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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Arunima Jins (Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa - Middle East)

Om Anjana Timirandhasya Jananjana Salakya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri guruva namah.

Namah Om Vishnu padaya Krishna prasthaya bhuthale 

Srimate Jaypathaka Swamin iti Namine

Namah Acharya padaya Nitai Kripa pradayine 

Gaura Katha dama daya nagara grama tarine

Dearest GuruMaharaj,

All glories to your auspicious appearance day.

This is a day filled with happiness ,ecstasy and celebration for all the disciples around the world

I have never met you but it always feels like you are right next to me and protecting me .

My parents and I have been into Krishna consciousness from the past  7 years.I am from KrishnaKatha Desh.I have been living in India for my higher studies from the past 4 yearsand I need your blessings so that I can come more close to the supreme.

Arunima Jins

KrishnaKatha desh