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Vyāsa-pūjā 2023

Marian Manzano (Zurich - Switzerland)

My beloved Guru Mahārāja,

please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to Your divine lotus feet at whose shadow I bow down to ask the blessings to become totally surrendered.

With devotion and sincerity, I aspire to serve You in the way You wish, with words, thoughts or as You dispose.

The Vyāsa-pūjā is a very sacred day as You, my dearest guru, appeared on this day and for me, as a devotee, is important to recommit myself to satisfy Your desires because they emanate from the guru-paramparā. As much as Lord Brahmā when he appeared couldn’t understand the meaning of his life in the darkness, I also until You came into my life, saw all darkness around me. When I met You for the first time, I felt Kṛṣṇa in my heart because before I had the knowledge He was there as I was listening to the Bhagavad-gītā classes held by Ākarṣiṇī Rādhikā Devī Dāsī, but I felt Him intensely and joyfully the day when I asked refuge at Your lotus feet, and I was accepted. Since then, I always have in my heart my guru, the caitya-guru, the spiritual master in the heart, I need You to advance on this spiritual path. I would like to progress speedily, but my sickness many times stops me even if my heart desires to go faster. I know that You help me so I don’t leave this path putting always in my life the right devotee that helps me and sustains me, Ākarṣiṇī Rādhikā Devī Dāsī, and I know that one day I will fully dedicate to Kṛṣṇa consciousness because this is the desire I caress many times, I know that Kṛṣṇa will give me the chance to do it, because is never too late, even though we get old. I see it every time I read about the life of our Founder-Ācārya, Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Gurudeva, You are giving all of us Kṛṣṇa with all Yourself, through Your lectures, presence, photos or only by remembering You and I hope to be worthy of the trust You gave me when You accepted me without delay.

Your aspirant servant who loves You,

Bhaktin Maria Manzano