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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Amarendra Mukunda dāsa (Bangalore - Sri Jagannath Mandir Seshadripuram - India)

Dear Guru Maharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!


Please accept my respectful obeisances to Your Lotus Feet.


After many, many births I am fortunate to get this auspicious opportunity to make this humble Vyasa Puja offering to your most revered, divine, and transcendental Lotus Feet. Although I am covered in ignorance and full of defects, I, nevertheless, seeking strength and inspiration from the endeavours of your well-wishers, my spiritual mentors, God brothers/God sisters, Senior Vaisnava’s/Vaisnavi’s like Haridhvani Mataji, spokespersons of Throwback Thursdays JPS glorification event, and JSSS WhatsApp group contributors, make this humble attempt to contribute a drop of heartfelt realisations to the nectarean ocean of your glories, to emphasise the significance of your appearance.


Spiritually potent Ganges chooses its own course,

some places it slows down, whereas other places it flows with full rapid force,

but Srila Guru Maharaj! you are more merciful and make no such consideration.


With the potency of the Hare Krishna Maha mantra, intently chanted from Your Lotus Mouth,

You once enthused life back into a dead person,

and mercifully gave him another opportunity, and saved him from annihilation.


Guru Maharaj! You are unmotivated by any mundane pleasure,

but Your Guru - Srila Prabhupada's instructions are Your only transcendental treasure,

You are undaunted by any pain, you consider pleasing your Guru as your only gain.


Guru Maharaj! You cherish your Guru’s instructions like Transcendental Gold,

with Gaur Nitai as your Supersoul, and empowered with their Kripa Potency,

You are 24/7 busy, unbiasedly, mercifuly, distributing Krishna Prema and liberating, all fallen souls.


Guru Maharaj! Your Guru gave you many profound Krishna Consciousness instructions,

and these instructions were many fold, but there were two to which you were especially, eternally sold :

1.) to preach Krishna Consciousness, message of ISKCON, and make devotees all over the world

2.) to develop ISKCON - Sri Dham Mayapur, and TOVP


Guru Maharaj! So these became Your life’s only mission,

and for it be fulfilled you were rightly empowered by Guru Parampara with a transcendental vision,

and then driven by transcendental force, You then set on course.


Guru Maharaj! You then left wealthy and modern USA and made India/Mayapur your vedic and humble home.

Wearing that big (kinda Japanese) hat, you walked bare feet in mud and dirt,

looking at that photo we can opine that it must have certainly hurt.

But determined and undeterred, you endeavoured for the spiritual cause,

and practiced austerity, ploughed the fields, and in scorching sunlight you always shone.


Guru Maharaj! Infused with Prema Bhakti, empowered by Nityananda Prabhu,

and in deep thoughts of Pancha-tattva, you played big kartals,

and attracted everyone to dance along with you in Gaura Prema,

across the Globe, and not just in Bengal.


Guru Maharaj! You were always source of enthusiasm for everyone you associated with.

You nurtured relationships, established bonds, beamed courage, and optimism.

You always championed the cause of devotee care,

You listened to your subordinates and your peers, and compassionately lent them your ear,

You advised them well and in doing so dissipated their fears.


Guru Maharaj! You were always serving your Guru and Gauranga, with Gaura Nitai in your heart,

and doing all these services You best played your part.


Of course all these efforts were never to go in vain,

and Srila Prabhupada knows best that in future they were to only bring you unaccountable transcendental gain.


Guru Maharaj! Thus with your consciousness absorbed into this Krishna Consciousness mission,

time passed by, along with the passage of many seasons,

and you went on to invest all your life’s force and sacrificed your youth to make vaisnava devotees out of fallen souls, for their good reasons.


This went through many series of Cause and Effects, including signing of few land deals and pacts.


Guru Maharaj! You convinced those who thought the goal was unattainable and phantom and with your endeavour, determination, and direction you astutely set things into momentum.


