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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Śabda Hari dāsa (Chennai - India)

Dear Gurumaharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to your divine grace.

On this most auspicious Vyasa Puja day, I would like to offer my prostrated obeisances and my deepest love to you Gurumaharaj, for being such a loving father who is always caring for his spiritual children. I feel so privileged, honored and so protected to have you as my eternal spiritual father.

At every single stage in my life, right from my childhood, you have showered your love and care. And I would like to recollect those moments.

1. It was the year 1995. I was just a 12-year-old boy. You had visited Bangalore and we traveled together as a congregation group to Melukote for 3 days. We had cultural programs and you had really inspired all the youth to get more serious in Krishna Consciousness. That trip was very memorable and has left some strong impressions on me personally on how loving and caring you were from back then.

2. From 1996 all the way to 2005, every year we used to attend the Ratha Yatras in Chennai, Coimbatore, Madikeri, and Bangalore. Gurumaharaj, you were always at the forefront pushing forward the teaching of Lord Caitanya and inspiring thousands of people to chant the Holy Names of the Lord. Dancing and chanting on the streets and playing your big wompers, was a treat to watch and hear.

3. At the Madikeri Ratha Yatra I had a memorable moment with you Gurumaharaj. A few days ago chance to make some money on a project and I put in the entire proceeds of that project (Rs.2000) in an envelope with a 1 Rupee coin on it to give you as Guru Dakshina. There were many devotees in the room. And when I gave you that envelope, you gracefully accepted it and asked "You're giving me 1 rupee?". The entire room started laughing and felt a little embarrassed. I said... "No Gurumaharaj, there is more inside the envelope." You smiled back at me and said, "Metal has more value than paper". And I felt so special. It was like you understood what was in my heart and you made me feel so loved.

3. The first time I attended the Mayapur Navadwip Parikrama was in 2006. I had a chance to serve you on one of those days in your room. You were a little upset with a few of your servants on that particular day. And I was really nervous, as I had to assist one of your servants to massage your divine lotus feet after the long days walk with hot water. You were in a ferocious mood teaching a lesson to your servants. And as I was quietly massaging your feet you looked straight into my eyes and said... "I want a clean heart! Yes... I want a clean heart". While it seemed that you were addressing them, you were actually speaking to me. And that message went deep into my heart. I will never forget that moment with you Gurumahraj. This shows that you are always seeking your disciples to have a clean heart.

4. 2006 Radhastami was a very special day in Mayapur. It was the day of my initiation. After darshan arati, I was with my father and were walking towards the place where the initiation would take place. Gurudev, you happened to walk by and my father and I paid our obeisances to you. My father spoke to you and said.. "Gurumaharaj, my son will become your spiritual son today." Gurumaharaj, you then hugged my father and said, "You have done the most important thing in your life, by giving your son to me." And you gave both of us a tight hug which we both will never forget. So much of love and compassion you have for us Gurumaharaj. There is no way were will ever forget these small but special moments.

5. Fast forward 2020. Covid had taken on full swing. And Gurudev, you got even more active on social media preaching every day and visiting homes through Zoom. On one of the days where you visited Chennai yatra, my wife and I had an opportunity to get your divine association through Zoom. Out of hundreds of blessings that you were giving, on that day you specifically asked me to work on a presentation for digital preaching. I really did not expect that. Even though I was in the digital space, it was you Gurumaharaj who was able to identify how I could use that skills for improving online preaching. This really shows that you are ever alert on engaging your disciples in the service of Srila Prabhupada in every way possible. By your blessings, we were able to then conduct over 4 batches of training for Digital Preachers and 500+ preachers got equipped with new digital strategies to expand our movement during the lockdown. Thank you for engaging me in that service Gurumaharaj.

These were just a few of the numerous moments you have impacted our lives Gurumaharaj. 

It's only because of your causeless mercy that we are able to be engaged in the service of the Lord.

On behalf of my wife Vanita and my two sons Rishabh and Dhruva, we would like to dedicate our life for your pleasure and we would like to assist you in carrying forward the mission of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya in whatever small way that we can.

We beg for forgiveness for any offenses that we might have committed to you knowingly or unknowingly. 

We pray that we always have the taste for the chanting of the Holy Names and that we are always engaged in devotional service.

We pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva to constantly protect you from all obstacles so that you can guide us and help us serve you better.

On this most auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja, I would like to recommit myself to you Gurumahraj. 

We love you very much and want to always remain under the shade of your lotus feet.

Your eternal spiritual son, daughter, and grand-sons,
Shabdahari Das
Vanita Siddharth