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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Rāma Bhaktavatsala Dāsa (Singapore City - Singapore)

Hare Kṛṣṇa Guru Mahārāja 

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. 

All Glories to JagadGuru His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda.

All Glories to Your Holiness Gurudeva Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja.

I am very fortunate to take this opportunity to wish you and take your blessings on this auspicious appearance day.

On this very auspicious occassion, we are praying to Śrī Jagannātha Baladeva Subhadrā (presiding deities of Singapore Yātrā) and Sītā Rāma Lakṣmaṇa Hanumān (personal śālagrāma deities at home) for your full recovery and regular in person visits to Singapore. 

Guru Mahārāja, we (Mahālakṣmī Rādhikā Devī Dāsī, Acyuta Gaura (son), Lalitā Mādhurī (daughter) and myself) are very fortunate and extremely grateful that you were able to visit Singapore in 2022 to give us your most memorable and merciful association. Your 2022 trip to Singapore is something that our entire family would cherish forever, as we had multiple service opportunities like never before, we had wonderful association with His Grace Mahāvarāha prabhu, His Grace Mādhavakānta pr, His Grace Haridās prabhu and His Grace Gaurāṇga prabhu. We wish and pray that we are blessed with such trips every year.

I am listing some of the amazing realisations that we experience during your 2022 trip to Singapore.

1. It was a surprise visit which many of us always dreamt of. All your disciples here prayed for this wonderful opportunity and you answered our prayers.

2. We moved to singapore from Chennai just before the pandemic, due to which we couldnt have many personal visits to devotees houses. But when we visited one of our godbrothers house for the first time, we (me and my wife Mahālakṣmī Rādhikā Devī Dāsī) desired in our heart that it would be wonderful if we get an opportunity to host Guru Mahārāja in their house. We didn't desire to host Guru Mahārāja in our house because the facilities were not the best that we were able to offer Gurudeva, but considering our God brother and sister (His Grace Rangamaya Prabhu and Her Grace Śivamayī mātājī) house as our own house, we had that desire to host you there and surprisingly, they also had the same desire, which was backed by their śikṣā gurus words which was told during the house warming many years ago. To all our surprise, you heard our desires and prayers... jai !! We were fortunate to host and serve you Guru Mahārāja in singapore in 2022.

3. When we were organising the programme in the main  Gaurāṇga center in Singapore, we came across this limitation of the elevator not working and you agreed to the arrangement of lifting you up the stairs, due to which many of the devotees here had a wonderful service opportunity 

4. But there were few other devotees who didnt get the opportunity, who were disappointed, but because of the divine arrangement it started raining heavily when you were about to arrive, due to which many devotees got the service of managing the traffic, making your rain shade etc.... you again answered our prayers for service Gurudeva...

Limiting it to 4 Guru Mahārāja and praying to have many more such realisations by your mercy.

Guru Mahārāja, for your and the pleasure of the lordship, we have recently started a Tamil Bhakti Vṛkṣa programme for the devotees working in construction sector. There was no Tamil program on a Sunday in Gaurāṇga Center and these devotees would attend the bengali program, even though they don't understand the language. I had a wonderful opportunity to offer my services to these nice and dedicated set of Tamil devotees with the blessings of His Grace Devakī Nandana prabhu. This program has been happening for a couple of months now and we have 10 to 12 devotees attending this program on a regular basis where we go through the Bhakti Vṛkṣa model. Request your blessings Guru Mahārāja and I hope this pleases you.

I would also like to tell you that my son Achyuta Gaura has been showing a lot of interest in reading scriptures, we try to read a few verses from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (morning before going to school) and Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta (evening) on a daily basis as a family. Acyuta Gaura asks a lot of questions and attends the daily reading sessions very attentively. Please bless my son so that he can be a soldier in the movement at your and Śrīla Prabhupada's service. Please also bless my daughter Lalitā Mādhuri, so that she takes up devotional services, please bless me and my wife too Gurudeva.

Me, my wife Mahalakṣmī Rādhikā Devī Dāsī and my 9 year old son Acyuta Gaura have registered ourselves for Bhakti Śāstri course stating from March 2023 in singapore, We are seeking your blessings to complete the course and improve our knowledge base, to be used in Mahāprabhus service, so that we can please you.

Guru Mahārāja we need your Profound Blessings for Everyone to Progress in Spiritual Life and Good Health to Perform Devotional Services for the Pleasure of Your Holiness and for the Pleasure of Śrī Śrī Jagannātha Baladeva Subhadrā-mātā and Sītā Rāma Lakṣmaṇa Hanumān.

Your Humble Servant 
Rāma Bhaktavatsala Dāsa