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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Sītā Cāru devī dāsī (Dāmodara Deśa - Middle East)

Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjan- salakaya
Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasapuja.” 

We pray that we may always be blessed with service to Your Divine Grace and remain your humble servants eternally.Our entire family is dedicated to persevering your divine instructions in our daily activities & to  entire Damodardesh Yatra. I consider myself very fortunate to be under your shelter which is compared to be most valuable & precious gems v/s the best of material gift one can receive. Like Dhurva maharaj chanted a wonderful shloka as soon as Lord Vishnu appeared before him .

sthānābhilāṣī tapasi sthito'haṁ tvāṁ prāptavān deva-munīndra-guhyam |
 kācaṁ vicinvann api divya-ratnaṁ  svāmin kṛtārtho smi varaṁ na yāce ||

“O my Lord, I took up the practice of penance and austerities out of a wish to become a great ruler. Now that I have attained you, who remain hidden to even great demigods, saintly persons and kings, I feel like someone who had been searching for fragments of glass but has found instead a most valuable jewel. I am now so fulfilled that there is no benediction left for me to request.” (HBS 7.28; quoted at CC 2.22.42 and 2.24.213).

Since my marriage I have been assisting my family in a small way to help in preaching Krishna Consciousness to many families. It is purely by your unlimited mercy you are showering on us that many families see us a ”role-model” to keep them inspired in Srila Prabhupada`s movement. I certainly seek your blessings to be consistent in my services to help more families relish the fruits of Krishna Conscoiusness as taught by Lord Caitanya. 

Children`s preaching program in Damodardesh is flying high. Through children many families are inducted into Bhakti Vrkshas. Every year the numbers are increasing consistently. We can visibly see the victory flag is flying high. This year our unique Natkhat Mela was a grand success, with over 2500 attending.  

Nevertheless, the relentless team work with my god sisters & brothers made us enjoy this great accomplishment.

We are facing many challenges due to limitations in preaching publicly, but despite these limitations we are determined to stride forward We are indebted to your kindness and empowerment  which is possible only because of your causeless mercy & continuous inspiration.

Gurudeva, you set the example of devotion to Sri Guru and Gauranga and we wish to humbly try and follow your example. We only pray to serve your lotus feet birth after birth. 

My Beloved Guru maharaj your appearance in this material world is to swiftly deliver many  souls who are impoverished not only materially but spirituallytoo!

Dear Guru Maharaj this shloka is dedicated to you. Your exemplary services moved me deeply .

 In Srimad Bhagavatam (8.7.44) 

tapyante loka-tāpena sādhavaḥ prāyaśo janāḥ
paramārādhanaṁ tad dhi puruṣasyākhilātmanaḥ

it is said that great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general. This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present in every one's heart.  

Srila Prabhupada comments in his purport -

“If one tries to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness all over the world, he should be understood to be performing the best welfare activity. The Lord is automatically very pleased with him. If the Lord is pleased with him, what is left for him to achieve? 

All the śāstras conclude, therefore, that spreading the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is the best welfare activity in the world. Because of the ultimate benefit this bestows upon people in general, the Lord very quickly recognizes such service performed by a devotee.”

Jai Guru maharaja!

Your spiritual daughter
Sita Charu devi dasi