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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Śrīnivāsa Nitāi dāsa (Chennai - India)

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,


Please Accept Our Most Respectful Obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


All glories to your auspicious appearance day.


This year (between last vyasa puja and this) we were blessed by you twice. Once, we met you in HG Ajita Gopinath Das prabhuji house, where in you blessed our family (prabhu, mother in law and myself, all your disciples) separately with your kind association for 10-15 minutes. At that time, you had asked us whether we would be able to contribute to your e-cultivation and e-counselling projects. We agreed and have given inputs for the same, but somehow that project has not taken off/ we are not fortunate to join.


The second time was when we got one devotee prabhu to meet you with a complaint. It is only your blessings, sharpness and clarity of thought that the complaint was addressed and gave him some relief. Without you Guru Maharaj, this case would have been decided in favour of the other party. Your email wherein you have outlined that brahmacari cannot preach to grihasta, how nivrtti marg devotees should maintain some distance from the pravritti marg devotees was the deal clincher. We are so thankful to you for saving his marriage as well as potentially the relationships of other affected couples who were too scared to come out in the open.

You have blessed us in the past and expressed your happiness with our preaching in IIT Madras. This  year, with your blessings, we have done mass deep daan in three messes in IIT simultaneously, wherein 1800 new students/ staff offered lamps to picture of Lord Damodar with Yashoda ma in one evening. We were inspired and got permission for distributing books outside the same 3 messes for one half of day. In that single day, about 277 maha big books and several small books got distributed in a space of 3 hours.


Guru Maharaj, please reveal to us what are your plans for furthering the preaching in IIT Madras. We had been trying since past few years to integrate the preaching efforts of VOICE and ours in IIT Madras. Please bless us that this may be possible this year. Together, we will become a formidable force and can demand separate mess with vaishnav food (we will offer it) for the students in IIT. We want to foray into separate preaching program for faculty and staff. Kindly allow us/ bless us that this may be possible this year onwards.


By the grace of Their Lordships, we got deities in wood of Sri Sri Radha Krishna manifested without any effort from our side. We want to build a temple within IIT for Their pleasure. We will be going through the process of taking permission from ISKCON & IIT authorities for this in the near future. Kindly bless that this may be possible.


If you have any other plans/instructions for us, please please Guru Maharaj reveal to us. We will be happy to follow your instructions.


Please please take care of your health.


Yours in service,

Srinivas Nitai Das

Radha Rasamayi DD