lives with miseries but then I get so motivated when I see gurumaharaj so passionate about his preaching and his disciples .

Gurumaharaj is such an inspiration for so many people and his disciples are always so energetic and carry the power or sign of truly being ur disciple maharaja .

 Gurudeva thanks for all have given to me and for being in my life. Sorry for all the offences and mistakes. 

Kindly bestow your mercy upon me. Always in need of your mercy. 


Hare Krishna 

Dandavat pranam, 


Oh gurudev! holding your lotus feet I cry for mercy, 

Begging to be your servant so I could cry for Him in divine ecstasy.

Not knowing my life's only goal,

I wandered here and there in Maya's trap like dark soul.

Leaving all bodily pleasures you've come here,

To save the wretched souls from the ocean of Maya's fear.

You've been preaching in towns and villages the names of Hari,

With the mercy of guru Gauranga and my beloved lord nrhari.

My beautiful Lord seated on the golden throne,

Blazing fire looking so beautiful with face like autumn moon.

Oh gurudev! I'm low, I'm fallen, I've Nothing to offer,

But I'd burn all my desires and lighten up my heart for I don't want to suffer.

Filled with lust and greed my heart so dark,

Please give me a drop your mercy just a little bit of its spark.

Please accept we as your servant I humbly request,

Help me solve the life and it's eternal quest.


Jai gurudev

Your undeserving daughter, 


From UAE (shyamadesh) 

Hare Krishna. 

My humble obeisances to dear Guru Maharaj.

Wishing Guru Maharaj a very Krishna conscious appearance day.

First I saw you in Bahrain ISKCON temple maharaj.That was the time you had major health issues. We were all waiting for your darshan for a long time. Devotees brought you in a wheel chair and it took half an hour to start the programme.Then they announced kirtan will be started. Maharaj then you started singing Jayaradha Madhava, I was really amazed, and then in between you asked for kartal and played it beautifully. I was stunned and thought that Maharaj is not an ordinary person .Thats how I started getting associated more and more with devottees and started praying for your health.

The more I am praying to you Maharaj, the more you are showering mercy by giving me devotional services .

As today is Vyasa puja , please forgive me if I have committed any mistakes while doing devotional services and also please forgive me if I have hurt any devotees.

I pray to Lord Narashima to bless you with long life & more strength to uplift many fallen souls like us in this world.

Please bless me & my family to progress more in the spiritual life.

Your humble servant



Hare Kirshna our dearest Guru MaharJ
Please accept my obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga,

Hare Krishna gurumaharaj
Dandavath Pranam,,

I sincerely hope that your Holiness is doing well by the mercy of SRILA PRABHUPADA AND LOARD KRISHNA,
On the auspicious occasion of your Vyas Puja festival, I would like to thank your Holiness immensely
From the core of my heart for saving me and a number of others from the clutches Maya.

I will be eternally obliged to your Holiness for the love, care and the blessings you are showering onto me, each and every moment in my life, though I have absolutely no quality for the same.
A number of living entities, including my immediate family members, are chanting the holy name of
The Lord by your abundant blessings,
All the instructions given by you during the initiation ceremony are being strictly followed by me and
I am trying my best to support your mission of developing the movement and making the fallen souls to chant HARE KRIHNA MAHAMANTRA within the KRISHNA KATHA DESH,
May Srila Prabhupada and Krishna bless you With a healthy and long life,
So that, Your Holiness can fulfill your commitments to your spiritual master and make abundant number
Of living entities to chant the holy name of Krishna,

Kindly forgive me, if knowingly or unknowingly I have committed any OFFENSE to anyone in this world.

Your most insignificant servant,
Krsna Caitanya Kripa Das,
Krishna Katha Desh,
Doha, Qatar.
                                                    HARE KRISHNA

Vyasa puja -2020


JPS Office use

Name: krishnam Raju, Veeraveni & Lakshitha

Disciple Status: Initiated

Yatra: Krsna katha desh

Specific seva to GM:  


Nama Om VishnuPadaya Krshna prestaya Bhutale

Srimate Jaya pataka Swamin Iti Namine

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Krpa Pradayine

Gaura Gadha Damodaya Nagara Grama Tarine!!

Dear most beloved Guru Mahraj and our eternal spiritual master, please accept my whole hearted humble obeisance’s unto your lotus feet.

You are the greatest gift given to us by Supreme Lord to understand the treasure of most confidential knowledge and also to understand our real position with respect Him. Your mercy is the only fuel to march against the insurmountable attachments I developed in so many life times. I feel that it is God’s arrangement I came to gulf area to have the association of your sincere disciples. This association is the greatest eternal asset we gained by coming here.

I believe that there may be limitations for your Vapu seva but vaani sava can be done 24hrs a day to get your mercy. With your kind blessings, we are endeavoring to our level best in the divine mission of chaitanya mahaprabhu. Your dedication and commitment for this mission is the driving force for us in executing this divine activity whole heartedly. We are conducting two Bhakti vriksas classes for small groups, which is a real service to the society. Your devotee care is exemplary to all your disciples. You are tirelessly travelling to preach and encourage your disciples to fulfill the mission of Srila prabhupada against the so many discomforts and challenges .Thank you Gurumaharaj for giving the association of so many sincere devotees, who are guiding us in all aspects of spiritual progress.

GuruMahraj, my sincere prayers to Supreme Lord to develop attraction at your lotus feet and to give suitable realized knowledge to serve you eternally life after life.

Your humble servants,

Krishna Damodara Das

Wife: Veeraveni

Daughter : Lakshitha


Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine 


Dear Gurudev


Please accept my most humble obeisance’s at Your lotus feet.

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories & glories to You !!! 


After coming from KKD, I had the fortune of having your darshan on Vyasa Puja and also during your Visakhapatnam Temple Tour in 2019. I wish to have more of such darshans of your lotus feet.

I also earnestly pray for your speedy health recovery to Lord Narasimha Dev !

Keeping in view of the recent coronavirus pandemic, I would pray for your safety and also pray for the safety of my siksha gurus namely HG Sankirtan Anand Gaura Das, HG Leela Kirtaneshwari Devi Dasi, HG Radhapati Shyam Das and HG Ujjwala Kalindeshwari Devi Dasi from all these adibhoutika kleshas. Regardless of what happens to me, yours and their health is the only humble plea from my end.
Also please guide me in the right path always. 


Your eternal servant,

Krsna Karunamaya Das

Hare Krishna

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and All Glories to Your Holiness

Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept my respectful obeisance

On your divine appearance day we devotees of SANATANA DHAM pray Sri Sri Radha-Madhav, Pancatatva & Lord Nrshimah Dev for protecting you as long as your holiness wish to live in order to serve our founder acharya His Divine Grace A. C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

Your exemplary uninterrupted dedicated service despite of many physical constraints, truly inspiring all the devotees at present also it would be inspiring for future generations. Your divine physical or virtual association delivers many fallen souls like me.

Right after your Divine Blessing upon us on 20th January 2017 in Balaram Desh by naming our congregation as SANATANA DHAM, lots of changes has been witnessed such as liberalization of rules, rapid growth of congregation, Sensible growth of Damodara Celebration and increased number of Bhakti Vrikshya, etc.

We pray at your divine lotus feet and seek blessings for all the devotees of Sanatana Dham in order to grow more in loving devotion, let more advance devotees join there for spreading Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

We thank you for your spiritual guidance through your virtual classes.

Your humble spiritual Son,

Krsna Vrajaranjan Das

Sanatana Dham Congregation

nama om vishnupadaya krisha presthaya bhu-tale

srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine


nama  acharyapadaya nitai kripa pradayine

gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance unto the dust of your lotus feet.

On this most auspicious day, of your 71st Vyas Puja, I would humbly like to express my feelings of earnest gratitude to you for everything that I am.

Thank you Gurumaharaj for being such a wonderful role model and inspiration to many millions of insignificant souls like me. Thank you for all the love and care. We are fortunate to be able to listen to your daily lectures, gain spiritual strength and learn practical applications of spiritual knowledge directly from you.

By your sheer mercy, Bhakti Vrikshas, Collective Reading Circles and Bal Utsava classes are progressing smoothly. Few members have also taken up to regularly chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, reading Srila Prabhupada's books and fasting on ekadasi. I pray at your lotus feet for a drop of your mercy so that I may remain a useful instrument, in your hands, in spreading this most glorious movement of Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

Guru Maharaj, by your blessings my daughter Shri Suhasini gave birth to a baby boy, Ved Krishna, on Putrada Ekadasi this January. I seek your blessings so that he may become an instrument in the hands of your disciples/servants.

On this most auspicious day, together with my family, I pray to Sri Sri Gandharvika Vamsivihari and Sri Lakshmi Narasimhadev to give you a long and healthy life. Although not qualified, we are constantly praying to the Lord for your welfare as this life of Krishna consciousness is only by your mercy and we are indebted to you eternally.


Your eternal servant,

Kuladipika sundari devi dasi

(Gauranga Desh Yatra_DDY)

Hare Krishna Gur Maharaj

My humble obeisance to you, I was fortunate to serve you at Krishna Katha Desa.   And Chennai in your Vyasa-puja. 

Bless me to progress in Krishna Consciousness.


Das anu Das 

Laxminarasimha Rao


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my respectful obeisance to you. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to Your Divine Grace. On this auspicious day of your appearance, please accept my wishes to you. Hare Krishna to you dear Gurudev. I am very grateful to you for the shelter and spiritual guidance you are providing. I take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart, to express my sincere love to you and my earnest request to always keep me under your protecting vision. As HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami Maharaja mentioned, " Your determination to stay behind to fulfill the desires of Śrīla Prabhupāda, Prayers of countless devotees and special mercy of the Lord has made it possible that you are still with us." We are very happy and grateful to Lord for letting you be with us, giving us your valuable association and guidance. We are very thankful to you also for coming back to us even after you received transcendental vision of being with acaryas and your departed god brothers. Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 10.80.34), Lord Sri Krishna says “I, the Soul of all beings, am not as satisfied by ritual worship, brahminical initiation, penances or self-discipline as I am by faithful service rendered to one’s spiritual master.” Dear Guru Maharaja, your loyalty and service to Srila Prabhupada is beyond words. The above words of assurance from Lord make me realise that you are so dear to Lord that He sanctions your desire to serve here more. I pray to Lord Nrsimhadev that He protects you and removes all hindrances to your determination to continue your service to Guru and Gauranga. Long back, from one of your lectures, I read about the position of a spiritual master as instructed by Lord Krishna to Uddhava. SB 11.17.27 translation - One should know the ācārya as Myself and never disrespect him in any way. One should not envy him, thinking him an ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the demigods. One should always think of the spiritual master in terms of his intimate relationship with Mukunda (Śrī Kṛṣṇa)( SB 11.17.27 purport) Everytime I see your photograph, hear or read your lecture or hear about you from someone, I try to remember this instruction, to never see you as an ordinary person. You are a close associate of Lord and out of your compassion you are guiding fallen souls like me. No ordinary person can take so much pain and austerities like you do to preach, spread the holy name and give association and care to devotees across the globe. All glories to you . You utilize every moment of your life in Srila Prabhupada's service. All your efforts are to please Krishna and the Guru Parampara. You show us by example, how we should make the best use of our body and our time in rendering devotional service . Even when you are physically unwell, you come online and give us your invaluable association. You transmit your eagerness and enthusiasm to perform devotional service and inspire many. I pray that I may also develop this service attitude and not waste time . Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.7.46 purport says - A sinful soul cannot approach the Lord directly, but such a sinful man can very easily approach a pure devotee of the Lord. And if one agrees to put himself under the guidance of such a devotee of the Lord, he can also understand the science of God and can also become like the transcendental pure devotee of the Lord and thus get his liberation back to Godhead, back home for eternal happiness. These words of Srila Prabhupada reflects my relationship with you. You are the pure devotee of Lord , approachable by us. You are the loving representative of Lord , who is more kind and more easy to approach. Dear Guru Maharaja, I am one of your diksa disciples and I feel I have a lot to progress in spiritual life. I beg you to forgive me of any offenses committed to you unknowingly. Recently I heard in one of the Mayapur sravanotsav lectures that when one is in problem, one should pray to one's Guru. I have so many shortcomings and insecurities . I pray that I do not commit offences to you or anyone. I pray to you that my practice of devotional service become fixed . I understand that as a disciple , it's my duty to serve you. I try to serve you by engaging in children's classes, assisting in Bhakti vrksa at home , transcribing your lectures etc. Kindly accept my insignificant and humble service. I beg your blessings to serve you more and better.I pray that we may get opportunities to to serve vaisnavas. I pray to you to strengthen our devotion and empower us to help others through preaching. Kindly bestow your blessings on our family members, who are yet to come into Krishna conscious association , to develop an attraction towards devotional service and become devotees. I also request your blessings on all our bhakti vriksa members and children attending classes, to develop devotion, servitude to Lord and to advance in Krishna consciousness. I thank you for accepting me as your disciple, giving guidance directly and through your senior disciples. Whatever tiny steps I have taken in spiritual life is only because of your causeless mercy. I pray that I may please you some way through my tiny acts of devotional service. Please bless us, give us your mercy so that we may serve you and Lord better. Gauuurangaaa ! With well wishes and humble prayers,  Your insignificant servant, Lakshmi Radha devi dasi. (Diksa disciple) , Vinay Nitai Chand das (Diksa disciple) Nandakishore Vineeth.(son-11 years old)  & Saumya Radhika (20 months old)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda and All glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisances and praṇāmas to your lotus feet.

Guru Mahārāja! “Kṛṣṇa-kṛpā guru mile, guru-kṛpā kṛṣṇa mile” – I am nothing but with your blessings and Kṛṣṇa mercy I got association with pure devotees. Through my śīkṣā-guru I got this spiritual  knowledge of who are we,  why we are suffering in this material world and what is our relationship with Kṛṣṇa and what is the purpose of human life and so on… I realised from my śīkṣā-guru and senior devotees that our duty in this material world as a human form of life is to serve Kṛṣṇa only nothing else.

As an aspiring disciple I am feeling very fortunate to have you as my spiritual guru. I can’t express my feelings with words. Thank you Guru Mahārāja for coming into my life and accepting me as one of your disciple by giving aspiration to me. Kindly forgive my offenses I did so far.

Guru Mahārāja! I have never seen such a dedicated soul like you in my life for spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement every village to village. You have engaged all your body and soul together for serving Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission. Your glories are unlimited. You are the representative of Kṛṣṇa and delivering the God’s message as it is.  Like Nityānanda Prabhu you are making disciples all over the world and delivering the very, very fallen soul like me to go back to Godhead Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa. At the present time also without considering your health issues, you are giving lectures through online, doing parikramā and instructing disciples to do sādhana without fail. Who can do like this? Such a compassionate and dedicated guru, I offer my humble obeisances with love and devotion once again.

I want to go ahead in Kṛṣṇa consciousness but due to unavoidable circumstances and lots of work at my site, not getting  time for reading books and hearing Śrīla Prabhupāda lectures,  not  following 4  regulative principles at all times due to late night work at site sometimes forcibly taking food outside. I am still standing in the beginning platform and can’t fulfill my sādhana. Please forgive for my bad sādhana. I want to rectify my mistakes for that I need your shower of blessings in this matter otherwise I can’t move forward in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Please help Guru Mahārāja. Regarding chanting doing 16 rounds from Gaura Pūrṇimā onwards.

I have attended Bhakti-vṛkṣa, Īśopaniṣad, Nectar of instruction class and IDC course. Now attending Nāmahaṭṭa programs on Fridays, doing some small sevā.

I Pray Lord Narasiṁhadeva and Kṛṣṇa to keep your health in their protection and give you a long and healthy life.

Yours humble servant,




கெளரஹரியின் நித்யதாசனான

எங்கள் குருமஹராஜர் பல்லாண்டு வாழ்க! வாழ்க!


புன்னகைப்பூக்கும் அவரது திருமுகம் மட்டுமே

நம் மனத்திரையின், கவலைகளுக்கெல்லாம்


தேவதூதரான பிரபுபாதர்மேல் அவர்

வைத்துள்ள பிரியம் ஒரு தாய்க்கும், சேய்க்குமான

பரிபூரண உறவு!


எம்மை தாயாய்,தந்தையாய் வழி நடத்தும்

குருமஹராஜரின் ஒவ்வொரு வார்த்தைகளும்

மனதை தூய்மைப்படுத்தும் சொற்க்கவசம்!

அறியாமையால் வீழ்ந்த

இந்த ஆத்மாக்களை

கரை சேர்க்க வந்த கருணைக்கடல்

எங்கள் குருமஹராஜர்!


ஒவ்வொரு நொடியும்,

காத்திருக்கிறோம் தலைவா..

உங்கள் அன்புக்கட்டளைக்காக!

உம் பொற்பாதங்களுக்கு சேவை செய்யவே

உயிர் சுமக்கிறோம் அய்யா!


உங்கள் உயிர்மூச்சாய் தாங்கள்

சுவாசிக்கும் ஹரி நாமத்தை,

எல்லோருக்கும் தந்திட்ட

தங்களின் குருசம்பந்தம்

இப்பிறப்பின் பெரும்பேறு !


இந்த பூமியில் தாங்கள் உதயமான இந்நாளின்

ஒவ்வொரு நொடியும் வந்தனத்திற்க்குரியது!

மனதிற்கு பேரனந்தத்தை அளிக்கும் உங்கள் அன்பே

என்றும் துணை எங்களுக்கு!



உங்கள் அன்பு மகள்,

லலிதா பக்திமதி தேவி தாசி.தாமோதர தேசம்,துபாய்.



Your servant,

Lalita Bakthimati Devi Dasi

Damodarsesh Yatra 


Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine 


Dear Gurudev


Please accept my most humble obeisance’s at Your lotus feet.

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories & glories to You !!! 


I feel too insignificant to offer my homage onto such an exalted and empowered devotee of Lord Chaitanya. Please forgive us of our many mistakes which we do in trying to balance both spiritual and material lives. You have already given us a lot of mercy, the best of which was to connect us to this auspicious parampara. Thanks to your mercy, my daughter got married last year and we seek your blessings in bringing her in-laws family also into the shelter of holy name. 


Also, my deepest wish would be for your health to recover faster. 


Your eternal servant,

Leela Karana Lakshmi Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.


Guru maharaj,

I am fortunate to have you as my diksha guru, and have taken “Initiation for Krishna Consciousness” from you.  

By Lord Krishna’s mercy and under the spiritual guidance of siksha gurus, I am following regulative principles and improving my sadhana bakthi. I need to improve my concentration while chanting.

Under the esteemed guidance of my siksha guru HG Brajeshwar Shyam prabhuji and by association of devotees, I am able to read/learn Baghavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatham. 

I was present for your Vyasa Pooja in 2014 and 2017 at Mayapur.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to your restless efforts in trying and bringing many people to Krishna consciousness. I am sure Lord Krishna will be very pleased with your services. I feel privileged to get this opportunity to write homage and glorify you on this auspicious occasion of your vyasa pooja.


Guru Maharaj Ki Jai.

Hare Krishna!

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranams!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to you O Gurudeva on your Auspicious Appearance day...

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!.

All glories to  Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...

All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna!!

Please accept my humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..

vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca kripa-sindhubhya eva ca

patitanam pavanebhyo vaishnavebhyo namo namah

“Wish you Many More Happy Returns of the Day Gurumaharaj". Please accept my greetings at your Lotus Feet Gurumahraj.

Gurumaharaj through your unlimited mercy and through blessings of my Siksha Gurus HG Radhapathi Krishna Das and HG Ujjvala Kalindi Devi Dasi and all other Vaishnavas of my yatra got connected to the Guru Parampara (Initiated) on the auspicious Day of SriRama Navami April 14th 2019.Thank you so much Gurumaharaj for accepting this fallen conditioned soul as your disciple and also request your blessings for further spiritual progress in supporting your mission.

Gurumaharaj after the initiation by your unlimited mercy engaged in devotional services without any deviation towards material miseries.I don't know how one year has passed so early ,i request you on this auspicious day to please give me more physical and mental strength to continue the services and also personal sadhana smoothly and always serve at your instructions .

Gurumaharaj this year also few of my relatives visiting to Jagannath Puri Dham along with our Siksha gurus and other devotees.Gurumharaj request you to please bless my relatives to get them Krishna prema.Gurumaharaj very happy to inform that my mother is chanting and please bless her to increase chanting and be fixed in chanting.Also please bless all my family members to become Krishna Conscious very soon.

Gurumahraj please shower your mercy upon me to become mentally and physically strong enough to bring many souls into Kishna Consciousness.Gurumaharaj requesting you to bless me in preaching Krishna Consciousness effectively.

Please forgive me for all my aparadhas which are done unknowingly and knowingly. 

I sincerely pray to Lord Narsihma to protect your health so that you can still liberate many conditioned souls who are awaiting to take shelter at your Lotus feet.

I sincerely thank you Gurumaharaj and all my Siksha Guru’s for giving me this opportunity to write homage unto you
on this special occasion.


Your Insignificant Daughter

Lila Rani Sita Devi Dasi.

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! All Gloriess to Śrī Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja!

Dear Guru Mahārāja! 

Please accept my humble obesiences at the dust of your lotus feet. I am fortunate to get sheltered during your last visit to Middle East.

I have been trained and guided in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, by a śikṣā-guru - Ananta Rūpa Gaurāṅga dāsa under the guidance of Rāma Kṛṣṇa dāsa in Śyāmadeśa.

I regularly attend Bhakti-vṛkṣa classes and also Bhāgavatam classes. I am also very much fortunate to learn Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from Śacī Yaśodā devī dāsī of Śyāmadeśa. Mātājī have trained me and moulded me nicely through Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. I never miss any class of her which used to be conducted in their house on all saturdays 11.30 am. Guru Mahārāja, she has taught me through Bhāgavatam how to surrender to Śrī Kṛṣṇa, even in our adverse condition in life. I am an infallibe soul, do not have the words to mention her glories . Not only that the wonderful association of devotees specially, Gopīpriyā devī dāsī ( disciple of Rādhānatha Swami Mahārāja) and Tāpān Tanaya devī dāsī (disciple of Bhakti Cāru Mahārāja) has been inspiration for me to study Bhāgavatam and to mould my life accordingly. No words to mention their glories. I was also fortunate have association of devotee Ginni, whose association has brought me further close to Kṛṣṇa. I could also have the assocation of Premapradāyinī Mātā, who had an oppurtunity to take blessings from u as a child and has explained ur glories to me. Premapradāyinī Mātā had taught me how to wonderfully prepare and offer Bengali Kichidi. The gathering of all of us for Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam class under Śacī Yaśodā Mātā is a wonderful experience. No words to mention their glories .

I was working before. To take care of my younger daughter I had to resign from job. It was during this time 2017 uptill, that I had been attending classes under Śacī Yaśodā Mātā. I had so many issues, which was a stumbling block for me to get back to job. Job was required to support family. Mātājī, through Bhāgavatam had really helped me out on this. To get back to my job after 3 years staybaack at home specially to a design team in a good company is like a night māre. I understood that material education is nothing. Simply by chanting, assocaition of devotees and studying and hearing of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam can surpass anything in this material world, I have experienced this.

Dear Guru Mahārāja, now I am a shetered devotee. Please bless me so that I can also be an intiated devotee and can also receive Deities from our śikṣā-guru, I may follow this path through out life. I had two daughters Devayānī and Pālikā. They have been attending śloka classes of Śacī Yaśodā Mātā. Please bless them so that they become good Vaisnavis and lead life accordingly. My Prabhu is Remesh Nair, also a sheltered devotee. Please bless him also to progress spritually.

Jaya Gurudeva!

Remesh Nair 
Devayānī Remesh
Pālikā Remesh.

 Hare Krishna,

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obiesance to your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabupad ! 

All glories to You Maharaj.

On this most auscipious day of your 71st appearance day, I would like to glorify you in my way though i don't have qualification.

First of all  i am very happy  about your health , i have seen you are trying to walk. My sincere prayers  to Krishna  and Narasimha dev for your speedy recovery and should care so many fallen souls like us.  This year is very special in my life as i became your initiated  disciple ( took initiation from you in Damoder Desh sep2019). By your causeless mercy only you accepted me as your disciple. I am very thank ful to you maharaja for accepting me.

I am always getting inspiration from you , with so many phisical challenges you are wondering tirelessly all over the world to empower the fallen conditioned souls like us.I am very fortunate to have a spiritual like you. please bestow your unlimited blessing upon me and my family to progress in krishna conciousness and to help you to complete the Srila Prabupad and Lord Chaitanya's Mission.

Everyday i am attending online classes conducting by my siksha guru's Radhapati Shyam das prabuji, Ujjvala Kalindi devi dasi(krishna Katha Desh) we are under their guidance. As  i am  residing in, Ruwais ( industrial township 250 km far from  avatari desh ), very difficult  for preaching devotees association. In my place i  am conducting children class  and online bhagavad gita class to  friends and relatives. with your blessings and siksha gurus mercy we have completed one time bhagavad gita. All the participants  started chanting atleast 2 rounds  a day. I have two children Sravan (8Years) Samhitha (6 years) they are also started chanting everyday . Please bless them to progress in Krishna conciousness.

Dear Gurumaharaja i seek your blessings very badly,because  i am not good in english language  and philosophy.Please empower me with your blessings , knowledge without your mercy i cannot do anything. Please shower your blessing upon us to propagate krishna conciousness .

Please forgive me for my somany aparadhas,give me the strenth to not commit again again.

Guru Maharaj ki Jai.....

Your insignificant Disciple,

Lila Rani Padmini Devi Dasi

(Avatari Desh)



Hare Krishna beloved Guru Mahārāja,

Dandvat Pranaam 

Please accept my humble obeisance to your lotus feet 

Dear Guru Mahārāja thank you very much to accept me as your sheltered disciple.

You are really a ocean of mercy as you accept a fallen soul like me as your disciple.

I have read about you on social media, had listen about you from my Shiksha gurus and I am listening you on Facebook live, lava matra application,etc.

After hearing/listening about you from the above sources I feel very thankful that my the mercy of lord Krishna I have real guru in my life and I am 101% assure that you will engage me in your and Krishna service as you are very merciful upon the fallen soul like me.

In your early days, when your body was healthy which I have seen on social media that what a storehouse of energy and enthusiasm you had been.

Since your physically difficulty , I am seeing what a spiritual personality you are.

Generally with the difficulty of the gross body the activities of mind and intelligence deteriorate however in your case it is not like that. Your mind and intelligence have became unbelievably active to please your spiritual master Srila Prabhupada and to fulfill your spiritual master mission.

This is a clear indication that you are not at all affected by clutches of Māyā.

in your physically difficulty condition also you are traveling around the world to please your guru maharaj and to give your pure association to your disciple.

You are the spiritual soul and came into this world to deliver the fallen souls like me. Please be merciful upon me.

I do not have any qualification to serve you and I know that you have so many wonderful/sincere/ pure hearted/ humble disciples to serve you. and you do not need any service from an insignificant person like me.

Dear Guru Mahārāja please be merciful upon me and keep me engage in your service if you wish.

Every disciple should understand his Spiritual master mood accordingly I tried to understand your mood through your lecture, messages, etc that you want to give Krishna prema to each soul by conducting bhakti vriksha.

 By your mercy presently I am conducting 4 BV but I am really surprised that how it happening as I am not having any qualification to preach by my own. I know that it become possible only because of pure mercy. Thank you Guru Mahārāja 

I am trying to start some more Bhakti vrikhshas to fulfill your TOVP 222 target of Bhakti vriksha. Please keep your blessings upon me so that I can try to please you.

Dear Guru Mahārāja this Vyas pooja also I could not get leave from my company to initiation from you but sure I will be there in your vyas pooja by my mentally. 
Dear Guru Mahārāja by your mercy I got leave from my company on Radhastami this year and I do not want to loose this chance so it is my humble request to you that please please please accept me as your initiate disciple.


Dear guru Mahārāja please forgive me if I have wrote anything wrong. I don't know how to write homage so please please forgive me for my mistakes.


Your sincere disciple 

Lokendra Sharma







Sricharaneshu Srila Gurudeva 
On this auspicious day of your holy appearance please accept our respectful obeisances at your Lotus Feet 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
Gurudev , your glories are unlimited   You are param vaishnava, extremely learned ...( St John’s College & Brown Uni ) but you have gentle and sweet behavior with all jiva atmas   You never criticized anybody 
You gave your entire life and soul to Srila Prabhupada 
At a very young age in 1968 you took initiation and joined iskcon   You felt happy in your inner heart to serve Srila Prabhupada 
In 1970 you took Sanyas on Radhashtami, when you were only 21 years old 
In 1971 Srila Prabhupada gave you Sri Dham Mayapore and in the same year declared that in your previous life you were a close associate ( parshad ) of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and took birth in the West to spread KC  throughout the world 
In 1977 you were recognized as an Acarya 

Looking at the love and dedication in your heart to serve your Guru Maharaja , the Govt of India granted you Indian Citizen in the year 1978 
In 1992 you started Nabadweep Mandal Parikrama 
which is inconceivable... how it integrates devotees from the whole world 
Then you started Bangladesh Safari , another project which is connecting and expanding the Vaishnav community 

On 23 Oct 2008, you had the stroke in Mumbai 
Even with all physical difficulties you never compromised your 16 rounds chanting 
Gurudev , we are hankering and praying to the Lord to protect you and give you long life   We are praying to see you in Mathuradesh soon 
We see from sashtra that Lobho matra sadhu Sanga 
Sarbo siddhi hoi ... we can see 
that although our heart is so much contaminated by the material desires ... but by your association even for a moment, we develop service attitude ... so we can see the influence of sadhu Sanga in our lives 
Due to some offenses by our congregation, the local authorities have asked us not to carry out any religious programs anymore in Bhaktidesh temple 
With your blessings, we will try to resolve this crisis after the Coronavirus danger is eased out 
Wishing you once again a very happy Krishna Conscious birthday we remain at your lotus feet 
Please bless us so that we always remain fixed at your lotus feet 
In Berhampore , Brajo bhakti mataji , Viswarup Prabhu and their son bhakta Gopal  are preaching very nicely, with your blessings 
Hare Krishna 
Your spiritual children 
Madan Mohan Caitanya Das 
Premanandini devi dasi 
All our members in Bhaktidesh & BV members in Muscat


Hare Krishna Guru - Maharaj.

Dandavat pranam!!!

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances

All Glories to you, to Srila Prabhupada and to all our Parampara acharyas!

Hare Krishna!

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

Many many happy krishna consciousness birthday. I pray Lord Narasimha for your long life and good health.

Last year my family shifted to Chennai as my daughter completed her 12th. they settled well along with devotee’s association by your mercy and Krishna mercy. My daughter took aspiration from you on 21st January 2020 during your Chennai visit. Thanking you accepting her as one of your servants.

As I am working in Consultant company Dubai and Project also so far from House.  I am not finding time to do my full Sadhana.  My children class going well with your mercy. Please bless me to be in Krishna consciousness forever on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Pooja.  

I request your blessing for my family and wish that my children also accept a guru and come up in Krishna consciousness. Once again I pray to Lord Narasimha for your long life and good health.

Thanks GuruMaharaj

Your humble servant

Madana Mohan Dev Das – Gauranga Desh Dubai



Our dearest Guru-maharaj,

Dandavat pranam !!!

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances

All Glories to you, to Srila Prabhupada and to all our Parampara acharyas !

Hare Krishna !

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

“nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine

nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine.”


This is deveswari devi dasi.

We have shifted to chennai now from dubai for my son vishal gaura’s education.( 8 th grade now).

My daughter kamatchi is doing college studies now and with ur mercy, she has aspired to u.

Both our children have to move forward in Krishna consciousness And take up Initiation process.

Like how you are following the words of ur guru Maharaj, we have to also follow ur instructions and do many services and preaching also.

We need ur mercy always guru Maharaj.

I have to follow the promises given to u during initiation.

Each minute, We are praying to Narasimha dev and gaura nitai for ur good health always.

Kindly bless my family.


Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet. 

All glories to Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...

All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to your Divine grace.


Gurumaharaj we are so fortunate to wish you on this special day, a very happy vyasapuja celebrations. Gurumaharaj I am not getting words to write your causeless mercy upon fallen conditioned soul like me. Your causeless mercy making me to move in my life. Your live videos giving us so much of enthusiasm nd energy to improve in our spiritual life nd in preaching. Gurumaharaj You came out from such a critical condition and recovered well for sake of all of us. Gurudev you are showing all of us as an example how one should be strongly determined in their sadhana and preach in any difficult condition. Anyone can get full energy and enthusiasm by taking your darshan. Just by your glance one's heart will follow towards Krishna Prema. Gurudev your eyes showering so much of love on all of us. Praying to Lord Narshimha Dev to give you more and more good health. Praying to lord Radha  Madhav to give you long and long life. Gurudev I am begging you at your lotus feet Kindly please please forgive me for my any offence i committed unknowingly against any devotees. Please bless us and all Bhakti vriksha members to improve in our spiritual sadhana, so that we will become instruments in Gauranga’s mission. Thank you so much to lord sri krishna for sending a most merciful wonderful personality as our beloved Grudev.


We need your blessings in every step of our life, Thank you  so much Gurumaharaj for everything. 


Your spiritual daughter and family 

Madhusmita Padma Devi Dasi and Bhaktin Bhavya Krishna

Krishna Katha Desh (Qatar)

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Guru and Gauranga.All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Guru Maharaj you are the most merciful form of the Supreme Lord. You give the Caitanya Mahāprabhu mercy to all condoned souls like me.Before I entered into the ISKCON I don't know about the Guru tattva. Now only I know what's the the impotants of Guru in my only taken me from this material world to Krishna.First time I was seen you Guru Maharaj in 2017 Vyāsa Puja. At the time I was realized your sacrifice and all the things. Guru Maharaj your actions are always satisfy the Guru and Krishna. You never lose the energy when your are suffering and also give the energy to your devotees.  You are my inspiration Guru Maharaj. Guru Maharaj in critical situation you are go to all over the world because of love on the devotees and release the conditioned soul from this material world. If one want to become a pure devotee associates with pure devotees. So that Guru Maharaj I always need your association and mercy through my siksa Gurus. I am very vey fallen soul. It is not my humility really I am very sinful person. I want to join your discipline succession with your mercy. Bless me Guru Maharaj. Give me a chance in  your unalloyed devotional service.Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to serve you.

Guru Maharajki Jai,

your humble servant,




Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept out humble obesiances unto your lotus feet,

Nama Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Prestaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Nama Acarya padaya Nitai krupa pradayine Gaura katha damodaya nagara grama tarine!!

You came to this world to deliver us from the ignorant hellish condition of the materialistic way of life. By your mercy you delivered not only us the innumerable conditioned souls. There is no limit for your mercy in bringing the living entities in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness. In spite of your health illness your potency to preaching Kṛṣṇa Consciousness remains same. We inspired of your this attitude of preaching. We are always praying to Lord Nityananda and Tulsi Maharani for your speedy recovery of your health ilness.

Gurudeva, your mind is always roaming on how to bring the conditioned souls under the shelter of magnanimous merciful lotus feet of Lord Caitanya.

Guru Mahārāja, kindly please bless my family For this, I should be really well equipped with my sādhana, following of regulative principles. Please do bless me with strength to follow principles and do my family  sādhana properly and sincerely.


Seeking shelter under the dust of your lotus feet,

MahaPrabhu Gauranga Das

Susevini Laxmi Priya Devi Dasi


Krishna Kruti

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna!


Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine



Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..


On this auspicious occasion I sincerely wish you a very happy Krishna conscious birthday. I pray to His Lordship Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Jagannath Baladeva Subhadra Mai, Gaura Nita and Lord Narsimha Deva to usher their choicest mercy on your holiness for good strength and health enough for you to keep your promise to HH Srila Prabhupada. 

With your mercy, this year too we got chance to serve many of visiting Vaishnavas and Maharaj in KKD, it helped us in increasing our appetite for more devotional service and to get their valuable blessings.

The year long we engaged in many KC activites with a small group of 25 devotees and 1 BV of 10 devotees, enjoyed festivals, weekly BG classes, outreach programes etc. 

Maharaj, I request your blessings for all the devotees in Krishna Katha desh for their safe and progressive journey to continue serving the mission of your Holiness and Srila Prabhupada.

