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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Tapesh Upadhyay (Ujjain - India)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja ji Dandwat Praṇām

Please accept my humble obeisances

I consider myself most fortunate to get the opportunity to write my first Vyāsa-pūjā offering on your 74th Vyāsa-pūjā. Your wonderful qualities and complete surrender to Kṛṣṇa and Śrīla Prabhupāda even in the most difficult situation by continuing your daily services has attracted my mind to your lotus feet just like bee gets attracted to nectar of flowers.

I want to introduce myself to you, I’m Tapesh Upadhyay from Bhopal (MP) and presently pursing M.Tech from NIT Bhopal. I have been connected to devotees from Ujjain temple and staying presently in student center run by them, here I met one of your exalted disciple His Grace Akasara Govind pr who mercifully introduced you to me. When I first saw you in Śrī Dhāma Māyāpur I was convinced that you are the only one who have been my spiritual master life after life. Then I asked Aksara pr how you can accept me as your disciple and he told me about the process and I’m trying my best to fulfill the requirements.

Your mercy started flowing towards me from first day itself when I saw you and soon I took aspiring from you and by your grace I got opportunity to take shelter at your lotus feet on 7 Nov 2022. I hope to get your mercy to complete the requirements for becoming your disciple by 02 April 2023. Your daily Chaintya Lella classes keeps me in constant association with you and gives the remembrance of nectarean pastimes of Shri Chaintya Mahāprabhu and his associates. I was also fortunate to visit Śrīdhāma Māyāpur on the auspicious occasion of Nityānanda Trayodaśī and get darśana of your lotus feets and hear the transcendental pastimes of Mahāprabhu enjoying with his associates in the river.

Currently I’m serving as internal Manager for the student BSC and also going for preaching in MANIT hostel for MCA students daily and if you wish then some of these students may shift in BSC also to practice devotional service nicely but sometimes I get discouraged when students do not respond favorably for Kṛṣṇa consciousness activities, that’s why I’m completely dependent on your mercy to help in overcome these negative thoughts in my services.

Guru Mahārāja my wish is to join the Prabhupāda army by becoming full time temple devotee and without your blessings it is impossible for me to do so, please empower me Śrīla Guru Mahārāja so that I can follow your example and dedicate myself completely in service of Kṛṣṇa and your lotus feets.

Your Insignificant servant,
