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Vyāsa-pūjā 2024

Acyuta Rūpa dāsa (Nottingham - United Kingdom)

Dearest GuruMaharaj


Please accept our respectful obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories unto you GuruMaharaj. 


2023 has passed on. We pray at your lotus feet that so we are reminded of the precarious situation this material world offers. 


Its been a year of wars. The world around us is in critical situation. So many souls suffering. Here is Nottingham we are doing our best to reach out. 


Our congregation has grown. We did the Hare Krishna Festival last year. 600 new people attended. Of which 3-4 westerners are interested. 


Our search for a centre-has not shown anything positive. We are looking still. 


Our Pandavasena Youth are thriving and hosting nice events. They are planning to go to a trip in Germany. 


We are doing online BG study, SBG once a month-morning programme online. 


We have 4 devotees doing Bakthi Sastri run by the Mayapur academy. We are having regular sessions for the children now-started the Krishna club. 


We have had wonderful speakers - HG KripaMoya Prabhu, H.H Swayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami Maharaj etc. 


We have had 20 devotees of our congregation do the BG Study-Discover course from Leicester. 


We have started the BMA telemedical care. I am overseeing the Primary care team. 


Our Damodar events were wonderful we reached out and did 1125 lamps+ 25 Books.


We are hoping to start Ratha yatra in Nottingham


We are praying we can do more and support more devotees. Please kindly keep us in your prayers especially the Nottingham Yatra. 


Our energy levels needs more harnessing and being focussed. Please keep us enthused Guru Maharaj. 


You are our inspiration in all levels.  We wish you wonderful appearance day Guru Maharaj. 


Please kindly take care. We are hoping one day you will visit our Sri Namahatta Nottingham. Hare Krishna.


Your servants


Acyuta Rupa Das and Ragavalli devi dasi

Your Diksha Disciples 2008. 

Haribaladeva and Nadia laxmi (Our children)

Aspiring 2020

Nottingham UK.