Everyone in the family is progressing well by purifying our consciousness aligned to Krishna Consciousness. For every difficulty, we just prayed your holiness and we felt being protected always. We shall always remain highly indebted to you for this invisible special mercy upon us. 

Please bless us so that we get courage and strength to continue to follow your instructions and extend Krishna Consciousness to many new comers thru Bakti Vriksha Pragrams, This gives us better realization of Krishna and impetuous for quality chanting.

Your humble servant

Mahaprabhu Manohar Das (Manohar Gajwani)

Guru Maharaj ki jai!!

Hare Krishna!

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to his divine Grace A.C. Bhakti Vedanta swami srila prabhupad.

All glories to my dear Guru Maharaj  on this auspicious appearance day of yours.

Though I know I cannot thank you or give or do anything for the mercy that you have showered upon me by accepting me as your disciple .I will still work hard to be part of your mission to spread Krishna consciousness with all your mercy and Krishna’s blessings.  I am the most fallen soul .My first darshan with you was before 5 years when I got aspiration from you . I still remember that day as I and my friends and family had a great opportunity to listen to your lecture.We felt that we were in a heavenly planet and couldn’t bear your spiritual effulgence where I was stunned as i was so ignorant.

I got initiated from you by last year in UAE which is still like a dream for me . I often ask my shiksha guru ‘am I worth to get initiated from a great soul like Jayapataka swami maharaj’. He used to say that our guru knows everything . So suddenly where I didn’t even have time to think we came to know about your visit to UAE shortly for initiation ceremony. I didn’t have a clue that I can complete all the formalities to get initiated .It was a magic where I really felt your presence and I was like a  third person watching the action of my soul which was led by a super power. Otherwise for an unworthy ,not useful soul like me wouldn’t have this been possible. You are so merciful than Gauranga .Gauranga!!Gauranga!!!. Though I have had your darshan only for 6 times still I feel very close and as if I have spent years with you . Daily I connect myself through your vani .

I take this opportunity to pray to Krishna for your health and beg you to accept my service though it might be like squirrel’s help to build rama’s bridge. We are organizing children’s class in our bhakthi vriksha which really needs your blessings .

One humble request is to please give your mercy and blessings for my friend(Priya mathaji) and her husband(Rajkumar prabhu) and my husband  to get initiated from you .Please help these souls.

Hare Krishna.

Yours beloved daughter and servant

Maladharini champakalatha devi dasi (dhiksha) Al Ain, UAE

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-taleśrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāminenamo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyinegaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

Hare Krishna!

My dear Guru Maharaj, 

I offer my most respectful obiesances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Jagad-Guru Srila Prabhupada and all glories to your loving divine grace.

I wish you a very happy vyasa-puja and pray to Radha Madhav, Gaura Nitai and Narasimha dev for many happy returns of this auspicious day Guru-Maharaj

At the outset, I sincerely thank Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupad for giving us a wonderful Guru Maharaj and my sincere gratitude to you Guru Maharaj for being your disciple.

This year was very sad for all of us in Kanaiyyadesh, because, we missed the opportunity to serve you personally due to your passport issues. Still you have made a special online session for us; I bow down to your Lotus feet for your compassion showed towards us.

Guru-Maharaj, you have made all arrangements not only for your disciples but also for humanity at large through your many innovative ways of getting your association through your lectures, live internet broadcasts etc. 

I am very happy about your conviction towards cooperation with in ISKCON, I understood that when you asked repeatedly for that with in our devotees here in kanaiyyadesh. Hope that will continue strongly.

Whatever little services being render all these years are just in view of your causeless mercy, in absence of which I do not know what a Vaishnava life is.

On this auspicious day, I pray to remain a speck of dust at your lotus feet, O my beloved Guru-Maharaj. Wishing you the most wonderful vyasa-puja celebration.

Yours insignificant Spiritual Son

Manibhushan Krishna Dasa (Diksha)


All Glories to Srila Prabhupad

All Glories to Guru Maharaj


Hare Krsna.


Am very happy to inform you that, because of your grace since 2011, I have been trying my best to practice  Krsna Conscious seriously in my life. Request you to bless me  so that I can  continue without any interruption enable me away from the trap of maya & to  gain  the highest perfection of life. I still remember the meaning of my name you have explained to me at the time of initiation. Trying to reach that goal. 


Daily chanting guru mantra of my Guru Maharaj , by which I will get full potency to spread KC in my home town,Kerala,once am back to India.Am reading daily Srimad Bhagavatam ( now in 10 th Canto chapter 6) & Caitaniya Caritamrutam ( M.leela chapter 15) . While reading, am  writing  notes for my preaching purpose & conducting BG classes for  2 Mathajis.



Daily am reciting one Narshimha kavaca ( since  6 years ) & 4 round of Thulasi circumambulation for you . Praying  Krsna to give strength to you  to spread KC all over the world.


Please  bless me so that I can advance in  KC & leave the body as stated by Krsna in BG 8.5 


Your Humble Servant disciple


Manju Keshi Sakhi Devi Dasi

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your divine lotus feet. All glories to Jagatguru Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your Holiness.
Today is the very auspicious day of your divine appearance.

In the Bhagavatam, there are the prayers of great devotees where they prayed for sufferings and troubles so that they always can remember the lord. There is no doubt in their exalted spiritual position but for a tiny aspiring devotee like me when in spite of having all these favorable devotional facilities staying in  material world it is difficult to do bhakti seriously then what will happen if I go out. Therefore, Dear Gurudev, I pray to you, please help me to be fixed in my spiritual vows. Please shower your mercy upon me so that I may never think of leaving this association what to speak of Bhakti. I don’t know when it will be possible to get out of this ocean of samsara but I just pray that please help me to get out of this ocean of anarthas. You know well what a big rascal I am, my mind is filled with stacks of material desires. Bhagavatam says that although it is condemned still such material desires can also be fulfilled by the mercy of lord. And here is my fear. Please never let them be fulfilled. I honestly confess today, I am unable to deal with these desires driven by the anarthas. Therefore I request you please take the charge of my mind and never allow these desires to be fructified rather please destroy them and replace with spiritual desires. Srila Prabhupada very often quoted the order of the spiritual master is the life and substance of the disciple. O my dear spiritual master please help me to take your orders as my life and substance. Please help me to serve your instructions wholeheartedly with body, mind, and speech. May I only use them in your service and not in my own self. I don’t know when I will get Prema, but I pray please help me to be fixed in my sadhana which is one of your orders. You have ordered us to help you in preaching. I want to dedicate my life to your mission but please help me to preach myself and protect me so that I never get deviated from this wonderful path of bhakti to which you have introduced me. And finally, as very selfishly I have mentioned in this offering to you only “I’. Please make me free from this conception of “aham mameti”. Let me not do what I like but what you like. Let me not go in my way but in your way.

Your servant 


hare krishna 

Dear guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance and all glories to you and srila Prabhupad,

By your mercy and by the mercy of gauranga I have been very fortunate to be under your shelter since the time I was born. You have been there in every stage of my life. You have always guided me in every situation of my life. The best thing that happened to me is your presence at my wedding. You came there personally just to bless our family. The care and support that you have given me throughout my life overwhelms me, I don’t know if I am qualified enough for that.

Seeking your blessing to always keep serving you in the mission of Srila prabhupad  and advance spiritually. Seeking your blessings, shelter and prayer.

All Glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj, All Glories to Srila Prabhupad and the Guru Parampara.

Your servant,
Mayuri Madhavi Devi Dasi.  

Homage to Gyurumahraj                      Vyas Puja Day  HH . Jayapataka Swami                                        04-April-2020
For Acharyapada’s Vyas puja

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna -presthaya Bhu-tale Srimate jayapataka Svamin Ithinamine Namaaacharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine Gaurakatha Damodaya Nagar Grama Tarine
All glories to His Holiness Jayapataka swami
Please Guru Maharaj with heart full of gratitude, it is my good fortune that I offer my offerings on the most auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyaspuja. Today my attachment to the material world has become limited as I dive deeper into Krishna consciousness deeper. Due to your mercy I have gradually realised the most important goal of our life is to serve Guru, devotees and Krsna. 
With your mercy I started  Bhakti Vriksha in 2018 in Preston but after 6 months it has just become sankirtan party occasionally. This really saddened me but it has not daunted my spirit. As I move to new town, I hope to make a second attempt to start Bhakti Vriksha in Leeds. In 2019 , I have joined online  Bhakti Shastry e with Dayanand Maharaj. When the temple re-opens , I will start preaching on Friday’s at Manchester Iskcon. 
Thank you for Visiting us in “2019 in London and 2020 in Birmigham.  It was great to see you recover from massive surgery and travel to preach with more vigour then ever before  and meet with your disciples around the world.
Guru Maharaj, you are the only one who has defied death and despite the physical health challenges you continue preaching and inspiring us. You have trained your devotees to be dedicated.
In 2019 I attended Gaur Purnima festival in Mayapur. You had just returned to Mayapur after your transplant surgery and was really nice to have your darshan on regular basis. 
From You Gurumahraj I Have learnt: 
• Learn to be victorious in life despite challenges
• Dedication to Krishan consciousness with Determination • Compassion for all humanity • Humility
Services for Guru Maharaj:
Currently I am not directly engaged in any direct personal service but I want to strive for:
• Bhakti Vriksha leader in Leeds  • Help in collecting funds for TOVP
I have started chanting 64 rounds , whenever I can , specially during this time of Corrona Virus. 
I seek your blessings and mercy to actualise my personal services to you in 2020. 
Always Seeking your blessings and Mercy,
Humbly your Disciple,
Meenakshi Madhavi Devi Dasi
Disciple Status : Diksha in 2008 in KKD

Dear Guru maharaj,

Dandavat pranams

All glories to guru and krishna,

All glories to srila prabupad,


namo om vishnupadaya krishna prasdhaya bhoothale

srimathi jayapadhaka swamin ithi namine

nama acharya pathaya nithai krupa prathayine

gaura katha dhama dhaya nagara grama dharine


long live guru maharaj,

 by the mercy of guranga pl.take more devotees to the lotus feet of lord krishna

hare krishna


all glories to your auspicious appearance day


your servant

Mitila kumari

Hare Krsna GuruMaharaj,
Please accept my humble obesiances.
(yadi) Jayapataka swami na haita tabe ki haita...
(e) jivana bahita kise?

This is my status, if you have not accepted me as your
disciple and not shown the path of devotional service,
what would have been my position
in this kaliyuga. Very difficult to imagine.

Thank you for accepting me as your disciple although I am
not qualified.

Right now I am engaged in serving you as Chakra servant  and as Youth co ordinator for Mathuradesa
Kindly pray for me that in this lifetime I should make
many disciples and offer to  your lotus feet.
My sincer prayers to lord narashingadev to protect
you and  deliver the fallen souls like me.
your humble servant,
Mohana Rupa Syama Dasa (Diksa),

Hare Krishna our dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisance.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. 


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I sincerely hope that, your Holiness is doing well by the grace of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna.


On the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja festival, I would like to thank you for bringing a purpose in my life.


I was leading a pure materialistic and animalistic life, till I got the opportunity to meet your Holiness in Krishna Katha Desh. From then onwards, my life has completely changed towards a positive angle. 


Kindly forgive me, if knowingly or unknowingly I have committed any offense to anyone in this world.


Please keep blessing me Guru Maharaj, without which, I will never be able to continue in my spiritual life.


Your most insignificant servant

Mukund Anand Das

Diksha Desciple

Krishna Katha Desh, Doha, Qatar

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. My self Mohan das Mhadu Polekar from Kṛṣṇa-kathā Deśa.

Leader is one who leads by example, which you always shown to all devotees and worldwide. When I am chanting I chant one round before you. You have shown how one should be in dedication and tolerant in extreme difficulty.

You have born in America in advanced country but lived in simple way and became spiritual leader. Sacrificed for the cause of fallen souls. Even in hospital you Gurudeva continue to preach and made devotees at hospital. This shows how one should be always in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

During the initial days of Māyāpur temple you struggled to built the Māyāpur temple. I had an opportunity to touch your feet when you came to Kṛṣṇa-kathā Deśa. For this I consider my self fortunate.

Gurudeva this Vyāsa-pūjā I wanted to come to Māyāpur but could not make it. Hope Kṛṣṇa will make me to come to Māyāpur and touch your lotus feet again.

Please shower your mercy upon me and my family to continue and further enhance the spiritual life.

Your sincerely,

Mohandas Polekar


Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. I am an insignificant creature struggling to become an devotee where totally entangled in the three modes of material nature. Resistance is very high where my self forcing here and there to become an good devotee.

You struggled a lot to built the Māyāpur Candrodaya temple and also the new one TOVP is coming up under your supervision where you are fulfilling Prabhupāda's vision.

Guru Mahārāja devotional path is very difficult. Please always protect me in this spiritual path. In the coming days I am planning to get initiated. Without your mercy this is not possible. You are the helping hand for me. I am struggling to complete the syllabus.

Thank you,

Your sincere devotee,

Pramodini Polekar

Nama om Visnupadaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka- swamin itinamine

Nama Acaryapadaya Nitai kripapradayine

Gaura katha dhamadaya nagaragrama tarine


Our dear spiritual father,

Please accept our humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.

All glories to SrilaPrabhupada

All glories to Guru and Gauranga

 On this very auspicious, most blessed and glorious “71st  Sri Vyāsa-puja Mahotsava” of our beloved Guru Maharaja falls on the 4th April 2020, we pray for Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s, Sri Narasimha deva’s  and Sri Sri RadhaMadhava’s mercy to give you good health and long life to take the message of LORD SRI CAITANYA to every town and village incessantly. In this physical situation, the unstoppable services, Your astonishing determination to preach in all circumstances and desire to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission is so great, that wherever you go, miracle of inspiration happen. You are empowered by Lord Sri Krishna to help many fallen souls like us.

 We are seeking forgiveness for any vaishna offence knowingly or unknowingly if we committed.


We had a long standing wish that our son Dr.Sreedhar, who has taken birth in this world by your blessings, should get a chance to serve Your Holiness in the capacity of your disciple which had happened  few months back when  Your Holiness Showered Your mercy by Your presence in Balaram desh(Bahrain) and given him the name Sreedhar Gaurapriya das and thus we all , two children and us, are under Your shelter to propagate Your mission.

 Almost for the last 3 decades life experience has taught us that as long as your blessings are with us, Krishna is with us.

 Time and again and again I have experienced your causeless blessings through your unimaginable leela ..

 Your every action, especially in this physical condition is a lesson for all your followers and well-wishers..You value every services of an unqualified disciples like me. Your eagerness to preach Lord Gauranga’s message about the Holy name with this unbeatable travel schedule is a big lesson for us in this life time. You have a heart, big enough to accommodate anyone and everyone who have the great fortune of coming on Your way.

 It is a boon that many fallen souls like us have had the opportunity to understand the very purpose of our existence through Your Holiness.

 We are greatly inspired by the example Your Holiness is showing us every day by Your service to Srila Prabhupad.

 Gurumaharaj, our only desire is to serve You eternally. Please bestow upon us a drop of the Gurub hakti You have for Srila Prabhupada to propage the Holy name Hare Krishna Maha  Mantra


Your spiritual children


Murthimohan das (diksha disciple)

DivyangiRadha Devidasi (diksha disciple)

Premarupa Madhavi  devidasi (diksha disciple)

Sreedhar Gura priya das(diksha disciple)



Dear Gurumahraj..Dandavat pranams

kindly accept my humble obeisance ....I was very happy to get your dharshan last year in dubai .It was a dream come true for was only due to your blessings I could have your dharshan in spite of my bad health conditions. .you continue to inspire me. ..I  am humbled by the sevas u have provided to me.....thanks for fulfilling my desires though I am not eligible for all that. ..I wish to serve u and gauranga more  and more..... kindly bless your dear child. ..

Homage to Sri Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj

Dear Guru Maharaj,


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to Sri Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj


Please accept my humble obeisances.


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayaptaka Swamin Iti Namine

Namaha Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama dhaya Nagara Grama tharine



Srila Prabhupada handed you the Kingdom of God

You immensely developed ISKCON's facade

You're sculpting the movement as a GENTLE GIANT 

Fighting the material pain by being defiant


Renounced from Gordon John then initiated as Jayapataka

You were mounted on the chariot of ISKCON as VICTORY FLAG of Prabhupada

You are constantly traversing the globe

Propagating hassle free path to Golok


You got inspired when you were 19

Now 71 and still inspiring like a rapid stream

I seek your blessings for the same confidence

To atrract everyone away from the dark miserable dungeons


Your Humble Servant


Hare Kṛṣṇa

Daṇḍavat Praṇāms 

to your lotus feet

vāñchā-kalpa-tarubhyaś ca kripa-sindhubhya eva ca

patitānāṁ pāvanebhyo vaishnavebhyo namo namaḥ

Happy appearance day to you dear Guru Mahārāja

We thank Gauranga for protecting you in all your struggles. You are the inspiration and encouragement for our devotional life. Although we are not qualified you have given initiation to us with your mercy. 

 It is our turn to show our gratitude by following your instructions. We have accepted you as our captain to guide us in crossing this birth and death cycle. We will be always ready to assist you in your service of Srila Prabhupad mission.

We just always wanted to be under the divine shelter of your lotus feet with complete surrendered and follow your instructions. Seeking your blessings for us so that we can improve and improve in our sadhana to progress more in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and render more services to the movement.


Dandavat Pranams

Your Humble Servants

Nagapati Nityananda Das & 

Nadiyavasini Vishnupriya Devi Dasi

My dear Guru maharaja! Please accept my humble obeisances at your Lotus feet. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! Srila Prabhupada Said “I went to your country with a mission and you all good souls were sent by Krishna to me.” Gurumaharaja Your Holiness is One of the great souls sent by Krishna to Srila Prabhupada.

Your Holiness Serving in the mission of Lord Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada for more than 5 decades. Your Holiness took Sanyasa Initiation in the year 1970 on the auspicious day of Radhashtami and this year marks  your 50th Year of Sanyasa. You are the eleventh Sanyasi disciple of Srila Prabhupada.

Sastra says Pride is one among the six enemies of a embodied soul, but still we are reluctant to give-up this pride of being your disciple. Your Glories are unlimited! Your mercy to conditioned soul is unlimited! Your Service to fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada is unlimited! The trouble you are voluntarily taking to fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada is Unlimited, Immeasurable and Inconceivable! You are the mercy personified! Srila Rupa Goswami said if he has Millions of ears and tongues, then he could relish spiritual bliss by Chanting the Hare Krsna Mahamantra.  I am so fallen, never had such experiences but I realised how merciful and strong preaching warrior is my Spiritual Master.  I have complete Faith and Hope to perfect my life simply serving at your lotus feet.

In Guru Astaka, The last Stanza very clearly mentioned that yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krishna. Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement. Your Holiness in your book Spiritual Truths From Cyberspace You answered the question of How one can help you in your mission to Srila Prabhupada as follows. "One way people can help me is being Krsna Conscious. By serving Srila Prabhupada Mission! If Prabhupada's desires are fulfilled, then that will definetely help me, help all of us. There are many things which are quite general that will help not only me but will be helpful also to all the spiritual masters and will helpful to many people. As we read today how in krsna Consciousness, we are all in the same body as Prabhupada, so I personally take it that anything which is good for Prabhupada is good for me, and anything which is helping prabhupada's movement is helping me. So many of these ways, like chanting your rounds, following principles, being kind to others, co-operating with other devotees in Krsna Conscious attitude, all these things, I would consider helpful to me."

Dear Gurumaharaja, with your causeless mercy we have a hope that we will perfect our life simply by following your instructions and serving at your lotus feet. Thus enable us to become the servant of the servant of the servant of Your Holiness and render our menial service to Your Holiness to fulfill your mission of serving Srila Prabhupada, previous acharya's and Mahaprabhu.


Your Humble Servants,

Namavatara Krsna Das

Kasthuri Saki Devi Dasi



Namah Om Vishnu Padaya, Krishna Presthya bhutale.

Srimate Jai Pataka Swamy iti namine,

Namah Acharya Padaya, Nitai kripa pradaine,

Gaura Katha daamadayaa, Naagar gramo tarine.

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

All glories to your appearance day our beloved Guru Maharaja.

Before coming to ISKCON, I was like animal. Do not know anything about who am I, what is real goal of life. But after coming in association with devotees & attending BV program, we got awareness & now moving forward with all of your blessings & mercy.

I took shelter in 2018 at Chennai on the occasion of Vyasa Puja.  Very eagerly, I’m very eagerly waiting the coming auspicious your appearance day to get initiation.  

Last year on the occasion of Gaura Purnima, by mercy of yours I got chance to visit Mayapur. After reaching there, when came to know that you are presence there. Then just praying to Sri Radha Madhav to get your darshan. Finally before Sri Jagannath Rath Yatra when you came for aarati, I got your darshan. Guru Maharaja, you are my guide for spiritual life. Whenever I am seeing you, not able to control my tears. Always crying like baby to just fall on your lotus feet. Please bless me & shower your mercy on me (A fallen soul) to get initiation from you.  At this health condition, you are traveling whole world to preach Krishna consciousness that show a path to us to preach about Krishna consciousness to others in any circumstances.  I am excited for your darshan on coming Vyasa Puja in Sri Mayapur Dham & praying Lord Krishna to shower His mercy to get initiation this time.

Your humble servant ,



Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my most Humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All Glories unto you!

Wishing you a very healthy 70th vyasapuja Gurumaharaj,

O Patitapavan Gurudev..
So merciful you are , 
Spreading the Holy Names near and far...

You always keep us in your prayer, 
Your moment's association is a fortune - so rare...

You always instruct us to preach
 As far as we could reach...

Bringing many souls to this wonderful movement, Tasting the nectar of Holy Names every moment..

O Patitapavan Gurudev!..
So merciful you are , 
Spreading the Holy Names near and far...

Your devotion is so intense,
Love for every soul so immense
Not to obey your instructions is an offense.

You have sacrificed your comforts
You've made so many efforts

To please Srila Prabhupada whatever come may
By your determination you display

That despite your physical condition , 
You continue to bring many souls to this wonderful mission,

O Patitapavan Gurudev!..
So merciful you are ,
 Spreading the Holy Names near and far...

You constantly remind us to follow your orders, 
You help overcome our material disorders,

You have rekindled the hope of this hopeless case,
That there is opportunity for us all to return to that eternal place,

You are the magnanimous captain of the boat of my Krishna Consciousness,
I know you'll row me through ,
For where ever you are there is only auspiciousness. 

O Patitapavana Gurudev!..

So merciful you are,

Spreading the Holy names near and far...

Gurudev you are a personification of inspiration
For you there is no limitation !

My heartfelt gratitude to Srila Prabhupada,
For connecting me to my merciful Gurudeva!

We always sincerely pray for your good health,
Your presence, blessings, guidance, love , care is our only wealth.

O Patitapavan Gurudev!..
So merciful you are , 
Spreading the Holy Names near and far...


Your Spiritual Daughter ,

Nila Radhe Devi Dasi 

My dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet, 

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Guru Maharaj, we earnestly pray at your lotus feet to bless us so that we can express our heartfelt gratitude and prayers at your lotus feet on this auspicous day of your Vyasa Puja. Your divine presence and teachings are source of our spiritual bliss and awakening for the fallen soul like me. You have taught us how to remain spiritually awaken and connected to Krsna in all calamities of life. I used to wonder why would have Srila Prabhupada named you Jayapataka, which I realise later from the lessons of Srimad Bhagavad Gita. One of the signs of Victory of Pandava's was Hanumanji on Arjuna's flag. Similarly, your the victory flag of ISKCON carrying Srila Prabhupada like Hanumanji in your heart. 

Guru Maharaj my journey in Krsna Consciouness has began just because of your causeless mercy. I was rotting in to this so called shiny life of materialistic world but only by your auspicious darshan my life has turned upside down. It was your divine mercy only that I got connected to your spiritually elevated and sincere disciples here in Avataridesh. Within no time they made me ready to receive your mercy and I got my harinaam initiation from you. I lookback and see I have no good qualifications but still you accepted me very mercifully. 

Ever since, I have received initiation from you I am trying my bit to please you, but so many anarthas in my heart and mind keeps me away from that spiritual bliss. I know I can do better but I am falling short of my efforts and sincerity. I need to hear more and more lectures of yours to understand your mood and then make more and more sincere efforts to remain surrendered unto your lotus feet while servining in this divine mission of Srila Prabhupada and Gauranga.

My beloved Guru Maharaj, we pray at your lotus feet to bless us to situate strongly in Krishna Consciousness and while practicing sincerely ourselves we can inspire & motivate more and more devotees to take up Krsna Consciousness. By your divine mercy, so far we are conducting a small bhakti vriksha here in Avataridesh, participate in yatra level services for various events and programs, contribute in various projects like TOVP & Tribal Care. I am blessed that my wife (Divya Ananga Gopi Devi Dasi) and my son (bhakta Atharva) also positively contribute and supports me in various Krishna Conscious programs. We pray at your lotus feet that may by your mercy we are able to sustain this devotional life and also improve in our sincerity in performing devotional service.

Finally, we sincerely pray at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, and Sri Narsimha Dev for your good health and continued services in ISKCON inspiring and delivering millions and millons of fallen souls like me.

Yours insignificant spiritual son and daughter, 

Nitai Nateshvar Das

Divya Ananga Gopi Devi Dasi 

Bhakta Atharva.    

mükaà karoti väcälaà

paìguà laìghayate girim

yat-kåpä tam ahaà vande

çré guruà dina-täraëam


I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of all fallen souls, whose mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers, and enables the lame to cross mountains.


My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to you on your auspicious appearance day

Personally, I have no ability to glorify your greatness and qualities as it is beyond words to be described. But, since it is the duty of the disciple to glorify his spiritual master this is a small attempt from my side in penning this offering to you.

When I saw you for the first time, the quality of yours which captured me the most was preaching. The ability of yours to preach the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world – no matter what the state of health be – was something beyond my thinking capacity. When you came to Damodardesh Yatra last year in September 2019, it was my first time to see you up close in your day-to-day activities. I was stunned when I saw the enthusiasm and energy you had in serving the words of Srila Prabhupada in preaching this cult to each and every individual soul. One of your instructions to your disciples is to think as to how to push forward Srila Prabhupada’s movement. Only by your mercy can I  do this. Please have mercy upon me so that I can preach the cult of Mahaprabhu far and wide.


All glories unto your lotus feet!

Your Servant,
Ojasvi Krishna Dasa

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. 

On this auspicious day, I pray to their Lordships to keep you healthy so that you guide more souls to Krsna consciousness as per the wish of Srila Prabhupada.

I pray that with your mercy we will be able to accomplish your dreams, goals and serve according to your wish. Also I  with my family request your mercy and blessings to serve you to fulfill the vision and mission of Srila Prabhupada. 

Always seeking your mercy and blessings. 

Your spiritual daughter and son,

Padma Sundari Devi dasi 

Gambhir Madhav das

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances at your merciful holy feet!

 Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to you Gurudev on your auspicious appearance day!

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

 All glories to Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga and their Sankirtana Movement!

 Wish you very happy birthday guru maharaj. It’s a most happy day in my life. By your appearance in this material world I have been blessed. Only by your mercy,some way or other you have engaged me in Krishna conscious service. My heart full thanks for your mercy on this fallen soul. I pray to lord Sri Radha Madhan Mohan to give you good health and improve a lot. GuruMaharaj! whenever you visit any yatra, you ask for the yatra report card to see how they are engaged in Krishna’s service and full filling Srila prabhupad mission. Your mood is always to overlook, how all the yatras  are showering mercy on the fallen souls, noting down all the minute details  and later by giving your special blessings and giving suggestions to improve. I have been engaged by KKd yatra to develop BV groups to have 222 BV’S by 2022, on TOVP opening day. Its a very Hercules task with the prevailing scenario. Without your mercy and blessing it’s impossible. Please empower and bless that myself with the help of yours and vaishnavas mercy can full fill Srila Prabhupad and your dear mission successfully.

Your Spiritual son

Parama Karuna Krishna das

Krishna Katha Desh

Dear Guru Maharaj, My eternal Master

On this most auspicious day, please accept my humble obeisance’s unto your lotus feet, and kindly forgive my offences. Although I am insignificant disciple of your Divine Grace, and full of faults, still I am constantly awaiting your causeless mercy to be bestowed upon me. I have never given up my faith, or my love, nor the hope that someday I may be a worthy disciple. As you know my daily prayers always include the words “please forgive my offences”, as I am always feeling myself unworthy to receive your mercy. Dear Gurudev  you have been the one constant in my entire  life, my best friend and ever well wisher. And I remain servant  to you, my lord and master, unconditionally.

So on this Most Blessed day, Your Appearance day celebration, Please accept my humble obeisance’s again and again, kindly forgive my offences, and continue to guide me as my Guru, Amidst the ocean of Miseries and dangerous age of Kali.


Jai Gurudev

Begging to remain your eternal servant
Parampurusa Madhava das

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj.

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you my dear Guru Maharaj.

I would like to offer my obeisance unto the dust of your lotus feet. I would like to congratulate you on this very auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja. Also it was a very delightful event for me this year to see you achieve the target set to you by Srila Prabhupada of initiating 50,000 devotees, this only goes to show how determined you are in making this world Krishna Conscious whereby pulling fallen souls out of this quick sand pit of Maya and illusion. These achievement has made your Victory Flag to be flying more higher. I pray to Narshimadev to keep you under his protection always and in a very good health so that you may continue to guide and inspire such fallen souls like myself. It is also inspiring to see that you never miss to give the online class on the discourse of Chaitanya Charitamrita, though I do not listen it online but I hear the recording every day in the morning, that is how I begin my day. Seeing your enthusiasm in your lectures, it adds more fuel and imputes to my spiritual life to fight the daily onslaught of Maya. Your lectures are like vitamin doses that a sick man takes like myself to boost up his energy levels. 

On my personal spiritual life I am delighted to let you know my preaching class for the Labour Camp devotees has resumed 3 months back, which was stopped for almost 6 months due to Non availability of room. I have also started transcribing your lectures too, this also helps me to always be in close assocation with you. At every step of my life I can feel your presence guiding me and pushing me to take up more and more services as and when the opportunity has been given to me by my Yatra leader. I wish that I continue to be inspired by you to serve you to the best of my ability and capacity.

Your Humble and menial disciple

Parameshawara Prema Dasa



Hare Krsna My Dear beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories Srila Prabupada & his followers. All glories to you.

I received your mercy as I you accepted me as your disciple on 28th March 2018 just after the vyasa puja. Though, I am completely not qualified, I received your mercy. I always wonder how you take so much trouble for the well being of the fallen conditioned souls like me.

I am doing very little service in Gaurangadesh yatra but I always feel I am doing nothing to satisfy you & prabhupada when I see your enthusiasm even at this bodily condition. I beg your mercy so that I get more enthusiasm to serve you & serve Srila Prabhupada.

On your auspicious appearance day, please be more merciful upon this fallen conditioned soul so that, I can get a pinch of guru bhakti which you had for Srila prabhupada.

Eternally, you are a close associate of Lord Sri Nityananda. Please be merciful upon me so that I get the mercy of Sri Nityananda prabu. Without his mercy, it is not possible for me to get the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu.

Please infect me with Karunavirus so that I can go and spread the Karuna virus to everyone.

I wish to move to Mayapur & serve your lotus feet & the hold dham. Please shower your mercy so that I am able to move, serve & give up my body in Mayapur with the association of the wonderful devotees around me.

Please shower your mercy so that my mind is always fixed in the service of Gaura Candra Mahaprabhu without any attachment to worldly desires.

Please engage me in your transcendental loving service 24 hours a day & 365 days a year.

Your insignificant servant

Pavana Gaura Prema Das

Hare krishna

All glories to your auspicious appearance day maharaj!

Hare krishna  dear guru maharaj,

Dandvat pranams !!!

Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet. please accept our prayers and bless us so that we could write few sentences or words in your glorofication .

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! 

All Glories to Your Divine Grace!   


Dear Gurudeva, 

Please accept our respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. 

Wish you a very happy 71st Vyāsa-pūjā day! 

On this most auspicious day of your appearance, we humbly pray to Śrī Śrī Gandharvika Vamsivihari & Śrī Lakshmi Narasiṁhadeva to always bless you with good health. 

O most merciful Gurudeva, no words can glorify your greatness. For us you are Lord Gauranga's karuna (mercy). You have ignored our faults and only given us love time and and again. Please forgive us for any offenses we may have committed at your lotus feet knowingly or unknowingly.  

Gurudeva, you always emphasize on the great spiritual bliss derived by performing unalloyed devotional service to the Lord and say ''anander sima nai'' ( there is no limit to this bliss). Every time we get an opportunity to be engaged in some seva, these words ring in our ears. Indeed, service to Lord Sri Krishna and his devotees gives us so much happiness. We pray at your lotus feet, for your mercy, so that our devotion may not ever slacken. We also seek your guidance and blessings as we earnestly try to encourage children and youth to take up  offense-less chanting of Hare Krishna maha-mantra and to systematically study Srila Prabhupada's books.  

Gurudeva, we are indebted to your causeless mercy life after life. We beg with folded hands before you and seek your blessings so that we may sincerely serve you at our best wherever we are. 


Worthless servant of your sevants, 

Prasanna Vāsudava dāsa (Dīkṣā) 

Rādhā Sakhi Devī dāsī (Dīkṣā) 

(Gauranga Desh Yatra_DDY)


Dear Guru Maharaj ,

Hare Krishna 

Please accept my huble obeisance

It’s always an inspiration to see you dear Gurudev. With such a medical condition, your determination to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda and ISKCON is very immense. I pray to  Lord Śrī Jagannātha ,Baladeva and Subhadrā Mayī, Rādhā Mādhava, Pañca-tattva and Śrī Narasiṁha deva to keep you in good health to help to obtain your causeless mercy all the living beings

With love your humble servant

Praveen Chandran


Dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisences on your lotus feet.

Jai sri krishna chaitanya, prabhu nitya nanda

sri advait gadadhara, srivasadhi gaur bhakti vrinda

hare krishna, hare krishna , krishna, krishna , hare hare

Hare rama, hare rama, ram rama,  hare, hare

Please forgive me to submit your Vyasa pūjā offering dead line given to me is 05th March 2020 . Generally, it is very rare to see people in their 70s but though you have come across various difficulties and hurdles by the mercy of Kṛṣṇa you are with us to celebrate your 71st appearance day. We are fortunate to celebrate your 71st appearance day. Due to your mercy last year we installed alter in our house. Now my house known as  Neemsar dham. Due to your mercy we are performing all aratis, doing all ekadasi fasting and celebrating all festivals.  As per our Shiksha guru guideline we are trying to achieve your goal ( Bhaktivrisha 222 in 2022), but still now we did not start. we are trying to start. I hope very soon we will start due your mercy.

This year we got chance to attend  71st vyas puja but unfotunately we are not able to attend due to some problem. May be next year we will get chance to attend and get sheltered by you. We are doing book reading also and encourasing our chakra people to read srila prabhupad books.We pray to Lord Rādhā Mādhava to give long life to guide us to spread the Krsna Consciousness.


