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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Gaurasundara Kṛpāmoya dāsa (Budapest - Hungary)

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please, accept my humble obeisances!
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
All glories to the dust of your lotus feet!

This was a though year. All mankind went to war against an invisible enemy. Some under the flag of the material energy – māyāpatākā. Some under the victory flag of the spiritual energy – jayapatākā. There were great losses on both sides, the difference is that only the latter troops could understand them. The similarity, however, was that these losses caused immense sadness to all of them. One thing is to understand but accepting is not always very easy. No matter if they are great generals, or privates, loosing them always hurts.

I remember five years ago in Ljubljana, after a very long day, around midnight, before you vent to sleep you went to take a bath. After you were done when one of your servants wheeled you out from the bathroom, you raised your hands and shouted out loudly: ‘Invincible!’. Indeed, you are. You are invincible. You defeated the material energy long time ago. And from time to time, he is trying to defeat you in different ways, but he has no chance at all. He has no chance, because you are under the protection of the Greatest Protector. No one can defeat one who is protected by Krishna the Supreme Lord, the Topmost Invincible. But you defeated Him too, you defeated the Supreme Invincible also. You defeated both Māyā and Kṛṣṇa with only one weapon: with the unlimited love for your spiritual master, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda. This makes you invincible. Your love and the strong determination to complete the tasks he has entrusted you with.

This war against the material energy is very though. Everyone dies. But I know, if I fight under the Victory Flag, my death will be also victorious. So on this most auspicious day of your Vyāsa-pūjā this insignificant servant of yours with a straw between his teeth bows down to your lotus feet again and again, and begs you: ‘Dear Guru Mahārāja, please kindly always keep me in your troop! Please kindly let me fight on your side ‘till I die!’

Your insignificant servant:
Gaurasundara Kṛpāmoya Dāsa
Bhaktivedanta College, Budapest, Hungary.