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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Śiromaṇi Gaura dāsa (Kṛṣṇa Kathā Deśa - Middle East)

nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale

çrémate Jayapathakasväminn iti nämine


nama äcaryapädäya nitäi-kåpä-pradäyine

gaura-kathä-dhäma-däya nagara-gräma-täriëe

My dear Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to you, the savior of the fallen.

I remember you often, gurumaharaj, and I wonder how I got the good fortune to get your shelter and association. It is inconceivable. A most foolish person who was wandering aimlessly in this material world, trying but failing to find some satisfaction here.

Under the shelter of your lotus feet I can see something of the way forward. I received the direction of statement from you for my journey to reach the destination.

There is a proverb in Telugu, which was casually told by my god sister (Handing over the locker key to thief will protect the theft) this proverb is perfectly matching to me in many ways.

In my school days I was an average student and I passed my days without any goal until to get your shelter. After your shelter through your mercy now taking BG and SB classes to neophyte devotees and Krsna kathadesh management given seva to do book distribution & KKD website development seva & Shelter and initiation board in charge & Yatra office in charge & active member in yatra strategic planning & coaches for school,going kids.

If the seva has not been allocated to me means, then I supposed to be like thief, due to the seva now I become more responsible from irresponsible. All of my weak areas in the spiritual zone now moving towards strength side.

Dear Gurumaharaj, You made me to realize Gauranga and love of god head, and I was amazed by hearing your glories by HG.Sankarshan nitai das.

Srila prabhupada went to western country to give krsna consciousness to fulfillhis spiritual master instruction and you Gurumaharaj to fulfill srila prabhupada  instruction you came from western country to India to give krsna consciousness.

“Although you taught me that Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I still feel that I do not know Him. However, I know you, and you are my everything. All I want is to be with you, life after life.”

“Dear Gurumaharaj, although I am totally unqualified, please let me stay at your lotus feet forever, engaging my entire existence in your service.”

Desiring to remain at your lotus feet forever

 your humble servant,

Çiromani Gaura das

Krsna katha desh