Your humble servant

Praveen srivasrtava

Hare krishna



परम पूज्यनीय व आदरणीय गुरु महाराज,

हरे कृष्ण, दंडवत प्रणाम I

                  सर्व प्रथम व्यासपूजा के शुभ अवसर पर कृपया आप अपने श्री चरणों में मेरा सपरिवार कोटिशः दंडवत प्रणाम स्वीकार करेI  श्री भगवान से प्रार्थना है कि आपका स्वास्थय उत्तम हो जिससे आप अपने गुरु महाराज श्रील प्रभुपाद को दिए वचनों को भगवदकृपा से सहजता से पूर्ण कर सकेI                      

                 कृष्ण कथा देश के वैष्णवों की कृपा और दया ने मेरा जीवन परिवर्तन कर दिया हैI चार नियमों का पालन, श्री राधा माधव जी का पूजा अर्चन, हरे कृष्ण महामन्त्र का 16 माला प्रतिदिन जप, वैदिक और वैष्णव ग्रंथो का पठन अब जीवन का मुख्य भाग हैI श्रीकृष्णभावनामृतसंघ में आकर ही हमे जीवन का परम लक्ष्य (भगवद्धाम की प्राप्ति) तथा अपनी संवैधानिक स्थिति (नन्दतनुज किंकरं/भगवान कृष्ण का नित्य दास) ज्ञात हुआ I यह आपके और भगवान श्री कृष्ण कि दयादृष्टि के बिना सभव नहीं थाI इसके लिए आपको और श्री भगवान को कोटिशः धन्यवाद हैI

               शिक्षा गुरुओ के उचित मार्गदर्शन में आपका आश्रय लेने की तैयारी/प्रक्रिया चल रही है मुझे आशा ही नहीं अपितु पूर्ण विश्वास है कि आप मुझ जैसे अबोध, अयोग्य व महापतित ‘दास’ को अपने आश्रय में लेंगे क्योकि हे गुरु महाराज! आप दया के सागर है, कृपा के सिन्धु है तथा पतितो का कल्याण करने वाले हैI                 

               हे गुरु महाराज! आप के प्रति कोई भी अपराध मेरे द्वारा ‘मनसा-वाच्चा-कर्मणा’ ज्ञात या अज्ञात या जानबूझकर या भूल वश हो गया हो तो मुझे अपना अबोध बालक मानकर कृपया क्षमा कर दीजिये और मुझे यह आशीर्वाद दीजिये कि मै श्री भगवान कृष्ण का चरण धुल बन सकू I

               हे गुरु महाराज आप प्रसन्न होइए और हम कृष्ण कथा देश सहित विभिन्न देशो/प्रदेशो के अपने सेवको पर अपनी अहैतुक कृपा बनाये रखियेI

              अंत में

                                                                साक्षाद्-धरित्वेन समस्त शास्त्रेर

                                                                             उक्तस तथा भाव्यत एव सभ्दिः I

                                                                    किन्तु प्रभोर यः प्रिय एव तस्य

                                                                              वन्दे गुरोः श्रीचरणारविन्दम II               [श्री श्रीगुर्वष्टक (मंगला आरती) श्लोक 7]

               (श्री भगवान के अत्यंत अन्तरंग सेवक होने के कारण, श्रीगुरुदेव को स्वयं श्री भगवान के सामान ही सम्म्मानित किया जाना चाहिएI इस बात को सभी प्रामाणिक शास्त्रों ने माना है सारे महाजनों ने इसका पालन किया है I भगवान श्रीहरि (श्रीकृष्ण) के ऐसे प्रामाणिक प्रतिनिधि के चरणकमलो में मै सादर नमस्कार करता हूँI)

आपके आश्रय का आकांक्षी सेवक,

        प्रयाग दत्त तिवारी

   प्रयाग चक्र/कृष्ण कथा देश


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Holiness.


Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...


All glories to your incomparable spiritual master Srila Prabhupada...


All glories to Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...


All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna for sending you here...


Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet.


In this auspicious appearance day occasion of our beloved spiritual father & master His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj, I would like to take this opportunity to mention few words about our spiritual master, which may please the Supreme Lord and shower his mercy towards development of Krshna Consciousness movement.

Inspite of your severe health condition, you are always meditating on your devotees globally and shower your compassionate love towards all the conditioned soul by travelling around the world. Extending your unalloyed mercy by giving more and more Harinam Diksha to devotees all over the world.

At whatever condition you may be just trying to fulfil your Spiritual Master’s instruction in every situation either by donating/distributing books, constructing temples (Huge temple in Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir TOVP), preaching activities daily on Facebook including hospitals while going for treatment etc.. You are just reminding yourself that you are selfless servant/instrument of your spiritual master. That is the secret we noticed and we will try following the same to the best possible means in our day-to-day life to become more and more devoted/surrendered to krshna in all of our actions.

Your enthusiasm, eagerness, faith & confidence in serving towards your Guru and Krshna made us to increase our spiritual progress/strength for the benefit of humanity in general (conditioned soul).

You are being a great inspiration for all of us.

On this auspicious occasion of 71st Vyasa pooja celebration, kindly bless all of us to be in your shelter and follow your footpath just to increase our faith towards Guru and Krshna.


Your Humble Aspiring Servant

Premadatta Gopinath Das

Krishna Katha Desh


Hare Krishna My Dear Beloved Guru Maharaja


Please accept my respectful obeisances.


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale; Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine; Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

“Nama Om Vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale; srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine; nirveshesha sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine”

A Very Happy 71st Sri Vyas-puja Celebrations to you dear Guru Maharaja!!!

It is a great privilege to be living in the time period of your existence in this material world, I have been wondering how compassionate Srila Prabhupada as I have no direct association with him, I felt that I have missed the main golden times when Srila Prabhupada walked on this planet. But after having an association with his direct disciples, it was a very wonderful experience to know how He took care of everyone direct or indirect.

The effects of kali yuga have already is showing its face in this material world, but ISKCON presence and exemplary devotees like you have checked the growth of kali and left it only to prevail as a shadow. During this very auspicious 50th Sannyas ceremony, you have achieved the mission impossible target of fifty thousand disciples across the world. It is rarest of the rare achievement one can accomplish in these given conditions. All previous Acharyas in parampara should have been very happy seeing this day. All glories to your sincere complete efforts in accepting these many fallen souls under your shelter wherein I am one among them.

It is really out of world experiences the moments I had served you personally and can never forget the lonely time I got while serving you for a short period. Dear Guru Maharaja, what a great fortune and pious activities all those devotees did to see you, serve you and love you. There has been a paradigm shift in Krishna consciousness movement, where millions and millions have come to take devotional practice seriously very much inspired by you. The charm and million-dollar smile of yours indeed tied me and this soul wishes to serve your feet life afterlife.

There were days earlier, just to touch you once I used to travel long distances for Ratha yatra festivals, like swarming bees around fresh golden lotus I see amongst hundreds of devotees you in the center leading the kirtan using your iconic cymbals. I used to feel that just one sight of you or one touch of you makes this life purposeful. I get flabbergasted seeing your dedication to Srila Prabhupada and His movement. Later in the future, there would be time wherein devotees’ term that it was utmost blissful, was the time during His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja pioneered the society.

One among lots of instances, once His grace Kratu das Adhikari, initiating guru and your Godbrother had a knee replacement surgery and while recuperating, He came to know that you are at Ahmedabad for GBC meetings, then He came to meet you at your place of stay, He was waiting to have your darshan and it was getting delayed due to your health conditions, disciples came to inform Him that other Godbrothers are there to visit in the meantime. He flatly refused to state that if He can meet and have your darshan then it is equivalent to have met all Godbrothers and demigods. The loving bond between you and your Godbrothers is astounding and showing us the right way to deal with the Vaishnava’s.

Looking at your lotus feet, I used to wonder how this lotus feet of yours have untiringly run across the globe many times without any rest, uncared for self and stood firm fighting against ill-effects of the age of quarrel. My beloved Guru Maharaja, your daily online classes are real power booster for many, right usage of the digital age is where we can see you online daily and get clear and wonderful messages on Sri Guru and Gauranga. You have cleared all misconceptions of one relating to this body and firmly established the fact that we are not this body and this body is a tool to makes us reach back home, Godhead. Your schedule and activities show us there is no impediment in performing devotional service. Just like seasons come and go, happiness and miseries come and go in everyone’s lives, all the statements are made true by your personal undertakings. Even though you have proven that bodily discomforts are not at all stumbling blocks towards the relationship with Lord Krishna, our sincere heartfelt prayers are such that you start again walking around the globe as a roaring lion. Even though physically you seem like the wounded commander in the war against kali, your spirits are so powerful that it is been felt all over the world, all soldiers of yours are ready to host the victory flag undebated.

When compared to lots and lots of many great devotees who have served you I am not even eligible to be a speck of dust on the corner of the street where you have walked. Your memories and your instructions have made me lead this life on and on. Your presence itself makes people feel the bliss in spiritual life as you carry Lord Gauranga always on your hearts. Your lucrative vision to execute the mission of Lord Gauranga and all Acharyas to spread Gaura Katha in all towns and villages is seen more profoundly increasing.

You are the living example of a portrait of pastimes relating to Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Your expertise in delivering lectures, explaining the facets of spiritual life in so simple way wherein masses can understand and implement them in their lives easily. How a fallen soul like me can understand the intricacies of spiritual details if not come under your blessings and mercy. You have been kind enough to lift me from the most fallen conditions and allowed me to revive the lost relationship with you. My sincere and only wish in all ages, at any condition, is to carry forward your instructions to the best of my ability and serve you.

Begging and striving hard to be at least a speck of dust at your lotus feet, I endeavor to see your lotus feet always. Please forgive all of my offenses at your lotus feet and please make me worthwhile to be in your unlimited mercy.


You have been merciful in accepting my wife Gopkishori Devi Dasi as your spiritual daughter and this year my mother is getting ready to accept initiation from you.

Your servant at your Lotus feet

Premananda Gauranga Das, (Diksha), Krishna Katha Desa  

Hare Krishna, 

Please accept my humble obeisances Guru Maharaj.

All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to this auspicious day.

Last year in September when you came here to Shyamdesh and I had the opportunity to take your darshan for the first time, I really felt as I was seeing my master. Unstoppable tears were rolling down.

It was a difficult atmosphere for you but still you are so merciful that you accepted me and my Prabhu as aspirants. 

Today I want to thank you for everything that you are doing for us. 

I pray to the merciful Lord for your good health and continued service to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you.

Your servant 

Priyanka Rakesh Chotaliya. 


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsnapresthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitaikripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhamadaya nagaragrama tarine”

Dear Gurdeva,

You are my Eternal Father,Giver of Transcendental Knowledege.On this most auspicious day of your appearance on planet earth, I would like to offer you my obeisance  and  heartfelt thanks to you.

How dear you must be to Shree Krsna for your faithful service to Srila Prabhupada.You are always absorbed in your service to your spiritual master setting such an exalted example for your disciples to follow.

By your divine grace . I chant minimum prescribed rounds every day , reading and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books, associating, serving the devotees and my Siksha Gurus and preaching whenever I can.By your grace I was able to distribute only  32 Bhagvad Gita and 15 small books of Srila Prabhupada in this Gita Marathon 2019-2020. I am planning to start the Bhakti Vriksha class soon and I seek your blessings for the same.

But, still, I am the most lowly and unhappy  crawling child in the lap of Mayadevi, and too much engaged in the material services.

Please bless me so that I can take out some time from my material work  and serve you perfectly and make my spiritual progress eventually. Please bless  my wife Juhi who have just taken Srila Prabupada Asharya in sept 2019 in U A E  and my children Hemachandra ( 3 yrs) Geetika (10 years )  so that they can be engaged in the devotional service of the Lord .

I always remain 

Yours Obedient servant

Premrajagopinath das

Hare krishna guru maharaj, 
Srila prabhupad ki jai
Srila jayapataka swami guru  maharaj ki jai

Hare krishna guru maharaj
I would like to offer a stanza from sri guru vandana to your lotus feet and please bless me so that I remember you alone without any distractions during my daily prayers to you.

Sri guru karuna sindhu, adhama janara bandhu,
lokanath lokera jivana
ha ha prabhu koro doya, deho more pada-chaya,
ebe jasa ghushuk tribhuvana

Our spiritual master is the ocean of mercy, the friend of the poor, and the lord and master of the devotees. O master!  Be merciful unto me. Give me the shade of your lotus feet. Your fame is spread all over the three worlds.


your servant


My Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your divine lotus feet. All glories to Jagatguru Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to Your Holiness.

I never met you but always I saw you on Facebook, YouTube. Your life is big inspiration to all human kind. Which teach what is meaning of surrender and how to serve Guru.

I am fallen soul, don't know much to write. I have limitation in words. But I always pray to you lotus feet to give me your mercy, by which I can achive my spiritual desire to serve Rādhā-Mādhava.

Please forgive me for my all sin which I am thinking all the time, except your glory. Although I never met you but some time I feel that you are always beside me.

Your Servant Servant,

Priyanka singh.



Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance and All Glories to You and Srila Prabhupad.

By your mercy I have completed 2 years of my spiritual life and need your blessings to become more fixed and continue to grow and serve you better. You had earlier this year told me “Three generations of your family have been initiated by me” and I realised how fortunate I am that your care for me has been there since before my birth and how you have been there at every crucial part of my life to guide me through it. Finally, I realised that my life and all the facilities I have is because of your mercy and infact all of it belongs to you and to be successful I must use it in your service.

Very eager to fulfil your instructions and support you in your service to Srila Prabhupad and some how or the other make me life successfully by pleasing you.
All Glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj, All Glories to Srila Prabhupad and the Guru Parampara.

Your servant,

Pundarika Keshava Das

Hare Krishna Dear Guru maharaja


Please accrept my danadavat pranam to your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Year ago you accpet me as your spiritual son i am indebted to that life after life. It is because of your cause less mearcy my life getting some meaningful purpose you are giuding me in my day to day life with your transcedental words which helping me lot gurudev.

After the post operation and having much complication your tour to western country was successful and i am following your Facebook lectures regularly getting your association and guidance. Srila gurudev i always amazed seeing your service attitude towards your spiritual mater srila prabhupada and you are unstoppable and i am praying for the Sri Radha madhav, Sri Narasimha dev, ri Panchatattva to empower and to keep you in good health to delever the mankind. I miss your physical association i cried for your lotus feet ...

I am doing your lecture transcript work regularly under the Sr devotees guidance this is how i got regular connection with you i am so happy listening you, always feel my father with me , guiding me...

Srila Gurudev You are glorius, accpeted this fallen soul i sincerly follow your instruction , pray for you till my last breath

Always look forward to serve you and to become instrumental in your mission to spread Krishna Consciousness 

All and all glories on to you srila gurudev


Your spiritual son

Pundarika Mahajana Das


My dear guru maharaja.please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.this day is very honourable to me But I don't know how to glorify you But you give me your unconditional Mercy then I will be able to write something.

Dear Gurudev I pray to you please help me to fixed in my spiritual vows.please shower your mercy upon me so that I may never think of leaving this association.I don't know when it will be possible to get out of this ocean of samsara but I just pray that please help me to get out of this ocean of anarthas.

Guru Maharaj please take care of your health.

Please bless me so I can help you in your mission

Your servant.

Homage to HH.Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja

Vyasa puja Day-04-April-2020

JPS Office use

Name: Purushottam Prasad das

Disciple Status-Diksha

Face book link:!/PRASADKUMAR

Native postal address: AF4, Guru Royal Palace, 142 Rayala Nagar 1st main Road, Ramapuram, Chennai- 600 089,

Specific seva to GM: 

TOVP - PMC services to TOVP team in Mayapur. Mayapur Institute PMC services, Srila Prabhupada Book Distribution, Bhakti Vriksha, Pravachans Bhagavad Gita As it is, & Srimad Bhagavatam, preaching in schools and Colleges.


om ajnana-timirandhasya


chakshur unmilitam yena

tasmai sri-gurave namaha

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.

Mukam Karoti Vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

shri-gurum dina-taranam

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains."

Guru Maharaja, kindly accept this humble offering at your holy feet.

The Words are inadequate to explain your glories Guru Maharaja, especially your unflinching determination, dedication, enthusiasm to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission and our founder acharya His Divine Grace A.C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Longing for that Unflinching determination, dedication and sincerity to serve Sri Guru and Gauranga. with unconditional Love to Sri Guru and uninterrupted services to Sri Guru, Sadhus and Sastras,

Your unlimited compassion to save the suffering/ conditioned/ fallen souls and to spread sankirtana movement are the irrevocable fact of “Nitai Kripa Pradayine”- Mercy personified of Lord Nitaynanda prabhu, such a magnanimous deliverer you are Guru Maharaja. Your services to our ISKCON Society, our Guru paramapara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Sri Radha Krishna are an exemplary act that history will speak for ever.

Guru Maharaja, your compassion and determination to distribute Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’ s mercy to all the conditioned and the most fallen souls without any discrimination are not only indicating your divine nature but inspiring thousands and thousands of new comers to take up and practice Krishna bhakti. I always just begging at your holy feet to follow those footsteps, have that few drops of Guru Bhakti to serve & please you Guru Maharaja.

Begging at your holy feet and pray that we should always be with association of Pure devotees of Krishna and not to commit any mistakes/offenses even unintentionally and to practice our daily sadhana in the mood of “Trinad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna amanina maanadena kirtaniya sada Hari”. seeking your blessings to engage this servant’s body, words and mind in your services to please your grace and the disciples of Srila Prabhupad and in the services of Hari katha/ Hari nama Sankirtana to the common men/public and devotees which alone can save the people from all sufferings in this Kaliyuga.

Guru Maharaja, we always beg at your lotus feet to provide us the Spiritual Strength that we all God Brothers & God sisters will serve together to receive your causeless mercy and to spread the glories of Krishna Consciousness every part of the world from hamlets to metropolis as your victory flags may spread all the continents on earth and fulfil Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s  Instructions & Prophecy.

I always aspiring to enrich the divine qualities and deepen in devotional services to follow your footsteps. (By your blessings had the opportunity to distribute more than 2000 Bhagavad Gitas). Seeking always your blessings to distribute more and more Srila Prabhupada Books in near future by following your footsteps and please Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

By your mercy and the blessings of devotees in Damodar desh yatra and by the encouragement of HG Srivallaba das (TP- Dubai, Damodardesh yatra) Prabhuji, successfully completed Bhakti Sastri course through Mayapur institute training at Dubai, Damodardesh yatra. Guru Maharaja, seeking your unlimited blessings to continue Bhakti Vaibhava course uninterruptedly and other higher studies in Vedic scriptures to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’ s mission to spread the holy names of Bhagavan Hari in every Town and Village.

By your blessings, had the service of Glorifying Srimad Bhagavatam, during the Auspicious Margashirsha month, Bhagavata Saptaham classes were conducted in December 2019 for continuous 7 days (at Barugur, KrishnaGiri District, TamilNadu, India).By your mercy, Anything is possible in spiritual life Gurudeva, It is to time to attain another milestone in spiritual life.

Gurudeva, begging for your mercy to empower us to serve TOVP project well and always seeking your immense blessings to our TOVP team to successfully complete the project and Inaugurate TOVP in the year 2022.

There may be few challenges that we have to walk through in both spiritual and material aspects, however by remembering and holding your lotus feet, we are easily able to give up those anxieties, life after life we have to be grateful to you.

Guru Maharaja On this most auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja, begging and praying at your lotus feet to keep us always at your shelter and shower your causeless mercy, guidance and blessings to please you, Srila Prabhupad and our Vaishnava Acharyas and the dear devotees of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.  

Your Insignificant Eternal Servitor,

Purushottam Prasad Das, (Diksha Disciple),

Damodar Desh Yatra,

Dubai- United Arab Emirates

Homage to HH.Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja

Vyasa puja Day-04-April-2020

JPS Office use

Name: Purushottam Prasad das

Disciple Status-Diksha

Face book link:!/PRASADKUMAR

Native postal address: AF4, Guru Royal Palace, 142 Rayala Nagar 1st main Road, Ramapuram, Chennai- 600 089,

Specific seva to GM: 

TOVP - PMC services to TOVP team in Mayapur. Mayapur Institute PMC services, Srila Prabhupada Book Distribution, Bhakti Vriksha, Pravachans Bhagavad Gita As it is, & Srimad Bhagavatam, preaching in schools and Colleges.


om ajnana-timirandhasya


chakshur unmilitam yena

tasmai sri-gurave namaha

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.

Mukam Karoti Vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

shri-gurum dina-taranam

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains."

Guru Maharaja, kindly accept this humble offering at your holy feet.

The Words are inadequate to explain your glories Guru Maharaja, especially your unflinching determination, dedication, enthusiasm to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission and our founder acharya His Divine Grace A.C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Longing for that Unflinching determination, dedication and sincerity to serve Sri Guru and Gauranga. with unconditional Love to Sri Guru and uninterrupted services to Sri Guru, Sadhus and Sastras,

Your unlimited compassion to save the suffering/ conditioned/ fallen souls and to spread sankirtana movement are the irrevocable fact of “Nitai Kripa Pradayine”- Mercy personified of Lord Nitaynanda prabhu, such a magnanimous deliverer you are Guru Maharaja. Your services to our ISKCON Society, our Guru paramapara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Sri Radha Krishna are an exemplary act that history will speak for ever.

Guru Maharaja, your compassion and determination to distribute Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’ s mercy to all the conditioned and the most fallen souls without any discrimination are not only indicating your divine nature but inspiring thousands and thousands of new comers to take up and practice Krishna bhakti. I always just begging at your holy feet to follow those footsteps, have that few drops of Guru Bhakti to serve & please you Guru Maharaja.

Begging at your holy feet and pray that we should always be with association of Pure devotees of Krishna and not to commit any mistakes/offenses even unintentionally and to practice our daily sadhana in the mood of “Trinad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna amanina maanadena kirtaniya sada Hari”. seeking your blessings to engage this servant’s body, words and mind in your services to please your grace and the disciples of Srila Prabhupad and in the services of Hari katha/ Hari nama Sankirtana to the common men/public and devotees which alone can save the people from all sufferings in this Kaliyuga.

Guru Maharaja, we always beg at your lotus feet to provide us the Spiritual Strength that we all God Brothers & God sisters will serve together to receive your causeless mercy and to spread the glories of Krishna Consciousness every part of the world from hamlets to metropolis as your victory flags may spread all the continents on earth and fulfil Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s  Instructions & Prophecy.

I always aspiring to enrich the divine qualities and deepen in devotional services to follow your footsteps. (By your blessings had the opportunity to distribute more than 2000 Bhagavad Gitas). Seeking always your blessings to distribute more and more Srila Prabhupada Books in near future by following your footsteps and please Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

By your mercy and the blessings of devotees in Krishna katha desh yatra and by the encouragement of HG Anirudhha Gopala das (TP- Krishna Katha Desh yatra) Prabhuji, We are constantly taking efforts to spread the glories of Holy names and Bhagavad Gita to the Elite group of devotees. By your mercy, anything is possible in spiritual life Gurudeva, we shall continue our services to please you and our Guru parampara.

Gurudeva, begging for your mercy to empower us to serve TOVP project well and always seeking your immense blessings to our TOVP team to successfully complete the project and Inaugurate TOVP in the year 2022.

There may be few challenges that we have to walk through in both spiritual and material aspects, however by remembering and holding your lotus feet, we are easily able to give up those anxieties, life after life we have to be grateful to you.

Guru Maharaja On this most auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja, begging and praying at your lotus feet to keep us always at your shelter and shower your causeless mercy, guidance and blessings to please you, Srila Prabhupad and our Vaishnava Acharyas and the dear devotees of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.  

Your Insignificant Eternal Servitor,

Purushottam Prasad Das, (Diksha Disciple),

Krishna Katha Desh Yatra,

Doha- Qatar

Our Very  Dear Respected Gurudeva,


Please accept my most humble obeisances at your Lotus feet and all glories to Srila Prabhupada and to Gurudeva.
Wishing my very dear spiritual master a colorful and 

Blissful Vyasa Puja celebrations .

We are praying to Lord Narasimgha Deva that our 

Gurudeva recovers to the good old days levels where the Big 

Cymbals used  to got tired after many hours of kirtan in your hands but not Gurudeva. 

Gurudeva your  profound mercy and energy levels that Gurudeva leaves behind at each program is beyond words and totally Blissfull for all participants.
This happens  purely due to the immense amount of compassion your holiness carries for all his disciples .
Each difficult step you now take with so much determination to get back into physical shape cannot be ever compensated by us.
Gurudeva its fortunate for the devotees in 

the coming Safari to have  your direct mercy this April .

  We too greatly look forward to have  your physical presence at Shyamadesh again  and also for the Rathyatra.
Gurudeva we are all doing extra rounds and praying at Shyamadesh for your full recovery.

Your Spiritual daughter and my Mother Rohini Radhika Devi Dasi, wife Sheela and sons Govind and Aravind also submit their humble obeisances to be accepted at your lotus feet for your Vyasa puja occasion.


Your humble and insignificant spiritual son

radhabhava gaura dasa


My beloved Gurumaharaj


First of all please accept my humble obescience at your lotus feet.As Iam a very fallen soul I have no quality to glorify you ,such a very spiritual soul.Al Glories to Srila Prabhupada and your Holiness.

It is very fortunate to get your mercy on me to know Krishna Consciousness and GuruPrambara.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada , such a mercyful spiritual master

given to us. Iam  very fortunate that I could get   shelter under you.And also your 

your mercy only I visited the holy Dham Mayapur last year.

My dear Guru Maharaj please put a drop of mercy on me, to get rid of my unfulfilled

material desires and please remove all obstacles on my way to preparing myself to do 

Supreme Lords SEVA and next step INITIATION.I surrender myself under your LOTUS




Radhamani M.K

Sheltered Devotee


Dear Gurumaharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances!!!!

Your compassion towards all living entities is unlimited. Despite so much of bodily inconvenience you are still traveling all over the world to deliver so many souls. 


Despite your shower  of so much mercy on this fallen soul,  I am still a beggar begging for your mercy.


By your enthusiasm, you are giving us so much of energy to face life and carry in with our sadhana .


I am trying my best to serve you by conducting bhakti vrksa at my home.  By your mercy trying to start one more bhakti vrksa with our neighbors.


Your servant 


Radhapati Krsna Das


                Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
                Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah

               Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna prasthaya bhutale
                    Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine
                  Nama acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine
                  Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine

 Gurumaharaj, my spiritual father,

 Please accept my most humble obeisance to the dust of your lotus feet.

 In the year 2019, we were expecting you in Krishna Katha Desh but somehow you travelled directly from USA-UK and Mumbai could not get your darshan. But felt very unfortunate, not to have your darshan. Your daily classes are giving us solace and feeling your association through your vani..

This year is very special as being your 50th year of sanyasa. One of devotees mentioned that 50 years of sanyasa means 50 years of great austerity and sacrifice.  Your life is so exemplary and your appetite for preaching effort never ending and ever increasing. Guru maharaj “You never gave up” rather always challenged the problems.

You are a true illustration of your commitment to your spiritual master Srila Prabhupada and compassion on fallen condition souls all over the world. Your continuous efforts to spread and distribute the gaura katha across the globe is an epitome of your spiritual kindness without giving any consideration to bodily condition. This is a real proof that you have transcended the modes of material nature and situated in spiritual realm. Your greatest magnanimity is your compassion and with that many fallen condition souls like me were benefited.

Your initiatives for congregation preaching through Bhakti vriksha program is your service to Srila Prabhupada initiatives for developing the congregation all over the world to fulfill the Lord chaitanya prophecy. These results are ever increasing in Krishna katha desh. After moving to Wakra in 2017 (a city in Krishna kath desh), by your mercy, we are now stabilized and into 3 groups with Kola-Cakra- Mathura, Vrindavan and Dwaraka. We are surviving by your mercy only Guru Majharaj. In 2019 we have 3 devotees took initiation and 12 devotees took shelter. 8 more devotees are being prepared for taking initiation in the year 2020.

As per the Yatra demand, along with serving south Krishna Kath Desh zone, accepted the service to assist yatra president in the capacity of Vice yatra president.  Trying serve ISKCON IDVM through Krishna Katha Desh “ Go seva” team and also similar efforts are made to serve the “ KKD-Devotee care” team. Please bestow your mercy and empower me to fulfil the above aspirations without any tinge of pride and selfish motives while serving you in helping Srila Prabhupada mission.

This year a special service opportunity was given to me and my wife in taking “ Bhakti Sastry” in Telugu language through KIHE. This service is being rendered only by my wife Ujjvala Kalindi Devi Dasi now. We seek your blessings to serve the devotees in Krishna Katha Desh through Telugu language.

Guru Maharaj on this special day of yours, I humbly beg you for the following benedictions that:

1)  To give humble state of mind to follow your instructions as my heart and soul without any pride.

2) To fulfill the desire of Krishna Katha Desh Yatra 222 -2022 Bhakti Vriksha in Krishna katha desh. Also Guru maharaj, seek your blessings and empowerment for the fulfillment of challenge in taking up 47 BV groups in our South zone in the 2020.

3) To give us success in our efforts in developing next batch of devotees for shelter and initiation to lead a successful and blissful spiritual life..

These tasks are only possible by your causeless mercy. I seek your mercy and permanent shelter at your lotus feet, again and again. Guru Maharaj,

Guru Maharaja,   My entire family (wife, ujvala kalindi dd, your aspirant children, Amrutha and Anirudh and my mother Varadhatri Paurnamasi dd) joins me on the auspicious day of your 71st vyasa puja, in praying to lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, sri sri gaura nitai, Narsimha dev and Panch tatva for your good health so that you will be in your best of spirits and also complete the “Lord Chaitanya” book which would be a greatest treasure for entire Gaudiya Vaishnava community in future.

Your insignificant disciple

Radhapati Shyam das
Diksha Disciple
Krishna katha desh

Gaurangadsh Yatra Dubai

Diksa Disciple Radhikapathi Krishnadas                                   3-03-2020

My dear Spiritual father, Please accept my humble prostrated obeisance’s at your Lotus feet. All glories to your auspicious 71th appearance day”.

Maharaj, You are travelling around the globe to preach the cult of devotion, enthusiastically with your unhealthy body, and accept your new disciples and inspiring everyone to engage in some or other way in devotional life. This service is unparalleled and by seeing your uncheck-able devotion kindly give me a proper vision to see You rightly as You are.

So that I will be remain humble and with this consciousness I could serve your Lotus feet with the unflinching faith in all circumstances.

O Vaishnava Thakur, I am most fortunate to become your disciple, but my dirty mind is not allow to serve You with my full potential, therefore, please give me a strong kick such a way so that it come to my senses and surrender to your lotus feet fully.

Since October 2019, by the arrangement of our yatra leader and your mercy I am taking a Bhakti Vriksha class for 5 family in Sharjah Abusagara, and all are progressing in the path of bhakti.

I am hearing or some time reading your Caitanya Lila Book compiling telecasted regularly, it is so enchanting. In spite of all health crisis your love and care for the devotees are touch the hearts of every one who sees you and hear about you.

All glories to you Guru Maharaj, None of the calamities could check your preaching Srila Prabhupada instruction.

Being your disciple, self -want to imbibe a drop of your qualities and serve the Sankirtan movement in all situations!!!

May the whole world be blessed with your presence in the planet many more years…...

In this day, seeking your blessings to dedicate my service unto your lotus feet.

Will pray for your wellbeing to Shri Narasimha Dev and waiting to see you in leading the HARINAM Kirtan as always.   



Your sincere son,

Radikapathi Krishnadas.

Please accept my most respectful obeisance’s. 

All Glories to Srila PrabhuPada

All Glories to you Srila Guru deva 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s at your lotus feet! 

We are eternally indebted to you for having accepted, the fallen souls like us as your disciple and taken such a big responsibility of purifying us. Guru Maharaja, by your blessings, we are on the right path to progress in practicing Krishna bhakti. We realize that you are our best example of living Bhagavata to demonstrate the Vaishnava quality of tolerance and compassion. Though we have heard many lectures about tolerance and compassion, from your lifestyle only, we understand that it is practically possible. 


Guru Maharaja, by your mercy, we are able to take more responsibility in the path of progressing in bhakti. Kindly bless us with right intelligence to serve you nicely. 

Guru Maharaja, please shower your mercy on us so that we can exhibit our love to you by co-operating with all your servants. 


Your Servant

Ragesh Reghunadh (Sheltered)


Homage to HH.Jayapathaka swami Gurumaharaj  

Vyasa puja Day -   4th  March 2020


JPS Office use

Name:   Raghurama Laksman Das and Subhagya Citra Devi Dasi

Disciple Status- Second initiated

Specific Seva to GM:

Servant of KKD [Rudra chakra].

Menial Servant as MSD member and JPSSS



Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Divine Grace.


Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...

All glories to your incomparable spiritual master..Srila Prabhupada...

All glories to  Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...

All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna for sending you here...


Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet.


On this auspicious day of your Vyasa Pooja, we pray to Lord Narasimhadev, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai  and Lord Sri Krishna for your good health.

We are so fortunate to be under your guidance Maharaj, you have been so kind and who has cared for us as well as our yatra as much as you can.
On this auspicious day of your appearance, despite my frailties and limitations, I offer this meager attempt to say something in order to glorify you.

On your last visit to KKD, with your blessing and mercy this soul got a opportunity to drive your car from airport to program  venue and back to airport.  You were totally tired after your long journey from USA but still you were busy in  replying to the emails devotees sent to you and simultaneously discussing about the yatra progress with temple president. 

Thank you Gurudeva for expertly engaging both of us in devotional service.   Please  bless us to become more devotional and more dearer to all vaishnavas.

On this auspicious occasion we beg for your mercy so that we will be able to assist the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Gurumaharaj's Vyasa puja Mahotsava ki jay


Your Humble Servants,

Raghurama Laksman Das, Subhagya Citra Devi Dasi, Bhakta Rahul and Bhakta Rohit

Krishna Katha Desh.


Hare Krishna Prabhu ji ...

Dhandavat Pranama 

your very inspired guru to progress in KC. Please bless my family to grow more and more in KC. 

The Below is our Humble offering unto our beloved Gurudeva on his 71st Vyāsa-pūjā:

How fortunate I am to have lived this life and be able to try and serve, how  fortunate to have obtained your causeless mercy through not possessing anything to deserve how fortunate to have relished the Lords pastimes to have tasted its ecstatic nectar. How  much sweeter how  very blissful they become. When heard from your lips.  

O Master ignoring limitless pain and nightmares for and wide though preach for the benefit of fallen souls till Vaikuṇṭha they must reach. Feeling compassionate upon us fallen souls you accept all our sins but for your mercy Gurudeva our deliverance has no other means. Who else could have rescued us and flooded our hearts with love and could have shown us the light and inspired us to serve. Holding the shelter of its cooling shades unto your lotus feet we cling and forever your glories we sing.

Offering by,

Rāma Avatāra Nitāi dāsa

Dear Gurudeva,

Kindly accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

 mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam

The true demonstration of what it means by transcending the modes of nature & to be situated in spiritual consciousness is seen from your daily activities,

eṣā brāhmī sthitiḥ pārtha  naināṁ prāpya vimuhyati

That is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered. [Bg 2.72]

Leading a life of austerity and in the service to fulfill the order of your spiritual master you have developed the ability to surpass your physical challenges that your present body has and your unconditional love for Śrīla Prabhupāda in fulfilling his mission.  

Every day in your sessions you teach us the glories of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His associates which are very nectarine; you as an eternal pārśada of Lord Gaurāṅga are mercifully and powerfully giving us the love of Godhead with His sweet pastimes.

Your compassion sees no bounds, without any rest or cessation you are continuously on the march holding, the victory flag of Śrīla Prabhupāda high and flying in order to reach out the causeless mercy to the masses, you kindly take them under your shelter by giving initiations in thousands, just as the legendary Nārada Muni initiating the sons of Dakṣa Prajāpati.  

Our sincere prayers to Śrī Narasiṁhadeva, Śrī Pañca-tattva and Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Mādhava to always protect you and bestow good health such that your example to lead the society of devotees and the common men is for everyone to see and learn to follow in your footsteps.

As an offering at your lotus feet we are cultivating devotees in Śyāmadeśa, UAE and have increased our preaching mission by way of increasing Bhakti-vṛkṣa groups catering to various families in and around Śyāmadeśa.

Seeking your eternal shelter,  

Your Servant,

Rāma Kṛṣṇa dāsa

Vyasapuja Offering 4th April - 2020 – Ramakrsnadas  - Shyamadesh yatra


Dear Gurudeva


Kindly accept my respectful Obeisances at your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


oà ajïäna-timirändhasya    jïänäïjana-çaläkayä

cakñur unmélitaà yena    tasmai çré-gurave namaù


mukam karoti vacalam pangum langayte girm

yat krpa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam


The true demonstration of what it means by transcending the modes of nature to be situated in spiritual consciousness is seen from your daily activities,


eñä brähmé sthitiù pärtha    nainäà präpya vimuhyati

That is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered Bg 2.72


Leading a life of austerity & in the service to fulfil the order of your spiritual master you have developed the ability to surpass your physical challenges that your present body has & your unconditional love for Srila Prabhupada in fulfilling his mission. 


Every day in your sessions you teach us the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu & His associates which are very nectarine; you as an eternal parshada of Lord Gauranga are mercifully & powerfully giving us the love of Godhead with His sweet pastimes.