Guru Maharaj! You were empowered with Nityananda Prabhu’s might and power,

and now, in the association of blessed and empowered Vaishnava devotees,

You are (seated and serving) in the whorl of (Mayapur Dham - TOVP) the Transcendental Lotus flower,

and for the path “Back to Godhead” to the million souls you had shown,

across the world is your repute and devotion to your Guru and Gauranga, and (Your) fame, known.


Guru Maharaj! You have magnanimously gifted this material world with the beautiful manifestation of the Supreme abode of the Lord - Sri Dham Mayapur - TOVP, where confluence, assemblage, and association of Vaisnava’s/devotees from all over the world, takes place.

This spiritual abode is like an Oasis in a desert.

You have made Sri Dham Mayapur, Spiritual Capital of the World.

You transformed the then oblivious into (our) now conscious.


Guru Maharaj! You are perfect role model for your devotion to your Guru and Gauranga and Your leadership and endeavours to proliferate ISKCON/Krishna Consciousness across the world remains unparalleled.

Guru Maharaj! You are Spiritual Master, and role model for millions of followers from all over the world.


Guru Maharaj! Your compassion to uplift all jiva’s from their miserable condition knows no bound, 

and is reflected in your accepting discomforts, and eagerness and ever readiness to go Online (Zoom, Facebook, YouTube),

and deliver discourses on Srimad Bhagvatam and teachings of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu via the medium of your transcendental sound.


That Lord Krishna is Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His Hari Nama is non-different from Him, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Lord Krishna Himself are eternal facts, so spreading of Hari Nama is bound to have a Viral and Multiplier effect, 

now because You have empowered Your many disciples to spread it all over the world to further this mission,

it is certainly going to be nothing short of transcendental nuclear fission.


Guru Maharaj! to please Guru Parampara, You relentlessly travel all over the world preaching and distributing Bhagavat Prasada and Hari Nama, and establishing new preaching centres of ISKCON because in this Guru Parampara of Srila Narada Muni and Srila Prabhupada it has always been customary to travel to preach, and in Your doing so, Guru Maharaj!, million or more souls, simultaneously, you reach.


Listening to Chaitanya Mahaparabhu’s Lila and Srimad Bhagvatam discourses - via Zoom/YouTube/Facebook - from your Lotus Mouth is an eternal moment of bliss, and for any fortunate soul never to miss.


Srila Guru Maharaj, you have given us Srila Prabhupada As He Is, firsthand, the way you experienced and cherished his priceless association, and as He eternally lives in Your transcendental heart. You preserved and meditated on the instructions and glories of Srila Prabhupada and are sharing it with the entire world. Your Consciousness is composed of Krishna Conscious instruction’s of Your Spiritual Master.


Srila Guru Maharaj, Your only Desire is to please Your Guru and Gauranga. And You are busy fulfilling their transcendental mission.

Guru Maharaj! You, like your spiritual master, have proved to be both a Perfect Guru and a Perfect Disciple. And You walk the talk - I am not the body but spiritual soul. You are embodiment of Compassion, Inspiration, Strength, Mercy, and Spiritual knowledge-Krishna’s Consciousness. You are personification of Nectar of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, and Mercy of Nityananda Prabhu. You represent Srila Vyasadeva, and You are “Supreme Personality of Servitor Godhead”.


My life prior to this was helter-skelter,

by Krishna’s mercy, I some how got introduced to Srila Prabhupada via his books, and while I am in this material ocean,

but by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, and with no other hope and permanent destination in sight,

I have come to realise that your Lotus Feet are my only “Eternal Shelter”.


I am eternally indebted to you for enthusing my dull matter with Krishna Consciousness and inspiring me and engaging me in spiritual activities. I respectfully, pray to your Lotus Feet to bless me and empower me so that I be able to serve you, and Vaisnava devotees, to Your heart’s satisfaction, and like your millions of disciples/followers that I too be able to serve You in fulfilling "Your" commitment to Srila Prabhupada to help "Him" fulfill "His" commitment to "His" Srila Guru Maharaj.


Your eternal servant,

ankit atreja (aspiring disciple)

Bangalore, India