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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Ramya Ravichandran (Minneapolis - United States of America)

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj!!

Please accept our respectful obeisences .

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine

nama om vishnu Padaya krishna Presthaya Bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracharine
nirveshesh sunyavadi pashchatya desa tarine

I had your first darshan before our marriage in the year 2018. After your darshan, you and Krsna gifted me a good opportunity with the association of devotee and mercifully shown purpose of this life. Before coming to the Krsna consciousness, I don't know anything why I have been asked to do certain things and started learning slowly.. In the beginning, it was very difficult to accept. However by association of devotees and prayers of all the vaishnavas, I am into our Krsna conscious process. 
This year is so special for me. By your causeless Mercy , I got sheltered this Jan 2020 in Atlanta and attended 50th Sanyasa  celebration. It was very blissful to be there with my spiritual master and all the vaishnavas.

I would like to share a very good news. That after having your darshan in Atlanta and being sheltered, I have conceived. Please bless us that we should get a vaishnava or vaishnavi and as a whole family we should do more devotional service.

I have heard from many vaishnavas in jsss meetings about your pastimes and get inspired. You remember the order of the devotional service given by Srila Prabhupada and you are following with so much dedication. Please bless us that we should have more dedication in following the instructions. I am blessed to be your daughter. Please forgive me for the offenses I have committed.

Guru Maharaj, please give me the intelligence to speak properly. I am not talented in anything fully. But I would like to do more devotional service in whatever I know to start with. I would like to cook bhoga for Krsna, sing kirtans, wash vessels, stitch dresses for the deities and would like to preach also. I want my parents also to take up this simple process which was given by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.. So started my preaching with my mother. Right now she is doing 6 rounds from this ekadeshi. Please bless that we should be able to serve you more by preaching as per our parampara.
We kindly request you to come to Minneapolis and shower your mercy upon all of us. 

Happy Divine vyasa Puja Guru Maharaj.

Jai Guru Dev!!!

Yours unqualified servant

Ramya Ravichandran