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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Krishna Caitanya Appana (Reading - United Kingdom)

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate jayapatāka svāmin iti nāmine
nama ācaryapādāya nitāi-kṛpā-pradāyine
gaura-kathā-dhāma-dāya nagara-grāma-tāriṇe

Our dear spiritual father Śrīla Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances, all glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda, all glories unto your lotus feet.

I have utterly no qualification to glorify or pay homage unto you, but I am trying purify myself thru this process.

Dear Śrīla Guru Mahāraja, you are amazing in every possible way which anyone wouldn’t be able to even count...

You are that role model person that I have been searching for, without even smallest defects that anyone should look forward to.

Every word that comes from your mouth is an ocean of nectar, you are the only hope on we fallen souls for we to know about Kṛṣṇa!

Your causeless mercy on all the sheltered devotees is the only rope for us to get out of this materialistic pleasure filled ocean.

Your Kathāmṛta and the ocean of nectarian lectures and books are the only savior for us.

You are our true role model in every situation in spreading Mahāprabhu’s glories and in ensuring Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s Harināma saṅkīrtana movement is there at every one’s house.

All glories unto your lotus feet, All glories unto Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Please allow me to be a small part of your mission, please help enlighten more and more devotees to be part of this wonderful service through which they can be connected directly to you and be part of the Mahāprabhu’s saṅkīrtana movement.

Please bless me that I do more and more serious sādhana and that you grant me dīkṣā at the earliest.

Please ensure that I become an eternal servant at your lotus feet at the end of this human life and that I should not have any other desire than serving the servants of the servants of the Gaura-bhakta-vṛnda.

Hare Kṛṣṇa!

Your insignificant servant and Sheltered devotee,

Krishna Caitanya Appana.

Reading, UK.