Your compassion sees no bounds, without any rest or cessation you are continuously on the march holding, the victory flag of Srila Prabhupada high & flying in order to reach out the causeless mercy to the masses, you kindly take them under your shelter by giving initiations in thousands, just as the legendary Narada Muni initiating the sons of Daksa Prajapati. 


Our sincere prayers to Sri Narasimha deva, Sri Pancattva,& Sri Sri RadhaMadhava to always protect you & bestow good health such that your example to lead the society of devotees & the common men is for everyone to see & learn to follow in your footsteps.


As an offering at your lotus feet we are cultivating devotees in Shyamadesh, UAE and have increased our preaching mission by way of increasing Bhakti Vrksha groups catering to various families in and around Shyamadesh.


Seeking your eternal shelter 

ur servant - ramakrsnadas

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurudeva, because of your divine mercy, I have just completed writing a book "Easy Journey to Goloka". This is to highlight the importance of following instructions of spiritual master. This book is in the form of a story of a fallen conditioned soul, how he went back to Goloka just by following instructions of spiritual master. This book is written to dedicate to your lotus feet on the occasion of your Vyasapuja. Unfortunately since the editing and publishing is taking time, I am unable to bring it to you for launching on this most auspicious occasion. Please bless that this will be launched by you very soon.

Dear Gurudeva, I am surprised to see your determination to give Gauranga to all the living entities even in this difficult health condition. You are an inspiration to all of us. Please bestow your mercy that we take up the preaching more seriously for your pleasure.

Your insiginficant servant,

Ramananda Kanaidas

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Prastaya Boothale 

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin Itinamine 

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine 

Gaura Ktha Nama Daya Nagare Grame Tarine 

Most beloved  Guru deva , Hare Krishna ,  Please accept My Most respectful prostrated obeisance un to the dust of  your divine lotus feet .  On this most auspicious occasion of your 71st Appearance day I pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava Asta Sakhi ,  Jaganath Baladev Subdramay , Lord Narasimha deva , Gaura Nitai , Panchatatva  and Guru Parmpara for your Long life and Good health. Happy Vyasa pooja day  !!!!

Srila Guru deva , every moment of your life is completely dedicated to serve Srila Praphupada , There is no any comparison for your  Guru Bhakti . The instruction of Srila Prabupada are your life and soul .  Your divine Grace Face many life threatening situations but your divine grace completely depended  on the shelter of Lord Krishna and our glorious Acarya parampara .  Your divine Grace stay back this material world just to full fill the instruction of Srila prabhupada and uplift fallen conditioned soul . 

Your devine grace is the personification of all Vaishanava qualities explained in the sastra , of the your compassion to the other living entity is the top most. You are always concerned on others well being whether you are in a wash room or in an ICU . Where ever you go and who ever you meet , your inner desire is to connect them to Lord Krishna . Your divine grace, a close associate of Lord Chaitanya , appeared in this material world just to Help Srila praphupada and to take all of us back to Spiritual world . When ever you visit us , the whole place filled with joy and happness with festive mood . 

Srila Gurudeva please Forgive  me for all the offences I may committed to Your lotus feet ,  lotus feet of Lord Krishna and Vaishnavas knowingly or unknowingly . 

Srila Gurudeva , on this most difficult  period of time , we have only one shelter that is your divine lotus feet .  Kindly keep us always  in the shade of your lotus feet . We are so grateful to you for giving us a wonderful Vaishnava Association in Mathuradesh  . Life after life I am indebted your devine grace  for accepting me as your disciple .  

Srila Guru deva , Utilizing current situation we are continuing of BV online and conducting BV classes almost every day instead of weekly class.  

Srila Gurudeva as a humble offering to you Every Day I offer , Thulasi  leaves and Sandel wood paste to the lotus feet of  Lord Narashimha deva  with the Recitation  Narasimha Kavacha for your good health . Also offer extra Thulasi Praikrama and offer to your well being . 

On this most auspicious occasion  I seeks your blessings and Empowerment for  continues devotional services and preaching .

Seeks blessing to all BV members so that soon they also can take shelter of your divine lotus feet . 

Thank you Guru Mahraj 

Your most Fallen Servant 

Ramananda Madhava Das 

Vinodini Vrinda Devi Dasi 





Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,


Dandavat Pranams.


We are inspired by your enthusiasm to spread the message of Krishna all over the world, giving an opportunity to many wretched souls like me to become Krishna consciousness, despite the many hurdles you are facing.

This annual exercise of the Vyasa Puja offering is one opportunity to communicate to you in writing although all of us communicate with you at the mind level on a daily basis, either when we are happy or when we are faced with some problems.

Every year, I place some demands to you and most of them gets fulfilled. Last year I had requested for your mercy to complete my sadhana in the morning, develop interest to read and listen to more scriptures/lectures, to give me the energy to bring more people to Krishna consciousness.  Of the above, I am happy that I am completing maximum rounds of chanting in the morning and I am able to talk to few people whom I meet about Krishna but still I am lacking in reading.

This year my new demand is that I should learn to play musical instruments before I go back to India next year.  I have enrolled for a Mridanga class by your mercy.

Need your blessings Guru Maharaj to move forward and be always in Krishna consciousness so that my material desires will be completely eradicated and I can share the benefits I have derived to many more souls.

Hare Krishna

Your Humble Servant

Ramanatha Krishna Das

3 March 2020

Dubai, UAE.





Please accept my humble obeisance unto the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to You! All glories to
Srila prabhupada!

Gurumaharajah, it is a great privilege and honor to write an offering unto the most elevated person in
this planet. I don’t have enough qualification to write or talk about You.

First I sincerely thank and pray to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Guara Nitai, Lord Narasimha Dev, Sri Radha
Madhava, for giving us back our beloved Guru Maharajah to guide us fallen souls from the clutches of
Maya and progress into Krishna Conscious journey. You are a living inspiration of how the determined
faith in Guru and the Supreme Lord will bring us out of the most trying conditions.

Guru Maharajah, You are so merciful and in spite of your then health conditions bestowed your mercy and
accepted this fallen soul under your care by giving diksha to my wife, Hemasundari Gaurangi Devi Dasi,
and me in Chennai on 28th March 2018.

Last year, 2019, during the Maha Abhishekham period we had the fortune to have Your darshan and listen to your evening lectures on the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Kolavecha Sridhar. We, wife and
son, felt blessed by seeing you and listening to you.

We were in Dubai till December 2018 and had relocated to Bengaluru. We were fortunate again to get the
association of devotees initiated under You, Gurumaharajah. We feel this could happen only by your
causeless mercy and guidance.

 During mid-2019, in July by your Causeless Mercy and a plan by the Supreme Lord that I am still unaware of, I have come back to Dubai to continue serve Your Mission through Gaurangadesh Yatra.  Though I have a very long way to come towards fulfilling my promises to you still I have faith that I will overcome all the obstacles and move forward in your service. Within a short time of my coming back here I had the most fortunate moment in getting your Darshan here during September 2019 and Your personal blessings. I have attached a photo of that most auspicious moment which I will ever cherish. I am now pursuing the Bhakti Vaibhav course here to enable me equipped with enough knowledge to be Your foot soldier in propagating the Mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu under Your guidance and of Your senior disciples. I have very recently started a Bhakti Vriksha class and seek Your blessings to conduct and improve the class without any deficiency.

You have given us enough lessons to learn and have shown as by example what it means to be a devotee
and a sincere disciple. Unfortunately, I am still learning my lessons the hard way but still I am
trying to learn. Your disciples are showering me with their love and affection. They are guiding me
well and giving me enough strength to grow in Krishna consciousness.

On this auspicious day I offer my sincere prayers to the Lord Nrsimha dev to give you long healthy
life. My sincere obeisances unto Your lotus feet.

Your insignificant servant
Ramarupa Gaura Das.



Name: Ramesvara giridhari das & Shyamapriya Radha Devi Dasi.

Disciple Status: Initiated

Specific seva to GM:

Ramesvara Giridhari das: TOVP Co-ordinator, KKD Kola Chakra Sevaka, E-Book distribution co-ordination.

Shyamapriya Radha Devi Dasi: KKC school teacher.



Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya

Caksu runmilitamyena tasmaisri guravenamah


Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna prasthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swam initi namine

Namaacarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha damadaya nagara grama tarine


Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please, accept our humble obeisance’s again & again in the dust of your lotus feet,

All Glories to HH Jaya pataka swami guru maharaj,

All Glories to Sri Gauranga,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord, because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged in all revealed scriptures and followed by all authorities. I offer my respectful obeisance’s unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is confidential servitor and a bona fide representative of Sri Krishna.

Thank you for your causeless mercy for accepting us as your disciples & giving us your blessings.

Dear Guru Maharaj, we have no enough words to glorify you & we have no capacity to understand your deep affection & love towards supreme lord & all jivas. But we are very fortunate & our life became blissed because you have given us shelter at your lotus feet.

 Even in this physical condition you are only concerned about other jivas & you are infinitely compassionate. By your personal example, you are showing the entire world how a bhagavatha preaches and cares.

We are very happy to learn about your positive health progress this year after the major surgery.

Dear Guru maharaj, by your mercy & guidance of our shiksha guru’s, we are conducting new BV.

Thanks for all the causeless mercy shown on us. Recently from the book Vaisnava ke, we learned that DS requires 3 points. Sincerity, Straight forwardness and renunciation of false pride. Please bless us so that we can follow these guide lines.

This year I want to come out of my comfort zone and work hard to propagate KC message to other, please bless & empower us to become a small atom in propagating your mission, please forgive all offences at your lotus feet.

We pray to Lord Narasimadev for your faster recovery.

With prayers,

Your ever-humble servants,

Ramesvara giridhari das.

Shyamapriya Radha Devi Dasi

Son: Vishal

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj!

All glories to guru and gauranga!

My dear be-loved guru Maharaj,

Actually ,  being American and born in the richest family, you may have chosen another path for setting your life. But by choosing the spiritual path at a very young age, you set as an example for all. Even after understanding so many things and also born in a spiritual family, we Indians cannot able to follow the right path which was chosen by you in a very young age. 

Even in this age with all discomforts you are struggling too much to make us follow the spiritual path and following guideline of Srila Prabhupada.

 We are very lucky to get such a spiritual guru to guide us and engage us in the pure devotional service of the lord and devotees.

We are fallen souls, daily falling down due to illusion (Maya). Please shower your mercy upon us and uplift us.

We strongly agree that, we will do our best to follow the instructions and give our  support for spreading the Srila Prabhupada mission

Please forgive me for my aparadas knowingly and unknowingly

Thank you for giving this opportunity,

Your humble servant,


My Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your divine lotus feet. All glories to Jagatguru Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to your Holiness.

Today is the very auspicious day of your divine appearance. In the life of a disciple what can be a more sweeter day than the appearance day of his beloved spiritual master who is the life and soul of the disciple? For singing the glories of the spiritual master what can be a more better day? Today is the day when a disciple opens his heart and with a great feeling sings the glory of the spiritual master in a loud voice, as Śrīla Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura confirmed it, ebe jaśa ghuṣuk tribhuvana. But a fool like me neither has any word nor possesses any feeling in the heart. So how can I glorify Your Holiness? I am just like the small child who is always busy with his own self and don’t even try to realize about what kind of troubles his father is going through to maintain and protect him. 

Every day I try to search in internet about your health updates where I see how all the devotees all over the planet are praying for your health and also doing some tapasya. But O beloved father I don’t remember of feeling ever in such way. I am always absorbed in the struggle of sustaining in my own spiritual life. Although I know this clearly that whatever spiritual life I am talking about has no existence without you, still I don’t have any such emotions. Then what is my hope? Just like the father never rejects the son rather whatever demand the son makes he happily grants it. Similarly today in this very auspicious day I have come to you with some humble selfish demands. As the 4 year small baby will never ask the father for some big bungalow or some big things but only some candy or toys similarly I also have some small prayers which are very insignificant in front of your greatness.

In the Bhagvatam there are the prayers of great devotees where they prayed for sufferings and troubles so that they always can remember the lord. There is no doubt in their exalted spiritual position but for a tiny aspiring devotee like me when in spite of having all these favorable devotional facilities staying in Gṛhastha āśrama it is difficult to do bhakti seriously. Therefore Dear Gurudeva I pray to you, please help me to be fixed in my spiritual vows. lease shower your mercy upon me so that I may never think of leaving this association what to speak of Bhakti. I don’t know when it will be possible to get out of this ocean of saṁsāra but I just pray that please help me to get out of this ocean of anarthas. You know well what a big rascal I am, my mind is filled with stacks of material desires. Bhagvatam says that although it is condemned still such material desires can also be fulfilled by the mercy of lord. And here is my fear. Please never let them be fulfilled. I honestly confess today, I am unable to deal with these desires driven by the anarthas. Therefore I request you please take the charge of my mind and never allow these desires to be fructified rather please destroy them and replace with spiritual desires.

O Dear Gurudeva, I don’t have anything to show my gratitude to you. You please be satisfied by your own mercy. My only aspiration and inspiration is just to serve your instructions. Please bless me with success in this mission.

Your insignificant humble servant,

Ramgopal Singh

Hare Krishna our dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisance.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. 


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I sincerely hope that, our most beloved Guru Maharaj is doing well by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.


On the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja festival, I would like to thank you for bringing a purpose to my life.


I was leading a worse than animalistic life and you saved me from the same with lots of pure love and care. I still wonder what quality I have for the same.


I am someone, who has no knowledge in anything but I always try my best to follow your orders and give my life for serving Vaishnavas by preparing prasadam for everyone in Doha.


Kindly forgive me, if knowingly or unknowingly I have committed any offense to anyone in this world.


Please keep blessing me Guru Maharaj, without which, I will never be able to continue in my spiritual life.


Your most insignificant servant

Ranga Gauranga Dasa

Diksha Desciple

Krishna Katha Desh, Doha, Qatar

|| Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj || All Glories to Srila Prabupad All Glories Sri Guru and Sri Gouranga. Dearest Guru Maharaj, Koti Koti Dandavat Pranams. This is my first homage after I became your disciple which I had taken initiation from you in 2019 in Damodar Desh(Ajman). I am very thankful to you to accepted me as your disciple. In fact, I am not qualified to get the position of your disciple but yours and Krishna’s causeless mercy only I got. Guru Maharaj, I am trying to fulfil yours and srila Prabupad’s desire to spread Krishna conscious movement in my area (Ruwais, 250KM faraway from Avatari Desh). This year I had distributed around 50 Bhagavad-Gita’s and many other srila Prabupad’s books to my colleagues and my childhood friends. Also, this year I am going to preach about Bhagavad-Gita to our neighbor families; for that I am seeking your warm blessings. I am very happy to see you after recovered your health condition by the blessings of lord Krishna and Srila Prabupad. Even though you never missed your goal to spread the Krishna Consciousness to all over world enthusiastically. This is very much inspiring me. This is indicating your unflinching trust on Lord Krishna and your continuous thinking to fulfil the desire of Srila Prabupad to spread Krishna Consciousness by your sincerity and dedication. You have been giving many initiations and making us as soldiers to fight on demons who are sitting in the minds of human beings in this Kali yuga. Recently I have seen you in the video that you are trying to swim. That movement was very happy to me, to see your health has been improving very rapidly. I am praying to Radha and Krishna to give good health and Long life so that you would enlighten the Krishna Knowledge to many other fallen souls like us. Your Servant, Rang raja Rama Krishna Das, Avatari Desh.
4TH March 2020 Dear Guru Maharaj Sub: Homage on your Vyasa Pooja 2020 Dandavat Pranam! Nama acharya padaya nitai kripai pradayine, Gaura katha dama thaya nagara grama dayine Namo om Vishnu padaya Krishna prasthaya boothaley, Srimathey Jayapatakaswamin idi namine “All Glories to your auspicious appearance day” On your appearance day, I humbly submit my homage unto your lotus feet. Shrimad Bhagavatam says, ‘Dharmam hi saksad-bhagavad-pranitam’, the path of religion is directly enunciated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People tend to speculate or argue without any basis regarding the Absolute Supreme Truth. Instead, if a person approaches a bonafide Spiritual Master, the knowledge is passed on without any adulteration or one’s own view through the disciplic succession. By that way, I am fortunate to receive diksha from you in ’99 and trying to follow your instructions be in preaching, reading books, deity worship, Vaishnava service, etc. I know that satisfaction of the self-realized spiritual master is the key to my advancement in spiritual life and I am not sure if I have made any progress. Without your blessing and guidance, I would have been roaming around thinking that whatever little I was doing in terms of devotional service is supreme. You taught me the difference between praying demi-gods and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But for you, I would have continued the wrong path and at the end of my life would have felt ‘deprived’. You saved me from this deprivation. I am looking at my next step, i.e., Brahminical (2nd) Initiation during your Vyasa Pooja in April 2020. And need your blessings for this and on my birthday today. Your menial servant, ever Rangaraja Govinda Dasa Krishna Katha Desh, Doha, Qatar HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj!

Please Accept My Respectful Obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!

All Glories to You!

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Dear Gurudev!

Happy appearance day gurumaharaj! I always admire your talents. You are having all the talents in full. You are the representative of the Supreme Lord, hence i need not be amazed by your talents which you possess. But still that is my inspiration. You are so great and also so sublime. Your humorous speech and the depth in your words are unparelled. I am very much inspired by all your personal servants, who are unconditionally serving you day and night. All glories to all of them. My prayers to Lord Nrsimhadev and Tulasi maharani for your good health, will continue with your mercy. You are only giving us the fortunate moment to pray for you gurudev. By your mercy i could do my sadhana little bit. Wish to improve a lot by the association of all vaishnavas. Thank you so much. Please bless, that myself quickly get attraction to Gauranga mahaprabhu, the most munificient.

Myself, Parama karuna prabhu, daughter Saathvika and son Madhan Gopal are very fortunate to be under your shelter. Please forgive me for all my mistakes. Only by your mercy i shall be a good humanbeing. Hari Hari!!!

Your spiritual daughter

Rangini Laksmi Devi dasi

Krishna Katha Desh


My dear most, merciful worshipable eternal Spiritual Master, 

Please accept our humble respectable obedient obeisance’s dandavat pranam to Guru Maharaja’s lotus feet. 

Sri Guru and Gauranga Ki Jay,

Srila Prahupada Ki Jay, 

I beg you to accept my most respectful prostrated obeisance’s at your lotus feet. 

Srila Guru deva, on the occasion of your Vyasa Puja this year, I pray to Sri Radha Madhava, Gaura Nitai and Narasimha Deva to protect you and bless you with good health. 

Every day we are inspired by hearing about your untiring efforts to preach to everyone you meet and your great enthusiasm to engage everyone in the service of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. But for you we would not have received the mercy of Lord Chaitanya and the association of so many devotees to help us continue in this Krishna consciousness process. 

Maya is very powerful, and I am constantly being beaten by the whips of Maya. I beg and pray at Your lotus feet that my mind be fixed on executing Your instructions and not think of anything else. May my power to think and strength to function and all other faculties be completely used in your divine service. 

Your Servant

Ranjini Ragesh (Sheltered)

Hare krishna guru maharaj,

Dandavat pranams

All glories to guru and gauranga

All glories to srila prabupada


nama om vishnu padaya krishna prasthaya poothale

srimadhi jayapadhaka swamin ithi namine

nama acharaya pathaya nithai kirupa prathayine

gaura katha dhama dhaya  nagara grama dharine


I am very much happy to write this homage to yourself Guru Maharaj, since by this way i am connecting to yourself guru maharaj. by glorifying yourself our sins are removed, thanks guru maharaj.

when i am thinking krishna is most attractive, same is for his pure devotees like yourself, as you are attracting more devotees into krishna consciousness ( recent mass initiation in Bangladesh) 

As you are fulfilling Srila prabupada's  instructions sincerely, and it motivates me to try to follow your words.

 whenever we are facing problems we think of yourself as our problem is nothing compared to yourself.

whenever  i am doing tulasi pooja, i am praying to tulasi devi for your good health, so that many souls can be brought into krishna consciousness by your mercy.

whenever you are pronouncing :gauranga / nithiyanadha", i can see the ecstasy of yourself- which shows clearly that you are blessed by guru parampara 


You are being living example of uthama adhikari /self realized soul / brahma bootha prasannathma / stitha pragnya 


 All glories to your auspicious appearance day 


your servant

Rasa sagra rama das

Serving Sri Antardwipa of Krishna katha desh

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila prabhupad, All glories to you dear spiritual father..... All glories to you....

              First of all, a very happy vyas puja to you dear Guru Maharaj. May the merciful lordbless you with good health. Your physical wrll being is the spiritual well being for thousands of devotees world wide

              Guru maharaj, I lack in discipline, so my spiritual life is not progressing as expected hence I beg your blessings which will help me to stick to time table of sadhana and parallely take care of family.

               Dear Guru Maharaj, as you are only ray of hope,  please shower your kind mercy upon upon our kids so that they may not miss the spiritual life in this life. I have full faith you can do miracles of changing people from materially inclined to hard core devotee of the lord.

               Dear Guru maharaj, we are eternally indebted to you and will never be able to repay for the mercy that you are showering upon us. We only pray to their Lordships Radha Madhav, Panch tattva and Pralad Narsimha deva that they continue to protect you and that they bless so we may help you in spreading Lord Caitanya's mission. 

           Guru Maharaj please bless us so that we can take care of new devotees, work in cooperation with our peers and serve the senior vaisnavas in the same mood as yours.


Your humble servant,

Raslila Radhika Devi Dasi

Nama on Vishnu padaya Krishna prsataya butale srimate jayapataka swami iti namine.

Dear Gurumaharaj, I am not in a position to glorify your efforts which you did for Prabhupad, even your health is not supporting  to do so. I beg maharajah, please give me a mercy to spread kc as much I can, even after leaving Krishna Katha desh. Currently I am taking 2 Bhakthi vriska, I am looking forward your  blessings on each and every devotee should take Harinam diska and  spread kc and  take BV , Also I beg,  my Daughter Shreya has to get special mercy  to be in KC .



Rasananda Ramakrishna dasa


Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.


Gurudev, last 2 years i was fortunate to be personally present in the Vyasapuja celebrations at Mayapur & at Chennai.  I am unable to attend this year due to the present situation. My desire is to attend every year & to take your darshan.


We read from Bhagavad Gita that we are not this body, we are spirit souls. I am very proud to be your disciple because you are a living example to the above said fact.


 Inspite of your bodily discomforts you preach everyday Gurudev! Infact your preaching activities have multiplied now than when your body was healthy.  Even in this situation you have travelled a lot.  I know how people feel difficult to travel abroad due to long hours of travel. But you are least bothered about all these. You are so enthusiastic in preaching & this shows your dedication and determination to serve Srila Prabhupada .  


Every moment you are serving Srila Prabhupada by preaching & by developing Mayapur temple.


When you were in Global hospital, my daughter Dr. Soundharya explained me the complication treatment & the pain your body would have undergone. No ordinary person could tolerate and overcome all these. Your service attitude to Guru and Krishna is unbelievable. I wish i have atleast 0.1% of your devotion Gurudev...I am blessed because you have given me shelter under your lotus feet.


My desires are

to remember you at all situations

Worship your lotus feet

and to hear from you always.


I pray to Lord Narasinghadev for your healthy long life so that you can give the divine knowledge to all.


I wish to see you as before, walking & preaching all around the world.  This Co-vid pandemic should go & all the people should be safe.


As a small service I am recording Srimad Bhagavatam slokas, translations & purports in tamil & have uploaded them in You-tube.  With your blessings & mercy I have reached upto third canto first chapter. Many people are not aware of this. I don't know how to promote this as well.  As everyone can't take books & read and with a motive to spread Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavatam i am doing this. This is for your & Krishna's pleasure.  After Bhagavatam I want to record Caitanya Caritamrta also. If i continuously sit for recording, i have back pain & eye issues. Please bless me to do this service inspite of these bodily troubles.


Please bless me, my husband and children to progress in spiritual life.


I am praying to have your darshan and attend next year Vyasapuja celebration.


Your daughter

Rasapriya Radha Devi Dasi



Manoj & family


Hare krishna

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga


Wish you a happy 71st appearance day dear Maharaj.

you are my great hero, who is tirelessly fighting the Maya in the form of bodily discomfort and showering your mercy upon million and million of people all around the world. Heartiest congratulations on achieving the milestone of 50000 disciples and the grand opening of the biggest pujari hall at Temple of Vedic Planetarium. Very happy to see your enthusiasm to visit so many places this year and meeting the long-awaited disciples. Your sacrifice of pleasing them is amazing Maharaj. 

Thank you so much for showing these wonderful qualities and giving us your mercy by daily giving your darshan and giving your classes on Gaura Katha and quotes and many short writeups. We are very grateful and indebted to you dear Maharaj. You are always a great inspiration to me. We pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tatva and Sri Narasimha Dev that you keep inspiring us many more years and you kindly engage us in Their service.

Wishing you happy appearance day Maharaj


Your aspiring servant

Rasaraja Gopa Dasa

Krishna Katha Desh

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj, Dandvat pranams. 
Please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. All Glories to Srila Prabupad ,All glories to you.

Namah om vishnupadaya krishna prashthaya bhutale

Srimate Jaypataka swamin iti namine

Namacharya paday Nitai Krupa pradayine 
Gaura katha Dham daya nagar gram tarine

For my loving spiritual father,
My sincere prayer to Sri Sri Radha Madhav , Astaskahis , Lord Narsimha dev, Sri Sri Panchatatva  and  His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupad to protect you and give you strength to fulfil the mission of lord Chaitnya and fulfill the order of your Spiritual Master. Wishing you for 50 th Sanyasa  year. 
Guru Maharaj you are the ocean of Mercy ,  I saw you gave initiation to thousands of devotees with unconditional Love ... I never imagine your uninterrupted devotional service , but I am fortunate to be your disciple. Your dependence on Krishna ,that is the best teachings in my life. I am feeling blissful under your guidance, mostly everyday I am hearing your lecture and thinking even though I am struggling to keep a time to listen your lecture and you are giving constant nectar of Chaitnaya Charitamrita. When you laugh in the class I forget everything and just seeing you's amazing.
When I am writing now I am smiling and feeling that how you read my mind and fulfill my desire . Last year I was getting your darshan and blessings with my family you humorously asked my Prabhu ... I was awed by your presence I remember each word, I am very very fortunate and you are very merciful.
With your blessings I started children class and Bhakti vriksha only few Matajis but they are sincerely progressing . Giving  Krishna consciousness to children it's a wonderful experience. Praying for that children to get more spiritual knowledge and make their life suscessfull. I learn more shloks as I promised you on your last vyaspuja. I completed Bhakti shastri and started Bhakti vaibhav. Guru Maharaj I am always seeking your blessings to keep my family in Krishna conscious. Maya is so powerful and I am seeing outside its so dangerous,I  don't know I have fear in my heart.  Still so many ways I have to improve myself in Krishna consciousness. I have desire to see you in mayapur with my family. To take the darshan of Rajapur jagannath 
please bless us so we can come . 

Your spiritual daughter, 
Rati Rupini Jahnava Devi Dasi 


Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances At Your Lotus Feet !

All Glories To You and Srila Prabhupada !

Dearest Guru Maharaj, My beloved spiritual father savior of the fallen souls and well-wisher of the entire universe. I am falling at Your lotus feet with great awe and reverence, begging You to kindly accept these most humbly offered obeisance. 

I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to write to You on the auspicious day of Your appearance. On this very special and auspicious occasion when with Your appearance came a ray of hope for all the unfortunate jivas like myself, struggling hopelessly in the vicelike grip of Maya, of continuous pain and suffering and repeated birth and death. On this day of Your appearance I feel myself so fortunate to glorify You. I am immature to glorify You properly on Your appearance day. Kindly accept this attempt as I am trying to praise Your qualities and activities. I often think about where I would be without You and Your disciples.

Wish You a very Happy Vyasa-puja with sincere and intense prayer to Sri Sri Krishna for this auspicious day. Today is the most important day in my life; as this day You appeared amongst us at the behest of the Lord just to deliver fallen souls like me. But the time since then has been full of realizations and new spiritual experiences due to Your blessings. Keeping You at the centre of my life, each day I can feel how Your causeless mercy flows unconditionally in the upkeep of my devotional service. I am thankful to Lord Krishna, who has mercifully sent You as my master and savior. 

Although You are far away, yet You have very mercifully provided us Your kind association through lectures and live internet broadcasts. In every activity of Yours, You set an example for us and help us strengthen our commitment and conviction to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. You teach us the mood of becoming an eternal servitor of one’s spiritual master by displaying Your desire to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission in spite of all discomfort and inconvenience that may arise due to the body. Guru-Maharaj, please instill in my heart a drop of that mood of servitor ship for Your divine grace as You have for Srila Prabhupada. 

Your life is an example for everyone. Your recent ill health situation which You are handling with strong will and determination teaches us a lesson and instructs us how to handle certain situations. It is amazing to know even during extreme difficult situations Your enthusiasm to preach and bringing conditioned souls near to Krishna was ever increasing. All Glories to Your preaching mission!!!

Your desire to spread Namahatta preaching all over the world inspires me immensely.

There is so much that I have to say. Yet out of foolishness I cannot find the appropriate words. I am incapable of expressing myself truly. This body and mind are full of contaminations and faults. I only pray that You are seeing the essence of this being.

Constantly I am struggling with where I am supposed to be, because my mind wants recognition and facility, but what I truly want is only emotional attachment to those who are my true well-wishers. Spiritual emotions, nothing fanatical, or like blind faith. But faith and emotion founded on realization. I do little sevas that are assigned to me by senior devotes and my siksa guru with all my heart. I put in all my effort to please You and Krishna by keeping in mind how it will affect You and how it will help in spreading the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. 

These past couple of years have been a struggle for me. I have been crossing hurdles every now and then. I have learned to accept that it is all Krishna’s arrangement. I am an 18-year-old who has realized that material education is going to take me no where and the people in this material world are not going to help me go back to Godhead. Only devotees and You my Dear Guru Maharaj are going to help me and guide me back home. 

I am still so very selfish, and stubborn. These things I wish I would grow out of. Maybe greed for purification and stubborn to help others.

As said, when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear: You showed me the way, to serving at the lotus feet of The Lord, and for that I’m eternally grateful to You. I listen to Your lectures every day, which inspire me to do my seva and duties with more determination.

You are my spiritual master, and I am Your eternal servant. Sometimes I desire having a very friendly relationship with You, of which You accept me as a significant servant. But that is my false ego wanting to feel important. If I could ask any benediction from You, it would be simply to serve You always in all circumstances and to have genuine attachment and ability to always chant the sacred and divine names of the Lord, with all humility.

I, most fervently, pray to Lord Narsimha Dev that You quickly recover and start traveling to accomplish Your objective of ‘nagar gram tarine’. I also beg You today to please forgive me for the offences that I commit unknowingly while being engaged in my services, due to my incorrigible nature. I hope that, gradually, with Your mercy, I will be able to make myself a better devotee. This is possible only if I have Your mercy; else I am completely incapable of achieving anything.

Please, accept this humble request to allow me to always provide sincere service at Your lotus feet.


With love

Your aspiring servant

Karishma Joshi

 Namah om vishnu padaye, krishna prishthaye bhutale, shrimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine, namo acharya pradaye, nitai kripa pradayine, gaur katha dham daya nagar gram tarine.....

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to your Lotus feet and All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On this very special day of your Vyas Puja, I offer my humble and respectful obeisances again and again at your Lotus feet. Guru Maharaj, I am not at all qualified and eligible to write about your glories. It is my good fortune that I got an opportunity to write my heart’s content in this Vyasa Puja offerings for you this year.

You are an epitome of mercy, and so very compassionate to useless souls like me. Even though you have many health issues, you are so determined and always working with enthusiasm to spread the Holy Names of Lord Krishna world-wide, and to carry out the instructions of Srila Prabupada. There are no words to describe your selfless service and compassion. My prayers to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, and Narasimha Deva, to bless you with good health, and long life, so that your preaching, and spreading of Krishna consciousness, could deliver unworthy souls like me from this material entanglement.

Dear Guru Maharaj, I beg your mercy and blessings to follow your instructions, serve you, your disciples and all Vaishnavas to the best of my ability, and to be of a small instrument to spread this glorious mission of Srila Prabhupada. I am a very fallen soul who is drowning in the ocean of material contamination. I seek your blessings to do my sadhanas properly and advance in my spiritual life. I am an aspiring disciple and beg your mercy to provide me shelter at your Lotus feet. I also seek your blessings for the spiritual wellbeing of my husband, Shankar and my son Karthick.

Your insignificant daughter

Rathika Shankar

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept our humble obescience. All glories to Guru Mahārāja,

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā svāmin iti nāmine
nama ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā-dhāma-dāya nagara-grāma-tāriṇe

This is my first-time submitting homage to you. You are our inspiration and please instruct us so that we can serve you and Kṛṣṇa better.

Jayapatākā means Victory Flag, so you are always victorious, Guru Mahārāja you have changed our life, please put us in your service. We pray for your good health so that you can keep preaching all over the world.

We are also happy that we will be able to see you in Māyāpur Navadvīpa parikramā festival.

You Servant,
Ravindra Damodara Mallya, 
Aparna Ravindra Mallya and Bhumika Mallya

Hare Krishna our dearest Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisance.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. 


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I sincerely hope that, your Holiness is doing well by the grace of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna.


On the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja festival, I would like to thank you for bringing a purpose to my life.


I was leading a pure materialistic and aimless life, till I got the opportunity to meet your Holiness in Krishna Katha Desh. From then onwards, my life has completely changed towards a positive angle. A number of people including my immediate family and many others are chanting the holy name of Krishna simply because of your blessings.


Kindly forgive me, if knowingly or unknowingly I have committed any offense to anyone in this world.


Please keep blessing me Guru Maharaj, without which, I will never be able to continue in my spiritual life.


Your most insignificant servant

Ravindra Ramachandra Das

Diksha Desciple

Krishna Katha Desh, Doha, Qatar

Dearest Guru Maharaj ,

Nama Om vishnupadaya krishnapristhaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swami niti namine.

Namacharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine gaur katha dama dhaya nagar grama tarine 

All glories to Srila Prabhupad all glories to Srila Gurudev

Hare Krsna 

Guru Maharaj Ki Jai

Dandvat Pranams 

Please accept my respectful obeisances 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 


Guru Maharaj kindly bless me to do my sadhana properly. I have taken shelter 3 years back and would like to take initiation but there are many obstacles in my life. My body and my mind don't go together. I have many vices. But With your Mercy and prayers I will be able to overcome them.


Thank you so much Guru Maharaj for helping us.


Hare krishna Maharaj,

Recently, I have had to make many decisions in my life, with regard to my studies, and thankfully I think you have guided me to a certain path. I pray that you will continue to guide me to a path that will ensure that i can serve Krsna and Guru forever.

Gurumaharaj, for a quite a long time now my spiritual life has been a rollercoaster and I am begging that you can smoothen my journey. Please direct me, so that I can serve You, Prabupad and Krsna more effectively.

I have had a few distant encounters with Maharaj, but just seeing you gives me the inspiration to dedicate my time to Krsna and yourself. I last saw you in Malaysia, where you gave an extremely engaging class and I can clearly remember laughing and enjoying myself. In the airport even though you were busy with other engagements you still interacted with the devotees and that really touched my heart.

Gurumaharaj, I pray to Narasingha that you will ensure that your health will be optimum to continue to serve Krsna and Prabhupad. You show so much mercy by travelling all over the world to spread the Holy Name and I just want to say thank you.

Your insignificant aspirant,

Roshni R Nambiar

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances 

All Glories to Gurudeva! All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!


I have now been able to take aspiration from you and its all because of your mercy and blessings. Even though i am not very qualified you have mercifully given me aspiration. i am now working my way towards taking shelter from you with your blessings and mercy i hope to also be able to take initiation from you soon, You are an inspiration to Many Youths. I am still trying to improve myself by trying to do better quality rounds, more sadhana's more seva anything that will help me progress. i am still in awe at your constant persistence to preach to the world about Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhus message even with your health condition. As of now i am just reading Prabhupad's small books and Prabhupad's lilamrita, I am also chanting 16 rounds everyday and praying sincerely to Narsimha dev that your health condition improves i am also very happy that you are conducting live classes for everyone to have your association and for everybody to listen to your lectures and instruction.

I am a very fallen soul and with your help i will be able to attain krishna prema. 

