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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Kalpataru Jāhnavā devī dāsī (Gaurāṅga Deśa - Middle East)

Hare Kṛṣṇa to my dearest Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeiscances unto your divine lotus feet,

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda,

My dearest father, who can be so merciful like you, you have so much compassion for all living entities. You are so merciful that you reach out to the whole world every day. It is so wonderful that each of us can associate with you every day if we desire.

Gurudeva I want to serve you by preaching strongly, please bless me that I am able to do this in your service. I am presently have Bhakti-vṛkṣa class for ladies and they are progressing nicely. I try to engage my day mostly in Kṛṣṇa conscious activities but some time I am sleepy and my body is tired please help me overcome it Gurudeva.

In our yātrā they have given me the seva of Bala Utsav coordinator I am doing it to my best of my ability, I am doing Bhakti-vaibhava presently which I love doing and I am so inspired to do it by you Gurudeva. Past few month I am engrossed in the study of the śuddha nāma and śuddha bhakti, it has been really enlightening and enriching experience and it has improved my quality of my chanting and my faith in the Holy name. I understand it is the ultimate please do bless me to chant purely and not to make any offenses to anyone.

Thank you so much Guru Mahārāja for all the love and care to the most insignificant soul. Actually, I don’t deserve anything. All the good fortune is given by you Guru Mahārāja

Please bless your granddaughter Tanisha to be attached to the lotus feet of the Lord.

I want to connect to you always in my thoughts.

Please bless your aspiring devotee Vinod aravindan to progress in devotional service and attain your lotus feet.

your insignificant daughter,

Kalpataru Jāhnavā Devī Dāsī (dīkṣā)

UAE (Dubai)