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Vyāsa-pūjā 2022

sriram Kalpathy Varadarajan (Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa - Middle East)

Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Daṇḍavat Praṇāma, kindly accept our sincere obeisance to your lotus feet.

May this mail find you in abundance of love for Śrīla Prabupada and Māyāpur Chandra.

Bg. 7.19

बहूनां जन्मनामन्ते ज्ञानवान्मां प्रपद्यते ।
वासुदेव: सर्वमिति स महात्मा सुदुर्लभ: ॥

After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.

Thank you for being the guiding light in our spiritual path, shouldering and hand holding us even before falling, always.

On this auspicious Vyāsa-pūjā day of Guru Mahārāja, our reflections of last year in devotional service in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness as below

1.Following 04 regulative principles

2.Chanting minimum 16rounds of Hare Kṛṣṇa Māha-mantra on daily basis

3.Participating in weekly Śrīmad-bhāgavatam and Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā class

4.Fasting for Ekādaśī and important appearance and disappearance days of Vaiṣṇavas and Guruparamaparā.

5.Assistance to Cakrapati to distribute Dāmodara kits to new members during Dāmodara month in Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa and India

6.Assisted in distribution of Chanting beads and bags to new devotees in Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa and India

7.Go sevā

8.Lakshmi sevā to ISKCON Mahāvidhyalaya, ISKCON TVM, ISKCON Kanyakumari.

9.Studing scriptures -Bhakti Śāstrī

Bg. 3.27

प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः ।
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते ॥

The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.

We are humbly seeking your blessings and kindly glance upon us your mercy and benevolence for fulfilling your wishes by giving us energy and strength to spread Śrīla prabupada’s mission and to serve all vaiṣṇavas without any offense.

Our heart is full of gratitude for giving us an opportunity to serve,

Yours humble servant,

Śrīram Kalpathy Varadarājan (aspiring disciple)

Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa