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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Dīpapriya Gāndharvikā Devī Dāsī (Sydney - Australia)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Dear Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! All glories to you dear Guru Mahārāja.

Happy Vyāsa-pūjā!!

Guru Mahārāja, on this most auspicious day, I will try my best to offer you my heartfelt gratitude and prayers.

By your mercy and blessings, we got the opportunity to get your personal association at the beginning of this year, arranged by His Grace Anandamaya Gopīnātha Dāsa prabhujī (Sydney Yātrā). It was truly a dream come true. This was the first time I met you along with my prabhujī – AnantaŚeśa Balabhadra Dāsa (Your disciple from Sydney Yātrā) after our marriage which happened through the Vaiṣṇava Marriage Bureau. You are very merciful Gurudeva. You took time from your busy schedule to instruct and listen to all of us.

We had attended most of the Caitanya-līlā classes in person in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur when we came for the yātrā in Dec 2022- Jan 2023. It felt so blissful seeing you dear Gurudeva. Every time just by seeing you and hearing your lectures and instructions we can purify and clean our impure heart. Though it is our duty to always hear your lecture, instructions; sometimes we get busy in our life and miss doing it. But Gurudeva just by following you everywhere on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram - It has become so easy to hear and see you every time I open these apps. Thank you dear Gurudeva for always engaging us and making sure we take your association always.

You are an epitome of unending inspiration, kindness and generosity. You have unceasing compassion for us and a burning desire to do more for Your Guru Mahārāja. This shows us how one should serve his/her Guru Mahārāja. You have also shown us outstanding Vaiṣṇava characters. You are a storehouse of Lord Caitanya’s unfathomable mercy, and You are a powerful source of endless inspiration not only for us but for generations to come.

Time and again You show us by Your example how to continue striving hard to please Guru and Gaurāṅga in spite of external difficulties. By You completing the Bhakti-vaibhava and constantly mentioning in the class the importance of śāstric studies, It inspired me to complete my Bhakti-śāstri. Guru Mahārāja you have always shown by example of how we should strive to be. I hope I get a few drops of your divine qualities someday. It’s beyond my understanding how one can do so many activities in one’s day. You are an eternal associate of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and therefore empowered to engage us in their service.

Your mercy is unlimited Guru Mahārāja. You are taking the mercy of Gaura Nitāi and distributing it all over the world!

Guru Mahārāja, You are so wonderful! And all we can try to do is encourage more people to engage themselves in Your service.

Please forgive me for any offenses committed knowingly or unknowingly.

I pray to Śrī Śrī Rādhā Gopīnātha, Rādhā Śyāmasundara, Rādhā Madana-mohana, Śrī Śrī Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā, Gaura Nitāi and Śrīla Prabhupāda to always keep you in best health so that we can get your association always!!!

All Glories to You dear Gurudeva!

Seeking shelter at your lotus feet,

Your insignificant servitor,

Dīpapriya Gāndharvikā Devī Dāsī (dīkṣā)

ISKCON Sydney Yātrā