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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Taruṇī Śrī Lalitā Devī Dasī (New York - Queens - United States of America)

Hare Kṛṣṇa dearest Guru Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. Last year in April 2022, I received Harināma initiation from you in Atlanta, Georgia. I currently reside in Queens, NY, USA. You gave me the spiritual name Taruṅī Śrī Lalitā Devī Dasī. You offered me your causeless mercy by accepting me as your servant, disciple, and spiritual daughter. I promise to always uphold the 4 regulative principles and chant 16 rounds daily as I have been rightfully and continuously doing. As my form of sincerest gratitude, I have written a poem for you for your Vyāsa Pūjā offering. I hope it is pleasing to you, dearest Gurudeva, and that you always continue to bestow your blessings upon me so that I can help you in some menial way to fulfill Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission. The poem is written below. 

Spiritual Father- A Tribute to Guru Mahārāja 

You are my wings

You lift me higher

You took my heart full of darkness

and replaced it with fire

You took all my fears

and life full of agony

replaced them with solace and

joyful melodies


Lost in the pages of life

Material desires lead me astray

The only hope for this fallen soul

Is shelter under your lotus feet, I pray


You taught me to view equally

Every living entity in this place

As they are souls also

deserving of mercy and grace


The message of devotional service is your lesson

Glorifying Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s mission

Pleasing and wonderful like morning dew

which brings us back to life fresh and anew


You showed me the struggle for existence

Is a never-ending cycle of highs and lows

that if I always think of you

the transcendence will instantly flow


In tolls of calamity is when you whisper

like a sweet silent voice in the wind

Knocking on the window of my mind to make sure

I never sleep in delusion again


Through the ticking of time

You forever stand by my side, faithfully

My most beloved Guru Mahārāja

my spiritual father, eternally


Your most humble servant,
Taruṇī Śrī Lalitā Devī Dasī (Queens, NY, USA)