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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Acyuta Rūpa Dāsa (Nottingham - United Kingdom)

Dearest Guru Mahārāja

Please accept our respectful obeisances. All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. All Glories unto you Guru Mahārāja.

The Last one year in Nottingham has been wonderful with your prayers and blessings.

We have larger community of devotees now. More and More devotees are interested.

We are hoping to get a Hare Kṛṣṇa Centre. There is great enthusiasm and desire to get this going.

We have a Pandava Sena Monthly event which has been initiated by our Youth led by Haribaladeva and Shreya.

They are supported by Nadia Laxmi, Rama, Ritika, Lavanya, Sino etc who are part of our Youth. Please kindly bless and pray they do well Guru Mahārāja.

We are also hoping to do a Sunday event for the westerners, so we can incorporate their needs. We have done wonderful Dāmodara Festival.

We reached out to the Health care professionals who offered lamps. We also have started the food for all-distributing prasāda on a Tuesday-regularly.

We are engaging the children in drama, kīrtanas and various other activities. Its inspiring to see their Growth.

Please kindly bless and pray for our endeavors Guru Mahārāja. We need your Mercy more than ever. We hoping to reach out more.

We wish you wonderful appearance day Guru Mahārāja. Please kindly take care. We are hoping one day you will visit us in Nottingham.

Your servants

Acyuta Rūpa Dāsa and Rāgavallī Devī Dāsī
Your dīkṣā disciples 2008.
Haribaladeva and Nadia laxmi (Our children)
Aspiring 2020
Nottingham UK.