Your Humble servant

Rujul Prem Shivlani

Gauranga Desa

My Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. Help me to get your blessings to progress in  Krishna conciousness. Am doing lot of Aaprath need your mercy to come across and to improve my devotional service.

Your servant

Sabari sai 


Aim Sri Gurave Namaha!!

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krishna Prestaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka swamin Iti namine

Nama Acarya padaya Nitai krupa pradayine Gaura katha damodaya Nagara grama tarine!

Nama Om visnupadaya Krishna prestaya Bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedaswamin iti namine

Namaste sarasvatideve Gauravani pracarine nirvishesha shunyavadi pascatya desha tarine!!

Jaya Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advati gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta brinda!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !!

My beloved Gurudeva, please accept our families' humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. These days my seva and my chanting have become completely mechanical and due to the material pressure, I am unable to cope up with spiritual discipline. As a Grihastha, I have a great desire to serve devotees and Srila Prabhupada's mission but I am actually doing nothing. Even the most basic principles such as chanting and reading books have become cumbersome.  I haven't stopped these but doing as if it is a duty and not out of love. Somehow I feel I lost enthusiasm in the spiritual advancement but the same has been doubled towards materialistic advancement working for the goal I have kept and your holiness had blessed me in Damodardesh with respect to doing my own business. Most of my time has been engaged in making things work nicer on the material front because of which not really able to concentrate much on spiritual advancement. I have discussed this matter with my Shiksha gurus as well and they have given me a year to decide which works best and come to terms with the business.

25 September 2019 - on Dvadashi my father Kriparnava Keshava Dasa, your humble disciple has passed away with heart attack and with your mercy, he had passed away very gloriously at home with a smile on the face. He was totally detached with the family and was in ecstatic love with Supreme Lord Krishna - my father Prabhu read all the 18 chapters of Gita just before 3 days of his passing away and he was daily reading Srimad Bhagavatam and listening to Prabhupada lectures and he was totally in the stage of bhava bhakti. It was the greatest blessings we could ever achieve. He did not even complete two years of discipleship and although he was handicapped with 90% disability he was always eager to serve the mission and had a great mood of preaching. I totally trust that you have showered your gracious blessings on my father prabhu. May you reclaim more and more fallen conditioned souls on this earth and give them the highest compassionate blessings of becoming Krishna conscious and serving the Vaishnavas. 

Please accept dandavat pranams from my wife Jeeveswari Visnupriya devi and my son Ruthwik. By your mercy, Ruthwik almost came out of Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder and he is been studying nicely and he always does shloka recitation in the school and known for presenting for BhagavadGita shloka recitation. Please keep showering your gracious blessings unto them. 

Gurumaharaj, many devotees are writing to you for blessings and glorifying you or asking you with soul uplifting questions for spiritual advancement but this servant of yours is so worthless to just mention my current condition and to ask for forgiveness for all the aparadhas I have been committing at your lotus feet. 

We sincerely pray to Your lotus feet and wish a very happy Krishna conscious birthday on your Vyas puja 2020. 

Vanca kalpatarubhyasca kripa sindhubhya eva ca patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namaha!!

All Glories to my dear father Srila Jayapatka Swami GuruMaharaj!

All Glroies to Srila Prabhupad, Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!!




Hare krsna Guru Maharaj

please accept my humble obesiances

this year is special because I will be attending ur Vyāsa puja which was my dream 

This year I started Bhakti vriksha .pls bless me Maharaj that I would guide following instructions of our Acaryas.

I pray to RadhaMadhav to give u more strength so as to elevate more fallen  souls.

Sacipremi Prabha Dd

hare krishna Guru maharaj,

please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to srila prabhupad



Srila Prabhupada left some cintamani stones when he was leaving to Goloka. One of those stones is you my Guru Maharaj. You accepted this fallen soul as your disciple at Gopal Krishna Mandir of Balaram Desh in 1998.

Since you, my Guru Maharaj serving your  Guru  Srila Prabhupad without deviation. you are  the best example candidate to show the future disciples that how to serve Guru. We do not have to read any books but to simply follow you.

you always asked us to chant, help Prabhupada’s mission and to make others chant. Even though in such a condition you travel all over the world and accepts disciples without rest.

you are an exemplary character to others in facing the three kind of material miseries and serving Guru. 

Guru Maharaj, I chant two rounds every day for your health and to empower you to serve your  Guru Maharaj Srila Prabhupada in His  mission.


your humble servant 

sadananda gaura das



Hare Krishna

Please accpect my humble obeisances

All glories to sri guru and gaurange all glories to srilla prabhupada

All glories to Jayapataka swamji Guru Maharaj..

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe

My Dear Spiritual father

I offer you my humble obeisance’s  at the dust of your lotus feet , I am writing this letter  though I am the most fallen soul , last year (2019) Feb in Chennai when I got 1 initiation  had the opportunity to see my guru maharaj very near , after my initiation  understand value of spiritual life and  will follow all your instructions sometime unknowingly doing mistakes please forgive me by your loving mercy  , every day  am praying to prabhupada and  Lord Krishna please  take care my guru maharaj get well soon. Please gurumaharaj  I need your mercy always to serve to Srila Prabhupada mission .

am aware that without your mercy and blessings, I can never make any progress in my spiritual endeavors.

Your fallen soul

Bhaktanatha Mukunda Das

Kṛṣṇa Katha Desh

Namo on vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine

Namesthe saraswathi deve gaura vani pracarine

Nirvi sesa sunye vade pasyathya dese tharine


At first accept my humble greetings at your lotus feet. Today is vyasapuja ; gurumaharaj it is your appearance day , this day is very auspicious day. Gurumahaj we got the opportunity to have a dharshan of you on the month of February .When I got initiation from you , a new soul was born and there are no words to explain my emotions. I am really fortunate that I had a dharshan of you and to get initiation from you. Dear gurumaharaj I beg your mercy so that I will be able to progress in my devotional service. Dear gurudev I sincerely pray to you to help me fixed in my spiritual vows which I gave to you. Please shower your mercy upon us so that I may never think of leaving this association and my spiritual master till my life end. I request you to take charge of my mind and never allow these desires to destroy my spiritual activities.

                    I sincerely fall down before your divine lotus feet and beg you to give me the strength and love to face all the problems and challenges in this material world and bring my children’s in the path of devotion and with all good qualities please bless me gurumaharaj. I also pray to Krishna for your speed health recovery. My yatra leaders keep sharing about your health updates. We are so fortunate to have you as our spiritual father.

Your humble dasanu dasi

Premeshwari Padma devi dasi

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine 


Dear Gurudev


Please accept my most humble obeisance’s at Your lotus feet.

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories & glories to You !!! 


One of the services I received from KKD was to dedicate my education to Srila Prabhupad's movement and I have been trying earnestly to try to fulfill this service allotted by my siksha gurus. I could get into NITs and now I am pursing my MBA at IIM indore. Keeping all this mundane designations aside, I just want to be the same old humble person and enhance my sadhana also in the similar fashion. I feel deeply moved to see your commitment to this divine mission even at such challenging conditions. Please Maharaj, let me please gain a tinge of  your servitude and please let me serve your mission in any way possible. 


Your eternal servant,

Sai Kumar

Namo Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna Prastaya Bhutale

Srimati Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine

Nama Acarya padaya Nitai Krpa pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama daya nagara Gramha dharine

My dear Gurudev,

I offer my respectful obeisance’s unto you. By your causeless mercy, I have got vaishnava association till today. Please bless me to have the same forever. I live in a labor accommodation in Dubai & I am organizing a Bhakti classes every week by your mercy. we have around 12 devotees attending regularly. Bhagawan Govinda Prabhuji is taking the classes every week. Out of 12 devotees, 5 devotees are chanting 16 rounds daily. I need your blessings for all the devotees to progress in their spiritual live. Please bless them all to take shelter from a guru. 

Guru Maharaj, my future plan is to go my hometown in kumbakonam in Tamilnadu & serve in the temple & preach around that area. Please bless me for the same.

My wife, Rani Satya Devi Dasi is very supportive in my spiritual life but, my children Gopinath & Bhuvaneswari who are married are not inclined to devotional service. Please bless them to take up Krsna consciousness.

Please give your mercy.

Danvats Pranams Guru Maharaj.

Your Humble Servant,

Sakthiman Krsna Das


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Dandavat Pranams 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

I am writing this homage to my spiritual father every year but no change in service attitude, seriousness, sincerity and to assist my spiritual father. Also I failed to listen my spiritual guru vani on regular basis. 

This year 2020 I would like to commit to keep my sadhana without fail, and listening to your lectures.

I seek apologies to your lotus feet and blessings on this conditioned soul to practice spiritual life. 

Hare Krishna 

Yours insignificant servant 

Sanjaya Gauradas 

Vyasa Puja Homage

April 2020


Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to your Holiness,


Nama Om Vishnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale,

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,

Namah acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura-katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Dear Gurumaharaj, we are happy on this occasion of your auspicious appearance day, it is additionally special for all of your disciples since it is the 50th anniversary of your accepting sannyasa.

When i first saw you in 2001 in Krsna Katha Desh, at the house of our shiksa guru HG Bharathagraja das prabhu, it was an unforgettable experience. I could sense that “yes” indeed there is a spiritual world and i felt strongly that you have come from that place, for we have not seen anyone like you before that wonderful meeting.

At that time we were only few months into Krsna Consciousness and could not understand much from your speech, but one thing stayed in me, i could understand by your association that this Krsna Consciousness is not an ordinary path. Further on by your personal seva opportunity given by HG Vaikuntapati das prabhu and other senior devotees we could see from close association how much you were dedicated to spread Krsna Consciousness around the world for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurumaharaj i am regularly trying to hear your inspiring lectures, read your books and trying to understand your mood and mission in a much deeper way. You are a great inspiration for me and my family, and we are trying to do our bit to spread the mission of Lord Caitanya with what ever abilities we have. In you we are able to see the activities of a pure devotee of the Lord, the sthitha-prajna level is revealed in your daily life - you are a real life example of a self-realised soul fully in love with Krsna. Dear Gurumaharaj we are in our conditional existence unable to overcome the anarthas on our own strength, kindly bless us to be sincere disciples of your divine self and be of some benefit to Srila Prabhupada’s wonderful Iskcon society.

I am trying to be dedicated to your instructions of spreading Krsna Consciousness thru the Bhakti Vriksha system in Krsna Katha Desh, and we are aiming to have 222 Bhakti Vrikshas by the time your most dear project the TOVP is inaugurated in 2022. In line with this objective, few months back me and leela kirtaneswari dd started an experimental initiative of making BV modules based only on Bhagavad Gita as it is - focused on chapter sections with all the 6 angas of Bhakti Vriksha in place.

We wanted to avoid printing/photocopy of BV edifications completely as it has got an element of risk when devotees get it done outside. Additionally since Bhagavad Gita is attractive to our target audience the pious Hindu families here, we feel it would be easily adaptable. We have named it BV Gitamrita modules and are trying it out in some few new groups. Since it is based on Srila Prabupada's Bhagavad Gita as it is - one book would suffice to carry on the study.

We wanted to present a report to you on this initiative as soon as possible for your blessings and guidance. Dear Gurumaharaj we informed HG Seva Swarup prabhu of CDM ministry regarding this initiative which we felt will be apt for our unique suraksha situation here and we strongly feel it would be successful. He said “whatever brings new members to Krsna Consciousness is welcome”. We would take your guidance on how to go about it further if you feel it really worthwhile.

Dear Gurumaharaj, we wholeheartedly thank you for pulling us out of illusion and giving us a chance to gain and share transcendental knowledge and sincerely serve Hari-Guru-Vaisnavas eternally.

We remain your insignificant disciples,

sankirtan anand gaura das (2nd initiated)

leela kirtaneswari dd (2nd initiated)

gayatri (aspirant)

gowri (aspirant)


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeissances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad.

All Glories to you Guru Maharaj.


I am really awestruck to see your determination to fulfill Prabhupada's dream,

even after having undergone 2 major transplants.

The way you travel all over the world to preach Krishna Consciousness even 

after such complicated surgeries,shows that there can be no obstacles in

spreading the name of the Lord.

I took aspiration along with my husband some 3 years ago but havent succeeded in

taking Shelter.

Please bless us Guru Maharaj to take Shelter and Initiation as soon as possible.


As a conditioned soul I find it difficult in progressing in Krishna Consciousness.

Please give me the strength to have determined faith and to overcome all difficulties

in my way to progress in Krishna Consciousness.


Please help my kids Surya,Theja and Cheitanya to take up Krishna Consciousness

and help them to take interest in chanting.



Seeking your blessingas always.


Yours aspired daughter,




Hare Krishna, Dandvat pranams

My dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet. All glories to Jagadguru Srila Prabhupada.

You are an epitome of a true spiritual master. Each and every action of yours is a prodigious inspiration for all of us. You are teaching us how a disciple should be and the importance of following the orders of spiritual master, by demonstrating your utmost commitment towards your Guru Srila Prabhupada.

Despite of your present unfavorable health condition, you have been continuously bestowing your causeless mercy to all your disciples and devotees across the globe. You are very dear to Lord Krishna and we are extremely fortunate to get the shelter under your divine lotus feet.

On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja celebrations, we offer our sincere prayers unto the Lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Prahlad Narasimhadev and Sri Sri Panchatattva to always protect and bless you.

May we develop more honesty and seriousness in assisting you to please your spiritual master Srila Prabhupada.

Your insignificant servants,

Sarva Palaka Rama Dasa (diksha disciple)

Parvathy Sabarish (shelter disciple)




Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama  Rama Hare Hare


Hare krishna  Gurumaharaj

Namah om Vishnu paday Krishna prasthaya bhu tale shrimatejayapataka swami iti namne namacharya padaya nitai kripapradayni gaura katha dama daya nagar gram tarine

Aaapke charan kamlo me mera sadar pranam

Guru maharaj aaj ke pavan divas pr meri taraf se aapko hardikbadhai nersing dev aapko savasth rakhe aapki lami aayu ho meriyehi bhagwan se prathna hai

Mai ishwar se prathna kr rahi hu kintun satya to ye hai ki maiaapke or aapki daya ke upper nirbher hu

Guru maharaj aapke dershan se phle maine aapke bare me zyadasuna nahi tha phli baar apke dershan regent school me 2012 me hue the tab jab announcement hua ki aap aa aarahe ho muje lagaindia me jaise koi sadharad guru ya baba hotey hain wasie koimagician jaise ho aap pr baad me mujhe jab aapke bare me devotees se suna to pata chala ki aap koi sadharad guru ya babanahi ho pr aap mere liye kisi magician se kam bhi nahi ho

Aapki hi kripa se mai or mera parivar isckon se jude 

Guru maharah aapko glorify kr ke mere pass shabd nahi hain vyas pooja offering ek pratha hai jiske madhyam se hum aapkeprati samman dershatey hai prantu guru maharaj satya to ye haiki aapke samman yogya koi bhi sewa mai nahi kr rahi

 aap chaitnya mahaprabhu ke shudh bhakt or parabhupad keshudh disciple ho 

guru maharaj 2019 september 13 ko aapne mujhe apna shishyasvikar kr mujhe diksha de kr mujhe guru Krishna parampara se joda aapne to mujhe apna shishya svikar kr liya pr kya maineaapko guru mana?

Guru maharaj bus diksha lena kanthi mala lena ya naya naamlena hi diksha nahi hai diksha ka arth hai guru ko sampurnsamarpan bus 4 regulative principal follow krna to aasan hai pr jab material life ki paristhiyo se samna hota hai tab aapkishiksha bhul kr man mani krna ek shishya ko shobha nahi detaparantu apni galti ka ahsas hone pr bhi use baher nahi aa panamera apradh hai mai aapse prathna krti hu ki muje aap isi jivanme is layak bana de ki mera jiwan kisi ko bhakt bnane ke kaamaa sake kisi ki mai kuch madad kr saku or ye kaary mai apne hi parivar se shuru krna chahti hu guru maharj aapki kripa ke binato hari ka naam bhi much se nahi nikal sakta  aapki kripa se prabhu ab chanting krtey hain reading bhi krtynhain or lecture bhi suntey hain or ab wo khud hi sab ko dham me lane ka pooraprogram bnatey hain ye mere liye kisi fairy tales se kam nahi haimai isi fairy tales ki duniya me rehna chahti hu isse baher nahiaana chahti agar ye ek sapna bhi hai to ye sapna kabhi na tutey

Guru maharaj mai bachoo se bolti hu pr wo log nahi krtychanting pr aapki kripa se sab sambhav hai guru maharj mere mata pita or bhai bhno pr bhi kripa karo hum log is sal mayapurjagganth ji tirupati rameshwaram jayenge

Aapke dershan ho aapki kripa se mere pariwar ke sabhi sadsyahari naam le or bar bar dham ke dershan krne aaye ye aashirwaddena  jab hum ek movie bar bar dekh saktey hain ek mall me bar bar ja saktey hain to dham me bar bar kyu nhi ja saktey  jab maikisi ko chanting krty dekti hu to amesha ye li legta kitni pure solu hai jo itne man se hari ka naam le rahi pata nahi hari ka naam mere much se neeche utar kr dil se kab niklega guru maharaj sab janne ke baad bhi mai samay ka sadupyog nahi krpa rahi pr mai koshish zaroor kr rahi hu guru maharaj jaydev kemundane ke liye hum log tirupati jayenge aap aashirwad de kisab thik se ho jaye meri children class bhi abhi shuru hui haiusme se kuch bachee aicf me aa rahe hain aap unko bhi bless kare ki sabhi bachee bhakti me aage bade  

Guru maharaj mai jab bhi aapke phle ki pics video dekti hu yasenior devotees se sunti hu to legta hai maine bht bada kuchmiss kr diya mai aapko hamesha phle jaisa hi swasth dekhnachati hu jaise ek material pita apne bachoo ke sare desire poorakartey hain mujhe pakka vishwas hai aap bhi mera ye desire poora karenge

Mere pass job hi hai guru maharj sab aapki hi kripa hai mai apneaapko badlne ki or apka acha shishya banne ki poori koshishkarungi

Hare Krishna guru maharj

Shashi mukhi keshvi devi dasi

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,


Dandavat Pranams to you. 


All glories to Guru and Gauranga. 


All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 


Guru Maharaj i am very insignificant soul as well as very fortunate because you accepted me as your disciple by your causeless mercy.


Being in Dubai and serving at Gauranga Desh Yatra as a book distribution sevak. 


I would like to expand and continue this service more book distribution is my desire. 


Other than that I would like to continue the support role of near my hometown 2 namagata centers Perambalur and Thuraiyur (Tamilnadu, lndia) to do more programs and expand the activities. Lot of near by village programs we want to cover by nagara sankirtan and book distribution, we need your blessings and wishes to become successful events. 


I would like to extend the possible support to Tribal care programs which is happening at Northern Emirates states. By directly doing seva with family or contributing to the running projects also my desire.


My personal desire to do some kind of service directly along with my family to do some seva like book distribution and other preaching seva too. I want to engage more and more book distribution activities at all India level whatever the possible activities which is currently is in progress.


My desire to engage my both son to do some kind of service at Chennai temple. 

My wife HG Ambika Gopika Devidasi also serving some small service at Chennai temple. We want to do these kind of services regularly and expand more with dedicated mood and bhava. 


Guru Maharaj i am thinking and wondering the mood and bhava of you exhibiting the entire world. 


Again and again seeking your mercy and prayers to continue the present seva in more professional manner as well as dedicated bhava and mood. 


Your Eternal Servant, 

Sathya Acyuta Krsna Das

Our dear Gurudev,

                   Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet.All glories to your auspicious appearance day!

                            First of all we r very grateful to you maharaj for accepting us as your disciples.   As  we  are  celebrating  your  71st  Vyasa  puja  day…we  are  praying  to  shri  Radha  Krishna to  protect  you  with  good  health  to  spread  Krishna  consciousness  throughout  the  world.

                              Gurumaharaj, you have  special  kripa of srila prabhupad  and lord chaitanya mahaprabhu.Eventhough you have many physical challenges, you are very much determined to fulfill the dreams of srila prabhupad.gurumaharaj,in this critical condition of the world of spreading corona virus, you are not missing your daily classes to spread karuna virus!your mercy is unlimited!This has   inspired us a lot. you are always-crossing the mountains and oceans for broadcasting the glories of gauranga.Gurudev, as an ideal leader you are showering your love  and affection upon whoever you come across in order to distribute this mercy upon the conditioned souls.  you travel around the world, in spite of your physical difficulties. Our movement needs exemplary leaders like yourself to continue the mission of sri chaitanya mahaprabhu all over the world. We are also trying to help you maharaj. We kindly request your blessings  to do more service.As our humble service to you,we are coordinating  gurukula in our chakra in madhuradesh to inculcate the knowledge and love for Krishna to the children.we r conducting Bhakti vriksha classes on Thursdays and started Srimad Bhagavatam class for the new devotees on Fridays.we humbly seek your blessings to accomplish our small endeavor.

                                 Yasya prasadad bhagavad prasado

                                  Yasya prasadan nagati kutopi

                                    By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives benediction of Krishna.without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement

 Gurudev, we remember that before when you come to madhuradesh, your ecstatic keertan  with that big karatala…and jumping and running with the devotees.we cannot forget the vibration you gave us. we all want you in that same condition .we had seen that you were doing  swimming exercise and was  very happy to see that you have improved a lot.Gurumaharaj ,we are sure that you will cross all these obstacles and will come back with full strength to enlighten us.  we will pray to lord jagannath to give you full strength to become like that.

              . while  reading   your words and  hearing   experiences……we  are  so inspired  to  do like  that, but  not able to reach anywhere.So  Gurumaharaj,  we  are  seeking  your  blessings  to  do  more preaching  and devotional  service.

                               On  this  special  occassion  we  are  praying  to  Lord  Narasimhadev  to protect  you  always with  good  health..we are eagerly waiting to see you in madhuradesh soon.

                                                                                              Your  servants

                                                                                             Sesha  narasimha das

                                                                                              Jamuna jeevani Radha devi dasi

                                                                                              Swathi ,Nandakishore       (Madhuradesh)

My dear spiritual father Guru Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet!

By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement.”

Thereby We are very fortunate being  your disciple,

Kindly bless me to fulfil whatever the promise which I gave you at the time of  initiation.

Please bless me at least 1% of the  service which you are doing irrespective of your health you are tirelessly serving  your Guru and  krshna .

Last year May 21  my father had passed away  I beg your mercy  for his soul rest in peace and if he had chance to re birth , he should be a krsna conscious person and serve your mission.

I am trying to bring my relatives and family members to Krshana conscious and at least ask them to chant one round  Hare krshna Maha Mandra but  they are not inclined to do so, that means  my sadana and daily my chanting which I am daily doing is not upto the standard.  Please bless me for not committing any offence while I am doing sadana / chanting.

This year My son is going to complete  12th std, when I am writing  offering letter  with your mercy he had completed 1 exam and balance 4 exam yet to complete  by this month end.,  please bless him to prepare his exam and  get good result . Then I have to moved out of Dubai for his higher education , please guide us to get his admission in good college  there by  he can get  association with KC, person. our worry is  without forcing he is not chanting , we beg your mercy he has to get his association with KC person and  determine / desire to serve  Guru and Krsna.   It is  not appropriate  to ask your mercy for any  material benefit  but as a parent  some time I seek your blessing for their education and good association.

We got  sala grama ceila  and we don’t have authority  to worship, because of your mercy we could able to worship  but at the same time you advise us to  get bharmonical initiation  at the earliest  .  We have not taken your instruction very seriously .  please bless us to work towards bharminical initiation.

With your blessing our BV class is going without any interruption and  they are very serious  to hear  about past time of Krshna’s  BG and all they are absorbing  Eakatasi  fasting and  at least chanting 1 round .

As disciples and followers of Guru Maharaja, it is our duty to follow your footsteps and understand  your mood. We can see your unlimited divine qualities, but of all of them, your  dedication to Srila Prabhupada .

Again and again I bow down to your lotus feet. All glories to Your Divine Grace

Your servant always,

Seva Parayana Daruka Das


Dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisences on your lotus feet.

Jai sri krishna chaitanya, prabhu nitya nanda

sri advat gadadhara, siwasadhi gaur bhakti vrinda

hare krishna, hare krishna , krishna, krishna , hare hare

Hare rama, hare rama, ram rama,  hare, hare

Please forgive me to submit your Vyasa pūjā offering dead line given to me is 05th March 2020 . You have come across various difficulties and hurdles by the mercy of Kṛṣṇa you are with us to celebrate your 71st appearance day. We are fortunate to celebrate your 71st appearance day. Due to your mercy last year we installed alter in our house. Now my house known as  Neemsar dham. Due to your mercy we are performing all aratis, doing all ekadasi fasting and celebrating all festivals.  As per our Shiksha guru guideline we are trying to achieve your goal ( Bhaktivrisha 222 in 2022), but still now we did not started. we are trying to start. I hope very soon we will start due to your mercy.

This year we get chance to attend  71st vyas puja but unfotunately we are not able to attend due to some problem. May be next year we will get chance to attend and get sheltered by you. we are doing book reading also and encourasing our chakra people to read srila prabhupad books.We pray to Lord Rādhā Mādhava to give long life to you and keep guide us to spread the Krsna Consciousness.


Your humble servant

Shalini srivasrtava

Hare krishna


All Glories to Guru Maharaj,


Dear Gurumaharaj,


I thank you for your blessings in helping me and my family to progress in krishna consciousness. I wish to serve you for years to come and seek knowledge and blessings from you. Please continue to give us your guidance and support in our spiritual path.


Your sheltered disciple,

Shobana konar,

Krishna katha desh,


Hare Krishna guru Maharaj

Om Ajnana thimirandasya Jnananjana salakaya chaksur unmilitam ena tasmai shree guruve namaha

Nama om vishnu padaya Krishna prishtaya bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine, naamacharya padaya nitai kripa pradayane Gaura katha damadaya nagara grama tarine

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances on this very auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja.  All glories to our most glorious Param Guru, Srila Prabhupada.

We are eternally indebted to Srila Prabhupada for his causeless mercy of establishing an authentic spiritual society "Iskcon" which facilitates and teaches the timeless vedic wisdom to humanity at large and devotees in particular to attain spiritual perfection in human life, and connecting us to many stalwart devotees and especially you who is a great senapathi in Srila Prabhupada's army and allowing us to be nurtured in Krishna Consciousness under your invaluable instructions and guidance.

For the last 25 years we have been seeing you and many a times we have had the opportunity to personally associate with you and becoming more and more aware of your outstanding personality.  We were also fortunate to host your holiness and sevaks at our home in Avataridesh in November 2015 and we can never forget those memorable days when we had your physical association.

In the early days, when your body was healthy, we saw what a storehouse of energy and enthusiasm you had in propagating Krishna Consciousness.  Somehow, you will find newer and newer ways to connect conditioned Souls to Krishna Consciousness.  And despite your physical incapability we are seeing what an amazing spiritual personality you are.  With limited physical movements, you are conquering what can be unconquered even by physically fit persons.    You are a living example who has visibly transcended your bodily platform and displayed your spiritual strength.  Anybody can see how sharp your mind and intelligence have become.  Generally, with the difficulties of the physical body the activities of the mind and intelligence deteriorates.  However, by totally defying this universal rule your mind and intelligence have become more active and agile.  From this it is very clear that you are functioning in pure spiritual consciousness and your mind and intelligence have become spiritualized.

What is surprising was your recent initiation ceremony that took place in Bangladesh during when thousands of devotees were initiated into the army of Srila Prabhupad and thereby connecting to Vasudeva kudumbakam  This shows that your compassion to uplift the conditioned souls has no boundary and confinement.

You have always been a very prominent and ideal leader of Iskcon and you are showering your love and affection upon whomsoever you come accross.   In order to distribute this mercy upon the conditioned souls you travel around the world tolerating all physical inconveniences and difficulties. 

It is our great good fortune that you have accepted us as your disciples and we got connected to the authentic parampara and we know that it is not because of our qualifications but by your causeless mercy alone.

Our sincere prayers to Sri Sri Radhamadhava, Panchatattva and Narasaimha deva to bestow upon you a healthy long life so as to enable you to fulfill your promises made to Srila Prabhupada.

From our end, we are trying our best in whatever little way we can to help you in fulfilling the mission of Srila Prabhupada.  Please bless us profusely so that we are able to do our part to please you, Srila Prabhupada and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Once again our warm wishes on your Vysa Puja day.


Your spiritual children

Siddha Gauranga dasa

Santha Lakshmi devi dasi

Avataridesh Yatra

nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale

çrémate Jayapathakasväminn iti nämine


nama äcaryapädäya nitäi-kåpä-pradäyine

gaura-kathä-dhäma-däya nagara-gräma-täriëe

My dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to you, the savior of the fallen.

I remember you often, gurumaharaj, and I wonder how I got the good fortune to get your shelter and association. It is inconceivable. A most foolish person who was wandering aimlessly in this material world, trying but failing to find some satisfaction here.

Under the shelter of your lotus feet I can see something of the way forward. I received the direction of statement from you for my journey to reach the destination.

There is a proverb in Telugu, which was casually told by my god sister (Handing over the locker key to thief will protect the theft) this proverb is perfectly matching to me in many ways.

In my school days I was an average student and I passed my days without any goal until to get your shelter. After your shelter through your mercy now taking BG and SB classes to neophyte devotees and Krsna kathadesh management given seva to do book distribution & KKD website development seva & Shelter and initiation board in charge & Yatra office in charge & active member in yatra strategic planning & coaches for school,going kids.

If the seva has not been allocated to me means, then I supposed to be like thief, due to the seva now I become more responsible from irresponsible. All of my weak areas in the spiritual zone now moving towards strength side.

Dear Gurumaharaj, You made me to realize Gauranga and love of god head, and I was amazed by hearing your glories by HG.Sankarshan nitai das.

Srila prabhupada went to western country to give krsna consciousness to fulfillhis spiritual master instruction and you Gurumaharaj to fulfill srila prabhupada  instruction you came from western country to India to give krsna consciousness.

“Although you taught me that Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I still feel that I do not know Him. However, I know you, and you are my everything. All I want is to be with you, life after life.”

“Dear Gurumaharaj, although I am totally unqualified, please let me stay at your lotus feet forever, engaging my entire existence in your service.”

Desiring to remain at your lotus feet forever

 your humble servant,

Çiromani Gaura das

Krsna katha desh

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjan- salakaya
Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja.” 

We pray that we may always be blessed with service to Your Divine Grace and remain your humble servants eternally.Our entire family is dedicated to persevering your divine instructions in our daily activities & to  entire Damodardesh Yatra. I consider myself very fortunate to be under your shelter which is compared to be most valuable & precious gems v/s the best of material gift one can receive. Like Dhurva maharaj chanted a wonderful shloka as soon as Lord Vishnu appeared before him .

sthānābhilāṣī tapasi sthito'haṁ tvāṁ prāptavān deva-munīndra-guhyam |
 kācaṁ vicinvann api divya-ratnaṁ  svāmin kṛtārtho smi varaṁ na yāce ||

“O my Lord, I took up the practice of penance and austerities out of a wish to become a great ruler. Now that I have attained you, who remain hidden to even great demigods, saintly persons and kings, I feel like someone who had been searching for fragments of glass but has found instead a most valuable jewel. I am now so fulfilled that there is no benediction left for me to request.” (HBS 7.28; quoted at CC 2.22.42 and 2.24.213).

Since my marriage I have been assisting my family in a small way to help in preaching Krishna Consciousness to many families. It is purely by your unlimited mercy you are showering on us that many families see us a ”role-model” to keep them inspired in Srila Prabhupada`s movement. I certainly seek your blessings to be consistent in my services to help more families relish the fruits of Krishna Conscoiusness as taught by Lord Caitanya. 

Children`s preaching program in Damodardesh is flying high. Through children many families are inducted into Bhakti Vrkshas. Every year the numbers are increasing consistently. We can visibly see the victory flag is flying high. This year our unique Natkhat Mela was a grand success, with over 2500 attending.  

Nevertheless, the relentless team work with my god sisters & brothers made us enjoy this great accomplishment.

We are facing many challenges due to limitations in preaching publicly, but despite these limitations we are determined to stride forward We are indebted to your kindness and empowerment  which is possible only because of your causeless mercy & continuous inspiration.

Gurudeva, you set the example of devotion to Sri Guru and Gauranga and we wish to humbly try and follow your example. We only pray to serve your lotus feet birth after birth. 

My Beloved Guru maharaj your appearance in this material world is to swiftly deliver many  souls who are impoverished not only materially but spirituallytoo!

Dear Guru Maharaj this shloka is dedicated to you. Your exemplary services moved me deeply .

 In Srimad Bhagavatam (8.7.44) 

tapyante loka-tāpena sādhavaḥ prāyaśo janāḥ
paramārādhanaṁ tad dhi puruṣasyākhilātmanaḥ

it is said that great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general. This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present in every one's heart.  

Srila Prabhupada comments in his purport -

“If one tries to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness all over the world, he should be understood to be performing the best welfare activity. The Lord is automatically very pleased with him. If the Lord is pleased with him, what is left for him to achieve? 

All the śāstras conclude, therefore, that spreading the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is the best welfare activity in the world. Because of the ultimate benefit this bestows upon people in general, the Lord very quickly recognizes such service performed by a devotee.”

Jai Guru maharaja!

Your spiritual daughter
Sita Charu devi dasi

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.


Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti nami ne


namo acharya padaya Nitai krpa praadayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine.


I am very grateful to you for giving me an opportunity to write this Vyasa

puja offering as well as for the opportunity to serve you in your mission

of serving Srila Prabhupada and lord Chaitanya. After getting initiation

from you, I am getting many opportunities for service like translating your

transcripts in Malayalam, giving lectures on Bhagavad Gita, taking

childrens classes, mentoring youth girls. Kindly bless me to serve you more

and more. My prayers to Lord Nrisimhadeva for your good health.

Your's humble disciple,

Sitala Madhavi Devi Dasi

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj..,


Dandvat Pranamssss


All Glories to Guru and Gauranga


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


All Glories to HH Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj


This is my humble offering at your lotus feet on your Glorious  71 st vyasa Puja!


I express my inability to glorify your good self and yet I have written a few lines for my own purification and as a duty and privilege to glorify a pure devotee of the lord.


We are eternally indebted to your Holiness for accepting this fallen souls us as your disciples even though we are totally unqualified and we pray at your lotus feet to shower your blessings & mercy to practice our Krishna Consciousness in a proper spirit and in a way that pleases you.


We were all eagerly awaiting Guru Maharaj arrival last year, but unfortunately the schedule was canceled due to some passport renewal , but we pray and have a great hope that Guru Maharaj will visit Kanaiyyadesh in near future 


It was really inspiring and amazing when you took a recent world tour after kidney and liver transplant, your dedication to Srila Prabhupada is touching our hearts . You will always be an inspiration for us in Krishna Consciousness as an living example of slogan” Never give up “.


They say there is two things, one is the book Bhagavata and the other is the person Bhagavata, we are seeing you as a  wonderful example of Person Bhagavata because your devotional service is uninterrupted and unmotivated and you appear blissful in spite of so many challenges and your have Satisfied the Lord through your selfless service 


In light with the recent spread of Corona Virus, we can see the importance and urgency of Krishna Consciousness for everyone , Our Heartfelt gratitude for Srila Prabhupada for establishing Krishna Consciousness and Also our gratitude to your Holiness and your other god brothers for spreading Krishna Consciousness and protecting so many souls by your blessings 




We try our best to hear/read your daily Chaitanya Bhagavat compilations, which you deliver everyday online, without considering any of your physical inconveniences, It really inspires us and your answers to the daily questions from the devotees gives us clarity and guidance in Krishna consciousness in day to day Life.


Recently we were fortunate to visit Sri Vrindhavan Dham with family and had a wonderful and blissful experience. 


Guru Maharaj, We all are eager to receive you. We are supported and nourished by the wonderful association of Vaishnavas here in Kanaiyyadesh. We are always striving to work together with all the devotees here in Kanaiyyadesh, as per your instructions.


Please give us strength to take your instructions as our Life and Soul in our Life. We want to be sincere to you and assist you in any insignificant way to spread Krishna Consciousness.

On this auspicious day, we pray for your blessings and mercy upon us to become more sincere and serious in the practice of Krishna Consciousness.


Our humble and sincere prayers unto their Lordships Sree Sree Radha Madhav, Sri Narasinga Dev and Pancha Tattva for your good health so that many more people will get the opportunity to be blessed by your divine association and will become Krishna Conscious.


Your humble insignificant servants

Sivaguna Krishna Das

Nirupama Rukmini Devi Dasi 

Bhakta Revanth Krishna

Bhaktin Rakshana 



My Dear Guru Maharaj

Hare Krishna

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

I am far away from you.I need your association and blessing.I am following you on facebook.this vyas puja I want to take darshan of you with my family and parents.please bless me so that I can get it.

I tried to write one poem in Hindi as a offering to you.please accept it.hare krishna.

मेरे मन में बहुत था क्लेश 

लोगों के प्रति था द्वेष

शिक्षा गुरु से मिला संदेश

मैं आया था विदेश

सुना जब गुरु की वाणी

जीवन की निजी कहानी

हो गई आपसे प्रीति

अपनाने को आपकी नीति

लिया आपके चरणों का आश्रय

जिससे मिला कृपा विंदु का प्रश्रय

अद्भुत हो गया मेरा जीवन

मन में आये राधा मोहन

बस अब श्री कृष्ण प्रेम की आशा 

मिटे जीवन की सारी निराशा

अपने चरणों की दीजे धुल

माफ कर सारी  मेरी भूल

आप हैं करुनानिधान

करेंगे मेरा उथान

मैं माँगू आपसे भीख

मुझे दीजिए ऐसी सीख

चलता ही रहूं इस पथ पर

सवार हो मन के रथ पर

लेता रहूँ कृष्णा का नाम

करता रहूँ अमृत पान

कर बारम्बार प्रणाम

लेकर आपका मंत्र नाम

मेरे जीवन नैया के आप खेवैया

अब आप ही बाप और मैया

कीजे मुझे भवसागर से पार

शिवनाथरामदास की यही पुकार।


servant of your servant

Dear Prabhuji,


Because of ISKON, the Purpose of life is understood and doing the chanting.

Thank you Jayapataka Swami Maharaj for enlightening us and spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world.

Date : 05:03:2020 From: Sobha Yasoda Devi Dasi, Initiated devotee Damodar Desh Yatra (Dubai)

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

My dear Guru Maharaj,  Koti koti pranams unto your lotus feet. Please accept my respectful obeisance's.  AGTSP.

No words to express my gratitude for saving my life from greatest danger. You gave dhiksha to this most fallen soul who doesn't have any qualifications. Thanking Krishna for sending you to this world as his messenger 

Please give me shelter in your lotus feet always, 

Happy vyasa puja. Happy appearance day!

Your most fallen spiritual daughter,

Shobhamayi Champakalata Devi Dasi



Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

Śrīla Prabhupad ki jaya His Holiness Guru Mahārāja ki jaya! Please accept my humble obesiancess at lotus feet Guru Mahārāja.

This is my humble offering to you on this auspicous apperance day... Jaya Gurudeva!

We are Sreelatha and my husband Subhash has completed our one year taking shelter on Feburary 10th 2020 from the day of the taken shelter we became busy in meeting our life goal of taking Intiation in that procedure we have completed studying the Bhagavad-gītā one time and completed Prabhupāda Līlāmṛta and all small books Mahārāja,now we started our studying Granta-rāja Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 1 Mahārāja while studying Bhāgavatam every chapter its telling about the importance of Spiritual Master and Spureme personality of Godhead without this ourlife is vain. Myself and my husband both are waiting eagerly to take intiation Mahārāja so that we serve in the mission Śrīla Prabhupāda and Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

Mahārāja last year I have promised you to distrubute 50 nos of Bhagavad-gītā and 25 nos of small books but I could only distribute only 25 nos of Bhagavad-gītā this year. Guru Mahārāja please forgive me Guru Mahārāja this coming year I will try my best to keep my promise mahārāja. Guru Mahārāja daily I am listening to your online Facebook clases Guru Mahārāja its keeping me enthusiaticand energetic Guru Mahārāja. Guru Mahārāja I have waited eagerly for your visit to Kṛṣṇa-kathā deśa Mahārāja but you did not come Mahārāja but I regularly followed all your classes in all the countries Guru Mahārāja daily I am doing tulasī pradakṣana of 10 rounds and offering 6 rounds to you Mahārāja for good health. I continously pray Lord Narasiṁhadeva for good health Mahārāja your soul of fallen soul like me.

Mahārāja please bestow your blessing and mercy for my both kids Hansika 12 years and Joshnav 6 years they both are entusiatcally chanting daily one round and extra rounds on auspious day. Mahārāja please give your blessings for both of us and all my family members for spiritual growth in Kṛṣṇa consiousness.

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki jaya, Gurudeva ki jaya Guru Mahārāja ki jaya...

Your servant of servant of servant of servant,

Sreelatah Balije

My Dear guru dev, 

Please accept my humble obsence. 

Wish you happy vyasapuja offerings from your spiritual  chaild sriacyuta das and Chinnamayeeikasavi devi dasi children padmaja and gopika. 

Gruru dev  load Krishna and narasimha dev protect your health so that your accomplished your mission.

With your causeless mercy we got we got initation. 

Hare Krishna recently one of your dispile rama Krishna Prabhu told that Important of listening from direct speech from is explain very clearly.  If we are not listening from your vani and listen from some other sources from isckon means we are  compared like Maintaining illicit relationships. After hearing this statement I got so much confused. We can listen other lecture with your permission only. So in this year I by my self commited to listen attentively.  So please give me your mercy so that I can  progress spiritually.  

With your mercy at least two new Devotees I will bring into our moment.  This is my commitment  grudev.  

Please accept my offerings dear grudev.

Kindly bless us so that we will progress in spiritually.

I know we are committing so many anarthas  however please bless us so that we will progress further. 

Your spiritual children 

Sriacyuta das and Chinnamayeeikasavi dev dasi.

Date 05 03 2020



Sree Pradha Radha devi dasi.

Gaurangadesh yatra

Sharjah, UAE

Diksha disciple.



Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj,


Pls accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

All glories to You.


 With great gratitude, I am  submitting my humble vyasa puja offering at your lotus feet. It is only by your mercy that I have walked through this spiritual pathway till now without much difficulties. Praying to you to guide me and be with me in each and every step I take in my devotional service. Being my spiritual father please guide me to take up right decision and walk through in the right path.


  Chanting which is the back- bone of our spiritual life is not so strong in me now. Earlier in the association of devotees i use to do  early morning chanting. My day starts at 3.30 in the morning. Soon after finishing my bathing etc.I sit for chanting . Atleast 7 to 8 rounds I finish in Brahma muhurtam and then start with cooking etc and leave  my house for job by around 5.40 AM. But now I am not taking this austerity. And  I am not able to be attentive through –out my chanting . But by your mercy I am sure I can improve in the quality of my chanting. So pls bless me Guru Maharaj to improve the quality of my chanting and get the Mercy of Sri Sri Radha Madhava. 

    Then now by Gauranga Mahaprabhu's mercy I am doing my service in Prasadam Committee.  Sometimes, if there are more devotees than expected and we fear that there could be insufficiency of prasadam, at that time I always pray to you only, Guru Maharaj. And you have always helped us by giving enough intelligence to handle the situation. Thus many-a-times I have felt your presence and helping hands in all my endeavours.


    Then regarding Bal Utsav classes, by your mercy this year  there are around 50 children in our class. Pls give me the knowledge to guide these souls in the right pathway.  The land lady of the institute where we are taking class now is very supportive. Her name is swarnalatha. She attends our damodar arati and came for new year mangalarati program with  her family. Also some of the children from our class  have started with regular chanting, observing ekadasi fasting etc... And some parents and childern even after relocating to India ,  from there also  they are continuing to take up our bal-utsav related services with so much enthusiasm. Pls give me the intelligence and heart to engage more souls in devotional service according to their capasity. It is ALL YOUR MERCY ONLY GURU MAHARAJ, that I have got very supportive parents and children.. Pranams to you, Guru Maharaj.


Next is regarding my reading habit. This aspect still needs to be improved a lot. By your mercy, I can improve in this aspect.   Next is about hearing lectures. I'm hearing lectures by various devotees. But again, it isn't consistent. This year, I'll try to hear atleast one lecture a day by our devotees. Please bless me Guru Maharaj to keep up my promise to you.



Thank you Guru Maharaj for accepting me as your disciple and for keeping me continuously in the service of the Lord. On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja, please bless me, my son and my family including my  parents to keep in good health, so that we can elevate more and more in our devotional practices. 

Thank u Guru Maharaj,

Your Humble servant,

Sree Pradha radha devi dasi.


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare



Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Namah Acharyapadaya Nitai-Kripa-Pradayine

Gaura-Katha-dhama daya nagara-grama-tarine


My dear Gurumaharaj,


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and All Glories to you on this very auspicious day of your Vyasapuja.


Please accept my humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet.


I am your spiritual daughter Sri Rupa Radha Devi dasi. First of all I would like to say thank you from the core of my heart for coming in my life and showing your causeless mercy upon me and accepted me as your disciple without considering my faults. I am very much fortunate to have you as my Spiritual Guru and guiding me in a right path always. I cant express in words and I am always very thankful and faithful to you and all devotees who have taken care of me at every step. You are so…. merciful and compassionate to every living beings. Hari bol. GAURANGA NITHYANANDA GAURANGA NITHYANANDA GAURANGA NITHYANANDA 


Gurumaharaj….. I am still wondered and surprised by seeing your enthusiasm and determination in preaching Krishna consciousness, forgetting all your ill conditions of your current health and discomfort, you are giving facebook live lectures every single day to give your disciples the best.Hari bol. Jai Gurumaharaj and Jai Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission.


You are a living example of  a pure devotee and dedicated all your life and soul to serve for Srila prabhupada’s mission. You are the representative of God,  delivering the God’s message as it is. You are making disciples all over the world and deliver the very fallen souls like me to Go Back to Godhead lord Sri Krishna. For such a wonderful, selfless and dedicated Guru I offer my humble obeisances once again. Who can do like this?  


In Skunda Purana (Guru Gita) – Dialogue between Lord Shiva and Uma is going like this:


Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam

MantraMoolam Gurur Vakyam

Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa


The Guru’s form is the best to meditate upon, the Guru’s feet are the best for worship, the Guru’s word is the mantra, the Guru’s Grace is the root of liberation.  I offer my obeisances such a wonderful Guru with full devotion.



Yasya prasadad bhagavad prasado yasya prasadan na gatih kuto’pi

Dhyayan stuvams tasya yasas tri sandhyam vande guru sri caranaravindam


By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benidiction of Krishna. Without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement.


Gurumaharaj…. I surrender my family unto your divine lotus feet. You are taking care all of us so nicely. Whatever is happening in our life is it is just because of your special mercy to us. We are not worthy to receive such mercy though because you are so compassionate to everyone in our family u are still showing your causeless mercy to all of us. I am really feeling very  bad for we are not so determined  and sincere to you and all senior devotees. Make all of us sincere in KC Gurumaharaj. If we did any offence knowingly or unknowingly please forgive all of us Gurumaharaj. 


Devotional service will blossoms while it is performed with family joyfully, enthusiastically with love and devotion. I am begging you to Show your special mercy to my prabhu and my daughter to get initiation from you soon.   


I am attending Nama Hatta program on Fridays. Doing prasadam seva, reading BG, Bhagavatam and Chaitanya charitamrta with devotees. Though I have no qualification to preach others, as requested by my siksha guru and senior devotees I have started taking Bhagavat Gita class with minimum devotee to please you. Gurumaharaj please accept this as a small service to you and always guide me and give me more confident to take more classes and correct me if I did any mistake immediately.  I am completely unworthy, most fallen and desiring your causeless mercy. Really I am feeling so much happiness than before while taking BG classes to my students.


I Pray Lord Narashimhadev to keep your health in their protection and give you a long and healthy life.


Your spiritual daughter,

Sri Rupa Radha Devi Dasi



Vyasa Puja offering to HH Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj on the occasion of 71st Vyasa Puja – 4th Apr 2020


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

nama om visnupadaya krsna presthaya butale srimate jayapataka swamin iti namine
namaha acaryapadaya nitai krpa pradayine gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine
nama om visnupadaya krsna presthaya butale srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine
Namaste sarasvate daive gaura vani pracarina nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine

While it would have been a wonderful program if we had all come together to celebrate and glorify Guru Maharaj,  However, we are fortunate that we are able to modern technology to have a virtual Vyasa Puja for you from the comfort of our homes. 

Guru Maharaj, you successfully completed the one year quarantine period in Aug 2019 and you started travel. We were fortunate to have you in UAE and you also reached out to disciples in Europe and USA, South America.

Guru Maharaj, you are a pioneer in Bhakti Vrksa program & the concept of Shrddha Kutir – which is a perfect model that can work even amidst the Covid atmosphere.

Guru Maharaj, your service to Srila Prabhupada and his movement and continuing to keep up the victory flag of Lord Caitanya’s movement and ISKCON is something that the entire movement should be proud of.

Guru Maharaj, your determination to reach out to people from all walks of life, rich and poor, without discrimination and inspiring disciples world over is something that Srila Prabhupada will be most pleased with.

You, continue to contribute to the management of ISKCON being a part of the GBC and continue efforts for TOVP exhibits.

We as disciples, have a great responsibility to support the glorious endeavors now and in the future and make it our life’s missions too. We would all need to look at opportunities for us to personally get involved in serving you, Guru Maharaja in the multifaceted responsibilities that you are handling and in fulfilling the instructions Srila Prabhupada has given to you, Guru Maharaj and the GBCs.

We as disciples have a great responsibility to celebrate GM’s 50th Sanyas year. This is a special achievement for Srila Prabhupada’s movement. While we are making the best of the virtual Vyasa Puja, we look forward eagerly to be at Sridham Mayapur to be with Gurumaharaja for Sri RAdhastami and Guru Maharaja’s 50th anniversary of Sanyasa.

We pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava & Asta Sakhi, Sri Prahlad Nrsimha, Sri Sri Pancha Tattva and Sri Sri Jagannatha Baladeva & Subhadra deities and all the holy dhams and devotees to continue to give you improved health and for us to serve you in person and serve your mission forever.

Your servant,
Sri Vallabha das

Congregation Leader – Damodar Desh Yatra

Hare Krishna!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.



By Lord Krishna’s mercy, I was able to take initiation from you in the year 2017 during your visit to Doha. I have been strictly following the regulative principles and improving my sadhana bakthi. I need to improve my concentration while chanting, and need your prayers to Lord for achieving that!

Under the esteemed guidance of my siksha guru HG Brajeshwar Shyam prabhu and by the association of devotees, I am reading/learning Baghavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatham.

In the past, I was fortunate to perform seva in coordinating subscriptions of Guru Prasanga Magazine, to KKD devotees. I am working to the best of my abilities for staying in sat-sangs and promote Krishna Conscious movement.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to your persistent efforts in preaching Krishna consciousness in this health condition. I am sure Lord Krishna will be very pleased with your services. Please accept my homage for your vyasa pooja.


Guru Maharaj Ki Jai.

Hare Krishna!

Dear Guru Maharaj,


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupad

All glories to Sri Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaj


Please accept my humble obeisances.


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayaptaka Swamin Iti Namine

Namaha Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama dhaya Nagara Grama tharine


Your preaching all over the world is astonishing and the recent Initiation ceremony in Bangladesh for about 1,000 disciples is establishing again. This clearly expresses that you are self-realized soul and not at all in the bodily platform.


With your mercy and blessings, I will be able to support (to the maximum I can), to Srila Prabhupad mission for Krishna consciousness to reach all over the world as commitment to you during Initiation.


I understand that the spiritual practice is for making the devotee to come to pure state of himself and then automatically, everybody will be attracted to him by Guru and Krishna’s mercy.


With your mercy, my sadhana level is gradually increasing and the still lagging book reading is started improving.


I pay my respectful obeisance unto you for your mercy upon me with initiation to overcome the ocean of material miseries and to escape from this material jail / bondage. I feel blessed.


Since I got the Spiritual initiation by your mercy, really I got the spiritual strength.

Now I preach about Lord Krishna with so confidence.

I am able to face the material world so courageously.

Now I get the strength from you to improve my devotional service to the higher level.


I am able to spread Krishna consciousness to at least some of the mundane people with your mercy through Bhakthi Vriksha program.


I am very fortunate with your mercy to understand myself (servitor) and the goal of life (eternal position).


Your humble servant,

Śrīmān Śacīnandana dāsa

My Dear Guru Maharaj,


My humbel respectful obeisence to your lotus feet.

on the ocassion of vyasapuja i am remembering your hardwork to reach Krishna Conciousness to all over the Word, by beaing in such condition you still want to spread more and more about supreme Lord krishna. i am very greatfull to be a part of ISKCON. 

By your mercy let me do more seva to our Devotiees and Service to our Spectural master.

All Glories to Guru maharaj. Hare Krishna.. 



your Servent.

Srinath Dasari

Krishna Katha Des.


On this Blessed day, we celebrate your auspicious appearance it this material world. It is with deep heartfelt gratitude; I offer my humble obeisance at Your Divine Lotus feet.

Where would I be today without you? You have given me the most matchless, most priceless gift anyone has ever given to me. You have given me Kṛṣṇa. You have told me that there a God, and that His name is Kṛṣṇa. That Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full of six opulence and who is the source of the entire creation. You have explained the path of Bhakti Yoga, the path of love and devotion, the path that can free us from the cycle of repeated births and deaths, and leads one back home, back to Godhead.

Often, I ask myself the question “Who are you Śrīla Prabhupāda?” You have blessed the shores of this American continent with your person, having traveled so far with only a few rupees to your name, to fulfill the mission of your Guru Mahārāja. A simple beggar sannyāsī with so much to give. Who has given more to this world than you? And such priceless gifts, you brought. You have brought light to this dark world, you brought krsna-prasada to feed the starving masses, you brought knowledge to nourish the ignorant minds and you brought kindness and compassion to a cruel and heartless land. You have given me more than anyone else ever has; a fulfilling life, and a hopeful future. Srila Prabhupāda, I know who you are. You are my best friend and ever well-wisher.

Wishing to remain forever in your service,

Srinivas Patta

Dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful humble obeisance at Your Lotus Feet. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, All Glories to Srila Prabhupad.


On this occasion of Your Vyasa Puja, I once again recommit myself to help in Your most beloved desire of Preaching Mission, although I am not qualified for that, but still I am confident in that I can do it with Your causeless mercy. I beg at your lotus feet to shower mercy and blessings to do services as much as possible to Srila Prabhupad’s Mission.


Guru Maharaj, please forgive me on this imperfect offering on your Vyasa Puja but in my heart,  I really mean to serve you to my best of my edibility.  My prayer to Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Jagannath Baladev and Subadra mai, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Guruparambara is that you stay long with good health, so that you continue to guide/save many many fallen souls like me.


Your most insignificant servant

Srinivasa Guaranga Das.

(Krishna Katha Desh)


My dear gurumaharaj.                                   Please accept my humble obeisances.           All glories to Srila Prabhupada.                     Affer i taking aspiration from you I started getting more interest in kirtan. I commit to continue to learn Kirtan and improve in my service to lord Krishna every movement. I want to take shelter from you I need your blessing. g to advance Krishna consciousness. I pray to lord Radha madhav to give you a long and healthy life.              Your spiritual son                                                       seenivasagan.                                                         Gaurangadesh


Dear Guru Mahārāja

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
All glories to you dear Guru Mahārāja!

We offer our most respectful and humble daṇḍavat prāṇāṁs at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Jagad-Guru, Śrīla Prabhupāda and all glories to Your loving Divine Grace.

We are Balarāma Sakhā dāsa, Śrīprada Padmā devī dāsī and Bhaktin Jayantika from Ruwais. We are staying 250Kms away from Avatārīdeśa. Moreover, we are congressional with Avatārīdeśa.

We are very insignificant to Glorify your glories. 

We wish you a 71st very happy vyāsa-pūjā and pray to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī for many happy returns of this auspicious day. Guru Mahārāja, this past year has been full of realizations and new spiritual experiences by your blessings. Keeping you at the centre of my life, each day I can feel how your causeless mercy flows unconditionally in the upkeep of my devotional service. Lord Kṛṣṇa mercifully sent you as my master and saviour, that first darśana of Your Divine Grace is still afresh to my vision. Hari bol!

You are so merciful that you have given me this opportunity of devotional service. You give me so much of your time, guidance and
care, always making sure that I understand and always giving me so much more that I give you.Thankyou Gurudeva for picking me up and showing me there is something higher than temporary material so-called pleasure.

I am forever in your debt Guru Mahārāja! You are such an expert preacher Guru Mahārāja, each time I hear you speak I am amazed at how you are able to say exactly what I need to hear.I remember your instructionsto me every day, they are my inspiration. 

In 2012, we moved from Avatārīdeśa to Ruwais. As per the guidance of His Grace Bahurūpa Narasiṁha Prabhu and His Grace Siddha Gauranga Prabhu, in 2013 we started Children classes with six children and did DA program and did small programs during Janmāṣṭamī and Rama Navamī . During Dāmodara month, in 2014, we covered 20 houses and in 2015, we had opportunity to cover 45 houses around 150 Souls.

In 2015 during Dāmodara month we got our 1st Inition in Dāmodaradeśh. In 2015, we started Bhakti-vṛkṣa classes for Adults. Only five devotees regularly attended the program.

In 2018, during our Ahobilam trip, which was arranged by His Grace Jagat Sākṣi Prabhu we had the opportunity to meet you in Chennai. That time we seek your blessings for Ruwais Concretion.

After your blessings, now we saw lot of improvement, Last one year around 25 new children coming for children class as total 48 children. In addition, we are conducting four batches of Bhakti-vṛkṣa classes, where we are taking Bhagavad-gītā ślokas and explanations. We distributed 50 Bhagavad-gītā books, 3 sets of Bhāgavatam and 10 numbers of first canto only, 20 small books. All our group members started to do chanting daily and read Bhagavad-gītā. My children class childrens are chanting regularly. 

With all your blessing we are engaging them in all the celebrations: 

1.       Janmāṣṭamī festival
2.       Dāmodara month meet with all children and parent
3.       Tulasī Vivāha
4.       Kīrtana with Avatārīdeśa devotees.
5.       Gaura Pūrṇimā
6.       Rāma Navamī Festival
7.      Narasiṁha Caturdaśī
8.      Govardhana pūjā

Last year we kept Kīrtana-melā for Ruwais devotees. So we invited Avatārīdeśa senior devotees and Kīrtaniyas His Grace Śivanātha Prabhujī. Hari Bol! Every new devotees enjoyed lot. They felt blissful and overjoyed. ALL BECAUSE FOR YOUR MERCY GURU MAHĀRĀJA. Guru MahārājA ki Jaya. 
On this auspicious day, I pray to remain a speck of dust at your lotus feet, O my beloved Guru Mahārāja. Wishing you the most wonderful vyāsa-pūjā celebration again and again and hope that some day, we will be in your personal association to celebrate this day and directly get the nectar of your association. We are begging your mercy and blessing for we are also in part of your mission to accomplish Śrīla Prabhupāda's mission. Please empower us to do all the devotional service with determination and enthusiatiic like YOU Guru Mahārāja. Hari Bol.

For your pleasure we attached some of the photos herewith,

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki jaya!
Śrīla Guru Mahārāja vyāsa-pūjā Mahotsava ki jaya!
Your significant servants,
Balarāma Sakhā dāsa
Sriprada Padma devī dāsī
Avatārī deśa

Hare Krishna

My Dear Guru Maharaja,

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine Nama aacharya padaya nitai kripa pradayin Guara katha damadhaya nagara grama tharine

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine namaste saraswati deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha-shunyavadi pashchatya-desha-tarine

mukam karoti vachalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

shri-gurum dina-taranam

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains."

Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,

Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,

Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa

Translation: The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru's feet are the best for worship; the Guru's word is the mantra; the Guru's Grace is the root of liberation.


Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Every year,  Vyasa puja makes me very happy and blissful.  This is the time, I am able to open my heart and write to you and also because I am inspired by the glorification done by many disciples from deep of their heart.  This is a moment of celebration by sharing all our love, sentiments and gratitude for you.

I take this opportunity to thank you for the love and care you have given to me.   
Right now my priority is give time to my God brothers, extend service towards them with lots of love as per your instructions. 

You gave a glance and smile that takes me throughout my life.  You have so much of compassion to spread Krishna Consciousness to all, so that everyone can be benefitted.  I beg your Mercy to be an instrument in spreading this Krishna consciousness under your guidance.

You give importance to get devotees under Krishna’s shelter, so that they find the correct goal of their life.  I also want to get as much as devotees possible under this umbrella.  Right now we are having our programs with around 180 to 200 devotees coming up regularly.  But my dream is to get more devotees and move our program to the bigger hall where around 1000 devotees can come.  To make this happen, Guru Maharaj, I need your blessings.

Guru Maharaj, you are a role model of Srila Prabhupad.  How Sirla Prabhupad dedicated his life for his Guru Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswathi Maharaj, similarly, you are also completly dedicating your life and following all his instructions.   But unfortunately, I am not able to dedicate myself completely.  It really makes me feel guilty.     Your instructions makes it so simple for me to continue to chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra and by this, I gain the love towards Krishna and by sincerely serving the devotees makes my life perfect. 

I was very fortunate to take your association in September when you were here.  I and my wife were also fortunate enough to take our second initiation from you.  We never thought that this would happen.  It’s all your mercy that we got this good fortune.  Also I had an opportunity to speak to you about Gaurangadesh yatra.  Usually my voice is very loud.  But that day my voice completely got choked up and my voice did not come out.  So my wife started telling about the Yatra to you.  Only after some time, I was able to speak to you.  May be this was because I had a chance to speak to you after so many years.  But I was very happy when you liked the way I presented the report of Gaurangadesh Yatra.  This association has given strength to me for the whole year.  

During the meeting, when we reported to you about the problems of few devotees, you were so keen on knowing about them and meeting them and giving a solution for their problems.  Even with that health condition and hectic schedule, you wanted to meet them and guide them.  In that situation, it was very difficult to get everybody there and make them meet you.  What I am praying to the Lord is that you should recover completely and come here and give the same association what I had with you before 20 years to the present devotees also.

I need your blessings and guidance to take care of the yatra in a proper mood, selflessly, unmotivated, giving equal opportunities to each and every devotee without having ego.  I am happy to see the happiness in them.  All glories to you for engaging all of us in Prabhupad’s mission. 

I am taking advantage of your association through your vani every day through your lectures.

Your amazing spiritual enthusiasm with the difficulties of the gross body, is a clear indication that you are not at all affected by the condition of your gross body. Rather transcending that platform and functioning in pure spiritual consciousness.  I am very fortunate and proud to be your disciple.

I haven’t been able to render much service to you, but now that you have given me this very big responsibility of taking care of Gaurangadesh Yatra, is my service to you. I am really grateful to you and the seniors who are helping and guiding me.  But it is really a big challenge for me.  But I can see your hands on me, which is helping me to overcome all the problems and face the difficulties positively and finding out solution in all situations.

In spite of your appointments, medical check up and many meetings lined up, you  always try to give us  every day classes. This is a great inspiration to me.  I am planning to come with my parents and family to see you during the 50th Sanyasa celebration at Kolkatta.      

This day is very auspicious day to me.  I will be eternally indebted to you for your love and care and to show my commitment.  I heard from your lectures that one becomes even more closer to their Spiritual Master after their Second Initiation. I was very happy to hear that and felt this when you came here.  You are a good example of binding your devotees towards Krishna Consciousness and take them back home back to Godhead.  I can see this when I see your concern for the fallen souls of this material world.

I beg to Lord Sri Narshima Dev for your good health, wellbeing and long life.

I thank you once again for your Causeless mercy on this Conditioned soul.

Your eternally fallen son,

Sriranga Krsna Das

Hare Krishna, My Dear Spiritual Father Guru Maharaj. 

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances on your lotus feet. 

Dear Guru Maharaj even though I am not qualified to glorify you but due to your cause less mercy I got this opportunity to glorify you on this special occasion of Vyas puja.

Guudev you are very merciful and never see whether a person is qualified for your mercy but you besto your mercy on the every fallen soul who came to your contact. In this regards I remember a event to have an opportunity to serve you and get your mercy and you also blessed my taxi driver at Chennai on 11th August 2018 a day before you admit in hospital. 

Gurudev inspite of your health condition and so many difficulties regarding your health you never stopped preaching and fully committed to your spiritual father Srila Prabhupad which deeply inspiring me to spread Krishna consciousness. 

Gurudev you are always trying to give us your mercy and association through a Facebook and Twitter inspite of your busy schedule.

Durudev our intire family praying to Lord Narasimhadev for your good health and in a routine I am doing daily first one round chanting for your good health.

Guru Maharaj please bless me including my family to ingase in your service and full fill the mission of spreading the Krishna consciousness.

Your servent, 

Subala Gopkumar Das

Saundarya devidasi

Ayush & Radhikesh

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja,

My humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to you.

Thankyou so much for all your guidance and classes.

Whenever there are difficulties you are helping me when I think of you. Please make me think of you always…

Thank you so much for giving me oppurtunities to preach in Bhakti-vṛkṣa class. With the support of Śānti Mātājī and guidance of my śīkṣā-guru Śacī Mātājī and all senior devotees and your causeless mercy only I could do little preaching. Please give me intelligence always to follow in footsteps of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

My humble prayers for all Bhakti-vṛkṣa members Gāndhimathī Mātājī, Madhalisa Mātājī, Rājī Mātājī, Shoba Mātājī, Krrthikā Mātājī, Jayanthī Mātājī including our new friend Kavitha Sawan Mātājī and Sawan Prabhu to grow in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and take shelter of your lotus feet.

Our children are in teen age, please guide them to grow in Kṛṣṇa consciousness strongly so that not to get trapped by māyā. I am too attached to them and facing difficulties in doing my sādhana. Please guide me to handle them in Kṛṣṇa consciousness way. I want to read Bhāgavatam and Prabhupad books and chant as a family regularly. please help me in this.

My sincere thanks for keeping me in Bāla-utsava to serve little. My sincere prayers for all Bāla-utsava children to grow in Kṛṣṇa consciousness fast.

Thank you so much for giving good life to my brother and family and please guide them for Kṛṣṇa consciousness marriage life. 

My humble prayers request for my mother Bhaktin. Usha and my father in law Bhakta. Muthu Nārāyaṇan to advance in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and to take shelter of your lotus feet very soon.

My humble request for all family members to take up Kṛṣṇa consciousness and grow fast. Please engage me In more and more service always . I want to serve you Guru Mahārāja wherever I am and I want to come to Māyāpur.

I feel my mind is not working well many times, please help me to stay in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. I want to read Bhāgavatam daily and preach to all. I like to sing Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, please show me way to learn correctly and sing daily.

I beg forgiveness to your lotus feet for all my offenses and not to repeat this. Please keep me in Gaurāṅga-deśa yātrā association to serve more and more in a nice way.

Thank you so much for all your causeless mercy showering on me. Please make me humble and stronger in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Please guide me and Prabhu to handle children, family and yātrā sevas in strong Kṛṣṇa conscious way to please Prabhupāda and Kṛṣṇa.

Please give me oppurtunities to serve you more and more in a nice way.

Thanking you,

Your humble servant,

Śubhadā Śacī devī dāsī
Gaurāṅga deśa yātrā.

Hare Kṛṣṇa... His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Guru Mahārāja ki Jaya... Śrīla Prabhupāda ki jaya...

Please accept my humble obeceance at your lotus feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Mahārāja "All glories to your Auspicious Appearance day!"

We are happy to your health condition.

Guru Mahārāja... Myself Subhash and my wife Sreelatha and we going to complete 14 months of taking shelter and now preparing for initiation. Bhagavad-gītā one time studied and second time started again, and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 40% studying completed and remaining books are studying completed and eagerly waiting for taking initiation and serving to you (Guru Mahārāja) and Gaurāṅga.

Please give your blessing and more mercy to growing in Kṛṣṇa consciouness.  

Please Guru Mahārāja give your mercy to my daughter Hansika (12 years) and son Joshnav (6 years) they are very enthusiastic to chant.

Hare Kṛṣṇa! Jaya Gurudeva, Daṇḍavat Pranāma!

Your servant of servant of servant of servant,

Subhash Balije, Kṛṣṇa-kathā Deśa.

Nama om vishnu paddya krishna presthaya bhutale 

Srimate Jeyapataka swamin iti namine 

Nama acharya padaaya nitai kripa pradayine 

Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine 

++All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. 

Dear beloved Spiritual Father, 

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. On this most auspicious day of your appearance, I humbly express our fortuitous condition, for we have been truly blessed with such an exalted and pure personality such as our Gurudev. You have given us hope in our worldly existence. I pray that by your endless mercy hat I will have imbibed the qualities to honor and serve you with full adherence. Please Gurudeva keep us always engaged in your divine service. May I always have the shelter of your lotus feet. 

This year is very special for me that your Grace have kindly given me the second initiation at Your lotus feet, and for that gift I am forever grateful. I consider that day to be one of my most blessed day. It is through Your grace and mercy alone that I am able to make these tiny little steps on my journey of spiritual life. It is through Your grace and mercy alone that I am able to render some small service to Your lotus feet. 


Every member of the glorious Vaishnava family is astonished by your strong and uncompromising service, and all of us are fully inspired and driven by Your nectarian mercy and grace, which is constantly distributed by You in a very friendly and highly devotional mood! 


 I beg eternally to always have the opportunity to serve your Divine Grace and to follow in your footsteps toward complete and absolute surrender to your Lotus Feet. Forgive my audacious and unqualified attempt to glorify one as Great as you.  We are all living on your prasad remnants and I hope one day by your Divine Grace I may fully surrender to your desire. ara na koriho mane asa. 

ohe! vaisnaba thakura, doyara sagara, 

e dase koruna kori' 

diya pada-chaya, sodho he amaya, 

tomara carana dhori 


O venerable Vaishnava. O ocean of mercy, be merciful unto your servant. Give me the shade of your lotus feet and purify me. I hold on to your lotus feet. 

Hare Krishna! 


Your insignificant servant, 

Subhangi Radhika devidasi. 

Nama om vishnnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya bhu-tale Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti mamine

Namaha acharya padaya Nitai Kirba pradayene Goura gada dhama taya nagara grama tharine.


Dear Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja.

Gurumaharaj , you are more tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. You have tolerated on me for all the offense I did in the past and mercifully gave second initiation during this year Gourapournima festival at Sri Dham Mayapur .I am not qualified and don’t have any bhramanical qualities to receive your mercy. I was delaying to get your mercy for the past sixteen years due to my material desires and now whole heatedly I have taken vow to advance in Krishna Conscious by strictly following your instruction, read the scriptures and distribute the message of Sri Krishna more and more.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. Your mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains. By your mercy for the past three years, I am conducting Bakthi Vriksha Classes in labour camp in Tamil Language. Around 12 to 15 devotees are regularly attending and they are very eagerly waiting for getting your mercy by taking shelter and Guru ashraya. Also conducting one family BV and six families are regularly attending. Now I am facing the challenge due to COVID and keeping the social distancing in mind, I am going to start the BV class through Free Conferencing Call to avoid discontinuity. I seek your blessings to continue my service.

Dear Gurudeva, you are more enthusiastic and determined in your service to Krishna and you never compromised and never stop your devotion at whatever the situation and physical conditions you are in  ,..because..

-mad-asrayah katha mrstah

-srnvanti kathayanti ca

-tapanti vividhas tapa

-naitan mad gata cetasah

Engaged constantly in chanting and hearing about Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sadhus do not suffer from material miseries because they are always filled with thoughts of My past times and activities.

Gurudeva . you are the living example for the above sloka …you are always filled with the past time of Sri Caitanya and Nityananda and distributing the messages of Lord Caitanya through Caitanya charitamrta classes everday.

You are more humble,…during initiation ceremony at Sri Dham Mayapur this year …while giving your lecture you said that “ I am suppose to come at 11 am , but I came late now , because of selection of name to the devotees got some delay and all…sorry for delay ”… Guru dev., you are liberated soul and at your level …not even to tell these words.. you are paramahasa . but it shows your humbleness and taught me a lesion how I need to behave in day today life.

