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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Akshith (London - Bhaktivedanta Manor - United Kingdom)

My dearest Spiritual Master, I first offer my most humble and respectful obeisances unto the dust which is found on your lotus feet. On this most auspicious occasion of your appearance day, I am already in shock that I have the opportunity to express my gratitude towards you and glorify you. You are my eternal father. In one initiation ceremony, Prabhupāda confirmed:

“There is a song by Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura, cakhu-dān dilo yei janme janme pitā sei [Śrī Guru-vandanā]:

“One who has opened the eyes, he is, birth after birth, he is my father.”“

Even if I had unlimited mouths and unlimited time, I still can’t fully glorify you or repay the debt that I owe to you. I simply desire to serve you and be under the shelter of your lotus feet.

Due to your causeless mercy, I already had the chance to distribute 1 Bhagavad-gītā. Since I am in a non-devotee family, I thought it was a near impossibility for this to happen at least until I was independent. However, when I started to listen to Caitanya-Leela from your lotus lips through a zoom call, only a few weeks later, I found myself handing a Bhagavad-gītā by His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda to my physics teacher.

However, I was not the doer! I just had the auspicious opportunity to be engaged in your seva, fulfilling your desire to distribute books, which is your desire, because it is Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instruction to you. And Śrīla Prabhupāda has emphasized the importance of distributing books, as he was instructed by His Spiritual Master, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura  Prabhupāda. In this way, the Paramparā leads up to Lord Caitanya, the most merciful incarnation - therefore, by your grace, I had the undeserved blessing to be a part of Caitanya Leela. However, I still desire and look forward to distribute many, many more books under your shelter, by your mercy.

When I first heard of Lord Nityānanda’s mercy, through the story of Jagāi and Madhai, I was fixed that someway or other, I need to get the mercy of Lord Nityānanda, to get the mercy of Lord Caitanya. However, I was still confused how to get His mercy.

However, as Śrīla Prabhupāda said in one of his letters: “The Gurudeva is the incarnation of Nityānanda”. So, I wanted the find the ideal spiritual master to take Dīkṣā from, so I can get the mercy of Lord Nityānanda. Through the mercy and grace of some dear Vaiṣṇava friends, I was able to find you. One day, when I was watching to devotee remember you, he said:

“Do you know what is the name of the victory flag of Lord Nityānanda?”, “Jayapatākā”. “He will never taste defeat!”

At this moment, I knew that you were my Guru Mahārāja, my Eternal Father, who would deliver me and give me the mercy of Guruseva. As Narottama Dāsa Ṭhākura said:

guru-mukha-padma-vākya, cittete koriyā aikya, ār nā koriho mane

My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words emanating from his lotus mouth!!! Thus, by listening to Lord Nityānanda’s past times from your lotus mouth, I was convinced that there will be victory, since you are Lord Nityānanda’s Victory Flag!

My dear Guru Mahārāja, I know I have committed unlimited sins, from time immemorial. There is no question of me ‘deserving’ your mercy. I am very fallen and with a blade of grass in my mouth, I want to fall at your lotus feet and beg you to glance upon me, so that I may be purified and at your service 24/7.

Already by the grace of some very close and dear devotees, who are also aspiring to take Dīkṣā from you, I have received one of the biggest gifts of my lifetime: I was given the seva to assist in choosing and editing the pictures that will be placed in the temple hall, in Durgapur on the gathering during 10th March. They are pictures of you, Guru Mahārāja. I have never even dreamed of such a seva! So, I cannot even say it is a dream come true. Service to your lotus feet is the greatest benediction of all time. Being an aspiring disciple of someone who takes His own Guru’s instruction very seriously is an indescribable benediction. Therefore, Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. As Narottama Dāsa Thakur says,

“ebe jaśa ghuṣuk tribhuvana”

Your fame is spread all over the three worlds.” Even the demigods know of your mercy. You went through so many strokes and awful incidents, yet due to your determination, mercy and dedication, you continue to preach to millions of people daily and spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness to every village and every country. This is due to the compassion in your heart and you are certainly “Jaya”, “victorious”.