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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Amarapati Jagannātha dāsa (Bangalore - South - India)

Om ajnana-timirandhasyajnananjan- salakaya



NamaomVisnupadaya Krishna PresthayabhutaleSrimateJayapatakaSwaminitinamine



Dear Beloved Gurudeva,

Please Accept our Respectful Obeisances,


Gurudeva every year I try to find words within my heart that can properly glorify you. I have come to a realisation that we are unworthy to glorify you. But by your mercy and mercy of Vaishnava’s I have managed to make an offering.

Time I wanted to preach about Lord Chaitanya’s moment and Holy name of the lord we used to her your Lectures and there as not a single lecture you didn’t speak about Gauranga and his Pastimes. It gave us immense pleasure to hear about Gauranga’spastimes.when I visit MayapurDham I feel that’s my mother’s place(Mayka) each and everything is taken care and we feel motherly love.

In this age of Kaliyuga we can feel the strength of SrimatiMayadevieach and every moment and to release ourselves from her clutches and almost impossible Krishna is unlimitedly Strong and Mahamaya is also energy of Krishna therefore she is also unlimitedly strong. Only your mercy can protect us from her powerful influence. Gurudeva by your mercy we have come into contact with Gauranga and we think we have been fortunate enough to make a step of advancement and for that we are eternally grateful. Because of this lockdown we are not able to Distribute books of SrilaPrabhupada.Our hearts are broken because we are not able to reach more souls.

Please bless our BV members to make spiritual Advancement so that they become serious in KC and get initiated.

Prayers for your Good health at Lotus feet of Sri Narasimhadev.

Your Unworthy Spiritual Childrens,

AmarapatiJagannath Das &SumukhiMahalakshmi Devi Dasi