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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Līlā Kīrtaneśvarī devī dāsī (Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa - Middle East)

Dear Guru Mahārāja,
Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet,
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda,
All glories to you Guru Mahārāja,
All glories to Saṅkīrtana movement of Lord Caitanya…

Śrīla Gurudeva, on this most auspicious occasion of your Vyāsa-pūjā, I pray to Rādhā Mādhava, Panchatattva, Narasiṁhadev to bless you with all good health. This year I will be very fortunate to be in Māyāpur participating in the celebrations of your Vyāsa Pūjā gurudeva. I feel always your blessings, protection, guidance and care at each and every step of my life. This wonderful occasion always reminds me how fortunate I am to get connected to the paramapara and this glorious Kṛṣṇa Consciousness movement.

Guru Mahārāja, you have shown all of us how the material difficulties cannot stop devotional activities and can continue Bhakti in all possible ways. You are a live example of how one should take and follow the spiritual master’s instruction very seriously. We were there for this year ILS 2023 and we were all very happy to see you Gurudeva receving Bhakti-vaibhava degree which was a great inspiration to all of us to follow in your foot steps to study scriptures deeply through śāstric courses. Your enthusiasm in attending ILS seminars, CC classes every day, attending meetings, heading GBC, administering and providing inputs for TOVP and many more that I even don’t know shows us how dedicated you are in spreading Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s message all over the world and how compassionate you are towards all fallen souls like us.

You are very compassionate, humble, tolerant, appreciative. You always see good qualities in others. You never give up on people, are very responsible, loyal, always show gratitude to others however
insignificant their offering may be, always thinking of the welfare of others. Your qualities and glories are unlimited.Your glorious activities gives me immense strenght to carry out my services with more sincerity and devotion. Thank you Gurudeva for accepting me as your disciple though not qualified in any means. It is mentioned in the scriptures that if we meditate, remember the qualities of the Māhājana’s one can imbibe the same qualities in oneself. I pray at your lotus feet, that I can follow in your footsteps and imbibe your mood so that I can represent you properly and assist you in spreading the mission of Lord Caitanya.

Gurudeva, by your blessings I am continuing my services in kṛṣṇa-kathā Desh yātrā as Balya Sevā Department Head leading children and youth programs. I am also taking Bhagavad Gītā classes in English and Telugu for matajis in Bhakti-vṛkṣa model, guiding our chakra members, etc. Currently, I am doing my Bhakti-vaibhava Course from Māyāpur Institute, completed 1st and 2nd Cantos... 3 rd Canto going, need your blessings Gurudeva so that I can complete BV course without any obstacles and render the services alloted to me in our yātrā with dedication and devotion.

My Prabhu (Saṅkīrtana Ananda Gaura Dāsa) and my daughters Gāyatrī and Gowri joins me in paying their respectful obeisances at your lotus feet on this most auspicious day of your appearance day Gurudeva. My elder daughter is desiring to take Shelter from you Gurudeva, hope by your mercy it will happen soon. Please bless all of us so that we will be always in the association of devotees and in the service of Śrīla Prabhupāda mission all through our lives.

On this auspicious occasion of your appearance, we pray to Lordships to protect you always, give you the strength and energy to carry on with your mission of spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness ‘unlimitedly” as Śrīla Prabhupāda wanted you, for years and years to come.

Your insignificant daughter,

Leela Kirtaneswari Devī Dāsī (dīkṣā)

Kṛṣṇa-kathā deśa