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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Rūpamayī Sudevī dāsī (Bangalore - Sri Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir - India)

Dear Gurumaharaja,

Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krsna presthaya bhutale
Srimate Jayapataka swamin iti namine,
Nama Acharya padaya Nitai kripa pradayine
Gaura katha dhama daya nagara grama tarine


Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

On this auspicious day of your 71st Vyasa Puja, I shall attempt to glorify you, although I have absolutely no qualification or competence.

Gurudeva, firstly, I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for mercifully accepting this extremely fallen soul under your shelter.

You are the embodiment of the very first principle of 'I am not this body but a spirit soul.' You tolerate all kinds of bodily inconveniences just to deliver fallen souls. The fact that you have extended your stay on this planet to fulfil Srila Prabhupada's instructions is commendable. You take evening classes daily, despite your health conditions, to enlighten us with nectarean pastimes of Lord Caitanya.

You are an ocean of mercy, compassion. tolerance, equanimity, humility, and maturity. You are the uttama-adhikari devotee we have read of. You personify the qualities of a spiritual master that the Vedas sing of (vede gāy jāhāra carito). You are busy throughout the day with Kṛṣṇa conscious activities. I always wondered how a cent percent Kṛṣṇa conscious devotee is like, and you demonstrated this lucidly.

Gurumaharaja, you carry the mood of Srila Prabhupada and the guru-parampara, which is non-different from from the mood of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, of yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘kṛṣṇa’-upadeśa. 

Srila Gurudeva, by your blessings, last year, in the month of Kārtika, my family and I assisted our Bhakti-Vṛkṣa leader in distributing the mercy of Yaśodā-Dāmodara and over 4463 new souls offered a ghee lamp.

I beg forgiveness for the offences that I have committed, knowingly or unknowingly. I seek your blessings so that I can fulfil your instruction of unlimited preaching.

Your spiritual daughter,

Rūpamayī Sudevī dasī