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Vyāsa-pūjā 2018

Śrīvatsa Śyāmasundara Dāsa (Mayapur - India)

My Dear Guru Maharaj,

Kindly Accept my humble and respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Thanking you again and again accepting a unworthy person as your disciple, I am indebted to you. Gurudev by your blessings I am able to practice right path to progress in practicing Krishna Bhakti. I always think that how to serve you and which way I can do my best to please you. Last year I was joined Brahamcari ashram in Mayapur under your devine shelter. By Lords arrangement and your blessings, I am serving in Mayapur. I am confused what next now I am brahamcari is this enough? But you always inspires me by your activities with my tiny brain I cannot understand most of the activities, in SB 10.80.34 begetting good children or the second birth obtained by ritual initiation into Vedic culture. Although both of these are praiseworthy, Lord Kåñëa here states that faithful service rendered to a bona fide spiritual master is still higher. when I am in danger I remember, this faith driven me many times. During Radhastami day you mentioned I have given my life, now I am sanyasi which way I can please the Srimati Radharani by giving gifts and bringing new souls to Sri Radhakrishna.

Gurudev, by your mercy, I am ready to accept any challenges to please you and Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Gauranithai and Devine Couple Sri Sri Radhamadava.

Gurudev please show your mercy on this useless servant to be qualified servant to a bonafide spiritual master.

Your Insignificant Servant,
Srivatsa Syamasundara Dasa,