Hare Kṛṣṇa, Dear Guru Mahārāja, Your Holiness Śrīla Jayapatākā Mahārāja. Please accept my humble obeisances unto Your lotus feet. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.
I want to ask a question. I dedicate the fruits of all of the austerities that I perform: additional 10 rounds of japa (if possible I chant them while circumambulating Tulasī), following sādhana etc. - to Jayapatākā Swami for His health. Am I allowed to do so?
Also one more set of Gaura Nitāi small size deities came to me, could You please give Them names?
I've been in Kṛṣṇa consciousness since 1995, I'm 71. I live in Russia, in a small town called as best. I worship deities at home - Nitāi Gauracandra. During wintertime I live in the Yekaterinburg temple, perform the service that Kṛṣṇa sends to me.
Your servant,
Gaṇamātā Dāsī