In SB 3.25.24 Lord Kapila dev instructing to Devakuti that “ you must seek attachment to such holy men , for this counteracts the pernicious effects of material attachment”. Gurudeva, I beg your mercy to have full attachment unto your Lotus Feet and do pure devotional service to my capacity that I can be saved from the material attachment.

In this auspicious day of your Vyasa Pooja , I pray to Lord Sri Radaha Madurapathi, Sri Radhamadava, Sri Panchatattva , Sri Narashimha Deva , Sri Jaganath, Sri Baladev and Sri Subhadra Devi for protecting my Gurudev from all the directions and shower their unlimited mercy for long and healthy life to deliver all the fallen souls like me from the clutches of maya.

Dhadavath Prnams .,, Gurumaharaj. Idam Puspanchali samarpayami.


Your Unworthy spiritual son

Bhagavan Govinda Das.

My Dear Spiritual Father,

Please accept my Rescetfull Obeisances unto your Lotus Feet,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to your Divine Grace,

All glories to Gaura Nitai,

All glories to you Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day. 

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti Namine

Nama Acharya padaya nitai kripa pradayine Gaura Katha dhamadaya nagaragrama tarine         

                            On the occasion of your 71st Vyasa Puja, which is very special for all your disciples, this year is most special because we are celebrating your Holiness 50th Sanyasa Anniversary. Last Year was a grand Vyasa Puja in Sridham Mayapur, I felt proud that I am a disciple of your Holiness.

                             Now with the mercy of Social Media, we are able to connect with you every day through Facebook live classes, hearing about Mahaprabhu every day, and your most valuable question and answer section also. By the mercy of Gauranga and Prabhupad, I started reading Chaitanya Caritamrita.

                             I never had any qualification to know about Lord Krishna and his Tattva and it is only by your causeless which you have accepted me as your disciple and given me an identity that reveals the real value of life. By your causeless mercy now I completed my first unit of Bakti Vaibhav. I am trying to know about the Supreme Personality Of Godhead with my insignificant knowledge, please bless me Gurudeva so that I can learn about Krishna and His Eternal Pastimes. Please, Please remove my Language Barricade which is stuck in my mind and always pulling me backwards and blocking my mind to accept new things which are coming in front of everyone. I want to come out of the false ego shell which is covering and blocking me always. I am seeking your Blessings to remove my 'Stage Fear'. I want to fulfil my Siksha Guru's dreams who has so many expectations on me. Please bless me Gurudev so that I am able to fulfil my Siksha Guru's desire.

                            I am feeling so empty as I am unable to contribute any significant service to please you. Please empower me to understand your mood and to get a strong determination to serve you. My eternal desire to become a dear disciple of your Divine Grace, but I don't know the way by which I can fulfil my desire, you are my only hope Gurudeva. Please show me the path and guide me.

                           please bless me so that I always remain in devotee association and be able to serve your servants humbly with love and care. please bless me so that I can never leave the taste of the holy name and to maintain my sadhana.

                           Although I have no qualification to serve Srila Prabhupada Mission, by Your causeless mercy I am able to conduct Children classes and different services, please empower me Gurudev to help me to increase my enthusiasm day by day.

                           My dear Gurudev, I will never be able to repay you for all that you have done for me and is doing for me, for the blessing you are bestowing upon me, knowing well how unqualified I am. by the mercy of you nowadays my queries and every thought which comes in my insignificant mind, Paratma gives the immediate reciprocation. I need your blessings Gurudev so that I can serve you every time, and I will always be your dear disciple.

                           on this auspicious day, I am begging you to forgive me of my many offences which I have committed unto you, due to my dirty and immature mind, please bless me Gurudeva so that I can wholeheartedly realize and accept my fallen condition and change myself to become the perfect instrument in your hand.

                           on this auspicious occasion of your appearance, I pray to Radha Madhav, Pancha Tattva and Narasimha Dev to give you the strength and energy to carry on with your mission of spreading Krishna Consciousness unlimitedly as Srila Prabhupada desired.

Yours Everloving spiritual Daughter,

Sucaru Jahnava Devi Dasi. (Diksha)

Krishna Katha Desa, Middle East.


Nama om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhuthale Srimate Jaya Pataka Swamin iti namine Nama acarya padaya Nitai krupa pradayine Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine My Dear beloved Guru Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to your auspicious appearance day. I am very fortunate in this life time because you are accepted me as your disciple and gave me a wonderful Krishna conscious life . We are getting real enjoyment and protected in our life because of your causeless mercy. You are protecting us in every moment in my day to day material life to progress in our Krishna consciousness inspite of I have been committed so many offences. This shows how much you care for us. Kindly bless me to continue my sadhana with heartfelt commitment without any offences. Currently I am serving as a devotee member in Krishna Katha Desh yatra and my services are participate in weekly Satsang programmes, Donations to ISKCON temple projects, book distribution.. Dear Gurumaharaj........on this auspicious apperance day of yours, I sincerely pray to Srr Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Panchatattva, Lord Narasimha dev for protection of your good health so that many many fallen souls like me get connected to Krishna by your causeless mercy. Your Diksha Disciple Sucaru Madhava Das Krishna Katha Desh

My Dearest Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respectful obeisances at Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to our dear Gurudeva!

Dear GuruMaharaj, thank you for all the wonderful and precious association You are giving which are the greatest gifts for us to be remembered. I really treasure the time You gave me all the times. Every day I understand most clearly how I am so dependent upon Your mercy.  In my every activity I can see how much I have to rely upon Your instructions, making them one with my consciousness. I realized that in Your association all my problems and worries decrease and they do not have any meaning. Your words constantly strengthen my faith. The amount of time and energy You spend with the devotees is unbelievable. It is just due to Your mercy I am still inspired to go on in my spiritual life. Many things are changing in my life but the eternal relationship with Your Holiness remain unshakable. Although my words would never be enough to describe Your exalted character, the only way to repay You perhaps, by following the instructions of Your Holiness whose life’s mission is to serve Srila Prabhupada.

It is quite amazing to observe how You manage to deal with so many disciples. By Your expertise You manage to assess our natures and by befitting instructions keep us engaged in devotional service. You are giving Yourself away by offering Your life to preaching and serving with the aim to ignite the spark of bhakti in non-devotees, to inspire those who lose their motivation, to instruct Your disciples who are taking shelter of You.  

I feel unfortunate that I am not able to visit Your Holiness like before and I don’t get a chance to hear from You in person. I wish Your Holiness a very blissful Vyasapuja and pray to Lord Narsimhadev for Your good health always. Holding tightly Your lotus feet my only desire is to please You and I take this opportunity to beg and seek Your blessings for spiritual advancement.

Your most worthless Spiritual daughter,

Sudevirani devi dasi

Date: 3-3-2020                                                                                                                                   

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjan- salakaya

Caksur unmilitam yena  tasmai   sri-gurave namah


Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Sriimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Namah acharyapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine

Gaura- katha dhama- daya nagara-grama-tarine


Please accept my humble obeisance’s. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to Srila Gurudev.

May Lord Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you and grant you good health.

After one year of major treatment at Chennai It was amazing to see that you are back to normal preaching life to fulfill your promise to Srila Prabhupad. I’m still trying to understand how your managing your time.

Every year when I write this Vyasa Puja offering, I deeply think what is the best way to glorify you, your exalted position, your divine qualities and character but I fail to get the best way to do that. That is because I have no much knowledge in expressing what is in my mind, so I’m not very satisfied due to my inability in describing your unlimited glories in few paragraphs. Your Instructions /lectures are always full of highly intellectual messages. You analyze every concept deeplyI always check myself that you and your instruction are not different whether you are present before me or on the preaching tour across the world.

I have a very firm faith on Krsna and His holy names and I see Them non different to each other. Similarly. you and your instructions are one and the same, I’m trying to follow your instructions sincerely at all the times especially when I have to control my anxiety and fickleness of my mind.

Gurudev, although I am not a qualified person to get Brahminical Initiation, out of your causeless mercy you have accepted to give me. Please pray for me to get strength and determination to maintain the quality.

Gurudev, with your blessings I am doing the dialogue recording and editing of the recorder files of various dramas of our annual program, Ancient India Children Festival.  I will extend my maximum support to all the teachers and the yatra in this seva.

I seek your blessings as I have started Bhakti Vrkshas in two locations, one in Sharjah and the other one in Dubai. Please pray for me to become a good preacher, so I would be able to speak few words about the pastimes of the Lord and purify myself.

Gurudev, I pray to Lord Krishna to keep you healthy many more year so I will get more association.

Guru Maharaj please forgive me for my imperfect offering, hoping that I would be able to write a better offering in the future years which would express my hearts contents well. My sincere prayers to Sri Sri  Radha Madhav ,Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Srila Prabhupada and Nrsimha Dev for you to live a long life in this planet with good health and continue to guide your fallen children like me.


Your Humble Servant

Sudama Acyuta Das 

Gauranga Desh Yatra, Dubai, UAE

Hare Krishna most beloved Spiritual Father,

Please accept my respected obeisances at your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Guru and Gauranga

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura Katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

Namaste Sarasvate deve Gaura vani pracarine

Nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine

On the most auspicious occasion of your 71st Vyasapooja ,iam praying to Lord Nrsimha,Panchatattva and Radha Madhav Asta sakhis to shower their blessings upon you so that you can continue with your mission of saving countless conditioned souls who are drowning in the ocean of material existence.

Gurumaharaj, your lotus feet are the only solace for this daughter and your instructions are the only rain in this forest fire of material existence. Every day every second you are teaching us how to lead and attain perfection of this human life which is very rare by your own example as a true Acharya.You are a living example to show and understand we are not this body. You are teaching us every moment how we should work with determination to fulfill the instructions of the Spiritual master. Begging at your lotus feet to bestow your blessings so that we can also have a drop in the ocean of your determination.

Please give spiritual energy for all those service iam doing and please engage me and family more and more in the service of Srila Prabhupada which is very pleasing to you.

Thank you from the bottom of the heart for all the blessings you have showered on our family .


Your insignificant spiritual daughter

Sudhamayi Isvari Devi dasi

Diksa disciple



nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe.

All glories to his holiness Jayapatākā swami Maharaj ,

All glories to srila prabhupad and Gauranga .

My dear beloved Guru Mahārāj,

On this auspicious day of your divine appearance ,please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your divine lotus feet.

Gurudev although I don’t have any good qualities to write a homage to your givine grace ,but I wish to take this opportunity to say “Thankyou”. Only because of your krupa and selfless service for all the fallen souls,I came to know that who am I ? , what is my goal of life ?,and who is my real father?.Gurudev (patita  Pavana)  you are so mercyfull like gauranga ,once again thankyou so much for accepting me (jagai ,madhay)as your disciple.

Gurumaharaj because of your blessings and causeless mercy ,me and my husband stared the classes for children  ,elders are also joining in that class but for me the launguage is the main problem , am not at all good at hindi and some how or other am managing in English by seeking your blessings in my alter.Gurudev  please bless me that to continue this service of preaching till my soul leaves this body .so that I can purify my self to become devotee.

Gurudev please bless me to do my daily sadana  nicely and attentively, also empower me to spread the lord glories to many souls.

Gurudev please bless us to get the devotees association,  I sincerely beg you to kindly forgive me for all my aparadhas which I have committed unto you knowingly and unknowingly .and kindly requesting you to pull my senses out from the attachments of many material desires,so that I can clearly follow the your instructions as Manasa ,vacha,and karmana.

Thankyou so much for everything.

your insignificant servent,

sukanti Lakshmi Priya Devi Dasi.






Homage to HH.Jayapathaka swami Gurumaharaj


Vyasa puja Day-2020




Name: Sukulina Radha Devi Dasi

Disciple Status: Initiated



DATE: 04/03/2020



Dear Guru Maharaj,


Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most respectful obeisance at your lotus feet. I am unable to glorify your divine even though you are beyond all these. All the time you are spreading holy name throughout the world and giving your mercy to most fallen soul like me which never thought for this. By your causeless mercy you have given

me shelter at your lotus feet; you have given me  initiation .I beg for your blessing forever. I am waiting for your complete recovery. I want you to get back on your own feet and walk; that is my wish. I am able to realize that I have got a connection to the Krishna parampara. I do realize that I am a fallen soul, and Gurudev I want you to lift my level in Bhakti. I have the desire to spread Krishna consciousness and to say about you to everyone; but I am not qualified. You have to give that eligibility to me. After listening to your voice, I felt very happy. Gurudev , I have handover my children to you. You have to take them to a good level in Bhakti. I began to take BV classes, when I came to know that you like BV. But I am unable to prepare the class by myself. You have to give me the mercy to preach. Above all, I love the name that you have given to me .I don’t have bhakti at all. Gurudev, please give me the mercy to develop myself in bhakti.


Jay Gurudev!!!


Hare Krishna

Your  humble servant

Sukulina Radha Devi Dasi



Hare Krishna My Dearest GuruMaharaj,          

Please accept my respectful obeisances at Your Lotus Feet,

All Glories to You and Gauranga, All Glories to Srila Prabhupad

GuruMaharaj, You are an ocean of mercy and treasure of kindness. I don't have words to write about Your causeless mercy upon many fallen conditioned souls like me. No matter what ever is Your physical condition, You never stop teaching us and i look forward everyday for Your darshan through facebook live.

GuruMaharaj, you are showing to all of us how one should preach in any condition and should not leave devotees association at any cost. Anyone can get full energy to serve Guru and Krishna just by simply seeing You as an example. We can see so much love and care You  give to  everyone who meets You. i am a very fallen soul, but i understand that, by simply following Your foot steps and instructions, anyone can take up the process of Krsna Consciousness very sincerely and seriously. GuruMaharaj, please bless me so that i can try my best to follow your instruction very sincerely and seriously. I have firm faith that Your determination and enthusiasm will make the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu to reach each individual in every village and town. 

We are eternally indebted to You and will never be able to repay You for the mercy that You are showering  upon us. On this auspicious day of Your 71st Vyasa Puja celebration and 50 years of glorious Sanyasa, i pray intensely to Their Lordships Sri Radha Madhav Ashta sakhis, Panca Tatva , Sri Narasimha Dev and Srila Prabhupad to give more and more strength to recover fast from Your health condition, so that You can serve Srila Prabhupada's mission for a longer time.

Begging for Your blessings, so that we can take care of the Devotees and serve the senior Vaisnavas in the same mood as Yours.


Your ever loving spiritual daughter,

Sumadhura Gopi Devi dasi (Diksha desciple)

Avataridesh Yatra (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah


Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhayate girim

Yat krpa tam aham vande

Sri gurum dina taranam 


Dear guru maharaj and spiritual father,

   Please accept my humble obeisances, 

   I am not at all qualified to write a homepage for you dear maharaj, how can I write about about you maharaj, I am the most most unqualified disciple to you maharaj , disciple meaning will be shameful if I tell I am your disciple , even though you are showering your torrents of mercy and ocean of transcendental mercy upon this soul  to be in Krishna conciousness, you gave me initiation in 2012 maharaja, really I am not knowing the value of such a beautiful loving Krishna conciousness even though by seeing your enthusiam and tolerance, patience, your tremendous preaching , your compassion to the fallen conditioned souls ,your devotion to lord Krishna   Chaitanya and nityananda, and roaming all the world to bring so many fallen souls to Krishna conciousness, 

        You are always merged in transidental loving service to lord, you are always being enthusiastic to deliver thousand and thousands of souls in this material world , you are sent by lord for us to give Krishna bhakthi.  You are just like pouring water  on the forest fire by showering your causeless mercy upon each and every soul by removing their sins and taking them back to back head

  How much we glorify you it is endless 

You taught us how to cook, how to dress deity, how to decorate alter , how to pray what to pray to lord, and how to serve devotees ,and assosiation with great great devotees etc.......:, all these we are learning and teaching others by your blessings in learning in bhakthi vrikshas and bhakthi sastras

And please forgive me guru maharaj that I am making so many mistakes thinking negetivly in mind even though I know that I should not make still I am making, for example skipped chanting so many days, and did not bring children in Krishna conciouness and not reading daily books and sometimes maya is attacking me in material things.

 I have a dream to teach to teach to youth and small children  to bring them into Krishna conciousness but I can’t remember anything and I am not good preacher how to do I don’t know and I have a dream to print books of Krishna colouring pages for elders and children giving nice quotes and to make book marks iskcon greeting cards etc all these will fulfill by your mercy dear gurumaharaj, and please bless me that I should not skip my chanting even one day till my last breath and i should  get taste of chanting with love towards lord and finish reading srimad bagavatam  with understanding gurumaharaj, you have given me a beautiful life gurumaharaj being in Krishna conciouness, otherwise I could have become mentally distressed, so I thank you so so much dear spiritual father from core of my heart . And Please bless our both children also to come to Krishna conciousness by your blessings. 

 And I wish you to be healthy always 


Your servant of the servant 

Sumathi rukmini Devi Dasi

 Diksha disciple

Krishna katha desh

Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah


Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhayate girim

Yat krpa tam aham vande

Sri gurum dina taranam 


Dear guru maharaj and spiritual father,

   Please accept my humble obeisances, 

   I am not at all qualified to write a homepage for you dear maharaj, how can I write about about you maharaj, I am the most most unqualified disciple to you maharaj , disciple meaning will be shameful if I tell I am your disciple , even though you are showering your torrents of mercy and ocean of transcendental mercy upon this soul  to be in Krishna conciousness, you gave me initiation in 2012 maharaja, really I am not knowing the value of such a beautiful loving Krishna conciousness even though by seeing your enthusiam and tolerance, patience, your tremendous preaching , your compassion to the fallen conditioned souls ,your devotion to lord Krishna   Chaitanya and nityananda, and roaming all the world to bring so many fallen souls to Krishna conciousness, 

        You are always merged in transidental loving service to lord, you are always being enthusiastic to deliver thousand and thousands of souls in this material world , you are sent by lord for us to give Krishna bhakthi.  You are just like pouring water  on the forest fire by showering your causeless mercy upon each and every soul by removing their sins and taking them back to back head

  How much we glorify you it is endless 

You taught us how to cook, how to dress deity, how to decorate alter , how to pray what to pray to lord, and how to serve devotees ,and assosiation with great great devotees etc.......:, all these we are learning and teaching others by your blessings in learning in bhakthi vrikshas and bhakthi sastras

And please forgive me guru maharaj that I am making so many mistakes thinking negetivly in mind even though I know that I should not make still I am making, for example skipped chanting so many days, and did not bring children in Krishna conciouness and not reading daily books and sometimes maya is attacking me in material things.

 I have a dream to teach to teach to youth and small children  to bring them into Krishna conciousness but I can’t remember anything and I am not good preacher how to do I don’t know and I have a dream to print books of Krishna colouring pages for elders and children giving nice quotes and to make book marks iskcon greeting cards etc all these will fulfill by your mercy dear gurumaharaj, and please bless me that I should not skip my chanting even one day till my last breath and i should  get taste of chanting with love towards lord and finish reading srimad bagavatam  with understanding gurumaharaj, you have given me a beautiful life gurumaharaj being in Krishna conciouness, otherwise I could have become mentally distressed, so I thank you so so much dear spiritual father from core of my heart . And Please bless our both children also to come to Krishna conciousness by your blessings. 

 And I wish you to be healthy always 


Your servant of the servant 

Sumathi rukmini Devi Dasi

 Diksha disciple

Krishna katha desh

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada...

All glories to your Holiness…

All glories to your auspicious appearance day…

We are very fortunate to have a long association with you and ISKCON. But still we are condemned of material desires. Please bless us for advancing in spiritual life. Please shower your mercy on us to follow your instructions whole heartedly with body, mind, and words.

On this auspicious day, our sincere prayers for your good health and long life. We beg Lord Krishna to spread your name all over the world and give all fallen souls like us a chance to understand the importance of Spiritual life.

Your insignificant servants,

Suresh Kumar(Shelter),

Kavitha (Shelter) and Ashwin.

Dear Guru Maharaj,
Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Divine Grace.
Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine
All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...
Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..
Oh Guru Maharaj you are the most merciful and compassionate to all jivas who are wondering in the miserable material world with their necence like a kite without thread wondering in the sky
your merciful hands become support to so many condition souls to come out from their ignorance and realizing their swarupa, happily living and serving to supreme Lord krishna like thread is supporting kite for flying steadily in the sky.
You are sacrificed your whole life for your Guru maharaj Srila Prabhupada and following his instructions and now this condition also you are traveling all over the world to elevate the fallen condition souls.
By your great efforts Temple of Vedic Planitorium also manifesting soon.
I am very fortunate to have as you are my Spiritual Master and enlightened me from material life to spiritual life and given great support and happily living with my family. 
I want to serve you for propagting the holy name of the Lord under your guidelines.
Maharaj Please shower your mercy on us on this auspicious day to progress in 
Krishna Conciousness.
Patita Pavan Guru maharaj ki jai

Your humbe servant 
Suryapati krshna das (Intiated),
Kola Chakra,
Krshna Katha desh.

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine
All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...
Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..
 Happy appearance day of beloved gurumaharaj.By your causeless mercy upon me i am able to know lordkrishna,chitanya mahaprabhu and the holy name of the lord.

          you are so mercyful that you are accepted as your desciple like me even so are given a boon in this meterial world also we can enjoy the spritual bliss.

           you are so much dedicated and tried to follow the your spritual master srilaprabhupadha instruction.In that you are established the Bhakti vrukha programme and i am so much attracted this programme and even we came to krishna conciousness by this programme.

                   Oh guru maharaja please bless me on this ouspecious day i can also take part to help your mission of propagating the holy name of the lord . please bless me to progress in krishna conciousness and given me spirtual strenth and knowledge  to propagate this spiritual bliss to others.

your humble servent

Bhagavathi vraja lakshmi devi dasi(intiated),

kola chakra,

krishna katha desh.

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate Jayapataka svamin iti namine

Namaha  acarya padaya nitai kripa pradyine

Gaura-katha damadhaya nagara grama tarine

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-prahcarine

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate Jayapataka svamin iti namine

Namaha  acarya padaya nitai kripa pradyine

Gaura-katha damadhaya nagara grama tarine

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-prahcarine

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Mukam karoti vachalam Pangum langayate girm

Yat-kripa tam aham vnde Shri-gurum dina-taranam


My Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto the dust of your Lotus Feets! 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasapooja!


It is said in Skanda Purana:


Dhyana Moolam Gurur Murti 

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,

Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,

Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa!


The Guru’s form is the best to meditate upon, the Guru’s feet are the best for workship, the Guru’s word is the matra, the Guru’s grace is the root of liberation.

Srila Gurudeva, you are a living example in execution of this verse.  What I know is almost 60% of your body is not coperative.  Irrespective of your health conditons, to please your beloved spritiual master Srila Prabhupada, you vigorosly travel all over the world to help the conditioned souls to re-establish their lost eternal relationship with Supreme Personlity of Godhead Lord Krishna and to encourage practicing  devotees to advance in Krishna Consciousness. Under your inspiration hundres of Namahatta & Bhakti Vrishna programs started all over the world and people are getting connected to Hare Krishna movement. You also teach us by your own example that bodily restrictions are not a bar in  practising & preaching KC.  Recently I heard from HH Bhakti Purushotam Swami, your sanyasi disciple that you are very keen on tribal preaching and wants to visit them in person to shower your mercy.

Srila Gurudeva, thank you very much for inspiring us through your daily lectures with amazing question answer sessions.  We gets numerous instructions from these lectures,  finding a meningful purpose in life and boost our enthusiasam to continue our devotional services.

Gurudeva, you always  glorify Srila Prabhupada in your lectures and shows commitment and loyal to him.  Please bless me to follow your footsetps and try to become a real disciple of yours.  I beg your mercy to become strict in my sadhana and following your instructions.

By your mercy my Bhakti Vriksha is slowly progressing.  4 members are chanting 16 rounds, out of which three took aspiration from your Holiness.  Others are also changing the Holy Names and coming up in Krishna Consciouness.  Please bless them to become serious in devotional path.

To attract Malaylees into Krishna Consciousness, one of our ex-satsagi, HG Jaganmatha DD has started an online Bagavad Gita daily class where 155 souls are enrolled, reading & hearing from Srila Prabhupad’s books.  By your mercy, I also become instrumental to facilitate my little undestadning in that group.

Srila Gurudeva, eventhough  my  family members are not very serious in Krishna Consciousness, Lord Narasimhadev always takes care of them.  Krishna saved the life of my elder daughter Sruthi and her friends from the recent bus accident at Coimbatore. They were supposed to travel on that bus but Krishna’s arrangement one of them got sudden sickness and cancelled their journey on the last moment.  I am sure, even without asking, you always prays for the welfare of us.  Kinldy shower your mercy on my family to advance in Krishna Consciousnes and take shetler at your lotus feet.

Being one of the outreach and followup team members of Gaurangadesh Yatra, I couldn’t do much last year compared to previous years.   Gurudev, I need your special mercy to enhance my enthusiasm for doing my services, like my initial days in Kirshna consciouness.

On this most auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Pooja, I sincerely pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Lord Nrsimhadev, Pancatatwa & Srila Prabhupada to shower Their choicest blessings on you to continue your tireless services for many more years to spread Krishna Consciousness and bring countless souls in devotional service.

Your humble servant,

Suvarna Gopala das



Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


Mukam karoti vachalam Pangum langayate girm

Yat-kripa tam aham vnde Shri-gurum dina-taranam


My Dear Guru Maharaja,


Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto the dust of your Lotus Feets! 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasapooja!


It is said in Skanda Purana:


Dhyana Moolam Gurur Murti 

Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,

Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,

Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa!


The Guru’s form is the best to meditate upon, the Guru’s feet are the best for workship, the Guru’s word is the matra, the Guru’s grace is the root of liberation.

Srila Gurudeva, you are a living example in execution of this verse.  What I know is almost 60% of your body is not coperative.  Irrespective of your health conditons, to please your beloved spritiual master Srila Prabhupada, you vigorosly travel all over the world to help the conditioned souls to re-establish their lost eternal relationship with Supreme Personlity of Godhead Lord Krishna and to encourage practicing  devotees to advance in Krishna Consciousness. Under your inspiration hundres of Namahatta & Bhakti Vrishna programs started all over the world and people are getting connected to Hare Krishna movement. You also teach us by your own example that bodily restrictions are not a bar in  practising & preaching KC.  Recently I heard from HH Bhakti Purushotam Swami, your sanyasi disciple that you are very keen on tribal preaching and wants to visit them in person to shower your mercy.

Srila Gurudeva, thank you very much for inspiring us through your daily lectures with amazing question answer sessions.  We gets numerous instructions from these lectures,  finding a meningful purpose in life and boost our enthusiasam to continue our devotional services.

Gurudeva, you always  glorify Srila Prabhupada in your lectures and shows commitment and loyal to him.  Please bless me to follow your footsetps and try to become a real disciple of yours.  I beg your mercy to become strict in my sadhana and following your instructions.

By your mercy my Bhakti Vriksha is slowly progressing.  4 members are chanting 16 rounds, out of which three took aspiration from your Holiness.  Others are also changing the Holy Names and coming up in Krishna Consciouness.  Please bless them to become serious in devotional path.

To attract Malaylees into Krishna Consciousness, one of our ex-satsagi, HG Jaganmatha DD has started an online Bagavad Gita daily class where 155 souls are enrolled, reading & hearing from Srila Prabhupad’s books.  By your mercy, I also become instrumental to facilitate my little undestadning in that group.

Srila Gurudeva, eventhough  my  family members are not very serious in Krishna Consciousness, Lord Narasimhadev always takes care of them.  Krishna saved the life of my elder daughter Sruthi and her friends from the recent bus accident at Coimbatore. They were supposed to travel on that bus but Krishna’s arrangement one of them got sudden sickness and cancelled their journey on the last moment.  I am sure, even without asking, you always prays for the welfare of us.  Kinldy shower your mercy on my family to advance in Krishna Consciousnes and take shetler at your lotus feet.

Being one of the outreach and followup team members of Gaurangadesh Yatra, I couldn’t do much last year compared to previous years.   Gurudev, I need your special mercy to enhance my enthusiasm for doing my services, like my initial days in Kirshna consciouness.

On this most auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Pooja, I sincerely pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Lord Nrsimhadev, Pancatatwa & Srila Prabhupada to shower Their choicest blessings on you to continue your tireless services for many more years to spread Krishna Consciousness and bring countless souls in devotional service.

Your humble servant,

Suvarna Gopala das


ఓం విష్ణు పాదయా కృష్ణ ప్రష్టాయ భూతలే

శ్రీమతే జయపతాక స్వామిన్ ఇతి నామినే

నమ ఆచార్య పాదయా నితాయి కృప పదాయినే

గౌర కాంత దామ దాయ నగర గ్రామా తారీనే.


శ్రీల గురుదేవుల పాదపద్మాలకు శిరసు వంచి నమస్కరిస్తున్నాను.

మిమ్మల్ని కీర్తించడానికి నాకు ఎలాంటి అర్హత లేదు, అయినా మీకు గల అనంతమైన కరుణ చే నమ నన్ను మీ శిష్యురాలిగా స్వీకరించినందుకు అది న అదృష్టం గ భావిస్తున్నాను . ఈ భౌతిక ప్రపంచంలోని జనన మరణ చక్రం లో నుండి బయట పడేందుకు ఒక అవకాశం ఇచ్చినందుకు న హృదయ పూర్వక కృతజ్ఞతలు.

గురు దేవా మీరు 2019 లో పేస్ బుక్ లో క్లాస్ చెబుతున్నపుడు మీరు మీకు వచ్చిన స్వప్నం గురించి వివరించారు,మీరు రాధా మాధవ్ ముందు నృత్యం చేస్తున్నట్టుగా పూర్తి ఆరోగ్య్యవంతుడిగా వున్నట్టుగా... ఆ కల నిజమయ్యే సమయం కోసం వేచి చూస్తున్నాను.

మీరు ఎలా వున్నా మీకు ఎలాంటి తేడా లేదు కానీ మీరు పూర్తి ఆరోగ్యంగ ఉంటే నాలాంటి పతిత జీవులెందరికో భగవద్దామనికి తిరిగి వెళ్లే మార్గం చూపుతారు కాబట్టి మీకోసం కాకపోయిన మాకోసం మీరు పూర్తి ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉండాలని మనస్ఫూర్తిగా ఆ జగన్నాథుణ్ణి వేడుకుంటున్నాను.

నేను చేసిన తప్పులకు నన్ను క్షమించండి .



భక్తి పూర్వక హృదయంతో మీ శిష్యురాలు



సువర్ణ జాహ్నవి దేవి దాసి.



కృష్ణ ఖతార్ దేశ్

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka Swami Iti Namine

Nama Acarya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaura Katha Dhama Daya Nagara Grama Tarine 


Dear Gurudev


Please accept my most humble obeisance’s at Your lotus feet.

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories & glories to You !!! 


By your grace, I got married last year in the month of November. Despite searching for a devotee family for over a year, my parents had to go for a karmi satvik family because of caste obligations. I accepted the fate with open arms and I am trying my best to serve the new family with all my best capabilities. My only desire, which might be selfish, is to seek your blessings to let the mercy of Srila Prabhupad to flow through my new family.


Keeping my selfish desires aside, please help me in not degrading myself in this new path of life and also I humbly pray for your speedy recovery Maharaj ! You are an inspiration for us all !


Your eternal servant,

Swapna Kumari

Hare Krishna, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to Gurudeva.

Param Poojaneeya Gurudeva

Please accept our humble obeisances

Dear Gurudeva, You are so merciful to provide shelter to the fallen souls like us, with your mercy you have provided Diksha in September 2019 from Dubai, and provided spiritual name as Shyam Sudheer das, you are so kind to provide a sweet name of Shaym, I am so thankful unto your Gurudeva, we are trying to make progress in spiritual life as much as possible by reading, attending classes, eventhough we are going through in difficult situation due to Corona Virus, our weekly association has been stopped, but Krishna's and guru's mercy we got more classes and association electronically on daily basis, thanks to Guru and Gauranga. We try to do our daily Sadana as much as possible on regular basis, due to our ignorance if we commit any mistakes please give us forgiveness. We hope we  all will overcome the difficult situation soon Krishna's mercy. We expect your personal association on Your next visit to Dubai like last time. Jai Gurudeva 

Your Humble Servent

Shyam Sudheer Das & Simi Sudheer 


Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept our humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauraṅga.

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine

namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine gaura-kathā

dhāmadhāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe



mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam

First and foremost, Happy Vyasa Puja Guru Maharaj!! 

We can’t believe that already a year passed as your 70th Vyasa puja celebrations still stand in front of our eyes.  We were fortunate to get your association and mercy while you visited Middle East in September last year.    

Guru Maharaj, we can’t even begin to fathom how much you wanted to fulfil Srila Prabhupad’s wishes and guide the lost souls like us to go back to Godhead.  How can you be so merciful, Guru Maharaj?  For the past six months of our life moving into a new home, we have been through so many good and bad times and you have always been with us.  Even though we are fallen souls and keep doing mistakes, every time we are faced with difficulties, we look up to you and all our problems just mysteriously disappear particularly when we see your smiling face.  Thank you, Guru Maharaj, for naming our new home as Nitai Nilaya to serve Lord Nitya Nanda’s mission of spreading the holy name in our new community.   

Guru Maharaj, we can see how you have unlimited divine qualities, but of all of them, your dedication to Srila Prabhupada shines as the main jewel of your bhakti bhusanas.  The verse from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (SB 8.7.44) tapyante loka-tāpena sādhavah prāyaso janāh paramārādhanam tad dhi purusasyākhilātmanah clearly depicts your lila in serving Srila Prabhupad’s mission.  You are the Supreme personality of Servitor Godhead and are also a Acaryadeva, a genuine representative of Sri Nityananda Prabhu.  We are happy to be under you shelter. 

Even though we are not able to serve you in person, we have been regularly reading the transcribed version of your daily Pravancans that are spiritually nourishing us and giving us a feeling that we are more connected with you than ever before.  We are enjoying the Chaitnaya lila and feeling that lila is happening in front of us when you narrating, laughing, rearing, joking...all are blissful. 

We pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava & Ashta Sakhi, Sri Prahlada Nrsimhadeva and Sri Sri Pacha Tattva to continue to give you improved health. We thank you for inspiring us to be in your service and trying our best to up bring our children in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness.  This COVID-19 situation is helping us to introspect and focus on reading Srila Prabhupad’s books.  This situation also helping us to participate in as many as classes and programs via internet.  Anuradha started the Dhrida bhakti, Bhakti Vriksha and Bal Utsav classes for children virtually through zoom.  With your mercy I am hoping to start the virtual Bhakti Vriksha classes for Ashram devotees. 

We beg your mercy and empowerment to become a sincere and serious instrument in assisting you to please your spiritual master Srila Prabhupad always.

Dear Guru Maharaj, please once again accept humble obeisance of these fallen souls at your lotus feet and bless us to support your mission.


Your Insignificant Eternal Servitor,

Śyāma Vrajapati dāsa

Anupama Vrajagopī devī dāsī

Dāmodara Deśa, Middle East

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatākā-svāmin iti nāmine
namo ācāryapādāya nitāi-kṛpa-pradāyine
gaura-kathā dhāma dāya nagara-grāma tāriṇe


Hare Krishna


All Glories to Srila Gurdev

All Glories to Srila prabhupad


Your Vyasa Puja is always special to all our disciple it’s a great celebration for the worldwide. Your always inspiration, determination, motivation to everyone despite your health condition.


Gurudeva I still remember the first time when I put flowers for your picture in Dharmaalaya. That time my ego was thinking why I should I put the flowers to your picture. Thank you Gurudeva for picking me up and showing me that there is something higher than temporary material so-called pleasure. Words cannot express the deepest gratitude I feel for being a receiver of your causeless mercy. Under the dark veil of ignorance, I was rotting away in material life, becoming increasingly more degraded. 


I am trying and moving towards mission of this life of service and distribution of the bit Spirituality to other people in the form of conducting Bhakti-vṛkṣa’s. At present I am helping in handling one Bhakti-vṛkṣa with Kiran Prabhu in our Cakra. and overseeing the Cakra activities under the guidance of Senior devotees.


Guru Mahārāja, kindly bless all our Cakra devotees and yatra devotees to realize BV Importance’s. So, that we can contribute with full of unitedly considerably to the Mission 2022 of 222 B V Groups.


