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Vyāsa-pūjā 2018

Śāraṅgi Rādhikā devī dāsī (Cochabamba - Bolivia)

My beloved Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at Your lotus feet

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

On this auspicious day, I want to wholeheartedly thank you for the causeless mercy that You are spreading upon each and everyone of us, Diksa disciples, Siksa disciples, and well-wisherṣ. Thank You for being my shelter, my strength, and anchoṛ. Thank You for having accepted me as Your disciple. Each and every single day, I try to understand the essence of the deep meaning of being a true disciple, and I can understand that I still have a long path to walk, a lot of cleansing of the heart to do,and perhaps it might take me lifetimes But,this very lifetime, I will do my best to offer it to You in a very sincere way. Thank You for teaching me to never give up, and to be strongly determined and fixed in my goalṣ. Thank You for not leaving me alone, and for keeping me engaged in devotional constantly, helping me to occupy body, mind, and soul, always one-pointed to Guru, Hari, and Vaishnavas Seva. 

I feel deeply fortunate to have Your shelter, and to have You as my eternal Spiritual fatheṛ. Every word of Yours is our hope, and strength to walk this path back to Godheaḍ. You are an eternal inspiration in the life of every soul who has the good fortune of crossing His path with Your presence. All glories to You, and Your exemplary sublime life. All glories to You! All Glories to You! All glories to You!!!

With love and gratitude,

Your daughter,

Sarangi Radhika Devi Dasi.