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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Śacī Jananī devī dāsī (Mayapur - India)

Hare Krsna
My dear Guru Maharaja
Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories unto your divine grace

Gurudev on this auspicious day of your Vyasa puja we pray to their Lordships Sri  Sri Radha Madhava Sri Pancatattva and Sri Sri  Narasimhadev to grant you all your desires and that you have good health and abundant energy to carry on your unstoppable service to Srila Prabhupada and the Parampara.

Guru Maharaja the scriptures describe the qualities of a pure devotee and you are a reservoir of each one of them. Your Kindness, Compassion, Tolerance, Determination, Patience, Enthusiasm your mood of never giving up under any circumstances or against any odds just to name a few. When one hears your glories then one can realize actually what these words really mean. The manifestation of all these qualities in your personality naturally makes you very attractive. You are not only attractive to your disciples but anyone who comes in contact with you. You are like the pied piper who just attracts the hearts of all those who have a glimpse of you or even hear your glories. Then they just follow you and you so expertly draw all of them towards Lord Chaitanya. I feel so fortunate and cannot thank the Lord enough for the shelter of your Lotus feet and service to your divine grace.  Since my first darshan of your divine grace, there was this invisible power that has just dragged me away from the useless life and into your service and a life that is full of gratitude and hope.

Guru Maharaja This world is blazing more and more day by day due to ignorance and we are seeing today how a small virus can bring the world to a standstill and all the so-called great powers to their knees. we can understand that in this condition of great suffering the only solution is chanting the holy names of the lord and spreading the message of krsna. Only someone like your divine grace can actually help and save the living entities of this world. We are seeing that even thou you may be the foremost to actually affected by this virus you are actually standing in the front and protecting so many and wanting to save more and more souls. We are trying your inspiration to help devotees keep up their krsna consciousness and also help those who are ignorant of the way to live in this word. Thank you for inspiring us and we hope and pray you to remain with us for many years to come. 

 It’s been about a year since Ramananda Pr and I have come to serve directly under your guidance and instructions. It’s been your causeless mercy to give us service thou we are very unqualified.  I have faith that by remaining sincere and following your instructions and by your empowerment I  can one day be worthy of your mercy. You have been very patient and tolerant of my inefficiencies and faults and continuously encouraging my endeavor when I fumble like a small child. thank you, Gurudev

I am begging to remain in your service always and have no other desire than to please your divine grace. Please bless Prabhu and me and my daughter Snigdha Radhika dd and her husband Bhakta Venkat to be protected from the attacks of Maya.and serve you always 

Your insignificant spiritual daughter.
Saci Janani Devi dasi