On account of your vyasa puja. I personally beg your blessing where I would improve my preaching and trollance. And keep standards in book reading and hearing classes. Please I beg your special blessings on all Dwip Members, BV Members, and my family members. Where all are engaged in Krishna’s service and help you in mission of Srilaprabhupad.


Your disciple

Syamahari Srinivasa Das

Godrumadwip Cakra

Krishna Katha Desh.


Hare krsna

All glories to srila prabhupad

All glories to srila Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Gurumaharaj with your causeless mercy I am trying to serve little to srila prabhupad mission please bless me & our yatra to get advancement in spiritual, we need your blessings always to do Gupta bhakti in krsna Katha DESH.

We pray to the supreme Lord Sri krsna to shower mercy upon you to get enough physical strength & longivity to bring more & more fallen souls to krsna bhakti

Hari bol

Yours insignificant disciple

Shyamasundara lilaraja dasa


Adarniya Pujniya Gurumaharaj,

Apne charon mein mera sadar pranam swikar kijiye. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

Apko 71 Vyasapuja ki bhot bhot hardik shubhkamnaye

Gurumaharaj, main bhot andhkar mein jita tha, par apki kripa ki wajah se mujhe jivan ka mulya pata chala aur bhakti marg ki rah apne dikhayi. Apne mujhe Guruparampara se judaya , main iske layak bilkul nahi hu par apne iss patit par bhot karuna ki hai. Apki kripa se bhakti ache se karne ka prayas karta hu aur bhi ache se karna chahta hu isiliye aap humesha mujhpe apni kripa banaye rakhna. 

Apki aur sare bhakton ki ache se seva kar sakun mujhe ashirwad Pradhan kijiye.

Apko dekhkar bhot prerna milti hai, ki iss sthiti mein bhi app bhot hi nishtha purwak apne Guru, Srila Prabhupada ki seva bhot ache se kar rahe hain.

Main apke ache swasth ke liye bhagwan Nrsimhadev se prarthna karta hu ki aap jaldi se pure swasth hojaye.

Apka adhyatmik putra,

Taraka Govinda Gopala Das

Hare Krishna my most beloved Guru Maharaj,


Please accept my humble obeisance.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. 


“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I always wonder, what I would have done without your presence in my life. I was not a human till such time I got the opportunity to connect with your Holiness.


There was no goal in my life. I was like someone driving a car without knowing the destination.


Your presence in my life has resulted in a 100% transformation in the life of myself, my wife and my three daughters.


I also had the opportunity to bring a number of human beings into Krishna Consciousness and I keep trying to continue to do the same.


I would seek your continued blessings, so that, I can stay in the spiritual path and serve you life after life.


I am praying for your long and healthy life, so that, thousand and thousands of fallen people can be saved from this material world.


Your most insignificant servant

Tribhuvanath Krishna das

Diksha Desciple

Krishna Katha Desh, Doha, Qatar

Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna prasthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine

Nama acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine

My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on this most auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja. All Glories to your grace! All glories to His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya.

Guru Maharaj , You are setting as an example to all of us that one can preach in any kind of situation one is in.  You are specially blessed and empowered by Lord Caitanya Lord Nityananda, the acaryas in the disciplic succession and Srila Prabhupada.  Your life is completely dedicated for Srila Prabhupada’s service. Every limb, word, mind, feelings and qualities are for the service of Srila Prabhupada.

In Caitanya Caritamrita it is said that Lord Nityananda is so intoxicated with love of Krishna that He doesn’t care to make distinctions between who is qualified and who is not, and He distributed the Krishna Prema to each and everyone.  Similarly, you are showing unlimited mercy on conditioned souls by giving them holy name and engaging them in Krishna’s service. For this you travel extensively without caring about any personal discomfort or disability.

Though we do not have any personal association with you so frequently, you are very close to our herats guiding us always in all the situations.  Please continue to shower your mercy on this unworthy disciple of yours so that I will get enough strength to fight against my weaknesses and perfectly follow your instructions and improve my sadhana. Sincere apologies for all the offences which I have committed at your lotus feet.

This year got the opportunity to serve as a ‘Bhakti Sastry’ tutor in regional language ‘Telugu’ through KIHE (Krishna Katha Desh Institute of Higher Education).  Though I am not eligible and perfectly qualified for this seva by your mercy trying to put the best of my efforts to meet the requirements.  Also, serving yatra as the Principal for Balya Seva Department.  I hope to continue with my insignificant services for your pleasure and pray for your blessings to become an instrument in your hands in spreading Krishna Consciousness in this part of the world as per your desire. 

Eagerly waiting for your arrival in Krishna Katha Desh, as your presence here has always been a festival for all of us. 

My daughter Amrutha & son Anirudh joins me in paying their respectful obeisance unto you. Please bless them so that they will be in the path of Krishna Consciousness all through their lives.

On this auspicious occasion of your appearance, we pray to Lordships to give you the strength and energy to carry on with your mission of spreading Krishna consciousness ‘unlimitedly” as srila prabhupada wanted you, for years and years to come.

Your insignificant daughter

Ujjvala kalindi devi dasi

2nd initiated

Krishna Katha Desh

Gaurangadesh yatra                                                    03-03-2020

Diksa disciple Utsahamayi Radharani dd 

Hare Krishna Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet.

All glories to your 71st auspicious appearance day.

Guru Maharaj for your health recovery every day I pray to Sri Narasimhadev, Panchatattva, Radha Madhava and Srila Prabhupaa.

Like me you can enlighten many more fallen souls by your glance.

In this health condition also you are always giving class every day, which I am hearing or some time reading.

You are Caitanya lila class is, so deep and the action I could feel the scene in going my mind.

I have no qualification to become your disciple, I am under the grip of three modes of material nature and sometime screaming, sometime shouting and very angry with my husband and children.

But I sincerely pray to your lotus feet, to forgive my offences and hold me unto your lotus feet and engage me in devotional service. To help the Srila Prabhupada mission.

Your glories will be singing all three worlds. We are indebted to serve your Lotus feet life after life.

May the Supreme Lord Sri Narasimha Deva will protect You in all situations.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All Glories to You.


Your eternal servant of the servant..

Utsahamayi Radhika devi dasi.

Respected Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krishna and Dandavat Pranam,

By your mercy I am in Harinam Sankirtan . If you were not there I do not know what would happen to me and my family. I will always be in stress of my problems and my whole family too. I would always think that “I do everything here but no one cares about me” but when I associated with Harinam Sankirtan I understood that I am not one who do all the things but He the only one “Krishna” does it. Not only my work but all the material and spiritual works, directly or indirectly He is the maintainer. If you didn’t spread ISKCON [International society of Krishna consciousness] widely, People of demonic nature like me could not even know who is the Supreme Lord [Krishna] is.

I am very thankful for your mercy.

I do not know how to glorify you and I do not have enough words to glorify you due to my limited knowledge.  

Please pardon me for my offences & bless me so I can grow spiritually.

Thank you again Guru Maharja.

Your servant,

Vaibhav Tripathi
Krishna Katha Desha

Jaya Om Vishnupathaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutala Srimate Jayapathaka Swami Iti Namine,

Nama Acharya Padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine Gaura Katha Dhamadaya Nagara Grama Tharine.

My Beloved GuruDev,

Please accept my most respectful obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet.

On the auspicious occassion of your Vyasapooja we pray to the Lordships Radha Madhav, Panchatava, Narasimha Dev and Jaganath Baladev Subhadramayi Sudharshan to keep you healthy and with us for a long time so that you could extend your compassionate mercy to all the souls in the universe. 

Along with other i would never be able to understand your compassion and mercy that you extend to all of us depite your current physical health. Always eager about other welfare and always meditating on how to expand your service to more and more souls. 

On this day every year i medidate on the activities which i did one year and contemplate if any of my devotional service which i have done in the past year, if that would be pleasing to you Gurudev and Krishna .But when i look throught them i feel that none of these are free from even a slight tint of personal motivation. As i always wish to become a worthy servant of yours, without fault finding and without any offensive thoughts and activities to be a dedicated servant . I would always want to extend the love and care which i have received from you and all your wonderfulll disciples and other devotees , to many other devotees.


2019 was an year which i could understand the power of devotees prayers and blessings. Even though i was having the options to  move to India from Mathuradesh, because of the prayers and blessings of all the devotees i came to another wonderfull place here in Balaramdesh. 

I found a wonderfull devotional community with genuine love and care and mutual appreciation. I could also associate with many wonderfull devoteees in Balaramdesh. I always benefitted from the assocaition of devotees in Mathuradesh but this became additional blessings for me.

We were able to meet you this year and you have given us your blessings for preaching. The effect of the same has not maniffested here at this point of time but Mysefl and my wife Shyamapriya Gopika dd and Kapila have full faith on your blessings, which we have experience many times.


We thank you for your unlimited blessings you have always showered on us and please bless us so that we can become as worthy of serving you as you desire. 

Your Insignificant servants


Vamsidhari Mohan das

Shyampriya Gopika dd

Kanaiah Vineeth


Vyasapuja offering from your spiritual son Varadagopaladasa on behalf of ISKCON Balaramdesh 2020


Harekrishna Gurumaharaj,

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances unto your Lotus Feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Al Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

First of all, we devotees of ISKCON Balaramdesh would like to beg blessings on this auspicious 71st appearance day of your Holiness. Also, we all wish and pray for your long long long stay in this planet to guide and love us. Our congregation is always indebted to your Holiness for the special mercy you are showering on our congregation.

By your Mercy, Devotees in Balaramdesh are trying their best to execute devotional service individually in their houses as there is challenging situation of Lockdown due to COVID 19.

Our devotees are chanting, serving deities at home, Reading Srila Prabhupada Books, ZOOM on line classes in different languages to have devotee association through Vani as the Temple is closed temporarily.

Sri Sri Radha Bahraineesvara and other deities are moved to Devotees house so that the services will continue without interruption.

Some of our devotees were interested to attend your HH Vyasapuja personally in Mayapur, but could not due to prevailing situation. Please forgive us.

Devotees are very enthusiastically participating and hearing in online classes conducted by senior devotees of this Yatra. Also are trying to arrange online classes from the senior devotees of Balaramdesh, who are settled back in India.Devotees are conducting Bhakti Vriksha in different languages on line and temple has scheduled each day for each language and facilitating devotees to take full benefit of lock down.

Gurumaharaj, Online classes are also conducted by our Madhav Garden team to the children.Our matajis are engaging children to learn Srimad Bhagavadgita slokas at home.

Devotees are doing Bhakti Sastri in different languages from this year, we have started in Tamil,Malayalam and Bengali. Also planning to start in Hindi language this year.

By your Mercy, ISKCON Balaramdesh Board and Committee members are all enthusiastically serving and engaging the congregation in the service of Srila Prabhupada

Gurudev, we see your immense love and abundant affection towards your spiritual sons, daughters and grandchildren irrespective of their position and qualities.

Once while you were carrying so many small children in Balaramdesh mentioned “Being Sanyasi, I have so many grandchildren”. It reminded me of KRISHNA protecting His devotees under Govardhana hill.

At personal level, on this day I would like to recollect my first interaction with your HH in April, 2002.your HH asked me how do I feel being attending the temple programs. Since I was not fully involved, I could not express myself properly at that time. Now, with full conviction express that I am fully protected under your shelter and tasting Krishna Conscious bliss.  Lord has sent you here on this earthly planet as His close representative to lift fallen souls like me.

Your continuous engagement in spreading KC all over the World irrespective of material challenges, is the greatest inspiration for us to do more and more service to this mission.

On this auspicious day, we beg at your Lotus feet, that please empower us to develop taste the same way, you are serving HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada tirelessly.

Please forgive us for our offences, shortcomings and mistakes that we have committed at your feet.

We as ISKCON Balaramdesh request you to visit us this year 2020 once things are settled, we are planning for a grand celebration of your 50th Sannyasa anniversary. Please Bless us.

On Behalf of Balaramdesh Congregation,

Your Eternal Servant,

Varada Gopala Dasa

Hare Krishna Prabhuji .

Vyasa Puja Homage Attached.


Vasanth srinivasan


Surya Vasanth

APN Chakra

                                                                     ஹரே கிருஷ்ணா

தயவுசெய்து என் தாழ்மையான வணக்கங்களை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் ஸ்ரீல பிரபுபாதவுக்கும் மற்றும் பரம்பரை ஆசிரியர்களுக்கும் எல்லா மகிமையும்.

ஹரே கிருஷ்ண

“Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine”

1.இந்த புனித நாளில் உங்களுக்கு எழுத வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்திருப்பது மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சி அளிக்கிறது.

2.உங்களுடைய பரவசமான கீர்த்தனைகளும் மிகவும் ஊக்கமளிக்கிறது அவை பக்தி சேவையின் பேரின்பத்தை வெளிப்படுத்துகின்றன.

3.மேலும் உங்களுடைய நித்திய அன்பான சேவை எல்லாம் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணர் மீது உள்ள அன்பை மற்றும் பக்தி எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது, எண்ணிப்பார்க்க முடியாத அளவில் தெய்வீக சேவை செய்வதிலும் மற்றவர்களிடம் உதவுவதிலும் தொடர்ச்சியாக ஓய்வின்றி செய்து வருகிறீர்கள்

4.எங்களுக்கு தொடர்ந்து வழிகாட்டியாக இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று உங்களுடைய ஆரோக்கியம் நன்றாக இருக்கும் என்றும் என்று நான் மற்றும் என் மனைவி பகவான் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணரிடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்கின்றோம்.

5.இந்த உலகத்தில் உள்ள எல்லா மனித குலத்தின் ஆத்மாவை இறைவன் தாமரை பாத பற்றிக்கொள்ள குரு மகராஜ் அவர்கள்,  இந்த பௌதிக மனிதர்களுக்கு அருள் புரிய வேண்டும் மேலும் இந்த பக்திப் பாதையில் நாங்கள் தொடர்ச்சியாக பயணிக்க உங்களுடைய ஆசீர்வாதம் அளிக்க வேண்டும் என்று தாழ்மையுடன் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கின்றேன்.

6.சிறப்பான ஹரி நாம சங்கீர்த்தனம் வழங்கிய எனக்கு மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சி அளிக்கிறது மேலும் ஸ்ரீல பிரபுபாதர் அவர்களுக்கு என் நன்றியை தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கின்றேன்.

7.எத்தனை கோடி பக்தர்களுக்கு வழிகாட்டி இருந்து வருகிறீர்கள் உங்களுடைய பக்தி தொண்டு எனக்கு மிகவும் பிடித்துள்ளது அயராது உங்களுடைய உழைப்பு அதை நான் கண்டு மிகவும் வியப்புற்றேன்.

8.என்னையும் இதுபோன்ற கிருஷ்ணபக்தி சேவைக்கு எந்த ஒரு தடையும் இல்லாமல் தொடர்ச்சியாக நான் சிறப்பாக செயல்பட வேண்டும் என்று விரும்புகின்றேன் இதற்கு குரு மஹராஜ் என்னை அரவணைக்க வேண்டும்.

இப்படிக்கு அன்புள்ள அடியேன்,




 ஏபிஎன் சக்ரா


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

My heartfelt birthday wishes to you, Maharaj. I sincerely pray to Lord Narasimhadev to shower special Mercy on you to keep good health and fulfil your desires to satisfy Srilaprabhupada. 

 At present  I am conducting one BV at KKD. By your causeless mercy I am attending  Bhakti Shastri course. 

I sincerely beg to you to bless us to progress in the spiritual life and to remove all obstacles in the path of devotional life. People are so much afraid of Carona Virus here. Hope the situation comes under control soon.

Your humble servant,

Venum Kvanantham Krishna das

Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya

Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna prasthaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine

Nama acarya padaya nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarine


My dear beloved Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Guru Maharaj, My heartfelt wishes to you on your auspicious Appearance day. I sincerely pray to Lord Narasimhadev, Radha Madhav & Srila Prabhuda to shower special Mercy on you to keep good health and fulfill your desires to please Srilaprabhupada. Every day 4 extra rounds I am chanting to see you in good health and long life.

At present I am conducting only one BV at Krishna Katha Desh. By your causeless mercy I am attending Bhakti Shastri course. 

I sincerely beg at your lotus feet to bless KKD devotees & Hyderabad BV Yatra devotees to progress in spiritual life and to uproot all obstacles in the path of devotional life. People are terrified of the Covid-19 Pandamic. Very soon the situation will come under control by your prayers and blessings.

I am surprised to see your determination to give Gauranga’s mercy to all the living entities even in this difficult health condition. You are an inspiration to all of us. Please bestow your mercy so that we can take up the devotional service more seriously for your pleasure.

And humbly requesting you to bless my wife Sumadhuri Radhika devi dasi & my daughter Nandini Krishna to progress in spiritual life.

Always seeking your mercy and blessings. 

Your humble servant,

Venum Kvanantham Krishna das


My Dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most respectful obeisance’s unto your Divine Lotus Feet.  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


It’s my great fortune that you are showering unlimited mercy and care on me during every meeting.

You have always taken extra efforts to guide and mold my life step by step towards more and more surrender.

I wish to dedicate my life to you and want to serve you with all my heart – please bless me that I drive away my selfish demands and serve you better.


Day in and Day out you share Chaitanya Lila and drench us in an ocean of ecstasy and to let us taste the nectar of spiritual world.

Unlimited troubles haunt your every part of your body, but they just don’t daunt you to keep pushing the movement of Srila Prabhupada.

I wish to dedicate my life to you and want to serve you with all my heart – please give me the strength and intelligence to overcome all the obstacles which come my way


You preach by example that we are not the body – yet there is none I know in history who had gone through this much.

You exhibit extra-ordinary tolerance and patience in the midst of my foolish blunders on several occasions.

I wish to dedicate my life to you and want to serve you with all my heart – please remove all my anarthas to serve you better.


Your Eternal Son

Vignanasana Govinda Das

My dear spiritual father Guru Maharaj

Please accept my  humble  obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet

 Our prayers ,  you should live for long , long years  and   rescue many people like me to take us to lotus feet of the lord

I am only an ordinary person but because of your mercy   I am able to be your disciple and you have  taken care of me as your daughter. This is my fortune,  I would like to write so many thing but  I will mention few points.

Bhakti means unalloyed service to Guru and Krishna , so far what I am doing the Bhakti  the way in which life goes.  Please bless me to do the bhakti with  unalloyed service .  Please guide me the  sadana which I am doing  should  please to you and Krishna .

We beg with your blessing my daughter and son will be  Krishan conscious and they should spread the message of  Lord Krshna,

My son is writing +2  public exam   we seek your blessing for his good result .  We are planning to  move him to India  for doing  under graduate , we seek your mercy to get  admission in good college  and  get good association with  Krshna conscious person.

under the guidance of HG Harilila prabhu we booked one flat in Maypur.  My self and my daughter will move to Mayapur and she can do schooling  in Maypur, but due to some financial  commitment we could  not be able to move this year .  We hope with your mercy  all will be set right and seek your permission to settle in Mayapur during  the year  2021.

Please guide us  to progress in  spiritual advancement.

Your servant always,

Vijaya Jambavati Devi Dasi


Our dear Spiritual Father


Nama om visnu-padaya  krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate jayapataka Swami iti namine


Nama acraya-padaya nitai krapa pradayene

Gaura katha damadaya nagar gram tarene


Nama om visnu-padaya  krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine


Namas te sarasvate deve guara vani pracarine

Nirvisesa-sunayavadi-pascatya desa tarine


Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu

Gurur Devo Mahesh Varah

Guru Shakshat Para Brahma

Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah


We join hundreds of our Godbrothers, Godsisters and many more well wishers around the world to pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panch Tattva and Lord Nrishma Deva for your well being on the occasion of your 71st Vyasa Pooja.


By your grace and blessings,  we  find a great solace and peace of mind while doing our regular chanting of Hare Krsna Maha Mantra and confident to say that it is due to your mercy otherwise personally we have no  material or spiritual qualification.


Also, we are enjoying our daily recitation of Srimad Bhagavatam over internet and thus regularly  being enlightened by ecstatic & very informative  purports of Srila Prabhupad.



Your humble servant

Vijaya Madhava Das

Sarva Vandhya Devi Dasi

Kirtida Vallabhi Deve Dasi

Krsna Katha Desa



Dear Guru Maharaj,

Nama  Om Vishnu padaya krsna preshtaya bhutale 

Srimate Jaypataka Swamin iti namine

Nama Acharyapadaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya Nagar grama tarine.

On this auspicious ekadasi day of your 71st vyasa puja, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

You have served Srila Prabhupada as an exemplary disciple tirelessly travelling and preaching his glories and expanding the Iskcon movement.

Inspite of your health issues we can see that your enthusiasm to preach and give classes everyday keep us inspired and gives us the motivation to spread the holy names. We can feel your mood and ectasy and visualise lord Chaitanya's pastimes when you narrate from Chaitanya Charitamrita.

We are not this body but a spirit soul is the philosophy that we are taught from the early days of our krsna consciousness. A philosophy which we know but find it hard to practise. You show us by your example that inspite of the health issues and your bodily suffering you are not on the bodily platform  and are connected to the Supreme lord at every moment. 

As the TOVP nears completion, Srila Prabhupada's dream and your dedication to complete this project is indeed glorious. We are all eagerly waiting for the grand day of the temple opening.

Let me take this opportunity to thank their lordship Radha Madhav, Pancha Tattva, Narsimhadev and Srila Prabhupada for giving me your holiness as a spiritual master. I am continuing to pray to them to keep you in good health and protecting you at all times. My family and I are indebted to you for lifetimes to come to accept a menial servant like me as your disciple.

Your humble servant.

Vishnulokapathy Das


Diksha Disciple 




Respected Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krishna and Dandavat Pranam,

I am so glad to be a small part of a very big movement (ISKCON).I have joined ISKCON in the year 2018,everything was new to me, I got know about great devotees like you, Srila Prabhupad and our other Vaishanvas. You have faced many problems (health & other issues) but still your service to Supreme Lord is same.

ISKCON teaches not only about Bhakti, it also teaches the way to live our life. Before I was living a life of animal and now I got to know the real reason of being a human. Now chanting Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and gaining some spiritual knowledge is aim apart from material desires. I am here because of Krishna but you are medium through which I am here in ISKCON.

Due to mercy of Supreme Lord’s & yours I am able to chant Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.

I understand Chanting hare Krishna Maha Mantra is the key for everything (spiritual knowledge, material knowledge etc...).

Please pardon me for my offences & bless me so I can grow spiritually.

Thank you again Guru Maharaja.

Hare Krishna!

Your servant,

Vivek Tripathi

Krishna Katha Desha

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Your Divine Grace.


Nama Om Visnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale

Srimate Jayapataka swamin it namine

Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine

Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

All glories to you O Gurudeva on your auspicious appearance day...


All glories to your incomparable spiritual master..Srila Prabhupada...


All glories to  Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga...and their Sankirtana Movement...


All glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna for sending you here...


Please accept our humble obeisances at your merciful lotus feet..


We are progressing in KC by your mercy,we are presently conducting bhakti vrksha due to your mercy otherwise we do not have any fallen soul,we took inititiation at your lotus feet in june- 2017  to serve you ,but according to our capacity I am trying to serve the devotees.

Please bless us so that we serve as much as possible to devotees and Prabhupad mission.

Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Sriimate Jayapataka Swamin Iti Namine

Namah acharyapadaya Nitai-krpa-pradayine

Gaura- katha dhama- daya nagara-grama-tarine


Name: Vrinda Nandini DD

Date: 25 Feb 2020

Name of the Namahatta: Gauranga desh yatra. Dubai, UAE

My dear spiritual father,

Please accept my respectful obeisance! All glories to Srila Prabupad! All glories to you!

Gurudev, I’m glad to inform you that with your blessings, we have confirmed the marriage of our son Sachin with Priya Kishori DD, a disciple of HH Radhanath Swami mhj. She serves ISKCON Silicon Valley temple under the able guidance of HG Vaisesika prabhu. We are planning to keep their wedding next year. We’ll come and invite you personally when things are developed. I’m also happy to inform you that our daughter Suchitra has taken aspiration from HH BB Govind Swamy Maharaj last year and promised to serve him and all vaishnavas faithfully.

I’m happily doing my Bhakti Vaibhav Module 1 & 2 together. In the yatra, along with my prabhu I’m doing looking after the finance. Also, I’m part of cultural committee and Kirtan committee. I’m learning playing harmonium, singing Hare Krsna Mahamantra and Vaishnava bhajan from HG Swarup Damodar Prabhu. I’m doing one Bhakti Vrksha with ladies. Few more ladies have requested with me to start another Bhakti Vrksha on line as they are working and were not able to make it at day time on week days.  

Despite of your poor healthy condition you are still serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission as a stalwart general. Many a times I use to see your awe-inspiring power as a leader without deviating from the principles of a Vaishnava in the devotional service. I think the word impossible is not there in your vocabulary. The example you are setting through your life is ‘keep up the efforts until the time of death and Never Give up, we’ll go back to god head!!

You are empowered by Srila Prabhupada to preach and change the lives of thousands of your disciples forever. With the blessings of your Guru Maharaj, you are making wonders. I’m still struck up with wonders and in the state of un belief that you have taken risk to help 50,000 disciples to go back home back to god head.  I would be happy if I get an opportunity to help you in whatever way I can with my little knowledge and limited exposure & capability. I’m learning from you how to keep good devotee relationship, devotee care and keeping a genuine friendship with them and work together only with the intention of fulfilling your promise to your Guru Maharaj.

 Recently we had a fortune of hosting HG Ojaswini Radhika Mataji for a night at our house. She is one of your Peruvian disciples who is living in Mayapur with her family. From our very brief meeting and little time spent together I understood that you are their life and their life is around you and you only.

In another occasion, we came to the terrace of your residential quarters at Mayapur for the regular evening darshana session, the moment you gave your darsana, many of my god sisters started jumping and shouting your name in ecstasy while I was just standing and watching you and them. That time I told myself, is my heart made up of stone? Why is it not melting when you see your spiritual father and feel this ecstacy that others and experiencing and exhibiting? What to do?! I have neither devotion to Krsna nor Guru Bhakti on you. I’m so unfortunate that I’m not able to take advantage of your physical presence in this material world and experience this ecstasy.  

My sincere prayers to Lord Nrsimhadev for your long and pain free, healthy life.

Your eternally indebted & loyal spiritual daughter

Vrinda Nandini Devi Dasi

Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.

I would like express my gratitude to Krishna, how fortunate that I have you as my Spiritual master.

Guru maharaj when you started travelling to UK and US for three months, its like you were endeavouring to facilitate Lord Caitanya's mercy to reach every nook and corner every town and village.
My dear Guru maharaj despite your health condition you put in steady effort to preach Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Your mood is filled with genuine compassion and love for the fallen souls. Especially when you were in Bangladesh recently. There were thousands and thousands of devotees waiting
To see you to get your mercy.

I am reading  Srimad Bhagavatham and Chaitanya Charitamrita daily. My weekly seva is to teach the youth group in our yathra. Please guide me and give me the deeper understanding for reading Prabhupad books.

Thank you for everything my dear Guru maharaj.

Yours humble servant,

Vrndavana Sundari devi dasi.

Hare krishna !!!


Nama Om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimate jayapataka-svamin iti namine


Nama acharaya padaya nitai kripa pradaenae

Gaura katha dama daya nagara grama tarenae


My dear spiritual father, please accept my respectful obeisance at your feet, I have received Krishna Consciousness by your mercy only, would have never known about Supreme Lord Sri Krishna & Lord Gauranga.


Please bless me to understand you Guru Dev, my dear spiritual father, so that I take up commitment more sincerely.

I am very fortunate to be in devotees association here in Sur, Oman on week ends

I am struggling with prasadam, as at site, cooking is not possible. I beg for your mercy so that I would be able make arrangements for prasadam regularly.


The essence of all the rules and regulations is to always remember Krishna and never forget him.  All other rules and regulations are meant to assist this primary one ....Visnu Purana states.

The formula of spiritual life in one sentence " one must satisfy one's spiritual master - yasya prasadad bhagavat -prasado " our spiritual strength to do this is invoked by following the regulative principles and standards devotional practices. Then I can preach in better means.


I pray for your good health Guru Maharaj to Lord Nrishima dev and Gaura Nitai from the present situations.  

I pray for blessings of Lords Gauranga and Nitananda to do more devotional service (Like Reading more books and Chanting etc) so that I become devoted to serve you in better ways.


With these words I close my offering


Your unfit servant


Vrindavan Shyam das


Hare Krishna !!!!!



Dear Gurumaharaj!

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to srila prabupada

All glories to gurumaharaj. First of all I will pray to Lord Krishna to give you good health. And thank to Krishna that krishna gave us a wonderful Spritual master for the fallen souls.please bless me   to cross the material world.

Guru is the representative of the god. He can take us to the right path and take us to the lotus feet of krishna.. So we got you Thank so much we are lucky to have your association. I'll surrender to you again and again.

Now I really understood how important is a guru in one's lifetime.

If you are not here I don't know what's Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavadam. RADHA yatra and all.

And Thanks to our kkd shikshgurus who r all encouraged us for the devotional service.

I feel I have wasted most of my lifetime. Now after I joined  KC I got some peaceful

‘Yasya prasada bhagavad prasada’

Yasya prasadan nakathi kudopi

Thiyans thuvanm thasya yassthiri sarthyam

Vande garu sri sara nara undam.

I will surrender to you again and again gurumaharaj. I like the song which u have dedicated to HH Srila parthupada yadi prabhu pade na hoito,

Guru maharaj when you came to KKD you were not feeling well, even though gurumaharaj came here to bless us. But if we get  head ache we would be absend, for the bv class .thanks for your quotes/messages for the devotes.

We all doing our daily sadhana chanting, devotee care, devotional service,  devotee association

Gurumaharaj please bless me again and again to cross the material world.

I know I have so many mistakes please forgive me.

I always praying for your good health.

Vancha kalpathrupyasa kripasinthupya evacha pathithanam bhavanepyo vaisnaveshyo namo namaha

When you will visit to kkd Gurumaharaj.

Take care.when we please to the spiritual master Krishna will please us.

I am your sincere

Servant of the servant of the servant of the servant

Malini mtj [LOGESWARY]

Krsna-katha desa



                                                                                                                                Date : 2nd March 2020

Name: Yaduvara Govinda Das & Haripriya Hemangi Devi Dasi

Siksha Status: Initiated

Date: 13/09/2019

Place : Sharjah

Yatra: Shymadesh

Siksha guru : Ramakrishna Das Prabhuji & Sachi Yasoda Devi Dasi Mataji


  • 1. Guru vandana:

Nama om vishnu padaya Krishna prestaya bhutale,

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine,


Nama acarya padaya Nitai Krpa pradayine,

Gaura katha dhama daya Nagara grama tarine,


  • 2. We feel blissful to have the mercy of HH Gurumaharaj as accepted us as his servitors to spread the mission of Srila Prabhupadas Krishna Consciousness. We pray to the supreme personality of godhead, that our Gurumaharaj physical health to be intact & to guide us in the path of devotional service.


  • 3. Our sincere whole hearted dandavat pranams to our dearest Gurumaharaj HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. Upon his blessings only we are doing little seva to please Guru & Gauranga. Our wish is that his blessings to shower on us life after life.


  • 4. We take this opportunity to confirm that by Guru & Gauranga’s mercy, we started our Bhakti Vriksha classes in English/Hindi to please Guru & the supreme personality of Godhead Krishna. Also we have a intense desire to start in Kannada medium also by the mercy of devotees. This is possible only by the mercy of Guru’s & Gurumaharaj’s. We try to fulfil our Shiksha gurus wish truly & full heartedly. I would continue to spread the Krishna’s message to our colleagues, Friends & relatives.


  • 5. Even though my office timing & work nature is bit better compare to others , I will try my level best to perform the prescribed duties & allotted seva honestly. Some time myself think that to drop my prescribed duty to progress in Krishna consciousness. Since takenup the  Grahasta, we will balance the worklife & spiritual life accordingly, but not numerably.  Any offense committed  while in engaged in service, Also since I do not have the memory power to recall the class messages  feels sometime a burden to Gurus.


  • 6. We would engage in Inspiring others, preaching to friends & relatives to support Gurumaharaj’s mission.


  • 7.  Spreading awareness of Dhams service is dear to us & spreading the Krishna’s message as it is told by our Gurus, we would offer our service to Gurudeva daily.


  • 8. We would be so blessed, if Gurumaharaj would pray for our spiritual progress. Intern we will intensively pray to Narasimha dev to bless Gurumaharajs to bring back to his normal health.


HARIBOL . Jai Gurudev.

                                                                                                                                                Date : 2nd March 2020

Name: Yaduvara Govinda Das & Haripriya Hemangi Devi Dasi

Siksha Status: Initiated

Date: 13/09/2019

Place : Sharjah

Yatra: Shymadesh

Siksha guru : Ramakrishna Das Prabhuji & Sachi Yasoda Devi Dasi Mataji


  • 1. Guru vandana:

Nama om vishnu padaya Krishna prestaya bhutale,

Srimate Jayapataka Swamin iti namine,


Nama acarya padaya Nitai Krpa pradayine,

Gaura katha dhama daya Nagara grama tarine,


  • 2. We feel blissful to have the mercy of HH Gurumaharaj as accepted us as his servitors to spread the mission of Srila Prabhupadas Krishna Consciousness. We pray to the supreme personality of godhead, that our Gurumaharaj physical health to be intact & to guide us in the path of devotional service.


  • 3. Our sincere whole hearted dandavat pranams to our dearest Gurumaharaj HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. Upon his blessings only we are doing little seva to please Guru & Gauranga. Our wish is that his blessings to shower on us life after life.


  • 4. We take this opportunity to confirm that by Guru & Gauranga’s mercy, we started our Bhakti Vriksha classes in English/Hindi to please Guru & the supreme personality of Godhead Krishna. Also we have a intense desire to start in Kannada medium also by the mercy of devotees. This is possible only by the mercy of Guru’s & Gurumaharaj’s. We try to fulfil our Shiksha gurus wish truly & full heartedly. I would continue to spread the Krishna’s message to our colleagues, Friends & relatives.


  • 5. Even though my office timing & work nature is bit better compare to others , I will try my level best to perform the prescribed duties & allotted seva honestly. Some time myself think that to drop my prescribed duty to progress in Krishna consciousness. Since takenup the  Grahasta, we will balance the worklife & spiritual life accordingly, but not numerably.  Any offense committed  while in engaged in service, Also since I do not have the memory power to recall the class messages  feels sometime a burden to Gurus.


  • 6. We would engage in Inspiring others, preaching to friends & relatives to support Gurumaharaj’s mission.


  • 7.  Spreading awareness of Dhams service is dear to us & spreading the Krishna’s message as it is told by our Gurus, we would offer our service to Gurudeva daily.


  • 8. We would be so blessed, if Gurumaharaj would pray for our spiritual progress. Our intensive prayer to Lord Narasimha dev to bless Gurumaharajs to bring back to his normal health.


Jai Gurudev.


नम ऊँ विष्णु पादाय कृष्णप्रेष्ठाय भूतले
श्रीमते जयपताका स्वामिनिति नाम्ने |
नम आचार्यपादाय निताय कृपा प्रदायिने
गौर गाथा दाम दाय नगर ग्राम तारिणे ||

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

My Dandavat Pranams unto Your Holiness' lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hope this finds you in good health. Many a time I think of your health condition and attribute that to my slippage in following your instructions and offences towards Vaishnavas. Although I try to be in right path always, due to my miserliness, the mighty, deceptive Maya toss me into the ditch of material attractions multiple times. Please bless me to have firm conviction in following your instructions and all regulative principles strictly.

You delivered this unqualified soul from the material world and due to my fickle mind and voracious senses, I am still on lower consciousness. Nevertheless, your lotus feet will surely take me back to Godhead; I promise that I will follow your instructions.

Here, in Krishna Katha Desh, by Your Holiness’ mercy, KKD Institute of Higher Education (KIHE) is conducting BS courses in regional languages, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi; Malayalam is to be started soon. Please bless all the students who are sincerely endeavoring to learn Krishna Katha.

We need your blessings for KIHE to expand and serve more and more devotees in here and in the region further.

I’m very fortunate to have Your Holiness as my spiritual father, who loves me and cares me personally, through your Śiṣya samūha.

Most fortunate, unqualified disciple,
Sankapani Janardana Dasa
